Concept of Da'wah

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Chapter 1
1. Introduction
2. Background of revelation of surah almudathir
3. Themes in surah almudathir
4. Lessons deduced from surah almudathir
5. Conclusion
Chapter 2
1. Introduction
2. Concept of da'wah
3. Importance of da'wah
4. Stages of da'wah
5. Good qualities a good da'iya should possessed
6. Major challenges facing da'wah
7. Conclusion
8. Reference
In the name of Allah the most Beneficent, the most Merciful. All the
praises and thanks be to Allah the lord of the ‘ALAMĪN’. The only owner
of the day of recompense. You (Alone) we worship, and you (Alone) we
ask help. Guide us to the straight way, the way of those on whom you
have bestowed your grace, not (the way) of those who earned your
Anger, nor of those who went astray.

In sural almudathir Verse 1_7 talks about introduction to the prophet

for cleanliness and patience while Verse 8_32 talks or serve as a
warning to unbelievers and that the day of judgement will be very
difficult for thos who deny Allah revelation And the last part verse
33_56 talks about action which leads to hell fire which are: not offering
salat,not feeding the poor wasting time in vain talks and denying the
day of judgement.

Background of Revelation:
Surah al-Muddathir is one of the first Surahs to be revealed. We learn
through authentic Ahadeeth that revelation was suspended for quite
some time. This period of temporary Cessation of revelation is termed
as fatrat-ul-wahi. It was a time of intense depression and Grief for the
Prophet Muhammad salAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. He would go on top of
the mountains to Throw himself down. But whenever he stood on the
edge of a peak, Angel Jibreel ‘alayhi Salaam would appear and tell him
that he was a Prophet of Allah. This affirmation would Console him and
restore peace in his mind. Towards the end of fatrat-ul-wahi, an
incident took place that is narrated by Jabir ibn ‘Abdullah radhiAllahu
‘anhu that Prophet Muhammad salAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam said, “One
day While I was walking, I heard a voice from the sky. I lifted my gaze
towards the skyAnd saw the same angel who had come to me in the
cave of Hira. He was sitting on A chair between the sky and the earth. I
was struck with awe until I fell down to The ground. Then, I went to my
family and said, ‘Cover me up, cover me up!’ So, They covered me up
with a quilt (or blanket). At that time Allah (subhanahu wa Ta’ala)
revealed the initial ayaat of Surah al-Muddathir.” [Bukhari, Muslim,
Musnad Ahmad, Ibn Jareer] Theme and Subject Matter: We know that
the first ayaat to be revealed to the Prophet salAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam
were That of Surah ‘Alaq. In those ayaat, the Prophet salAllahu ‘alayhi
wa sallam was not given Any injunctions rather was only informed
about the creation of man and a brief Introduction of his Creator. This
was the first experience of the Prophet with revelation. There was a
need to leave him alone for sometime so that the message could sit in
and he Could prepare himself for several similar experiences in the
future. After this intermission when revelation was resumed, the first
seven ayaat of this Surah Were revealed. These ayaat brought along
six commandments,
1. O you enveloped in your cloak!1
2. Arise and warn! (74:2)
3.And your Lord magnify! (74:3)
4. And your garments purify! (74:4)
5. And keep away from Ar-Rujz (the idols). (74:5)

6. And give not a thing in order to have more. (74:6)

7. And be patient for the sake of your Lord. (74:7)
This was the first time that he was commanded to arise and warn the
people of the Consequences of the way of life they were following and
to proclaim the greatness of God in The world where others were being
magnified without any right. It was an honorable mission That he had
to perform. Therefore, it demanded that he purified himself and his life
from Every kind of impurity. He was to carry out his duty of reforming
himself and the people Sincerely irrespective of any worldly gain.
Because all that he was instructed to do was Intimidating he was
exhorted to endure with patience, for the sake of his Lord; all the
Hardships and troubles that he might have to face while performing his
mission. After laying down the pre-requisites of da’wah, in ayaat 8-10
Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala Describes the fate of those who deny the
Message. That Day when the Trumpet is blown That will be a hard day
for the disbelievers. In ayaat 11-26, without naming Waleed bin al-
Mugheerah, Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala Narrates that He had blessed
him with abundant resources yet how inimical he proved to be. His
mental conflict has been portrayed that on the one hand he was fully
convinced of the Truth of Muhammad (salAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) and
the Qur’an, but, on the other, he did Not want to risk his leadership
and position among his people. Not only did he not believe Himself he
also came out with the proposal to restrain people from believing in
the Qur’an. After exposing his evil nature, it was said that he was
worthy of Hell. We then read about the dreadfulness of the Hell, and
the character of people who deserve It. In ayaat 49-53, the root cause
of the disbelievers’ aversion has been pointed out. They are Fearless of
the Hereafter, and look upon this worldly life as an end in itself. They
flee from The Qur’an as though they were wild asses fleeing away from
the lion. Each of them desires That a written text must come from
Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala confirming that Islam is the Right religion
and Muhammad salAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam is the Messenger of Allah.
The Surah ends with Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala explicitly stating that
He does not stand in Need of anybody’s faith. The Qur’an is an
admonition that has been presented before the People openly; now
whoever wills may accept it. Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala has a right that
The people should fear His disobedience and He alone has the power
to forgive the one who Adopts piety and an attitude of God
consciousness (taqwa) even though one may have Committed many
acts of disobedience in the past. May Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala allow
us to replace the fear of people with the fear of Allah (alone), and
make us the people of taqwa who leave every forbidden act for the
sake of Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala alone, aameen.
Tafsir on Surah al-Muddathir
O you enveloped in your cloak!1
1. A study of the background of the revelation of these verses given in
the introduction above can help one understand why the Prophet
(peace be upon him) on this occasion has been addressed with Ya
ayyuhal-Muddaththiru instead of Ya ayyuhar-Rasulu (O Messenger), or
Ya ayyuhan Nabiyyu (O Prophet). As the Prophet (peace be upon him)
had been terrified when he had suddenly seen the Angel Gabriel,
sitting on a throne between heaven and earth, and had returned
hastily home and asked the people of the house to cover him up, so
Allah addressed him with Ya ayyuhal-Muddaththiru. From this fine way
of address the meaning which automatically follows is: O My dear
servant, why have you lain down thus enwrapped? You have been put
under the burden of a great mission: you must now arise from your
solitude to perform this mission with resolution and courage.Arise, and
2. A command of this very nature had been given to the prophet Noah
(peace be upon him) while appointing him to the office of Prophethood:
Warn the people of your nation before they are overtaken by a painful
torment. (Surah Nooh, Ayat 1) The verse means: O you who lays
enwrapped, stand up and arouse the people who live in heedlessness
around you. Warn them of the fate which would certainly overtake
them if they remained involved in the same heedlessness. Warn them
that they are not living in a lawless kingdom where they are free to
conduct themselves as they like and where they can do wherever they
please without any fear or being called to account for it.And magnify
the glory of your Lord.
3. This is the primary duty of a Prophet (peace be upon him), which he
has to perform in this world. His foremost duty is to refute the
greatness of all those whom the ignorant people might be holding as
great, and publicly proclaim that the greatness in this universe belongs
to none but Allah alone. For this very reason the phrase Allahu Akbar
has been held as of supreme importance in Islam. The adhan (call to
prayer) begins with the proclamation of Allahu Akbar. The Muslim
enters the Prayer itself with Allahu Akbar and repeats Allahu Akbar
every time he sits or stands, He also pronounces Bismillahi Allahu
Akbar when slaughtering an animal. The slogan of Allahu Akbar has
become a most distinctive and prominent emblem of Muslims
throughout the world today, for the Prophet (peace be upon him) of
this ummah himself had embarked on his mission with the
magnification and glorification of Almighty Allah. And purify your robes,
4. These are very comprehensive words, which are full of
meaning.They mean this: Keep your garments free from every filth and
impurity, for the purity of the body and garments and the purity of the
spirit are inter-linked and inter-dependent. A pure spirit and an impure
body with impure garments cannot live together. The society in which
the Prophet (peace be upon him) had arisen with the invitation to
Islam, was not only steeped in the evils of unbelief and immorality, but
was also devoid of even the most elementary concepts of purity and
cleanliness, and the Prophet’s (peace be upon him) task was to teach
its members cleanliness in every way of life. Therefore he was
instructed to establish and present a high standard of purity in his
external life as well. Thus, it is the result of the same instruction that
the Prophet (peace be upon him) gave mankind such detailed teaching
about the cleanliness of the body and garments as is not possessed
even by the most civilized nations of today, not to speak of the Arabs
of the pre-Islamic days of ignorance. So much so that in most of the
languages of the world there is no word synonymous with taharat. On
the contrary, in Islam every book of the Hadith and Fiq. begins with
injunctions and instructions on taharat (purity), which distinguishes
between purity and impurity and gives minute details about the
methods and means of obtaining purity.And shun uncleanness,
5. Un-cleanliness implies every kind of filth, whether of belief and
thought, of morals and deeds, of the body, dress or mode of life. The
verse means: Keep yourself free from the filth of evils which are
prevalent in society around you: no one should ever impute to you the
blame that your own life itself is stained in some degree with the evils
that you tell others to avoid.and bestow not favour in order to seek
from others a greater return,
6.The words wala tamnun tastakthir in the original are so vast in
meaning that no one sentence can convey their full sense in
translation.Their one meaning is: Whomever you favor, you should
favor him without any selfish motive. Your bestowal of an endowment
and donation, your generosity and good treatment should be only for
the sake of Allah: there should be no trace in it of the desire that you
should receive any worldly gains in return for the favor done. In other
words, do good to others for the sake of Allah, not for seeking any
benefits.And persevere for your Lord’s sake.
7. That is, the task that is being entrusted to you is full of hazards: you
will meet with great hardships and difficulties and troubles on this way:
even your own people will turn hostile against you and the whole of
Arabia will become your enemy. Yet you should endure with patience,
for the sake of your Lord, whatever you may have to face in this way,
and carry out all your duties firmly and resolutely. Fear, greed,
friendship, enmity, love, all these will hinder your way, but you should
stand your ground firmly and steadfastly.

Verses 8-31

The following Surah Muddaththir theme portion is a warning to

unbelievers. This part recounts the rejection of Allah’s message and
the agonizing repercussions.

Those who have not been appreciative for the bounty of Allah’s favor
and have demanded more, ignoring Allah SWT’s signs and revelations,
will be thrown into the Saqar. These names all allude to Hell’s searing
This image of an unbeliever highlights the uniqueness of the duty of
obeying Allah’s message: it is up to each individual man to save
himself from Hell.

Verse 30 mentions nineteen angels who guard the abyss of hell; this
intriguing detail is expanded on in the next verse, which is thought to
be a Medinan interpolation.

Verse 31 decodes the mystery of the nineteen angels by depicting the

number as a symbol of trust. True believers will not question it since it
is Allah’s word, but those who Allah has “guided astray” will be
disturbed by questions.

Verse 32:56 talks about the Actions which lead to hellfirewhich are as

1Not to offer Salah

2 not to feed the poor,

3 waste time in vain talk and to deny the day of judgment.

Towards Understanding the Quran. Below verses gives full details of

the above highlighted Points.


‫َك َّلا َواۡل َق َم ِۙر‬

74:32: Nay by the moon

That is, it is not a hollow thing which may be mocked like that.

‫َوا َّل ۡي ِل ِا ۡذ َا ۡد َب َۙر‬

74:33: and by the night when it recedes,

‫َوال ُّصۡب ِح ِا َذۤا َا ۡس َف َۙر‬

(74:34) and by the day when it dawns (with its radiance),

‫ِا َّن َها َل ِا ۡح َدى اۡل ُك َب ِۙر‬

(74:35) surely (Hell) is one of the greatest Signs

That is, just as the moon and the night and the day are the great signs of the
powers of Allah, so also is Hell a great sign of His powers. If the existence of
the moon and the alternation of the night and day so regularly were not
impossible, why should the existence of Hell be impossible as you think it is.
You see these phenomena day and night; therefore, they do not surprise
you: otherwise these things in themselves also are great marvels of the
powers of Allah. If you had not observed them and somebody were to tell
you that there is also such a thing as the moon in the world, or, there is a
sun which leaves the world dark when it hides and makes the world shine
forth with light when it appears, then the people like you would have made
jests of it too as you make jests of Hell.

‫نذيرا البشر‬

74:36) a warning to humankind

‫ِل َم ۡن َش ٓا َء ِمۡن ُك ۡم َا ۡن َّي َت َق َّد َم َا ۡو َي َت َا َّخ َؕر‬

(74:37) a warning to everyone of you whether he would like to come forward

or lag behind.29

29. That is, the people have been warned to this effect. Now, let him who
heeds the warning go forward on the right way, and let him who wills still lag

ۙ ‫ُك ُّل َن ۡف ٍس ۢ ِب َما َك َس َب ۡت َر ِهۡي َن ٌة‬

(74:38) Each one is a hostage to one's deeds,30

30. For explanation, see( E.N. 16 of Surah At-Toor).

ؕ ‫ِا َّل ۤا َا ۡص ٰح َب اۡل َي ِمۡي ِۛن‬

(74:39) save the People of the Right Hand

ۙ ‫ِف ۡى َج ّٰن ٍت َي َت َس ٓا َء ُل ۡوَن‬

(74:40) who shall be in the Gardens,and shall ask

In other words, the people of the left hand will be seized in consequence of
their misdeeds, but the people of the right hand will have their debts settled.
(For explanation of the people of the right hand and the left hand, see (E.Ns
5, 6 of Surah Al-Waqiah).

‫َع ِن اۡل ُم ۡج ِر ِمۡي َۙن‬

(74:41) about the guilty ones:32

At several places in the Quran, it has been stated that the dwellers of
Paradise and the dwellers of Hell will be able to see and communicate with
each other directly without the agency of any instrument whenever they will
so desire, although they will be living hundreds of thousands of miles away
from each other. For instance, see( Surah Al- Aaraf, Ayats 44-50 and E.N.
35); (Surah As-Saaffat, Ayats 50-57 and E.N. 32) on it.

‫َما َس َلـ َك ُك ۡم ِف ۡى َس َق َر‬

74:42) “What drove you to Hell?”

‫َقا ُل ۡوا َل ۡم َن ُك ِم َن اۡل ُم َص ِّل ۡي َۙن‬

(74:43) They will answer: “We were not among those who observed Prayer

That is, we were not of those who after having believed in Allah and His
Messenger and His Book, performed the foremost duty imposed by Allah, i.e.
the Prayer. Here, it should be understood well that unless a person has
believed he cannot offer the Prayer at all. Therefore, one’s being of those
who performed the Prayer, by itself implies that one is a believer.


1. We should make sure that our goals from our speech should be
to find the truth. We should not worry about how or who reveals
the truth; just make sure that someone reveals the truth in the

2. We should refrain from involvement in senseless arguments in

which the sole purpose is to put down others and to show
superiority: Aimless arguments are signs of misguidance. (We
seek refuge with Allah from it). For this reason, the prophet
(S.A.W.) warned us in an authentic hadith reported by Imam At-
Tirmithi, “A people did not get misguided after Allah had guided
them, but they were aimlessly argumentative.” Stay away from
arguments even if the truth is on your side, so that you can end a
pointless argument. The prophet (S.A.W.) said in another
authentic hadith reported by Imam Abu-Dawud, “I guarantee a
house in the surroundings of Paradise for the one who stopped
being aimlessly argumentative even if he is right.”

3. We should make our speech simple, clear, and avoid difficult words:
There is no reason to use eloquent language or complicated words
when no one understands; also, avoid hurtful words that put down
others, because the prophet (S.A.W.) hates this kind of talk. The
prophet (S.A.W.) said in a fair hadith reported by Imam At-Tirmithi,
“The people whom I hate the most and who are the farthest from me
on the Day of Judgment are those who talk uselessly, and those who
put down others, and those who shows off when they talk.”

prophet (S.A.W.) warns us in an authentic hadith, “It is enough sin a

person commits when he talks about everything he hears.”

4. Keep yourself and your clothes clean.

5. No one knows the magnitude and diversity of Allāh’s armies except

He Himself.

6.The people of Jannah will ask the people of Jahannam, ‘What led you
to be thrown into the Fire?” they shall reply, “We did not perform ṣalāh
nor feed the poor, and we indulged in wrong with others who did the
same, until death came upon us.”

7. No intercession will benefit those who disbelieved in this world, in

the Hereafter.

8. The idolaters of Makkah would flee from the advice in the Qur’ān like
donkeys run from a lion. Yet each one of them desired to be given
divine scripture


Surah Muddathir (‫الم ّد ّثر‬

‫ )س و ر ة‬is one of the chapters of the 29th part of

the Quran. it cover topics like the Quran being a warning to the
disbelievers, refuting false accusations against the Quran, the

consequences of actions, the guardians of Hell and their number

and the Quran being a reminder.

‫بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم‬

In the name of Allah the most beneficent the most merciful


The word “da‘wa” (Arabic ‫ )دعوة‬is basic to a study of Islam. The word
commonly appears in the Quran, its commentaries, classical Muslim texts,
and contemporary theological or ideological texts, written and spoken.
Through mass media and other channels of communication, even non-
academic non-Muslims are increasingly familiar with the term and its diverse
connotations.Muslims have known and used the word “da‘wa” throughout
the history of Islam. The multiple perceptions, as it will be shown in this
study, of what da‘wa means have been elaborated upon since the early
centuries of Islam. Muslims have applied the term to various specific
activities of theirs. The broadly known explanation in Europe and North
America for da‘wa is that it constitutes activities which, in the Christian
context, fall under the terms ‘missions’ or ‘missionary activities’. Virtually all
students of Islam, as well as Muslims themselves, acknowledge that Islam is
a missionary religion. Indeed, Islam fits the definition of a missionary religion
provided by Max Müller in 1873. According to Müller, a missionary religion is
one “in which the spreading of the truth and the conversion of unbelievers
are raised to the rank of a sacred duty by the founder or his immediate
successors” (Arnold: 1). This is the case of Islam, for Muhammad’s very life
constituted this sacred duty.


The word da'wah comes from the Arabic language da'aa, yad'u, du'aah /
da'watan.So the word da'aa or da'wah is masdar from du'aa. Both of which
have the same meaning, call(Zaidallah, Bandaro, 2005: 1and Aziz, 2004: 2).

Since the Quran urges Muslims to avoid compulsion in persuading non-

believers to convert to Islam (“No coercion in religion,” 2:256), it would
follow that the most acceptable way to convert someone to Islam would be
to convince him or her of Islam’s superiority. And Muslims should do this by
explanation and example suggested in the Quran: “Invite to the Path of your
Lord with wisdom and good advice” (16:125). The explanations and practical
actions that lead to conversion constitute an activity required of Muslims –
the spreading of Islam to others. Such an activity is called “da‘wa,” an Arabic
word meaning a “call, summon, invitation.” Though da‘wa was not made a
pillar of the Islamic faith, in the holy scripture of Islam, Muslims (or
Muhammad, as it actually is in the text of the Quran and Hadith collections)
are urged to invite non-believers to join their faith. One may even say that all
Muslims are, by definition, missionaries/preachers. The Quranic injunctions
for da‘wa are further confirmed by the prophetic practice.

Etymologically,word “da‘wa” covers meanings ranging from addressing,

calling, appealing, requesting, demanding, to worshiping. Paul Walker
provides an even more inclusive array of meanings for “da‘wa” as “concepts
of summoning, calling on, appealing to, invocation, prayer (for and against
something or someone), propaganda, missionary activity, and finally legal
proceedings and claims” (Walker, 1995: 343).
In the Quran, the word “da‘wa” has three primary meanings: 1) worshiping
God or idols, 2) addressing, asking and calling (God, idols, people), 3) inviting
to religion (Islam or other).20 All of these meanings have religious
connotations. However, the third one, in addition to reflecting a direct
relationship between humans and deities, or among humans, also implies an
intermediary agent – an inviter, or da‘i.
The first two meanings of “da‘wa,” worshiping and calling, are frequent in
the Quran,for example,say,"have you considered:if there came to you the
punishment of Allah or there came to you the hour-is it other than Allah you
will invoke,if you should be truthful."(6:40).also in Quran 3:38'And
that,Zachariah called upon his lord saying,"My Lord grant me from yourself
a good offspring.indeed,you are the hearer of supplication."

The Quran also use the word “da‘wa” as worship which include the
worshiping of other deities, not exclusively God (Allah): “Say, are we to
worship some other [deity] besides God?” (6:71). Da‘wa as calling does not
always have a religious meaning: it could mean people addressing God, or
an idol, as well as each other. The Quran warns against worshiping/
addressing any deity other than God. Thus, the only acceptable da‘wa as
worshiping is the one directed towards God (Allah), as in 2:186: “If some
servants of mine asked you about Me, I am indeed close and I respond to the
call of a suppliant (da‘wa) if he calls upon Me.” Paul Walker, in his article on
da‘wa for the Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern Islamic World, believes
da‘wa found in this verse to be “a basic meaning for da‘wah, perhaps its
cardinal meaning” found in the Quran (Walker, 1995: 343).

As for the third meaning of da'wah, invitation to Islam,Da‘wa” as a religious

invitation in the Quran is directed primarily to non-Muslims. In numerous
verses (for example, 12:108 say,"this is my way;I invite to Allah with insight,I
and those who follow Me, and exalted is Allah, and I am not of those who
associate others with him." etc.
”. The practitioner of preaching is known as Da`i. This act is commonly
thought of being limited to religious matters only like Oneness of God,
reading the Holy Quran in Arabic, Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) being the last
Prophet, believing in prophets and day of judgment, offering Salah etc. rather
it is the complete package of advocating in favor of what is good. It includes
both spiritual and secular Islamic instructions for sake of betterment of
common people.It could be of two types: first, it can be the act of
proselytizing, where the preacher tries to convey its message of religious
convictions to non Muslims through convincing dialogue. Second, it can be
for the purpose of reminding the present Muslim Ummah about their duties
and responsibilities as per commands of Quran and Prophet`s (PBUH)
Sunnah. In any case, a Da`ee (Preacher) must have sincerity, complete
knowledge and wisdom, patience, constancy, modesty, empathy and above
all it must be a great devotee of advocated teachings.

Bringing people towards morality is considered as one of the utmost virtues

in Islam, which is the reason Prophets were sent down on earth By the
Almighty one after the other for leading people towards morality. But it is not
only limited to them, rather it is a continuous process, which the followers of
the religion of Islam have to take up seriously.


The substantial significance of Da`wah can be determined from the following


1. Fulfillment of Obligation

Although it is a moral responsibility of any individual to spread a word of

uprightness and try to stop others from unlawful activity, but for a Muslim, it
is not only its task from ethical point of view, but also a must do action from
a sacred standpoint as well. Allah Almighty directs us to take on this very
deed in the Holy Quran as:

2. Preaching Islam

“And let there be [arising] from you a nation inviting to [all that is] good,
enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong, and those will be the
successful.” [Quran, 3: 104]

So, it is one of the basic criteria for every Muslims to instruct fellow human
beings towards fundamental Islamic wisdom about the difference between
correct and incorrect in order to thrive in our lives. Apart from that, being
among the enlightened ones, we must strive to inform others about
implications of such wisdom, e.g. knowing that without the belief on One
Allah, no one can make it in the hereafter, we should tell our Muslim brothers
and sisters to avoid begging in front of those so called spiritual leaders, who
claim to fulfill needs without mentioning Allah`s guidance or using Quranic
ayahs, nor take them as the eventual relievers of pains and miseries, as it is
equivalent to Shirk (considering someone as identical to God). In short,
Da`wah should be considered as a consistent process and a part of one`s
lives whoever calls itself a Muslim.

3. Carrying out Job of Prophet (PBUH)

All the Prophets whom Allah SWT sent down on earth, had one basic task to
do, and that was Da`wah or call their locals to remembrance of One God,
adoption of the ethical and avoidance of the immoral, which makes it the
best occupation to do. The Messenger (PBUH) of Allah was not restricted to a
single nation; rather He was given a profession to transform lives of the
whole world, which makes us necessary on us to invite everyone en route to
Islamic understanding of the world, irrespective of their religion. The Glorious
Lord has regarded this act being the way of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) in the
Sacred Book as:

Say, “This is my way; I invite to Allah with insight, I and those who follow me.
And exalted is Allah;

and I am not of those who associate others with Him.” [Quran, 12: 108]

4. Earning Great Rewards

Since preaching goodness is a virtuous endeavor, so it also comes up

with receiving huge returns from Allah SWT. Just like one gets eligible
for obtaining His bounties as a result of spending in the way of the
Almighty Lord, e.g. for purpose of building of a mosque, or for Jihad etc.
same way preaching towards Allah`s instructions also serves as a
source of getting great rewards from Him. The Holy Prophet (PBUH)
emphasizes on impact of Da`wah as:

“Whoever calls others to guidance will have a reward like the rewards
of those who follow him, without that detracting from their reward in
any way. And whoever calls others to misguidance will have a burden
of sin like the burden of those who follow him, without that detracting
from their burden in any way.” (Muslim)

It means that incentives from this action are continuous in nature, as

enlightening one soul would result in the illumination of its future
generations. A person gets the same reward as does its follower of
Islamic teachings, e.g. if they pray five times a day, person who has
informed them gets the same reward, and this process continues till
they remain on the right path.

5. Strengthening of One`s own Faith

Transforming others` lives positively is no doubt a great achievement

for any one, but Da`wah also helps in constant purification of one`s
own soul and avoidance of satanic attacks when it learns about new
Islamic lessons for the sake of teachings them to others. As, Da`ee
needs to have a strong hold on every perspective of a given topic that
it is lecturing others about and also act as an example, so by constant
research of the religious and Sunnah instructions, that particular
instructor improves its own knowledge and tends to know about newer
issues. So, this process in turn perks up one`s own devotion to
teachings of Islam.

6. Being Successful in the Hereafter

As discussed above, inviting people towards right and refraining them
from wrong is one`s responsibility as a Muslim, and we have strong
conviction about being asked on the Day of Judgment about all of our
duties like raising of children, spending of wealth, religious obligations
etc. so we should be aware of completion of the task of Da`wah as
well. As the Holy Prophet (PBUH) one said about this matter as:

“Whoever is asked about some knowledge that he knows, and then he

conceals it, he will be bridled with bridle of fire.” (Tirmidhi)

The above stated Hadith shows that it is our job to explain to others
about the useful information we have, and bring them to light.
Speaking of a single good thing is also important, it might well be
possible a subject which looks mere to us, it may transform life of
another altogether. So, we should not hesitate from preaching about
any matter which has had a positive effect on our lives.

7. Achieving the goal of Islam

The main goal of Islamic Dawah is to achieve the satisfaction of Allah,

declare the religion of Islam, and clarify its principles, values, and

8. Defending Islam

Through Islamic Dawah, truths can be clarified, and misconceptions

and incorrect ideas that people may hold about Islam can be

9. Improving social relationships

Dawah in Islam helps improve social relationships between Muslims

and non-Muslims by teaching people about Islamic values, ethics, and
noble principles.
10. Spreading Goodness and Reform

Through Islamic Dawah, goodness can be spread in societies, and

efforts can be made to improve and reform them by guiding people to
act in ways that please Allah.

11. Saving People

Dawah in Islam can save people from ignorance and lead them to the
truth and belief in Allah and the right path.

12. Eliminating False Beliefs

This can be accomplished by spreading the correct beliefs, which will

lead non-Muslims to unify their ranks towards the truth and


The history of Islamic Dawah dates back to the beginning of Islam in

the 7th century CE, and since then, the Islamic Dawah has gone
through several stages that have formed an important development in
the history of Islam. In the following, we will provide a detailed
explanation of the stages that the Islamic Dawah has gone through:

1- The Meccan Stage

Islamic Dawah began in Mecca by calling people to believe in one God, to

worship only Allah, and to direct them towards good deeds and repentance
from sins. This call focused on the monotheistic aspect of Islam, and Muslims
faced a lot of violence and persecution from the Quraish and other enemies
in this stage.

2- The Medinan Stage

After the Prophet’s migration to Medina, the Dawah entered the Medinan
stage, which revolved around building the Islamic community, establishing
the Islamic state, establishing justice, equality, and good ethics. In this
stage, the Prophet established a constitution that defined the rights and
duties of minorities and Muslims.

This stage was one of the most important stages that contributed to the
establishment of a strong and successful Islamic state.

3- The Islamic Conquests Stage

After the Prophet’s death, the Dawah in Islam moved from the Medinan
stage to the stage of Islamic conquests, where the scope of the Islamic state
was expanded, and Islam spread in many areas, achieving military victories
and opening up new territories. This stage was one of the most important
stages that contributed to the spread of Islamic Dawah in the Islamic world.

4- The Modern Stage

In recent centuries, the Islamic Dawah has changed and entered a new
stage, where it faced new challenges and changes in Islamic societies.
Muslims tried to respond to these challenges by directing people to work
towards what pleases Allah, emphasizing the role of Islam in modern society,
and promoting Islamic values and ethics in their lives. In this stage, Islamic
Dawah focused on education, awareness-raising, and updating Islamic
thought and adapting it to modern challenges.


When Allah sent His noble messenger to convey His message to all people,
the Prophet (peace be upon him) used many means of Dawah (invitation to
Islam) to convey his message. The following is a description of these means:

1- Wisdom and Good Advice

Wisdom and good advice are one of the most important means in Islamic
Dawah, as they work to convey the message of Islam in a smooth and logical
way, and focus on motivating people to adopt Islamic values and achieve
good and reform in societies. Allah says, “Invite to the way of your Lord with
wisdom and good instruction, and argue with them in a way that is best.”
(An-Nahl: 125)

2- Individual Dawah

Individual Dawah relies on personal communication between Muslims and

non-Muslims, and aims to convey the message of Islam and clarify its
principles and values. Individual Dawah can be used in areas where Dawah
in Islam is not widely known. The Prophet used individual Dawah to call his
friends, such as his companion Abu Bakr and his wife Khadijah.

3- Collective Dawah

Collective Dawah relies on the presence of a large number of Muslims to

convey the message of Islam and clarify its principles and rulings. Collective
Dawah is used in religious and social occasions, such as Friday prayers, Eid,
and weddings. The Prophet used this means in his call to the Quraysh, his
call to the Ansar, and with those who embraced Islam in the house of Al-

4- Preaching and Reminding

This means it relies on conveying the message of Islam through preaching

and reminding people of the values, principles and rulings of Islam.
Preaching and reminding can be used in religious sermons, Islamic lessons
and lectures. The Prophet used this means when he gathered with his
companions, reminding and advising them.

5- Stories and Proverbs

Stories and proverbs are used in Islamic Dawah to clarify the principles and
values of Islam. This means it is used in religious sermons, Islamic lessons
and lectures. Allah says, “We relate to you, [O Muhammad], the best of
stories in what We have revealed to you of this Qur’an.” (Yusuf: 3)

6- Sending Messengers

This means is used to send messengers to convey the message of Islam to

other nations and peoples. This means is used in areas where Islamic Dawah
is not widely known, such as when the Prophet sent Mus’ab bin Umair to
Medina before the Hijrah.

7- Writing Letters to Kings

This means is used to write letters to kings, rulers, and leaders to clarify the
principles and values of Islam. This means is used in areas where Islamic
Dawah is not widely known, and works to expand the scope of Dawah in
Islam and its impact on societies.

Examples of this include the Prophet’s letters to the King of Persia, Khusrau,
and the Negus of Abyssinia, and to Heraclius, the Byzantine emperor.

8- Spending Money

Spending money in the way of Allah and inviting people to Islam is an

important means in Islamic Dawah. Money can be used to provide for the
essential needs of Muslims, develop communities, and strengthen
relationships between Muslims and non-Muslims.


As a good da'iya the following qualities must be possessed


The success of da'wah is contingent on the extent to which the caller

believes in his mission and understands what it requires. Almighty Allah said
(o,yahya) take the scripture with determination(Q19:12).in another verse
Allah said'take them with determination and order your people to take the
best of it(Q7:145)


A caller to the way of Allah or worship of Allah The Almighty,more than

anyone else has to be close to him to win his support and guidance. Sincerity
is one of the most important signs of clossenes to Allah The Almighty. The
caller should care for neither wordly possession nor personal gain. He must
keep away from showing off and being proud.the caller should seekt o gain
the love of Allah through frequent act of worship both obligatory and



Allah said(oj Mohammad) this is my way; I invite to Allah with insight,I and
those who follow me,and exalted is Allah,I am not of those who association
others with him(Q12:108).These are important factors a preacher who is not
knowledgeable would lose credibility and lead people to distrust him.


As a good preacher, one has to be clean and neat physically and spiritually
and must stay away from bad behaviors that are against the teaching of addition the caller must be neat and dress properly.


Having patience is one of he good quality a good preacher most possessed,

during this task he may encounter some challenges and trial but have to be
patient when calling people to the righteous path.


If the word of the caller does not correspond with his actions or he lack
uprightness, his preaching will have no credibility. Allah said(O, you who
have believed, why do you say what you do not know(Q61:2)


One of the key element of a good preacher or caller is wisdom.The method

adopted by a caller to the fold of Islam or to the worship of Allah The
Almighty should be wisely choosen so as to suit the person being
advised.The wisdom of the caller refers to his ability to choose the right
approach for the right person in the right situation.


This quality is particularly important because it strengthen the relationship

between the caller to the worship of Allah and the the people.The prophet(saw)
said in his golden word that the believes who have the most perfect faith are
those of good morals(Al-tirmithi) Hassan saheeh(sound)


The challenges facing da:wah can be divided into two, they are as follows:



The following are the internal challenge facing da'wah


The ummah span over 57 sovereign Muslim state, their rulers and elites all face
toward the same ka'bah in prayer but they fail miserably I establishing a unified
policy on strategic goals in regard to social, political, economic,legal,
educational,and cultural issue

The second problem that da'wah faces is a global rise in gukuw,gukuw can be
defined as exaggerating any part of Islam beyond it's actual specified limit or
likewise downplaying any part of Islam below it's actual specified limit.


The third major internal challenge facing da'wah today is an educational one.
The key to progress and excellence lies in a knowledge based society that
engender a fair and equitable economy and a just and ethical state
The External Challenge facing Da'wah are as follows
The first and foremost of these challenge is the globilization of economy,
education,soceu and culture.not many da'wah workers are fully aware of the
far reaching effect of globilization on contemporary society.the Islamic
da'wah by its nature is very comprehensive da'wah,it calls for vision, point of
reference and paradigm of it own in economic, political,social,
educational,and cultural realms.

Dawah illuminates the path towards righteousness and spirituality, allowing

Muslims to demonstrate the beauty of their faith and dispel misconceptions
surrounding Islam. Through meaningful dialogues and insights into the
teachings of the Quran and the Hadith, Dawah contributes positively to
society and fosters understanding between people of different faiths.

Dawah is a fundamental concept in Islam, encapsulating the essence of

spreading the message of Allah and inviting individuals to the path of Islam.

It can be defined as the act of calling or summoning, with the intent to guide
and enlighten.

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