Selecting Elastomeric Linings For Storage Tanks
Selecting Elastomeric Linings For Storage Tanks
Selecting Elastomeric Linings For Storage Tanks
Elastomeric Linings
For Storage Tanks
Selection of the correct lining for a specific application requires that all available
details concerning the tank and other equipment to be lined, and the process to be
FOR TANK LINING SELECTION contained, be itemized. Some of the essential data follow:
•Chemicals: the type of chemicals contained in the tank and their concentration; the
amount of impurities and contaminants, if any, potential chemical reactions
•Abrasion: abrasive particle type, weight, and size; velocity of particle movement;
proportion of solids; nature of abrasive action (sliding or impinging)
•Temperature: maximum, minimum, and operating temperatures; severity and spread
of temperature change; temperature cycle time
•Pressure: maximum, minimum, and operating pressure or vacuum; pressure cycle time
• Equipment: complete description of tank to be lined including physical design,
dimensions, and information on whether it is stationary or portable
• Operating conditions: any other pertinent external and internal operating conditions
•Product condition: levels of discoloration, contamination, odor, or taste allowed for
lading; Food and Drug Administration requirements, if any
•Experience: Past experience under similar conditions such as lining compound used
and length of previous service life.
Armed with this information, plant engineers should be prepared to evaluate the
various types of linings that satisfy application requirements. Each of the parameters
listed should be analyzed separately so that the final lining selection takes into account
all of the specific needs of the application.
Plant engineers should not make the mistake of selecting a lining material because it
has performed well in applications similar to tank lining. For example, butyl rubber
that is used to provide abrasion resistance for coal-handling conveyor belts may not
provide the same abrasion resistance in a coal slurry tank.
And a lining material should not be selected on the basis of just one outstanding
physical property. For example, ethylene propylene rubber may be known to with-
stand 300 F temperatures, but it does not necessarily follow that a tank lining of this
material can withstand such a high temperature over a prolonged period. The specific
tank lining material must be compounded to be compatible with application and curing
procedures that could alter the properties of the cured material.
the lining is soft, pliable, and easily for instance, resist moderate resistance. Hard rubber linings can
applied to the areas requiring pro- amounts of oil. Hard rubber linings be made to withstand fairly rapid
tection. During vulcanization the are resistant to small amounts of temperature changes, but a thor-
rubber is cured to its final state, oil. Although nitrile synthetic rub- ough study of the conditions, proper
either soft or hard depending on the ber (Buna N) provides good resis- material selection, and special lin-
compound, to achieve its full physi- tance to aliphatic hydrocarbons ing constructions must be employed
cal and chemical resistance proper- such as kerosene, it is expensive and if hard rubber is to perform success-
ties. difficult to work with as a lining fully.
The physical makeup of lining material. Ethylene-propylene- • Pressure or Vacuum condi
materials is also a factor in achiev- diene-terpolymer (EPDM) and bu- tions - Normal pressure ranges are
ing barrier protection. Each lining tyl rubber have good resistance to seldom a problem. When full vacu
is made from numerous plies so that polar and oxygenated solvents such um or pulsating pressure conditions
an imperfection or void in one ply as methyl and ethyl ketone and ace- exist, hard rubber liners are used
does not affect the continuity of the tone. because they reduce diaphragm ac
final sheet. In the manufacture of a All selections of tank linings tion. This may occur, for example,
3/16 in. thick sheet, for example, should be supported by laboratory if a pinhole in the steel container
uncured rubber lining material is testing results or evidence of suc- allows atmospheric pressure to act
calendered in thin 1/64in. thick plies. cessful experience under identical on the underside of the lining,
Twelve of these plies are layered to conditions, information that is gen- • Weather Conditions Large
form the3/16in. thick sheet. Thermo- erally available from manufactur- outdoor storage tanks are subject to
setting adhesives, which cure in the ers. Plant engineers should ask the expansion and contraction caused
same cycle as the linings, are used manufacturer for additional infor- by extreme weather fluctuations.
to attach these linings to tank walls. mation when the proper choice is Soft natural and synthetic rubber
After curing, they resist physical not obvious. For example, a lining linings should be considered for
change, such as softening, in the that is recommended for several such applications. Expansion and
same fashion as the linings. These individual chemicals may not be contraction of the tank does not
adhesives have an upper tempera- suitable for a blend of those chemi- usually present a problem indoors;
ture limit; they may fail if the tem- cals. fairly steady temperature condi
perature reaches 300 F or more. • Abrasive Action - When im- tions can be assumed to exist even if
Selection Criteria-The factors the building is not heated.
that influence the plant engineer's Special Linings for Extreme Con-
choice of lining material include the "... a lining recommended for ditions - Complex or severe service
material properties of the lining as several individual chemicals conditions, for example, those that
well as its end use (see accompany- may not be suitable for a blend require both chemical and abrasion
ing table). A logical starting point resistance, may be successfully
of these chemicals."
in selecting a lining, therefore, is to treated with a three-ply lining. This
obtain manufacturers' literature type of lining incorporates an inner
containing chemical resistance ta- pingement on the lining is expected, layer of semihard rubber for chemi-
bles for various types of lining ma- a resilient type of rubber provides cal and heat resistance with two
terials. These tables also list the the most satisfactory service be- softer outer layers that contribute
maximum temperature ranges for cause it absorbs impact and permits flexibility and abrasion resistance.
linings used with specific chemicals. the particles to bounce off without Three-ply linings are designed to
Some general guidelines on the damaging the lining. A soft natural withstand temperatures between
compatibility of linings and their rubber with a Shore A durometer 180 and 230 F. When a combina-
particular application follow: • reading of 30 to 40 is generally tion of severe temperature and
Temperature and Chemical En- specified in such applications. abrasive action is encountered, the
vironment - The necessary proper- When sliding or cutting also is three-ply lining is formulated with
ties of natural rubber can be evalu- expected in service, a tougher, an inner layer of hard rubber and
ated according to the following rule: harder, tear-resistant lining material two outer layers of high-tempera-
the harder the lining material, the with a Shore A durometer reading ture resistant soft rubber.
higher the operating temperature it of 50 to 60 should be specified. Hard Inspection of Lining Installa-tio -
can withstand and, to a lesser de- rubbers, those with a Shore A reading Reputable lining applicators inspect
gree, the higher the chemical con- of 90 and above, have poor abrasion and test the rubber lining
centrations it can tolerate. resistance and should be avoided. extensively before permitting it to
Natural and synthetic rubber • Temperature Variations - Not be placed in service. The newly
materials as a group are not resis- all linings exhibit the same degree lined tank or container is closely
tant to hydrocarbons such as oil of resistance to thermal shock, as examined for leaks and defects such
products or solvents. Exceptions do shown in the table. Soft natural as poor adhesion. Pinhole leaks may
exist, however. Chlorinated poly- rubber and most synthetic linings be detected using a spark tester,
ethylene (CPE), neoprene, and cho- have outstanding resistance to the- although this method introduces a
lorosulfonated polyethylene mal shock, and hard rubber has less potential hazard. If the spark test-
(CSPE) synthetic rubber linings, ing equipment is not carefully used,
Lining type Shore A Upper Thermal
durometer Temperature shock Resistance to
reading limit, F resistance hydrocarbons Typical uses
Soft natural rubber 30 to 60 160 Excellent Poor Acid storage; transportation equipment;
abrasive services; white rubber for food
grade; sulfur dioxide scrubbers
Semihard natural rubber 80 to 85 180 Good Fair Chemical processing and plating
Hard natural rubber 90 to 100 200 Poor Fair Chemical processing; high temperature
nickel-copper plating; steel pickling;
vacuum service
Flexible hard 90 to 100 212 Fair Fair Same uses as hard natural rubber; better
natural rubber crack and heat resistance
Graphite loaded 95 to 100 212 Fair Fair Special lining for wet chlorine gas in
hard rubber chlorine cells and associated equipment
Three-ply (soft, 40 to 50 230 Excellent Fair Combined abrasion and corrosion services;
hard, soft) becoming popular for steel pickling lines;
phosphoric acid
Neoprene 40 to 70 230 Excellent Very good Chemical or abrasive services with oil
present; best for strong bases; good
weather resistance; fire retardant
Chlorobutyl 40 to 60 200 Excellent Fair Much the same as butyl but easier to apply
and faster curing; sulfur dioxide scrubbers
CSPE 50 to 70 210 Excellent Good Strong acids such as chromic acid; high
concentrations of nitric and sulfuric acids
CPE 50 to 75 230 Excellent Good Strong acids; alternative service
it may burn through the lining durometer readings are taken at of the lining are beveled, and the
when held in one place for too long. several points; a low reading indi- shell of the equipment is buffed
It is usually wise for the plant engi- cates that the lining has not cured clean.
neer to witness this test. completely, and a high reading may • The exposed area is cleaned with
During the inspection procedure, indicate that the rubber is over a suitable solvent and any excess
nozzle flange edges are closely ex- cured. solvent is allowed to evaporate. The
amined for loose adhesion. For per- Repair of Leaks in Tank Lin- adhesive solutions are then applied
manent protection, full lining adhe- ings-If any leaks are detected aft- according to the lining contractor's
sion is essential for tanks that oper- er cure, they are repaired with instructions and allowed to dry.
ate under vacuum or flowing condi- uncured rubber that is vulcanized • A patch of new sheet, which has
tions. Loose liners would collapse or to the cured lining. Repair proce- been cut to shape and made tacky
obstruct flow under those circum- dures are designed so that the re- by the application of the adhesive or
stances. paired area is protected at least as other solution, is then applied to the
Seam construction is also in- well as the remaining lining. prepared area and rolled down
spected before the lined tank is put The specific method of repair firmly with an edge-wheel to ex-
in use. All seam edges must be bev- depends on the type of the original clude any air. In areas where ten-
eled. A simple way to detect air lining, the extent of repair needed, sion is likely to develop, for example
pockets behind seams is to press and the facilities available. If plant at struts, the patch is tightly
down at the edge of the lap seam engineers repair the lining them- wrapped and then vulcanized.
where the under-lining sheet ends. selves, they must follow the recom- • The repaired area should be
Poor seam construction can be easi- mendations of the lining contrac- checked for hardness and continu-
ly observed then: if air is trapped tors. The following procedure is ity.
under the rubber, the bubble can be typical:
felt as a soft spot. Attempting, and • The defective and adjacent lin-
succeeding, to lift the seam edges ing are thoroughly neutralized,
also reveals looseness in the lining. cleaned, and dried. In some cases, it
The inspection procedure in- may be necessary to treat the whole
cludes a check for over and under lining. All loose and defective rub-
cure of the lining material. Shore A ber is cut away, the exposed edges