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Calypso 15 DME-Interface

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Option 15
DME Interface

Operating Instructions
Read this first! • Please read these operating instructions before starting up the
coordinate measuring machine.
• For your own safety, please keep all relevant accompanying docu-
ments always ready at hand.

All rights pertaining to changes in the CMM and its options, the pro-
gram packages and the pertaining documents reserved.
This manual must not be circulated or copied, or its contents utilized
and disseminated, without our express written permission. Persons
misusing this manual are subject to prosecution.
All rights reserved, especially in cases of granting a patent or register-
ing a utility model.
This manual is subject to modification. All rights pertaining to changes
in the CMM and its options reserved.
All product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of the cor-
responding proprietors.

Carl Zeiss CALYPSO: Operating Instructions

Business Group Revision status: 4.10
Industrial Metrology Ltd. Date of issue: 07/09
D-73446 Oberkochen Order No.: 61212-2850402
The CALYPSO program consists of a base module and additional
options for special purposes. You can customize the scope of program
to fit your requirements.
These operating instructions describe an option of CALYPSO and are
based on the assumption that the user is familiar with the operating
instructions for the base module of CALYPSO.

NOTE The additional CALYPSO options are described in separate manuals.


Reference information about the windows and dialogs can be found

in the interactive reference in the CALYPSO Online Help.

Supplementary literature
Simply Measure – And what you should know to do it right,
A metrology primer
Carl Zeiss, Industrial Metrology Division,
Order No.: 612302-9002

Text conventions and symbols

Text conventions The following text conventions and symbols are used in this manual:

Example Description
Features Text element of the graphics screen display.
Comment The Comment button on the screen.
C:\windows\w.ini The w.ini file in the windows directory on the
C:\ drive.
For this section... A highlighted passage containing important
➤“Preface” on This is a cross reference. If you view this book
page -1 on the screen, you can jump to the specified
point by clicking the reference.
Plan → CNC-Start The CNC-Start command in the CNC-Start
→ CNC-Start submenu of the Run menu.
Ctrl-a Press the Ctrl key and the letter a simulta-

61212-2850402 Operating Instructions Preface

Symbols Three special icons are used in this book; they always contain impor-
tant information. The icons appear in the margin, beside the associ-
ated text.

! Danger!
Special care is necessary in this case. The warning triangle warns the
user about potential danger of injury.
Failure to comply with the warning could result in injury to the user.

! Important!
This symbol calls attention to a situation that could result in incorrect
measurements, disruptions in the measurement process, collisions or
damage to the equipment and the workpiece.

NOTE This symbol represents important and helpful additional information.


Preface 61212-2850402 Operating Instructions

Chapter 1 CALYPSO DME Interface
CALYPSO and the DME interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2
Compatibility of measurement plans up to V4.4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2

Using the DME interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4

System settings for DME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4
Connecting the CMM via DME and
approaching the home position . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-5
DME - Installing and qualifying a stylus system . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-6
DME - Prerequisites for the rotary table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7
DME - Temperature compensation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8
DME - Defining features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-10
DME - Defining characteristics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-11
Controlling a measurement via DME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-12

61212-2850402 Operating Instructions Contents 1

Contents 2 61212-2850402 Operating Instructions

1 CALYPSO DME Interface

The DME interface license enables CALYPSO to control the CMM via a
DME server, thus allowing to use CALYPSO on CMMs that are not
equipped with a Zeiss control unit.
These operating instructions assume that you are familiar with the use
of CALYPSO. They only describe special CALYPSO DME functions
which are different from the usual procedure.
Please bear in mind that the DME interface does not support all
CALYPSO functions.

This chapter contains:

CALYPSO and the DME interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2

Using the DME interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4

61212-2850402 CALYPSO Operating Instructions 1- 1


CALYPSO and the DME interface

CALYPSO is normally used to control Zeiss CMMs. You may, however,
also use CALYPSO for CMMs by other manufacturers if these machi-
nes support the DME interface. You will then use CALYPSO in the
“DME” mode.
In this case, CALYPSO is not directly connected to the CMM control,
but indirectly using a DME server.


DME server CMM

CALYPSO sends commands to the DME interface and receives infor-

mation in return. The actual control of the CMM is performed by the
DME server.

! Important!
Due to the specification of the DME interface, a number of known
CALYPSO functions are not available for the DME option.

Measurement plans based on a CALYPSO version from V4.6 are sui-

table for addressing the DME interface. For measurement plans crea-
ted using a version up to V4.4, you first have to establish

Compatibility of measurement plans up to

The DME interface requires that the styli are identified by their names.
Therefore, from CALYPSO 4.6, the name of each stylus is saved in the
measurement plan.
– Measurement plans created by CALYPSO from version 4.6 are thus
suitable for exchanging data with the DME interface.

1-2 61212-2850402 CALYPSO Operating Instructions

CALYPSO and the DME interface

– Measurement plans created by CALYPSO up to and including ver-

sion 4.4 are suitable for exchanging data with the DME interface
to only a limited extent.
In CALYPSO up to and including version 4.4, the styli of a stylus
system were identified by their number. The name of the stylus sys-
tem and the number of the stylus were stored in the measurement

Establishing compatibility of measurement plans up to

If you want to use older measurement plans up to and including ver-
sion 4.4 for the DME interface, you will first have to establish compa-
To establish compatibility:
1 Open the measurement plan with CALYPSO 4.6 (CNC or PLANNER
2 Make sure that the stylus configuration used for the measurement
plan is available in order to enable the program to find the names
corresponding to the numbers of the respective styli.
3 Save the measurement plan.
4 If the server supports Tool Collections (for CALYPSO: stylus sys-
tems): In the server, create Tool Collections with the names of the
stylus systems and therein the styli with the corresponding names.
5 If the server does not support Tool Collections: Select the stylus
system “Root” for the entire measurement plan and assign unique
names to all styli.
The measurement plan will then run with DME without any further

61212-2850402 CALYPSO Operating Instructions 1-3


Using the DME interface

When using CALYPSO with the DME interface, you can proceed in the
usual manner:
– You define the system settings
– You create and edit the measurement plan
– You start the measurement plan
– You evaluate the results
The particular aspects to consider are explained further below.

Not available functions

The following CALYPSO functions and options are not available with
the DME interface:
– Control consoles
– Stylus changers
– Stylus qualification
– RDS with CAA
– VAST Navigator
– Duplex mode
– AutoRun interface
– Curve measurement (option)
– Stylus simulation and stylus system library (option)
– FACS Automation (option)

System settings for DME

To enable CALYPSO to address the DME interface, the following must
be defined in the system settings:
– Select Extras → Workroom → Miscellaneous and activate the
“Calypso DME” license on the Licenses notebook page.
Once the “Calypso DME” license has been activated, the licenses
“Calypso CNC”, “Calypso MAN”, “CMM-OS” and “Planner” are
automatically deactivated.
When starting CALYPSO at a later stage, you will not need to redo
these settings.

1-4 61212-2850402 CALYPSO Operating Instructions

Using the DME interface

Connecting the CMM via DME and approaching the

home position
If you want to run the current measurement plan, use the list of prere-
quisites to approach the home position and to connect CALYPSO to
the CMM.
1 Select Extras → Workroom → CMM or click on the CMM Home
Position or Status button.
The DME Interface window will be opened instead of the CMM
Configuration window.

Henceforth, you will use this dialog box to control the connection
to the CMM via the DME server.
2 In the input field Connect CMM, enter the following parameters:

localhost if the DME server runs on the same

the name of the computer alternatively
in the network or its IP

3 Click the Connect CMM button.

The connection will be established. In the event of failure to estab-
lish a connection, the stop light will turn red after some seconds.
During the starting phase, the system checks if the home position
of the CMM is valid. If this is not the case, the home run must be

61212-2850402 CALYPSO Operating Instructions 1-5


As soon as the CMM is ready, the CMM Home Position or Sta-

tus button turns green again.
Moreover, during the starting phase, a list containing all available styli
is requested from the server.

DME - Installing and qualifying a stylus system

In CALYPSO-DME, you cannot define stylus systems and styli. The styli
must be named and qualified on the server side.

NOTE If the server supports “Tool Collections”, this means for CALYPSO that
you can use stylus systems and styli in the measurement plan. Other-
wise, you can only use one stylus system (“Root”) in CALYPSO and all
styli must be different.

CALYPSO does not receive information about the stylus systems and
the associated styli from the server. Styli are therefore treated diffe-
rently in CALYPSO-DME:
– The commands Manual stylus system change and Automatic
stylus system change are neither provided in the Resources
menu nor in the toolbar.
– Instead of the Probing system qualification window, the list of
styli provided by the server will be displayed.
– The same window is shown for Stylus system management:

1-6 61212-2850402 CALYPSO Operating Instructions

Using the DME interface

Updating styli The list of styli provided by the server contains all currently available
styli. Once you have created new styli, the list of the available styli
must be updated in CALYPSO under Stylus system management.
Qualifying styli In the Edit menu, you can activate the Qualify command. This is to
instruct the server to requalify the current stylus. The same method as
the one employed for the previous qualification will be used.
The path of each stylus shown under Stylus system, composed of
the names, will then be transferred to CALYPSO.

NOTE Those styli that are not part of a group, are assigned to the “Root”
stylus system. This applies to all styli if no groups are used.

By clicking on Stylus selection in the toolbar you can open the list of
styli associated with the current stylus system and have the desired
stylus inserted.
In the stylus management, click on one of the fields of the stylus to be
installed and click Select in the Edit menu.
You will be informed if the rotation of an RDS articulating head or a
movement to the stylus changer rack is required.

! Important!
CALYPSO cannot check whether a stylus has been qualified. Only
when using a non-qualified stylus for the measurement, an error mes-
sage will be generated and the CNC run will be aborted.

DME - Prerequisites for the rotary table

If you need the rotary table in your measurement plan, you will have
to activate it and have the rotary table axis qualified.
Activating the rotary You activate the rotary table in the DME Interface window by selec-
table ting File → Settings.
After closing and restarting the program, the icon for the rotary table
will appear in the prerequisites list and in the toolbar.

Qualifying the If CALYPSO is connected to a DME server, the latter will determine the
rotary table axis rotary table axis.
Therefore, the Load existing RT axis function is automatically selec-
ted in the Rotary Table dialog box and Measure RT axis cannot be
CALYPSO needs position and direction of the rotary table axis in the
following file:

61212-2850402 CALYPSO Operating Instructions 1-7


Therefore, please take the results of the axis qualification from the
DME server and manually enter them into the rotarytableaxis file.
Only then it will be possible to load the rotary table axis into CALYPSO
and to run a measurement plan with rotary table.

DME - Temperature compensation

The compensation of the thermal expansion of the X, Y and Z scales
and the correction of the thermal plate bending apply to the CMM
equipment and thus to the DME server.
The following functions of the temperature compensation CALYPSO
cannot be performed via the DME interface:
– Determination of the workpiece temperature by probing with a
temperature stylus
– Warning message if the difference between workpiece tempera-
ture and qualification temperature of the current stylus exceeds a
certain value
If you want to use the temperature compensation function in your
measurement plan, you will have to activate it in CALYPSO.
Activating temperature To activate the temperature compensation:
1 Click the Temperature Compensation button in the Prerequisi-

1-8 61212-2850402 CALYPSO Operating Instructions

Using the DME interface

2 Activate Temperature Compensation.

Measuring the workpi- To have the DME server measure and transfer the workpiece tempera-
ece temperature ture:
1 Select Extras → Workroom → CMM or click the CMM Home
Position or Status button.
The DME Interface window will be opened instead of the CMM
Configuration window.

61212-2850402 CALYPSO Operating Instructions 1-9


2 Select File → Settings.

3 Activate Read Workpiece Temperature.

4 If necessary, activate the display of a warning message in case the
temperature goes above or below an absolute value.
The temperature values are automatically loaded and updated by
the DME server.
If you deactivate Read Workpiece Temperature, the Temperature
Compensation window will appear when starting the CNC run in
order to allow you checking and, if necessary, modifying the values.

DME - Defining features

With CALYPSO-DME, you define the features in the usual manner.
In the following cases, the DME server will inform CALYPSO about
– when a probing action has been performed
– when an intermediate position has been programmed
– when the Terminate button has been pressed
– when the last probing point has been deleted
– when an error has occurred
In this way, you may also define features using the Automatic feature
recognition in CALYPSO-DME.
Undefined The following features cannot be integrated into the measurement
features plan for CALYPSO-DME:

1-10 61212-2850402 CALYPSO Operating Instructions

Using the DME interface

– The features Curve (2D curve) and 3D curve.

The CNC Curve Measuring Software option is not available for
– The additional feature Turbine Blade.
– The additional features HOLOS and GEAR.
These features require direct connection to the CMM control unit.

Defining a measurement strategy

Special aspects of the measurement strategy definition:
– The “self-centering probing” strategy for discrete points is not
implemented in CALYPSO-DME.
– The “automatic stylus search” function cannot be performed in

Path generation
When measuring form lines or a circle segment with several lines, the
stylus automatically scans around the feature to ensure reaching from
the end point of one line to the starting point of the next one.
Some of the path generation methods have restrictions:
– On the plane, the “Polyline” path generation method is composed
of the scanning of individual lines and circle segments. This is why
the stylus is lifted at the end of each of these segments and lowe-
red again at the beginning of the next one.
– With the “Grid” path generation method for the plane, meander-
shaped measurement is not possible.
The following path generation methods are not available:
– Unknown contour
– Circle macro
– Sphere macro
– Sphere position definition

DME - Defining characteristics

The following characteristics and related features are not available in
– The Stylus system qualification utility
Stylus data cannot be changed by CALYPSO-DME.
– The gage correction qualification
The bending parameters of a stylus cannot be stored.

61212-2850402 CALYPSO Operating Instructions 1-11


Controlling a measurement via DME

DME Interface During the execution of a measurement plan, the DME Interface
replaces the known CALYPSO stop light window. This allows indirect
controlling of the CNC run via the DME server. The DME interface
function is similar to the CALYPSO stop light function.

The stop light indicates the current connection status.

Display of The coordinates shown in the DME Interface refer to the current
coordinates base alignment. If you have defined this in the Settings, the display
of the coordinates will be continuously updated.

Starting a measurement via the DME interface

Cancel Run To cancel the CNC run, click the button with the red stop light.
The DME server cancels execution of all running and outstanding
Resetting error status Restarting a measurement plan will only be possible after clicking
before continuing Continue to switch the stop light to green. This will reset the error
status in the DME server, thus enabling the latter to execute com-
Automatic cancelation If the server sends an error message during the CNC run, the proce-
dure will automatically be canceled.

1-12 61212-2850402 CALYPSO Operating Instructions

C using 1-4
not for DME 1-11 F
Connecting CMM Features
via DME 1-5 with DME 1-10
Controlling a measurement
via DME 1-12
Rotary table
D preparing for DME 1-7
DME Interface
basics 1-2
connecting CMM 1-5
controlling a measurement 1-12 Stylus system
features 1-10 for DME 1-6
measurement plans up to 4.4 1-2 Symbols Preface-2
not available characteristics 1-11
not available functions 1-4 T
preparing the rotary table 1-7 Temperature compensation
stylus system 1-6 DME 1-8
system settings 1-4 Text conventions Preface-1
temperature compensation 1-8

61212-2850402 Operating Instructions Index 1

Index 2 61212-2850402 Operating Instructions

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