NBR 6118 Design of Structural Concrete - Procedure

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ABNT NBR 6118:2003



First Edition:

Reviewed Version:

Valid from 03.30.2004


Design of Structural Concrete – Procedure

Key words: Design, Structural, Plain Concrete, Reinforced Concrete, and Prestressed Concrete.

ICS 91.080.40

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ABNT NBR 6118:2003

 ABNT 2004
All rights reserved. Unless specified in any other way, no parts of this publication
can be copied or used on any situation or by any means, electronic or mechanic,
including photocopy and microfilm, without the written permission by ABNT.

ABNT site
13, Treze de Maio Ave. – 28th floor
Rio de Janeiro – RJ

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ABNT NBR 6118:2003

Zip Code: 20003-900

Phone number: + 55 21 3974-2300
Fax number: + 55 21 2220-1762
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Printed in Brazil

Summary Page

Preface………………………………………………………………………………….. 5
Introduction……………………………………………………………………………… 5
1 Objective……………………………………………………………………………… 6
2 Normative References………………………………………………………………. 6
3 Definitions…………………………………………………………………………….. 9
4 Symbology……………………………………………………………………………. 11
5 General requirements of the structure quality and evaluation of the conformity 18
of the design…………………………………………………………………………….
6 Guidelines for the Durability of the concrete structures…………………………. 20
7 Design Criteria that aim the durability……………………………………………… 22
8 Material Properties…………………………………………………………………… 26
9 Combined Behaviors of the Materials……………………………………………... 37
10 Safety and Limit States……………………………………………………………. 64
11 Actions……………………………………………………………………………….. 65
12 Resistances…………………………………………………………………………. 79
13 Limit for Dimensions, displacements, and fissure openings…………………… 83
14 Structural Analyses………………………………………………………………… 91
15 Instability and Effects of 2º Order………………………………………………… 109
16 General Principles of Dimensioning, Verification and Detailing…..…………… 124
17 Dimensioning and Verification of Linear Elements……………………………... 127
18 Detailing of Linear Elements………………………………………………………. 158
19 Dimensioning and Verification of Slabs………………………………………….. 170
20 Detailing of Slabs…………………………………………………………………… 186
21 Special Regions…………………………………………………………………….. 190
22 Special Elements…………………………………………………………………… 196
23 Dynamic Actions and Fatigue……………………………………………………... 207
24 Plain concrete………………………………………………………………………. 215
25 Interface of the design with the construction, use and maintenance…………. 224

A Time Effect in the structural concrete……………………………………………… 225
B General Index………………………………………………………………………… 237
C Index of Figures and Tables……………………………………………………….. 244
D Remissive Index……………………………………………………………………... 248

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ABNT NBR 6118:2003


The ABNT – Brazilian Association of Standard Specifications (Associação Brasileira de Normas

Técnicas) – is the National Foro of Normalizing. The Brazilian Standard Specifications, whose
content is the responsibility of the Brazilian Committees (ABNT / CB) and of the Setorial
Normalizing Body (ABNT / ONS), are elaborated by Study Commissions (CE), formed by
representatives of all sections involved, such as, producers, consumers, and neutrals (universities,
laboratories, and others).

The ABNT NBR 6118 was elaborated on the Brazilian Committee of Civil Construction (ABNT / CB-
02), by the Structural Study Commission of Plain Concrete, Reinforced Concrete and Prestressed
Concrete (CE-02: 124.15). The Reviewed Design went through Public Consulting, according to the
Special Edict from 08/31/2001, with the Design number NBR 6118.

This Standard Specification contains the attached A, B, C and D, of informative nature.

Because of the change of scope of this Standard Specification in relation to the original document
(ABNT NBR 6118:1980), the need of a review of the ABNT NBR 7187:1987 – Design and
Performance of Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Bridges – Procedure and also the ABNT
NBR 8681:1984 – Actions and Safety in the Structural, besides the elaboration of the ABNT
NBR14931:2003 – Performance of Structural of Concrete – Procedure was established. This
information has as its objective alert the users about the convenience of consulting the updated
editions of the cited documents.

To facilitate the consulting and the application of this Standard Specification, since it is extent and
broad, the tables and figures are identified according to the section they were inserted in. Thus, the
identification number of each table or figure has initially the section number, followed by the
sequential number inside the section.

This corrected version merges the errata 1 from 03.31.2004.


For the elaboration of this Standard Specification the previous philosophy was kept: ABNT NBR
6118 (historically known as NB-1), ABNT NBR 7197, ABNT NBR 6119 and ABNT NB-49, so that it
is this Standard Specification responsibility to define the general criteria that conduct the design of
the concrete structural, being them of buildings, bridges, hydraulic construction jobs, ports or
airports, etc. Thus, it must be complemented by other standard specifications, which define criteria
for specific structures.

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ABNT NBR 6118:2003


Design of Structural Concrete – Procedure

1. Objective

1.1 This standard specification establishes the basic demandable requirements for the design of
structural plain concrete, reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete, excluding the ones
on which the light, heavy or other special concretes are employed.

1.2 This standard specification is applied to the structural of normal concrete, identified by dry
specific mass bigger than 2000 kg / m3, not exceeding 2800 kg / m3, from the resistance
group I (C10 a C50), according to the ABNT NBR 8953 classification. Among the excluded
special concretes of this standard specification there are mass concrete and the without
fines concrete.

1.3 This standard specification establishes the general requirements to be considered by the
design as a whole, as well as the specific requirements related to each one of its states.

1.4 This standard specification doesn’t include demandable requirements to avoid the limit states
generated by certain types of action, such as earthquakes, impacts, explosions and fires.

1.5 In case of special structures, such as the ones from premolded elements, bridges and
viaducts, hydraulic construction jobs, arcs, silos, chimneys, towers, off-shore structures, or
the ones where non-conventional constructive techniques are used, for instance, sliding
forms, successive swinging, progressive casting, and designed concrete, the conditions of
this standard specification are still applicable, even though they should be complemented
and eventually adjusted in located points, by the specific Brazilian Standard Specifications.

2. Standard References

The standard specifications related below contain dispositions that, when being cited in this text,
constitute directions for this standard specification. The indicated editions were in effect at the
moment of this publication. As all standard specifications are subjected to a review, its is
recommended that those who perform agreements based on this should check the convenience of
using the most recent editions of the standard specifications cited below. The ABNT has the
information of the standard specifications in effect in a given moment.

ABNT NBR 5674:1999 – Erection Maintenance – Procedure

ABNT NBR 5732:1991 – Common Portland cement – Specification

ABNT NBR 5733:1991 – High Initial Resistance Portland cement - Specification

ABNT NBR 5735:1991 – Blast Furnace Portland cement – Specification

ABNT NBR 5736:1991 – Pozzuolanic Portland cement – Specification

ABNT NBR 5737:1992 – Sulfate resistant Portland cement – Specification

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ABNT NBR 5738:194 – Molding and Aging of cylindrical Trial specimen or concrete prismatic –

ABNT NBR 5739:1994 – Concrete – Compression Trial of Cylindrical Trial specimen – Trial Method.

ABNT NBR 6004:1984 – Steel wires – Alternative Bending Trial – Trial Method

ABNT NBR 6120:1980 – Loading for the Erection Structural calculations – Procedure

ABNT NBR 6122:1996 – Design and Performance of Foundations – Procedure

ABNT NBR 6123:1988 – Forces due to the wind in Erections – Procedure

ABNT NBR 6153:1988 – Metallic Product – Semi-guided Bending Trial – Trial Method

ABNT NBR 6349:1991 – Wires, bars, and steel cordages for prestressing armatures – Tension Trial
– Trial Method

ABNT NBR 7190:197 – Wood Structural Design

ABNT NBR 7222:1994 – Concrete and plaster – Determination of the tension resistance by
compression of the diametrical of the cylindrical Trial specimens – Trial Method

ABNT NBR 7477:1982 – Determination of the coefficient of superficial bars and steel wires shaping
and armatures of reinforced concrete – Trial method

ABNT NBR 7480:1996 – Bars and steel wires destined to armatures of reinforced concrete –

ABNT NBR 7481:1990 – Welded Steel Screen – Armature for Concrete – Specification

ABNT NBR 7482:1991 – Steel wires for prestressed concrete – Specification

ABNT NBR 7483:1991 – Steel wires for prestressed concrete – Specification

ABNT NBR 7484:1991 – Wires, bars and steel cordages designed for prestressing armatures –
Isothermal Relaxation Trial – Trial Method

ABNT NBR 7680:1983 – Extraction, Preparation, Trial and analyses of concrete structural
evidences – Procedure

ABNT NBR 8522:1984 – Concrete – Determination of the static deformation of the module and of
the diagram tension-deformation – Trial Method

ABNT NBR 8548:1984 – Steel bars designed for the reinforced concrete armature with mechanical
patch or welded patch – Determination of the tension resistance – Trial Method

ABNT NBR 8681:2003 – Actions and safety in the structures – Procedure

ABNT NBR 8800:1986 – Design and performance of the steel building structural (Limit state
method) – Procedure

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ABNT NBR 8953:1992 – Concrete for structural purposes – Classification by resistance groups –

ABNT NBR 8965:1985 – Steel bars CA 42S with welding characteristics designed for armatures of
reinforced concrete – Specification

ABNT NBR 9062:2001 – Design and Performance for the Premolded concrete structural -

ABNT NBR 11578:1991 – Compound Portland cement – Specification

ABNT NBR 11919:1978 – Checking of the metallic patches of the reinforced concrete bars – Trial

ABNT NBR 12142:1991 – Concrete – Determination of the tension resistance in the bending in
prismatic Trial specimens – Trial Method

ABNT NBR 12654:1992 – Technological control of component materials of concrete – Procedure

ABNT NBR 12655:1996 – Concrete – Preparation, control and acceptance – Procedure

ABNT NBR 12989:1993 – White Portland cement – Specification

ABNT NBR 13116:1994 – Portland cement of low hydration heat – Specification

ABNT NBR 14859-2:2002 – Prefabricated cement slab – Requirements. Part 2: Bi-directional

cement Slab

ABNT NBR 14931:2003 – Performance of concrete structural – Tension Trial to the environmental

ABNT NBR NM 67:1998 – Concrete – Determination of the consistency by the depression of the
cone log

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3. Definitions

For the effects of this standard specification, the following definitions are applied:

3.1 Structural Concrete Definitions

3.1.1 Structural Concrete: Term that refers to the complete spectrum of the concrete applications
as a structural material.

3.1.2 Elements of the Simple Structural Concrete: Structural elements elaborated with concrete
which doesn’t have any type of armature, or that it has some, but on a lesser quantity than
the minimum demanded for the reinforced concrete (see and table 17.3).

3.1.3 Elements of the Reinforced Concrete: Those whose structural behavior depends on the
adherence between the concrete and the armature, and on which it isn’t applicable the initial
elongation of the armatures before the materialization of this adherence.

3.1.4Elements of the Prestressed Concrete: Those on which parts of the armatures is previously
elongated by special equipments of prestressing with the purpose of, in service conditions,
prevent or limit the fission and the displacements of the structure and provide the best
utilization of the high resistance steel on the last limit state (ELU).

3.1.5Passive armature: Any armature that it is not being used to produce prestressed tensions,
that is, which hasn’t been previously elongated.

3.1.6Active armature (of prestressed): Made of a bar, isolated wires or cordages, designed to the
production of prestressed tensions, that is, on which is applied an initial pre-elongation.

3.1.7Concrete with pre-pulled active armature (prestressed with initial adherence):

Prestressed concrete where the pre-elongation of the active armature is done using
independent supports of the structural element, before the concrete pouring, having the
prestressed armature connection with the referred supports undone after the concrete
hardening; the concrete anchor is performed only by adherence.

3.1.8Concrete with pos-pulled active armature (prestressed with posterior adherence):

Prestressed concrete where the pre-elongation of the active armature is performed after the
concrete hardening, being used, as supports, parts of the structural element itself, creating
adherence with the concrete on a permanent way afterwards, through the injection of the

3.1.9Concrete with pos-pulled active armature without adherence (prestressed without

adherence): Prestressed concrete where the pre-elongation of the active armature is
performed after the concrete hardening, being used as supports, parts of the structural
element itself, but not being created an adherence with the concrete, staying the armature
connected to the concrete only in located points.

3.1.10Dilation connection: Any interruption of the concrete with the purpose of reducing internal
stress which can result in preventions of any kind of structural motion, specially in shrinkage
flowing or lowering of the temperature.

3.1.11Partial dilation connection: Reduction of the thickness equal to or higher than 25 % of the
concrete section.

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3.2 Definitions of the limit states

3.2.1Last limit state (ELU): Limit stated related to the collapse, or any other ruined structural way,
which determines the standstill of the structure use.

3.2.2 Fissure formation of the limit state (ELS-F): State where the fission formation is
initialized. It’s understandable that this limit state is reached when the maximum tensile
stress in the cross-section is equal to fct,f (see 13.4.2 and 17.3.4).

3.2.3 Fissure opening of the limit state (ELS-W): State where the fissures present themselves
with equal openings to the maximum specified in 13.4.2 (see 17.3.3)

3.2.4 Excessive deformation of the limit state (ELS-DEF): State where the deformations reach
the established limits for the normal use given in 13.3 (see 17.3.2)

3.2.5 Decompression limit state (ELS-D): State of which in one or more points of the cross-
section, the normal stress is null, not having tension on the remaining section. Normal
checking in the case of prestressed concrete (see 13.4.2).

3.2.6 Partial decompression limit state (ELS-DP): State of which it is guaranteed the
compression in the cross-section, in the region where the active armatures exist. This region
must extent itself to a distance ap of the closest side of the cordage or of the prestressed
sheath (see figure 3.1 and table 13.3).

Figure 3.1 – Limit State of Partial Decompression

3.2.7 Excessive compression of limit state (ELS-CE): State where the compression tensions
reach the conventional limit established. Normal in the case of the prestressed concrete in
the occasion of the prestressing application (see

3.2.8 Excessive Vibrations of limit state (ELS-VE): State where the vibrations reach the limits
established for the normal use in construction jobs.

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3.3 Definition related all the involved in the constructive process

3.3.1 Contractor: Physical or Juristic person of public or private law that, in view of able
instrument of compromising, promotes the performance of services and / or construction
jobs through the technical, juristic and financially ability of the contracted.

4 Symbology

4.1 Generalities

The adopted symbology of this standard specification, where it refers to the concrete structures, is
constituted by base-symbols (same size and on the same level of current context) and subscribed

The most frequently used base-symbols on this standard specification are established in section 4.2
and the subscribed symbols are in section 4.3.

The general symbology is established on this section and the most specific symbology of some
parts of this standard specification is presented on the relevant sections, on a way that simplifies
the comprehension and, therefore, the application of the established concepts.

The magnitudes represented by the constant symbols on this standard specification must always be
expressed in units of the International System (SI).

4.2 Base-Symbols

4.2.1 Generalities

Some base-symbols presented in 4.2.2 to 4.2.4 are accompanied by subscribed symbols, so that
questions on the comprehension of its meaning are not generated.

4.2.2 Lower-Case Letters

a – Distance or dimension

- Smaller dimension of a rectangle

- Maximum displacement

b – Width

- Dimension or parallel distance to the width

- Smaller dimension of a rectangle

bw – Width of the stem of a beam

c – Armature cover in relation to the element’s face

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d – Useful height

- dimension or distance

e – eccentricity of the calculations resulting from the soliciting efforts M Sd and NSd

- Distance

f – Resistance (see section 8)

h – Dimension

- Height

i – Minimum gyration radius of the concrete rough section of the analyzed part

k – Coefficient

l – Total height of the structure or of a column throw

- Length

- Gap

n – Number

- Number of columns of the plumb lines

r – Internal curvature radius of the hook

- Stiffness

s – Spacing of the armature bars

t – Length from the parallel support to the analyzed beam gap

- Time

u – Perimeter

w – Fissure opening

x – Height of the neutral line

z – Lever arm

- Distance

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4.2.3 Capital Letters

A – Full section area

Ac – Cross-section segment of concrete

As – Cross-section segment of the longitudinal armature of pull

As’ – Section area of the longitudinal armature of compression

D – Steel bars bending pins diameter

E – Elasticity module (see section 8)

(El) – Stiffness

F – Force

- Actions (see section 11)

G – Permanent Actions (see section 11)

Gc – Cross-section elasticity module of concrete

H – Height

Ic – Inertia moment of the concrete section

K – Coefficient

M – Moment

- Bending moment

M1d – 1st order calculation of bending moment

M2d - 2nd order calculation of bending moment

MRd – Calculation resistant bending moment

MSd – Calculation soliciting bending moment

Nd – Normal force of calculation

NRd – Normal resistant force of calculation

NSd – Normal soliciting force of calculation

Q – Variable Actions (ver section 11)

R – Support Reaction

Rd – Resistant stress of calculation

Sd – Soliciting stress of calculation

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T – Temperature

- Torsion moment

TRd – Resistant Torsion moment of calculation

TSd – Soliciting Torsion moment of calculation

Vd – Cutting force of calculation

Greek Letters

 - Angle
- Instability parameter

- Coefficient

- Factor that defines the tie conditions on the supports

 - Angle
- Coefficient

 c – Pondering coefficient of the concrete resistance

 t – Pondering coefficient of the actions (see section 11)

 m – Pondering coefficient of the resistances (see section 12)

 p – Pondering coefficient of the loads resulting from the prestressing

(see table 11.1 and

 - Redistribution coefficient
- Displacement

 - Specific Deformation

 c – Specific deformation of the concrete

 p – Specific deformation of the active armature

 s – Specific deformation of the passive armature steel

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 - Rotation
- Inclination Angle

- Plumbness

 - Slenderness Index

 - Coefficient
- Bending moment reduced adimensional

 - Poisson Coefficient
- Normal force adimensional

 - Geometric rate of longitudinal armature of tension

c – Specific mass of concrete

min – Minimum geometric rate of longitudinal armature of beams and columns

p – Geometric rate of the prestressed armature
s – Geometric rate of the passive adhesive armature

c – Stress to the compression on the concrete

ct – Stress to the tension on the concrete

p – Stress on the prestressed steel

Rd – Normal stress resistant of calculation

s – Normal stress on the passive armature steel

sd – Normal stresses solicitors of calculation

Rd – Shearing stresses resistant of calculations

Sd – Shearing stresses solicitors of calculations

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Td – Shearing stress of calculation, by torsion

wd – Shearing stress of calculations, by cutting force

 - Armature bars diameter

l – Longitudinal armature bars diameter of the structural part

n – Equivalent diameter of a bundle of bars

p – Wire or cordage nominal diameter

t – Cross-section armature bars diameter

vibr – Needle diameter of the vibrator

- Creep coefficient
4.3 Subscribed Symbols

4.3.1 Generalities

The subscribed symbols are presented only in 4.3.2 to 4.3.4 in the same size of the current text, so
that the visualization is facilitated.

4.3.2 Lower-case Letters

apo – support

c – concrete

cor – corrected

d – calculation value

ef – effective

e – equivalent

eq – equivalent

f – bundle

fad – fatigue

fic – fictitious

g – permanent actions

h – horizontal

I – sequential number

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inf – inferior

j – age (referring to the concrete aging)

k – characteristic value

- sequential number

lim – limit

m – average

max – maximum

min – minimum

nec – necessary

nom – nominal

p – active armature steel

q – variable actions

r – radial

s – passive armature steel

sec – secant

ser – service

sup – superior

t – tension

- cross-section

tot – total

u – last

- of rupture

v – vertical

- beam
vão – gap

vig – beam

w – stem

- cross-section

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x and y – orthogonal directions

y – steel flow

4.3.3 Capital Letters

R – resistances

S – physical strain

4.3.4 Numbers

0 – Beginning

- Load application instant

28 – through 28 days

5 General Requirements of the structure quality and evaluation of the shaping of the

5.1 Quality requirements of the structure

5.1.1 General conditions

The concrete structures must meet the minimum quality requirements classified in 5.1.2, during its
construction and service, and the additional requirements established jointly by the structural design
author and the contractant.

5.1.2 Classification of the quality requirements of the structure

The quality requirements of a concrete structure are classified, according to this standard
specification, into three distinct groups, described in sections to Resistant Capacity

It consists basically on the safety of the rupture.

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ABNT NBR 6118:2003 Performance on the job

It consists on the capacity of the structure to maintain itself on excellent use conditions, not
presenting damages, which can compromise partially, or completely the use for which it was
designed to. Durability

It consists on the capacity the structure has to resist the environmental influences predicted and
defined jointly by the structural design author and the contractant, at the beginning of the design
elaboration jobs.

5.2 Design quality requirements

5.2.1 Quality solution adopted

The structural solution adopted on the design must meet the quality requirements established on
the technical standard specification, related to the resistant capacity, to the performance on the job
and to the durability of the structure.

The quality solution adopted still must consider all the conditions such as the architectonic,
functional, constructive (see ABNT NBR 14931), structural, and of integration with all other designs
(electric, hydraulic, air conditioning and others), pointed out by the responsible technicians of each
specialty with the contractant’s consent.

5.2.2 Conditions imposed to the design All the conditions imposed to the design, described in sections to must be
established previously and by common consent between the structural design author and
the contractant. To meet the quality requirements imposed to the concrete structures, the design must meet
all the requirements established on this standard specification and on other complementary
and specific ones, according to the situation. The demands related to the resistant capacity and to the performance on the job will no
longer be satisfied, when the respective limit states are surpassed. The durability demands will no longer be met when the design criteria defined in section 7
are not observed. For special types of structures, private demands established on the specific Brazilian
standard specifications must be met.

NOTE Private demands can, for example, consist in resistance to explosions, to impact, to the
seism, or still be related to tightness, to thermal or acoustic isolation. Supplemental demands can be fixated on the design.

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5.2.3 Documentation of the adopted solution The final product of the structural design is made of drawings, specifications and design
criteria. The specifications and the design criteria can be included in the drawings
themselves or be in a separate document. The documents described in must contain clear, correct and consistent information,
and with the established demands on this standard specification. The structural design must provide the necessary information for the performance of the
structure. With the objective of guaranteeing the performance quality of a construction job, based on
a determined design, preventive measures must be taken since the beginning of the work.
These measures must gather the discussion and approval of the decisions made, their
distribution and other information by the elements relevant to the multidisciplinary group,
and the coherent schedule of the activities, respecting the logic rules of priority.

5.3 Evaluation of the design shaping

5.3.1 Depending on the size of the construction job, the evaluation of the design shaping must be
requested and hired by the contractor to a capable professional, having been recorded on
the specific document that accompanies the design documentation cited on section 5.2.3.

5.3.2 The design shaping evaluation must be performed before the construction phase and, if
possible, simultaneously with the design phase, as an essential condition so that the results
become effective and consequent.

5.3.3 The section 25 establishes the acceptance criteria and the corrective procedures, when

6 Policies for the concrete structural durability

6.1 Durability demands

The concrete structures must be designed and built so that under the environmental conditions
predicted at the time of the design and when used according to advised on the design, they
conserve its safety, stability and aptitude on the job during the period correspondent to its service

6.2 Service life of the design

6.2.1 For the service life of the design, it is understandable that the period of time during which
the concrete structural characteristics are kept, once the use requirements and the
maintenance prescribed by the designer and the contractor are met, according to 7.8 and
25.4, as well as the performance of the necessary repairs occurring due to accidental

6.2.2 The useful time concept is applied to the structure as a whole or to its parts. This way,
specific parts of the structure can deserve special consideration with a different service life
value from the rest.

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6.2.3 The concrete structural durability calls for cooperation and coordinated efforts of all the
involved on the design, construction and use processes, having to follow, in the minimum
what it is established in the ABNT NBR 12655, being as well obeyed the dispositions of
section 25.4 in relation to the use, inspection and maintenance conditions.

6.3 Aging and deterioration mechanisms

6.3.1 Generalities

Within this topic there must be considered, at least, the aging and deterioration mechanisms of the
concrete structure, listed in sections 6.3.2 to 6.3.4.

6.3.2 Preponderant deterioration mechanisms related to the concrete

a) Lixiviation: by action of pure water, aggressive or acid carbonic which dissolve and
carry on hydrated compounds of cement paste.
b) Expansion by action of water and soil that contain or that are contaminated with sulfate,
creating expansive and harmful reactions with the hydrated cement paste.
c) Expansion by action of the reactions of the cement alkali and certain reactive
d) Harmful superficial reactions of certain aggregates due to the transformations of
ferruginous products present in its mineralogical formation.

6.3.3 Preponderant deterioration mechanisms related to the armature

a) Atmospheric Corrosion by carbonation, or by action of carbonic acid gas of the atmosphere.

b) Atmospheric Corrosion by high chemical content of chlorine ion (chloride)

6.3.4 Deterioration mechanism of the structure strictly speaking

These are all those related to the mechanic actions, motion of the thermal origin, impacts, cyclic
actions, shrinkage, creep, and relaxation.

6.4 Aggressiveness on the environment

6.4.1 The aggressiveness on the environment is related to the physical and chemical actions that
actuate over the concrete structures, independently of the mechanical actions, of the volumetric
variations of thermal origin, of hydraulic shrinkage and others predicted on the dimensioning of the
concrete structures.

6.4.2 On the designs of the current structures, the initial aggressiveness must be classified
according to the information presented on table 6.1 and it can be evaluated, simply
following the exposure conditions of the structures or of its parts.

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Table 6.1 – Environmental aggressiveness classes

6.4.3 The responsible person for the structural design, in possession of data related to the
environment where the structure will be built, can consider a more aggressive classification than the
one established on table 6.1.

7 Design criteria which aim the durability

7.1 Specific symbology of this section

In order to simplify the comprehension, and therefore the application of the concepts established on
this section, the most used symbols, or the ones that could generate doubts, are defined below.

The symbology presented on this section follows the same orientation established on section 4.
This way, the subscribed symbols have the same meaning presented in 4.3.

Cmin – Minimum coverage

Cnom – Nominal coverage (minimum coverage added to the performance tolerance)

UR – Relative air moisture

c – Performance tolerance for the coverage

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7.2 Draining

7.2.1 The presence or accumulation of water from rain or because of cleaning and washing, over
the concrete structures surfaces must be avoided.

7.2.2 The exposed surfaces, which need to be horizontal, such as covers, patios, garages,
parking lots and others, must be conveniently drained, with strainers and conductors

7.2.3 All the motion or dilation connections, in surfaces subjected to water action, must be
conveniently sealed, so that they become leak proof to water (percolation) passage.

7.2.4 All the plat bands and wall tops must be protected by buskins. All the edges must have drip
pans, and the connection to the different levels must be protected by ruffles.

7.3 Architectonic and Structural forms

7.3.1 Architectonic or constructive dispositions that can reduce the durability of the structure must
be avoided.

7.3.2 The access for inspection and maintenance of structural parts with service life inferior to the
whole, such as support mechanisms, caskets, insertions, waterproofing and others.

7.4 Cover concrete quality

7.4.1 Once all the other conditions established on this section are met, the structures durability is
highly dependent of the concrete characteristics and the density and quality of the concrete
cover of the armature.

7.4.2 Corroborative tests of the performance of the structure durability in regards to the type and
level of aggressiveness predicted in design must establish the minimum parameters to be
met. On the lack of these, and due to the existence of a strong correspondence between
the relationship water/cement, the resistance to the compression of the concrete and its
durability, it is possible to adopt the minimum requirements expressed on table 7.1.

Table 7.1 – Correspondence between the aggressiveness class and the concrete quality

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7.4.3 The requirements of the tables 7.1 e 7.2 are valid for concretes executed with the Portland
cement which meets, according to its type and class, the specifications of the ABNT NBR
5733, ABNT NBR 5735, ABNT NBR 5736, ABNT NBR 5737, ABNT NBR 11578, ABNT
NBR 12989 or ABNT NBR 13116, with minimum consumptions of cement per cubic meter
of concrete according to the ABNT NBR 12655.

7.4.4 It is not permitted the use of addictives containing chloride in its composition of reinforced
or prestressed concrete structures.

7.4.5 The protection of the external active armatures must be guaranteed through the sheath,
completed by a filling, fusing point of Portland cement without addictions, or grease
specially formulated for this objective.

7.4.6 Special attention must be dedicated to the protection against corrosion of anchors of the
active armatures.

7.4.7 For the coverage the prescribed in sections to must be observed. To meet the requirements established on this standard specification, the minimum
coverage of the armature is the smallest value that must be respected along the whole
element considered and that it is constituted in an acceptance criterion. To guarantee the minimum cover (C min) the design and the performance must consider the
nominal covers (Cnom), which is the minimum cover added to the performance tolerance
(c). So, the dimensions of the armatures and the spacers must respect the nominal
coverage, established on table 7.2, for c = 10mm. On the current construction jobs the c value must be greater than or equal to 10mm. When there is an adequate quality control and strict tolerance limits of the measurements of
variance during the performance can be adopted the value of c = 5 mm, but the demand
of strict control must be specified on the drawings of the design. It is allowed then, the
reduction of the nominal coverage prescribed on table 7.2 in 5 mm. The nominal and minimal covers are always referred to as surface of the external armature,
in general to the external face of the stirrup.

a) Cnom   bar;

b) Cnom   bundle = n =  n

c) Cnom  0,5  sheath. The maximum characteristic dimension of the fully developed aggregate used on the
concrete can not overcome in 20 % the nominal density of the cover, that means:

dmax  1,2 Cnom

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Table 7.2 – Correspondence between the environmental aggressiveness class and the
nominal cover for c = 10 mm In case of pre-fabricated structural elements, the values related to the covering of the
armatures (table 7.2) must follow the information disposed on the ABNT NBR 9062.

7.5 Detailing of the armatures

7.5.1 The bars must be disposed inside a structural component or element, so that it permits and
facilitates the good quality of the operations of pouring and densification of the concrete.

7.5.2 To guarantee a good densification is vital to predict on the detailing of the disposition of the
armatures enough space for the entry of the vibrator needle.

7.6 Fission Control

7.6.1 The risk and the evolution of the steel corrosion on the region of the cross-section fissures to
the main armature depend essentially of the quality and the density of the concrete covering
of armature. The characteristic openings limit of fissures on the surface of concrete given in
section 13.4.2, in components or elements of reinforced concrete, are satisfactory to the
demands of durability.

7.6.2 Due to its higher sensibility to corrosion under stress, the fissures control on the surface of
the concrete on the region of the active armatures must obey the information disposed in
section 13.4.2.

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7.7 Special Actions

In adverse exposure conditions, special actions of protection and conserving must be taken, such
as application of shedding water covering and waterproofing paintings over the surfaces of the
concrete, mortar coverings, of ceramic or others over the surface of the concrete, galvanization of
the armature, cathodic protection of the armature and others.

7.8 Preventive maintenance and inspection

7.8.1 The set of designs related to a construction job must orient itself under an clear strategy
which facilitates the procedures of preventive inspection and maintenance of the

7.8.2 The utilization, inspection and maintenance manual must be produced according to 25.4.

8 Property of the Materials

8.1 Specific Symbology of this section

In order to simplify the comprehension and, therefore the application of the established concepts of
this section, the most used symbols, or that could generate any doubts, are defined below.

The symbology presented in this section follows the same orientation established in section 4. This
way, the subscribed symbols have the same meaning presented in 4.3.

fc – Resistance to the concrete compression

fcd – Resistance of the calculation to the concrete compression
fcj – Resistance to the compression of the concrete on j days
fck – Resistance characteristic to the compression of the concrete
fcm – Average resistance to the compression of the concrete
fct – Resistance of the concrete to the direct tension
fct,m – Average resistance to the tension in the bending
fct, f – Resistance of the concrete to the tension in the bending
fct, sp – Resistance of the concrete to the indirect tension
fst – Resistance to the steel tension of the passive armature
fy – Resistance to the steel flow of the passive armature
fpt – Resistance to the steel tension of the active armature.

fpy – Resistance to the steel flow of the active armature

Eci – Elasticity module or module of the initial tangent deformation of the concrete, referring
always to the cordal module of 30 % fc.

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Ecs – Module of the secant elasticity of the concrete, also denominated module of the secant
deformation concrete
Eci (t0) – Elasticity module or module of the initial deformation of the concrete at instant t 0
Eci28 – Elasticity module or module of the initial deformation of the concrete on 28 days
Ep – Steel elasticity module of the active armature
Es – Steel elasticity module of the passive armature
Gc – Cross-section elasticity module of the concrete
u – Specific Deformation of steel in ruptures
y – Specific Deformation of the steel leakage
v – Poisson’s Coefficient

8.2 Concrete

8.2.1 Classes

This standard specification is applied to concrete included in the resistance classes of group I,
indicated in the ABNT NBR 8953, or until C50.

The C20 or superior class, is applied to the concrete with passive armature and the C25 or superior
class, is applied to the concrete with active armature. The C15 class can be used only in
foundations, according to the ABNT NBR 6122, and in temporary construction jobs.

8.2.2 Specific Mass

This standard specification is applied to concretes of normal specific mass, which are those that
after dry in a heater, have a specific mass (pc) comprehended between 2000 kg/m3 and 2800 kg/m3.

If the real specific mass is not known, for calculation effects, it can be adopted for the simple
concrete a value of 2400 kg/m3 and for the reinforced concrete a value of 2500 kg/m3.
When the specific mass of the concrete used is known, it can be considered for value of the specific
mass of reinforced concrete, the same of the simple concrete but added of 100 kg/m 3 to 150 kg/m3.

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8.2.3 Coefficient of Thermal Dilation

According to the structural analyses, the coefficient of thermal dilation can be accepted as being
equal to 10-5/ ºC.

8.2.4 Resistance to compression

The prescriptions of this standard specification refer to the resistance to the compression obtained
in tests of molded cylinders according to the ABNT NBR 5738, performed according to the ABNT
NBR 5739.

When the age is not indicated, the resistances refer to the age of 28 d. The estimate of the average
resistance to the compression fcmj, correspondent to a specified resistance fckj, must be done
according to the indicated in the ABNT NBR 12655.

The evolution of the resistance to compression with the age must be obtained through the tests
specially executed for such. In the absence of these experimental results it can be adopted, in
orientation character, the indicated values in 12.3.3.

8.2.5 Resistance to the tension

The resistance to the indirect tension fct,sp and the resistance to the tension in the bending fct,f
must be obtained in tests performed according to the ABNT NBR 7222 and the ABNT NBR 12142,

The resistance to the direct tension fct can be considered equal to 0,9 fct,sp or 0,7 fct,sp or in the
absence of tests for the obtainment of fct,sp and fct,f can be evaluated its average or its
characteristic value by means of the following equations:

Once fckj  7Mpa, these expressions can also be used for different ages from 28 days.

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8.2.6 Resistance in the multiaxial state of stress

Being the concrete exposed to the main tensions 3  2  1 , it must have:

being the compression stresses considered positive and the tension ones considered negative. (see
fig. 8.1)

Figure 8.1 – Resistance on the multiaxial state of stress

8.2.7 Resistance to the fatigue

See and 23.5.4.

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8.2.8 Elasticity Module

The elasticity module must be obtained according to the tests described in the ABNT NBR 8522,
being considered on this standard specification the module of initial cordal tangent deformation of
30 % fc , or other stress specified in the design. When the tests do not get done and more precise
data about the concrete used in the age of 28 d do not exist anymore, the value of the elasticity
module can be estimated using the expression:

The elasticity module in an age j  7 d can also be evaluated through this expression, substituting
fck for fckj.
Whenever it is the case, this is the elasticity module to be specified in design and controlled in the
construction job.

The secant elasticity module to be used on the elastic analyses of the design, especially to
determine the soliciting efforts and checking of the limit states of service must be calculated by the

In the evaluation of the behavior of a structural element or cross-section, a unique elasticity module
can be adopted, to tension and to compression, equal to the secant elasticity module (Ecs).

In the evaluation of global behavior of the structure and for the calculation of the prestressing
losses, the module of initial tangent deformation can be used in the design (Eci).

8.2.9 Poisson’s Coefficient and Module of Cross-section Elasticity

For stresses of compression lower than 0,5 fc and stresses of tension lower than fct, the Poisson’s
coefficient (v) can be considered as equal to 0,2 and the module of cross-section elasticity Gc
equal to 0,4 Ecs.

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8.2.10 Stress-Deformation Diagrams

For stresses of compression lower than 0,5 fc a linear relationship between the stresses and the
deformations can be admitted, adopting for the module of elasticity the secant value given by the
constant expression in 8.2.8.

For analyses on the last limit state, the diagram stress-deformation idealized shown in figure 8.2 or
the simplifications proposed in section 17 can be utilized.

Figure 8.2 – Idealized stress-deformation Diagram

See indication about the value of fcd in 12.3.3.

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ABNT NBR 6118:2003 Tension

For the non-fissured concrete, the diagram of bilinear stress-deformation on tension indicated in
figure 8.3 can be adopted.

Figure 8.3 – Diagram of bilinear stress-deformation on tension

8.2.11 Creep and shrinkage

In cases where a large precision is necessary, the final values of the creep coefficient  (t, t0) and
the specific deformation of shrinkage cs (t, t0) of the concrete, exposed to stresses lower than 0,5
fc when from the first loading, can be obtained, by linear interpolation, from table 8.1.
The table 8.1 provides the coefficient creep value  (t, t0), and the specific deformation of
shrinkage cs (t, t0), in function of the environmental moisture and the fictitious density 2A c/u,
where Ac is the area of the cross-section and u is the perimeter of the section in contact with the
atmosphere. The values of these tables are related to the temperature of the concrete between
10ºC and 20ºC, being able to, on the other hand admit temperatures between 0ºC and 40ºC. These
values are valid for plastic concretes and the common Portland cement ones.

The specific deformations due to more precise creep and shrinkage, can be calculated according to
the indication on the attached A.

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Table 8.1 – Superior characteristic values of specific deformation of shrinkage cs (t, t0)
and the creep coefficient  (t, t0).

8.3 Passive armature steel

8.3.1 Category

In the designs of the reinforced concrete structures the steel classified by the ABNT NBR 7480 with
the characteristic value of the resistance of flow in the categories CA-25, CA-50 and CA-60 must be
used. The diameters and the nominal cross-section must be established on the ABNT NBR 7480.

8.3.2 Types of Surface

The wires and bars can be smooth or provided of overhangs or indentations. For each steel
category, the coefficient of minimum superficial shaping b, determined through the tests according
to the ABNT NBR 7477, and must meet the indicated in the ABNT NBR 7480. The configuration
and geometry of the overhangs or indentations must satisfy also what is specified in the sections 9
and 23 of this standard specification, since there are important cyclic physical strain.

According to this standard specification, the superficial shaping is measured by the coefficient 1,
whose value is related to the coefficient of superficial shaping b, as established in table 8.2.

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Table 8.2 – Relationship between 1 and b

8.3.3 Specific Mass

The value of 7 850 kg/m3 can be adopted for the specific mass of passive armature steel.

8.3.4 Coefficient of Thermal Dilation

The value of 10-5/ ºC can be considered for the coefficient of thermal dilation of the steel, for
temperature intervals between –20ºC and 150 ºC.

8.3.5 Elasticity Module

In the absence of tests or values provided by the manufacturer, the steel elasticity module can be
accepted to be equal to 210 Gpa.

8.3.6 Stress-deformation Diagram, Resistance to the flow and to tension

The steel stress-deformation diagram, the characteristic values of the resistance to the flow fyk , of
the resistance to the tension fstk and the deformation in the rupture uk must be obtained from
tension tests performed according to the ABNT NBR ISO 6892. The value of fyk for the steels
without flow ledge is the value of stress correspondent to the permanent deformation of 0,2 %.

For calculation on the limit states of service and last the simplified diagram shown in figure 8.4 can
be used, for the steels with or without flow ledge.

Figure 8.4 – Stress-deformation Diagram for steels of passive armatures

This diagram is valid for temperature intervals between – 20 ºC and 150 ºC and it can be applied to
tension and compression.

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8.3.7 Ductility Characteristics

The CA-25 and the CA-50 steels that meet the minimum values of fyk / fstk and uk indicated in the
ABNT NBR 7480, can be considered as high ductility. The CA-60 steels that also obey the
specifications of this standard specification can be considered as the normal ductility.

In bending tests of 180º, performed according to the ABNT NBR 6153 and using the diameters of
pins indicated in the ABNT NBR 7480, a rupture or fission should not occur.

8.3.8 Resistance to fatigue

See 23.5.5.

8.3.9 Weldability

For a steel to be considered welded, its composition must obey the limits established in the ABNT
NBR 8965.

The welded steel patch must be tested to tension according to the ABNT NBR 8548. The loading of
the minimum rupture, measured on the welded bar, must satisfy the specified on the ABNT NBR
7480 and the elongation under load must be such that does not compromise the ductility of the
armature. The total plastic elongation measured on the welded bar must meet a minimum of 2 %.

8.4 Active Armature Steel

8.4.1 Classification

The values of resistance characteristic to tension, diameter and wires and cordages areas, as well
as the classification to the relaxation, to be adopted in the design, are the nominals indicated in the
ABNT NBR 7482 and in the ABNT NBR 7483, respectively.

8.4.2 Specific Mass

The value of 7 850 kg/m3 can be adopted for the specific mass of the active armature steel.

8.4.3 Coefficient of Thermal Dilation

The value of 10-5/ ºC can be considered for coefficient of thermal dilation of the steel, for
temperature intervals between – 20 ºC and 100 ºC.

8.4.4 Elasticity Module

The elasticity module must be obtained in tests or provided by the manufacturer. In the absence of
specific data, the value of 200 GPa for wires and cordages can be considered.

8.4.5 Stress-deformation Diagram, Resistance to flow and to tension

The stress-deformation diagram must be provided by the manufacturer or obtained through tests
performed according to the ABNT NBR 6349.

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The characteristic values of resistance to conventional flow fpyk, of resistance to tension fptk and
the elongation after rupture uk of the cordages must satisfy the minimum values established in the
ABNT NBR 7483. The values of fpyk and fptk and the elongation after rupture uk of the wires must
meet to what is specified in the ABNT NBR 7482.

For the calculation on the limit states of service and last, the simplified diagram shown in figure 8.5
can be used.

Figure 8.5 – Diagram of stress-deformation for active armature steels

This diagram is valid for temperature intervals between - 20 ºC and 150 ºC.

8.4.6 Ductility Characteristics

The wires and cordages whose value of uk is greater than the minimum indicated in the ABNT
NBR 7482 and in the ABNT NBR 7483, respectively, can be considered as having normal ductility.

The minimum number of alternated bendings of the prestressing wires, obtained in tests according
to the ABNT NBR 6004, must meet to what is indicated in the ABNT NBR 7482.

8.4.7 Resistance to fatigue

See 23.5.5.

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8.4.8 Relaxation

The relaxation of wires and cordages, after 1000 hours on 20 ºC (1000) and for the stresses
varying from 0,5 fptk to 0,8 fptk, obtained in tests described in the ABNT NBR 7484, should not
overcome the given values in the ABNT NBR 7482 and ABNT NBR 7483, respectively.

According to the design, the values of (1000) from table 8.3 can be adopted.

Table 8.3 – Values of (1000) in percentage

9 Group Behavior of the Materials

9.1 Specific symbology of this section

In order to simplify the comprehension and, therefore the application of the established concepts of
this section, the most used symbols, or that could generate any doubts, are defined below.

The symbology presented in this section follows the same orientation established in section 4. This
way, the subscribed symbols have the same meaning presented in 4.3.

fbd – Resistance of calculation adherence of passive armature

fbpd - Resistance of calculation adherence of passive armature
k – Coefficient of loss per meter of cable provoked by non-intentional cable curvatures

 b – Basic anchor length

 bp – Basic anchor length for passive armature

 bpd – Anchor length for active armature
 bpt – Transfer length of the pre-pulled armature
 oc – Trespass interval length for isolated compressed bars

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 ot – Trespass interval length for isolated pulled bars

 p – Regularization distance of prestressing force
t – Time counted from the end of the prestressing operations

t0 – Load application instant

t - Service life of the structure

x – Abscissa counted from the cable section on which it is accepted that the prestressing has been
applied to the concrete

P(x) – Normal force of prestressing

P0 (x) – Force on the prestressing armature on time t = 0, in the section of the abscissa x

Pd,t – Calculation prestressing force on time t

Pi – Maximum force applied to the prestressing armature by the pull equipment
Pk,t (x) – Characteristic force on the prestressing armature, on time t, in the section of the
abscissa x

Pt (x) – Force on the prestressing armature, on time t, in the section of the abscissa x

 - Coefficient for calculation of anchor length

p – Relation between Ep and Eci

p – Pondering coefficient of the loads resulting from the prestressing
f – Diameter of the bars that constitute a bundle
n - Equivalent diameter of a bundle of bars

t - Cross-section armature bars diameter

1, 2, 3 – Coefficients for calculation of the adherence stress of the passive armature
p1, p2, p3 - Coefficients for calculation of the adherence stress of the active armature
cp – Initial stress on the concrete to the level of the barycenter of the prestressing armature , due
to the simultaneous prestressing of the n cables.
cg – Stress on the concrete to the level of the barycenter of the prestressing armature, due to the
permanent load mobilized by the prestressing or simultaneously applied with the prestressing.
p – Prestressing stress
pi – Stress on the active armature immediately after the prestressing application
p0 – Stress on the active armature correspondent to P0
p  - Stress on the active armature after all the losses along the years.
P(x) – Prestressing losses by friction, measured from the Pi, in the section of the abscissa x

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P0(x) – Immediate prestressing loss, measured from the P i, on time t = 0, in the section of the
abscissa x

Pt(x) – Prestressing loss in the section of the abscissa x, on time t, calculated after the time t = 0

p – Average prestressing loss through cable due to the immediate shortening of the concrete

9.2 General dispositions

9.2.1 Generalities

In the design the demands established on this section, on what is referred to adherence, anchor
and patches of the armatures must be obeyed. The specific conditions, related to the armature of
the prestressing, private situations of anchors and patches and its limitations facing the nature of
the applied efforts, in discontinuity regions and in special elements, are treated in the sections 7, 18,
21 and 22, respectively.

9.2.2 Prestressing Levels

The prestressing levels are related to the intensity levels of the prestressing force that, in turn are
functions of the proportion of the active armature used in relation to the passive (see 3.1.4 and table

9.3 Adherence Checking

9.3.1 Bar position during the operation of pouring concrete

It is considered in a good situation in regards to the adherence the bars intervals that are in one of
the following positions:

a) With an inclination higher than 45º over the horizontal;

b) Horizontal or with an inclination lower than 45º over the horizontal, since:

 For structural elements with h < 60 cm, located in the maximum 30 cm above the
inferior face of the element or of the nearest operation of pouring concrete joint;

 For structural elements with h  60 cm, located in the maximum 30 cm below the
inferior face of the element or of the nearest operation of pouring concrete joint;

The bar intervals in other positions and when there is use of sliding forms must be considered in
bad conditions in relation to the adherence.

9.3.2 Values of the Adherence resistances The calculation adherence resistance between the armature and the concrete in the anchor
of the passive armatures must be obtained through the following expression:

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fbd = 1, 2, 3 fctd


fctd = fctk,inf / c (see table 8.2);

1 = 1,0 for smooth bars (see table 8.2);

1 = 1,4 for carved bars (see table 8.2);

1 = 2,25 for ribbed bars (see table 8.2);

2 = 1,0 for good adherence situations (see 9.3.1);

2 = 0,7 for bad adherence situations (see 9.3.1);

3 = 1,0 for  ¸32 mm;

3 = (132 - ) / 100, for   32 mm;


 is the diameter of the bar, in millimeters. The calculation adherence resistance between the armature and the concrete in the anchor
of the active armatures must be obtained through the following expression:

fbpd = p1, p2, p3 fctd


fctd = fctk,inf / c (see 8.2.5) calculated in the age of:

 Application of the prestressing, for calculation of the transfer length
(see 9.4.5);

 28 days, for calculation of the anchor length (see 9.4.5);

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p1 = 1,0 for smooth wires;

p1 = 1,2 for cordages of three to seven wires;

p1 = 1,4 for toothed wires;

p2 = 1,0 for good adherence situations (see 9.3.1);

p2 = 0,7 for bad adherence situations (see 9.3.1); In the slip of the armature, in bended structural elements, the values of adherence stress
given in and, multiplied by 1,75 must be adopted.

9.4 Armature Anchor

9.4.1 General Conditions

All the armature bars must be anchored in a way that the efforts to which they are exposed to be
completely transmitted to the concrete, being by means of adherence or by means of mechanical
device or a combination of both. Anchor by Adherence

It happens when the efforts are anchored by means of a straight length or with a big curvature
radius, followed or not by a hook.

Except the regions located over direct supports, the anchors by adherence must be confined
through cross-section armatures (see or by the concrete itself, considering this case when
the cover of the anchored bar is higher than or equal to 3  and the distance between the anchored
bars is higher than or equal to 3 . Anchor by means of mechanical devices

It happens when the efforts to anchor are transmitted to the concrete by means of mechanical
devices coupled to the bar.

9.4.2 Anchor of passive armatures by adherence Rectilinear Extension of the bar or big curvature radius

The pulled bars can be anchored along a rectilinear length or with a big curvature radius in its end,
according to the following conditions:

a) Obligatory with a hook for smooth bars (see;

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b) Without a hook on the ones that have soliciting alternance, of tension and compression;

c) With or without a hook on all other cases, not being recommended the hook for bars of >
32 mm or for bundle of bars.

The compressed bars must be anchored without hooks. Welded cross-section bars

Many welded cross-section bars can be used for the bars anchor, since (see figure 9.1):

a) diameter of the welded bar t  0,60 ;

b) distance of the cross-section bar to the beginning point of the anchor be  5 ;

c) the resistance to the shearing of the weld must overcome the minimum force of 0,3 A s fyd
(30 % of the resistance of the anchored bar).

NOTE For the unique cross-section bar, see

Figure 9.1 – Anchor with welded cross-section bars Hooks of the tension armatures

The hooks of the bar ends of the longitudinal armature of tension can be:

a) Semicircle, with a straight tip of a length not inferior to 2 ;

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b) In a 45º angle (internal), with a straight tip of a length not inferior to 4 ;

c) In a right angle, with a straight tip of a length not inferior to 8 ;

For the smooth bars, the hooks must semicircle.

The internal diameter of the hooks’ curvature of the longitudinal armatures of tension must be at
least equal to the established in the table 9.1.

Table 9.1 – Diameter of the bending pins (D)

For stirrup hooks, see

Whenever there is a welded bar cross-sectioned to the hook and the operation of bending occurs
after the welding, the diameters of the bending pins from table 9.1 must be maintained, if the weld
nugget is located in the straight part of the bar, on a minimum distance of 4  from the beginning of
the curve.

In case this distance is smaller, or the nugget is located over the curve interval, the diameter of the
bending pin must be at least equal to 20 .

When the operation of welding occurs after the bending, the diameters of table 9.1 must be
maintained. Basic Anchor Length

It is defined as the basic anchor length as the straight length of a passive armature bar necessary to
anchor the limit force As fyd on this bar, admitting, along this length, a uniform resistance to
adherence and equal to f bd according to

The basic anchor length is given by: Necessary Anchor Length

The necessary anchor length can be calculated by:

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 = 1,0 for bars without a hook;

 = 0,7 for pulled bars with a hook, with cover in the normal plan to the hook  3 .

 = 0,7 whenever there are welded cross-section bars, according to

 = 0,5 whenever there are welded cross-section bars according to and hook,
with cover in the normal plan to the hook  3 .

 b is calculated according to;

 b,min is the higher value between 0,3  b, 10  and 100 mm.

It is permitted in special cases; consider other reductor factors of the necessary anchor length. Cross-section armature in the anchor

According to this sub-section, having observed the disposed information in section, it is
considered the existing cross-section armatures along the anchor length, in case the sum of the
areas of these armatures is higher than or equal to the ones specified in and Bars with  < 32 mm

Along the anchor length a cross-section armature capable of resisting to 25 % of the longitudinal
force of one of the anchorage bars must be predicted. If the anchor includes different bars, the one
with bigger diameter prevails. Bars with   32 mm

The armature in double directions cross-sectioned to the set of anchored bars must be verified.
These cross-section armatures must handle the cracking efforts according to the critical plans,
respecting the maximum spacing of 5  (where  is the diameter of the anchored bar).

When is about compressed bars, at least one of the bars constituent of the cross-section armature
must be located in a distance equal to four diameters (from the anchored bar) besides the bar end.

9.4.3 Anchor of bar bundles by adherence

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It is considered the bundle as a diameter bar equivalent equal to:

The bars constituent of bundles must have straight anchorage, without hooks, and meet the
following conditions:

a) When the bundle equivalent diameter is smaller than or equal to 25 mm, the bundle can be
treated as an only bar, of diameter equal to n, for which the established information in
9.4.2 is valid.

b) When the equivalent diameter is higher than 25 mm, the anchor must be calculated for
each isolated bar, separating its ends in order to minimize the effects of adherence stress
concentrations; the distance between the bar ends of the bundles should not be smaller
than 1,2 times the anchor length of each individual bar;

c) When, by constructive reasons, it is not possible to proceed as recommended in b), the

anchor can be calculated for the bundle, like it is an only bar, with equivalent diameter n.
The additional cross-section armature must be mandatory and it must obey the information
established in section, in conformity with n being smaller than, equal to or higher
than 32 mm.

9.4.4 Anchor of Welded Screens by Adherence

The information disposed in sections 9.3.1 to 9.4.2 is applied.

When the screen is composed by smooth or with indentation wires, the same criteria defined for
ribbed bars can be adopted, since the number of welded cross-section wires along the necessary
anchor length is calculated according to this expression:

9.4.5 Anchor of Active Armatures (wires and pre-pulled cordages) by Adherence Basic Anchorage Length

The basic anchorage length must be obtained by:

- for isolated wires:

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- For cordages of three to seven wires:


f bpd must be calculated according to the section 9.3.2, considering the age of the
concrete in the prestressing date for the calculation of the transfer length and 28d for the
calculation of the anchor length. Transfer Length -  bpt

The calculation of the necessary length to transfer, by adherence, the totality of the prestressing
force to the wire, in the interior of the concrete mass, must simultaneously consider:

a) If at the moment of prestressing, the liberation of the tension device is gradual. In this case,
the transfer length must be calculated through the expressions:

- For toothed or smooth wires:

- For cordages of three to seven wires:

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b) If at the moment of prestressing the liberation is not gradual. In this case, the values calculated in
option a) must be multiplied by 1,25. Necessary Anchor Length

The necessary anchor length must be given by the expression: Cross-section Armatures in the Anchor Area

The cross-section armatures in the anchor area can be calculated according to section 21.12.

9.4.6 Anchor of the Stirrup

The anchor of the stirrups must necessarily be guaranteed by means of hooks or welded
longitudinal bars. Stirrup Hooks

The stirrup hooks can be:

a) Semicircle or in an angle of 45º (internal), with a straight tip of a length equal to 5 t, but not
inferior to 5 cm.

b) In a right angle, with a straight tip of a length higher than or equal to 10 t, but not inferior to
7 cm (this type of hook should not be used for smooth bars and wires).

The internal diameter of the stirrup curvature must be, at least, equal to in the index given in
table 9.2.

Table 9.2 – Diameter of the bending pins for stirrup

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ABNT NBR 6118:2003 Welded cross-section bars

Since the resistance to the shearing of the weld for a minimum force of As fyd be proved by test, the
stirrup anchor can be done, by means of welded cross-section bars, according to figure 9.2,
obeying the conditions given below:

a) Two welded bars with a diameter of t > 0,7  for stirrups built by one or more branches.

b) A welded bar with a diameter of t  1,4  for stirrups of two branches.


As fyd is the resistance of the anchored bar.

Figure 9.2 – Anchor of cross-section armature by means of welded bars

9.4.7 Anchor by means of mechanical devices

When mechanical devices coupled to the armatures to anchor are used, the effectiveness of the
group must be justified and, whenever it is the case, proved through tests.

The slip between the bar and the concrete, jointly with the anchor device, should not exceed 0,1
mm for 70 % of the last limit charge, nor 0,5 mm for 95 % of this charge.

The anchor calculation resistance should not exceed 50 % of the tested limit loading cases where
the fatigue effects are negligible, not even 70 % of the limit load obtained in fatigue tests in the
opposite situation.

The design must predict the localized effects of these devices, through checking of the concrete
resistance and disposition of the adequate armatures to resist the generated efforts and maintain
the fissure openings on the specified limits, according to the indications on section 21.2.

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ABNT NBR 6118:2003 Unique Cross-sectional Bar

A welded cross-sectional bar can be used as a complete anchor device of the bar, once:

 t =  of the anchored bar;

  is not higher than 1/6 of the smaller dimension of the structural element in the anchor
region or 25 mm;

 The spacing between the anchored bars is not higher than 20 ;

 The connection weld of the bars is done in the longitudinal and cross-sectional direction of
the bars, getting around the area of contact of the bars completely;

 The weld respects the information prescribed in section 9.5.4.

9.5 Bars Patches

9.5.1 Types

 By trespass;

 By gloves with metallic, tapped or pressed filling;

 By weld;

 By other devices justified duly;

9.5.2 Trespass Patches

This type of patch is not permitted for gage bars bigger than 32 mm, nor for tie-rods and king posts
(linear structural elements of the section entirely pulled)

In the case of bundles, the diameter of the circle of same area, for each bundle, should not be
superior to 45 mm, respecting the criteria established in section Proportion of the Patched Bars

The patches that overlap themselves or whose closest ends are separated by at least 20 % of the
trespass interval length are considered in the same cross-sectional area.

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When the bars have different diameters, the trespass length must be calculated by the bigger
diameter bar (see figure 9.3).

Figure 9.3 – Supposed patches like in the same cross-sectional area.

The maximum proportion of the pulled bars of the main armature patched by trespass in the same
cross-sectional area of the structural element must be indicated in table 9.3.

The adoption of the higher proportions than the indicated must be justified in relation to the concrete
integrity in the transmission of efforts and of the resistant capacity of the patch, as a group, facing
the nature of the actions that solicit it.

Table 9.3 – Maximum proportion of the patched pulled bars

When it is about the armature permanently compressed or of distribution, all the bars can be
patched in the same section. Trespass Length of isolated pulled bars

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ABNT NBR 6118:2003 When the free distance between the patched bars is within 0 and 4 , the trespass
interval length for pulled bars must be


 ot,min is the maximum value between 0,3 ot  b ,15  and 200 mm;

ot is the percentage function coefficient of patched bars in the same section, according
to table 9.4. When the free distance between the patched bars is higher than 4 , the free distance
between the patched bars must be added to the calculated length in section
The cross-section armature in the patch must be justified, considering the group
behavior steel-concrete, meeting all the established requirements in section

Table 9.4 – Values of the Coefficient ot Trespass Length of isolated compressed bars

When the bars are compressed, the following expression for trespass length calculation is adopted:


 0c,min is the higher value between 0,6  b , 15  and 200 mm. Cross-section armature in the trespass patches in isolated bars Pulled bar patches of the main armature (see figure 9.4)

When  < 16 mm and the proportion of patched bars in the same section is smaller than 25 %, the
cross-section armature must satisfy

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In the cases where  < 16 mm or when the proportion of patched bars in the same section is higher
than or equal to 25 %, the cross-section armature must:

- be capable of resisting to a force equal to the one of a patched bar, considering the branches
parallel to the patched plan;

- be constituted by closed bars if the distance between the two bars closer to the two patches in
the same section is < 10  ( = diameter of the patched bar)

- concentrate itself on the third ends of the patch. Compressed bar patches (see figure 9.4)

The criteria established for the previous case must be maintained, with at least one cross-sectional
armature bar positioned at 4  beyond the patch ends.

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Figure 9.4 – Cross-section armature on the patches Bar Patches of Secondary Armatures

The cross-section armature must obey the requirements established in section Trespass Patches in bar bundles

Trespass patches on bar bundles can be done when, respecting the requirements established in
section 9.5.2, the bars constituent of a bundle are patched one at the time, once in any section of
the patched bundle do not result more than four bars.

The bundle bar patches must be separated between themselves 1,3 times the length of the
individual patch of each one.

9.5.3 Patches by threaded coupling

For this type of patch, the threaded coupling must have resistance higher than the patched bars.

9.5.4 Patches by Weld

The patches by weld demand special care in regards to the welding operations that must meet the
specifications of heating and cooling control of the bar, according to the specific standard

The patches by weld can be:

- of top, by fusion welding, for a gage not smaller than 10 mm;

- of top, with electrode, for a gage not smaller than 20 mm;

- by trespass with at least two longitudinal weld fillets, each one of them with a length not
inferior to 5 , separated at least by 5  (see figure 9.5).

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Figure 9.5 – Patches by weld

The patches by weld can be performed in the totality of the bars in one cross-section segment of
the structural element.

The patches that from center to center are apart between themselves at least 15  measured in
the direction of the bar axis must be considered like in the same section.

The resistance of each patched bar must be considered without reduction.

In case of a pulled bar and having preponderance of accidental charge, the resistance must be
reduced to 20 %.

9.6 Prestressing

9.6.1 Prestressing Force Generalities

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The average force on the abscissa x on the prestressing armature and on the time t is given by the
expression: Limit values of force in the prestressing armature

During the prestressing operations, the pulling force on the armature should not overcome the
values decurrent from the stress limitations on the steel correspondent to this temporary situation,
provided in sections to

After the end of the prestressing operations, the safety checking must be done according to the limit
states in conformity to section 10. Limit values on the occasion of prestressing operation

According to this standard specification the following must be considered:

a) Pre-pulled armature:

- On the occasion of the application of force Pi the stress pi of the prestressing
armature at the exit of the pulling device must respect the limits of 0,77 fptk and
0,90 fpyk for steels of normal relaxation class, and 0,77 fptk and 0,85 fpyk for steels
of low relaxation class;

b) Pos-pulled armature:

- On the occasion of the application of force Pi the stress pi of the prestressing
armature at the exit of the pulling device must respect the limits of 0,74 fptk and
0,87 fpyk for steels of normal relaxation class, and 0,74 fptk and 0,82 fpyk for steels
of low relaxation class;

- On the steels CP-85 / 105, provided in bars, the limits become 0,72 fptk and 0,88
fpyk, respectively. Limit Values in the end of the prestressing operation

At the end of the prestressing operation, the stress p0 (x) of the pre-pulled or pos-pulled armature,
decurrent from the force P0(x), should not overcome the limits established in section Performance Tolerance

On the occasion of the application of the force P i, if irregularities in the prestressing have been
proved, decurrent from executive failures on the structural elements with pos-pulled armature, the
pulling force in any cable can be elevated, limiting the stress pi to the values established in section

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ABNT NBR 6118:2003 b) increased up to 10 %, until the limit of 50 % of the cables, since the safety of the
structure is guaranteed, mainly in the anchor regions. Representative Values of the Prestressing Force

The average values, calculated according to section can be employed in the calculation of
characteristic values of hyper static effects of prestressing.

For the construction jobs in general it is accepted that the characteristic values P k,t(x) of the
prestressing force can be considered like equal to the average value, except when the maximum
loss [P0(x) + Pt(x)]max is higher than 0,35 Pi. In this case and in the special construction jobs
that must be designed according to specific standard specifications, which consider the superior
and inferior characteristic values of the prestressing force, must adopted the following values: Calculation Values of the Prestressing force

The calculation values of the prestressing force on time t are given by the expression:

having the value of p been established in section 11.

9.6.2 Introduction of the Prestressing Forces Generalities

The stress induced on the concrete by the prestressing anchors can only be considered linearly
distributed in the cross-section segment of the structural element in a distance of end of these
armatures, called regularization distance, determined based on what is established in sections to

The passive armatures in these force introduction areas must be calculated according to the
dispositions on section 21. Pos-Tension Cases

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In the case of the pos-pulled elements, the regularization distance of the stresses can be
determined admitting that the force diffusion is done from the anchor, in the interior of the angle of
opening , once the tg  = 2/3 (see figure 9.6).

When such diffusion, coming from the stem, reaches the average plan of the table, it is accepted
that the diffusion along the table is also done in conformity with the opening angle .

Figure 9.6 – Introduction to Prestressing Pre-Tension Cases

In the case of pre-tension elements, the regularization distance  p must be obtained by the


h is the height of the structural element.

For the non-rectangular areas, the regularization length can be calculated in a similar way to the
one indicated in section

9.6.3 Losses of the Prestressing Force

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ABNT NBR 6118:2003 Generalities

The design must predict the losses of prestressing force in relation to the initial value applied by the
take-up, occurred before the transfer of the prestressing to the concrete (initial losses, in the pre-
tension), during this transfer (immediate losses) and along the time (progressive losses). Initial losses of the prestressing force

The initial losses occurring in the pre-tension before the release of the pulling device are considered
decurrent from:

a) friction on the deviation points of the polygonal armature, whose evaluation must be done
experimentally , depending of the type of deviation device employed;

b) slip oft the wires on the anchor, whose determination must be experimental or there must
be adopted the values indicated by the manufacturer on the anchor devices;

c) initial relaxation of the armature, depending of the decurrent time between the elongation of
the armature and the release of the pulling device;

d) Initial shrinkage of the concrete, considering the time decurrent between the operation of
pouring concrete of the structural element and the release of the pulling device.

The evaluation of the initial losses must consider the effects provoked by the temperature,
when the concrete is aged thermally. Immediate Losses of the Prestressing Force Pre-Tension Case

The variation of the prestressing force in structural elements with pre-tension, on the occasion of
the application of the prestressing to the concrete, and because of its shortening, must be
calculated in elasticity regimen, considering the deformation of the homogenized area. The concrete
elasticity module to be considered is the correspondent to the prestressing date, corrected, if there
has been any thermal aging. Pos-Tension Cases

For the usual prestressing systems, the immediate losses are the ones due to : the immediate
shortening of the concrete, the friction between the armatures and the sheaths or the concrete, the
slip of the armature along the anchor and the accommodation of the anchor devices, as it is detailed
in sections to Immediate Shortening of the Concrete

On the structural elements with pos-tension, the successive prestressing of each one of the n
cables causes an immediate deformation of the concrete and, consequently, a slackening of the
cables previously prestressed. The average loss of prestressing, by cable, can be calculated by the

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ABNT NBR 6118:2003 Losses by Friction

On the structural elements with pos tension, the loss by friction can be determined by the


Pi is the value defined in;

x is the abscissa of the point where the P is calculated, measured from the anchor in

 is the sum of deviation angles between the anchor and the abscissa point x, in

 is the coefficient of friction apparent between the cable and the sheath. In the lack of
experimental data, it can be estimated as follows (values in 1/radians):

 = 0,50 between the cable and the concrete (no sheath);

 = 0,30 between the bars or wires with indentations or overhangs and metallic sheath;

 = 0,20 between the smooth wires or cordages and metallic bars;

 = 0,10 between the smooth wires or cordages and the lubricated metallic sheath;

 = 0,05 between the cordage and the sheath of lubricated polypropylene;

k is the coefficient of loss by meter caused by non intentional curvatures of the cable. In
the lack of experimental data the value of 0,01  (1/m) can be adopted. Losses by slip of the armature on the anchor and accommodation of the

The values indicated by the manufacturers of the anchor devices must be determined
experimentally or must be adopted.

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ABNT NBR 6118:2003 Progressive Losses Generalities

The partial and total values of the progressive losses of prestressing, decurrent of the shrinkage
and the creep of the concrete and the relaxation of the prestressing steel, must be determined
considering the interaction of these causes, being possible to use the processes indicated in
sections to In these processes it is acceptable the existence of adherence
between the armature and the concrete and that the structural element remains in stage I. Simplified process for the unique phases case of the operation

This case is applicable when the following conditions are met:

a) The operation of pouring concrete of the structural element, as well as the prestressing,
arte executed, each one of them, in sufficiently close phases in order to despise the mutual
effects of one phase over the other one.

b) The cables have among themselves sufficiently small separations in relation to the height of
the area of the structural element, on a way that its effects can be supposed equivalent to
an only cable, with a cross-section segment equal to the sum of the areas of the component
cables, located in the position of the resultant of the efforts acting on them (resultant cable).

In this case, it is acceptable that on the time t the losses and the progressive deformations of the
concrete and of the prestressing steel, in the resultant cable position, with the stresses on the
concrete c,p0g positive for compression and the stresses on the steel p0 positive for tension, are
given by:

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c,p0g is the stress on the concrete adjacent to the resultant cable, caused by the
prestressing and by the permanent load mobilized on the instant t 0 being positive if it is of

 (t, t0) is the concrete creep coefficient on the instant t for prestressing and permanent
charge, applied on the instant t0.
p0 is the stress in the active armature due to the prestressing and the permanent load
mobilized on the instant t0, positive if it is of tension.

X(t,t0) is the steel creep coefficient;

cs(t,t0) is the shrinkage on the instant t, deducting the shrinkage occurred up to the
instant t0, according to section 8.2.11;

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(t,t0) is the coefficient of relaxation of the steel on the instant t for prestressing and
permanent load mobilized on the instant t0.
c(t,t0) is the variation of the stress in the concrete adjacent to the resultant cable
between t and t0;
p(t,t0) is the variation of stress on the prestressing steel between t and t0;
p is the geometrical index of the prestressing armature;

ep is the eccentricity of the resultant cable in relation to the barycenter of the concrete

Ap is the cross-section segment of the resultant cable;

Ac is the cross-section segment of the concrete;

c is the central moment of inertia in the area of the concrete; Approximate Process

This process can substitute the one established in section, since the same conditions of
application are met, and that the shrinkage does not differ in more than 25 % of the value
[- 8 x 10-5  (, t0)].

The absolute value of the stress loss due to the creep, shrinkage and relaxation, with c,p0g in
megaphascals and considered positive if it is of compression, is given by:

a) For steels of normal relaxation (RN) (value in percentage):

b) For steels of low relaxation (RB) (value in percentage):

p0 is the stress in the prestressing armature due exclusively to the prestressing force on
the instant t0. General Calculation Method

When the permanent actions (permanent load or prestressing) are applied partially in different ages
(therefore the conditions established in section are not met), the creep of each one of the
layers of concrete and the relaxation of each cable must be considered separately.

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The isolated relaxation of each cable can be considered, independently of the posterior application
of the other permanent efforts. Steel relaxation

The intensity of the relaxation of the steel must be determined by the coefficient (t,t0) calculated


pr(t,t0) is the stress loss by pure relaxation from the instant t 0 of the stretching of the
armature up to the instant t considered.

The average values of relaxation , measured after 1 000 h on a constant temperature of 20 ºC, for
the losses of stress referred to basic values of initial stress of 50 % to 80 % of the characteristic
resistance fptk (1000), are reproduced in table 8.3.

The values correspondent to different times of 1 000 h, always on 20 ºC, can be determined from
the following expression, where the time must be expressed in days:

For stresses inferior to 0,5 fptk, it is acceptable that there is not any stress loss by relaxation;

For intermediate stresses between the values fixated in table 8.3, a linear interpolation can be done.

It can be considered that for the infinite time the value of (t,t0) is given by (t ,t0)  2,5 1000.

10 Safety and Limit States

10.1 Safety Criteria

The safety criteria adopted on this standard specification are based on the ABNT NBR 8681.

10.2 Limit States

According to this standard specification the last limit states and the limit states of service must be

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10.3 Last Limit States (ELU)

The safety of the concrete structures must always be verified in relation to the following last limit

a) Last limit state of the structure’s balance loss, accepted as an inelastic body;

b) Last limit state of exhaustion of the resistant capacity of the structure, on its whole or partially,
due to the normal and tangential physical strain, admitting the redistribution of internal efforts,
once the capacity of plastic adaptation defined in section 14 is respected, and admitting that
in general, the verifications separate from the normal and tangential physical strain, even
though when the interaction between them is important, will be clearly indicated on this
standard specification;

c) Last limit state of exhaustion of resistant capacity of the structure, in its whole or partially,
considering the effects of second order;

d) Last limit state caused by dynamic physical strain (see section 23);

e) Last limit state of progressive collapse;

f) Other last limit states that eventually can occur in special cases;

10.4 Limit States of Service (ELS)

The limit states of service are those related to the durability of the structures, appearance, comfort
of the user, and to a good functional utilization of the same, in relation to the users or in relation to
the machines and equipments used.

The safety of the concrete structures can demand the verification of some limit states of service
conceived in section 3.

In special constructions it may be necessary to verify the safety in relation to others limit states of
service not defined in this standard specification.

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11 Actions

11.1 Specific symbology of this section

In order to simplify the comprehension and, therefore the application of the established concepts of
this section, the most used symbols, or that could generate any doubts, are defined below.

The symbology presented in this section follows the same orientation established in section 4. This
way, the subscribed symbols have the same meaning presented in 4.3.

F- Actions (see tables 11.3 and 11.4)

M1d,min – Total moment of first order of minimum calculation that enables the attention to the
verification of the imperfections located of a column throw.

f1 – Part of the pondering coefficient of actions f that considers the variability of the actions.

f2 – Part of the pondering coefficient of actions f that considers the simultaneousness of the

f3 – Part of the pondering coefficient of actions f that considers the deviations generated in the
constructions and the approximations made in the design from the point of view of the physical

q – Pondering coefficient for the direct variable actions

qs – Pondering coefficient for the stabilizing variable action

gn – Pondering coefficient for the non stabilizing permanent actions

g – Pondering coefficient for the permanent indirect questions (shrinkage or creep)

q – Pondering coefficient for the variable indirect actions (temperature)

n – Adjustment coefficient of f , that considers the increase of the probability of occurrence of

significant relative deviations in the constructions (applied in walls and columns with dimensions
below certain values).

1 – Misbehavior of a continuous vertical element

oj – Combination reduction factor for the direct variable actions

o - Combination reduction factor for the indirect variable actions

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o – Combination reduction factor for ELU

1 – Frequent combination reduction factor for ELU

2 – Combination reduction factor almost permanent for ELS

11.2 Actions to consider

11.2.1 Generalities

In the structural analyses the influence of all the actions that can produce significant effects for the
safety of a structure in examination, taking into account the possible last limit states and the ones of
service must be considered.

11.2.2 Classification of the Actions

The actions to be considered are classified, according to the ABNT NBR 8681, in permanent,
variable and exceptional.

For each type of construction, the actions to be considered must respect the peculiarities and the
standard specifications applicable to it.

11.3 Permanent Actions

11.3.1 Generalities
Permanent actions are the ones that occur with values practically constant during the whole life of a
construction. The actions that increase on time, tending to a constant limit value, are also
considered permanent.

The permanent actions must be considered with its most unfavorable representative values for the

11.3.2 Direct Permanent Actions

The direct permanent actions are constituted by its own weight of the structure and by the weights
of the fix constructive elements and of the permanent installations. Own Weight

In the current constructions it is acceptable that the weight of the structure itself be evaluated
according to section 8.2.2.

Special concretes must have its specific mass determined experimentally in each particular case
(see ABNT NBR 12654) and the effect of the armature evaluated according to section 8.2.2.

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ABNT NBR 6118:2003 Weight of the Fix Constructive Elements and of the Permanent Installations

The specific masses of the materials of current constructions can be evaluated based on the values
indicated on the ABNT NBR 6120.

The weights of the permanent installations are considered with the nominal values indicated by the
respective suppliers. Permanent Thrust

It is considered as permanent the ground thrust and other granular materials when the same are
accepted to be non-removable.

As representatives must be considered the characteristic values Fk,sup or Fk,inf according to the
ANBT NBR 8681.

11.3.3 Indirect Permanent Actions

The indirect permanent actions are constituted by the deformations imposed by shrinkage and
concrete creep, support displacements, geometrical and prestressing imperfections. Concrete Shrinkage

The specific deformation of the concrete shrinkage can be calculated according to the information
indicated in the attached A.

In most of the cases, it is permitted that it be calculated simply through table 8.1, by interpolation.
This table provides the superior characteristic value of the specific deformation of shrinkage
between the instants t0 and t, cs (t, t0), in some usual situations (see section 8).

In the current cases of the reinforced concrete construction jobs, in function of the restriction to the
concrete shrinkage, imposed by the armature, satisfying the minimum specified on this standard
specification, the value of cs (t, t0) can be adopted equal to –15 x 10 -5. This value admits
structural elements of usual dimensions, between 10 cm and 100 cm exposed to the environmental
moisture not inferior to 75 %.

The inferior characteristic value of concrete shrinkage is considered null.

On the structural elements permanently exposed to the different moisture conditions in opposite
faces, it is acceptable the linear variation of shrinkage along the thickness of the structural element
between the two values correspondent to each one of the faces. Concrete Creep

The deformations decurrent from the concrete creep can be calculated according to the information
indicated in the attached A.

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On the cases where the stress c(t0) does not vary significantly, it is permitted that theses
deformations be calculated simply by the expression:


cs (t, t0) is the total specific deformation of the concrete between the instants t 0 and t.

c(t0) is the stress on the concrete due to the loading applied in t0.
(t, t0) is the limit for which the creep coefficient caused by the loading applied in t 0

The value of (t, t0) can be calculated by interpolation of the values in table 8.1. This table
provides the superior characteristic value of (t, t0) in some usual situations (see section 8).

The inferior characteristic value of (t, t0) is considered null. Geometrical Imperfections

In the verification of the last limit state of the lattice structure, the geometrical imperfections of the
axis of the structural elements of the discharged structure must be considered. These imperfections
must be divided in two groups: global imperfections and local imperfections.

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ABNT NBR 6118:2003 Global Imperfections

In the global analyses of theses structures, being them braced or not, the plumbness of the vertical
elements according to what is shown in figure 11.1 must be considered.

Figure 11.1 – Global geometrical Imperfections


1min = 1/400 for structures of fixed knots;

1min = 1/300 for structures of movable knots and local imperfections;

1max = 1/200;

h is the total height of the erection, in meters;

n is the number of plumb lines of columns;

Figure 11.1 – Global Geometrical Imperfections

The plumbness should not be necessarily overlapped to the wind loading. Between the two, wind
and plumbness, only the most unfavorable must be considered, which can be defined through what
causes the biggest total moment on the base of construction. Local Imperfections

In the case of the elements that connect braced columns to columns of brace, usually beams and
pavestones, the tension decurrent from the plumbness of the braced column must be considered
[see figure 11.2-a)].

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In the case of verification of a column throw, the effect of plumbness or the lack of rectilinearity of
the column axis must be considered [see figures 11.2-b) and 11.2-c), respectively].

a) Interlock Elements b) Lack of rectilinearity c) Column Plumbness

(Pulled or compressed) on the column

Figure 11.2 – Local Geometrical Imperfections

It is acceptable that, in the usual cases, the consideration only of the rectilinearity along the column
throw be sufficient. Minimum Moment

The effect of local imperfections on the columns can be substituted by lattice structures by
consideration of the minimum moment of first order given below:


h is the total height of the cross-section segment in the considered direction, in meters.

In the usual lattice structures it is acceptable that the effect of the local imperfections be met if this
value of minimum total moment is respected. The moments of second order of section 15 must be
added to this moment, if that is the case.

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ABNT NBR 6118:2003 Prestressing

The prestressing action must be considered in all prestressed structures, including, besides the
prestressed elements strictly speaking, those that suffer the indirect action of prestressing, that is,
of hyper static efforts of prestressing.

The value of prestressing force must be calculated considering the initial force and the prestressing
losses according to the information established in section 9.6.3.

The soliciting efforts generated by this prestressing action can be calculated directly from the
eccentricity of the cable in the cross-section segment of the structural element and of the
prestressing force or through a set equivalent external loads, or still through the introduction of
imposed deformations correspondent to the pre-elongation of the armatures.

11.4 Variable Actions

11.4.1 Direct Variable Actions

The accidental loads predicted for the construction use, by the wind and water action, respecting
the prescriptions made by specific standard specifications, constitute the direct variable actions. Accidental loads predicted for the constructions use

The accidental loads normally correspond to:

 Vertical loads of construction use;

 Movable loads, considering the vertical impact;

 Lateral impact;

 Longitudinal force of breaking or accelerating;

 Centrifuge force;

These loads must be disposed in the most unfavorable positions for the studied element, except the
permitted simplifications by specific Brazilian Standard Specifications. Wind Action

The efforts due to the action of the wind must be considered and it is recommended that the same
be determined according to the information prescribed by the ABNT NBR 6123, permitting the use
of predicted simplified rules in the specific Brazilian Specifications. Water Action

The water level adopted for the calculations of reservoirs, tanks, decanters, and others must be
equal to the maximum possible compatible with the overflow system, considering only the
coefficient f = f3 = 1,2, according to the ABNT NBR 8681 (see 11.7 and 11.8). In the structures
where the rainwater can be retained, the presence of a water lamina correspondent to the draining
level effectively guaranteed by construction.

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ABNT NBR 6118:2003 Variable Actions during the construction

The structures where all the constructive phases do not have its safety guaranteed by the
verification of finished construction job must have, included in the design, the verifications of the
most significant constructive phases and its influence I the final phase.

The verification of each one of these phases must be done considering the part of the structure
already executed and the auxiliary temporary structures with its respective weights. Besides this,
the accidental loads of performance must be considered.

11.4.2 Indirect variable Actions Uniform Variations of Temperature

The temperature variation of the structure, caused globally by the temperature variation of the
atmosphere and by the indirect isolation, is considered uniform. It depends on the location of the
implantation of the construction and the dimensions of structural elements that it is made of.

In a generic way the following values can be adopted:

a) for structural elements whose smallest dimension is not superior to 50 cm, a temperature
oscillation around the average from 10 ºC to 15 ºC must be considered.

b) For solid or hollow structural elements with the empty spaces entirely closed, whose
smallest dimension is superior to 70 cm, it is acceptable that this oscillation be reduced
respectively to 5ºC to 10 ºC.

c) For structural elements whose smallest dimension is between 50 cm and 70 cm, it is

acceptable that a linear interpolation between values indicated above be made.

The choice of a value between these two limits can be done considering 50 % of the difference
between the average temperatures of summer and winter, at the construction job location.

In buildings of various floors the constructive demands prescribed by this Standard Specification
must be respected for the effects of the temperature variations over the construction of the structure
be minimized. Non Uniform Temperature Variations

On the structural elements where the temperature can have a distribution significantly different form
the uniform one, the effects of this distribution must be considered. In the lack of more precise data,
a linear variation between the adopted temperature values can be accepted, as long as the
temperature variation considered between one face and another of the structure are not inferior to
5ºC. Dynamic Actions

When the structure, by its use conditions, is exposed to shocks or vibrations, the respective effects
must be considered in the determination of the physical strain and the fatigue possibilities must be
considered on the dimensioning of the structural elements, according to section 23.

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11.5 Exceptional Actions

On the structures design exposed to exceptional situations of loading, whose effects can not be
controlled by other means, exceptional actions with defined values must be considered, in each
particular case, by specific Brazilian Standard Specifications.

11.6 Action Values

11.6.1 Characteristic Values

The characteristic values Fk of the actions are established on this section according to the
variability of its intensities. Permanent Actions

For the permanent actions, the characteristic values must be adopted equally to the average values
of the respective distributions of probability, being them superior or inferior characteristic values. Variable Actions

The characteristic values of the variable actions Fqk, established by consent and indicated in the
specific Brazilian Standard Specifications, correspond to values that have from 25 % to 35 % of
probability of being overcome in the unfavorable sense, during a period of 50 years, which means
that the characteristic value Fqk is the value with an average return period of 200 years to 140 years

These values are defined in this section or in the specific Brazilian Specifications, such as the
ABNT NBR 6120.

11.6.2 Representative Values

The actions are quantified by its representative values, which can be:

a) The characteristic values according to the information defined in section 11.6.1;

b) The exceptional conventional values, that are the arbitrary values for the exceptional

c) The reduced values, according to the combination of actions, such as:

 Verifications of the last limit states, when the action considered combines itself with
the main action. The reduced values are determined from the characteristic values
by the expression 0Fk, which considers the probability of simultaneous
occurrence of characteristic values of two or more different actions of different
natures very low (see 11.7).

 Verifications of limit states of service. These reduced values are determined from
the characteristic values through the expressions 1Fk and 2Fk that estimate
frequent and almost permanent values, respectively, of an action that accompanies
the main action.

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11.6.3 Calculation Values

The calculation values of the actions Fd are obtained from the representative values, multiplying
them by the respective pondering coefficients f defined in section 11.7.

11.7 Pondering Coefficients of the Actions

The actions must be increased by the coefficient f, whose values are established in section 11.7.1,
11.7.2 and tables 11.1 and 11.2.

f = f1 f2 f3

11.7.1 Pondering Coefficients of the Actions on the last limit state (ELU)

The base-values for verification are the ones presented in tables 11.1 and 11.2, for f1.f3 and f2 ,

For the structural walls with a thickness inferior to 19 cm and not inferior to 12 cm, and for the
columns with the smallest dimension inferior to 19 cm, the coefficient f must be increased by the
coefficient of adjustment n (see table 13.2.3). This correction happens due to the increase of
probability of failures and relative deviation occurrence in the construction.

Table 11.1 – Coefficient f = f1.f3

Table 11.2 – Values of Coefficient f2

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The values of the tables 11.1 and 11.2 can be modified in special cases here not contemplated,
according to the ABNT NBR 8681.

The pondering coefficient value of permanent loads of same origin, in a given loading, must be the
same along the whole structure. The only exception is the stability verification case as an inelastic

11.7.2 Pondering Coefficient of the Actions in the limit state of service (ELS)

In general, the pondering coefficient of the actions for the limit states of service is given by the

f = f2


f2 has a variable value according to the verification that is desirable (see table 11.2);

f2 = 1 for rare combinations;

f2 = 1 for frequent combinations;

f2 = 2 for almost permanent combinations;

11.8 Combinations of the Actions

11.8.1 Generalities

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A loading is defined by the combination of the actions that have probabilities non negligible to act
simultaneously over the structure, during a pre-established period.

The combination of the actions must be done in a way that the most unfavorable effects for the
structures can be determined; the safety verification in relation to the last limit states and to the limit
states of service must be performed according the last combinations and service combinations,

11.8.2 Last Combinations

The last combination can be classified in normal, special or of construction and exceptional. Last Normal Combinations

In each combination the permanent actions and the main variable action, with its characteristic
values and all the other variable actions, considered as secondary, with its reduced values of
combination must be included, according to the ABNT NBR 8681. Last Special Combinations or Construction Combinations

In each combination the permanent actions and the special variable action, whenever existing, with
its characteristic values and all the other variable actions, with probability non-negligible of
simultaneous occurrence, with its reduced values of combination must be present, according to
ABNT NBR 8681. Last Exceptional Combinations

In each combination the permanent actions and the exceptional variable action, whenever existing,
with its representative values and all the other variable actions with non-negligible probability of
simultaneous occurrence, with its reduced values of combination must appear, according to the
ABNT NBR 8681. In this case, it is included, among others, earthquake, fires, and progressive
collapse. Last Usual Combinations

To facilitate the visualization, these combinations are disposed in table 11.3.

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Table 11.3 – Last Combinations

Fd is the calculation value of the actions for last combination;

Fgk represents the direct permanent actions;

Fk represents the permanent indirect actions as the shrinkage Fq1k and variables as the
temperature Fk;

Fqk represents the direct variable actions of which Fq1k is the main chosen one.

g, g, q, q – see table 11.1;

oj, o - see table 11.2;

Fsd represents the stabilizing actions;

Fnd represents the non-stabilizing actions;

Gsk is the characteristic value of the stabilizing permanent action;

Rd is the resistant effort considered as stabilizing, whenever existing;

Gnk is the characteristic value of the non-stabilized permanent action;

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Qnk is the characteristic values of the non-stabilizing variable actions;

Q1k is the characteristic value of the non-stabilizing variable action considered as the main one;

oj and Qjk are all the others non-stabilizing variable actions, considered with its reduced value;

Qs,min is the minimum characteristic value of the stabilizing variable action that accompanies
obligatorily non-stabilizing variable action.
In the general case, there must be considered inclusively the combinations where the favorable
effect of the permanent loads are reduced through consideration of g = 1,0. In the case of usual
structures of buildings, these combinations that consider g reduced (1,0) do not need to be

When Fg1k or Fg1exc act in very small time or have the probability of very low occurrence
0j, can
be substituted by 2j.
11.8.3 Service Combinations Classification

They are classified according to its permanence in the structure and must be verified as established

a) Almost permanent: can act on during the greatest part of the life period of the structure and
its consideration might be necessary in the verification of the excessive deformations of the
limit state;

b) Frequent: repeat themselves many times during the life period of the structure and its
consideration can be necessary in the verification of fissure formations, fissure openings
and excessive vibrations of the limit states. It can also be considered the limit states
verifications of excessive deformations decurrent from the wind or the temperature that can
compromise the sealing;

c) Rare: occur sometimes during the life period of the structure and its consideration can be
necessary in the limit states verification of the fissure formation. Usual Service Combinations

To facilitate the visualization, these combinations are disposed in table 11.4.

Table 11.4 – Service Combinations

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12 Resistances

12.1 Specific symbology of this section

In order to simplify the comprehension and, therefore the application of the established concepts of
this section, the most used symbols, or that could generate any doubts, are defined below.

The symbology presented in this section follows the same orientation established in section 4. This
way, the subscribed symbols have the same meaning presented in 4.3.

f – Resistance (see section 8)

m1 – Part of the pondering coefficient of the resistances m that considers the resistance variability
of the materials involved.

m2 – Part of the pondering coefficient of the resistances m that considers the difference between
the resistance of the material on the test specimen and in the structure.

m3 – Part of the pondering coefficient of the resistances m that considers the deviations generated
in the construction and the approximations made on the design of the point of view of the

12.2 Characteristic Values

The characteristic values fk of the resistances are the ones that, in a batch of material, have a
certain probability of being overcome, in the unfavorable way for the safety.

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Usually it is of interest of the inferior characteristic resistance fk,inf, whose value is smaller than the
average resistance fm even though sometimes there is interest in the superior characteristic
resistance fk,sup, whose value is higher than fm.
According to this Standard Specification, the inferior characteristic resistance is accepted as being
the value that has only 5 % of probability not being reached by the elements of a given batch of

12.3 Calculation Values

12.3.1 Calculation Resistance

The calculation resistance fd is given by the expression:

12.3.2 Stresses Resistant of Calculation

The stresses resistant of calculation Rd or Rd are established for the determination of the physical
strain resistant of calculation that do not depend directly on the resistances measured
conventionally in standard test specimen tests of the materials used. The values of Rd and Rd are
established, in each particular case, from the resistance theories of the structural elements

12.3.3 Calculation Resistance of the Concrete

In the specific case of calculation resistance of the concrete (fcd), some additional details are
necessary according to the described information below:

a) when the verification is made in date j equal to or superior to 28 days, the following
expression is adopted:

In theses case, the resistance control to the compression of the concrete must be done on the 28
days, in order to confirm the value fck adopted in the design:

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b) when the verification is done in date j inferior to 28 days, the following expression is

being 1 the relation fckj / fck given by:


s = 0,38 for concrete of cement CPIII and IV;

s = 0,25 for concrete of cement CPI and II;

s = 0,20 for concrete of cement CPV-ARI;

t is the effective age of the concrete, in days.

This verification must be done on t days, for the loads applied up to this date.

The verification for the totality of the loads applied on the 28 days still must be applied.

In these case, the resistance control to the compression of the concrete must be done in two dates:
on t days and on 28 days, in order to confirm the values fckj and fck adopted in this design.

12.4 Pondering Coefficient of Resistances

The resistances must be reduced by the coefficient:

m = m1 m2 m3

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12.4.1 Pondering Coefficient of Resistances in the Last Limit State (ELU)

The values for verification in the last limit state are indicated in table 12.1.

Table 12.1 – Values of the coefficients c and s

For the performance of the structural elements on which unfavorable conditions are predicted (for
example, bad transportation conditions, or manual densification, or deficient operation of pouring
concrete through armature concentration), the coefficient c must be multiplied by 1,1.

For premolded and pre-manufactured structural elements, the ABNT NBR 9062 must be consulted.

It is acceptable, in case of evidence extracted from the structure; divide the value of c by 1,1.
It is acceptable, in the small importance construction jobs, the use of the steel CA-25 without the
accomplishment of quality control established in the ABNT NBR 7480, as long as the pondering
coefficient for the steel is multiplied by 1,1.

12.4.2 Pondering Coefficient of Resistances in the Limit State of Service (ELS)

The established limits for the limit states of service (see sections 17, 19 and 23) do not need the
reduction, so m = 1,0.

12.5 Safety Verification

In the safety verification of the concrete structures the constructive conditions and the analytical
conditions of safety must be met.

12.5.1 Constructive Conditions of Safety

The established demands must be met:

 In the criteria of constant detailing of the sections 18 and 20;

 In the standard specifications of material control, specially the ABNT NBR 12655;

 In the performance control of the construction job, according to the ABNT NBR 14931 and
the specific Brazilian Standard Specifications.

12.5.2 Analytical Conditions of Safety

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The analytical conditions of safety establish that the resistances should not be smaller than the
physical strains and should be verified in relation to all the limit states and all the loadings specified
for the type of construction considered, or that means, in any case the following condition must be

R d  Sd
For the verification of the last limit state of balance loss as an inelastic body, Rd and Sd must
assume the calculation values of the stabilizing and non-stabilizing actions respectively.

12.5.3 Resistant Efforts of Calculation

The calculation values of the resistant efforts are determined from the calculation values of the
resistances of the materials adopted in the design, or of the stresses resistant of calculations, as
defined in section 12.3.1.

For the specific applications, see sections 17, 19 and 23.

12.5.4 Physical Strain Efforts of Calculation

The physical strain calculations are calculated, for the combination of actions considered, according
to the structural analyses (see section 14).

13 Limits for dimensions, displacements and fissure openings

13.1 Specific Symbology of this Section

In order to simplify the comprehension and, therefore the application of the established concepts of
this section, the most used symbols, or that could generate any doubts, are defined below.

The symbology presented in this section follows the same orientation established in section 4. This
way, the subscribed symbols have the same meaning presented in 4.3.

Wk – Characteristic opening of fissures in the concrete surface

13.2 Limit Dimensions

13.2.1 Introduction

The prescription of the minimum limit values for the dimensions of the structural elements of the
concrete has as its objective to avoid an unacceptable performance for the structural elements and
provide suitable execution conditions.

13.2.2 Beams and Wall-beams

The cross-section segment of the beams should not present a width smaller than 12 cm and of the
wall-beams should not be smaller than 15 cm. These limits can be reduced, respecting and
absolute minimum of 10 cm in exceptional cases, being obligatorily respected the following

a) Armature housing and its interference with the armatures of others structural elements,
respecting the spacing and covers established on this standard specification;

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b) Throwing and vibration of the concrete according to the ABNT NBR 14931.

13.2.3 Columns and Wall-columns

The cross section segment of columns and solid wall columns, whichever is its format, should not
present a dimension smaller than 19 cm.

In special cases, it is acceptable the consideration of dimensions between 19 cm and 12 cm, as

long as the actions to be considered in the dimensioning through an additional coefficient n ,
according to the information indicated in table 13.1 and in section 11. In any case, it is not
acceptable a column with cross-section segment of area inferior to 360 cm 2.

Table 13.1 – Values of the Additional Coefficient n

13.2.4 Slabs Solid Slabs

In the solid slabs the following minimum limits for the thickness must be respected:

a) 5 cm for cover slabs not in oscillation;

b) 7 cm for floor slabs or cover slabs not in oscillation;

c) 10 cm for slabs that support vehicles of total weight smaller than or equal to 30 kN;

d) 12 cm for slabs that support vehicles of total weight higher than 30 kN.

e) 15 cm for slabs with prestressing supported in beams,  /42 for double-supported floor
slabs and  /50 for continuous floor slabs;

f) 16 cm for smooth slabs and 14 cm for toadstool slab. Ribbed Slabs

The thickness of the table, whenever there are not any built-in horizontal conduits, must be higher
than or equal to 1/15 of the distance between the ribs and not smaller than 3 cm.

The minimum absolute value must be 4 cm, whenever there are built-in conduits of maximum
diameter of 12,5 mm.

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The thickness of the ribs should not be inferior to 5 cm.

Ribs with thickness smaller than 8 cm should not contain compression armature.

For the design of ribbed slabs the following conditions must be obeyed:

a) For slabs with spacing among the ribs’ axles smaller than or equal to 65 cm, the verification
of the bending of the table can be spared, and for the shearing verification of the ribs
regions, the consideration of the slab criteria is acceptable;

b) For slabs with spacing among rib axles between 65 cm and 110 cm, it is demandable the
verification of the table bending and the ribs must be verified to the shearing as beams; this
verification as slabs is acceptable if the spacing between the rib axles is up to 90 cm and
the average width of the ribs is higher than 12 cm;

c) For ribbed slabs with spacing between the axles higher than 110 cm, the table must be
designed as a solid slab, supported in the beam grate, respecting its minimum limits of

13.2.5 Holes and Openings

When holes and openings in structural elements are predicted, its effect on the resistance and on
the deformation must be verified and should not surpass the limits predicted on this standard
specification, obeying the disposed in section 21.3.

Generally the holes have small dimensions in relation to the structural element while the openings
do not. A set of very close holes must be treated as an opening. Holes that go through beams in its width direction

In any case, the minimum distance of a hole to the closest face into a beam must be at least equal
to 5 cm and two times the cover predicted for this face. The remaining section on this section,
having discounted the area occupied by the hole, must be capable of resisting to the efforts
predicted on the calculation, besides permitting a good operation of pouring concrete.

The following conditions must be respected, simultaneously for verification exemption.

a) Holes in the tension zone and to a distance of the support face of at least 2 h, where h is the
height of the beam;

b) Dimension of the hole of maximum 12 cm and h/3.

c) Distance between the faces of the holes, at the same bottom Fraction, of at least 2 h;

d) Enough covers and non-sectioning of armatures (see section 7). Openings that go through slabs in its thickness direction

In smooth or toadstool slabs, the verification of resistance and deformation predicted in 13.2.5 must
always be performed.

Other types of slabs can be exempt from this verification, being armed in two directions and verified
simultaneously the following conditions:

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a) The dimensions of the opening must correspond to a maximum of 1/10 of the smaller gap (
 x) (see figure 13.1);

b) The distance between the face of an opening and a free border of the slab must be equal to
or higher than ¼ of the gap, in the considered direction; e

c) The distance between faces of adjacent openings must be higher than half of the smaller

Figure 13.1 – Limit dimensions for slab openings with verification exemption

13.2.6 Built-in Pipe-lines

Built-in pipelines are openings according to the longitudinal axle of a linear element, contained in
and surface element or immersed in the interior of a volume element.

The structural elements should not contain built-in pipelines on the following cases:

a) Pipelines without suitable isolation or special verification when designed to fluids passage
with temperatures a fraction from more than 15 ºC of environmental temperature.

b) Pipe-lines destined to support internal pressures higher than 0,3 Mpa;

c) Built-in pipelines in concrete columns, immersed in the material or in internal empty spaces
to the structural element, without the existence of openings for draining.

13.3 Limit Displacements

Limit displacements are practical values used for verification in service of the limit states of
excessive deformations of the structure. According to this standard specification they are classified
on the following described four basic groups and they must obey the limits established in table 13.2;

a) Sensorial acceptability: undesirable vibrations or unpleasant visual effects characterize the

limit. The bend limitation to prevent these vibrations, in special use situations,, must be
performed as established in section 23;

b) Specific effects: the displacements can prevent the suitable use of the construction;

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c) Effects in non structural elements: structural displacements can cause the bad functioning
of elements, that besides not being Fraction of the structure, are connected to it;

d) Effects in structural elements: the displacements can affect the behavior of the structural
element, causing distancing in relation to the adopted calculation hypothesis. If the
displacements are relevant for the considered element, its effects over the stress or over
the stability of the structure must be considered, merging them to the adopted structural

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Table 13.2 – Limits for Displacements

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13.4 Fission Control and Armature Protection

13.4.1 Introduction

The fission in structural elements of reinforced concrete is inevitable, due to a high vulnerability and
to the low resistance of the concrete to the tension; even under the service actions (use), critical
values of stress tension are reached. Having in view obtain a good performance related to the
armature protection in regards to the corrosion and to the sensorial acceptability of the users, the
control of the opening of these fissures is seek.

There is also in the structures with active armatures (prestressing concrete), with a smaller
probability, the possibility of fissures appearance. In this case the fissures can be more harmful,
because there is the possibility of corrosion under the stress of the armatures.

Generally, the presence of fissures with openings which respect the limits given in section in 13.4.2,
in well designed structures, built and submitted to loads predicted in the normalization, do not
indicate loss of durability or loss of safety in regards to the last limit states.

The fissures can still occur due to other causes, such as the thermal plastic shrinkage, or due to the
internal chemical reactions of the concrete in the first ages. These should be avoided or limit
through technological cautions, especially in the definition of outline and in the aging of the

13.4.2 Limits for Fission and Armature protection in regards to durability

The maximum characteristic opening of fissures Wk, as long as it does not exceed values of order
of 0,2 mm to 0,4 mm (according to table 13.3) under the action of frequent combinations, does not
have any significant importance in the corrosion of the passive armatures.

As for the active armatures there is a possibility of corrosion under tension, these limits must be
more restrict and direct function of the environment aggressiveness, given by the environmental
aggressiveness class (see section 6).

In table 13.3 limit values of characteristic opening of fissures Wk are given, just like the other
measures aiming to guarantee suitable armature protection in regards to the corrosion. However,
due to the current stage of know border and the high variability of the magnitudes involved, these
limits must be seen only as criteria for an adequate design of the structures.

Even though the estimates of fissure opening done in section should respect these limits,
you should not wait that the real fissure openings correspond strictly to the estimated values, that is,
real fissures can eventually surpass these limits.

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Table 13.3 – Demands of Durability related to the fission and to the armature protection, in
function of the environmental aggressiveness classes

13.4.3 Fission Control in regards to the sensorial acceptability and to the use

In the case of the fissures affect the functionality of the structure, as for example, in the case of
reservoir tightness, smaller limits for the fissure openings must be adopted. For more effective
controls of fission in these structures, it is convenient the use of prestressing.

By fission control in regards to the sensorial acceptability, the situation where the fissures start to
cause psychological discomfort to the users is important, even though this does not represent loss
of structure safety. More severe limits of fissure openings can be established with the contractor.

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14 Structural Analyses

14.1 Specific Symbology of this Section

In order to simplify the comprehension and, therefore the application of the established concepts of
this section, the most used symbols, or that could generate any doubts, are defined below.

The symbology presented in this section follows the same orientation established in section 4. This
way, the subscribed symbols have the same meaning presented in 4.3.

a – Distance between sections of null bending moment

bef – Effective Width

bf – Cooperative width of the beam of a table

bw – Width of the stem of a beam

d – Practical height

 0 – Distance between the faces of two consecutive supports

 e – Equivalent Length of the compressed element (column), supposedly closely bound in both

rinf – Stiffness of bottom section of the column in the bottom section connection of top section of
-beam-column of a column.

rsup - Stiffness of top section of the column in a bottom section connection of top section of the
column-beam-column of a column.

t – Length of the parallel support to the gap of the analyzed beam

x – Height of the neutral line

I – Inertia moment

p  - Plastic Rotation

M – Moment Fraction reduced in the rounding

14.2 General principles of Structural Analyses

14.2.1 Objective of Structural Analyses

The objective of the structural analyses is to determine the effects of the actions in a structure, with
the purpose of accomplishing verifications of the last limit states and of service.

The structural analyses allows establishment of the distributions of internal efforts, stress,
deformations and displacements, in one Fraction or in the whole structure.

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14.2.2 Necessary premises to the structural analyses

The analyses must be done with a realistic structural model, which allows represent in a clear
manner all the paths traveled by the actions up to the structure supports and that also allows
represent the non linear answer of the materials.

In more complex cases the model must contemplate the soil-structure interaction.

In the case of prestressing application, suitable misplacement to its effective performance must be
guaranteed, minimizing the transmission of non-desirable efforts for adjacent elements.

Complementary local analyses should also be handled when the non-linearity introduced by the
fission is important, as for example in the evaluation of bends.

14.3 Basic Hypothesis

14.3.1 Balance Conditions

The balance conditions can be established based on the unstrained geometry of the structure ( 1º
order theory), except in cases where the displacements alter in a significant way the internal efforts
(2º order theory, see section 15).

14.3.2 Compatibility Conditions

When the compatibility conditions are not verified in the limit state considered, measures that
guarantee adequate ductility of the structure in the last limit state must be adopted, protecting a
suitable performance in the limit sates of service.

14.3.3 Monotonic Load

It is acceptable monotonic load up to the considered limit state, in the usual structures, as long as
the answer to cycles of load and discharge, in service, do not stress the concrete to compression
stresses above 0,5 fck.

14.4 Structural Elements

The structures can be idealized as the composition of basic structural elements, classified and
defined according to its geometric format and its structural function, in conformity with setions
14.4.1 and 14.4.2.

14.4.1 Linear Elements

These are the ones where the longitudinal length surpasses in at least three times the bigger
dimension of the cross-section segment, which are also called bars. According to it structural
function, they receive designations in sections to

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Linear elements of right axle, usually disposed vertically, where the normal forces of compression
are pre-pondering. Tie Beams

Linear elements of right axle where the normal forces of tension are overruling. Arcs

Linear curve elements where the normal forces of compression are overruling, acting or not
simultaneously with soliciting efforts of deflection, whose actions are contained in its plan.

14.4.2 Surface Elements

Elements where one dimension, usually called thickness, is relatively small in relation the others,
being able to receive the designations presented in sections to Plaques

Plain surface elements, subjected mainly to actions normal to its plan. The concrete plaques are
usually denominated slabs. Plaques with a thickness higher than 1/3 of the gap must be studied as
thick plaques. Plates

Plain surface elements, subjected mainly to actions contained to its plan. The concrete plates where
the gap is smaller than three times the biggest dimension of the cross-section segment are usually
denominated wall-beams. Crusts

Elements of non-plain surfaces. Wall-columns

Elements of plain surface or cylindrical crust, usually disposed vertically and submitted overruling to
the compression. They can be composed by one or more associated surfaces. To have a wall-
column, in some of these surfaces the smallest dimension should be smaller than 1/5 of the biggest,
both considered in the cross-section segment of the structural element.

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14.5 Types of Structural Analyses

14.5.1 Generalities

For the situation of the design, the structural analyses can be performed by one of the methods
presented in sections 14.5.2 to 14.5.6, which are differed by the admitted behavior for the materials
constituent of the structure, not losing sight in each case the corresponding limitations.

For verification situations of designs or constructions jobs already performed, non-conformities

identified through one of these models of structural analyses will not be accepted as impugnations.
For the acceptance of this project or construction job it is enough to show the conformity with the
standard specification through one of the other models of structural analyses.

All these models admit, according to this section, that the displacements of the structure are small.

14.5.2 Linear Analyses

It is admissible the linear elastic behavior for the materials.

In the global analyses the rough section of concrete of the structural elements can determine the
geometrical characteristics. In local analyses for the displacement calculations, in the eventuality of
fission, this should be considered.

The values for the elasticity module and the Poisson’s coefficient must be adopted according to the
information presented in sections 8.2.8 and 8.2.9, being in principle be considered the secant
elasticity module Ecs.
The results of linear analyses are usually employed for the verification of limit states of service.

It is possible to extend the results for verifications of the last limit state, even with high stress, as
long as the ductility of the structural elements is guaranteed.

14.5.3 Linear Analyses with Redistribution

In the linear analyses with redistribution, the effects of the actions, determined in linear analyses,
are redistributed on the structures, for the combinations of load of the ELU.

In this case the balance and ductility conditions must be obligatorily satisfied.

All the internal efforts must be recalculated in order to guarantee the balance of each one of the
structural elements and of the structure as a whole. The effects of redistribution must be considered
in all the aspects of the structural design, including the anchor conditions and armature cut and the
efforts to anchor.

Special cautions must be taken in relation to the load of great variability.

The verifications of combinations of ELS loads or of fatigue can be based in the linear analyses
without redistribution. Generally it is desirable that there is not any redistribution of efforts in service.

14.5.4 Plastic Analyses

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The structural analysis is denominated plastic when the non-linearities can be considered,
accepting the materials of perfect plastic-stiff behavior or perfect plastic-elastic.

The plastic analyses of the lattice structures cannot be adopted when:

a) The effects of the second global order are considered;

b) There is not enough ductility for the adopted configurations to be reached;

In the case of cyclic load with fatigue possibility, the plastic calculation must be avoided, observing
the prescripts contained in section 23.

14.5.5 Non Linear Analyses

In the non-linear analysis, the non-linear behavior of the materials is considered.

All the geometry of the structure, as well as all its armatures, need to be known so that the non-
linear analyses can be performed, because the answer of the structure depends on how it was

Balance, compatibility and ductility conditions must be necessarily satisfied. Non-linear analyses
can be adopted as much for verifications of the last limit states as for verifications of limit states of

14.5.6 Analyses through physical models

In the analyses through physical models, the structural behavior is determined from the test
performed with physical models of concrete, considering the criteria of mechanical resemblance.

The methodology adopted on the experiments must reassure the possibility of obtaining the correct
interpretation of the results.

In this case, the interpretation of the results must be justified through theoretical model of balance in
the critical sections and statistical analyses of the results.

If it is possible an adequate evaluation of the variability of the results, the safety margins prescribed
in this standard specification can be adopted, according to sections 11 and 12. On the other hand,
when it is possible to evaluate the average value of the results, the margin of safety referred to in
this standard specification should be amplified, covering in favor of the safety, the variabilities
evaluated by other means.

Obligatorily the results for all the last limit states and of service to be employed in the structure
analyses must be obtained.

All the actions, conditions and possible influences that might occur during the life of the structure
must be conveniently reproduced on the tests.

This type of analyses is appropriated when the calculation models are insufficient or are out of the
scope of this standard specification.

In the case of load tests, the prescriptions in section 25 must be met.

14.6 Structures of Linear Element

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14.6.1 Basic Hypothesis

Structures or Fractions of structures that can be assimilated to linear elements (beams, columns, tie
beams, arcs, gantries, grates, trusses) can be analyzed accepting the following hypothesis:

a) Maintenance of plain section after the deformation;

b) Representation of elements through its longitudinal axles;

c) Limit length by the support centers or by the intersection with the axle of another structural

14.6.2 Geometry Characterization

The intervals of linear elements belonging to the common region in relation to the intersection of two
or more elements can be considered like stiff (knots of finite dimensions), as it is illustrated in figure

Figure 14.1 – Stiff Intervals Beams Cooperative Width of section T

When the structure is modeled without the automatic consideration of the combined action of slabs
and beams, this effect can be considered intervening the adoption of a cooperative width of slab
associated to the beam, composing a cross-section segment T.

The consideration of section T can be done to establish the distributions of internal effort stress,
deformations and displacements in the structure, on a more realistic way.

The cooperative bf must be given by the width of the beam bw increased by the maximum of 10 %
distance a between the points of null bending, for each side of the beam in which there is
cooperative slab.

The distance a can be estimated, in function of the length  of the considered section of the
column, as it is presented below:

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 Beam simply supported: a = 1,00 

 Section of the column with moment only in one end: a = 0,75 

 Section of the column with moments in both ends: a = 0,60 

 Section of the column in balance: a = 3,00 

Alternatively, the computation of the distance a can be done or verified intervening examination of
the diagrams of bending moments in the structure.

In the case of continuous beams, it is acceptable to calculate them with an only cooperative width
for all the sections, including in the supports under negative moments, as long as this width is
calculated from the interval of positive moments where the width results minimum.

The limits b1 and b3 as indicated in figure 14.2 must be respected.

Figure 14.2 – Width of cooperative table

When the slab present openings or interruptions in the region of the cooperative table, the variation
of the effective width of the table (bef) must respect the maximum bt and the limitations imposed by
the openings as it is shown in figure 14.3.

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Figure 14.3 – Effective Width with opening Brackets and sharp variations of sections

In the occurrence of brackets or sharp variations of the cross-section segment, the Fraction
indicated in figure 14.4 should be the only one considered as effective Fraction of the section.

Figure 14.4 – Effective Height and Width of a cross-section segment Effective Gaps of beams

The effective beam can be calculated by:

with a1 equal to the smallest value between (t 1/2 and 0,3h) and a2 equal to the smallest value
between (t2/2 and 0,3h), according to the figure 14.5.

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Figure 14.5 – Effective Gap

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14.6.3 Rounding of the diagram of bending moments

The diagram of bending moments can be rounded over the supports and application points of
forces considered as concentrated and gantry knots. This rounding can be done in an approximate
way as indicated in figure 14.6.

Figure 14.6 – Rounding of the diagram of bending moments

14.6.4 Linear Analyses with or without redistribution

The general conditions expressed in sections 14.5.2 and 14.5.3 and the specific conditions
presented in sections and are applied to the structures of linear elements. Stiffness Values

For the calculation of stiffness of the structural elements it is allowed, as an approximation, to take
the secant elasticity module (Ecs) (see 8.2.8) and the moment of inertia of the rough section of the

For verification of the bends the fission and the fluency must be obligatory considered, using for
example the criteria of section

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ABNT NBR 6118:2003 Restrictions for the redistribution

The redistributions of bending moments and of torsion in columns, linear elements with overruling of
the compression and consoles, can only be adopted when they are decurrent of redistributions of
beam moments to what they are connected to.

When approximate procedure are used, only one small redistribution is allowed in structures of
movable knots (see

The implicit redistributions in one analysis of second order must be performed according to section
15. Limits for redistribution of moments and ductility conditions

The capacity of rotation of the structural elements is function of the neutral line position on the ELU.
As small is the x/d, bigger will be this capacity.

To improve the ductility of the structures in the support region of the beams or of the connections
with other structural elements, even when they are not redistributions of soliciting efforts, the
position of the neutral line on the ELU must obey the following limits:

a) x/d  0,50 for concretes with fck  35 Mpa; or

b) x/d  0,40 for concretes with fck > 35 Mpa.

These limits can be altered if special details of armatures are used, as for example the ones that
produce confining in these regions.

When a redistribution is performed, reducing a bending moment from M to M, in a determined

cross-section segment, the relation between the coefficient of redistribution  and the position of the
neutral line in this section x/d, for the reduced moment M, must be given by:

a)   0,44 + 1,25 x/d for concretes with fck  35 Mpa; or

b)   0,56 + 1,25 x/d for concretes with fck > 35 Mpa;

The coefficient of redistribution must, still, obey the following limits:

a)   0,90 for structures of movable knots;

b)   0,75 in any other case.

The redistribution out of the limits established on this standard specification can be adopted, as long
as the structure is calculated according to the use of non-linear analyses or of plastic analyses, with
explicit verification of the capacity of rotation of plastic socket joints.

14.6.5 Plastic Analyses

A plastic analysis of the structure, with the simulation of plastic socket joints located in the critical
sections can be performed for the verification of the last limit states.

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It is obligatory the verification of the rotations in the plastic socket joints, correspondent to the
adopted mechanisms, that cannot surpass the capacity of plastic rotation of the corresponding
cross-section segments.

This limit, function of the relative deepness x/d of the neutral line in the section for the bending
moment considered in the socket joint, can be determined through the figure 14.7 for the relation
a/d equal to 6 (where: a is the distance between the points of null moment of the region that contain
the plasticized section). For other relations a/d, multiply the values extracted from figure 14.7 by
(a / d ) / 6

Figure 14.7 – Rotation Capacity of Plastic Socket Joints

The verification of the rotation capacity of plastic socket joints must be done for each one of the
load combinations considered. Special attention should be given to the verification of fission in the
socket joints for service conditions.

14.6.6 Non-linear Analysis

Non-linear analyses are permitted for verifications of last limit states as much as for verifications of
limit states of service.

14.6.7 Usual Structures of Buildings – Permitted Approximations Continuous Beams

The classic model of continuous beam can be used, simply supported on the columns, for the study
of the vertical loads, observing the necessity of the following additional corrections:

a) Positive moments smaller than the ones that would be obtained if there were perfect
mounting of the beam in internal supports should not be considered;

b) When the beam is characterized by the intermediate column and the support width,
measured in the direction of the axle of the beam, is bigger than the fourth Fraction of the

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column’s height, it can not be considered negative moment of absolute value smaller than
the one of perfect mounting on this support;

c) When the exact calculation of the influence of characterization of the columns with the
beam, should be considered, in the external supports, bending moment equal to the
moment of perfect mounting multiplied by the coefficients established on the following

 In the beam:

 In the top section of the column:

 In the bottom section of the column:


Where: ri is the stiffness of the element I on the knot considered, evaluated according to the
indication on figure 14.8.

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Figure 14.8 – Approximation on external supports

Alternatively, the model of continuous beam can be improved, considering the characterization of
the column with the beam, in view of the introduction of stiffness to the deflection of the external and
intermediate columns.

The suitability of the model employed must be verified in view of the careful analyses of the results

Cautions must be taken to guarantee the balance of moments in the column-beam knots, especially
on the more plain models, as the ones of continuous beams. Grates and Spatial Gantries

The pavements of the buildings must be modeled as grates, for the study of vertical loads,
considering the stiffness to the deflection of the columns of on an analogous way to the one
prescribed for the continuous beams.

In an approximate way, in the grates and on the spatial gantries, it is possible to reduce the stiffness
to the torsion of the beams by fission using 15 % of elastic stiffness, except for the structural
elements with limit or complete prestressing (levels 2 or 3).

Open profiles of thin wall can be modeled considered the disposed in section 17.5. Consideration of Variable Loads

For structures of buildings where the variable load is maximum equal to 20 % of total load, the
structural analyses can be performed without the consideration of load alternance.

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ABNT NBR 6118:2003 Structure of Lateral Bracing

The slab of the pavement can be considered as a plate totally stiff in its plan, as long as it does not
present big openings and whose biggest side of the circumscribed rectangle to the pavement in the
plant does not overcome in three times the smallest side.

14.7 Structures with Plaque Elements

14.7.1 Basic Hypothesis

Plaque structures can be analyzed accepting the following hypothesis:

a) Maintenance of plain section after the deformation, in sufficiently narrow ranges;

b) Representation of elements by its average plan.

14.7.2 Characterization by Geometry Brackets and Abrupt variations of thickness

The effective height to be considered is shown in figure 14.4. Effective Gaps of Slabs or Plaques

When the supports can be considered sufficiently stiff in regards to the vertical translation, the
effective gap must be calculated by the following expression:

The values of a1 and a2, in each end of the gap, can be determined by the appropriate values of a i in
the figure 14.5.

14.7.3 Linear Analyses with or without redistribution

It is applied to the structures of plaques methods based in the elasticity theory, with the Poisson’s
coefficient equal to 0,2.

The general conditions expressed in sections 14.5.2 and 14.5.3 and the specific conditions
presented in and must be met. Values of Stiffness

For the verification of the limit state of excessive deformation, values of stiffness stage I can be
used, considering the secant elasticity module of the concrete, as long as the bending moments are
smaller than the one of fission.

The eventual effects of fission and slow deformation must be considered in an analogous way to the
procedures exposed in section 17.

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ABNT NBR 6118:2003 Redistribution of moments and ductility conditions

When redistribution is performed, the relation between the coefficient  (according to section and the position of the neutral line is given by:

a)   0,44 + 1,25 x/d for concretes with fck  35 Mpa;

b)   0,56 + 1,25 x/d for concretes with fck > 35 Mpa;

The coefficient of redistribution should, still, obey the limit   0,75.

14.7.4 Plastic Analyses

For the consideration of the last limit state, the analysis of efforts can be performed through the
theory of plastic hinges.

For the guarantee of appropriate conditions of ductility, dispensing the explicit verification of plastic
rotation capacity, prescribe din section 14.6.5, should have the position of the neutral line limit in:

x/d  0,30

In the lack of better experimental data, the minimum relation of 1,5:1 between border moments
(with continuity and undisplaced support) and moments on the gap, should be adopted for rectangle

Special care must be taken in relation to fission and verification of bends in the ELS, mainly when
the relation between very different moments from the ones that result of an elastic analysis is

14.7.5 Non-Linear Analysis

Non-linear analyses are permitted as much as for verifications of last limit states as for verifications
of limit states of service.

14.7.6 Solid Slabs Support Reactions

For the calculation of the support reactions of the rectangle solid slabs with uniform load the
following approximations can be done:

a) The reactions in each support are the ones correspondent to the acting loads on the
triangles or trapeziums determined through the plastic hinges correspondent to the analysis
performed with the criteria of section 14.7.4, once these reactions can be, in an
approximate way, considered uniformly distributed over the structural elements that serve
them as a support.

b) When the plastic analysis are not performed, the hinges can be approximated by inclined
straight lines, from the vertex with the following angles:

- 45º between two supports of the same type;

- 60º from the support considered mounted, if the other is considered simply supported;

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- 90º from the support, when the neighbor border is free. Approximations for Diagrams of Bending moments

When there is predominance of permanent loads, the neighbor slabs can be considered as isolated,
performing compatibility of moments over the supports in a approximate way.

On the case of plastic analysis, the compatibility can be performed in view of alteration of relations
between moments of border and gap, in iterative procedure, until the balanced values on the
borders are obtained.

It is acceptable, simply, the adoption of the higher value of negative moment instead of balancing
the moments of different slabs over a normal border.

14.7.7 Ribbed Slabs

Ribbed slabs are the molded slabs on the location or with pre-molded ribs, whose zone of stress for
positive moments is located on the ribs between the ones it can be put inert material.

The slabs with pre-molded ribs must meet additionally the prescriptions of the specific Brazilian
Standard Specifications.

All the previous prescriptions related to the slabs can be considered valid, as long as the conditions
in section are followed.

When these hypotheses are not verified, the ribbed slab must be analyzed considering the coat as
a solid slab supported in grates of beams.

The unidirectional ribbed slabs must be calculated according to the direction of the ribs despising
the cross-section stiffness and the stiffness to torsion.

The bi-directional ribbed slabs (according to the ABNT NBR 14859-2) can be calculated, for effect
of soliciting efforts as solid slabs.

14.7.8 Smooth Slabs and Toadstool Slabs

Toadstool Slabs are slabs supported directly in columns with heads, while smooth slabs are the
ones supported on the columns without heads.

The structural analysis of smooth and toadstool slabs must be performed in view of the use of the
adequate numerical procedure, for example, finite differences, finite elements and contour

In the cases where the columns are disposed in orthogonal lines, in a regular way and with slightly
different gaps, the calculation of efforts can be performed by the approximate elastic process, with
redistribution, that consists in adopting multiple gantries in each direction, to obtain soliciting efforts.

The total load should be considered for each gantry. The distribution of moments, obtained in each
direction, according to the ranges indicated in figure 14.9, must be done on the following way:

a) 45 % of positive moments for the two internal ranges;

b) 27,5 % of positive moments for each one of the external ranges;

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c) 25 % of negative moments for the two internal ranges;

d) 37,5 % of negative moments for each one of the external ranges;

The connections of the slabs with the columns must be carefully studied, with special attention to
the cases where there is no symmetry of format or slab load in relation to the support.

The moments of connection between the external slabs and columns must be obligatorily

The punch should be verified according to section 19.5.

Figure 14.9 – Slab ranges for distribution of efforts on the multiple gantries

14.8 Structures containing other elements

14.8.1 Wall Beams and Wall Columns

For wall beams or wall columns the linear analysis or the non-linear analysis can be used.

The linear analysis, in most of the cases, must be performed with the use of adequate numerical
procedure, as for example, finite differences, finite elements and contour elements.

For the consideration of a wall beam or a wall column as a component of a structural system, it is
acceptable to represent him by the linear element, as long as the deformation by shearing is
considered, and an adjustment of its stiffness to the deflection for the real behavior.

14.8.2 Blocks

The linear analysis, the plastic analysis or the non-linear analysis can be used for the blocks.

The linear analysis, in most of the cases, must be performed with the use of adequate numerical
procedure, as for example, finite differences and finite elements.

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15 Instability and 2º order effects

15.1 Specific Symbology of this section

In order to simplify the comprehension and, therefore the application of the established concepts of
this section, the most used symbols, or that could generate any doubts, are defined below.

The symbology presented in this section follows the same orientation established in section 4. This
way, the subscribed symbols have the same meaning presented in 4.3.

E1 – Eccentricity of 1º order (it does not includes the accidental eccentricity)

Ecc – Eccentricity due to the fluency phenomenon

(El)sec – Secant Stiff

(El)eq – Equivalent Stiff

Myid – Bending moment of 1º order, of calculation, in the I range, y direction

 - Instability Parameter

z – Coefficient of increase of the final global efforts of 1º order to obtain the finals of 2º order

 - Adimensional secant stiffness

1 – Limit value for the slenderness rate (it contemplates accidental eccentricity of the column)

1 – Plumbness of a continuous vertical element

- Plumbness on a throw of column of height 

15.2 Application Field and Fundamental Concepts

This section applies mainly to the structures made of bars submitted to composed deflections,
where the torsion contribution, on the 2º order effects, can be disregarded.

The principles of this section can be applied to other types of structural elements, as crusts, walls
and wall beams.

In the reinforced concrete structures, the last limit state of instability is reached always that, when
the intensity of the load grows, and therefore the deformations, there are elements submitted to
deflection-compression where the increase of resistant capacity turns inferior to the increase of
physical stress.

There are three types of instability on the structures:

a) In the structures without initial geometrical imperfections, there could be (for special cases
of load) loss of instability by balance fork (buckling);

b) In specific situations (prostrated structures), there could be loss of stability without balance
fork through abrupt bypass of a configuration for another reversed of the previous one (limit
point with reversion).

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c) In structures of non-linear behavior material, with initial geometrical imperfections, there is

not any loss of stability by balance fork, being able to, therefore, have loss of instability
when, the intensity of the load grows, the increase of the resistant capacity of the structure
starts to be smaller than the increase of the physical stress (limit point without reversion).

The cases a) and b) can occur for structures of linear or non-linear behavior materials.

Effects of 2º order are those that are added to the ones obtained in a 1º order analysis (where the
balance of the structure is studied in the initial geometrical configuration), when the balance
analysis starts to be performed considering the deformed configuration.

The 2º order effects, in whose determination the non-linear behavior of the materials must be
considered, can be disregarded whenever they don not represent an increase superior to 10 % on
the reactions and on the relevant physical stresses.

15.3 Basic Principle of Calculation

The structural analysis with 2º order effects must assure that, for the most unfavorable
combinations of the actions of calculations, nor loss of stability or exhaustion of the resistant
capacity of calculation do not occur.

The physical non-linearity, present on the structures of reinforced concrete, must be obligatorily

The deformability of the elements must be calculated based on the deformation-stress diagrams of
the materials defined in section 8. The peak stress of the concrete must be equal to 1,10 f cd already
included the effect of load maintained (Rüsch), and of the steel equals to f yd with the values c and s
used for the ELU.

The verification of resistant capacity must be done according to the prescriptions of section 17.

Possible uncertainties on the characteristics of the supports of the structure and on the
deformability of this one must be considered in the analysis.

15.3.1 Relations Moment-Curvature

The main effect of the non-linearity can, in general, be considered through the construction of the
relation moment-curvature for each section, with an armature supposedly known, and for the value
of an active normal force.

The formulation of safety where the effects of 2º order of the increased loads of f / f3, that
afterwards are increased of f3 with f3 = 1,1 with the following equation:

For the choice of combination of actions and of the coefficients f and 0, see section 11.
Therefore the relation moment-curvature presents the aspect of figure 15.1.

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Figure 15.1 – Relation curvature-moment

The full curve AB, which in favor of security, can be linearized by the straight line AB, is used in the
calculation of deformations.

The traced curve, obtained with the calculation values of the resistances of concrete and steel, is
used only to define the resistant efforts MRd and NRd (maximum point).

The straight line AB is characterized by the secant stiffness (El) sec , which can be used in
approximate processes for the normal or oblique composed deflection.

It is defined as the adimensional secant stiffness  the value given by:


h is the height of the section considered;

This value of the adimensional secant stiffness can be put, in combination with the last values of
NRd and MRd in abacus of interaction normal force- bending moment.

15.3.2 Geometrical Imperfections

The geometrical imperfections (global and local) must be considered according to the prescribed in

15.4 Definitions and Classifications of the Structures

15.4.1 Global, Local and Localized Effects of 2º Order

Under the action of vertical and horizontal loads, the knots of the structure move themselves
horizontally. The 2º order efforts decurrent from these displacements are called global effects of 2º

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order. On the bars of the structure, like a column throw, the respective axles are not rectilineal,
creating local effects of 2º order that, in principles affect mainly the solicitant efforts along them.

In wall columns (plain or composed) it is possible to have a region that presents non-rectilinearity
higher than the one of the column axle as a whole. In these regions bigger 2º order effects called
effects of 2º order localized are created (see figure 15.2). The effect of 2º order localized, besides
increasing in this region the longitudinal deflection, it also increases the cross-section deflection,
therefore having the necessity to increase the stirrups in these regions.

Figure 15.2 – Effects of 2º order localized

15.4.2 Structures of fixed knots and Structures of movable knots

The structures are considered, for effects of calculation, as of fixed knots, when the horizontal
displacements of the knots are small and, by decurrence, the global effects of 2º order are
worthless (below 10 % of the respective efforts of 1º order). In these structures, it is enough to
consider the local and localized effects of 2º order.

The structures of movable knots are those where the horizontal displacements are not small and, in
decurrence, the global effects of 2º order are important (above 10 % of the respective efforts of 1º
order). In these structures the global efforts of 2º order as much as the local and localized efforts of
2º order should be considered.

However, there are structures where the horizontal displacements are big, and that nevertheless,
exempt the consideration of the 2º order effects because the normal forces are small and, therefore,
the additions of displacements produced by them are small. This can happen, for example, in light
posts and in certain columns of industrial warehouses.

15.4.3 Bracing

Through analysis convenience, it is possible to identify, inside this structure, sub-structures, which,
due to its high stiffness to horizontal actions, resist to the highest Fraction of the efforts decurrent of
these actions. These sub-structures are called bracing sub-structures.

The elements that do not participate of the bracing sub-structure are called bracing elements.

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The bracing sub-structures can be made of fixed knots or of movable knots, according to the
definitions in section 15.4.2.

15.4.4 Isolated Elements

The following are considered isolated elements:

a) the isostatic structural elements;

b) The bracing elements;

c) The structure elements of the fixed knots bracings;

d) The sub-structure elements of the movable knots bracing, as long as to the efforts on the
ends, obtained on an analyses of 1º order, be increased the determined by global analyses
of 2º order.

15.5 Exemption of the Consideration of Global Efforts of 2º Order

15.5.1 Generalities

The approximate processes, presented in sections 15.5.2 and 15.5.3, can be used to verify the
possibility of exemption of the consideration of the global efforts of 2º order, that is, to indicate if the
structure can be classified as of fixed knots, without the necessity of rigorous calculation.

15.5.2 Instability Parameter

A symmetrical latticed structure can be considered as being of fixed knots if its parameter of
instability  is smaller than the value 1, according to the expression:


n is the number of levels of horizontal bars (floors) above the foundation or of a level slightly
movable of the subsoil;

Htot is the total height of the structure, measured from the top of the foundation or of a level
slightly movable of the subsoil;

Nk is the sum of all vertical acting loads on the structure (from the level considered for the
calculation of Htot), with its characteristic value;

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EcsIc represents the sum of the stiffness values of all the columns in the considered
direction. In the case of the gantry, truss or mixed structures, or with stiffness columns
variable along the height, can be considered the value of the expression E csIc of a column
equivalent of constant section.

NOTE: In the global stability analysis the value of the elasticity module or the module of initial
tangent deformation given in section 8.2.8 can be adopted.

The value of Ic must be calculated considering the rough sections of the columns.

The stiffness of the equivalent column must be determined on the following way:

 Calculate the displacement of the top of the bracing structure, under the action of
horizontal loading;

 Calculate the stiffness of an equivalent column of constant section, mounted on the

base and free on the top, of same height Htot, such as, under the same loading
action, suffers the same displacement on the top.

The limit value 1 = 0,6 prescribed for n  4 is, in general, applicable to the usual structures of
buildings. It can be adopted for associations of wall columns and for gantries associated to wall
columns. It can be increased for 1 = 0,7 in the case of bracing constituted exclusively for wall
columns and it must be reduced to 1 = 0,5 when there are only gantries.

15.5.3 Coefficient z
The coefficient z of evaluation of the importance of global efforts of second order is valid for lattice
structures of minimum four floors. It can be determined from the results of a linear analysis of 1º
order, for each loading case, adopting the values of stiffness given in section 15.7.2.

The value of z for each combination of loading is given by the expression:


M1,tot,d is the moment of tumbling, that is, the sum of the moments of all the horizontal forces
of the combination considered, with its calculation values, in relation to the base of the

Mtot,d is the sum of all products of all the acting vertical forces in the structure, in the
considered combination, with its values of calculation, by the horizontal displacements of its
respective points of application, obtained in the 1º order analysis;

It is considered that the structure is of fixed knots if the condition z  1,1 is followed.

15.6 Analyses of structures of Fixed Knots

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In the structures of fixed knots, the calculation can be performed considering each element
compressed singly, as a bar linked in the ends to all the others structural elements that compete
there, where all the efforts obtained by the analysis of the structure performed according to the
theory of 1º order is applied.

The analysis of local effects of 2º order must be performed according to the information established
in section 15.8.

Under the action of horizontal forces, the structure is always calculated as movable. The fact of the
structure is classified as being of fixed knots exempts only the consideration of global efforts of 2º

The equivalent length  e of the compressed element (column), supposedly linked in both ends,
must be the smallest of the following values:

 0 is the distance between the internal faces of the structural elements, supposedly
horizontal, that links the column;

h is the height of the cross-section segment of the column, measured in the plan of the
structure in study;

 is the distance between the axles of the structural elements to which the column is

15.7 Analysis of the Structure of Movable Knots

15.7.1 Generalities

In the structural analysis of the structures of movable knots, the effects of geometrical non-linearity
and of physical non- linearity must obligatorily be considered; therefore, the global and local effects
of 2º order must be obligatorily considered on the dimensioning.

15.7.2 Non-linear Analysis with 2º Order

An approximate solution for the determination of the global efforts of 2º order consist in the
evaluation of the final efforts (1º order + 2º order) from the additional increase of the horizontal
efforts of combination of loading considered by 0,95 z. This process is only valid for z  1,3.

15.7.3 Approximate Consideration of the Physical Non-Linearity

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For the analysis of global efforts of 2º order, in lattice structures with at least four floors, the physical
non-linearity in an approximate way can be considered, taking into account as the stiffness of the
structural elements the following values:


Ic is the inertia moment of the rough section of concrete, including, whenever the case, the
collaborating tables.

When exclusively beams and columns compose the bracing structure and z is smaller than 1,3, it is
acceptable to calculate the stiffness of the beams and columns through:

The values of stiffness adopted in this sub-section are approximate and cannot be used to evaluate
the local efforts of 2º order, even with a higher specification of the modeling.

15.7.4 Analysis of Local Effects of 2º Order

The global analysis of 2º order provides only the efforts on the ends of the bars, so an analysis of
the local effects of 2º order along the axles of compressed bars must be performed according to the
information prescribed in section 15.8.

The isolated elements, for local verifications means, must be formed by the compressed bars
removed from the structure, with length  e, according to the information established in section
15.6, nevertheless applying to its ends the efforts obtained through global analysis of 2º order.

15.8 Analysis of Isolated Elements

15.8.1 Generalities

The subsections 15.8.2, and 15.8.4 are applicable only to isolated elements of the constant
section and constant armature along its axle, submitted to the deflection-compression.

The columns must have slenderness rate smaller than or equal to 200 (  200). Only in the case of
posts with normal force smaller than 0,10 fcd Ac, the slenderness rate can be higher than 200.

15.8.2 Exemption of the Analysis of Local Effects of 2º Order

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The local efforts of 2º order in isolated elements can be neglected when the slenderness rate is
smaller than the limit value , established in this subsection:

In the case of mounted column in the base and free on the top, the value of  e is equal to 2  . In
all other cases, adopt the values calculated according to section 15.6.

The value of 1 depends on various factors, but the overruling ones are:

 The relative eccentricity of 1º order e1 / h;

 The link of the ends of the isolated column;

 The format of the diagram of 1º order moments;

The value of 1 can be calculated by the expression:

Where the value of b must be obtained according to the established below:

a) For columns bi-supported without cross-section loads:

where: MA and MB are the moments of 1º order at the ends of the columns. The highest absolute
value along the bi-supported column should be adopted for M A, and for MB the positive sign, if
the same face of MA is pulled and negative sign in the opposite case.
b) For bi-supported columns with cross-section loads significant along the height:

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b = 1,0

c) For columns in balance


MA is the moment of 1º order on the mounting and MC is the moment of 1º order in the
middle of the column is balance.

d) for bi-supported columns or in balance with moments smaller than the minimum moment
established in section

b = 1,0

15.8.3 Determination of Local Effects of 2º Order Bars submitted to Normal Compression-Deflection

The calculation can be done by the general method or by approximate methods, according to the
sections or

The creep consideration is obligatory for  > 90, the parcel correspondent to the eccentricity ecc
defined in section 15.8.4 should be added to M1d. General Method

It consists in the non-linear analysis of 2º order performed with adequate specification of the bar,
consideration of the real relation moment-curvature in each section, and consideration of the
geometrical non-linearity of non-approximate way.

The general method is obligatory for  > 140. Approximate Methods Generalities

The determination of the local efforts of 2º order can be done by approximate methods like the one
of the standard columns and of the one of the improved standard column.

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It can be used only in the column calculations with   90, constant section and symmetrical
armature and constant along its axle.

The geometrical non-linearity is considered of approximate way, supposing that the deformation of
the bar is sine-shaped.

The physical non-linearity is considered through an approximate expression of the curvature in the
critical section.

The maximum total moment on the column must be calculated by the expression:

being 1/r the curvature in the critical section, that can be evaluated by the approximate expression:


V = NSd / (Acfcd)

M1d,A  M1d, min


h is the height of the section in the considered direction;

v is the normal adimensional force;

M1d,min has the meaning and the value established in section

The moment M1d.A and the coefficient b have the same definitions in section 15.8.2, being M1d,A the
value of calculation of 1º order of the moment MA. Method of Standard Column with approximate stiffness 

It can be used only on the calculation of columns with   90, constant rectangle section,
symmetrical armature and constant along its axle.

The geometrical non-linearity must be considered of approximate way, supposing that the
deformation of the bar is sine-shaped.

The physical non-linearity must be considered through an approximate expression of stiffness.

The maximum total moment on the column must be calculated from the increase of the moment of
1º order by the expression:

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being the value of adimensional stiffness  given approximately by the expression:

The variables h, v, M1d,A and b are the same ones defined in the previous subsection. Usually two
or three iterations are enough when an iterative calculation is chosen. Method of the Standard Column Coupled to Diagrams M, N, 1/r

The determination of the local efforts of 2º order in pillars with   140 can be done by the method
of standard column or the improved standard column, using for the curvature of the critical section
values obtained from diagrams M, N, 1/r specific for the case.

If  > 90, the consideration of the effects of creep is obligatory, according to section 15.8.4. Method of Standard Column for Columns of Rectangle Section submitted to

the Oblique Composed Deflection

When the slenderness of a column of a rectangle section submitted to the oblique composed
deflection is smaller than 90 ( < 90) in the two main directions, the approximate process described
in section 15.83.3 can be applied simultaneously in each one of the two directions.

The amplification of the 1ºorder moments in each direction is different, because it depends on the
distinct values of stiffness and slenderness.

Once the distribution of the total moments of 1º and 2º order, in each direction is obtained , it must
be verified, for each section along the axle, if the composition of these solicitant moments is inside
the casing of resistant moments for the chosen armature. This verification can be performed in only
three sections: on the ends A and B and in an intermediate point where it is admissible to act
concomitantly the moments Md,tot in the two directions (x and y).

15.8.4 Creep Consideration

The creep consideration must obligatorily be performed in column with slenderness ratees  > 90
and it can be performed in an approximate way, considering the additional eccentricity e cc given

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ea Is the eccentricity due to the local imperfections, according to figure 11.2;

Msg and Nsg are the solicitant efforts due to the almost permanent combination;

 is the creep coefficient;

Eci is according to section 8.1;

Ic is according to section 4.2.3;

 e is defined in section 15.6;

The consideration of the 2º order effect must be done according to section 15.8.3, as if it was an
immediate effect, that sums up to the eccentricity e1.
15.9 Wall Column Analysis

15.9.1 Generalities

For the wall-columns to be included as linear elements in the resistant set of the structure, it must
be guaranteed that its cross-section segment have its format maintained by suitable interlocks in
the various pavements and that the effects of 2º order localized be conveniently evaluated.

15.9.2 Exemption of the Analysis of Localized Effects of 2º Order

The localized effects of 2º order of wall columns can be neglected if, for each one of the blades
composing the wall column, the following conditions are followed:

a) The base and the top of each blade should be conveniently fixated to the slabs of the
buildings, which check in whole the horizontal diaphragm effect;

b) The slenderness 1 of each blade should be smaller than 35, being possible the calculation
of this slenderness be performed through the expression given below:

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where, for each blade:

 ei is the equivalent length;

hi is the thickness;

The value of  ei depends on the links of each one of the vertical ends of the blades, according to
figure 15.3.

Figure 15.3 – Equivalent Length  e

If the top and the base are mounted and   1, the values of 1 can be multiplied by 0,85.

15.9.3 Approximate Process for Consideration of Localized Effect of 2º Order

On the plain or combined wall columns, where the slenderness of each blade that constitutes it is
smaller than 90, the approximate procedure described below can be adopted for a plain wall

The localized effects of 2º order must be considered through the decomposition of the wall column
in vertical ranges, of width ai, that can be analyzed as isolated columns, submitted to the efforts Ni
and Myid, where:

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ai is the width of the range i

Ni is the normal force on the range i, calculated from nd (x) according to figure 15.4.

M1d,min have the meaning and the value established in section;

Myid is the bending moment on the range r;

M1yd and h are defined in the figure 15.4.

Figure 15.4 – Approximate Evaluation of the localized effect of 2º order

The 2º order effect localized on the range i is assimilated to the local effect of 2º order of the
isolated column equivalent to each one of these ranges.

15.10 Lateral Instability of the Beams

The security to the lateral instability of the beams must be guaranteed through the appropriated

As an approximate procedure it is possible to adopt, for concrete beams, with passive or active
armatures, subjected to the lateral buckling, the following conditions:

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b is the width of the compressed zone;

h is the total height of the beam;

 0 is the length of the compressed flange, measured between supports that guaranteed
the lateral bracing;

fl is the coefficient that depends on the format of the beam (see table 15.1).

Table 15.1 – Values of fl

16 General Principles of Dimensioning, Verification and Detailing

16.1 Objective

The objective of these three phases (dimensioning, verification, and detailing0, which are developed
soon after the structural analysis, is to guarantee safety, in relation to the last limit states (ELU) and
of service (ELS), of the structures as a whole and of each one of its Fractions.

This safety demands that the analytical conditions of this type be respected:

Sd  Rd
Where is imposed that the physical strain of calculation are inferior to the resistances of calculation
for all the limit states considered important for the structure in question.

This safety demands also that constructive rules be respected.

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Besides a structural arrangement that guarantees safety to the set, rules such as minimum
dimensions for the definition of formulas must be applied, as well as rules of detailing of the

16.2 General Principles

16.2.1 Generalities

These three phases of the project are based by the general principles established in sections 16.2.2
to 16.2.4.

16.2.2 Global and Local Vision

These three phases must always be supported in a global vision of the structure, even when an
only knot is detailed (region of connection between two structural elements).

This knot must do its Fraction for the safety of the set.

On the other hand, the detailing of a specific element must take into account that its performance
depends on the local aspects that were not taken into account in the global analysis.

This is the verification case of the bend of a beam, which should take into account stiffness smaller
than the average of the structure, as well as the loss of stiffness with the fission.

This is still the case when it is verified the ELU of the column throw, taking into account local
construction mistakes and local effects of 2º order, which were not considered in the global

16.2.3 Safety in relation to the ELU’s

When a structure is dimensioned or verified, it is necessary to have in mind if what is being verified
effectively are the sections of the elements.

It is the safety of these sections that can, usually be expressed analytically.

It is fundamental that this safety be extended to the rest of the elements through a suitable detailing.
The suitable detailing allows stitching Fractions of the same element, as well as elements that arrive
at the same knot.

There are two types of detailing rules, to know: those of the elements as slabs, beams, columns,
ect., and those for the special regions where geometrical and static singularities exist.

In relation to the ELU’s, besides guaranteeing a suitable safety, that is, a sufficiently small
probability of ruin, it is necessary to guarantee a good ductility, so that an eventual ruin occurs in a
sufficiently warned way, alerting the users.

16.2.4 Safety in Relation to the ELS’s (performance in service)

In the verification of service in relation to the ELS’s, analytical expressions of safety and
constructive rules must be also satisfied analogously.

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The models to be used in this verification of ELS’s are different from those used on the ELU’s.
Besides the fact of supporting smaller loads (of service), they have different stiffness, usually

To guarantee a good performance of a structure in service, it is usually advisable to respect

limitations of bends, of fissure openings, or of vibrations, but it is also possible that it is important to
think about tightness, on the thermal or acoustic comfort, etc.

16.3 Design Criteria

Basing on the general principles, this standard specification establishes design criteria to be
respected on the dimensioning and detailing of each one of the structural elements and of the
connections that allow the construction of the structure as a whole.

In a way to facilitate the application in design, these criteria were organized in sections.

In section 17, related to the dimensioning and to the verification of linear elements, it is possible to
find criteria of ELU as much as of ELS, considering the normal physical strains (normal forces and
bending moments) as much as tangential physical strains (cutting forces and torsion).

It should be observed that these criteria are provided for the structural concrete, going from the
reinforced concrete to the prestressing concrete.

It also should be observed that the dimensioning of columns for the centered load is not accepted.

This section also establishes minimum criteria of ductility, including the minimum armatures.

In section 18, related to the detailing of linear elements, the minimum criteria for the detailing of the
dimensioned elements are provided according to section 17.

Criteria for the detailing of the passive longitudinal and cross-section armatures are included, as
well as the prestressing armatures.

In section 19, related to the dimensioning and to the verification of slabs, it is possible to find criteria
for reinforced or prestressing ELU and ELS.

These criteria cover the normal physical stresses as much as the tangential ones, including punch.

As it was demanded in section 17, the dimensioning of columns always with eccentric load, when
non-oblique, the punch, in section 19, covers the correspondent cases of eccentric punch.

Only in specific cases the punch as centered must be verified.

The minimum criteria for the detailing of these structural elements are found in section 20, related to
the detailing of slabs, dimensioned according to section 19, for reinforced or prestressing slabs.

In section 21, related to special regions, it is found criteria for the verification of the singularities
regions, geometrical or static.

Many times these criteria only establish the qualitative demands to be respected in these regions.
The section 22, related to special elements, establishes only the concept of more common special
elements and it suggests the use of specialized biography for the dimensioning and detailing.

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In section 23, related to the dynamic actions and fatigue, the criteria to evaluate the damages
generated in the structures by cyclic actions to be considered in the verification of ELS are found,
and still it is possible to find criteria for verification of the ELU of fatigue.

The fatigue verification of the armatures is discussed, the deflection one as well as the shearing,
and also the concrete fatigue, to the compression (in the deflection or in the cutting force) or to
tension, specially in the calculation of the cutting force Fraction supported only by the concrete,
without the armature Vc.

The section 24, related to plain concrete, defines the structural elements that can be executed in
plain concrete and it establishes the criteria to be respected in its verification.

16.4 Durability

So that the safety verified according to the information described in sections 16.2.3 and 16.2.4
subsists along all practical life predicted for the structure, it is fundamental that the demands of
durability that limit the deterioration of the structure caused by the aggression of the environment
where it is inserted in be respected (see sections 6 an 7).

16.5 Cyclic Load Case

In the specific case of significant cyclic loads, as it happens on the bridges and viaducts in general,
and also on the crane rails of cranes, special attention should be given to the harmful effects
generated by these loads.

In the verification of the ELS’s, it must be taken into account that cyclic loads cause a major micro
fission of the concrete, turning the structural elements more deformable.

In the verification of the ELU’s, it is necessary to verify the ELU of fatigue.

The harmful effect of the cyclic loads do not only turn the structural elements more deformable, that
is, relatively damaged, but can amplify this damage, causing rupture by fatigue. The section 23
deals with these two questions.

17 Dimensioning and Verification of Linear Elements

17.1 Specific Symbology of this Section

In order to simplify the comprehension and, therefore the application of the established concepts of
this section, the most used symbols, or that could generate any doubts, are defined below.

The symbology presented in this section follows the same orientation established in section 4. This
way, the subscribed symbols have the same meaning presented in 4.3.

a  - Displacement of the diagram of bending moments, parallel to the axle of the piece, to
substitute the effects caused by oblique fission.

bw – Width of the stem of a beam

c1 – Distance between the axle the longitudinal armature of corner and the lateral face of the
structural element

d’ – Distance between the axle of the armature of compression and the closest face of the element

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he – Thickness of the real wall for hollowed out sections or equivalent for full sections (studied as
equivalent hollowed out sections)

s - Spacing between the stirrup axles, measured according to the longitudinal axle of the piece.

ue – Perimeter of Ae

A – Area of full section

A90 – Area of the cross-section of the number of branches of a stirrup, contained in the equivalent

Ac,stem – Area of the cross-section segment of the stem

Acri – Area of the concrete of involvement of the bar i of the armature

Ae – Area limit by the average line of wall of the hollowed out section, real or equivalent, including
the hollowed out Fraction

Ap – Area of the cross-section segment of the resulting cable

As  - Sum of the areas of the sections of longitudinal bars of torsion

Asw – Area of the cross-section segment of the cutting forces of the stirrups

III – Moment of Inertia of the fissured section of concrete in stage II

Ic – Moment of Inertia of the rough section of the cencrete

M0 – Value of the bending moment that annuls the normal stress of compression in the border of the
section (pulled by Md.max)

Md.min – Bending moment of minimum calculation that allows calculate the minimum armature of
tension (passive or active)

MSd,eq – Bending solicitant moment of equivalent calculation

NSd,eq – Normal solicitant force of equivalent calculation

TRd – Resistant moment of calculation to torsion

TRd2 – Resistant moment of calculation to torsion, that represents the limit of the resistance of the
compressed diagonals of concrete

TRd3 – Resistant moment of calculation to torsion, that represents the limit for the Fraction resisted
by the normal stirrups to the axle of the piece.

TRd4 – Resistant Moment of calculation to torsion, which represents the limit for the Fraction
resisted by the longitudinal bars

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TSd – Torsion Moment solicitant of calculation

TSdi – Fraction of TSd to be resisted by each rectangle constituent of the composed section by

Vc – Fraction of cutting force resisted by mechanisms complementary to the model truss

Vc0 – Value of the reference for Vc, when  = 45º

Vc1 – Value of reference for Vc , when 30º    45º

VRd – Resistant Cutting Force of calculation

VRd1 – Resistant Cutting Force of calculation, related to elements without armature for cutting force

VRd2 – Resistant Cutting Force of calculation, related to the ruin of the compressed diagonals of

VRd3 – Resistant Cutting Force of calculation, related to the ruin by diagonal tension

VSd – Solicitant Cutting Force of calculation

Vsw – Fraction of the Cutting Force resisted by the cross-section armature

 - Coefficient Function of s (defined in section and of the type of analyzed cross-section
segment (rectangle or circular)

e – Relation between modules of elasticity of the steel and of the concrete

t – Geometrical rate of the adherent longitudinal armature, to a distance 2d of the face of the
support, considering the bars of the gap effectively anchored on the support

min – Minimum geometrical rate of the longitudinal armature of beams and columns (A s,min/Ac)

sw – Geometrical rate of the cross-section armature

’ – Geometrical rate of the longitudinal armature of compression

si – Stress tension in the center of gravity of the considered armature, calculated in stage II

p- Variation of the stress on the prestressing steel between t 0 and t

Td – Shearing stress of torsion of calculation

min – Minimum mechanical rate of the longitudinal armature of deflection for beams

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17.2 Linear Elements subjected to Normal Physical Strains – Last Limit State

17.2.1 Introduction

This section establishes criteria for the determination of resistant efforts of the beam, columns and
tie rod sections, submitted to normal force and bending moments.

The dimensioning of the longitudinal armatures must lead toa set of resistant efforts (NRd, MRd) that
constitutes casing of the solicitant efforts (NSd, MSd) determined in the structural analysis (see
sections 14 and 15).

For the calculation of the resistant efforts of the beams T or L, the values of the cooperative table
defined in section can be adopted.

17.2.2 Basic Hypothesis

In the analysis of resistant efforts of a section of a beam or a column, the following basic hypothesis
should be considered:

a) the cross-section segments maintain itself flat after the deformation;

b) The deformation of the adherent passive bars or the increase of the deformation of adherent
active bars in tension or compression must be the same of the concrete in its overturn;

c) For non adherent active armatures, in the lack of experimental values and of suitable non-
linear analyses, the values of increase of the stresses for usual structures of buildings are
presented below, being still divided by the respective pondering coefficients:

 For elements with the practical relation gap-height equal to or smaller than 35:

p = 70 + fck /100p, in megaphascals, not surpassing 420 Mpa;

 For elements with the practical relation gap-height higher than 35:

p = 70 + fck /300p, in megaphascals, not surpassing 210 Mpa;



p and fck are given in megaphascals;

p is the geometrical rate of the active armature;

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bc is the width of the compression table;

dp is the practical height referred to the active armature;

d) The stresses of tension on the concrete, normal to the cross-section segment, can be
neglected, obligatorily in the ELU;

e) The distribution of stresses on the concrete is made according to the diagram rectangle-
parabola, defined in section 8.2.10, with the peak stress equal to 0,85 f cd, with fcd defined in
section 12.3.3. This diagram can be substituted by the rectangle of height 0,8 x (where x is
the deepness of the neutral line), with the following stress:

 0,85 fcd in the case of width of the section, measured parallel to the neutral line, do not
reduce from this for the compressed border;

 0,80 fcd in the opposite case;

The differences of results obtained with these two diagrams are small and acceptable, without the
necessity of the coefficient of additional correction;

f) The stress in the armatures must be obtained from the stress-deformation diagrams, with
values of calculation, defined in sections 8.3.6 and 8.4.5.

g) The last limit state is characterized when the distribution of the deformations in the cross-
section segment belongs to one of the domains defined in figure 17.1.

Figure 17.1 – Domains of the Last Limit State of a Cross-section Segment

Conventional Rupture by Excessive Plastic Deformation:

- Straight line a: uniform tension;

- Domain 1: non-uniform tension, without compression;

- Domain 2: plain or composed deflection without rupture to the compression of the concrete
(c < 3,5º/ and with the maximum allowed elongation);

Conventional Rupture by Limit Shortening of the Concrete:

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- Domain 3: Plain Deflection (sub armed section) or composed with rupture to the compression of
the concrete and with discharge of the steel (s  yd);

- Domain 4: plain deflection (over armed section) or composed with rupture to the compression of
the concrete and pulled steel without discharge (s < yd);

- Domain 4: composed deflection with compressed armatures;

- Domain 5: non-uniform compression, without stress;

- Straight-line b: uniform compression;

17.2.3 Ductility in Beams

In the beams, mainly in the support zones, or when the redistribution of the efforts is done, it is
important to guarantee good conditions of ductility, being adopted, if necessary, the armature of
compression that guarantees the adequate position of the neutral line(x), respecting the limits in

The introduction of the armature of compression to guarantee the attention to the smaller values of
the neutral line position (x), that are in the domains 2 or 3, do not lead to structural elements with
fragile rupture (usually called over armed). The fragile rupture is associated to positions of the
neutral line on the domain 4, with or without the compression armature.

17.2.4 Active and Passive Armatures Generalities

The efforts on the armatures can be considered focused in the center of the correspondent gravity,
if the distance of this center to the point of the section of the farthest armature of the neutral line,
measured normally to this, is smaller than 10 % of h.

The lateral armatures of beams can be considered on the calculation of the resistant efforts, as long
as they are conveniently anchored and patched. Prestressing Generalities

Besides the effect of other actions, only the hyper static solicitant efforts of prestressing must be
considered in the verification of the ELU. The isostatic of prestressing should not be included.

The consideration of the active armatures on the resistant efforts must be done from the diagrams
stress-deformation specified in section 8.4.5 and from the consideration of the pre-elongations of
the same ones.

These pre-elongations must be calculated based on the initial stresses of prestressing with values
of calculation (see 11.7.1) and with the consideration of losses in the age t in examination (see
9.6.3). Last limit state in the act of prestressing

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Besides the basic hypothesis presented in section 17.2.3, the following supplementary hypotheses
should still be respected:

a) It is considered as characteristic resistance of the concrete f ckj that correspondent to the

fictitious age j (in days), in the act of prestressing, being the resistance of f ckj should be
clearly specified in the design;

b) For this verification, it is acceptable the following values for the pondering coefficients, with
the loads that effectively act in this occasion:

c = 1,2;

s = 1,15;

p = 1,0 in the pre-tension;

p = 1,1 in the pos-tension;

f = 1,0 for the unfavorable actions;

f = 0,9 for the favorable actions; Simplified Verification

It is admissible that the safety in relation to the last limit state on the act of prestressing be verified
on stage I (non-fissured concrete and elastic linear behavior of the materials), as long as the
following conditions are satisfied:

a) The maximum stress of compression in the concrete section, obtained through the
pondering physical strains of p = 1,1 and f = 1,0 should not surpass 70 % of the
characteristic resistance fckj predicted for the age of the application of the prestressing

b)  Maximum stress of tension of the concrete should not surpass 1,2 times the resistance to
the stress fctm correspondent to the value fckj specified;

c) When in the cross-section segments exist tension stresses, there must be a stress armature
calculated in stage II. According to this calculation, in this phase of the construction, the
force in this armature can be considered equal to the resultant of the stresses of tensions in
the concrete on the stage I. This force should not cause, in the correspondent armature,
increases of stress superior to 150 MPa in the case of cables or smooth bars and to 250
MPa in ribbed bars.

17.2.5 Approximate Processes for the Dimensioning to the Composed Deflection

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ABNT NBR 6118:2003 Normal Deflected-Compression

The calculation for the dimensioning of rectangle or circle sections with symmetrical armatures,
subjected to the normal deflected-compression, where the normal reduced force (v) is higher than
or equal to 0,7, can be performed as a case of equivalent centered compression, where:

Supposing all the bars are equal, s is given by:

The arrangement of the armature adopted for detailing (see figure 17.2) must be loyal to the values
of s and d’/h presupposed.

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Figure 17.2 – Arrangement of the armature characterized by the parameter s Oblique Composed Deflection

In the situation of plain or oblique composed deflection, the approximation given by the expression
of iteration can be adopted:


MRd,x and MRd,y are the components of the resistant moment of calculation in composed
oblique deflection, according to the two main axles of inertia x and y, of the rough section,
with a normal resistant effort of calculation NRd equal to the normal solicitant NSd. These are
the values that are possible to obtain;

MRd,xx and MRd,yy are the resistant moments of calculation according to each one of the
referred axles in normal composed deflection, with the same value of NRd. These values are
calculated from the arrangement and from the quantity of the armature being studied.

 is an exponent whose value depends on several factors, between them the value of
normal force, the format of the section, the arrangement of the armature and of its
percentages. In general  = 1 can be adopted in favor of safety. In the case of rectangle
sections,  = 1,2 cam be adopted.

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17.3 Linear Elements subjected to Normal Physical Strains – Limit States of Service

17.3.1 Generalities

In the limit states of service the structures work partially in stage I and partially in stage II. The
separation between these two parts is defined by the moment of fission. This moment can be
calculated by the following approximate expression:


 = 1,2 for sections T or double T;

 = 1,5 for rectangle sections;


 is the factor that correlates approximately the resistance to tension in the deflection with
the resistance to direct tension;

yt is the distance from the center of gravity of the section to the most pulled fiber;
Ic is the inertia moment of the rough section of the concrete;

fct is the resistance to direct tension of the concrete, according to section 8.2.5, with the
appropriate quantity in each specific verification. For determination of the fission moment
the fctk,inf in the limit state of fissure formation and the fct,m in the limit state of excessive
deformation must be used (see section 8.2.5).

In the case of use of the active armatures the effect of prestressing in the calculation of the fission
moment must be considered.

17.3.2 Limit State of Deformation

The verification of limits values established in table 13.2 for the deformation of the structure, more
specifically rotations and displacements in linear structural elements, analyzed singly and submitted
to the combination of actions according to section 11, must be performed through the models which
consider the effective stiffness of the sections of the structural elements, that is, take into account
the presence of the armature, the existence of fissures on the concrete along this armature and the
deformations differed on time.

The real deformation of the structure depends also in the constructive process, as well as on the
proprieties of the materials (mainly of the elasticity module and the resistance to tension) in the
moment of its effective physical strain. According to the great variability of the cited parameters,
there is a great variability of the real deformations. It is not expected, therefore, great precision on
the predictions of displacements given by the analytical processes described below.

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ABNT NBR 6118:2003 Approximate Evaluation of the Bend in Beams

The model of behavior of the structure can admit the concrete and the steel as materials of elastic
and linear behavior, in a way that the sections along the structural element can have the specific
deformations determined in stage I, as long as the efforts do not overcome those that give start to
the fission, and in stage II, the opposite case.

The value of the secant elasticity module Ecs defined in section 8 should be used in the calculation,
being obligatory the consideration of the creep effect. Immediate Bend in Beams of Reinforced Concrete

For an approximate evaluation of the immediate bend in beams, the expression of equivalent
stiffness given below can be used:


Ic is the inertia moment of the rough section of the concrete;

III is the inertia moment of the fissured section of the concrete in stage II, calculated with

Ma is the bending moment in the critical section of the considered gap, maximum moment
on the gap for bi-supported or continuous beams and moment on the support for
oscillations, for the combination of actions considered in this evaluation;

Mr is the moment of fission of the structural element, whose value must be reduced to half
in the case of smooth bars use.

Ecs is the secant elasticity module of the concrete Calculation of the Bend differed on time for the Beams of Reinforced Concrete

The additional differed bend, decurrent from the loads of long duration in function of the creep, can
be calculated in an approximate way by the multiplication of the immediate beam through the factor
f given by the expression:

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 is a coefficient in function of time, that can be obtained directly on table 17.1 or it can be
calculated by the following expressions:

Table 17.1 – Values of the Coefficient  in function of time

being :

t is the time, in months, when the value of the differed bend is desired;

t0 is the age, in months, related to the date of application of long duration load. In the case
of load fractions of long duration be applied in different ages, it is possible to take the
pondered value below for t0:

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Pi represents the loads fractions;

t0i is the age where each fraction Pi was applied in months;

The value of the total bend must be obtained multiplying the immediate bend by (1 + f). Bend in Beams with Active Armatures

In the structural elements with active armature it is enough to consider (El)eq = EcsIc , as long as
the limit state of fissure formation is not surpassed. If that is not the cas, the complete expression in
section can be applied, provided that III, Mr and Ma are calculated considering the
structural element of concrete submitted to the combination of actions chosen, increased by the
prestressing represented as equivalent external action (generating normal force and bending
moment) (see section 8.2.11).

17.3.3 Limit State of Fission Generalities

This section defines the criteria for the verification of the limit values established in section 13.4 for
the opening of fissures on the linear structural elements, analyzed singly and submitted to the
combination of actions according to section 11. Fission Control through the Opening Limitation estimated of the Fissures

The opening value of the fissures can suffer the influence of restrictions to the volumetric variations
of the structure, difficult to be considered in this evaluation on a sufficiently precise way. Besides,
this opening also suffers the influence of the performance conditions of the structure.

For these reasons, the criteria presented next must be faced as acceptable evaluations of the
general behavior of the element, but do not guarantee precise evaluation of the opening of a
specific fissure.

For each element or group of elements of the passive and active adherent armatures (Excluding the
prestressing cables that are inside the sheaths), which control the fission of the structural element,
must be considered an area Acr of the involving concrete, constituted by a rectangle whose sides
do not separate more than 7,5  of the axle of the armature bar (see figure 17.3).

NOTE: It is convenient that the whole skin armature I of the beam, in its pulled zone, limit the
opening of fissures in the region Acri correspondent, and that a spacing smaller than or equal to 15 
is maintained.

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Figure 17.3 – Concrete of Involvement of the Armature

The characteristic value of the fissure opening Wk, determined for each part of the involvement
region, is the smallest between the ones obtained by the expressions that follow:


si, I, Esi, ri are defined for each involvement area in examination;

Acri is the area of involvement region protected by the bar I;

Esi is the elasticity module of the steel of the considered bar, of diameter I;

I is the diameter of the bar that protects the involvement region considered;

ri is the rate of adherent passive or active armature (that are not inside the sheaths) in
relation to the area of the involvement region (A cri);

si is the tension stress in the center of gravity of the considered armature, calculated in
stage II.

On the structural elements with prestressing, si is the increase of stress, in the center of gravity of
the armature, between the limit state of decompression and the loading considered. In stage II, it
should be calculated considering the whole active armature, including that inside the sheaths.

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The calculation in stage II (which admits linear behavior of the materials and it neglects the
resistance to tension of the concrete) can be done considering the relation e between the elasticity
modules of the steel and of the concrete equal to 15.

1 is the coefficient of superficial conformation of the considered armature, given in section
for the passive and substituted by p1, for the active, according to section

In the usual beams, with height smaller than 1,20 m, the condition of fissure opening in the whole
pulled skin can be met, is the fissure opening calculated in the region of the more pulled bars is
verified and if a lateral armature that meets section exists. Fission Control without the Verification of Fissure Opening

To exempt the evaluation of the magnitude of the fissure opening and meet the limit state of fission
(expected maximum openings of order of 0,3 mm for the reinforced concrete and 0,2 mm for the
concrete with active armatures), a structural element must be dimensioned respecting the
restrictions of table 17.2 in regards to the maximum diameter (max) and to the maximum spacing
(Smax) of the armatures, as well as the demands of covering (section 7) and of minimum armature
(see section The stress s must be determined in stage II.

Table 17.2 – Maximum Values of Diameter and Spacing, with High Adherence Bars

17.3.4 Limit State of Decompression and of Formation of Fissures

In the structural elements where prestressing armatures are used, the verification of safety in
relation to the limit states of decompression and of formation of fissures can be necessary.

This verification can be done calculating the maximum stress tension of the concrete in stage I
(non-fissured concrete and linear elastic behavior of the materials).

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In the lack of more precise values, it can be adopted:

e = 15 for the proportion between the elasticity modules of the steel and of the concrete
with frequent loadings or almost permanent;

e = 10 for the proportion between the elasticity modules of the steel and of the concrete
with rare loadings.

17.3.5 Maximum and Minimum Longitudinal Armatures Basic Principles

The fragile rupture of the cross-section segments, when the formation of the first fissure, must be
avoided considering, for the calculation of the armatures, a minimum moment given by the
correspondent value to what would produce the rupture of the section of the plain concrete,
supposing that the resistance to the tension of the concrete be given by fctk,sup. , Obeying also the
relative conditions to the control of fissure openings given in section 17.3.3.

The specification of maximum values for the armatures decurrent from the necessity of assuring
itself conditions of ductility and of respecting the validity field of tests that gave origin to the
prescriptions of functioning of the set concrete-steel. Limit Values for Longitudinal Armatures of Beams Tension Armature

The minimum armature of tension, in reinforced or prestressing structural elements must be

determined by the dimensioning of the section to a minimum bending moment given by the
expression below, respecting the minimum absolute rate of 0,15 %:

Md,min = 0,8 W0 fctk,sup


W0 is the resistance module of the rough cross-section segment of the concrete, related to
the most pulled fiber;

fctk,sup is the superior characteristic resistance of the concrete to the tension

(see section 8.2.5)

The dimensioning for the Md,min can be considered met if the minimum rates of the armature of
table 17.3 re respected.

Table 17.3- Minimum rates of Deflection Armatures for Beams

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In the over dimensioned structural elements, an armature smaller than the minimum can be used,
with the value obtained from a bending moment equal to the double of Md. In this case, the
determination of the solicitant efforts must consider in a rigorous way all the possible combinations
of loading, as well as the temperature effects, differed deformations and support upsets. There must
have still special care with the diameter and spacing of the armatures of limitation of fission. Minimum Values for the Armature of Tension under the Imposed Deformations

In structural elements where the control of fission is indispensable by tightness or esthetical

reasons, in the lack of a more rigorous method of evaluation of the generated efforts by the
restriction of deformations imposed and as long as technological measures that restrict these efforts
be taken, the minimum armature of tension for fission control can be calculated by the relation:


As is the armature area in the pulled zone;

Act is the concrete area in the pulled zone;

s is the maximum stress permitted in the armature immediately after the formation of the
fissure. A lower value than the resistance of discharge can be necessary to satisfy the limits
of fissure opening (see table 17.2);

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fct,ef is the average resistance to the tension effective of the concrete at the instant where
the first fissures are formed. In many cases – such as those where the overruling imposed
deformations result in dissipation of the hydration heat – this can occur in ages between 1 d
and 5 d after the molding, depending on the environmental conditions, in the format of the
structural element, in the nature of the formats and on the type of cement used. Values of
fct,ef can be obtained with the help of equations of the section 8.2.5 adopting the resistance
of the concrete to the compression in the age where the occurrence of fission is supposed.

k is a coefficient that considers the mechanisms of tension generation of stress:

a) in the case the intrinsic imposed deformations

- in the general case of the section format: k = 0,8 for h  0,3 m;

- in rectangle sections: k = 0,5 for h  0,8 m;

- Interpol linearly the values of k for the values of h between 0,3 m and 0,8 m;

b) in the case of extrinsic imposed deformations: k = 1,0.

Kc is a coefficient that considers the nature of the distribution of stresses, immediately

before the fission, with the following values:

 kc = 1,0 for pure tension;

 kc = 0,4 for plain deflection;

 kc = 0,4 for the ribs of prestressed structural elements or under composed

deflection, in hollowed out sections (cellular or casket);

 kc = 0,8 for the pulled table of prestressed structural elements or under the
composed deflection in hollowed out sections (cellular or casket);

 the value of kc can be interpolated between 0,4 (correspondent to the case of

plain deflection) and zero, when the height of the pulled zone, calculated in
stage II under the efforts that lead to the beginning of the fission, do not exceed
the smallest of the two values: h/2 and 0,5 m. Skin Armature

The minimum lateral armature must be of 0,10 % Ac, stem in each face of the stem of the beam and
composed by high adherence bars (1  2,25) with spacing not higher than 20 cm, respecting the
disposed in section

In beams with height equal to or smaller than 60 cm, the use of the skin armature can be exempted. Armature of Tension and of Compression

The sum of the armatures of tension and of compression (A s + As’) should not have the value higher
than 4 % Ac, calculated in the outside region of the patched zones.

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ABNT NBR 6118:2003 Limit Values for the Longitudinal Armatures of Columns Minimum Values

The minimum longitudinal armature should be:

As,min = (0,15 Nd / fyd)  0,004 Ac Maximum Values

As,max = 8,0 % Ac
The biggest armature possible in columns must be 8 %of the real section, considering including the
overlap of the existing armature in patched regions, respecting the disposed in section

17.4 Linear Elements subjected to the Cutting Force – Last Limit State

17.4.1 Basic Hypotheses

The prescriptions that are below apply to the reinforced or prestressed linear elements, submitted to
the cutting forces, eventually combined with others solicitant efforts.

It is not applicable to the elements of volume, slabs, wall-beams, and short consoles, which are
treated in other sections of this standard specification.

The fixed conditions for this Standard Specifications for linear elements admit two models of
calculation that presuppose the analogy with the model in truss, of parallel side rails, associated to
complementary resistant mechanisms developed in the interior of the structural and translated by
an additional component Vc. General Conditions All the linear elements submitted to the cutting force, to the exception of the indicated
cases in section, must contain minimum cross-section armature constituted by stirrups,
with geometrical rates:


Asw is the area of the cross-section segment of the stirrups;

s is the spacing of the stirrups, measured according to the longitudinal axle of the structural

 is the inclination of the stirrups in relation to the longitudinal axle of the structural element;

bw is the average width of the stem, measured along the practical height of the section,
respecting the restriction indicated in section;
fywk is the resistance to the discharge of the steel of the cross-section armature;

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fct,m is given in section 8.2.5. These are exceptions of the previous subsection:

a) the linear structural elements with bw > 5 d (where the d is the practical height of the
section), case that should be treated as slab (see section 19.4);

b) The ribs of the ribbed slabs, described in sections and b), can also be verified as
slabs. In this case the sum of the widths of the ribs in the considered interval should be
taken as base, disposing the cross-section armature, when the disposed in section 19.4.1 is

c) The columns and linear elements of foundation submitted prevailing to the compression,
that meet simultaneously, in the most favorable of the actions in the last limit state
combination, calculated its section in stage I, the following conditions:

- in no other point the stress fctk should be surpassed;

- VSd  Vc being Vc defined in section

In this case, the minimum cross-section armature is the one defined in section 18. The cross-section armature (Asw) can be constituted by stirrups (closed in the support
regions of the diagonals, involving the longitudinal armature) or by the composition of stirrups and
folded bars; even though, when folded bars are used, these ones should not support more than 60
% of the total effort resisted by the armature. Combined welded vertical bars can be used with closed stirrups, maintained the resistant
proportion established in section, when these bars are anchored according to the section However, when these bars are not combined with stirrups, in the indicated proportion in
section, the welded longitudinal elements should be obligatorily to constitute the totality
of the longitudinal armature of tension. The angle of inclination  of the cross-section armatures in relation to the longitudinal
axle of the structural element should be located in the interval 45º    90º. The maximum and minimum spacing between the elements of the armature should meet
the demands of section 18. Conditions Related to the Solicitant Efforts Loads near the supports

For the calculation of the cross-section armature, in the case of the direct support (if the load and
the reaction of support are applied in opposite faces of the structural element, compressing it), the
following prescriptions are worth:

a) The cutting force resulting from the load distributed can be considered, in the interval
between the support and the section located to a distance d/2 of the face of the support,
constant and equal to this section;

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b) The cutting force due to a concentrated load applied to a distance a  2 d of the theoretical
axle of the support can, in this interval of length a, be reduced multiplying it by a/(2d).
Nevertheless, this reduction does not apply to the cutting forces originating from inclined
cables of prestressing.

The reductions indicated in this section do not apply to the verification of resistance to the
diagonal compression of the concrete. In the case of indirect supports, these reductions are not
also permitted. Effect of the Tangential Component of the Prestressing Force

In the value of V Sd the projection effect of the prestressing force in its direction must be considered,
with the value of calculation correspondent to the time t considered. However, when this effect is
favorable, the longitudinal armature of tension along with the pulled face by deflection must meet
the following condition: Structural Elements with Variable Height

The cutting force that is resisted by the stem of the beams of variable height can be evaluated by:


VSd is the reduced cutting force, considering the effect of variable height;

c is the angle between the compression side rails and the longitudinal axle of the structural

t is the angle between the armature of tension and the longitudinal axle of the structural

 is the inclination angle of the compression connecting rod considered on the dimensioning
to the cutting force;

z is the handle arm of the internal resultant forces;

The signs of c and t must be obtained considering the direction of the final forces of compression
and of the deflection tension with the concomitant cutting force.

The expression above considers the reduction of the compression force on the deflection when
there is a concomitant cutting force.

17.4.2 Verification of the Last Limit State

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The resistance of the structural element, in a specific cross-section segment, must be considered
satisfactory when the following conditions are simultaneously verified:


VSd is the cutting force solicitant of calculation, in the section;

VRd2 is the cutting force resistant of calculation, related to the ruin of the compressed
diagonals of the concrete, according to the process indicated in sections or

VRd3 = Vc + Vsw is the cutting force resistant of calculation, related to the ruin by diagonal
tension, where Vc is the fraction of cutting force absorbed by complementary mechanisms to
the truss and Vsw is the fraction resisted by the cross-section armature, according to the
process indicated in section or

In the support region, the calculations must consider the agent cutting forces in the respective
faces, taking into account the reductions prescribed in section Calculation Model I

The model I allow inclined compression diagonals of  = 45º in relation to the longitudinal axle of the
structural element and it even allows that the complementary fraction Vc have constant value,
independently of VSd.
a) Verification of the diagonal compression of the concrete:

b) Calculation of the cross-section armature:

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bw is the smallest width of the section, comprehended along the practical height d; in the
case of prestressing structural elements, whenever sheaths injected with a diameter
 > bw / 8, the resistant width to be considered should be (bw – ½ ), in the position of
the stem where this difference is more unfavorable, to the exception of the level that defines
the pulled side rails of the beam;

d is the practical height of the section, equal to the distance of the compressed border to
the gravity center of the tension armature; however in the case of prestressing structural
elements with cables distributed along the height, d does not need to be taken with a value
smaller than 0,8 h, as long as there is an armature jointly with the pulled face so that the
information in section is satisfied.

s is the spacing between the elements of the cross-section armature Asw, measured
according to the longitudinal axle of the structural element;

fywd is the stress in the passive cross-section armature, limited to the value fyd in the case of
stirrups and to the 70 % of these value in the case of folded bars, not becoming, for both
cases, values superior to 435 MPa; however in the case of active cross-section armatures,
the increase of the stress due to the cutting force should not surpass the difference between
fpyd and the prestressing stress, nor be superior to 435 MPa.

 is the inclination angle of the cross-section armature in relation to the longitudinal axle of
the structural element, taking 45º    90º;

Mc is the value of the bending moment that annuls the normal stress of compression in the
border of the section (pulled by Md,max), caused by the normal forces of various origins
concomitants with VSd, being this stress calculated with values of f and p equal to 1,0 and
0,9 respectively, the correspondent moments to these normal forces should not be
considered in the calculation of this stress because they are considered in MSd; only the
isostatic moments of prestressing should be considered;
c) Offset of the force diagram in the pulled side rails:

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When the longitudinal armature of tension is determined through the balance of efforts in the normal
section to the axle of the structural element, the effects caused by the oblique fission can be
substituted in the calculation through the offset of the force diagram in the pulled side rails, given by
the expression:


at  0,5 d, in the general case;

at  0,2 d, for stirrups inclined to 45º;

This offset can be substituted, approximately by the correspondent offset of bending moment’s

The offset of the force diagram in the pulled side rails can also be obtained simply by increasing the
tension force, in each section, by the expression: Calculation Model II

The model II allows compression diagonals inclined of  in relation to the longitudinal axle of the
structural element, with  variable freely between 30º and 45º. It even allows that the
complementary fraction Vc suffers reduction with the increase of VSd.

a) Verification of the diagonal compression of the concrete:

b) Calculation of the cross-section armature:

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The notation and the limitations defined in section are maintained.

c) Displacement of the bending moments’ diagram

If the conditions established in section are maintained, the displacement of the bending
moments’ diagram, applying the process described in this section, should be:

The alternative given in section remains valid for the model II.

17.5 Linear elements subjected to the torsion – Last Limit State

17.5.1 Uniform Torsion Generalities

The conditions fixated by this Standard Specification presuppose a resistant model constituted by
spatial truss, defined from a structural element of the equivalent hollowed out section to the
structural element to be dimensioned.

The compression diagonals of this truss, formed by concrete elements, have an inclination that can
be arbitrated by the design in the interval of 30º    45º. General Conditions

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Always that a torsion is necessary to the balance of the structural, there should be an armature
destined to resist to the efforts of tension resulting from the tension. This armature should be
constituted by normal vertical stirrups to the axle of structural elements and longitudinal bars
distributed along the perimeter of the resistant section, calculated according to the prescriptions in
this section and with a minimum geometrical rate given by the expression:

When the torsion is not necessary for the balance, case of compatibility torsion, it is possible to
neglect it, as long as the structural element have the suitable capacity of plastic adaptation and that
all the other efforts are calculated without considering the effects caused by it. In regions where the
length of the element subjected to torsion is smaller than or equal to 2 h, to guarantee a reasonable
level of capacity of plastic adaptation, the minimum armature of torsion and limit the cutting force
should be respected, such as: VSd  0,7 VRd. Resistance of the Structural Element – Pure Torsion

The resistance of the structural element is considered satisfied, in a given section, when the
following conditions are verified simultaneously:


TRd,2 represents the limit given by the resistance of compressed diagonals of concrete;

TRd,3 represents the limit defined by the fraction resisted by the normal stirrups to the axle of
the structural element;

TRd,4 represents the limit defined by the fraction resisted by the longitudinal bars, parallel to
the axle of the structural element; Geometry of the Resistant Section Full Convex Polygonal Sections

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The equivalent hollowed out section is defined from the full section with thickness of the equivalent
wall he given by:


A is the area of the full section;

u is the perimeter of the full section;

c1 is the distance between the axle of the longitudinal bar of corner and the lateral face of
the structural element; Section Composed of Rectangles

The moment of total torsion should be distributed between the rectangles according to its linear
elastic stiffness. Each rectangle must be verified singly with the equivalent hollowed out section
defined in section So that, the moment of torsion that belongs to the rectangle i (TSdi) is
given by:


a is the smallest side of the rectangle;

b is the biggest side of the rectangle; Hollowed out Sections

It should be considered the smallest thickness of the wall between:

 The real thickness of the wall;

 The equivalent thickness calculated supposing the full section of the same external contour
of the hollowed out section; Verification of the Diagonal Compression of the Concrete

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The resistance decurrent from the compressed diagonals of concrete should be obtained by:


 is the inclination angle of the concrete diagonals, arbitrated in the interval of 30º    45º.

Ae is the area limited by the medium line of the wall of the hollowed out section, real or
equivalent, including the hollowed out section;

he is the equivalent thickness of the wall of the hollowed out section, real or equivalent, on
the considered point. Calculation of the Armatures

The armatures contained in the area correspondent to the equivalent wall, when:

a) The resistance decurrent from the normal stirrups to the axle of the structural element
meets the expression:


fywd is the calculation value of the resistance to the discharge of the steel of the passive
armature, limited to 435 MPa;

b) The resistance decurrent from the longitudinal armatures meets the expression:


Ast is the sum of the areas of the sections of the longitudinal bars;

ue is the perimeter of Ae.

The longitudinal armature of torsion, of total area Ast, can have a distributed or a
concentrated arrangement, maintaining itself obligatorily constant the relation Ast / u,

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Where u is the perimeter interval, of the effective section, correspondent to each bar or
bundle of bars of the area Ast.
In the polygonal sections, in each vertex of the torsion stirrups, at least one longitudinal
bar must be placed.

17.5.2 Torsion in Open Profiles of Thin Wall Generalities

When the structural element under torsion could be assimilated to an open profile of a thin wall, the
design must contemplate, besides the uniform torsion, also the effects of the torsion-deflection. General Considerations

In the general case, the uniform torsion and the torsion-deflection manifest themselves in a
compatible way, dividing between them the external loading on a variable way along the structural
element. Considering the good capacity of plastic adaptation of the structural elements to the
torsion, it is acceptable to neglect one of these mechanisms, as long as the considered do not have
the smallest stiffness than the one neglected.

The values of stiffness should be calculated considering the effects of fission, being possible to
adopt 0,15 of the elastic stiffness in the case of uniform torsion and 0,50 in the case of deflection-
torsion. Stiffness to Torsion-Deflection

In the lack of more precise calculation, when the profile has opposite parallel walls or approximately
parallel (in the case of profiles, I, C, Z, U and analogous), from which can resist by differentiated
deflection to the physical strain of the torsion-deflection, the structural stiffness of this profile,
measured for example by the spring coefficient of in kilonewtons meter by radian (kNm/rad), can be
calculated by the expression (see figure 17.4):


T is the external moment that causes torsion, supposedly applied in the middle of the gap;

z is the distance between the axles of the walls 1 and 2;

 is the rotation of the section, caused by the deflection differentiated of the opposite walls 1
and 2.

a1 is the bend caused by the deflection of the wall 1 under acting of the force F = T/z;

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a2 is the bend caused by the deflection of the wall 2 under acting of the force F = T/z of
opposite direction to what is applied to the wall 1.

In the calculation of the bends a1 and a2, half of the elastic stiffness of the walls should be


bf is the width of the collaboration associated to each wall, according to section
Figure 17.4 – Torsion-Deflection of the profile with opposite walls Resistance to deflection-Torsion

The resistance to deflection-torsion of the whole structural element can be calculated from the
resistance to deflection of the opposite walls, by the following expression:


FRd is the cross-section force that exhausts the resistance of the isolated wall, without the
torsion effect;

The value FRd,min is the smallest between the two walls considered.

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17.6 Limit State of Inclined Fission of the Stem – Cutting Force and Torsion

Usually it is not necessary to verify the diagonal fission of the stem of structural elements of
concrete. In special cases, where this is considered important, the spacing of the cross-section
armature should be limited to 15 cm.

17.7 Combined Physical Strains

17.7.1 Deflection and Torsion

In the structural elements submitted to the torsion and to plain or composed deflection, the
verifications can be performed separately for the torsion and for the normal physical strains, and
therefore meeting completely the prescriptions in sections to Armature

In the zone pulled by deflection, the torsion armature must be added to the necessary armature for
the normal physical strains, considering in each section the efforts that act concomitantly. Armature in the Compressed Side Rails by Deflection

In the compressed side rails by deflection, the longitudinal armature of torsion can be reduced in
function of the efforts of compression that act in the effective thickness h and in the interval of
length u of the Compressed Side Rails

In the sections where the torsion acts simultaneously with intense normal physical strains, which
reduce excessively the deepness of the neutral line, particularly in beams of the cellular section, the
calculation value of the main stress of compression should not surpass the value of 0,5 fcd
correspondent to the bar or the bundle of considered bars .
This main stress must be calculated as in a plain state of stress, from the average normal stress
that acts in the compressed side rails of deflection and of tangential stress of torsion calculated by:

17.7.2 Torsion and Cutting Force Generalities

In the combination of torsion with cutting force, the design should predict angles of inclination of the
concrete connecting rod  coinciding for the two efforts.

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When the model I is used (see for the cutting force, which perceives  = 45º, this should
be the value considered also for the torsion.

The resistance to the diagonal compression of the concrete must be satisfied meeting the


Vsd and TSd are the efforts of calculation that act concomitantly in the section.

The cross-section armature can be calculated by the sum of the armatures calculated separately
for Vsd and TSd.
18 Detailing of Linear Elements

18.1 Specific Symbology of this section

In order to simplify the comprehension and, therefore the application of the established concepts of
this section, the most used symbols, or that could generate any doubts, are defined below.

The symbology presented in this section follows the same orientation established in section 4. This
way, the subscribed symbols have the same meaning presented in 4.3.

at – Displacement of the diagram of bending moments, parallel to the axle of the piece, to substitute
the effects caused by the oblique fission.

r – Radius of the internal curvature of the hook

St,max – Maximum cross-section spacing between the successive branches of the armature
constituted by stirrups.

As,support – Area of the cross-section segment of the longitudinal armature necessary along the
support of the structural element.

Ast – Sum of the areas of the sections of the longitudinal armature of torsion
As,gap – Area of the cross-section segment of the longitudinal armature of tension in the gap

Msupport – Bending moment on the support

Mgap – Maximum positive bending moment in the gap

RSd – Force of tension in the calculation in the armature

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VRd2 – Cutting force resistant of calculation, related to the ruin of compressed diagonals o concrete

18.2 General Dispositions related to the armatures

18.2.1 Arrangement of the Armatures

The arrangement of the armatures must meet not only its structural function but as well the suitable
conditions of performance, particularly with relation to the throw and densification of the concrete.

The spaces must be designed for the introduction of the vibrator in order to prevent the segregation
of the aggregates and the occurrence of gaps in the interior of the structural element.

18.2.2 Curved Bars

The internal diameter of a bar curvature of a folded longitudinal armature, to resist to the cutting
force or in gantry knot, should not be smaller than 10  for the steel CA-25  and 18  for the steel

If the stress in the tension armature, determined with the calculation of physical strain is inferior to
the stress of discharge of calculation, fyd, these curvature diameters can be proportionally, but never
to values inferior to the ones demanded for the hooks.

If there are tension bars curved in the same plan and the spacing between them if inferior to the
double of the minimum permitted (section, the minimum value of the diameter of the
curvature established in this section should be multiplied by the number of bars in these conditions.

When there is a possibility of fission of the concrete in the plan of folded bar, caused by stresses of
normal tension to this plan, a cross-section armature should be placed or increase the diameter of
the bar curvature.

18.2.3 Changes of direction of the Armatures

When there is a tendency to rectification of the pulled bar in regions where the resistance to these
displacements is caused by insufficient cover of the concrete, the permanence of the bar in its
position should be guaranteed by means of stirrups or clips conveniently distributed. A preference
should be given to the substitution of the bar by other two, extended beyond its crossing and
anchored, according to section 9 (see figure 18.1).

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Figure 18.1 – Change of direction of the armatures

18.2.4 Protection against Buckling of the Bars

Whenever there is possibility of buckling of the armature bars, located next to the surface of the
structural element, precautions should be taken to avoid it.

The polygonal stirrups guarantee against the longitudinal bars located in its corners and the ones by
them encircled, located in the maximum distance t of the corner, if in this interval of length 20 t
there is not more than two bars, not counting with the one of the corner. Whenever there are more
than two bars in this interval or outside it, there must be additional stirrups.

If the additional stirrup is made of one straight-line bar, ended with hooks, it must cross the section
of the structural element and its hooks must involve the longitudinal bar. If there is more than one
longitudinal bar to be protected next to the same end of the additional stirrup, its hook should
involve a main stirrup in a point next to one of the bars, which must be indicated in the design in a
very specified way (see figure 18.2).

Figure 18.2 – Protection against buckling of the bars

In the case of curvilinear stirrups whose concavity is returned to the interior of the concrete, there is
not any necessity of additional stirrups. If the sections of the longitudinal bars are located in a curve
of concavity turned to the outside of the concrete, each longitudinal bar should be anchored by the
hook of one straight stirrup or by the corner of a polygonal stirrup.

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18.3 Beams

18.3.1 Generalities

The prescriptions that follow are referred to the isostatic beams in relation  /h  3,0 and the
continuous beams with relation  /h  2,0, where  is the length of the theoretical gap (or the
double of the theoretical length, in the case of balance) and h is the total height of the beam.

Beams with relations  /h smaller should be treated as wall-beams, according to section 22.

18.3.2 Longitudinal Armature Minimum Quantity

The minimum quantity of the deflection armature should be calculated according to section 17.3.5. Cross-section Distribution

The minimum free spacing between the faces of the longitudinal bars, measured in the plan of the
cross-section segment, should be equal to or higher than the highest of the following values:

a) In the horizontal direction (an):

 20 mm;

 Diameter of the bar, of the bundle, or of the glove;

 1,2 times the maximum characteristic dimension of the fully developed aggregated.

b) In the vertical direction (av):

 20 mm;

 Diameter of the bar, of the bundle, or of the glove;

 0,5 times the maximum characteristic dimension of the fully developed aggregated.

For bar bundles, following diameter of the bundle n =  n.

These values are also applied to the patched regions by trespass of the bars.

In any case the disposed information in section 18.2.1 should be observed. Longitudinal Distribution Armatures of tension in the plain deflection, anchored by adherence

The interval of the end of the tension bar, considered as the anchor, has beginning in the theoretical
section where its stress s starts to reduce (the effort of the armature starts to be transferred to the
concrete). It must to extend itself at least 10  beyond the theoretical point of null stress s, not in
any case, be inferior to the necessary length stipulated in section So, in the longitudinal
armature of tension of the structural elements solicited by plain deflection, the interval of the anchor
of the bar must have had a beginning in the in the point A (figure 18.3) of the diagram of forces RSd

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= MSd /z offset of the length at, according to section 17.4.2. This diagram is equivalent to the
diagram of forces corrected RSd,cor. If the bar is not folded, the interval of the anchor should extend
itself beyond B, at least 10 .

If the bar is folded, the beginning of the folding can coincide with the point B (see figure 18.3).

Figure 18.3 – Cover of the Force Diagram of Solicitant Tension by the Resistant Diagram

In the intermediate points between A and B, the linearly resistant diagram must cover the solicitant
diagram (see figure 18.3).

If the point A is in the support face or beyond it and the force RSd reduce in direction of the center of
the support, the interval of the anchor must be measured from this face and it should obey the
information disposed in section Case of Bars housed in the Tables

For the housed bars in the tables or slabs, and that are part of the armature of the beam, the
interruption point of the bar is obtained by the same previous process, considering still an additional
length equal to the distance of the bar to the closest face of the beam. Tension Armature in the supports sections

Longitudinal armatures that satisfy the most severe of the following conditions must resist the efforts
of tension next to the supports of the plain or continuous beams:

a) In the case of occurrence of positive moments, the armatures obtained through the
dimensioning of the section;

b) In extreme supports, to guarantee the anchor of the compression diagonal, armatures

capable of resisting to a tension force RSd = (at/d) Vd + Nd , where Vd is the cutting force in
the support and Nd is the tension force eventually existent;

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c) In extreme and intermediate supports, by extension of a part of the armature of tension of

the gap (As,gap), correspondent to the maximum positive moment of the bottom part (Mgap)
so that:

 As,support  1 / 3 (As,gap) if Msupport is null or negative and of absolute value | Msupport | 

0,5 Mgap;

 As,support  1 / 4 (As,gap) if negative or of absolute value | Msupport | > 0,5 Mgap. Anchor of the Armature of Tension in the Support

Whenever there is the case of section, the anchor should follow the criteria of figure

For the cases of and c), in extreme supports, the bars of the armatures should be
anchored from the face of the support, with lengths equal to or superior to the highest of the
following values:

  b,nec, according to section;

 (r + 5,5 );

 60 mm;

Whenever there is cover of the bar in the interval of the hook, measured normally to the plan of the
hook, of at least 70 mm, and the accidental actions do not occur with high frequency with its
maximum value, the first of the three previous values can be considered, prevailing the two
remaining conditions.

For the cases in section and c), in intermediate supports, the length of the anchor can
be equal to 10 , as long as there is not any possibility of occurrence of positive moments in this
region, caused be unpredicted situations, particularly by effects of the wind and eventual upsets.
When this possibility exists, the bars should be continuous or patched over the support.

18.3.3 Cross-section Armature for the Cutting Force Generalities

The armatures destined to resist to the efforts of tension caused by cutting forces can be made by
stirrups, combined or not with folded bars or welded bars, and should be designed according to the
prescriptions of section 17.4. Structural Elements armored with stirrups

The stirrups for the cutting forces should be closed through a horizontal branch, involving the bars
of the longitudinal armature of tension, and anchored in the opposite face. When this face could
also be pulled, the stirrup should be the horizontal branch in this region, or complemented by
means of additional bar.

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The diameter of the bar that constitutes the stirrup should be higher than or equal to 5 mm, without
exceeding 1 / 10 of the width of the beam stem. When the bar is smooth, its diameter cannot be
superior to 12 mm. In the case of the formed stirrups by welded screens, the minimum diameter can
be reduced to 4,2 mm, as long as precautions are taken against the corrosion of this armature.

The minimum spacing between stirrups, measured according to the longitudinal axle of the
structural element, should be enough to allow the passage of the vibrator, guaranteeing a good
densification of the mass. The maximum spacing should follow the conditions below:

 If Vd  0,67 VRd2, so Smax = 0,6 d  300 mm;

 If Vd > 0,67 VRd2 , so Smax = 0,3 d  200 mm;

The cross-section spacing between the successive branches of the armature constituted by stirrups
should not exceed the following values:

 If Vd  0,20 VRd, so St,max = d  800 mm;

 If Vd > 0,20 VRd2,so St,max = 0,6 d  350 mm.

The patches by trespass are allowed only when the stirrups are constituted by screens or by bars of
high adherence. Structural Elements armored with Folded Bars Anchor

In the case of folded bars resistant to tension caused by cutting efforts, the straight interval of the
anchor should be higher than or equal to  b,nec (see Longitudinal Spacing

The longitudinal spacing between the folded bars should not be superior to Smax = 0,6 d (1+ cotg ),
where  is the angle of inclination of the folded bar.

18.3.4 Armature for Torsion

The armature destined to resist the efforts of tension caused by torsion must be constituted by
normal stirrups to the axle of the beam, combined with longitudinal parallel bars to the same axle,
and it should be designed according to the prescribed in section 17.5.

The branches of the stirrups and the longitudinal armatures contained in the interior of the fictitious
wall of the equivalent hollowed out section are considered effective in the resistance (see section

The stirrup for torsion must be closed in its entire contour, involving the bars of the longitudinal
armatures of tension, and with its ends suitably anchored by means of hooks in angles of 45º.

The prescriptions in section, related to the diameter of the bars that form the stirrup and the
longitudinal spacing of the same, should be followed.

The longitudinal bars of the armatures of torsion can have arrangement distributed or concentrated
along the internal perimeter of the stirrups, spaced in the maximum 350 mm.

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The relation ASt / u where u is the perimeter interval of the effective section correspondent to
each bar or bundle of bars of the area ASt demanded by the dimensioning.

The polygonal sections must contain, in each vertex of the stirrups of torsion, at least one bar.

18.3.5 Skin Armature

The skin armature calculated according to the section should be disposed so that the
separation between the bars does not surpass d/3 and 20 cm.

18.3.6 Suspension Armature

In the proximities of the concentrated charges transmitted to the beam by other beams or discreet
elements that on it supports themselves along or in parts of its height, or on it stay hanged, should
be placed a suspension armature.

18.3.7 Armatures of Connection Table-Stem or Stub-Stem

The connection plans between the tables and stem or between the stubs and stem of the beams
should be verified with relation to the tangential effects decurrent from the variations of normal
stresses along the length of the beam, under the aspect of resistance of the concrete, as much as
of the armatures necessary to resist to tensions decurrent from these effects.

The armatures of deflection of the slab, existing in the connection plan, can be considered as part of
the connection armature, complementing itself the difference between both, if necessary. The
minimum cross-section segment of this armature, extending itself through the whole practical width
and anchored in the stem, should be of 1,5 cm2 by meter.

18.4 Columns

18.4.1 Introduction

The demands that follow refer to columns whose biggest dimension of the cross-section segment
do not exceed five times the smallest dimension, and they are not valid for the special regions (see
section 21). When the first condition is not satisfied, the column should be treated as a wall-column,
applying the information disposed in section 18.5.

18.4.2 Longitudinal Armatures Minimum Diameter and Rate of the Armature

The diameter of the longitudinal bars should not be inferior to 10 mm or superior to 1/8 of the
smallest cross-section dimension.

The geometrical rate of the armature should respect the maximum and minimum values specified in

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The longitudinal armatures should be disposed in the cross-section segment in order to guarantee
the adequate resistance of the structural element. In polygonal sections, at least one bar in each
vertex should exist, in circle sections; at least six bars should be distributed along the perimeter.

The minimum free spacing between the longitudinal bars, measured in the cross-section segment
plan, outside the patched regions, should be equal to or superior to the highest of the following

 20 mm;

 Diameter of the bar, of the bundle or of the coupling;

 1,2 times the maximum characteristic dimension of the fully developed aggregate;

For bundles of bars, the following diameter of the bundle should be considered: n =  n.

These values are also applied to the patched regions by trespass of the bars.

When the densification through the lateral opening in the face of format is predicted in the plan of
pouring concrete, the spacing of the armatures should be enough to allow the passage of the

The maximum spacing between the axles of the bars, or of the centers of the bundle of bars, should
be smaller than or equal to two times the smallest dimension of the section in the interval
considered, without exceeding 400 mm.

18.4.3 Cross-section Armatures

The cross-section armature of the columns, constituted by stirrups and, whenever it is the case, by
additional clips, should be placed in the entire height of the column, being its placement in the
intersection with beams and slabs region.

The diameter of the stirrups in columns should not be inferior to 5 mm nor to 1 / 4 of the diameter of
the isolated bar or of the equivalent diameter of the bundle that constitutes the longitudinal

The longitudinal spacing between stirrups, measured in the direction of the axle of the column, to
guarantee the positioning, prevent buckling of the longitudinal bars and guarantee the sew of the
patches of the longitudinal bars in the usual columns, should be equal to or inferior to the smallest
of the following values:

 200 mm;

 Smallest dimension of the section;

 14  for CA-25, 12  for CA-50.

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The value t < /4 can be adopted, as long as the armatures are constituted by the same type of
steel and the spacing respects also the limitation:

with fyk in megaphascals.

Whenever there is the necessity of cross-section armatures for cutting forces and torsion, these
values should be compared to the minimum specified in section 18.3 for beams, adopting the
smallest of the specified limits.

18.5 Wall-Columns

In the case of wall-columns whose dimension of the cross–section segment exceeds in five times
the smallest dimension, besides the constant demands in this subsection, what is established
section 15 relatively to solicitant efforts in the cross-section direction decurrent from the effects of 1º
and 2º order, in special the localized effects of 2º order should also be met.

The cross-section armature of wall-columns should respect the minimum armature of deflection of
plaques, if this deflection and the armature correspondent is calculated. In the opposite case, the
cross-section armature should respect at least 25 % of the longitudinal armature of the face.

18.6 Prestressing Cables

18.6.1 Longitudinal Arrangement Sketch

The prestressing armature can be rectilinear, curvilinear, polygonal or of mixed sketch, respected
the demand referring to the armature in the support region, according to section and b).
In intermediate supports, an armature should be disposed, extension of the armatures of the
adjacent gaps, capable of resisting to a force of tension equal to:

In this expression Vd is the maximum difference of cutting force from one side to the other of the
support and Nd the tension force eventually existent. The armature to be disposed in this support is
obtained for the biggest of the RSd calculated for each one of the sides of the support. Curvatures

The curvatures of the prestressing armatures should respect the minimum radius demanded in
function of the diameter of the cable, cordage, bar or of the external diameter of the sheath.

The establishment of the minimum radius of the curvature can be performed experimentally, as long
as it is decurrent from investigation suitably performed and documented. A justification of the radius
of the curvature adopted is exempted, as long as it is superior to 4 m, 8 m and 12 m, respectively, in
the cases of cables, bars and cordages.

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When the curvature occur in regions near the face of the structural element, causing thrust in the
emptiness, armatures that guarantee the maintenance of the position of the cable without affecting
the integrity of the concrete in this region should be designed. Curvature near the anchors

In the regions near the anchors, the minimum radius of curvatures of cables, cordages or bundles
can be reduced, as long as duly proved by conclusive tests. In these regions, the resistance of the
concrete should be guaranteed in relation to the cracking and the maintenance of the position of the
cable when it causes thrust in the emptiness. Fixation during the performance

Proper devices should guarantee the permanence of the prestressing armature in its position during
the performance of the structural element. Straight Ends

The prestressing cables should have in its ends, straight segments that allow the alignment of its
axles with the axles of the respective devices of the anchor. The length of these segments is not
inferior to 100 cm or 50 cm in the case of greased monocordages. Extension of the Ends

The prestressing cables should have extensions of ends that extend themselves beyond the active
anchors, with length suitable to the fixation of the prestressing machines. Patches

The bars of the prestressing armatures can be patched, as long as it is done by screw thread and

The individual patches of threads, cordages and cables, by special devices efficiency sacred by the
use or duly proved by conclusive tests.

The type and the position of patches should be perfectly characterized in the design. Anchors

The anchors predicted should respect the disposed in section 9.4.7.

18.6.2 Cross-section Arrangement Sheaths Internal Prestressing with Adherent Armature

The sheaths of the prestressing armatures should be metallic, designed with diameter suitable to
the free motion of cables, to the executive system used and capable of resisting, without noticeable
deformation, to the pressure of the fresh concrete and to the efforts of mounting. Besides, there
should be tights relatively to the paste and the mortar in the case of pouring of the concrete.

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The sheaths can be of plastic material with suitable protection of the armature. External Prestressing

The sheaths can be of plastic material resistant to the bad weather and with suitable protection of
the armature. Grouping of Cables in the Pos-Tension

The cables housed in sheaths can constitute groups of two, three or four cables in the straight
intervals, as long as dispositions in line with more than two adjacent cables do not occur. In the
curved intervals they could be disposed only in pairs, whose curvatures are in parallel plans, so that
there is not any cross-section pressure between them. Minimum Spacing

The elements of the prestressing armatures should be sufficiently apart from themselves, so that it
is guaranteed its perfect involvement of the concrete.

The spacing in the horizontal direction has as an objective allows the passage of the concrete, and
when the vibrator of the needle is used, it allows its introduction and operation. The minimum values
of the spacing are indicated in the tables 18.1 and 18.2.

Table 18.1 – Minimum Spacing – Case of Pos-Tension

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Table 18.2 – Minimum Spacing – Case of Pre-Tension

19 Dimensioning and Verification of Slabs

19.1 Specific Symbology of this Section

In order to simplify the comprehension and, therefore the application of the established concepts of
this section, the most used symbols, or that could generate any doubts, are defined below.

The symbology presented in this section follows the same orientation established in section 4. This
way, the subscribed symbols have the same meaning presented in 4.3.

St – Radial Spacing between lines of the punch armature

u – Perimeter of the contour C’ – punch

u* - Critical perimeter reduced to columns of border or of corner

u0 – Perimeter of the contour C - punch

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Asw – Area of the punch armature in a complete contour parallel to C’

C – Contour of the Area of Load Application

C’ – Critical contour, external and distant 2d of contour C, in the slab plan

FSd – Force or Reaction of Punch of calculation

K – Coefficient that provides the fraction of MSd transmitted to the column-punch

MSd* - Moment of calculation resultant of eccentricity of the critical perimeter reduced u* in relation
to the center of the column-punch

MSd1 – Moment of calculation transmitted by the slab to the border of the column, in the plan
perpendicular to the free border

MSd2 – Moment of calculation transmitted by the slab to the border of the column, in the plan parallel
to the free border

Wp – Parameter referring to the critical perimeter u, defined as the plastic resistance module of the
critical perimeter

q – Coefficient that depends on the type and nature of loading

Pd – Stress of shearing due to the effects of prestressing cables that cross the considered contour
and go through at least d/2 of the face of the column-punch.

Rd1 – Stress of shearing resistant of limit calculation, so that a slab can prescind from the cross-
section armature to resist to the cutting force

Rd2 - Stress of shearing resistant of limit calculation for verification of the diagonal compression of
the concrete in the connection slab-column

Rd3 - Stress of shearing resistant of calculation

Sd - Stress of shearing solicitant of calculation

Sd,ef - Stress of shearing solicitant of effective calculation

19.2 Dimensioning and Verification of Slabs – Last Limit State

In the determination of resistant efforts of the sections of slabs submitted to normal efforts and
bending moments, the same principles established in sections 17.2.1 to 17.2.3 should be used.

In the support regions of the slabs, good conditions of ductility must be guaranteed, following the
dispositions in section

When, in the critical section adopted for the dimensioning, the direction of the armatures differ from
the directions of the main stresses in more than 15º, this fact should be considered in the structural

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19.3 Dimensioning and Verification of Slabs – Limit States of Service

19.3.1 Limit State of Deformation

The criteria given in section 17.3.2 should be used considering the possibility of fission (stage II)

19.3.2 Limit States of Fission and of Decompression or of Formation of Fissures

The criteria given in sections 17.3.3 and 17.3.4 should be used.

19.3.3 Maximum and Minimum Longitudinal Armatures Basic Principles

The basic principles for the establishment of the maximum and minimum armatures are the one s
given in section As the armored slabs in the two directions have other possible resistant
mechanisms, the minimum values of the positive armatures are reduced in relation to the ones
given for linear structural elements.

In the case of smooth slabs or toadstool slabs with non-adherent active armature, the positive
passive armatures should respect the minimum values of table 19.1 and the negative passive
armature over the supports should have as minimum value:


H is the height of the slab;

 is the average gap of the slab measured in the direction of the armature to be placed;

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This armature should cover the cross-section region to it, comprehended by the dimension of the
supports added of 1,5 h for each side.

Table 19.1 – Minimum Values for the Adherent Passive Armatures Maximum Armatures

The maximum value of the armature of deflection should respect the limit given in section

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19.4 Cutting Force in Slabs and Linear Elements with bw  5d

19.4.1 Slabs without Armature for Cutting Force

The solid or ribbed slabs, according to section, can prescind from the cross-section
armature to resist to the efforts of stress resultant from the cutting force, when the cutting force of
calculation follows the expression:

k is one of the coefficients that has the following values:

 For elements where 50 % of the inferior armature does not reach the support: k = | 1 |;

 For all other cases: k = | 1,6 – d |, not smaller than | 1 |, with d in meters;


Rd is the stress resistant of calculation of the concrete to the shearing;

As1 is the area of the armature of tension that extends itself to not less than d +  b,nec
beyond the considered section; with  b,nec defined in section and in figure 19.1;

bw is the minimum width of the section along the practical height d;

NSd is the longitudinal force in the section due to the prestressing or loading (positive

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Figure 19.1 – Length of the necessary Anchor

In the anchor zone of prestressing elements with previous adherence, the equation that defines VRd1
is only applied when the anchor requirements are met according to section 9.4.5. Analogously for
the elements containing passive armature.

In the case of pre-tension, the reduction of the effective prestressing in the length of transmission
should be taken into account.

The distribution of this armature along the slab should respect the prescribed in section,
considering for at, the value of 1,5 d.

19.4.2 Slabs with Armature for Cutting Force

The criteria established in section 17.4.2 are applied.

The resistance of the stirrups can be considered with the following maximum values, being allowed
linear interpolation:

 250 MPa, for slabs with thickness up to 15 cm;

 435 MPa (fywd), for slabs with thickness higher than 35 cm;

19.5 Dimensioning of slabs to punch

19.5.1 Model of Calculation

The model of calculation corresponds to the verification of the shearing in two or more critical
surfaces defined in the spill of concentrated forces.

In the first critical surface (contour C), of the column or of the concentrated load, the stress of the
diagonal compression of the concrete should be verified indirectly, through the shearing stress.

In the second critical surface (contour C’) separated 2d of the column or of the concentrated load,
the capacity of connection to the punch, associated to the resistance to the diagonal tension should
be verified. This verification is also done through a stress of shearing, in the contour C’.

In case there is necessity, the connection should be reinforced by the cross-section armature.

The third critical surface (contour C”) must only be verified when it is necessary to place the cross-
section armature.

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19.5.2 Definition of Solicitant Stress in the Critical Surfaces C and C’ Internal Column, with Symmetrical Loading (see figure 19.2)

In the case where the loading effect can be considered symmetrical:


D is the practical height of the slab along the critical contour C”, external to the contour C of
the area of application of force and distant 2d from this one in the plan of the slab;

dx and dy are the practical heights in two orthogonal directions;

u is the perimeter of the critical contour C;

ud is the critical surface of the area;

FSd is the force or the concentrated reaction, of calculation;

The force of punch FSd can be reduced from the distributed force applied in the opposite face of the
slab, inside the considered contour in the verification, C or C’.

Figure 19.2 – Critical Perimeter in internal Columns

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ABNT NBR 6118:2003 Internal Column, with moment effect

In the case where, besides the vertical force, there is transference of moment from the slab to the
column, the effect of asymmetry must be considered, according to the expression:


K is the coefficient that provides the fraction of MSd transmitted to the columns by shearing,
which depends on the relation C1 / C2.
The coefficient K assumes the values indicated in table 1.2.

Table 19.2 – Values of K

The values of Wp must be calculated by the expressions below:

For a rectangle column:


D is the diameter of the column;

Wp can be calculated neglecting the curvature of the corners of the critical perimeter,
through the expression:


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d  is the infinitesimal length in the critical length u;

e is the distance of d  to the axle that goes through the center of the column and over
which acts the bending moment MSd. Border Columns

a) When act moment in the parallel plan to the free border:


FSd is the reaction of support;

u* is the reduced critical perimeter;

MSd is the calculation moment in the perpendicular plan to the free border;

MSd* is the calculation moment resultant from the eccentricity of the critical reduced
perimeter u* in relation to the center of the column;

WP1 is the module of plastic resistance perpendicular to the free border, calculated for the
perimeter u;

The coefficient K1 assumes the established values for K in table 19.2, with C1 and C2 according to
the figure 19.3.

Figure 19.3 – Critical Perimeter in Columns of Border

b) when act moment in the parallel plan to the free border:

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MSd is the moment of calculation in the plan parallel to the free border;

WP2 is the module of plastic resistance in the direction parallel to the free border,
calculated by the perimeter u.

The coefficient K2 assumes the values established for K in table 19.2, substituting C1/C2 by C2/2C1,
(being C1 and C2 established in the figure 19.3). Corner Columns

The disposed for the column of the border when does not act moment in the parallel plan to the

As the corner column presents the two free borders, the verification must be done separately from
each one of them, considering the bending moment whose plan is perpendicular to the free border

In this case, K must be calculated in function of the proportion C1/C2, being C1 and C2, respectively,
the sides of the perpendicular column and parallel to the free border adopted, according to table
19.2 (see figure 19.4).

Figure 19.4 – Critical Perimeter in Corner Columns Head

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When there is a head, two verification must be done in the critical contours C 1’ and C2’, as indicated
in figure 19.5.

Figure 19.5 – Definition of the Practical Height in the case of the Head


d is the practical height of the slab in the contour C2’;

dc is the practical height of the slab in the face of the column;

da is the practical height of the column in the contour C 1’;

 c is the distance between the border of the head and the face of the column. When: Special Cases of Definition of the Critical Contour

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If the contour C presents recesses, the critical contour C’ must be parallel to the polygonal
circumcised to the contour C (see figure 19.6).

Figure 19.6 – Critical Perimeter in the Case of the Contour present recesses

If in the slab exist an opening located at the minimum of 8d of the contour C, the interval of the
critical contour C’ between the two straight lines that go through the center of gravity of the
application area of force ad that tangents the contour of opening should not be considered (see
figure 19.7).

Figure 19.7 – Critical Perimeter next to the Opening on the Slab Interaction of Normal and Tangential Physical Strains

The verification of influence of the normal physical strains, decurrent from the simple or composed
deflection of the slab, in the resistance to punch are not demanded.

19.5.3 Definition of Resistant Stress in the Critical Surfaces C, C’ and C”

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ABNT NBR 6118:2003 Verification of Resistant Stress of Diagonal Compression of the Concrete in the

Critical Surface C

This verification should be done in the contour C, in slabs submitted to punch, with or without

TSd is calculated according to section, with u0 (perimeter of contour

C) in place of u.

The value of Rd2 can be amplified to 20 % by effect of the multiple state of stresses next to an
internal column, when the gaps that arrive in that column do not differ more than 50 % and there are
no openings along the column. Resistant Stress in the Critical Surface C’ in Structural Elements or in Intervals

without punch armature

The resistant stress in the critical surface C’ should be calculated as follows:


d is the practical height of the slab along the critical contour C’ of the area of force
application, in centimeters;

 is the geometrical rate of the armature of adherent deflection (non adherent armature
should be neglected).

x and y are the rates of the armature in two orthogonal directions calculated as follows:

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 In width equal to the dimension or to the loaded area of the column increased by
3d for each one of the sides;

 In the case of border proximity, the distance until the border when it is smaller
than 3d prevails;

This verification should be done in the critical contour C’ or in C 1’ and C2’, in the case where there is
a head. Resistant Stress in the Critical Surface C’ in Structural Elements or in Intervals

with Punch Armature

The resistant stress in the critical surface C’ should be calculated as follows:


Sr is the radial spacing between the lines of punch armature, not higher than 0,75d;

Asw is the area of the punch armature in a complete contour parallel to C’;

 is the inclination angle between the axle of the punch armature and the plan of the slab;

u is the critical perimeter or the reduced critical perimeter in the case of columns of border
or of corner.
fywd is the resistance of calculation of the punch armature, not higher than 300 MPa for
connectors or 250 MPa for stirrups (of CA-50 or CA-60 steels). For slabs with thickness
higher than 15 cm, these values can be increased according to what is established in
section 19.4.2.

This armature should be preferably constituted by three or more lines of connectors type pin with
expanded ends, disposed in a radial way starting from the perimeter of the column. Each one of
theses ends should be anchored outside the plan of the armature of deflection correspondent. Definition of the Critical Surface C”

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When it is necessary to use a cross-section armature, it should be extended in contours parallel to

C’ until, in a contour C” apart 2d of the last contour of the armature (see figure 19.8 and 19.9), an
armature is no longer necessary, that is, Sd  Rd1 (

Figure 19.8 – Disposition of Punch Armature in plant and contour of the critical Surface C”

Figure 19. 9 – Disposition of the Punch Armature in Cut

In case the punch armature is necessary, three verifications must be made:

 Stress resistant of the concrete compression in the contour C, according to section;

 Stress resistant to punch in the contour C’, considering the punch armature, according to

 Stress resistant to punch in the contour C”, without the punch armature, according to
section; Armature of Obligatory Punch

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In the case of the global stability of the structure depends on the slab resistance to punch, there
should be predicted a punch armature, even if Sd is smaller than Rd1. This armature should
balance a minimum of 50 % of FSd.
19.5.4 Progressive Collapse

To guarantee the local ductility and the consequent protection against the progressive collapse, the
armature of inferior deflection that goes through the contour C should be sufficiently anchored
beyond the contour C’, according to figure 19.10 and it should be as:


As is the sum of all areas of the bars that cross each one of the column faces;

Figure 19.10 – Armature against Progressive Collapse

19.5.5 Verification of the Prestressing Structural Elements

The verification should be done as established below:


Pd is the stress due to the effect of the prestressing inclined cables that cross the
considered contour and go through less than d/2 of the face of the column (see figure
Pkinf,I is the prestressing force in the cable i;
I is the inclination of the cable i in relation to the slab in the considered contour;

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u is the critical perimeter of the considered contour, where Sd,ef and Sd are calculated.

Figure 19.11 – Favorable Effect of the Inclined Cables

20 Detailing of the Slabs

20.1 General Prescriptions

The armatures should be disposed in a way that is possible to guarantee its positioning during the
pouring of the concrete.

Any armature bar of deflection should have a diameter of maximum equal to h/8.

The main armature bars of deflection presenting spacing at the maximum equal to 2h or 20 cm,
prevailing the smallest of these two values in the region of the biggest bending moments.

The secondary armature of deflection must be equal to or superior to 20 % of the main armature,
maintaining still, spacing between the bars of, in the maximum 33 cm. The patch of these bars
should respect the same criteria of bar patch of the main armature.

The stirrups in ribbed slabs, when necessary, should not have spacing superior to 20 cm.

20.2 Free Borders and Openings

In free borders and along the openings the minimum prescriptions contained in figure 20.1 should
be respected.

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Figure 20.1 – Freer Borders and Openings

20.3 Slabs without Beams

20.3.1 Passive Armatures

In slabs without solid or ribbed beams, calculated by the approximate process given in section
14.7.8, the dispositions contained in figure 20.2 should be respected.

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Figure 20.2 – Slabs without Beams

At least two inferior bars should pass continuously over the supports, respecting also the armature
against progressive collapse, according to section 19.5.4.

In slabs with heads, the interrupted inferior bars, besides meeting the others prescriptions, should
penetrate at least 30 cm or 24  in the head.

The conditions of the anchor prescribed in section 9 should be followed.

20.3.2 Prestressing Slabs Maximum Spacing between the Cables

A minimum spacing of 6h, not exceeding 120 cm between cables or bundles of cables should be
maintained. Maximum Width for Disposition of Cables in External Range of Support

Cables disposed in an external range of support should be contained in a portion of the slab, so that
the width of it do not surpasses the dimension in the plant of the support column, taken
transversally to the longitudinal direction of the range, added by 3,5 times the thickness of the slab
for each one of the sides of the column. Minimum Spacing between Cables or Bundles of Cables

A minimum spacing of 5 cm should be maintained between the cables or bundles of cables, or

between cables and passive armatures.

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ABNT NBR 6118:2003 Minimum Cover

The minimum cover of cables in relation to the face of the openings in the slabs should be of 7,5
cm. Deviation

The deviation in the slab plan of a cable or bundle of cables should produce a maximum inclination
of 1/10, in the imaginary rope that connects the beginning to the end of this interval, maintaining its
development according to a parabolic curve in the plant. Along the deviation, the set of cables or
bundle of cables should be disposed in order to maintain a distance of 5 cm between cables in the
central region of the curve.

For the cases where the deviation exceeds the specified limits, an armature capable of resisting to
the force caused by this deviation should be predicted. Passive and Active Armatures

It is possible to prescind from the passive armature against the progressive collapse, if at least one
cable, in each orthogonal direction, goes through the interior of the longitudinal armature contained
in the cross-section segment of columns or elements of support of the toadstool slabs of
commercial and residential buildings.

Over the supports of the prestressing toadstool slabs, it is obligatory the existence of at least four
bars in the pulled face, disposed in a width that do not exceed the width of the support added of
three times the total height of the slab. The bars must be spaced in maximum 30 cm and developed
to a minimum distance equal to 1/6 of the free gap between the supports in the direction of the
armature, and measured of the face of the support.

The maximum of four cables can be disposed in the bundle, in the prestressing slabs by non-
adherent monocordages.

20.4 Punch Armature

Whenever necessary, the armatures to resist to punch should be constituted by vertical stirrups or
connectors (studs), preferably by the use of these last ones.

The diameter of the stirrup armature cannot overcome h/20 and it should have mechanical contact
of the longitudinal bars with the corners of the stirrups (mechanical anchorage).

The minimum regions where the armatures of punch should be disposed, as well as the regulated
distances to be obeyed are shown in figure 20.3.

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Figure 20.3 – Punch Armatures

21 Special Regions

21.1 Introduction

According to this Standard Specification, regions considered special are those that are not covered
by the models previously described, due to the non-validity, in these regions, of the hypothesis of
plain section.

21.2 Introduction Regions in Concentrated Loads

21.2.1 Contact Pressure in Reduced Area

Whenever there is load in reduced area, an armature should be disposed to resist to all efforts of
tension, always when there is the possibility of fission of the concrete can compromise the
resistance of the structural element.

When the load acts in an area that is smaller than the surface of the structural element, the
resistance of the concrete can be considered increased, not surpassing the resistant value of
calculation correspondent to the crushing, given by the expression:


Ac0 is the reduced area loaded uniformly;

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Ac1 is the maximum area of the same format and same center of gravity that Ac0, inscribed
in the area Ac2.

Ac2 is the total area, located in the same plan of Ac0.

In the case of Ac0 being rectangular, the proportion between the sides should not be bigger than 2.
The values given by this equation should be reduced if the load is not uniformly distributed or if
there are not any shearing efforts. This expression is not applied to prestressing anchors, whose
safety should be guaranteed by certification tests of the system.

The figure 21.1 illustrates some cases where the fission can compromise the resistance of the
structural element and an armature should be disposed to resist to tension efforts.

Figure 21.1 – Regions of Localized Pressure

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21.2.2 Concrete Joints

These are joints obtained by means of a reduced nucleus of the concrete, transmitting efforts that
can be reduced to a force, whose inclination should be in the maximum equal to 1/8, according to
what is shown in figure 21.2.

Figure 21.2 – Region of Concrete Joint

21.2.3 Region of Introduction of Prestressing

Three-dimensional models must be considered for the calculation of these regions, given that the
dimensions of the support surface of the anchor are small, if compared with the cross-section
segment of the structural element.

These zones can be calculated with the help of the method of connecting rods and tie-rods, being
analyzed and designed considering:

a) The global balance of the region;]

b) The effects of cross-section tension (craving cracking) due to the anchors, individually and
in its set;

c) The effects of compression in this zone (crushing);

21.2.4 Loads applied in the surface of Structural Elements

Loads applied through metallic inserted, anchor bolts, etc, that can correspond to efforts of
compression, tension, shearing or to composed efforts are included in this section.

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The verification of local effects in the case of compression must meet the disposed in section
21.1.1. In the case of tension the yank should be verified, and in the case of shearing, the crushing
in the border of the concrete in contact with the anchor bolt should be verified, according to the
relevant sections of this Standard Specification or of the specialized technical literature.

Special precautions must be taken in the dimensioning and detailing of the armature of the
structural element, in order to obtain the transference and continuity of the resistance to the forces
of tension introduced by the anchor bolts, guaranteeing the balance of the set. The figure 21.3
shows the example in this case.

Figure 21.3 – Pressures next to a built-in pin in an structural element of concrete

21.3 Holes and Openings

21.3.1 Generalities

Structures whose design demands the presence of openings should be calculated and detailed
considering the disturbances of stress that concentrate around these openings, predicting, besides
the armatures to resist to tension efforts already mentioned in this Standard Specification, also
additional armatures disposed around the contour and in the corner of the openings.

The limits for these dimensions of holes and openings are included in section 13.

21.3.2 Walls and Wall-Beams

When the openings are located in regions slightly solicited and they do not modify significantly the
functioning of the structural element, it is enough to place an armature of compatibility of the
opening with the set. Otherwise, a specific model of calculation should be adopted for the case in
question, based, for example, in the method of finite elements or of connecting rods and tie-rods
(see figure 21.4).

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Figure 21.4 – Openings in Wall-Beams of Reinforced Concrete

21.3.3 Holes that cross the Beams in the direction of the Height

The openings in beams, contained in its main plan, as holes for vertical conduit passage in the
erections (see figure 21.5), should not have diameter superior to 1/3 of the width of these beams in
the regions of these holes. The reduction of capacity portante to shearing and to the deflection in
the region of the opening should be verified.

The minimum distance of a hole to the closest face of the beam should be at least equal to 5 cm
and twice the cover predicted in this face. The remaining section in this region, being discounted the
occupied area by the hole, should be capable of resisting the predicted efforts in the calculation,
besides permitting a good pouring of the concrete.

In case a set of hole is necessary, the holes should be aligned and the distance between the faces
should be at least 5 cm or the diameter of the hole and each interval should contain at least one

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In case of structural elements submitted to torsion, these limits should be adjusted in order to allow
a suitable functioning.

Figure 21.5 – Vertical Opening in Beams

21.3.4 Openings in Slabs

In the case of openings in slabs, the following conditions should be respected in any situation,
obeying also the information disposed in section 13:

a) The section of the remaining concrete of the central part or over the support of the slab
should be capable of balancing the efforts in the last limit state, correspondent to this
section without openings;

b) The sections of the interrupted armatures should be substituted by equivalent sections of

reinforcement, dully anchored.

c) In the case of openings in regions closer to columns, in smooth or toadstool slabs, the
model of calculation should predict the balance of cutting forces acting in these regions;

21.4 Knots of Gantries and Connections between Walls

In decurrence of the change of direction of the structural elements, the resistance of the set
depends of the resistance to tension of the concrete and of the disposition of the armature, which
should be considered in the dimensioning.

21.5 Connections of Pre-Molded Structural Elements

The prescriptions of the ABNT NBR 9062 should be met.

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21.6 Pouring of the Concrete Joints

The design of execution of the pouring of the concrete joint should indicate in a precise way, the
location and the configuration of its surface.

Whenever the adherence and the rogosity between the new concrete and the existing one is not
assured, armatures of stitch should be predicted, dully anchored in regions capable of resisting to
tension efforts.

22 Special Elements

22.1 Introduction

According to this Standard Specification the structural elements, which are characterized by a
behavior that do not respect the hypothesis of plain section are considered as special elements, for
not being sufficiently long so that the localized disturbances are dissipated. Wall-beams, consoles
and Gerber tooth, as well as guide blocks and blocks are elements of this type.

The special elements should be calculated and dimensioned by appropriate theoretical models,
when not contemplated by this Standard Specification.

Having in view the responsibility of these elements in the structure, the physical strains of
calculation by an additional coefficient n, according to the ABNT NBR 8681.

22.2 Wall-Beams

22.2.1 Reputation

The high beams where the relation between the gap and the height  /h is inferior to 2 in bi-
supported beams and inferior to 3 in continuous beams are considered wall-beams. They can
receive superior or inferior loading (see figure 22.1).

Figure 22.1 – Two more common types of Wall-beam in relation to the loading

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22.2.2 Structural Behavior

The structural behavior of the wall-beams has some specific characteristics, pointing out between
them, in first place, inefficiencies, be it to deflection, be it to shearing, when compared with the
usual beams.

The wall-beams, by being high, present stability problems as inelastic body and sometimes, elastic
stability. Support hardeners or interlocks are almost always necessary.

The disturbances generated by concentrated loads, openings or thickenings should also be

considered. These disturbances can influence significantly in the behavior and resistance of the
structural element.

22.2.3 Calculation Model

Plain elastic or non-linear models and models of connection rod-tie rod are allowed for calculation
and dimensioning of wall-beams. Whichever the model chosen, it must contemplate suitably the
aspects described in section 22.2.2.

22.2.4 Detailing Deflection Armature

In the wall-beams, the tie-rods of tension cannot be concentrated in one or more layers of the
armature, but they should cover the entire zone effectively pulled, according to the model of
calculation adopted.

In the bi-supported beams as it is shown in figure 22.2, this armature should be distributed in height
of the order of 0,15 h.

The fact that in the continuous wall-beams, the height of the distribution of the negative armature of
the supports is even bigger must be considered. Cross-section Armature

The cross-section armature should be calculated considering the information disposed in section
22.2.2 and respecting a minimum value of 0,075 % bh by face.

In the case of loading through the inferior part of the beam, this armature should be capable of
suspending the totality of the load applied (see figure 22.2).

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These armatures should involve the horizontal, main and secondary armatures.

Figure 22.2 – Typical Framework of Wall-Beam with h  

22.3 Consoles and Gerber Teeth

22.3.1 Consoles Reputation

The elements in balance where the distance (a) of the load applied to the face of the support is
smaller or equal to the practical height (d) of the console are considered consoles (see figure 22.3).

The console is short if 0,5 d  a  d and very short if a < 0,5 d.

The case where a > d should be treated as a beam in balance and no longer as a console.

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Figure 22.3 – Connecting Rod – Tie Rod Model for Short Console Structural Behavior

The short consoles have a typical behavior that can be described by a connecting rod-tie rod model.
The tie rod, on the top of the console, is anchored in the connecting rod under the vertical external
load Fd of one side and in the column or support of the other. The inclined connecting rod goes from
the load to the face of the column or support, using all the height of the available console (see figure
22.3). Some aspects are fundamental for the success of this behavior:

a) Suitable anchor of the tie rod, embracing the connecting rod right below the support

b) The armature rate of the tie-rod to be considered in the calculation should be limited
superiorly, in order to guarantee the discharge, before the rupture of the concrete;

c) Verification of the resistance to compression of the connecting rod or of the equivalent

shearing in the face of the column, guaranteeing with adequate safety that the fragile
rupture, by the connecting rod, is apart. For the verification of connecting rod, the opening
of the load under the support plaque should be considered, according to the information
indicated in the figure 22.3, limited to a maximum inclination of 1:2 in relation to the vertical,
in the extreme points A and C (or E) of the amplified support area.

d) The consideration of horizontal efforts is fundamental in the dimensioning of the consoles

and its consequent unfavorable effect in the inclination of the resultant Fd (see figure 22.3).
The ABNT NBR 9062 establishes minimum values of these efforts;

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e) In the general case where there are horizontal loads, cross-section or eccentricity of the
vertical load in the width of the console, it is said that there is “torsion” of the console; the
structural behavior that it is observed, in this case, is of a connecting rod-tie rod model
outside the average plan of the console, usually with more narrow connecting rods and tie
rods, that is, that do not form the spatial truss observed on the torsion of beams, once it
lacks enough length for such.

The very short consoles have a behavior similar to the short consoles, but the differences should
not be neglected. The connecting rod curves itself or bows in the console plan and as consequence
the importance of the stitch armature increases, starts to have a significant participation in the
resistance of the console, not only in its ductility. Calculation Model

For calculation and dimensioning of consoles, plain linear models or not (non plain in the case of
torsion), connecting rod-tie rod models or friction-shearing models can be used, respecting in each
case its field of application.

Whichever is the model adopted, it must contemplate the fundamental aspects described in section and have experimental support or be derived from the basic model already widely proved
by tests. Detailing Tie Rod Armature

As the tie rod is very short, from the external face of the console until the opposite face of the
column (or support), it is essential to take care of the anchor of the armature predicted for this tie
rod, in both ends, specially in that one next to the console end.

In this face the hook in the vertical plan should not be used, to avoid ruins by rupture of corner or of
lateral cover of the hook. These vertical hooks can only be accepted in slab consoles.

In this region, under concentrated load, a more efficient anchor should be used, as handles in the
horizontal plan or cross-section bars welded to the armature of the tie rod or metallic plates welded
in the ends of the bars of this armature (tie rod) (see figure 22.4), according to section

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Figure 22.4 – Typical Armature of a short console Support Equipment

The position and the dimensions of the support equipment should be adopted in order to allow that
the tie rod embrace the connecting rod, according to the detail in the plan of the tie rod (see figure
22.4), taking into account the unfavorable effect of the inclined resultant of the loads over the
support plaque, due to horizontal forces. Stitch Armature

The design of short consoles or very short consoles without a stitch armature is not allowed. The
stitch armature is fundamental to allow a more ductile rupture of the console and avoid reduction of
the rupture load. Suspension Armature

When an indirect load exists, an armature of suspension for the totality of the load applied should
be predicted.

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22.3.2 Gerber Teeth Reputation

The Gerber teeth is an overhang that is designed in the superior part of the end of a beam, with the
objective of support it in the console created in the face of a column or in the inferior region of the
end of another beam.

Usually, both, console and Gerber teeth have a height slightly smaller than half of the height of the
beam. The same reputations and geometrical limitations created for the consoles are also valid for
the Gerber teeth. Behavior

The Gerber teeth have a structural behavior similar to the ones of the consoles, being able to be
described also as a connecting rod-tie rod model. The most important differences are:

a) The connecting rod is usually more inclined, because it should look for support in the
suspension armature, inside the beam, in the opposite end in relation to the application
point of load;

b) The main armature should penetrate in the beam, looking for anchor in the connecting rods
due to the shearing in the beam;

c) The suspension armature should be calculated for the total force Fd;

Figure 22.5 – Connection rod – Tie rod model for a Gerber Tooth Calculation Model

For the calculation and dimensioning, the same principles established for the consoles can be used,
as long as the necessary corrections are made to contemplate the differences brought out in

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The recommendations made in section applicable, with exception of section,
once the Gerber tooth loses sense in the case of indirect load.

The information disposed in sections to should also be added. Suspension Armature

This armature should be preferably constituted of stirrups, in the complete height of the beam,
concentrated in its end, according to figure 22.5. Anchor of Main Armature

The main armature should be anchored from its intersection with the first connecting rod of the
beam, in its complete height. Anchor of the Inferior of the Beam

The deflection armature of the beam should be well anchored in the interval where the suspension
armature is applied.

In case this interval is not big enough, the use of horizontal clips of cross-section welded bars is
recommended. Special cases

In case using folded bars to suspend the load or the longitudinal prestressing armatures of the
beam is necessary, the calculation model should be adapted for this.

22.4 Guide Blocks

22.4.1 Reputation

Guide blocks are structures of volume used to transmit to the terrain the foundation loads, in the
case of direct foundation.

When the following expression is verified, the guide block is considered stiff. Otherwise, the guide
block is considered flexible:


h is the height of the guide block;

a is the dimension of the guide block in a specific direction;

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ap is the dimension of the column in the same direction;

For the stiff guide block, the distribution of normal stresses in the contact guide blocks-terrain can
be accepted as plain, in case more detailed information about it is not available.

For flexible guide blocks or extreme cases of foundation in rock, even with a stiff guide block, this
hypothesis should be revised.

22.4.2 Structural Behavior Generalities

The structural behavior of the guide blocks, once the complexity of the interaction soil-structure
through the hypothesis of section 22.4.1 is eliminated, can be described separating the guide block
in stiff or flexible. Stiff Guide Blocks

The structural behavior can be characterized by:

a) Work to the deflection in both directions, accepting that for each one of them, the tension in
the deflection is uniformly distributed in the correspondent width of the guide block. This
hypothesis is not applied to the compression in the deflection, that concentrates more in the
region of the column that it is supported in the guide block, and it is not applied also to the
case of very elongated guide block is relation to the format of the column;

b) Work to shearing also in both directions, not presenting rupture by diagonal tension, and
instead a diagonal compression verified according to section This occurs because
the stiff guide block stays entirely inside the hypothetical cone of punch, not having
therefore any physical possibility of punch. Flexible Guide blocks

Even though of a rarer use, these guide blocks are used for the foundation of small loads and soils
relatively weak. Its behavior is characterized by:

a) Work to the deflection in both directions, not being possible to accept tension in the
deflection uniformly distributed in the corresponding width of the guide block. The
concentration of deflection next to the column should be, at first, evaluated:

b) Work to the shearing that can be described by the phenomenon of punch (see 19.5);

The plain distribution of stress in the contact soil-guide blocks should be verified.

22.4.3 Calculation Model

For the calculation and dimensioning of guide blocks, three-dimensional linear models or three-
dimensional connecting rod – tie rod models should be used, being possible to, whenever
necessary, use the deflection models. These models must contemplate the aspects described in
section 22.4.2. Only the calculation models exceptionally need to contemplate the interaction soil-

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22.4.4 Detailing Stiff Guide Blocks Deflection Armature

The deflection armature should be uniformly distributed along the width of the guide block,
extending itself integrally form face to face of the same and ending in the hook in both endings.

For bars with   20 mm hooks of 135º or 180 º should be used. For bars with   25 mm the
cracking in the horizontal plan should be verified, once the detachment of the entire mesh of the
armature can occur. Flexible Guide Blocks

The requirements related to slabs and punch must be met (see sections 19 and 20).

22.5 Block over Stakes

22.5.1 Reputation

Blocks are structures of volume used to transmit to the stakes the foundation loads, and they can
be considered stiff or flexible by analogous criteria to the defined by the guide blocks.

In the case of sets of blocks and stiff stakes, with spacing of 2.5  to 3  (where  is the diameter of
the stake), the distribution of load in the stakes can be accepted as plain.

For flexible blocks or in extreme cases of short stakes, supported very stiff terrain, this hypothesis
should be revised.

22.5.2 Structural Behavior Stiff Block

The structural behavior is characterized by:

a) Work to deflection in both directions, but with tensions essentially concentrated in the lines
over the stakes (lattice defined by the axle of the stakes, with ranges of width equal to 1,2
times its diameter);

b) Loads transmitted from the column to the stakes essentially by compression connecting
rod, of format and complex dimensions;

c) Work to shearing also in two directions, not presenting rupture by diagonal tension, but by
compression of the connecting rods, analogously to the guide blocks. Flexible Block

A more complete analysis should be performed for this type of block, from the distribution of efforts
in the stakes, from the tie-rods of tension, to the necessity of verification of punch.

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22.5.3 Calculation Model

Linear three-dimensional models or not and three-dimensional connecting rod – tie rod models are
acceptable for the calculation and dimensioning of blocks, being these last ones the favorite ones to
better define the distribution of efforts by the tie-rods. These models must contemplate suitably the
aspects described in 22.5.2.

Whenever there are significant horizontal efforts or strong asymmetry, the model must cintemplate
the interaction soil-structure.

22.5.4 Detailing Stiff Blocks Deflection Armature

The deflection armature should be disposed essentially (more than 85 %) in the ranges defined by
the stakes, in proportions of balance in the respective connecting rods.

The bars should extend themselves from face to face of the block and end in a hook in both ends.
For the bars with   20 mm hooks of 135º or 180º must be used.

The anchor of the armatures of each one of these ranges, over the stakes, measured from the face
of the stakes should be guaranteed. The favorable effect of cross-section compression to the bars,
decurrent from the compression of the connecting rods, can be considered (see section 9). Distribution Armature

To control the fission, an additional armature in mesh uniformly distributed in two directions for at
maximum 20 % of total efforts, completing the main armature, calculated with a resistance of
calculation of 80 % of fyd should be predicted. Suspension Armature

If the distribution armature is predicted for more than 25 % of total efforts or if the spacing between
stakes is higher than 3 , a suspension armature should be predicted for the fraction of the load to
be balanced. Armature of Yanking of Columns

The block should have enough height to allow the anchor of the armature of yank. In this anchor the
favorable effect of cross-section compression to the bars decurrent from the deflection in the guide
blocks must be considered (see section 9). Flexible Blocks

The requirements related to slabs and punch should be met (see sections 19 and 20).

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23 Dynamic Actions and Fatigue

23.1 Specific Symbology of this Section

In order to simplify the comprehension and, therefore the application of the established concepts of
this section, the most used symbols, or that could generate any doubts, are defined below.

The symbology presented in this section follows the same orientation established in section 4. This
way, the subscribed symbols have the same meaning presented in 4.3.

f - frequency

fcrit – critical frequency

23.2 Generalities

The dynamic actions can cause limit states of service and last limit states by excessive vibration or
by fatigue of materials.

23.3 Limit State of Excessive Vibrations

The analyses of vibrations can be done in linear regime in the case of usual structures.

To assure the satisfactory behavior of the structures subjected to vibrations, the maximum possible
distance from the structure’s own frequency (f) to the critical frequency (fcrit), which depends on the
destination of the respective erection.

The behavior of the structures subjected to the cyclical dynamic actions that origin vibrations can be
modified by means of alterations in some factors, as dynamic actions, natural frequency (by the
change of stiffness of the structure or of the mass in vibration) and increase of the characteristics of

When the critical action is originated in a machine, the critical frequency starts to be of the operation
of the machine.

In this case, it may not be enough to separate the two frequencies, own and critical. Mainly when
the machine is turned on, during the process of acceleration of the same, it is usually necessary to
increase the mass or the damping of the structure to absorb part of the energy involved.

In special cases, where the previous prescriptions could not be met, more accurate dynamic
analyses should be done, according to the information established in international standard
specifications, while a specific Brazilian Standard Specification does not exist.

In the lack of values determined experimentally, the values indicated in table 23.1 for fcrit can be

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Table 23.1- Critical Frequency for some special cases of structures submitted to vibrations
by the action of people

23.4 Last Limit States caused by Resonance or Dynamic Amplification

The dynamic amplification can be determined in linear elastic regime in the usual cases. When the
coefficient of impact is defined in a specific Brazilian Standard Specification, this is the value that
should be used.

23.5 Last Limit State of Fatigue

23.5.1 Cyclic Actions

The fatigue is a phenomenon associated to repeated dynamic actions, which can be understood as
a process of progressive and permanent modifications of the internal structure of a material
submitted to the oscillation of stresses decurrent from these actions.

The actions of fatigue of high intensity, capable to cause damages with less than 20 000 repetitions
are not treated in the Standard Specification.

The actions of fatigue of average and low intensity and number of repetitions until 2 000 000 of
cycles are considered in the dispositions established in this section. For the consideration of the
spectrum of the actions, it is acceptable that those of vehicles with total loads up to 30 kN can be
excluded, for the case of highway bridges.

For the combination of actions of a determined spectrum of loads, the rule of Palmgren-Miner is
considered valid, that is, lets suppose the damages of fatigue accumulate themselves linearly with
the number of cycles applied to a certain level of stress, following the expression below:


ni is the number of repetitions applied under specific condition of stress;

Ni is the number of repetitions that would cause the rupture by fatigue for the same
condition of stress applied.

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23.5.2 Combinations of Actions to be consider

Even though the fatigue phenomenon is controlled by the accumulation of the harmful effect of
repeated physical strains, the verification of fatigue can be done considering an only level of
physical strain, expressed by the frequent combination of actions (see section 11), given below:

For the verification of fatigue, the value of the factor of reduction 1 should be adopted, according to
the type of construction job and of structural piece.

For highway bridges:

1 = 0,5 for verification of the beams;

1 = 0,7 for verification of the transversinas;

1 = 0,8 for verification of slabs in the tray;

For railroad bridges:

1 = 1,0.

For roller bearing beams of cranes:

1 = 1,0

In special cases of cranes of operation less frequent, where the number of cycles is significantly
smaller than 2 x 106, the resistance to fatigue can be increased according to section 23.5.5.

23.5.3 Calculation Model

For verification of fatigue, be it from the concrete or from the steel, the solicitant efforts can be
calculated in elastic regime.

The stress calculation decurrent of composed deflection can be done in stage II, where the
resistance to tension of the concrete.

The calculation of stress decurrent from the cutting force in beams should be done through the
application of models I or II, according to sections and, respectively, with reduction
of the contribution of concrete, as follows:

 In model I the value of Vc should be multiplied by the reducing factor 0,5;

 In model II the inclination of compression diagonals, , should be corrected by the


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adopting the values below:

f = 1,0

c = 1,4

s = 1,0

For the calculation of solicitant efforts and the verification of stress, the elastic linear model with  =
10 is acceptable (relation of modules of elasticity of the steel and of the concrete).

For the calculation of stress in the steel of the passive or active adherent armature, the elastic linear
behavior compatible to the deformations and multiplying the stress in the steel by the factor Ns to
take into account the difference of adherence between the prestressing steel and the steel of the
passive armature.


As is the area of the passive armature;

Ap is the area of the active armature;

s is the smallest diameter of the steel of the passive armature in the considered section;

p is the diameter of the prestressing steel (for bundles, eq = A p, where: Ap is the
area of cross-section segment of the bundle);

 is the relation between resistances of adherence of the prestressing steel and of the
steel of the passive armature (high adherence)

Values of  in the pos-tension:

 = 0,2 for the smooth prestressing steel;

 = 0,4 for cordages;

 = 0,6 for notched threads;

 = 1,0 for ribbed bars;

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Values of  in the pre-tension:

 = 0,6 for cordages;

 = 0,8 for notched steels;

The criteria established for the verification of fatigue decurrent from the cutting force in the beams is
based in the reduction of the contribution of the concrete and of alternative sketches, evaluated
from the reduction of the resistance to tension of the concrete under cyclic load, equivalent to adopt,
for 107 cycles, 50 % of the resistance to static tension. This corresponds to reduce the value Vc of
the contribution of concrete of 50 % of its static value.

23.5.4 Verification of the Fatigue of the Concrete Concrete in Compression

This verification for the concrete in compression is satisfied if:

c is a factor that considers the gradient of stress of compression in the concrete;

| c1 | is the smallest value, in module, of the compression stress to a distance not higher
than 300 mm of the face under the relevant combination of loads (see figure 23.1);

| c2 | is the highest value, in module, of the compression stress to a distance not higher
than 300 mm of the face under the same combination of load used for the calculation of |
c1| (see figure 23.1).

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Figure 23.1 – Definition of stress c1 and c2 Concrete in Tension

The verification of fatigue in the concrete of tension is satisfied if:

23.5.5 Verification of Armature Fatigue

This verification is satisfied is the maximum variation of tress calculated, s, for the frequent
combination of loads satisfies:

Where the values of fsd,fad are given in table 23.2

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Table 23.2 – Parameters for the Curves S-N (Woeller) for the steels inside the concrete

Table 23.3 – Types of Curve S-N

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The function of resistance to fatigue for the steel, represented in scale log.log (see figure 23.2), is
consisted in segments of straight line of format (fSd,fad)m x N = constant.

Figure 23.2 – Format of resistance curves characteristic to fatigue (curves S-N) for the steel

In no case the resistance to fatigue should be considered higher than the one of the straight bar.

In the case where it is possible to prove experimentally that the steel to be used in the structure
presents characteristics of resistance to fatigue superior to the ones indicated here, it is allowed the
used of these characteristics in the calculation.

In the case of identification marks of the manufacturer, the same should present the values of
resistance to fatigue consequent of eventual concentration of stress caused by the format of
salience of the mark in the bar.

It is considered that the values presented for the resistance to fatigue of the steels of the passive
armature refer to the ribbed bars of high adherence, on which the cross-section and longitudinal
overhangs do not cross nor present:


h is the height of the overhang;

r is the curvature radius of concordance of the overhang with the body of the bar;

In the lack of specific experimental data, which prove that the bars that do not respect this
configuration satisfy the table 23.2, it is acceptable to use them with a reduction of 30 % of floating
of the limit stress given in table 23.2.

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23.6 Limit State of Service

The modification introduced by the repetition of physical strains can affect significantly the
structures from the point of view of its behavior in service, particularly in regards to the appearance
of non-existing fissures under static actions, to the aggravation of fission already existing and to the
increase of deformations.

The increase of deformations is progressive under cyclic dynamic actions and it sums up to the
increase of deformations decurrent from the creep. In the lack of conclusive experimental data, the
cyclic effect can be estimated by the expression:


an is the deformation in the hundredth cycle due to the maximum load;

a1 is the deformation in the first cycle due to the maximum load;

n is the number of cycles.

24 Plain Concrete

24.1 Specific Symbology of this Section

In order to simplify the comprehension and, therefore the application of the established concepts of
this section, the most used symbols, or that could generate any doubts, are defined below.

The symbology presented in this section follows the same orientation established in section 4. This
way, the subscribed symbols have the same meaning presented in 4.3.

ea – Additional Eccentricity

ex, ey - Eccentricities in the direction x and y;

exa, eya – Additional eccentricities in the directions x and y;

Ae – Efficient Area

c – Specific Deformation of the concrete

c,lim – Deformation to the compression of the concrete in the rupture

ct – Deformation in the tension of the concrete

ct,lim – Deformation to the tension in the concrete in the rupture

cmd – Stress in the average compressed concrete of calculation

Trd – Shearing stress resistant to torsion of calculation

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wRd – Shearing stress resistant to the cutting force of calculation

Rd – Shearing stress resistant of calculation

24.2 Application Field

The plain structural concrete should have some basic conditions guaranteed, as lateral confining
(case of stakes or pipes), compression in the entire cross-section segment (case of arcs), vertical
continuous support in the soil or in any other structural piece (case of columns, walls, blocks or

The use of plain concrete It is not allowed in structures subjected to seism or to explosions and in
cases where the ductility is an important quality of the structure.

24.3 Materials and Properties

The demands for constant concrete of section 8 must be met, being possible to use concrete from
class C10 (ABNT NBR 8953).

24.4 Joints And Constructive Dispositions

The dilation joints should be predicted at least for every 15 m. In the case of a bigger separation
being necessary, the effects of thermal shrinkage of the concrete should be considered in the
calculation (as consequence of the heat of hydration), the hydraulic shrinkage and the temperature

Any armature eventually existent in the plain concrete should end with at least 6 cm of the joints.

Interruptions of pouring concrete can only be done in the joints.

The lateral stability of the pieces of plain concrete by means of bracings should be guaranteed (see
section 15).

24.5 Structural Design

24.5.1 Generalities

The structural elements of plain concrete should be designed by the method of limit states, using
the same coefficients of pondering already prescribed for the reinforced concrete (see sections 10
and 11).

The resistance to tension of the concrete can be considered in the calculation, as long as under the
effect of the increased actions the last values are not exceeded, in tension as much as in

In the case of long duration loading, the creep of the concrete should be considered, according to
section 8.

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24.5.2 Stress Resistant of Calculation The maximum stress in the fibers of the plain concrete due to the loads and increased
efforts should not exceed the values of stress resistant of calculations. In all the cases of application
of plain structural concrete the following values should be adopted c = 1,2 x 1,4 = 1,68. In the case
of tension, this maximum stress should be based in the inferior characteristic value of resistance to
tension, according to section 8.2.5, such as: The values of stress resistant of calculation (limit values of stress determined with the
active physical strains of calculation) are adopted below:

 Fiber extreme to compression cRd = 0,85 fcd;

 Fiber extreme to tension ctRd = 0,85 fctd; The stress values of shearing resistant of calculation, related to the cutting force in linear
pieces, are given below:

 wRd = 0,30 fctd in the plain deflection and in tension-deflection;

 wRd = 0,30 fctd (1 + 3 cmd / fck) in the compession-deflection;

being the determination of normal external force of influence of compression given by the

(1 + 3 cmd / fck)  2 The stress value of shearing resistant of calculation in slabs of plain concrete, submitted
to deflection or to tension-deflection, should be calculated by: The stress value of shearing resistant of calculation, in the structural elements submitted
to plain torsion, should be calculated by:

Curved pieces or that are subjected to the torsion of balance should not be made of plain concrete.

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ABNT NBR 6118:2003 The stress value of shearing resistant of calculation to punch, in the contour C’ (
should be calculated by:

24.5.3 Dimensioning

The construction jobs of plain concrete can have distribution armature, which should not be
considered in the calculation of resistant efforts, but that can be considered to reduce the fission

Concrete elements with an armature smaller than the minimum should be dimensioned as the one
of the plain concrete. This is not applied to the armature used to transfer efforts to elements of plain

The disposed in sections 6 and 7 about durability should me followed.

In the stress calculations due to deflection, composed deflection and tangential efforts, the total
cross-section segment of the element should be considered, except in the case of concrete thrown
against the soil, where the total height h to be considered should be 5 cm smaller than the real one.

24.5.4 Stress and Deformations in the Deflection Diagram stress-deformation of the concrete

Using the hypothesis of calculation established in section 24.5.2, the deformations in the external
fibers should be limited by:

 c  c,lim = 0,0035

 ct  ct,lim = 0,00035

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As a simplification, the diagram stress-deformation has the configuration of parabola-rectangle can

be accepted, in the compression as much as in tension. The creep of the concrete for the loadings
of long duration must be considered (figure 24.1).

Figure 24.1 – Diagram of calculation of stress-deformation of the concrete with creep

consideration Limits of Average Deformations

The same way, the average deformations should be limited as it follows:

 In compression, with little eccentricity, in the distant fiber 0,43 h of the most compressed: c 

 In tension, with little eccentricity, in the distant fiber 0,43 h of the most pulled: c  0,0002; Stresses resistant of calculation

As additional simplification, constant values for the stress resistant of calculation can be adopted,
as follows:

 For the pulled region: ctRd = 0,85 fctd;

 For the compressed region: the linear diagram of stress with peak cRd = 0,85 fcd.
24.5.5 Shearing Stresses The shearing stresses wd for the rectangular section must be calculated by (see section

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h is the total height of the cross-section segment of the structural element; The maximum stress of shearing wd should be calculated for the cutting force to a
distance h of the face of the support. For closer sections of the support, this same value of cutting
force is accepted. In the case of slabs the reduction of the value of the cutting force in the supports cannot
be done, and the shearing stress should be (see section

24.5.6 Torsion

The stresses coming from the torsion must be calculated by the elasticity theory formulas and its
effects added to the ones proceeding from the other solicitant efforts, in order to be examined as
multiple state of stress.

In the elements submitted to torsion and plain or composed deflection, the stress must be calculate
separately for the torsion (Td) and for the cutting force (wd), following the relations below:

 For torsion: Td  TRd;

 For cutting force: wd  TwRd;

 For torsion and cutting force: wd / wRd + Td / TRd  1.

24.5.7 Calculation of Sections submitted to Compression and to the Cutting Force Generalities

The cases of compressed sections by normal force and sections subjected to compression and to
the cutting force acting simultaneously are considered (compression inclined force). Simplified Calculation of Compressed Sections

In the sections of plain concrete elements submitted to the compression force Nd, applied in a point
G, with the ends ex and ey in relation to the axles x and y, respectively (see figure 24.2), the
calculation should be performed applying this force in the point G1 (e1x and e1y) that results in the
most unfavorable between the two following:

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hx and hy are the maximum dimensions of the section.

Figure 24.2 – Section Deflection-Compressed

The stress d should be calculated adopting the uniform distribution of stresses in the triangular
efficient section of the area Ae (see figure 24.2), with the barycenter in the virtual application point
G1 and the efficient area Ae according to the established in section The safety conditions
must be calculated by: Simplified Calculation of sections to compression and to cutting force

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In a section of an element of plain concrete over which an inclined force of compression, with its
components of calculation NSd and VSd, applied in the point G, the point of virtual application G1 and
the efficient area Ae according to the established in section The conditions of safety should
be calculated by:

24.5.8 Global Stability

The global stability should be verified in the entire structure.

24.6 Structural Elements of Plain Concrete

24.6.1 Wall-Columns

Wall columns of plain concrete of the rectangular can be dimensioned by the equation given next,
when the resultant of all loads of calculation are within the third average of thickness of the wall


 = 1,0 when there are no restrictions ot the rotation in the top and in the base of the wall

 = 0,8 when there is any restriction against rotation, in the top, in the base or in both the
ends of the wall column;


 is the vertical distance between the supports;

h is the totl height of the cross-section segment of the wall column;

 is the factor that defines the connection conditions in the supports.

The horizontal length of the wall column to be considered by each vertical load concentrated in the
top cannot surpass:

 The distance from barycenter to barycenter between loads;

 Distance between the supports added of four times the thickness of the wall column;

The thickness of the wall column cannot be smaller than:

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 1/24 of the total height or of the not supported vertical length;

 10 cm;

 15 cm in the case of wall column walls of foundations or of abashed guide blocks.

In the openings of doors or windows at least two bars of  = 10 mm, which prolong 50 cm from the
reentering angles should be predicted.

The global stability of the set and the junction between the panels should be guaranteed.

24.6.2 Foundation Blocks

Plain concrete for blocks over stakes should not be used.

The area of the base of foundation blocks should be determined from the admissible stress of the
soil for non-increased loads. The average thickness of the block should not be smaller than 20 cm.

The dimensioning of cross-section segments should be done by the method of limit states. The
increased bending moment should be determined in the critical section, which can be considered in
the face of the column or wall.

The increased cutting force should be calculated for the critical section in the face of the column,
pedestal or wall, and it should not overcome:

24.6.3 Columns

Plain concrete columns should be calculated in the same manner of the wall columns (see section
24.6.1) and in the absence of lateral actions, the acting load should be within or in the limit of the
central nucleus of inertia of the section. In the case of lateral actions acting concomitantly, as the
wind, the sections should be verified without considering the resistance to the tension of the
concrete. In this case the compressed part of the section should contain the center of gravity.

The maximum stress of compression in the last limit state, with increased actions, should not
surpass the value of cRd.

The smallest dimension of columns should be 20 cm or 1/10 of its height.

24.6.4 Arcs

The arcs of plain concrete should be designed in such way that in the last limit state the tension
stresses not do appear in any cross-section segment.

The global stability of the arc should be guaranteed, being considered an increase of bending
moments by effects of 2º order up to a maximum of 10 % above the moments of 1º order.

25 Design interfaces with the construction, use and maintenance

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25.1 Acceptance of the Design

It is responsibility of the contractor to proceed to the delivery of the design, when the demands of
this Standard Specification are met, in particular those prescribed in section 5.

Once verified the existence of non-conformities, the temporary acceptance term of the design
should be issued, from which must contain all disputes.

In the lack of technical habilitation of the contractor for the acceptance of the design, a legally
capable agent for such should be designated.

Once all the disputes have been resolved, a definite acceptance term of the design must be issued.

25.2 Acceptance of Concrete and Steel

The concrete and the steel should be accepted, as long as all the demands of ABNT NBR 12655,
ABNT NBR 7480, ABNT NBR 7481, ABNT NBR 7482, and ABNT NBR 7483 are met.

25.3 Existence of Non-Conformities in Performed Construction Jobs

25.3.1 Corrective Actions

In the case of existence of non-conformities, the following corrective actions must be adopted:

a) Review of the design to determine if the structure, in its whole or in its parts, can be considered
accepted, considering the values obtained in tests.

b) In the negative case, evidences must be extracted and tested according to the disposed in the
ABNT NBR 7680, if there is also deficiency of resistance of the concrete whose results must be
evaluated according to the ABNT NBR 12655, proceeding next the new verification of structure with
the objective of its acceptance, being possible to use the disposed in section 12.4.1;

c) Not being finally eliminated the non-conformity, applying the disposed in section 25.3.3. There
are cases where the proof of load can also be recommended, as long as there is no risk of fragile

25.3.2 Test of Load Proof of the Structure

The load proof must be planned in order to represent the combination of loadings that determined in
the analytical verification to non-conformity. In the case of non-conformity that indicates the
possibility of fragile rupture, the load proof is not a recommended resource. In this test, a
continuous monitoring of the load and of the answer of the structure should be done, so that this is
not unnecessarily damaged during the execution of the test.

The distinction between the acceptance test and the resistance test should be done:

a) The acceptance test has as its objective to confirm that the global performance of the
structure is in conformity with the prescriptions of the design. The load is applied up to
values between the characteristic value and the design value for the ELU. Requirements for
the displacements, the degree of non-linearity and the residual deformations, after the test
can be established.
b) The resistance test has as objective to show that the structure or the structural element has
at least the resistance adopted for the concrete. When an evaluation of only one element is

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desired, it is sufficient to take the loading up to the value of the design for the ELU.
Obviously, as already pointed out, precautions must be taken not to damage the structure

25.3.3 Final Non-Conformity

Once the final non-conformity of a part of the structure or of the whole structure is verified, one of
the following alternatives must be chosen:

a) Determine the restrictions of the use of the structure;

b) Arrange the backup design;

c) Decide for partial or total demolition;

25.4 Use, Inspection and Maintenance Manual

Depending on the size of the construction and the aggressiveness of the environment and in
possession of the information of the designs, of the materials and products used and of the
execution of the construction job, a capable professional, dully hired by the contractor, should make
a manual of use, inspection and maintenance. This manual should specify in a clear and detailed
way, the basic requirements for the utilization and preventive maintenance, necessary to guarantee
the useful life expected for the structure, according to the ABNT NBR 5674.

Attached A

Time effect in the structural concrete

A.1 Generalities

The prescriptions of this attached has informative character that can, on the lack of better data, be
used in the design of the structure, provided that they are approved experimentally, by means of
tests performed according to the specific Brazilian Standard Specifications, taking into account
variations in the characteristics and properties of the components of the concrete, or even as long
as corrected by international standard specifications or technical literature.

A.2 Deformations in the Concrete

A.2.1 Introduction

When there is no impediment to the free deformation of the concrete, and to it is applied, in the time
t0, a constant stress in the interval t – t0, its total deformation, in the time t, is:


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is the immediate deformation, by occasion of loading, with Eci (t0) calculated, for j = t0 by the

is the deformation by creep, in the time interval (t, t0), with Eci28 calculated by the same
expression for j = 28 days.

cs (t) is the deformation by shrinkage, in the time interval (t, t0)

A.2.2 Concrete Creep

A.2.2.1 Generalities

The deformation by concrete creep (cc) is composed by two parts, one fast and the other one
slow. The fast deformation (cca) is irreversible and it occurs during the first 24 h after the
application of load that it originated it. The slow deformation is composed by two other fractions: the
irreversible slow deformation (ccf) and the reversible slow deformation (ccd).


a is the coefficient of fast deformation;

f is the coefficient of slow irreversible deformation;

d is the coefficient of slow reversible deformation;

A.2.2.2 Hypothesis

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For the calculation of creep effects, when the stresses in the concrete are the ones of service, the
following hypotheses are acceptable:

a) The deformation by creep (cc) varies linearly with the stress applied;

b) For the stress adds applied in distinct instants, the respective effects of creep overlap;

c) The fast deformation produces constant deformations through time; the values of the
coefficient a are function of the relation between the resistance of the concrete in the
moment of application of the load and its final resistance;

d) The coefficient of slow reversible deformation d depends only in the duration of the
loading; its final value and its development along the time are independent of the age of the
concrete in the moment of load application;

e) The coefficient of slow reversible coefficient f depends on:

 Relative humidity of the environment;

 Consistency of the concrete in the throw;

 Fictitious thickness of the piece hfic (see A.2.4);

 Fictitious age of the concrete (see A.2.4) in the instant (t0) of the load application;

 Fictitious age of the concrete in the considered instant (t);

f) For the same concrete, the curves of slow irreversible deformation in function of time,
correspondent to different ages of the concrete in the moment of loading, are obtained,
ones in relation to others, by parallel displacement to the axle of the deformations,
according to figure A.1.

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Figure A.1 – Variation of ccf (t)

A.2.2.3 Creep Value

In the instant t the deformation due to the creep is given by:

with Ec28 calculated, for j = 28 days, by the expression : Ec28 = Eci,28 = 5600 fck
The creep coefficient  (t,t0), valid also for the traction, is given by:


t is the fictitious age of the concrete in the considered instant, in days;

t0 is the fictitious age of the concrete when the unique loading is done, in days;

t0i is the fictitious age of the concrete when the loading is done, in days;

a is the fast creep coefficient, determined by the expression:

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f =  1c  2c is the final value of the coefficient of sloe irreversible deformation;

 1c is the coefficient dependent on the humidity related to the environment U,

 2c is the coefficient dependent on the fictitious thickness hfic of the piece, defined in
section A.2.4.


hfic is the fictitious thickness, in centimeters (A.2.4);

f (t) or f (t0) is the coefficient related to the slow irreversible deformation, f unction
of the age of the concrete (see figure A.2);

 d  is the final value of the coefficient of slow reversible deformation which is

considered equal to 0,4;

d (t) is the coefficient related to the slow reversible deformation function of time
(t – t0) occurred after the loading.

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h is the fictitious thickness; for values of h outside the interval (0,05  h  1,6), the
correspondent extremes are adopted.
t is the time, in days (t  3).

Fictitious Age of the Concrete in Days

Figure A.2 – Variation of f (t)

A.2.3 Concrete Shrinkage

A.2.3.1 Basic Hypothesis

The value of shrinkage of the concrete depends on:

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a) Relative humidity of the environment;

b) Consistency of the concrete in the throw;

c) Fictitious thickness of the piece;

A.2.3.2 Shrinkage Value

Among the instants t0 and t, the shrinkage is given by:

 cs  is the final value of the shrinkage;

 1s is the coefficient dependent of the relative humidity of the environment and of the consistency
of the concrete (see table A.1);

 2s is the coefficient dependent of the fictitious thickness of the piece:


hfic is the fictitious thickness, in centimeters (A.2.4);

s (t) and s (t0) is the coefficient related to the shrinkage, in the instant t or t0 (figure A.3);
t is the fictitious age of the concrete in the considered instant, in days;

t0 is the fictitious age of the concrete in the instant where the effect of shrinkage in the piece
starts to be considered, in days;

Table A.1 – Usual numeric Values for the determination of creep and shrinkage

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h is the fictitious thickness, in meters, for values of h outside the interval (0,05  h  1,6), the
extreme correspondents are adopted;

t is the time, in days (t  3);

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Fictitious Age of the Concrete in days

Figure A.3 – Variation of s(t)

A.2.4 Fictitious Age and Thickness

A.2.4.1 Fictitious Age of the Concrete

The age to be considered is the fictitious age ( tef), in days, when the hardening is done to the
environmental temperature of 20 ºC and, in all other cases, whenever there is no vapor cure, the
age to be considered is the fictitious age given by:


t is the fictitious age, in days;

 is the coefficient dependent of the speed of the hardening of the cement; in the lack of
experimental data the use of constant values of the table A.2;

Ti is the daily average temperature of the environment, in Celsius degrees;

tef,I is the period, in days, during which the daily average temperature of the environment
Ti , can be accepted as constant.

Note This expression is not applied to the vapor cure.

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Table A.2 – Values of Creep and Shrinkage in function to the speed of the cement hardening

A.2.4.2 Fictitious Thickness of the Piece

The following value it is defined as the fictitious thickness:


 is the coefficient dependent of the relative humidity of the environment (U%)

(see table A.1), where:

Ac is the area of the cross-section segment of the piece;

Uar is the part of the external perimeter of the cross-section segment of the piece in
contact with the air;

A.2.5 Total Deformation of the Concrete

Whenever there is a variation of stress along the interval, induced by external actions or agents of
different reologico properties (including the armature, concretes of different ages etc), the total
deformation in the concrete can be calculated by:

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Where the three first terms represent the non impeded deformation and the integral, the effects of
the variation of tensions occurred in the interval.

It is acceptable to substitute this expression by:

In the expressions of c (t):

c (t, t0) is the total variation of tension in the concrete, in the interval (t, t0);

 is the characteristic coefficient that has a variable value according to the case;
In the calculation of prestressing losses in usual cases where the piece can be calculated as
concreted only once and the prestressing as applied only once, it is possible to adopt  = 0,5
and Ec (t0) = Ec28 is acceptable, like it was done in section Observe that the
subsection considers that the creep coefficient of the concrete:  = a + f and d is a
coefficient of slow irreversible deformation with the defined properties for the f.
In the other usual cases  = 0,8 can be considered, maintaining Ec (t0)  Ec28 always

This approximation has the advantage of treating  as an only function, without separating a, f
and d.
It is possible to separate a , f and d, but for that it is necessary to apply the integral expression to
the problem in study. The simplified expression is not applied in this case.

Special attention must be given to the cases where the foundations are deformable or part of the
structure does not present slow deformation, as the case of metallic tie-rods.

A.3 Deformations in the Armature

A.3.1 When the armature is solicited in an analogous situation to the described in section A.2.1,
its deformation is worth:


s (t0) / Es is the immediate deformation, by occasion of loading;

[s (t0) / Es ]  (t, t0) is the deformation by creep, occurred in the interval of time (t, t0) and
considered whenever s (t0) > 0,5 fptk.

A.3.2 When the free deformation by creep is impeded, in an analogous situation to the one
described in section A.2.5 for the concrete, the total deformation can be calculated by:

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c (t, t0) is the total variation of tension in the armature, in the interval (t, t0).

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Attached B
General Index

Index Page
1. Objective......................................................................................................................... 1
2. Standard References…………………………………………………………………………. 5
3. Definitions.....................…...........................................................................................… 8
3.1. Structural Concrete Definitions. ……………………..….………………………………….. 8
3.2. Definitions of the limit states…………………………………………………………….…… 9
3.3. Definitions related all the involved in the constructive process…………………………... 10
4. Symbology…………………………………………………………..…………………………. 10
4.1. Generalities…………………………………………………………………………………….. 10
4.2. Base symbols………………………………………………………………………………….. 10
4.2.1. Generalities…………………………………………………………………………………….. 10
4.2.2. Lower-Case Letters…………………………………………………………………………… 10
4.2.3. Capital Letters…………………………………………………………………………………. 12
4.2.4. Greek Letters…………………………………………………………………………………... 13
4.3. Subscribed Symbols…………………………………………………………………………... 15
4.3.1. Generalities………………………………………………………….…………………………. 15
4.3.2. Lower-Case Letters…………………………………………………………………………… 15
4.3.3. Capital Letters…………………………………………………………………………………. 17
4.3.4. Numbers………………………………………………………………………………………... 17
5. General Requirements of the Structure quality and evaluation of the shaping of the 17
5.1. Quality requirements of the Structure……………………………………………………….. 17
5.1.1. General Conditions……………………………………………………………………………. 17
5.1.2. Resistant Capacity…………………………………………………………………………….. 17
5.2. Design quality requirements………………………………………………………………….. 18
5.2.1. Quality solution adopted……………………………………………………………………… 18
5.2.2. Conditions imposed to the design…………………………………………………………… 18
5.2.3. Documentation of the adopted solution……………………………………………………... 19
5.3. Evaluation of the design shaping……………………………………………………………. 19
6. Policies for the concrete Structural durability………………………………………………. 19
6.1. Durability demands……………………………………………………………………………. 19
6.2. Service life of the design……………………………………………………………………… 19
6.3. Aging and deterioration mechanisms……………………………………………………….. 20
6.3.1. Generalities…………………………………………………………………………………….. 20
6.3.2. Preponderant deterioration mechanisms related to the concrete………………………... 20
6.3.3. Preponderant deterioration mechanisms related to the armature…………………….…. 20
6.3.4. Deterioration mechanisms of the Structure strictly speaking………………….………….. 20
6.4. Aggressiveness on the environment………………………………………………………… 20
7. Design criteria which aim the durability…………………………….……………………….. 21
7.1. Specific symbology of this section…………………………………………………………… 21
7.2. Draining………………………………………………………………………………………… 22
7.3. Architectonic and Structural forms…………………………………………………………... 22
7.4. Cover concrete quality………………………………………………………………………… 22
7.5. Detailing of the Armatures……………………………………………………………………. 24
7.6. Fission Control…………………………………………………………………………………. 24
7.7. Special Actions………………………………………………………………………………… 25
7.8. Preventive maintenance and inspection………………………………………………….… 25
8. Property of the Materials……………………………………………………………………… 25
8.1. Specific Symbology of this section………………….………………………………………. 25
8.2. Concrete………………………………………………………………………………………... 26
8.2.1 Classes……..…………………………………………………………………………………... 26
8.2.2. Specific Mass……………………………………………………..…………………………… 26

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8.2.3. Coefficient of Thermal Dilation……………...……………………………………………..… 27

8.2.4. Resistance to compression……………………………………………………………….….. 27
8.2.5. Resistance to the tension………………………………….………………………...……….. 27
8.2.6. Resistance in the multi-axial state of stress…………….……………………..…………… 28
8.2.7. Resistance to the fatigue……………………………………………………………………... 29
8.2.8. Elasticity module………………………………………………………………………….…… 29
8.2.9. Poisson’s Coefficient and Module of Cross-section Elasticity……………………….…… 29
8.2.10. Stress-Deformation Diagrams…………………………………………………………….…. 30
8.2.11. Creep and shrinkage……………………………………………………………………….…. 31
8.3. Passive Armature steel…………………………………………………………………….…. 31
8.3.1. Category………………………………………………………………………………………... 31
8.3.2. Types of Surface…………………………………………………………………………….… 31
8.3.3. Specific Mass………………………………………………………………………………….. 33
8.3.4. Coefficient of Thermal Dilation………………………………………………………………. 33
8.3.5. Elasticity Module…………………………………………………………...…………….……. 33
8.3.6. Stress-deformation Diagram, Resistance to the flow and to tension………………….…. 33
8.3.7. Ductility Characteristics……………………………………………………………….………. 34
8.3.8. Resistance of fatigue………………………………………………………………………….. 34
8.3.9. Weldability……………………………………………………………………………………… 34
8.4. Active Armature Steel…………………………………………………………………………. 34
8.4.1. Classification…………………………………………………………………………………… 34
8.4.2. Specific mass………………………………………………………………………………….. 34
8.4.3. Coefficient of Thermal Dilation……………………………………………………………….. 34
8.4.4. Elasticity Module………………………………………………………………………….…… 34
8.4.5. Stress-deformation Diagram, Resistance to flow and to tension………………………… 34
8.4.6. Ductility Characteristics……………………………………………………………………….. 35
8.4.7. Resistance to fatigue…………………………………………………………………………. 35
8.4.8. Relaxation……………………………………………………………………………………… 36
9. Group Behavior of the materials…………………………………………………………….. 36
9.1. Specific Symbology of this section…………………………………………………………... 36
9.2. General Disposition…………………………………………………………………………… 38
9.2.1. Generalities…………………………………………………………………………………….. 38
9.2.2. Prestressing Level…………………………………………………………………………….. 39
9.3. Adherence Checking………………………………………………………………………….. 39
9.3.1. Bar Position during the operation of pouring concrete…………………………………….. 39
9.3.2. Values of the Adherence resistance………………………………………………………… 39
9.4. Armature Anchor……………………………………………………….……………. 41
9.4.1. General Condition……………………………………………………………………………... 41
9.4.2. Anchor of passive armatures by adherence……………………………………… 41
9.4.3. Anchor of bar bundles by adherence……………………………………………… 44
9.4.4. Anchor of Welded screens by adherence………………………………………… 45
9.4.5. Anchor of Active Armatures (wires and pre-pulled cordages) by adherence…. 45
9.4.6. Anchor of the Stirrup………………………………………………………………… 47
9.4.7. Anchor by means …………………………………………………………………… 48
9.5. Bars Patches…………………………………………………………………………………… 48
9.5.1. Types…………………………………………………………………………………………… 48
9.5.2. Trespass Patches……………………………………………………………………………... 49
9.5.3. Patches by threaded coupling……………………………………………….…………...….. 52
9.5.4. Patches by Weld…………………………………………………………………………….… 52
9.6. Prestressing………………………………………………..………………………………….. 54
9.6.1. Prestressing force…………………………………………………………………………….. 54
9.6.2. Introduction of the Prestressing Forces……………………………………………………... 55
9.6.3 Losses of the Prestressing Force……………………………………………………………. 57
10. Safety and Limit States………….……………………………………………………………. 63
10.1. Safety Criteria………………………………………………………………….………………. 63
10.2. Limit States…………………………………………………………………………………….. 63
10.3. Last Limit States (ELU)...……………………………………………………………………... 63
10.4. Limit States of Service (ELS)………………………………………………………………… 63
11 Actions………………………………………………………………………………………….. 64

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11.1 Specific Symbology of this section…………………………………………………………... 64

11.2 Actions to consider…………………………………………………………………………….. 65

11.2.1 Generalities…………………………………………………………………………………….. 65
11.2.2 Classification of the Actions………………………………………………………………….. 65
11.3 Permanent Actions…………………………………………………………………………….. 65
11.3.1 Generalities…………………………………………………………………………………..… 65
11.3.2 Direct Permanent Actions…………………………………………………………………….. 65
11.3.3 Indirect Permanent Actions…………………………………………………………………… 66
11.4 Variable Actions……………………………………………………………………………….. 70
11.4.1 Direct Variable Actions………………………………………………………………………... 70
11.4.2 Indirect Variable Actions……………………………………………………………………… 71
11.5 Exceptional Actions……………………………………………………………………………. 72
11.6 Action Values…………………………………………………………………………………... 72
11.6.1 Characteristic Values………………………………………………………………………….. 72
11.6.2 Representative Values………………………………………………………………………... 72
11.6.3 Calculation Values…………………………………………………………………………….. 73
11.7 Pondering Coefficients of the Actions……………………………………………………….. 73
11.7.1 Pondering Coefficients of the Actions on the last limit state (ELU)………………………. 73
11.7.2 Pondering Coefficient of the Actions in the limit state of service (ELS)…………………. 73
11.8 Combinations of the Actions………………………………………………………………….. 74
11.8.1 Generalities…………………………………………………………………………………….. 74
11.8.2 Last Combinations…………………………………………………………………………….. 74
11.8.3 Service Combinations…………………………………………………………………………. 77
12 Resistances…………………………………………………………………………………….. 78
12.1 Specific Symbology of this Section………………………………………………………….. 78
12.2 Characteristic Values………………………………………………………………………….. 78
12.3 Calculation Values…………………………………………………………………………….. 79
12.3.1 Calculation Resistance………………………………………………………………………... 79
12.3.2 Stresses Resistant of Calculation……………………………………………………………. 79
12.3.3 Calculation Resistance of the Concrete…………………………………………………….. 79
12.4 Pondering Coefficient of Resistances……………………………………………………….. 80
12.4.1 Pondering Coefficient of Resistances in the Last Limit State (ELU)……………………... 81
12.4.2 Pondering Coefficient of Resistances in the Limit State of Service (ELS)………………. 81
12.5 Safety Verification……………………………………………………………………………... 81
12.5.1 Constructive Conditions of Safety …………………………………………………………... 81
12.5.2 Analytical Conditions of Safety………………………………………………………………. 82
12.5.3 Resistant Efforts of Calculation………………………………………………………………. 82
12.5.4 Physical Strain Efforts of Calculation………………………………………………………... 82
13 Limits for dimensions, displacements and fissure openings……………………………… 83
13.1 Specific Symbology of this Section………………………………………………………….. 83
13.2 Limit Dimensions………………………………………………………………………………. 83
13.2.1 Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………….. 83
13.2.2 Beams and Wall-beams………………………………………………………………………. 83
13.2.3 Columns and Wall-Columns………………………………………………………………….. 83
13.2.4 Slabs……………………………………………………………………………………………. 84

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13.2.5 Holes and Openings…………………………………………………………………………... 84

13.2.6 Built-in Pipelines……………………………………………………………………………….. 85
13.3 Limit Displacements…………………………………………………………………………… 85
13.4 Fission Control and Armature Protection…………………………………………………… 87
13.4.1 Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………….. 88
13.4.2 Limits for Fission and Armature protection in regards to durability………………………. 88
13.4.3 Fission Control in regards to the sensorial acceptability and to the use………………… 89
14 Structural Analyses……………………………………………………………………………. 90
14.1 Specific Symbology of this section…………………………………………………………... 90
14.2 General principles of Structural Analyses…………………………………………………... 90
14.3 Basic Hypothesis………………………………………………………………………………. 91
14.3.1 Balance Conditions……………………………………………………………………………. 91
14.3.2 Compatibility Conditions………………………………………………………………………. 91
14.3.3 Monotonic Load………………………………………………………………………………... 91
14.4 Structural Elements……………………………………………………………………………. 91
14.4.1 Linear Elements……………………………………………………………………………….. 91
14.4.2 Surface Elements……………………………………………………………………………… 92
14.5 Types of Structural Analyses…………………………………………………………………. 93
14.5.1 Generalities…………………………………………………………………………………….. 93
14.5.2 Linear Analyses………………………………………………………………………………... 93
14.5.3 Linear Analyses with Redistribution…………………………………………………………. 93
14.5.4 Plastic Analyses……………………………………………………………………………….. 94
14.5.5 Non-Linear Analyses………………………………………………………………………….. 94
14.5.6 Analyses through physical models…………………………………………………………... 94
14.6 Structures of Linear Element…………………………………………………………………. 95
14.6.1 Basic Hypothesis………………………………………………………………………………. 95
14.6.2 Geometry Characterization…………………………………………………………………… 95
14.6.3 Rounding of the diagram of bending moments…………………………………………….. 99
14.6.4 Linear Analyses with or without redistribution……………………………………………… 99
14.6.5 Plastic Analyses……………………………………………………………………………….. 100
14.6.6 Non-linear Analysis……………………………………………………………………………. 101
14.6.7 Usual Structures of Buildings – Permitted Approximations……………………………….. 101
14.7 Structures with Plaque Elements…………………………………………………………….. 104
14.7.1 Basic Hypothesis………………………………………………………………………………. 104
14.7.2 Characterization by Geometry……………………………………………………………….. 104
14.7.3 Linear Analyses with or without redistribution……………………………………………… 104
14.7.4 Plastic Analyses……………………………………………………………………………….. 105
14.7.5 Non-Linear Analysis…………………………………………………………………………… 105
14.7.6 Solid Slabs……………………………………………………………………………………… 105
14.7.7 Ribbed Slabs…………………………………………………………………………………… 106
14.7.8 Smooth Slabs and Toadstool Slabs…………………………………………………………. 106
14.8 Structures containing other elements……………………………………………………….. 107
14.8.1 Wall Beams and Wall Columns………………………………………………………………. 107
14.8.2 Blocks…………………………………………………………………………………………… 107
15 Instability and 2º order effects………………………………………………………………... 108
15.1 Specific Symbology of this section…………………………………………………………... 108
15.2 Application Field and Fundamental Concepts……………………………………………… 108
15.3 Basic Principle of Calculation………………………………………………………………… 109
15.3.1 Relations Moment-Curvature………………………………………………………………… 109
15.3.2 Geometrical Imperfections……………………………………………………………………. 110
15.4 Definitions and Classifications of the Structures…………………………………………… 110
15.4.1 Global, Local and Localized Effects of 2º Order…………………………………………… 110
15.4.2 Structures of fixed knots and Structures of movable knots……………………………….. 111

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15.4.3 Bracing………………………………………………………………………………………….. 111

15.4.4 Isolated Elements……………………………………………………………………………… 112

15.5 Exemption of the Consideration of Global Efforts of 2º Order……………………………. 112

15.5.1 Generalities…………………………………………………………………………………….. 112
15.5.2 Instability Parameter…………………………………………………………………………... 112
15.5.3 Coefficient z……………………………………………………………………………………. 113
15.6 Analyses of structures of Fixed Knots………………………………………………………. 114
15.7 Analysis of the Structure of Movable Knots………………………………………………… 114
15.7.1 Generalities…………………………………………………………………………………….. 114
15.7.2 Non-linear Analysis with 2º Order……………………………………………………………. 114
15.7.3 Approximate Consideration of the Physical Non-Linearity………………………………... 115
15.7.4 Analysis of Local Effects of 2º Order………………………………………………………… 115
15.8 Analysis of Isolated Elements………………………………………………………………... 115
15.8.1 Generalities…………………………………………………………………………………….. 115
15.8.2 Exemption of the Analysis of Local Effects of 2º Order…………………………………… 116
15.8.3 Determination of Local Effects of 2º Order…………………………………………………. 117
15.8.4 Creep Consideration…………………………………………………………………………... 120
15.9 Wall Column Analysis…………………………………………………………………………. 120
15.9.1 Generalities…………………………………………………………………………………….. 120
15.9.2 Exemption of the Analysis of Localized Effects of 2º Order…………………………….… 120
15.9.3 Approximate Process for Consideration of Localized Effect of 2º Order………………… 121
15.10 Lateral Instability of the Beams………………………………………………………………. 122
16 General Principles of Dimensioning, Verification and Detailing………………………….. 123
16.1 Objective………………………………………………………………………………………... 123
16.2 General Principles……………………………………………………………………………... 124
16.2.1 Generalities…………………………………………………………………………………….. 124
16.2.2 Global and Local Vision………………………………………………………………………. 124
16.2.3 Safety in relation to the ELU’s………………………………………………………………... 124
16.2.4 Safety in Relation to the ELS’s (performance in service)…………………………………. 125
16.3 Design Criteria…………………………………………………………………………………. 125
16.4 Durability………………………………………………………………………………………... 125
16.5 Cyclic Load Case……………………………………………………………………………… 125
17 Dimensioning and Verification of Linear Elements………………………………………… 126
17.1 Specific Symbology of this Section………………………………………………………….. 126
17.2 Linear Elements subjected to Normal Physical Strains – Last Limit State……………… 127
17.2.1 Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………….. 127
17.2.2 Basic Hypothesis………………………………………………………………………………. 127
17.2.3 Ductility in Beams……………………………………………………………………………… 131
17.2.4 Active and Passive Armatures……………………………………………………………….. 131
17.2.5 Approximate Processes for the Dimensioning to the Composed Deflection……………. 133
17.3 Linear Elements subjected to Normal Physical Strains – Limit States of Service……… 135
17.3.1 Generalities…………………………………………………………………………………….. 135
17.3.2 Limit State of Deformation……………………………………………………………………. 135
17.3.3 Limit State of Fission………………………………………………………………………….. 138
17.3.4 Limit State of Decompression and of Formation of Fissures……………………………... 140
17.3.5 Maximum and Minimum Longitudinal Armatures…………………………………………... 141
17.4 Linear Elements subjected to the Cutting Force – Last Limit State……………………… 144
17.4.1 Basic Hypotheses……………………………………………………………………………… 144
17.4.2 Verification of the Last Limit State…………………………………………………………… 147
17.5 Linear elements subjected to the torsion – Last Limit State………………………………. 150
17.5.1 Uniform Torsion………………………………………………………………………………... 150
17.5.2 Torsion in Open Profiles of Thin Wall……………………………………………………….. 154
17.6 Limit State of Inclined Fission of the Stem – Cutting Force and Torsion………………... 156
17.7 Combined Physical Strains…………………………………………………………………… 156
17.7.1 Deflection and Torsion………………………………………………………………………… 156
17.7.2 Torsion and Cutting Force……………………………………………………………………. 157
18 Detailing of Linear Elements…………………………………………………………………. 158

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18.1 Specific Symbology of this section…………………………………………………………... 158

18.2 General Dispositions related to the armatures……………………………………………... 158
18.2.1 Arrangement of the Armatures……………………………………………………………….. 158
18.2.2 Curved Bars……………………………………………………………………………………. 158
18.2.3 Changes of direction of the Armatures……………………………………………………… 158
18.2.4 Protection against Buckling of the Bars……………………………………………………... 159
18.3 Beams…………………………………………………………………………………………... 160
18.3.1 Generalities…………………………………………………………………………………….. 160
18.3.2 Longitudinal Armature………………………………………………………………………… 160
18.3.3 Cross-section Armature for the Cutting Force……………………………………………… 162
18.3.4 Armature for Torsion…………………………………………………………………………... 163
18.3.5 Skin Armature………………………………………………………………………………….. 164
18.3.6 Suspension Armature…………………………………………………………………………. 164
18.3.7 Armatures of Connection Table-Stem or Stub-Stem………………………………………. 164
18.4 Columns………………………………………………………………………………………… 164
18.4.1 Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………….. 164
18.4.2 Longitudinal Armatures……………………………………………………………………….. 164
18.4.3 Cross-section Armatures……………………………………………………………………… 165
18.5 Wall-Columns………………………………………………………………………………….. 166
18.6 Prestressing Cables…………………………………………………………………………… 166
18.6.1 Longitudinal Arrangement…………………………………………………………………….. 166
18.6.2 Cross-section Arrangement…………………………………………………………………... 167
19 Dimensioning and Verification of Slabs……………………………………………………... 167
19.1 Specific Symbology of this Section………………………………………………………….. 167
19.2 Dimensioning and Verification of Slabs – Last Limit State………………………………... 170
19.3 Dimensioning and Verification of Slabs – Limit States of Service………………………... 171
19.3.1 Limit State of Deformation……………………………………………………………………. 171
19.3.2 Limit States of Fission and of Decompression or of Formation of Fissures…………….. 171
19.3.3 Maximum and Minimum Longitudinal Armatures…………………………………………... 171
19.4 Cutting Force in Slabs and Linear Elements with bw  5d………………………………… 173
19.4.1 Slabs without Armature for Cutting Force…………………………………………………... 173
19.4.2 Slabs with Armature for Cutting Force………………………………………………………. 173
19.5 Dimensioning of slabs to punch……………………………………………………………… 174
19.5.1 Model of Calculation…………………………………………………………………………... 174
19.5.2 Definition of Solicitant Stress in the Critical Surfaces C and C’…………………………... 175
19.5.3 Definition of Resistant Stress in the Critical Surfaces C, C’ and C”……………………… 181
19.5.4 Progressive Collapse………………………………………………………………………….. 184
19.5.5 Verification of the Prestressing Structural Elements………………………………………. 184
20 Detailing of the Slabs………………………………………………………………………….. 185
20.1 General Prescriptions…………………………………………………………………………. 185
20.2 Free Borders and Openings………………………………………………………………….. 185
20.3 Slabs without Beams………………………………………………………………………….. 186
20.3.1 Passive Armatures…………………………………………………………………………….. 186
20.3.2 Prestressing Slabs…………………………………………………………………………….. 187
20.4 Punch Armature……………………………………………………………………………….. 188
21 Special Regions……………………………………………………………………………….. 189
21.1 Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………….. 189
21.2 Introduction Regions in Concentrated Loads………………………………………………. 189
21.2.1 Contact Pressure in Reduced Area…………………………………………………………. 189
21.2.2 Concrete Joints………………………………………………………………………………… 191
21.2.3 Region of Introduction of Prestressing………………………………………………………. 191
21.2.4 Loads applied in the surface of Structural Elements………………………………………. 191

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21.3 Holes and Openings…………………………………………………………………………... 192

21.3.1 Generalities…………………………………………………………………………………….. 192
21.3.2 Walls and Wall-Beams………………………………………………………………………... 192
21.3.3 Holes that cross the Beams in the direction of the Height………………………………… 193
21.3.4 Openings in Slabs……………………………………………………………………………... 194
21.4 Knots of Gantries and Connections between Walls……………………………………….. 194
21.5 Connections of Pre-Molded Structural Elements…………………………………………... 194
21.6 Pouring of the Concrete Joints……………………………………………………………….. 195
22 Special Elements………………………………………………………………………………. 195
22.1 Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………….. 195
22.2 Wall-Beams…………………………………………………………………………………….. 195
22.2.1 Reputation……………………………………………………………………………………… 195
22.2.2 Structural Behavior……………………………………………………………………………. 196
22.2.3 Calculation Model……………………………………………………………………………… 196
22.2.4 Detailing………………………………………………………………………………………… 196
22.3 Consoles and Gerber Teeth………………………………………………………………….. 197
22.3.1 Consoles………………………………………………………………………………………... 197
22.3.2 Gerber Teeth…………………………………………………………………………………… 201
22.4 Guide Blocks…………………………………………………………………………………… 202
22.4.1 Reputation……………………………………………………………………………………… 202
22.4.2 Structural Behavior……………………………………………………………………………. 203
22.4.3 Calculation Model……………………………………………………………………………… 203
22.4.4 Detailing………………………………………………………………………………………… 204
22.5 Block over Stakes……………………………………………………………………………… 204
22.5.1 Reputation……………………………………………………………………………………… 204
22.5.2 Structural Behavior.... ………………………………………………………………………… 204
22.5.3 Calculation Model……………………………………………………………………………… 205
22.5.4 Detailing………………………………………………………………………………………… 205
23 Dynamic Actions and Fatigue………………………………………………………………… 206
23.1 Specific Symbology of this Section………………………………………………………….. 206
23.2 Generalities…………………………………………………………………………………….. 206
23.3 Limit State of Excessive Vibrations………………………………………………………….. 206
23.4 Last Limit States caused by Resonance or Dynamic Amplification……………………… 207
23.5 Last Limit State of Fatigue……………………………………………………………………. 207
23.5.1 Cyclic Actions………………………………………………………………………………….. 207
23.5.2 Combinations of Actions to be consider…………………………………………………….. 208
23.5.3 Calculation Model……………………………………………………………………………… 208
23.5.4 Verification of the Fatigue of the Concrete………………………………………………….. 210
23.5.5 Verification of Armature Fatigue……………………………………………………………... 211
23.6 Limit State of Service………………………………………………………………………….. 214
24 Plain Concrete…………………………………………………………………………………. 214
24.1 Specific Symbology of this Section………………………………………………………….. 214
24.2 Application Field……………………………………………………………………………….. 215
24.3 Materials and Properties……………………………………………………………………… 215
24.4 Joints And Constructive Dispositions………………………………………………………... 215
24.5 Structural Design………………………………………………………………………………. 215
24.5.1 Generalities…………………………………………………………………………………….. 215
24.5.2 Stress Resistant of Calculation………………………………………………………………. 216
24.5.3 Dimensioning…………………………………………………………………………………... 217
24.5.4 Stress and Deformations in the Deflection………………………………………………….. 217
24.5.5 Shearing Stresses……………………………………………………………………………... 219
24.5.6 Torsion………………………………………………………………………………………….. 219

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24.5.7 Calculation of Sections submitted to Compression and to the Cutting Force…………... 219
24.5.8 Global Stability…………………………………………………………………………………. 221
24.6 Structural Elements of Plain Concrete………………………………………………………. 221
24.6.1 Wall-Columns………………………………………………………………………………….. 221
24.6.2 Foundation Blocks…………………………………………………………………………….. 222
24.6.3 Columns………………………………………………………………………………………… 222
24.6.4 Arcs……………………………………………………………………………………………… 222
25 Design interfaces with the construction, use and maintenance………………………….. 223
25.1 Acceptance of the Design…………………………………………………………………….. 223
25.2 Acceptance of Concrete and Steel…………………………………………………………... 223
25.3 Existence of Non-Conformities in Performed Construction Jobs………………………… 223
25.3.1 Corrective Actions……………………………………………………………………………... 223
25.3.2 Test of Load Proof of the Structure………………………………………………………….. 223
25.3.3 Final Non-Conformity………………………………………………………………………….. 224
25.4 Use, Inspection and Maintenance Manual………………………………………………….. 224

A Attached A (Informative) Time Effect in the Structural Concrete…………………………. 224

A.1 Generalities…………………………………………………………………………………….. 224
A.2 Deformations in the Concrete………………………………………………………………… 224
A.2.1 Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………….. 224
A.2.2 Concrete Creep………………………………………………………………………………... 225
A.2.3 Concrete Shrinkage…………………………………………………………………………… 230
A.2.4 Fictitious Age and Thickness…………………………………………………………………. 232
A.2.5 Total Deformation of the Concrete…………………………………………………………... 233
A.3 Deformations in the Armature………………………………………………………………... 234

B Attached B (Informative) General Index…………………………………………………….. 236

C Attached C (Informative) Index of Figures and Tables……………………………………. 244

C.1 Figures………………………………………………………………………………………….. 244
C.2 Tables…………………………………………………………………………………………… 245

D Attached D (Informative) Remissive Index..………………………………………………… 246

Attached C
Index of Figures and Tables
C.1 Figures Page

Figure 3.1 Limit State of Partial Decompression…………………………………………………… 9

Figure 8.1 Resistance on the multi-axial state of stress…………………………………. 30
Figure 8.2 Idealized stress-deformation Diagram………………………………………… 32
Figure 8.3 Diagram of bilinear stress-deformation on tension………………………….. 32
Figure 8.4 Stress-deformation Diagram for steels of passive armatures……………… 35
Figure 8.5 Diagram of stress-deformation for active armature steels………………….. 37
Figure 9.1 Anchor with welded cross-section bars……………………………………….. 44
Figure 9.2 Anchor of cross-section armature by means of welded bars………………. 49
Figure 9.3 Supposed patches like in the same cross-sectional area…………………... 51
Figure 9.4 Cross-section armature on the patches………………………………………. 53
Figure 9.5 Patches by weld…………………………………………………………………. 54
Figure 9.6 Introduction to Prestressing……………………………………………………. 57
Figure 11.1 Global Geometrical Imperfections…………………………………………….. 69
Figure 11.2 Local Geometrical Imperfections………………………………………………. 70
Figure 13.1 Limit dimensions for slab openings with verification exemption……………. 86
Figure 14.1 Stiff Intervals……………………………………………………………………... 96

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Figure 14.2 Width of cooperative table……………………………………………………… 97

Figure 14.3 Effective Width with opening…………………………………………………… 98
Figure 14.4 Effective Height and Width of a cross-section segment…………………….. 98
Figure 14.5 Effective Gap…………………………………………………………………….. 99
Figure 14.6 Rounding of the diagram of bending moments………………………………. 100
Figure 14.7 Rotation Capacity of Plastic Socket Joints…………………………………… 102
Figure 14.8 Approximation on external supports…………………………………………... 104
Figure 14.9 Slab ranges for distribution of efforts on the multiple gantries……………... 108
Figure 15.1 Relation curvature-moment…………………………………………………….. 111
Figure 15.2 Effects of 2º order localized……………………………………………………. 112
Figure 15.3 Equivalent Length  122
Figure 15.4 Approximate Evaluation of the localized effect of 2º order…………………. 123
Figure 17.1 Domains of the Last Limit State of a Cross-section Segment……………… 131
Figure 17.2 Arrangement of the armature characterized by the parameter s…………. 135
Figure 17.3 Concrete of Involvement of the Armature…………………………………….. 140
Figure 17.4 Torsion-Deflection of the profile with opposite walls………………………… 156
Figure 18.1 Change of direction of the armatures…………………………………………. 160
Figure 18.2 Protection against buckling of the bars……………………………………….. 160
Figure 18.3 Cover of the Force Diagram of Solicitant Tension by the Resistant 162
Figure 19.1 Length of the necessary Anchor………………………………………………. 175
Figure 19.2 Critical Perimeter in internal Columns………………………………………… 176
Figure 19.3 Critical Perimeter in Columns of Border………………………………………. 178
Figure 19.4 Critical Perimeter in Corner Columns…………………………………………. 179
Figure 19.5 Definition of the Practical Height in the case of the Head…………………... 180
Figure 19.6 Critical Perimeter in the Case of the Contour present recesses…………… 181
Figure 19.7 Critical Perimeter next to the Opening on the Slab………………………….. 181
Figure 19.8 Disposition of Punch Armature in plant and contour of the critical Surface 184
Figure 19.9 Disposition of the Punch Armature in Cut…………………………………….. 184
Figure 19.10 Armature against Progressive Collapse………………………………………. 185
Figure 19.11 Favorable Effect of the Inclined Cables………………………………………. 186
Figure 20.1 Favorable Effect of the Inclined Cables………………………………………. 187
Figure 20.2 Slabs without Beams……………………………………………………………. 188
Figure 20.3 Punch Armatures………………………………………………………………... 190
Figure 21.1 Regions of Localized Pressure………………………………………………… 191
Figure 21.2 Region of Concrete Joint……………………………………………………….. 192
Figure 21.3 Pressures next to a built-in pin in an structural element of concrete………. 193
Figure 21.4 Openings in Wall-Beams of Reinforced Concrete…………………………… 194
Figure 21.5 Vertical Opening in Beams…………………………………………………….. 195
Figure 22.1 Two more common types of Wall-beam in relation to the loading…………. 196
Figure 22.2 Typical Framework of Wall-Beam with h   198
Figure 22.3 Connecting Rod – Tie Rod Model for Short Console……………………….. 199
Figure 22.4 Typical Armature of a short console…………………………………………... 201
Figure 22.5 Connection rod–Tie rod model for a Gerber Tooth………...……………….. 202
Figure 23.1 Definition of stress c1 and c2…………………………………………………. 212
Figure 23.2 Format of resistance curves characteristic to fatigue (curves S-N) for the 214
Figure 24.1 Diagram of calculation of stress-deformation of the concrete with creep 219
Figure 24.2 Section Deflection-Compressed………………………………………………. 221

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Figure A.1 Variation of ccf (t)………………………………………………………………... 228

Figure A.2 Variation of f (t)………………………………………………………………… 230
Figure A.3 Variation of s(t)…………………………………………………………………. 233
C.2 Tables Page

Table 6.1 Environmental aggressiveness classes………………………………………. 23

Table 7.1 Correspondence between the aggressiveness class and the concrete 24
Table 7.2 Correspondence between the environmental aggressiveness class and 26
the nominal cover for c = 10 mm…………………………………………..
Table 8.1 Superior characteristic values of specific deformation of shrinkage cs (t, 34

t0) and the creep coefficient  (t, t0)……………………………………

Relationship between 1 and b……………………………………………...
Table 8.2 35
Table 8.3 38
Values of (1000) in percentage……………………………………………..
Table 9.1 Diameter of the bending pins (D)……………………………………………… 44
Table 9.2 Diameter of the bending pins for stirrup………………………………………. 49
Table 9.3 Maximum proportion of the patched pulled bars…………………………….. 51
Table 9.4 Values of the Coefficient ot …………………………………………………… 52
Table 11.1 Coefficient f = f1.f3………………………………………………….. 74
Table 11.2 Values of Coefficient f2………………………………………………. 75
Table 11.3 Last Combinations………………………………………………………………. 77
Table 11.4 Service Combinations…………………………………………………………... 79
Table 12.1 Values of the coefficients c and s …………………………………… 82
Table 13.1 Values of the Additional Coefficient n ………………………………………... 83
Table 13.2 Limits for Displacements……………………………………………………….. 88
Table 13.3 Demands of Durability related to the fission and to the armature 90
protection, in function of the environmental aggressiveness classes……...
Table 15.1 Values of fl ……………………………………………………………………… 124
Table 17.1 Values of the Coefficient  in function of time……………………………….. 138
Table 17.2 Maximum Values of Diameter and Spacing, with High Adherence Bars….. 141
Table 17.3 Minimum rates of Deflection Armatures for Beams…………………………. 143
Table 18.1 Minimum Spacing – Case of Pos-Tension…………………………………… 169
Table 18.2 Minimum Spacing – Case of Pre-Tension……………………………………. 170
Table 19.1 Minimum Values for the Adherent Passive Armatures……………………… 173
Table 19.2 Values of K………………………………………………………………………. 177
Table 23.1 Critical Frequency for some special cases of structures submitted to 208
vibrations by the action of people………………………………………………
Table 23.2 Parameters for the Curves S-N (Woeller) for the steels inside the 213
concrete 1) ………………………………………………………………………..
Table 23.3 Types of Curve S-N……………………………………………………………... 213
Table A.1 Usual numeric Values for the determination of creep and shrinkage……… 232
Table A.2 Values of Creep and Shrinkage in function to the speed of the cement 234

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Attached D

Remissive Index

Openings in the Concrete...13.2.5,13.2.6, figure 13.1,20.2, figure 20.1, 21.3, figures 21.4 and 21.5

Passive Armature Steel………………………………………………………………………………….8.2.3
Active Armature Steel……………………………………………………………………………………8.2.4
Acceptance of the Concrete and the

Wind Actions…………………………………………………………………………………………..
Water Actions…………………………………………………………………………………………
Cyclic Actions……………………………………………………………………………………………23.5.1
Dynamic Actions……………………………………………………………………………………………..23
Exceptional Actions……………………………………………………………………………………….11.5
Permanent Actions……………………………………………………………..11.3, 11.6.1 and table 11.3
Variable Actions…………………………………………………11.4,, table 11.3 and table 11.4
Pondering Coefficients of Actions……………………………………………………………………….11.7
Combination of Actions…………………………………11.8, tables 11.3, table 11.4, table 13.3, 15.3.1
Values of Actions………………………………………………………………………………………….11.6
- Characteristic Values…………………………………………………………………………………11.6.1
- Calculation Values…………………………………………………………………………………… 11.6.3
- Representative Values………………………………………………………………………………. 11.6.2

Adherence……..………………………………………………………………………………………9.3, 9.4


Aggregate…………………………………………………………………………………………...…7.4, 7.6

Environmental Aggressiveness………………………………………………………………………...6.4
Classes………………………………………………………………………………………….……Table 6.1
Correspondence between the class of aggressiveness and the concrete quality……………Table 7.1
Correspondence between the class of aggressiveness and the nominal coverage for
c = 10 mm…………………………………………………………………………………………..Table 7.2

Elongation and Pre-Elongation……3.1.3, 3.1.6, 3.1.8, 3.1.9, 8.3.9, 8.4.5,,, 17.2.2

Structural Analysis………………………………………………………………………………………...14


Arcs……………………………………………………………………………………………, 24.6.4

Reduced Area
Pressure of Contact in …………………………………………………………………………………21.2.1

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Armature…………………………………….17.2.4,,,, 18.2, 19.4.2,

Adherence…………………………………………………………………………………………See Anchor
Skin Armature………………………………………………………………………………, 18.3.5
Armature of Obligatory Punch……………………………………………………………………….
Minimum and Maximum Longitudinal Armatures……………………………...17.3.5, 19.3.3, table 19.1
- Limit Values for longitudinal armatures of beams……………………………... and table 17.3
- Limit Values for longitudinal armatures of columns……………………………………………...
Passive Armature…………………………………………………………………………….…3.1.5 and 8.3
Active Armature……………………………………………………………………………3.1.6, 8.4 and 9.6
- Pre-pulled………………………………………………………………………………………………..3.1.7
- Pos-pulled……………………………………………………………………………………3.1.8 and 3.1.9
Calculation of Armatures…………………………………………………………17, 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23
Coverage of the Armature………………………………………………………………….7.4 and
Deformations in the Armature…………………………………………………………………………….A.3
Detailing of the Armatures…………………………………………………………………………………7.5
- Punch Armatures………………………………………………………………………………………..20.4
- Blocks over stakes…………………………………………………………………………………….22.5.4
- Prestressing Cables……………………………………………………………………………………..18.6
- Design Criteria aiming the durability…………………………………………………………………….7.5
- Consoles……………………………………………………………………………………………..
- Gerber Teeth…………………………………………………………………………………………
- Linear Elements………………………………………………………………………………………..18.2.1
- Slabs without beams and with passive armature…………………………………………………..20.3.1
- Prestressed Slabs……………………………………………………………………………………..20.3.2
- Columns…………………………………………………………………………………………………..18.4
- Wall-columns……………………………………………………………………………………………..18.5
- Guide Blocks…………………………………………………………………………………………...22.4.4
- Beams…………………………………………………………………………………………………….18.3
- Wall-Beams…………………………………………………………………………………………….22.2.4
Deterioration of the Armature……………………………………………………………………………6.3.3
Protection of the Armatures………………………………………………………………………………13.4
Verification of Fatigue of the Armature………………………………………………………………..23.5.5


Blocks………………………………………………………………………………..14.8.2, 22.5 and 24.6.2

Resistant Efforts of calculation..……………………………………………………………………….12.5.3
Solicitant Efforts of calculation…………………………………………………………………………12.5.4
Calculation Values of prestressing force……………………………………………………………..
Calculation Values of Actions………………………………………………………………………….11.6.3
Calculation values of Resistances………………………………………………………………………12.3
- Resistant Tensions of Calculation……………………………………………………………………12.3.2
- Calculation Resistance of the concrete……………………………………………………………..12.3.3

Built-in Pipelines……………………………………………………………………………………….13.2.6

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Characteristic Values of the Actions…………………………………………………………………...11.6.1
Characteristic Values of the Resistances……………………………………………………………….12.2

Accidental Loads predicted for the use of the construction……………………………………….
Consideration of Variable Loads in the Usual Structures of buildings –
Permitted Approximations…………………………………………………………………………….
Proof Test of the Load of the Structure………………………………………………………………..25.3.2
Introduction regions of Concentrated Loads…………………………………………………………….21.2

Shocks (Dynamic Actions)………………………………………………………………………...…

Theoretical curve of growth of the resistance to compression of the concrete……………………12.3.3
Values of creep and shrinkage in function of the hardening speed of the concrete…A.2.4.1, table A.2

Shearing and Cutting Force

Cross-section armature for cutting force
- Bar of the folded longitudinal armature………………………………………………………………18.2.2
- Columns…………………………………………………………………………………………………18.4.3
- Beams…………………………………………………………………………………………………...18.3.3
Plain Concrete…………………………………………………………….24.5.2, 24.5.5, 24.5.6 and 24.5.7
Linear Elements subjected to cutting forces (ELU)…………………………………………………….17.4
Linear Elements subjected to cutting force and torsion (limit state of inclined fission of the stem).17.6
Linear Elements submitted to combined physical strains……………………………………………..17.7
Fatigue – Calculation of tensions decurrent of the cutting force in beams………………………..23.5.3
Cutting Force in slabs and linear elements with bw  5d………………………………………………19.4
Ribbed Slabs…………………………………………………………………………………………..
Slabs with armature for cutting force………………………………………………………………….19.4.2
Slabs without armature for cutting force………………………………………………………………19.4.1
Slabs submitted to punch……………………………………………………………………………….19.5.1
Special Regions – Loads applied in the surface of structural elements…………………………...21.2.4
Resistance to the shearing of weld of the welded cross-section bars……………… and
Wall-Beams and Wall-Columns………………………………………………………………………..14.8.1

Classes of Environmental Aggressiveness……………………..see Environmental Aggressiveness

Coverage of the Armature………………………………………………………………...7.4 and

Coefficient of superficial conformation of the steel…………………………………………………….8.3.2
Coefficient of thermal dilatation of the steel (active armature)……………………………………….8.4.3
Coefficient of thermal dilatation of the steel (Passive armature)…………………………………….8.3.4
Coefficient of thermal dilatation of the concrete……………………………………………………….8.2.3
Creep Coefficient of the concrete…………………………………………………..8.2.11 and Attached B

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Coefficients of Increase of the Actions for Columns and Wall-Columns...……….13.2.3 and table 13.1
Coefficient of Increase of global efforts of 1º order to obtain the finals of 2º order……………….15.5.3
Coefficient of Poisson of the concrete…………………………………………………………………..8.2.9
Pondering Coefficient of the Actions…………………………………….….11.7 and table 11.1 and 11.2
Pondering Coefficients of Resistances…………………………………………..…….12.4 and table 12.1
Pondering Coefficients for the last limit state in the act of prestressing…………………………
Redistribution Coefficient of moments………………………………………………. and

Limit State of excessive compression (ELS-CE)………………………………………………………3.2.7
Resistance to the compression of the concrete………………………………………………………..8.2.4
Diagram Tension-Deformation of the concrete in compression………………………………….
Verification of fatigue of the concrete to the compression………………………………………..

Joints of the concrete…………………………………………………………………………….21.2.2
Plain Concrete……………………………………………………………………………………………..…24
Definitions of the Structural concrete……………………………………………………………………...3.1
Time Effect in the structural element…………………………………………………………….Attached A
Concrete Creep……………………………………………………………….. and Attached a, A.2
Overruling mechanisms of deterioration relative to the concrete…………………………………….6.3.2
Quality of the concrete and of the coverage……………………………………………………………..7.4
Acceptance of the concrete and the steel……………………………………………………………….25.2
Calculation Resistance of the concrete………………………………………………………………. 12.3.3
Concrete shrinkage………………………………………………………………… and Attached B
Verification of the fatigue of the concrete……………………………………………………………..23.5.4


Deformation decurrent from the concrete creep…………………………..…… and Attached A
Specific deformation of shrinkage of the concrete…………………………….. and Attached A
Diagrams Tension-Deformation………………………………………………………………see Diagrams
Limit State of Deformation for Linear Elements subjected to normal physical strains……………17.3.2
Limit State of deformation for slabs………….………………………………………………………...19.3.1

Slow Deformation………………………………………………………………………………….see Creep

Gerber Teeth…………………………………………………………………………………………….22.3.2

Displacements………………………………………………………………………………………see Bends
Support displacements……………………………………………………………………………….
Limit Displacements……………………………………………………………………..13.3 and table 13.2

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Diagrams Tension-Deformation for the concrete……………8.2.10,, figures 8.2, 8.3 and 24.1
Diagrams Tension-Deformation for the steel (passive armature)…………………..8.3.6 and figure 8.4
Diagrams Tension-Deformation for the steel (active armature)…………………….8.4.5 and figure 8.5

Dimensioning and Verification

Block over stakes…………………………………………………………………………………………..22.5
Gerber Teeth……………………………………………………………………………………………..22.3.2
Plain concrete elements……………………………………………………………………………………..24
Linear Elements subjected to normal physical strains (ELU)…………………………………………17.2
Linear Elements subjected to normal physical strains (ELS)…………………………………………17.3
Linear Elements subjected to cutting forces (ELU) ……………………………………………………17.4
Linear Elements subjected to torsion (ELU)…………………………………………………………….17.5
Linear Elements subjected to cutting force and torsion (EL of inclined fission of the stem)……….17.6
Linear Elements submitted to combined physical strains……………………………………………..17.7
Fatigue (ELU)……………………………………………………………………………………………….23.5
Fatigue (ELS)……………………………………………………………………………………………….23.6
Joints of the pouring of concrete…………………………………………………………………………21.6
Slabs (ELU)…………………………………………………………………………………………………19.2
Slabs (ELS)…………………………………………………………………………………………………19.3
Slabs and Linear Elements with bw  5d subjected to the cutting force……………………………..19.4
Slabs subjected to punch…………………………………………………………………………………19.5
Connection of Pre-molded structural elements…………………………………………………………21.5
Knots of gantries and connections between walls……………………………………………………..21.4
Introduction regions of concentrated loads……………………………………………………………..21.2
Regions with holes and openings………………………………………………………………………..21.3
Guide Blocks……………………………………………………………………………………………….22.4

Limit Dimensions of the structural elements………………………………………………………..13.2

Durability of the concrete structure

Design criteria aiming the durability…………………………………………………………………………7
Guidelines for the durability of the structure of concrete………………………………………………….6
Limits for Fission and Protection of the armatures in relation to the durability……………………13.4.2

Ductility in beams………………………………………………………………………………………..17.2.3
Redistribution of moments and conditions of ductility in structures of linear elements………..
Redistribution of moments and conditions of ductility in structures of plaque elements………

2º Order Effects……………………………………………………………………………………………..15
Analysis of the Local effects of 2º order………………………………………………………………15.7.4
Determination of the local effects of 2º order……………………………………………………….. 15.8.3
Exemption of the Analysis of local effects of 2º order…………………………….……15.8.2 and 15.9.2

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Global, Local and Localized Effects of 2º order………………………………………………………15.4.1

Approximate process for the consideration of the localized effect of 2º order…………………….15.9.3


Proof Tests of the load of the Structure……………………………………………………………25.3.2

Resistant Efforts of calculation…………………………………………………………………………12.5.3
Solicitant Efforts of calculation………………………………………………………………………….12.5.4

Limit States………………………………………………3.2, 10.2, 10.3, 10.4, 17.3, 17.4, 17.5 and 17.6
Last limit state (ELU)…………………………………………………………………...3.2.1 and figure 17.1
Limit State of formation of fissures (ELS-F)…………………………………………………………….3.2.2
Limit State of fissure opening (ELS-W)…………………………………………………………………3.2.3
Limit State of excessive deformations (ELS-DEF)…………………………………………………….3.2.4
Limit State of Decompression (ELS-D)…………………………………………………………………3.2.5
Limit State of Partial Decompression (ELS-DP)………………………………………3.2.6 and figure 3.1
Limit State of Excessive decompression (ELS-CE)…………………………………………………...3.2.7
Limit State of Excessive Vibrations (ELS-VE)………………………………………………………….3.2.8

Skin Armature………………………………………………………………………….. and 18.3.5
Fission Control without the verification of fissure opening……………………… and table 17.2
Cross-section distribution of the longitudinal armature of the beam……………………………..
Armored structural elements with stirrups…………………………………………………………..
Spacing between the ribs of the ribbed slabs…………………………………………..………….
Longitudinal spacing between folded bars of the cross-section armature for cutting force…

Anchor of stirrups………………………………………………………………………………………….9.4.6
Punch Armature…………………………………………………………………………………………….20.4
Torsion armature (beams)………………………………………………………………………………18.3.4
Suspension Armature for Gerber Teeth…………………………………………………………..
Diameter of folding pins for stirrups………………………………………………………………..Table 9.2
Armored structural elements with stirrups
- Linear elements subjected to cutting force (ELU)…………………………..……… and 17.4.2
- Linear elements subjected to torsion (ELU)………………………………………. and
- Columns…………………………………………………………………………………………………18.4.3
- Beams…………………………………………………………………………………………………
Slabs with armatures for cutting force…………………………………………………………………19.4.2
Protection against buckling of the bars……………………………………………..18.2.4 and figure 18.2

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Definitions and classification of the structures………………………………………………………….15.4
- Analysis of structures of fixed knots …………………………………………………………………..15.6
- Analysis of structures of movable knots……………………………………………………………… 15.7
Guidelines for durability of the structures of concrete…………………………………………………….6
Proof tests of the load of the structure………………………………………………………………..25.3.2
Structures containing other elements……………………………………………………………………14.8
Structures of Linear Elements……………………………………………………………………………14.6
Usual structures of buildings – Permitted approximations…………………………………………..14.6.7
Requirements of structure quality………………………………………………………………………….5.1

Limit state of excessive vibrations……………………………………………………………………….23.3
Last limit states caused by resonance or dynamic amplification……………………………………..23.4
Last limit state of fatigue…………………………………………………………………………………..23.5
- Cyclic Actions…………………………………………………………………………………………..23.5.1
- Combinations of Actions to be considered………………………………………………………….23.5.2
- Calculation Model………………………………………………………………………………………23.5.3
- Verification of fatigue of the concrete………………………………………………………………..23.5.4
- Verification of fatigue of the armature……………………………………………………………….23.5.5
Limit states of service……………………………………………………………………………………..23.6
Resistance of the steel (active armature) to fatigue………………………………………………..…8.4.7
Resistance of the steel (passive armature) to fatigue………………………………………………..8.3.8
Resistance of the concrete to fatigue…………………………………………………………………..8.2.7

Bundles of bars
Anchor of bundles of bars by adherence……………………………………………………………….9.4.3
Patches by trespass in bundles of bars………………………………………………………………
Minimum spacing between the cables or bundles of cables in slabs without beams………….

Fissures, opening of fissures and fission’

Fission control (design criteria)…………………………………………………………………………….7.6
Dimensioning and verification of the linear elements
- Limit state of fission……………………………………………………………………………………17.3.3
- Fission control through the estimated opening limitation of the fissures………………………
- Fission control without the verification of the fissure opening………………………………….
- Limit state of decompression and of formation of fissures………………………………………...17.3.4
- Limit state of inclined fission of the stem – Cutting force and torsion………………………………17.6
Dimensioning and Verification of Slabs
- Limit states of fission and of decompression or of formation of fissures…………………………19.3.2
Limit State of formation of fissures (ELS-F)…………………………………………………………….3.2.2
Limits for the dimensions, displacements and fissure openings………………………………………..13
- Fission control and protection of armatures………………………………………………………..…13.4

Lateral instability of the beams………………………………………………………………………….15.10
Protection against buckling of the bars………………………………………………………………..18.2.4

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Approximate Evaluation of the bend in beams……………………………………………………..
- Immediate Bend in beams of reinforced concrete………………………………………..……
- Calculation of the bend differed in time for beams of reinforced concrete…………………..
- Bend in beams with active armature…………………………………………………………….

Traction armatures in plain deflection, anchored by adherence……………………………….
Approximate processes for the dimensioning of linear elements to composed deflection………17.2.5
- Normal Deflection-Torsion………………………………………………………………………….
- Oblique Composed Deflection……………………………………………………………………...
Deflection and Torsion (Linear elements)……………………………………………………………..17.7.1
Minimum Rates of the armature of deflection for table beams……………………………………….17.3
Tensions and deformations in the deflection (plain concrete)………………………………………24.5.4

Creep and Shrinkage……………………………………………………………………………………8.2.11
Concrete Creep……………………………………………………………..Attached A, A.2.2 and
Superior Characteristic Values of the specific deformation of shrinkage and of the coefficient of
creep…………………………………………………………………………………………………..Table 8.1

Hooks of Traction armatures…………………………………………………………………………..
Stirrup Hooks…………………………………………………………………………………………….

Slenderness Index………………………………………………………………………………………….15

Instability and effects of second order………………………………………………………………….15

Pouring concrete joints……………………………………………………………………………………21.6
Joints and constructive dispositions (plain concrete)…………………………………………………..24.4
Joints of Dilatation……………………………………………………………………………………….3.1.10
Joint of Partial Dilatation………………………………………………………………………………..3.1.11


Openings in slabs………………………………………………………………………………………..21.3.4
Openings that go through slabs in the direction of its thickness …………………………………
Structural Analysis
- Solid Slabs………………………………………………………………………………………………14.7.6
- Ribbed slabs……………………………………………………………………………………………14.7.7
- Smooth and Toadstool slabs…………………………………………………………………………14.7.8
Minimum and Maximum longitudinal armatures……………………………………………………..19.3.3

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Limit Dimensions for slabs……………………………………………………………………………..13.2.4

- Solid slabs……………………………………………………………………………………………
- Ribbed slabs…………………………………………………………………………………………
Dimensioning and verification of slabs (ELU)…………………………………………………..………19.2
Dimensioning and verification of slabs (ELS)…………………………………………………..………19.3
Dimensioning of slabs to punch………………………………………………………………………….19.5
Cutting force in slabs and linear elements with bw  5d……………………………………………….19.4
- Slabs without armature for cutting force…………………………………………………………….19.4.1
- Slabs with armature for cutting force………………………………………………………………...19.4.2
Effective Gaps of slabs or plaques………………………………………………………………….
Detailing of slabs…………………………………………………………………………………………….20
- General Prescriptions……………………………………………………………………………………20.1
- Free Borders and openings…………………………………………………………………………….20.2
- Slabs without beams…………………………………………………………………………………….20.3
- Passive armatures…………………………………………………………………………………….20.3.1
- Prestressing armatures……………………………………………………………………………….20.3.2
- Punch armatures………………………………………………………………………………………….20.4

Cooperative width of beams of section T………………………………………… and figure 14.2
Effective width…………………………………………………………………………..figures 14.3 and 14.4
Maximum width for the disposition of cables in external range of support in prestressing
Beams and Wall-beams…………………………………………………………………………………13.2.2

Patches by spiral couplings…………………………………………………………………………..….9.5.3

Combined behavior of the materials…………………………………………………………………………9
Property of materials…………………………………………………………………………………………..8
Plain Concrete……………………………………………………………………………………………...24.3

Brackets and rough variations of sections………………………………………………………….
Brackets and rough variations of thickness…………………………………………………………

Elasticity Module
Steel of Active Armature
- Elasticity Module…………………………………………………………………………………………8.4.4
- Diagram Tension-Deformation, resistance to the discharge and to traction……………………...8.4.5
Steel of Passive Armature
- Elasticity Module…………………………………………………………………………………………8.3.5
- Diagram Tension-Deformation, resistance to the discharge and to traction……………………...8.3.6
- Elasticity Module…………………………………………………………………………………………8.2.8
Coefficient of Poisson and cross-section elasticity module…………………………………………..8.2.9
Diagram Tension-Deformation………………………………………………………………..……….8.2.10

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Fixed knots and Movable knots…………………………………………………………….15.6 and 15.7

Gantry knots……………………………………………………………………………………………….21.4

Skin Armature……….………………………………………………………………… and 18.3.5

Analysis of wall-columns…………………………………………………………………………………..15.9
- Generalities……………………………………………………………………………………………..15.9.1
- Exemption of the analysis of localized effect of 2º order…………………………………………..15.9.2
- Approximate process for consideration of the localized effect of 2º order……………………….15.9.3
Yank Armature of Columns……………………………………………………… and
Cross-section armature…………………………………………………………………………………18.4.3
Creep Consideration…………………………………………………………………………………….15.8.4
Design Criteria……………………………………………………………………………………………..16.3
Determination of Local effects of 2º order…………………………………………………………….15.8.3
- Bars submitted to the normal deflection-compression………………………………………..…
- General Method………………………………………………………………………………………
- Approximate Method………………………………………………………...………………………
- Standard-column with approximate curvature………………………………………………….
- Moment increased with approximate stiffness  ………………………………………………
- Standard-column coupled to the diagrams M, N, 1/r………………………………………….
- Standard column for columns of rectangular sections submitted to the oblique composed
Dimensions of columns and Wall-columns………………………………………….. 11.7.1 and 13.2.3
Exemption of the analysis of local effects of 2º order………………………………………………..15.8.2
Local Imperfections……………………………………………………………….. and
Columns (definition)…………………………………………………………………………………..
Columns (detailing)………………………………………………………………………………………..18.4
- Introduction ………………………………………………………………...…………………………..18.4.1
- Longitudinal Armatures………………………………………………………………………………..18.4.2
- Minimum diameter and rate of the armature……………………………………………………...
- Cross-section distribution……………………………………………………………………….…..
- Cross-section Armatures………………………………………………………………………………18.4.3
- Columns of Plain concrete…………………………………………………………………………….24.6.3
- Limit values for longitudinal armatures of columns……………………………………………....

Wall Columns
Structural analyses with wall beams and wall columns……………………………………………...14.8.1
Analyses of the Effects of 2º order of wall columns……………………………………………………15.9
Gantry knots and connections between walls………………………………………………………….21.4
Wall columns in plain concrete…………………………………………………………………………24.6.1
Columns and wall columns (dimensions)……………………………………………………………..13.2.3
Wall columns……………………………………………………………………………….. and 18.5

Poisson’s Coefficient……………………………………………………………………………………8.2.9

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Pressure of Contact in reduced area……………………………………………………………….21.2.1

Capable Professional………………………………………………………………………...5.3.1 and 25.4

Acceptance of the design………………………………………………………………………………...25.1
Evaluation of the conformity of the design…………………………………………………………….…5.3
Design criteria aiming durability……………………………………………………………………………..7
Interfaces of the design with the construction, use and maintenance………………………………...25
Requirements of design quality…………………………………………………………………………...5.2
- Quality of adopted solution………………………………………………………………………..……5.2.1
- Conditions imposed to the design……………………………………………………………………..5.2.2
- Documentation of then adopted solution……………………………………………………………..5.2.3
Structural project (Structures of plain concrete)…………………………………………………….…24.5

Active Armature (of Prestressing)……………………………………………………………………….3.1.6
Prestressing Cables……………………………………………………………………………………….18.6
- Longitudinal Arrangements……………………………………………………………………………18.6.1
- Traced…………………………………………………………………………………………………
- Curvatures…………………………………………………………………………………………….
- Curvature near the anchor……………………………………………………………………….....
- Fixation during execution……………………………………………………………………………
- Straight Ends…………………………………………………………………………………………
- Prolonging of the ends………………………………………………………………………………
- Patches………………………………………………………………………………………………..
- Anchor…………………………………………………………………………………………………
- Cross-section Arrangement…………………………………………………………………………...18.6.2
- Sheaths……………………………………………………………………………………………….
- Grouping of cables in the pos-traction…………………………………………………………….
- Minimum spacing…………………………………………………………………………………….
Concrete with pre-pulled active armature (prestressing with initial adherence)……………………3.1.7
Concrete with pos-pulled active armature (prestressing with posterior adherence)……………….3.1.8
Concrete with pos-pulled without adherence (prestressing without adherence)…………………...3.1.9
Levels of prestressing…………………………………………………………………………………….9.2.2
Prestressing…………………………………………………………………….9.6,, and
- Prestressing force………………………………………………………………………………………..9.6.1
- Generalities…………………………………………………………………………………………….
- Limit values of force in the prestressing armature…………………………………………………
- Representative Values of prestressing force……………………………………………………….
- Calculation values of prestressing force…………………………………………………………….
- Introduction of the prestressing forces………………………………………………………………..9.6.2
- Generalities…………………………………………………………………………………………….
- Cases of pos-traction…………………………………………………………………………………
- Cases of pre-traction………………………………………………………………………………….
- Losses of prestressing forces…………………………………………………………………………..9.6.3

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- Generalities…………………………………………………………………………………………….
- Initial losses of prestressing forces………………………………………………………………….
- Immediate losses of prestressing force…………………………………………………………….
- Progressive Losses……………………………………………………………………………………
Region of introduction of prestressing…………………………………………………………………21.2.3

Punch Armature…………………………………………………………………………………………….20.4
Simple Concrete…………………………………………………………………………………….....
Dimensioning of slabs to punch…………………………………………………………………………..19.5
- Calculation model………………………………………………………………………………………19.5.1
- Definition of solicitant tension in the critical surfaces C and C’……………………………………19.5.2
- Internal Columns, with symmetrical loading……………………………………………………....
- Internal Column, with moment effect………………………………………………………………
- Border of Column…………………………………………………………………………………….
- Corner Column……………………………………………………………………………………….
- Head…………………………………………………………………………………………………...
- Special cases of definition of critical contour……………………………………………………..
- Interaction of normal and tangential physical strains…………………………………………….
- Definition of resistant tension in the critical surfaces C, C’ and C”……………………………….19.5.3
- Verification of resistant tension of diagonal compression of the concrete in the critical
surface .C……………………………………………………………………………………………….
- Resistant tension in the critical surface C’ in structural elements or intervals without
the punch armature……………………………………………………………………………………
- Resistant tension in the surface s C’ in structural elements or intervals with the punch
- Definition of the critical surface C”…………………………………………………………………
- Progressive Collapse………………………………………………………………………………….19.5.4
- Verification of prestressing structural elements…………………………………………………….19.5.5

Relation water/cement………………………………………………………………………7.4 and table 1

Special Regions……………………………………………………………………………………………..21

Active Armature Steel
- Resistance to fatigue……………………………………………………………………………………8.4.7
- Diagram Tension-Deformation, resistance to the discharge and to traction………………………8.4.5
Passive Armature Steel
- Resistance to fatigue…………………………………………………………………………………....8.3.8
- Diagram Tension-Deformation, resistance to the discharge and to traction……..……………….8.3.6
- Resistance to compression……………………………………………………………………………..8.2.4
- Resistance to traction…………………………………………………………………………………...8.2.5
- Resistance in the multi-axial state of tensions………………………………………8.2.6 and figure 8.1
- Resistance to fatigue……………………………………………………………………………………8.2.7

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- Characteristic Values…………………………………………………………………………………….12.2
- Calculation Values……………………………………………………………………………………..…12.3
- Calculation resistance ………………………………………………………………………………...12.3.1
- Resistance Tension of calculation………………………………………………………………..…..12.3.2
- Calculation Resistance of the concrete……………………………………………………………...12.3.3
- Pondering coefficients of the resistances…………………………………………………………..….12.4
- Pondering coefficients of resistances in the last limit state (ELU)………………………………..12.4.1
- Pondering coefficients of resistances in the limit state of service (ELS)…………………………12.4.2
- Safety Verification………………………………………………………………………………………..12.5
- Constructive Conditions of safety…………………………………………………………………….12.5.1
- Analytical Conditions of safety………………………………………………………………………..12.5.2
- Resistant Efforts of calculation………………………………………………………………………..12.5.3
- Solicitant Efforts of calculation………………………………………………………………………..12.5.4
- Resistance Values of Adherence………………………………………………………………………9.3.2


Shrinkage………………………………………………………………………….8.2.11, A.2.3

Ruin and Rupture

Last limit state (ELU)……………………………………………………………………………………...3.2.1
Resistant capacity of the structure…………………………………………………………………….
Domains of calculation figure………………………………………………………………………..……17.1

Guide Blocks……..………………………………………………………………………………………..22.4

Domains of the Last Limit State of a cross-section segment…………………………………..figure 17.1
Geometry of the resistant section……………………………………………………………………
- Full Convex Polygonal sections………………………………………………………………….
- Composed section of rectangles………………………………………..……………………….
- Hollowed out sections…………………………………………………………………………….

Safety and Limit States……………………………………………………………………………………...10
Safety Criteria………………………………………………………………………………………………10.1
Safety verification…………………………………………………………………………………………..12.5
- Constructive Conditions of safety…………………………………………………………………….12.5.1
- Analytical Conditions of safety………………………………………………………………………..12.5.2
- Resistant Efforts of calculation………………………………………………………………………..12.5.3
- Solicitant Efforts of calculation………………………………………………………………………..12.5.4
- Safety in relation to the ELU………………………………………………………………………….16.2.3
- Safety in relation to the ELS (performance in service)…………………………………………….16.2.4

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Pondering coefficient of actions in the limited state of service (ELS)………………………………11.7.2
Pondering coefficient of resistances in the limit state of service (ELS)……………………………12.4.2
Combination of services (Actions)……………………………………………………………………..11.8.3
- Classification…………………………………………………………………………………………
- Combinations of usual services……………………………………………………………………
Dimensioning and verification of slabs – Limit states of service……………………………………..19.3
Linear Elements subjected to normal physical strains – Limit states of service……………………17.3
Limit States of Service (ELS)…………………………………………………………………………….10.4
Limit States of Service (fatigue)………………………………………………………………………….23.6
Safety in relation to the ELS (performance in service)………………………………………………16.2.4

Symbology……………………………………………………………………………………4.1, 4.2 and 4.3

Patches by weld…………………………………………………………………………………………...9.5.4


Physical Strains
Calculation of physical strains of combinations of actions…………………………Tables 11.3 and 11.4
Linear elements subjected to normal physical strains…………………………………………………17.2
Linear elements subjected to normal physical strains (ELS)…………………………………………17.3
Linear elements subjected to cutting forces (ELU)…………………………………………………….17.4
Linear elements subjected to torsion (ELU)…………………………………………………………….17.5
Linear elements subjected to cutting force and torsion (EL of inclined fission of the stem)……….17.6
Linear elements submitted to combined physical strains……………………………………………...17.7
Solicitant Efforts of calculation…………………………………………………………………………12.5.4
Solicitant Efforts of calculation (plain concrete)……………………………………………………
Interaction of normal and tangential physical strains……………………………………………...
Slabs and linear elements with bw  5d subjected to cutting force……………………………………19.4
Slabs subjected to punch………………………………………………………………………………….19.5
Introduction regions of concentrated loads……………………………………………………………...21.2

Suspension Armature
Blocks over stakes…………………………………………………………………………………..
Gerber Teeth…………………………………………………………………………………………
Linear Elements……………………………………………………………………………………….…18.3.6

Uniform variations of temperature…………………………………………………………………...
Non-uniform variations of temperature……………………………………………………………...

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Armature for torsion……………………………………………………………………………………...18.3.4
Linear Elements subjected to torsion – Last limit state……………………………………………..…17.5
- Uniform Torsion…………………………………………………………………………………...……17.5.1
- Generalities…………………………………………………………………………………………...
- General Conditions…………………………………………………………………………………..
- Resistance of the structural element – Pure Torsion…………………………………………….
- Geometry of the resistant section…………………………………………………………………..
- Verification of the diagonal compression of the concrete………………………………………..
- Armature Calculation………………………………………………………………………………...
- Torsion on open profiles of thin wall………………………………………………………………….17.5.2
- Generalities…………………………………………………………………………………………..
- General Considerations……………………………………………………………………………..
- Stiffness to Deflection-Torsion……………………………………………………………………..
- Resistance to Deflection-Torsion…………………………………………………………………..
Limit state of inclined fission of the stem – Cutting force and torsion…………………………..……17.6
Combined Physical Strains……………………………………………………………………………….17.7
- Deflection and Torsion…………………………………………………………………………………17.7.1
- Generalities…………………………………………………………………………………………..
- Longitudinal Armature……………………………………………………………………………….
- Longitudinal Armature in the compressed side rails by deflection……………………………..
- Resistance of the compressed side rails………………………………………………………….
- Torsion and Cutting Force…………………………………………………………………………….17.7.2
- Generalities…………………………………………………………………………………………..
- Torsion………………………………………………………………………………………………….24.5.6

Diagrams Tension-Deformation of the concrete to torsion……………………………………….8.2, 10.2
Diagrams Tension-Deformation, resistance to the discharge and to traction
- Passive Armature Steel…………………………………………………………………………………8.3.6
- Active Armature Steel…………………………………………………………………………………...8.4.5
Linear Elements – Traction armatures in the simple deflection, anchored by adherence…..
Linear Elements – Traction armatures in the support sections…………………………………..
Hooks traction armatures (anchor of passive armature by adherence)…………………………..
Resistance of concrete to traction…………………………………………………………………...….8.2.5
Limit values for the longitudinal armatures of beams………………………………………..……
- Traction Armature………………………………………………………………………………….
- Minimum values for the traction armature under imposed deformations……………………
- Skin Armature………………………………………………………………………………………
- Traction and Compression Armature ……………………………………………………………
Verification of the fatigue of the concrete in traction……………………………………………….

Acceptance control in regards to the sensorial acceptability and to the use……………………...13.4.3
Interfaces of the design with the construction, use and maintenance………………………………….25
Manuals of use, inspection and maintenance…………………………………………………………..25.4

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Calculation values of the prestressing force…………………………………………………………
Calculation values of the actions………………………………………………………………………11.6.3
Calculation values of the resistances……………………………………………………………………12.3
Characteristic values of the actions…………………………………………………………………...11.6.1
Characteristic values of the resistances…………………………………………………………………12.2

Wind Action…………………………………………………………………………………………….

Limit State of excessive vibrations…………………………………………………………...3.2.8 and 23.3

Anchor of the inferior armature of the beam…………………………………………………...…
Approximation Evaluation of the bend in beams…………………………………………………...
- Immediate Bend in beams of reinforced concrete……………………………………………..
- Calculation of the Bend differed in time for beams of the reinforced concrete……………..
- Bend in beams with active armatures…………………………………………………………...
Ductility in Beams…………………………………………………………………….………………….17.2.3
Structures of Linear Elements…………………………………………………………………………….14.6
- Basic Hypotheses………………………………………………………………………………………14.6.1
- Characterization of geometry…………………………………………………………………………14.6.2
- Stiff Interval…………………………………………………………………………………………..
- Cooperative Width of beams in section T…………………………………………………………
- Brackets and Rough variations of sections……………………………………………………….
- Effective gaps of beams…………………………………………………………………………….
Holes that go through the beams in the height direction…………………………………………….21.3.3
Holes that go through beams in the direction of its width…………………………………………
Lateral Instability of the beams………………………………………………………………………….15.10
Walls and wall columns………………………………………………………………………………....21.3.2
Limit values for the longitudinal armatures of beams………………………………………...……
Beams (definition)……………………………………………………………………………………..
Beams (detailing)…………..………………………………………………………………………………18.3
- Generalities……………………………………………………………………………………………..18.3.1
- Longitudinal Armatures………………………………………………………………………………..18.3.2
- Minimum Quantity……………………………………………………………………………………
- Cross-section Distribution.......................................................................................................
- Longitudinal Distribution……………………………………………………………………………..
- Traction armature in the support actions………………………………………………………….
- Cross-section Armature for the cutting force……………………………………………………..…18.3.3
- Generalities…………………………………………………………………………………………..
- Structural elements armored with stirrups…………………………………………………………
- Structural elements armored with folded bars…………………………………………………….
- Armature for torsion…………………………………………………………………………………....18.3.4

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- Skin Armature…………………………………………………………………………………………..18.3.5
- Suspension……………………………………………………………………………………………..18.3.6
- Armature of table-stem and stem-heel connection…………………………………………………18.3.7
Continuous Beams…………………………………………………………………………………….

Wall Beams
Structural Analyses with wall beams and wall columns…………………………………………..…14.8.1
Gantries Knots and connections between walls………………………………………………………..21.4
Walls and Wall Columns……………………………………………………………………………..…21.3.2
Walls and Wall Columns (dimensions)………………………………………………………………..13.2.2
Wall Beams…………………………………………………………………………………………………22.2

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