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This is to certify that this Biology Investigatory Project

on the topic “IMPACT OF COVID-19” has been successfully
completed by A.SAMAN KANNA of Class XII under the
guidance of Dr.R.A.Sivarathinavel, Miss.K.Manogna,
Miss.P.Kalaivani and Mr. Antony Vimal particular fulfilment
of the Curriculum of Central Board of Secondary Education
(CBSE) leading to the award of AISSCE of the year 2023-24.



Chapter 1:
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Covid-19 Impact on education system in India
1.3 Online Education System - Its Challenges and
1.4 Impact of Covid-19 on Higher Education in India
1.5 Lockdown and it's impact on Society
1.6 Rational of the study
1.7 Objective of the study

Chapter 2: Methodology and Procedures

Methodology and Procedures
Sources of data collection
Field of study
Tools and techniques of data collection

Chapter 3: Data analysis and Interpretation

Chapter 4: Major findings of the study

Findings & Result

: Corona virus is commonly called as COVID-19 is an
infectious disease. This is a new virus and it spread ratio is
very fast. COVID19 was first identified December 2019 in
Wuhan city of China. But now, this virus has spread to almost
all the countries of the world. In March 2020, the World
Health Organization (WHO) declared the COVID-19 is now
a cause of large number of deaths across the World.

The most common symptoms of Corona virus are

fever, cough and shortness of breath. Some patients may have
aches and pains and sore throat. Most people recover from the
disease without needing special treatment. Older people and
those with underlying medical problems like high blood
pressure, heart problems or diabetes are more likely to
develop serious illness.

Corona virus can spread through the contact with an

infected person. A healthy person may get infected by
breathing the virus if he is within a distance of 1meter of a
COVID-19 patient. COVID19 is also spread if a person
touches a contaminated surface and then touches his mouth or
nose without washing his hand.

We can prevent of COVID-19 by following the steps ------

1. Wash hands regularly and carefully with soap or sanitizer.

2. Maintain a safe distance from anyone who is coughing or
3. Wear a Mask that covers your nose and mouth to help protect
yourself and others.
4. Get vaccinated when it's your turn. Follow local guidance
about vaccination.
5. Cover your nose and mouth with your bent elbow or a tissue
when you cough or sneeze.

COVID-19 Vaccines have been approved and widely

distributed in various countries since December 2020. Other
recommended preventive measures include social distancing,
wearing masks, improving ventilation and air filtration and
quarantining those who have been exposed or are
symptomatic. Treatments include monoclonal antibodies,
novel antiviral drugs and symptom control. Governmental
interventions include travel restrictions, lockdowns, business
restrictions and closures, work place hazard controls,
quarantines, testing systems and tracing contacts of the

The pandemic triggered severe social and economic

disruption around the world, including the largest global
recession since the Great Depression. Widespread supply
shortages including food shortages, were caused by supply
chain disruption. Educational institutions and public areas
were partially or fully closed in many jurisdictions, and many
events were cancelled or postponed. Misinformation
circulated through social media and mass media and political
tensions intensified. The pandemic raised issues of racial and
geographic discrimination, health equity and balance between
public health imperatives and individual rights.

Tourism collapsed due to travel restrictions, closing of

public places including travel attractions and advice of
governments against travel. Airlines cancelled flights, the
cruise line industry was hard hit and train stations and ferry
ports closed.

The performing arts and cultural heritage sectors have

been profoundly affected by the pandemic, impacting
organizations operations as well as individuals both employed
and independent globally. By March 2020, across the world
and to varying degrees, museums, libraries, performance
venues, and other cultural institutions had been indefinitely
closed with their exhibitions, events and performances
cancelled or postponed.
The pandemic impacted educational systems in many
countries. Many governments temporarily closed educational
institutions often replaced by online education. Other
countries, such as Sweden, kept their schools open. As of
September 2020, approximately 1.077 billion learners were
affected due to school closures. School closures impacted
students, teachers and families with far-reaching economic
and societal consequences . The impact was more severe for
disadvantaged children. The h Higher Education Policy
Institute reported that around 63% of students claimed
worsened mental health as a result of the pandemic. The
pandemic and the reaction to it positively affected the
environment and climate as a result of reduced human
activity. During the "andropause", fossil fuel use decreased ,
resource consumption declined and waste disposal improved ,
generating less pollution.

1.2 COVID-19 Impact on education system in India:

Education is the most important and powerful instrument to
shape and mould the individual and society in a desirable
manner. But today education is in crisis. Because Corona
Virus disease 2019 is profoundly affecting life around the
globe. The global impact of corona virus is immense as
educational institutes all over the world. The speed of the
spread of the epidemic , the closure of higher education
institutions and the transition to online teaching was so swift
that it hardly gave any time to plan and to reflect on the
potential risks or the potential opportunities that such as a
sudden change could bring. The COVID-19 has created
paramedic situation in all the sector including tourism,
institution , transport as well as education in India .The
COVID-19 pandemic has had a major impact on education
system both negative and positive.

There are a number of areas of potential risks for

global education. Here are some negative impacts of Covid-
19 on education system in India.

Majority of the students who are caught in the limbo

on account of education outcomes being withheld due to the
Covid19 pandemic. Some of them don't have a result because
exam either didn't or left in the middle. Many of them face
uncertainty as to their future because their next step further
education or careers are dependent upon them clearing their
school or college leaving exams. Because of Covid-19
pandemic there is not only education process is disrupted but
students also face a big challenge of proving themselves for
their next journey.

No doubt technology may play an important role in the

lockdown period. But low income private schools and
government school may not be able to adopt online teaching
methods. Online learning is a special kind of methodology
and not all teachers are good at it or at least not all of them
were ready for this sudden transition from face-to-face
learning to the online learning. There is a risk that in such a
situation, learning outcomes may not be achieved and it may
be only resulting in engaging the students.

Positive Impact on Education System

Any change that is so disrupted is also likely to bring with it

some new opportunities that will transform the higher
education system worldwide and especially in a country like
India which is planning to bring about a planned reform in
this sector, some of the key areas of opportunity are following
There is a great opportunity for universities and colleges
to start improving the quality of the learning material that is
used in the teaching and learning process. Universities and
colleges will shift to a model of blended learning where both
face-to-face deliveries along with an online model will
become a norm. This will require all teachers to become more
technology savvy and go through some training to bring
themselves to the level that would be required. There is a new
opportunity where collaborative teaching and learning can
take on new forms and can even be monetized.

Large number of academic meeting , seminar and

conference will mobile online and there is a possibility that
some new form of an online conferencing platforms will
emerge as a business model. That teaching community to a
large extent has been very insulted and more so in a country
like India.

1.3 Online Education System - Its Challenges and

The target of the present study is to discuss the challenges
and opportunities of the online system of education that have
to be tackled by us. Moreover, we can't also deny the
opportunities of online education which is very encouraging
for us. So, here is the explanation of some challenges and
opportunities of the online education system.
One great challenge of online learning is the lack of face-to-
face contact, human contact or the absence of collective
learning. As a result, most important factor of education
motivation in learning through eye contact, gesture, posture
will definitely be missing in education.
The network problem is a very common challenge of the
online education system. Not having a Network facility in
remote area is also challenge in our education system.
Because, a huge number of institutions, teachers and student
community stay in remote areas and network connectivity is
not there in these areas and we have to consider and take
necessary action for them.
Another great challenge before us is the lack of devices.
Because, many students still don't have an android phone,
computer or laptop with them. Due to their economic
condition, it is not possible to buy and to have it. So, from the
point of view, online education is challenging.
Lack of digital infrastructure is also another challenge. Many
colleges of ours are not still digitally well-equipped and
classrooms are not digitalized.
Immediate use of the online education system due to
pandemic caused mental stress among the learners. Both
teachers and students were not prepared for the same and
tried to adjust to the new system caused mental stress.
1.4 Impact of Covid-19 on Higher Education in India:
The petrifying and severe impact of Covid-19 has shaken the
world to its core. Covid-19 has disrupted every sector of
human life including education sector. Most of the
governments around the world have temporarily closed
educational institutions in an attempt to contain the spread of
the Covid-19 pandemic. In India too, the Govt. as a part of
nationwide lockdown, has closed all educational institution,
as a consequence of which learners ranging from school
going children to post-graduate students are affected. So due
to Covid-19 higher education sector is majorly affected,
which is the determinant of a country's economic future. It
affected various educational activities at higher education
level leading to a huge anxiety and uncertainty. The
Government of India has come up with many e-learning
programmers. The education system has to adjust itself to the
new reality. All the Higher Education Institutions have
employed advanced online technologies to reach out to
students at home and are teaching on digital platform.
Covid19 pandemic has a major impact on higher education -
both negative and positive.

Positive Impact of Covid-19 on Higher Education In India A

complete revolution in the way we learn has been brought
about by technology to deliver education, higher educational
institution move towards blended learning.
Enhancement of digital literacy is another positive impact
because this pandemic situation introduces people to learn
and use digital technology and resulted in increasing digital
It increases the demand for Open and Distance Learning
because ODL system is the best solution to meet the
challenges of higher education during this pandemic. Another
positive impact is world-wide exposure educator and learners
are getting opportunity to interact with peers from around
the world either through international webinar and other
online learning platform.

Negative Impact of Covid-19 on Higher Education In India

The sudden shift to digital learning mode without proper
planning specially in a country like ours where the backbone
for online learning was not ready and the curriculum was not
also suitable for online teaching , has created lot of
problems . Moreover, teachers are also unprepared for
sudden transmission from face-to-face learning to online
Covid-19 has badly disrupted academic activities such as
admission, entrance examination, final semester examination,
teaching-learning process and competitive examinations
which are held during this period.
It has also affected practical courses of science, engineering,
medical etc.
It has also affected research activity as they couldn't travel for
data collection and so on. And also, scientific research work,
laboratory testing etc. are also disturbed.

Covid-19 pandemic has created an opportunity for change on

pedagogical approach and introduction of virtual education at
all levels of education. MHRD and UGC have initiated
various digital platforms in order to prevent academic loss
and continue the teaching - learning process. But at time it
should be kept in mind that online education is not education
for all, it's an education for few. So the government should
take some initiative for the economically and socially
disadvantaged people so that they can also take the
advantages of online education. Also the government should
be given their attention towards disable students

1.5 Lockdown and its impact on Society:

During the period of lockdown , a feeling of fear has gripped
the minds of the people , which is worse than Corona virus .
People are so scared that they have lost their social nature.
Some people don't want any guest to visit their home,
because they fear that the guest may be infected with Corona
virus . At the moment
every person seems to be haunted by fear and all people are
afraid of one another . Fear is deadlier sensation than corona
virus, so people want to live in isolation and nobody wants to
come in contact with other people, social feeling has become

The pandemic has not only taught people to

maintain the hygiene norms outside the home, but have also
helped them to maintain the norms inside home. It has turned
out to be great lesson to humans to become mindful in their
activities towards nature, for the nature and the judicious use
of the natural resources. During the period of Lockdown , the
water bodies all around the world have never been this clear
in many decades. The Uttarakhand Pollution Control Board
made an announcement that the water of the Ganga was
actually fit for drinking in Hardware due to its decreased
pollution levels. Amidst the lockdown, for the frist time in
many years, animals were observed roaming around the
streets and setting up the roads fearlesssly . The nature used
its best weapon to give these animals the respect they
deserve. The nature has purified its air, cleansed its water and
fertilized its soil.

One of the important effects of prolonged lockdown

is the domestic violence. It is spreading beyond proportion on
the top of Covid-19 virus and has cast a shadow with
pandemic .The lockdown has stopped almost all activities in
the world. Human activities have come to halt, social
distancing has been the order of the day compelling all to
confined limited spaces, no scope to vent out stresses in the
absence of social contact. Husbands and children are locked
in within a house. Woman is burdened with more work than
before. All this have resulted in more stresses. Child care and
care of old parents by woman both have increased due to
corona threats. Frustration and stress build up over a
prolonged lockdown period burst into anger and domestic
violence. In the Indian context on an average a woman spends
353 minutes daily on domestic work against man average of
just 52 minutes. Thus, a woman works 577 more than a man.
The lockdown conjunction with lay -off, pay cuts
complicated the problems and enhanced financial burden of
earning members of a family. The earning level in most cases
in reduced to very low level. This uncertainty of future of
earning has induced mental stresses and it is the prime reason
of precipitate domestic violence. Factors such as financial
hardship, isolation and uncertainty , and stressed work at
home , burden of children etc. all contribute to more
accumulate of mental stress and pop into domestic violence.

Lockdown has made a huge impact on the society.

This made huge changes on the people's psychology, habitual
changes, livelihood, economic conditions. Though it will
have a positive impact on environment, but humans’ survival
shall become tough with no work, no money at front and
increase of indictable activities shall take place. As a whole
lockdown has put the society at a stake of Halt.

1:6 Rational of the study:

The covid19 pandemic has affected educational
system world Wide. Most governments decided to
temporarily close educational institutions in an attempt to
reduce the spread of covid19. Due to this pandemic education
system changes offline to online. The sudden shift to online
learning without any planning has created the risk of most of
our students becoming passive learners and they seem to be
losing interest due to low levels of attention span. As the
Covid19 pandemic has greatly affects the lives of the
students, so the researcher decided to undertake a
comprehensive study on the Impact of Covid19 on the
1:7 Objective of the study:
The objectives of the present study are stated as below-

1. TO know the awareness about COVID 19 among the student

and common people.
2. To find out various problems faced by the student.
3.To know about the various steps taken by educational
institution during the pandemic period.


Methodology is the study of research methods, or, more

formally, "'a contextual framework for research, a coherent
and logical scheme based on views, beliefs, and values, that
guides the choices researchers make"
It comprises the theoretical analysis of the body of methods
and principles associated with a branch of knowledge such
that the methodologies employed from differing disciplines
vary depending on their historical development. This creates
a continuum of methodologies that stretch across competing
understandings of how knowledge and reality are best
understood. This situates methodologies within overarching
philosophies and approaches.
Methodology may be visualized as a spectrum from a
predominantly quantitative approach towards a
predominantly qualitative approach. Although a
methodology may conventionally sit specifically within one
of these approaches, researchers may blend approaches in
answering their research objectives and so have
methodologies that are multimethod and/or interdisciplinary.
In general, a methodology proposes to provide solutions -
therefore, the same as a method. Instead, a methodology
offers a theoretical perspective for understanding which
method, set of methods, or best practices can be applied to
the research question(s) at hand.


Both primary and secondary source of data has been
extensively used for the purpose of study. Primary data have
been collected from three colleges through the techniques of
questionnaire, Interview schedule. Secondary data have
been obtained from various sources such as previous study,
books , new papers, publish official data, journals and
periodical report .

Only one college and two senior secondary schools of
Amguri Sub- Division are regarded as population of this
study. The name of these three colleges are- Amguri College,
Arunodoi Academy, National academy .

From the above-mentioned researcher selected only three
colleges for data collection. Total 30 students (10 from each)
were selected by using purposive random sampling method.

Field of Study:
This study has been conducted among the college students of
three colleges under Amguri Sub-division, Dist: Sivasagar of
Assam .

Profile of Amguri :
Amguri is small town and municipal area committee in
Sivasagar district in the state of Assam . It is located 25 km
towards south from district head quarter, sivasagar near the
border of Nagaland. Amguri is connected to the neighbouring
towns by the National Highway-2( Mokokchung-Amguri
Road) which falls under the renumbered North- South
Highway system and the Dhodar Ali Road. A good volume of
traffic to and from the neighbouring towns traverse through
Amguri on NH-2( Mokokchung-Amguri Road) to the Indian
state of Nagaland.

Tools and Techniques of data collection: The principal

tools adopted for the collecting primary data in this study
were the interview schedules used for interview were the
selected respondent(student) was interviewed. In addition to
the interview schedule, personal observation, informal
discussion was used to supplement the need-based data
required for the study.


1. Considered Covid 19 as a pandemic :

Table no 1.
Consider Covid 19 as No. of respondents Percentage (%)
a pandemic
YES 25 82
NO 5 18
TOTAL 30 100

Figure No 1.

Covid 19 as Pandemic
Covid 19 as not Pandemic


It is seen from the above table that 25 respondent thinks that Covid
19 is a Pandemic. That means 83% of total respondents consider
covid19 as pandemic. 5 respondents do not think Covid 19 as
Pandemic. That means 16% of total respondents consider covid19 as
not pandemic.

2 . symptoms of this Disease known by respondents .

Table no 2:

Symptoms (yes/no) No. of respondents Percentage(%)

yes 21 70
no 9 30
total 30 100


Know about The Symptoms

Don’t know about the Symptoms


From the above table it is clear that 70% of the total respondent know
about the symptoms of this disease. And 30% of respondent found
who don’t know about the Symptoms of covid 19.

3. Covid 19 detected with any family member or relatives or

neighbors :

Table no:3
Covid detection No. of respondents Percentage(%)
Yes 22 73
no 8 27
Total 30 100

Figure : 3

Not detected

It is seen from the above table 26% of respondents said that, Covid
19 was not detected in their family member, Relatives or with their
Neighbors. 73% of respondent said that Covid 19 was detected in
their family member, Relatives or with their Neighbors .

4.Respondents that know the place where covid 19 virus found for
first time :


Respondent who know the No. of Percentage(%)

place of origine of covid- respondents

Yes 25 83
No 5 17
total 30 100
Figure : 4


Know the place

Do not know the place


The above table shows that 16% of total respondent who don’t know
about the place. And 83% of respondent who know about the origin
place of covid-19.

5.Answer on any exact Medicine found for the disease by

respondent :

Table no:5
Respondent knows No. of respondents Percentage(%)
about covid-19 drug
Yes 15 50
No 15 50
total 30 100

Exact medicine found
50% 50%
Exact Medicine not found

The above table shows that 50% of total respondent said that the
exact medicine was not found. And 50% of total respondent said that
the exact medicine was found.

6. Respondents take measures to avoid this disease :

Table no:6

Respondent take No. of Percentage(%)

measures respondents
Yes 30 100
No 0 0
Total 30 100

Figure : 06

Taking Measures
Don’t Takeing Measures


From the above table ,it is seen that 100% of the respondents take
measures to avoid this disease.


➢ 25 respondent said that Covid 19 is a Pandemic . That
means 83% of total respondents consider covid19 as
➢ 5 respondent said that Covid 19 is not a Pandemic. That
means 16% of total respondents consider covid19 as not
➢ 30% of respondent said that they don’t know about the
Symptoms of covid 19.
➢ 70% of respondent replied that they know about the
Symptoms of covid 19.
➢ 26% of respondents said that, Covid 19 was not detected
in their family member, Relatives or with their
➢ 73% of respondent said that Covid 19 was detected in
their family member, Relatives or with their Neighbors .
➢ 17% of respondent said that they don’t know about the
➢ 83% of respondent replied that they know about the
➢ 50% of total respondent told that the exact medicine was
not found.
➢ 50% of total respondent told that the exact medicine was
➢ 100% of total respondent replied that they take
preventions or measures for prevent themselves from the
➢ 86% of respondent said that they take online classes .
➢ 14% of respondent said that they don’t take online
➢ 63% of respondent said that online classes were
convenient for them.
➢ 36% of respondent said that online classes were not
convenient for them.
➢ 76% of respondent said that they understand the online
classes better.
➢ 23% of respondent replied that they did not understand
online classes better.
➢ 33% of respondent said that their classes were taken
regularly .
➢ 67% of respondent said that their classes were not taken
regularly during pandemic period .
➢ 30 % of respondent said that they were not able to attend
all the online classes during pandemic period.
➢ 70% of respondent replied that they were able to attend
all the online classes during pandemic period.
➢ 33% of respondent replied that they had network issue.
➢ 26% of respondent said that they don’t had smart phone.
➢ 30% of respondent replied that they don’t had money to
➢ 10% of respondent said that they did not able to
complete their online classes for poor electricity.
➢ 17% of respondents said that they were able to
concentrate in their online classes.
➢ 83% of respondents replied that they were not able to
concentrate in their online classes.
➢ Those students who use Zoom as their primary
application. The data shows that 16% of total
respondent use zoom during online class.
➢ this data shows those students who use Google meet
application during their online class. 23% of total
respondent use this as their class communication.
➢ This Data Shows that maximum of the students uses
YouTube as their educational platform during pandemic
Period. 36% of our respondent choose YouTube for
fulfill their education
➢ This Data about the students who use WhatsApp as their
online education communication app. 23% of
respondents said about WhatsApp
➢ This data shows us that 6% of our total respondent use
other methods as their communication application during
Pandemic period .
➢ This data shows that 23% of students said that online
education was successful during pandemic time.
➢ This data shows that according to 23% of students online
education was not successful in the online education
system during covid 19 period .
➢ These are those 40% students among 30 that told that
online classes were partially successful during pandemic

The study affirms the devastating effects of COVID-19
pandemic on education and the various barriers that hinder
students and instructors’ engagements in online education for
continued learning during the COVID-19 lockdown. The
results show that educational activities were badly affected
due to the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns. Some of the
identified effects include; learning disruption, limited access
to learning facilities such as laboratories, job losses in the
education sector, increase in students’ debts, reduced funding
for education, research constraints, and loss of learning
interests among learners .More than 70% of the respondents
agreed that inadequate facilities such as lack of computer,
internet facility, were the major factors that limited their
engagement in Online education. Similarly, poor
electricity service, unavailability and accessibility issues,
network issues, etc. also created lots of problems for
education during the COVID-19 lockdown. The result of the
study shows that Coronavirus disrupted educational activities
and tends to reduce educational opportunities for
disadvantaged people. It displaced students and teachers and
created multiple barriers in teaching and learning. Many
of students agreed that online classes were helpful for them
during the pandemic period . There college teachers did lots
of hard work for them by making videos , by arranging online
exams etc. Although we found that students also who said
that online class were not so helpful for them . In the end we
found 40% of student were happy with online classes , 20%
of Students were not happy, 30% of Students were not able to
get electronic devices, or able to managed any alternative
way . The Problems like network issues, Money problem to
recharge etc. was found.

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