Sealing Devices & Materials

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Recall from chapter 1 that Pascal’s theorem, deviations are found in some technical publi-
from which the fundamental law for the science cations. Certain types of seals (for example, the
of hydraulics evolved, was proposed in the O-ring, which is discussed later) may be used
seventeenth century. One stipulation to make the either as a gasket or a packing.
law effective for practical applications was a Many of the seals in fluid power systems
piston that would “fit” the opening in the vessel prevent external leakage. These seals serve two
“exactly.” However, it was not until the late purposes—to seal the fluid in the system and to
eighteenth century that Joseph Brahmah invented keep foreign matter out of the system. Other seals
an effective piston seal, the cup packing. This led simply prevent internal leakage within a system.
to Brahmah's development of the hydraulic press.
The packing was probably the most important NOTE: Although leakage of any kind results
invention in the development of hydraulics as a in a loss of efficiency, some leakage, especially
leading method of transmitting power. The internal leakage, is desired in hydraulic systems
development of machines to cut and shape closely to provide lubrication of moving parts. This also
fitted parts was also very important in the applies to some pneumatic systems in which drops
development of hydraulics. However, regardless of oil are introduced into the flow of air in the
of how precise the machining process is, some type system.
of packing is usually required to make the piston,
and many other parts of hydraulic components, The first part of this chapter deals primarily
“fit exactly.” This also applies to the components with the different types of materials used in the
of pneumatic systems. construction of seals. The next section is devoted
Through years of research and experiments, to the different shapes and designs of seals and
many different materials and designs have been their application as gaskets and/or packings in
created in attempts to develop suitable packing fluid power systems. Also included in this chapter
devices. Suitable materials must be durable, must are sections concerning the functions of wipers
provide effective sealing, and must be compatible and backup washers in fluid power systems and
with the fluid used in the system. the selection, storage, and handling of sealing
The packing materials are commonly referred devices.
to as seals or sealing devices. The seals used in
fluid power systems and components are divided
into two general classes-static seals and dynamic SEAL MATERIALS
The static seal is usually referred to as a gasket. As mentioned previously, many different
The function of a gasket is to provide a material materials have been used in the development of
that can flow into the surface irregularities of sealing devices. The material used for a particular
mating areas that require sealing. To do this, the application depends on several factors: fluid
gasket material must be under pressure. This compatibility, resistance to heat, pressure, wear
requires that the joint be tightly bolted or resistance, hardness, and type of motion.
otherwise held together. The selection of the correct packings and
The dynamic seal, commonly referred to as gaskets and their proper installation are important
a packing, is used to provide a seal between two factors in maintaining an efficient fluid power
parts that move in relation to each other. system. The types of seals to be used in a
These two classifications of seals—gaskets particular piece of equipment is specified by the
and packing—apply in most cases; however, equipment manufacturer.

Often the selection of seals is limited to seals sometimes used to make gaskets for applications
covered by military specifications. However, there similar to those described for cork gaskets.
are occasions when nonstandard or proprietary
seals reflecting the advancing state of the art may LEATHER
be approved. Thus, it is important to follow the
manufacturer’s instructions when you replace Leather is a closely knit material that is
seals. If the proper seal is not available, you generally tough, pliable, and relatively resistant
should give careful consideration in the selection to abrasion, wear, stress, and the effects of
of a suitable substitute. Consult the Naval Ships’ temperature changes. Because it is porous, it is
Technical Manual, military standards, military able to absorb lubricating fluids. This porosity
standardization handbooks, and other applicable makes it necessary to impregnate leather for most
technical manuals if you have any doubts in uses. In general, leather must be tanned and
selecting the proper seal. treated in order to make it useful as a gasket
Seals are made of materials that have material. The tanning processes are those
been carefully chosen or developed for spe- normally used in the leather industry.
cific applications. These materials include Leather is generally resistant to abrasion
tetrafluoroethylene (TFE), commonly called regardless of whether the grain side or the flesh
Teflon; synthetic rubber (elastomers); cork; side is exposed to abrasive action. Leather remains
leather; metal; and asbestos. Some of the most flexible at low temperatures and can be forced
common materials used to make seals for fluid with comparative ease into contact with metal
power systems are discussed in the following flanges. When properly impregnated, it is
paragraphs. impermeable to most liquids and some gases,
and capable of withstanding the effects of
temperatures ranging from –700F to +2200F.
Leather has four basic limitations. First, the
size of the typical hide limits the size of the seals
Cork has several of the required properties, that can be made from leather. A second
which makes it ideally suited as a sealing material
limitation is the number of seals that are
in certain applications. The compressibility of
acceptable. Another limitation is that under heavy
cork seals makes them well suited for confined
mechanical pressures leather tends to extrude.
applications in which little or no spread of the
Finally, many of the properties (such as
material is allowed. The compressibility of cork
impermeability, tensile strength, high- and
also makes a good seal that can be cut to any
low-temperature resistance, pliability, and
desired thickness and shape to fit any surface and
compatibility with environment) depend upon the
still provide an excellent seal.
type of leather and impregnation. Leathers not
One of the undesirable characteristics of cork
tanned and impregnated for specific conditions
is its tendency to crumble. If cork is used as
and properties will become brittle, dry, and
packing or in areas where there is a high fluid
completely degreased by exposure to particular
pressure and/or high flow velocity, small particles
chemicals. Leather is never used with steam
will be cast off into the system. Cork use in fluid
pressure of any type, nor with acid or alkali
power systems is therefore limited. It is sometimes
used as gasket materials for inspection plates of
Leather may be used as packing. When
hydraulic reservoirs.
molded into V’s and U’s, and cups, and other
Cork is generally recommended for use where
shapes, it can be applied as dynamic packing,
sustained temperatures do not exceed 275 0F.
while in its flat form it can be used as straight
compression packing.
Cork and rubber seals are made by combining
synthetic rubber and cork. This combination has One of the most common metal seals used in
the properties of both of the two materials. Navy equipment is copper. Flat copper rings are
This means that seals can be made with the sometimes used as gaskets under adjusting screws
compressibility of cork, but with a resistance to to provide a fluid seal. Molded copper rings are
fluid comparable to the synthetic rubber on which sometimes used as packing with speed gears
they are based. Cork and rubber composition is operating under high pressures. Either type is

compounded into numerous varieties. The
characteristics of these varieties have a wide range,
as shown in table 7-1. The table shows, with the
exception of a few basic similarities, that rubbers
have diverse properties and limitations; therefore,
specific applications require careful study before
the sealing material is selected.
Natural rubbers have many of the charac-
teristics required in an effective seal. However,
their very poor resistance to petroleum fluids and
Figure 7-1.—Spiral-wouna metallic-asbestos gasket. rapid aging when exposed to oxygen or ozone limit
their use. Today their use has almost ceased.
There are two general classes of synthetic
easily bent and requires careful handling. In rubber seals. One class is made entirely of a certain
addition, copper becomes hard when used over synthetic rubber. The term homogeneous, which
long periods and when subjected to compression. means having uniform structure or composition
Whenever a unit or component is disassembled, throughout, is frequently used to describe this
the copper sealing rings should be replaced. class of seal. The other class of seal is made by
However, if new rings are not available and the impregnating woven cotton duck or fine-weave
part must be repaired, the old ring should be asbestos with synthetic rubber. This class is
softened by annealing. (Annealing is the process sometimes referred to as fabricated seals.
of heating a metal, then cooling it, to make it Additional information on sealing materials
more pliable and less brittle.) is provided in the Military Handbook, Gasket
Metallic piston rings are used as packing in Materials (Nonmetalic), MIL-HDBK-212; and
some fluid power actuating cylinders. These rings the Naval Ships’ Technical Manual, chapter 078.
are similar in design to the piston rings in
automobile engines.
Metal is also used with asbestos to form TYPES OF SEALS
spiral-wound metallic-asbestos gaskets (fig. 7-1).
Fluid power seals are usually typed according
These gaskets are composed of interlocked plies
to their shape or design. These types include
of preformed corrugated metal and asbestos
T-seals, V-rings, O-rings, U-cups and so on. Some
strips, called a filler.
of the most commonly used seals are discussed
The filler may or may not be encased in a solid
in the remainder of this chapter.
metal outer ring. These gaskets are used in flanged
connections and for connecting the body to the
bonnet in some valves, and are usually required
in specific high-pressure, high-temperature The T-seal has an elastomeric bidirectional
applications. sealing element resembling an inverted letter T.
This sealing element is always paired with two
special extrusion-resisting backup rings, one on
The term r u b b e r covers many natural each side of the T. The basic T-seal configuration
and synthetic rubbers, each of which can be is shown in figure 7-2, view A. The backup rings


Table 7-l.—Comparison of Physical Properties for Some Hydraulic Fluid Seal Materials

are single turn, bias cut, and usually made of TFE,

molybdenum-disulfide-impregnated nylon, or a
combination of TFE and nylon. Nylon is widely
used for T-seal backup rings because it provides
excellent resistance to extrusion and has low
friction characteristics.
The special T-ring configuration adds stability
Figure 7-3.—V-rings. to the seal, eliminating spiraling and rolling.

T-seals are used in applications where large numbering system was created to identify T-seals
clearances could occur as a result of the expansion required for hydraulic actuators (piston seals only)
of the thin-walled hydraulic cylinder. The T-ring without reference to a particular manufacturer’s
is installed under radial compression and provides part number. The Navy number is composed of
a positive seal at zero or low pressure. Backup the letters G-T followed by a dash number of three
rings, one on each side, ride free of T-ring flanges digits and one letter, R, S, or T (for example,
and the rod or cylinder wall (fig. 7-2, view B). G-T-217T). The three digits are the appropriate
These clearances keep seal friction to a minimum O-ring size dash number according to AS568 or
at low pressure. When pressure is applied (fig. 7-2, MS28775. The letters R, S, and T designate the
view C), the T-ring acts to provide positive sealing number of backup rings that the groove of the
action as fluid pressure increases. One frequently T-seal is designed to accommodate: none, one,
used T-ring, manufactured by Greene, Tweed and or two, respectively.
Company, (called a G-Tring®1), incorporates a
unique, patented backup ring feature. One corner V-RINGS
on the ID of each radius-styled backup ring on
the G-Tring® set has been rounded to mate with The V-ring is one of the most frequently used
the inside corner of the rubber T. Figure 7-2, views dynamic seals in ship service although its
B and C, shows the G-Tring®. identification, installation, and performance are
There is no military standard part numbering probably most misunderstood. Properly selected
system by which T-seals can be identified. In and installed, V-rings can provide excellent service
general, each manufacturer issues proprietary part life; otherwise, problems associated with friction,
numbers to identify seals. However, it is common rod and seal wear, noise, and leakage can be
practice to identify T-seal sizes by the same expected.
dash numbers used for equivalent O-ring sizes The V-ring is the part of the packing set that
(discussed later in this chapter) as defined by does the sealing. It has a cross section resembling
AS568 and MS28775 dimension standards. the letter V, (fig. 7-3) from which its name is
Typically, an O-ring groove that accepts a certain derived. To achieve a seal, the V-ring must be
O-ring dash number will accept the same dash installed as part of a packing set or stack, which
number T-seal. includes one male adapter, one female adapter,
In the absence of an existing military standard and several V-rings (fig. 7-4). The male adapter
for identifying T-seals, a new and simple is the first ring on the pressure end of the packing
stack and is flat on one side and wedge-shaped
on the other to contain the V of the adjacent
G-Tring® is a Greene, Tweed Trademark, V-ring. The female adapter, the last ring of the

Figure 7-4.—Outside packed V-ring installations.

packing stack, is flat on one side and V-shaped should always be installed so the sealing lips face
on the other to properly support the adjacent away from each other as in figure 7-5. This
V-ring. Proper design and installation of the prevents trapping pressure between the sets of
female adapter has significant impact on the packings. The female adapters in inside packed
service life and performance of the V-rings installations should always be located adjacent to
because the female adapter bridges the clearance a fixed or rigid part of the piston.
gap between the moving surfaces and resists
extrusion. O-RINGS
The packing set is installed in a cavity that is
slightly deeper than the free stack height (the An O-ring is doughnut-shaped. O-rings are
nominal overall height of a V-ring packing set, usually molded from rubber compounds; how-
including the male and female adapters as ever, they can be molded or machined from plastic
measured before installation) and as wide as the materials. The O-ring is usually fitted into a
nominal cross section of the V-rings. This cavity, rectangular groove (usually called a gland)
called a packing gland or stuffing box, contains machined into the mechanism to be sealed. An
and supports the packing around the shaft, rod, O-ring seal consists of an O-ring mounted
or piston. Adjustment of the packing gland depth in the gland so that the O-ring’s cross section
through the use of shims or spacers is usually is compressed (squeezed) when the gland is
necessary to obtain the correct squeeze or assembled (fig. 7-6).
clearance on the packing stack for good service An O-ring sealing system is often one of the
life. first sealing systems considered when a fluid
Two basic installations apply to V-ring closure is designed because of the following
packings. The more common is referred to as an advantages of such a system:
outside packed installation, in which the packing
seals against a shaft or rod, as shown in figure 1. Simplicity
7-4. The inside packed installation, is shown as 2. Ruggedness
a piston seal in figure 7-5. When V-ring packing 3. Low cost
is to be used in an inside packed installation, only 4. Ease of installation
endless ring packing should be used. Where 5. Ease of maintenance
pressures exist in both directions, as on a 6. No adjustment required
double-acting piston, opposing sets of packing 7. No critical torque in clamping

Figure 7-5.—Inside packed V-ring installation. Figure 7-6.—O-ring installed in a gland.

8. Low distortion of structure stroke. If the return stroke does not use pneumatic
power, the O-ring returns to its round cross
9. Small space requirement section, minimizing drag and wear on the return
10. Reliability

11. Effectiveness over wide pressure and

temperature ranges Identification

As stated previously, O-rings are used in both As a maintenance person or supervisor

static (as gaskets) and dynamic (as packing) working with fluid power systems, you must be
applications. An O-ring will almost always be the able to positively identify, inspect, and install the
most satisfactory choice of seals in static correct size and type of O-ring to ensure the best
applications if the fluids, temperatures, pressure, possible service. These tasks can be difficult since
and geometry permit. part numbers cannot be put directly on the seals
and because of the continual introduction of new
Standard O-ring packings are not specifically types of seals and obsolescence of others. (Naval
designed to be used as rotary seals. When Ships’ Technical Manual, chapter 078, contains
infrequent rotary motion or low peripheral a table that cross-references obsolete and current
velocity is involved standard O-ring packings may O-ring specifications for ship applications.)
be used, provided consistent surface finishes over
the entire gland are used and eccentricities are O-rings are packaged in individually sealed
accurately controlled. O-rings cannot compensate envelopes. O-ring seals manufactured to govern-
for out-of-round or eccentrically rotating shafts. ment specifications are marked according to the
requirements of the specific military specification
As rotary seals, O-rings perform satisfactorily and standard. The required marking for each
in two application areas: package is as follows:

1. In low-speed applications where the surface 1. National stock number (NSN)

speed of the shaft does not exceed 200 ft/min
2. Nomenclature
2. In high-speed moderate-pressure appli-
cations, between 50 and 800 psi 3. Military part number

The use of low-friction extrusion-resistant 4. Material specification

devices is helpful in prolonging the life and
improving the performance of O-rings used as 5. Manufacturer’s name
rotary seals.
6. Manufacturer’s compound number
O-rings are often used as reciprocating seals
in hydraulic and pneumatic systems. While best 7. Manufacturer’s batch number
suited for short-stroke, relatively small diameter
applications, O-rings have been used successfully 8. Contract number
in long-stroke, large diameter applications.
Glands for O-rings used as reciprocating seals are 9. Cure date
usually designed according to MIL-G-5514 to
provide a squeeze that varies from 8 to 10 percent NOTE: Keep preformed packings in their
minimum and 13.5 to 16 percent maximum. A original envelopes, which provide preservation,
squeeze of 20 percent is allowed on O-rings with protection, identification, and cure date.
a cross section of 0.070-inch or less. In some
reciprocating pneumatic applications, a floating When you select an O-ring for installation,
O-ring design may simultaneously reduce friction carefully observe the information on the package.
and wear by maintaining no squeeze by the gland If you cannot positively identify an O-ring,
on the O-ring. When air pressure enters the discard it. The part number on the sealed
cylinder, the air pressure flattens the O-ring, package provides the most reliable and complete
causing sufficient squeeze to seal during the identification.

Sizes be slightly larger than the nominal OD. For
example, an AS568-429 O-ring is described in
A standardized dash number system for nominal dimensions as 5 inches ID by 5-1/2 inches
O-ring sizes is used in many military and industrial OD by 1/4-inch W. Actual dimensions are 4.975
specifications. The O-ring size is identified by a inches ID by 5.525 inches OD by 0.275 inches W.
dash number rather than the actual dimensions
for convenience. The basis for the dash numbers
is contained in Aerospace Standard AS568. For Specifications
nongasket O-rings (packing), the dash numbers
are divided into groups of one hundred. Each Material and performance requirements
hundred group identifies the cross section size of for O-rings are often identified in military
the O-rings within the group (table 7-2). specifications. The dimensions of these O-rings
will usually be found in accompanying slash sheets
The 900 series dash numbers contained in
(which bear the specification number and are a
AS568 identify all the presently standardized
part of the specification) or will be identified by
straight thread tube fitting boss gaskets. With the various drawings and standards that relate to the
exception of -901, the last two digits of the dash
specification. Included among the specifications
designate the tube size in 16ths of an inch. For
are Air Force-Navy Standards (AN), Mili-
example, the -904 size is for a 1/4-inch tube.
tary Standards (MS), and National Aerospace
Standards (NAS). If the specification does not
identify sizes, the sizes should be identified by the
AS568 dash number. Usually, you can use
drawings, technical manuals, and allowance parts
The critical dimensions of an O-ring are its ID,
lists (APLs) to identify replacement O-rings.
its cross sectional diameter (W), and the height
(Notes 2 and 3 of table 7-1 list some of the
and width of the residual molding flash (see
frequently used military specifications).
fig. 7-7).
Nominal dimensions have been used to
describe O-ring sizes, although this practice is Cure Date
rapidly being replaced by the use of dash numbers.
The actual inside diameter of a seal will be slightly A cure date is as applicable to natural or
less than the nominal ID, but the actual OD will synthetic O-rings as it is to rubber hoses. This date
is the basis for determining the age of O-rings.
It is extremely important that the cure date be
Table 7-2.—O-Ring Dash Numbers Versus Cross Section noted on all packages.

Shelf Life and Expiration Date

All elastomers change gradually with age;

some change more rapidly than others. The
shelf life for rubber products is contained in
Check the age of natural or synthetic rubber
preformed packings before installation to
determine whether they are acceptable for use.
Make a positive identification, indicating the
source, cure date, and expiration date. Ensure that
this information is available for all packing used.
Shelf life requirements do not apply once the
packing is installed in a component.
The expiration date is the date after which
packing should not be installed. The expiration
date of all packings can be determined by adding
the shelf life to the cure date.

Figure 7-7.—Critical dimensions of an O-ring.

Replacement might scratch or mar component surfaces or

damage the O-ring. An O-ring tool kit is
Figure 7-8 shows a typical O-ring installation. available in the supply system for O-ring in-
When such an installation shows signs of internal stallation or removal. If these tools are not on
or external leakage, the component must be hand, special tools can be made for this purpose.
disassembled and the seals replaced. Sometimes A few examples of tools used in the removal
components must be resealed because of the age and installation of O-rings are illustrated in
limitations of the seals. The O-ring should also
be replaced whenever a gland that has been in
service is disassembled and reassembled.
Often a poor O-ring installation begins when
an old seal is removed. O-ring removal involves
working with parts that have critical surface
finishes. If hardened-steel, pointed, or sharp-
edged tools are used for removal of O-rings or
backup rings, scratches, abrasions, dents, and
other deformities on critical sealing surfaces can
result in seal failure which, in turn, can result in
functional failure of the equipment.
When removing or installing O-rings, do
not use pointed or sharp-edged tools which Figure 7-8.–Typical O-ring instalation.

figure 7-9. These tools should be fabricated from extract both O-rings with minimum effort. View
soft metal such as brass or aluminum; however, D shows practically the same removal as view C,
tools made from phenolic rod, wood, or plastic except for the use of a different type of extractor
may also be used. tool.
Tool surfaces must be well rounded, polished, The removal of external O-rings is less difficult
and free of burrs. Check the tools often, especially than the removal of internally installed O-rings.
the surfaces that come in contact with O-ring Views E and F show the use of a spoon-type
grooves and critical polished surfaces. extractor, which is positioned under the seal. After
Notice in figure 7-9, view A, how the the O-ring is dislodged from its cavity, the
hook-type removal tool is positioned under the spoon is held stationary while the piston is
O-ring and then lifted to allow the extractor tool, simultaneously rotated and withdrawn. View F
as well as the removal tool, to pull the O-ring from is similar to view E, except that only one O-ring
its cavity. View B shows the use of another type is installed, and a different type of extractor tool
of extractor tool in the removal of internally is used. The wedge-type extractor tool is inserted
installed O-rings. beneath the O-ring; the hook-type removal tool
In view C, notice the extractor tool positioned hooks the O-ring. A slight pull on the latter tool
under both O-rings at the same time. This method removes the O-ring from its cavity.
of manipulating the tool positions both O-rings, After removing all O-rings, cleaning of the
which allows the hook-type removal tool to affected parts that will receive new O-rings is

Figure 7-9.—O-ring tools and O-ring removal.

mandatory. Ensure that the area used for such take care identifying and inspecting O-rings than to
installations is clean and free from all repeatedly overhaul components with faulty seals.
contamination. After inspection and prior to installation,
Remove each O-ring that is to be installed lubricate the O-ring, and all the surfaces that it
from its sealed package and inspect it for defects must slide over with a light coat of the system fluid
such as blemishes, abrasions, cuts, or punctures. or a lubricant approved for use in the system.
Although an O-ring may appear perfect at first Consult the applicable technical instruction or
glance, slight surface flaws may exist. These are Naval Ships’ Technical Manual for the correct
often capable of preventing satisfactory O-ring lubricant for pneumatic systems.
performance. O-rings should be rejected for flaws Assembly must be made with care so that the
that will affect their performance. O-ring is properly placed in the groove and not
By rolling the ring on an inspection cone or damaged as the gland is closed. During some
dowel, the inner diameter surface can be checked installations, such as on a piston, it will be
for small cracks, particles of foreign material, and necessary to stretch the O-ring. Stretch the O-ring
other irregularities that will cause leakage or as little and as uniformly as possible. Avoid rolling
shorten its life. The slight stretching of the ring or twisting the O-ring when maneuvering it into
when it is rolled inside out will help to reveal some place. Keep the position of the O-ring mold line
defects not otherwise visible. A further check of constant. O-rings should not be left in a twisted
each O-ring should be made by stretching it condition after installation.
between the fingers, but care must be taken not to If the O-ring installation requires spanning or
exceed the elastic limits of the rubber. Following inserting through sharp-threaded areas, ridges,
these inspection practices will prove to be a slots, and edges, use protective measures, such as
maintenance economy. It is far more desirable to the O-ring entering sleeve (fig. 7-10, view A). If

Figure 7-10.–O-ring installation.

the recommended O-ring entering sleeve (a soft, labels. The dash number following the military
thin wall, metallic sleeve) is not available, paper standard number found on the package indicates
sleeves and covers may be fabricated by using the the size, and usually relates directly to the dash
seal package (glossy side out) or lint-free bond number of the O-rings for which the backup ring
paper (see views B and C of fig. 7-10). is dimensionally suited. Backup rings made of
After you place the O-ring in the cavity TFE do not deteriorate with age and do not have
provided, gently roll the O-ring with your fingers shelf life limitations. TFE backup rings are
to remove any twist that might have occurred provided by manufacturer either in individually
during the installation. After installation, an sealed packages or on mandrels. If unpackaged
O-ring should seat snugly but freely in its groove. rings are stored for a long time without the use
If backup rings are installed in the groove, be of mandrels, a condition of overlap may develop.
certain the backup rings are installed on the Overlap occurs when the ID of the backup ring
correct side of the ring. becomes smaller and its ends overlap each other.
To correct this overlap condition, stack TFE rings
BACKUP RINGS on a mandrel of the correct diameter, and clamp
the rings with their coils flat and parallel. Place
Backup rings, also referred to as retainer rings, the rings in an oven at a maximum temperature
antiextrusion devices, and nonextrusion rings, are of 1770C (3500F) for approximately 10 minutes.
washer-like devices that are installed on the Do not overheat them because fumes from
low-pressure side of packing to prevent extrusion decomposing TFE are toxic. Remove and
of the packing material. Backup rings in dynamic water-quench the rings. Store the rings at room
seals minimize erosion of the packing materials temperature before you use them (preferably for
and subsequent failure of the seal. At lower 48 hours).
pressures, backup rings will prolong the normal
wear life of the packing. At higher pressures,
backup rings permit greater clearances between Installation
the moving parts. Normally, backup rings are
required for operating pressures over 1500 psi. Care must be taken in handling and installing
Backup rings can be made of polytetra- backup rings. Do not insert them with sharp
fluoroethylene, hard rubber, leather, and other tools. Backup rings must be inspected prior
materials. The most common material currently to using them for evidence of compression
used is tetrafluoroethylene (TFE). Backup rings damage, scratches, cuts, nicks, or frayed con-
are available as single-turn continuous (uncut or ditions. If O-rings are to be replaced where
solid), single-turn (bias) cut, and spiral cut. See backup rings are installed in the same groove,
figure 7-11. Leather rings are always furnished in never replace the O-ring without replacing
solid ring form (unsplit). Rings of TFE are the backup rings, or vice versa. Many seals
available in all three types. use two backup rings, one on either side of the
O-ring (fig. 7-12). Two backup rings are used
Packaging and Storing primarily in situations (such as a reciprocating
piston seal) where alternating pressure direction
Backup rings are not color-coded or otherwise can cause packing to be extruded on both sides
marked and must be identified from the packaging of the gland.

Figure 7-11.—Types of backup rings.

If only one backup ring is used, place the
backup ring on the low-pressure side of the
packing (fig. 7-13, view A). When a backup ring
is placed on the high-pressure side of the packing,
the pressure against the relatively hard surface of
the backup ring forces the softer packing against
the low-pressure side of the gland, resulting in a
rapid failure due to extrusion (fig. 7-13, view B).
When dual backup rings are installed, stagger
the split scarfed ends as shown in figure 7-14.
When installing a spiral cut backup ring (MS28782
or MS28783), be sure to wind the ring correctly
to ease installation and ensure optimum per-
When TFE spiral rings are being installed in
Figure 7-12.—Backup ring configuration. internal grooves, the ring must have a right-hand

Figure 7-13.–Location of a single backup ring.

Figure 7-14.—Installation of cut dual backup rings.

Figure 7-15.–Installation of TFE back up rings (internal).

spiral. Figure 7-15, view A, shows how to change or two backup rings, depending upon the specific
the direction of the spiral. The ring is then seal groove application and width. The Quad-
stretched slightly, as shown in view B prior to Ring® seal works well in, both hydraulic and
installation into the groove. While the TFE ring pneumatic systems.
is being inserted into the groove, rotate the Many Quad-Ring® seal sizes have been
component in a clockwise direction. This will tend assigned NSNs and are stocked in the Federal
to expand the ring diameter and reduce the Supply System. Quad-Ring® seals in manu-
possibility of damaging the ring. facturer’s sizes designated as Q1 through Q88 are
When TFE spiral rings are being installed in interchangeable with O-rings conforming to
external grooves, the ring should have a left-hand AN6227. Likewise, Quad-Ring® seals in com-
spiral. As the ring is being inserted into the mercial sizes Q101 through Q152 are inter-
groove, rotate the component in a clockwise changeable with O-rings conforming to AN6230
direction. This action will tend to contract the ring in the respective dash sizes from –1 through–52.
diameter and reduce the possibility of damaging Therefore, the Quad-Ring® seal stock part
the ring. number uses the AN standard O-ring designations
In applications where a leather backup ring AN6227 and AN6230 and the commercial Q dash
is called for, place the smooth-grained side of the number designation. For example, NSNs are
leather next to the ring. Do not cut leather backup found under such reference part numbers as
rings. Use a leather backup ring as one continuous AN6227Q10 and AN6230Q103. If the letter Q
ring and lubricate the ring prior to installing it, does not follow AN6227 or AN6230, the part
particularly the smaller sizes. If stretching is number is an O-ring not a Quad-Ring® seal.
necessary for proper installation, soak the backup If Quad-Ring® seals are not available for
ring in the system fluid or in an acceptable maintenance actions, appropriate sized O-rings
lubricant at room temperature for at least 30 can be installed and they work satisfactorily.
The Quad-O-Dyn®, also manufactured by
The Quad-Ring® seal is a special configura- Minnesota Rubber, is a special form of the
tion ring packing, manufactured by the Minnesota Quad-Ring. The Quad-O-Dyn differs from the
Rubber. As opposed to an O-ring, a Quad- Quad-Ring in configuration (fig. 7-17), is harder,
Ring® seal has a more square cross-sectional is subject to greater squeeze, and is made of a
shape with rounded corners (fig. 7-16). The Quad- different material. The Quad-O-Dyn® seal also
Ring® seal design offers more stability than the works well in O-rings glands.
O-ring design and practically eliminates the The Quad-O-Dyn® is used in relatively few
spiraling or twisting that is sometimes encountered applications. However, for difficult dynamic
with the O-ring. sealing applications, the Quad-O-Dyn® can
Quad-Rings® seals are completely inter- perform better than the Quad-Ring. Quad-O-
changeable with O-rings in the sizes offered by Dyn® rings are installed in submarine hydraulic
the manufacturer. They may be installed with one systems plant accumulators.

Figure 7-16.—Quad-Ring. Figure 7-17.—Quad-O-Dyn® seal.

U-CUPS AND U-PACKINGS figure 7-19. The leather may be chemically treated
or otherwise impregnated to improve its per-
The distinction between U-cups and formance. Leather U-packings are available in
U-packings results from the difference in materials standard sizes conforming to industrial specifica-
used in their fabrication. The U-cup is usually tions. For support, the cavity of the U-packing
made of homogeneous synthetic rubber; should contain a metal pedestal ring or should be
U-packings are usually made of leather or fabric- filled with a suitable material. Leather U-packings
reinforced rubber. Special aspects of each type will with an integral pedestal support have been
be discussed separately. However, all U-cups and installed in some submarine steering and diving
U-packings have cross sections resembling the ram piston seals.
letter U. Both types are balanced packings, both
seal on the ID and the OD, and both are applied CUP PACKINGS
individually, not in stacks like V-rings. Size
Cup packings resemble a cup or deep dish with
differences between U-cups and U-packings are
a hole in the center for mounting (fig. 7-20). Cup
usually substantial enough to prevent inter-
seals are used exclusively to seal pistons in both
changeability. There are a few sizes with smaller
low- and high-pressure hydraulic and pneu-
diameters and cross sections that may appear
matic service. They are produced in leather,
to be dimensionally equivalent but are not.
homogeneous synthetic rubber, and fabric-
Therefore, U-packings should not be substituted
reinforced synthetic rubber. Although the cup
for U-cups (or vice versa) in any installation.
packing lip flares outward, the rubbing contact
is made at the lip only when the fluid pressure is
low. As the fluid pressure increases, the cup heel
expands outward until it contacts the cylinder
The U-cup (fig. 7-18) has been a popular
wall, at which point high-pressure sealing is in
packing in the past because of installation ease
effect. As the pressure loading shifts the sealing
and low friction. U-cups are used primarily for
line to the cup heel, the lip is actually pulled into
pressures below 1500 psi, but higher pressures are
the cup and away from the cylinder wall. On the
possible with the use of antiextrusion rings. For
return stroke when the pressure is relaxed, the heel
double-acting pistons, two U-cups are installed
will shrink slightly, leaving only the lip in contact
in separate grooves, back-to-back or heel-to-heel.
with the wall, avoiding unnecessary wear at the
Two U-cups are never used in the same groove.
This heel-to-heel type of installation is common
For reciprocating pistons, two cups installed
for single-acting (monodirectional) seals, such as
back-to-back in separate glands are required.
U-cups and V-rings, and is necessary to prevent
a pressure trap (hydraulic lock) between two
packings. Installation of two U-cups with sealing
lips facing each other can result in hydraulic lock Flange packings are used exclusively in low-
and must be avoided. pressure, outside-packed installations, such as rod

Leather U-Packings

As a rule, leather U-packings are made with

straight side walls (no flared sealing lips). See

Figure 7-18.—Typical U-cup seal. Figure 7-19.—U-packing.

for metal lip-type devices that remove heavily
encrusted deposits of dirt or other abrasive
material that would merely deflect a softer lip and
be carried into the cylinder. Sometimes a rod will
have both a scraper and a wiper, the former to
remove heavy deposits and the latter to exclude
any dust particles that remain. Whenever metallic
scrapers are used with felt wipers in the same
groove, the felt wiper must not be compressed nor
restricted in any way that affects its function as
a lubricator. A wiper installed in a seal assembly
in a pneumatic application may remove too much
oil from the rod, requiring some method of
Figure 7-20.–Cup packing. replacing the oil. A common remedy is to provide
a periodically oiled felt ring between the wiper
and the seal. Felt wipers provide lubrication
seals. The flange (sometimes called the hat) is to extended operating rods, thus increasing
made of leather, fabric-reinforced rubber, or component wear life. These wipers are only used
homogeneous rubber. Lip sealing occurs only on to provide lubrication to parts.
the packing ID (fig. 7-21). Flange packings are
generally used only for rod seals when other Much longer life could be obtained from most
packings such as V-rings or U-seals cannot be seals if proper attention were given to wipers and
used. scrapers. Often, wiper or scraper failure is not
noticed when a seal packing fails. As a result, only
the packing is replaced, and the same worn wiper
DIRT EXCLUSION SEALS or scraper is reinstalled to destroy another
(WIPERS AND SCRAPERS) packing. Check the wiper or scraper condition
upon its removal. If the wiper is worn, dirty, or
Dirt exclusion devices are essential if a embedded with metallic particles, replace it with
satisfactory life is to be obtained from most rod a new one. It is usually good practice to replace
seals. The smooth finished moving rod surface, the wiper every time you replace the seal and even
if not enclosed or protected by some sort of more frequently if the wiper is readily accessible
covering, will accumulate a coating of dust or without component disassembly. If replacements
abrasive material that will be dragged or carried are not available, wash dirty wipers that are still
into the packing assembly area on the return rod in good condition with suitable solvent and
stroke. Exclusion devices called wipers or scrapers reinstall them. Remember that a wiper or scraper
are designed to remove this coating. While the is deliberately installed as a sacrificial part
terms w i per and scraper are often used to protect and preserve the sealing packing.
interchangeably, it is useful to reserve scraper Therefore, from a user’s standpoint, wipers and
scrapers should be inspected and replaced as


Proper storage practices must be observed to

prevent deformation and deterioration of seals.
Most synthetic rubbers are not damaged by
storage under ideal conditions. However, most
synthetic rubbers will deteriorate when exposed
to heat, light, oil, grease, fuels, solvents, thinners,
moisture, strong drafts, or ozone (form of oxygen
formed from an electrical discharge). Damage by
exposure is magnified when rubber is under
Figure 7-21.—Typical flange packing cross section. tension, compression, or stress. There are several

conditions to be avoided, which include the 6. Contamination by piercing the sealed
following: envelope to store O-rings on rods, nails, or wire
hanging devices.
1. Deformation as a result of improper
stacking of parts and storage containers. 7. Contamination by fluids leaking from parts
2. Creasing caused by force applied to corners stored above and adjacent to the seal surfaces.
and edges, and by squeezing between boxes and
storage containers. 8. Contamination caused by adhesive tapes
3. Compression and flattening, as a result of applied to seal surfaces. A torn seal package
storage under heavy parts. should be secured with a pressure-sensitive
4. Punctures caused by staples used to attach moistureproof tape, but the tape must not contact
identification. the seal surfaces.
5. Deformation and contamination due to
hanging the seals from nails or pegs. Seals should 9. Retention of overage parts as a result
be kept in their original envelopes, which provide of improper storage arrangement or illegible
preservation, protection, identification, and cure identification. Seals should be arranged so the
date. older seals are used first.


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