SLG Eng1 23.1
SLG Eng1 23.1
SLG Eng1 23.1
Target 1 minute
Hook 2 minutes
Ignite 10 minutes
Navigate 16 minutes
Knot 1 minute
English 1 | Page 1 of 6
By the end of this module, the learner should be able to:
ü Develop a descriptive essay using appropriate sensory details.
Each of us has a story to tell. When we tell our stories, we share a picture of something or someone.
It is one way of communicating. Sharing our stories is making our thoughts and ideas come to life.
In writing, one way of making our thoughts come alive is to write a description. The ultimate goal in
descriptive writing is to make the reader have a clear picture of the thing or person you are describing.
There are many ways to describe. In this module, we are going to study how to use sensory details
in describing.
Have you observed that these days, online shops are sprouting left and right? We cannot go out of
our houses safely like we used to, so budding entrepreneurs made the best of the situation and started
selling things online. You can easily buy anything online from food to clothes. Your descriptive
writing skills might just be the key for you to become a successful online seller!
For this module, we are going to emphasize the importance of one medium of communication arts:
descriptive writing.
We have discussed earlier the value of using sensory details in writing a description. These details
will help you whether you are writing something short like a paragraph or something longer like an
essay. Remember, an essay is composed of paragraphs and it is best to keep in mind that details are
needed even when you are writing something short like a paragraph.
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Writing a descriptive essay follows the basic steps of essay writing. To review, here are the basic
1. Pre-Writing
This is where you identify your audience and purpose, gather ideas by brainstorming,
mapping/clustering, free writing, etc. You also need to arrange your ideas in a logical
manner and you may drop some of your ideas if necessary. A preliminary outline is very
helpful in this stage.
2. Drafting
This is the part where you start writing your sentences and paragraphs based on your thesis
statement and outline.
3. Revising
This is the part where you focus on improving what you have written. Check if your draft
is organized and easy to follow. Check for unity by making sure that your paragraphs
support your thesis statements. You also need to make sure that your thesis statement is
effective and you have a good introduction and conclusion.
4. Editing/Proofreading
This is the part where you can further improve your essay by checking on grammar and
5. Publishing
This part means that your teacher might ask you to present your work to the class. It
depends on what the teacher will require in this final stage of essay writing.
NOTE: If you are writing a descriptive essay, make sure you have added details for clarity and
vividness. It is also important that you use sensory words to make your description come alive for
your readers.
Below is a checklist that will help you with your descriptive essay.
Use this checklist to see if you did all things necessary for a good descriptive essay.
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4. Used transitional words, such as next, then, afterward, therefore, however, etc.
5. Made the essay more descriptive by using the senses, describing how things
looked, sounded, smelled, felt, and tasted.
• Below are examples of how sensory details are used in description:
Adobo Taste the pork and spices, smell the aroma, see the dark color
A day at the mall Hear the voice of the people, see the variety of goods for sale, smell the
coffee from the coffee shops
- Silver moon peeping behind grey clouds
- Twinkling lights adorning a green Christmas tree
- Speeding car screeching to a halt
- High-pitched wailing of a hungry toddler
- The musty smell of an abandoned house
- The yeasty smell of baking pandesal
- The rough cement making my knees bleed
- Icy cold first sip of milk tea
- sweet taste of leche flan
- sour sinigang
When you incorporate the phrases above or use similar sensory details, your reader will almost see,
hear, smell, touch, and taste what you are describing.
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Instructions: Read the sentences below and make them more interesting and attention grabbing to
your readers. The first sentence is done for you. (10 points)
The cat is cute. My neighbor’s kitten has green eyes, silky fur, and a pink nose.
8. She is pretty.
• Just like any other types of essay, descriptive writing follows the basic process of pre-writing,
drafting, revising, editing/proofreading, and publishing if required.
• In a descriptive essay, the goal is to tell a clear and vivid picture in the readers’ mind of what
the writer describes. It can be an object, a person, an event, etc.
• Whatever is the subject of the description, the use of words that relate to the five senses is
important. These sensory details used together with transitions, and logical organization of
ideas can help convey to your reader a clear image of the story you are telling.
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4. Grab-and-Go Writing Activity: Writing More Descriptive, Specific Sentences (n.d.)
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