Anatomy MCQ: Ans. D

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Anatomy MCQ

1) A muscle which flexes both hip and knee joints is-

A. gluteus maximus B. biceps femoris

C. rectus femoris D. sartorius

Ans. D

2) Which of the following structures is likely to get damaged when the semiflexed
knee is suddenly rotated medially

A. anterior cruciate ligament B. lateral meniscus

C. medial meniscus D. posterior cruciate ligament

Ans. C

3) Trendelenberg's test is positive in following conditions EXCEPT;

A. dislocation of hip B. fracture neck femur

C. paralysis of gluteus medius D. paralysis of gluteus maximus

Ans. D

4) Gyrus occupying Broca's speech area is

A. superior frontal B. middle frontal

C. inferior frontal D. superior temporal

Ans. C

5)In midbrain following structures are found at the level of occulomotor nerve

A. red nucleus B. pretectal nucleus

D. decussation of superior cerebellar
C. substantia nigra

Ans. D

6) Following are all the features of cerebellar lesions EXCEPT

A. dysdidochokinesis B. nystagmus
C. rigidity of voluntary muscles D. intention tremors
Ans. C

7) The nerve having Edinger Westphall nucleus as its component is

A. occulomotor B. trochlear
C. trigeminal D. abducent

Ans. A

8) Pharyngotypanic tube connects the middle ear cavity with-

A. oropharynx B. nasopharynx
C. nasal cavity D. laryngo pharynx

Ans. B

9) Only abductor of vocal cords is

A. posterior cricoarytenoid B. inter arytenoid

C. lateral crico arytenoid D. cricothyroid

Ans. A

10) Sensory nerve for upper lip is-

A. facial B. infra orbital

C. buccal D. external nasal

Ans. B

11) Structure passing deep to hyoglossus is-

A. hypoglossal nerve B. myelohyoid nerve

C. submandibular duct D. lingual artery

Ans. D

12) Lining epithelium of lung alveolus is

A. simple columnar B. simple cuboidal

C. simple squamous D. pseudo stratified ciliated columnar

Ans. C

13) Commonest type of inversion of testes is

A. superior B. anterior
C. lateral D. loop

Ans. B

14)Following are the contents of inguinal canal in males EXCEPT;

A. ilio-inguinal nerve B. spermatic cord

C. artery to vas deference D. ilio hypogastric nerve

Ans. D

15) Conjoint tendon is formed by-

B. external oblique and transversus

A. External and internal oblique
C. internal oblique and transversus
D. internal oblique alone

Ans. C

16) Commonest position of appendix is-

A. retrocaecal B. sub caecal

C. pelvic D.preileal

Ans. A

17) Nerve piercing and lying on psoas major is-

A. ilio inguinal B. ilio hypogastric

C. femoral D. genitofemoral

Ans. D

18) 2nd part of duodenum is developed from

A. foregut and midgut B. midgut and hindgut

C. only forgut D. only midgut

Ans. A

19) Transverse colon develops from-

A. foregut and midgut B. midgut and hindgut
C. only hindgut D. only midgut

Ans. B

20) Following are the boundaries of epiploeic foramen EXCEPT;

A. free edge of lesser omentum B. quadrate lobe of liver

C. 1st part of duodenum D. inferior vena cava

Ans. B

21) Left testicular vein drains in

A. inferior vena cava B. left renal

C. left internal iliac D. left common iliac

Ans. B

22) All are the contents of supeficial perineal pouch EXCEPT;

A. bulbo urethral gland B. superior transverse pereni

V. dorsal nerve of penis D. dorsal artery of penis

Ans. A

23) Abnormal lateral curvature of vertebral column is known as

A. kyphosis B. lordosis
C. scoliosis D. spondylolisthesis

Ans. C

24)Which of the following nerves is involved in fracture neck humerus?

A. ulnar B. median
C. axillary D. radial

Ans. C

25) Following muscles produce elevation of scapula EXCEPT;

A. rhomboidius major B. rhomboidius minor

C. trapezius D. serratus anterior
Ans. D

26)Following veins are tributaries of portal vein EXCEPT ;

A. right gastric B. left gastric

C. splenic D. inf. phrenic

Ans. D

27) Following are the single gene disorders EXCEPT;

A. Duchene muscle dystrophy B. spina bifida

C. haemophilia D. sickle cell anemia

Ans. B

28) Nerve supply of pyramidalis muscle is-

A. ilio inguinal B. subcostal

C. genitofemoral D. ilio hypogastric

Ans. B

29) Branchial efferent column in pons innervates muscles of-

A. larynx B. mastication
C. pharynx D. eye

Ans. B

30. Cerebellum sends efferent fibres to each of the following EXCEPT;

A. red nucleus B. thalamus

C. substantia nigra D. reticular formation

Ans. C

31) The major neurotransmitter secreted in substantia nigra is

A. dopamine B. serotonin
C. noradrenalin D. gamma amino butyric acid

Ans. A

32)Following muscles are inserted into greater trochanter of femur EXCEPT;

A. gluteus maximus B.gluteus medius
C. gluteus minimus D.pyriformis

Ans. A

33) Following bones take part in lateral longitudinal arch EXCEPT;

A. calcaneous B. cuboid
C. talus D.5th metacarpal

Ans. C

34) First tributary of internal jugular vein is

A. superior thyroid vein B. inferior petrosal sinus

C. lingual vein D. facial vein

Ans. B

35) Nerve supplying the skin over the mandible is-

A. great auricular B. greater occipital

C. mandibular D. facial

Ans. A

36) Calcitonin is secreted by

A. follicular cells of thyroid B. chief cells of thyroid

C. oxyphil cells of parathyroid D.parafollicular cells of parathyroid

Ans. B

37) Following are the contents of middle ear cavity EXCEPT;

A. incus B. stapedius
C. chorda tympani D. facial nerve

Ans. D

38) Which nerve injury results in ptosis

A. occulumotor B. trochlear
C.supraorbital D. facial
Ans. A

39) Following structures represent derivatives of dorsal mesogastrium EXCEPT;

A. greater omentum B.lesser omentum

C. gastrosplenic ligament D. linorenal ligament

Ans. a

40) Following structures form stomach bed EXCEPT;

A. splenic vein B. splenic artery

C. left kidney D. left suprarenal

Ans. A

41)Structure crossed by root of mesentry is-

A. left ureter B. left gonadal vessels

C. inferior mesenteric artery D. 3rd part of duodenum

Ans. D

42)Nerve carrying secretomotor fibres for parotid gland is-

A. auriculo temporal B. great auricular

C. zygomatico temporal D. posterior auricular

Ans. A

43) The corneal reflex is absent in the lesion of

A. supra orbital B. opthalmic nerve

C. infra orbital D. occulomotor

Ans. B

44) Average diameter of ureter is

A. 3mm B. 5mm
C. 7mm D. 9mm

Ans. A

45) Lymph nodes receiving lymphatics from testis are-

A. deep inguinal B. internal iliac
C external iliac D. para-aortic

Ans. D

46) All are the contents of spermatic cord EXCEPT;

A. ductus deference B. testicular artery

C. ilioinguinal nerve D. pampiniform plexus

Ans. C

47) Following muscles are the abductors of eye EXCEPT;

A. superior oblique B. superior rectus

C. inferior oblique D. lateral rectus

Ans. B

48) Disc between which vertebra corresponds to the highest point on the iliac

A. L1-L2 B. L2-L3
C. L3-L4 D. L4-L5

Ans. C

49) Following muscles produce medial rotation of humerus EXCEPT;

A. pectoralis major B. pectoralis minor

C. subscapularis D. lattisimus dorsi

Ans. B

50) Damage to which nerve results in an inability to oppose thumb to the little

A. median B. ulnar
C. radial D. anterior interosseous

Ans. A

51) Following structures are related to mediastinal surface of left lung

A. left atrium B.ascending aorta
C. arch of aorta D. oesophagus

Ans. A

52) Following are the features of broncho pulmonary segment EXCEPT;

A. wedge shape mass of lung B. contains segmental artery

C. contains segmental vein D. aerated by tertiary bronchus

Ans. C

53) Tract present in superior. cerebellar peduncle is-

A. posterior spino cerebellar B. anterior spinocerebellar

C. cortico ponto cerebellar D. olivo- cerebellar

Ans. B

54) The nucleus located deep to facial colliculus is-

A. trigeminal B. abducens
C. facial D. vestibulo cochlear

Ans. B

55) Gland receiving secretomotor fibres from pterygo palatine ganglion is -

A. lacrimal B. submandibular
C. sublingual D. parotid

Ans. A

56) Following are the contents of carpal tunnel EXCEPT;

A. median nerve B. ulnar nerve

C. flexor pollicis longus D. flexor carpi radialis

Ans. B

57)Nerve responsible for fine movements of hand is

A. radial B. ulnar
C. median D. post. interosseous
Ans. B

58) Posterior cord of brachial plexus gives following branches EXCEPT;

A. thoracodorsal B. axillary
C. suprascapular D. subscapular

Ans. C

59) Pulsations of the femoral artery can be felt at-

A. mid inguinal point B. mid point of inguinal ligament

C. 3.8cm infero lateral to pubic tubercle D. 1.5cm above mid inguinal point

Ans. A

60) Following muscles are supplied by femoral nerve EXCEPT

A. psoas major B. iliacus

C. pectineus D. sartorius

Ans. A

61) Following are the sites of internal haemorrhoids EXCEPT;

A. 3 o'clock B. 5 o'clock
C. 7 o'clock D. 11 o'clock

Ans. B

62) Ansa cervicalis innervates which muscle

A. mylohyoid B. cricothyroid
C. stylohyoid D. sternohyoid

Ans. D

63) Muscle derived from 2nd arch of mesoderm is-

A. medial pterygoid B. lateral pterygoid

C. buccinator D. masseter

Ans. C

64) Foramen secundum is a gap in

A. septum primun B. septum secundum
C. septum spurium D. septum intermedium

Ans. A

65) Following are tributaries of cavernous sinus EXCEPT

A. sup. opthalmic vein B. central vein of retina

C. great cerebral vein D. inferior opthalmic vein

Ans. C

66) Nerve carrying sense of taste from circumvallate papillae is

A chorda tympani B. lingual

C. glossopharyngeal D. vagus

Ans. C

67) Sensory nerve for larynx above the level of vocal cord is

A. external laryngeal B. ansa cervicalis

C. recurrent laryngeal D. internal laryngeal

Ans. D

68) Cornea lacks all EXCEPT

A. blood supply B. nerve supply

C. lymphatics D. colour

Ans. B

69) Internal mammrry artery supplies all EXCEPT

A. upper 6 intercostal spaces B. mammary gland

C. fibrous pericardium D. visceral pleura

Ans. D

70) Chromosome constitution of secondary oocyte is-

A. 23, Y B. 23,X
C. 46,XY D. 46,XX
Ans. B

71) Following individuals show presence of Barr body EXCEPT

A. normal female B.super female

C. Turner's syndrome D. Klinefelter's syndrome

Ans. c

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