Bruine de Bruin, Parker, & Fischoff (DMC) 2007

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Journal of Personality and Social Psychology Copyright 2007 by the American Psychological Association

2007, Vol. 92, No. 5, 938 –956 0022-3514/07/$12.00 DOI: 10.1037/0022-3514.92.5.938

Individual Differences in Adult Decision-Making Competence

Wändi Bruine de Bruin Andrew M. Parker

Carnegie Mellon University RAND Corporation

Baruch Fischhoff
Carnegie Mellon University

The authors evaluated the reliability and validity of a set of 7 behavioral decision-making tasks,
measuring different aspects of the decision-making process. The tasks were administered to individuals
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

from diverse populations. Participants showed relatively consistent performance within and across the 7
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

tasks, which were then aggregated into an Adult Decision-Making Competence (A-DMC) index that
showed good reliability. The validity of the 7 tasks and of overall A-DMC emerges in significant
relationships with measures of socioeconomic status, cognitive ability, and decision-making styles.
Participants who performed better on the A-DMC were less likely to report negative life events indicative
of poor decision making, as measured by the Decision Outcomes Inventory. Significant predictive
validity remains when controlling for demographic measures, measures of cognitive ability, and con-
structive decision-making styles. Thus, A-DMC appears to be a distinct construct relevant to adults’
real-world decisions.

Keywords: individual differences, decision making, judgment, competence, external validity

People face varied decisions every day. Behavioral decision which investigators have begun to address their interrelationships.
researchers study how these decisions are made, traditionally fo- Next, we briefly summarize relevant research on these topics.
cusing on deviations from normative standards. Because most of
these decision errors have been found in seemingly unrealistic Relationship Among Decision-Making Skills
hypothetical decisions without real-world consequences, some re-
cent research has questioned the external validity of this work Several studies have examined the internal consistency of per-
(Gigerenzer, Todd, & the ABC Group, 2000; Klein, 1999) and formance on different decision-making tasks. For example, reli-
sought more realistic accounts of how people master the skills able individual differences have been found in the tendencies to
needed for effective decision making (Baron, 2000; Dawes & avoid framing errors (Levin, Gaeth, Schreiber, & Lauriola, 2002),
Hastie, 2001; Kahneman, Slovic, & Tversky, 1982; Reyna, 2004; abandon sunk costs (Stanovich, 1999), apply decision rules
Yates, 1990). (Bröder, 2000), and express appropriate levels of confidence
Typically, decision-making processes have been studied in iso- (Blais, Thompson, & Baranski, 2005; Bornstein & Zickafoose,
lation in order to understand each in detail. The price paid for that 1999; Klayman, Soll, González-Vallejo, & Barlas, 1999; Stankov
depth is limited understanding of how individual decision-making & Crawford, 1996, 1997; West & Stanovich, 1997; Wolfe &
skills are related to (a) other decision-making skills, (b) demo- Grosch, 1990). Few studies have examined correlations between
graphic characteristics such as socioeconomic status (SES) and multiple decision-making tasks. One important exception is
age, (c) other cognitive abilities and decision-making styles, and Stanovich and West (1998, 2000), who report significant positive
(d) real-world outcomes. More recently, the understanding of correlations between performance on tasks measuring, for exam-
individual decision-making skills has progressed to the point at ple, hindsight bias, logical reasoning, and statistical reasoning. On
the basis of these results, they argue that departures from norma-
tive standards reflect more than just random performance errors,
but rather consistent shortcomings across decision-making skills.
Wändi Bruine de Bruin and Baruch Fischhoff, Department of Social and Parker and Fischhoff (2005) introduced a battery of seven tasks
Decision Sciences, Carnegie Mellon University; Andrew M. Parker, chosen to represent skills needed by normatively competent deci-
RAND Corporation, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. sion makers: Resistance to Framing, Recognizing Social Norms,
This research was funded by National Science Foundation Grant SES- Under/overconfidence, Applying Decision Rules, Consistency in
0213782. We thank Michael DeKay, Julie Downs, and Eric Stone for their Risk Perception, Path Independence, and Resistance to Sunk
comments as well as Jónı́na Bjarnadóttir, Jacob Chen, YoonSun Choi,
Costs. This set of measures, referred to here as Youth Decision-
Rebecca Cornelius, Mandy Holbrook, Mark Huneke, Kathleen Pinturak,
and Alanna Williams for their assistance.
Making Competence (Y-DMC; Parker & Fischhoff, 2005) and
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Wändi described more fully below, presents content suited to young
Bruine de Bruin, Department of Social and Decision Sciences, Carnegie people and was validated with 18- and 19-year-olds. Performance
Mellon University, 5000 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213. E-mail: showed modest positive correlations among the seven tasks, with
[email protected] a single-factor solution accounting for 25% of the variance. This


positive manifold suggests either a basic underlying decision- Parker and Fischhoff (2005) reported that performance on most
making ability that is measured with some degree of error or a Y-DMC component tasks, as well as their composite score, correlated
multidimensional core of mutually supportive decision-making positively with two measures of general cognitive ability and with
skills. For example, the ability to resist framing effects may allow measures of two constructive cognitive styles: endorsement of behav-
the more systematic use of decision rules; having appropriate ioral coping strategies (e.g., “When I realize I have made a mistake,
confidence may facilitate the development of consistent risk per- I usually take immediate action to correct it”) and self-monitoring
ceptions.1 (e.g., “There are many things that I would only tell to a few of my
friends”). Decision-making competence correlated negatively with
Relationship With Demographic Characteristics polarized thinking, the tendency to think in black-and-white terms
(e.g., “I tend to classify people as either for me or against me”). These
Disadvantaged SES, referring to limited material resources and correlations generally remained statistically significant after control-
education (Ensminger & Fothergill, 2003), increases exposure to ling for scores on the two tests of cognitive ability.
uncontrollable and controllable negative life events (Brady &
Matthews, 2002), with poor decisions playing a plausible, but
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

Correlations With External Events

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undetermined, role. People with lower income are more likely to

make errors in economic reasoning, such as honoring sunk cost The internal validity of laboratory decision-making tasks has gen-
(Larrick, Nisbett, & Morgan, 1993). Parker and Fischhoff’s (2005) erally been inferred from participants’ sensitivity to changes in task
low-SES teens showed significantly worse performance on four conditions (e.g., monetary incentives, learning opportunities)— based
tasks: Consistency in Risk Perception, Recognizing Social Norms, on investigators’ hypotheses regarding what changes should matter.
Applying Decision Rules, and Under/overconfidence. Tests of external validity have been rare. In one indirect test, Larrick
Research has also revealed age differences in adults’ ability to et al. (1993) found correlations between disciplinary background
make consistent judgments across contexts, with older adults per- (economics, biology, humanities) and scores on tests of cost– benefit
forming less well than younger ones (Finucane, Mertz, Slovic, & thinking. A stronger test of external validity revealed lower scores on
Schmidt, 2005; Finucane et al., 2002). Furthermore, older adults a test of adherence to cost– benefit rules among high school students
may be more likely than younger ones to be overconfident (Craw- with multiple school suspensions, compared with their peers (Stanov-
ford & Stankov, 1996; Job, 1990) and use simple noncompensa- ich, Grunewald, & West, 2003).
tory choice strategies (Johnson, 1990). Parker and Fischhoff’s (2005) young adult sample is unique in
having been recruited at ages 10 –12 for a longitudinal study
conducted by the Center for Education and Drug Abuse Research
Relationship With Other Measures of Cognitive Ability (CEDAR). Its members are assessed in terms of multiple measures
and Style of real-world experience, including putative antecedents and con-
Studies have found positive correlations between scores on tests of sequents of decision-making competence. Youths with higher
cognitive ability and resistance to decision-making biases, including scores on the Y-DMC test battery showed fewer risk behaviors (at
overconfidence (Stanovich & West, 2000; Wolfe & Grosch, 1990), various points in the longitudinal study) and came from more
hindsight bias (Stanovich & West, 2000), inefficient use of decision intact social environments. These relationships remain statistically
rules (Bröder, 2003), statistical reasoning errors (Jepson, Krantz, & significant after controlling for cognitive ability, suggesting that
Nisbett, 1983; Stanovich & West, 1998), violation of “cost– benefit Y-DMC represents a distinct construct relevant to adolescents’
rules” such as ignoring sunk costs (Larrick et al., 1993), and the real-world experiences.
conjunction fallacy and framing errors (Stanovich & West, 1998).
Recent research has also found connections between higher numeracy Defining the Domain of Decision-Making Competence
and resistance to framing errors (Peters et al., 2006). In addition, the
Normative models of decision making typically identify four
cognitive style of “need for cognition,” capturing the tendency to
fundamental skills: Belief assessment involves judging the likeli-
think hard about problems (Cacioppo & Petty, 1982), has been asso-
hood of outcomes, value assessment involves evaluating out-
ciated with having fewer framing errors (Smith & Levin, 1996),
comes, integration involves combining beliefs and values in mak-
suggesting that it may facilitate discovering the deep structure shared
by different decision problems. However, these beneficial effects of
need for cognition have not been found in other studies looking at 1
Because A-DMC components were selected to address specific aspects
framing (LeBoeuf & Shafir, 2003; Levin et al., 2002) and confidence of the decision-making process, one might expect the overall A-DMC score
assessment (Jonsson & Allwood, 2003; Wolfe & Grosch, 1990). to reflect a single, unified competency. In this conceptualization, the
McElroy and Seta (2003) found fewer framing errors among people A-DMC would be treated as a second-order construct, called a scale
with a more analytical/systematic processing style, suggesting that (Streiner, 2003) or a reflective measure (Edwards & Bagozzi, 2000).
more systematic thinkers could better see through irrelevant differ- However, it may be more appropriate to treat A-DMC components as
ences between normatively equivalent problem framings. measuring relatively distinct decision-making processes. Overall, the
A-DMC would then be an “index” (Streiner, 2003) or “formative measure”
Correlations have been found between the ability to resist fram-
(Edwards & Bagozzi, 2000), defined by its separate components. In this
ing errors and such personality traits as low neuroticism, high conceptualization, an individual might excel in one component skill while
agreeableness, and conscientiousness (Soane & Chmiel, 2005) as being deficient in others. Although recognizing the merits of each concep-
well as low impulsiveness and anxiety (Lauriola, Russo, Lucidi, tualization, we refer to overall A-DMC as an index. Its individual compo-
Violani, & Levin, 2005). Overconfidence has showed mixed cor- nent scores are treated as reflective, representing indicators of latent skill
relations with personality traits (Stankov & Crawford, 1996). constructs.

Table 1
A-DMC Component Measures

General decision-
A-DMC component making skill Criterion Score Response scale

Resistance to Framing Value assessment Consistency Absolute difference between ratings of related frames 1–6 rating
Recognizing Social Norms Belief assessment Accuracy Rank correlation between judged proportion and (a) 0%–100%
Value assessment actual proportion (b) yes/no
Under/overconfidence Belief assessment Accuracy 1 ⫺ absolute difference between mean confidence and (a) true/false
Metacognition percentage correct (b) 50%–100%
Applying Decision Rules Integration Accuracy Percentage of correct answers Multiple choice
Consistency in Risk Perception Belief assessment Consistency Percentage of consistent risk judgments 0%–100%
Resistance to Sunk Costs Value assessment Accuracy Average rating across items 1–6 rating
Path Independence Value assessment Consistency Percentage of consistent choice pairs Multiple choice
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Note. A-DMC ⫽ Adult Decision-Making Competence.

ing decisions, and metacognition means knowing the extent of further restricting the range of scores. Consistency in Risk Percep-
one’s abilities (W. Edwards, 1954; Finucane & Lees, 2005; Parker tion and Applying Decision Rules proved to be very easy, with the
& Fischhoff, 2005; Raiffa, 1968).2 Thus, these models judge the limited variation in performance limiting the size of correlations.
quality of a decision by its process rather than by its outcome, Here, we develop the battery more systematically, using larger
although it is assumed that a person who uses better decision item sets and rating scale response modes, while seeking better
processes will be more likely to experience good decision out- measures of each component skill.
comes (e.g., W. Edwards, 1984; Keren & Bruine de Bruin, 2003). Third, in order to take advantage of the unique longitudinal
Parker and Fischhoff (2005) selected their seven tasks to fit the sample, with its extensively documented lives, the content of
theoretical categorization of normative decision-making skills. Parker and Fischhoff’s (2005) Y-DMC measure is tailored to
Here, we use versions of these tasks adapted for adults and for adolescents. Many of its items are less appropriate for adults. For
increased reliability. Table 1 characterizes each task in terms of the
example, the Y-DMC includes items on sexual behavior and
general decision-making skill that it taps. It also shows whether
alcohol use but none on employment and family finances. Here,
performance is evaluated in terms of accuracy, relative to an
we present a battery of tasks developed for adults, measuring adult
external criterion (e.g., Applying Decision Rules, Recognizing
Social Norms), or consistency with related judgments or choices decision-making competence (the A-DMC).
(e.g., resisting framing effects across varying problem descrip- Fourth, some of CEDAR’s behavioral covariates play very differ-
tions, estimating higher risks as the time period increases). The ent roles in the lives of young people and adults (e.g., delinquency,
tasks use different combinations of response mode and criteria drug and alcohol use, sexual behavior). Relating adults’ decision-
(explained in the Method section below.) If tasks measure related making skills to real-world experiences requires more relevant mea-
constructs, then scores on the different components should be sures of adults’ decision-making outcomes. Here, we present a Deci-
correlated despite these measurement variations. sion Outcomes Inventory (DOI), which assesses experiences with life
events influenced by adults’ decisions. As noted above, although good
Addressing Potential Limitations of the Y-DMC decision-making processes can lead to poor outcomes, that should
happen less often than with poor decision-making processes (e.g., W.
Parker and Fischhoff’s (2005) results suggest that scores on con- Edwards, 1984; Keren & Bruine de Bruin, 2003).
ventional behavioral decision research tasks are meaningfully related
to each other, to other cognitive abilities and styles, and to plausible
real-world antecedents and consequents of decision making. How- Aims
ever, the research had several limitations that the present article aims
to address. First, the available CEDAR sample of 110, which Parker Our study has three aims, following suggestions made in pre-
and Fischhoff (2005) exhausted, is too small to meet the conventions vious research (Finucane & Lees, 2005; Parker & Fischhoff,
for developing individual-differences measures, even though Parker, 2005):
Fischhoff, and Bruine de Bruin (2004) found a similar pattern of
results using a confirmation sample of later respondents from the Aim 1: Assess the reliability of A-DMC’s component mea-
same longitudinal study. Here, we report on a much larger sample. sures, in terms of (a) internal consistency, (b) test–retest
Second, some components of Parker and Fischhoff’s (2005) reliability, and (c) correlations with each other.
measure showed only moderate internal consistency. Cronbach’s
(1951) alpha was especially low for Resistance to Framing, Con-
sistency in Risk Perception, and Resistance to Sunk Costs. Each of 2
Finucane and Lees (2005) also identified decision makers’ need to
these tasks had relatively few items (5, 2, and 5, respectively) and comprehend information about options. Here, we treat it as a more general
used a binary choice response mode, rather than a rating scale, cognitive ability not limited to decision making.

Aim 2: Assess the nomological validity3 of the A-DMC, that framing and attribute framing (Levin et al., 2002; Levin, Schnei-
is, the degree to which it correlates as expected with other der, & Gaeth, 1998).
relevant constructs, including (a) SES, (b) age, and measures The seven risky-choice framing tasks have formally equivalent
of (c) cognitive ability and (d) decision-making styles. gain and loss versions of decision problems, each presenting a
sure-thing option and a risky-choice option (Fischhoff, 1983;
Aim 3: Assess the predictive validity of the A-DMC, as Levin et al., 1998; Tversky & Kahneman, 1981). For example, the
expressed in correlations with experienced real-world deci- first item, taken from Schneider (1992), describes a pesticide
sion outcomes, as measured by the DOI.
threatening the lives of 1,200 endangered animals. The gain ver-
sion poses a choice between (a) saving 600 endangered animals for
Method sure and (b) a 75% chance that 800 animals will be saved, and a
Participants 25% chance that no animals will be saved. The corresponding loss
frame presents a choice between (a) losing 600 animals for sure
Three hundred sixty people were recruited through varied social and (b) a 75% chance that 400 animals will be lost, and a 25%
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

service organizations (46.1%) and other community groups chance that 1,200 animals will be lost. Subsequent items involve
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

(53.9%) in the greater Pittsburgh metropolitan area. They were choices between a sure thing and a risky option in the contexts of
aged 18 – 88 (M ⫽ 47.7, SD ⫽ 17.0). Among those responding to income tax (Highhouse & Paese, 1996), dropping out of school
demographic questions, 73.8% were women, 65.5% self-identified (Fagley & Miller, 1990), an unusual disease (Tversky & Kahne-
as White and the remainder as African American (28.2%) or other man, 1981), cancer (Tversky & Kahneman, 1988), stock market
racial minorities (6.3%). Of those who reported education they had
investments (Roszkowski & Snelbecker, 1990), and soldiers suf-
completed, 2.8% reported no degree, 44.6% a high school degree,
fering leg injuries (Svenson & Benson, 1993).
13.0% an associate’s degree, 29.1% a bachelor’s degree, 9.5% a
Additionally, seven attribute framing items ask participants to
master’s degree, and 0.9% a doctorate degree.4
rate positively and negatively described versions of seven norma-
When asked to participate in a follow-up mail survey, 151
tively equivalent events. These include judging the effectiveness of
(41.9%) volunteered. Because of an administrative error, the test
battery was mailed to just 138. It was returned by 106, for a 76.8% a condom with a 95% success rate or a 5% failure rate (Linville,
response rate, on average 17.6 days after the initial survey session Fischer, & Fischhoff, 1993), the quality of ground beef labeled
(SD ⫽ 5.06). The retest included 29.4% of the original sample. 80% lean or 20% fat (Levin & Gaeth, 1988), cheating at a uni-
Participants recruited through social service organizations were versity where students’ self-reports indicate that 65% have cheated
more likely to complete a retest survey than those recruited at other or 35% never have (Levin, Schnittjer, & Thee, 1988), funding a
sites (39.2% vs. 21.1%), ␹(1) ⫽ 13.99, p ⬍ .001. The retest sample team that had 30 successful or 20 unsuccessful projects among its
did not differ from the remaining sample in terms of age, t(312) ⫽ last 50 (Dunegan, 1993), counseling a student who received either
0.60, p ⫽ .55; proportion of women, ␹(1) ⫽ 1.21, p ⫽ .27; 90% correct on the midterm exam and 70% correct on the final
non-Whites, ␹(1) ⫽ 0.44, p ⫽.51; and highest education level, exam or 10% and 30% incorrect, respectively (Levin, Johnson,
␹(5) ⫽ 5.51, p ⫽ .36. Russo, & Deldin, 1985), fining a woman with a 20% chance of not
knowing that she had parked illegally or an 80% chance of know-
Materials ing that she had (Dunegan, 1996), and advising a family member
about a cancer treatment with a 50% success rate or a 50% failure
The A-DMC. The new A-DMC battery has seven component rate (Levin et al., 1988).
tasks: Resistance to Framing, Recognizing Social Norms, Under/ The positive frames and negative frames appear in separate sets
Overconfidence, Applying Decision Rules, Consistency in Risk
with different item orders and are separated by other A-DMC
Perception, Resistance to Sunk Costs, and Path Independence.
tasks, as recommended by LeBoeuf and Shafir (2003). Perfor-
Each component is discussed below, focusing on how it differs
from its related Y-DMC component (Parker & Fischhoff, 2005).
All new items were pilot tested to improve comprehensibility and 3
Broadly speaking, nomological validity can be defined as the extent to
internal consistency. Sample items for each component appear in which “the measure fits lawfully into a network of expected relationships”
Appendix A.5 (Nunnally & Bernstein, 1994, p. 91; see also Cronbach & Meehl, 1955).
Resistance to Framing measures whether value assessment is Our convenience sample resembles the 2000 U.S. Census data for
affected by irrelevant variations in problem descriptions. Parker Pittsburgh (U.S. Census Bureau, 2003) regarding racial composition
and Fischhoff (2005) found relatively low internal consistency for (67.6% White, 27.1% African American, and 5.3% other minorities) and
this task. As mentioned, scores showed low variability. To address education (18.7% of Pittsburghers over 25 years old have no high school
that problem, we increased the number of items and shifted from degree, 48.9% have a high school degree, 6.1% have an associates degree,
13.7% have a bachelor’s degree, and 12.5% have a graduate degree). Our
dichotomous choice to a strength-of-preference rating scale, with
sample is more African American than the U.S. population, which is 75.1%
endpoints reflecting a strong preference for each of the two orig-
White, 12.3% African American, and 12.6% other minorities. Our sample’s
inal choice options, following Levin et al. (2002). Because the educational attainments resemble those of the U.S. population over 25
6-point scale lacks a midpoint, it forces respondents to express a years old, in which 19.6% have no high school degree, 49.7% have a high
relative preference between options, if only weakly. A second school degree, 6.3% have an associates degree, 15.5% have a bachelor’s
possible threat to the internal consistency of the original tasks is degree, and 8.9% have a graduate degree (Bauman & Graf, 2003).
that they included several kinds of framing problem. The new task 5
The entire measure is available from the authors or online at http://
is limited to valence framing problems, specifically risky-choice

mance is measured by the mean absolute difference between Consistency in Risk Perception assesses the ability to follow
ratings for the loss and the gain versions of each item. probability rules. Twenty items ask participants to judge the
Recognizing Social Norms measures how well participants as- chance of an event happening to them on a linear scale ranging
sess peer social norms, which is based on studies by Jacobs, from 0% (no chance) to 100% (certainty). Ten events are judged
Greenwald, and Osgood (1995) and Loeber (1989). This task is twice: for the next year and for the next 5 years. Each time frame
unchanged from the Y-DMC (Parker & Fischhoff, 2005) because pair is scored as correct if the probability for the event happening
it addresses social norms that apply to all ages. Participants first the next year is no larger than for it happening in the next 5 years.
judge whether “it is sometimes OK” to engage in each of 16 In each time frame, three item pairs present nested subset and
undesirable behaviors (e.g., to steal under certain circumstances). superset events (e.g., dying in a terrorist attack is a subset of the
Later in the test battery, participants estimate how many “out of superset dying from any cause). To be scored as correct, the
100 people your age” would endorse each behavior. The first set of probability of a subset event should not exceed that of its superset
responses allowed us to compute the percentage of participants event. In each time frame, two item pairs also present complemen-
who endorsed each behavior. For each participant, performance is tary events (e.g., getting into a car accident while driving vs. being
measured by the rank-order correlation (from ⫺1 to ⫹1) between
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

accident free). Responses to each pair are scored as correct if their

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

the actual percentage and the estimated percentage of peers’ en- combined probability is 100%. Scores thus reflect the percentage
dorsements across the 16 behaviors. of corresponding item pairs with consistent responses, including
Under/overconfidence assesses how well participants recognize (a) 10 time-frame pairs, (b) six subset–superset pairs, and (c) four
the extent of their own knowledge. Respondents indicate whether complementary pairs.
each of a set of statements is true or false, then assess their Resistance to Sunk Costs measures the ability to ignore prior
confidence in that answer, on a scale from 50% (just guessing) to investments when making decisions (Arkes & Blumer, 1985).
100% (absolutely sure). Under/overconfidence equals one minus Normatively, unrecoverable past expenditures should be ignored
the absolute difference between mean confidence and percentage so that decisions reflect only possible future consequences. The
correct across items so that higher scores reflect better perfor- Y-DMC battery had two items with a choice format, limiting
mance.6 response variation. The A-DMC has 10 items, using a rating scale
To provide question content relevant to a diverse adult audience, ranging from 1 (most likely to choose [the sunk-cost option]) to 6
we created items from 17 Complete Idiot’s guides about such (most likely to choose [the normatively correct option]). Items
topics as romantic relationships, finances, health, and organizing address varied contexts, with some adapted from the sunk-cost
one’s life (Bauer, 2003; Charland, 1997; Davidson, 1997; Fisher & literature (Arkes & Blumer, 1985; Baron, Granato, Spranca, &
Shelley, 2002; Ireland, 2002; Kleinman & Messina-Kleinman, Teubal, 1993; Bornstein & Chapman, 1995; Frisch, 1993), and
2000; Koch & DeSalvo, 2003; Kuriansky, 2002; Kurland & others created for this project. Performance is measured by the
Lupoff, 1999; Lockwood, 2003; McClain & Levert, 2000; O’Hara average rating across the 10 items.
& Warner, 2000; Rich & Kravitz, 2001; Rosen, 2000; Strauss & Path Independence presents item pairs posing normatively
Jaffe, 2003; Toropov, 1997; Tullier, 1999). We randomly selected
equivalent choices between gambles, testing adherence to the
10 chapters from each book and one piece of advice from the text
axiom that a choice between gambles should not be affected by
boxes and bullet-pointed closing statements in each chosen chap-
normatively irrelevant changes in how they are played. In partic-
ter. The text of each selected piece of advice was rewritten as a
ular, respondents should give consistent responses, regardless of
true/false statement, with a random generator assigning half to be
whether options are presented as single-stage or two-stage gam-
phrased as true and half as false. Two independent judges selected
bles. This task uses Y-DMC items because their abstract content
statements that were decision relevant and falsifiable, reaching
and level of difficulty are appropriate for all ages. Six items pose
agreement for 71%. We pilot tested the 60 items selected by both
a choice between a sure thing (e.g., win $50 for sure) and a coin
coders. Nine items were excluded because a pilot study suggested
flip (e.g., if heads, then win $100; if tails, then win $0). Each is
that they were potentially misleading, showing performance that
paired with an item posing the same choice, presenting irrelevant
was substantially below chance. After removing items with low
information about the outcome of an earlier coin flip. An addi-
item-total correlations, 34 were selected for the final measure.
tional six items pose a choice between a gamble involving two
Applying Decision Rules asks participants to indicate, for hypo-
coins (e.g., if two heads, then win $100, otherwise $0) and a
thetical individual consumers using different decision rules, which
gamble involving one coin (e.g., if heads, then win $50, otherwise
of five DVD players they would buy (e.g., “Lisa wants the DVD
$0). Each is paired with an item presenting the same gambles as
player with the highest average rating across features,” describing
two consecutive steps. The first step is a coin flip, which will lead
an equal weights rule). Each consumer chooses from a different set
of five equally priced DVD players with varying ratings of picture to the second step only if heads come up. The second step involves
quality, sound quality, programming options, and brand reliability a choice between a gamble (e.g., if heads, then win $100, other-
(from 1 [very low] to 5 [very high]). The decision rules are taken wise $0) and a sure thing (e.g., win $50 for sure). Performance is
from Payne, Bettman, and Johnson (1993) and include elimination measured by the percentage of consistent choices across item pairs.
by aspects, satisficing, lexicographic, and equal weights rules. The
present task uses more complex rules than the Y-DMC, which, in 6
We report Under/overconfidence because it has modest metric assump-
pretests, proved too easy for adults. Performance is measured by tions (unlike the Brier score) and because it does not condition on confi-
the percentage of items for which the correct DVD players are dence (unlike the calibration and discrimination indices), making it less
chosen, given the decision rule to be applied. prone to regression-to-the-mean.

The DOI. We further developed a self-report measure of generally make snap decisions”), using five items for each. There
decision-making success in terms of avoiding negative decision is some evidence that both rational (Crossley & Highhouse, 2005;
outcomes. On the basis of pilot research, a list of negative decision Leong & Morris, 1989; Russ, McNeilly, & Comer, 1996) and
outcomes, sampled across a wide variety of domains and varying intuitive (Crossley & Highhouse, 2005) decision-making styles are
in severity (e.g., threw out food or groceries you had bought, got effective, in the sense of being related to positive career outcomes
divorced, had a mortgage or loan foreclosed), was reduced to a (although see Phillips & Strohmer, 1982; Singh & Greenhaus,
shorter list with good internal consistency. Appendix B shows the 2004). Thus, they should be related to better A-DMC scores.
DOI, with its 41 negative decision outcomes. Thirty-five of these Conversely, dependent, spontaneous, and avoidant styles may be
outcomes are preceded by a question asking whether participants maladaptive (Loo, 2000; Russ et al., 1996; Singh & Greenhaus,
had made decisions that would make that outcome possible (e.g., 2004). Lower scores on these styles should be related to better
bought food or groceries, got married, had a mortgage or loan). A-DMC scores.
This question was omitted for the final six outcomes, as all Cognitive ability. Our strategy for measuring general cogni-
individuals made related decisions: been in a jail cell overnight for tive abilities was informed by theories of fluid and crystallized
any reason; been in a public fight or screaming argument; declared
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

intelligence (Cattell, 1963, 1987; Horn, 1985). We used Raven’s

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

bankruptcy; forgotten a birthday of someone close to you and did standard progressive matrices (SPM; Raven, Raven, & Court,
not realize until the next day or later; been diagnosed with Type 2 2003), which loads highly on Spearman’s g (Carroll, 1993), to
diabetes; and broke a bone because you fell, slipped, or mis-
assess general fluid, nonverbal cognitive ability and Form G of the
Nelson-Denny Reading Comprehension subtest (Brown, Fishco, &
As a proxy for severity, we weighted decision outcomes by the
Hanna, 1993) to assess crystallized, verbal ability. Thus, these
proportion of participants who reported not experiencing them
measures cover the two main aspects of general cognitive abilities,
(among those who had the opportunity) because, generally speak-
with general fluid intelligence reflecting innate ability and crys-
ing, more severe outcomes are also less frequent than less severe
tallized intelligence reflecting acquired knowledge (e.g., Cattell,
ones (e.g., a night in jail vs. loaning more than $50 without getting
it back). These weighted outcomes were averaged and then sub- 1963). To reduce participants’ workload, both scales were short-
tracted from zero so that higher scores reflect better outcomes. ened to half their normal length. Our Raven measure had one
Thus, the DOI score reflects the weighted number of negative randomly selected item from each sequential pair on the full test
outcomes respondents had avoided out of those they had the (first and second, third and fourth, etc.) to retain the increasing
opportunity to experience (i.e., the final six were included for difficulty of the test items. We reduced the time restriction for the
everyone). Nelson-Denny from 20 to 10 min. On both measures, performance
Decision-making styles. Respondents’ decision-making styles is measured by the number of items answered correctly.
were measured with four scales. Two scales were from Schwartz
et al. (2002). One is a five-item measure of the tendency to feel
regret (e.g., “When I think about how I’m doing in life, I often
assess opportunities I have passed up”); the other is a 13-item After providing consent, participants were given 10 min to
measure of the tendency to maximize when only satisficing is complete Form G of the Nelson-Denny Reading Comprehension
needed (e.g., “When I watch TV, I channel surf, often scanning
subtest (Brown et al., 1993). Participants were then given an
through the options even while attempting to watch one program”).
envelope with the remaining tasks, to be completed at their own
Schwartz et al. (2002) found that people with higher scores on both
pace. The envelope began with the A-DMC tasks, in the following
scales were less satisfied with their consumer choices. Because
sequence: (a) positive-item versions of Resistance to Framing, (b)
both measures reflect ineffective decision making, less regret and
Recognizing Social Norms questions asking whether “it is some-
less inappropriate maximizing should be related to better A-DMC
times OK” to engage in different behaviors, (c) Under/
overconfidence, (d) Applying Decision Rules, (e) Consistency in
The third scale is the 15-item behavioral coping component of
the Constructive Thinking Inventory (Epstein & Meier, 1989; Katz Risk Perception, (f) Path Independence, (g) Resistance to Sunk
& Epstein, 1991). It measures the extent to which people attach Costs, (h) negative-item versions of Resistance to Framing, and (i)
positive thoughts to their decisions, even in the face of negative Recognizing Social Norms questions asking for estimates of other
outcomes (e.g., “When I realize I have made a mistake, I usually people’s social norms. This order maximized the distance between
take immediate action to correct it”). Because this decision-making related tasks (e.g., for Resistance to Framing and Recognizing
style reflects effective decision making, more behavioral coping Social Norms). The shortened version of Raven SPM (Raven et al.,
should be related to better A-DMC scores, as was found with the 2003) was completed next, followed by the measures of decision-
Y-DMC (Parker & Fischhoff, 2005). making styles, the DOI, and demographic information.
Finally, we used Scott and Bruce’s (1985) measures of five Participants left contact information if they were interested in
decision-making styles, all relying on self-reports: making deci- completing “a shorter mail survey with some of the same ques-
sions rationally (e.g., “I make decisions in a logical and systematic tions” intended for test–retest reliability. The retest repeated the
way”), basing decisions on intuitions (e.g., “I generally make same A-DMC measures. Forms were mailed 9 days after the initial
decisions that feel right to me”), depending on others (e.g., “I often session and followed up with at most two reminder phone calls.
need the assistance of other people when making important deci- Participants received $35 for the initial survey session (with the
sions”), avoiding decisions (e.g., “I postpone decision making option to donate part of it to the organization through which they
whenever possible”), and making decisions spontaneously (e.g., “I were recruited) and $15 for returning the mail survey.

Table 2
Descriptive Statistics of Nonstandardized A-DMC Components

A-DMC component Potential range Observed range Mdn M SD Cronbach’s ␣ Test–retest

Resistance to Framing .00–5.00 1.00–4.92 3.83 3.72 0.61 .62 .58***

Recognizing Social Norms ⫺1.00–1.00 ⫺.59–.84 0.34 0.33 0.26 .64 .46***
Under/overconfidence .00–1.00 .50–1.00 0.93 0.91 0.08 .77 .47***
Applying Decision Rules .00–1.00 0.00–1.00 0.44 0.44 0.24 .73 .77***
Consistency in Risk Perception .00–1.00 .20–1.00 0.70 0.70 0.16 .72 .51***
Resistance to Sunk Costs 1.00–6.00 1.00–6.00 4.50 4.40 0.77 .54 .61***
Path Independence .00–1.00 .00–1.00 0.67 0.67 0.25 .75 .28***

Note. All Adult Decision-Making Competence (A-DMC) components are scored so that higher numbers reflect better performance.
p ⬍ .001, two-sided.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Results of loadings). Except for Path Independence and Resistance to Sunk

Costs, the factor loadings are at least .35, suggesting internal
Aim 1: Assess the Reliability of the A-DMC’s Component consistency, in the sense of A-DMC components capturing an
Measures underlying construct of decision-making ability. Path Indepen-
Aim 1a: Internal consistency. Table 2 shows descriptive sta- dence and Resistance to Sunk Costs also load weakly on the
tistics for the seven A-DMC component measures, with higher Y-DMC (.31 and .35, respectively). Consistency in Risk Percep-
scores on each representing better performance. Because a typo tion has higher loadings here (.49 vs. .29).
changed the intended meaning of one Resistance to Framing item, Table 4 further shows a two-factor solution using the principal
scores for that task reflect only 13 items. Skipped items are treated factors method with oblimin rotation, which allows nonorthogonal
as missing rather than as incorrect.7 Scores on each measure span factors. The two factors account for 46.2% of the variance and are
much of the possible range, showing the variability necessary to correlated (r ⫽ .30, p ⬍ .001). Except for Resistance to Sunk Costs
assess reliability and validity. and Path Independence, all tasks have loadings of at least .30 on
Cronbach’s alpha, the mean of all split-half correlations, is one the first factor. These loadings resemble those of the one-factor
measure of internal consistency (Cronbach, 1951). It is above .60 solution. Recognizing Social Norms, Resistance to Sunk Costs,
for all component measures except for Resistance to Sunk Costs. and Path Independence have a higher loading on the second factor,
Compared with the Y-DMC, internal consistency is higher for the but the latter remains under .30. The two-factor solution does not
two components that were poorest there, Resistance to Framing correspond to the three-factor solution reported for the Y-DMC
(.62 vs. .30) and Resistance to Sunk Costs (.54 vs. .03), suggesting (Parker & Fischhoff, 2005). Nor does either factor solution corre-
that their redesign improved them. Cronbach’s alpha for Recog- spond to any of the three task characteristics highlighted in Table
nizing Social Norms uses item-level scores on the basis of Spear- 1: response mode, criterion, or general decision-making skills.
man’s rank correlation between predicted and actual social norms.8 The analyses below use both A-DMC component scores and a
Parker and Fischhoff (2005) report Cronbach’s alpha separately composite index of the A-DMC. The overall index reflects the
for personal social norms (␣ ⫽ .79) and predicted peer social unweighted average of standardized scores for the six components,
norms (␣ ⫽ .88), similar to this study (␣s ⫽ .75 and .93, respec- excluding Path Independence. This index is highly correlated with
Aim 1b: Test–retest reliability. The last column of Table 2 7
For Applying Decision Rules, Consistency in Risk Perception, and
shows test–retest reliability of the different component measures.
Path Independence, missing responses can be treated as incorrect. The
All are significant at the p ⬍ .001 level. Path Independence is the
resulting scores are similar to those ignoring missing responses (r ⫽ .98, p
weakest, despite its relatively high Cronbach’s alpha. ⬍.001 for Applying Decision Rules; r ⫽ .81, p ⬍ .001 for Consistency in
Aim 1c: Correlations of tasks with each other. Table 3 shows Risk Perception; r ⫽ .92, p ⬍ .001 for Path Independence).
bivariate correlations between the A-DMC component scores. 8
For each participant, the overall score for Recognizing Social Norms
Most correlations in Table 3 are significant and positive (M ⫽ .16, reflects the Spearman rank correlation between their estimated number of
Mdn ⫽ .17), indicating a positive manifold of tasks, with relative people “out of 100 people your age” endorsing each behavior and the
consistency in performance across measures. actual percentage of endorsements observed across all participants, span-
With the Y-DMC, the mean and median correlations were both ning all ages. Comparing estimated numbers with the actual percentage of
.12. For simplicity sake, all reported p values (throughout this endorsements observed in a respondent’s age group (teens, 20 somethings,
article) are two-sided, even where we have directional predictions. 30 somethings, etc.) produces similar performance scores (r ⫽ .92, p
The strongest correlations involve Applying Decision Rules, Con- ⬍.001). For the sole purpose of computing Cronbach’s alpha, item-level
scores for Recognizing Social Norms are based on the calculation of
sistency in Risk Perception, and Recognizing Social Norms. Path
Spearman’s rank correlation before correction for ties, which is 1⫺[6 ⫻ 兺d 3
Independence has no significant correlations. /n(n3⫺1)], with d being the difference between the rank of the estimated
Table 4 shows exploratory factor analyses on z scores of the proportion and the actual proportion of participants who would condone
seven component measures, using the principal factors method. A the behavior mentioned in the item and n being the number of items (here,
one-factor model explains 30.1% of the variance— compared with 16). The individual item-level scores are then calculated as 1/n –[6 ⫻ d 3
25.1% with the Y-DMC (which showed a generally similar pattern /n(n3⫺1)].

Table 3
Correlations Among A-DMC Component Scores

A-DMC component 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1. Resistance to Framing —
2. Recognizing Social Norms .15** —
3. Under/overconfidence .23*** .17** —
4. Applying Decision Rules .39*** .28*** .31*** —
5. Consistency in Risk Perception .25*** .25*** .17** .43*** —
6. Resistance to Sunk Costs ⫺.01 .23*** ⫺.01 .20*** .18** —
7. Path Independence .02 .07 ⫺.05 .05 .03 .09 —

Note. All p values represent two-sided tests. A-DMC ⫽ Adult Decision-Making Competence.
p ⬍ .01. *** p ⬍ .001.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

the unweighted average score, including Path Independence (r ⫽ est level of education completed. These two measures are nega-
.96, p ⬍ .001). We use the unweighted average rather than the tively correlated (r ⫽ ⫺.42, p ⬍ .001).
Anderson-Rubin factor score, the aggregate measure reported by The first row in Table 5 shows that participants recruited
Parker and Fischhoff (2005), because of its simplicity and robust- through social service organizations had lower scores on each
ness (it is highly correlated with the one-factor solution using A-DMC task, except on Path Independence. The second row
Anderson-Rubin factor scores; r ⫽ .92, p ⬍ .001), recognizing that shows that those who had completed more education perform
specific weights may depend on the sample. Each of these aggre- significantly better on each A-DMC component, except on Path
gate measures produces a similar pattern of results in the subse- Independence and Resistance to Sunk Costs. Both sets of correla-
quent analyses. tions are in the expected direction (shown as ⫹ or ⫺). To examine
Overall, the A-DMC demonstrates good internal consistency. whether the overall relationship between the A-DMC components
Cronbach’s alpha is .85 across the z scores for the A-DMC’s 103 and SES is in the expected direction, and to reduce the number of
individual items and .83 across the z scores for the seven A-DMC
statistical tests necessary to evaluate Aim 2a, we report Strube’s
components, using Nunnally and Bernstein’s (1994) computation
analysis for combining two or more nonindependent statistics
for linear combinations of measures. Excluding Path Independence
(Strube, 1985).9 The result, in the third row, indicates that, overall,
leaves these values unchanged. The unweighted average across z
higher SES is linked with better A-DMC component scores, except
scores for the seven A-DMC components scores also shows good
for Path Independence.
test–retest reliability (r ⫽ .68, p ⬍ .001). Without Path Indepen-
dence, the aggregate measure has a test–retest reliability of .73 The overall A-DMC score is also significantly lower for partic-
( p ⬍ .001). ipants recruited through social service organizations and higher for
those reporting more education. The overall Strube analysis sug-
gests that the A-DMC is positively related with SES.
Aim 2: Assess the Nomological Validity of the A-DMC
Aim 2b: Age. The fourth row of Table 5 shows correlations of
Aim 2a: SES. Our two measures of SES are (a) whether (1) or A-DMC components with participants’ age.10 Age is not signifi-
not (0) participants were recruited through a social service orga- cantly correlated with performance on Under/overconfidence,
nization serving low-SES communities and (b) participants’ high- Consistency in Risk Perception, or Path Independence. Older
adults show lower scores on Resistance to Framing and Applying
Decision Rules. However, performance on Recognizing Social
Table 4 Norms and Resistance to Sunk Costs improves with age. Perhaps
Factor Analyses of the A-DMC Measures as a result, there is no significant correlation between overall
A-DMC and age.
Two-factor model
One-factor (oblimin rotation Aim 2c: Cognitive ability. Although Raven SPM is designed to
A-DMC component model structure matrix) measure general fluid intelligence and the Nelson-Denny Reading
Comprehension subtest crystallized intelligence, performance on
Resistance to Framing .48 .51 .15
Recognizing Social Norms .40 .35 .38 their abbreviated versions is significantly correlated (r ⫽ .57, p ⬍
Under/overconfidence .35 .41 .01
Applying Decision Rules .80 .79 .35
Consistency in Risk Perception .49 .46 .30 Strube (1985) proposed an analytic method for combining noninde-
Resistance to Sunk Costs .23 .14 .50 pendent hypothesis tests. This method is based on the logic of meta-
Path Independence .10 .05 .20 analysis, but unlike traditional meta-analysis does not assume independent
hypothesis tests from separate samples/studies. Instead, it recognizes and
Eigenvalue 2.11 2.11 1.13 corrects for the covariation among tests.
Variance explained 30.1% 30.1% 16.1% 10
Part correlations with age, controlling for SES, show similar results
Note. For each variable, underlined values indicate the factor with the (␣⫽ .05) for overall A-DMC and component scores, except for Under/
largest loading in the two-factor solution. A-DMC ⫽ Adult Decision- overconfidence (r ⫽ .13, p ⬍ .05). (See Footnote 13 for information about
Making Competence. part correlations.)

Table 5
Correlations Between A-DMC Tasks and Cognitive Ability, Decision-Making Styles, and Experienced Decision Outcomes

Under/ Decision Risk Path Overall

Framing Social Norms overconf. Rules Perception Sunk Costs Indep. A-DMC
Measure (⫹) (⫹) (⫹) (⫹) (⫹) (⫹) (⫹) (⫹) DOI (⫹)

Socioeconomic status (SES)

Using social services (⫺) ⫺.29*** ⫺.26*** ⫺.33*** ⫺.50*** ⫺.38*** ⫺.14* ⫺.05 ⫺.54*** ⫺.28***
Education (⫹) .35*** .18** .32*** .45*** .28*** .04 .09 .47*** .08
Overall p ⬍ .001 p ⬍ .001 p ⬍ .001 p ⬍ .001 p ⬍ .001 p ⬍ .05 ns p ⬍ .001 p ⬍ .001
Age (⫺) ⫺.20*** .12* .07 ⫺.18** ⫺.01 .28*** .10 ⫺.03 .33***
Cognitive ability
Raven (⫹) .37*** .29*** .29*** .65*** .40*** .17*** .10 .61*** .13*
Nelson-Denny (⫹) .30*** .22** .27*** .51*** .33*** .04 .02 .50*** .15**
Overall p ⬍ .001 p ⬍ .001 p ⬍ .001 p ⬍ .001 p ⬍ .001 p ⬍ .05 ns p ⬍ .001 p ⬍ .01
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

Decision-making styles
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

To feel regret (⫺) ⫺.09 .04 ⫺.09 ⫺.06 ⫺.08 ⫺.14* .01 ⫺.14* ⫺.13*
To needlessly maximize (⫺) ⫺.10 ⫺.03 ⫺.21*** ⫺.09 ⫺.13* ⫺.02 .00 ⫺.19*** ⫺.26***
To use behavioral coping (⫹) .05 .15** .15** .14* .26*** .29*** .04 .28*** .35***
To decide rationally (⫹) ⫺.08 .17** .13* .14* .21** .27*** .05 .22*** .21***
To decide intuitively (⫹) ⫺.12* .13* .07 ⫺.06 .08 .20*** ⫺.02 .09 .16***
To depend on others (⫺) ⫺.09 .08 .07 .03 .00 .01 ⫺.01 .03 .01
To avoid decisions (⫺) ⫺.08 ⫺.07 ⫺.06 ⫺.14* ⫺.15** ⫺.18** .01 ⫺.21*** ⫺.29***
To decide spontaneously (⫺) ⫺.15** ⫺.07 ⫺.20*** ⫺.28*** ⫺.17** ⫺.12* ⫺.08 ⫺.29*** ⫺.33***
Overall ns p ⬍ .05 p ⬍ .001 p ⬍ .01 p ⬍ .001 p ⬍ .001 ns p ⬍ .001 p ⬍ .001
Experienced decision outcomes
DOI (⫹) .03 .25*** .17** .26*** .20*** .22*** ⫺.06 .29*** -
DOI, controlling for cognitive
ability (⫹) ⫺.03 .22*** .13* .19** .15** .21*** ⫺.07 .26*** -
DOI, controlling for age (⫹) .06 .19*** .18*** .33*** .23*** .14* ⫺.08 .31*** -
DOI, controlling for SES (⫹) ⫺.05 .19** .12* .15** .11 .17** ⫺.07 .20*** -
DOI, controlling for decision-
making styles (⫹) .00 .19*** .06 .16** .08 .13* ⫺.08 .14** -

Note. All p values represent two-sided tests, including overall p values, which were computed using the Strube’s analysis for combining significance levels
from nonindependent hypothesis tests. The sign printed next to the name of each variable indicates whether higher scores reflect better (⫹) or worse (⫺)
performance. A-DMC ⫽ Adult Decision-Making Competence; overconf. ⫽ overconfidence; Indep. ⫽ Independence; DOI ⫽ Decision Outcomes Inventory;
ns ⫽ nonsignificant; dashes indicate data that are not applicable.
p ⬍ .05. ** p ⬍ .01. *** p ⬍ .001.

.001). Descriptive statistics are M ⫽ 18.7 out of 30, SD ⫽ 6.52 for measures and overall. Strube analyses measure the extent to which
Raven; M ⫽ 10.4 out of 38, SD ⫽ 5.67 for Nelson-Denny.11 A-DMC scores (both components and overall) correlate in the
Table 5 shows that each cognitive ability score is higher for expected directions with decision-making style scores (shown
participants who perform better on each A-DMC component. The as ⫹ or ⫺). Recognizing Social Norms, Under/overconfidence,
weakest correlations are with Resistance to Sunk Costs and Path Applying Decision Rules, Consistency in Risk Perception, and
Independence, the two tasks most weakly related to overall Resistance to Sunk Costs are significantly related to effective
A-DMC. The overall Strube analysis indicates that, except for Path decision-making styles, but Resistance to Framing and Path Inde-
Independence, higher A-DMC component scores are related to pendence are not.
better cognitive ability.12 Most constructive decision-making styles are associated with
Table 5 also shows that participants with higher overall A-DMC better overall A-DMC component scores. The exception is the
performance have better Raven SPM and Nelson-Denny scores.
The Strube analysis across these correlations is also significant,
supporting the nomological validity of the A-DMC measures. Because participants received half the items on the Raven SPM and
Aim 2d: Decision-making styles. On a 5-point scale, mean half the standard time of the Comprehension subtest of the Nelson-Denny
self-ratings are 3.00 (SD ⫽ .78) for experiencing regret about Reading Test, we use raw scores for each. These raw scores are highly
decisions, 2.93 (SD ⫽ .65) for needlessly maximizing, 3.75 (SD ⫽ correlated with normed scores reflecting doubled raw scores (r ⫽ .76, p ⬍
.61) for using behavioral coping strategies, 3.84 (SD ⫽ .79) for .001 for Raven; r ⫽ .96, p ⬍ .001 for Nelson-Denny). The pattern reported
here is unaffected by which score is used for these cognitive ability
making decisions rationally, 3.65 (SD ⫽ .84) for deciding intu-
itively, 3.38 (SD ⫽ .88) for depending on others when making 12
Part correlations with Raven, controlling for SES, show similar results
decisions, 2.59 (SD ⫽ 1.00) for avoiding decisions, and 2.63
(␣ ⫽ .05) for overall A-DMC and component scores, except for Under/
(SD ⫽ .93) for making spontaneous decisions. Thus, there is overconfidence (r ⫽ .06, p ⫽ .21) or for Consistency in Risk Perception
enough variance in these responses to make correlations with other (r ⫽ .06, p ⫽ .18). For Nelson-Denny, changes include Recognizing Social
measures possible. Norms (r ⫽ .08, p ⫽ .09), Under/overconfidence (r ⫽ .05, p ⫽ .35), and
The next section of Table 5 shows modest correlations between the DOI (r ⫽ .03, p ⫽ .52). (See Footnote 13 for information about part
decision-making styles and the A-DMC, both for the component correlations.)

tendency to depend on others when making decisions was dem- The final column of Table 5 shows correlations between DOI
onstrated, which shows no significant correlation with any scores and our other measures, showing patterns similar to those
A-DMC component. The overall Strube analyses indicate signifi- for A-DMC scores. DOI scores are worse for participants recruited
cant relationships, again supporting the validity of the A-DMC through social service sites but are not significantly related to
measures. education.15 Overall, the Strube analysis shows a significant rela-
tionship between the DOI and these SES measures. Older partic-
Aim 3: Assess the Predictive Validity of the A-DMC ipants report better decision outcomes on the DOI. Furthermore,
participants with higher DOI scores have better Raven and Nelson-
Appendix B shows the percentage of participants who report Denny scores as well as a significant Strube analysis result across
decisions that create the opportunity to experience each negative these cognitive ability measures. More constructive decision-
outcome on the DOI as well as the percentage who report expe- making styles are generally associated with better overall A-DMC
riencing each outcome, given the opportunity. The least common and DOI scores. The exception is the tendency to depend on others
outcome is “gotten more than 5 speeding tickets,” reported by when making decisions. The overall Strube analyses also reveal
3.9% out of the 89.1% who had driven a car in the last 10 years.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

highly significant relationships.

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

The most common outcome is “threw out food or groceries you To examine the A-DMC’s overlap with other measures, Table 6
had bought because they went bad,” reported by 80.8% out of the shows hierarchical regressions adopted from Finucane et al.
99.4% who reported shopping for food or groceries in the last 10 (2005). The first set predicts DOI scores from measures of cogni-
years. tive ability and A-DMC, entered in separate steps. Analysis 1a
On average, participants report decisions that could have pro- suggests that A-DMC alone explains 16% of DOI variance. En-
duced 78.7% (SD ⫽ 17.1) of the DOI’s 35 outcomes. As men- tering cognitive ability in Step 2 explains 1% of additional vari-
tioned, six additional outcomes are not limited to one specific ance. Analysis 1b, which reverses these steps, shows that cognitive
decision (e.g., declared bankruptcy) and are counted as possible for
ability alone accounts for 4% of the variance in the DOI, with
all participants. Overall, participants self-report 28.3% (SD ⫽
A-DMC components entered in Step 2 adding 12% of explained
16.3) of the negative outcomes they could have experienced. Only
variance. Thus, the A-DMC may mediate the relationship between
7 (of the 360) participants reported opportunities for all negative
cognitive ability and the DOI.
outcomes. Because Cronbach’s alpha and factor analyses require
A comparison of ⌬R2 measures in Step 1 of Analyses 1a and
complete data for every participant, we computed them across the
Step 2 of Analysis 1b reveals that A-DMC’s explanation of DOI
DOI’s decision outcomes, regardless of whether participants had
variance decreases from 16% to 12% after controlling for cogni-
reported decisions that created an opportunity to experience them.
tive ability. Thus, cognitive ability accounts for 25% (4% out of
Only for these analyses, we treat participants who never made the
16%) of A-DMC-related variance in the DOI. The converse anal-
relevant decision as having avoided the negative outcome. Cron-
ysis reveals that the A-DMC accounts for 75% (3% out of 4%) of
bach’s alpha is .88 across the 41 possible negative outcomes,
suggesting reliable individual differences in the tendency to expe- the variance because of cognitive ability in the DOI.
rience negative decision outcomes. All 41 outcomes load above A second set of hierarchical regressions (in Table 6) predicts
.30 on a one-factor solution, except for three items asking partic- DOI scores from measures of decision-making styles and A-DMC
ipants whether they had (a) broken a bone because you fell, components. Analysis 2a shows that decision-making styles add
slipped, or misstepped; (b) been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes; 15% to the 16% of DOI variance explained by the A-DMC alone;
and (c) lost more than $1,000 on a stock market investment. Analysis 2b shows that the A-DMC adds 8% to the 23% of DOI
Removing these items does not change Cronbach’s alpha (⫽.88) variance explained by decision-making styles. Thus, decision-
and barely affects the aggregate DOI score (r ⫽ .99, p ⬍ .001).
They are retained in the analyses. 13
Part correlations reflect the reduction in a regression’s beta coeffi-
As mentioned, the overall DOI score is calculated by weighting cient, after adding a mediating variable to the model. Whereas part corre-
each negative outcome that a respondent could have experienced lations remove the variance shared between predictors (e.g., A-DMC and
by the proportion of participants who have not experienced it (as age), partial correlations also remove the variance shared with the predicted
a proxy for outcome severity). The average score across items is variable (e.g., the DOI). All part correlations reported here are virtually
then subtracted from zero so that higher scores reflect better identical to the corresponding partial correlations.
outcomes. The mean DOI score is ⫺.15 (SD ⫽ .11). It is highly 14
Because Applying Decision Rules shows the strongest correlation
correlated with the unweighted percentage of negative decision with the DOI and the highest loading on the single-factor score of A-DMC
outcomes (r ⫽ ⫺.92, p ⬍ .001) but not with the percentage of components, it is possible that the results are driven solely by this A-DMC
decisions that could have produced them (Part a of each DOI item; component. However, controlling for Applying Decision Rules did not
r ⫽ ⫺.08, p ⫽ .18). reduce the significance levels of correlations of the DOI with other
A-DMC component scores and overall A-DMC, except for Consistency in
With the exception of Resistance to Framing and Path Indepen-
Risk Perception (r ⫽ .14, p ⬍ .05).
dence, Table 5 reveals significant positive correlations between 15
A moderation test using hierarchical regression (Baron & Kenny,
A-DMC component scores and its overall score with the DOI. That
1986) shows that adding the interactions of the A-DMC with recruitment
pattern generally remains in part correlations, controlling, sepa- site and with highest level of education completed to the main effects
rately, for cognitive ability, age, SES, and decision-making improves predictions of the DOI (⌬R2 ⫽ .02), F(2, 310) ⫽ 3.37, p ⬍ .05.
styles.13,14 However, Under/overconfidence and Consistency in Only the first interaction was significant (␤ ⫽ .27), t(310) ⫽ 2.55, p ⬍ .05,
Risk Perception are no longer significant after controlling for with the A-DMC being more strongly related to the DOI for users of social
decision-making styles. services than for others.

Table 6
Hierarchical Regressions on the DOI

Independent variable Total R2 Adjusted R2 ⌬R2 Test of ⌬R2

Analysis 1a
Step 1: A-DMC components .16 .13 .16 F(7, 270) ⫽ 7.13, p ⬍ .001
Step 2: Cognitive ability .16 .13 .01 F(2, 268) ⫽ 0.93, p ⫽ .40
Analysis 1b
Step 1: Cognitive ability .04 .03 .04 F(2, 275) ⫽ 5.60, p ⬍ .01
Step 2: A-DMC components .16 .13 .12 F(7, 268) ⫽ 5.60, p ⬍ .001
Analysis 2a
Step 1: A-DMC components .16 .14 .16 F(7, 268) ⫽ 7.21, p ⬍ .001
Step 2: Decision-making styles .31 .27 .15 F(8, 260) ⫽ 6.99, p ⬍ .001
Analysis 2b
Step 1: Decision-making styles .23 .21 .23 F(8, 267) ⫽ 9.94, p ⬍ .001
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

Step 2: A-DMC components .31 .27 .08 F(7, 260) ⫽ 4.19, p ⬍ .001
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Note. DOI ⫽ Decision Outcomes Inventory; A-DMC ⫽ Adult Decision-Making Competence.

making styles account for 50% (i.e., 8% out of 16%) of A-DMC- difficult life experiences, while the stress of bad outcomes could
related variance in the DOI, whereas A-DMC accounts for 35% undermine the quality of people’s decisions. More direct tests of
(i.e., 8% out of 23%) of variance related to decision-making styles causal relationships include prospective studies examining the
in the DOI. effects of training in decision making on the outcomes that people
A third set of hierarchical regressions (not shown) similarly experience later (Beyth-Marom, Fischhoff, Quadrel, & Furby,
compared the A-DMC with all other measures used in this study: 1991; Downs et al., 2004). Indeed, decision making may be a
cognitive ability, age, SES, and decision-making styles. These teachable skill (Baron & Brown, 1991), with correlational evi-
measures add 23%, F(13, 243) ⫽ 7.14, p ⬍ .001, to the 17% dence suggesting that people who have received formal training in
explained by the A-DMC when entered in Step 1, F(7, 256) ⫽ decision making may obtain better life outcomes (Larrick et al.,
7.48, p ⬍ .001. The reverse also holds, with the A-DMC adding 1993). If so, then teaching decision making may improve quality
5%, F(7, 243) ⫽ 2.72, p ⬍ .05, to the 35% of DOI variance of life, especially in low-SES communities.
accounted for by the other measures, F(13, 250) ⫽ 10.45, p ⬍ A-DMC components did not show consistent relationships with
.001. Thus, the other measures explain 71% (12% out of 17%) of age. Whereas older adults performed significantly worse on Re-
A-DMC-related variance in the DOI, and the A-DMC explains sistance to Framing and Applying Decision Rules, they did sig-
34% (12% out of 35%) of the variance in the DOI because of the nificantly better on Recognizing Social Norms and Resistance to
other measures. Sunk Costs. These inconsistent results perhaps reflect the two
competing views on everyday problem solving and aging, de-
Discussion scribed by Finucane et al. (2002). One view argues that everyday
Our initial aim was to develop a measure of adult decision- problem solving relies on cognitive abilities that decline with age
making competence (the A-DMC) that built on a normative ap- (cf. Willis, 1991), whereas the other view posits that older indi-
proach to decision making and improved on the measure devel- viduals have knowledge and experience that allows them to be
oped for young people (the Y-DMC). When administered to a more selective, domain specific, and automatized in their problem
diverse sample of adults, the new measure showed greater internal solving (cf. Baltes & Baltes, 1990; Denney, 1989; Salthouse,
consistency for the component tasks, test–retest reliability for the 1991), which may make up for any impaired cognitive abilities.
overall measure, and intertask correlations than had the youth Possibly, Resistance to Framing and Applying Decision Rules
version. Thus, the A-DMC skill set, long identified as central to require cognitive skills that decrease with age (Finucane et al.,
decision making (W. Edwards, 1954; Raiffa, 1968), reflects a 2005, 2002), whereas Recognizing Social Norms and Resistance to
unified construct (or a set of related, mutually supportive con- Sunk Costs rely on experiences that increase with age.
structs). These results further support the proposal (Stanovich & The nomological validity of the A-DMC was underscored by
West, 2000) that performance on conventional behavioral predicted associations with measures of (a) general fluid and
decision-making tasks reflects a positive manifold rather than crystallized cognitive ability (Raven SPM and the Comprehension
random performance errors. Moreover, it shows promise for the subtest of the Nelson-Denny Reading Test, respectively) and (b)
development of a normed psychometric test of decision-making constructive and maladaptive decision-making styles, including
competence. tendencies to experience regret and maximize needlessly
Our second aim was to assess the nomological validity of the (Schwartz et al., 2002); to engage in behavioral coping (Epstein &
A-DMC, in terms of its relationships to SES, age, cognitive ability, Meier, 1989; Katz & Epstein, 1991); and to engage in avoidant,
and decision-making styles. As predicted, participants recruited rational, and spontaneous decision making (Scott & Bruce, 1985).
through social service organizations and having less education had Our third aim was to assess the relationship between A-DMC
worse A-DMC scores. Of course, correlation does not imply components and experienced real-world decision outcomes. In the
causality. Lower decision-making abilities could lead to more absence of direct measures of real-world decision-making experi-

ence, we developed a generally applicable measure of self-reported ing, reducing the reliability and validity of tasks presented later.
decision outcomes. Our DOI showed good internal consistency, Because all participants completed the tasks in the same order, the
with a single-factor solution having high loadings of almost all present results do not allow examining possible order effects.
items. The frequency with which respondents reported poor deci- Future research should vary presentation order.
sion outcomes reflects some (perhaps surprising) candor in admit- Future research should also expand the set of covariates. The
ting to negative life experiences. Nonetheless, any measure relying present study used one set of measures for cognitive ability,
on self-reports must be treated cautiously. decision-making styles, and SES. Although they were selected
Using the DOI as a standard, the A-DMC shows good predictive with care, in order to cover different aspects of the construct each
validity: Overall performance on the A-DMC and most of its is meant to represent, other measures might yield different results.
component tasks is associated with better decision outcomes. Al- Similarly, results may vary with different tasks representing
though some A-DMC components (such as Applying Decision these decision-making skills. The tasks that we chose for the
Rules) have strong correlations with measures of cognitive ability, A-DMC reflect the traditional normative approach to decision-
the relationship between the A-DMC and DOI remains significant making competence (W. Edwards, 1954; Finucane & Lees, 2005;
after controlling for these measures. In fact, the A-DMC appears to Raiffa, 1968) and the original Y-DMC (Parker & Fischhoff, 2005).
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

mediate the relationship between cognitive ability and the DOI. However, researchers have studied many other judgment and
The A-DMC may measure specific cognitive skills that go beyond decision-making skills, including consistency in judgments over
general cognitive ability in terms of their relevance to avoiding time (Fischhoff, 1975), consistency in choice over time (Loewen-
negative real-world decision outcomes, perhaps suggesting that the stein & Elster, 1992), and resistance to biases arising from heu-
domain of cognitive ability could be expanded to include decision- ristics such as representativeness and availability (Tversky &
making competence. Kahneman, 1974). Future research should examine their external
validity in terms of relevance to avoiding the DOI’s negative
real-world outcomes.
Limitations In summary, we have created and evaluated two new measures,
one for adult decision-making skills (the A-DMC) and one for
Not all of the selected A-DMC component tasks perform decision-making outcomes (the DOI). The present results, com-
equally well. Path Independence, an axiom of normative decision bined with those from Parker and Fischhoff (2005), support the
making, does particularly poorly. Although internally consistent, overall construct validity of decision-making competence as well
performance on it is relatively unreliable over time, suggesting that as the external validity of tasks drawn from the behavioral decision
it may be a reliable measure of a temporary state. However, research repertoire. Although some researchers have raised ques-
performance on Path Independence is unrelated to performance on tions about these tasks’ external validity (Gigerenzer et al., 2000;
the other A-DMC components or to any of the covariate measures, Klein, 1999), most show good internal consistency, test–retest
including SES, real-world decision outcomes, and cognitive abil- reliability, and validity—as seen in significant, predicted correla-
ity. A similar pattern was observed with adolescents, in which Path tions with real-world decision outcomes, cognitive ability,
Independence scores were unrelated to risk behaviors and social decision-making styles, and SES. The psychometric properties
background (Parker & Fischhoff, 2005). This is notable, given revealed in this systematically developed battery and large, diverse
Path Independence’s central role in normative decision making. If sample suggest that the A-DMC and its component tasks have
Path Independence does indeed reflect an unstable ability, then it promise for use as individual-differences measures. Additionally,
may vary too much to affect real-world decision outcomes that the DOI appears to elicit internally consistent experiences of
evolve over time. It is also possible that the abstract formulation of real-world outcomes, in a short, easily administered self-report
the paper-and-pencil task tapped some skill other than decision- format similar to that used for life-event scales (e.g., Miller, 1996).
making ability. Finally, Path Independence may not be relevant to Future research might examine relationships of performance on
real-world choices, which may consistently appear with the same other decision-making tasks with the A-DMC and DOI. If
structure. decision-making skills reflect a positive manifold, then positive
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and to measures of SES and cognitive ability, performance on for understanding the role of decision-making competence in ev-
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comes and effective decision-making styles. Here, too, as with research—recognizing that each such study tests the construct
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Appendix A

Sample DMC Items

Resistance to Framing
Part I
Imagine that recent evidence has shown that a pesticide is threatening the lives of 1,200 endangered animals. Two response options have
been suggested:

If Option A is used, 600 animals will be saved for sure.

If Option B is used, there is a 75% chance that 800 animals will be saved and a 25% chance that no animals will be saved.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

Which option do you recommend to use?

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

1 2 3 4 5 6

Definitely would Definitely would

choose A choose B

Part II
Imagine that recent evidence has shown that a pesticide is threatening the lives of 1,200 endangered animals. Two response options have
been suggested:

If Option A is used, 600 animals will be lost for sure.

If Option B is used, there is a 75% chance that 400 animals will be lost and a 25% chance that 1,200 animals will be lost.

Which option do you recommend to use?

1 2 3 4 5 6
Definitely would Definitely would

choose A choose B

Recognizing Social Norms

Part I
Do you think it is sometimes OK . . .

. . . to steal under certain circumstances?

Yes No

Part II
Out of 100 people your age, how many would say it is sometimes OK . . .
. . . to steal under certain circumstances?

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

No one Everyone

(Appendixes continue)


Alcohol causes dehydration.

This statement is [True/False].

50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

just guessing absolutely sure

Applying Decision Rules

This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Picture Quality Sound Quality Programming Reliability of Price

Options Brand
DVD A 3 5 5 1 $369

B 1 2 1 2 $369

C 5 5 4 4 $369

D 5 3 4 2 $369

E 4 5 2 2 $369

LaToya only wants a DVD player that got a “Very High” rating on Reliability of Brand.
Which one of the presented DVD players would LaToya prefer?

Consistency in Risk Perception

What is the probability that you will get into a car accident while driving during the next year?

What is the probability that your driving will be accident-free during the next year?

Resistance to Sunk Costs

After a large meal at a restaurant, you order a big dessert with chocolate and ice cream. After a few bites, you find you are full and
you would rather not eat any more of it.
Would you be more likely to eat more or to stop eating it?

1 2 3 4 5 6
Most likely to Most likely to
eat more stop eating

Path Independence
Which do you like best, (1), (2), or (3)?
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

(1) (2) (3)

Flip a Coin Sure Win Doesn’t Matter to Me.
If Heads, win $100 Win $50 for sure If Tails, win $0
—— —— ——
If you had already flipped once and it came up heads, which do you like best, (1), (2), or (3)?

(1) (2) (3)

Flip Second Coin Sure Win Doesn’t Matter to Me

If Heads, Win $100 Win $50 for sure If Tails, win $0

—— —— ——

Appendix B
DOI Items and Response Frequencies
Percentage who
experienced the
Percentage who made outcome (given
In the last 10 years, have you ever . . . the decision the decision)

1. a. Rented a movie 89.3

b. Returned a movie you rented without having watched it at all 61.4
2. a. Bought new clothes or shoes 96.9
b. Bought new clothes or shoes you never wore 52.5
3. a. Gone shopping for food or groceries 99.4
b. Threw out food or groceries you had bought because they went bad 80.8
4. a. Done your own laundry 96.3
b. Ruined your clothes because you didn’t follow the laundry instructions on the label 44.2
5. a. Been enrolled in any kind of school 57.0
b. Been suspended from school for at least one day for any reason 10.0
6. a. Had any kind of job 83.3
b. Quit a job after a week 9.4
7. a. Had a driver’s license 84.6
b. Had your driver’s license taken away from you by the police 6.9
8. a. Driven a car 89.1
b. Been accused of causing a car accident while driving 14.2
c. Gotten more than 5 parking tickets 7.2
d. Gotten more than 5 speeding tickets 3.9
e. Gotten lost or gone the wrong way for more than 10 minutes while driving 53.9
f. Locked your keys in the car 43.6
9. a. Bought any kind of car 67.9
b. Had to spend at least $500 to fix a car you had owned for less than half a year 22.5

(Appendixes continue)

Appendix B (continued)
Percentage who
experienced the
Percentage who made outcome (given
In the last 10 years, have you ever . . . the decision the decision)

10. a. Taken a trip by airplane 76.6

b. Missed a flight 6.9
11. a. Taken the train or the bus 63.1
b. Taken the wrong train or bus 8.3
12. a. Had any form of ID (driver’s license, passport, birth certificate) 92.3
b. Had your ID replaced because you lost it 20.6
13. a. Lived in a rented apartment or other rental property 40.3
b. Been kicked out of an apartment or rental property before the lease ran out 5.8
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

14. a. Carried a key to your home 88.2

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

b. Had the key to your home replaced because you lost it 19.7
c. Locked yourself out of your home 36.7
15. a. Been responsible for electricity, cable, gas or water payments 83.1
b. Had your electricity, cable, gas or water shut off because you didn’t pay on time 11.9
16. a. Been responsible for a mortgage or loan 64.6
b. Foreclosed a mortgage or loan 4.4
17. a. Been responsible for rent or mortgage payments 72.6
b. Paid a rent or mortgage payment at least 2 weeks too late 17.2
18. a. Used checks 88.5
b. Had a check bounce 31.7
19. a. Had a credit card 84.7
b. Had more than $5,000 in credit card debt 29.7
20. a. Invested in the stock market 47.2
b. Lost more than $1,000 on a stock market investment 21.7
21. a. Been to a bar, restaurant, or hotel 92.5
b. Been kicked out of a bar, restaurant, or hotel by someone who works there 7.8
22. a. Loaned more than $50 to someone 57.1
b. Loaned more than $50 to someone and never got it back 35.6
23. a. Had a romantic relationship that lasted for at least 1 year 67.6
b. Cheated on your romantic partner of 1 year by having sex with someone else 11.4
24. a. Been married 66.8
b. Been divorced 10.6
25. a. Had sex 83.4
b. Been diagnosed with an STD 6.4
c. Had an unplanned pregnancy (or got someone pregnant, unplanned) 13.3
26. a. Had sex with a condom 46.5
b. Had a condom break, tear, or slip off 14.7
27. a. Had an alcoholic drink 78.5
b. Consumed so much alcohol you vomited 27.8
c. Received a DUI for drunk driving 5.0
28. a. Been out in the sun 89.9
b. Got blisters from sunburn 22.2

29. Been in a jail cell overnight for any reason 6.7

30. Been in a public fight or screaming argument 17.5
31. Declared bankruptcy 7.8
32. Forgotten a birthday of someone close to you and did not realize until the next day or later. 50.6
33. Been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes 6.1
34. Broke a bone because you fell, slipped, or misstepped 14.7

Note. DOI ⫽ Decision Outcomes Inventory; STD ⫽ sexually transmitted disease; DUI ⫽ driving under the influence.

Received April 14, 2006

Revision received December 4, 2006
Accepted December 14, 2006 䡲

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