HW 11 Solutions: 3rd May 2019 at 11:11am

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HW 11 Solutions

3rd May 2019 at 11:11am


Prove that the polynomial x4 + 3x + 3 is irreducible polynomial over the field Q[ 3 2 ]. (Hint: Use multiplicative
property of degree. In class, we proved x3 − 2 is irreducible in Q[ 2 ]. Similar argument also works here.)


Let α be a root of x4 + 3x + 3 in C. Consider the diamond of field extensions:

Q(α, 3 2 )
╱ ╲
Q(α) Q( 3 2 )
╲4 ╱3

The polynomials x3 − 2 and x4 + 3x + 3 are irreducible over Q by Eisenstein's criterion, so

[Q(α) : Q] = 4, [Q( 2 )] = 3.

These two numbers divide [Q(α,

2 ) : Q], and so [Q(α, 3 2 ) : Q] ≥ 12.

On the other hand, the minimal polynomial (aka irreducible polynomial) of α over Q(
2 ) divides x4 + 3x + 3
and so has degree ≤ 4. Therefore

[Q(α, 3 2 ) : Q] = [Q(α, 3 2 ) : Q( 3 2 )][Q(α, 3 2 ) : Q] ≤ 3 ⋅ 4 = 12.

[Q(α, 2 ) : Q] = 12

and therefore

[Q(α, 3 2 ) : Q( 3 2 )] = 4.

So x4 + 3x + 3 is irreducible over the field Q( 3 2 ).


Determine the irreducible polynomial for α = 3+ 5 over the following fields. (You need to prove why they
are the irreducible polynomials)

1. Q
2. Q( 15 )
3. Q( 2 )
(Hint: try to use ± 3± 5 as the roots of the polynomial to find some polynomial over Q. Use the tower of
the field extension to find [Q( 3 , 5 ) : Q( 15 )] and [Q( 3 + 5 , 2 ) : Q( 2 )].
3 3

Solution. Let β = 3− 5.

First, the polynomial (x − α)(x + α)(x − β)(x + β) = x4 − 16x2 + 4 is irreducible over F5 , and so is
irreducible over Z and hence over Q. This is therefore the irreducible polynomial of α over Q.

Next, [Q( 15 ) : Q] = 2 so [Q(α) : Q( 15 )] = 2. Since

(x − α)(x + α) = x2 − (8 + 2 15 ) ∈ Q( 15 )[x]

is of degree 2 and has root α, it is the irreducible polynomial of α over Q( 15 ).

Finally, by the same reasoning as the solution to Problem 1, we see that [Q(α,
2 ) : Q( 3 2 )] = 4, and so
x4 − 16x2 + 4 is the irreducible polynomial of α over Q( 3 2 ).


Prove that any quadratic extension of R is isomorphic to C.


Let F be a quadratic extension of R. Pick α

∈ F − R. Then F ⊇ R[α] ⊋ R so since [F : R] = 2, we have
F = R[α] and so the minimal polynomial of α over R has the form f (x) = x2 + bx + c ∈ R[x]. Then we
have isomorphisms:

F = R[α] ≅ ≅ C.
(f (x))
The two isomorphisms above come from applying the first isomorphism theorem to the two evaluation maps

R[x] → R[α] ⊂F R[x] → C

, −b+ b2 −4c
x ↦ α x ↦ 2


Prove that the characteristic of a field F is either 0 or a prime number. If it is a prime number p, show that the
map ϕ : x ↦ xp gives an injective ring homomorphism from F to itself.


The n be the characteristic of a field F , i.e. the least nonnegative integer which generates the kernel of the map
Z → F : m ↦ nm. By the first isomorphism theorem, this induces an injective ring homomorphism

Z/nZ ↪ F .
Now F is an integral domain, so Z/nZ is also an integral domain, so n is zero or a prime number.
The map ϕ is clearly multiplicative and sends 1 to 1. It is also additive, since ( i ) ≡ 0 (mod p) for i =
1, ..., p − 1 proves that

(x + y)p = xp + ( )xp−1 y + ( )xp−1 y + ⋯ + ( )xy p−1 + y p = xp + y p  in Fp .

p p p
1 1 p−1

Finally ker ϕ is an ideal of F not containing 1. Since F is a field, its only ideals are F and 0, and so ker ϕ = 0,
so ϕ injects.

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