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Prof. Salah Al-marashi

(1) Axis of pelvic inlet is:
a . Vertical
b. Downwards and backwards
c. Transverse
d. Downwards and forwards
Answer: B
(2) All the following structures cross the brim of pelvis in male except:
a. Internal iliac vessels
b. Ovarian vessels
c. Iliolumbar artery
d. Sympathetic trunks
Answer: B
(3) Which the following is a content of pudendal canal ?
a) internal pudendal artery
b) pudendal nerve
c) internal pudendal vein
d) all of above
Answer: D
(4) Following are the structures within the prostate except:
a. Prostatic utricle
b. Two ejaculatory ducts
c. Urethra
d. Ureter
Answer: D
(5) Various types of glands within prostate are the following except:
a. Mucosal
b. Submucosal
c. Large branching glands
d. Small branching glands
Answer: D
(6) Inferior rectal artery is a branch of:
a. Internal iliac
b. Inferior mesenteric
c. Internal pudendal
d. Superior mesenteric
Answer: C
(7) Superior rectal is a branch /continuation of: .
a. Superior mesenteric
b. Inferior mesenteric
c. Intemal iliac
d. Extemal iliac
Answer: B
(8) which artery supplies the posterior part of anorectal junction and posterior part of
anal canal?
a. Inferior rectal
b. Superior rectal
c. Median sacral
d. Middle rectal
Answer: C
(9) Following structures form the anorectal ring except
a. Deep external sphincter
b. Internal sphincter
c. Puborectalis
d. Conjoint longitudinal coat
Answer: D

(10) Following are the branches of anterior division of the internal iliac artery except:
a. Superior vesical
b. Inferior vesical
c. External pudendal
d. Internal pudendal '
Answer: C
(11) Following are the branches of posterior division of internal iliac artery except:
a. Iliolumbar
b. Two lateral sacral
c. Superior gluteal
d. Inferior gluteal
Answer: D
(12) Branches of anterior division of internal iliac artery in female are as follows except:
a. Inferior vesical
b. Uterine
c. Vaginal
d. Obturator
Answer: A
(13) Parts of levator ani are as follows except'.
a. Pubococcygeus
b. Iliococcygeus
c. Puborectalis
d. External anal sphincter
Answer: D
(14) All of these structures pass through ala of sacrum except
a) sympathetic chain
b) iliolumbar artery
c) psoas major
d) obturator artery
Answer: D
(15) All the following are the characteristic features of the female bony pelvis except:
a. Pelvic inlet is oval or round
b. Subpubic angle is 50-60 degrees
c. Obturator foramen is small and
d. Sciatic notches are wider
Answer: B
(16) How long is the ureter ?
a) 25 cm
b) 45 cm
c) 50 cm
d) 10 cm
Answer: A
(17) How many lobes of the prostate gland?
a) two
b) three
c) one
d) five
Answer: D
(18) How many pouches in the uro-genital triangle ?
a) three
b) two
c) one
d) none of the above
Answer: D
(19) the ureter begins at ?
a) T11
b) T12
c) L1
d) L2
Answer: C
(20) The parts of ureter are?
a) thoracic part
b) abdominal part
c) pelvic part
d) both 2 and 3
Answer: D
(21) How long is the uterine tube?
a) nine cm
b) two cm
c) ten cm
d) three cm
Answer: C
(22) How long is the urethra in male ?
a) 20 cm
b) 40 cm
c) 60 cm
d) 10 cm
Answer: A
(23) The pelvic floor is formed by all of the following muscles EXCEPT
a) pubococcygeus
b) coccygeus
c) piriformis
d) puborectalis
Answer: C

(24) ovarian artery is branch of:

a) common iliac artery
b) descending thoracic aorta
c) abdominal aorta
d) coeliac trunk
Answer: C
(25) the finger like process of infundibulum of uterine tubes are called:
a) fimbria
b) vestibule
c) vulva
d) clitoris
Answer: A
(26) the suspensory ligament is also called :
a) mesovarium ligament
b) infundibulopelvic ligament
c) ovarian ligament
d) broad ligament
Answer: B
(27) the salpingitis is the clinical anatomy of:
a) ureter
b) kidney
c) fallopian tube
d) cervix
Answer: C
(28) arterial supply of uterus by:
a) uterine artery
b) ovarian artery
c) artery of ureter
d) A&B
Answer: D
(29) it prevents the sagging down of uterus through the vagina :
a) anteverted uterine axis
b) rectouterine pouch
c) uterovesical pouch
d) round ligament
Answer: A
(30) the uterus is enormously enlarged in :
a) foetal life
b) puberty
c) pregnancy
d) menstruation
Answer: C
(31) What is the smooth muscle in the urinary bladder called ?
a) detroser
b) pactinate
c) non of above
d) all of above
Answer: A
(32) boundaries of the perineum are all except:
a. Inferior pubic ligament
b. Tip of the coccyx
c. Sacrotuberous ligament
d. Sacrospinous ligament
Answer: D
(33) Following are the paired muscles attached to the perineal body except
a. Bulbospongiosus
b. Deep transverses perenei
c. Levator ani
d. Part of sphincter ani externus
Answer: D
(34) Following are the contents of ischiorectal fossa except:
a. Inferior rectal nerve and vessels
b. Pudendal nerve and internal pudendal vessels.
c. Middle rectal vessels
d. Ischiorectal pad of fat
Answer: c
(35) Following structures pierce the perineal membrane in male except:

a. Vagina
b. Urethra
c. Deep artery of penis
d. Dorsal artery of penis
Answer: A
(36) Which part of urethra is the least dilatable?
a. External opening
b. Prostatic part
c. Membranous part
d. Penile part
Answer: c
(37) Which of the following is the shortest part of urethra ?
a. Prostatic part
b. Membranous part
c. Perineal part
d. Penile part
Answer: B
(38) Capacity of urinary bladder is adult is about:
a. 300 ml
b. 200 ml
c. 500 ml
d. 1500 ml
Answer: A
(39) Which of the following sphincters is missing in females:
a. Rhabdosphincter
b. Preprostatic sphincter
c. Urethral smooth muscle
d. Pubourethral part of levator ani
Answer: B
(40) Normal position of uterus is:
a. Anteverted and anteflexed
b. Retroverted and retroflexed
c. Anteverted and retroflexed
d. Retroverted and anteflexed
Answer: A
(41) Cervix is supplied by which of the following nerves?
a. Pudendal
b. Pelvic splanchnic nerve
c. Sacral
d. Lumbar 5, Sacral l
Answer: B
(42) Which of the following is not a content of broad ligament?
a. Cervix of the thorax
b. Uterine tube
c. Ligament of the ovary
d. Round ligament
Answer: A
(43) Uterine artery is a branch of which artery?
a. External iliac
b. Internal iliac
c. Abdominal aorta
d. Common iliac
Answer: B
(44) Following are the muscular supports of uterus except:
a. Pelvic diaphragm
b. Perineal body
c. Proximal urethral sphincter mechanism
d. Distal urethral sphincter mechanism
Answer: c
(45) Zones of prostate are following except:
a. Peripheral zone
b. Central zone
c. Periurethral transition zone
d. Paraurethral zone
Answer: D
(46) All of the following are branches from sacral plexus arising from the root except:
a. Nerve to piriformis muscle
b. Pelvic splanchnic nerve
c. Pudendal nerve
d. Posterior cutaneous nerve of thigh
Answer: D
(47) Inferior hypogastric plexus is formed by all of these except:
a. 2 hypogastric nerve from superior hypogastric plexus
b. 2 lower sacral sympathetic ganglia
c. Parasympathetic pelvic splanchnic
d. 2 upper sacral sympathetic ganglia
Answer: C
(48) The deep perineal space is deep to the perineal membrane. It contains:
a. Membranous urethra
b. Vagina
c. Deep transverse perineal muscles
d. All of the above
Answer: D
(49) The ovaries are anchored to the lateral pelvic wall by the:
a. Ovarian ligament
b. Broad ligament
c. Suspensory ligament
d. Round ligament
Answer: C
(50) .The bulb of the penis is located in the:
a. Deep perineal pouch
b. Superficial perineal pouch
c. Ischiorectal fossa
d. None of the above
Answer: B
(1) Anteroposterior diameter of thorax increases by:
a. Pump handle movement of ribs

b. Bucket handle movement of ribs

c. Contraction of diaphragm

d. Relaxation of diaphragm

Answer: A
(2) Which one of the following is a primary cartilaginous joint?
a. Costovertebral

b. Costotransverse

c. First costochondral

d. Manubriosternal

Answer: C
(3) All of these ligaments that connect vertebrae together except ?
a) Anterior longitudinal ligament
b) posterior longitudinal ligament
c) flava ligament
d) costo transvers ligament
Answer: D
(4) What is the bone which is last bone ossify?
a) Xiphoid process
b) clavicle
c) humerus
d) ribs
Answer: A
(5) Which of the following ribs articulates with one vertebra only?
a. First

b. Second

c. Third

d. Fourth

Answer: A
(6) The tubercle of a typical rib articulates with the facet on the transverse process of:
a. Vertebra above
b. Vertebra below

c. Its own vertebra

d. All of the above

Answer: C
(7) Which of the following ribs articulates with transverse process of a thoracic vertebra?

a. Eleventh

b. Twelfth

c. First

d. None of the above

Answer: C
(8) . The most characteristic feature of the thoracic vertebrae is:
a. The body is heart shaped

b. The spine is oblique

c. The body has costal facets

d. Vertebral foramen is small and circular

Answer: C
(9) The lower larger facet on the head of a typical rib articulates with the demifacet on:
a. Inferior part of corresponding vertebrae

b. Superior part of corresponding vertebrae

c. Inferior part of vertebra above the corresponding vertebrae

d. Superior part of vertebra below the corresponding vertebrae

Answer: B
(10) The order of structures in the upper part of intercostal space from above downwards
a. Vein, artery and nerve

b. Artery, vein and nerve

c. Vein, nerve and artery

d. Vein nerve, artery and vein

Answer: A
(11) Parts of transversus thoracis muscle are all except:
a. Subcostalis

b. Intercostalis intimi

c. Sternocostalis

d. Serratus posterior superior

Answer: D
(12) Which of the following arteries are enlarged in coarctation of aorta?
a. Subclavian

b. Internal mammary

c. Posterior intercostals

d. Anterior intercostals

Answer: C
(13) Which one is not a branch of internal thoracic artery?
a. Superior epigastric

b. Musculophrenic

c. Anterior intercostal

d. Posterior intercostal

Answer: D
(14) Thoracolumbar outflow starts from lateral horn of which segments of spinal cord?
a. T1-L1 segments

b. T1-T12 segments

c. T11-L2 segments

d. T1-L5 segments

Answer: C
(15) Which of the following nerves innervate the costal pleura?
a. Vagus

b. Intercostal

c. Splanchnic

d. Phrenic
Answer: B
(16) Which of the following nerves innervate the mediastinal pleura?
a. Vagus

b. Phrenic

c. Intercostal

d. Splanchnic

Answer: B
(17) All the following arteries supply parietal pleura except'.
a. Musculophrenic

b. Internal thoracic

c. Intercostal

d. Bronchial

Answer: D
(18) One of the following arteries supply the visceral pleura:
a. Bronchial

b. Musculophrenic

c. Internal thoracic

d. Superior epigastric

Answer: A
(19) Which one of the following structures is not related to medial surface of right lung?
a. Superior vena cava

b. Thoracic duct

c. Trachea

d. Oesophagus

Answer: B
(20) Which one of the following is not a common relation to the roots of both lungs?
a. Anterior pulmonary plexus

b. Pericardiacophrenic vessels

c. Superior vena cava

d. Phrenic nerve
Answer: C
(21) Part of lung air-filled by a respiratory bronchiole is:
a. A lobule

b. A segment

c. Alveolus

d. Pulmonary unit

Answer: D
(22) Respiratory bronchiole ends in all microscopic passages except:
a. Alveolar ducts

b. Atria

c. Pulmonary alveoli

d. Terminal bronchiole

(23) 6. The effect of parasympathetic on lungs are all except:
a. Motor to bronchial muscle

b. Secretomotor to mucous glands of bronchial tree ':'1'

c. Responsible for cough reflex

d. Causes bronchodilation

Answer: D
(24) Boundaries of mediastinum are all except .
a. Sternum

b. Cervical vertebrae

c. Thoracic inlet

d. Diaphragm

Answer: B
(25) Contents of middle mediastinum are all except:
a. Heart with pericardium

b. Pulmonary arteries

c. Lower half of superior vena cava

d. Bifurcation of trachea
Answer: D
(26) Which one is not a content of superior mediastinum?
a. Arch of aorta

b. Lower half of superior vena cava

c. Trachea

d. Oesophagus

Answer: B
(27) Which one is not a content of posterior mediastinum?
a. Oesophagus

b. Descending thoracic aorta

c. Arch of vena azygos

d. Thoracic duct

Answer: C
(28) The structures covering the heart are:
a. Fibrous pericardium

b. Parietal layer of serous pericardium

c. Pericardial cavity

d. All of the above

Answer: D
(29) Boundaries of oblique sinus are all except:
a. Superior and inferior cavae on right side

b. Anteriorly by left atrium

c. Posteriorly by right atrium

d. Left side by left pulmonary veins

Answer: C
(30) Apex of the heart is felt at:
a. 8 cm lateraly to midclavicular line in left 5th intercostal space

b. 9 cm lateraly to midclavicular line in left 5th intercostal space

c. 9 cm lateraly to midclavicular line in left 6th intercostal space

d. 9 cm lateraly to midclavicular line in right 5th intercostal space.

Answer: B
(31) Entry channels of heart are all except:
a. Superior vena cava

b. Inferior vena cava

c. pulmonary veins

d. Pulmonary trunk

Answer: D
(32) Trabecular cornae of right ventricle is in all following forms except:
a. Ridges

b. Bridges

c. Papillary muscles

d. Chordae tendinae

Answer: D
(33) Right coronary artery arises from which sinus?
a. Anterior aortic sinus

b. Right posterior aortic sinus

c. Left posterior aortic sinus

d. From anterior and posterior aortic sinuses

Answer: A
(34) the interventricular septum is supplied by:
a. Only right coronary artery

b. Only left coronary artery

c. Anterior half by right coronary artery and posterior half by left coronary artery

d. Anterior 2/3rd by left coronary artery and posterior 1/3rd by right coronary artery

Answer: D
(35) 9. Coronary arteries anastomose with which of the following arteries:
a. Vasa vasorum of the aorta

b. Vasa vasorum of pulmonary arteries

c. Bronchial arteries

d. All of the above

Answer: D
(36) Branches of arch of aorta are all except:
a. Brachiocephalic artery

b. Left common carotid

c. Left subclavian

d. Vertebral

Answer: D
(37) Posterior intercostal arteries of descending thoracic aorta are:
a. Nine pairs

b. Eleven pairs

c. Ten pairs

d. Twelve pairs

Answer: A
(38) Oesophageal varices are seen at:
a. Upper end of oesophagus

b. Middle region of oesophagus

c. Lower end of oesophagus

d. Whole of oesophagus

Answer: C

(39) The _____________ mediastinum is then further divided by pericardium into 3

a) Superior mediastinum
b) Middle mediastinum
c) Inferior mediastinum
d) Posterior mediastinum
Answer: C
(40) Which of the following nerves supply the diaphragm:
a) vagus nerve
b) phrenic nerve
c) none of above
d) all of above
Answer: B
(41) the levels of superior and inferior hemiazygos respectively:
a) T8 –T9
b) T5_T4
c) T10_T11
d) None of above
Answer: A
(42) the AV valves are close during?
a) during ventricular diastole
b) during ventricular systole
c) during atrial diastole
d) none of above
Answer: B
(43) What are the structures that pass Infront of the neck of the first rib?
a) sympathetic chain
b) anterior rami of the first thoracic nerve
c) superior inter thoracic artery
d) all of above
Answer: D
(44) How many openings in the right atrium ?
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5
Answer: C
(45) all of these arteries are branches of internal thoracic artery except:
a) superior epigastric artery
b) musclophrenic artery
c) inferior epigastric artery
d) anterior intercostal artery
Answer: C
(46) all of these structures make the constriction of esophagus except:
a) aorta
b) bronchi
c) cricoid cartilage
d) stomach
Answer: D
(47) At any level the thoracic duct crosses from right to left?
a) T5
b) T10
c) T12
d) T9
Answer: A
(48) complete ossification of the xiphoid process?
a) 40 years
b) 20 years
c) 1 year
d) 3 years
Answer: A
(49) To where all venous blood of thoracic wall drain finally?
a) I.V.C
b) SVC
c) azygous
d) hemiazygos
Answer: B
(50) How many septa in the heart ?
a) three
b) four
c) one
d) two
Answer: A
(51) What is the upper thickened part of endothoracic fascia?
a) cervical plura
b) supra plural membrane
c) parital plura
d) vesiral plura
Answer: B
(52) Where the coronary sinus ends?
a) right atrium
b) left atrium
c) left ventricle
d) right ventricle
Answer: A
(53) There are ……….. intercostal spaces anteriorly?
a) 13
b) 12
c) 11
d) 9
Answer: C
(54) The left pulmonary artery in adult is connected to the arch of aorta via?
a) trunks arteriosus
b) ductus arteriosus
c) ligamentium arteriosum
d) none of above
Answer: c
(55) there are ………. Cavity / cavities in the thorax ?
a) 5
b) 2
c) 1
d) 3
Answer: D
(56) the inner layer of pericardium is called:
a) endocardium
b) epicardium
c) all of above
d) serous pericardium
Answer: B
(57) In the children the apex of the heart located at?
a) left fifth intercostal space
b) right fifth intercostal space
c) left fourth intercostal space
d) right fourth intercostal space
Answer: C

(58) the esophagus begins at ?

a) C6
b) C2
c) C3
d) C1
Answer: A
(59) Which of the following does not have an associated valve:
a) superior vena cava
b) inferior vena cava
c) coronary sinus
d) pulmonary artery
Answer: A
(60) Transverse diameter of thoracic cage increases by:
a. Pump handle movements of ribs

b. Bucket handle movement of ribs

c. Caliper movement of ribs

d. Contraction of diaphragm

Answer: B
(1) urinary system develops from?
a) intermediate mesoderm
b) lateral plate mesoderm
c) paraxial mesoderm
d) all of above
Answer: A
(2) When the heart begins to develop?
a) third week
b) second week
c) first week
d) fifth week
Answer: A
(3) When the heart begins to beat ?
a) second week
b) six week
c) seven week
d) fourth week
Answer: D
(4) What is the function of foramen ovali in embryo ?
a) transform the blood from right atrium to left atrium
b) transform the blood to the lung
c) transform the blood to the body
d) none of them
Answer: A
(5) what are the derivatives of intraembryonic coelom ?
a) pericardium
b) pleura
c) peritoneum
d) all of above
Answer: D
(6) the primitive germ cells migrate from?
a) yolk sac
b) amnion
c) none of above
d) all of above
Answer: A

(7) the uterine tube develops from ?

a) upper part of paramesonephric duct
b) lower part of paramesonephric duct
c) mesonephric duct
d) none of above
Answer: A
(8) when the stomach rotates to the right the right surface becomes:
a) medial surface
b) lateral surface
c) anterior surface
d) posterior surface
Answer: D
(9) When the development of respiratory system ends?
a) first year
b) fourth year
c) seventh year
d) none of the above
Answer: C
(10) What is the epithelium lining of the alveoli ?
a) simple squamous
b) simple cuboidal
c) simple columnar
d) none of above
Answer: A
(11) what is the duct in the liver that carries the blood to the IVC in the embryo?
a) ductus venosus
b) ductus arteriosus
c) none of above
d) trunks arteriosus
Answer: A
(12) when does ventral and dorsal pancreas fuse together?
a) seventh week
b) third month
c) none of above
d) first week
Answer: A
(13) the diaphragm develops from?
a) intra embryonic coelom
b) septum transversum
c) none of above
d) extra embryonic coelom
Answer: B
(14) the pronephric duct opens into:
a) extra embryonic coelom
b) intra embryonic coelom
c) all of above
d) none of above
Answer: B
(15) what is the another name of paramesonephric duct ?
a) Mullerian duct
b) wolffian duct
c) mesonephric duct
d) none of above
Answer: A
(16) the trigone of the urinary bladder is derived from?
a) Paramesonephric duct
b) mesonephric duct
c) Mullerian duct
d) none of above
Answer: B
(17) what are the changes in the blood supply of kidney when it migrates from the
pelvis to the abdomen?
a) median sacral a external iliac a common iliac a renal a
b) common iliac a internal iliac a median sacral a renal a
c) renal a common iliac a internal iliac a median sacral a
d) median sacral a internal iliac a common iliac a renal a
Answer: D
(18) the respiratory system develops from ?
a) Foregut
b) Midgut
c) hindgut
d) none of above
Answer: A
(19) the whole urethra in female arises from?
a) pelvic portion
b) vesicouretheral portion
c) phallic portion
d) all of above
Answer: B
(20) what is the corresponding structure of penis in female?
a) labia minora
b) labia majora
c) clitoris
d) none of above
Answer: c
(21) the septum in the truncus arteriosus is?
a) septum primum
b) septum secundum
c) spiral aorticopulmonary septum
d) none of above
Answer: C
(22) Why the right recurrent laryngeal nerve doesn’t appear in the thorax as the left
recurrent laryngeal nerve? because of ……
a) degeneration of dorsal part of left 6th aortic arch
b) denegation of dorsal part of right 6th aortic arch
c) degeneration of dorsal part of right 5th aortic arch
d) degeneration of dorsal part of right 4th aortic arch
Answer: B
(23) the left subclavian artery is developed from?
a) 7 intersegmental artery
b) 5 intersegmental artery
c) fourth branch of aortic arches
d) none of above
Answer: A
(24) the left horn of sinus venosum converts into?
a) coronary sulcus
b) coronary sinus
c) coronary artery
d) all of above
Answer: B
(25) the left common cardinal vein forms ………….. in adult?
a) great cardiac vein of heart
b) oblique vein of the heart
c) small cardiac vein of the heart
d) coronary sinus
Answer: B
(26) What do the Labioscrotal Folds form?
a) Clitoris
b) Labia Majora
c) Labia Minora
d) None of the above
Answer: B
(27) the smooth part of left atrium develops from?
a) sinus venosum
b) absorption of pulmonary vein
c) primitive atrium
d) primitive ventricle
Answer: B
(28) fossa ovalis is formed by?
a) septum primum
b) septum secundum
c) primitive atrium
d) primitive ventricle
Answer: A
(29) The inflowing part of the right ventricle is formed by:
a) Mid portion of the bulbus cordis of the heart tube
b) Distal portion of the bulbus cordis of the heart tube
c) Proximal part of bulbus cordis of the heart tube
d) None of the above
Answer: C
(30) inferior mesenteric artery is artery of?
a) foregut
b) hindgut
c) midgut
d) none of above
Answer: B
(31) Removing the fluids from the lungs of baby after delivery include?
a) contraction of the uterus during the delivery
b) absorption of the fluid
c) when the nurse hit it on its back
d) all of above
Answer: D
(32) The ureteric bud develops as an outgrowth from the:
A. perinephric duct
B . mesonephric duct
C. paramesonephric duct
D. primitive cloaca
Answer: B
(33) The excretory units of the urinary system are derived from:
A. lateral plate mesoderm
B. endoderm
C. splanchnic mesoderm
D. intermediate mesoderm
Answer: D
(34) Which of the following is/are derived from the embryonic dorsal mesentery:
A. falciform ligament
B. lesser omentum
C. both A and B
D. neither A nor B
Answer: D
(35) Which of the following structures is NOT derived from the midgut:
A. ileum
B . variform appendix
C. descending colon
D. caecum
Answer: C
(36) All of the following participates in the formation of the urinary bladder except:
A. allantois
B. ureteric bud
C. mesonephric duct
D. metanephric tubules
E. definitive urogenital sinus
Answer: D
(37) Meckel's diverticulum represents a persistent of:
A. caecum
B. allantois
C. vitelline duct
D. hindgut
Answer: C
(38) The developing liver divides the ventral mesogastrium into the:
A. lesser omentum and greater omentum
B. lesser omentum and falciform ligament
C. greater omentum and falciform ligament
D. None of the above
Answer: B
(39) Which of the following is/are derived from the embryonic dorsal mesentery:
A. gastrophrenic ligament
B . greater omentum
C. both A and B
D. neither A nor B
Answer: C
(40) How cancer move from the stomach to kidneys?
a) via gastrosplenic ligament
b) via gastrophrenic ligament
c) via lienorenal ligament
d) 1 and 3
Answer: D
(41) Primordial germ cells are ………... in origin:
A. endodermal
B . mesodermal
C . ectodermal
D. endodermal and mesodermal
Answer: A
(42) Which statement concerning the sinus venosus is incorrect:
A. the left horn form the coronary sinus
B. the right horn of the sinus venosus becomes in corporated in to the right atrium to
form the sinus venarum
C. the sinus venosus lies posterior to the atrium
D. the left horn of the sinus venosus becomes in corporated in to the left atrium
Answer: D
(43) The splanchnic mesenchyme of the myoepicardial mantle forms the:
A. myocardium
B. visceral pericardium
C. parietal pericardium
D. both C and B
Answer: D

(44) Structures derived from the 4th embryonic aortic arch include:
A. ligamentum arteriosum
B. ligamentum venosum
C. ligamentum teres hepatis
D. none of the above
Answer: D
(45) Which of the following is not derived from the sixth aortic arches:
A. ductus arteriosus
B. proximal left pulmonary artery
C. proximal right pulmonary artery
D. left subclavian artery
Answer: D
(46) The remnants of the left valve of the sinus venosus form the:
A. valve of the coronary sinus
B. valves of the vena cava
C. both A & B
D. none of the above
Answer: D
(47) The endocardial cushions are involved in the formation of all of the following
A. right and left atrioventricular canals
B. Myocardium
C. atrioventricular valves
D. membranous part of the interventricular septum
Answer: B
(48) The adult interatrial septum receives contributions from all of the following
A. septum primum
B. septum secundum
C. septum superum
D. left valve of sinus venosus
Answer: C
(49) The first pair of aortic arches form what in the adult:
A. internal carotid arteries
B. stapedial arteries
C. both A and B
D. none of the above
Answer: B
(50) The fourth pair of aortic arches form what in the adult:
A. The RT arch forms the proximal part R.t Subclavian artery
B. The LT arch gives rise to distal Part of aortic arch
C. both A and B
D. neither A nor B
Answer: C

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