Adhesion of Rubber To Metal: Nippon Gomu Kyokaishi, No. 4, 2000, P. 180
Adhesion of Rubber To Metal: Nippon Gomu Kyokaishi, No. 4, 2000, P. 180
Adhesion of Rubber To Metal: Nippon Gomu Kyokaishi, No. 4, 2000, P. 180
Y. Ikeda
Selected from International Polymer Science and Technology, 27, No. 4, 2000, reference NG 00/04/180; transl. serial no. 14514
T/24 International Polymer Science and Technology, Vol. 28, No. 8, 2001
Since rubber and brass plating can be bonded directly
100 nm
Depth, nm
Fig. 1 XPS analysis of rubber-brass bonding interface Fig. 3 TEM micrograph of rubber-brass bonding interface
International Polymer Science and Technology, Vol. 28, No. 8, 2001 T/25
The thickness of the reaction zone was found to increase as a potential tyre cord. High tensile wire variously
greatly with increasing sulphur content. containing Cr, Ni and Mo has also been developed, and
The mechanism of adhesion is being widely studied by as extreme gauge steel wire can be produced from these
interfacial analysis in the expectation that elucidation of materials, this should make it possible to reduce tyre weight
the mechanism will serve to establish a more durable (refs. 16–18).
method of bonding. The incorporation of cobalt and nickel in the brass as
alloying components is known to be useful in preventing
the reduction of adhesive strength by moisture during
2.1 Steel cord and brass plating (ref. 12) vulcanisation. The components are introduced by plating
Zinc is believed to have the role of inhibiting reaction over the brass followed by thermal diffusion, or are
between copper and sulphur in adhesion to brass plating. deposited from the vapour state by ion beam sputtering.
Experiments showing that there is an optimum level of Anti-ageing adhesion is thereby improved. Since cobalt
copper in the brass have been carried out by Maessele (ref. plating allows the content of organic cobalt salts in the
13) and Haemers (ref. 9), who report that adhesive rubber to be eliminated or much reduced, the rubber can
strength reaches a maximum at a copper content of be compounded so that deterioration in adhesion with time
approximately 60–80%. The brass plating used for bonding or thermal degradation of strength and elongation can be
to rubber has a copper content of around 63% but as a ZnO inhibited. Moreover, the amount of sulphur components,
layer is formed on the surface, the surface Cu content is which have hitherto been present at a relatively large
lower than in the interior and the existence of a concentration content, can be reduced, with the result that thermal ageing
gradient in the depthwise direction has been documented of the rubber can be prevented and the corrosion fatigue
by Ooij (ref. 14), Haemers (ref. 9), Kato (ref. 4) and others. resistance of the steel cord can be improved.
Drawn brass-plated steel cord in particular has recently
been found to have a layer of reacted phosphate, a
component of the wire drawing lubricant, at the extreme 2.2 Rubber compound
surface, as shown in Fig. 4 (ref. 6).
Although steel cord is the tyre cord material used in the Rubber compounds have also been modified in various
largest quantities, it is problematic in that, as well as giving ways to enhance adhesion. An examples is the use of silica.
heavier tyres than organic fibre and thus running against Silica is used to improve the rubber tear strength, fatigue
the trend to reduced tyre weight, it gives unsatisfactory wet endurance characteristics, wear resistance, self heating,
heat adhesion. hardness, modulus, rolling resistance and adhesion. Silanol
Special heat treatment of low carbon steel of reduced groups on the silica surface are said to enhance compatibility
impurity content affords a composite microstructure with with metal oxides.
martensite as reinforcing disperse phase in a ferrite matrix, Evans et al. (ref. 19) used precipitated silica in natural
and extremely fine, ultrahigh strength extreme gauge steel rubber filled with carbon black containing organic cobalt
cord (Saifer‚) has been developed by cold drawing and salts as an adhesion promoter and analysed the physical
toughening this material (ref. 15). The use of a resin properties and adhesion of the rubber. Increase in silica
coating material improves adhesion to rubber while also content improved tear strength and bonding in composites,
enhancing fretting fatigue performance and an outstanding and compounds high in silica and low in sulphur were
reinforcing effect is therefore obtained, attracting interest found to have greater tear strength and adhesive energy.
outermost surface
Zn3(PO4 )2 residual lubricant
ZnO containing Cu
T/26 International Polymer Science and Technology, Vol. 28, No. 8, 2001
Since adhesive energy increases linearly with increase in Mori et al. (ref. 25) bonded zinc plated steel cord
silica, it is clear that the use of silica has an effect on the directly to SBR-NR during vulcanisation and investigated
interfacial layer formed on the metal wire. the effect of sulphur and cure accelerator on adhesion and
Hewitt (ref. 20) has investigated the mechanism whereby the adhesive promoting effect of the naphthenate salts of
silica improves adhesion between natural rubber and different metals. Nickel naphthenate was found effective in
brass from the standpoint of the rubber compound. In enhancing adhesive strength, while a cure accelerator
sulphur-containing peroxide-crosslinked natural rubber comprising the thiazole MBTS and the sulphenamide BBS
compounds, both the pull strength and rubber coverage gave high peel strength and rubber coverage. The thiuram
improved at silica 10–40 phr. In silica-zinc oxide-resin accelerator TMTD reacted with cobalt naphthenate during
(resorcinol-formalin, hexamethoxymethylmelamine) vulcanisation, reducing its cure accelerating efficacy, and
systems, maximum adhesive strength was developed at inhibited migration of cobalt to the zinc surface, resulting
silica 5–12 phr and zinc oxide 1–2 phr. Replacement of in imperfect adhesion.
part of the carbon black with silica gives a state of total
adhesion. In compounds of silica reinforced elastomer,
reaction of zinc oxide with the silanol surface readily 3.2 Adhesion between rubber and zinc alloy plating
affects crosslinking, viscosity and reinforcing effects.
Nishimura et al. (ref. 26) have investigated the cure
Adhesion to brass is likely to be affected in the same way,
adhesion to rubber of a ternary alloy made by adding a
and Hewitt attributes his results to the zinc inhibitory effect
third component (Ni, Co, Fe, Sn) to copper-zinc alloy. The
of silica at the interface.
third component was found to have a marked effect. For
Two different adhesion promoters (RFS: resorcinol-
example, Cu–Zn–Ni alloy plating remains almost unoxidised
formaldehyde-silica, and cobalt compounds) are normally
in initial bonding, and resists corrosion in wet heat tests.
used for bonding to steel tyre cord, but because of
Cu–Zn–Ni ternary alloy plating affords excellent bond
environmental and handling problems, a promoter
endurance, an effect attributed to corrosion resistance.
comprising a cobalt compound and methylene donor
replacement for formaldehyde has been developed In view of the problematic corrosion resistance of brass
(ref. 21). plating films, Ooij (refs. 27–29) et al. explored cure
adhesion between rubber and plating films of various non-
copper alloy systems such as Zn–Ni, Ni–Zn/Zn–Ni, Co–Zn
3. ADHESION BETWEEN RUBBER AND NON-BRASS and Ni-Zn/Zn–Co. The addition of organic cobalt salt, an
PLATING adhesion promoter, was found to improve adhesion
between rubber and Zn-Ni alloy plating film and Ni-Zn/
3.1 Adhesion between rubber and zinc plating Zn-Ni alloy plating film. A two-layer film of Zn-80 wt% Ni
Another metal well known for its ability for direct bonding alloy plating deposited over a Zn-1 wt% Co primer plating
to rubber during vulcanisation is zinc. Since the rate of gave good adhesion. Cohesive failure of the rubber
sulphidation of zinc is very much slower than for copper, occurred with a Ni–Zn/Zn–Co alloy plating film, while
zinc appears to buffer the reaction between copper and room temperature rolling of the plating film resulted in
sulphur in bonding between rubber and brass. Moreover, mixed delamination. However, cohesive failure of the
the strength of bonding between zinc and rubber is much rubber occurs after ageing tests. This was said to be
weaker than between brass and rubber, and a rubber because the metal plate gets thinner in rolling and so
additive such as a cobalt salt or HRH (Hisil-resorcinol- develops flexibility, and because the ageing test promotes
hexamethylenetetramine) is normally required for adhesion cohesive failure of the rubber, inhibiting interfacial
to zinc (ref. 22). The work of Ashida et al. (refs. 23, 24) has delamination between rubber and plating.
established the following in this respect: of the various
cobalt salts available, cobalt naphthenate is effective;
sulphenamides are best as cure accelerators, followed by 3.3 Adhesion between cobalt thin films and rubber
thiazole accelerators; and thiurams lose the accelerative (ref. 30)
effect by complexing with cobalt. During vulcanisation, the
cobalt and sulphur precipitate on the zinc sheet in direct Good adhesion is obtained in vulcanisation bonding to
proportion to the amount of cobalt naphthenate added. cobalt thin film made by the dry plating process when the
However, cobalt is not detected from zinc surfaces giving rubber compound is vulcanised with a reduced addition of
imperfect bonding in high temperature cure; at the same sulphur and organic cobalt salts are omitted. The bond
time, the amount of sulphur present decreases. This suggests obtained retains its excellent endurance in the wet heat test.
that adhesion occurs through migration of cobalt and Fig. 5 shows the results from TEM examination of ultrathin
sulphur to the zinc surface. sections containing the union cross-section of the bond.
International Polymer Science and Technology, Vol. 28, No. 8, 2001 T/27
film with triazine and found that good adhesion was
exhibited when 1,3,5-triazine-2,4,6-trithiol was used as
the rubber cure system for CR or EPDM and 1,3,5-triazine-
2,4,6-trithiol monosodium salt was used for NR. An optimum
addition exists for each system, and the endurance is
claimed to be similar to that obtained with existing cure
The effects of cure temperature and cure time in the
indirect vulcanisation bonding of nickel plating to NR
0.5 µm
compounded with triazine thiol (RTD) were also investigated
(ref. 32). RTD was reported to act as a binder between the
rubber and nickel plating as the cure temperature was
raised or the cure time was lengthened; reaction at the
interface increased, an ample reinforcing layer was formed
and peel strength increased. Furthermore, in the
vulcanisation bonding of Ni plating thin films to fluoro-
rubber of the triazine thiol tetrabutylammonium salt curing
type (ref. 32), bonds of outstanding heat resistance and oil
and water resistance were obtained. In this case the
triazine thiol was considered to play an important role as
an interfacial binder in primary bonding of the interfacial
0.1 µm reinforcement layer and the interface. Ikeda et al. (refs. 34,
35) produced Ni–Cu–P alloy films of different alloy
Fig. 5 TEM micrograph of rubber-Co bonding interface
composition by electroless plating and bonded the films to
rubber during vulcanisation. Adhesion strong enough for
A comparatively uniform reaction zone is observed between cohesive failure of the rubber to occur was obtained up to
the rubber and cobalt, and clear differences are evident in a Cu content of around 20 mol.%. At Cu contents above 20
the zone of reaction with cobalt and brass, these presumably mol.%, however, the rubber coverage of the rubber-
accounting for the difference in adhesion. delaminated plating showed a tended to decrease and
AES analysis in the direction of depth below the surface mixed delamination or interfacial delamination appeared
of the cobalt revealed the presence of sulphur in the once the Cu content exceeded 50 mol.%. Although peel
extreme surface layer, cobalt immediately below the sulphur strength showed a tendency to decline after the water-
layer, and copper below the cobalt. It would hence appear resistant ageing test, this was attributed to ageing or
that only cobalt and not copper reacts with the sulphur. hardening of the rubber, and to a decline in interlaminar
strength as water penetrated the sulphide layer at the
3.4 Adhesion between rubber and electroless nickel alloy specimen edge.
plating Fig. 6 shows the results of linear analysis by EDS of the
Mori et al. (refs. 31, 32) treated an electroless Ni plating adhesion interface in unions of rubber with alloys of different
S Ni
Ni Ni
6 µm 6 µm 6 µm
(Cu 0 mol.%) (Cu 31.0 mol.%) (Cu 54.0 mol.%)
Fig. 6 Linear EDS analysis of rubber-Ni alloy plating film bonding interface
T/28 International Polymer Science and Technology, Vol. 28, No. 8, 2001
Table 1 Effect of alloy composition in bonding to electroless Pd alloy plating film during rubber
Immerse 10 min in 10% hydrochloric acid, then wash with water and dry at room temperature
Solder ball: Sn:Pb = 6:4, 1 mm diameter; solder fusion temperature: 215°C, 20 sec
x 600000
sulphide layer has formed at the interface. The thickness of
30 nm
this layer would have some bearing on the peel strength.
International Polymer Science and Technology, Vol. 28, No. 8, 2001 T/29
Fig. 7 shows the results from TEM examination of Oxides of phosphorus are formed at the outermost
ultrathin sections containing the union interface. A very surface of Pd-P alloy platings, the oxide layer forming more
fine, nebulous reaction zone of thickness approximately easily as the P content increases. It may be inferred that
30 nm was identified at the interface. Fig. 8 shows adhesive strength decreases because reaction with sulphur
the results from EDS analysis of the reaction zone. is inhibited by the oxide layer, giving rise to a non-uniform
The relative abundance of Pd and S clearly changes going sulphide layer.
from the rubber layer to the plating layer. A gradient effect
was thus observed in the reaction zone: instead of a
uniform reaction product being formed through the reaction
zone, sulphur-rich PdxS is formed in the vicinity of the
rubber while palladium-rich PdxS is formed in the vicinity
of the plating layer.
q t
Energy (keV)
T/30 International Polymer Science and Technology, Vol. 28, No. 8, 2001
4.3 Polyacrylic acid derivative water-soluble polymer
Shearing adhesion (MPa) adhesives (refs. 46–48)
Water-soluble polymer coupling agents have been obtained
by chemically modifying some of the carboxylic acid
groups in polyacrylic acid with hydroxyamine groups to
raise affinity with metals, and then chemically modifying
the derivative with allyl glycidyl ether to achieve
copolymerisation with EPDM. Good bonds were obtained
when the coupling agents were coated on stainless steel
iron stainless brass zinc aluminium
and dried at 120°C and the steel then was bonded with an
❑ – peroxide only EPDM peroxide crosslinking system. The bonds withstood
■ – zinc acrylate and peroxide a 22 hour autoclave test at 135°C with water/glycol (50/
Fig. 9 Crosslink bonding between different kinds of metal sheet 50) under a pressure of 0.25 MPa. The effect is attributed
and a zinc acrylate compound of EPDM to complex formation between the hydroxyamine groups
in the polymer and the Fe ions in stainless steel, resulting
in the formation of a chemically and thermally stable
bonding layer. The bonding of EPDM and fluorocarbon
(FKM) elastomer to metals by making chemical modifications
4. ADHESION BETWEEN NON-PLATED METALS to polyvinylamine is also being investigated and bonds of
AND RUBBER excellent heat-resistance and resistance to chemicals are
being obtained.
4.1 Zinc acrylate-organic peroxide rubber compounds
(refs. 41–44)
When the metallic crosslinking promoter zinc acrylate or 4.4 Plasma treatment
zinc methacrylate is used in the crosslinking system in Costantino et al. (ref. 49) have plasma polymerised
combination with a peroxide, adhesion to the metal substrate hexamethyldisiloxane to aluminium surfaces with oxygen
is much increased even without pre-treatment of the metal as carrier gas, bonded silicone elastomer to the metal using
surface; at the same time, the mechanical properties hydroxyl-terminated poly(dimethylsiloxane) as sealant with
improve. This adhesive effect was seen with EPDM, NR, methyltrimethoxysilane and titanic acid catalyst as the
EVA, CSM and silicone rubber alike. Fig. 9 shows the hardener, and obtained excellent bonds characterised by
crosslinking adhesive effect obtained with an EPDM cohesive failure of the adherend. Moreover, in a study of
compound for different metals. The shearing adhesion the direct bonding of fluoro-rubber to aluminium, Momose
rises on compounding with zinc acrylate, reaching 0.5 et al. (ref. 50) have found that argon plasma treatment of
MPa at 2 phr and 11.4 MPa at 20 phr. The Ca and Mg salts the aluminium in the presence of Teflon (PTFE) increases
are also effective for adhesion, though not as effective as adhesive strength, which also increases with rise in treatment
the zinc salts. Zinc methacrylate is less highly reactive than temperature; they further observed that an increased
zinc acrylate, and adhesion is poorer. The mechanism of concentration of hydrophilic groups due to removal of
adhesion is completely unknown but the zinc acrylate or carbon impurity from the treatment surface and the presence
zinc methacrylate presumably deposits on the metal surface
of strongly adsorbed CF2 components are important to
where it reacts with the rubber.
adhesion, and that adhesive strength increases several fold
compared with untreated aluminium when a film of plasma
4.2 Polyacetylene film adhesive polymerised cyclohexane is first formed on the aluminium
and then treated with argon plasma and argon plasma in
Ooij (ref. 45) has found that a plasma polymerised
the presence of PTFE, the adhesive strength being related
polyacetylene film deposited on steel gives excellent
to the thickness of the polymer film.
adhesive strength in respect of high sulphur, cobalt-
containing tyre cord compounds. This is because the film
reacts chemically with the rubber during vulcanisation. It
would hence be possible to achieve direct vulcanisation
bonding to rubber with a continuous process by coating The bonding of rubber to metals during vulcanisation has
steel cord with the film. However, compared with brass- been reviewed above, inclusive of various new methods.
plated cord, the bonds have poor resistance to salt water Although the mechanism of reaction is still unclear, a
deterioration. wealth of experimental results indicate that the important
International Polymer Science and Technology, Vol. 28, No. 8, 2001 T/31
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21. L. White, Eur. Rubber J., 178, 1995, p. 22
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some interaction occurs between this sulphide layer and 22. W.E. Weening, Kautchuk. Gummi Kunststoffe, 31,
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26. Y. Nishimura, S. Yamamoto and H. Nakata, Proc.
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