TGM - Industrial Estates For Civil
TGM - Industrial Estates For Civil
TGM - Industrial Estates For Civil
Prepared for
IL&FS Ecosmart Limited
October 2009
Table 3-1: Risk Levels and Land use Development ......................................................................... 3-33
Table 3-5: General Environmental Standards for Effluent Discharge .............................................. 3-48
Table 4-1: Advantages and Disadvantages of Impact Identification Methods ................................. 4-10
Table 4-3: List of Important Physical Environment Components and Indicators of EBM.............. 4-24
Table 4-4: Choice of Models for Impact Predictions: Risk Assessment.......................................... 4-31
Table 5-1: Roles and Responsibilities of Stakeholders Involved in Prior Environmental Clearance 5-1
Table 5-3: SEIAA: Eligibility Criteria for Chairperson/ Members/ Secretary ................................... 5-5
Table 5-4: EAC/SEAC: Eligibility Criteria for Chairperson / Members / Secretary.......................... 5-9
Figure 4-1: Prior Environmental Clearance Process for Activities Falling Under Category A ......... 4-3
Figure 4-2: Prior Environmental Clearance Process for Activities Falling Under Category B ......... 4-4
Annexure I
Annexure II
Annexure III
Annexure IV
Annexure V
Annexure VI
Annexure VII
Annexure VIII
Annexure IX
Annexure X
Annexure XI
Annexure XII
Annexure XIII
Annexure XIV
EIA has emerged as one of the successful policy innovations of the 20th Century in the
process of ensuring sustained development. Today, EIA is formalized as a regulatory tool
in more than 100 countries for effective integration of environmental concerns in the
economic development process. The EIA process in India was made mandatory and was
also given a legislative status through a Notification issued in January 1994. The
Notification, however, covered only a few selected industrial developmental activities.
While there are subsequent amendments, this Notification issued on September 14, 2006
supersedes all the earlier Notifications, and has brought out structural changes in the
clearance mechanism.
The basic tenets of this EIA Notification could be summarized into the following:
Pollution potential as the basis for prior environmental clearance based on pollution
potential instead of investment criteria; and
Decentralization of clearing powers to the State/Union Territory (UT) level
Authorities for certain developmental activities to make the prior environmental
clearance process quicker, transparent and effective mechanism of clearance.
Devolution of the power to grant clearances at the state level for certain category of the
developmental activities / projects is a step forward to fulfill the basic tenets of the re-
engineering i.e., quicker, transparent and effective process but many issues come on its
way of functional efficiency. These issues could be in technical and operational domains
as listed below:
Technical issues
Meeting time targets without compromising with the quality of assessments/ reviews
Varying knowledge and skill levels of regulators, consultants and experts
Newly added developmental activities for prior environmental clearance, etc.
Operational issues
State level /UT level EIA Authorities (SEIAA/UTEIAA) are formulated for the first
time and many are functioning
Varying roles and responsibilities of involved organizations
Varying supporting institutional strengths across the States/UTs
Varying manpower availability, etc.
1.1 Purpose
The purpose of developing the sector-specific technical EIA guidance manuals (TGM) is
to provide clear and concise information on EIA to all the stakeholders i.e., the project
proponent, the consultant, the reviewer, and the public. The TGMs are organized to cover
The contents of the document are designed with a view to facilitate in addressing relevant
technical and operational issues as mentioned in the earlier section. Besides, facilitates
various stakeholders involved in the EIA clearance process i.e.,
Project proponents will be fully aware of the procedures, common ToR for EIA
studies, timelines, monitoring needs, etc., in order to plan the projects/studies
Consultants across India will gain similar understanding about a given sector, and
also the procedure for EIA studies, so that the quality of the EIA reports gets
improved and streamlined
Reviewers across the states/UTs will have the same understanding about an industry
sector and would able to draw a benchmark in establishing the significant impacts for
the purpose of prescribing the ToR for EIA studies and also in the process of review
and appraisal.
Public who are concerned about a new or expansion projects, can have access to this
manual to know the manufacturing/production details, rejects/wastes from the
operations, choice of cleaner/control technologies, regulatory requirements, likely
The Ministry of Environment & Forests (MoEF), Government of India took up the task of
developing sector-specific technical EIA guidance manuals for all the developmental
activities listed in the re-engineered EIA Notification. The Infrastructure Leasing and
Financial Services (IL&FS), Ecosmart Limited (Ecosmart), has been entrusted with the
task of developing these manuals for 27 industrial and related sectors. Industrial Estate
(IE) is one of these sectors, for which this manual is prepared.
The ability to design comprehensive EIA studies for specific industries depends on the
knowledge of several interrelated topics. Therefore, it requires expert inputs from
multiple dimensions i.e., administrative, project management, technical, scientific, social,
economic, risk etc., in order to comprehensively analyze the issues of concern and to
draw logical interpretations. Thus, Ecosmart has designed a well-composed
implementation framework to factor inputs of the experts and stakeholders in the process
of finalization of these manuals.
The process of manual preparation involved collection & collation of the secondary
available information, technical review by sectoral resource persons and critical review
and finalization by a competent Expert Committee composed of core and sectoral peer
The MoEF appreciates the efforts of Ecosmart, Expert Core and Peer Committee,
resource persons and all those who have directly and indirectly contributed to this
Manual. .
This TGM is brought out by the MoEF to provide clarity to all the stakeholders involved
in the ‘Prior Environmental Clearance’ process. As such, the contents and clarifications
given in this document do not withstand in case of a conflict with the statutory provisions
of the Notifications and Executive Orders issued by the MoEF from time-to-time.
TGMs are not regulatory documents. Instead these are the tools designed to assist in
successful completion of an EIA.
For the purpose of this project, the key elements considered under TGMs are: conceptual
aspects of EIA; developmental activity-specific information; operational aspects; and
roles and responsibilities of involved stakeholders.
This manual is prepared considering the Notification issued on September 14, 2006 and
the updates. For recent updates, if any, may please refer the website of the MoEF,
Government of India i.e.,
“Environment” in EIA context mainly focuses, but is not limited to physical, chemical,
biological, geological, social, economical, and aesthetic dimensions along with their
complex interactions, which affect individuals, communities and ultimately determines
their forms, character, relationship, and survival. In the EIA context, ‘effect’ and
‘impact’ can often be used interchangeably. However, ‘impact’ is considered as a value
judgment of the significance of an effect.
“It is necessary to understand the links between environment and development in order to
make choices for development that will be economically efficient, socially equitable and
responsible, as well as environmentally sound.” Agenda 21
Pollution control strategies can be broadly categorized in to preventive and reactive. The
reactive strategy refers to the steps that may be applied once the wastes are generated or
contamination of receiving environment takes place. The control technology or a
combination of technologies to minimize the impact due to the process rejects/wastes
varies with the quantity and characteristics, desired control efficiency and economics.
Therefore, there is a need to shift the emphasis from the reactive to preventive strategy
i.e., to promote preventive environmental management. Preventive environment
management tools may be classified into following three groups:
The tools for preventive environmental management can be broadly classified into
following three groups.
Risk is associated with the frequency of failure and consequence effect. Predicting such
situations and evaluation of risk is essential to take appropriate preventive measures. The
major concern of the assessment is to identify the activities falling in a matrix of high &
low frequencies at which the failures occur and the degree of its impact. The high
frequency, low impact activities can be managed by regular maintenance i.e,. LDAR
(Leak detection and repair) programmes. Whereas, the low frequency, high impact
activities are of major concern (accidents) in terms of risk assessment. As the frequency
is low, often the required precautions are not realized or maintained. However, these risk
assessment identify the areas of major concerns, which require additional preventive
measures; likely consequence distances considering domino effects, which will give the
possible casualties and ecological loss in case of accidents. These magnitudes demand
the attention for preventive and disaster management plans (DMP). Thus is an essential
tool to ensure safety of operations.
By availing this concept, firms can minimize costs incurred on the environmental
conservation throughout the project life cycle. LCA also provides sufficient scope to
think about cost-effective alternatives.
Total Cost Assessment (TCA) is an enhanced financial analysis tool that is used to assess
the profitability of alternative courses of action ex. raw material substitution to reduce the
costs of managing the wastes generated by process; an energy retrofit to reduce the costs
of energy consumption. This is particularly relevant for pollution prevention options,
because of their nature, often produce financial savings that are overlooked in
conventional financial analysis, either because they are misallocated, uncertain, hard to
quantify, or occur more than three to five years after the initial investment. TCA involves
all of the relevant costs and savings associated with an option so that it can compete for
scarce capital resources fairly, on a level playing field. The assessments are often
beneficial in respect of the following:
Conventional cost accounting (CCA): Direct and indirect financial costs+ Recognized
contingent costs
Total Cost Assessment (TCA): A broader range of direct, indirect, contingent and
less quantifiable costs
Full Cost assessment (FCA): TCA + External social costs borne by society Environmental audit/statement
Relative indicators may be identified for different industrial sectors and be integrated in
the companies and organizations to monitor and manage the different environmental
aspects of the company, to benchmark and compare two or more companies from the
same sector. These could cover the water consumption, wastewater generation, energy
consumption, solid/hazardous waste generation, chemical consumption etc., per tonne of
final product. Once these bench marks are developed, the industries which are below
them may be guided and enforced to reach the level and those which are better than the
bench mark may be encouraged further by giving incentives etc.
The operational performance indicators are related to the process and other operational
activities of the organization, these would typically address the issue of raw material
consumption, energy consumption, water consumption in the organization, the quantities
of wastewater generated, other solid wastes generated, emission from the organization
Indicators basically used to evaluate environmental performance against the set standards
and thus indicate the direction in which to proceed. Selection of type of indicators for a
firm or project depends upon its relevance, clarity and realistic cost of collection and its
Market based instruments are regulations that encourage behavior through market signals
rather than through explicit directives regarding pollution control levels. These policy
instruments such as tradable permits pollution charge are often described as harnessing
market forces. Market based instruments can be categorized into the following four
major categories which are discussed below.
Pollution charge: Charge system will assess a fee or tax on the amount of pollution a
firm or source generates. It is worthwhile for the firm to reduce emissions to the
point, where its marginal abatement costs is equal to the tax rate. Thus firms control
pollution to different degrees i.e. High cost controllers – less; low-cost controllers-
more. The charge system encourages the industries to further reduce the pollutants.
The collected charges can form a fund for restoration of the environment. Another
form of pollution charge is a deposit refund system, where, consumers pay a
surcharge when purchasing a potentially polluting product, and receive a refund on
return of the product after useful life span at appropriate centers. The concept of
extended producers’ responsibility brought in to avoid accumulation of dangerous
products in the environment.
Tradable permits: Under this system, firms that achieve the emission levels below
their allotted level may sell the surplus permits. Similarly, the firms, which are
required to spend more to attain the required degree of treatment/allotted levels, can
purchase permits from others at lower costs and may be benefited.
Market barrier reductions: Three known market barrier reduction types are as
– Market Creation: Measures that facilitate the voluntary exchange of water rights
and thus promote more efficient allocation of scarce water supplies.
– Liability Concerns: Encourage firms to consider potential environmental damages
of their decisions
There are many forums under which the fund is made available for the issues which are of
global/regional concern (GEF, OECD, Deutch green fund, etc.) i.e., climate change, Basal
convention and further fund sources are being explored for the Persistent Organic
Pollutants Convention. Besides the global funding mechanism, there needs to be
localized alternative mechanism for boosting the investment in environmental pollution
control. For example, in India the Government has established mechanism to fund the
common effluent treatment plants, which are essential specifically serving the small and
medium scale enterprises i.e., 25% share by the State Government, matching grants from
the Central Government and surety for 25% soft loan. It means that the industries need to
invest only 25% initially, thus encouraging voluntary compliance.
There are some more options i.e., if the pollution tax/charge is imposed on the residual
pollution being caused by the industries, municipalities etc., fund will automatically be
generated, which in turn, can be utilized for funding the environmental improvement
programmes. The emerging concept of build-operate-transfer (BOT) is an encouraging
development, where there is a possibility to generate revenue by application of advanced
technologies. There are many opportunities which can be explored. However, what is
required is the paradigm shift and focused efforts.
EMS is that part of the overall management system which includes the organizational
structure, responsibilities, practices, procedures, process and resources for determining
and implementing the forms of overall aims, principles of action w.r.t the environment. It
encompasses the totality of organizational, administrative and policy provisions to be
taken by a firm to control its environmental influences. Common elements of an EMS are
the identification of the environmental impacts and legal obligations, the development of
a plan for management & improvement the assignment of the responsibilities and
monitoring of the performance.
Quality is regarded as
A product attribute that had to be set at an acceptable level and balanced against the
Something delivered by technical systems engineered by experts rather than the
organization as a whole
Assured primarily through the findings and correction of mistakes at the end of the
production process
One expression of the total environment quality movement (TEQM) is a system of control
called Kaizen. The principles of Kaizen are Eco-labeling
Cleaner production is one of the tools, which has lot of bearing on environmental
pollution control. It is also seen that the approach is changing with time i.e., dumping-to-
control-to-recycle-to-prevention. Promotion of cleaner production principles involve an
insight into the production process not only to get desired yield but also to optimize on
raw material consumption i.e., resource conservation and implications of the waste
treatment and disposal.
The concept endorses utilization of the wastes as a by-product to the extent possible i.e.,
Re-cycle, Recover, Reuse, Recharge. Recycling refers to using the wastes/by-products in
the process again as a raw material to maximize the production. Recovery refers to
engineering means such as solvent extraction, distillation, precipitation etc. to separate the
useful constituents of the wastes, so that these recovered materials can be used. Re-use
refers to the utilization of waste from one process as a raw material to other. Recharging
is an option in which the natural systems are used for renovation of waste for further use. Eco-efficiency
For most businesses, the two essentials for success are the responsive markets and access
to cost-effective, quality resources for producing products or delivering services. In
absence of these two factors, virtually, every other incentive becomes a minor
Transportation issues are important at two levels, the ability to get goods to market in an
expeditious way is essential to success in this day of just in time inventories. The use of
least impact transportation with due consideration of speed and cost supports business
success and addresses concerned in the community.
The Government of India brought out the state of environment report for entire country
and similar reports available for many of the states. These reports are published at regular
intervals to record trends and to identify the required interventions at various levels.
These reports consider the internationally accepted DPSIR framework for the presentation
of the information. DPSIR refers to
Corporate environmental reports (CER) are only one form of environmental reporting
defined as publicly available, stand alone reports, issued voluntarily by the industries on
their environmental activities (Borphy and Starkey-1996). CER is a means to
environmental improvement and greater accountability, not an end in itself.
Involuntary Disclosure: Without its permission and against it will (env. Campaign,
press etc.)
Mandatory Disclosure: As required by law
Voluntary Disclosure: The disclosure of information on a voluntary basis
Environmental assessments could be classified into four types i.e. strategic environmental
assessment, regional EIA, sectoral EIA and project level EIA. These are precisely
discussed below:
Regional EIA
Sectoral EIA
Instead of project-level-EIA, an EIA should take place in the context of regional and
sectoral level planning. Once sectoral level development plans have the integrated
sectoral environmental concerns addressed, the scope of project-level EIA will be quite
minimal. Sectoral EIA will helps in addressing specific environmental problems that may
be encountered in planning and implementing sectoral development projects.
Project level EIA refers to the developmental activity in isolation and the impacts that it
exerts on the receiving environment. Thus, it may not effectively integrate the cumulative
effects of the development in a region.
From the above discussion, it is clear that EIA shall be integrated at all the levels i.e.
strategic, regional, sectoral and the project level. Whereas, the strategic EIA is a
structural change in the way the things are evaluated for decision-making, the regional
EIA refers to substantial information processing and drawing complex inferences. The
project-level EIA is relatively simple and reaches to meaningful conclusions. Therefore
in India, largely, the project-level EIA studies are taking place and are being considered.
However, in the re-engineered Notification, provisions have been incorporated for giving
a single clearance for the entire IE for e.g., Leather parks, pharma cities etc., which is a
step towards the regional approach.
projects. An EIA should meet at least three core values (EIA Training Resource Manual,
UNEP 2002):
Integrity: The EIA process should be fair, objective, unbiased and balanced
Utility: The EIA process should provide balanced, credible information for decision-
Sustainability: The EIA process should result in environmental safeguards
Ideally an EIA process should be:
The generic project cycle including that of the IEs has six main stages:
1. Project concept
2. Pre-feasibility
3. Feasibility
4. Design and engineering
5. Implementation
6. Monitoring and evaluation
It is important to consider the environmental factors on an equal basis with technical and
economic factors throughout the project planning, assessment and implementation phases.
EIA should be introduced at the earliest in the project cycle and must be an integral part
of the project pre-feasibility and feasibility stage. If the EIA considerations are given due
respect in the site selection process by the project proponent, the subsequent stages of the
clearance process would get simplified and would also facilitate easy compliance to the
mitigation measures throughout the project life cycle.
Environmental impacts resulting from proposed actions can be grouped into following
Beneficial or detrimental
Naturally reversible or irreversible
Repairable via management practices or irreparable
Short term or long term
Temporary or continuous
Occurring during construction phase or operational phase
Local, regional, national or global
Accidental or planned (recognized before hand)
Direct (primary) or Indirect (secondary)
Cumulative or single
The category of impact as stated above, and the significance will facilitate the Expert
Appraisal Committee (EAC)/State Level EAC (SEAC) to take a look at the ToR for EIA
studies, as well as, in decision making process about the developmental activity.
Indirect impacts on the environment are those which are not a direct result of the project,
often produced away from or as a result of a complex impact pathway. The indirect
impacts are also known as secondary or even tertiary level impacts. For example,
secondary indirect impacts may also affect on aquatic flora in that water body and may
further cause reduction in fish population. Reduction in fishing harvests, affecting the
incomes of fishermen is a third level impact. Such impacts are characterized as socio-
economic (third level) impacts. The indirect impacts may also include growth-inducing
impacts and other effects related to induced changes to the pattern of land use or
additional road network, population density or growth rate. In the process, air, water and
other natural systems including the ecosystem may also be affected.
The cumulative impacts can be due to induced actions of projects and activities that may
occur if the action under assessment is implemented such as growth-inducing impacts and
other effects related to induced changes to the pattern of future land use or additional road
network, population density or growth rate (e.g., excess growth may be induced in the
zone of influence around the project site, and in the process causing additional effects on
air, water and other natural ecosystems). Induced actions may not be officially
announced or be part of any official plan. Increase in workforce and nearby communities
contributes to this effect.
They usually have no direct relationship with the action under assessment, and represent
the growth-inducing potential of an action. New roads leading from those constructed for
a project, increased recreational activities (e.g., hunting, fishing), and construction of new
service facilities are examples of induced actions.
However, the cumulative impacts due to induced development or third level or even
secondary indirect impacts are difficult to be quantified. Because of higher levels of
uncertainties, these impacts cannot normally be assessed over a long time horizon. An
EIA practitioner usually can only guess as to what such induced impacts may be and the
possible extent of their implications on the environmental factors. Respective EAC may
exercise their discretion on a case-by-case basis for considering the induced impacts.
This TGM establishes the significance of impacts first and proceeds to delineate the
associated mitigations and measures. So the significance here reflects the “worst-case
scenario” before mitigation is applied, and therefore provides an understanding of what
may happen if mitigation fails or is not as effective as predicted. For establishing
significance of different impacts, understanding the responses and interaction of the
environmental system is essential. Hence, the impact interactions and pathways are to be
understood and established first. Such an understanding will help in the assessment
process to quantify the impact as accurately as possible. Complex interactions,
particularly in the case of certain indirect or cumulative impacts, may give rise to non-
linear responses which are often difficult to understand and therefore their significance
difficult to assess. It is hence understood that indirect or cumulative impacts are more
complex than the direct impacts and most often currently the impact assessments are
limited to direct impacts. In case mitigation measures are delineated before determining
significance of the effect, the significance represents the residual effects.
Waste emissions from a project should be within the assimilative capacity of the local
environment to absorb without unacceptable degradation of its future waste
absorptive capacity or other important services.
Harvest rates of renewable resource inputs should be within the regenerative capacity
of the natural system that generates them; depletion rates of non-renewable inputs
should be equal to the rate at which renewable substitutes are developed by human
invention and investment.
The aim of this model is to curb over-consumption and unacceptable environmental
degradation. But because of limitation in available scientific basis, this definition
provides only general guidelines for determining the sustainable use of inputs and
outputs. To establish, the level of significance for each identified impact, a three-stage
analysis may be referred:
The criteria can be determined by answering some questions regarding the factors
affecting the significance. This will help the EIA stake-holders, the practitioner in
particular, to determine the significance of the identified impacts eventually. Typical
examples of such factors (one approach reported by Duval and Vonk 1994) include the
The EIA should also consider the effects that could arise from the project due to induced
developments, which take place as a consequence of the project. Ex. Population density
and associated infrastructure and jobs for people attracted to the area by the project. It
also requires consideration of cumulative effects that could arise from a combination of
the effects due to other projects with those of other existing or planned developments in
the surrounding area. So the necessity to formulate a qualitative checklist is suggested to
test significance, in general.
3.1 Introduction
Industrial Estate (IE) Programme in India started in 1952 with the establishment of first
estate at Hadapsar in Maharashtra. The main objective of the programme is to encourage
and support the creation, expansion and modernization of small-scale industries (SSI)
through the provision of factory accommodation, common service facilities and assistance
and servicing through all stages of establishment and operation as well as developing sub-
contracting relationships within the small-scale and large-scale industries and specialized
manufacturing activities.
Subsequently, the programme has also assumed the role of regional development through
provision of built-in factory accommodation with the requisite facilities and services in
semi-urban, rural and backward areas.
The Ministry of Industry at both central and state level is responsible for industrial
planning and development. The role of the Central Government in the establishment of
IEs in India has been mainly that of laying down the guidelines for the State
Governments, coordination, review and monitoring of the IE development programmes.
In addition, sector-specific ministries for steel, petroleum, chemicals, textiles, mines, etc.,
were established in order to diversify and relegate policy and planning processes. The
Commerce & Industries department at the State government level is responsible for
establishment of industrial growth centers, IE and EPZs. The department also makes
decisions regarding the license grants, land, power, finance and all related concessions.
For the establishment of IEs the selection of sites for their location, development of the
industrial areas, and provision of requisite infrastructural facilities lie within the
jurisdiction of the State Government. In addition, states also have State Industrial
Development Corporations (SIDCs), which create quality infrastructure, modernize
existing infrastructure and develop partnerships with industry. It offers attractive fiscal
incentives and invites private investments in infrastructure thrust sectors. The main
purposes of developing these SIDCs are:
The existing linkages between various agencies for planning and establishment of IE are
highlighted in the following Figure 3-1.
CPCB’s Zoning Atlas for siting of industries program aims to support and simplify
decision-making process on siting of industries based on environmental considerations.
This is an attempt to identify suitable areas district-wise for planned industrial
development in various states. Using the Zoning Atlas, can identify environmentally
sound sites for setting up an IE. These sites can be reviewed from economic
considerations such as the availability of raw materials, transportation network, water
supply, electricity, waste disposal facilities, etc., to identify the probable sites for which
detailed micro-level investigations can be carried out to select the final sites (GIS
Institute, 2002).
SIDC identifies the potential sites for industrial development. The industrial sites are
selected mainly on the basis of socio-economic considerations in accordance with the
regional/state master plan. SIDCs approach the development authorities for Notification
of the proposed sites for land use conversion. SIDC also monitors the development of IEs
within the stipulated timeframe in order to prevent artificial escalation in land prices.
The DA plans the physical and infrastructural development of an IE. In many regions
instead of the SIDCs, DA identifies the sites as well. The DA also notifies the land use
conversion once the site is selected. There are other institutions and government agencies
that have started addressing various aspects of IE planning but the attempts are in
The initiatives to be taken by the concerned agencies at each stage are elaborated below:
An IE can be defined as a tract of land developed and sub-divided into plots according to
a comprehensive plan with provision for roads, transport and public utilities with or
without built-up (advance) factories, sometimes with common facilities and sometimes
without them, for the use of a group of industrialists.
The comprehensive plan here refers not only to the physical planning of the estate, but
also to its immediate economic and social environment, and the role assigned to it in the
regional or urban development plan. The common facilities mentioned may be needed to
improve the productivity of tenant enterprises, to provide technical and non-technical
services to clients, or to upgrade the social infrastructure and amenities in the area. While
selecting and developing an IE, state/regional/urban/local level requirements are to be
3.1.3 Advantages of IE
The issue of regional and local development has become increasingly important in recent
years. With the administrative decentralization, the focus of public-sector efforts to
stimulate development has shifted to the local level and competition among localities has
acquired a global character. As the traditional rural occupations no longer provide an
adequate living, the better-educated rural youth is moving out to the urban areas leading
to social disarray and congestion in metropolitan areas. IEs can be instrumental for the
local authorities and business associations to tackle the above mentioned issues and
stimulate local development, if they are part of an overall development strategy.
However, the local regulations and legislations that have a specific impact on the IEs
(planning, environmental protection, land ownership) need to be transparent and
consistent in order to support the development.
IEs serve:
To eliminate delays for the industrialist in obtaining a suitable site utilities and
3.1.5 Types of IE
Industrial activity
Sponsorship or ownership
Promotional aspects
Various types of IEs are illustrated in Figure 3-2 and are discussed in Annexure I. This
classification may also help the proponent in selecting the IE type during the pre-project
Industrial areas
Industrial zones
Growth centers
Export processing zones (EPZs)
Special economic zones (SEZs)
Science & Technology Parks (Biotechnology and Leather Parks)
Petroleum, chemical & petrochemical investment regions
Each form of IE is discussed with reference to its functions and intended purposes in
Annexure II.
India’s first EPZ was established in Kandla in 1965. As EPZs did not succeed as
expected, it was envisaged to convert the existing EPZs to SEZs. Various forms of EPZ
explaining the parameters such as physical characteristics, economic objectives, duty free
goods allowed, typical activities, incentives offered, etc are provided in Annexure II.
The difference between the Export Oriented Units and SEZs are explained in Annexure
SEZs are governed exclusively by SEZ Acts and Notifications (SEZ Act 2005 and SEZ
Rules 2006).
Types of IE accommodation
The accommodation, if any, provided by the IE sponsors depend to a great extent on what
they hope to achieve. There are five variations:
As with other services, common facilities should not be provided in absence of accurate
information on the tenants' needs.
The second category consists of machines and machine tools to enable the entrepreneur to
improve the quality and quantity of output, or to eliminate operations previously carried
out by hand. They should not be tools or machines that are a basic prerequisite to the
industrial activity in question. The tools may be fixed or portable. For example, every
joinery shop, except perhaps one at handicraft level, has an overhand planner, but very
few of the small-scale units have the equipment to sharpen the cutters. Blunt tools result
in lower production and unsatisfactory work, but a cutter grinder is expensive, and only in
a large establishment could it be used to full capacity. Arrangements sometimes are made
for tenants to hire portable tools - electric drills, compressors, pneumatic tools, lifting
gear and the like - from the IE administration. Small-scale entrepreneurs find this facility
particularly valuable.
Common service facilities and the amenities found in an IE are listed below. Each is
discussed in Annexure IV.
Fire protection
Collection and disposal of waste
Medical care
Common temporary storage for hazardous waste
Bank, post office, etc
Weigh bridge
Exhibition halls
Repair workshops
Green belt/cover
Stormwater, etc.
Some are essential in all IEs while others may be desirable. Few others in the list are
necessary only in special circumstances. Sometimes training, technical, managerial and
advisory services are included under this category.
A communal canteen is a common feature in an IE. The premises are provided by the
IE administration and the catering by a contractor. There is no need to provide shops
on an IE; very few, if any, IEs have them.
A crèche is necessary if a large number of women with small children are employed.
A children's playground should not be built within an IE. The place for it is in the
housing area, if any, near the IE.
A bus terminal in the usual sense of the term is not necessary. All that may be
required is a paved area for four or five buses in a position that does not obstruct the
IE traffic. Whether even that is necessary depends on the public transport
arrangements. If a service passes the entrance to the IE, the matter can be left to the
transport Authority.
A meeting hall may be desirable, but it is hardly a necessity for very small estates.
A few IEs have technical libraries. Probably their most important function is to make
available the trade journals. Even if a formal library is not envisaged, space should
be reserved in the administration building for the filing, display and perusal of
technical periodicals.
The most important amenity that can be provided by an estate administration is the
workers' housing. Unless an IE is within six or seven km of an urban or dormitory
area, it may be necessary to build accommodation for the labour. If a housing scheme
for IE workers is envisaged, it is not sufficient to provide just the dwellings. Stores,
schools, recreational and religious facilities are also required. It is important that the
accommodation is made available within the affordable price range for the workers,
and that if the premises are not let in for rent, there should be hire-purchase
arrangements. Above all, the housing must be reserved for IE workers.
Site identification,
Development and
Each stage-specific activities are illustrated in Figure 3-3.
The various tools and techniques that can be used for the IE Planning are illustrated in
Figure 3-4.
The overall objective of IE planning is to identify sites for IEs and plan industrial
development in compatibility with the surrounding land uses in a sustainable manner.
The various steps involved in the identification of a suitable site for IE include:
Identification of a search area where suitable sites for developing IEs for polluting
industries might be found
Detailing environmental sensitivity of the search area and its surroundings;
Avoiding areas which are attached with the sensitivity (please refer Annexure V)
Assessing the siting potential of the search areas by identifying suitable sties for IEs
(so called "candidate sites")
Identification of types of industries that can be allowed in these IEs after assessing the
pollution risks from those industries and the environmental impact risks by predicting
the amount and spatial extent of adverse impacts
Recommending necessary effluent treatment and waste disposal facilities and other
needed abatement infrastructure needed to be commonly used by all industries of the
Providing appropriate buffer zones around the IEs
Recommending landuse controls around the IEs for controlling and minimizing
adverse environmental impacts; and
Site planning within the IE demands a holistic approach for its sustainability which
includes the effective components of spatial planning, infrastructure planning, risk based
planning and environmental management tools, resource utilization and management,
social infrastructure planning, etc. The master site plan for the IEs shall include the
following important aspects.
The development costs and the construction of an IE are heavily influenced by:
Large sites can create congestion and transportation problems, and may be an obstacle to
decentralized development, if this is a policy priority. Smaller sites can be
disproportionally expensive to develop, although there are some very successful public
and private sector IEs specifically due to the presence of comparatively high value-added
activities requiring limited amounts of space.
B. Site specifications
The ideal site for an IE for light and medium industry should have:
Industrial sites should be designed and laid out to suit the requirements of industry.
Industries in an IE differ among regions, and each industry has particular design and
layout requirements. The type of industry likely to be attracted to a certain IE is therefore
an important factor in determining design and layout.
As a general rule, about one-third of the site is devoted to public areas including roads,
administration buildings and green areas. The remaining two-thirds are available for
industrial buildings. Normally about half the site is built over, thus one-third of the estate
when fully developed is covered with commercial or industrial buildings.
The Physical concept of planning within the IEs consists of the processing areas and the
non-processing areas with proper linkages between them. The processing area will be
well demarcated from the non processing areas by definite constructed boundary wall
with barbed wire fencing. The processing area shall be managed with restricted entry and
exit options with proper security management.
The Non-processing areas include residential areas, business complexes, hospitals, hotels,
educational institutions, recreation and entertainment areas, etc.
The processing areas shall include the common facilities supporting the industrial
processes like waste management plants, temporary storage units, etc.
Within the processing areas, grouping of industries based on their pollution potential
(reference CPCB classification) will enable fair understanding to the order of magnitude
of impacts. The ecological aspects such as protection of recharge zones, greening, use of
non-conventional energy, etc. will determine the suitable location for siting within the IE.
Similarly, size of blocks/plots, entries/exits, are designed considering disaster
management requirements, traffic and transportation aspects, utility networks, common
facilities, etc.
If the IE is designed for terraced buildings rather than industrial plots, a higher percentage
may be covered over with buildings.
If the potential investors are what might be termed as ‘prestige investors’ , such as
transnational electronics or medical equipment manufacturers, a low-density layout with
very high standards of landscaping and appearance may be necessary. For small
manufacturers who are very cost conscious, a higher-density building design, possibly
using terraced factories or even simple sheds, would be more suitable.
Roadways must be designed in outline at the preliminary stage, as their widths will
determine the site layout and, together with their carrying capacity, the costs. Obviously,
the roads should be adequate for the estimated traffic flow and provide against congestion
between the main road and any point in the estate where goods or personnel will be
loaded and unloaded. At the same time they should not occupy more area, say higher
than 15% of the total area. Road design should allow for the installation and easy
maintenance of the utilities. Roads should not be congested by vehicle loading, unloading
or parking. Such activities should be either completely separated from the roadway or in
separate docks with limited access to the traffic carrying roads.
During the first phase of development some roadways may be paved only in part. It is
necessary, however, to allow sufficient width from the beginning, with utilities so sited
that they will not be covered by road widening. These considerations generally indicate a
rectangular road pattern if the shape of the site and natural drainage permits. Dead ends
restrict movement and are undesirable where communications between factories and
access to central services are important, but they may be necessary to open up isolated
sites and have the advantage of eliminating through traffic and reducing road and utility
The extent to which common services, should be supplied by the developer will depend
on the purpose of the IE and the availability and quality of services from commercial
firms, municipal authorities and the government.
The water requirement varies with the combination of industries and their processes. A
storage tank with adequate capacity, say for meeting two days' water supply requirement
may be needed to cater for interruptions and breakdowns in water supply. Water is
normally piped to each plot or site. Investors may be advised or obliged to provide on-site
storage for a minimum of one day's supply to ensure continuity in case of supply
interruptions. The water storage system does not have to be located on the estate.
Where economically feasible, a ring system of mains should be used to reduce the danger
of supply interruptions; enable sections of mains to be shut off for maintenance; and
prevent pressure drops when users at different positions on the line are drawing water at
the same time.
It costs more to bury power cables than to run them on overhead poles, but this may be
justified by the estate's improved appearance, safety and security. Power supply
companies often guarantee an uninterrupted supply, or at least high priority for estate
users. This is an important attraction for investors.
Normally the individual client/investor will deal directly with the company supplying the
electricity. Occasionally, the estate developer may generate his own electricity, or take
on the responsibility for supplying electricity to individual investors.
Pump houses and treatment plants should be planned to minimize pipe runs while
avoiding nuisance and odours, and have a capacity equivalent to the water supply for the
area. Usually the system will be designed to accept normal domestic sewerage. Trade
effluents which do not conform to acceptable standards must be treated by the factory
before entering the system or shall be rated to the common treated facility.
While these represent essential steps for controlling pollution, an integrated approach to
the estate's environmental sustainability is recommended.
Land use choices for new industrial activities should take into account the different levels
of risk associated with various categories of industrial uses. Where municipalities use
conventional planning and zoning techniques to identify land uses permitted or prohibited
by zone, it may be useful to separate higher risk industries from both other industries and
other land uses. The creation of industrial parks for these uses may contribute to adequate
site planning and more effective emergency planning.
Care must be taken, however, to avoid creating potentially more hazardous situations as a
result of the domino effect of "knock-on" events involving multiple high-risk industries
within the same area. The use of adequate buffer zones within such industrial parks is
particularly important and the use of site specific risk assessments is desirable.
To assist planning authorities in improving their industrial land use classification within
plans the following typology of industry is suggested, based on the chemicals produced.
Source: Risk based land use planning guidelines, Major Industrial Accidents Council of Canada
Phasing of development
The cost of developing land (drainage, roads and utilities) is high. Therefore,
development is normally carried out in stages related to the rate of growth. A successful
industry operating in a pleasant environment and supplied with all the necessary utilities
and services of an IE is good publicity. Therefore the first phase must be finished quickly
and be reasonably complete in itself. The first phase should be restricted to an area which
can be completely developed and occupied within two or three years. This means a
realistic (or conservative) appraisal of the likely initial demand for space. Many IE
developers, particularly public sector developers, have overestimated the demand for
space during the first phase. As a result, they were left with expensive unused capacity
for many years, leading to financial difficulties, lack of money for maintenance, and a
gradual, steady deterioration in the general infrastructure. In some cases, transformers
and wastewater treatment plants had such excess capacity that they were unusable. If
demand exceeds expectations, the second phase of the development can always be
Selection of enterprises
Selection of entrepreneurs
Control of investor activities
Limitation on investor activities
Building restrictions
Each of the above factors are discussed in Annexure VI of this guidance manual.
3.2.3 IE management
Maintain or restore parts of the original natural area where possible (this will also
contribute to the site’s attractiveness) and preserve natural drainage systems
Use environmentally sensitive construction methods and all locally viable methods to
design energy-efficient sites (passive solar heating, tree shade, etc)
Arrange buildings as compactly as possible from a technical and economic point of
view to save on infrastructure and transport:
Develop a transport management system for factory staff and goods.
Establish a comprehensive system for wastewater treatment, solid waste management
and prevention of air pollution.
Use water resources as efficiently as possible (recycle wastewater where possible).
Encourage environmentally sustainable production methods.
Wastewater management
In an IE, wastewater will be generated from various industries. The main advantage of
industries to be located within the IE is the common treatment facility. The wastewater
generated from various industries can be managed by a CETP within the IE. The CETP
becomes one of the basic amenities that are offered to the industries by an IE. The
feasible approaches in the wastewater management through a CETP are listed below:
Homogenization of wastewaters
Relatively better hydraulic stability
Advantage through scale of operation.
Professional control over treatment can be affordable
Offers great relief to small units, which are of main concern in terms of treatment
Eliminates multiple discharges in the area, provides opportunity for better
management of wastewater, i.e., proper treatment, disposal
Please refer TGM for CETP for further details.
The activities associated with the management of solid wastes from the start of waste
generation to final disposal can be grouped into the six functional elements:
Waste generation;
Waste handling and sorting, storage, and processing at the source;
Waste collection;
Sorting, processing and transformation;
Transfer and transport; and
Waste generation encompasses activities in which materials are identified as no longer
being of value (in their present form) and are either thrown away or gathered together for
disposal. Reduction of waste at source, although not controlled by solid waste managers,
is now included in system evaluations as a method of limiting the quantity of waste
Waste handling and sorting involves the activities associated with management of wastes
until they are placed in storage containers for collection. Handling also encompasses the
movement of loaded containers to the point of collection. Sorting of waste components is
an important step in the handling and storage of solid waste at the source. For example,
the best place to separate waste materials for reuse and recycling is at the source of
generation. On-site storage is of primary importance because of public health concerns
and aesthetic consideration. Unsightly makeshift containers and even open ground
storage, both of which are undesirable. The cost of providing storage for solid wastes at
the source is normally borne by the management of industrial properties.
The functional element of collection includes not only the gathering of solid wastes and
recyclable materials, but also the transport of these materials, after collection, to the
location where the collection vehicle is emptied. This location may be materials
processing facility, a transfer station, or a landfill disposal site.
The sorting, processing and transformation of solid waste materials includes the recovery
of sorted materials, processing of solid waste and transformation of solid waste that
occurs primarily in locations away from the source of waste generation. Sorting of
commingled (mixed) wastes usually occurs at a materials recovery facility, transfer
stations, combustion facilities, and disposal sites. Sorting often includes the separation of
bulky items, separation of waste components by size using screens, manual separation of
waste components, and separation of ferrous and non-ferrous metals.
Waste processing is undertaken to recover conversion products and energy. The organic
fraction of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) can be transformed by a variety of biological
and thermal processes like aerobic composting and incineration.
The functional element of transfer and transport involves two steps: (i) the transfer of
wastes from the smaller collection vehicle to the larger transport equipment and (ii) the
subsequent transport of the wastes, usually over long distances, to a processing or
disposal site. The transfer usually takes place at a transfer station.
All the residual materials from material recovery facilities (MRFs), residue from the
combustion of solid waste, rejects of composting, or other substances from various solid
waste processing facilities are disposed by landfilling.
For various types of solid waste management techniques and other related details, please
refer TGM for common municipal solid waste management.
In case of IEs comprising of industries that generate hazardous waste, management of the
same becomes mandatory. The principle steps that are to be followed in the effective
management of hazardous waste are:
H. Emergency management
EMS provides an action framework that brings together the main elements of a practical
environmental plan. The framework should define explicit environmental policy,
performance objectives and targets, and mechanisms for their enforcement and
implementation. In addition, the EMS framework should clearly define the roles and
responsibilities of various stakeholders as individual companies and regulatory agencies
within and outside the IE.
Environmental performance goals broadly target resource efficiency (energy, water and
material use), reduction in emission load (atmospheric release, liquid waste and solid
waste) and sound management of surrounding environment and natural resources (habitat
and wildlife, neighbouring facilities and units). Some of the specific management
elements, which contribute to improving environmental performance, are
Frequent sampling should be recommended to plants during start-up and upset conditions.
Once a record of consistent performance has been established, sampling for the
parameters listed in this document can be eased.
IEs should encourage units to analyze monitoring data, review it at regular intervals, and
compare it with the operating standards so that any necessary corrective actions can be
taken. Records of monitoring results should be kept in an acceptable format. The results
should be reported to the responsible authorities and relevant parties, as required. IEs
should maintain a record of accidental releases of pollutants to the environment and
should take appropriate corrective action to be better prepared for future occurrences.
Where feasible, IEs should educate the industrial units on ways to mitigate environmental
The efficient management of IEs starts with identifying the facts in terms of problems and
impacts, analyzing the cause, development and assessment of measures that can be
implemented and evaluation of integration of these measures. Based on a clear collective
approach, it aims at the development of solutions which are beneficial at all levels, for the
enterprise as much as for the general optimization of infrastructure and services in the
industrial zone. The cycle of change allows the progressive and systematic
implementation of sustainable development in industrial areas with economic,
environmental, organizational, and social benefits (including risks) for industrial areas
which usually integrate commerce and services (Figure 3-7).
various performance indicators. The challenges that are to be addressed and the
contributions to achieve a Sustainable development are illustrated in the following Figure
Good management is vital for the success of an estate. The agency responsible for the
estate management should not limit itself to maintenance of the facilities and supervision
of activities, but play a dynamic role, promoting the services offered by the estate among
local entrepreneurs. Depending on the development objectives, an estate's services may
also be marketed elsewhere in the country, and possibly abroad. If an estate is run by a
public-sector agency, it is essential that staff with private sector experience is employed
for this purpose.
The estate developer and/or the environmental agency should monitor the adherence of
each plant to environmental regulations on a regular basis. This means that the developer
or its appointed environmental officer would have the right to enter premises at all
reasonable times to take samples and do all that is necessary to ensure that environmental
standards are complied with.
The size and duties of the administration will depend on the services to be provided. The
administration may have three divisions - managerial, technical and financial. An
overview of the responsibilities of the divisions is given in Table 3-2.
On all IEs, irrespective of size, there must be arrangements for carrying out the
responsibilities of the managerial division.
The cost of administering an estate must be borne by the tenants, by the sponsors or
jointly. Normally it should fall on the tenants; otherwise they receive, in effect, a
continuing subsidy. It is essential, therefore, that the cost of administration be kept as low
as possible, consistent with the maintenance of the services needed. The largest single
component of the cost usually consists of salaries.
An estate administration does not always carry out all functions that are technical and
financial. Certainly in the absence of any other organization, the operation of central
workshops, common service facilities and plant-hire schemes would come under its aegis,
if they are provided at all. All the duties listed can be carried out more conveniently by a
separate organization - an extension service, small industries institute or the like - catering
to the whole small-scale industrial sector. Common technical services are probably best
managed by a private-sector entity.
Apart from rent, enterprises pay dues for water, electricity, medical services and,
sometimes, conservancy. A perennial question is whether the estate should buy electricity
in bulk for distribution to the tenants or whether the supply company should provide the
service directly. There can be a considerable saving to the tenants if the estate undertakes
the distribution. However, the estate may be faced with the cost of providing the
necessary appliances, along with reading the meters, preparing the bills and collecting the
amounts due. The system can be of great help to small consumers. The matter should be
decided on an actuarial basis allowing for the extra costs involved to be borne by the
estate administration.
Working capital is used to meet all the charges incurred in the running of the estate -
salaries, street lighting, taxes, conservancy, maintenance and operation of services. In
general, all of these will be recouped, with the possible exception of services of a
promotional character, by the inclusion of a component in the rent of the structure to
cover them, but they may not be recovered in full in a partially occupied estate. If it is
necessary to increase the working capital, funds are usually borrowed from a commercial
The different types of IEs from the point of view of financial sponsorship - government,
government-assisted and private IEs are explained in Annexure I, under various types of
An estate may provide advance standard and custom-built work-places or only serviced
plots. Some IEs make all three available. There is a trend away from the erection of work-
places in advance of demand; such construction was at one time considered to be the main
function of an IE. Current opinion favours the provision of serviced plots and long-term
loans to enable industrialists to build their own premises. This arrangement has much to
recommend it in the case of the medium-scale and upper range of the small-scale sectors.
It reduces the sponsors' original investment in the estate because the loan funds are likely
to come from another source. But the arrangement may not be appropriate for nursery and
rural IEs, for the first estate in a semi-urban region, or any estate that is required to have a
demonstration effect. A good arrangement for a first estate is a combination of advance
standard work-places and serviced plots on which work-sheds may be erected by the
industrialists or the estate administration, if the need for them is seen.
Accommodation can be leased or sold. From the point of view of the sponsors of the
estate, the main advantage of selling is that it allows them to recover their investment
more rapidly. This means, however, that they will not benefit from increases in property
values by progressively increasing rents. To the entrepreneur a leased work-place releases
capital that otherwise would be immobilized. The advantage to him of an owned work-
place is its value as collateral for any loan he may wish to raise. Probably the best method
is to provide work-places on lease or for sale. An option to acquire the premises, by hire-
purchase or other arrangement, can be written into the lease.
In many cases, irrespective of the ownership of the premises, the plot is leased, and the
title to the land on which the estate is built remains with the government or the local
Where market forces do not (or cannot) provide a "natural selection" of such services on
the basis of effective demand, there is the danger of a wide gap between the need for and
the supply of services. Lack of developmental efficiency is one reason for the increasing
emphasis (also among donor agencies) on involving the private sector in the provision of
support services. Another reason is that staff of public-sector support agencies, unless
recruited from the private sector, will not really understand the problems of enterprises or
have the expertise to solve them.
Support agencies must be close to their clients, also in a geographic sense. In the case of
public sector agencies, this implies delegation to lower administrative levels. Local
capacities must be strengthened accordingly. To use limited human and financial
resources effectively, support should focus on areas where a sufficient number of
(potential) clients are found, and on the most promising activities. It is now generally
agreed that services should at least be partly funded by charging fees. This will reduce
demands on government budgets and will increase cost-consciousness among clients.
Financial institutions
While special financial facilities and programmes can and do contribute to industrial
development, they can only help a minority of enterprises. The crucial question therefore
is how conditions can be created which will stimulate the development of private
banking, and how competition among banks can be increased to lower the cost of credit
Most countries have a vocational training system. It may take the form of a trade school
for those who have left school, or a special school within the normal educational system.
The success of either of the above methods depends on how well the school is equipped
and how near it reproduces working conditions in industry. Few of the developing
countries have a formal apprenticeship system for on-the-job learning. A combination of
vocational training with a formal apprenticeship is-usually best. One of the problems in
providing training courses for persons in employment is that few employers are prepared
to continue paying the trainees' wages; hence the need for stipends.
Extension services
The necessity for links between purely technical counseling and managerial advice is
evident. What may not be so obvious is the linkage of extension services and sources of
finance. It is pointless to make a recommendation to an entrepreneur unless, at the same
time, he can be provided with information on how to obtain the funds to follow it up. Nor
can the availability of finance be effective if the borrower lacks the knowledge or the
ability to make the best use of the proceeds of the loan.
The provision of services to clusters of related small enterprises in a particular area may
be cheaper and more effective. It is also likely to intensify linkages among them,
accelerating their development. Once firms have understood the advantages of finding
common solutions to common problems, clusters are assisted in identifying and analyzing
their specific problems, determining common development objectives and generating a
joint project to attain them. Experts then help to upgrade the capabilities of the clustered
enterprises. The clusters are also assisted in building links with institutions such as banks
and research centres, and lobbying for the improvement of policies and regulations
affecting small enterprises with the relevant authorities.
The above definition and many other such concepts of industrial zones, business park,
Industrial district, IE focus mainly on the performance optimization and environmental
management of the industries within the defined boundaries only. The social benefits that
should usually follow from EIP development include fostering a sense of community
among businesses and surrounding neighborhoods (Klee and Williams, 1999).
The EIP approach offers a wide variety of measures and tools to improve the
environmental performance of individual industries and IEs / parks. However each IE /
park no matter whether an already existing one or a newly planned, requires an individual
mix of measures and tools. The overlapping steps of Eco-industrial development are
depicted in the following Figure 3-9.
To convert the existing IEs into EIPs the parameters mentioned in the Table 3-3 can be
The stage wise explorable programmes to convert the existing IEs to an Eco-IE are
explained in the Table 3-4.
A comprehensive list of all the laws, rules, regulations, decrees and other legal
instruments relevant to IEs is given in Annexure VII. It includes all the statues related to
different forms of IEs viz. EPZs, SEZs, STPs, Petroleum, Chemical and petrochemical
All the individual industries are required to comply with industry-specific minimal
national standards. However, when a homogenous IE/complex proposes to take a single
clearance for all the industries which come up in their IE/complex, the Notification
provides an opportunity for taking single clearance, in such case entire IE/complex will
be treated as a single entity to comply with the standards prescribed by the regulatory
When the industries send their effluents to CETPs, then CETP effluent standards will
If sector-specific standards are not notified, the general standards for all the relevant
pollutants will be applicable. The general standards for the effluent discharge and
emissions are given in the Table 3-5 and 3-6 respectively.
matter of
3 Particle size of suspended Shall pass 850 - - Floatable
solids micron IS solids, solids
Sieve max 3 mm
solids, max
856 microns
4 pH value 5.5 – 9.0 5.5 – 9.0 5.5 – 9.0 5.5 – 9.0
5 Temperature Shall not Shall not
exceed above exceed 5oC
the receiving above the
water receiving
temperature water
6 Oil and Grease, mg/l max. 10 20 10 20
7 Total residual chlorine, mg/l 1.0 - - 1.0
8 Ammonical Nitrogen (as N), 50 50 - 50
mg/l, max.
9 Total Kjeldhal Nitrogen (as 100 - - 100
N); mg/l, max.
10 Free ammonia (as 5.0 - - 5.0
NH3);mg/l max
11 Biochemical Oxygen 30 350 100 100
Demand (3 days at 27oC);
mg/l max.
12 Chemical Oxygen Demand, 250 - - 250
mg/l, max
13 Arsenic (as As) 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
14 Mercury (as Hg); mg/l, max. 0.01 0.01 - 0.01
15 Lead (as Pb); mg/l, max 0.1 1.0 - 2.0
16 Cadmium (as Cd); mg/l.max 2.0 1.0 - 2.0
17 Hexavalent Chromium (as 0.1 2.0 - 1.0
Cr+6);mg/l, max
18 Total Chromium (as 2.0 2.0 - 2.0
Cr);mg/l, max
19 Copper (as Cu); mg/l, max 3.0 3.0 - 3.0
20 Zinc (as Zn); mg/l, max 5.0 15 - 15
21 Selenium (as Se) 0.05 0.05 - 0.05
22 Nickel (as Ni);mg/l, max 3.0 3.0 - 5.0
23 Cyanide (as Cn);mg/l, max 0.2 2.0 0.2 0.2
24 Fluoride (as F);mg/l, max 2.0 15 - 15
25 Dissolved phosphates (as 5.0 - - -
P);mg/l, max
26 Sulphides (as S);mg/l, max 2.0 - - 5.0
27 Phenolic Compounds (as 1.0 5.0 - 5.0
C6H5OH);mg/l, max
28 Radioactive materials:
(a) Alpha emitters 10-7 10-7 10-8 10-7
microcurie mg/l, max.
(b) Beta emitters microcurie 10-6 10-6 10-7 10-6
29 Bio-assay test 90% survival 90% survival of 90% survival 90% survival
of fish after 96 fish after 96 hrs of fish after 96 of fish after 96
hrs in 100% in 100% hrs in 100% hrs in 100%
effluent effluent effluent effluent
30 Manganese mg/l 2 2 - 2
31 Iron (as Fe) mg/l 3 3 - 3
32 Vanadium (as V) mg/l 0.2 0.2 - 0.2
33 Nitrate Nitrogen 10 mg/l - - 20 mg/l
* These standards shall be applicable for industries, operations or processes other than those industries,
operations or process for which standards have been specified in Schedule of the Environment protection Rules,
Source: CPCB
Prior environmental clearance process has been revised in the Notification issued on 14th
September, 2006, into following four major stages i.e., screening, scoping, public
consultation and appraisal. Each stage has certain procedures to be followed. This
section deals with all the procedural and technical guidance, for conducting objective-
oriented EIA studies, their review and decision-making. Besides, the Notification
classified projects into Category A, which requires prior environmental clearance from
MoEF and Category B from SEIAA/UTEIAA.
Clearance from other regulatory bodies is not a pre-requisite for obtaining the prior
environmental clearance and all such clearances will be treated as parallel statutory
Consent for Establishment (CFE) and prior environmental clearance are two different
legal requirements, a project proponent is required to be taken. Therefore, these two
activities can be initiated and proceeded with simultaneously.
If a project is covered by the provisions of CRZ and EIA Notifications, then the
project proponent is required to take separate clearances from the concerned
Rehabilitation and Resettlement issues need not be dealt under the EIA Notification
as other statutory bodies deal with these issues. However, socio-economic studies be
considered while taking environmental decisions.
All the new IEs including expansion and modernization require prior environmental
clearance. Based on pollution potential, these projects are classified into Category A and
Category B i.e.
Category A:
– If at least one industry in the proposed IE falls under the Category A, entire
industrial area shall be treated as Category A, irrespective of the area.
– IEs with area greater than 500 ha and housing at least one Category B industry.
Category B:
– IEs housing at least one Category B industry and area < 500ha.
– IEs of area > 500 ha and not housing any industry belonging to Category A or B.
Besides there is specific condition, when it applies, a Category B project will be treated as
Category A project. These conditions are discussed in subsequent sections.
i. IE of area below 500 ha and not housing any industry of Category A or B does not
require clearance.
iii. The individual industries and IEs may parallely can apply for Environmental
iv. For common effluent treatment plants and other services, parallel environmental
clearance can be considered.
vi. If individual new industries do not fall under the purview of EIA Notification, but the
total capacity/area cleared for IE is complete, in such case IE may approach for
Environmental Clearance, as an modernization/expansion case
vii. Any developmental activity, which was issued EIA clearance (existing industrial
area), when undergoes expansion or modernization (change in process or technology)
with increase in production capacity or any change in product mix beyond the list of
products cleared in the issued clearance is required to submit new application for EIA
clearance (either individual industry or IE).
viii. Any developmental activity, which is listed in Schedule of the EIA Notification and
after expansion due to its total capacity, if falls under the purview of either Category
B or Category A, then such developmental activities requires clearance from
respective authorities (either individual industry or IE).
The sequence of steps in the process of prior environmental clearance for Category A
projects and the Category B projects are shown in Figure 4.1 and Figure 4.2 respectively.
Each stage in the process of prior environmental clearance for the IEs are discussed in
subsequent sections.
Technical EIA Guidance Manual for Industrial Estates 4-2 October 2009
Operational Aspects of an EIA
Technical EIA Guidance Manual for Industrial Estates 4-3 October 2009
Operational Aspects of an EIA
Technical EIA Guidance Manual for Industrial Estates 4-4 October 2009
Operational Aspects of an EIA
4.2 Screening
Screening of the project shall be performed at the initial stage of the project development
so that proponents are aware of their obligations before deciding on the budget, project
design and execution plan.
This stage is applicable only for Category ‘B’ developmental activity i.e. if general
conditions are applicable for a Category B project, then it will be treated as Category A
project. Besides, screening also refers to the classification of Category B projects into
either Category B1 or Category B2. Category B1 projects require to follow all the stages,
that are applicable for a Category A project, but are processed at the SEIAAs/UTEIAAs.
Whereas, Category B2 projects do not require either EIA or public consultation.
As per the Notification, classification of the Category B projects falls under the purview
of the SEAC.
Specific condition
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Operational Aspects of an EIA
location specificity of the project, by SEAC after scrutiny of the applications seeking
environmental clearance for Category B projects or activities.
The projects requiring an EIA report shall be included in Category B1 and remaining
projects will fall under Category B2 and will not require an EIA report and public
The project proponent, after identifying the site and carrying out a pre-feasibility
study, is required to apply for the prior environmental clearance using Form 1 given
in Annexure VIII. The proponent has to submit the filled in Form 1 along with the
pre-feasibility report and draft ToR for EIA studies to the concerned Authority i.e.
MoEF, Government of India for Category A projects and the SEIAA in case of
Category B projects. Please refer subsequent sections for the information on how to
fill the Form 1, contents of pre-feasibility report and sector-specific ToRs.
Prior environmental clearance is required before any construction work, or
preparation of land is started on the identified site / project or activity by the project
management, except for securing the land.
If the application is made for a specific developmental activity, which has an inherent
area development component as a part of its project proposal and the same project
also attracts the construction and area development provisions under 8a and 8b of the
Schedule, then the project will be seen as a developmental activity other than 8a and
8b of the Schedule.
Economic, Environmental and social factors are recognized and assessed while siting an
industry. Proximity of water sources, highway, major settlements, markets for products
and raw material resources is desired for economy of production. Industries are also
required to be sited, striking a balance between economic and environmental
Specific siting guidelines as described in Section 3.3 of Chapter 3, may be referred for
site suitability in respect of environmental pollution control.
Scoping exercise is taken-up soon after the project contours are defined. The primary
purpose of scoping is to identify the concerns and issues which may affect the project
decisions. Besides, scoping defines EIA study requirements and boundaries of the EIA
Scoping refers to the process by which the EAC, in case of Category ‘A’ projects or
activities, and SEAC in the case of Category ‘B1’ projects, including applications for
expansion and/or modernization of existing projects, determine ToR for EIA studies
addressing all relevant environmental concerns for the preparation of an EIA Report for a
particular project.
Project proponent shall submit the application to the concerned Authority. The
application (Form 1 as given in Annexure VIII) shall be attached with pre-feasibility
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Operational Aspects of an EIA
report and proposed ToR for EIA Studies. The proposed sequence to arrive at the
draft ToR is discussed below:
– Precisely, the pre-feasibility report summarizes the project details and also the
likely environmental concerns based on the secondary information, which will be
availed for filling the Form 1.
– From the pre-feasibility report and the Form 1, valued environmental components
(VECs) may be identified for a given project (the receiving environment/social
components, which are likely to get effected due to the project
– Once the project details from the pre-feasibility report & Form 1; and VECs are
identified, a matrix establishing the interactions which can lead to the
effects/impacts could be developed (Qualitative analysis).
– For each identified possible effect in the matrix, significance analysis could be
conducted to identify the impacts, which needs to be further studied (quantitative
analysis) in the subsequent EIA studies. All such points will become the part of
the draft ToR to be proposed by the project proponent along with the application
– The information to be provided in pre-feasibility report, guidelines for filling
Form 1 and guidelines for developing draft ToR is summarized in the subsequent
– Authority consults the respective EAC/SEAC to reply to the proponent. The
EAC/SEAC concerned reviews the application form, pre-feasibility report and
proposed draft ToR by the proponent and make necessary additions/deletions to
make it a comprehensive ToR that suits the statutory requirements for conducting
the EIA studies.
A site visit by sub-committees of EAC/SEAC concerned will be planned, only if
considered necessary by the EAC/SEAC concerned with the written approval of the
chairperson of EAC/SEAC concerned. Project proponent will facilitate such site visits
of the sub-committees.
EAC/SEAC shall provide an opportunity to the project proponent for presentation and
discussions on the proposed project and related issues as well as the proposed ToR for
EIA studies. If the State Government desires to present its views on any specific
project in the scoping stage, it can depute an officer for the same at the scoping stage
to EAC, as an invitee but not as a member of EAC. However, non-appearance of the
project proponent before EAC/SEAC at any stage will not be a ground for rejection of
the application for the prior environmental clearance.
In case of a new or expansion project in an identified problem area by the CPCB, then
the Ministry may invite representative of SEIAA to present their views, if any at the
stage of scoping, to the EAC.
The final set of ToRs for EIA Studies shall be conveyed to the proponent by the EAC/
SEAC within sixty days of the receipt of Form 1 and pre-feasibility report. If the
finalized ToR for EIA studies are not conveyed to the proponent within sixty days of
the receipt of Form 1, the ToR for EIA studies suggested by the proponent shall be
deemed as the final and will be approved for the EIA studies.
The final ToR for EIA Studies shall be displayed on the websites of the
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Operational Aspects of an EIA
The pre-feasibility report should include, but not limited to highlight the proposed project
information, keeping in view the environmental sensitivities of the selected site, raw
material, technology options and its availability. The information required in pre-
feasibility report varies from case to case even in the same sector depending upon the
local environmental setting within which the plant is located. However, the
environmental information which may be furnished in the pre-feasibility report may
include as under:
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Operational Aspects of an EIA
environmental investigations, cost estimates with detailed bill of quantities (BOQ). The
components identified here focuses on the requirements of Scoping for EIA study in order
to define the ToR for EIA studies. Additional points which may be covered in pre-
feasibility report besides the points discussed above are listed in Annexure IX.
Form 1 is designed to help users identify the likely significant environmental effects of
proposed projects during scoping. There are two stages for providing information under
two columns:
First - identifying the relevant project activities from the list given in column 2 of
Form 1. Start with the checklist of questions set out below and complete Column 3
by answering:
− Yes - if the activity is likely to occur during implementation of the project;
− No - if it is not expected to occur;
− May be - if it is uncertain at this stage whether it will occur or not.
Second - For each activity for which the answer in Column 3 is “Yes” the next step is
to refer to the fourth column which quantifies the volume of activity which could be
judged as significant impact on the local environmental characteristics, and identify
the areas that could be affected by that activity during construction /operation /
decommissioning of the project. The Form 1 requires information within 15 km
around the project, whereas actual study area for EIA studies will be as prescribed by
respective EAC/SEAC. Information will be needed about the surrounding VECs in
order to complete this Form 1.
VECs are components of the natural resources and human world that are considered
valuable and are likely to be affected by the project activities. Value may be attributed
for economic, social, environmental, aesthetic or ethical reasons. VECs represent the
investigative focal point for further EIA process. The indirect and/or cumulative effects
can be concerned with indirect, additive or even synergistic effects due to other projects
or activities or even induced developments on the same environmental components as
would be considered direct effects. But such impacts tend to involve larger scale VECs
such as within entire region, river basins or watersheds; and, broad social and economic
VECs such as quality of life and the provincial economy. Once VECs are identified then
appropriate indicators are selected for impact assessments on the respective VECs.
There are number of factors which will influence the approach adopted for the assessment
of direct, indirect, cumulative impacts, etc. for a particular project. The method should be
practical and suitable for the project given the data, time and financial resources available.
However, the method adopted should be able to provide a meaningful conclusion from
which it would be possible to develop, where necessary, mitigation measures and
monitoring. Key points to consider when choosing the method(s) include:
Technical EIA Guidance Manual for Industrial Estates 4-9 October 2009
Operational Aspects of an EIA
The method chosen should not be complex, but should aim at presenting the results in a
way that can be easily understood by the developer, decision maker and the public. A
comparative analysis of major impact identification methods is given in the following
Table 4-1.
Technical EIA Guidance Manual for Industrial Estates 4-10 October 2009
Operational Aspects of an EIA
The project team made an attempt to construct an impact matrix considering major project
activities (generic operations) and stage-specific likely impacts which is given in Table 4-
While the impact matrix is each project-specific, Table 4-2 may facilitate the stakeholders
in identifying a set of components and phase-specific project activities for determination
of likely impacts. However, the location-specific concerns may vary from case to case,
therefore, the components even without likely impacts are also retained in the matrix for
the location-specific reference.
Technical EIA Guidance Manual for Industrial Estates 4-11 October 2009
Land especially
Fuels/ Electricity
stone, aggregates
Erosion Prevention
undeveloped or agricultural
Soil Quality/ Contamination
Land Acquirement
Site Preparation / Levelling including development of
Pre- Construction
Construction of Boundary Wall / Sepertion between
Laying of Roads
Drainage Network
in addition
Greenbelt Development
October 2009
Phase I Phase II
In-case of individual Industries and common facilities, the matrix for significance of Impacts of the respective Guidance Manuals may please be referred
in addition
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Water quality * * * *
Noise * * * * * * * * *
Climate * *
Effect on farmland * * *
Endangered species *
Phase I Phase II
In-case of individual Industries and common facilities, the matrix for significance of Impacts of the respective Guidance Manuals may please be referred
in addition
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Disturbance of habitats by * *
noise or vibration
Reduction of Biodiversity * *
Reduction of farmland *
Income for the state and * * * * *
private sector
Electricity tariffs * *
Phase I Phase II
In-case of individual Industries and common facilities, the matrix for significance of Impacts of the respective Guidance Manuals may please be referred
in addition
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Health Temporary * * * * * *
Chronic *
Acute * *
Recreation * * * * *
1. The above table represents a model for likely impacts, which will have to be arrived case-to-
case basis considering VECs and significance analysis (Ref Section 2.9).
2. Project activities are shown as indicative. However, in Form 1 (application for EIA Clearance),
for any question for which answer is ‘Yes’, then the corresponding activity shall reflect in project
activities. Similarly ‘parameters’/’factors’ will also be changed within a component in order to
reflect the target species of prime concern in the receiving local environment.
The following set of conditions may be used as the checklist for testing the significance of
the impacts and also to provide information in Column IV of Form 1.
For any common facilities such as CETPs, municipal solid waste management, common
incinerators, TSDFs, coming-up as a part of the IEs, then respective developmental
activity-specific guidance points may be considered. Besides, the ToR for EIA studies for
IEs may include, but may not be limited to the following:
1. Executive summary of the project – giving a prima facie idea of the objectives of the
proposal, use of resources, justification, etc. In addition, it should provide a
compilation of EIA report, EMP and the post-project monitoring plan in brief.
Project description
2. Details of the industries, for which the estate is being planned and their proposed
capacities of installation, if available. In the absence of complete details, indicate the
type of industries and capacity being considered.
3. Land requirement for the project including the peripheral greenbelt inside the
4. Justification for selecting the proposed size of the IEs.
5. Details on strategy being followed for development of IE.
6. Layout map of estate indicating processing zones, admin area, roads, plots, green belt,
common utilities area, etc., shall be shown along with contour map. Landscape plan
including open spaces may be described.
7. All the coordinates of the IE site to be demarcated on the topographical sheet.
8. Classify the proposed industries based on their pollution potential to the extent
possible i.e., A1 to A4 categories for air pollution and W1 to W4 categories for water
pollution - CPCB Guidance may be referred for classification
9. Backward and forward linkages of the IEs (availability of input resources and markets
for the products / by-products and anticipated benefits for the regional development).
10. Details of Infrastructure Development within the IE and in the region.
11. Details on known industrial activity-specific proposed processes, resource
consumption and rejects assessment.
12. Details on estimated quantity of fuel required, fuel type, nature, source and
13. Details on estimated water balance taking into account conservation measures, reuse
and recycling of treated effluents.
14. Individual and/or common facilities for waste collection, treatment, recycling and
disposal (all effluent, emission and refuse including MSW, and hazardous wastes)
15. Commitment from the concerned authorities regarding availability of power, water
and sewerage network.
16. Details of Solid Waste management including arrangements for hazardous waste
management and e-waste.
17. Details on provisions made for safety in storage of materials, products and wastes.
18. Details on use of local building materials. The provisions of fly ash Notification
should be kept in view.
19. Detailed plan of treated water disposal, reuse and utilization/management.
20. In case of site leveling involving quarrying, details thereof.
21. Any litigation pending against the project and /or any direction /order passed by any
Court of Law against the project/site, if so, details thereof.
22. The project study area for EIA studies include 10 km radius from the boundary of the
proposed IE.
23. Land use of study area should include data about the residential/ institutional/nearest
village/ township/ locality/ housing society, etc., based on the satellite imagery.
24. Topography of the area clearly indicating the presence of pits deeper than one meter,
if any. If these pits require to be filled in, details of filling material to be used,
quantity required, its source, mode of transport, etc., shall be provided.
25. Anticipated pollution loads from each of the known composition of industrial units.
Cumulative wastewater quantity and pollution load, point source–specific details for
air pollutants and their loads, total solid/hazardous waste generation etc.
26. Details of rainwater harvesting and how it will be used in the IE & outfall.
27. Baseline data of the project area and the area within a 10 km radius with respect to
different components of environment viz. air, noise, water, land, and biology and
socio-economic may be collected as per the guidance provided in Section 4.4.2 of the
28. Identification of existing potential sources of pollution in the study area.
29. Present and projected population; present and proposed land use; planned
development activities, issues relating to squatting and relocation, community
structure, employment, distribution of income, goods and services; recreation; public
health and safety; cultural peculiarities, aspirations and attitudes shall be explored in
30. Details regarding availability of social infrastructure and future projections, details of
facilities such as sanitation, fuel, restroom etc. to be provided to the labour force
during construction as well as to the casual workers including truck drivers during
operation phase.
31. Detailed Study of the hydrological and geo-hydrological conditions of the project
area including a contour plan indicating slopes and showing drainage pattern and
32. Information regarding surface hydrology and water regime and impact of the same, if
any due to the project.
33. Site-specific meteorological data of one season and secondary data for future
34. Examine soil characteristics, topography, rainfall pattern and soil erosion.
35. Water quality of nearby River, if any, Source of water supply and nearby water ponds
shall be analyzed.
36. Climatic conditions of the study area shall be monitored for hourly wind speed, wind
direction, relative humidity, ambient dry and wet bulb temperatures and precipitation.
37. Ambient Air Quality (AAQ) data (except monsoon) of one complete season along
with the monitoring dates. The parameters to be covered shall include SPM, RSPM,
SO2, NOx (ground level). The location of the monitoring stations should be decided
in such a way that the pre-dominant downwind direction, population zone and
sensitive receptors including reserved forests are considered. There should be at least
one monitoring station in the upwind direction and one in down-wind direction where
maximum GLC falls.
38. Fuel analysis to be provided (sulphur, ash content and mercury). Details of auxiliary
fuel, if any including its quantity, quality, storage, etc., should also be given.
39. Noise level monitoring data from at least 15 locations within the study area.
43. If ecologically sensitive attributes fall with in a 10 km radius of the project boundary,
proponent shall describe the sensitivity (distance, area and significance) and propose
the additional points based on significance for review and acceptance by the EAC/
SEAC. Ecological sensitive attributes include:
−National parks
−Wild life sanctuaries Game reserve
−Tiger reserve/elephant reserve/turtle nesting ground
−Breeding grounds
−Core zone of biosphere reserve
−Habitat for migratory birds
−Mangrove area
−Areas with threatened (rare, vulnerable, endangered) flora/fauna
−Protected corals
−Zoological gardens
−Gene Banks
−Reserved forests
−Protected forests
−Any other closed/protected area under the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972, any
other area locally applicable
44. If any incompatible land use attributes fall within a 10 km radius of the project
boundary, proponent shall describe the sensitivity (distance, area and significance)
and propose the additional points based on significance for review and acceptance by
the EAC/SEAC. Incompatible land use attributes include:
−Public water supply areas from rivers/surface water bodies, from ground water
−Scenic areas/tourism areas/hill resorts
−Religious places, pilgrim centers that attract over 10 lakh pilgrims a year
−Protected tribal settlements (notified tribal areas where industrial activity is not
− Monuments of national significance, World Heritage Sites
− Cyclone, Tsunami prone areas (based on last 25 years);
− Airport areas
− Any other feature as specified by the State or local government and other features
as locally applicable, including prime agricultural lands, pastures, migratory
corridors, etc.
45. If the location falls in Valley, specific issues connected to the natural resources
management shall be studied and presented.
46. If the location falls in CRZ area: A CRZ map duly authenticated by one of the
authorized agencies demarcating LTL, HTL, CRZ area, location of the project and
associate facilities w.r.t. CRZ, coastal features such as mangroves, if any. The route
of the pipeline, conveyor system etc., passing through CRZ, if any, should also be
demarcated. The recommendations of the State Coastal Management Authority for
the activities to be taken up in the CRZ should also be provided.
– Provide the CRZ map in 1:10000 scale in general cases and in 1:5000 scale for
specific observations.
– Impact of the activities to be taken up in the CRZ area including jetty and
desalination plant, etc., should be integrated into the EIA report; however, action
should be taken to obtain separate clearance from the competent Authority as
may be applicable to such activities.
– Capital quantity of dredging material, disposal and its impact on aquatic life.
– Fisheries study should be done w.r.t. Benthos and Marine organic material and
coastal fisheries.
47. Anticipated environmental impacts that require specific studies for significance are
given in impact matrix (Table 4-2 may be referred). Tools as given in Section 4.4.3
of the Manual may be used for the assessment of environmental impacts.
48. Examine in detail the proposed site with reference to possible impact of infrastructure
covering water supply, pipelines, roads, storm water drainage, sewerage, power,
temporary waste storage facilities, treated wastewater disposal (land/sewer/surface
water bodies), common facilities, etc.
49. Environmental condition scenarios shall be developed based on industrial activities
and pollution potentials.
50. In case of any scheduled fauna, conservation plan should be provided.
51. Details of traffic density vis-à-vis impact on the ambient air.
52. Impact of the developmental activity on drainage of the area and the surroundings.
53. Impact of the project on the AAQ of the area. Details of the model used and the input
data used for modeling should also be provided. The air quality contours may be
plotted on a location map showing the location of project site, habitation nearby,
sensitive receptors, if any. The wind roses should also be shown on this map.
54. Mathematical modeling for calculating the dispersion of air pollutants and ground
level concentration along with emissions from boilers
55. Cumulative impact on regional supportive capacity shall be studied in terms of
population density, water supply, sewerage, storm water drainage, power supply,
educational facilities, medical facilities, public transport, traffic, housing for EWS,
and community facilities, etc.
56. Details on positive and negative impacts, direct and indirect impacts, induced
57. Project activities and impacts shall be represented in matrix form with separate
matrices for pre and post mitigation scenarios.
58. Traffic management plan including parking and loading/unloading areas may be
described. Traffic survey should be carried out on week days and weekends and also
analyze the anticipated traffic increase.
59. Odour mitigation plan may be described. Also make provision of green cover as a
measure for mitigation of dust and noise and buffer between habitation and industry.
60. Rain water harvesting proposals should be made with due safeguards for groundwater
quality. Maximize recycling of water and utilization of rain water.
61. Temporary plans for the housing of construction labour within the site with all
necessary infrastructure and facilities such as fuel for cooking, mobile toilets, mobile
Sewage Treatment Plant (STP), safe drinking water, medical health care, crèche, etc.
62. Proposed measures for occupational safety and health of the workers.
63. Impact of the project on local infrastructure of the area such as road network and
whether any additional infrastructure would need to be constructed and the agency
responsible for the same with time frame.
64. Details of greenbelt including details of species, width of plantation, planning
schedule, etc. within the boundary around the IE.
65. Comparison of alternate sites considered and the reasons for selecting the proposed
site. Conformity of the site with the prescribed guidelines in terms of CRZ, river,
highways, railways, etc.
66. Evaluate alternative disposal modes of effluent and solid wastes, from the point of
view of disposal points and associated impacts.
67. All kind of resources both renewable and non-renewable shall be taken into account.
68. Details on improved technologies.
Additional studies
71. The historical importance of the area shall also be examined in the study. While this
analysis is being conducted, it is expected that an assessment of public perception of
the proposed development be conducted.
72. Describe the application of industrial ecology concept for planning of IEs. Explore
possibility of utilizing waste of one unit as raw material for the other units.
73. Public hearing should be conducted as per the prescribed procedure.
74. Points identified in the Public hearing (if applicable) and commitment of the project
proponent to the same. Detailed action plan addressing the issues raised, and the
details of necessary allocation of funds shall be provided.
75. Details on social impact assessment.
76. Risk assessment and corresponding on-site and off-site emergency management
77. Specific chemical emergency response and proposed rescue system.
78. Details on corporate social responsibility proposal.
79. EMP devised to mitigate the adverse impacts of the project should be provided along
with item-wise cost of its implementation (Capital and recurring costs).
Above points shall be adequately addressed in the EIA report at corresponding chapters, in
addition to the contents given in the reporting structure (Table: 4-7).
The generic approach for accomplishing EIA studies is shown in Figure 4.3. Each stage is
discussed, in detail in subsequent sections.
The professional Team identified for a specific EIA study should consist of qualified and
experienced professionals from various disciplines in order to address the critical aspects
identified for the specific project. Based on the nature and the environmental setting,
following professionals may be identified for EIA studies:
EIA Notification 2006 specifies that an EIA Report should contain a description of the
existing environment that would be or might be affected directly or indirectly by the
proposed project. Environmental Baseline Monitoring (EBM) is a very important stage of
EIA. On one hand EBM plays a very vital role in EIA and on the other hand it provides
feedback about the actual environmental impacts of a project. EBM, during the
operational phase, helps in judging the success of mitigation measures in protecting the
environment. Mitigation measures, in turn are used to ensure compliance with
environmental standards, and to facilitate the needed project design or operational
The description of the existing environment should include the natural, cultural, socio-
economic systems and their interrelationships. The intention is not to describe all baseline
conditions, but to focus the collection and description of baseline data on those VECs that
are important and are likely to be affected by the proposed industrial activity.
The term ‘baseline’ refers to conditions existing before development. EBM studies are
carried out to:
List of important physical environmental components and indicators of EBM are given in
Table 4-3.
The data analyses to be conducted are dictated by the objectives of the environmental
monitoring program. The statistical methods used to analyze the data should be described
in detail prior to data collection. This is important because repetitive observations are
recorded in time and space. Besides, the statistical methods could also be chosen so that
uncertainty or error estimates in the data can be quantified. For e.g., statistical methods
useful in an environmental monitoring program include: 1) frequency distribution
analysis; 2) analysis of variance; 3) analysis of covariance; 4) cluster analysis; 5) multiple
regression analysis; 6) time series analysis; 7) the application of statistical models (ADB-
Green, 1979).
The EBM program for EIA can at best address temporal and/or spatial variations limited
to a limited extent because of cost implications and time limitations. Therefore analysis
of all available information or data is essential to establish the regional profiles. So all the
relevant secondary data available for different environmental components should be
collated and analyzed.
To facilitate stakeholders, IL&FS Ecosmart Ltd. made an attempt to compile the list of
information required for EIA studies and the sources of secondary data, which are given
in Annexure XIIA and Annexure XIIB.
The scientific and technical credibility of an EIA relies on the ability of the EIA
practitioners to estimate the nature, extent, and magnitude of change in environmental
components that may result from project activities. Information about predicted changes
is needed for assigning impact significance, prescribing mitigation measures, and
designing and developing EMPs and monitoring programs. The more accurate the
predictions, the more confident the EIA practitioner will be in prescribing specific
measures to eliminate or minimize the adverse impacts of development project.
Choice of models/methods for impact predictions in respect of each of air, noise, water,
land, biological environment and socio-economic aspects are precisely tabulated in
Annexure XIII.
Impact significance is also a key to choosing among alternatives. In sum, the attribution
of significance continues throughout the EIA process, from scoping to EIS review, in a
gradually narrowing “cone of resolution” in which one stage sets up the next. But at this
stage it is the most important as better understanding and quantification of impact
significance is required.
Social Impact Assessment (SIA) is an instrument used to analyze social issues and solicit
stakeholder views for the design of projects. SIA helps in making the project responsive
to social development concerns, including the options that enhance benefits for poor and
vulnerable people while mitigating risk and adverse impacts. It analyzes distributional
impacts of intended project benefits on different stakeholder groups, and identifies
differences in assets and capabilities to access the project benefits.
The scope and depth of the SIA should be determined by the complexity and importance
of the issues studied, taking into account the skills and resources available. However,
SIA may include following:
Socio-economic and cultural profile: Describe the most significant social, economic and
cultural features that differentiate social groups in the project area. Describe their
different interests in the project, and their levels of influence. In particular, explain any
particular effects the project may have on the poor and underprivileged. Identify any
known conflicts among groups that may affect project implementation.
Institutional profile: Describe the institutional environment; consider both the presence
and function of public, private and civil society institutions relevant to the operation. Are
there important constraints within existing institutions e.g. disconnect between
institutional responsibilities and the interests and behaviors of personnel within those
institutions? Or are there opportunities to utilize the potential of existing institutions, e.g.
private or civil society institutions, to strengthen implementation capacity.
To review laws and regulations governing the project’s implementation and the access of
poor and excluded groups to goods, services and opportunities provided by the project. In
addition, review the enabling environment for public participation and development
planning. SIA should build on strong aspects of the legal and regulatory systems to
facilitate program implementation and identify weak aspects while recommending
alternative arrangements.
SIA provides the baseline information for designing the social development strategy. The
analysis should determine what the key social and Institutional issues are in relation to
project objectives; identify the key stakeholder groups in this context and determine how
relationships between stakeholder groups will affect or be affected by the project; and
identify expected social development outcomes and actions proposed to achieve those
Describe the design and methodology for the social analysis. In this regard:
Identify the likely social development outcomes of the project and propose a Social
development strategy, including recommendations for institutional arrangements to
achieve them, based on the findings of the social assessment. The social development
strategy could include measures:
that strengthen social inclusion by ensuring that both poor and excluded groups and
intended beneficiaries are included in the benefit stream and in access to opportunities
created by the project
that empower stakeholders through their participation in the design and
implementation of the project, their access to information, and their increased voice
and accountability (i.e. a participation framework); and
that enhance security by minimizing and managing likely social risks and increasing
the resilience of intended beneficiaries and affected persons to socioeconomic shocks
Review the proposed approaches for the project, and compare them in terms of their
relative impacts and social development outcomes. Consider what implications the
findings of the social assessment might have on those approaches. Should some new
components be added to the approach, or other components reconsidered or modified?
If the SIA and consultation process indicate that alternative approaches are likely to have
better development outcomes, such alternatives should be described and considered,
along with the likely budgetary and administrative effects these changes might have.
Through the SIA process, a framework for monitoring and evaluation should be
developed. To the extent possible, this should be done in consultation with key
stakeholders, especially beneficiaries and affected people.
a set of monitoring indicators to track the progress achieved. The benchmarks and
indicators should be limited in number, and should combine both quantitative and
qualitative types of data. The indicators should include outputs to be achieved by the
social development strategy; indicators to monitor the process of stakeholder
participation, implementation and institutional reform;
indicators to monitor social risk and social development outcomes; and indicators to
monitor impacts of the project’s social development strategy. It is important to
suggest mechanisms through which lessons learned from monitoring and stakeholder
feedback can result in changes to improve the operation of the project. Indicators
should be of such a nature that results and impacts can be disaggregated by gender
and other relevant social groups;
Define transparent evaluation procedures. Depending on context, these may include a
combination of methods, such as participant observation, key informant interviews,
focus group discussions, census and socio-economic surveys, gender analysis,
Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA), Participatory Poverty Assessment (PPA)
methodologies, and other tools. Such procedures should be tailored to the special
conditions of the project and to the different groups living in the project area;
Estimate resource and budget requirements for monitoring and evaluation activities,
Industrial accidents results in great personal and financial loss. Managing these
accidental risks in today’s environment is the concern of every industry including IEs,
because either real or perceived incidents can quickly jeopardize the financial viability of
a business. Many facilities involve various manufacturing processes that have the
potential for accidents which may be catastrophic to the plant, work force, environment,
or public.
The main objective of the risk assessment study is to propose a comprehensive but simple
approach to carry out risk analysis and conducting feasibility studies for industries and
planning and management of industrial prototype hazard analysis study in Indian context.
Risk analysis and risk assessment should provide details on Quantitative Risk
Assessment (QRA) techniques used world-over to determine risk posed to people who
work inside or live near hazardous facilities, and to aid in preparing effective emergency
response plans by delineating a Disaster Management Plan (DMP) to handle onsite and
offsite emergencies. Hence, QRA is an invaluable method for making informed risk-
based process safety and environmental impact planning decisions, as well as being
fundamental to any facility-siting decision-making. QRA whether, site-specific or risk-
specific for any plant is complex and needs extensive study that involves process
understanding, hazard identification, consequence modeling, probability data,
vulnerability models/data, local weather and terrain conditions and local population data.
QRA may be carried out to serve the following objectives.
Both the hazardous and non-hazardous material generated within the IEs shall be
temporarily accommodated in necessary units placed within the IE in line with the safety,
health and environmental standards.
The size of these temporary units would depend on the quantity and type of waste
Hazardous materials like asbestos, PCB, oils, fuels, etc. with appropriate storage
capacities are placed in the Estate following Hazardous Waste Management and Handling
Rules. In case of Radioactive wastes, the wastes shall be handled based on Rules for
Management of Radioactive Waste under AERB. Also, if gas cylinders must be stored in
the Estate, the Gas cylinders Rules under Explosives Act shall be followed. Later, these
materials must be disposed off at a centralized disposal facility with utmost care
following safety norms. Each Unit in the IEs should be facilitated with fire hydrant
system to handle fire hazards.
B. Hazard identification
Hazard is the characteristic of any system or process which has the potential for accident.
Identification of hazards, in the presence of any hazardous waste generating industries
within the IEs is of primary significance in the analysis, quantification and cost effective
control of accidents involving chemicals and process.
Hence, all the components of a system need to be thoroughly examined to assess their
potential for initiating or propagating an unplanned event/sequence of events, which can
be termed as an accident.
A preliminary hazard analysis shall be carried out to identify the major hazards associated
with storages in the facility. This is followed by consequence analysis to quantify these
hazards. Finally the vulnerable zones are plotted for which risk reducing measures are
deduced and implemented.
Heavy and toxic metals (lead, mercury, cadmium, copper, zinc, etc.)
Organometallic substances (tributyltin, etc.)
Lack of hazard communication (storage, labelling, material safety data sheets)
Batteries, fire-fighting liquids
PCBs and PVC (combustion products)
Welding fumes
Volatile organic compounds (solvents)
Inhalation in confined and enclosed spaces
Physical hazards
Extreme temperatures
Radiation (UV, radioactive materials)
Physical hazards
Extreme temperatures
Radiation (UV, radioactive materials)
Mechanical Hazards
Biological hazards
Toxic marine organisms (In case if the IEs are in Coastal Regions)
Risk of communicable diseases transmitted by pests, vermin, rodents, insects and
other animals that may infest in the IEs.
Animal bites
Vectors of infectious diseases (TB, malaria, dengue fever, hepatitis, respiratory
infections, others)
General concerns
To tackle the consequences of a major emergency inside the plant or immediate vicinity
of the plant, a Disaster Management Plan has to be formulated and this planned
emergency document is called "Disaster Management Plan".
The objective of the Industrial Disaster Management Plan is to make use of the combined
resources of the plant and the outside services to achieve the following:
Emergency response
Various industrial activities within the IE are always subjected to accidents and incidents
of many a kind. Therefore, a survey of potential incidents and accidents is to be carried
out. Based on this, a plan for response to incidents, injuries and emergencies should be
prepared. Response to emergencies should ensure that:
The exposure of workers should be limited as much as possible during the operation
Contaminated areas should be cleaned and if necessary disinfected
Limited impact on the environment at the extent possible.
Written procedures for different types of emergencies should be prepared and the entire
workforce should be trained in emergency response. All relevant emergency response
equipment should also be readily available.
With regard to dangerous spills, associated clean-up and fire-fighting operations should
be carried out by specially allocated and trained personnel.
Response team
Each Incident Controller organizes a team responsible for controlling the incidence with
the personnel under his control. Shift In-charge would be the reporting officer, who would
bring the incidence to the notice of the Incidence Controller and Site Controller.
In each shift, electrical supervisor, electrical fitters, pump house in-charge, and other
maintenance staff would be drafted for emergency operations. In the event of power or
communication system failure, some of staff members in the office/facility would be
drafted and their services would be utilized as messengers for quick passing of
communications. All these personnel would be declared as essential personnel.
Response to injuries
Immediate first aid, such as eye splashing, cleansing of wounds and skin, and
Immediate reporting to a responsible designated person
If possible, retention of the item and details of its source for identification of possible
Rapid additional medical care from medical personnel
Medical surveillance
Recording of the incident
Investigation, determination and implementation of remedial action
It is vital that incident reporting should be straightforward so that reporting is actually
carried out.
Emergency communication
Whoever notices an emergency situation such as fire, growth of fire, leakage etc. would
inform his immediate superior and Emergency Control Center. The person on duty in the
Emergency Control Center, would appraise the Site Controller. Site Controller verifies the
situation from the Incident Controller of that area or the Shift In-charge and takes a
decision about an impending On Site Emergency. This would be communicated to all the
Incident Controllers, Emergency Coordinators. Simultaneously, the emergency warning
system would be activated on the instructions of the Site Controller.
Emergency responsibilities
The responsibilities of the key personnel should be defined for the following:
Site controller
Incident controller
Emergency coordinator - rescue, fire fighting
Emergency coordinator-medical, mutual aid, rehabilitation, transport and
Emergency coordinator - essential services
Employers responsibility
Emergency facilities
Emergency Control Center – with access to important personnel, telephone, fax, telex
facility, safe contained breathing apparatus, hand tools, emergency shut down
procedures, duties and contact details of key personnel and government agencies,
emergency equipments, etc.
Assembly Point – with minimum facilities for safety and rescue
Emergency Power Supply – connected with diesel generator, flame proof emergency
lamps, etc.
Fire Fighting Facilities – first aid fire fighting equipments, fire alarms, etc.
Location of wind Stock – located at appropriate location to indicate the direction of
wind for emergency escape
Emergency Medical Facilities – Stretchers, gas masks, general first aid, emergency
control room, breathing apparatus, other emergency medical equipment, ambulance
Emergency actions
Emergency Warning
Evacuation of Personnel
The purpose of mitigation is to identify measures that safeguard the environment and the
community affected by the proposal. Mitigation is both a creative and practical phase of
the EIA process. It seeks to find the best ways and means of avoiding, minimizing and
remedying impacts. Mitigation measures must be translated into action in the correct way
and at the right time, if they are to be successful. This process is referred to as impact
management and takes place during project implementation. A written plan should be
prepared for this purpose, and includes a schedule of agreed actions. Opportunities for
impact mitigation will occur throughout the project cycle.
The predicted adverse environmental as well as social impacts for which mitigation
measures are required should be identified and briefly summarized along with cross
referencing them to the significance, prediction components of the EIA report or
other documentation.
Each mitigation measure should be briefly described with reference to the impact of
significances to which it relates and the conditions under which it is required (for
example, continuously or in the event of contingencies). These should also be cross-
referenced to the project design and operating procedures which elaborate on the
technical aspects of implementing the various measures.
Cost and responsibilities for mitigation and monitoring should be clearly defined,
including arrangements for co-ordination between the various authorities responsible
for mitigation.
The proponent can use the EMP to develop environmental performance standards and
requirements for the project site as well as supply chain. An EMP can be
implemented through EMS for the operational phase of the project.
Prior to selecting mitigation plans it is appropriate to study the mitigation alternatives for
cost-effectiveness, technical and socio-political feasibility. Such mitigation measures
could include:
avoiding sensitive areas such as eco-sensitive area e.g. fish spawning areas, dense
mangrove areas or areas known to contain rare or endangered species
adjusting work schedules to minimize disturbance
engineered structures such as berms and noise attenuation barriers
pollution control devices, such as scrubbers and electrostatic precipitators
This step is most effective when applied at an early stage of project planning. It can be
achieved by:
not undertaking certain projects or elements that could result in adverse impacts
avoiding areas that are environmentally sensitive; and
putting in place the preventative measures to stop adverse impacts from occurring, for
example, release of water from a reservoir to maintain a fisheries regime.
This step is usually taken during impact identification and prediction to limit or reduce
the degree, extent, magnitude, or duration of adverse impacts. It can be achieved by:
This step is usually applied to remedy unavoidable residual adverse impacts. It can be
achieved by:
replacement of the same resource values at another location, for example, by wetland
engineering to provide an equivalent area to that lost to drainage or infill.
In-kind compensation
When significant or net residual loss or damage to the environment is likely, in kind
compensation is appropriate. As noted earlier, environmental rehabilitation, restoration or
replacement have become standard practices for many proponents. Now, increasing
emphasis is given to a broader range of compensation measures to offset impacts and
assure the sustainability of development proposals. These include impact compensation
‘trading’, such as offsetting CO2 emissions by planting forests to sequester carbon.
For each identified significant impact, mitigation measures are required to be drawn, in
consultation with the project proponent and with due commitment, considered. Measures
need to be mentioned in order to ensure the impacts are within the acceptable range. Few
indicative mitigation measures are listed below, which needs to be developed for all the
possible impacts based on location specificity.
Summary of impacts: The predicted adverse environmental and social impacts for which
mitigation measures are identified in the earlier sections to be briefly summarized with
cross referencing to the corresponding sections in the EIA report.
Cost estimates and sources of funds: These should be specified for both the initial
investment and recurring expenses for implementing all measures contained in the EMP,
integrated into the total project costs, and factored into loan negotiation.
The EMP should contain commitments that are binding on the proponent in different
phases of project implementation i.e., pre-construction or site clearance, construction,
operation, decommissioning.
4.9 Reporting
Structure of the EIA report (Appendix III of the EIA Notification), applicable for IEs is
given in the Table 4.7. Each task prescribed in ToR shall be incorporated appropriately in
the contents in addition to the contents described in the table.
Public consultation refers to the process by which the concerns of local affected people
and others who have plausible stake in the environmental impacts of the project or
activity are ascertained.
Public consultation is not a decision taking process, but is a process to collect views
of the people having plausible stake. If the SPCB/Public agency conducting public
hearing is not convinced with the plausible stake, then such expressed views need not
be considered.
Public consultation involves two components, one is public hearing, and other one is
inviting written responses/objections through Internet/by post, etc., by placing the
summary of EIA report on the web site.
All Category A and Category B1 projects require public hearing except the following:
− Once environmental clearance is granted to an industrial estates/SEZs/EPZs etc.,
for a given composition (type and capacity) of industries, then individual units
will not require public hearing
− Expansion of roads and highways, which do not involve any further acquisition of
− All building/ construction projects/ area development projects/townships
− All Category B2 projects
− All projects concerning national defense and security or involving other strategic
considerations as determined by the Central Government
Public consultation involves two components, one is public hearing, and other one is
inviting written responses/objections through Internet/by post, etc., by placing the
summary of EIA report on the web site.
Public hearing shall be carried out at the site or in its close proximity, district-wise,
for ascertaining concerns of local affected people.
Project proponent shall make a request through a simple letter to the
MemberSecretary of the SPCB or UTPCC to arrange public hearing.
Project proponent shall enclose with the letter of request, at least 10 hard copies and
10 soft copies of the draft EIA report including the summary EIA report in English
and local language prepared as per the approved scope of work, to the concerned
Simultaneously, project proponent shall arrange to send, one hard copy and one soft
copy, of the above draft EIA report along with the summary EIA report to the
following Authorities within whose jurisdiction the project will be located:
− District magistrate(s)
− Zilla parishad and municipal corporation
− District industries office
− Concerned regional office of the MoEF/SPCB
Above mentioned Authorities except concerned prior environmental clearance
Authority (MoEF/SEIAA) shall arrange to widely publicize the draft EIA report
within their respective jurisdictions. They shall also make draft EIA report for
inspection electronically or otherwise to the public during normal hours till the public
hearing is over.
Concerned regulatory Authority (MoEF/SEIAA/UTEIA) shall display the summary
of EIA report on its website and also make full draft EIA report available for
reference at a notified place during normal office hours at their head office.
SPCB or UTPCC concerned shall make arrangements for giving publicity about the
project within the State/UT and make available the summary of draft EIA report for
inspection in select offices, public libraries. They shall also additionally make
available a copy of the draft EIA report to the above five authorities/offices as
mentioned above.
The MemberSecretary of the concerned SPCB or UTPCC shall finalize the date,
time and exact venue for the conduct of public hearing within seven days of the date
of the receipt of the draft EIA report from the project proponent and advertise the
same in one major National Daily and one Regional vernacular Daily.
A minimum notice period of 30 (thirty) days shall be provided to the public for
furnishing their responses.
No postponement of the date, time, venue of the public hearing shall be undertaken,
unless some untoward emergency situation occurs and only then on the
recommendation of the concerned District Magistrate the postponement shall be
notified to the public through the same National and Regional vernacular dailies and
also prominently displayed at all the identified offices by the concerned SPCB or
In the above exceptional circumstances fresh date, time and venue for the public
consultation shall be decided by the Member–Secretary of the concerned SPCB or
UTPCC only in consultation with the District Magistrate and notified afresh as per
the procedure.
The District Magistrate or his or her representative not below the rank of an
Additional District Magistrate assisted by a representative of SPCB or UTPCC, shall
supervise and preside over the entire public hearing process.
The SPCB or UTPCC shall arrange to video film the entire proceedings. A copy of
the videotape or a CD shall be enclosed with the public hearing proceedings while
forwarding it to the Regulatory Authority concerned.
The attendance of all those who are present at the venue shall be noted and annexed
with the final proceedings.
There shall be no quorum required for attendance for starting the proceedings.
Every person present at the venue shall be granted the opportunity to seek
information or clarifications on the project from the Applicant. The summary of the
public hearing proceedings accurately reflecting all the views and concerns expressed
shall be recorded by the representative of the SPCB or UTPCC and read over to the
audience at the end of the proceedings explaining the contents in the vernacular
language and the agreed minutes shall be signed by the District Magistrate or his or
her representative on the same day and forwarded to the SPCB/UTPCC concerned.
A statement of the issues raised by the public and the comments of the proponent
shall also be prepared in the local language and in English and annexed to the
The proceedings of the public hearing shall be conspicuously displayed at the office
of the Panchayats within whose jurisdiction the project is located, office of the
concerned Zilla Parishad, District Magistrate, and the SPCB or UTPCC. The SPCB or
UTPCC shall also display the proceedings on its website for general information.
Comments, if any, on the proceedings, may be sent directly to the concerned
regulatory authorities and the Applicant concerned.
The public hearing shall be completed within a period of 45 (forty five) days from
date of receipt of the request letter from the Applicant. Therefore the SPCB or
UTPCC concerned shall send the public hearing proceedings to the concerned
regulatory Authority within 8(eight) days of the completion of the public hearing.
The proponent may also directly forward a copy of the approved public hearing
proceedings to the regulatory Authority concerned along with the final EIA report or
supplementary report to the draft EIA report prepared after the public hearing and
public consultations.
Upon receipt of the same, the Authority will place executive summary of the report
on the website to invite responses from other concerned persons having a plausible
stake in the environmental aspects of the project or activity.
If SPCB/UTPCC is unable to conduct the public hearing in the prescribed time, the
Central Government incase of Category A projects and State Government in case of
Category B projects at the request of the SEIAA or project proponent can engage a
public agency for conducting the public hearing process within a further period of 45
days. The respective governments shall pay the appropriate fee to the public agency
for conducting public hearing.
A public agency means a non-profit making institution/ body such as
technical/academic institutions, government bodies not subordinate to the concerned
If SPCB/Public Agency authorized for conducting public hearing informs the
Authority, stating that it is not possible to conduct the public hearing in a manner,
which will enable the views of the concerned local persons to be freely expressed,
then Authority may consider such report to take a decision that in such particular
case, public consultation may not have the component of public hearing.
Often restricting the public hearing to the specific district may not serve the entire
purpose, therefore, NGOs who are local and registered under the Societies Act in the
adjacent districts may also be allowed to participate in public hearing, if they so
Confidential information including non-disclosable or legally privileged information
involving intellectual property right, source specified in the application shall not be
placed on the website.
The Authority shall make available on a written request from any concerned person
the draft EIA report for inspection at a notified place during normal office hours till
the date of the public hearing.
While mandatory requirements will have to be adhered to, utmost attention shall be
given to the issues raised in the public hearing for determining the modifications
needed in the project proposal and the EMP to address such issues.
Final EIA report after making needed amendments, as aforesaid, shall be submitted
by the applicant to the concerned Authority for prior environmental clearance.
Alternatively, a supplementary report to draft EIA and EMP addressing all concerns
expressed during the public consultation may be submitted.
4.11 Appraisal
Appraisal means the detailed scrutiny by the EAC or SEAC of the application and the
other documents like the final EIA report, outcome of the public consultation including
public hearing proceedings submitted by the applicant for grant of environmental
The appraisal shall be made by EAC to the Central Government or SEAC to SEIAA.
Project proponent either personally or through consultant can make a presentation to
EAC/SEAC for the purpose of appraising the features of the project proposal and also
to clarify the issues raised by the members of the EAC/SEAC.
On completion of these proceedings, concerned EAC/SEAC shall make categorical
recommendations to the respective Authority, either for grant of prior environmental
clearance on stipulated terms & conditions, if any, or rejection of the application with
In case EAC/SEAC needs to visit the site or obtain further information before being
able to make categorical recommendations, EAC/SEAC may inform the project
proponent accordingly. In such an event, it should be ensured that the process of
environmental clearance is not unduly delayed to go beyond the prescribed
Upon the scrutiny of the final report, if EAC/SEAC opines that ToR for EIA studies
finalized at the scoping stage are covered by the proponent, then the project
proponent may be asked to provide such information. If such information is declined
by the project proponent or is unlikely to be provided early enough so as to complete
the environmental appraisal within prescribed time of 60 days, the EAC/SEAC may
recommend for rejection of the proposal with the same reason.
Appraisal shall be strictly in terms of the ToR for EIA studies finalized at the scoping
stage and the concerns expressed during public consultation.
This process of appraisal shall be completed within 60 days from the receipt of the
updated EIA report and EMP report, after completing public consultation.
The Chairperson reads the sense of the Committee and finalizes the draft minutes of the
meeting, which are circulated by the Secretary to all the core members and sectoral
experts invited to the meeting. Based on the response from the members, the minutes are
finalized and signed by the Chairperson. This process for finalization of the minutes
should be so organized that the time prescribed for various stages is not exceeded.
If approved
The concerned MoEF/SEIAA will issue an environmental clearance for the project.
The project proponent should make sure that the award of environmental clearance is
properly publicized in at least two local newspapers of the district or state where the
proposed project is located. For instance, the executive summary of the
environmental clearance may be published in the newspaper along with the
information about the location (website/office where it is displayed for public) where
the detailed environmental clearance is made available. The MoEF and
SEIAA/UTEIAA, as the case may be, shall also place the environmental clearance in
the public domain on Government Portal. Further copies of the environmental
clearance shall be endorsed to the Heads of local bodies, Panchayats and Municipal
bodies in addition to the relevant offices of the Government.
The Environmental clearance will be valid from the start date to actual
commencement of the production of the developmental activity.
The MoEF, Government of India will monitor and take appropriate action under the EP
Act, 1986.
The project proponent must submit half-yearly compliance reports in respect of the
stipulated prior environmental clearance terms and conditions in hard and soft copies to
the regulatory Authority concerned, on 1st June and 1st December of each calendar year.
All such compliance reports submitted by the project management shall be public
documents. Copies of the same shall be given to any person on application to the
concerned regulatory Authority. The latest such compliance report shall also be displayed
on the web site of the concerned regulatory Authority.
The SPCB shall incorporate EIA clearance conditions into consent conditions in respect
of Category A and Category B projects and in parallel monitor and enforce the same.
The roles and responsibilities of the organizations involved in different stages of prior
environmental clearance are given in Table 5-1.
Organization-specific functions are listed in Table 5-2.
In this Chapter, constitution, composition, functions, etc., of the Authorities and the
Committees are discussed in detail.
Central Constitutes the EAC
Government Considering recommendations of the State Government, constitutes the SEIAA &
Receives application from the project proponent in case of Category A projects or
Category B projects attracting general condition
Communicated the ToR finalized by the EAC to the project proponent.
Receives EIA report from the project proponent and soft copy of summary of the
report for placing in the website
Summary of EIA report will be placed in website. Forwards the received responses
to the project proponent
Engages other public agency for conducting public hearings in cases where the
SPCB does not respond within time
The state government may decide whether to house them at the Department of
Environment or at any other Board for effective operational support.
State Governments can decide whether the positions are permanent or part-time. The
Central Government (MoEF) continues to follow the model of paying fee (TA/DA,
accommodation, sitting fee) to the Chairperson and the members of EAC. As such,
the State Government is to fund SEIAA & SEAC and decide the appropriate
institutional support for them.
A. Constitution
B. Composition
C. Decision-making process
All decisions of the SEIAA shall be taken in a meeting, considering the majority
Table 5-3: SEIAA: Eligibility Criteria for Chairperson/ Members/ Secretary
S. No. Requirement
Attribute Members MemberSecretary Chairperson
1 Professional qualification Compulsory Compulsory Compulsory
as per the Notification
S. No. Requirement
Attribute Members MemberSecretary Chairperson
6 Tenure of earlier Only one term before Not applicable Only one term
appointment this in continuity is before this in
(continuous) permitted continuity is
7 Eminent Desirable Desirable Compulsory
expertise with
understanding on
aspects and impacts
8 Expertise in the Desirable Desirable Compulsory
clearance process
1. A member after continuous membership in two terms (6 years) shall not be considered for
further continuation. His/her nomination may be considered after a gap of one term (three years),
if other criteria meet.
2. Chairperson/Member (core or sectoral expert) once notified may not be removed prior to the
tenure of three years without cause and proper enquiry.
EAC and SEAC are independent Committees to review each developmental activity and
offer its recommendations for consideration of the Central Government and SEIAA
A. Constitution
B. Composition
The EAC and SEAC shall function on the principle of collective responsibility. The
Chairperson shall endeavour to reach a consensus in each case, and if consensus cannot
be reached, the view of the majority shall prevail.
D. Operational issues
Secretary may deal with all correspondence, formulate agenda and prepare agenda
notes. Chairperson and other members may act only for the meetings.
Chairperson of EAC/SEAC shall be one among the core group having considerable
professional experience with proven credentials.
EAC/SEAC shall meet at least once every month or more frequently, if so needed, to
review project proposals and to offer recommendations for the consideration of the
EAC/SEAC members may inspect the site at various stages i.e. during screening,
scoping and appraisal, as per the need felt and decided by the Chairperson of the
The respective Governments through the Secretary of the Committee may
pay/reimburse the participation expenses, honorarium etc., to the Chairperson and
i. Tenure of EAC/SEIAA/SEAC
The tenure of Authority/Committee(s) shall be for a fixed period of three years. At the
end of the three years period, the Authority and the committees need to be re-constituted.
However, staggered appointment dates may be adopted to maintain continuity of
members at a given point of time.
While recommending nominations and while notifying the members of the Authority and
Expert Committees, it shall be ensured that all the members meet the following three
Professional qualification
Relevant experience/Experience interfacing with environmental management
Absence of conflict of interest
These are elaborated subsequently.
a) Professional qualification
The person should have at least (i) 5 years of formal University training in the concerned
discipline leading to a MA/MSc Degree, or (ii) in case of Engineering/Technology/
Architecture disciplines, 4 years formal training in a professional training course together
with prescribed practical training in the field leading to a B.Tech/B.E./B.Arch. Degree, or
(iii) Other professional degree (e.g. Law) involving a total of 5 years of formal University
training and prescribed practical training, or (iv) Prescribed apprenticeship/articleship and
pass examinations conducted by the concerned professional association (e.g.
MBA/IAS/IFS). In selecting the individual professionals, experience gained by them in
their respective fields will be taken note of.
b) Relevant experience
Experience shall be related to professional qualification acquired by the person and be
related to one or more of the expertise mentioned for the members of the Core group
or the Sectoral Experts. Such experience should be a minimum of 15 years.
When the experience mentioned in the foregoing sub-paragraph interfaces with
environmental issues, problems and their management, the requirement for the length
of the experience can be reduced to a minimum of 10 years.
iii. Age
Below 70 years for the members and below 72 years for the Chairperson of the
SEIAA/SEAC/EAC. The applicability of the age is at the time of the Notification of the
SEIAA/SEAC/EAC by the Central Government.
Summary regarding the eligibility criteria for Chairperson and Members of the
EAC/SEAC is given in Table 5-4.
S. Requirement
Attribute Core Secretary Chairperson
Expert members
1 Professional Compulsory Compulsory Compulsory
qualification as per
the Notification
2 Experience a Professional Professional Professional
Qualification + 15 years Qualification + 15 years Qualification + 15
(Fulfilling any
of experience in one of of experience in one of years of experience in
one of a, b, c)
the expertise area the expertise area one of the expertise
mentioned in the mentioned in the area mentioned in the
Appendix VI Appendix VI Appendix VI
b Professional Professional Professional
Qualification +PhD+10 Qualification +PhD+10 Qualification
years of experience in years of experience in +PhD+10 years of
one of the expertise area one of the expertise area experience in one of
mentioned in the mentioned in the the expertise area
Appendix VI Appendix VI mentioned in
Appendix VI
c Professional Professional -------------
Qualification +10 years Qualification +10 years
of experience in one of of experience in one of
the expertise area the expertise area
mentioned in the mentioned in the
Appendix VI + 5 years Appendix VI + 5 years
interface with interface with
environmental issues, environmental issues,
problems and their problems and their
management management
S. Requirement
Attribute Core Secretary Chairperson
Expert members
3 Test of independence Shall not be a serving In case of EAC, not less Shall not be a serving
(conflict of interest) government officer than a Director from the government officer
and minimum grade MoEF, Government of
Shall not be a person Shall not be a person
of the Secretary of the India
engaged in industry and engaged in industry
their associations and their associations
Shall not be a person Incase of SEAC, not Shall not be a person
associated with below the level of associated with
environmental activism Director/Chief Engineer environmental
from the State activism
Government (DoE)
4 Age Below 67 years at the As per state Government Below 72 Years at the
time of Notification of Service Rules time of the
the Committee Notification of the
5 Membership in Core Only one other than this Shall not be a member Shall not be a
committees nomination is permitted in other member in any other
6 Membership of Only three other than Shall not be a member
Sectoral Experts this nomination is in other
permitted SEIAA/EAC/SEAC
7 Tenure of earlier Only one term before Not applicable Only one term before
appointment this in continuity is this in continuity is
(continuous) permitted permitted
8 Eminent Desirable Not applicable Compulsory
expertise with
understanding on
environmental aspects
and impacts
1. Core members are the members in EAC/SEAC, who are common for all the types of
developmental activities, whereas, sectoral expert members will join for the specific developmental
sectors. Core members may be limited to about 12.
2. Sectoral expert members: Sectoral Expert members are the members who join the EAC/SEAC,
when corresponding sector is being reviewed/appraised. At a given sectoral review, a maximum
of three sectoral expert members may join. Therefore the total number of expert members in
EAC/SEAC does not exceed 15.
3. A member after continuous membership in two terms (six years) shall not be considered for
further continuation. His/her nomination may be reconsidered after a gap of one term (three
years), if other criteria meet.
4. Chairperson/Member (core or sectoral expert) once notified may not be removed prior to the
tenure of 3 years with out cause and proper enquiry. A member after continuous membership in
two terms (6 years) shall not be considered for further continuation. The same profile may be
considered for nomination after a gap of three years, i.e., one term, if other criteria are meeting.
E. Other conditions
An expert Core Committee member of one State/UT, can have at the most another
State/UT Committee membership (core or sectoral expert member), but in no case
more than two Committees at a given point of time.
Sectoral experts (not being a member in a Core Committee) can have membership in
not more than four states.
An expert member of a Committee (core or sectoral expert) shall not have
membership continuously in the same committee for more than two terms, i.e. six
years. They can be nominated after a gap of three years, i.e., one term. When a
member of Committee has been associated with any development project, which
comes for environmental clearance, he/she may not participate in the deliberations
and the decisions in respect to that particular project.
At least four members shall be present in each meeting to fulfill the quorum
If a member does not consecutively attend six meetings, without prior intimation to
the Committee his/her membership may be terminated by the Notifying Authority.
Prior information for absence due to academic pursuits, career development and
national/state-endorsed programmes may be considered as genuine grounds for
retention of membership.
A. Location
IEs are often classified as urban, semi-urban or rural. In the present context, an urban IE
is defined as the located in, or within easy commuting distance of, the metropolitan area
or a city of, say, 500,000 inhabitants. Semi-urban and rural refer more to the region in
which the estate is situated than to its actual site. A semi-urban estate is the one located
in the principal town of a mixed urban and rural area. The population of the centre should
not be less than 50,000. A rural estate is not the one built in the open country, as the
name might imply, but in the central town, the population of which should be at least
25,000, of a predominantly rural region.
The lower limits of population given above should be treated with caution. For an IE to
be viable, the city or town in which it is established must be able to provide the utilities
and services required by the tenant enterprises. These usually are not to be found in small
towns and villages.
B. Industrial Activity
Technical EIA Guidance Manual
C. Motivation
Promotional Aspects
Nursery Estate
A nursery estate would be indicated if artisan activity were the only feature of the
industrial scene. It could provide the physical facilities to transform artisans into small-
scale industrialists. Support in the forms of common production facilities and advice,
technical and managerial, would be essential.
A nursery estate (artisan work-sheds) usually consists of one or more sheds, built on
developed land, so constructed that each may be subdivided to meet the varied need for
floor space, and to accommodate limited expansion of individual enterprises. It is
customary to provide electric power connections to each module, and for water supply
and sanitary arrangements to be communal. Common production facilities may be
provided. They appear to be useful only where most of the artisans are engaged in the
same trade.
Functional Estate
Technical EIA Guidance Manual
custom-built work-places. The size of the former may be determined by the number of
workers per unit in the existing establishments.
Common production facilities, bulk purchasing and quality control arrangements can be
more effective on this type of estate than on any other. Experience shows that these
services should preferably be managed by the entrepreneurs as a group.
Ancillary Estate
The needs of the parent establishment which an ancillary estate is intended to serve will
determine its composition and size. Because an estate of this kind will bring work to the
area that hitherto had gone elsewhere, it may be expedient to waive the lower limit of
size. Indeed, the estate will be able to take advantage of the infrastructure created by the
parent enterprise.
Most frequently the circumstances will call for setting up a composite estate to
accommodate a variety of industries. Such an IE may be designed to cater to the needs of
small establishments or for mixed sizes of light industry. The requirements of heavy
industry cannot economically be provided by an IE. There are financial and technical
advantages to IEs accommodating a mixture of small and medium-sized or large
enterprises. This type of IE is by far the most common. It can be designed to
accommodate virtually all sizes and types of enterprise, with the exception of those
engaged in heavy industry.
D. Sponsorship / Ownership
The sponsor is the agency initiating the estate and providing all or part of the necessary
funds. There are three types of sponsorship:
In spite of the growing role of private sector, a large IE programme cannot be carried
solely by a private enterprise. Land ownership issues, planning and environmental
Technical EIA Guidance Manual
considerations will make it essential to involve the government authorities. Many of the
private-assisted IEs are the result of official pressure on industrialists to relocate their
work places to less congested or environmentally less vulnerable sites. A coherent
strategy for IE development may be desirable. To ensure that such overall development
objectives are attained, it may be necessary to set up a parastatal IE development
authority even though the actual attainment of the objectives is left to the private sector.
In a country or region with a low development level, it may be necessary for the
government to ‘prime-the-pump’ by financing at least the first set of IEs and setting up
basic support services. Where IEs are privatized, new owners should sign an obligation
to maintain environmental standards, sewage systems, etc.
Government IEs
For government IEs, the executing agency may be either a government department, a
parastatal government corporation or a municipality.
When a government department is the executing agency, all funds for the establishment
of an estate comes from government sources or through the government if foreign aid is
involved. In a developing country this may be the only means of starting an IE
programme. Until the beneficial effects of an estate are demonstrated, there may be no
other way to raise the required capital. The disadvantage of a department as an executing
agency lies in the lack of persons with suitable commercial or managerial experience for
executing the programme and managing the IEs, and in the fact that, until the estate is
able to meet its recurring costs, annual deficits must be met by the government. A
parastatal differs from a government department in that frequently there are non-
government representatives on the board of directors, and it has borrowing powers. In
countries with a federal constitution the central government usually makes long-term
loans to state or provincial governments to construct IEs.
Government-Assisted IEs
The principal difference between a government-assisted and private estate is that the
former is eligible for government grants and foreign investment. Both may be in receipt
of loans from the government, but, normally, loans to assisted IEs are at concessionary
rates and for longer terms. Often, government-assisted IEs are the result of pressure on
local entrepreneurs by the municipality to move from the urban centre, as in Turkey (see
Box 1). The industrialists or the municipality, sometimes jointly, form a body to
implement the project. This executing agency is usually organized as a co-operative
society if it is composed entirely of entrepreneurs and is a de facto co-operative. A
government loan is then approved for the sole purpose of erecting work-places and
buildings to house common facilities. The loan may not be used to purchase equipment.
Private IEs
Although private IEs have become common, information on the financing modes of these
IE is hard to find. Private sponsorship is likely to ensure that an estate is efficient and
profitable. However, the necessity to provide a return to the private shareholders may
defeat one of the broader, long-term objectives of development policy in many countries:
Technical EIA Guidance Manual
A variant on the private estate is the estate created by the erection of workshops by a
privately owned firm on surplus land within the compound of the factory. These work-
places are let to small-scale entrepreneurs who will often be ancillaries to the estate owner
Forms of Industrial Estates
Technical EIA Guidance Manual
Industrial areas
An industrial area is a parcel of improved land developed and subdivided into plots for
the accommodation of industrial establishments and offered for sale or for lease. Its size
may allow advantage to be taken of economies of scale in providing the infrastructure,
which may be passed on to the occupants. An attraction for a prospective occupier is the
time saved in finding a site and in preparing the land. The industrial area is essentially a
piece of real estate promotion. An industrial area may approximate an IE, but the
essential differences are that in the former there is no unified and continuous management
and that, beyond land and utilities, it provides no additional incentive to industry.
Industrial zones
An industrial zone is merely an area of raw land set aside for industry. In general, it is
created by a municipal by-law and is part of an urban renewal or development
programme. Any promotional effect it may have is dependent on its location in relation to
transport and distribution facilities, and the price of land within the zone.
Growth centers
IEs may serve as a step towards more advanced industrial infrastructure such as EPZs.
EPZs can play a useful role in countries which intend to develop an export-oriented
manufacturing sector, but do not have adequate countrywide conditions for foreign
investment and imports of raw materials and equipment. Physically, an EPZ need not be
restricted to an estate location. An EPZ should not remain an enclave; to be a real
catalyst of export-oriented manufacturing, it must develop linkages to domestic
Technical EIA Guidance Manual
The International Labour Organization (ILO) has defined EPZs as the "Industrial zones
with special incentives set up to attract foreign investors, in which imported materials
undergo some degree of processing before being re-exported".
India’s first EPZ was established in Kandla in 1965 while seven others were later
established in Mumbai, Chennai, Surat, Falta, Kochi, Noida and Vishakapatnam (Vizag).
India’s experience with EPZs has not been a huge success for the following reasons:
Technical EIA Guidance Manual
Industrial free zone / Information Financial Commercial
Free port Economic Zone Enterprise Zone
EPZ Processing Zone Services Zone free zone
entire province entire city or
Physical entire city or enclave or industrial part of city or part of city or "zone area, often
region or "zone within
characteristics jurisdiction park entire city within zone" adjacent to
municipality zone"
port or airport
development of
development of deregulation;
development of development of off-shore facilitation of
Economic trading centre and private sector development of export
SMEs in information banking, trade and
objectives diversified investment in industry
depressed areas processing centre insurance, imports
economic base restricted area
securities hub
all goods for
all goods for use
Duty free capital equipment and storage and re-
in trade, industry, selective basis no capital equipment varies
goods allowed production inputs export of
data processing, warehousing,
trade, service, all types of
Typical light industry and software packaging,
industry, banking, industry and all financial services
activities manufacturing development, distribution,
etc. services
computer graphics trans-shipment
Simple business Reduced Profits tax abatement Zoning relief; Demonopolization Tax relief; strict
Incentives start-up; minimal business taxes; and regulatory relief; simplified and deregulation of confidentiality;
tax and regulatory liberalized exemption from foreign business telecoms; deregulation of
from import
- taxation restraints. labour codes; exchange controls. Free registration; access to market- currency
- customs’ Waivers with reduced foreign repatriation of profits. local tax priced INTELSAT exchange and
duties regard to exchange Trade union freedom abatement; services. A specific capital
profits wholly
- labour laws termination of controls. no restricted despite the reduction of authority manages movements. free
- other employment and specific fact that EPZs are licensing labour relations. repatriation of
overtime. Free advantages; required to respect requirements. Trade union freedom profits
Technical EIA Guidance Manual
Industrial free zone / Information Financial Commercial
Free port Economic Zone Enterprise Zone
EPZ Processing Zone Services Zone free zone
repatriation of trade unions are national employment Trade unions are restricted
capital, profits discouraged regulations.15 years prohibited.
and dividends within the SEZ exemptions on all Government
preferential taxes(maximum) mandated liberal
interest rates. on hiring and
firing of workers
within Freeport limited to small unlimited,
limited to small portion
Domestic sales outside Freeport, highly restricted portion of upon payment
of production
upon payment of production of full duty
full duty
developed by
incentives and may be extended to
Other features socialist
streamlined single- factory sites
Hong Kong, China (southern Jebel ali,
Ireland, Taiwan (China),
Singapore, provinces, Bahrain, Dubai, Colon, Miami
Typical Malaysia, Dominican Indonesia, India-Bangalore,
Bahamas including Caribbean, (USA FTZ)
examples Republic, Mauritius, Senegal Caribbean
Freeport, Batam, Hainan and Turkey, Cayman Mauritius,
Kenya, Hungary
Labuan, Macao Shenzhen) Iran
Source: International Labour Organization
Technical EIA Guidance Manual
SEZs are specially demarcated geographical regions that have more liberal economic laws
as compared to the centralized laws of the country. The SEZ concept itself gives the SEZ
definition. The very purpose of a SEZ is to develop the area covered under the special
economic zone by following special economic policies.
The basic motive behind developing an SEZ in India is to attract mass foreign
investments to India. India Real Estate Investments have attracted huge foreign funds and
thus the SEZs in India have increased by and large.
SEZ's offer economic progress to the area, the local inhabitants and the country as a
Exemption from payment of stamp duty and registration fees on the lease/license of
plots to the SEZ developer
External commercial borrowings of up to 500 million USD a year without any
restriction of maturity to the SEZ developers
Presently around fourteen major SEZs are functional in India. Santa Cruz, Mumbai,
Maharashtra; Cochin, Kerala, Kandla And Surat in Gujarat; Chennai, Tamil Nadu;
Vishakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh; Falta And Salt Lake in West Bengal; Noida, Greater
Noida in Uttar Pradesh; Indore, Madhya Pradesh; Jaipur, Rajasthan,etc.
India was one of the first in Asia to recognize the effectiveness of the EPZ model in
promoting exports, with Asia's first EPZ set up in Kandla in 1965. With a view to
overcome the shortcomings experienced on account of the multiplicity of controls and
clearances, absence of world-class infrastructure, and an unstable fiscal regime and with a
view to attract larger foreign investments in India, the SEZs Policy was announced in
April 2000.
This policy intended to make SEZs an engine for economic growth supported by quality
infrastructure complemented by an attractive fiscal package, both at the Centre and the
State level, with the minimum possible regulations. SEZs in India functioned from
1.11.2000 to 09.02.2006 under the provisions of the Foreign Trade Policy and fiscal
incentives were made effective through the provisions of relevant statutes.
The Special Economic Zones Act, 2005, was passed by the Parliament in May, 2005
which received Presidential assent on the 23rd of June, 2005. After extensive
consultations, the SEZ Act, 2005, supported by the SEZ Rules, came into effect on 10th
February, 2006, providing for drastic simplification of procedures and for single window
clearance on matters relating to central as well as state governments. The main objectives
of the SEZ Act are:
S&T parks basically provide the same kind of infrastructure as IEs, but are intended for
technologically advanced industries and emphasize the high-level support services that
such activities need – technical consultancy through networking with local R&D
institutions; advisory services on finance and venture capital; marketing; and search for
joint venture partners
To promote investment in this sector and make the country a hub for both domestic and
international markets, the government has decided to attract major investment, both
domestic and foreign, by providing a transparent and investment-friendly policy and
facility regime under which integrated Petroleum, Chemicals & Petrochemical Investment
Regions (PCPIRs) may be set up. The PCPIRs would reap the benefits of co-siting,
networking and greater efficiency through the use of common infrastructure and support
services. They would have high-class infrastructure, and provide a competitive
environment conducive for setting up businesses. They would thus result in a boost to
manufacturing, augmentation of exports and generation of employment.
A PCPIR would be a specifically delineated investment region with an area of around 250
km2 planned for the establishment of manufacturing facilities for domestic and export led
production in petroleum, chemicals and petrochemicals, along with the associated
services and infrastructure.
The PCPIR may include one or more SEZs, Industrial Parks, Free Trade & Warehousing
Zones, EOUs, or Growth Centres, duly notified under the relevant Central or State
legislation or policy. All the benefits available under the relevant legislation or policy
will continue to remain available to the said Zones or Parks, as the case may be, forming
part of the PCPIR. The PCPIR could cover existing settlements/industries & IEs/ services
and would therefore benefit from and be complementary to the region. The concerned
state government may not acquire the entire area comprising the PCPIR, but it will notify
the same under the relevant Act for proper planning and zoning to ensure coordinated
Difference between Expert Oriented Units and Special Economic
Technical EIA Guidance Manual
Establishment EOU unit can be set-up any place declared as SEZ Economic Zone unit has to be located
“warehousing station” under Customs Act. within the specified zones developed
There are 300 such places all over India
Import The unit can import capital goods, raw The unit can import capital goods, raw
Procedures material, consumables, packing material, material, consumables, packing material,
spares, etc without payment of customs duty. spares, etc without payment of customs
Similarly these can be procured indigenously duty. Similarly these can be procured
without payment of excise duty. Second hand indigenously without payment of excise
capital goods can also be imported. duty. Second hand capital goods can also be
Net Foreign They have to achieve positive NFE (Net They have to achieve positive NFE (Net
Exchange foreign Exchange Earnings) foreign Exchange Earnings)
Earnings (NEF)
Minimum Minimum Investment in plant and machinery There is no such limit to Special Economic
Investment building is Rs. 100 lakhs for EOU. This Zone
should be before commencement of
commercial production
Procedure A bond in prescribed form has to be executed A bond in prescribed form has to be
–B-17 in case of EOU executed – a form prescribed in Special
Economic Zone Rules, 2003 in case of
Green Channel There is no physical supervision of customs / There is no physical supervision of customs
/excise authorities over production and / /excise authorities over production and
clearances, but prescribed records are clearances, but prescribed records are
required to be maintained. required to be maintained.
Custom Fast Track Clearance Scheme (FTCS) for In case of Special Economic Zone units ,
Clearance clearances of imported consignments of EOU custom clearance for export and import is
obtained within the zone itself.
Export of final Generally all final production should be Generally all final production should be
production exported except rejects up to prescribed limit exported except rejects up to prescribed
Central Sales Central Sales tax ( CST) paid on purchases is In case of Special Economic Zone supplier
Tax ( CST) refundable (but not local tax) does not have to pay CST
Supplies made Supplies made to EOU by Indian Suppliers Supplies to Special Economic Zone are
by Indian are ‘deemed exports’ and supplier is entitled ‘Exports’ and all export benefits are
Suppliers to benefits of ‘deemed export’. available
Infrastructure General infrastructure available to EOU unit Better infrastructural facilities are available
are not as better as available to SEZ units to Special Economic Zone
Schemes like EOU / SEZ are suitable when :
the undertaking is predominantly export oriented
Requirement of imported capital goods and imported raw material is high.
Source: Confederation of Indian Industry
Common Service Facilities for IE
Technical EIA Guidance Manual
Fire Protection
Fire protection is essential. It is usual for fire hydrants to be fitted at strategic points in
the water reticulation and for fire hoses to be available. The tenants are expected to
provide first-aid fire appliances for their own premises (a customary requirement under
all fire insurance schemes).
Collection and disposal of IE waste must be undertaken either by the local authority or
the estate administration. If the IE is within the collection area of the local authority, it
should be handled by the authority. However, there were a few notified instances where
the local authority, while levying rates on estate premises, had declined to provide the
service. In such cases, an agreement should be reached on this matter before the IE is
built. If the duty devolves on the estate administration, the tenants are charged for the
service. Sometimes an incinerator is provided for the use of tenants.
Medical Care
A common storage facility for storing the hazardous wastes generated from the industries
within IEs may be required. These storage facilities can temporarily store the hazardous
wastes before they are transported to the disposal sites.
A bank and a post-office are for the convenience of the IE tenants. They are desirable but
not essential. Many IEs have neither. It is not necessary for the IE administration to
provide one or the other. If business develops to the extent that either a commercial bank
or the postal authority sees the need to open a branch office in the IE, it will do so. It
would be advisable none-the-less to reserve space for such an office.
Technical EIA Guidance Manual
Weigh Bridge
A weigh bridge may be necessary, but only in special circumstances, e.g., where there are
several large firms on the IE with bulky material inputs and outputs. It is unlikely to be
needed on an IE for small-scale enterprises.
Exhibition Halls
Showroom or exhibition halls are luxuries. One or the other could be justified on an IE
producing articles for the tourist trade, assuming that the location of the IE attracts
Repair Workshop
A central repair workshop to deal with machinery and vehicles owned by the IE tenants is
necessary. It should be provided by the IE administration only if there is no commercial
firm capable of undertaking the work, and then only if there is sufficient volume to justify
the equipping and staffing of a workshop.
Criteria for Industrial Estate Planning
Technical EIA Guidance Manual
1 National parks
2 Wild life sanctuaries
3 Game reserve
4 Tiger reserve/elephant reserve/turtle nesting ground, breeding grounds
5 Core zone of biosphere reserve
6 Habitat for migratory birds
7 Mangrove area
8 Areas with threatened (rare, vulnerable, endangered) flora/fauna , protected corals
9 Wetlands
10 Botanical gardens, Zoological gardens, Gene Banks
11 Reserved forests, Protected forests
12 Any other closed/protected area under the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972
13 Any other area as locally applicable
1 Public water supply areas from rivers/surface water bodies - Upto 2 km from
watersheds u/s of public water supply abstraction points in the rivers/surface water
2 Public water supply areas from ground water- 1 km around public water supply
abstraction points from ground water
3 Ground water recharge areas - 1/2 km ground water recharge areas
4 Scenic areas/tourism areas/hill resorts - 1 km from the periphery of the core areas of
scenic areas/tourism areas/hill resorts with tourists/visitors more than 10 lakhs a year
5 Religious places, pilgrim centers - 1 km around core areas of religious places that attract
over 10 lakhs pilgrims a year
6 Protected tribal settlements - notified tribal areas where industrial activity is not
7 Coastal Regulatory Zone (CRZ)
8 Monuments of national significance - 1 km from monuments of national significance
9 Monuments of state significance – ½ km from monuments of state significance
10 Monuments of national significance – 100 m from monuments of local significance
11 World Heritage Sites - 2 km from World Heritage sites
12 Flood prone areas (based on flood in 1in 25 years )
Technical EIA Guidance Manual
Distance to Weightage
sensitive zones
Suitability to air Weightage
Polluting Industries
Suitability to Water Weightage
Polluting Industries
Availability of Weightage
water and nearness
to water supply Justification
Availability of Weightage
Technical EIA Guidance Manual
Skilled Manpower Weightage
Nearness to Sales Weightage
Nearness to Major Weightage
Contribution to Weightage
balanced industrial
development Justification
Technical EIA Guidance Manual
Weightage out of 5: 5 for excellent, 4 for very good, 3 for good, (-ve)3 for poor, (-ve) 5 for very
Description of potential site(s)
Habitable villages
Land use
Land availability
Nearness to the road
Nearness to the railway line
Water supply (Nearness to the
Discharge from the ETP
(Nearness to the disposal point)
A Biological diversity
National parks
Wild life sanctuaries
Game reserve
Tiger reserve/elephant
reserve/turtle nesting
ground, breeding grounds
Core zone of biosphere
Habitat for migratory birds
Mangrove area
Areas with threatened (rare,
vulnerable, endangered)
flora/fauna, protected corals
Botanical gardens,
Zoological gardens, Gene
Technical EIA Guidance Manual
Technical EIA Guidance Manual
Technical EIA Guidance Manual
Site Suitability
potential of
Upto 0.5 km B G G G G G
0.5 to 2 km R B G G G G
2 to 5 km R R B G G G
5 to 7 km R R R B G G
>7 km R R R R B G
Technical EIA Guidance Manual
G Suitable
Air Quality*
* Low, Moderate, high, Critical
Site Suitability
Impact potential
of industry
A4 (>2 km) R B G G G G
A3 (2 to 5 km) R R B G G G
A2 (5 to 7 km) R R R B G G
A1 (>7 km) R R R R B G
Technical EIA Guidance Manual
Impact potential
of industry
A4 (>2 km) R B G G G G
A3 (2 to 5 km) R R B G G G
A2 (5 to 7 km) R R R B G G
A1 (>7 km) R R R R B G
d) Dispersion Sensitivity
* Low, Moderate, high, Critical
Site Suitability
A4 (>2 km) R B G G G G
A3 (2 to 5 km) R R B G G G
A2 (5 to 7 km) R R R B G G
A1 (>7 km) R R R R B G
Technical EIA Guidance Manual
The Kilder Dispersion Model system (POI-KILD and ARE-KILD) of the NILU programs
specially prepared for planning use for the Central Pollution Control Board in India
should preferably be used to confirm the site suitability by placing the data from existing
industries of the suitable type at the proposed site and assessing its behavior.
Summary statement showing the site suitability for air polluting industries form various
aspects as above (air quality, dispersion, land use, modeling) should be summarized as
Site 1 Site 2
Technical EIA Guidance Manual
Table: Indicative Classification of Industries based on their Air/Water Pollution
Technical EIA Guidance Manual
40 Boilers
Less than 2 t/hr A4
2 to 5 t/hr A4
41 Slaughter House, Meat and Sea Food Industry - Slaughter A3 W2
House - all capacities
42 Food and Fruit Processing
a) Soft Drinks A4 W3
b) Fruit Based Synthetic A4 W3
(More than 0.4 tpd)
c) Bottle and Tetrapack A4 W3
Synthetic (Less than 0.4 tpd)
43 Food and Fruit Processing - Fruit and Vegetables A4 W4
Technical EIA Guidance Manual
Selection of Enterprises
For an IE built to relocate industry there is no need for an admission policy; all
establishments involved in the move must be housed. If new enterprises are to be
introduced into any IE, it becomes a matter of selecting from among the applicants those
most suitable in the light of national industrial objectives. This involves the assignment
of priorities. How far an admission policy is applied is open to question. On some IEs it
is obvious that the objective has been to fill the vacant plots as quickly as possible.
However, the factors normally to be considered in connection with the applicant
enterprise are:
If an establishment uses electricity or water at a rate per worker much greater than that
allowed for in the design of the estate, the expansion of other establishments may be
restricted. If a firm needs a great deal of space per worker, the employment potential of
the estate is reduced. Industries in which there is a high risk of fire or explosion could
cause damage to other properties on an IE. Industries handling toxic materials can affect
the quality of output of food processing industries. Nuisance can be caused by the
excessive emission of dust (e.g., stone crushing), smoke (e.g., brickworks) or offensive
odours (e.g. tanneries). On a large IE it may be possible to accept such industries by
assigning them to special zones, but that is not possible on a smaller estate.
Selection of Entrepreneurs
If the reason for the application is the transfer of an existing enterprise, then information
on the credit-worthiness of the applicant may be obtainable from his bank, and on his
business reputation by discreet inquiries in the trade. It is more difficult if an applicant is
proposing to engage in a new line of business. An effort should be made to ascertain
what experience, if any, he has in that field. Lack of experience need not necessarily
disqualify him if he is in a position to employ the necessary expertise. His ability as a
manager may be gauged by the success of his current undertaking.
Technical EIA Guidance Manual
Building Restrictions
Building plans should be subject to approval by the estate developer, in addition to any
approvals from planning authorities or other agencies involved in building control.
Normally, the developer will have a set of guidelines indicating the height and design
restrictions, the building line (x metres back from the centre of the road or the edge of the
plot), and the built-over or building/open space ratio in each plot. In many IEs the ratio is
50, i.e. the building area can occupy half the plot area. In some higher quality IEs the
building/open space ratio may be as low as 30:70. If the estate is close to an airport there
may be also restrictions on lighting and advertising signs. Plots and buildings must be
completed/occupied within an agreed period. Without authorization no changes in the
purpose of a building, subletting or alterations to buildings may take place.
All well-planned IEs have parking restrictions. Each investor may be obliged to provide
enough parking space for cars and trucks on the site to avoid parking on roadways. Truck
parking in front of buildings may be prohibited.
The developer will often set down standards or guidelines for the storage of chemicals
and/or hazardous goods. The developer may reserve the right to improve the storage of
such goods.
Each building should conform to fire regulations and industrial safety standards.
Technical EIA Guidance Manual
Domestic sewage can usually be discharged into the sewer system. Industrial liquid
effluent is normally treated at the plant prior to discharge. The estate developer or
environmental authority should approve the proposals for treatment of industrial waste
and the equipment to measure the volume of the discharge. They may find it necessary to
limit the volume of the discharge from time to time and to vary the discharge standards to
comply with new environmental regulations.
Substances which would damage the sewerage system would be prohibited; These
include: any liquids at a temperature exceeding 45oC; substances such as adhesives or
paint which form viscous or solid coatings on the system; petroleum or other inflammable
spirits; radio-active substances; effluents with high levels of acidity or alkalinity (i.e. with
a pH value below 6 or above 9); and substances which produce fumes or odours. No
effluent or harmful material should be allowed to enter storm water drains.
Solid waste must be stored safely (if possible in closed containers) until it is removed.
Air pollution must be kept below the standards set by the estate by using effective
combustion processes and/or installing scrubbers or filters.
A Compilation of Legal Instruments
Table: A Compilation of Legal Instruments
1 Air (Prevention Central Pollution Air pollutants from chemical The prevention, control Section 2: Definitions
and Control of Control Board and industries and abatement of air Section 21: Consent from State Boards
Pollution) Act, State Pollution pollution Section 22: Not to allow emissions exceeding prescribed
1981 amended Control Boards limits
1987 Section 24: Power of Entry and Inspection
Section 25: Power to Obtain Information
Section 26: Power to Take Samples
Section 37-43: Penalties and Procedures
2 Air (Prevention Central Pollution Air pollutants from chemical The prevention, control Rule 2: Definitions
and Control of Control Board and industries and abatement of air Rule 9: Consent Applications
Pollution) (Union State Pollution pollution
Territories) Rules, Control Boards
3 Water (Prevention Central Pollution Water Pollutants from water The prevention and Section 2: Definitions
and Control of Control Board and polluting industries control of water Section 20: Power to Obtain Information
Pollution) Act, State Pollution pollution and also Section 21: Power to Take Samples
1974 amended Control Boards maintaining or restoring Section 23: Power of Entry and Inspection
1988 the wholesomeness of Section 24: Prohibition on Disposal
water Section 25: Restriction on New Outlet and New Discharge
Section 26: Provision regarding existing discharge of
sewage or trade effluent
Section 27: Refusal or withdrawal of consent by state
Section 41-49: Penalties and Procedures
4 Water (Prevention Central Pollution Water Pollutants from water The prevention and Rule 2: Definitions
and Control of Control Board and polluting industries control of water
Rule 30: Power to take samples
Pollution) Rules, State Pollution pollution and also
1975 Control Boards maintaining or restoring Rule 32: Consent Applications
Technical EIA Guidance Manual
the wholesomeness of
5 The Environment Ministry of All types of environmental Protection and Section 2: Definitions
(Protection) Act, Environment and pollutants Improvement of the
Section 7: Not to allow emission or discharge of
1986, amended Forests, Central Environment
environmental pollutants in excess of prescribed standards
1991 Pollution Control
Board and State Section 8: Handing of Hazardous Substances
Pollution Control
Boards Section 10: Power of Entry and Inspection
Section 11: Power to take samples
Section 15-19: Penalties and Procedures
6 Environmental Ministry of All types of Environmental Protection and Rule 2: Definitions
(Protection) Rules, Environment and Pollutants Improvement of the
Rule 3: Standards for emission or discharge of
1986 Forests, Central Environment
environmental pollutants
(Amendments in Pollution Control
1999, 2001, 2002, Board and State Rule 5: Prohibition and restriction on the location of
2002, 2002, 2003, Pollution Control industries and the carrying on process and operations in
2004) Boards different areas
Rule 13: Prohibition and restriction on the handling of
hazardous substances in different areas
Rule 14: Submission of environmental statement
7 Hazardous Waste MoEF, CPCB, Hazardous Wastes generated Management & Rule 2: Application
(Management and SPCB, DGFT, Port from industries using hazardous Handling of hazardous Rule 3: Definitions
Handling) Rules, Authority and chemicals wastes in line with the Rule 4: Responsibility of the occupier and operator of a
1989 amended Customs Authority Basel convention facility for handling of wastes
2000 and 2003 Rule 4A: Duties of the occupier and operator of a facility
Rule 4B: Duties of the authority
Rule 5: Grant of authorization for handling hazardous
Rule 6: Power to suspend or cancel authorization
Rule 7: Packaging, labeling and transport of hazardous
Rule 8: Disposal sites
Rule 9: Record and returns
Technical EIA Guidance Manual
14 Factories Act, Ministry of Labour, Chemicals as specified in the Control of workplace Section 2: Interpretation
1948 DGFASLI and Table environment, and Section 6: Approval, licensing and registration of factories
Directorate of providing for good Section 7A: General duties of the occupier
Industrial Safety health and safety of Section 7B: General duties of manufacturers etc., as
and workers regards articles and substances for use in factories
Health/Factories Section 12: Disposal of wastes and effluents
Inspectorate Section 14: Dust and fume
Section 36: Precautions against dangerous fumes, gases,
Section 37: Explosion or inflammable dust, gas, etc.
Chapter IVA: Provisions relating to Hazardous processes
Section 87: Dangerous operations
Section 87A: Power to prohibit employment on account of
serious hazard
Section 88: Notice of certain accident
Section 88A: Notice of certain dangerous occurrences
Chapter X: Penalties and procedures
15 The Petroleum Ministry of Petroleum (Class A, B and C - Regulate the import, Section 2: Definitions
Act, 1934 Petroleum and as defined in the rules) transport, storage, Section 3: Import, transport and storage of petroleum
Natural Gas production, refining and Section 5: Production, refining and blending of petroleum
blending of petroleum Section 6: Receptacles of dangerous petroleum to show a
Section 23-28 Penalties and Procedure
16 The Petroleum Ministry of Petroleum (Class A, B and C - Regulate the import, Rule 2: Definition
Rules, 2002 Petroleum and as defined in the rules) transport, storage, Chapter I part II: General Provision
Natural Gas, production, refining and Chapter II: Importation of Petroleum
Ministry of blending of petroleum Chapter III: Transport of Petroleum
Shipping (for Chapter VII: Licenses
notification of
authorized ports for
import), Ministry
of Environment &
Forests or SPCB
(for clearance of
establishment of
Technical EIA Guidance Manual
facilities at ports)
Chief Controller of
Explosives, district
Commissioner of
Customs, Port
Conservator, State
Maritime Board
17 The Explosives Ministry of Explosive substances as defined To regulate the Section 4: Definition
Act, 1884 Commerce and under the Act manufacture, Section 6: Power for Central government to prohibit the
Industry possession, use, sale, manufacture, possession or importation of especially
(Department of transport, export and dangerous explosives
Explosives) import of explosives Section 6B: Grant of Licenses
with a view to prevent
18 The Explosive Ministry of Explosive substances as defined To regulate the Rule 2: Definition
Rules, 1983 Commerce and under the Act manufacture, Chapter II: General Provisions
Industry and Chief possession, use, sale, Chapter III: Import and Export
Controller of transport, export and Chapter IV: Transport
Explosives, port import of explosives Chapter V: Manufacture of explosives
conservator, with a view to prevent Chapter VI: Possession sale and use
customs collector, accidents Chapter VII: Licenses
19 The Gas Cylinder Ministry of Gases (Toxic, non toxic and Regulate the import, Rule 2: Definition
Rules, 2004 Commerce and non flammable, non toxic and storage, handling and Chapter II: General Provisions
Industry and Chief flammable, Dissolved transportation of gas Chapter III: Importation of Cylinder
Controller of Acetylene Gas, Non toxic and cylinders with a view to Chapter IV: Transport of Cylinder
Explosives, port flammable liquefiable gas other prevent accidents Chapter VII: Filling and Possession
conservator, than LPG, LPG
customs collector,
Police (sub
inspector to
Technical EIA Guidance Manual
20 The Static and Ministry of Gases (Toxic, non toxic and Regulate the import, Rule 2: Definition
Mobile Pressure Commerce and non flammable, non toxic and manufacture, design, Chapter III: Storage
Vessels (Unfired) Industry and Chief flammable, Dissolved installation, Chapter IV: Transport
Rules, 1981 Controller of Acetylene Gas, Non toxic and transportation, handling, Chapter V: Licenses
Explosives, port flammable liquefiable gas other use and testing of
conservator, than LPG, LPG mobile and static
customs collector, pressure vessels
DGCA, DC, DM, (unfired) with a view to
Police (sub prevent accidents
inspector to
21 The Motor Vehicle Ministry of Hazardous and Dangerous To consolidate and Section 2: Definition
Act, 1988 Shipping, Road Goods amend the law relating Chapter II: Licensing of drivers of motor vehicle
Transport and to motor vehicles Chapter VII: Construction equipment and maintenance of
Highways motor vehicles
22 The Central Motor Ministry of Hazardous and Dangerous To consolidate and Rule 2: Definition
Vehicle Rules, Shipping, Road Goods amend the law relating Rule 9: Educational qualification for driver’s of goods
1989 Transport and to motor vehicles carriages carrying dangerous or hazardous goods
Highways including to regulate the Rule 129: Transportation of goods of dangerous or
transportation of hazardous nature to human life
dangerous goods with a Rule 129A: Spark arrestors
view to prevent loss of Rule 130: Manner of display of class labels
life or damage to the Rule 131: Responsibility of the consignor for safe
environment transport of dangerous or hazardous goods
Rule 132: Responsibility of the transporter or owner of
goods carriage
Rule 133: Responsibility of the driver
Rule 134: Emergency Information Panel
Rule 135: Driver to be instructed
Rule 136: Driver to report to the police station about
Rule 137: Class labels
23 The Mines Act Ministry of Coal Use of toxic and inflammable Safety of the mine Section 2: Definitions
1952 and Mines gases, dust or mixtures workers Chapter IV: Mining operations and management of mines
Chapter V: Provisions as to health and safety
Technical EIA Guidance Manual
24 The Custom Act, CBEC, Ministry of Hazardous Goods To prevent entry of Section 2: definitions
1962 Finance illegal hazardous goods Section 11: Power to Prohibit Importation or Exportation
or banned goods of Goods
including hazardous or
banned chemicals
25 The Merchant Ministry of All packaged cargo including For safe handling and Section 3: Definitions
Shipping Act, Shipping, Road Dangerous and hazardous transportation of cargo Section 331: Carriage of Dangerous Goods
1958 amended in Transport and goods as defined in the rules including dangerous
2002 and 2003 Highways goods to prevent
26 Merchant Shipping Ministry of All packaged cargo including For safe handling and
(carriage of Cargo) Shipping, Road Dangerous and hazardous transportation of cargo
Rules 1995 Transport and goods as defined in the rules including dangerous
Highways goods to prevent
27 The Indian Port Ministry of All Chemicals - handling and For control of activities Section 2: Definitions
Act, 1908 Shipping, Road storage on ports including safety Chapter IV: Rules for the safety of shipping and the
Transport and of shipping and conservation of ports
Highways conservation of ports Chapter VII: Provisions with respect to penalties
28 The Dock Ministry of Labour, All Chemicals termed as Safety of Dock workers
Workers, (Safety, DGFASLI and dangerous goods including handling of
Health and Directorate of Dock dangerous goods
Welfare) Act, Safety
Form 1 (Application for Obtaining EIA Clearance)
Contact Information:
Screening Category:
(II) Activity
1.6 Demolition works?
1.11 Dredging?
1.25 Transport of personnel or materials for
construction, operation or decommissioning?
1.26 Long-term dismantling or decommissioning
or restoration works?
1.27 Ongoing activity during decommissioning
which could have an impact on the
1.28 Influx of people to an area in either
temporarily or permanently?
1.29 Introduction of alien species?
2. Use of Natural resources for construction or operation of the Project (such as land,
water, materials or energy, especially any resources which are non-renewable or in
short supply):
3. Use, storage, transport, handling or production of substances or materials,
which could be harmful to human health or the environment or raise
concerns about actual or perceived risks to human health.
4.4 Other industrial process wastes
5.6 Emissions from incineration of waste
5.7 Emissions from burning of waste in open air (e.g.
slash materials, construction debris)
5.8 Emissions from any other sources
7. Risks of contamination of land or water from releases of pollutants into the
ground or into sewers, surface waters, groundwater, coastal waters or the sea:
9. Factors which should be considered (such as consequential development) which
could lead to environmental effects or the potential for cumulative impacts with
other existing or planned activities in the locality
• housing development
• extractive industries
• supply industries
• other
2 Areas which are important or sensitive for
ecological reasons - Wetlands, watercourses or
other water bodies, coastal zone, biospheres,
mountains, forests
3 Areas used by protected, important or sensitive
species of flora or fauna for breeding, nesting,
foraging, resting, over wintering, migration
7 Defence installations
Pre-Feasibility Report: Additional Points for Possible Coverage
Technical EIA Guidance Manual
Location details
- Longitude & latitude
- Nearest major towns and industries
- Approach to site
- Road: existing highway/roads distance from site
- Distance from nearest airport (existing/proposed)
- Ecologically sensitive areas
Location & vicinity plan identifying the areas proposed for plant
Land availability
- Extent of land available for project, township, wastewater disposal, etc.
- Land use pattern (agricultural, barren, forest etc.)
- Incase of agricultural land, whether irrigated/non irrigated, number of crops
- Land ownership (Govt. Pvt., tribal, non-tribal endowment, patta, etc.)
- Prevailing land cost details
- Estimation of population affected, homestead oustees, land ownership details
Topography of the area
Ground profile and levels permanent features
Soil condition soil investigation results
Site data: whether the site is flood prone & HFL of the site
Drainage patterns
Water information to be furnished by owner
Source of circulating/consumptive water
Location in relation to river/canal/dam, water availability and quality
Lean season water availability and allocation source in case main source not perennial.
Approved water allocation quota (drinking, irrigation and industrial use) and surplus
Inter-state issue, if any
Requirement of construction of dam/barrage storage etc. if any and its location.
Feasible ways of bringing water to site indicating constraints if any.
Transportation arrangement contemplated: fuel transportation
Proposed wastewater disposal / utilization
Requirement of land for wastewater disposal pipeline system in to nearby canals, open
nallahs, rivers, etc.
New facilities needed
Source of construction water and domestic water
Source of construction power & start up power
Source of construction operational power
Source of availability of construction material like sand, brick, stone chips, borrow earth etc.
Proximity to infrastructure facilities (hospital, schools, residential accommodation) available
Technical EIA Guidance Manual
Wastewater and solid waste disposal studies including but not limited to preparation of
disposal plan based on disposal system study results in accordance approved disposal
methods and criteria
- Disposal locations like TSDF and other wastewater receiving bodies.
- Linking with the other disposal pipeline networking ex: with guard pond, STP wastewater
disposal lines.
- Flow variations in the receiving body according to the seasonal variations
- Quantity of treated wastewater will be discharged in to rivers, open nallah, sea, etc.
- Prepare technical specifications for disposal system
- Cost of treatment of wastewater
Project Schedule
Evaluation of alternative sites having least possible impacts and justification for the proposed
project site may be discussed.
3. Environmental Aspects
Noise level monitoring data collected from locations from all the four sides surrounding the
project area and also at sensitive receptors. If any incompatible land-use attributes fall within
a 15 km radius of the project boundary, provide details on:
- Public water supply areas from rivers/surface water bodies, from groundwater
- Scenic areas/tourism areas/hill resorts
- Religious places, pilgrim centers that attract over 10 lakh pilgrims a year
- Protected tribal settlements (notified tribal areas where industrial activity is not
permitted); CRZ
- Monuments of national significance, World Heritage Sites
- Cyclone, Tsunami prone areas (based on last 25 years);
- Airport areas
- Any other feature as specified by the State or local government and other features as
locally applicable, including prime agricultural lands, pastures, migratory corridors, etc.
If ecologically sensitive attributes fall with in a 15 km radius of the project boundary, please
give details. Ecologically sensitive attributes include
Technical EIA Guidance Manual
- National parks
- Wild life sanctuaries Game reserve
- Tiger reserve/elephant reserve/turtle nesting ground
- Breeding grounds
- Core zone of biosphere reserve
- Habitat for migratory birds
- Mangrove area
- Tropical forests
- Important lakes
- Endangered species of flora and fauna
The above listing is not exhaustive. Thus the proponent may provide additional necessary
information, felt appropriate, to include in the pre-feasibility study report in support of selecting
the site for the proposed developmental activities. The Concerned EAC/SEAC during scrutiny,
may specifically ask for any additional information/ data required to substantiate the requirement
to prescribe the ToR for EIA studies. However, it is to make clear that all the required further
information by EAC/SEAC may be mentioned in one single letter, within the prescribed time.
Types of Monitoring and Network Design Considerations
A. Types of Monitoring
Monitoring refers to the collection of data using a series of repetitive measurements of
environmental parameters (or, more generally, to a process of systematic observation). The
environmental quality monitoring programme design will be dependent upon the monitoring
objectives specified for the selected area of interest. The main types of EIA monitoring activities
The scope of monitoring topics discussed in this chapter is limited to Baseline and Effects
monitoring. In addition, this chapter will also discuss the Compliance monitoring during the
construction phase. Post-project monitoring requirements are discussed in the EMP.
Before any field monitoring tasks are undertaken there are many institutional, scientific, and fiscal
issues that must be addressed in the implementation of an environmental monitoring program.
Careful consideration of these issues in the design and planning stages will help avoid many of
the pitfalls associated with environmental monitoring programs. Although these issues are
important but the discussions here are confined to the monitoring network design component.
B. Network Design
Analysis of Significant Environmental Issues
At the outset of planning for an environmental monitoring network, the EIA manager may not
know exactly what should be monitored, when monitoring should begin, where it should monitor,
which techniques should be employed, and who should take responsibility for its conduct.
Because there are usually a number of objective decisions associated with network design to be
made, it is important to start with an analysis of environmental issues. The scoping phase of an
EIA is designed to identify and focus on the major issues. Scoping should provide a valuable
source of information on the concerns that need to be addressed by the monitoring network
design. These are project specific as well as specific to the environmental setting of the location
where the project is proposed to be located.
What to Monitor?
VECs are generally defined as environmental attributes or components of the environment that are
valued by society as identified during the scoping stage of the project. They are determined on
the basis of perceived public concerns. For example, changes to water quality and quantity could
have implications on fish by affecting habitat, food supply, oxygen, and contaminant uptake.
Similarly, employment and business, and economies are both VECs that serve as pathways.
The choice of VECs is also related to the perceived significant impact of the project
implementation on important environmental components. In general, the significance or
importance of environmental components is judged based on:
The chosen environmental indicators must be: 1) measurable; 2) appropriate to the scale of
disturbance/ contamination; 3) appropriate to the impact mechanism; 4) appropriate and
proportional to temporal dynamics; 5) diagnostic; and 6) standardized; as well as have: 1) a low
natural variability; 2) a broad applicability; and 3) an existing data series.
These are the other components of Monitoring Network Design. These questions are best
answered based on local field conditions, capacity and resources available, prevailing legal and
regulatory priorities, etc. For this screening or reconnaissance Surveys of the study area also
necessary. This may also include some simple inexpensive measurements and
assimilative/dispersion modeling. The data will give some information on the prevailing special
and temporal variations, and the general background air pollution in the area. The number of
monitoring stations and the indicators to be measured at each station in the final permanent
network may then be decided upon based on the results of the screening study as well as on the
knowledge of the sources of the proposed development and prevailing local
environmental/meteorological conditions. The best possible definition of the air pollution
problem, together with the analysis of the resources: personnel, budget and equipment available,
represent the basis for the decision on the following questions:
What spatial density (number) of sampling stations is required? How many samples are
needed and during what period (sampling (averaging) time and frequency)?
Where should the stations be located?
What kind of equipment should be used?
What additional background information is needed?
− meteorology
− topography
− population density
− emission sources and emission rates
− effects and impacts
How will the data be made available/communicated?
C. Site Selection
This normally means that for designing a monitoring programme in an (study) area which might
have an impact, several monitoring stations are needed for characterizing the baseline conditions
of the impacted area. When considering the location of individual samplers, it is essential that the
data collected are representative for the location and type of area without the undue influence
from the immediate surroundings. In any measurement point in the study area the total ambient
concentration is the representative of:
Guidance for Assessment of Baseline Components and Attributes
Network Frequency
A. Air
Meteorological Minimum 1 site in the Min: 1 hrly Mechanical / automatic IS 5182 Part 1-20 Sit-
Wind speed project impact area observations from weather station specific primary data is
Wind direction requirements continuous records Rain gauge essential
Dry bulb temperature As per IMD Secondary data from
Wet bulb temperature Other additional site(s) IMD, New Delhi for the
As per IMD
Relative humidity are require depending nearest IMD station
Rainfall upon the model applied
Solar radiation or site sensitivities
Cloud cover
Pollutants 24 hrly twice a week Gravimetric (High –
10 to 15 locations in Monitoring Network
the project impact area Volume) Minimum 2 locations in
SPM 8 hrly twice a week
Gravimetric (High – upwind side, more sites in
RPM Volume with Cyclone)
SO2 24 hrly twice a week downwind side / impact
EPA Modified West & zone
NO2 Gaeke method
CO All the sensitive receptors
Arsenite Modified need to be covered
H2S* Jacob & Hochheiser
NH*3 Measurement Methods
NDIR technique
HC* Methylene-blue As per CPCB standards
Fluoride* Nessler’s Method for NAQM, 1994
Pb* Infra Red analyzer
VOC-PAH* Specific lon meter
(parameters are given in ToR for EIA
studies based on nature of project,
raw material & process technology,
Attributes Sampling Measurement Method Remarks
Network Frequency
location-nature/activities within of air
B. Noise
Hourly equivalent noise levels Same as for Air At lest one day Instrument : Sensitive Min: IS: 4954- 1968 as
Pollution along with continuous in each Noise level meter adopted by CPCB
others Identified in season on a working (preferably recording type)
study area and non-working day
Hourly equivalent noise levels Inplant (1.5 m from Same as above for day Instrument : Noise level CPCB / OSHA
machinery or high and night meter
emission processes)
Hourly equivalent noise levels Highways (within 500 Same as above for day Instrument : Noise level CPCB / IS : 4954-1968
meters from the road and night meter
Peak particle velocity 150- 200m from blast Based on hourly PPV meter
site observations
C. Land Environment
Soil One surface sample Season-wise Collected and analyzed as The purpose of impact
Particle size distribution from each landfill per soil analysis reference assessment on soil (land
Texture and/or hazardous waste book, M.I.Jackson and soil environment) is to assess
pH site (if applicable) and analysis reference book by the significant impacts
Electrical conductivity prime villages, (soil C.A. Black due to leaching of wastes
Cation exchange capacity samples be collected as or accidental releases and
Alkali metals per BIS specifications) contaminating
Sodium Absorption Ratio (SAR) in the study area
Attributes Sampling Measurement Method Remarks
Network Frequency
Land Use/Landscape
Location code At least 20 points along Drainage once in the Global positioning Drainage within the plant
Total project area with plant boundary study period and land system area and surrounding is
Topography and general major land use categories from Topo-sheets very important for storm
Drainage (natural) use categories in the secondary data (local Satellite Imageries water impacts.
Cultivated, forest plantations, study area. ` maps) and satellite (1:25,000) From land use maps
water bodies, roads and imageries Satellite Imageries sensitive receptors
settlements (1:25,000) (forests, parks, mangroves
etc.) can be identified
D. Solid Waste
Quantities: For green field unites it Process wise or Guidelines
Based on waste generated from is based on secondary activity wise for IS 9569 : 1980
per unit production data base of earlier respective raw
IS 10447 : 1983
Per capita contribution plants. material used.
Domestic waste IS 12625 : 1989
Collection, transport and disposal
depends upon the IS 12647 : 1989
season also IS 12662 (PTI) 1989
Process Waste
Quality (oily, chemical,
General segregation into Grab and Composite Process wise or Analysis
biological/organic/inert/hazardous samples activity wise for IS 9334 : 1979
Loss on heating respective raw
IS 9235 : 1979
pH material used.
Electrical Conductivity Domestic waste IS 10158 : 1982
Calorific value, metals etc. depends upon the
season also
Attributes Sampling Measurement Method Remarks
Network Frequency
Network Frequency
produce, medicinal value discharge point, nearby etc.
Importance value index (IVI) of tributaries at down Point quarter plot-less
trees stream, and also from method (random
Wild animals dug wells close to sampling) for terrestrial
activity site vegetation survey.
Avifauna For forest studies, Secondary data to collect
Rare and endangered species chronic as well as from Government offices,
Sanctuaries / National park / short-term impacts NGOs, published
Biosphere reserve should be analyzed literature
warranting data on Plankton net
micro climate
Sediment dredge
Depth sampler
Field binocular
F. Socio-economic
Demographic structure Socio-economic survey Different impacts Primary data collection Secondary data from
Infrastructure resource base is based on occurs during through R&R surveys (if census records, statistical
Economic resource base proportionate, stratified construction and require) or community hard books, toposheets,
Health status: Morbidity pattern and random sampling operational phases of survey are based on health records and
Cultural and aesthetic attributes method the project personal interviews and relevant official records
questionnaire available with Govt.
* Project Specific
Sources of Secondary Data Collection
Annexure XIIA: Potential Sources of Data For EIA
Information Source
Air Environment
1. Meteorology- Temperature, Rainfall, Humidity, Indian Meteorology Department, Pune
Inversion, Seasonal Wind rose pattern (16 point
compass scale), cloud cover, wind speed, wind
direction, stability, mixing depth
2. Ambient Air Quality- 24 hourly concentration of Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB),
SPM, RPM, SO2, NOx, CO State Pollution Control Board (SPCB),
Municipal Corporations
Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF)
State Department of Environment (DoEN)
Water Environment
3. Surface water- water sources, water flow (lean Central Water Commission (CWC),
season), water quality, water usage, Downstream Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB),
water users State Pollution Control Board (SPCB), Central Water
Command area development plan and Power Research Institute (CWPRS), Pune
Catchment treatment plan State Irrigation Department
Hydel Power generation organizations such as
NHPC, State SEBs
4. Ground Water- groundwater recharge Central Ground Water Board (CGWB)
rate/withdrawal rate, ground water potential Central Ground Water Authority (CGWA)
groundwater levels (pre monsoon, post monsoon), State Ground Water Board (SGWB)
ground water quality, changes observed in quality National Water Development Authority (NWDA)
and quantity of ground water in last 15 years
5. Coastal waters- water quality, tide and current data, Department of Ocean Development, New Delhi
bathymetry State Maritime Boards
Naval Hydrographer’s Office, Dehradun
Port Authorities
National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Goa
Biological Environment
6. Description of Biological Environment- inventory District Gazetteers
of flora and fauna in 7 km radius, endemic species, National Remote Sensing Agency (NRSA),
endangered species, Aquatic Fauna, Forest land, Hyderabad
forest type and density of vegetation, biosphere, Forest Survey of India, Dehradun
national parks, wild life sanctuaries, tiger reserve, Wildlife Institute of India
elephant reserve, turtle nesting ground, core zone World Wildlife Fund
of biosphere reserve, habitat of migratory birds, Zoological Survey of India
routes of migratory birds Botanical Survey of India
Bombay Natural History Society, (BNHS), Mumbai
State Forest Departments
State Fisheries Department
Ministry of Environment and Forests
State Agriculture Departments
State Agriculture Universities
Land Environment
7. Geographical Information-Latitude, Longitude, Toposheets of Survey of India, Pune
Elevation ( above MSL) National Remote Sensing Agency (NRSA),
Space Application Centre (SAC), Ahmedabad
11. Landuse in the project area and 10 km radius of the Survey of India- Toposheets
periphery of the project All India Soil and Landuse Survey; Delhi
National Remote Sensing Agency (NRSA),
Town and County Planning Organisation
State Urban Planning Department
Regional Planning Authorities (existing and proposed
Village Revenue Map- District Collectorate
Directorate of Economics and Statistics-State
Space Application Centre, Ahmedabad
Natural Disasters
15. Seismic data (Mining Projects)- zone no, no of Indian Meteorology Department, Pune
earthquakes and scale, impacts on life, property Geological Survey of India
existing mines
16. Landslide prone zone, geomorphological Space Application Centre
conditions, degree of susceptibility to mass
movement, major landslide history (frequency of
occurrence/decade), area affected, population
Based on web search and literature review
9. Central Institute of Brackish Water Repository of information on brackish water fishery resources with
Aquaculture systematic database of coastal fishery resources for ARIS
141, Marshalls Road, Egmore , Agricultural Research Information System (ARIS) database covers
Chennai - 600 008, State wise data on soil and water quality parameters, land use pattern,
Tel# 044-8554866, 8554891, production and productivity trends,
Director (Per) 8554851 Social, economic and environmental impacts of aquaculture farming,
Fax#8554851, Guidelines and effluent standards for aquaculture farming
10. Central Marine Fisheries Research Assessing and monitoring of exploited and un-exploited fish stocks in
Institute (CMFRI), Cochin Indian EEZ
Monitoring the health of the coastal ecosystems, particularly the
endangered ecosystems in relation to artisanal fishing, mechanised
fishing and marine pollution
The institute has been collecting data on the catch and effort and
biological characteristics for nearly half a century based on
scientifically developed sampling scheme, covering all the maritime
States of the country
The voluminous data available with the institute is managed by the
National Marine Living Resources Data Centre (NMLRDC)
11. Central Water and Power Research Numerical and Physical models for hydro-dynamic simulations
Station, Pune
Tel#020-4391801-14; 4392511;
Fax #020-4392004,4390189
12. Central Institute of Road Transport, Repository of data on all aspects of performance of STUs and a host
Bhosari, Pune of other related road transport parameters
411 026, India.
Tel : +91 (20) 7125177, 7125292,
7125493, 7125494
17. Indian Council of Agriculture A total of 80,000 profiles at 10 kms grid across the country were
Research, analyzed to characterize the soils of India.
Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi, Detailed soil maps of the Country (1:7 million), State (1:250,000) and
Tel#011-338206 districts map (1:50,000) depicting extent of degradation (1:4.4 millions)
have been prepared.
Thematic maps depicting soil depth, texture drainage, calcareousness,
− ICAR complex, Goa- Agro salinity, pH, slope and erosion have been published
metrology Agro-climate characterization of the country based on moisture,
− Central Arid Zone Research thermal and sunshine regimes
Institute- Agro forestry Agro-ecological zones (20) and sub-zones (60) for the country were
− Central Soil salinity Research delineated based on physiography, soils, climate, Length of Growing
Institute, Period and Available Water Content, and mapped on 1:4.4 million
− Indian Institute of Soil Science scale.
− Central Soil and Water Digitization of physiography and soil resource base on 1:50,000 scale
Conservation Research and for 14 States have been completed.
Training Institute .Soil fertility maps of N,P,K,S and Zn have also been developed
− National Bureau of Soil Survey Water quality guidelines for irrigation and naturally occurring
and Landuse Planning saline/sodic water
Calibration and verification of ground water models for predicting
water logging and salinity hazards in irrigation commands
18. Indian Bureau of Mines National mineral inventory for 61 minerals and mineral maps
Indira Bhawan, Civil Lines Nagpur Studies on environmental protection and pollution control in regard
Ph no - 0712-533 631, to the mining and mineral beneficiation operations
Fax- 0712-533 041 Collection, processing and storage of data on mines, minerals and
mineral-based industries, collection and maintenance of world mineral
intelligence, foreign mineral legislation and other related matters
21. Industrial Toxicology Research Activities include health survey on occupational diseases in industrial
Centre workers, air and water quality monitoring studies, ecotoxicological
Post Box No. 80, Mahatma Gandhi impact assessment, toxicity of chemicals, human health risk
Marg, Lucknow-226001, assessment
Phone: +91-522- Five databases on CD-ROM in the area of environmental toxicology
221856,213618,228227; Fax : +91- viz: TOXLINE, CHEMBANK, POISINDEX, POLTOX and
522 228227 PESTBANK. The Toxicology Information Centre provides
Email: [email protected] information on toxic chemicals including household chemicals
ENVIS centre and created a full-fledged computerized database
(DABTOC) on toxicity profiles of about 450 chemicals
22. Indian Institute of Forest Consultancy and research on joint forest management (Ford
Management Foundation, SIDA, GTZ, FAO etc)
Post Box No. 357, Nehru Nagar
Bhopal - 462 003
Phone # 0755-575716, 573799,
765125, 767851
Fax # 0755-572878
ISCST 3 Appropriate for point, area and line sources Can take up to 99 sources
Application for flat or rolling terrain Computes concentration on 600
Transport distance up to 50 km valid receptors in Cartesian on polar
Computes for 1 hr to annual averaging coordinate system
periods Can take receptor elevation
Requires source data,
meteorological and receptor data
as input.
AERMOD with Settling and dry deposition of particles; Can take up to 99 sources
AERMET Building wake effects (excluding cavity Computes concentration on 600
region impacts); receptors in Cartesian on polar
Point, area, line, and volume sources; coordinate system
Plume rise as a function of downwind Can take receptor elevation
distance; Requires source data,
Multiple point, area, line, or volume meteorological and receptor data
sources; as input.
Limited terrain adjustment;
Long-term and short-term averaging modes;
Rural or urban modes;
Variable receptor grid density;
Actual hourly meteorology data
PTMAX Screening model applicable for a single Require source characteristics
point source No met data required
Computes maximum concentration and Used mainly for ambient air
distance of maximum concentration monitoring network design
occurrence as a function of wind speed and
stability class
PTDIS Screening model applicable for a single Require source characteristics
point source Average met data (wind speed,
Computes maximum pollutant concentration temperature, stability class etc.)
and its occurrences for the prevailing required
meteorological conditions Used mainly to see likely impact
of a single source
MPTER Appropriate for point, area and line sources Can take 250 sources
applicable for flat or rolling terrain Computes concentration at 180
Transport distance up to 50 km valid receptors up to 10 km
Computes for 1 hr to annual averaging Requires source data,
periods meteorological data and receptor
Terrain adjustment is possible coordinates
CTDM PLUS Point source steady state model, can Can take maximum 40 Stacks and
(Complex estimate hrly average concentration in computes concentration at
Terrain isolated hills/ array of hills maximum 400 receptors
Dispersion Does not simulate calm met
Model) conditions
Hill slopes are assumed not to
exceed 15 degrees
Requires sources, met and terrain
characteristics and receptor details
Model Application Remarks
Model Application Remarks
effects or depletion mechanism
such as rain/ wash out, dry
CDM(Climatolo It is a climatologically steady state GPM for Suitable for point and area sources
gically determining long term (seasonal or annual) in urban region, flat terrain
Arithmetic average pollutant concentration Valid for transport distance less
Dispersion at any ground level receptor in an urban area than 50 km
Model) Long term averages: One month to
one year or longer
PLUVUE-II Applicable to assess visibility impairment Require source characteristics, met
(Plume due to pollutants emitted from well defined data and receptor coordinates &
Visibility point sources elevation
Model) It is used to calculate visual range reduction Require atmospheric aerosols
and atmospheric discoloration caused by (back ground & emitted)
plumes characteristics, like density,
It predicts transport, atmospheric diffusion, particle size
chemical, conversion, optical effects, and Require background pollutant
surface deposition of point source concentration of SO4, NO3, NOx,
emissions. NO2, O3, SO2 and deposition
velocities of SO2, NO2 and
MESO-PUFF II It is a Gaussian, Variable trajectory, puff Can model five pollutants
(Meso scale superposition model designed to account fro simultaneously (SO2, SO4, NOx,
Puff Model) spatial and temporal variations in transport, HNO3 and NO3)
diffusion, chemical transformation and Require source characteristics
removal mechanism encountered on Can take 20 point sources or 5 area
regional scale. source
Plume is modeled as a series of discrete For area source – location,
puffs and each puff is transported effective height, initial puff size,
independently emission is required
Appropriate for point and area sources in Computes pollutant concentration
urban areas at max. 180 discrete receptors and
Regional scale model. 1600 (40 x 40) grided receptors
Require hourly surface data
including cloud cover and twice a
day upper air data (pressure, temp,
height, wind speed, direction)
Do not include gravitational
effects or depletion mechanism
such as rain/ wash out, dry
Table 2: Choice of Models for Impact Modeling: Noise Environment
Model Application
Explore –I, USEPA A river basin water quality model Dynamic, Simple
Model Application Remarks
HSPE, USEPA Hydrologic simulation model Dynamic, Simple
RECEIVE-II, A general dynamic planning model for water quality
USEPA management
Stanford watershed This model simulates stream flows once historic
model precipitation data are supplied
The major components of the hydrologic cycle are
modeled including interception, surface detention,
overland inflow, groundwater, evapo-transpiration and
routing of channel flows, temperature, TDS, DO,
carbonaceous BOD coliforms, algae, zooplanktons,
nitrite, nitrate, ammonia, phosphate and conservative
substances can be simulated
Hydrocomp model Long-term meteorological and wastewater Time dependant
characterization data is used to simulate stream flows (Dynamic)
and stream water quality
Stormwater Runoff is modeled from overland flow, through surface Time Dependent
Management model channels, and through sewer network Both combined
(SWMM) and separate sewers can be modeled.
This model also enables to simulate water quality
effects to stormwater or combined sewer discharges.
This model simulates runoff resulting from individual
rainfall events.
Battelle Reservoir Water body is divided into segments along the Two Dimensional multi-
model direction of the flow and each segment is divided into segment model
number of horizontal layers. The model is found to
generate excellent simulation of temperature and good
prediction of water quality parameters.
The model simulates temperature, DO, total and
benthic BOD, phytoplankton, zooplankton, organic and
inorganic nitrogen, phosphorous, coliform bacteria,
toxic substances and hydrodynamic conditions.
TIDEP (Turbulent Horizontal temperature homogeneity Coefficient of Steady state model
diffusion vertical turbulent diffusion constant for charge of area
temperature model with depth negligible coefficient of thermal exchange
reservoirs) constant
Data required wind speed, air temperature, air
humidity, net incoming radiation, surface water
temperature, heat exchange coefficients and vertical
turbulent diffusion coefficients.
BIOLAKE Model estimates potential fish harvest from a take Steady state model
Estuary models/ It is simulates tides, currents, and discharge in shallow, Dynamic model
estuarial Dynamic vertically mixed estuaries excited by ocean tides,
model hydrologic influx, and wind action
Tides, currents in estuary are simulated
Dynamic Water It simulates the mass transport of either conservative or Dynamic model
Quality Model non-conservative quality constituents utilizing
Model Application Remarks
information derived from the hydrodynamic model
Bay-Delta model is the programme generally used.
Up to 10 independent quality parameters of either
conservative or non-conservative type plus the BOD-
DO coupled relationship can be handled
HEC -2 To compute water surface profiles for stead7y,
gradually: varying flow in both prismatic & non-
prismatic channels
SMS Lake circulation, salt water intrusion, surface water Surface water Modeling
profile simulation model system Hydrodynamic
RMA2 To compute flow velocities and water surface Hydrodynamic analysis
elevations model
RMA4 Solves advective-diffusion equations to model up to six Constituent transport
non-interacting constituents model
SED2D-WES Model simulates transport of sediment Sediment transport
HIVEL2D Model supports subcritical and supercritical flow A 2-dimensional
analysis hydrodynamic model
MIKE-II, DHI Model supports, simulations of flows, water quality, Professional Engineering
and sediment transport in estuaries, rives, irrigation software package
systems, channels & other water bodies
Sample Density and Average number of The quadrant sampling technique is
plot relative density individuals species per unit applicable in all types of plant
methods area communities and for the study of
submerged, sessile (attached at the
Density and
base) or sedentary plants
relative dominance Relative degree to which a
species predominates a
community by its sheer
numbers, size bulk or biomass
Frequency and Plant dispersion over an area Commonly accepted plot size:
relative frequency or within a community 0.1 m2- mosses, lichens & other mat-
importance value like plants
Average of relative density, 0.1 m2- herbaceous vegetation
relative dominance and including grasses
relative frequency
10.20 m2 – for shrubs and saplings up
to 3m tall, and
100 m2 – for tree communities
Name Relevance Applications Remarks
Transects Cover Ratio of total amount of line This methods allows for rapid
& line intercepted by each species assessment of vegetation transition
intercepts and total length of the line zones, and requires minimum time or
methods intercept given its cover equipment of establish
Relative It is the ratio of total Two or more vegetation strata can be
dominance individuals of a species and sampled simultaneously
total individuals of all species
Plot-less Mean point plant Mean point – plant distance Vegetation measurements are
sampling Mean area per plant determined from points rather than
methods being determined in an area with
Mean area per
Density and Method is used in grass-land and open
relative density shrub and tree communities
Dominance and It allows more rapid and extensive
relative dominance sampling than the plot method
Importance value Point- quarter method is commonly
used in woods and forests.
Species Animal species list List of animal communities Animal species lists present common
list observed directly and scientific names of the species
methods involved so that the faunal resources of
the area are catalogued
Direct Animal species List of animals communities This method involves collection, study
Contact list observed directly and release of animals
Count Drive counts Observation of animals Count indices provide estimates of
indices by driving them past trained animal populations and are obtained
methods observers from signs, calls or trailside counts or
Temporal counts
(Roadside roadside counts
and aerial
Call counts Count of all animals passing a These estimates, through they do not
fixed point during some stated provide absolute population numbers,
interval of time Provide an index of the various species
in an area
Such indices allow comparisons
through the seasons or between sites or
Removal Population size Number of species captured Removal methods are used to obtain
methods population estimates of small
mammals, such as, rodents through
baited snap traps
Market Population size Number of species originally It involves capturing a portion of the
population and at some later date
Name Relevance Applications Remarks
capture estimate marked (T) sampling the ratio of marked to total
methods (M) Number of marked animals animals caught in the population
recaptured (t) and total
number of animals captured
during census (n)
N = nT/t
Form through which the State Governments/Administration of
the Union Territories Submit Nominations for SEIAA and SEAC
for the Consideration and Notification by the
Central Government
Form for Nomination of a professional/expert as Chairperson / Member / Secretary of the SEIAA / EAC /
1 Name (in block letters)
2 Address for communication
Caj O. Falcke, “Industrial Park - Principles and Practice”, Journal of Economic Co-operation
among Islamic Countries, 1999.
ICRIER, “Export Processing Zones in India: Analysis of the Export Performance”, Aradhana
Agarwal, Working Paper, , November 2004.
Erik Louw & Barrie Needham, “Spatial efficiency and the Planning of Industrial Estates”,
July 2003.
Central Board for the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution “Industrial Estate
Planning”, Report on Symposium on the Pollution Problem of Industrial Estate, Programme
Objective Series Probes/4/1979-1980.
Shaleen Singhal and Amit Kapur, “Industrial Estate Planning and Management in India - An
Integrated approach towards Industrial Ecology”, Journal of Environmental management,
General Review Study of Small & Medium Enterprise (SME) Clusters in India.
Ecosmart India Ltd., - Report on Secondary Data Collection for Environmental Information
Centre, submitted to Ministry of Environment and Forests, 28th March 2003
Referred Websites