Action Research Dr. Tangonan

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Golden Gate Colleges Graduate School



An Action Research
presented to
The Faculty of Graduate School
Batangas City

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Degree


March 2020
Golden Gate Colleges Graduate School
I. Context and Rationale

Reading is the key to skillful learning and better living. The

learners who read well develop better understanding and effective

adjustment towards life’s situations. When the learners understand what

they read they could identify, classify, build, organize, synthesize, make

adjustments and arrived at proper decisions. Reading therefore is one

of the potent areas where the learners must be placed under and where

an appropriate design may be addressed or utilized to assure the

learners to learn effectively the basic skills in reading.

Poor reading performance is one of the various problems that a

teacher encountered as she teaches. While such problems could be

attributed to some causes such as social, economic, environmental or

psychological factors. It is then a vital task of all concerned especially

the teachers to improve the quality of instruction to help the slow

readers and readers at-risks acquire the basic knowledge and skills in

reading which could be utilized as avenues to undertake other subject

areas prescribed in the curriculum. The quality of education acquired

by the pupils depend largely upon the pupils’ knowledge on how to read

and interpret printed materials adequately; and without such abilities

they are barred practically from learning effectively and meaningfully to

the other subjects in the curriculum.

Golden Gate Colleges Graduate School
II. Brief Review of Literature

Reading is a very complicated process, but once learned reading

becomes almost effortless. A child learns the word “the”, a word that

cannot be phonetically sounded out. After the word is stored in memory

it is natural for a child to look at the word and know the word.

Neurologists have found that the process of reading is done in the left

side of the brain, but have discovered that the front area of the brain

can compensate for some problem areas within the left side. “A

consistent pattern at all ages, lesser activation in the front and with

strong activation in the back of the brain show good readers. Activation

in the back of the brain has a pattern of under as struggling reader”

(Shaywitz, 2005, p.81 ).

The route a reading signal follows through the brain is very

precise, and no area can be bypassed. Students who struggle with

reading have a break where the impulse doesn’t travel the same route.

The brain compensates by rerouting which causes over activation in the

front area of the brain called Broca’s region. Most readers’ brain

transport the information of reading along a certain track of reading, but

in more recent years research has found some readers to have

neurological disorganization when attempting to read. The brain

processes all the sounds associated with reading even though one may

be reading silently. The areas of the brain that process speech sounds

are active just like they would be if the subject were listening to
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somebody speak. The brain is very structured in the way it processes

information. Complex tasks such as reading a passage of text are

broken down into easier tasks. The easier tasks are distributed to areas

of the brain that specialize in those tasks.

The process of reading involves certain tasks which the brain

must perform. The process is a detailed one, and within the process

there are five critical areas of reading.Some students find it easy to

learn to read,and they can easily master phonemic awareness not even

aware they are learning a skill. Other students who struggle with

reading must practice and learn this skill along with drills and repetition,

consistently practiced with the teacher. “Through technology, pupils are

able to build their overall knowledge base and develop literacy skills”

(Kasper, 2003). Internet technologies enable the teacher to enhance

and expand this curriculum within and beyond the physical classroom.

Students’ use of text-based computer mediated communication, and

intensive reading and research using Internet hypertext documents can

all improve their learning. In addition, the use of technology enables

students to improve skills needed in other areas of the classroom.

“Pupils are able to develop literacy skills and build their overall

knowledge base through technology” (Kasper, 2003). Internet

technologies enable the teacher to enhance and expand this curriculum

within and beyond the physical classroom. Students’ use of text-based

computer mediated communication, and intensive reading and research

Golden Gate Colleges Graduate School
using Internet hypertext documents can all improve their learning. In

addition, the use of technology enables students to improve skills

needed in other areas of the classroom. For example, guided practice

that familiarizes students with criteria for evaluating web sites and that

takes them through a hypertext document facilitates their acquisition of

the cognitive strategies (Kasper, 2003) necessary for searching

nonlinear texts for research. When carefully integrated into the

curriculum, technology can provide students with high motivation to

develop literacy skills that they will need in the age of information.

Kasper (2003) already talked about how important technology

can be in the development of children’s literacy . It does not oly offers

the teacher the opportunity to enhance their curriculum, but it provides

learner ample opportunities to improve. Using ICT can help students

with poor reading skills since they are more accessible and handy too.

Implications in the classroom. It does not only affect the way children

learn but, it also affects the way we teach . Children will be exposed to

different things at a different time from when using more traditional

materials ( speech -text connections and make the work he had done a

tangible thing can be examples) As teachers, we also should develop

the ability to ” edit” materials in order to avoid distractions or to extend

them to higher levels. We should teach students to look for the best

information and materials on line and to be more independent. We

should be able to provide continuous support to learners and help them

Golden Gate Colleges Graduate School
in the development of skimming and scanning strategies. Assessment is

also greatly modified since it gives us the opportunity to create more

personal and faster ways of assessment ; at the same time they can

help us in the placement of students according to their reading levels

and select a specific area or sub skill we want to emphasize .

Over the decade, researchers have written large number of

literatures on ICT. This includes its significance in enhancing students’

academic performance by bettering up of the teaching and learning


“To convey the information to student, the best way is through ICT”,

(Kumar 2014)

Similarly, Akintunde & Angulu, (2015) noted that, the use of ICT in

language teaching and learning process is highly recommendable. This

is because, emerging technologies make it pertinent and practical to

approach learning in ways that have been advocated by scientists,

theorists and educational psychologists. Adosote & Fatoki, (2013)

confirmed that, despite the reluctance in integrating ICT into the

Nigerian educational system, majority of educators strongly feel that ICT

is the most valuable tool to overcome the problem being faced in the

teaching-learning process.

According to Young (2003), computers and technology

does not acts as a replacing tools for quality teachers but instead they
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are considered as an add-on supplements needed for the better

teaching and learning. The need for ICT integration in education is

crucial, because with the help of technology, teaching and learning is

not only happening in the school environment, but also can happen

even if teachers and students are physically in distance. However,

“Integration of ICT that provides proactive teaching-learning

environment is a continual process of learning and not a one-step

learning process,” (Young, 2003).

“ICT integration is getting more important in classroom as it

help in enhancing student their collaborative learning skills, transversal

skills as well as developing that stimulates social skills, problem solving,

selfreliance, responsibility and the capacity for reflection and initiative” .

All these elements are core values that students need to achieve in an

active teaching and learning environment (Ghavifekr et al., 2014)

III. Research Questions

Research Questions

This study aimed to determine the Reading Tools for Grade

Three Learners towards the attainment of 3B’s(Bawat Bata Bumabasa)


Specifically, the study sought to answer to the following

Golden Gate Colleges Graduate School
1. How may the reading ability of Grade Three learners

be assessed in terms of:

1.1. Vocabulary Development

1.2. Reading Comprehension

1.3. Language Arts and Reading Comprehension

1.4. Literary Response

1.5. Writing Application

2. How may the following reading tools be utilized to intensify

reading activities?

2.1 Flashcards

2.2 Printed Materials

2.3 Powerpoint Presentation

3. What is the weekly reading progress of Grade Three


4. What other learning materials may be proposed to

supplement in the reading intervention?

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