Carpeta Produce Written Texts
Carpeta Produce Written Texts
Carpeta Produce Written Texts
I.2.NIVEL : Secundaria
I.3.GRADO Y SECCIÓN : 4to - __B_
I.4.ÁREA : Inglés
I.5.COMPETENCIA : Produce written texts
I.6.PROFESOR : José Luis Morales Alegría
I.7.FECHA DE ENTREGA: Primera semana de marzo 2021.
“A letter of complaint”
Debe haber una compresión del propósito de aprendizaje de la que se espera que él o ella
aprendan. ¿Qué es lo que se quiere lograr con el desarrollo de estas actividades?
Tiene que comprender el propósito.
“A letter of complaint”
Before reading
Do the preparation task first. Then read the text and tips and do the exercises.
Vocabulary Definition
1. Focus on the most important facts. Don’t give unnecessary background information.
2. Make sure you include:
• the reason for writing (e.g. I am writing to ...)
• what went wrong
• what you would like to happen now.
3. Complaint letters are usually written in a formal style.
4. Use passives to be less direct and more formal, e.g. I was served quickly.
5. Use Yours faithfully to sign off if you don’t know the name of the person you’re
writing to.
Activity 02: Task 2
Match the sentences (1–6) with the parts of the email (a–f).
1. …… Yours faithfully, -f
2. …… I have been a regular customer of your shop for many years. -c
3. …… I would like a refund of the difference as soon as possible. -e
4. …… Dear Sir/Madam, -a
5. …… I am writing to express my dissatisfaction at the service I received .-b
6. …… After leaving your shop today, I realised I had been charged £100 instead of
£10. -d
Rewrite these sentences using the passive to avoid saying the pharmacist.
Have you ever made a complaint? What happened?
Yes. I had recently bought a new video card for my computer and I waited for 2 weeks
for it to arrive at my house, but when it arrived I realized that I had been scammed so I
had to contact the company to ask for a refund and refund of the product and it was not
easy because it was a product of international shipping. Finally after 1 week of contact I
was able to return the product and receive my refundVII. ACTIVIDADES DE
Se presentan los siguientes ítems los cuales deberás leer y luego, marcar la alternativa
que consideres.
“This can be proved the capacity of the human brain is the likely
more efficient system than internet material”.
Escribe un ensayo
¿Qué te propone aprender esta ficha?
¿Qué estrategias, recursos, materiales
necesitarás para lograrlo?
Information will soon be so easy to find on the internet that people will not need to
remember anything. Do you agree?
Tick the four ideas that are most relevant to this question.
Information will soon be so easy to find on the internet that people will not need
to remember anything. Do you agree?
Nowadays all the information we could ever need is available online and some people
say that means the end of having to learn anything.
It is true that these days everything you want to know is a few clicks away as long as
you have internet access. However, not everyone has working internet all the time, for
example in certain buildings or remote locations, so we do need to be able to remember
information. Moreover, it takes time to look up everything you need to know online,
whereas remembering something is immediate. The human memory is a much more
efficient system.
Another problem is the quality of the information online. How do we know if it is
accurate or reliable? We need to think about other facts we know and remember how to
compare information from different websites. Knowing (and remembering) how to find
certain information will be more important than knowing the information itself.
Finally, the internet is a good tool but it is not a useful replacement for our brains. If we
did not remember anything, we would all spend even more time on our phones and
computers than we already do, which is not good for society.
In conclusion, the internet offers us many things but it is still important to use our
knowledge and memories. We need our memories to function without the internet and
we also need to know how to use the internet properly.
1. Read the question carefully. Respond to all ideas in it or all parts of it.
2. Plan your ideas first and then choose the best ones.
3. Introduce your essay by restating the question in your own words.
4. Show understanding of both sides of the argument.
5. Use linking words to connect your ideas.
6. Draw your conclusion from the main ideas in your essay. Don’t introduce new ideas
at the end.
_____2__ Main point – the advantages of using memory over searching online
____3___ Main point – the difficulty of finding good quality information online
Activity 03: Task 2
1. Nowadays, people are living longer and staying active until later in their lives.
2. Most people agree that living longer is a good thing. However, an ageing
population presents some challenges for society.
3. In the past, people lived on average 14 years past retirement age, whereas now
they can expect to live 30.
4. People’s retirement savings have to last longer. more , there may be little or no
support available from a state pension.
5. On the other hand, many companies can benefit from the experience and
expertise of older workers. What’s Moreover, many retired people say they
enjoy working occasionally on one-off projects.
6. As well as contributing to the workplace, older members of society can spend
valuable time with their children and grandchildren.
7. Finally, caring for the elderly is also an issue. Financial and practical support
should be available to help people look after their loved ones.
8. In conclusion, living longer can bring many opportunities but also some
challenges. People need to plan for the future and the government should
provide financial and practical support for people’s retirement and medical care.
What do you think about the question? Would it be better or worse if we never learned
anything and just used the internet instead?
I think that we should not depend on technology to remember and learn everything we
know because a large part of the population does not have access to good quality
internet to search for any type of information on their computer and if at some point If
we were to be in some kind of situation in which we could not have access to
technology / internet, we would enter a state of panic and ignorance.
In conclusion, I am not in favor of depending 100% on technology to remember all our
knowledge due to the different problems that we could encounter and the lack of
expansion of coverage and knowledge to certain areas.
Se presentan los siguientes ítems los cuales deberás leer y luego, marcar la alternativa
que consideres.