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Flexible Reporting: User'S Manual For Using The Protocoldesigner in Geopak and Cat1000S

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Flexible Reporting

User’s Manual for Using the ProtocolDesigner in

Creating or Adapting a Template

Table of Contents

1 Creating or Adapting a Template................................. 1-5

2 Existing Variables and their Description .................... 2-6
2.1 List of Variables: Explanation ..................................................... 2-6
2.1.1 “General“ Folder............................................................................... 2-6
2.1.2 Head Data........................................................................................ 2-6
2.1.3 Sublot............................................................................................... 2-8
2.1.4 Variables for the Layout ................................................................... 2-8
2.1.5 Views (Graphics): General............................................................... 2-9
2.1.6 Views: Contents and Conditions .................................................... 2-10

3 Layout of the Mitutoyo Standard Report................... 3-11

3.1 Principle ................................................................................... 3-11
3.2 The Layout in General.............................................................. 3-12
3.3 Creating the Layout .................................................................. 3-12
3.3.1 The Basis Page.............................................................................. 3-13
3.3.2 The First Page ............................................................................... 3-15
3.4 The Table ................................................................................. 3-18
3.4.1 Insert Fields ................................................................................... 3-19
3.4.2 Table Settings ................................................................................ 3-19
3.4.3 Headline......................................................................................... 3-20
3.4.4 Data Line (3 Possibilities) .............................................................. 3-21
3.4.5 Finished Table ............................................................................... 3-22
3.4.6 Text Output .................................................................................... 3-22
3.4.7 Text Line or Line with Tolerance Comparison ............................... 3-23
3.4.8 Table Printout................................................................................. 3-24
3.4.9 Coloured Tolerance Comparisons ................................................. 3-24
3.4.10 Font Colour .................................................................................... 3-25
3.4.11 Appearance Conditions.................................................................. 3-25

4 Output: Tolerance Comparison with 3 Lines............ 4-26

5 Layout with Pictures ................................................... 5-27
5.1 Generalities for Pictures ........................................................... 5-27
5.1.1 Basis of Conception ....................................................................... 5-27
5.1.2 Syntax ............................................................................................ 5-28

1-2 19.09.2005
Creating or Adapting a Template

5.2 Tolerance Comparison in the Picture........................................5-29

5.2.1 Advantages of RTF Format............................................................5-29
5.2.2 Number of Program Line and Reference Co-Ordinates.................5-30

6 Template with Dummy Table ...................................... 6-32

6.1 Problem ....................................................................................6-32
6.2 Problem Solving........................................................................6-33

7 One Sided Template with Label ................................. 7-34

7.1 Table for Tolerance Comparison ..............................................7-35
7.2 Function of the Table ................................................................7-36
7.3 Creating Own Templates ..........................................................7-36

8 Template of Several Pages with Label ...................... 8-37

8.1 Prerequisites.............................................................................8-37
8.2 Defining Several Layers............................................................8-37
8.3 Principle of Function .................................................................8-38

9 Template with a GEOPAK Graphics ..........................9-40

9.1 The View Variables...................................................................9-40
9.2 Generating the Template ..........................................................9-43

10 Template with a GEOPAK Graphic in a Table......... 10-46

10.1 Templates "Standard Report with Graphic" ............................10-48
10.2 Templates "Graphic output in a table" ....................................10-52
10.3 From Variables to Fields of Graphics......................................10-54

11 CAT1000S Graphics ..................................................11-57

11.1 Variables.................................................................................11-57
11.2 Fields ......................................................................................11-59

12 Templates for ROUNDPAK-CMM ............................. 12-64

13 List of all Variables....................................................13-71
13.1 Variables.................................................................................13-71
13.2 Fields ......................................................................................13-84
13.2.1 Views for the table........................................................................13-98
13.2.2 Tokens for ROUNDPAK-CMM ...................................................13-110

14 Variables, Fields and Views in CAT1000S............. 14-114

14.1 Variables for CAT1000S .......................................................14-114
14.2 CAT1000SView ....................................................................14-116

19.09.2005 1-3
Creating or Adapting a Template

14.3 Fields for CAT1000S ............................................................ 14-118

14.4 Variables and Views............................................................. 14-121

1-4 19.09.2005
Creating or Adapting a Template

1 Creating or Adapting a Template

To create a new or to adapt an existing template, you need the
“ProtocolDesigner”. In this description, we do not go further into the complex
"ProtocolDesigner" program. Instructions for the whole functions are at your
disposal on our homepage, in German language under "protocoldesigner_g.pdf",
respectively in English language under "protocoldesigner_g.pdf". In the existing
instructions, we describe the special use of the program in GEOPAK and

The complete online help of the ProtocolDesigner is installed on your

computer depending on the operation system e.g. under "WINNT /
system32", this means under "CMBTL800.HLP" in German and under
"CMBTL800.HLP" in English.

The procedure for creating a protocol is the same for both GEOPAK and
CAT1000S. The only difference is that the GEOPAK as well as CAT1000S have
their own variables and fields that cannot be printed by the respective other
program. In these instructions, we separately indicate if certain variables or fields
will not be supported by a program.

19.09.2005 1-5
Existing Variables and their Description

2 Existing Variables and their Description

Generally, we differentiate between

 "Values (Special Characters) for the Protocol Head"

The values for the protocol head are statistical values. I.e. these
values are already established before the printing of the protocol
and will not be changed during printing.

 "Values (Special Characters) for the List".

The special characters for the list values will be changed during the
printing for a data line.

In the “List of Variables“ window, you will find the special characters for the
statistical values in the Variables folder. You will find the special characters for
the list values in the Fields folder.

2.1 List of Variables: Explanation

2.1.1 “General“ Folder
In this folder, you will find general data such as user name or program name.
Each variable consists of a name and a content.

Ö If you insert e.g. the "..UserName.Name" variable in your layout, you

will get the “User Name” in the printout.

Ö If you insert the "..UserName.Contents" variable in your layout, you

will get e.g. “Mr. X” in the printout.

The use of these variables is problem-free because these variables are available
in all programs. I.e., these variables are available in GEOPAK as well as in

2.1.2 Head Data

In this folder, you will find all the head data you defined before (see below). Each
head data input will be represented by a name, an abbreviation and the contents.

When defining the head data, you will have to enter the following values in the
“New Entry” dialogue.

Name Headdata Input

Abbreviation Headlnp

ID Headlnp

2-6 19.09.2005
Existing Variables and their Description

In the “List of Variables”, you will find the head data input with the name you
entered in the “ID” input (e.g. Headlnp).

By default, you will be proposed what you entered under “Abbreviation”. If you
enter now “Input” in the head data input,

you will get the variables for the following contents:

Variable Contents of variables

Headdata.HeadInp.Name Headdata Input

Headdata.HeadInp.Abbreviation HeadInp

Headdata.HeadInp.Contents Input

A particularity at head data is that you can insert the head data once via the ID
and on the other hand via the field no. in the layout. If you insert head data via
the field no., dependence will only be relative to the number of the defined head
data. So it is possible to create quite simple layouts, which can be printed on
almost every PC.
Since the head data are flexible, you may have problems when deleting the
defined head data because these are still defined in the layouts. You may also
have problems when passing on layouts.

You can avoid this default

 if you also pass on the head data definition file (Headdata.INI)

together with the layout.

 Or use instead of the head data a dialogue for layout (see also
"Variables for the layout").

19.09.2005 2-7
Existing Variables and their Description

2.1.3 Sublot
For the sublot, the same is valid as for the head data but the difference is that it is
possible to only enter the sublot via a field no. in the layout.

The sublot is not available in the CAT1000S program.

2.1.4 Variables for the Layout

Similarly to the layouts, you can define a “Dialogue for the Layout” for the layouts
of the flexible protocol. In the new layout, you can either

 assign a dialogue of an other layout or of an other template, or

 create a new dialogue.

Use the ProtocolDesigner to assign a dialogue to a template. Under the menu

item "Project" you will find the commands "Assign dialogue", "Show dialogue"
and "Delete dialogue". Use the command "Assign dialogue" to link the current
template with a dialogue. After assigning a dialogue, find the new variables in the
folder "Variables".
Use the command "Show dialogue" to show the dialogue you have just assigned
in the ProtocolDesigner. The values you enter in the dialogue are taken on
immediately so that you can immediately check whether the text boxes are big
enough for your inputs.
The command "Delete assignment" only deletes the assignment of a dialogue.
However, you will have to delete the variables of the assigned dialogue from the
template yourself.
For each dialogue value, you will always get two variables.

 Under “Name” in the variables, you will find the designation that has
also been displayed for the corresponding input element in the

 Under “Contents” in the variables, you will find the contents that you
have entered in the dialogue.

2-8 19.09.2005
Existing Variables and their Description

2.1.5 Views (Graphics): General

In GEOPAK, you will find in the “View” folder the graphics such as flatness,
circularity etc. These view variables are only available for GEOPAK (only from
COSMOS version 2.2 ).

CAT1000S disposes of its own view variables.

19.09.2005 2-9
Existing Variables and their Description

2.1.6 Views: Contents and Conditions

 Each graphic such as "Straightness" consists out of a graphic and
three comments (Comment 1-3).
 Each graphic variable includes a name and a special character in
the "Contents" variable for the graphic itself. It is necessary to give
this information if you want to define a view in GEOPAK.
 In GEOPAK, you have 9 views at your disposal.
 When you define a view, you always have to indicate the number of
the view so that the graphic is clearly assigned to the layout.
 All further variables depend on the selected graphic. These
variables dispose of a name and content, too.

2-10 19.09.2005
Layout of the Mitutoyo Standard Report

3 Layout of the Mitutoyo Standard Report

3.1 Principle
If you open a new layout in the "ProtocolDesigner", you will always get a layout
with three layers. These are in detail

 one layer for the basis page,

 one first side and

 the following pages.

All you insert in the basis layer, will be printed on all pages. The basis layer is
used for e.g. the page numbers. Many protocols consist of a first side and the
following sides. These vary by a different design. On the first side, the protocol
head is, for the most part, more extensive. On the following pages, there are
mostly stored additionally measurement data.

Proceed as follows
 The individual layers can be enabled and disabled via the layer

 If you insert via drag&drop a variable from a list of variables in your

layout, this will always be inserted in the basis layer.

 This may not happen if you first select the frame for the variable and
then insert per drag&drop the variable you want (this problem shall
become resolved in the next versions).

For this example, we use the variables and fields of GEOPAK, whereby the
method of working for both GEOPAK and CAT1000S are basically the same.

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Layout of the Mitutoyo Standard Report

3.2 The Layout in General

Here, we use as layout the Mitutoyo standard report of the layout print function.
On the first page, you will find a picture, some head and dialogue data as well as
a table with measurement values. On the following pages, there are only a few
head data and the table with the measurement values.

3.3 Creating the Layout

First, open a new layout. When opening a new layout, a wizard is started which
helps you creating a new layout. In this example, we do without the help of the
wizard because otherwise the sequence of the single steps, usually executed by
the wizard, will not be visible.

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Layout of the Mitutoyo Standard Report

3.3.1 The Basis Page

The number of the page shall appear on all pages of the protocol. For this,
disable in the layer window the “First Page” and the “Following Pages” so that
only the “Basis” is included in the selection.

After that, insert a text frame where the number of the page must be placed. For
this, select from the toolbar the “Text/Variable Contents” button, click on “Aa”,
and create a frame by pressing the left mouse button.

If you have inserted the text frame, double-click on the text field. The „“Text
Properties“ dialogue is opened where you can set all concerning the text field. In
the helps to the ProtocolDesigner you see the details of what can be set (see
chapter 5.3 „InsertText Object“ in the ProtocolDesigner description).

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Layout of the Mitutoyo Standard Report

In order to realize your entries in the “Text Properties” dialogue, you first have to
double-click on the selected line. Now, the dialogue for the settings of the line in
the text frame is opened.

Here, you enter the following text (see also picture above):
"- Page "+Atrim$(str$(Page(),20))+" -"

What you see in inverted commas is a text (blue). The Page() variable
contains the number of the page. With the str$() function, out the number
of the page, a text is created. With the Atrim$() function, all zero positions
will be removed from the text. With a positive sign, the formatted number
of the page will then be linked to a text.

Ö Click on “Ok“.
 Both dialogues will be closed.
 The text frame on the basis page must be positioned in a way that
the number of the page will be in the corner top right according to
the Mitutoyo standard sample:

The result looks like the picture below.

3-14 19.09.2005
Layout of the Mitutoyo Standard Report

3.3.2 The First Page

First you disable the
 basis layer and …
 enable the layer for the first page.

Then, you certainly want to insert the protocol head with the picture.

Ö To insert a picture, first you have to select the “Picture” button in the
toolbar and …

Ö create a frame (see picture below).

Proceed as follows
Ö If you have created a picture frame, leave the frame selected.
 In the window for characteristics you can perform all the settings for
the drawing.
In the user’s manual of the ProtocolDesigner, you will find details for the settings
(see chapter 5.7 „Insert Graphic Object“ in ProtocolDesigner description).

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Layout of the Mitutoyo Standard Report

Generally, you have three possibilities to load a picture in the layout. The first one
is the simplest and probably the most commonly used.
 You select a picture, which is stored on the harddisk.
 If you want to load a picture in the layout via a formula, follow the
steps of the user’s manual for the ProtocolDesigner. But, you will
also find in this description an example how you can use the formula
 Under the variables, you will find the views that have been defined
in the program. For GEOPAK and CAT1000S, these are the views
from the variables.

The “Keep Proportions“ setting should always be enabled because
otherwise the loaded picture will be distorted in the layout.
Since, in this example, we only need a logo for the layout, we select a
bitmap stored on the harddisk. On principle, you should pay attention that
if you use a picture out of a file, this exists in the "..COSMOS\Layout"
directory. So you make sure that the used pictures reside in the same
directory as the layouts.

Ö Use the button highlighted above to select the picture (picture


3-16 19.09.2005
Layout of the Mitutoyo Standard Report

Ö Select “Keep Proportions“, and …

Ö confirm with “OK“.
Ö After that, you position the picture.

For the protocol head, you insert the necessary head data in the protocol. The
procedure is also valid for the other variables.
First, you build two text frames that you class among themselves. For the
positioning, you have different tools (besides the arrow in the picture below) at
disposal (see chapter 5.16 "Arrange" in ProtocolDesigner description).

19.09.2005 3-17
Layout of the Mitutoyo Standard Report

If the text frames are positioned,

Ö drag per drag&drop the name in the upper text frame and …

Ö the contents in the lower text frame.

 Also apply this method for other head data.

3.4 The Table

In the table, which is the principal item of the protocol, on principle, you work with
fields. In our example, we use the fields for GEOPAK.

 First, you select the corresponding button and drag the frame for the
table (picture below).

 You should build the frame in a way that, later on, it will be possible
to fit the table in the frame and it is not necessary to rework.

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Layout of the Mitutoyo Standard Report

3.4.1 Insert Fields

In the table we create now, the following values shall be printed:

To reconstruct this table, you have to insert the following fields.

 Line No.
 Element No.
 Element Name
 Nominal Value
 Upper Tolerance
 Lower Tolerance
 Actual Value
 Deviation
 Out of Tolerance

3.4.2 Table Settings

First, we create the table in this example so that a tolerance comparison with only
one data line will be displayed.
By double-clicking on the table, a dialogue is opened for the table settings.

In the dialogue, several “Pop Up Menus” are proposed. But, we will only work
with the headline and the data line. For information about the other index cards,
see the user’s manual for the ProtocolDesigner (chapter 5.9 „Insert Table
On principle, you dispose of several lines for the headline and the data line. To
begin, we only will use one line for the header of the table.

19.09.2005 3-19
Layout of the Mitutoyo Standard Report

3.4.3 Headline
By double-clicking on the selected line, the dialogue is opened to edit the data

 Here, you enter the text for a column of the table.


 Via OK, you quit the dialogue.

 The first column of the headline in the table is finished.

 To define the other columns, double-click on each empty line (---) in

the “List of Lines”.

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Layout of the Mitutoyo Standard Report

3.4.4 Data Line (3 Possibilities)

For the data, you have to click on the “Data Line“ index card.
1. List of Lines

Ö Double-click again on the empty line of the list of lines.

Ö In the dialogue in which the lines are defined you have to insert a
measurement value field. For this, you can drag per drag&drop the
field from the "Variables and Functions" list in the edit field.

2. Keyboard Input
 But you also can enter the fields via the keyboard.
 If you enter only one letter, a list with proposal fields is opened.
 The more you enter in this list, the more it will be delimited.
 If you have entered e.g. “Tol.”, only the tolerance comparisons will
be represented in the list.

3. List of Variables
As a third possibility, you can directly insert the data per drag&drop from the list
of variables (for this, see the user’s manual for the ProtocolDesigner, chapter
1.1.9 „Plane Window“).

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Layout of the Mitutoyo Standard Report

3.4.5 Finished Table

If you have defined all variables for the table, the table should appear as follows:

A printout of this table would look like follows:

3.4.6 Text Output

What is still missing is the text output. For this, you have to define a new line in
which the text will be output. You can do that via a list (see picture below).

Ö Click on an empty line in the list and …

Ö confirm with “Ok” in the following dialogue.

Ö Subsequently, you can change the name in the text field.

3-22 19.09.2005
Layout of the Mitutoyo Standard Report

3.4.7 Text Line or Line with Tolerance Comparison

You certainly want to indicate when the text line and when a line with a tolerance
comparison must be printed. For this, you can use an IF statement for a variable
called InfType. In case of, for example, a tolerance comparison, this variable
returns "Tol" or in case of a text "Txt".
 For these conditions, it is not necessary to enter an If-condition for
all columns of the table.
 In the dialogue for the table settings, you will rather find an
“Appearance Conditions” button.
 A dialogue is hidden under this term, in which you may define an If-
condition for the whole table line.

You enter the following formula in the input field.


Here, we have to do with a simple If-condition. The InfType variable
returns "Txt" or "Tol" depending on whether a text or a tolerance
comparison exists. In case that InfType is equal to "Txt", the line must be
printed. Then, the return value of the condition must be "T." . The "T."
stands for True and "F." for False.
For the line of the tolerance comparison, you still have to enter the following If-
condition in the Appearance Conditions:

When entering the text line, you should care that the width for the text line
will be sufficient for writing the text.

19.09.2005 3-23
Layout of the Mitutoyo Standard Report

3.4.8 Table Printout

The table printout would look like follows:

3.4.9 Coloured Tolerance Comparisons

For better recognition of tolerance comparisons, which are out of tolerance or
control limits, they should be displayed through different colours. For this, you
have three variables, which case-depending return the text

"OK","OOC" or "OOC"
(see chart below).

Return Value
TolStatus TolUpperStatus TolLowerStatus

Out of Tolerance Limits OOT OOT OK

Out of Control Limits OOC OOC OK


Out of Control Limits OOC OK OOC

Out of Tolerance Limits OOT OK OOT

For a coloured output, you still have to insert, as for the text, two further lines in
the table. The format of the new line will be taken over from the tolerance
comparison (see above).
For this table, you have to define several lines. You can do that via the list from
the dialogue (see picture below).

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Layout of the Mitutoyo Standard Report

3.4.10 Font Colour

The line for the output of the tolerance comparisons, which are out of control
limits, must be printed in blue colour. For this, it is necessary to set the character
font. In order that you will not have to individually do this for each column, first
you should select all columns of the line (Windows conventions).

In the font definition dialogue, you change the font colour in blue. You do the
same with the third line; this means for the tolerance comparisons, which are out
of tolerance limits. Here, you change the font colour in red.

3.4.11 Appearance Conditions

We also have to adapt the appearance conditions. This would be as follows.

Appearance Condition

Out of Tolerance Limits if(InfType="Tol" AND Tol.TolState="OOT",.T.,.F.)

Out of Control Limits if(InfType="Tol" AND Tol.TolState="OOC",.T.,.F.)

OK if(InfType="Tol" AND Tol.TolState="OK",.T.,.F.)

The InfType="Tol" and TolState conditions are linked with AND And -. I.e.
only if the two conditions are true, the line will be printed.

For the layer of the following pages, you select and copy the elements that you
need from the first side and insert them on the following sides.

19.09.2005 3-25
Output: Tolerance Comparison with 3 Lines

4 Output: Tolerance Comparison with 3

For the output of a position tolerance with X, Y, Z it may be necessary to print out
this position tolerance in three lines. For this, you use a further property of the
table. If all columns of a line are empty, this line will automatically not be printed.
The specialized variables listed in the following table use this table property.

Variable Description
Nominal1-3 Nominal value for X,Y and Z (1 = X, 2 = Y and 3 = Z)
Actual1-3 Actual value for X,Y and Z
CrdLbl1-3 Designation of the reference co-ordinates for X, Y and Z
LowerTol1 Since the lower tolerance limit must not be output in some instances, this
additional variable exists.
TolBar1 For some tolerance comparisons, only a one sided bar chart must be
RefNo1 The number of the reference element must only be output in some
RefName1-2 Name of the reference element (reference e.g. parallelism). This name
will only be output in some instances, too.

Here, the Mitutoyo standard layout is used for information. The variables in bold
face printing are special variables out of the list.
ProgLine ElenNo TolLbl ElemName CrdLbl1 Nominal1 UpperTol Actual1 Deviation OutOfSpec

RefNo1 RefName2 CrdLbl2 Nominal2 Tolerance2 Actual2 TolBar2

RefName3 CrdLbl3 Nominal3 Actual3

By this table functionality, the 2nd and 3rd line will only be printed in case of need.

The appearance conditions are the same for the three lines. An example for such
a table could be as follows:

4-26 19.09.2005
Layout with Pictures

5 Layout with Pictures

5.1 Generalities for Pictures

The picture of the part changes according to the selected part. Furthermore, a
picture is displayed in the table to see whether the tolerance comparison is good
(green) or bad (red).

5.1.1 Basis of Conception

The part dependent pictures can be realized in a user friendly manner. The basis
of conception is that in the "General.PartName" variable, you will find the part
name with which it is possible to realize an If-condition. For the picture of the part,
a frame will be inserted for a drawing. In contrast to the example above where a
fixed file name is specified, here we use a formula.

19.09.2005 5-27
Layout with Pictures

The example is realized for four part programs. The part names are Part_1 to
Part_4. For each of these parts exists a picture which, depending on the part
name, will be loaded into the drawing frame. The formula looks like follows:

if(General.PartName.Contents="Part_1",Drawing ("Part_1.bmp"),
if(General.PartName.Contents="Part_2",Drawing ("Part_2.bmp"),
if(General.PartName.Contents="Part_3",Drawing ("Part_3.bmp"),
if(General.PartName.Contents="Part_4",Drawing ("Part_4.bmp"),
Drawing ("Mega Frank.jpg")))))

In this formula, four If-conditions are branched with each other.
An If-condition does always consist of a condition and two instructions. It
is, however, necessary that the result of this condition is always only true
or false. Consequently, there is one instruction each in a true If-condition
and in a false if-condition. If a further If-condition is inserted in place of an
instruction, this will be called a "Nested If-Condition".

5.1.2 Syntax
If(condition , [Instructions for condition fulfilled], [Instructions for condition not fulfilled])

Then, the formula works as follows:

 In the first If-condition, the PartName.Contents variable is queried

for the contents of “Part_1”.

 If this is true, the picture out of the Part_1.bmp Bitmap file will be
loaded in the frame.

 If the condition is not true, the sub-condition is inserted, which

queries for "Part_2" etc.

 If all conditions will not be fulfilled, an alternative picture will be

loaded in the frame.

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Layout with Pictures

5.2 Tolerance Comparison in the Picture

5.2.1 Advantages of RTF Format
In the table, a picture must display the tolerance comparison. Moreover, even
here a tolerance comparison must be output in up to three lines. In order that the
picture and the measurement values will be output in one line, placed next to
each other, we have used the RTF format for the output of the measurement
values. The RTF format offers advantages because it is possible to enter a
formatted text for a table cell. This means, in this cell you can work as in each
text-processing program.
 the line for the tolerance comparison and on the other hand
 the line for the output of the text.
The appearance condition for the text and the tolerance comparison are the
same as in the first example (see Appearance conditions).

Then, the table line for the tolerance comparison would look like follows:

Thus, the formulas are directly imbedded in the cells. For the pictures that are
output per table line, the formula would look like follows:
if(Tol.TolState="OK",Drawing ("OK.bmp"),
if(Tol.TolState="OOC",Drawing ("OOC.bmp"),
if(Tol.TolState="OOT",Drawing ("OOT.bmp"),
Drawing ("NOFIT.bmp"))))

This is a branched If-condition, too.
• If the Tolstate variable returns the “OK” text, the picture for OK
(green smiley) will be loaded in the table cell.
• If the condition is not true, i.e. “OK” has not been returned, the
next If condition for "OOC" will be examined.
• If all conditions are not true, the "NoFit.bmp" (grey smiley)
picture will be loaded in the table line.

19.09.2005 5-29
Layout with Pictures

For this type of table with a picture, the use of RTF text is not imperative.
You can do this with a usual table, too. Furthermore, you should use the
function „ProjectPath$ ()“ for the integration of picture, as some part
program commands are capable of changing the current path. As a result,
the picture cannot be found. The „ProjectPath$ ()“ function causes the
path of the template to be added to the name of the „OK.bmp“ picture with
the function „C:\Cosmos\Layout\OK.bmp“.

5.2.2 Number of Program Line and Reference Co-Ordinates

In the next cell, the number of the program line and the designation of the
reference co-ordinates must be output. For this, the cell will be set to RTF format.
After double-clicking on the cell input, the dialogue for the formatted text will be
opened. The cell is not very wide and the formula is wrapped automatically.
But since the contents of the variables are not very voluminous that is to say
long, this will not happen at printout. For a better readability, the formula is
displayed once again in the text field.


• The ProgLinNo variable will be changed to RTF text by means
of the ToRTF$() function.
• The variables by themselves must always be placed within
ticked double brackets "«»".
• After the variables, you will find a line wrapping.
• Beneath, you will find the second variable.
• If you have to do with a variable containing text, you can leave
out the function.

5-30 19.09.2005
Layout with Pictures

Other example for RTF text:

You will find this example in the layouts we supply so that you may have a
better look on the table by means of the example.
On principle, you should always edit the RTF text using the formula
editor (see symbol left). Using the formula editor causes the inserted fields
such Tol.Nominal1 (see above) to be converted into RTF text.

19.09.2005 5-31
Template with Dummy Table

6 Template with Dummy Table

6.1 Problem

If you want to create a template consisting only of head data and or pictures
(pictures above), you will only get one page when printing this template. In this
case, only the 1st page.
You will meet the same problem, if you have realized a template in which on the
first page only pictures are output and the tables only on the last pages (pictures
below). Also in this case, only the first page would be printed out, but not your

The problem is that the printers "believe"

 if they only find pictures and head data on the first page and no
 that afterwards no pages will follow and their job is done. This is
why we have to make sure that on the pages where in fact no tables
are intended, yet, there will be tables (dummy tables).

6-32 19.09.2005
Template with Dummy Table

6.2 Problem Solving

To print those protocols, yet, insert an dummy table on the pages where no
tables exist. At a time, the tables must contain a random measurement value.
The printer doesn’t accept tables without measurement value as tables to be
Because you want to output your measurement values on the last page in
a table, measurement values you have output on the pages before would
be missing on this last page.
Therefore, the frame of the table must be selected so “small” that the printer
prints the table but without enabling it to output the measurement value (see
table in the picture below with only the “Dummy” headline.

If this table should output a measurement value, yet, (the frame is not
small enough) this measurement value will not appear any more at the
end in the designated table of measurement values because it has
already been output once before.

In order that these dummy tables cannot be seen in the printout, you can hide
them behind a picture or a font and fill the table frame with white colour. You will
find the colour setting for the table frame in the “Table” dialogue on the “Table
Layout” index card under “Colours”.

19.09.2005 6-33
One Sided Template with Label

7 One Sided Template with Label

To be able to use this type of “Protocol with Label”, you have to enter
position numbers for the tolerance comparisons, which must be output in
the protocol.
The tolerance comparison must be unambiguous.
Furthermore, you have to insert all template elements on the basis layer,
i.e. you can print only one page with this layout.
Each label will be displayed in form of a table. For creating of such a
table, you still have other possibilities as shown in this example.

In our example, the table is represented with a headline (name and value). After
that, the measurement values are output line by line.
Name Value

Position no. PosNo

Element name ElemName

Tolerance name TolName

Nominal value Nominal

Actual value Actual

7-34 19.09.2005
One Sided Template with Label

You already know the dialogue you have to edit out of the chapter "The table".

7.1 Table for Tolerance Comparison

Prerequisite for that is you place for each line an appearance

The formula for the appearance condition is:

if(val(Tol.PosNo) =1,.T.,.F.)

19.09.2005 7-35
One Sided Template with Label

This is a simple If-condition.
The Tol.PosNo variable includes the position number as text.
Through the Val function, the text changes to a number.
By means of the number, now it is possible to realize an IF statement.
If the position number of the present tolerance comparison is 1, “True” will
be returned.
Because in case of “True“, the line will not be printed.

For this table, you have to define several lines. You can do that via the list (see
picture below).

7.2 Function of the Table

On principle, the print function treats all tables of a page the same way, i.e. at
each table, you start with the first tolerance comparison and all the other
tolerance comparisons will be processed one after the other. Through the
appearance condition, each table can only output one tolerance comparison. All
the other tolerance comparisons will be ignored.

7.3 Creating Own Templates

If the layout is suitable for you, you should copy a table out of the "Flag
Protocol.mte" example and insert it in your template. Then, you only have to
adapt the position number in the formula.
If you need an other repartition of the table, we recommend copying the formula.

7-36 19.09.2005
Template of Several Pages with Label

8 Template of Several Pages with Label

8.1 Prerequisites
With this type of template, each page must have an own layer.

 Instead of “First Page“ and “Following Pages”, the layers “First

Page”, “Second Page” etc. must exist.

 With this template, no tables must be on the basis page.

 Another condition is that the position numbers in the part program

are ascendant and consecutive.

In principle, the pages of the template are identical to the layout of the one sided
protocol. To be able to printout several pages, you still have to insert on each
layer, with exception of the basis layer, a dummy table. This dummy table must
output as much as values with a position number, as tables exist on the page.

8.2 Defining Several Layers

To define new layers,
Ö open the layer dialogue via the “Project -> Layer Definition…” menu

Ö By means of the “Insert a Line” button, you can insert new layers.

Ö The condition you have to enter for the new layer is always "Page()
= [no. of the page]".

19.09.2005 8-37
Template of Several Pages with Label

8.3 Principle of Function

Normally, only one table is placed on each page. This table will be progressively
processed of the print function, i.e. of each single tolerance comparison; the
values will be taken and inserted in the table as defined before in the template. If
the table is full, a new page will be opened. There, the other values will be
If you insert several tables on a page, these are handled all the same. The
number of the tolerance comparisons, which are processed for each page will be
determined by the table containing the most tolerance comparisons.

Because, however, the tables in our template always can output only
one tolerance comparison, namely only the tolerance comparison with
the corresponding position number, after all only one tolerance
comparison will be processed for each page. This means, only the first
table would always be filled with measurement values.
In order that the tolerance comparisons for the other tables will be processed,
you have to insert a table, which outputs as many tolerance comparisons as
tables exist on the page.

If you want to output four tables on the page, i.e. the measurement values
of the position number 1 to 4, you have to insert a table that is able to
output the tolerance comparisons up to position number 4.

So that these dummy tables will not appear in the printout, you can either “hide”
the table behind the picture or print the lines and the font of the table in white.

8-38 19.09.2005
Template of Several Pages with Label

You still have to consider that if you don’t always want to have an
additional page at printout, you will have to enlarge the table of the last
page so that all remaining values in this table can still be output.

ProtocolDesigner Printout

19.09.2005 8-39
Template with a GEOPAK Graphics

9 Template with a GEOPAK Graphics

9.1 The View Variables
Use the view variables to output the graphics
generated in GEOPAK. Max. 9 graphics are
available for this purpose.

For this, each single view is shared out to the

different types of graphics.

The following value can be output with the individual types of graphics.

9-40 19.09.2005
Template with a GEOPAK Graphics

Here, the generation of the template is described using the circularity graphics.

After a circularity graphic has been generated in the part program, this graphic
needs to be stored for printing. Use the button framed in red (ill. below) to
activate the dialogue for saving the graphic.

19.09.2005 9-41
Template with a GEOPAK Graphics

In this dialogue you can assign a name and three comments with regard to the
graphic. The most important input in this dialogue, however, is the view number.
If, for example, the circularity is output with view number 1 in the template you
intend to use, you will also need to select view number 1 in the dialogue for
saving the circularity graphic. Should you select another number in the part
program, the field for the graphics and the values remains empty for printing.

9-42 19.09.2005
Template with a GEOPAK Graphics

9.2 Generating the Template

The handling of the view variables is identical to the handling of other variables,
i.e. the headdata. You will find all results for the graphic under View1.Circularity.

Each result has two values, i.e. contents and name. With the variable "Contents"
you get the result and with the variable "Name" the name of the result.

You find the graphic under "View1.Graphic.Contents". Variables containing

graphics are identified with a different icon.

The following picture shows how the fields for the circularity graphics and the
relevant results have been positioned.

19.09.2005 9-43
Template with a GEOPAK Graphics

In principle, you have the possibility to output these view variables on one or
more pages. If you define an output on several pages, please keep in mind that
the output will always be distributed on the defined number of pages, i.e. if you
have defined a template for the output of four views, then always four pages will
be printed – also if you have only stored three views in your part program.
Although you may use some tricky additional conditions in the template to avoid
this, we recommend in this case that you use the views for a table.
In the learn mode you also have the possibility to make changes to the
graphics. To do so, choose "Edit graphic" in the "Store graphic for
template" dialogue. Here, you can insert photos or labels into a graphic. In
the Editor tab of the PartManager settings simply enter path and file name
of your drawing program. Condition is that your drawing program supports
WMF files.

9-44 19.09.2005
Template with a GEOPAK Graphics

19.09.2005 9-45
Template with a GEOPAK Graphic in a Table

10 Template with a GEOPAK Graphic in a

The main disadvantage of working with the view variables is their limitation to 9
views and the lack of flexibility regarding the number of graphics to be printed.
These disadvantages can be avoided by using the view fields. Here, the views
are output in a table, i.e. any number of graphics is possible. The disadvantage of
the view fields lies in that it is not very easy to insert graphics.
Using a table furthermore constrains your scope of design. The structure of the
view fields is identical to the structure of a view of the view variables. Like the
field of the InfType, there is the field of the ViewType for the graphics. You can
use the field ViewType to control the output of the different types of graphics.
The return code of ViewType is always the name of the folder, like for example
"AxialRunOut", "BestFit", "Circularity" or "ComparePnts". Therefore, you need not
memorise the return codes as you can just have a look into the list of variables.

10-46 19.09.2005
Template with a GEOPAK Graphic in a Table

See the list below for the individual types of graphics:

If you wish to output a graphic using the view fields, just go to the dialogue for
saving the graphic and set "For the table". The graphic is then output in
chronological sequence. As you already know from the texts, you also have the
possibility to assign a position number. With the appropriate setting for sorting,
the graphic is sorted into the list by its position number.
Below, find a description of how to use this feature on the basis of the templates
"Standard Report with Graphic" and "Graphic output in a table".

19.09.2005 10-47
Template with a GEOPAK Graphic in a Table

10.1 Templates "Standard Report with Graphic"

The template is a Mitutoyo standard report extended by the view fields. The
output of the graphics is geared to how the graphic and the values of the view
variables are output.

As the layout of the output of the values is almost identical for all graphics, you
will first define the output for a graphic type. You can then take on and adapt
these lines for all further outputs of graphics.
In this template, the circularity was defined first. Then, the definition of the
individual lines for the output of the circularity is as follows:

Definition in the template

10-48 19.09.2005
Template with a GEOPAK Graphic in a Table

Output example

In this example, the value for "HeadLine" was empty, so this line was not printed.
To clarify the layout, the following table itemises the definition of the individual
Line 1. Circularity Name

Column Formula or special character

1 View.Circularity.Circularity.Name

Line 2. Circularity Graphic

Column Formula or special character

1 View.Circularity.Graphic.Contents

Line 3. Circularity HeadLine

Column Formula or special character

1 View.Circularity.Headline.Contents

19.09.2005 10-49
Template with a GEOPAK Graphic in a Table

Line 4. Circularity Dataline 1

Column Formula or special character

1 View.Circularity.TolZone.Name+" = "+View.Circularity.TolZone.Contents

2 View.Circularity.UpperTol.Name + " = "+View.Circularity.UpperTol.Contents

3 View.Circularity.LowerTol.Name + " = " + View.Circularity.LowerTol.Contents

4 View.Circularity.NoOfPnts.Name + " = "+View.Circularity.NoOfPnts.Contents

Line 5. Circularity Dataline 2

Column Formula or special character

1 View.Circularity.Circularity.Name+" = "+View.Circularity.Circularity.Contents

2 View.Circularity.StdDev4.Name + " = "+View.Circularity.StdDev4.Contents

3 " "

4 View.Circularity.MinMaxPnt.Name + " = "+View.Circularity.MinMaxPnt.Contents

Line 6. Circularity Dataline 3

Column Formula or special character

1 View.Circularity.ActualX.Name+" = "+View.Circularity.ActualX.Contents

2 View.Circularity.ActualY.Name + " = "+View.Circularity.ActualY.Contents

3 View.Circularity.ActualZ.Name + " = " + View.Circularity.ActualZ.Contents

4 View.Circularity.ActualRad.Name + " = "+View.Circularity.ActualRad.Contents

Line 7. Circularity Dataline 4

Column Formula or special character

1 View.Circularity.MinDist.Name+" = "+View.Circularity.MinDist.Contents

2 View.Circularity.MinDistX.Name + " = "+View.Circularity.MinDistX.Contents

3 View.Circularity.MinDistY.Name + " = " + View.Circularity.MinDistY.Contents

4 View.Circularity.MinDistRad.Name+ " = "+View.Circularity.MinDistRad.Contents

5 View.Circularity.MinDistPhi.Name + " = "+View.Circularity.MinDistPhi.Contents

Line 8. Circularity Dataline 5

Column Formula or special character

1 View.Circularity.MaxDist.Name+" = "+View.Circularity.MaxDist.Contents

2 View.Circularity.MaxDistX.Name + " = "+View.Circularity.MaxDistX.Contents

3 View.Circularity.MaxDistY.Name + " = " + View.Circularity.MaxDistY.Contents

4 View.Circularity.MaxDistRad.Name+" = "+View.Circularity.MaxDistRad.Contents

10-50 19.09.2005
Template with a GEOPAK Graphic in a Table

5 View.Circularity.MaxDistPhi.Name + " = "+View.Circularity.MaxDistPhi.Contents

Line 9. Circularity Comment 1

Column Formula or special character

1 View.Circularity.Comment1.Contents

Line 10. Circularity Comment 2

Column Formula or special character

1 View.Circularity.Comment2.Contents

Line 11. Circularity Comment 2

Column Formula or special character

1 View.Circularity.Comment2.Contents

The definition of the comparison of points looks as follows:

For comparing the points, only the line definition "Dataline" is required for the
output of the result, i.e. the remaining line definitions need not to be copied and
adjusted at all.
The same procedure applies for the other types of graphics.

19.09.2005 10-51
Template with a GEOPAK Graphic in a Table

10.2 Templates "Graphic output in a table"

To be able to print two graphics on one page, the template "Graphic output in a
table" was created. The "Mitutoyo Report" formed the basis for this template and
was extended by the output of the view fields.

In order to fit two graphics including the corresponding values in one page, the
graphic needs to be smaller than the one before and there is no space for the
values below the graphic. Therefore, the values have been placed besides the
graphic to the right.

10-52 19.09.2005
Template with a GEOPAK Graphic in a Table

To be able to represent all results one below the other and within one column,
the results need to be inserted into the table in RTF text format. For this, the
"Text format" needs to be switched to RTF. The layout for the output of the
graphic then looks as follows:

The name and the three comments are output in an own line. The drawing and
the results are also output in one line only. As the name should be output right-
justified and the value should be output left-justified, two columns are needed as
this feature can only be assigned per column.

19.09.2005 10-53
Template with a GEOPAK Graphic in a Table

10.3 From Variables to Fields of Graphics

In most cases, you will begin with the variables for graphics as these are easier
to handle but in practice one usually has the requirement that only one pdf-file at
a time shall be generated as a measurement report. There are two possibilities:
Either you prepare one template for each requirement or you combine the
individual pdf-files to a single one.
These two solutions have one factor in common: both solutions are way too
circumstantial and time consuming. In such cases you should always try to
generate a template with view fields. Below, find a description exemplified by the
following template:

With this template three views are used on the page. The fact that these three
views are positioned over each other makes it a difficult task which is not
realisable in one table. You can, however, use three tables for this output and
position these three tables like the view variables in the above example. You only
need to ensure that in these three tables only those graphics are printed that are
intended for output. For this, you will have to set a condition with which you get
the information about the relevant graphic into the template.
If no position numbers have been assigned, the graphics are printed out in the
sequence in which they were saved. You could, for example, activate an internal
counter for counting the graphics. So by keeping to a certain sequence when
saving the graphics, this could be used to create the display condition of the
individual tables.
Another possibility is to use the name of the graphic. If you use, for example, the
name "Main" for the main graphic and the names "Detail1" and "Detail2" for the
other two graphics, this can be used to create a display condition. For the main
graphic, this would look as follows:
if(Contains (View.TolCompContour.Graphic.Name,"Main"),.T.,.F.)

10-54 19.09.2005
Template with a GEOPAK Graphic in a Table

The display condition is identical for the other two tables with the exception of the
query value. This ensures that the tables can only output a specific graphic. A
test print would look as follows:

With the template on one page, also other values are output that have been
entered using the headdata but this is no longer possible because the headdata
are global data.
As only one graphic can be output in the tables, additional values need to be
stored together with the graphic. The comments of the graphic can be used for
this purpose.
There are several possibilities for the input of the additional values. In this case
the choice was an UDL-dialogue that queries the additional values before each
new measurement. These additional values can then be passed on when saving
the graphic. The formula for the first comment could read as follows:

If several values need to be included in a string, a good solution is the Case$

function. This allows to extract the first, second etc. value from the text line simply
by entering a number and the separator. The formula for the first value would
then read as follows:

Case$ (0,View.TolCompContour.Comment1.Contents,";")

In the Case$ function it is counted from zero, i.e. the value of the text line
with "0" will be the first value.

The output of the additional values needs to be done in the table with the main
graphic as this main graphic contains an additional column for the values. To
allow the values to be also printed one below each other, the column is in RTF-

19.09.2005 10-55
Template with a GEOPAK Graphic in a Table

Thus, the line definition of the table for the main graphic looks as follows:

Column Formula

1 Part Description
Part Number
Serial Number
«Case$ (0,View.TolCompContour.Comment1.Contents,";")»

2 View.TolCompContour.Graphic.Contents

The first two values are global values and can be input using the headdata
further on.
After adding a protocol head, the printout looks as follows:

10-56 19.09.2005
CAT1000S Graphics

11 CAT1000S Graphics
11.1 Variables
CAT1000S offers two possibilities to print out graphics using variables, i.e. the
variables CAT1000S and CAT1000SView.

CAT1000S CAT1000SView

For each individual view:

19.09.2005 11-57
CAT1000S Graphics

11-58 19.09.2005
CAT1000S Graphics

With the variables of CAT1000S, you always output the current results and
graphics. With the variables of CAT1000SView, you can save the graphic and the
results of a certain condition. This means that you can represent a chronological
sequence of a measurement.
The functionality and the method of working with these variables are identical to
functionalities and working methods of other GEOPAK variables but the number
of views can be extended to up to 999 views. The corresponding settings can be
adjusted in the defaults for programs in the PartManager.

11.2 Fields
Like with GEOPAK graphics, CAT1000S also offers the possibility to output the
graphics in a table. The layout for the output of graphics regarding the fields is
identical to that of CAT1000SView.

Variables for CAT1000SView Fields for View

19.09.2005 11-59
CAT1000S Graphics

As opposed to the CAT1000SView variables, the measurement points are saved

with the graphic. So by activating or respectively deactivating some of the
measurement points before saving a graphic you define which measurement
points are included in the output together with the graphic.

The example of the third graphic clarifies this as follows:

11-60 19.09.2005
CAT1000S Graphics

As is clearly visible in this example, 6

measurement points on the model are
visible in the graphic so that six
measurement points will be printed out
with the graphic.

The template for the output of graphics is easier than the GEOPAK template.
This is due to the fact that CAT1000S has only one type of graphic.
Below, find a description of the template "Example 11 Multi View List Engl.mte":

19.09.2005 11-61
CAT1000S Graphics

Template layout:

The template has some specialties: A group line is inserted in the template
(green line). This group line has the effect that each new graphic is printed out on
a new page.
To ensure a proper functioning of this feature, a change condition needs to be
defined. Basically, this is a text that is checked with each new data set. If the text
changes from one data set to the next, e.g. AÖB, the change condition is met
and you can, for example, trigger an event like a page break. In case of this
template, this has been solved by means of a user variable.

Name Formula
@GraphName if(Drawing$ (View.Histogram)!="",Drawing$ (View.Histogram),@GraphName)

In this case, the histogram serves as the text for comparing for the change
condition. By means of the function "Drawing$" you get the path and file name
from the histogram which is then saved in the user variable to make the path and
file name also available for the measurement points of the graphic. Here an
explanation by the working off of a printing list:

List entry InfType Data type

1 View Graphic

2 CAT1000S Measurement point for graphic

3 CAT1000S Measurement point for graphic

… … …

10 View Graphic

… … …

11-62 19.09.2005
CAT1000S Graphics

The first entry is a graphic. Therefore, the result of Drawing$(View.Histogram) is

unequal to an empty text. In this case, the first condition is applicable and path
and file name are saved into the user variable GraphName.
The following nine data sets are measurement points. This means that the
content of View.Histogram is not occupied and is thus an "empty text". In this
case, the second condition applies. The value of GraphName is passed back to
itself and thus remains in place. With the next graphic data set, the first condition
is again valid and the old path and file name is exchanged against the path and
file name of the new graphic. At this moment, the change condition is also met
and a page break is executed.

Output of Headdata as Data Lines

A further specialty is the lack of headers in the table. The normal headers are
always printed at the beginning of the table. In our case, this would always be
above the graphic as the first data set is always a graphic. In order to allow that
the headers are output before the measurement points, the headers have just
simply been defined as data lines. So because the headers are only text, this text
would be printed out once for each data set.
Because the headdata have received the following display condition, these are
only printed out in case of a graphic.
if(Drawing$ (View.Histogram)!="",.T.,.F.)
That the headers are printed out before the measurement data is specified by the
sequence of the line definition. The lines of the headdata are arranged behind the
lines for the graphic output and are therefore output last with a graphic. Due to
the fact that the next data set is a measurement value they are output before this
data set.

19.09.2005 11-63
Templates for ROUNDPAK-CMM

12 Templates for ROUNDPAK-CMM

The program ROUNDPAK-CMM has been designed for circularity tests on high-
precision CMM measurement machines with round table. Due to the high number
of evaluation possibilities, Mitutoyo has not assigned own tokens for each
individual evaluation type and the corresponding values when integrating the
evaluation results in GEOPAK.
The output of these measurement results has been realised via variable fields,
i.e. in the template you will only define the number of fields you wish to output.
How to proceed
A dialogue exists for each evaluation in ROUNDPAK-CMM. In these
dialogues you determine the results and graphics to be output.
Example of circularity:
By clicking the check boxes you specify the results to be included in the output,
Values without check boxes are always included in the output. You can change
the sequence of the individual values using the arrow buttons.

12-64 19.09.2005
Templates for ROUNDPAK-CMM

Sequence and contents of the individual variable fields:

Variable fields Kind of contents Contents

1(*) Analysis Content Cylindricity<Cyl_1>
2 Cylindricity 2,769um
3 Max Curved Elem RDElem_3
4 Max Curved ECC 0,965um
5 Max Curved Angle 31,24deg
6 Radii PV …
7 Radii PV INCL …
8 Max. Radius Elem …
9 Min. Radius Elem …
10 Roundness …
11 DX …
12 DY …
(*) This entry is fixed and cannot be changed by the user.

19.09.2005 12-65
Templates for ROUNDPAK-CMM

Example for the content of the variable fields in case of the measurement

Variable fields Kind of contents Contents

1 Element Rotate-OuterRD_1
2 Escape Value 0,00 mm
3 Measure Length --
4 Rotate Speed 6rpm
5 Magnification 1000
Like for measurement results, you can also specify the graphics to be
included in the output by clicking the check box.

12-66 19.09.2005
Templates for ROUNDPAK-CMM

As a specific characteristic, you can also specify the height and width of
the graphic in the dialogue. This is of particular interest for outputs with
big-sized graphics.

You should, however, always take care that all ROUNDPAK-CMM

graphics are scaled.
The following example illustrates the consequences when the frame in the
template is too small for the graphic: Only a part of the graphic is printed.

19.09.2005 12-67
Templates for ROUNDPAK-CMM

In the picture below, the variable fields for ROUNDPAK-CMM are shown.
20 variable fields for the output of measurement results and 9 variable
fields for the output of the graphics are available. In addition, there are the
tokens DataType, EvalType, EvalIcon and GrfType for controlling the

You can use the token DataType to determine whether the data are data
from the part program of the measurement conditions ort he measurement
results. The content of the field can take on the following values:
Graphic, HeadProg, DataProg, HeadMeas, DataMeas, HeadRes or

Separate lines

You can use the token DataType to define separate lines for the output of
the three different data types. Furthermore, you can separately define
header and data line for each data type

12-68 19.09.2005
Templates for ROUNDPAK-CMM

Contents Meaning

Graphic Graphic output

HeadProg Header of the program data
DataProg Program data
HeadMeas1 First header of the measurement
HeadMeas2 Second header of the measurement
DataMeas Measurement results
HeadRes Header of the measurement results
DataRes Measurement results

The token EvalType has been designed for controlling the output of
measurement results. Possible outputs are flatness, straightness,
circularity etc. With these tokens you can define an individual output
format for each evaluation type.
Example: Output of coaxiality and cylindricity

Line definition for coaxiality

RndPak.GrfField001 RndPak.GrfField002
Appearance condition:
if(RndPak.DataType="Graphic" and RndPak.EvalType=" Coaxiality ",.T.,.F.)

Line definition for cylindricity

RndPak.GrfField001 RndPak.GrfField002
RndPak.GrfField003 RndPak.GrfField004
Appearance condition:
if(RndPak.DataType="Graphic" and RndPak.EvalType=" Cylindricity ",.T.,.F.)

19.09.2005 12-69
Templates for ROUNDPAK-CMM

With the token Evallcon you can print the corresponding symbol of the
evaluation in the table.


12-70 19.09.2005
List of all Variables

13 List of all Variables

13.1 Variables

General data

Special Description

NoOfPages Total number of pages


With the flexible protocol, the total number of pages is not available
before printing due to the multitude of options. But to be able to output
a total number of pages, a hidden print preview to see the total
number of pages is required first.

You have to be aware of the fact that using this variable prolongs the
printing time.

General Data

Special Name Description


UserName Name Text describing the contents

Contents User name

ProgName Name Text describing the contents

Contents Program name

PartName Name Text describing the contents

Contents Part name

ApplName Name Text describing the contents

Contents Name of the application

ProtocolNo Name Text describing the contents

Contents Protocol number

PartDir Name Text describing the contents

Contents Part directory

Revision Name Text describing the contents

Contents Revision number

19.09.2005 13-71
List of all Variables

Dialogue for the Template

The dialogue will define the variable names.

Special Name Description


Variable name Name Text describing the contents. You will get the same
text that is displayed in the dialogue, too.

Contents Contents you have entered in the dialogue.

Head Data

Special Name Description


Head data ID Name Name that has been defined for the head data field.

Contents Includes the input of the head data field.

Abbreviation Abbreviation that has been defined for the head data


Special Characters Name Description

Sublot field no. Name Name that has been defined for the sublot field.

Contents Includes the input of the sublot field.

Abbreviation Abbreviation that has been defined for the sublot



Token Name Description

AxialRunOut Name Text for value

Contents Axial runout

Comment1 Name Text for value

Contents Comment for graphic

Comment2 Name Text for value

Contents Comment for graphic

Comment3 Name Text for value

Contents Comment for graphic

Graphic Name Name of graphic

13-72 19.09.2005
List of all Variables

Contents View you have stored

HeadLine Name Name, references and kind of calculation

LowerTol Name Text for value

Contents Lower tolerance

MaxDist Name Text for value

Contents Max. distance

MinDist Name Text for value

Contents Min. distance

MinMaxPnt Name Text for value

Contents Min./Max. points

NoOfPnts Name Text for value

Contents Number of points

RefDiam Name Text for value

Contents Reference diameter

TolZone Name Text for value

Contents Tolerance zone

UpperTol Name Text for value

Contents Upper tolerance


Token Name Description

Comment1 Name Text for value

Contents Comment for graphic

Comment2 Name Text for value

Contents Comment for graphic

Comment3 Name Text for value

Contents Comment for graphic

Graphic Name Name of graphic

Contents View you have stored

HeadLine Name Name, references and kind of calculation

MaxDist Name Text for value

Contents Max. distance

19.09.2005 13-73
List of all Variables

MinDist Name Text for value

Contents Min. distance

NoOfPnts Name Text for value

Contents Number of points

RotateX Name Text for value

Contents Rotate around X

RotateY Name Text for value

Contents Rotate around Y

RotateZ Name Text for value

Contents Rotate around Z

ShiftX Name Text for value

Contents Shift in X

ShiftY Name Text for value

Contents Shift in Y

ShiftZ Name Text for value

Contents Shift in Z

TolDiam Name Text for value

Contents Tolerance diameter


Token Name Description

ActualRad Name Text for value

Contents Actual radius

ActualdX Name Text for value

Contents AX

ActualdY Name Text for value

Contents AY

ActualdZ Name Text for value

Contents AZ

CircularRunOut Name Text for value

Contents Rundlauf

Comment1 Name Text for value

Contents Comment for graphic

13-74 19.09.2005
List of all Variables

Comment2 Name Text for value

Contents Comment for graphic

Comment3 Name Text for value

Contents Comment for graphic

Graphic Name Name of graphic

Contents View you have stored

HeadLine Name Name, references and kind of calculation

LowerTol Name Text for value

Contents Lower tolerance

MaxDist Name Text for value

Contents Max. distance

MaxDistPhi Name Text for value

Contents Phi

MaxDistRad Name Text for value

Contents Radius

MaxDistX Name Text for value

Contents X value

MaxDistY Name Text for value

Contents Y value

MinDist Name Text for value

Contents Min. distance

MinDistPhi Name Text for value

Contents Phi

MinDistRad Name Text for value

Contents Radius

MinDistX Name Text for value

Contents X value

MinDistY Name Text for value

Contents Y value

MinMaxPnt Name Text for value

Contents Min./Max. points

NoOfPnts Name Text for value

Contents Number of points

19.09.2005 13-75
List of all Variables

TolZone Name Text for value

Contents Toleranzzone

UpperTol Name Text for value

Contents Upper tolerance


Token Name Description

ActualRad Name Text for value

Contents Actual radius

ActualdX Name Text for value

Contents AX

ActualdY Name Text for value

Contents AY

ActualdZ Name Text for value

Contents AZ

Circularity Name Text for value

Contents Circularity

Comment1 Name Text for value

Contents Comment for graphic

Comment2 Name Text for value

Contents Comment for graphic

Comment3 Name Text for value

Contents Comment for graphic

Graphic Name Name of graphic

Contents View you have stored

HeadLine Name Name, references and kind of calculation

LowerTol Name Text for value

Contents Lower tolerance

MaxDist Name Text for value

Contents Max. distance

MaxDistPhi Name Text for value

Contents Phi

MaxDistRad Name Text for value

13-76 19.09.2005
List of all Variables

Contents Radius

MaxDistX Name Text for value

Contents X value

MaxDistY Name Text for value

Contents Y value

MinDist Name Text for value

Contents Min. distance

MinDistPhi Name Text for value

Contents Phi

MinDistRad Name Text for value

Contents Radius

MinDistX Name Text for value

Contents X value

MinDistY Name Text for value

Contents Y value

MinMaxPnt Name Text for value

Contents Min./Max. points

NoOfPnts Name Text for value

Contents Number of points

StdDev4 Name Text for value

Contents Standard deviation

TolZone Name Text for value

Contents Tolerance zone

UpperTol Name Text for value

Contents Upper tolerance


Token Name Description

Comment1 Name Text for value

Contents Comment for graphic

Comment2 Name Text for value

Contents Comment for graphic

19.09.2005 13-77
List of all Variables

Comment3 Name Text for value

Contents Comment for graphic

Graphic Name Name of graphic

Contents View you have stored

HeadLine Name Name, references and kind of calculation

MaxDist Name Text for value

Contents Max. distance

MinDist Name Text for value

Contents Min. distance

NoOfPnts Name Text for value

Contents Number of points

TolDiam Name Text for value

Contents Tolerance diameter

UpperTol Name Text for value

Contents Upper tolerance


Token Name Description

Comment1 Name Text for value

Contents Comment for graphic

Comment2 Name Text for value

Contents Comment for graphic

Comment3 Name Text for value

Contents Comment for graphic

Graphic Name Name of graphic

Contents View you have stored

HeadLine Name Name, references and kind of calculation


Token Name Description

Comment1 Name Text for value

Contents Comment for graphic

13-78 19.09.2005
List of all Variables

Comment2 Name Text for value

Contents Comment for graphic

Comment3 Name Text for value

Contents Comment for graphic

Flatness Name Text for value

Contents Flatness

Graphic Name Name of graphic

Contents View you have stored

HeadLine Name Name, references and kind of calculation

LowerTol Name Text for value

Contents Lower tolerance

MaxDist Name Text for value

Contents Max. distance

MinDistX Name Text for value

Contents X value

MinDistY Name Text for value

Contents Y value

MinDistZ Name Text for value

Contents Z value

MinDist Name Text for value

Contents Min. distance

MinDistX Name Text for value

Contents X value

MinDistY Name Text for value

Contents Y value

MinDistZ Name Text for value

Contents Z value

MinMaxPnt Name Text for value

Contents Min./Max. points

NoOfPnts Name Text for value

Contents Number of points

StdDev4 Name Text for value

Contents Standard deviation

19.09.2005 13-79
List of all Variables

TolZone Name Text for value

Contents Tolerance zone

UpperTol Name Text for value

Contents Upper tolerance


Token Name Description

Comment1 Name Text for value

Contents Comment for graphic

Comment2 Name Text for value

Contents Comment for graphic

Comment3 Name Text for value

Contents Comment for graphic

Graphic Name Name of graphic

Contents View you have stored

HeadLine Name Name, references and kind of calculation

MaxDist Name Text for value

Contents Max. distance

MinDist Name Text for value

Contents Min. distance

MinMaxPnt Name Text for value

Contents Min./Max. points

NoOfPnts Name Text for value

Contents Number of points

Parallelism Name Text for value

Contents Parallelism

RefLen Name Text for value

Contents Reference length

TolZone Name Text for value

Contents Tolerance zone

13-80 19.09.2005
List of all Variables


Token Name Description

Comment1 Name Text for value

Contents Comment for graphic

Comment2 Name Text for value

Contents Comment for graphic

Comment3 Name Text for value

Contents Comment for graphic

Graphic Name Name of graphic

Contents View you have stored

HeadLine Name Name, references and kind of calculation

LowerTol Name Text for value

Contents Lower tolerance

MaxDist Name Text for value

Contents Max. distance

MinDistX Name Text for value

Contents X value

MinDistY Name Text for value

Contents Y value

MinDistZ Name Text for value

Contents Z value

MinDist Name Text for value

Contents Min. distance

MinDistX Name Text for value

Contents X value

MinDistY Name Text for value

Contents Y value

MinDistZ Name Text for value

Contents Z value

MinMaxPnt Name Text for value

Contents Min./Max. points

NoOfPnts Name Text for value

19.09.2005 13-81
List of all Variables

Contents Number of points

StdDev4 Name Text for value

Contents Standard deviation

Straightness Name Text for value

Contents Straightness

TolZone Name Text for value

Contents Tolerance zone

UpperTol Name Text for value

Contents Upper tolerance


Token Name Description

ActName Name Text for value

Contents Name of actual contour

ActNo Name Text for value

Contents Number of actual contour

BestFitRotate Name Text for value

Contents Rotate around third axis

BestFitShiftAxis1 Name Text for value

Contents Shift in direction of first axis

BestFitShiftAxis2 Name Text for value

Contents Shift in direction of second axis

Comment1 Name Text for value

Contents Comment for graphic

Comment2 Name Text for value

Contents Comment for graphic

Comment3 Name Text for value

Contents Comment for graphic

CompModeDir Name Text for value

Contents Comparison mode direction

CompModePitch Name Text for value

Contents Comparison mode pitch

Graphic Name Name of graphic

13-82 19.09.2005
List of all Variables

Contents View you have stored

HeadLine Name Name, references and kind of calculation

LowerTol Name Text for value

Contents Lower tolerance

MaxDevLower Name Text for value

Contents Max. deviation of nominal contour in direction of

lower tolerance

MaxDevLowerCrd1 Name Text for value

Contents Max. deviation of nominal contour in direction of

lower tolerance: 1st co-ordinate

MaxDevLowerCrd2 Name Text for value

Contents Max. deviation of nominal contour in direction of

lower tolerance: 2nd co-ordinate

MaxDevUpper Name Text for value

Contents Max. deviation of nominal contour in direction of

upper tolerance

MaxDevUpperCrd1 Name Text for value

Contents Max. deviation of nominal contour in direction of

upper tolerance: 1st co-ordinate

MaxDevUpperCrd2 Name Text for value

Contents Max. deviation of nominal contour in direction of

upper tolerance: 2nd co-ordinate

MaxOutOfLowerTol Name Text for value

Contents Max. out of lower tolerance

MaxOutOfUpperTol Name Text for value

Contents Max. out of upper tolerance

MeanDev Name Text for value

Contents Mean deviation

MeanSqrDev Name Text for value

Contents Mean square deviation

NoOfPairs Name Text for value

Contents Number of actual/nominal pairs

NomName Name Text for value

Contents Name of nominal contour

NomNo Name Text for value

Contents Number of nominal contour

19.09.2005 13-83
List of all Variables

Offset Name Text for value

Contents Offset (is subtracted from calculated deviation)

ProjPlane Name Text for value

Contents Projection plane

UpperTol Name Text for value

Contents Upper tolerance

13.2 Fields

Only for GEOPAK

General Fields

Special Description

InfType "InfType" returns "Txt" as result for a text and "Tol" for a tolerance

Text Fields

Special Description

LayTextA Includes the text of the “Output Text” “Text to Printer” instruction.

Tolerance Fields

Special Description

ActCrd1 Actual value of the first co-ordinate for tolerances of length or

concentricity, depending on the projection plane.

ActCrd2 Actual value of the second co-ordinate for "Position" tolerance or

“Concentricity”, depending on the projection plane.

ActCrd3 Actual value of the third co-ordinate for "Position" tolerance or

“Concentricity”, depending on the projection plane.

Actual Actual value

AngUnit Type of format of the angle

Deviation Deviation

ElemName Element name

13-84 19.09.2005
List of all Variables

ElemNo Element number

HalfTolBar Bar chart for one sided tolerances

LowerTol Lower tolerance limit

MCActLabel Label for toleranced element

MCFstRefIndicat MMC was applied to reference element 1


MCIndicator MMC was applied

MCFstRefLabel Label for reference element 1

MMCLabel MMC label.

MMCRefLabel MMC label that has been applied to the MMC.

MaxDev Max. deviation

MaxDiff Max. difference

MinDev Min deviation

MorMinPnt The result can be "true" or "false" and states whether a form error has
occured or not. With the result "false", the values MinDev, MaxDev
and MaxDiff are equal to zero.

NoOfPnts Number of points

NomTol Nominal tolerance

Nominal Nominal value

OutOfTol Value out of tolerance limits.

PntNoMaxDev Point number of max. deviation

PntNoMinDev Point number of min. deviation

PosNo Position number.

ProgLinNo Unambiguous line no. of the instruction in the part program.

ProjPlane Projection plane for “Position“ Tolerance. Possible output: XY, XZ, YZ.

RefCrd1 First reference co-ordinate at “Position” tolerance or rather

concentricity, depending on the projection plane.

RefCrd2 Second reference co-ordinate for “Position” tolerance or rather

concentricity, depending on the projection plane.

RefCrd3 Third reference co-ordinate for “Position” tolerance or rather

concentricity, depending on the projection plane.

RefCrdLbl1 Designation of the first reference co-ordinate.

RefCrdLbl2 Designation of the second reference co-ordinate.

RefCrdLbl3 Designation of the third reference co-ordinate.

RefName Name of the reference element (reference e.g. parallelism).

RefNo Number of the reference element (reference e.g. parallelism).

19.09.2005 13-85
List of all Variables

Spread Spread

TolBar Bar chart at two sided tolerance.

TolLbl Comment to the tolerance comparison.

TolLowerState Returns the state for one sided tolerance comparisons.

TolName Designation of the tolerance comparison.

TolState Returns the state of the tolerance comparison.

TolUpperState Returns the state for one sided tolerance comparisons.

UFact Conversion factor.

Unit Unit.

UpperTol Upper tolerance limit.

Special variables for the output of tolerance comparisons

in several lines

Placeholder: Nominal1

What is required to be output for case ...?

Case Output

Tol_Pos Nominal

Tol_Rnd RefCrd1












Tol_Conc RefCrd1



13-86 19.09.2005
List of all Variables



Placeholder: Nominal2

What is required to be output for case ...?

Case Output


Tol_Pos RefCrd2

Tol_Conc RefCrd2

Placeholder: Nominal3

What is required to be output for case ...?

Case Output


Tol_Pos RefCrd3

Placeholder: CrdLbl1

What is required to be output for case ...?

Case Output


Tol_Pos RefCrdLbl1

Tol_Conc RefCrdLbl1

Placeholder: CrdLbl2

What is required to be output for case ...?

Case Output


Tol_Pos RefCrdLbl2

Tol_Conc RefCrdLbl2

Tol_Sym_Pnt RefCrdLbl2

Tol_Sym_Ln RefCrdLbl2

Tol_Sym_Pln RefCrdLbl2

19.09.2005 13-87
List of all Variables

Placeholder: CrdLbl3

What is required to be output for case ...?

Case Output


Tol_Pos RefCrdLbl3

Placeholder: Actual1

What is required to be output for case ...?

Case Output

Default Actual

Tol_Pos ActCrd1

Tol_Conc ActCrd1



Tol_Flt Actual













Placeholder: Actual2

What is required to be output for case ...?

Case Output


Tol_Pos ActCrd2

13-88 19.09.2005
List of all Variables

Tol_Conc ActCrd2

Placeholder: Actual3

What is required to be output for case ...?

Case Output


Tol_Pos ActCrd3

Placeholder: LowerTol1

What is required to be output for case ...?


Default LowerTol


















19.09.2005 13-89
List of all Variables

Placeholder: TolBar1

What is required to be output for case ...?

Case Output

Default TolBar

Tol_Rnd HalfTolBar

Tol_Pos HalfTolBar

Tol_Str HalfTolBar

Tol_Flt HalfTolBar

Tol_Ell HalfTolBar

Tol_Cone HalfTolBar

Tol_Cly HalfTolBar

Tol_Run_R HalfTolBar

Tol_Run_A HalfTolBar

Tol_Sym_Pnt HalfTolBar

Tol_Sym_Ln HalfTolBar

Tol_Sym_Pln HalfTolBar

Tol_Conc HalfTolBar

Tol_Coax HalfTolBar

Tol_Para HalfTolBar

Tol_Prep HalfTolBar

Tol_Angu HalfTolBar

Placeholder: RefNo1

What is required to be output for case ...?

Case Output


Tol_Conc RefNo

Tol_Sym_Pnt RefNo

Tol_Sym_Ln RefNo

Tol_Sym_Pln RefNo

13-90 19.09.2005
List of all Variables

Placeholder: RefName1

What is required to be output for case ...?

Case Output

Default TolName

Tol_Conc RefName

Tol_Sym_Pnt RefName

Tol_Sym_Ln RefName

Tol_Sym_Pln RefName

Placeholder: RefName2
What is to be output for case ... ?
Case Output


Tol_Conc TolName

Tol_Sym_Pnt TolName

Tol_Sym_Ln TolName

Tol_Sym_Pln TolName

Element fields

Token Description

Angle Calculated angle or angle of cone

CalcType Calculation type

CoordMode Co-ordinate mode (cartesian, cylinder, sphere)

Diameter Diameter or small diameter of an ellipse

DirInsidePlnX X component of direction vector inside plane of element

DirInsidePlnY Y component of direction vector inside plane of element

DirInsidePlnZ X component of direction vector inside plane of element

DirX X component of direction vector

DirY Y component of direction vector

DirZ Z component of direction vector

Dist Calculated distance or distance to origin

DistX X component of distance

19.09.2005 13-91
List of all Variables

DistY Y component of distance

DistZ Z component of distance

ElemNo Number of the element

ElemTyp Type (Name) of the element defined by GEOPAK-Win...

ElemUserName Name of the element defined by the user

Height Height of a triangle or trapezoid

InitialName1 Name of the first initial element

InitialName2 Name of the second initial element

InitialNo1 Number of the first initial element

InitialNo2 Number of the second initial element

Length Length of square, long hole or a drop shape

LocX X co-ordinate or polar radius

LocY Y co-ordinate or polar radius Phi

LocZ Z co-ordinate or polar radius Theta

LrgDiameter Large diameter of an ellipse

LrgRadius Large radius of an ellipse

MaxDiff Max. difference ??

NoofPnts Number of points

ProgLinNo Line number of the command in the part program

Radius Radius or small radius of the ellipse

Radius1st First radius: Radius1st = Width/2 of a long hole

Radius2nd First radius: Radius2st < Width/2 of a long hole

Spread Spread

Width Width alongside symmetry axis

Width2nd Second width of a hexagon

Token: DirX1

What shall be output for the case …?

Case Output

Default DirX




13-92 19.09.2005
List of all Variables










Elm_Ell DirInsidePlnX



Elm_Square DirInsidePlnX

Elm_Rectangle DirInsidePlnX

Elm_Slot DirInsidePlnX

Elm_Drop DirInsidePlnX

Elm_Triangle DirInsidePlnX

Elm_Trapezoid DirInsidePlnX

Elm_Hexagon DirInsidePlnX

Token: DirY1

What shall be output for the case …?

Case Output

Default DirY










19.09.2005 13-93
List of all Variables




Elm_Ell DirInsidePlnY



Elm_Square DirInsidePlnY

Elm_Rectangle DirInsidePlnY

Elm_Slot DirInsidePlnY

Elm_Drop DirInsidePlnY

Elm_Triangle DirInsidePlnY

Elm_Trapezoid DirInsidePlnY

Elm_Hexagon DirInsidePlnY

Token: DirZ1

What shall be output for the case …?

Case Output

Default DirZ













Elm_Ell DirInsidePlnZ



13-94 19.09.2005
List of all Variables

Elm_Square DirInsidePlnZ

Elm_Rectangle DirInsidePlnZ

Elm_Slot DirInsidePlnZ

Elm_Drop DirInsidePlnZ

Elm_Triangle DirInsidePlnZ

Elm_Trapezoid DirInsidePlnZ

Elm_Hexagon DirInsidePlnZ

Token: LocX1

What shall be output for the case …?

Case Out0put

Default LocX



Elm_Dist DistX


Token: LocX2

What shall be output for the case …?

Case Output

Default LocX





Elm_Dist DistX


Token: LocY1

What shall be output for the case …?

Case Output

Default LocY


19.09.2005 13-95
List of all Variables



Elm_Dist DistY


Token: LocY2

What shall be output for the case …?

Case Output

Default LocY






Elm_Dist DistY


Token: LocZ1

What shall be output for the case …?

Case Output

Default LocZ




Elm_Dist DistZ


Token: LocZ2

What shall be output for the case …?

Case Output

Default LocZ



13-96 19.09.2005
List of all Variables




Elm_Dist DistZ


Token: Size1
What shall be output for the case …?

Case Output


Elm_SphFit Diameter

Elm_Sph Diameter

Elm_CirInt Diameter

Elm_Cir Diameter

Elm_LinInt Dist

Elm_LinSym Dist

Elm_LinTan Dist

Elm_Lin Dist

Elm_PlnSym Dist

Elm_Pln Dist

Elm_Ell Diameter

Elm_Con Angle

Elm_Cyl Diameter

Elm_Dist Dist

Elm_Angle Angle

Elm_Hexagon Width

Elm_Rectangle Width

Elm_Slot Width

Elm_Drop Width

Elm_Triangle Width

Elm_Trapezoid Width

Elm_Square Width

19.09.2005 13-97
List of all Variables

Token: Size2
What shall be output for the case …?

Case Output


Elm_Ell LrgDiameter


Elm_Rectangle Length

Elm_Slot Length

Elm_Drop Length

Elm_Triangle Height

Elm_Trapezoid Height

Elm_Hexagon Width2nd

13.2.1 Views for the table


Token Name Description

AxialRunOut Name Text for value

Contents Axial runout

Comment1 Name Text for value

Contents Comment for graphic

Comment2 Name Text for value

Contents Comment for graphic

Comment3 Name Text for value

Contents Comment for graphic

Graphic Name Name of graphic

Contents View you have stored

HeadLine Name Name, references and kind of calculation

LowerTol Name Text for value

Contents Lower tolerance

MaxDist Name Text for value

Contents Max. distance

MinDist Name Text for value

Contents Min. distance

13-98 19.09.2005
List of all Variables

MinMaxPnt Name Text for value

Contents Min./Max. points

NoOfPnts Name Text for value

Contents Number of points

RefDiam Name Text for value

Contents Reference diameter

TolZone Name Text for value

Contents Tolerance zone

UpperTol Name Text for value

Contents Upper tolerance


Token Name Description

Comment1 Name Text for value

Contents Comment for graphic

Comment2 Name Text for value

Contents Comment for graphic

Comment3 Name Text for value

Contents Comment for graphic

Graphic Name Name of graphic

Contents View you have stored

HeadLine Name Name, references and kind of calculation

MaxDist Name Text for value

Contents Max. distance

MinDist Name Text for value

Contents Min. distance

NoOfPnts Name Text for value

Contents Number of points

RotateX Name Text for value

Contents Rotate around X

RotateY Name Text for value

Contents Rotate around Y

19.09.2005 13-99
List of all Variables

RotateZ Name Text for value

Contents Rotate around Z

ShiftX Name Text for value

Contents Shift in X

ShiftY Name Text for value

Contents Shift in Y

ShiftZ Name Text for value

Contents Shift in Z

TolDiam Name Text for value

Contents Tolerance diameter


Token Name Description

ActualRad Name Text for value

Contents Actual radius

ActualdX Name Text for value

Contents AX

ActualdY Name Text for value

Contents AY

ActualdZ Name Text for value

Contents AZ

CircularRunOut Name Text for value

Contents Circular Runout

Comment1 Name Text for value

Contents Comment for graphic

Comment2 Name Text for value

Contents Comment for graphic

Comment3 Name Text for value

Contents Comment for graphic

Graphic Name Name of graphic

Contents View you have stored

HeadLine Name Name, references and kind of calculation

LowerTol Name Text for value

13-100 19.09.2005
List of all Variables

Contents Lower tolerance

MaxDist Name Text for value

Contents Max. distance

MaxDistPhi Name Text for value

Contents Phi

MaxDistRad Name Text for value

Contents Radius

MaxDistX Name Text for value

Contents X value

MaxDistY Name Text for value

Contents Y value

MinDist Name Text for value

Contents Min. distance

MinDistPhi Name Text for value

Contents Phi

MinDistRad Name Text for value

Contents Radius

MinDistX Name Text for value

Contents X value

MinDistY Name Text for value

Contents Y value

MinMaxPnt Name Text for value

Contents Min./Max. Pkt.

NoOfPnts Name Text for value

Contents Number of points

TolZone Name Text for value

Contents Tolerance zone

UpperTol Name Text for value

Contents Upper tolerance


Token Name Description

ActualRad Name Text for value

19.09.2005 13-101
List of all Variables

Contents Actual radius

ActualdX Name Text for value

Contents AX

ActualdY Name Text for value

Contents AY

ActualdZ Name Text for value

Contents AZ

Circularity Name Text for value

Contents Circularity

Comment1 Name Text for value

Contents Comment for graphic

Comment2 Name Text for value

Contents Comment for graphic

Comment3 Name Text for value

Contents Comment for graphic

Graphic Name Name of graphic

Contents View you have stored

HeadLine Name Name, references and kind of calculation

LowerTol Name Text for value

Contents Lower tolerance

MaxDist Name Text for value

Contents Max. distance

MaxDistPhi Name Text for value

Contents Phi

MaxDistRad Name Text for value

Contents Radius

MaxDistX Name Text for value

Contents X value

MaxDistY Name Text for value

Contents Y value

MinDist Name Text for value

Contents Min. distance

MinDistPhi Name Text for value

13-102 19.09.2005
List of all Variables

Contents Phi

MinDistRad Name Text for value

Contents Radius

MinDistX Name Text for value

Contents X value

MinDistY Name Text for value

Contents Y value

MinMaxPnt Name Text for value

Contents Min./Max. points

NoOfPnts Name Text for value

Contents Number of points

StdDev4 Name Text for value

Contents Standard deviation

TolZone Name Text for value

Contents Tolerance zone

UpperTol Name Text for value

Contents Upper tolerance


Token Name Description

Comment1 Name Text for value

Contents Comment for graphic

Comment2 Name Text for value

Contents Comment for graphic

Comment3 Name Text for value

Contents Comment for graphic

Graphic Name Name of graphic

Contents View you have stored

HeadLine Name Name, references and kind of calculation

MaxDist Name Text for value

Contents Max. distance

MinDist Name Text for value

Contents Min. distance

19.09.2005 13-103
List of all Variables

NoOfPnts Name Text for value

Contents Number of points

TolDiam Name Text for value

Contents Tolerance diameter

UpperTol Name Text for value

Contents Upper tolerance


Token Name Description

Comment1 Name Text for value

Contents Comment for graphic

Comment2 Name Text for value

Contents Comment for graphic

Comment3 Name Text for value

Contents Comment for graphic

Graphic Name Name of graphic

Contents View you have stored

HeadLine Name Name, references and kind of calculation


Token Name Description

Comment1 Name Text for value

Contents Comment for graphic

Comment2 Name Text for value

Contents Comment for graphic

Comment3 Name Text for value

Contents Comment for graphic

Flatness Name Text for value

Contents Flatness

Graphic Name Name of graphic

Contents View you have stored

HeadLine Name Name, references and kind of calculation

LowerTol Name Text for value

13-104 19.09.2005
List of all Variables

Contents Lower tolerance

MaxDist Name Text for value

Contents Max. distance

MinDistX Name Text for value

Contents X value

MinDistY Name Text for value

Contents Y value

MinDistZ Name Text for value

Contents Z value

MinDist Name Text for value

Contents Min. distance

MinDistX Name Text for value

Contents X value

MinDistY Name Text for value

Contents Y value

MinDistZ Name Text for value

Contents Z value

MinMaxPnt Name Text for value

Contents Min./Max. points

NoOfPnts Name Text for value

Contents Number of points

StdDev4 Name Text for value

Contents Standard deviation

TolZone Name Text for value

Contents Tolerance zone

UpperTol Name Text for value

Contents Upper tolerance


Token Name Description

Comment1 Name Text for value

Contents Comment for graphic

Comment2 Name Text for value

19.09.2005 13-105
List of all Variables

Contents Comment for graphic

Comment3 Name Text for value

Contents Comment for graphic

Graphic Name Name of graphic

Contents View you have stored

HeadLine Name Name, references and kind of calculation

MaxDist Name Text for value

Contents Max. distance

MinDist Name Text for value

Contents Min. distance

MinMaxPnt Name Text for value

Contents Min./Max. points

NoOfPnts Name Text for value

Contents Number of points

Parallelism Name Text for value

Contents Parallelism

RefLen Name Text for value

Contents Reference length

TolZone Name Text for value

Contents Tolerance zone


Token Name Description

Comment1 Name Text for value

Contents Comment for graphic

Comment2 Name Text for value

Contents Comment for graphic

Comment3 Name Text for value

Contents Comment for graphic

Graphic Name Name of graphic

Contents View you have stored

HeadLine Name Name, references and kind of calculation

LowerTol Name Text for value

13-106 19.09.2005
List of all Variables

Contents Lower tolerance

MaxDist Name Text for value

Contents Max. distance

MinDistX Name Text for value

Contents X value

MinDistY Name Text for value

Contents Y value

MinDistZ Name Text for value

Contents Z value

MinDist Name Text for value

Contents Min. distance

MinDistX Name Text for value

Contents X value

MinDistY Name Text for value

Contents Y value

MinDistZ Name Text for value

Contents Z value

MinMaxPnt Name Text for value

Contents Min./Max. points

NoOfPnts Name Text for value

Contents Number of points

StdDev4 Name Text for value

Contents Standard deviation

Straightness Name Text for value

Contents Straightness

TolZone Name Text for value

Contents Toleranzzone

UpperTol Name Text for value

Contents Upper tolerance


Token Name Description

ActName Name Text for value

19.09.2005 13-107
List of all Variables

Contents Name of actual contour

ActNo Name Text for value

Contents Number of actual contour

BestFitRotate Name Text for value

Contents Rotate around third axis

BestFitShiftAxis1 Name Text for value

Contents Shift in direction of first axis

BestFitShiftAxis2 Name Text for value

Contents Shift in direction of second axis

Comment1 Name Text for value

Contents Comment for graphic

Comment2 Name Text for value

Contents Comment for graphic

Comment3 Name Text for value

Contents Comment for graphic

CompModeDir Name Text for value

Contents Comparison mode direction

CompModePitch Name Text for value

Contents Comparison mode pitch

Graphic Name Name of graphic

Contents View you have stored

HeadLine Name Name, references and kind of calculation

LowerTol Name Text for value

Contents Lower tolerance

MaxDevLower Name Text for value

Contents Max. deviation of nominal contour in direction of

lower tolerance

MaxDevLowerCrd1 Name Text for value

Contents Max. deviation of nominal contour in direction of

lower tolerance: 1st co-ordinate

MaxDevLowerCrd2 Name Text for value

Contents Max. deviation of nominal contour in direction of

lower tolerance: 2nd co-ordinate

MaxDevUpper Name Text for value

13-108 19.09.2005
List of all Variables

Contents Max. deviation of nominal contour in direction of

upper tolerance

MaxDevUpperCrd1 Name Text for value

Contents Max. deviation of nominal contour in direction of

upper tolerance: 1st co-ordinate

MaxDevUpperCrd2 Name Text for value

Contents Max. deviation of nominal contour in direction of

upper tolerance: 2nd co-ordinate

MaxOutOfLowerTol Name Text for value

Contents Max. out of lower tolerance

MaxOutOfUpperTol Name Text for value

Contents Max. out of upper tolerance

MeanDev Name Text for value

Contents Mean deviation

MeanSqrDev Name Text for value

Contents Mean square deviation

NoOfPairs Name Text for value

Contents Number of nominal/actual pairs

NomName Name Text for value

Contents Name of nominal contour

NomNo Name Text for value

Contents Number of nominal contour

Offset Name Text for value

Contents Offset (is subtracted from calculated deviation)

ProjPlane Name Text for value

Contents Projection plane

UpperTol Name Text for value

Contents Upper tolerance

19.09.2005 13-109
List of all Variables

13.2.2 Tokens for ROUNDPAK-CMM

These tokens are only available with the ROUNDPAK-CMM installed and set-up.

Token Description

DataType Returns the type of data set and may take the following values:

Graphic, HeadProg, DataProg, HeadMeas1, HeadMeas2, DataMeas,

HeadRes, DataRes

This token is required for controlling the output.

EvalIcon Shows the corresponding picture of the evaluation (see 9.2.1).

EvalType Returns the evaluation type (see 9.2.1). This token is required for
controlling the output.

VarField001 - 020 Output of the results established by ROUNDPAK


Token Description

GrfField001 – 010 Output of the graphics generated by ROUNDPAK-CMMs

GrfType001 - 010 Returns the corresponding type of graphic. This token is required for
controlling the output.

EvalIcon and EvalType return values:

Icon Evaluation type of ROUNDPAK-CMM Return value of EvalType

Cylindricity Cyl

Mean Cylindricity MeanCyl

S Cylindricity SCyl

L Cylindricity LCyl

Roundness Rnd

Coaxiality (Axis-Axis) CoaxAxsAxs

Coaxiality (Axis-Elem) CoaxAxsElm

S Coaxiality (Axis-Axis) SCoaxAxsAxs

L Coaxiality LCoax

13-110 19.09.2005
List of all Variables

Average Roundness AvrgRnd

Section Roundness SecRnd

Straightness (In/Out) StgnInOut

Straightness (Up/Down) StgnUpDwn

Diametral Deviation DiamDev

Total Runout (Radial) TtlRunRad

Runout (Radial) RunRad

Total Runout (Axial) TtlRunAxs

Runout (Axial) RunAxs

S Total Runout (Radial) STtlRunRad

Concentricity Conc

Flatness (1 Elem) FlnOneElm

Flatness (N Elem) FlnNElm

Parallelism (2 Elem) PlmTwoElm

Parallelism (N Elem) PlmNElm

L Parallelism(In/Out) LPlmInOut

Perpendicularity (Axis) PerpAxs

Perpendicularity (Plane) PerpPln

L Perpendicularity LPerp

Thickness deviation Tkn

Taper Ratio (In/Out) TprRatInOut

Taper Ratio (Up/Down) TprRatUpDwn

Inclination(In/Out) InclInOut

Inclination (Up/Down) InclUpDwn

19.09.2005 13-111
List of all Variables

L Parallelism (Up/Down) LPlmUpDwn

Section Flatness SecFln

Taper Angle (In/Out) TprAngInOut

Taper Angle (Up/Down) TprAngUpDwn

Return value for measurement condition

Rotate Outer RotOutr

Rotate Inner RotIner

Rotate Top RotTop

Rotate Bottom RotBtm

Linear Outer LinOutr

Linear Inner LinIner

Linear Top LinTop

Linear Bottom LinBtm

Spiral Outer SplOutr

Spiral Inner SplIner

Return values of GrfType

No. Graphic type Return value of GrfType

1 2D Top view 2DTopView

2 2D Side view 2DSideView

3 2D Development view 2DDevpView

4 2D Offset top view 2DOffTopView

5 2D Offset development view 2DOffDevpView

6 2D Power spectrum graph 2DPwrSpecGrp

7 2D Tolerance error graph 2DTolErrGrp

8 3D Isometric of cylinder 3DIsoCyl

9 3D Isometric of cylinder + offset 3DIsoCylOff

10 3D Isometric of cylinder + offset + 3DIsoCylOffRad

13-112 19.09.2005
List of all Variables


11 3D Isometric of development 3DIsoDevp

12 3D Plane view 3DPlnView

13 3D Side view 3DSideView

19.09.2005 13-113
Variables, Fields and Views in CAT1000S

14 Variables, Fields and Views in CAT1000S

14.1 Variables for CAT1000S

Special Characters Description

Histogram The current tolerance chart as a bitmap that is stored

when the command "Layout for protocol" is called up.

LowerTolAll Lower tolerance if this is the same for all tolerance


MaxDevBrd Max. deviation measure mode border

MaxDevBrdId ID of the point of which the deviation is max. (measure

mode border)

MaxDevDistTol Maximum deviation from all tolerated distances

MaxDevDistTolId Number of measurement point with maximum deviation

from all tolerated distances

MaxDevPosTol Maximum deviation from all tolerated positions

MaxDevPosTolId Number of measurement point with maximum deviation

from all tolerated positions

MaxDevSurf Max. deviation measure mode surface

MaxDevSurfId ID of the point of which the deviation is max. (measure

mode surface)

MeanDevBrd Min. deviation (measure mode border)

MeanDevDistTol Mean deviation from all tolerated distances

MeanDevPosTol Mean deviation from all tolerated positions

MeanDevSurf Mean deviation (measure mode surface)

MinDevBrd Mean deviation (measure mode border)

MinDevBrdId ID of the point of which the deviation is max.

MinDevDistTol Minimum deviation from all tolerated distances

MinDevDistTolId Number of measurement point with minimum deviation

from all tolerated distances

MinDevPosTol Minimum deviation from all tolerated positions

MinDevPosTolId Number of measurement point with minimum deviation

from all tolerated positions

MinDevSurf Min. deviation (surface)

MinDevSurfId ID of the corresponding point

ModelName Name of the CAD model

14-114 19.09.2005
Variables, Fields and Views in CAT1000S

NoofPntsHidden Number of hidden points

NoofPntsMarked Number of marked points

NoofPntsShown Number of shown points

NoofPntsShownInTol Number of shown points in tolerance

NoofPntsTotal Total number of points

NoofPntsValid Number of valid points

Picture The current 3D-view as a picture that is stored when the

command "Layout for protocol" is called up.

ProbeDiamAll Diameter of probe, if the same for all points

RotateX Best fit for X-angle

RotateY Best fit for Y-angle

RotateZ Best fit for Z-angle

SheetThick Sheet thickness

ShiftX" Best fit for X-offset

ShiftY Best fit for Y-offset

ShiftZ Best fit for Z-offset

Unit Unit of the CAD model

UpperTolAll Upper tolerance if this is the same for all tolerance



View1.Comment1 1st Comment, which has been stored at View1

View1.Comment2 2nd Comment, which has been stored at View1

View1.Comment3 3rd Comment, which has been stored at View1

View1.Picture 3D-view, which has been stored at View1

The variables of Views 2 to 9 will correspond to those of View1

Concerning the views, they must have been defined before. See details of topic
“Layout for ProtocolHTPC_3DT_PROTCOL_LAYOUT".

19.09.2005 14-115
Variables, Fields and Views in CAT1000S

14.2 CAT1000SView

Special Characters Description

Comment1 1st Comment, which has been stored at View1

Comment2 2nd Comment, which has been stored at View1

Comment3 3rd Comment, which has been stored at View1

Histogram The current tolerance chart as a bitmap that is stored

when the command "Layout for protocol" is called up.

LowerTolAll Lower tolerance if this is the same for all tolerance


MaxDevBrd Max. deviation measure mode border

MaxDevBrdId ID of the point of which the deviation is max. (measure

mode border)

MaxDevDistTol Maximum deviation from all tolerated distances

MaxDevDistTolId Number of measurement point with maximum deviation

from all tolerated distances

MaxDevPosTol Maximum deviation from all tolerated positions

MaxDevPosTolId Number of measurement point with maximum deviation

from all tolerated positions

MaxDevSurf Max. deviation measure mode surface

MaxDevSurfId ID of the point of which the deviation is max. (measure

mode surface)

MeanDevBrd Min. deviation (measure mode border)

MeanDevDistTol Mean deviation from all tolerated distances

MeanDevPosTol Mean deviation from all tolerated positions

MeanDevSurf Mean deviation (measure mode surface)

MinDevBrd Mean deviation (measure mode border)

MinDevBrdId ID of the point of which the deviation is max.

MinDevDistTol Minimum deviation from all tolerated distances

MinDevDistTolId Number of measurement point with minimum deviation

from all tolerated distances

MinDevPosTol Minimum deviation from all tolerated positions

MinDevPosTolId Number of measurement point with minimum deviation

from all tolerated positions

MinDevSurf Min. deviation (surface)

MinDevSurfId ID of the corresponding point

14-116 19.09.2005
Variables, Fields and Views in CAT1000S

NoofPntsHidden Number of hidden points

NoofPntsMarked Number of marked points

NoofPntsShown Number of shown points

NoofPntsShownInTol Number of shown points in tolerance

NoofPntsTotal Total number of points

NoofPntsValid Number of valid points

Picture The current 3D-view as a picture that is stored when the

command "Layout for protocol" is called up.

ProbeDiamAll Diameter of probe, if the same for all points

RotateX Best fit for X-angle

RotateY Best fit for Y-angle

RotateZ Best fit for Z-angle

ShiftX Best fit for X-offset

ShiftY Best fit for Y-offset

ShiftZ Best fit for Z-offset

UpperTolAll Upper tolerance if this is the same for all tolerance


19.09.2005 14-117
Variables, Fields and Views in CAT1000S

14.3 Fields for CAT1000S

General Fields

Special Description

InfType Depending on the current type of data the result of "InfType" is

"CAT1000S" or "Tol".


Special Characters Description

CadX CAD point X

CadY CAD point Y

CadZ CAD point Z

DevStr Deviation string (e.g. -------|----**--Æ )

DevX Deviation X

DevY Deviation Y

DevZ Deviation Z

Deviation Deviation in space

Label Description

LowerTol Lower tolerance

MeasX Measured X point

MeasY Measured Y point

MeasZ Measured Z point

Memory Memory

Mode Measure mode

ProbeDiam Diameter of probe, of one point

TolLowerState Best fit for X-offset

TolState Best fit for Y-offset

TolUpperState Best fit for Z-offset

UpperTol Lower tolerance

14-118 19.09.2005
Variables, Fields and Views in CAT1000S

View for the output in a table

Special character for a


Comment1 1st Comment, which has been stored at View1

Comment2 2nd Comment, which has been stored at View1

Comment3 3rd Comment, which has been stored at View1

Histogram The current tolerance chart as a bitmap that is stored

when the command "Layout for protocol" is called up.

LowerTolAll Lower tolerance if this is the same for all tolerance


MaxDevBrd Max. deviation measure mode border

MaxDevBrdId ID of the point of which the deviation is max. (measure

mode border)

MaxDevDistTol Maximum deviation from all tolerated distances

MaxDevDistTolId Number of measurement point with maximum deviation

from all tolerated distances

MaxDevPosTol Maximum deviation from all tolerated positions

MaxDevPosTolId Number of measurement point with maximum deviation

from all tolerated positions

MaxDevSurf Max. deviation measure mode surface

MaxDevSurfId ID of the point of which the deviation is max. (measure

mode surface)

MeanDevBrd Min. deviation (measure mode border)

MeanDevDistTol Mean deviation from all tolerated distances

MeanDevPosTol Mean deviation from all tolerated positions

MeanDevSurf Mean deviation (measure mode surface)

MinDevBrd Mean deviation (measure mode border)

MinDevBrdId ID of the point of which the deviation is max.

MinDevDistTol Minimum deviation from all tolerated distances

MinDevDistTolId Number of measurement point with minimum deviation

from all tolerated distances

MinDevPosTol Minimum deviation from all tolerated positions

MinDevPosTolId Number of measurement point with minimum deviation

from all tolerated positions

MinDevSurf Min. deviation (surface)

MinDevSurfId ID of the corresponding point

19.09.2005 14-119
Variables, Fields and Views in CAT1000S

NoofPntsHidden Number of hidden points

NoofPntsMarked Number of marked points

NoofPntsShown Number of shown points

NoofPntsShownInTol Number of shown points in tolerance

NoofPntsTotal Total number of points

NoofPntsValid Number of valid points

Picture The current 3D-view as a picture that is stored when the

command "Layout for protocol" is called up.

ProbeDiamAll Diameter of probe, if the same for all points

RotateX Best fit for X-angle

RotateY Best fit for Y-angle

RotateZ Best fit for Z-angle

ShiftX Best fit for X-offset

ShiftY Best fit for Y-offset

ShiftZ Best fit for Z-offset

UpperTolAll Upper tolerance if this is the same for all tolerance


If you store a view,

 the image,

 the three comments and

 the statistical variables (e.g. MeanDey = mean deviation)

are stored in the flexible protocol.

14-120 19.09.2005
Variables, Fields and Views in CAT1000S

14.4 Variables and Views

The following statistical variables are stored at the time when the view is

Special character Description

MinDevPosTol Minimum deviation from all tolerated positions

MaxDevPosTol Maximum deviation from all tolerated positions

MeanDevPosTol Mean deviation from all tolerated positions

Number of measurement point with minimum deviation

MinDevPosTolId from all tolerated positions

Number of measurement point with maximum deviation

MaxDevPosTolId from all tolerated positions

NoofPntsTotal Total number of points

NoofPntsValid Number of valid points

NoofPntsHidden Number of hidden points

NoofPntsMarked Number of marked points

NoofPntsShown Number of shown points

NoofPntsShownInTol Number of shown points in tollerance

The current tolerance chart as a bitmap that is stored

Histogram when the view is stored.

MaxDevDistTol Maximum deviation from all tolerated distances

MeanDevDistTol Mean deviation from all tolerated distances

MinDevDistTol Minimum deviation from all tolerated distances

Number of measurement point with maximum deviation

MaxDevDistTolId from all tolerated distances

Number of measurement point with minimum deviation

MinDevDistTolId from all tolerated distances

Lower tolerance when this is the same for all tolerance

LowerTolAll comparisons

MaxDevBrd Maximum deviation measure mode border

ID of the point of which the deviation is max. (measure

MaxDevBrdId mode border)

MaxDevSurf Max. deviation measure mode surface

ID of the point of which the deviation is max. (measure

MaxDevSurfId mode surface)

MeanDevBrd Mean deviation (measure mode border)

19.09.2005 14-121
Variables, Fields and Views in CAT1000S

MeanDevSurf Mean deviation (measure mode surface)

MinDevBrd Mean deviation (measure mode border)

MinDevBrdId ID of the point of which the deviation is max.

MinDevSurf Minimum deviation surface

MinDevSurfId ID of the corresponding point

ProbeDiamAll Diameter of the probe, if the same for all points

RotateX Best fit for X-angle

RotateY Best fit for Y-angle

RotateZ Best fit for Z-angle

ShiftX" Best fit for X-offset

ShiftY Best fit for Y-offset

ShiftZ Best fit for Z-offset

Upper tolerance if this is the same for all tolerance

UpperTolAll comparisons

Lower tolerance if this is the same for all tolerance

LowerTolAll comparisons

The standard number of views is 20.
The function “ProtocolDesigner in CAT1000S” allows you to create a protocol
containing a view and the corresponding data on each page.

14-122 19.09.2005

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