Islamiyat Notes1
Islamiyat Notes1
Islamiyat Notes1
We shall study
three Himself
basic themes
of the
Quranic Relationship
with His
with His
Key Features of Allah’s
relationship with His creation
1. He is most Gracious 8. He grants Guidance
& Merciful. 9. Those who follow
2. All Praise is due to guidance get Grace
Allah 10. Those who don’t,
3. He is the Lord of the earn His anger
Worlds, 11. He is the Creator of
4. Master of the Day of all, us & all around
Judgment us; of Good & Evil
5. Will reward / punish 12. We Should not set
as per deeds up rivals with Him
6. Only He is to be 13. He gave us
worshipped knowledge
7. He is to be feared 14. His refuge should be
sought from evil
Surah Al-Fatiha 1:1-7
In the name of Allah,
most Gracious, most
Praise be to Allah, the
Lord of the Worlds,
Most Gracious, most
Master of the Day of
You alone we worship,
and Your aid we seek.
Show us the straight
The way of those on
whom You have
bestowed Your Grace,
those whose portion is
not wrath, and who go
not astray.
Surah Al-Fatiha 1:1-7
In the name of Allah, most R
Gracious, most Merciful. E
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the L
Most Gracious, most Merciful,
Master of the Day of Judgment. T
You alone we worship, and Your I
aid we seek. O
Show us the straight way, N
The way of those on whom You S
have bestowed Your Grace, H
those whose portion is not wrath, I
and who go not astray. P
The Main Theme(s)
1. This is the opening Surah of the Quran and it covers
a variety of themes in its text
2. It begins by introducing Allah and His Powers by
glorifying His praise, announcing that He sustains
everything, declaring His colossal mercy, and the
belief in Hereafter
3. It further highlights the two basic features of
4. Firstly, that the focus of all forms of worship shall
only be for Allah and Him alone. Secondly, that we
should only ask Allah for help
5. Failing these two would mean committing an
unforgiveable sin, Shirk.
6. The Surah ends by teaching a Dua for guidance
from Allah of the „straight path‟ which is the path of
the Prophets and all pious people.
7. It also asks us to invoke Him to protect us from
going astray.
The Presentation of the Theme
1. The Surah Fatiha presents a multitude of themes in
a very distinctive manner from most other passages
of the Holy Quran because it in covers so many
subjects in just seven short sentences.
2. Unlike many other Surahs that present different
arguments, it simply presents the outlines of all
basic Quranic themes
3. These include the attributes of Allah, Tauheed,
Allah‟s relationship with mankind, articles of faith
and following the path of Guidance
4. Many scholars call Surah Fatiha the preface or
introduction of the Holy Quran
5. It is also called „the seven oft repeated verses‟ in
the Quran as it is recited in every rakah of Salah by
all Muslims.
6. Repeated recital ensures that Quranic principles
become deeply ingrained in a Muslims‟ mind
Comparison Between (i) & (ii)
How themes have
Themes been presented
Meanings by Allah to make
Content people
Teachings understand them
How this passage
is different from
other similar
Surah Baqara 2: 21-22
basic themes
of the
Quranic Relationship
with His
with His
Muhammad (2 passages)
1. They are Allah‟s vicegerents on 8. They don‟t do Shirk
earth 9. Allah has favored them
2. They have been granted special 10. He gave them miracles
and great knowledge by Allah 11. He never forsakes them
3. They are much higher in status 12. He is never displeased with
than the angels them
4. They must follow His 13. They have His Shelter
14. He grants them guidance
5. They are very intelligent
15. He grants them abundance
6. They recognize Allah very well
through His Signs 16. His deals with their enemies
7. Their focus is towards Allah 17. They have special missions
What do we
learn from
30. Behold, your Lord said to the angels: 'I will create a
vicegerent on earth.' They said: 'Will You place there
one who will make mischief there and shed blood?-
whilst we celebrate your praises and glorify your holy
(name)?' He said: 'I know what you do not know.' 31.
And He taught Adam the names of all things; then He
placed them before the angels, and said: 'Tell me the
names of these if you are right.' 32. They said: 'Glory
to You, of knowledge we have none, save what You
have taught us: In truth it is You who are perfect in
knowledge and wisdom.' 33. He said: 'Adam! Tell
them their names.' When he had told them, Allah
said: 'Did I not tell you that I know the secrets of
heavens and earth, and I know what you reveal and
what you conceal?'34. And behold, We said to the
angels: 'Bow down to Adam'. And they bowed down.
Not so Iblis: he refused and was haughty: he was of
those who reject faith. 35. We said: 'Adam! You and
your wife dwell in the Garden; and eat of the bountiful
things in it as You wish. But do not approach this tree,
or you will run into harm and transgression.' 36. Then
Satan made them slip from there, and got them out of
what they had been in. We said: 'Go down, with
enmity between yourselves. On earth will be your
dwelling-place and your means of livelihood, for a
time.' 37. Then Adam learnt from his Lord words of
inspiration, and his Lord turned towards him; for He is
Often-returning, most Merciful
30. Behold, your Lord said to the angels: 'I will create a vicegerent on earth.' They
said: 'Will You place there one who will make mischief there and shed blood?-
whilst we celebrate your praises and glorify your holy (name)?' He said: 'I know
what you do not know.‟
31. And He taught Adam the names of all things; then He placed them before the
angels, and said: 'Tell me the names of these if you are right.'
32. They said: 'Glory to You, of knowledge we have none, save what You have
taught us: In truth it is You who are perfect in knowledge and wisdom.„
33. He said: 'Adam! Tell them their names.' When he had told them, Allah said:
'Did I not tell you that I know the secrets of heavens and earth, and I know
what you reveal and what you conceal?„
34. And behold, We said to the angels: 'Bow down to Adam'. And they bowed
down. Not so Iblis: he refused and was haughty: he was of those who reject
35. We said: 'Adam! You and your wife dwell in the Garden; and eat of the
bountiful things in it as You wish. But do not approach this tree, or you will run
into harm and transgression.'
36. Then Satan made them slip from there, and got them out of what they had
been in. We said: 'Go down, with enmity between yourselves. On earth will be
your dwelling-place and your means of livelihood, for a time.'
37. Then Adam learnt from his Lord words of inspiration, and his Lord turned
towards him; for He is Often-returning, most Merciful
What do we
learn from
Part (ii)
Part (i) Main Presentation
of Theme
Part (i) Main Theme Answer (2 marks)
Themes 60-80
words in
Content minutes
Quote Qur‟an verses/Ahadith to support and
illustrate points (optional)
Demonstrate knowledge of Arabic
Part (ii) Presentation of Theme (2 marks)
Comparison Between (i) & (ii)
Part (i) Main Theme Part (ii) Presentation of
basic themes
of the
Quranic Relationship
with His
with His
Allah in Himself (Signs)
“Among His signs are the night and
the day, and the sun and the moon.
Adore not the sun and the moon, but
adore Allah, who created them, if it is
Him you wish to serve” Surah
Allah in Himself (Person)
The Holy Quran describes and elaborates details
about the person of Allah.
Usually certain symbolic expressions and parables
have been used for this purpose.
For example, Surah An Nur describes Allah as a
Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The parable of His Light is
as if there were a Niche and within it a lamp: the Lamp enclosed in
Glass: the Glass as it were a brilliant star: lit from a blessed Tree, an
Olive, neither of the East nor of the West, whose Oil is well-nigh
luminous, though fire scarce touched it: Light upon Light! Allah doth set
forth Parables for men: and Allah doth know all things. (Nur : 35)
Sura Ikhlas
Allah in Himself (Attributes)
The Holy Quran describes and elaborates details about the
nature and attributes of Allah using parables & analogies
Attributes of Allah
“Allah is He, than whom there is no other
god― the sovereign, the Holy One, the
Source of Peace (and Perfection). the
Guardian of Faith, the Preserver of Safety,
the Exalted in Might, the Irresistible, the
Supreme: Glory to Allah! (High is He) above
the partners they attribute to Him. (23) He is
Allah the Creator, the Evolver, the Bestower
of Forms (or Colours). To Him belong the
Most Beautiful Names: whatever is in the
heavens and on earth, declare His Praises
and Glory: and He is the exalted in Might, the
Wise. (Surah Al Hashr)
Allah in Himself (Powers)
Another oft repeated theme is that of
Allah's Unmatchable power,
“ Verily, when He intends a thing, His
command is "Be" and it is! (36:82)
Sura Al Anaam
Allah in Himself
Signs Attributes
Ayat Al Kursi (2:255)
101. To Him is due the primal origin of the heavens and the
earth: how can He have a son when He has no consort?
102. He created all things, and He has full knowledge of all things.
That is Allah, your Lord! There is no god but He, the Creator of
all things: then worship Him: and He has power to dispose of all
103. No vision can grasp Him, but His grasp is over all visions: He is
above all comprehension, yet is acquainted with all things.
101. To Him is due the primal origin of the
heavens and the earth: how can He have
a son when He has no consort?
102. He created all things, and He has full
knowledge of all things. That is Allah,
your Lord! There is no god but He, the
Creator of all things: then worship Him:
and He has power to dispose of all
103. No vision can grasp Him, but His grasp
is over all visions: He is above all
comprehension, yet is acquainted with all
Comparison Between (i) & (ii)
Part (i) Main Theme Part (ii) Presentation of
Signs Attributes
Surah Fussilat/Sajda;41. 37
37. Among His signs are
the night and the day,
and the sun and the
moon. Adore not the Person
sun and the moon,
but adore Allah, who
created them, if it is
Him you wish to serve Signs Attributes
The Main Theme(s)
1. The main theme of this passage is
Tauheed or oneness of Allah which is being
taught by explaining His powers.
2. Throughout history, many people have
begun worshipping the sun and the moon
due to their beauty or power.
3. The Quran says that these are just signs of
Allah, who is the Creator of all.
4. Similar themes are found in many places in
the Quran such as in Surah Rehman where
Allah states that He has absolute power
over all heavenly bodies.
The Presentation of the Theme
1. Tauheed, the theme of this passage is
presented through a distinctive manner of
giving examples of His signs
2. Mankind should recognize the Designer of all
these and submit to His will.
3. This is distinctive from other verses such as in
Surah Ikhlas where Allah states the theme of
Tauheed but without explaining or using any
4. This passage urges us not only identify HIM
but also to Worship Him.
Surah As Shura 42: 4 & 5
3. Hira 633 AD (i) Khalid bin Waleed Peace Treaty signed and amnesty
5. Mulah 632 AD (i) Usama bin Zaid Byzantine forces were defeated
4. Qadisiya (i) Saad bin Abi Waqas Rustam got killed, with his forces
(he was unwell) defeated. This completely broke
(ii) Rustam down the strength of Persians
5. Al-Madain 634 AD (i) Saad bin Abi Waqas Laid seige, eventually had to
surrender, King Yazdigard
fled away
6. Jalula (i) Qaka sent by Laid seige to the city eventually
Saad bin Abi Waqas captured it they agreed on terms
of Jizya
7. Tekrit (i) Saad dispatched the forces The combined forces of Christian
Arabs, Persians and Romans had
to face defeat
8. Ubulla (i) Utba bin Ghazwan Captured the city of Ubulla, TOWNS OF KUFA AND BASRA FOUNDED
9. Nehawand
(consequence (ii) Persian King The defeat of Persians resulted
of Treaty in end of sassanid Dynasty. This
broken by being the last great battle fought
Persians alter between Muslims and Persians
12. Damascus 635 AD (i) Khalid bin Waleed - assisted Laid seige to city, finally captured.
by Abu Ubaida and Yezid Peace Treaty signed.
13. Yarmouk 636 AD (i) Abu Ubaida bin al Jarrah Syria was lost to Muslims
Valley (ii) Theodorous (Victorious)
16. Jerusalem (i) Amr bin Aas Laid seige. Treaty Drawn
17. Alexandria 640 AD (i) Amr bin Aas Heraclius died. Egypt Mastered
(Egypt) over alter this conquest
©Maulvi Jahangir
0321 44 60606 [email protected]
Based on Authority or Source
Four types of hadith can be identified.
1. Qudsi - Divine; a revelation from Allah ;
relayed with the words of the Prophet.
2. Marfu - elevated; a narration from the
Prophet, e.g. I heard the Prophet saying ...
3. Mauquf- stopped: a narration from a
companion only, e.g., we were commanded
to ...
4. Maqtu' - severed: a narration from a
As per Authority
Main Features of Qudsi/Nabwi
Qudsi Nabwi
Words & Meaning both Words of Prophet &
from Allah Meaning from Allah
Starts with "the
Starts with "Allah says" Prophet said“ etc
Few in number-Less than 1000 Over 100,000
Topic regarding Man-God
Relationship, Akhira,
Tauheed, Beauty of Worship. Wide range of Topics
They can be Sayings,
They are only Sayings Actions, etc
Compilation of the Holy Quran
Since the Holy Quran was not revealed all at once and its
different verses were revealed as and when appropriate,
so it was neither possible nor practicable from the very
beginning to write and preserve it in a book form.
Before one can begin to understand the manner in which
it was preserved, the amazing memories of
the Arab nation must be kept in mind. And of course, the
fact that Allah Himself has said:
“Verily, it isWeWho have sent down this Message and it isWeWho
shall guard it.” (Surah Hijr; 15:9)
Total Time of Revelation= 23 years (610 to 632 AD)
Total Verses = 6,666
Total Suwar = 114
How the Quran was Revealed
Different Stages in its Compilation
In The
Time of
The Holy
In The
Time of
Abu Bakr
& Umar
In The Time
of Uthman
How the Quran was preserved in
the time of the Holy Prophet.
The Quran was revealed to the Holy Prophet through Jibril , who would make
sure that he s learnt its verses by heart.
Once the Holy Prophet had memorized the verses, Jibril would tell him that
these verses should be placed in so and so Surah in so and so order.
When the Holy Prophet had learnt the verses, he would then teach them to his
companions who would
Learn them by heart (these Huffaz were 1000s)
The scribes of the Holy Prophet, would write the verses under his instruction
on paper, stone tablets, bones, palm leaves, wooden boards or animal skins.
(These companions were about 34).
Quran was preserved in partial volumes in writing, but primarily in the hearts
of tens of thousands of his companions.
Preservation and Compilation during
the caliphates of Abu Bakr and Umar
A large number of Huffaz killed at Yamamah
Umar proposed to Abu Bakr: Lets Write it down in a single
After some initial hesitation, he Agreed
A team of Muqri Sahaba led by Zaid bin Thabit were formed to
conduct this task
How did Zayd ensure authenticity?
The contributor must have in writing as well as be a Hafiz
He tested its reliability against his own memory and that of
his team of Huffaz
Two trustworthy witnesses had testified to the fact that the
particular verse had been written in the presence of the
The written verses were matched with the collections of
The Final Volume
This Task was completed by Umar’s time and stayed with him
until his martyrdom.
Then it went in the custody of Hafsah and thus became
known as Mus’haf-i-Hafsah.
Preservation and Compilation in
the period of Uthman bin 'Affan
Islamic Empire had spread far and wide
New people with new tongues, languages, dialects and
pronunciations had become Muslims
They began to use these to recite Quran in sometimes odd
Hudhayfa bin Yaman approached the caliph Uthman and told
him about the possible dangers of this
Uthman immediately took action
Reassembled a team under Zaid bin Thabit
Made seven copies of Mushaf e Hafsa
Sent these to the provincial capitals
Destroyed any deviant/incomplete manuscripts
Questions that you get
Note on compilation of the Quran in the time of
Holy Prophet
Abu Bakr & Umar
All of the above
Role of Scribes in the compilation of the Quran
Steps taken by Zaid in Thabit (2 parts)
Before going any further, now we must study the sources of
Islamic Law
Elements of Qiyas
1. The ORIGINAL CASE (asl), on which a ruling is given in the
text and analogy seeks to extend it to a new case.
2. The NEW CASE (far’), on which a ruling is needed.
3. The EFFECTIVE CAUSE (‘illah), which is an attribute (wasf)
of the original case and it is found to be in common
between the original and the new case.
4. The RULE (hukm), governing the original case which is to
be extended to the new case.
(a) (b)
1. Belief in Tawhid, Quran and the last
1. Islam demands sincere and genuine
Messenger is demonstrated by
following the eternal guidance of the
2. This sincerity is needed in the
Quran and Sunnah.
fundamental beliefs as well as towards
the leaders and the members of the 2. Muslims should observe the five pillars
community. of Islam
3. This means strong belief in Tawhid 3. As for cooperating with the leader of
(oneness of God), the divine message of
the Quran and the messenger of God the community, Muslims should
who conveyed this Message to us. remember the speech of Abu Bakr on
4. Also, the leader of the community, who his election as caliph:
follows the Quran and Sunnah, should 4. “Help me if I am in the right, set me
be sincerely followed: right if I am in the wrong”
5. “And obey God and obey the Messenger
and those charged with authority 5. Similarly, sincerity towards fellows
among you.” (4:59) should be expressed by being kind,
polite, just and respectful to them.
6. Finally, Muslims should believe in
respecting and caring for the fellows in
the community.
(a) (b)
1. A true believer is supposed to be ready
1. According to Islamic faith, all to give preference to the needs and
believers are bonded together by a feelings of his Muslim brothers over
common faith in Islam his own.
2. They, therefore, constitute a single 2. He should try to emulate the example
family or brotherhood where all of the Ansar of Madinah who readily
members are familiar to each other shared all their belongings with their
regardless of geographical, racial or Muhajir brothers.
linguistic barriers.
3. The Holy Quran endorses this by 3. Muslims should negate selfishness,
saying:“ Believers are a single promote spirit of sacrifice and love for
brotherhood” (49:10). the fellow Muslims
4. Now this sense of belonging to a 4. Should develop a sense of collective
single family unit demands that a welfare and make efforts to ensure
spirit of sacrifice for the other comfort and benefits for others as
members be nurtured and kept alive. much as for himself:
5. True believers should not look down
upon others and should not taunt
them or call them by offensive nick
names or ever break ties with them.
©Maulvi Jahangir Mahmud 0321 44 60606
Hadith No 3 : Let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day either speak good or keep
silent, and let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day be generous to his neighbour, and
let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day be generous to his guest.
(a) (b)
1. A faithful believer ought to be a source of
1. The Messenger of Allah, in his saying, comfort to his neighbours and should
has laid down certain cardinal project generosity and hospitality
disciplines for a true believer towards all human beings giving
2. Unless belief expresses itself preference to other Muslim brethren.
practically, it remains but a 2. The Quran commands its followers to be
pretension. kind and polite in speech: “ And speak
3. Teachings of the Prophet aim at kindly to mankind” (2:83).
inculcating and developing the 3. Neighbors and guests are important
feelings of generosity and kindness in components of the Muslim society and
our day to day interaction with others showing them generosity would
4. True belief is palpably associated strengthen the bonds of love and
with kindness in attitude. fraternity
5. Practical demonstration of true belief 4. Allah elaborately enjoins upon us, in (al-
has to be projected through action Ma'un), certain duties signifying the
importance of neighbourly needs
(a) (b)
1. Salat and Sawm are both aimed at
1. Amongst the five pillars upon which promoting self-discipline and complete
Islam stands, after Shahadah, the two submission to Allah's command
mentioned above are those which are 2. The Quran elaborates the objective of
obligatory for each and every Muslim. fasting in these words:
2. This Hadith highlights the principles 3. “ O you who believe! Fasting has been
upon which is based eligibility for prescribed to you ____ so that you may
Paradise. learn self-restraint” (2:183).
3. Without the establishment of Salah 4. A Muslim is not merely ordered to pray
and observance of the Sawm, it is individually but to 'establish' prayer,
impossible to avoid Hellfire meaning to bond collectively with the
4. Another thing that is mentioned, is community through the daily prayers
the adherence to the Halal and and also through celebrating Ramadan
avoiding the Haram 5. These together prepare the believers
5. If Islamic teachings are followed, i.e. to observe patience, perseverance and
only the lawful is acted upon and the avoid Halal so as to achieve the
prohibited is shunned, the path to objectives
Jannah becomes clear and sure 6. Thus such a conduct in life would pave
the way to Paradise.
(a) (b)
1. Islam includes all good deeds whether
1. All physical powers as a gift & trust acts of worship or kindness to others
from Allah in the scope of charity that shall be
2. Muslim should remember this and rewarded by Allah.
express gratitude to Allah by helping 2. Muslims should help their brothers
fellow Muslims brothers and sisters in day to day affairs.
3. All such acts are acts of charity 3. They should hurry to offer their
4. Such acts should be equated with prayer, share the burden of fellows
exerting energy in the worship of God and, wherever possible, remove
anything harmful from thoroughfares.
5. The Prophet said: “The best among
4. As in the examples given by the Holy
the people are those who are a
Prophet, all joints and organs of the
source of benefit to the people”
body working for goodness perform
6. This hadith emphasizes that a Muslim
acts of charity
must spend each day of his or her life
5. So much so that the Holy Prophet said
doing acts of kindness
that, “ even a smile is a charity”.
(a) (b)
1. Eradication of evil involves struggle of
1. Islam teaches its followers to first
establish a true Islamic society based on varying degrees depending on the
the teachings of the Quran and Sunnah available resources with the Muslim
2. The faith inside a Muslim expresses itself community and government.
through his or her opposition to evil 2. If s/he does nothing, nor even feels the
3. It further commands them to defend the need to do so s/he should be warned that
society against all possible evils with as per this Hadith, even the weakest
whatever available resources. degree of faith is missing from his or her
4. A Muslim must physically stop evil or heart.
attack it verbally, or at least have
feelings of resentment for it. 3. Evil may be suppressed through speech
or writings by individuals, or use of law
5. The Quran declares the distinguishing
factor of the Muslim Ummah as: You are enforcement by Muslim rulers.
the best of the people, evolved for 4. Thus suppressing evil, (Qital or Physical
mankind, enjoining what is right,
forbidding what is wrong and believing Jihad.) or verbally admonishing
in Allah” (3:100) (Dawa'/intellectual Jihad) it, is the duty
6. If a person doesn't even feel bad upon of a Muslim.
encountering an evil, then perhaps true
faith has not yet entered his or her heart. 5. But at all times a believer is required to
shun evil internally and for this ask
Allah’s help (Surah Falaq)
(a) (b)
1. The Messenger of Allah, in this Hadith,
1. The importance of striving for the cause
of Allah can easily be understood by the has described some of the most
Quranic verse: “ Those who believe, and excellent Muslims for all times, the
suffer exile (Hijrah) and strive with Mujahideen or those who conduct
might and money, in Allah's cause, with
their goods and their persons, shall Jihad with the best of their resources
attain the highest rank in the sight of 2. To be included in 'the best' we must be
Allah” (9:20) ready to sacrifice our time, money and
2. Thus belief in Allah is subject and even life if need be in the path of Allah
conditional to striving in His way with all
resources so as to attain the status of a 3. This includes physical, mental and
martyr which is the highest reward spiritual Jihad
bestowed upon the believers by Allah 4. One who strives in Allah's way will be
3. Jihad is aimed at suppressing evil, ranked as a shaheed even if s/he dies a
stopping aggression and transgression natural death
but within the limits prescribed by the
code of conduct of war in Islam.
4. Muslims believe that all their physical
and financial resources are granted by
God, and so, they develop the spirit of
placing them at God’s disposal.
(a) (b)
1. If the desire of a Muslim is to attain the
1. The entire life of a Muslim is spent in exalted status of a Shaheed (Martyr) he
some form of Jihad
2. He or she may be performing spiritual, or she should spend every living
mental or physical Jihad at any given moment in Allah's Way
time 2. This can be achieved simply by making
the intention to seek Allah's pleasure in
3. The Quran and the Prophet have
repeatedly admired those busy in all that we do
Jihad and ranked them as the best 3. Allah's Path, in a broad term, applies to
Muslims. many aspects of goodness
4. If one's life is spent in this manner,
4. The Holy Prophet fought battles,
received wounds and also witnessed then no matter if death comes
martyrdom of his close associates. naturally or through a disease, he or
5. It was generally believed that this she shall be amongst the Martyrs
rank can only be achieved if one was 5. This serves as a great encouragement
actually in combat, but this Hadith has for those who do not get an
included all those Muslims who are opportunity to be involved in physical
struggling in Allah's Path in one way jihad
or the other.
(a) (b)
1. The Holy Prophet also said that, “ He
1. This Hadith stresses on two who works with his hand is a friend of
important teachings: Dignity of Allah.’
Labour & Superiority of Halal income 2. The Holy Prophet himself never
2. The Holy Prophet said that the test evaded physical hard labour
lies not in how much you earn, but 3. In the light of this Hadith and the
whether it is earned through fair or Prophet's example, no Muslim should
unfair means avoid physical labour nor consider it
3. Islam warns that those who use below his or her dignity.
wrongfully acquired wealth actually 4. Also they should respect those who
fill their stomach with hellfire engage in physical labour and not
4. The Holy Prophet himself set an consider them inferior
example of labour many a times in his 5. They should prefer to earn through
life: Construction of the Masjid & hard work than unfair means
Daily chores
(a) (b)
1. The Muslims should follow the
1. Islamic teachings train the believers to
develop a sense of fulfilling the rights of example of the Prophet who was
God as well as those of the fellow known even before awarding of
beings. prophethood as the supporter of
2. Islam strictly instructs us to take care of widows & orphans.
the less privileged in the society. Such
people have been equated by the 2. They should support those in need by
Prophet to a regular worshipper and the regular charity and almsgiving
one who strives in the way of God.
3. By taking care of the poor, the needy,
3. The Quran links true faith with a
supportive attitude towards the poor widows, etc one can prove whether
and declares those who fail to do so as s/he is actually a believer or merely a
the rejecters of faith pretender of faith
4. Islam also requires that fellow Muslims 4. The Quran links kindness to Tawheed
behave with each other in a brotherly by saying: “ Serve Allah and do not join
fashion as an expression of genuine
faith. any partners with Him; and do good to
5. The Holy Prophet declared mutual love parents, kinsfolk, orphans, those in
and care among the members of the need….” (4:36)
Islamic community as one of the pre-
requisites to the true faith 5. In a Muslim society special
arrangements should be made to
support the needy with Zakat and
other acts of charity.
©Maulvi Jahangir Mahmud 0321 44 60606
Hadith No 11 : 'I and the man who brings up an orphan will be in paradise like
this.' And he pointed with his two fingers, the index finger and the middle
(a) (b)
1. The Prophet was asked in Surah al-
1. Islam instructs its followers to be caring
and considerate towards the
Duha: “Did He not find you an orphan
unsupported and the needy. and give you shelter? ”
2. It promises greater rewards for such 2. He therefore, showered special love on
noble attitude, e.g., earning the pleasure the orphan
of God and closeness to His Messenger.
3. Muslims should imitate his examples in
3. It also associates such nobility with the whatever possible ways such as
love for God:“And they feed for the love
of God, the indigent, the orphan and the supporting orphanages
captive” (76:8) 4. They should adopt orphan children in
4. Care and support of the orphan is greatly the light of the admiration expressed
admired by the Quran and Sunnah, as by the Prophet, “ the best Muslim
both promise huge rewards for those house is that in which an orphan is well
who are kind towards the orphan.
5. This Hadith guarantees such people
closeness to the Prophet in Paradise → 5. Such noble tasks strengthen the
for any believer this is no less than a communal bonds among the members
fabulous award in the Hereafter of the Muslim community.
(a) (b)
1. A Muslim ruler is expected to discharge his
1. This Hadith highlights the attitude of duties with such a faith deeply ingrained in his
a Muslim ruler mind and show maximum kindness and
patronizing attitude towards his subjects
2. A Muslim ruler is given the power to 2. Both the companions mentioned in this
rule a country as a trust from Allah Hadith were highly trained by the Prophet and
3. A Muslim ruler is required to consider it was virtually unthinkable that they would be
harsh to anyone, so his warning to them was
himself the custodian of his people,
actually directed towards the rulers to come
responsible for their prosperity and
welfare 3. Muslim rulers need to follow these model
rulers who ruled not only the state but also the
4. True Muslim rulers try their best to hearts of their subjects.
win the hearts of their people by 4. They should remove all barriers that separate
kindness and by being very close to them form their people and should treat them
them, avoiding any degree of in a kind and fatherly way so that people do
harshness. not fear but respect them with sincerity.
5. The Prophet said, “ Be merciful to 5. We also understand that 'Ruler' also means
those on earth and He, Who is in the everyone in responsibility, such as a parent or
heavens, shall show mercy to you.” employer; who should also take a lesson from
this Hadith.
(a) (b)
1. A Muslim should bind himself and
1. Holy Quran is the ultimate source of
guidance for the worldly matters as well
herself with the Quran as a person firmly
as the Hereafter. ties up his prized camels
2. The Holy Prophet has used this analogy
2. The conduct of the Muslims depends on
the degree of their association with the in order to emphasize on the
Quran because it is the basis of their lives. significance of the Quran as camels
3. The Prophet has linked this bond with the were a very precious belonging in those
ownership of the tethered camels times.
3. He further said, 'The best amongst you
4. As long as the camels are supervised and
kept tethered, they remain under control. is the one who studies the Quran and
teaches it.'
5. Similarly, as long as a Muslim remains
attached to the Quran by recitation, 4. In any Muslim community, readers and
learning and comprehending it, the Quran teachers of the Quran are held in high
continues to benefit him; but if this esteem.
relation is weakened, the effect of the 5. In most families, formal education of a
Quran gradually fades away. Muslim child begins by learning the
6. Quran continues to guide the reader as
long as the latter continues to read and recitation of the Quran
comprehend the message of the Quran
(a) (b)
1. The Prophet conducted trade not only
1. Muslim should demonstrate
compassionate behavior towards fellow
with full honesty and dedication, but
Muslims in dealings with them . also with kindness
2. Islamic Economic Teachings stress on 2. The Messenger also said: “Be
honesty and justice on one hand, while
mercy and lenience on the other.
compassionate to those on earth and
He who is in the heavens will be
3. Sellers should believe that honesty and compassionate to you.”
generosity are liked by God.
4. Buyers similarly should not have any ill 3. He would not hide defects of
intention of exploiting any weakness of merchandise while selling any items or
the seller. cheat the buyer.
5. Creditors should believe that God alone 4. The buyer nor the seller should exploit
enabled him to be a source of helping each other.
those in need and so, he should develop
spirit of magnanimity when some needy 5. A creditor should show generosity &
person approaches him. grant relief to the debtor because the
6. In conclusion, mercy and compassion Prophet greatly admired such degree
should not be left out during business of kindness: “Whoever has a claim on a
transactions brother which is payable and he allows
respite to the debtor in his payment,
he will be given the reward of charity”.
©Maulvi Jahangir Mahmud 0321 44 60606
Hadith No .5: God will not show mercy to him who does not show mercy to others.
(a) (b)
1. The Muslims are required to follow the
1. Allah Himself is the fount of mercy footsteps of the Prophet who never
2. The Quran says that Allah's mercy cursed his enemies and insulters in
wraps His anger Makkah, Taif and the battlefield.
3. In this Hadith the Holy Prophet is
laying down the condition for Allah's 2. He kindly treated captives of Badr and
Mercy only for those who show forgave his fatal enemies on the
mercy to others conquest of Makka.
4. Allah loves His creation and doesn't 3. Muslims today may imitate such noble
allow anyone to be harsh as He conduct and generosity of heart.
Himself is not harsh or unfair to 4. They should not overburden their
anyone employees and should have the moral
5. To deserve His Mercy, one must show courage of forgiving the insulters
it to His Creation because they will receive huge reward
from their Lord:
5. Even if someone is harsh, we should try
to win over him with love and
©Maulvi Jahangir Mahmud 0321 44 60606 6. The Prophet said “Be compassionate
to those on earth and He, who is in the
Hadith No.16: The believers are like a single man; if his head is affected he is
all affected and if his eye is affected he is affected
(a) (b)
1. The believers may follow this Hadith in
1. This Hadith emphasizes Muslim a variety of ways.
brotherhood and unity
2. Islamic teachings strike at the root of 2. The Ansar of Madina accommodated
racial, geographical, social and the Muhajireen of Makka by sharing all
linguistic barriers and discriminations their assets with them.
3. All the Muslims are bonded together 3. They should care for fellow Muslims in
by the strong fabric of common faith hour of need and trials
that makes them a single fraternity: “ 4. The finest example in history of such
Believers are a single brotherhood” mutual compassion was the
(49:10). brotherhood between the Muhajireen
4. When a brother is in pain, his pain is and Ansar
felt by all his siblings 5. Each Ansari divided his entire
5. Just as siblings are one family unit, so belongings in half and half and
is the entire Muslim community presented the same to his Muhajir
6. Just as a body cannot be at rest, if any brethren
single part is afflicted, the Muslims 6. Muslims should follow this example
cannot be at peace if some amongst and sacrifice their wealth for the less
them is in trouble. fortunate Muslims Brothers & Sisters
(a) (b)
1. The Prophet said: ' Be modest before
1. Modesty is perhaps the most important
component of the moral teachings of
Allah: the correct way to be modest
Islam before Him is to control your heart and
head and keep them pure…”
2. Modesty is the barrier, like piety, against
all indecencies and evils and is thus a 2. We must practice modesty by
source of strengthening faith and shunning evil thoughts
submission before divine commands. 3. Modesty keeps us away from all evil
3. So, modesty strengthens and acts
accompanies faith, and faith, in turn, 4. The Muslims must lower their gaze as
promotes mental piety.
it may lead to sin
4. Mental piety reflects a believer’s 5. Thus the practice of modesty
obedience to God and is a means of
earning God’s favor.
eliminates evils and social problems so
5. The Prophet declared modesty as a that a balanced society develops.
cardinal feature of Islam:“ Every religion
has a distinctive quality and distinctive
quality of Islam is modesty”
6. Modesty is not only to be observed
towards fellow human beings, but
towards Allah too
(a) (b)
1. We must shun all types of pride and
1. According to Muslim belief, true faith observe modesty and humbleness in all of
alone guarantees a believer’s salvation his postures and dealings
from the fire of Hell and entry to
Paradise. 2. By strengthening a sense of humility,
2. This Hadith underlines the importance pride can be effectively resisted and
of true faith and renunciation of pride controlled.
3. It also identifies faith and arrogance 3. This ensures pleasure of God:“for God
being opposites of each other does not love the arrogant” (4:36)
4. When a person embraces Islam, he 4. Following the divine guidance is the best
actually and practically submits to the means of promoting humility and
will of Allah and submission is resisting pride.
diametrically opposed to any form or
degree of pride 5. As faith and pride cannot co-exist in one
5. Quran and Sunnah reiterate that faith heart, we must continuously analyze our
and pride cannot co-exist in the heart own selves and keep our hearts under
of a Muslim check
6. We must adopt humility not only in
behavior, but also in dress and manners
(a) (b)
1. Paradise is the place where one would
1. Allah created charms in this world to test
His obedient servants.
get whatever one would wish for
Believers, for whom the world is a
2. A believer is trained by Islamic teachings
testing ground feel imprisoned here
to consider this world a prison where he
is not free to live a life of his choice and 2. The unbelievers strive solely for the
so, can’t get attached to it just as a pursuit of temporal happiness
prisoner can’t develop a lasting 3. We, as Muslims, should focus on
association with the prison. concentrating to spend our lives in this
3. The Holy Prophet said “ This world is but 'prison' as per rules and regulations set
a cultivating ground for the Hereafter.” forth by God Almighty
4. A true believer strongly believes in the 4. And shun our desires and wishes in this
eternal joys of the Hereafter whereas a world, to project ourselves before God
non-believer is fully enticed by the Almighty as true Muslims.
temporary glow of this world and thus, 5. A Muslim should never lose sight of
denies the Hereafter.
his/her real objective and purpose, and
5. A non-believer on the other hand, never should not become overly involved in
wants to leave this world because as he
doesn’t believe in Hereafter, he sees this worldly desires
as the only place to be happy.
(a) (b)
1. We must purify our hearts and our
1. This Hadith categorically declares the
criterion by which God judges actions
and conduct. 2. Our actions must be strictly according to
the Islamic teachings, even if they may
2. God does not consider outward
appearance or worldly gains made by a seem alien to some society, because our
person. intention is to please Allah
3. He simply considers a person’s conduct 3. Perhaps the people around us may only
and the intentions behind it because the appreciate our appearance and wealth,
Prophet clearly stated in another Hadith: but the only one whose appreciation is
“Actions are judged by intentions”
worth getting is Allah
4. However good appearance we may carry
and whatever success we get, God is so 4. They should reject any form or degree of
supreme and high that everything is hypocrisy or showing off and develop
worthless before Him because He is sincerity of faith and intention, keeping
“Lord of all the worlds” and “He knows in mind: “Whether you hide whatever is
secrets of hearts.”
in your hearts or reveal it, God knows it
5. So, a true believer strives to act all.” (Al Quran 3:29)
according to the Quran and Sunnah and
with sincerity of intention. 5. They should do all noble deeds with the
pure intention of earning God’s pleasure
and not for showing off to others.
©Maulvi Jahangir Mahmud 0321 44 60606
There are 3 ways of performing Hajj. Decide yours.
Change into Ihraam from Miaqaat Change into Ihraam from Miaqaat Change into Ihraam from Miaqaat
Make Niyyah for Hajj only Make Niyyah for Hajj & Umrah Make Niyyah for Umrah only
Say Talbiyah Say Talbiyah Say Talbiyah
Stone Jamraat-al-Aqba
Offer Maghrib & Isha Salah at *with seven pebbles before Zawal
Isha time Return to Mina after Proceed to Makkah
sunrise on the 10th Slaughter animal
Collect alteast 49 pebbles *for Hajj Qiraan & Tamutt’u only to perform Tawaf-Al-Ifadah
Offer Fajr Sahalh & make Du’a *reach befor Zawal by Zafal of the 11th
Shave or get a hair cut & take off
In a hurry?
Leave Mina before IF YES
sunset on the 12th Perform Tawaf-Al-Wida
Dhul Hajjah Return back to while leaving Makkah
2 Raka’at behind
On the 13th, after Zawal
stone 3 Jamraat
* 7 pebbles each, starting RETURN HOME
with the smallest
Make Du’a after 1st & 2nd
Rights of
Non Muslims
1. Their life, wealth and honour should be protected by the state
2. The Jizyyah imposed on them should be according to their financial
3. Jizyyah should only be imposed on individuals who can take part in a war.
4. Children, women, the handicapped, the insane, the old and the sick who
cannot earn their living don’t have to pay any tax
5. The needy and poor among them should be provided the basic necessities
of life
6. Their personal matters and religious rituals should be exempted from the
law of the state and no interference should be made in their faith and
7. Their places of worship should not be tampered with.
8. They should be given all the rights which are sanctioned by the norms of
justice and fairness for people in a civilised society
Examples from Sunnah
• Prophet’s treatment of Jews as per Treaty
• Prophet’s respect for elderly Jew and Jewish funeral bier
• Prophet said, ““Beware! Whoever is cruel and hard on a non-Muslim minority, curtails their
rights, burdens them with more than they can bear, or takes anything from them against their
free will; I will complain against the person on the Day of Judgment.” ”
9 A.H.
Events leading to the battle
• The Byzantine power, which was considered the
greatest military force on earth at that time,
didn’t like the rising power of Muslims in Arabia
• Caesar mustered a huge army of the Byzantines
and pro-Roman Ghassanide tribes to launch a
decisive bloody battle against the Muslims.
• The Prophet came to know and began to prepare
as well.
• He announced and appealed to all Muslims
• They participated and donated generously
Events of the battle
• 30,000 Muslims army, though still not large
enough to fight with Romans reached Tabuk
• Allah struck terror in the hearts of the Byzantines
and their allies
• None of them dared set out to fight.
• Muslim forces gained a great military reputation
in Arabian Peninsula
• The tribes, who used to a lly the Byzantines,
became quite certain that their dependence upon
their former masters came to an end. Therefore
they turned into being pro-Muslims.
• Importance of Tabuk
• The effect of this invasion is great as regards
extending and confirming the Muslims’ influence
and domination on the Arabian Peninsula
• It became obvious that Muslims were the
absolute power in Arabia
• Non Muslim Arab tribes now became subjects
• Abdullah bin Ubay died and verses about him &
hypocrites revealed
• Many verses revealed
© Maulvi Jahangir Mahmud
[email protected]
Welcome to Islamiyat 2058
Multimedia Edition (Beta)
Summary of Early Life
& Conditions of Arabia
Conditions of Arabia at the
Time of Prophets birth
Conditions of Arabia at the
Time of Prophets birth
1. History of Arabs
as Banu Ismail
2. Political Arena
3. Religious Beliefs
4. Social Setup
5. Tribal Culture &
6. Economic
Conditions of Arabia at the
Time of Prophets birth
1.History of
Arabs as
Banu Ismail
Sarah Keturah
Midian Ismael
Bani Ismael
Bani Israel (Arabs)
Prophets: –
Last Jesus Muhammad
Conditions of Arabia at the
Time of Prophets birth
Political Arena
1. Stuck between Two great
super powers
2. Divided in to countless tribes
3. Quraish were the superior
Conditions of Arabia at the Time of Prophets birth
Religious Beliefs
Were originally on the Faith of
Abraham and Ismael
Slowly began to drift away from
Then adopted Idol worship
Had become to believe that Idols
were necessary to worship
Still thought they were true
followers of Ibrahim
Conditions of Arabia at the Time of Prophets birth
Main Income was 2
1. Trade because
Makkah was center of
all Arabia
2. Quraish had immunity
from Robbers
Conditions of Arabia at the Time of Prophets birth
Social Setup
1. Tribal Culture & System
2. The Chief was all powerful
3. Tribal Laws Applied
4. Only Free men were humans
5. Law of the Jungle
6. Law of Booty
7. Women buried Alive. Why?
8. Slavery and mistreatment
The Birth of The Prophet
Family Background
Death of Father before birth
Mother’s Blessed Dreams
The Birth of The Prophet
Early Childhood
Haleema Sadia
Zubair bin Abdul-Muttalib
Abu Talib Abdul-Muttalib
Important Events
1. The Prophet as a special person even before
Important Events
1. The Prophet as a special person even before
2. Childhood Nature (Halima’s Comments &
Important Events
1. The Prophet as a special
person even before Hira
2. Childhood Nature (Halima’s
Comments & Experiences)
3. Splitting of heart
4. Buhaira
Important Events
1. The Prophet as a special person even before
2. Childhood Nature (Halima’s Comments &
3. Splitting of heart
4. Buhaira
5. Fixing of Black Stone
Important Events
1. The Prophet as a special person even before
2. Childhood Nature (Halima’s Comments &
3. Splitting of heart
4. Buhaira
5. Fixing of Black Stone
6. As a Businessman (Sadiq & Amin)
Important Events
1. The Prophet as a special person even before
2. Childhood Nature (Halima’s Comments &
3. Splitting of heart
4. Buhaira
5. Fixing of Black Stone
6. As a Businessman (Sadiq & Amin)
7. Marriage to Khadija –
Questions that you get
1. Loyalty to Tradition/Forefathers/Religion
2. Tourism Industry
3. Travel Immunity
4. Social System
5. Egoistical Problems
Revision Handout #27
“Unit 6: History & Importance of Hadith
Four types of hadith can be identified as per
the final authority, ie where they originate
1. Qudsi - Divine; a revelation from Allah ;
relayed with the words of the Prophet.
2. Marfu - elevated; a narration from the
Prophet, e.g. I heard the Prophet saying ...
3. Mauquf- stopped: a narration from a
companion only, e.g., we were commanded
to ...
4. Maqtu' - severed: a narration from a
As per Authority
Main Features of Qudsi/Nabwi
Qudsi Nabwi
Words & Meaning both Words of Prophet &
from Allah Meaning from Allah
Starts with "the
Starts with "Allah says" Prophet said“ etc
Few in number-Less than 1000 Over 100,000
Topic regarding Man-God
Relationship, Akhira,
Tauheed, Beauty of Worship. Wide range of Topics
They can be Sayings,
They are only Sayings Actions, etc
Revision Handout #3.3
Chart of Outcome of Prophet’s Letters
Name Country Outcome
1 Negus King of Abyssinia Accepted
2 Muqawqis King of Egypt Didn’t Accept
3 Chroses Emperor of Persia Misbehaved
4 Ceasar Emperor of Rome Didn’t Accept
5 Mundhir Governor of Bahrain Accepted
6 Haudhah Governor of Yamamah Misbehaved
7 Al-Harith King of Syria Misbehaved
8 Jaifer & Abd Rulers of Oman Accepted
Main Points of The Last Sermon
Venue & Date Life & Property are Sacred
• The Farewell Pilgrimage. • "O People! just as you
• 9th day of Dhul-Hijjah, 10 regard this month, this day
A.H. ( 623AD) ,this city as sacred ,so
• Uranah valley of Mount regard the life and property
Arafat in Makkah of every Muslim a sacred
trust. Return the goods
entrusted to you to their
rightful owners.
Main Points of The Last Sermon
• Conversion / Marriage
• Biographical details (Born, Died, Buried)
Except Khadija, All are buried in Baqee in Madinah. Khadijah is
buried in Makkah
• Services rendered by them
• Any Verses / Ahadith about them?
• How many ahadith they narrated?
Early Figures: The Answer formula
When the Prophet was returning from an expedition they stopped for a while.
‘Aishah discovered that she had dropped her necklace & went out again to search for it.
When she returned, the army had already marched away, thinking that she was in the litter.
In her helplessness she s at down and cried till sleep overpowered her.
Safwan bin Mu‘attal, an Emigrant, who was coming in the rear recognized her as he had seen her before the verse
enjoining the veil was revealed, and brought her on his camel to Madinah without saying asingle word to her, himself
walking behind the animal.
The hypocrites of Madinah led by ‘Abdullah bin ‘Ubai bin Salul, sought to make capital out of this incident and spread a
malicious scandal against ‘Aishah (May Allah be pleased her) and unfortunately some of the Muslims also became
involved in it.
On arrival in Madinah, the Prophet (Peace be upon him) held counsel with his Companions, who pronounced different
opinions ranging from divorce to retention.
The incident almost roused a fight between two rival factions, Al-Aws and Al-Khazraj, but the Prophet’s
‘Aishah (May Allah be pleased with her) unaware of the rumours being circulated, fell ill and was confined to bed for a
month. On recovering, she heard of the slander and took permission to go and see her parents seeking authentic news.
She then burst into tears and stayed for two days and one sleepless night ceaselessly weeping to such an extent that she
felt her liver was about to rip open.
The Prophet (Peace be upon him) visited her in that situation, and after testifying to the Oneness of Allâh he told her, “If
you are innocent, Allâh will acquit you, otherwise, you have to beg for His forgiveness and pardon.”
She stopped weeping and asked her parents to speak for her, but they had nothing to say, so she herself took the
initiative and said “Should I tell you I am innocent, and Allâh knows that I am surely innocent, you will not believe me;
and if I were to admit something of which, Allâh knows, I am innocent, yo u will believe me, then I will have nothing to
make recourse to except the words of the father of Prophet Yusuf “So (for me) patience is most fitting. And it is Allâh
(Alone) Whose Help can be sought against that which you assert.” *12:18+
At that decisive moment the Revelation came acquitting ‘Aishah (May Allah be pleased with her) of all the slanderous
talk fabricated in this concern. ‘Aishah (May Allah be pleased with her) of course, was wholeheartedly joyful and praised
Allâh thankfully. Allâh’s Words in this regard went as follows:
“Verily! Those who brought forth the slander (against ‘Aishah (May Allah be pleased with her) — the wife of the Prophet
(Peace be upon him) are a group among you.” *24:11+
The principal elements involved in the slander affair, Mistah bin Athatha, Hassan bin Thabit and Hamnah bint Jahsh,
were flogged with eighty stripes.
In the Shi’te sect of Islam known as the Ithna-‘ashariyyah or Twelvers, the articles of
faith or fundamentals of Islam differ from those of the Ahle Sunnat or Sunnis. These
are also known as Usool -ad-Deen or ‘Roots of Religion’. They are
Amongst the above, we shall study Imamate or belief in the Twelve Imams.
The Twelve Imams are the spiritual and political successors to the Prophet. Each of
them is an infallible human individual who not only rules over the community with
justice, but also is able to keep and interpret the Divine Law and its esoteric
meaning. The Prophet and Imams' words and deeds are a guide and model for the
community to follow; as a result, they must be free from error and sin, and must be
chosen by divine decree, or nass, through the Prophet. It is believed by Twelver Shi'a
Muslims that the Twelve Imams were foretold in the Hadith of the Twelve
Successors. He is reported to have said:
"The (Islamic) religion will continue until the Hour (day of resurrection), having
twelve Caliphs for you, all of them will be from Quraysh."
The Imams were bestowed with Divine wisdom (aql) and knowledge (hikmah). They
suffered for the sake of religion and their sufferings were a means of divine grace to
their devotees. Although the Imam was not the recipient of a divine revelation, he
had a close relationship with God, through which God guides him, and the Imam in
turn guides the people.
There is always an Imam of the Age, who is the divinely appointed authority on all
matters of faith and law in the Muslim community. Hazrat ‘Alī was the first Imam of
this lineage, and in the Twelvers' view, the rightful successor to the Holy Prophet of
Islam, followed by male descendants of the Prophet his daughter Fatimah. Each
Imam was the son of the preceding Imam, with the exception of Hazrat Hussain ibn
Ali, who was the brother of Hazrat Hassan ibn Ali. The twelfth and final Imam is
Hazrat Muhammad al-Mahdi, who is believed by the Twelvers to be currently alive,
and hidden till he returns to bring justice to the world.
Belief in Imamat, the divinely appointed leadership after the death of the Holy
Prophet is an integral part of Shi’te faith. Their role is to protect and guide mankind
with the revealed Truth, the Holy Qur'an and the true practices of the Holy Prophet
himself. They play an integral part in the protection of all the Messengers and their
divine Messages. Allah appointed them through the Holy Prophet himself to protect
mankind from misrepresenting and misinterpreting the Truth. They are sinless
(ma'soom) and perfect in the highest sense of the word. As the Imams have direct
knowledge from God, and their verdict is the verdict of God.
List of Imams
Kitab al-Kafi
• Compiled by Muhammad Ya‘qūb Kulaynī in 3rd century Hijri, it is
divided into three sections:
1. Usūl al-Kāfī, which is concerned with the principles of religion
2. Furū al-Kāfī, which is concerned with the details of religious law
3. Rawdat al-Kāfī, which is concerned with various religious aspects
and includes some writings of the Imāms
• In total, al-Kāfī comprises of about 16,000 narrations
• The author states that this book would be sufficient for all the
needs of a believer as it includes all branches of religious
• He further says in his preface that he only collected ahadith he
thought were important
• He left the verification of these ahadith up to later scholars.
Man la Yahduruhu al-Faqih
• Compiled by Muhammad ibn 'Ali al-Qummi commonly
known as Al-Shaykh al-Saduq in the 4th century Hijri
• Contains over 9,000 ahadith
• The literal translation of the title Man la yahduruhu al-Faqih
is “For him not in the Presence of a Jurisprudent”.
• The book is meant to be a reference book to help ordinary
Shia Muslims in the practice of the legal requirements of
• Isnad are absent
• Thus, the book is a summary of the study of legal traditions.
• Shi'ites regard this book as among the most reliable Hadith
Handout: The Four Books or the Shia Books of Hadith by M.J. Mahmud / 0321 4460606/ [email protected]
Handout: The Four Books or the Shia Books of Hadith by M.J. Mahmud / 0321 4460606/ [email protected]
Components of
Chain of
Yahya narrated from Malik who narrated
from Nafae who narrated from Abdullah
bin Umar that the Holy Prophet said: He
who misses the ‘Asr prayer is as if he has
lost his family and property.
How a hadith is declared Authentic.
there is no weakness.
Both its chain of
transmission ('Al-Isnad)
and the text (Al-Matn)
must pass ALL the
tests such as those Sahih
previously stated to
verify their authenticity.
Example of Sahih Hadith
It is like As-Sahih
Tradition, except Main Types
Example of Daef Hadith but acceptable
Example of Maudu-Fabricated Hadith