30RBM-30RBP Chiller PSD PDF
30RBM-30RBP Chiller PSD PDF
30RBM-30RBP Chiller PSD PDF
30RBM/30RBP 160-520
Nominal cooling capacity 164-528 kW
AquaSnap® liquid chillers are the best solution for commercial and industrial applications
where installers, engineering and design departments and building owners require reduced
installation costs, optimal performance and the highest quality.
The new generation of AquaSnap liquid chillers feature two new versions:
--The AquaSnap (30RBM) version features a compact all-in-one package optimised
for full-load applications where reduced investment cost (low CapEx) is required.
For cold or hot climates, the AquaSnap can be equipped with specific options to
operate from -20°C up to +52°C.
-- The AquaSnap Greenspeed® (30RBP) version is a compact all-in-one package
optimised for part-load applications where high ESEER, SEPR and IPLV are required.
The AquaSnap Greenspeed®, equipped with a variable speed pump and fans,
provides premium part-load efficiency to reduce maintenance costs over the lifespan
of the chiller. Additionally, the low sounds levels achieved at part load conditions
can be very beneficial for sensitive acoustic applications. Besides operating efficiently
and quietly, the AquaSnap Greenspeed® operates from -20°C up to +48°C as
Original document
The simplicity of AquaSnap, tried and trusted
Greenspeed intelligence: the smart innovation
Pump (kWh)
Unit (kWh)
Previous AquaSnap New AquaSnap New AquaSnap + Variable-speed pump
with Greenspeed
15-year energy savings calculations comparing a 400kW AquaSnap unit of the previous generation to a new AquaSnap unit, a new AquaSnap Greenspeed unit
with variable speed pump at an office building in an average European climate, 1500 running hours and 500 stand-by hours per year. This information is intended
as an example for comparison purposes only.
AquaSnap liquid chillers are designed to meet current and -- Condenser with high-efficiency Novation® aluminium
future Ecodesign and F-Gas European regulation requirements micro-channel heat exchangers and Greenspeed ®
in terms of energy efficiency and reduced CO2 emissions. variable-speed fans (30RBP version)
They use the best technologies available today: --Low pressure drop brazed plate heat exchangers
--Reduced refrigerant charge of ozone-friendly refrigerant (< 45 kPa under Eurovent conditions).
■■ Specific control functions to reduce unit cooling energy use
--Scroll compressors
during occupied and unoccupied periods:
--Greenspeed® variable-speed fans (30RBP models)
--Internal timer: switches the chiller on/off and controls
--Novation® micro-channel heat exchangers with a new
operation at a second setpoint
aluminium alloy
--Setpoint automatically offset based on the outside air
--Brazed-plate heat exchangers with reduced pressure
temperature or room air temperature (via an option)
--Floating high pressure management
--Auto-adaptive microprocessor control with Greenspeed®
--Variable-speed fan control
--Cooling demand limitation.
--Colour touch screen with web connectivity options
--Extra energy savings through multiple options: direct- Refer to control chapter for more information.
expansion free-cooling system on one or two circuits,
■■ Greenspeed® variable-speed pump to reduce pumping
partial heat recovery.
energy consumption by up to two-thirds (option
Both Aquasnap versions can be equipped with a built-in recommended by Carrier):
hydraulic module, limiting the installation to conventional --Eliminate energy losses through the water flow control
operations such as connection of the power supply and the valve by electronically setting the nominal water flow
supply and return piping (plug & play), according to the --Save energy during stand-by periods or part-load
dimensions of the standard unit. operation by automatically reducing the water pump
speed. The energy consumption of the pump motor varies
Recommended by Carrier, Aquasnap can be equipped with
according to the cube of the speed, so that a reduction
one or two Greenspeed® variable-speed pumps to significantly
in speed of just 40% can reduce energy consumption
reduce energy costs linked to pumping (reduction of more than
by 80%
two-thirds), ensure optimum water flow rate control, and
--Improved unit part-load performance (Increased SEER
improve overall system reliability.
value with variable water flow according to EN14825
For use in the harshest environments combining high standard).
temperatures, dust and sand, the AquaSnap (30RBM) can be
Refer to the hydraulic option chapter for more information.
equipped with an optional IP54 electrical box and cabinet fan
enabling it to operate at outdoor air temperatures of up to 52°C.
Low sound level --Water filter protects the water pump against circulating
■■ Condenser with fixed-speed fans (30RBM models): --Pressure transducers for direct numerical display of the
--Optional low-speed fans (700 rpm) and compressor water flow rate and water pressures
enclosure to reduce full-load noise level by 6 to 7 dB(A) --Thermal insulation and frost protection down to -20°C,
--Condenser coils in V-shape with an open angle, allowing using a heater (optional)
quieter air flow across the coil --High-capacity membrane expansion tank (option).
--Low-noise 4th generation Flying Bird fans, made of a
■■ Built-in hydraulic module with Greenspeed® variable-speed
composite material (Carrier patent)
pump (option recommended by Carrier):
--Rigid fan installation for reduced noise (Carrier patent).
--Quick and easy electronic setting of the nominal water
■■ Condenser with Greenspeed® variable-speed fans (30RBP flow rate when the unit is commissioned, thus eliminating
models recommended by Carrier for even quieter the need to adjust the water flow rate control valve
operation): -- Automatic control of the pump speed based on constant
--Optional factory setting of the fan to low speed, with speed, constant pressure difference or constant temperature
compressor enclosure to reduce full-load noise level by difference.
6 to 7 dB(A)
■■ Simplified electrical connections
--Exceptional acoustic signature during part-load operation
--A single power supply point without neutral
through smooth fan speed variation.
--Main disconnect switch with high trip capacity
■■ Specific control functions or features to reduce noise level --24 V control circuit using an integrated transformer.
during the night or unoccupied periods:
■■ Fast unit commissioning
--Night-time sound control with cooling capacity and fan
--Systematic factory test before shipment
speed limitation
-- Quick-test function for step-by-step verification of the
--Low-noise scroll compressors with low vibration level
sensors, electrical components and motors.
--The compressor assembly is installed on an independent
chassis and supported by flexible anti-vibration mounts
Reduced installation costs
--Dynamic suction and discharge piping support,
minimising vibration transmission (Carrier patent) ■■ Optional Greenspeed® variable-speed pump with hydronic
--Acoustic compressor enclosure, reducing noise module (option recommended by Carrier)
emissions (optional). -- Cut costs relating to the water flow control valve
-- The design of the water system with variable primary flow
(VPF) can provide significant installation cost savings
compared with traditional constant primary systems with
variable secondary circuits; elimination of the secondary
distribution pump, etc.
-- Water system design with fan coils fitted with 2-way valves
instead of 3-way valves.
160-520 units, medium-temperature Ethylene and
Propylene Glycol
Options 28B-28C for size RBM 160
Inlet air temperature (°C)
Brine solution water type heat exchanger water outlet temperature (°C)
- Evaporator ∆T = 5K max
- These operating ranges are guidelines only. Verify the operating range with
the Carrier electronic catalogue.
30RBM or 30RBP brine operating range
Operating range of 30RBM unit equipped with options 28 and 28C
“Winter operation”. Options 28B-28C (with two-speed lead fan for
each circuit) enable operation at outdoor temperatures down
to -10°C.
RBP operating range or extension of the operating range, 30RBM
unit equipped with option 28. Option 28 (with variable-speed lead
fan for each circuit) enables operation at outdoor temperatures
down to -20°C.
Brine solution water type heat exchanger water outlet temperature (°C)
30RBM and RBP 160 180 200 220 260 300 330 360 400
This option applies to 30RBP 160-520 units installed inside Circuit A Circuit B
the building in a plant room. 30RBP Nominal/maximum air Nominal/maximum air
flow (l/s) flow (l/s)
For this type of installation, the hot or cold air emerging from
160 5200 / 6240 10400 / 12480
the air-cooled condensers is evacuated from the building by 180-230 10400 / 12480 10400 / 12480
the fans by means of a ducting system, which causes pressure 240-270 10400 / 12480 15600 / 18720
drops in the air circuit. 310-330 15600 / 18720 15600 / 18720
Therefore, this option features more powerful fan motors than 380 15600 / 18720 20800 / 24960
those fitted to standard units. 430-520 20800 / 24960 20800 / 24960
The fan power input for fans with a speed of 19 r/s is increased
compared to that of standard fans with a speed of 15.8 r/s (the
multiplier coefficient is the same as the cube of the speed ratio,
i.e. x 1.72).
This option enables free hot water to be produced using heat recovery by desuperheating the compressor discharge gases.
The option is available for the whole 30RBM/RBP range.
A plate heat exchanger is installed as standard, with the air-cooled exchanger coils on the compressor discharge line of each
Physical data, 30RBM/30RBP units with partial heat recovery using desuperheaters (option 49)
30RBM 160 180 200 220 260 300 330 360 400 430 470 520
Operating limits
30RBM/P 160 180 200 220 260 300 330 360 400 430 470 520
Total heating capacity kW 223,2 239,2 264,3 288,8 351,8 401,0 444,2 489,4 534,3 576,9 624,3 703,5
Recovery capacity (45-55) kW 49,8 53,3 59,6 69,1 78,9 108,1 120,5 132,4 144,7 156,5 169,6 191,4
% reclaim % 22,3% 22,3% 22,6% 23,9% 22,4% 27,0% 27,1% 27,1% 27,1% 27,1% 27,2% 27,2%
Water flow rate l/s 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,7 1,9 2,6 2,9 3,2 3,5 3,8 4,1 4,6
Pressure drop, water kPa 4,6 5,2 6,4 8,4 10,7 10,9 13,4 8,4 9,9 11,5 13,3 16,8
Recovery capacity (50-60) kW 42,9 45,8 51,2 57,4 68,0 89,9 100,3 110,4 120,6 125,6 136,0 153,6
% reclaim % 19,2% 19,1% 19,4% 19,9% 19,3% 22,4% 22,6% 22,6% 22,6% 21,8% 21,8% 21,8%
Water flow rate l/s 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,4 1,7 2,2 2,4 2,7 2,9 3,0 3,3 3,7
Pressure drop, water kPa 3,4 3,9 4,7 5,8 8,0 7,7 9,4 5,8 6,9 7,4 8,6 10,9
Recovery capacity (55-65) kW 33,6 35,9 40,2 45,4 53,3 70,7 78,8 86,6 94,6 97,9 106,1 119,7
% reclaim % 15,1% 15,0% 15,2% 15,7% 15,1% 17,6% 17,7% 17,7% 17,7% 17,0% 17,0% 17,0%
Water flow rate l/s 0,8 0,9 1,0 1,1 1,3 1,7 1,9 2,1 2,3 2,4 2,6 2,9
Pressure drop, water kPa 2,1 2,4 3,0 3,7 5,0 4,8 5,9 3,6 4,3 4,6 5,3 6,7
OAT condition: 35°C - Water: 12-7°C
The new generation of Carrier hydraulic module minimises Hydraulic module
installation time. The heat pump is factory-equipped with the
main components for the hydraulic system: Water pump,
electronic flow switch, Victaulic screen filter, pressure sensors,
water temperature sensors, pressures taps (2), relief valve,
drain valve, air vent, water purge, optional hydraulic module
heater and optional expansion tank.
The DX Free Cooling option offers considerable energy savings by the opening of an electronic expansion valve (EXV).
for all cooling applications used in winter. In free cooling mode,
The unit can be operated in mixed mode which combines the
the compressors are switched off and only the fans and a cooling
FC (Free Cooling) and MC (mechanical cooling) modes on the
micro-pump are in operation. The Smart View control
two refrigerating circuits. This helps optimise Free Cooling
automatically switches from compressor cooling mode to free
operations while covering the system's cooling requirements.
cooling mode depending on the cooler heat load and the
temperature differential between the chilled water outlet and the
ambient air.
Mixed mode
Operating principle Circuit 1: MC
Circuit 2: FC
Once the chilled water/air temperature differential exceeds a
MC mode
threshold value, the Smart View control compares the Circuit 1: MC
instantaneous chiller capacity with the capacity available in free Circuit 2: MC
cooling. If the operating conditions permit operation in free
cooling mode, the compressors are switched off and a three-way Delta T (K)
valve on the intake pipe connects the evaporator with the Key
condenser, enabling refrigerant vapours to migrate towards the MC Mechanical Cooling/compressors
condenser. In condenser coils, the refrigerant condenses and FC Free Cooling
Delta T Difference between the water outlet temperature and the water inlet
the liquid is pumped to the evaporator using a cooling micro- temperature (in K)
pump. The cooling capacity in free cooling mode is controlled
Depending on the requirements of the user, the AquaSnap DX free cooling is available with 2 performance levels
--118A DX free-cooling on 2 circuits
--118B DX free-cooling on 1 circuit
160 180 200 220 260 300 330 360 400 430 470 520
30RBM/30RBP option 118A (Free Cooling on 2 circuits) 220 260 300 330 360 400 430 470 520
30RBM/30RBP option 118B (Free Cooling on 1 circuit) 160 180 200 220 260 300 330 360 400 430 470 520
30RBM/30RBP 160-520 Free Cooling mode 30RBM/30RBP 160-520 Free Cooling mode
Condenser entering air temperature,°C Condenser inlet air temperature (°C)
-10 -5 0 -10 -5 0
Qc Unit EER Qc Unit EER Qc Unit EER Qc Unit EER Qc Unit EER Qc Unit EER
(°C) (°C)
kW/ kW/ kW/ kW/ kW/ kW/
kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW kW
kW kW kW kW kW kW
220 128 7,6 17,0 129 7,5 17,3 110 7,4 14,7 160 64 3,9 16,6 65 3,8 16,8 55 3,8 14,4
260 128 7,6 16,8 129 7,6 17,1 110 7,5 14,6 180 64 3,9 16,2 65 3,9 16,5 55 3,9 14,1
300 212 9,8 21,7 198 9,7 20,5 168 9,6 17,5 200 64 4,1 15,7 64 4,0 15,9 55 4,0 13,6
330 210 9,7 21,6 196 9,6 20,4 166 9,6 17,4 220 64 4,2 15,3 64 4,2 15,2 54 4,1 13,2
360 10 296 12,2 24,3 272 12,1 22,5 229 12,0 19,2 260 64 4,3 14,9 64 4,2 15,2 54 4,2 12,9
400 296 12,1 24,4 272 12,0 22,6 229 11,9 19,2 300 148 6,4 23,1 135 6,3 21,2 112 6,3 17,9
430 308 13,7 22,5 295 13,6 21,7 242 13,5 17,9 330 146 6,4 23,0 134 6,3 21,2 111 6,3 17,8
470 308 13,8 22,3 295 13,7 21,5 241 13,6 17,8 360(1) 147 8,0 18,4 135 7,9 17,0 114 7,9 14,5
520 320 15,6 20,6 319 15,4 20,7 253 15,3 16,6 400(1) 147 8,0 18,4 135 7,9 17,0 114 7,9 14,5
LWT Water outlet temperature 430 160 8,1 19,7 159 8,0 19,8 126 8,0 15,8
Qc Cooling capacity 470 159 8,2 19,3 159 8,2 19,5 126 8,1 15,6
Unit Unit power input (pumps, fans, control)
EER Energy efficiency
520 159 8,5 18,7 159 8,5 18,8 126 8,4 15,0
LWT Water outlet temperature
Qc Cooling capacity
Unit Unit power input (pumps, fans, control)
EER Energy efficiency
(1) Not available on 30RBP units
Operating limits
The units equipped with this option have a direct expansion shell and tube evaporator (the refrigerant is evaporated inside a
copper tube bundle, the water circulates inside the shell and tube exchanger), instead of the brazed-plate heat exchanger.
Physical data, 30RBM/30RBP units with shell and tube water type heat exchanger (option 280)
Refrigerant charge for the combination of shell and tube water type heat exchanger and low-
temperature brine solution options
Refrigerant(1) R410A
kg 9,80 12,10 12,10 13,10 13,10
Circuit A
tCO2e 20,5 25,3 25,3 27,4 27,4
kg 13,30 13,30 13,30 13,30 13,30
Circuit B
tCO2e 27,8 27,8 27,8 27,8 27,8
(1) Values are guidelines only. Refer to the unit name plate.
Operating range
The operating range for the unit with option 280 is similar to that of the standard unit for most configurations.
However, in combination with options 5B and 6B, the following limits must be respected:
--option 5B (medium-temperature brine solution), the shell and tube exchanger water outlet temperature is limited to 0°C
(same as the brazed-plate heat exchanger).
-- option 6B (low-temperature brine solution), the shell and tube exchanger water outlet temperature is limited to -12°C
1 - Fixed speed
30RBM 160 180 200 220 260 300 330 360 400 430 470 520
Standard unit Nominal capacity kW 168 181 198 216 261 300 331 365 397 430 464 523
Full load CA1 EER kW/kW 3,04 3,12 2,98 2,97 2,90 2,97 2,92 2,95 2,90 2,94 2,90 2,90
Eurovent class B A B B B B B B B B B B
Nominal capacity kW 216 247 263 297 336 393 428 475 510 556 593 676
CA2 EER kW/kW 3,6 3,89 3,59 3,7 3,37 3,53 3,4 3,47 3,37 3,45 3,34 3,38
Eurovent class C A C B D C D D D D E D
Standard unit SEER 12/7°C Comfort
kWh/kWh 4,15 4,18 4,10 4,09 4,10 4,15 4,19 4,21 4,16 4,15 4,12 4,10
Seasonal energy low temp.
efficiency** ηs cool12/7°C % 163 164 161 161 161 163 165 165 163 163 162 161
SEPR 12/7°C Process
kWh/kWh 4,77 4,71 4,29 4,76 4,33 4,56 4,46 4,67 4,50 4,79 4,64 4,74
high temp.
Unit + option 6
SEPR -2/-8°C Process
Seasonal energy kWh/kWh 2,81 3,08 3,14 2,99 3,13 3,05 3,04 2,76 3,23 NA NA NA
medium temp. ***
Part Load integrated values IPLV.SI kW/kW 4,566 4,570 4,538 4,508 4,500 4,610 4,612 4,690 4,579 4,618 4,555 4,579
Sound levels
Standard unit
Sound power(3) dB(A) 91 92 92 92 92 93 93 93 93 94 94 94
Sound pressure level at 10 m (4)
dB(A) 59 60 60 60 60 60 60 61 61 62 62 62
Standard unit + option 15(1)
Sound power(3) dB(A) 89 90 90 90 90 91 91 92 92 93 93 93
Sound pressure at 10 m(4) dB(A) 57 58 58 58 58 59 59 60 60 61 61 61
Standard unit + option 15LS(1)
Sound power(3) dB(A) 85 85 85 86 86 86 86 87 87 88 88 88
Sound pressure at 10 m(4) dB(A) 53 53 53 54 54 54 54 55 55 55 55 56
Dimensions - standard unit
Length mm 2410 3604 4797
Width mm 2253 2253 2253
Height mm 2322 2322 2322
Lenght, unit with water buffer tank option mm 3604 4798 5991
Operating weight(2)
Standard unit kg 1204 1241 1242 1372 1393 1846 1882 2046 2102 2518 2536 2730
Standard unit + option 15(1) kg 1287 1324 1324 1480 1501 1972 2007 2189 2246 2681 2699 2910
Standard unit + option 15 + option 116W(1) kg 1426 1464 1464 1619 1655 2131 2212 2393 2449 2923 2940 3191
Standard unit + option 15 + option 116W +
kg 2374 2407 2408 2562 2599 3071 3151 3329 3385 3855 3872 4119
water buffer tank option
30RBM 160 180 200 220 260 300 330 360 400 430 470 520
30RBP 160 180 200 220 260 300 330 360 400 430 470 520
Standard unit Nominal capacity kW 168 180 197 216 261 300 331 365 397 430 464 523
Full load CA1 EER kW/kW 3,04 3,12 2,98 2,97 2,90 2,97 2,92 2,95 2,90 2,94 2,90 2,90
Eurovent class B A B B B B B B B B B B
Nominal capacity kW 216 247 263 297 336 393 428 475 510 556 593 676
CA2 EER kW/kW 3,6 3,89 3,59 3,7 3,37 3,53 3,4 3,47 3,37 3,45 3,34 3,38
Eurovent class C A C B D C D D D D E D
Standard unit SEER 12/7°C Comfort
kWh/kWh 4,32 4,29 4,18 4,25 4,20 4,52 4,40 4,52 4,37 4,45 4,53 4,40
Seasonal energy low temp.
efficiency** ηs cool 12/7°C % 170 169 164 167 165 178 173 178 172 175 178 173
SEPR 12/7°C Process
kWh/kWh 5,43 5,61 5,32 5,56 5,16 5,60 5,24 5,62 5,32 5,50 5,38 5,26
high temp.
Unit + option 6
SEPR -2/-8°C Process
Seasonal energy kWh/kWh 3,03 3,40 3,38 3,33 3,22 3,40 3,06 3,47 3,42 NA NA NA
medium temp. ***
Part Load integrated values IPLV.SI kW/kW 4,758 4,855 4,733 4,849 4,749 4,999 4,833 5,004 4,815 4,925 4,999 4,839
Sound levels
Standard unit
Sound power(3) dB(A) 91 92 92 92 92 93 93 93 93 94 94 94
Sound pressure level at 10 m (4) dB(A) 59 60 60 60 60 60 60 61 61 62 62 62
Standard unit + option 15(1)
Sound power(3) dB(A) 89 90 90 90 90 91 91 92 92 93 93 93
Sound pressure at 10 m(4) dB(A) 57 58 58 58 58 59 59 60 60 61 61 61
Standard unit + option 15LS(1)
Sound power(3) dB(A) 85 85 85 86 86 86 86 87 87 88 88 88
Sound pressure at 10 m(4) dB(A) 53 53 53 54 54 54 54 55 55 55 55 56
Dimensions - standard unit
Length mm 2410 3604 4797
Width mm 2253 2253 2253
Height mm 2322 2322 2322
Lenght, unit with water buffer tank option mm 3604 4798 5991
Operating weight(2)
Standard unit kg 1240 1278 1278 1407 1429 1882 1918 2082 2139 2576 2594 2796
Standard unit + option 15(1) kg 1323 1361 1361 1515 1537 2008 2044 2226 2283 2738 2756 2976
Standard unit + option 15 + option 116W(1) kg 1462 1500 1500 1655 1692 2168 2248 2429 2486 2980 2997 3257
Standard unit + option 15 + option 116W +
kg 2409 2444 2444 2599 2635 3108 3188 3365 3422 3912 3929 4185
water buffer tank option
30RBP 160 180 200 220 260 300 330 360 400 430 470 520
30RBM 160 180 200 220 260 300 330 360 400 430 470 520
Power circuit
Nominal voltage V-ph-Hz 400 - 3 - 50
Voltage range V 360 - 440
Control circuit supply 24 V via internal transformer
Nominal unit current draw(1)
Circuit A&B A 100 110 124 133 161 180 201 221 242 261 282 322
Max. operating input power (2)
Circuit A&B kW 80 88 99 107 129 145 161 177 194 210 226 258
Cosine Phi unit at maximum power (2) 0,88 0,87 0,87 0,88 0,88 0,88 0,88 0,88 0,88 0,88 0,88 0,88
Maximum unit current draw (Un-10%)(3)
Circuit A&B A 144 158 176 192 230 259 288 317 345 374 403 460
Maximum unit current draw (Un)(4)
Circuit A&B - Standard Unit A 133 146 163 177 212 239 266 292 319 345 372 425
Circuit A&B - Unit with option 231 A 100 110 125 133 163 181 204 222 244 262 285 326
Maximum start-up current, standard unit (Un)†
Circuit A&B A 307 356 374 352 423 450 476 503 529 556 583 636
Max. start-up current, unit with soft starter (Un)†
Circuit A&B A 261 283 300 305 349 376 403 429 456 482 509 562
(1) Conditions equivalent to the standardised Eurovent conditions (evaporator water input-output temperature = 12 °C/7 °C, outside air temperature = 35 °C)
(2) Power input, compressors and fans, at the unit operating limits (saturated suction temperature 15°C, saturated condensing temperature 68.3°C) and nominal
voltage of 400 V (data given on the unit nameplate).
(3) Maximum unit operating current at maximum unit input power and 360 V.
(4) Maximum unit operating current at maximum unit input power and 400 V (values given on the unit's nameplate).
† Maximum instantaneous start-up current at operating limits (maximum operating current of the smallest compressor(s) + current of the fan(s) + locked rotor
current of the largest compressor).
Fan motor electrical data reported upstream the variable speed drive at Eurovent equivalent conditions and motor ambient air temperature of 50°C at 400 V:
Current 3.8 A; In-rush current 20 A; Power input: 1.75 kW.
30RBP 160 180 200 220 260 300 330 360 400 430 470 520
Power circuit
Nominal voltage V-ph-Hz 400 - 3 - 50
Voltage range V 360 - 440
Control circuit supply 24 V via internal transformer
Nominal unit current draw(1)
Circuit A&B A 97 107 121 130 158 176 197 216 237 255 276 316
Cosine Phi unit at maximum power (2)
Circuit A&B kW 81 88 99 108 129 145 162 178 194 210 226 259
Cosine Phi unit at maximum power (2) 0,88 0,88 0,88 0,88 0,88 0,88 0,88 0,88 0,88 0,88 0,88 0,88
Maximum unit current draw (Un-10%)(3)
Circuit A&B A 142 154 173 189 227 255 284 312 340 369 397 454
Maximum unit current draw (Un)(4)
Circuit A&B - Standard Unit A 131 142 160 174 209 235 262 287 314 340 366 419
Circuit A&B - Unit with option 231 A 98 108 123 131 161 178 201 219 241 259 281 321
Maximum start-up current, standard unit (Un)†
Circuit A&B A 305 353 371 349 420 446 472 498 525 550 577 629
Max. start-up current, unit with soft starter (Un)†
Circuit A&B A 259 279 297 302 346 372 399 424 451 477 503 556
(1) Conditions equivalent to the standardised Eurovent conditions (evaporator water input-output temperature = 12 °C/7 °C, outside air temperature = 35 °C)
(2) Input power, compressors + fans, at the unit operating limits (saturated suction temperature: 15°C, saturated condensing
temperature: 68.3°C) and nominal voltage of 400 V (data given on the unit nameplate).
(3) Maximum unit operating current at maximum unit input power and 360 V.
(4) Maximum unit operating current at maximum unit input power and 400 V (values given on the unit's nameplate).
† Maximum instantaneous start-up current at operating limits (maximum operating current of the smallest compressor(s) +
current of the fan(s) + locked rotor current of the largest compressor).
Fan motor electrical data reported upstream of the variable drive at Eurovent equivalent conditions and motor ambient air temperature of 50°C at 400 V: Current
3.0 A; Start-up current 20 A; Power input: 1.75 kW.
30RBM/30RBP 160 180 200 220 260 300 330 360 400 430 470 520
● 30RBM/30RBP units have a single power connection point located immediately 6. The units are designed for connection to TN networks (IEC 60364). In IT
upstream of the main disconnect switch networks, the use of filters integrated into the frequency inverter(s) prevents
● The control panel contains: the machines from fulfilling their intended purpose. In addition, the
- Main disconnect switch equipment characteristics in case of insulation failure are modified. Provide
- Start-up equipment and motor protection devices for each compressor, a local earth; consult competent local organisations to complete the
the fans, and the pumps, electrical installation.
- The control devices. 30RBM/30RBP machines are designed for use in domestic/residential
and industrial environments:
● Field connections: Machines that are not equipped with variable speed drives comply with
All connections to the system and the electrical installations must be in the standard regulations.
accordance with all applicable codes. - 61000-6-3: Generic standards - Emission standard for residential, commercial
● Carrier 30RBM/30RBP units are designed and built to ensure compliance with and light-industrial.
these codes. The recommendations of European standard EN 60204-1 - 61000-6-2: General standards - Immunity for industrial environments.
(corresponding to IEC 60204-1) (Safety of machinery- Electrical equipment of Machines that are equipped with variable frequency drive(s) (RBP, options:
machines - part 1: General requirements) are specifically taken into account, 28, 116V, 116W) comply with standard EN61800-3 Adjustable speed electrical
when designing the electrical equipment. power drive systems - part 3: EMC requirements and specific test methods
Notes for the following classifications:
● Generally, the recommendations of IEC 60364 are accepted as compliance - Use in the first and second environments(3).
with the requirements of the installation regulations. - Category C2 applicable in the first environment, on stationary devices
● Compliance with standard EN 60204-1 is the best means of ensuring compliance designed to be installed and commissioned by a professional.
(§1,5.1) with the Machinery Directive. Warning: in a residential environment, this product may cause radio
● Appendix B of standard EN 60204-1 specifies the electrical features used interference which may require additional mitigation measures.
for the operation of the machines. ● Leakage currents: If protection by monitoring the leakage currents is necessary
● The operating conditions of 30RBM/30RBP units are described below: to ensure the safety of the installation, the presence of additional leakage
1. Environment(1) currents introduced by the use of variable frequency drive(s) in the unit must
The classification of environment is specified in standard EN 60364: be considered. In particular, these shall be reinforced-immunity protection
- Outdoor installation(1), devices with a threshold not lower than 150 mA.
- Ambient temperature range: from -20 °C to +48 °C(2),
- Altitude: AC1 lower than or equal to 2000 m (for hydraulic module, see ● Capacitors that are integrated as part of the option 231 can generate electrical
paragraph 4.7 in the IOM) disturbances in the installation the unit is connected to. The presence of
- Presence of solid foreign bodies: Class AE3 (no significant dust these capacitors must be considered during the electrical study prior to the
present)(1), start-up.
- Presence of corrosive and polluting substances, class AF1 (negligible), Note: If particular aspects of an actual installation do not conform to
- Competence of personnel: BA4 (trained personnel). the conditions described above, or if there are other conditions which
2. Compatibility for low-frequency conducted disturbances according to class should be considered, always contact your local Carrier representative.
2 levels as per standard IEC61000-2-4: (1) The required protection level for this class is IP43BW (according to reference
- Power supply frequency variation: +-2Hz document IEC 60529).All 30RBM/30RBP units are IP44CW and fulfil this protection
- Phase imbalance : 2% condition.
- Total Voltage Harmonic Distortion (THDV): 8% (2) The maximum ambient temperature allowed for machines equipped with option
3. The neutral wire (N) must not be connected directly to the unit (if necessary 231 is +40°C.
use a transformer). (3) - Example of first environment installations: commercial and residential
4. Overcurrent protection of the power supply conductors is not provided with buildings.
the unit. - Example of second environment installations: industrial zones, technical
5. The factory-fitted disconnect switch(es)/circuit breaker(s) are of a type rooms powered from a dedicated transformer.
suitable for power interruption in accordance with EN 60947-3 (corresponds
to IEC 60947-3).
With the rapid increase in energy costs and growing awareness The heat load of a building depends on many factors, such as
of the environmental impacts of electricity production, the power the outside air temperature, the exposure to the sun and the
consumption of air conditioning equipment is becoming an building occupancy.
increasingly important topic. The energy efficiency of a liquid Consequently, it is preferable to use the average seasonal
chiller at full load is rarely representative of the actual energy efficiency, calculated at several operation points that
performance of the units, as on average a chiller works less than are representative of use of the unit.
5% of the time at full load.
SEPR for process applications (in accordance
IPLV (in accordance with AHRI 550/590). with the EU ECODESIGN regulations)
The IPLV (integrated part load value) is used to evaluate the The (Seasonal Energy Performance Ratio) (SEPR) measures
average energy efficiency using four operating conditions defined the seasonal energy efficiency of liquid chillers for process
by the AHRI (Air Conditioning, Heating and Refrigeration Institute). applications by calculating the ratio between the annual
The IPLV is the average of the cooling coefficient of performance process cooling demand and the chiller's annual energy
(COPR) under the different operating conditions, weighted by the demand. It takes into account the energy efficiency at each
operating time. outdoor temperature for the average European climate
weighted by the number of hours observed for each of these
IPLV (Integrated Part Load Value) temperatures.
Option 28
Single pumps
190 230
150 170
130 150
110 130
1 2 3 4 5 6 70 7 8 9
50 50
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Water flow rate, l/s Water flow rate, l/s
1. 30RBM-30RBP 160 to 220 4. 30RBM-30RBP 360 7. 30RBM-30RBP 430
2. 30RBM-30RBP 260 5. 30RBM-30RBP 330 8. 30RBM-30RBP 470
3. 30RBM-30RBP 300 6. 30RBM-30RBP 400 9. 30RBM-30RBP 520
Dual pumps
250 290
Available static pressure, kPa
190 210
170 190
150 170
130 150
70 70
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
50 50
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Data applicable for:
--Pure water at 20°C.
--Refer to the chapter ‘‘Evaporator flow rate’’ for the maximum water flow values.
--If glycol is used, the maximum water flow is reduced.
Single pumps
120 180
80 120
100 7
40 60
1 2 3 4 5 40
20 20
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Water flow rate, l/s Water flow rate, l/s
1. 30RBM-30RBP 160 to 220 4. 30RBM-30RBP 360 6. 30RBM-30RBP 520 8. 30RBM-30RBP 430
2. 30RBM-30RBP 260 5. 30RBM-30RBP 330 7. 30RBM-30RBP 400 9. 30RBM-30RBP 470
3. 30RBM-30RBP 300
Dual pumps
Available static pressure, kPa
200 220
180 200
160 180
140 160
60 60 10
40 40
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
20 20
0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Water flow rate, l/s
Water flow rate, l/s
8. 30RBM-30RBP 520
1. 30RBM-30RBP 160 to 180 5. 30RBM-30RBP 330
9. 30RBM-30RBP 430
2. 30RBM-30RBP 200 to 220 6. 30RBM-30RBP 360
10. 30RBM-30RBP 470
3. 30RBM-30RBP 260 7. 30RBM-30RBP 400
4. 30RBM-30RBP 300
Power connection
1 2 All dimensions are in mm.
Water inlet
1 Water outlet
Air outlet, do not obstruct
Electrical cabinet
Note: Drawings are not contractually binding. Before designing
an installation, consult the certified dimensional drawings,
1 available on request.
For the location of fixing points, weight distribution and
coordinates of the centre of gravity, refer to the certified
dimensional drawings.
With hydraulic module
1 2
Sizes 360-400
Power connection
1 2 Key:
All dimensions are in mm.
1 Water outlet
Electrical cabinet
Note: Drawings are not contractually binding. Before designing
an installation, consult the certified dimensional drawings,
available on request.
For the location of fixing points, weight distribution and
coordinates of the centre of gravity, refer to the certified
With hydraulic module dimensional drawings.
1 2
Power connection
Size 520
1 2 All dimensions are in mm.
Water outlet
Electrical cabinet
Note: Drawings are not contractually binding. Before designing
an installation, consult the certified dimensional drawings,
available on request.
For the location of fixing points, weight distribution and
With hydraulic module coordinates of the centre of gravity, refer to the certified
dimensional drawings.
1 2
Order No.: 13538, 05.2019. Supersedes order No.: 13538, 12.2018. Manufactured by: Carrier SCS, Montluel, France.
Manufacturer reserves the right to change any product specifications without notice. Printed in the European Union.