Report Text About Covid 19
Report Text About Covid 19
Report Text About Covid 19
COVID - 19
The COVID-19 outbreak was first detected in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China
in December 2019, and was declared a pandemic by the World Health
Organization (WHO) on March 11, 2020. Up to March 28, more than 620,000
cases of COVID-19 have been reported in in more than 190 countries and
territories, resulting in more than 28,800 deaths and 137,000 cures
COVID-19 is most contagious when the person suffering from it has symptoms,
although the spread may occur before the symptoms appear. The time period
between exposure to the virus and the appearance of symptoms is usually around
five days, but can range from two to fourteen days.
Misinformation and conspiracy theories about viruses have spread online, and
there have been incidents of xenophobia and racism against Chinese and other East
or Southeast Asian people.
COVID - 19
Wabah COVID-19 pertama kali terdeteksi di Kota Wuhan, Provinsi Hubei, Cina
pada Desember 2019, dan dinyatakan sebagai pandemi oleh Organisasi Kesehatan
Dunia (WHO) pada 11 Maret 2020. Hingga 28 Maret, lebih dari 620.000 kasus
COVID -19 telah dilaporkan terjadi di lebih dari 190 negara dan wilayah,
menghasilkan lebih dari 28.800 kematian dan 137.000 obat
COVID-19 paling menular ketika orang yang menderita itu memiliki gejala,
meskipun penyebaran dapat terjadi sebelum gejala muncul. Periode waktu antara
paparan virus dan munculnya gejala biasanya sekitar lima hari, tetapi dapat
berkisar dari dua hingga empat belas hari.
Gejala umum termasuk demam, batuk, dan sesak napas. Komplikasi dapat
mencakup pneumonia dan sindrom gangguan pernapasan akut.
Tidak ada vaksin khusus atau pengobatan antivirus untuk penyakit ini. Perawatan
primer diberikan dalam bentuk terapi simtomatik dan suportif.
Sekolah dan universitas telah ditutup dan sedang melakukan pembelajaran online
Pandemi ini telah menyebabkan gangguan sosial ekonomi global, penundaan atau
pembatalan acara olah raga dan budaya, dan kekhawatiran yang meluas tentang
kekurangan barang yang telah memicu kepanikan masyarakat pembeli.
Teori informasi yang keliru dan konspirasi tentang virus telah menyebar secara
online, dan telah terjadi insiden xenophobia dan rasisme terhadap orang Cina dan
orang Asia Timur atau Asia Tenggara lainnya.
It must be admitted that not all technology literate teachers / lecturers, especially
generation X teachers / lecturers (who were born in 1980 and below) were not
using massive technology during their use.
3. internet network
online learning cannot be separated from the use of internet networks, even if we
use cellular networks, sometimes networks that are unstable due to geographical
location are still far from the reach of cellular signals
4. fees
because the quota purchased for the needs of the internet has jumped and many
parents transfer students who are not ready to increase the budget in providing an
internet network.