1. Introduction
For a general field F there is no simple way to determine if an arbitrary polynomial
in F [T ] is irreducible. Here we will focus on the case F = Q and describe two useful
irreducibility tests in Q[T ] for monic polynomials in Z[T ]. Let
f (T ) = T n + an−1 T n−1 + · · · + a1 T + a0 ∈ Z[T ].
The two tests are
• Reduction mod p: for a prime p, reducing coefficients of f (T ) modulo p leads to
f (T ) = T n + an−1 T n−1 + · · · + a0 ∈ (Z/pZ)[T ].
If f (T ) is irreducible in (Z/pZ)[T ] for some p, then f is irreducible in Q[T ].
• Eisenstein criterion: call f (T ) Eisenstein at p if p | ai for all i and p2 - a0 . If f is
Eisenstein for some p, then f is irreducible in Q[T ].
These tests each depend on a choice of a prime number, but they use the prime number
in different ways.
Example 1.1. The polynomial T 3 + T + 1 is irreducible in (Z/2Z)[T ], so every monic cubic
in Z[T ] that reduces modulo 2 to T 3 +T +1 is irreducible in Q[T ], such as T 3 −4T 2 +3T +1.
Example 1.2. The polynomial T 6 + T + 1 is irreducible in Q[T ] because it is irreducible
in (Z/2Z)[T ]. To show irreducibility in (Z/2Z)[T ], we just have to check it is not divisible
by any irreducibles of degree 1, 2, or 3 in (Z/2Z)[T ]: there are two irreducibles of degree 1
(T and T + 1), one irreducible of degree 2 (T 2 + T + 1), and two irreducibles of degree 3
(T 3 + T + 1 and T 3 + T 2 + 1). This leaves us with a finite amount of computation, which
you should go through yourself.
Example 1.3. Let f (T ) = T 3 − 2. Then
f (T ) ≡ T 3 mod 2,
f (T ) ≡ T 3 + 1 mod 3
≡ (T + 1)(T 2 − T + 1) mod 3,
f (T ) ≡ (T − 3)(T 2 + 3T + 9) mod 5,
so f is reducible mod p for p = 2, 3, 5. However f (T ) mod 7 is irreducible since f mod 7 has
degree 3 in (Z/7Z)[T ] and has no root in Z/7Z: that is a finite check since Z/7Z is finite.
By the reduction mod p test at p = 7, T 3 − 2 is irreducible in Q[T ].
Remark 1.4. There are monic polynomials in Z[T ] that are irreducible in Q[T ] but are
reducible mod p for all p, e.g., T 4 − 10T 2 + 1. So the reduction mod p test does not always
2. Gauss’ Lemma
To prove the reduction mod p test and the Eisenstein criterion, we will prove the poly-
nomial in each test can’t be decomposed into lower-degree factors in Z[T ]. How come that
implies irreducibility in Q[T ]? For comparison, T 2 + 1 is irreducible in R[T ] but if we
enlarge R to C then T 2 + 1 = (T + i)(T − i) in C[T ] and the polynomial becomes reducible.
Passing from Z[T ] to Q[T ] never turns irreducibility into reducibility. This is traditionally
called Gauss’ lemma.
Theorem 2.1 (Gauss). If f (T ) ∈ Z[T ] is monic and f (T ) = g(T )h(T ) in Q[T ] where
deg g < deg f and deg h < deg f then we can write f (T ) = g1 (T )h1 (T ) in Z[T ], where g1 (T )
and h1 (T ) are scalar multiples of g(T ) and h(T ), respectively; in particular, deg g1 (T ) =
deg g(T ) < deg f (T ) and deg h1 (T ) = deg h(T ) < deg f (T ).
Therefore if a monic polynomial in Z[T ] can’t be written as a product of lower-degree
polynomials in Z[T ], it is irreducible in Q[T ].
As an example, T 2 − 1 in Q[T ] is ((4/3)T − 4/3)((3/4)T + 3/4), having linear factors,
and in Z[T ] it is (T + 1)(T − 1), also having linear factors.
Proof. Step 1: Use common denominators to factor a scalar multiple of f (T ) in Z[T ].
Let d and e be common denominators of the coefficients of g(T ) and h(T ), respectively,
so g(T ) = g0 (T )/d and h(T ) = h0 (T )/e where g0 (T ) and h0 (T ) are both in Z[T ]. Thus
g0 (T ) h0 (T )
f (T ) = g(T )h(T ) = =⇒ def (T ) = g0 (T )h0 (T ).
d e
This last equation takes place in Z[T ].
Step 2: Use greatest common divisors to get factors of f (T ) whose coefficients are
relatively prime.
Factor out the greatest common divisor of the coefficients of g0 (T ) and of the coefficients
of h0 (T ): g0 (T ) = ag1 (T ) and h0 (T ) = bh1 (T ) where a, b ∈ Z+ , the coefficients of g1 (T )
are relatively prime, and the coefficients of h1 (T ) are relatively prime. Then
(2.1) def (T ) = g0 (T )h0 (T ) = abg1 (T )h1 (T ).
Step 3: Obtain a factorization of f (T ) in Z[T ].
We will show de = ab, so canceling this (nonzero) factor from both sides gives us f (T ) =
g1 (T )h1 (T ) in Z[T ] where g1 (T ) = g0 (T )/a = (d/a)g(T ) and h1 (T ) = h0 (T )/b = (e/b)h(T )
are scalar multiples of g(T ) and h(T ).
Since f (T ) is monic, looking at the leading coefficient on both sides of (2.1) we get
de = ab(lead g1 )(lead h1 ) in Z,
3. Reduction mod p
Theorem 3.1. If f (T ) ∈ Z[T ] is monic and there is a prime p such that f (T ) is irreducible
in (Z/pZ)[T ] then f (T ) is irreducible in Q[T ].
Proof. By Gauss’ lemma, to prove f (T ) is irreducible in Q[T ] it suffices to show we can’t
write f (T ) as a product of lower-degree factors in Z[T ].
Assume f = gh for some g, h ∈ Z[T ] with deg g < deg f and deg h < deg f . We will get
a contradiction from this.
Looking at the leading coefficients on both sides of f = gh we have 1 = (lead g)(lead h) in
Z, so g and h both have leading coefficient 1 or both have leading coefficient −1. Therefore,
after changing the signs on g and h if necessary, we can assume g and h are both monic in
Z[T ]. Reduction mod p is a ring homomorphism Z[T ] → (Z/pZ)[T ], so it turns the equation
f = gh in Z[T ] into f = gh in (Z/pZ)[T ]. Since f is irreducible, one of g or h has degree 0
and the other has degree equal to that of f . Because f , g and h are all monic,
deg f = deg f,
deg g = deg g,
deg h = deg h.
Therefore one of g or h has degree equal to the degree of f , but this contradicts g and h
both having degree less than deg f .
so p | ai for all i and p2 - a0 . Passing from Z[T ] to (Z/pZ)[T ] by reduction mod p, the
equation f = gh implies f = gh in (Z/pZ)[T ], so T n = gh in (Z/pZ)[T ], and g and h are
monic since g and h are monic. Since T is irreducible in (Z/pZ)[T ], unique factorization in
(Z/pZ)[T ] tells us the only monic factors of T n in (Z/pZ)[T ] are powers of T , so g = T r
and h = T s where
r = deg g = deg g > 0 and s = deg h = deg h > 0.
Saying g = T r and h = T s means g and h have all of their non-leading coefficients divisible
by p. So from r, s > 0 we see g(0) and h(0) are divisible by p. Thus
a0 = f (0) = g(0)h(0) ≡ 0 mod p2 ,
which is a contradiction of the Eisenstein condition.
Remark 4.2. The reduction mod p test and the Eisenstein criterion can be extended to
cover f (T ) in Z[T ] that are not necessarily monic by adding the condition that the leading
coefficient of f (T ) is not divisible by the prime being used (automatic if f (T ) is monic).
(i) (Reduction mod p) If f (T ) has leading coefficient not divisible by a prime p and
f (T ) is irreducible in (Z/pZ)[T ] then f (T ) is irreducible in Q[T ]. For example,
5T 4 − T + 4 is irreducible in Q[T ] since it is irreducible mod 3 (even though the
reduction mod 3 is not monic).
(ii) (Eisenstein) Call a non-constant f (T ) in Z[T ] Eisenstein at a prime p if its leading
coefficient is not divisible by p, all lower-degree coefficients are divisible by p, and the
constant term is not divisible by p2 . For example, 3T 4 −10T 2 +15 is Eisenstein at 5.
The Eisenstein criterion says that every nonconstant polynomial that is Eisenstein
at some prime is irreducible in Q[T ].
The proofs above can be modified to apply to non-monic f (T ) by first proving a version
of Gauss’ lemma that applies to non-monic polynomials in Z[T ]. See the appendix.
Theorem 5.1, like the reduction mod p test and Eisenstein criterion, it is not always
directly applicable to prove irreducbility. For example, T 2 + T + 4 is irreducible but takes
only even values when T runs over the integers and is never ±2. There is a conjecture, due to
Bunyakovsky, that describes when a polynomial in Z[T ] should take prime values infinitely
often, and a change of variables can convert any irreducible polynomial to a form where
Bunyakovsky’s conjecture is expected to apply (see the end of [1]). However, Theorem 5.1
appears to be limited to proving irreducibility of individual polynomials rather than families
of polynomials such as T n − 2 as n varies, which can be treated by the Eisenstein criterion.
Proof. We mimic the proof of Theorem 2.1. The reasoning in that proof leading to (2.1) did
not rely on f (T ) being monic so it carries over. Let’s review the argument again: extracting
a common denominator in g(T ) and h(T ) lets us write g(T ) = g0 (T )/d and h(T ) = h0 (T )/e
where g0 (T ) and h0 (T ) are in Z[T ] and d and e are in Z+ , so
def (T ) = g0 (T )h0 (T )
in Z[T ]. Factoring out the greatest common divisor of the coefficients of g0 (T ) and of h0 (T )
lets us write g0 (T ) = ag1 (T ) and h0 (T ) = bh1 (T ), where a, b ∈ Z+ and g1 (T ) and h1 (T ) are
primitive in Z[T ]. Thus we get an analogue of (2.1):
(A.1) def (T ) = g0 (T )h0 (T ) = abg1 (T )h1 (T ).
where g1 (T ) = (d/a)g(T ) and h1 (T ) = (e/b)h(T ). From (A.1) we want to show de = ab, so
f (T ) = g1 (T )h1 (T ).
Write f (T ) = an T n + an−1 T n−1 + · · · + a1 T + a0 , so gcd(a0 , a1 , . . . , an ) = 1 by hypothesis.
In (A.1) the coefficients on the left side are deai for i = 0, . . . , n while the coefficients on
the right side are all multiples of ab. Therefore ab | deai for 0 ≤ i ≤ n, so ab is a factor of
gcd(dea0 , dea1 , . . . , dean ) = de gcd(a0 , a1 , . . . , an ) = de.
Set c = de/ab, so c ∈ Z+ and (A.1) implies
(A.2) cf (T ) = g1 (T )h1 (T ),
which looks just like (2.2). The rest of the proof of Theorem 2.1 after (2.2) can be repeated
here to prove c = 1, since all it depends on is g1 (T ) and h1 (T ) being primitive (no prime
number divides all the coefficients of g1 (T ) or of h1 (T )). Details are left to the reader. Thus
f (T ) = g1 (T )h1 (T ) in Z[T ] with g1 (T ) a scalar multiple of g(T ) and h1 (T ) a scalar multiple
of h(T ).
Here is the reduction mod p test with an assumption of the polynomial being monic
replaced by the weaker assumption that it is primitive.
Theorem A.3. If f (T ) ∈ Z[T ] is primitive and there is a prime p not dividing the leading
coefficient of f (T ) such that f (T ) is irreducible in (Z/pZ)[T ] then f (T ) is irreducible in
Q[T ].
Proof. The proof of Theorem 3.1 will carry over with a little more attention to the leading
It suffices by Theorem A.2 to prove f (T ) is not a product of lower-degree factors in Z[T ]
in order to know it is not such a product in Q[T ]. Assume f = gh for g, h ∈ Z[T ] with
deg g < deg f and deg h < deg f . Looking at the leading coefficients on both sides of f = gh
we have lead f = (lead g)(lead h) in Z, so the leading coefficients of g(T ) and h(T ) are not
divisible by p. Therefore the degrees of f , g and h don’t drop after reduction mod p:
deg f = deg f,
deg g = deg g,
deg h = deg h.
From f = gh in Z[T ] we have f = gh in (Z/pZ)[T ], and f being irreducible implies g or h
has degree 0 and the other has degree equal to that of f , which means g or h has degree
equal to that of f . That is a contradiction, just as in the proof of Theorem 3.1.
Next we present the Eisenstein criterion without assuming the polynomial is monic. Call
f (T ) = an T n + an−1 T n−1 + · · · + a1 T + a0 ∈ Z[T ]
an Eisenstein polynomial at a prime p if p - an , p | ai for i = 0, . . . , n − 1, and p2 - a0 .
The new condition here that we did not need to be explicit about in the monic case is that
p - an . For monic polynomials that condition is automatically satisfied when an = 1.
Theorem A.4. If f (T ) ∈ Z[T ] is primitive and Eisenstein at a prime p then f (T ) is
irreducible in Q[T ].
Proof. Since f (T ) is primitive, it suffices to assume f = gh for g, h ∈ Z[T ] with deg g < deg f
and deg h < deg f and get a contradiction. From the equation f = gh the leading coefficients
of g and h are not divisible by p, so f , g, and h in Z[T ] have the same respective degrees
as f , g, and h in (Z/pZ)[T ].
Reducing both sides of f = gh modulo p, we get an T n = gh in (Z/pZ)[T ]. By unique
factorization in (Z/pZ)[T ], g = bT r and h = cT s for some nonzero constants b and c in
Z/pZ and nonnegative integers r and s. Then
r = deg g = deg g > 0 and s = deg h = deg h > 0.
Therefore g(T ) and h(T ) both have constant term 0, so g(0) and h(0) vanish in Z/pZ. Thus
g(0) and h(0) are multiples of p (this is the same reasoning as in the proof of Theorem 4.1),
a0 = f (0) = g(0)h(0) ≡ 0 mod p2 ,
which contradicts the Eisenstein property of f (T ).
All of these results carry over to F [X, Y ] as irreducibility tests for polynomials that are
primitive in X (meaning the coefficients in F [Y ] have constant gcd). Formulations of the
results and their proofs are left to the reader. We give one example.
Example A.5. For n ≥ 2 the polynomial Y X n +(Y +1)X +Y 2 −1 in C[X, Y ] is irreducible
because it is primitive as a polynomial in X (the X-coefficients Y , Y + 1, and Y 2 − 1 are
collectively relatively prime in C[Y ]) and Eisenstein at Y + 1: the leading power of X is
not divisible by Y + 1, all other coefficients are, and the constant term is divisible by Y + 1
but not (Y + 1)2 .
[1] K. S. Brown, Irreducibility Criteria, http://www.mathpages.com/home/kmath406.htm.
[2] Y-G. Chen, G. Kun, G. Pete, I. Z. Ruzsa, and Á. Timár, ”Prime values of reducible polynomials, II,”
Acta Arith., 104 (2002), 117–127