Leather Industry
Leather Industry
Leather Industry
Prepared for
Ministry of Environment and Forests
Government of India
IL&FS Ecosmart Limited
September 2009
Table 3-1: Characteristics of Wastewater ............................................................................................3-8
Table 3-6: Tannery Effluent Standard (After Primary Treatment): Disposal Channel/Conduit Carrying
Wastewater to Secondary Treatment Plant......................................................................3-27
Table 4-3: List of Important Physical Environment Components and Indicators of EBM...............4-22
Table 5-1: Roles and Responsibilities of Stakeholders Involved in Prior Environmental Clearance .5-1
Table 5-3: SEIAA: Eligibility Criteria for Chairperson / Members / Secretary ..................................5-5
Figure 2-1: Inclusive Components of Sustainable Development.........................................................2-1
Figure 4-1: Prior Environmental Clearance Process for Activities Falling Under Category A ...........4-3
Figure 4-2: Prior Environmental Clearance Process for Activities Falling Under Category B ...........4-4
Annexure I
Annexure II
Annexure III
Annexure IV
Annexure V
AAQ Ambient Air Quality
BAT Best Available Technology
BOD Biological oxygen demand
BOO Build-Operate-Own
BOT Build-Operate-Transfer
°C degree Celsius
CCA Conventional Cost Accounting
CETP Common Effluent Treatment Plant
CFE Consent for Establishment
CO2 Carbon dioxide
COD Chemical Oxygen Demand
Cr Chromium
Cr2O3 Chromium Oxide
Cr2(SO4)3 Chromium Sulphate
CRZ Coastal Regulatory Zone
DS Dissolved Solids
EAC Expert Appraisal Committee
EBM Environmental Baseline Monitoring
EcE Economic-cum-Environmental
EcE Economic-cum-Environmental
ECI Environmental Condition Indicators
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
EIS Environmental Information system
EPI Environmental performance Indicators
EMS Environmental Management System
EMP Environmental Management Plan
FCA Full Cost Assessment
FSS Fixed Suspended Solids
GC General Conditions
g/l grams per litre
H2S Hydrogen Sulfide
HAPs Hazardous Air Pollutants
HTL High Tide Line
HVLP High Volume Low Pressure
IL&FS Infrastructure Leasing and Financial Services
IMD India Meteorological Department
EIA has emerged as one of the successful policy innovations of the 20th Century to
ensure sustained development. Today, EIA is formalized as a regulatory tool in more
than 100 countries for effectively integrating environmental concerns in economic
development process. The EIA process in India was made mandatory and was also given
a legislative status through a Notification issued in January 1994. The Notification,
however, covered only a few selected industrial developmental activities. While there are
subsequent amendments, this Notification issued on September 14, 2006 supersedes all
the earlier Notifications, and has brought out structural changes in the clearance
The basic tenets of this EIA Notification could be summarized into following:
Pollution potential as the basis for prior environmental clearance based on pollution
potential instead of investment criteria; and
Technical issues
Ensuring level playing ground to avoid arbitrariness in the decision-making process
Classification of projects which do not require public hearing and detailed EIA
(Category B2).
Variations in drawing the Terms of Reference (ToR) for EIA studies for a given
developmental activity across the States/UTs.
Varying developmental-activity-specific expertise requirement for EIA studies and
their appraisal.
Availability of adequate sectoral experts and variations in competency levels.
Inadequate data verification, cross checking tools and supporting institutional
Meeting time targets without compromising with the quality of assessments/ reviews
Varying knowledge and skill levels of regulators, consultants and experts.
The purpose of developing these sector-specific technical EIA guidance manuals (TGM)
is to provide clear and concise information on EIA to all the stakeholders i.e., the project
proponent, the consultant, the reviewer, and the public. The TGMs are organized to cover
The contents of the document are designed with a view to facilitate in addressing the
relevant technical and operational issues as mentioned in the earlier section. Besides,
facilitates various stakeholders involved in the EIA clearance process i.e.,
Project proponents will be fully aware of the procedures, common ToR for sector-
specific EIA studies, timelines, required expertise, monitoring needs, etc., in order to
plan the projects/studies appropriately.
Consultants across India will have similar understanding about a given sector, and
also the procedure for EIA studies, so that the quality of the EIA reports gets
improved and streamlined
Reviewers across the states/UTs will have the same understanding about an industry
sector and would able to draw a benchmark to establish the significant impacts for the
purpose of prescribing the ToR for EIA studies and also in the process of review and
Public who are concerned about a new or expansion projects, can have access to this
manual to know the manufacturing/production details, rejects/wastes from the
operations, choice of cleaner/ control technologies, regulatory requirements, likely
environmental and social concerns, mitigation measures, etc., in order to seek
clarifications appropriately in the process of public consultation. The procedural
clarity in the document will further strengthen them to understand the stages involved
in clearance and roles and responsibilities of various organizations.
In addition, these manuals would substantially ease the pressure on reviewers at the
scoping stage and would bring in functional efficiency at the central and state levels.
The Ministry of Environment & Forests (MoEF), Government of India took up the task of
developing sector-specific TGMs for all the developmental activities listed in the re-
engineered EIA Notification. The Infrastructure Leasing and Financial Services (IL&FS),
Ecosmart Limited (Ecosmart), has been entrusted with the task of developing these
manuals for 27 industrial and related sectors. Leather/skin/hide processing industry is one
of these sectors, for which this manual is prepared.
The ability to design comprehensive EIA studies for specific industries depends on
knowledge of several interrelated topics. Therefore, it requires expert inputs from
multiple dimensions i.e., administrative, project management, technical, scientific, social,
economic, risk, etc., in order to comprehensively analyze the issues of concern and to
draw logical interpretations. Thus, Ecosmart has designed a well-composed
implementation framework to factor inputs of the experts and stakeholders in the process
of finalization of these manuals.
The process of manual preparation involved collection & collation of the secondary
available information, technical review by sectoral resource persons and critical review
and finalization by a competent Expert Committee composed of core and sectoral peer
The MoEF appreciates the efforts of Ecosmart, Expert Core and Peer Committee,
resource persons and all those who have directly and indirectly contributed to this
This TGM is brought out by the MoEF to provide clarity to all the stakeholders involved
in the ‘prior environmental clearance’ process. As such, the contents and clarifications
given in this document do not withstand in case of a conflict with the statutory provisions
of the Notifications and Executive Orders issued by the MoEF from time-to-time.
TGMs are not regulatory documents. Instead, these are the tools designed to assist in
successful completion of an EIA.
For the purposes of this project, the key elements considered under TGMs are: conceptual
aspects of EIA; developmental activity-specific information; operational aspects; and
roles and responsibilities of involved stakeholders.
This manual is prepared considering the Notification issued on September 14, 2006 and
the updates. For recent updates, if any, may please refer the website of the MoEF,
Government of India i.e., www.envfor.nic.in
“Environment” in EIA context mainly focuses, but is not limited to physical, chemical
biological, geological, social, economical, and aesthetic dimensions along with their
complex interactions, which affect individuals, communities and ultimately determines
their forms, character, relationship, and survival. In the EIA context, ‘effect’ and
‘impact’ can often be used interchangeably. However, ‘impact’ is considered as a value
judgment of the significance of an effect.
“It is necessary to understand the links between environment and development in order to
make choices for development that will be economically efficient, socially equitable and
responsible, as well as environmentally sound.” Agenda 21
Pollution control strategies can be broadly categorized in to preventive and reactive. The
reactive strategy refers to the steps that may be applied once the wastes are generated or
contamination of receiving environment takes place. The control technology or a
combination of technologies to minimize the impact due to the process rejects/wastes
varies with the quantity and characteristics, desired control efficiency and economics.
Therefore, there is a need to shift the emphasis from the reactive to preventive strategy
i.e., to promote preventive environmental management. Preventive environmental
management tools may be classified into following three groups:
Risk is associated with the frequency of failure and consequence effect. Predicting such
situations and evaluation of risk is essential to take appropriate preventive measures. The
major concern of the assessment is to identify the activities falling in a matrix of high &
low frequencies at which the failures occur and the degree of its impact. The high
frequency, low impact activities can be managed by regular maintenance i.e., LDAR
(Leak detection and repair) programmes. Whereas, the low frequency, high impact
activities are of major concern (accidents) in terms of risk assessment. As the frequency
is low, often the required precautions are not realized or maintained. However, the risk
assessment identify the areas of major concerns which require additional preventive
measures; likely consequence distances considering domino effects, which will give the
possible casualties and ecological loss in case of accidents. These magnitudes demand
the attention for preventive and disaster management plans (DMP). Thus is an essential
tool to ensure safety of operations.
By availing this concept, firms can minimize the costs incurred on the environmental
conservation throughout the project life cycle. LCA also provides sufficient scope to
think about cost-effective alternatives.
Total Cost Assessment (TCA) is an enhanced financial analysis tool that is used to assess
the profitability of alternative courses of action ex. raw material substitution to reduce the
costs of managing the wastes generated by process; an energy retrofit to reduce the costs
of energy consumption. This is particularly relevant for pollution prevention options,
because of their nature, often produce financial savings that are overlooked in
conventional financial analysis, either because they are misallocated, uncertain, hard to
quantify, or occur more than three to five years after the initial investment. TCA involves
all of the relevant costs and savings associated with an option so that it can compete for
scarce capital resources fairly, on a level playing field. The assessments are often
beneficial in respect of the following:
Conventional cost accounting (CCA): Direct and indirect financial costs and
Recognized contingent costs
Total Cost Assessment (TCA): A broader range of direct, indirect, contingent and
less quantifiable costs
Full Cost assessment (FCA): TCA and External social costs borne by society Environmental audit/statement
Relative indicators may be identified for different industrial sectors and be integrated in
the companies and organizations to monitor and manage the different environmental
aspects of the company, to benchmark and compare two or more companies from the
same sector. These could cover the water consumption, wastewater generation, energy
consumption, solid/hazardous waste generation, chemical consumption etc., per tonne of
final product. Once these bench marks are developed, the industries which are below
them may be guided and enforced to reach the level and those which are better than the
benchmark may be encouraged further by giving incentives, etc.
The operational performance indicators are related to the process and other operational
activities of the organization, these would typically address the issue of raw material
consumption, energy consumption, water consumption in the organization, the quantities
of waste water generated, other solid wastes generated, emission from the organization,
Indicators basically used to evaluate environmental performance against the set standards
and thus indicate the direction in which to proceed. Selection of type of indicators for a
firm or project depends upon its relevance, clarity and realistic cost of collection and its
Market based instruments are regulations that encourage behavior through market signals
rather than through explicit directives regarding pollution control levels. These policy
instruments such as tradable permits pollution charge are often described as harnessing
market forces. Market based instruments can be categorized into the following four
major categories which are discussed below:
Pollution Charge: Charge system will assess a fee or tax on the amount of pollution
a firm or source generates. It is worthwhile for the firm to reduce emissions to the
point, where its marginal abatement costs are equal to the tax rate. Thus firms control
pollution to different degrees i.e., High cost controllers – less; low-cost controllers –
more. The charge system encourages the industries to further reduce the pollutants.
The charges thus collected can form a fund for restoration of the environment.
Another form of pollution charge is a deposit refund system, where, consumers pay a
surcharge when purchasing a potentially polluting product, and receive a refund on
return of the product after useful life span at appropriate centers. The concept of
extended producers’ responsibility brought in to avoid accumulation of dangerous
products in the environment.
Tradable Permits: Under this system, firms that achieve the emission levels below
their allotted level may sell the surplus permits. Similarly the firms, which are
required to spend more to attain the required degree of treatment/allotted levels, can
purchase permits from others at lower costs and may be benefited.
Market Barrier Reductions: Three known market barrier reduction types are as
− Market Creation: Measures that facilitate the voluntary exchange of water rights
and thus promote more efficient allocation of scarce water supplies.
There are many forums under which the fund is made available for the issues which are of
global/regional concern (GEF, OECD, Deutch green fund etc.) i.e., climate change, Basal
convention and further fund sources are being explored for the Persistent Organic
Pollutants Convention. Besides these global funding mechanisms, there needs to be
localized alternative mechanisms for boosting the investment in environmental pollution
control. For example, in India the Government has established mechanism to fund the
common effluent treatment plants, which are specifically serving the small and medium
scale enterprises i.e., 25% share by the state Government, matching grants from the
Central Government and surety for 25% soft loan. It means that the industries need to
invest only 25% in first run, thus encouraging voluntary compliance.
There are some more options i.e., if the pollution tax/charge is imposed on the residual
pollution being caused by the industries, municipalities, etc., fund will automatically be
generated, which in turn, can be utilized back for funding the environmental improvement
programmes. The emerging concept of build-operate-transfer (BOT) and build-operate-
own (BOO) are an encouraging development, where there is a possibility to generate
revenue by application of advanced technologies. There are many opportunities which
can be explored, however, what is required is the paradigm shift and focused efforts.
EMS is that part of the overall management system which includes the organizational
structure, responsibilities, practices, procedures, process and resources for determining
and implementing the forms of overall aims, principles of action w.r.t. the environment.
It encompasses the totality of organizational, administrative and policy provisions to be
taken by a firm to control its environmental influences. Common elements of an EMS are
the identification of the environmental impacts and legal obligations, the development of
a plan for management & improvement the assignment of the responsibilities and
monitoring of the performance.
Quality is regarded as
A product attribute that had to be set at an acceptable level and balanced against the
cost Eco-labeling
Cleaner production is one of the tools, which has lot of bearing on environmental
pollution control. It is also seen that the approach is changing with time i.e., dumping-to-
control-to-recycle-to-prevention. Promotion of cleaner production principles involve an
insight into the production process not only to get desired yield but also to optimize on
raw material consumption i.e., resource conservation and implications of the waste
treatment and disposal.
The concept endorses utilization of the wastes as a by-product to the extent possible i.e.,
Re-cycle, Recover, Re-use, Recharge. Recycling refers to using the wastes/by-products
in the process again as a raw material to maximize the production. Recovery refers to
engineering means such as solvent extraction, distillation, precipitation, etc., to separate
the useful constituents of the wastes, so that these recovered materials can be used. Reuse
refers to the utilization of waste from one process as a raw material to other. Recharging
is an option in which the natural systems are used for renovation of waste for further use. Eco-efficiency
For most businesses, the two essentials for success are the responsive markets and access
to cost-effective, quality resources for producing products or delivering services. In
absence of these two factors, virtually, every other incentive becomes a minor
Transportation issues are important at two levels, the ability to get goods to market in an
expeditious way is essential to success in this day of just in time inventories. The use of
least impact transportation with due consideration of speed and cost supports business
success and addresses concerned in the community.
The Government of India brought out the state of environment report for entire country
and similar reports available for many of the states. These reports are published at regular
intervals to record trends and to identify the required interventions at various levels.
These reports consider the internationally accepted DPSIR framework for the presentation
of the information. DPSIR refers to
Corporate environmental reports (CER) are only one form of environmental reporting
defined as publicly available, stand alone reports, issued voluntarily by the industries on
their environmental activities (Borphy and Starkey-1996). CER is a means to
environmental improvement and greater accountability, not an end in itself.
Involuntary Disclosure: Without its permission and against its will (env. Campaign,
press, etc.)
Mandatory Disclosure: As required by law
Voluntary Disclosure: The disclosure of information on a voluntary basis
Environmental assessments could be classified into four types i.e. strategic environmental
assessment, regional EIA, sectoral EIA and project level EIA. These are precisely
discussed below:
Regional EIA
Sectoral EIA
Instead of project-level-EIA, an EIA should take place in the context of regional and
sectoral level planning. Once sectoral level development plans have the integrated
sectoral environmental concerns addressed, the scope of project-level EIA will be quite
minimal. Sectoral EIA helps in addressing specific environmental problems that may be
encountered in planning and implementing sectoral development projects.
Project level EIA refers to the developmental activity in isolation and the impacts that it
exerts on the receiving environment. Thus, it may not effectively integrate the cumulative
effects of the development in a region.
From the above discussion, it is clear that EIA shall be integrated at all the levels i.e.,
strategic, regional, sectoral and the project level. Whereas, the strategic EIA is a
structural change in the way the things are evaluated for decision-making, the regional
EIA refers to substantial information processing and drawing complex inferences. The
project-level EIA is relatively simple and reaches to meaningful conclusions. Therefore
in India, largely, the project-level EIA studies are taking place and are being considered.
However, in the re-engineered Notification, provisions have been incorporated for giving
a single clearance for the entire industrial estate for e.g., Leather parks, pharma cities etc.,
which is a step towards the regional approach.
Integrity: The EIA process should be fair, objective, unbiased and balanced
Utility: The EIA process should provide balanced, credible information for decision-
Sustainability: The EIA process should result in environmental safeguards
Ideally an EIA process should be:
The generic project cycle including that of leather/skin/hide processing industry has six
main stages:
1. Project concept
2. Pre-feasibility
3. Feasibility
4. Design and engineering
5. Implementation
6. Monitoring and evaluation
It is important to consider the environmental factors on an equal basis with technical and
economic factors throughout the project planning, assessment and implementation phases.
EIA should be introduced at the earliest in the project cycle and must be an integral part
of the project pre-feasibility and feasibility stage. If the EIA considerations are given due
respect in the site selection process by the project proponent, the subsequent stages of the
clearance process would get simplified and would also facilitate easy compliance to the
mitigation measures throughout the project life cycle.
Environmental impacts resulting from proposed actions can be grouped into following
Beneficial or detrimental
Naturally reversible or irreversible
Repairable via management practices or irreparable
Short term or long term
Temporary or continuous
Occurring during construction phase or operational phase
The nature of impacts could fall within three broad classifications i.e., direct, indirect and
cumulative, based on the characteristics of impacts. The assessment of direct, indirect
and cumulative impacts should not be considered in isolation nor can be considered as
separate stages in the EIA. Ideally, the assessment of such impacts should form an
integral part of all stages of the EIA. The TGM does not recommend a single method to
assess the types of impacts, but suggests a practical framework/approach that can be
adapted and combined to suit a particular project and the nature of impacts.
Indirect impacts on the environment are those which are not a direct result of the project,
often produced away from or as a result of a complex impact pathway. The indirect
impacts are also known as secondary or even tertiary level impacts. For example,
ambient air SO2 rise due to stack emissions may deposit on land as SO4 and cause acidic
soils. Another example of indirect impact, is the decline in water quality due to rise in
temperature of water bodies receiving cooling water discharge from the nearby industry.
This, in turn, may lead to a secondary indirect impact on aquatic flora in that water body
and may further cause reduction in fish population. Reduction in fishing harvests,
affecting the incomes of fishermen is a third level impact. Such impacts are characterized
as socio-economic (third level) impacts. The indirect impacts may also include growth-
inducing impacts and other effects related to induced changes to the pattern of land use or
additional road network, population density or growth rate. In the process, air, water and
other natural systems including the ecosystem may also be affected.
The cumulative impacts can be due to induced actions of projects and activities that may
occur if the action under assessment is implemented such as growth-inducing impacts and
other effects related to induced changes to the pattern of future land use or additional road
network, population density or growth rate (e.g. excess growth may be induced in the
zone of influence around a power project, and in the process causing additional effects on
air, water and other natural ecosystems). Induced actions may not be officially
announced or be part of any official plan. Increase in workforce and nearby communities
contributes to this effect.
They usually have no direct relationship with the action under assessment, and represent
the growth-inducing potential of an action. New roads leading from those constructed for
a project, increased recreational activities (e.g., hunting, fishing), and construction of new
service facilities are examples of induced actions.
However, the cumulative impacts due to induced development or third level or even
secondary indirect impacts are difficult to be quantified. Because of higher levels of
uncertainties, these impacts cannot normally be assessed over a long time horizon. An
EIA practitioner usually can only guess as to what such induced impacts may be and the
possible extent of their implications on the environmental factors. Respective EAC may
exercise their discretion on a case-by-case basis for considering the induced impacts.
This TGM establishes the significance of impacts first and proceeds to delineate the
associated mitigation measures. So the significance here reflects the ‘worst-case
scenario’ before mitigation is applied, and therefore provides an understanding of what
may happen if mitigation fails or is not as effective as predicted. For establishing
significance of different impacts, understanding the responses and interaction of the
environmental system is essential. Hence, the impact interactions and pathways are to be
understood and established first. Such an understanding will help in the assessment
process to quantify the impact as accurately as possible. Complex interactions,
particularly in the case of certain indirect or cumulative impacts, may give rise to non-
linear responses which are often difficult to understand and therefore their significance
difficult to assess. It is hence understood that indirect or cumulative impacts are more
complex than the direct impacts. Currently the impact assessments are limited to direct
impacts. In case mitigation measures are delineated before determining significance of
the effect, the significance represents the residual effects.
Waste emissions from a project should be within the assimilative capacity of the local
environment to absorb without unacceptable degradation of its future waste
absorptive capacity or other important services.
Harvest rates of renewable resource inputs should be within the regenerative capacity
of the natural system that generates them; depletion rates of non-renewable inputs
should be equal to the rate at which renewable substitutes are developed by human
invention and investment.
The aim of this model is to curb over-consumption and unacceptable environmental
degradation. But because of limitation in available scientific basis, this definition
provides only general guidelines for determining the sustainable use of inputs and
outputs. To establish the level of significance for each identified impact, a three-stage
analysis may be referred:
The criteria can be determined by answering some questions regarding the factors
affecting the significance. This will help the EIA stake-holders, the practitioner in
particular, to determine the significance of the identified impacts eventually. Typical
examples of such factors (one approach reported by Duval and Vonk 1994) include the
The EIA should also consider the effects that could arise from the project due to induced
developments, which take place as a consequence of the project. Ex. Population density
and associated infrastructure and jobs for people attracted to the area by the project. It
also requires consideration of cumulative effects that could arise from a combination of
the effects due to other projects with those of other existing or planned developments in
the surrounding area. So the necessity to formulate a qualitative checklist is suggested to
test significance, in general.
3.1 Introduction
The use of leather goes back to the pre-historic times. The principal raw material is the
hide or skin of animals including—to a small extent— that of reptiles, fish and birds. The
tannery operation involves converting the raw skin, a highly putrescible material, into
leather, a stable material, which can be used in the manufacture of a wide range of
products. The whole process involves a sequence of complex chemical reactions and
mechanical processes. Performing various steps of pre- and post-treatment, generates a
final product with specific properties: stability, appearance, water resistance, temperature
resistance, elasticity and permeability for perspiration and air, etc.
The tanning of hides and skins also generates other by-products, which find outlets in
several industrial sectors such as—dog biscuits and other animal food production, fine
chemicals including photography and cosmetics, soil conditioning and fertilizers. The
process of making leather has always been associated with odour and water pollution. As
it seemed to be an inevitable consequence of the activity at the time, in some cultures
people engaged in this industry rarely enjoyed a high social status. Most of the basic
stages of leather making are still the same, but the tanning industry has undergone
important changes. Several major improvements were made for environmental
A considerable potential impact of tanning and associated activities on air, surface and
ground water, soil and other natural resources arises from the chemicals applied, the raw
materials used, the effluents, wastes and off-gases release generated in the process.
Therefore, provisions for pollution control, waste generation and disposal, chemical
safety, accidents, raw material/ water/ energy consumption are essential.
Tanning industry is one of the oldest industries in India and ranks amongst the five top-
most export oriented industries of the country. The total value of leather and leather
products export and Indian market was estimated around US $ 8 billion for the year 2008.
The main centers of tanning industry are located in the States of Tamil Nadu, Andhra
Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Punjab, Rajasthan and
West Bengal. There are about 2000 tanneries spread all over India. The total processing
capacity is about seven thousand tonnes per year. About 75% of the tanneries are in
cottage and small-scale sector, about 20% in the medium and only about 5% in the
medium/large sector.
Animal skin consists of epidermis, a layer of fatty tissue called areolar and inner corium.
The semi-soluble protein, called ‘collagen’ present in corium is converted into highly
durable leather through tanning operations. Skin of cows and buffaloes is called hide.
Skin of goats and sheep is called skin. In India, 80% of hide available is from animals
that died naturally due to ban on cow slaughter in many parts of the country. Goat and
sheep skins, however, are by products of meat industry. Hides are 1-3 square meter (m2)
in size and weigh about 10-20 kilograms (kg). Skins are smaller in size, 0.4 – 0.5 m2 and
lighter in weight around 1-2 kg. Slaughter hides and skins contain 60-70% of moisture,
which make them liable to bacterial attack, which in turn decomposes the hides and skins.
The preservation of hides and skins in a tannery can be split into following four main
Tanning operations
Post-tanning and finishing operations
Furthermore, tanneries employ abatement techniques for the treatment of wastewater,
solid waste and air emissions generated during these processes. Operations carried out in
the beam house, tanyard, and post-tanning areas are often referred to as wet processes, as
they are performed in processing vessels such as drums. After post-tanning, the leather is
subjected to dry finishing operations.
Processes employed in each of the above categories change depending on the raw
materials used and the final desired products. Hence the environmental impacts vary
from tannery to tannery and a more detailed assessment is necessary at each unit/site.
The process of converting raw hides and skins into leather is called tanning. The
operations falling in pre-tanning, tanning and post-tanning operations are depicted in the
figure below:
a) Raw hides/skins
Usually, the hides/skins consist 65% of the water and 30-35% proteins and fat. Because
of the high amount of moisture in the hides/skin, there will be bacterial degradation. In
order to prevent this bacterial activity, the moisture content should be brought down to
less than 30%. This dehydration is usually done by applying common salt (i.e., Sodium
Chloride) to the hides/ skins to the tune of 30-45% by weight.
b) Sorting
Hides and skins are sorted into several grades by size, weight, or quality.
c) Trimming
Trimming is generally carried out during the sorting process. Some of the edges (legs,
tails and heads, etc.) of the raw hides and skins can be cut off. Usually this is done in the
abattoir, but it can also be carried out in tanneries.
Curing is a process that prevents the decomposition of hides and skins from the time they
are flayed in the abattoir until the processes in the beam house begin. Whenever a raw
material cannot be processed immediately ("green"), it must be cured. Popular methods
of long-term preservation are salting and drying. Methods for short-term preservation (2-
5 days) are cooling, using crushed ice or refrigerated storage, and biocides. Curing is
done in the abattoir, at the hide market, or at the tannery. In certain cases it might be
necessary to repeat the step in the tannery, e.g., chilled hides can be salted for longer
storage or if salting was not efficient enough.
Hides and skins are generally stored on pallets in ventilated or air- conditioned and/or
cooled areas, depending on the method of curing chosen. From storage the hides and
skins are taken to the beam house.
e) Soaking
The main purpose of this process is to remove the salt used during curing, re-hydrating
the material and to get rid of unwanted materials such as dung, blood, soil, etc. The
duration of soaking may range from several hours to a few days. Depending on the type
of raw materials used, soaking additives such as surfactants, enzyme preparations and
bactericides can be used.
Dirt Soaking – In dirt soaking, 300-400 % of water is used to remove the unwanted
Main Soaking – The purpose of main soaking is to re-hydrate the material. In this
operation, water, non-anionic wetting agent (0.2 % concentrated Soda ash (0.2%
concentrated) and preservatives (0.0 5% concentration) are used.
Final soaking – Only water is used for the washing purpose in this operation
Major part of salt associated with preservation of skin/ hides is removed during the
soaking operation.
f) Liming
The purpose of this operation is to facilitate the removal of hair, flesh, fat (partially),
inter-fibrillary protein and to open-up the fibrous structure for osmotic swelling. The
process of liming can be broadly classified into two parts i.e., dehairing and re-liming
Dehairing – Lime (8-10 %) along with Sodium Sulphide (3 %) is applied to the skin
to remove hair
Re-liming – To open up fibrous structure, lime, soda ash, caustic soda, etc., are
applied. The pH of the skin being processed will rise to 12- 12.5.
g) Fleshing
The excess fleshing is removed manually or by using fleshing machines. The quantity of
wet fleshings is in the range of 10-15% of the weight of raw hides/skins
h) De–liming
This is a process to adjust the pH in between 8-8.5 in order to enhance the enzymatic
activity, which converts some of the proteins into soluble forms. pH correction i.e., from
12-12.5 to 8-8.5 are done by using ammonium chloride in case of soft leather and
ammonium sulphate in case of hard leather.
i) Pickling
Pickling is a process of correcting the pH suitable to the tanning operation and to prevent
swelling of the leather i.e. dehydration of the leather. In this process, water (80%), salts
(8-10%), formic acid (0.28- 0.3%), sulphuric acid (0.75 – 2% based on thickness) are
PREVENTION OF SWELLING: the salts to the tune of 8-10% are used in this process,
to prevent the swelling. Thus the dehydration takes place.
The tanning process is of two types i.e., chrome tanning and vegetable tanning. Of the
total leather production in India, more than 80% is based on chrome tanning and the rest
is based on vegetable tanning.
a) Chrome tanning
Basic chromium sulphate [Cr2(SO4)3] (7-10 %) containing 25% Cr2O3 and sodium
sulphate (25- 30%) is used in chrome tanning. Part of the pickle bath is used for chrome
tanning operation. The pH is increased to 3.8-4.0 at the end of chrome tanning process
which is called basification. The semi-finished leather after chrome tanning is called wet
b) Vegetable tanning
Plant extracts are used for the purpose of tanning in this process. The pH falls down from
4- 4.5 to 3-3.5. Though this process is free of any heavy metal use, the leather developed
from this process has comparatively weaker capacity of heat resistance and dye-holding.
The major inputs such as water, chemicals in each sectional operation starting from
soaking, liming, fleshing, deliming, pickling, vegetable/chromium tanning, etc., till
finishing are shown as a part in the process flow diagram in Figure 3-3.
The mode of operation and equipment used such as pits, paddle, drums, type of
machine operations are also indicated as a part in the process flow diagram in figure
The waste discharges from each sectional operation such as wastewater fleshings,
waste trimmings and the major constituents in the wastewater in terms of TDS, COD,
BOD are also given in Figure 3-3.
Environmental issues associated with tanning and leather finishing include the following:
Air emissions
Solid waste
Hazardous materials
3.3.1 Wastewater
A. Water usage
Water plays a vital role in tannery operations. Approximately 30-40 litre (L) of water is
used for processing one kilogram (kg) of raw hide/skin into finished leather. Most of the
Indian tanneries which are located near the riverbanks or natural water bodies draw
surface water. Ground water from their own open wells/tubewells existing within their
premises is also used by some tanneries. Most of the traditional tanneries store water in
open cement lined pits and ground level tanks. Water from these storage tanks would be
pumped directly to the process zones.
The pollution load per tonne of hides and skins process is given in Table 3-2
1 Volume (m3 ) 40
2 BOD 70
3 COD 180
4 Chlorides (Cl) 270
Volume of the 6000 - 6000 – 10000 1500 – 3000 3000 – 5000 30000 –
effluent in 9000 40000
litres /ton of
pH 7.5 - 8.0 8 - 12 2.2 – 4.0 3.5 - 4.5 7.0 - 9.0
BOD 5 day at 1100 - 2000 - 8000 400 - 800 1000 – 2000 1200 – 3000
20°C (Total) 2500
COD (Total) 3000 - 3000 – 15000 1000 - 3000 2500 – 7000 2500 – 8000
Sulphide (as S) - 50 – 200 - - 30 – 150
Total Solids 35000 - 6000 - 20000 30000 - 4000 – 15000 –
(TS) 55000 60000 10000 25000
Dissolved 32000 - 5000 – 15000 29000 - 3400 – 9000 13000 –
Solids (DS) 48000 58000 20000
Suspended 3000 - 3000 – 15000 1000 - 2000 600 – 1000 2000 – 5000
Solids (SS) 7000
Chlorides (as 15000 - 3000 – 6000 15000 - 500 – 1000 6000 – 9500
Cl) 30000 25000
Total Cr - - 1500 - 3000 30 – 60 80 – 200
Techniques for treating effluent from tanneries include source segregation and pre-
treatment for removal/ recovery of chromium; grease traps, skimmers or oil water
separators for separation of floatable solids; filtration for separation of filterable solids;
flow and load equalization; sedimentation for suspended solids reduction using clarifiers;
biological treatment, typically aerobic treatment, for reduction of BOD; biological
nutrient removal for reduction in nitrogen and phosphorus; chlorination of effluent where
disinfection is required; dewatering and disposal of residuals in designated hazardous
waste landfills. The typical wastewater treatment process flow diagram is shown in
Figure 3-4. The following additional engineering controls may be required in addressing
the specific pollution control parameters:
Source: Draft report of the Expert Committee on Odor Pollution and its Control, July
2007, CPCB
Solid waste includes salt from raw skin / hide dusting; raw skin / hide trimmings; hair
from the liming / dehairing process, which may contain lime and sulfides; and fleshing
from raw skins / hides. Other solid waste from tannery industry includes wet-blue
shavings, containing Cr2O3; wet-blue trimming, which is generated from the finishing
processes and contains Chromium oxide (CrO), syntans, and dye; and buffing dust, which
also contains CrO, syntans, and dye. The reducing characteristics of tannery sludge
stabilize Cr(III) with respect to Cr(VI), due to the presence of organic matter and sulfides.
Prevention and control measures for solid waste include the following:
Tanning and leather finishing processes involve the use of a variety of hazardous
chemicals. Guidance on the management of hazardous materials, including handling,
storage, and transportation, shall be adopted as provided in the General EHS Guidelines.
Cleaner technologies and waste minimization in leather processing based on the IUE
Commission report for world leather sector are listed as follows:
a) Background
The following factors have to be taken into account when considering the application of
cleaner technologies:
The condition of the raw stock received by the tanning industry has a direct effect on
the resulting cleaner technologies that can be applied.
Good farming practices are encouraged so that hides and skins do not suffer from
ectoparasite infestation or damage inflicted by barbed wire, horns or other outside
influences. Such damage has to be masked by the tanners involving extra processes
using additional material resources and often creating added waste disposal problems
(e.g. buffing dust, shavings, etc.)
The amount of dung attached to an animal hide or skin as a direct result of poor
farming practices also uses more natural resources and creates additional loadings on
the effluent and the solid wastes treating which becomes the responsibility of the
Damage to the hide or skins, such as poor flaying practice at the abattoir, may also
create increased waste disposal problems for the tanner.
The IUE Commission is concerned to take into account the technologies currently applied
by the most advanced tanneries and not just to consider the latest developments from
research units.
The general recommendations have to be adapted to local conditions and under the
supervision of a leather specialist and taking into account the requirements of the
Beyond this period, it is necessary to cool the raw stock, either in ice or cold air. Cold air
is necessary if hides are transported over long distance. Storage below 4°C yields good
preservation up to three weeks, under ideal conditions, although some dehydration may
be expected. This system of retaining raw stock quality is used in Europe, by transporting
raw stock in refrigerated lorries, but it is recognized that this may not be feasible or
economical in developing economies. Raw stock may be preserved in ice, but storage is
more problematical than chilling, due to melting of the ice, run-off of water and the
potential for bacterial growth on wetted pelt.
c) Drying
Shade drying of small skins is a low cost environmentally acceptable process in some
climates. Controlled air-drying using heat pump or other system is suitable for any
d) Dry salting
Dry salting combining salt curing and shade drying can minimize the amount of salt used
for preservation of skins and hides.
e) Use of antiseptics
The use of antiseptics with low effect on the environment impact and toxicity can help to
increase storage time of fresh or chilled hides and skins. Suitable preservatives that are
used around the world include: TCMTB, Isothiazolone products, potassium dimethyl
dithiocarbamate, sodium chlorite, benzalkonium chloride, sodium fluoride and boric acid.
Their use must be regularly reviewed, to reflect changing legislation, because they will be
discharged in the effluent.
Some of these agents that may have both bacteriacidal and fungicidal properties, are also
appropriate for soaking, pickling and wet-blue preservation.
It is possible to eliminate up to 10 % of the salt added to hides and skins for preservation,
by using hand shaking, mechanical brushes or a suitable drum. The salt can be reused in
pickle processes after dissolution and removal of solids. However, it must not be used for
curing purposes because it is too contaminated with bacteria, particularly halophilic or
halotolerant bacteria, which can cause so called red heat.
This method of salt recovery gives a partial answer to the salt pollution problem. Neither
brine curing nor salt curing can be considered as cleaner technologies, even if pre-
fleshing hides reduces this waste. It is recognized that salt curing is one of the greater
contributors to the environmental impact of tannery operations, Even recovering some of
it has limited benefits, because its reuse is extremely limited, its ecological disposal is
Beamhouse processing
The new generation of drums and processors facilitate efficient draining and washing, and
allow the routine use of low floats for processing, thereby resulting in significant savings
in water consumption.
g) Soaking
The consumption of fresh water can be minimized by using a counter current system of
washing to concentrate the salt (if present) and other soluble materials, such as dirt and
Additional cleaner technology that can be applied at this stage is the fleshing of green
hides after soaking. It yields a lower quantity of fleshings, with a neutral pH. Green
fleshings are more valuable than limed fleshings with regard to tallow recovery, because
the green fleshings are not subjected to the hydrolyzing liming process. In this way, the
amount of recovered tallow is greater and the content of undesirable free fatty acids is
much lower, so the quality is better.
An associated problem with this approach is the presence of dung on hides, which causes
the fleshing blade to cut into hide, thereby damaging the pelt in an economically
unacceptable way. Removal of dried-on dung by methods other than soaking is difficult.
However, dung removal is a pre-requisite to processing. The problems associated with
dung contamination may be pre-empted by utilization of hides and skins from animals
that have been reared through a quality assurance or clean hide scheme. These schemes
generally require animal husbandry practices that minimize dung contamination.
The enzymatic treatment of hides and skins can be considered as a cleaner technology
only if the amount of sodium sulphide is reduced substantially. However it is not yet
possible to totally replace sodium sulphide in processing skins and hides. There are other
agents available that reduce the amount of sulphide in liming, e.g., organic sulphur
compounds (mercaptoethanol, salts of thioglycolic acid, formamidine sulphuric acid) and
amines based proprietary products.
However, it should be borne in mind that all hair dissolving processes will contribute to
the COD/BOD of tannery effluents.
For traditional skin production, painting and sweating may be considered the cleaner
technologies. Recovery of hair before dissolution, either when it is separated during the
liming, or at the end of a hair saving process, can lead to a COD reduction of 15 to 20 %
for the mixed tannery effluent, and a total nitrogen decrease of 25 to 30 %.
It is an advantage to filter off the loosened hair as soon as possible and higher COD and
nitrogen reduction can be obtained. This process can be considered as a cleaner
technology if the hair is utilized, even as a nitrogen source.
There are several established methods of hair saving, routinely used in the industry.
However it is recognized that they do not provide a complete effect, since each
incorporates a hair dissolving step, to deal with residual short hairs.
Direct recycling can be applied when there is a good control level in the tannery.
Resulting advantages are savings in usage of sodium sulphide (up to 40 %) and lime (up
to 50 %). It can give a decrease of 30 to 40 % of the COD and 35 % of the nitrogen for
the mixed effluent.
The quality of the leather produced can be affected negatively through this recycling
process, unless the unhairing and opening up processes are used in two steps. This is
because the suspended melanin and undissoloved cuticle fragments from the dissolved
hair (referred to as scud) are driven into the grain by mechanical action, making it dirty.
This cleaner technology is industrialized in several large bovine tanneries for shoe upper
leather. The success depends on how the hair is removed and how well the recycled
liquors are cleaned up before they are recycled.
Faced with the difficulties of upgrading the chromium-tanned split waste, splitting in the
limed hides can be considered as a cleaner technology as it saves chromium and yields a
by-product that can be easily recovered for food casings or for the production of gelatin.
l) CO2 deliming
If the pH falls below 7, in case of black or red hides they may appear dirty due to the
retention of melanin in the depleted grain layer.
If the pH of CO2 deliming float is lower compared to common procedure, special bates
can be used. Also, bates with a lower content of ammonium are available.
Ammonium-free deliming agents, such as weak acids or esters, can totally or partially
replace ammonium salts used for conventional deliming. However, in comparison with
CO2 deliming the resulting COD is often higher, due to the contribution from the reagent.
Cost and slowness of reaction make them less viable
Tanning operations
Chromium tanning salts are used today in 85 % of tanning processes around the world
Only the trivalent form is used for tanning operations and this chemical cannot be
replaced by another, to give the same quality of leather.
An argument for continuing to use basic Chromium(III) sulphate is the ease of managing
its discharge into the environment and its low environmental impact. Chromium(IV), a
recognized carcinogen is not used in the leather manufacturing process.
When pickling and tanning steps are separated, the recycling of pickling floats can save
up to 80 % normal salt and 20 to 25 % of the pickling aid. When they are conducted as
one step, the neutral electrolyte can still be recycled in the spent and liquor and reused for
pickling. However, in the absence of analytical data, it must be assumed that much of the
formate in the system will be bound to chromium, either on the leather or in the solution.
For wool-on sheepskins, using long floats over 150 %, recycle of pickling and tanning
liquors is a current and routine practice. It is also feasible to recycle bating floats.
Salt concentrations in pickling floats can also be reduced by using non-swelling acids,
which however might affect the leather character.
o) Degreasing operations
Solvent degreasing is still in use. This practice can lead to a cleaner technology when the
solvent is recovered, the extraction brines are recycled, and the natural grease is recovered
for commercial use. Discharge of solvents is unavoidable with solvent degreasing, but
alternative technologies can be applied for the high quality skin production.
The use of non-solvent methods implies the use of higher amounts of surfactants.
Ethoxylated fatty alcohols should be recommended instead of the more widely used
ethoxylated alkylphenols, because they are more easily degraded and the use of the later
are to be restricted in the EU. The COD from aqueous treatment may amount as much as
200,000 milligrams per litre (mg/l), due to the content of natural grease and surfactants (1
grams per litre (g/l) of natural grease is about 2,900 mg/l COD, and 1 g/l ethoxylated
alkylphenol is about 2,300 mg/l COD).
The aqueous degreasing of pigskins may be assisted by the use of proteolytic enzymes to
degrade the lipocyte and, thus, mobilize the grease. However, this may not be possible for
sheepskins where the fibre structure is more susceptible to the proteolytic activity of the
p) Wet-white pre-tanning
The rationale behind this notion is to pre-tan or pre-treat the hide, in order to be able to
split and shave prior to chrome tanning, so that less tanned waste is created. The rationale
is to confer resistance to the frictional heating of the pelt surface during shaving. Ideally,
the pre-treatment should be reversible, so that chrome tanning is conducted on unchanged
This process, can be considered as a cleaner technology if the chemicals used are neither
toxic nor cause adverse environmental impact. Aluminum (III), titanium (IV) and
zirconium (IV) have been suggested for this role. They are not listed as hazardous,
although restricted in several countries, but their degree of reversibility depends on how
they have been applied. Aldehydic tanning agents can be considered as leading to a
cleaner process, according to local regulations, but their reactions are completely
irreversible, so contribute to a different character in the leather. Syntans are an option,
because their action is more reversible.
The alternative approach is to change the properties of the pelt, to make it less prone to
distort when the surface is struck by the shaving blade. This can be achieved by reducing
the ability of the fibre structure to slip over itself: this is best achieved with hydrated
silica, used in the fabric industry for the same purpose. Silica interacts weakly with
collagen, in a non-tanning manner, and the effect can be reversed: any discharged silica
has negligible environmental impact.
When applied under strict control; this can markedly limit chromium from tanning in the
effluent. Savings can be obtained from the process, by a reduction of 20 % of the
chromium used in a conventional tannery process, and up to 50 % for wool-on
sheepskins, and substantial reduction in the amount of salt used, since it too is recycled.
Acidifying recycled liquor to pH 1 can revert the chrome species to those in fresh chrome
Sludge obtained after sedimentation and optional filtration is dissolved in sulphuric acid
again, to control the desired basicity in the product. In order to ensure complete
solubilisation of the chrome sludge, the reaction should be conducted at >70oC. For
conventional tanning, it is possible, with this process, to obtain a clarified effluent, with
less than 10 mg/l of chromium, which might be reused for the next pickling or tanning
float. The clarified effluent can also be reused for first soaking float.
Using recovered chrome for tanning results in wet blue that is slightly paler than
conventional production. Further the re-use of precipitated chromium will lead to an
increase in the neutral salts in the effluent.
In order to reduce chromium concentration in the waste float, high exhaustion chromium
salts, adapted basification products and/or temperature increase can be used. In essence,
all proprietary options are based on higher astringency, by employing higher pH in
basification, but most importantly elevated temperature.
t) Chromium-free tanning
In most cases, chromium tanning should be considered as the best available technology.
Many alternative formulations have been proposed but none can exhibit the versatility of
Chromium(III) for making a wide variety of leathers. Also the hypothermal stability of
chrome leather is a prerequisite for many modern applications of leather.
Tanning with organic tanning agents, using polymers or condensed plant polyphenols
with an aldehydic crosslinker, can produce mineral-free leather, matching the high
hydrothermal stability of chrome leather. However, they do not have the same
characteristics as chromium-tanned leather, because they are much more filled and
Metal-free leathers are being successfully used to produce high-quality, specialty leathers,
for example, automotive leathers with good thermal stability.
Semi-metal tanning can produce chrome-free leather, with equally high hydrothermal
stability. It is a combination of a metal salt, preferably but not exclusively Aluminum(III),
and a plant polyphenol containing pyrogallol groups, often in the form of hydrolysable
Post-tanning operations
When the use of chromium is required for retanning operations, the same consideration
should be given as for chrome tanning. Absence of environmentally unsound dyestuffs
especially those containing benzidine and other banned aromatic amines and of
halogenated oils in fat liquors, form essential elements of cleaner processing. High level
of exhaustion for syntans, dyes and fat liquors are also to be considered in each case, the
chemical principles and conditions for reaction with the leather must be optimized.
Finishing operations
The use of water-based finishing is fundamental for a cleaner process, but the inherent
need to use crosslinkers should be kept in mind. Chemicals used in finishing must not
contain any environmentally undesirable heavy metals or other restricted products. Water-
based formulations (containing low quantities of solvent) are available for spray dyeing.
Finishing products have to meet the current limits imposed by environmental and workers
health regulations. The equipment used is extensive. Roller coating or curtain coating
machines are more desirable from the environmental point of view, but they cannot be
used for all type of leather. For other types, spraying units with economizers and High
Volume Low Pressure (HVLP) spray guns can reduce discharges to the environment. Recycling
Recycling technologies have been used for long time in vegetable tanning processes,
indeed the conventional counter-current method incorporates recycling as fundamental
element of the technology.
Simple recycling technologies need some control to prevent any deviation in the tannery
process. A laboratory with basic analytical equipment is desirable.
To reduce the volume of saline effluents, particularly if the segregated float needs to be
evaporated or specifically processed, it is possible to reuse the soaking float in a counter
current method, analogous to vegetable tanning. Here, the pelts progress into cleaner float
and the contaminated floats move towards the dirt soak. Only the dirt soak liquor, in
which dirt and salt are accumulated are discharged to waste and treatment. This decreases
the amount of water to be evaporated, when salinity is restricted, and reduces the presence
of biocides in effluent. However it does not solve the problem of what to do with the dirt
soak solution. Lagooning where feasible reduces the volume, but salt remains.
The unhairing-liming float can also be reused for the next process. It must be taken into
account that the recovery rate of the liming float should not exceed 75 % in order to limit
the nitrogen concentration. Besides recycling materials (pumps, fine screening, storage
tanks), it is sometimes necessary to warm the float before reuse and also to screen or skim
it in order to eliminate undesirable floating solids and to remove hair and grease from the
surface. Without any sedimentation, an industrial recycling process can save 35 to 40 %
of sodium sulphide and 40 to 45 % of the lime (with classical process quantities of 2.5
%). Excessive quantities of lime should be avoided during the process. It is worth to recall
in this regard that the theoretical requirement for bovine hide is about 1.2%.
a) Degreasing float
When sheepskins are solvent degreased, recycling of the residual solvent after distillation
is currently operated. Furthermore, the extraction brine is also easy to reuse for saving of
sodium chloride.
b) Pickling float
Recycling of pickling float has been proven to be highly satisfactory in terms of salt
savings and partly for acid savings. There is no great difficulty if density and acidity of
the float can be regularly controlled.
c) Tanning float
The most common practice is to carefully collect the residual tanning float, to filter it, to
adjust its acidity, and to reuse it as a new tanning float before adding fresh chromium
salts. The recovered volume may be more than required for subsequent tanning
operations, but it is possible to reuse the liquor in post-tanning processes.
Another possibility is to use the tanning float for a pre-tanning process. In this case, 60 %
of the residual chromium can be recovered.
When pickling and tanning are carried out in the same float, it is also possible to collect
the residual tanning float, to filter and acidify it and reuse it as a pickling float.
It is much less feasible to recycle post-tanning floats since the chemical condition
required for the steps may be different and steps tend to be conducted sequentially in the
same float. Therefore, the problem of contamination is compounded, especially since
these steps vary greatly, even in a single tannery. Thus recycling technology cannot be
3.4.3 Reduction/Recycling/Recovery/Reuse
In many countries water has become a scarce commodity and the costs for the
consumption and discharge of water increases regularly. Water has to be managed
properly and several options are available to minimize the overall consumption of water.
The first step is the reduction of water consumption with strict measurement and control
of consumption. Low float processing, batch-type washing instead of rinsing and
combining processes (compact recipes) are practical examples of technologies to reduce
water consumption by 30% or more. However, lower volume of water results in higher
concentration of pollutants, but that will be partially offset by the greater efficiency of
shorter float process steps. Limitations to reducing float length must be borne in mind,
since not all processes benefit from reduced float length.
Certain specific processes are suitable for recycling of floats, although in most cases
installations for treatment are necessary. Examples are; soaking, liming, unhairing,
pickling and chrome tanning liquors, which can reduce the overall water consumption by
Biologically treated effluent offers the opportunity of replacing a certain amount of the
process floats such as, the beam house process floats, with treated water. Depending on
the type and efficiency of the treatment process additional operations might be necessary,
such as filtration and disinfection, to meet the required water quality standards.
Membrane systems provide the possibility of reusing treated effluents provided that most
of the residual organic matter is removed and disposal of the concentrate is achievable. Reduction
A. Green fleshings
Green fleshings can be used in rendering plants for the recovery of grease and meat meal.
These products must be clean, and contain minimal quantities of minerals.
More importantly, green fleshings are a valuable source of high quality tallow (a type of
animal oil) – a basic commodity with added value. In contrast to limed fleshings, green
fleshings need little pH adjustment prior to enzyme processing. They produce much
higher yield and the quality is good, because the fleshings are not previously subjected to
prolonged alkaline treatment.
B. trimmings
The green and limed trimmings can be used with limed splits for tallow or gelatin
Gelatin production
Gelatin production by a specialized, purpose built process facility represents a major
utilization opportunity for lime splits, not suitable for tanning. The process involves lime
hydrolysis. Soluble gelatin is extracted in a series of hot water batches of increasing
temperature at controlled pH. Different stages of purification, demineralization,
concentration and sterilization are then required prior to final drying. The gelatin product
is used by the food, photographic and pharmaceutical industries. Lower quality gelatin or
glue can be produced by acid hydrolysis and hot water extraction.
i. Sausage casings
Specialized manufacturers use limed splits to produce high quality sausage casings. The
casing manufacturer will impose restrictions on the process chemicals used in the beam
Delimed hide splits can be dried in moulds of various shapes, to produce dog chews.
Composting: Limed splits, high in nitrogen, low in carbon, will compost readily.
Fat liquors from the degreasing process can be used as a component of low grade fat
liquors through a sulphitation process.
As for lime splits, the wet white process produces splits that can be partially denatured to
produce gelatin or collagen additives. However their use in human food production is
v. White shavings
Wet white chemistry options can create environmentally friendly tanned waste; aldehyde
tanned, syntan tanned, marginally vegetable tanned materials have little associated
hazard. These shavings are particularly suitable for use as fertilizer or as a source for
collagen hydrolysate. Aluminum containing shavings can be applied to non-acidic
agricultural land, according to local regulations.
C. Limed fleshings
i. Methane production
Untanned wastes mixed with farming, domestic and fish wastes can be used for methane
production; full-scale plants are in operation in Denmark and Sweden.
Waste fleshings mixed with tannery sludge are digested to produce methane by grinding
to 10 millimetres (mm) and warming to allow microbiological activity, with increased fat
or grease content resulting in increased methane production. The volume of gas evolved
(comprising 75% methane) is estimated to be 615 L/kg of organic material introduced
into the digester, after 25 to 30 days at 35°C. The residual solid phase is suitable for
composting according to chromium content and can be applied directly to agricultural
land as a soil improver. This technique is especially suited to warmer countries, where
the necessary heat input is minimal. The input mix material for this system must have at
least 70% of organic matter content to operate successfully. An industrial scale plant is in
operation in India.
In Denmark, ferrous metal salts are added directly to the reaction vessel of the bio-gas
reactor to avoid the generation of noxious and corrosive gases.
Hydrolysis leading to the recovery of animal grease and proteins can be achieved in two
ways; either by a liquid hydrolysis (acid or alkali catalyzed), or by enzymatic digestion at
35°C. Following hydrolysis or digestion, the emulsion must be heated to at least 50°C to
separate the fat, protein and water components into separate phases. The protein phase
contains 5 to 10% protein.
Limed fleshings must be acidified before enzyme treatment. They produce a low yield of
tallow, because it is considerably hydrolyzed by the liming process. In addition, the
quality is low because of the high content of free fatty acid from that hydrolytic reaction.
Gaseous by-products of the process are H2S, mercaptans and odour, and it is therefore
essential to exhaust these via a water wash or a scrubber system containing sodium
hydroxide and sodium hypochlorite. However, in some places, the exhaust gases are
passed into the air intakes of the boilers used for energy production, thereby eliminating
the need for a scrubber. In some cases, a ferrous metal scrubber may be needed prior to
the boiler to capture sulphides.
In respect of the capital and running costs, it is estimated that for economic viability, 10
tonnes of material must be processed per day.
A second process technology involves treatment with hydrogen peroxide and sulphuric
acid at 35-40°C. For this, the fleshings must first be chopped to a particle size of 50-200
mm. The process produces two phases that can be separated by mechanical de-watering;
grease separates from the liquid phase, the yield being 10 to 12.5% of the original
fleshings mass. A protein phase (20-25% dry solids) is also obtained and this can be used
either as animal foodstuff after drying, or as fertilizer. Again, a minimum quantity of 10
tonnes per day needs to be processed for economic viability.
Composting: A mixture of waste fleshings and an appropriate bulking agent (also carbon
source), with aeration, leads to compost production
There are a number of reported promising uses for the recovered hair from hair-save
processes. These include: felt production, slow degrading plant containers, keratin
hydrolysate, cosmetics and pharmaceutical products (i.e., shampoo, amino acids, etc.)
Fertilizer: Hair can be directly used as slow release source of organic nitrogen and
carbon for fertilizing purposes.
Recovered hair from pigskins: Hair from pigskins is a valuable material that is used for
brushes and other consumer products.
Companies are producing leather board from bovine chrome and vegetable shavings and
splittings in several countries, although only shavings satisfying strict quality
requirements are accepted for processing. The leather fibres are mixed with latex, and
after coagulation, the mixture is de-watered, pressed and dried. The final product is
obtained either as separated sheets or as a continuous material.
Chemical hydrolysis
One industrial gelatin manufacturing process blends the shavings with magnesium oxide
and subsequently extracts 50% of the gelatin content with boiling water. Chromium-
containing slurry (‘scutch’) is generated as a waste.
Protein extraction can be improved with magnesium oxide assisted by enzymes. Liquid
proteins can be used for industrial applications. The chrome cake can be recovered for
chrome liquor production. Other alkaline agents, such as lime and sodium hydroxide are
used industrially.
Acid hydrolysis utilizes concentrated sulphuric acid with steam injection. The hydrolysate
is neutralized with phosphates and supplemented with organic additives to produce a
The hydrolysate can also be used for different industrial applications, such as in retanning
operations in tanneries, as a coagulating agent in the rubber industry, as complementary
products for surfactants and as plasticiser in concrete production.
Thermal treatment
Enzymatic treatment
Brick making
Mixing of limited amounts of chrome shaving into clay for brick making is carried out in
South America.
Vegetable tanned shavings and trimmings may be used in leather board or fertilizer
production by roasting or a wet fermentation process.
Wastewater sludge
Wherever possible, the chromium from spent tanning liquors should be recovered and
reused or used in other industry (e.g. steel). Alternatively, high exhaustion chrome
tanning systems should be used. Either method will minimize the mass of chromium
The organic content of a soaking sludge can be reduced by 65 % in a UASB (up flow
anaerobic sludge blanket) process.
Usual incineration of sludge (with or without leather waste), although technically feasible,
will have limited application due to the economy of scale, and due to associated
environmental problems (air pollution and possibility of chromium oxidation).
Mixing the sludge with clay and bricketting, solidification with fly ash and cement would
minimize leaching of chromium.
There are well-defined regulatory requirements which imply that the government must
regulate various aspects of the operations and construction of leather / skin / hide
processing industries to reduce their environmental and social impacts.
PH 6.5 – 9.0 -
* BOD (at 27oC, 3 days) 100 -
Suspended Solids 100 -
Sulphides (as S) 1 -
Total Cr (as Cr) 2 -
Oil and Grease 10 -
Wastewater generation - 28 m3 / tonne
* for effluent discharged into inland surface waters BOD limit shall be made stricter to 30 mg/l
by the concerned SPCB
Source: EPA Notification [G.S.R.415 (E), 5th May 1992]
Action points proposed by the CPCB in the CREP document for the tannery industries for
the following:
Chrome Recovery
− All chrome tanning units in the county should have the Chrome Recovery Plant
either on individual basis or on collective basis in the form of Common Chrome
Recovery Plant and use the recovered chrome in the tanning process.
− Common Chrome Recovery Plant is to be installed and commissioned at Kanpur,
for which the feasibility report has already been prepared.
− Recovered chromium is to be utilized in tanning process.
Waste Minimization Measures
− Waste minimization circles should be formed in all the clusters of tanneries in the
country to implement waste minimization measures and for adoption of clean
− Efforts should be taken to implement the waste minimization measures in all the
tanneries in the country and gradually made obligatory with time to the tannery
Reduction of Water Consumption in Tanneries
− All tanneries should install water meters and flow meters to measure actual
consumption and wastewater discharge
− Water consumption rates should be brought down to 28 m3/tonnes of hides by
taking all waste minimization measures.
Compliance of Standards - All Common Effluent Treatment Plants (CETP) and
Effluent Treatment Plants (ETP) should take the following measures
− Employ qualified and well-trained staff for operation and maintenance (O&M) of
− Installation of automatic monitoring instruments
− Interlocking of manufacturing processes with the ETP operation
− Separate energy meters for ETPs/CETPs
− Open anaerobic lagoons should be converted into closed systems with gas recovery
− For health and safety of workers in the industry and the ETP/CETP, guidelines
developed by the CPCB should be implemented
− All major tannery units should take up environmental auditing on an yearly basis
− Major tannery units and CETPs should attempt to obtain ISO-14000 certification
− Tannery units and CETP management should take up modifications/ upgrade of the
CETPs/ETPs wherever necessary
TDS Management - All the tannery units to adopt the following:
− Manual/mechanical desalting
− Use of cleaner technology for less use of salt
− Refrigerated transportation of hides
− High rate transpiration system for effluent treatment
− Treated wastewater be mixed with the sewage and the treated effluent be used on
land for irrigation
Solid Waste Management - All the tannery units to adopt the following:
− Utilization of process sludge/solid waste for by-product recovery
− Resource recovery from process sludge and ETP sludge in the form of biogas
− Cr recovery from tanned leather shavings
− Safe disposal of hazardous sludge and non-hazardous solid waste
Salt from Evaporation Ponds - All the tannery units to adopt the following:
− Reuse of recovered salts
− Quality improvement of recovered salts for reuse
− Safe land disposal
− Sea disposal
Use of Boron-bearing compounds should be discouraged
Ground water quality monitoring to be strengthened
Sulphur recovery from sulphide-bearing effluents to be explored
Implementation of recommendation of the Task Force on Leather Tannery units
constituted by the MoEF, Government of India in a phased manner.
Prior environmental clearance process has been revised in the Notification issued on 14th
September, 2006 into following four major stages i.e., screening, scoping, public
consultation and appraisal. Each stage has certain procedures to be followed. This
section deals with all the procedural and technical guidance for conducting objective-
oriented EIA studies, its review and decision-making. Besides, the Notification classified
projects into Category A and Category B, which requires prior environmental clearance
from MoEF and SEIAA/UTEIAA respectively.
All the new projects and expansion of existing projects located within and outside the
notified industrial area are covered in the Notification. Based on pollution potential, these
projects are basically classified into Category A and Category B:
The sequence of steps in the process of prior environmental clearance for Category A and
Category B projects are shown in Figure 4-1 and 4-2 respectively. Each stage in the
process of prior environmental clearance for the tanneries is discussed in subsequent
Any developmental activity, which was issued EIA clearance (existing projects),
when undergoes expansion or modernization (change in process or technology) with
increase in production capacity or any change in product mix beyond the list of
products cleared in the issued clearance is required to submit new application for EIA
Any developmental activity, which is listed in Schedule of the EIA Notification and
after expansion due to its total capacity, if falls under the purview of either Category
B or Category A, then such developmental activities requires clearance from
respective authorities.
New industries involved in raw-to-finish stages may preferably be shifted to coastal areas
on techno-economic considerations especially due to the disposal considerations of the
wastewater with dissolved solids.
Figure 4-1: Prior Environmental Clearance Process for Activities Falling Under
Category A
Figure 4-2: Prior Environmental Clearance Process for Activities Falling Under
Category B
4.2 Screening
Screening of the project shall be performed at the initial stage of the project development
so that proponents are aware of their obligations before deciding on the budget, project
design and execution plan.
This stage is applicable only for Category ‘B’ developmental activity. Besides, screening
also refers to the classification of Category B projects into either Category B1 or
Category B2. Category B1 projects require to follow all the stages, that are applicable for
a Category A project, but are processed at the SEIAAs/UTEIAAs. Whereas, Category B2
projects do not require either EIA or public consultation. However, if the General
Condition mentioned in the Notification is applicable to a Category B project, it will be
considered as a Category A project.
As per the Notification, classification of the Category B projects falls under the purview
of the SEAC. This manual provides certain guidelines to the stakeholders for
classification of Category B1 and Category B2.
Specific conditions
Any tannery project that is usually falling under Category B will be treated as
Category A, if:
The projects requiring an EIA report shall be included in Category B1 and remaining
projects will fall under Category B2 and will not require an EIA report and public
Semi-finished to finished tannery units fall under Category B1 and in case if they are
located in industrial estates, proposing to utilize the approved existing effluent
treatment plant, they may fall under Category B2.
The project proponent, after identifying the site and pre-feasibility study, is required
to apply for the prior environmental clearance in Form 1 given in Annexure I, which
is required to be filled and submitted along with pre-feasibility report to the
concerned Central Government or State EIA Authority.
Prior environmental clearance is required before any construction work, or
preparation of land on the project is started by the project management, except for
securing the land.
If the application is made for a specific developmental activity, which has an inherent
area development component as a part of its project proposal and the same project
also attract the construction and area development provisions under 8a and 8b of the
Schedule, then the project will be seen as a developmental activity other than 8a and
8b of the Schedule.
These are the guidelines, stakeholders may consider while siting the developmental
projects, to minimize the associated possible environmental impacts. While in some
situations, completely sticking to these guidelines is difficult and unwarranted, therefore
these guidelines may be kept in the background, as far as possible, while taking the
Ecologically and/or otherwise sensitive areas: Preferably 5 km; depending on the geo-
climatic conditions the requisite distance may be decided appropriately by the agency.
Coastal Areas: Preferably ½ km away from high tide line.
Flood Plain of the Riverine System: Preferably ½ km away from flood plain or
modified flood plain affected by dam in the upstream or by flood control systems.
Transport/Communication System: Preferably ½ km away from highway and railway
Major Settlements (3,00,000 population) : Distance from major settlements is difficult
to maintain because of urban sprawl. At the time of siting of the industry, if the
notified limit of any major settlement is found to be within 20 km., from the project
boundary, the spatial direction of growth of the settlement for at least a decade must
be assessed. Subsequently, the industry shall be sited at least 10 km from the
projected growth boundary of the settlement
Ecological and/or otherwise sensitive areas include (i) Religious and Historic Places; (ii)
Archaeological Monuments (e.g. identified zone around Taj Mahal); (iii) Scenic Areas; (iv) Hill
Resorts; (v) Beach Resorts; (vi) Health Resorts; (vii) Coastal Areas rich in Corals, Mangroves,
Breeding Grounds of Specific Species; (viii) Estuaries rich in Mangroves, Breeding grounds of
Specific Species; (ix) Gulf Areas; (x) Biosphere Reserves; (xi) National Parks and Sanctuaries;
(xii) Natural lakes, Swamps; (xiii) Seismic Zones; (xiv) Tribal Settlements; (xv) Areas of Scientific
and Geological Interest; (xvi) Defence Installations, specially those of security importance and
sensitive to pollution; (xvii) Border Areas (International) and (xviii) Air Ports.
Pre-requisite: State and Central Governments are required to identify such areas on a priority
General siting factors for tanneries
In any particular selected site, the following factors must also be recognized.
No forest land shall be converted into non-forest activity for the sustenance of the
industry (Ref: Forest Conversation Act, 1980).
No prime agricultural land shall be converted into industrial site.
Land acquired shall be sufficiently large to provide space for appropriate green cover
including green belt around the battery limit of the industry.
Enough space should be provided for storage of recyclable solid wastes so that these
could be available for possible reuse.
Layout of the industry that may come up in the area must conform to the landscape of
the area without affecting the scenic features of that place.
Associated township of the industry may be created at a space having physiographic
barrier between the industry and the township.
Decentralized secure landfill may be developed for the cluster of new or existing
tanneries. The secure landfill shall be connected to the CETP in the industrial estate
or to the tannery’s ETP.
permitted to start the tanneries processing raw hides/ skins (Category A and Category B).
However if zero liquid discharge concept including secured saline stream/ salt disposal is
ensured this condition may be relaxed.
Scoping is taken up soon after the project contours are defined. The primary purpose of
scoping is to identify the concerns and issues which may affect the project decisions.
Besides, scoping defines the requirements and boundaries of the EIA study. The results
of the scoping exercise form the basis for rest of the EIA process.
Scoping refers to the process by which the EAC, in case of Category ‘A’, and SEAC in
the case of Category ‘B1’, including applications for expansion and/or modernization of
existing projects, determines the ToR for EIA studies addressing all relevant
environmental concerns for the preparation of an EIA Report for a particular project.
Project proponent shall submit the application to the concerned authority. The
application (Form 1 as given in Annexure I) shall be attached with the pre-feasibility
report and proposed ToR for EIA studies. The proposed sequence to arrive at the
draft ToR is discussed below:
− Precisely, the pre-feasibility report summarizes the project details and also the
likely environmental concerns based on the secondary information, which will
be availed for filling the Form 1.
− Once the project details from the pre-feasibility report & Form 1; and VECs
are identified, a matrix establishing the interactions which can lead to the
effects/impacts could be developed (Qualitative analysis).
− For each identified possible effect in the matrix, significance analysis could be
conducted to identify the impacts, which needs to be further studied
(quantitative analysis) in the subsequent EIA studies. All such points will
become the part of the draft ToR to be proposed by the project proponent along
with the application form.
of the EAC/SEAC concerned. Project proponent will facilitate such site visits of the
EAC/SEAC shall provide an opportunity to the project proponent for presentation and
discussions on the proposed project and related issues as well as the proposed ToR for
EIA studies. If the State Government desires to present their views on any specific
project in the scoping stage, it can depute an officer for the same at the scoping stage
to EAC, as an invitee but not as a member of EAC. However, non-appearance of the
project proponent before EAC/SEAC at any stage will not be a ground for rejection of
the application for the prior environmental clearance.
In case of a new or expansion project in a problem area as identified by the CPCB,
the MoEF may invite the SEIAA representative to present its views, if any, at the
stage of scoping, to the EAC.
The final set of ToR for EIA Studies shall be conveyed to the proponent by the EAC/
SEAC within sixty days of the receipt of Form 1 and pre-feasibility report. If the
finalized ToR for EIA studies are not conveyed to the proponent within sixty days of
the receipt of Form 1, the ToR for EIA studies suggested by the proponent shall be
deemed as the final and will be approved for the EIA studies.
The final ToR for EIA studies shall be displayed on the website of the MoEF and the
concerned SEIAA.
Applications for prior environmental clearance may be rejected by the concerned
Authority based on the recommendations by the concerned EAC or SEAC at the
scoping stage itself. In case of such rejection, the decision along with the reasons for
rejection shall be communicated to the proponent in writing within sixty days of the
receipt of the application.
The final EIA report and the other relevant documents submitted by the applicant
shall be scrutinized by the concerned Authority strictly with reference to the approved
ToR for EIA studies.
The pre-feasibility report should include, but may not be limited to highlights of the
proposed project information, considering the environmental sensitivities of the selected
site, technology options, efficiency, availability, etc.
Background information
Location of the project
Type of tanning process
Water usage, it stores and capacity
Wastewater discharge and its characteristic
Mode of treated effluent disposal
Treatment options
Solid Waste / Sludge Management
Cost estimate, capital and O & M
Besides, depending on the scope defined in the pre-feasibility report some pre-feasibility
reports are based on various studies and data collection and addresses in detail the
concern as technical & economical analysis and detailed feasibility level design of
equipment, process optimization, transportation of products, economic, financial, social
and environmental investigations, cost estimates with detailed bill of quantities (BOQ).
Form 1 is designed to help users identify the likely significant environmental effects of
proposed projects during scoping. There are two stages for providing information under
two columns:
First - identifying the relevant project activities from the list given in column 2 of
Form 1. Start with the checklist of questions set out below and complete Column 3
by answering:
− Yes - if the activity is likely to occur during implementation of the project;
− No - if it is not expected to occur;
− May be - if it is uncertain at this stage whether it will occur or not.
Second – For each activity for which the answer in Column 3 is “Yes” the next step is
to refer to the fourth column which quantifies the volume of activity which could be
judged as significant impact on the local environmental characteristics, and identify
the areas that could be affected by that activity during construction /operation /
decommissioning of the project. The Form 1 requires information within 15 km
around the project, whereas actual study area for EIA studies will be as prescribed by
respective EAC/SEAC. Information will be needed about the surrounding VECs in
order to complete this Form 1.
There are a number of factors which will influence the approach adopted for the
assessment of direct, indirect, cumulative impacts, etc. for a particular project. The
method should be practical and suitable for the project given the data, time and financial
resources available. However, the method adopted should be able to provide a
meaningful conclusion from which it would be possible to develop, wherever necessary,
mitigation measures and monitoring. Key points to consider when choosing the
method(s) include:
The method chosen should not be complex, but should aim at presenting the results in a
way that can be easily understood by the developer, decision maker and the public. A
comparative analysis of major impact identification methods is given in the following
The project team made an attempt to construct an impact matrix considering major project
activities (generic operations) and stage-specific likely impacts which is given in Table 4-
While the impact matrix is each project-specific, Table 4-2 may facilitate the stakeholders
in identifying a set of components and phase-specific project activities for determination
of likely impacts. However, the location-specific concerns may vary from case to case,
therefore, the components even without likely impacts are also retained in the matrix for
the location-specific reference.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Trimming/Shaving process in
Transportation and Storage
Site Preparation / Leveling
Land Acquirement
cleared vegetation
Chrome tanning
Site Clearing
Handling of
Air Air quality * * *
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Noise *
Odour * * * * *
Terrestrial * *
Flora Effect on grass & flowers
Effect on trees & shrubs * * * * * *
Effect on farmland * * *
Endangered species
Aquatic Biota Habitat removal * *
Contamination of habitats * * *
Reduction of aquatic biota * *
Fauna Fragmentation of terrestrial habitats
Economy * * *
Creation of new economic activities
Commercial value of properties * * * * *
Conflict due to negotiation and/
compensation payments
* * *
Reduction of farmland productivity
* *
Income for the state and private sector
Electricity tariffs
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Recreation * * * *
Cultural status * * * *
1. This table represents a model for likely impacts, which will have to be arrived case-to-case basis considering VECs and significance analysis (Ref Section 2.9).
2. Project activities are shown as indicative for a given sector. However, in Form 1 (application for EIA Clearance), for any question for which answer is ‘Yes’, then
the corresponding activity shall reflect in project activities. Similarly ‘parameters’/’factors’ will also be changed within a component in order to reflect the target
species of prime concern.
The following set of conditions may be used as the checklist for testing the significance of
the impacts and also to provide information in Column IV of Form 1.
ToR for EIA studies w.r.t the tanneries (leather / hides/ skins processing industry) may
include but not limited to the following:
Executive summary of the project – giving a prima facie idea of the objectives of the
proposal, use of resources, justification, etc. In addition, it should provide a
compilation of EIA report, EMP and the post-project plan in brief.
Project description
Justification for engaging a particular type of process (raw hides/skins into semi
finishing or finished leather, semi finished leather to finished leather, dry finishing
operations, chrome/vegetable tanning etc.).
Justification for selecting the proposed unit size.
Details regarding complete leather/ skins/ hides processing including the usage of
sulfides, nitrogen compounds, chromium or other tanning agents, post-tanning
chemicals, biocides, etc., along with the material balance shall be provided.
Incase of chrome tanning, details of the chrome recovery plant, management of
shavings/solid waste including safe disposal.
Details on proposed waste minimization measures.
− Protected tribal settlements (notified tribal areas where industrial activity is not
− Monuments of national significance, World Heritage Sites
− Cyclone, Tsunami prone areas (based on last 25 years)
− Airport areas
− Any other feature as specified by the State or local government and other features
as locally applicable, including prime agricultural lands, pastures, migratory
corridors, etc.
If ecologically sensitive attributes fall with in a 5 km radius of the project boundary,
proponent shall describe the sensitivity (distance, area and significance) and propose
the additional points based on significance for review and acceptance by the EAC /
SEAC. Ecological sensitive attributes include:
− National parks
− Wild life sanctuaries Game reserve
− Tiger reserve/elephant reserve/turtle nesting ground
− Breeding grounds
− Core zone of biosphere reserve
− Habitat for migratory birds
− Mangrove area
− Areas with threatened (rare, vulnerable, endangered) flora/fauna
− Protected corals
− Wetlands
− Zoological gardens
− Gene Banks
− Reserved forests
− Protected forests
− Any other closed/protected area under the Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972, any
other area locally applicable
If the location falls in a valley, specific issues connected to the management of
natural resources shall be studied.
Additional studies
Detailed R&R plan/compensation package for the people affected by the project shall
be prepared, considering the socio-economic status of the area, homestead oustees,
land oustees, and landless labourers.
Points identified in public hearing (if applicable) and commitment of the project
proponent to the same. Detailed action plan addressing the issues raised, and the
details of necessary allocation of funds shall be provided.
Proposed plan to handle the socio-economic influence on the local community. The
plan should include quantitative dimension as far as possible.
The proponent should undertake Risk Assessment. Details of the proposed safeguard
measures should be provided. Measures to guard against fire hazards should also be
Above points shall be adequately addressed in the EIA report at corresponding chapters, in
addition to the contents given in the reporting structure (Table: 4-7).
The generic approach for accomplishing EIA studies is shown in Figure 4.3. Each stage
is discussed, in detail in subsequent sections.
The professional Team identified for a specific EIA study should consist of qualified and
experienced professionals from various disciplines, in order to address the critical aspects
identified for the specific project. Based on the nature and the environmental setting,
following professionals may be identified for EIA studies:
EIA Notification 2006 specifies that an EIA Report should contain a description of the
existing environment that would be or might be affected directly or indirectly by the
proposed project. Environmental Baseline Monitoring (EBM) is a very important stage of
EIA. On one hand EBM plays a very vital role in EIA while on the other it provides
feedback about the actual environmental impacts of the proposed project. EBM, during
the operational phase, helps in judging the success of mitigation measures in protecting
the environment. Mitigation measures, in turn, are used to ensure compliance with
environmental standards, and to facilitate the needed project design or operational
The existing environment is broadly defined to include the natural, cultural, socio-
economic systems and their interrelationships. The intention is not to describe all
baseline conditions, but to focus the collection and description of baseline data on those
VECs that are important and are likely to be affected by the proposed tannery unit project
activities and should be included for further impact assessments and lead to appropriate
The term ‘baseline’ refers to conditions existing before development against which
subsequent changes can be referenced. EBM studies are carried out to:
List of important physical environmental components and indicators of EBM are given in
Table 4-3.
The scientific and technical credibility of an EIA relies on the ability of the EIA
practitioners to estimate the nature, extent, and magnitude of change in environmental
components that may result from project activities. Information about predicted changes
is needed for assigning impact significance, prescribing mitigation measures, and
designing and developing EMPs and monitoring programs. The more accurate the
predictions, the more confident the EIA practitioner will be in prescribing specific
measures to eliminate or minimize the adverse impacts of development project.
Impact significance is also a key to choosing among alternatives. In sum, the attribution
of significance continues throughout the EIA process, from scoping to EIS review, in a
gradually narrowing “cone of resolution” in which one stage sets up the next. But at this
stage it is the most important as better understanding and quantification of impact
significance is required.
Social impact assessment (SIA) is an instrument used to analyze social issues and solicit
stakeholder views for the design of projects. SIA helps in making the project responsive
to social development concerns, including the options that to enhance benefits for poor
and vulnerable people while mitigating risk and adverse impacts. It analyzes
distributional impacts of intended project benefits on different stakeholder groups, and
identifies differences in assets and capabilities to access the project benefits.
The scope and depth of the SIA should be determined by the complexity and importance
of the issues studied, taking into account the skills and resources available. However,
guiding ToR for the SIA may include following:
Socio-economic and cultural profile: Describe the most significant social, economic and
cultural features that differentiate social groups in the project area. Describe their
different interests in the project, and their levels of influence. In particular, explain any
particular effects the project may have on the poor and underprivileged. Identify any
known conflicts among groups that may affect project implementation.
Institutional profile: Describe the institutional environment; consider both the presence
and function of public, private and civil society institutions relevant to the operation. Are
there important constraints within existing institutions e.g., disconnect between
institutional responsibilities and the interests and behaviors of personnel within those
institutions? Or are there opportunities to utilize the potential of existing institutions, e.g.
private or civil society institutions, to strengthen implementation capacity.
Choose appropriate data collection and analytical tools and methods, employing
mixed methods wherever possible; mixed methods include a mix of quantitative and
qualitative methods.
− (a) that strengthen social inclusion by ensuring that both poor and excluded groups
and intended beneficiaries are included in the benefit stream and in access to
opportunities created by the project
− (b) that empower stakeholders through their participation in the design and
implementation of the project, their access to information, and their increased voice
and accountability (i.e., a participation framework); and
− (c) that enhance security by minimizing and managing likely social risks and
increasing the resilience of intended beneficiaries and affected persons to
socioeconomic shocks
If the SIA and consultation process indicate that alternative approaches are likely to have
better development outcomes, such alternatives should be described and considered,
along with the likely budgetary and administrative effects these changes might have.
a set of monitoring indicators to track the progress achieved. The benchmarks and
indicators should be limited in number, and should combine both quantitative and
qualitative types of data. The indicators should include outputs to be achieved by the
social development strategy; indicators to monitor the process of stakeholder
participation, implementation and institutional reform;
indicators to monitor social risk and social development outcomes; and indicators to
monitor impacts of the project’s social development strategy. It is important to
suggest mechanisms through which lessons learned from monitoring and stakeholder
feedback can result in changes to improve the operation of the project. Indicators
should be of such a nature that results and impacts can be disaggregated by gender
and other relevant social groups;
Define transparent evaluation procedures. Depending on context, these may include a
combination of methods, such as participant observation, key informant interviews, focus
group discussions, census and socio-economic surveys, gender analysis, Participatory
Rural Appraisal (PRA), Participatory Poverty Assessment (PPA) methodologies, and
other tools. Such procedures should be tailored to the special conditions of the project
and to the different groups living in the project area; Estimate resource and budget
requirements for monitoring and evaluation activities, and a description of other inputs
(such as institutional strengthening and capacity building) needed to carry it out.
The purpose of mitigation is to identify measures that safeguard the environment and the
community affected by the proposal. Mitigation is both a creative and practical phase of
the EIA process. It seeks to find the best ways and means of avoiding, minimizing and
remedying impacts. Mitigation measures must be translated into action in the correct way
and at the right time, if they are to be successful. This process is referred to as impact
management and takes place during project implementation. A written plan should be
prepared for this purpose, and includes a schedule of agreed actions. Opportunities for
impact mitigation will occur throughout the project cycle.
The predicted adverse environmental as well as social impacts for which mitigation
measures are required should be identified and briefly summarized along with cross
referencing them to the significance, prediction components of the EIA report or
other documentation.
Each mitigation measure should be briefly described with reference to the impact of
significances to which it relates and the conditions under which it is required (for
example, continuously or in the event of contingencies). These should also be cross-
referenced to the project design and operating procedures which elaborate on the
technical aspects of implementing the various measures.
Cost and responsibilities for mitigation and monitoring should be clearly defined,
including arrangements for coordination between the various authorities responsible
for mitigation.
The proponent can use the EMP to develop environmental performance standards and
requirements for the project site as well as supply chain. An EMP can be
implemented through EMS for the operational phase of the project.
Prior to selecting mitigation plans it is appropriate to study the mitigation alternatives for
cost-effectiveness, technical and socio-political feasibility. Such mitigation measures
could include:
Avoiding sensitive areas such as eco-sensitive area e.g. fish spawning areas, dense
mangrove areas or areas known to contain rare or endangered species
Adjusting work schedules to minimize disturbance
Engineered structures such as berms and noise attenuation barriers
Pollution control devices, such as scrubbers and electrostatic precipitators
Changes in fuel feed, manufacturing, process, technology use, or waste management
practices, etc.
not undertaking certain projects or elements that could result in adverse impacts
avoiding areas that are environmentally sensitive; and
putting in place the preventative measures to stop adverse impacts from occurring, for
example, release of water from a reservoir to maintain a fisheries regime.
In kind compensation
When significant or net residual loss or damage to the environment is likely, in kind
compensation is appropriate. As noted earlier, environmental rehabilitation, restoration or
replacement have become standard practices for many proponents. Now, increasing
emphasis is given to a broader range of compensation measures to offset impacts and
assure the sustainability of development proposals. These include impact compensation
‘trading’, such as offsetting CO2 emissions by planting forests to sequester carbon.
Summary of impacts: The predicted adverse environmental and social impacts for which
mitigation measures are identified in the earlier sections to be briefly summarized with
cross referencing to the corresponding sections in the EIA report.
Cost estimates and sources of funds: These should be specified for both the initial
investment and recurring expenses for implementing all measures contained in the EMP,
integrated into the total project costs, and factored into loan negotiation.
The EMP should contain commitments that are binding on the proponent in different
phases of project implementation i.e., pre-construction or site clearance, construction,
operation, decommissioning.
4.8 Reporting
Structure of the EIA report for tanneries is given in the following table. Each task
prescribed in ToR shall be incorporated appropriately in the contents in addition to the
contents described in the table below.
Public consultation refers to the process by which the concerns of local affected people
and others who have plausible stake in the environmental impacts of the project or
activity are ascertained.
Public consultation is not a decision taking process, but is a process to collect views
of the people having plausible stake. If the SPCB/Public agency conducting public
hearing is not convinced with the plausible stake, then such expressed views need not
be considered.
All Category A and Category B1 projects require public hearing except the following:
− Modernization of irrigation projects
− Once environmental clearance is granted to an industrial estates/SEZs/EPZs etc.,
for a given composition (type and capacity) of industries, then individual units will
not require public hearing Expansion of roads and highways, which do not involve
any further acquisition of land.
− All building/ construction projects/ area development projects/townships
− All Category B2 projects
− All projects concerning national defense and security or involving other strategic
considerations as determined by the Central Government
Public consultation involves two components, one is public hearing, and other one is
inviting written responses/objections through Internet/by post, etc., by placing the
summary of EIA report on the web site.
Public hearing shall be carried out at the site or in its close proximity, district-wise,
for ascertaining concerns of local affected people.
Project proponent shall make a request through a simple letter to the Member-
Secretary of the SPCB or UTPCC to arrange public hearing.
Project proponent shall enclose with the letter of request, at least 10 hard copies and
10 soft copies of the draft EIA report including the summary EIA report in English
and local language prepared as per the approved scope of work, to the concerned
Simultaneously, project proponent shall arrange to send, one hard copy and one soft
copy, of the above draft EIA report along with the summary EIA report to the
following Authorities within whose jurisdiction the project will be located:
− District magistrate(s)
− Zilla parishad and municipal corporation
− District industries office
− Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) or PRIs concerned.
− Concerned regional office of the MoEF/SPCB
Above mentioned Authorities except concerned prior environmental clearance
Authority (MoEF/SEIAA) shall arrange to widely publicize the draft EIA report
within their respective jurisdictions. They shall also make draft EIA report for
inspection electronically or otherwise to the public during normal hours till the public
hearing is over.
Concerned regulatory Authority (MoEF/SEIAA/UTEIA) shall display the summary
of EIA report on its website and also make full draft EIA report available for
reference at a notified place during normal office hours at their head office.
SPCB or UTPCC concerned shall make arrangements for giving publicity about the
project within the State/UT and make available the summary of draft EIA report for
inspection in select offices, public libraries, or any other suitable location. They shall
also additionally make available a copy of the draft EIA report to the above five
authorities/offices as mentioned above.
The Member-Secretary of the concerned SPCB or UTPCC shall finalize the date,
time and exact venue for the conduct of public hearing within seven days of the date
of the receipt of the draft EIA report from the project proponent and advertise the
same in one major National Daily and one Regional vernacular Daily/official state
A minimum notice period of 30 (thirty) days shall be provided to the public for
furnishing their responses.
No postponement of the date, time, venue of the public hearing shall be undertaken,
unless some untoward emergency situation occurs and only then on the
recommendation of the concerned District Magistrate the postponement shall be
notified to the public through the same National and Regional vernacular dailies and
also prominently displayed at all the identified offices by the concerned SPCB or
In the above exceptional circumstances fresh date, time and venue for the public
consultation shall be decided by the Member –Secretary of the concerned SPCB or
UTPCC only in consultation with the District Magistrate and notified afresh as per
the procedure.
The District Magistrate or his or her representative not below the rank of an
Additional District Magistrate assisted by a representative of SPCB or UTPCC, shall
supervise and preside over the entire public hearing process.
The SPCB or UTPCC shall arrange to video film the entire proceedings. A copy of
the videotape or a CD shall be enclosed with the public hearing proceedings while
forwarding it to the Regulatory Authority concerned.
The attendance of all those who are present at the venue shall be noted and annexed
with the final proceedings
There shall be no quorum required for attendance for starting the proceedings
Every person present at the venue shall be granted the opportunity to seek
information or clarifications on the project from the Applicant. The summary of the
public hearing proceedings accurately reflecting all the views and concerns expressed
shall be recorded by the representative of the SPCB or UTPCC and read over to the
audience at the end of the proceedings explaining the contents in the vernacular
language and the agreed minutes shall be signed by the District Magistrate or his or
her representative on the same day and forwarded to the SPCB/UTPCC concerned.
A statement of the issues raised by the public and the comments of the proponent
shall also be prepared in the local language or the official state language and in
English and annexed to the proceedings.
The proceedings of the public hearing shall be conspicuously displayed at the office
of the Panchayats within whose jurisdiction the project is located, office of the
concerned Zilla Parishad, District Magistrate, and the SPCB or UTPCC. The SPCB
or UTPCC shall also display the proceedings on its website for general information.
Comments, if any, on the proceedings, may be sent directly to the concerned
regulatory authorities and the Applicant concerned.
The public hearing shall be completed within a period of 45 (forty five) days from
date of receipt of the request letter from the Applicant. Therefore the SPCB or
UTPCC concerned shall send the public hearing proceedings to the concerned
regulatory authority within 8(eight) days of the completion of the public hearing. The
proponent may also directly forward a copy of the approved public hearing
proceedings to the regulatory authority concerned along with the final EIA report or
supplementary report to the draft EIA report prepared after the public hearing and
public consultations incorporating the concerns expressed in the public hearing along
with the action plan and financial allocation, item-wise to address those concerns.
Upon receipt of the same, the Authority will place executive summary of the report
on the website to invite responses from other concerned persons having a plausible
stake in the environmental aspects of the project or activity.
If SPCB/UTPCC is unable to conduct the public hearing in the prescribed time, the
Central Government incase of Category A projects and State Government in case of
Category B projects at the request of the SEIAA or project proponent can engage a
public agency for conducting the public hearing process within a further period of 45
days. The respective governments shall pay the appropriate fee to the public agency
for conducting public hearing.
A public agency means a non-profit making institution/ body such as
technical/academic institutions, government bodies not subordinate to the concerned
If SPCB/Public Agency authorized for conducting public hearing informs the
Authority, stating that it is not possible to conduct the public hearing in a manner,
which will enable the views of the concerned local persons to be freely expressed,
then Authority may consider such report to take a decision that in such particular
case, public consultation may not have the component of public hearing.
Often restricting the public hearing to the specific district may not serve the entire
purpose, therefore, NGOs who are local and registered under the Societies Act in the
adjacent districts may also be allowed to participate in public hearing, if they so
Confidential information including non-disclosable or legally privileged information
involving intellectual property right, source specified in the application shall not be
placed on the website.
The Authority shall make available on a written request from any concerned person
the draft EIA report for inspection at a notified place during normal office hours till
the date of the public hearing.
While mandatory requirements will have to be adhered to, utmost attention shall be
given to the issues raised in the public hearing for determining the modifications
needed in the project proposal and the environmental management plan to address
such issues.
Final EIA report after making needed amendments, as aforesaid, shall be submitted
by the applicant to the concerned Authority for prior environmental clearance.
Alternatively, a supplementary report to draft EIA and EMP addressing all concerns
expressed during the public consultation may be submitted.
4.10 Appraisal
Appraisal means the detailed scrutiny by the EAC or SEAC of the application and the
other documents like the final EIA report, outcome of the public consultation including
public hearing proceedings submitted by the applicant for grant of environmental
The appraisal shall be made by EAC to the Central Government or SEAC to SEIAA.
along with details of agencies that will be responsible for the implementation of
environmental plan/ conservation plan.
− How well the concerns expressed/highlighted during the Public hearing have been
addressed and incorporated in the EMP giving item wise financial provisions and
commitments (in quantified terms)?
− How far the proposed environmental monitoring plan will effectively evaluate the
performance of the EMP? Are details for environmental monitoring plan provided
in the same manner as the EMP?
− Identification of hazard and quantification of risk assessment and whether
appropriate mitigation plan has been included in the EMP?
− Does the proposal include a well formulated time bound green belt development
plan for mitigating environmental problems such as fugitive emission of dust,
gaseous pollutants, noise, odour, etc.
− Does EIA makes a serious attempt to guide the project proponent for minimizing
the requirement of natural resources including land, water energy and other non
renewable resources?
− How well the EIA statement has been organized and presented so that the issues,
their impact and environmental management strategies emerge clearly from it and
how well organized was the power point presentation made before the expert
− Is the information presented in the EIA adequately and appropriately supported by
maps, imageries and photographs highlighting site features and environmental
4.11 Decision-making
The Chairperson reads the sense of the Committee and finalizes the draft minutes of the
meeting, which are circulated by the Secretary to all the core members and sectoral
experts invited to the meeting. Based on the response from the members, the minutes are
finalized and signed by the Chairperson. This process for finalization of the minutes
should be so organized that the time prescribed for various stages is not exceeded.
Incase of the Category B projects (B1 & B2), application shall be received by the
Member-Secretary of the SEIAA and clearance shall also be issued by the same
If approved
The MoEF, Government of India will monitor and take appropriate action under the EP
Act, 1986.
The project proponent must submit half-yearly compliance reports in respect of the
stipulated prior environmental clearance terms and conditions in hard and soft copies to
the regulatory authority concerned, on 1st June and 1st December of each calendar year.
All such compliance reports submitted by the project management shall be public
documents. Copies of the same shall be given to any person on application to the
concerned regulatory authority. The latest such compliance report shall also be displayed
on the web site of the concerned regulatory authority.
The SPCB shall incorporate EIA clearance conditions into consent conditions in respect
of Category A and Category B projects and in parallel monitor and enforce the same.
The role and responsibilities of the organizations involved in different stages of prior
environmental clearance are given in Table 5-1.
Organization-specific functions are listed in Table 5-2.
In this Chapter, constitution, composition, functions, etc., of the Authorities and the
Committees are discussed in detail.
Summary of EIA report will be placed in website. Forwards the received responses
to the project proponent
Engages other public agency for conducting public hearings in cases where the
SPCB does not respond within time
Receives updated EIA report from project proponent incorporating the
considerations from the proceedings of public hearing and responses received
through other media
Forwards updated EIA report to the EAC for appraisal
Either accepts the recommendations of EAC or asks for reconsideration of specific
issues for review by the EAC.
Takes the final decision – acceptance/ rejection – of the project proposal and
communicates the same to the project proponent
State Government Identifies experts as per the composition specified in the Notification and
subsequent guidelines to recommend to the Central Government.
Extends funding support to fulfill the functions of SEIAA/SEAC
Engages other public agency for conducting public hearings in cases where the
SPCB does not respond within time
State Governments will suitably pay the public agency for conducting such activity
EAC Reviews Form 1 and its attachments
Visits site(s), if necessary
Finalizes ToR and recommends to the Central Government, which in turn
communicates the finalized ToR to the project proponent, if not exempted by the
Reviews EIA report, proceedings and appraises their views to the Central
If the Central Government has any specific views, then the EAC reviews again for
SEIAA Receives application from the project proponent
Considers SEAC’s views for finalization of ToR
Communicates the finalized ToR to the project proponent
Receives EIA report from project proponent
Uploads the summary of EIA report in the website in cases of Category B projects
Forwards the responses received to the project proponent
Receives updated EIA report from project proponent incorporating the
considerations from the proceedings of public hearing and responses received
through other media
Forwards updated EIA report to SEAC for appraisal
Either accepts the recommendations of SEAC or asks for reconsideration of
specific issues for review by SEAC.
Takes the final decision and communicates the same to the project proponent
SEAC Reviews Form 1
If necessary visits, site(s) for finalizing the ToR
Reviews updated EIA - EMP report and
Appraises the SEIAA
SPCB Receives request from project proponent and conducts public hearing in the manner
Conveys proceedings to concerned authority and project proponent
Public Agency Receives request from the respective Governments to conduct public hearing
Conducts public hearing in the manner prescribed.
Conveys proceedings to the concerned Authority/EAC /Project proponent
A. Constitution
SEIAA is constituted by the Central Government comprising of three members
including a Chairperson and the Member-Secretary to be nominated by the State
Government or UT Administration concerned.
The Central Government will notify as and when the nominations (in order) are
received from the State Governments, within 30 days from the date of receipt.
The Chairperson and the non-official member shall have a fixed term of three years,
from the date of Notification by the Central Government constituting the Authority.
The form used by the State Governments to submit nominations for Notification by the
Central Government is provided in Annexure V.
B. Composition
Chairperson shall be an expert in the EIA process
Member-Secretary shall be a serving officer of the concerned State Government/ UT
Administration familiar with the environmental laws.
Member-Secretary may be of a level equivalent to the Director, Dept. of Environment
or above – a full time member.
All the members including the Chairperson shall be the experts as per the criteria set
in the Notification.
The Government servants can only serve as the Member-Secretary to SEIAA and the
Secretary to SEAC. All other members including Chairperson of the SEIAA and
SEAC shall not be comprised of serving Government Officers; industry
representatives; and the activists.
Serving faculty (academicians) is eligible for the membership in the Authority and/or
the Committees, if they fulfill the criteria given in Appendix VI to the Notification.
This is to clarify that the serving Government officers shall not be nominated as
professional/expert member of SEIAA/SEAC/EAC.
Professionals/Experts in the SEIAA and SEAC shall be different.
Summary regarding the eligibility criteria for Chairperson and Members of the SEIAA is
given in Table 5-3.
C. Decision-making process
The decision of the Authority shall be arrived through consensus.
If there is no consensus, the Authority may either ask SEAC for reconsideration or
may reject the approval.
All decisions of the SEIAA shall be taken in a meeting, considering the majority
S. No. Requirement
S. No. Requirement
1. A member after continuous membership in two terms (six years) shall not be considered for
further continuation. His/her nomination may be considered after a gap of one term (three years),
if other criteria meet.
2. Chairperson/Member (core or sectoral expert) once notified may not be removed prior to the
tenure of three years without cause and proper enquiry.
5.2 EAC and SEAC
EAC and SEAC are independent Committees to review each developmental activity and
offer its recommendations for consideration of the Central Government and SEIAA
A. Constitution
EAC and SEAC shall be constituted by the Central Government comprising a
maximum of 15 members including a Chairperson and Secretary. In case of SEAC,
the State Government or UT Administration is required to nominate the
professionals/experts for consideration and Notification by the Central Government.
The Central Government will notify as and when the nominations (in order) are
received from the State Governments, within 30 days from the date of receipt.
The Chairperson and the non-official member shall have a fixed term of three years,
from the date of Notification by the Central Government.
The Chairperson shall be an eminent environmental expert with understanding on
environmental aspects and environmental impacts. The Secretary of the SEAC shall
be a State Government officer, not below the level of a Director/Chief Engineer.
The members of the SEAC need not be from the same State/UT.
In case the State Governments/ UTs so desire, the MoEF can form regional EAC to
serve the concerned States/UTs.
State Governments may decide to their convenience to house SEAC at the
Department of Environment or at SPCB or at any other department, to extend support
to the SEAC activities.
B. Composition
Secretary to EAC/SEAC shall invite a maximum of two sectoral professionals/experts
with the prior approval of the Chairperson, if desired.
The Secretary of each EAC shall be an officer of the level equivalent to or above the
level of Director, the MoEF, GoI.
The suggested model for appraisal committees is a composition of Core expert
members and joined by sectoral experts. This means, core group expert members will
be common to all the developmental projects in a group, whereas the sectoral experts
join the core group when specific sectoral project is being appraised.
The desired composition of state or central appraisal committee for this industry
includes the following:
− Environmental management specialist/ environmental regulator/ environmental
− Air and Noise quality expert
− Occupational health
− Geology/geo-hydrology
− Ecologist
− Transportation specialist
− Safety and health specialist
− Social scientist, etc.
C. Decision-making
The EAC and SEAC shall function on the principle of collective responsibility. The
Chairperson shall endeavor to reach a consensus in each case, and if consensus cannot be
reached, the view of the majority shall prevail.
D. Operational issues
Secretary may deal with all correspondence, formulate agenda and prepare agenda
notes. Chairperson and other members may act only for the meetings.
Chairperson of EAC/SEAC shall be one among the core group having considerable
professional experience with proven credentials.
EAC/SEAC shall meet at least once every month or more frequently, if so needed, to
review project proposals and to offer recommendations for the consideration of the
EAC/SEAC members may inspect the site at various stages i.e., during screening,
scoping and appraisal, as per the need felt and decided by the Chairperson of the
The tenure of Authority/Committee(s) shall be for a fixed period of three years. At the
end of the three years period, the Authority and the committees need to be re-constituted.
However, staggered appointment dates may be adopted to maintain continuity of
members at a given point of time.
While recommending nominations and while notifying the members of the Authority and
Expert Committees, it shall be ensured that all the members meet the following three
Professional qualification
Relevant experience/Experience interfacing with environmental management
Absence of conflict of interest
These are elaborated subsequently.
a) Professional qualification
b) Relevant experience
For the deliberations of the EAC/SEAC to be independent and unbiased, all possibilities
of potential conflict of interests have to be eliminated. Therefore, serving government
officers; persons engaged in industry and their associations; persons associated with the
formulation of development projects requiring environmental clearance, and persons
associated with environmental activism shall not be considered for membership of
iii. Age
Below 70 years for the members and below 72 years for the Chairperson of the
SEIAA/SEAC/EAC. The applicability of the age is at the time of the Notification of the
SEIAA/SEAC/EAC by the Central Government.
Summary regarding the eligibility criteria for Chairperson and Members of the EAC/
SEAC are given in Table 5-4.
S. Requirement
Attribute Core Secretary Chairperson
Expert members
S. Requirement
Attribute Core Secretary Chairperson
Expert members
3 Test of independence Shall not be a serving In case of EAC, not less Shall not be a serving
(conflict of interest) government officer than a Director from the government officer
and minimum grade MoEF, Government of
Shall not be a person Shall not be a person
of the Secretary of the India
engaged in industry engaged in industry and
and their associations their associations
Shall not be a person Incase of SEAC, not Shall not be a person
associated with below the level of associated with
environmental activism Director/Chief Engineer environmental activism
from the State
Government (DoE)
4 Age Below 67 years at the As per state Government Below 72 Years at the
time of Notification of Service Rules time of the Notification
the Committee of the Committee
5 Membership in Core Only one other than Shall not be a member in Shall not be a member
committees this nomination is other SEIAA/EAC/SEAC in any other
permitted SEIAA/EAC/SEAC
6 Membership of Only three other than Shall not be a member in
Sectoral Experts this nomination is other SEIAA/EAC/SEAC
7 Tenure of earlier Only one term before Not applicable Only one term before
appointment this in continuity is this in continuity is
(continuous) permitted permitted
8 Eminent Desirable Not applicable Compulsory
expertise with
understanding on
environmental aspects
and impacts
1. Core members are the members in EAC/SEAC, who are common for all the types of
developmental activities, whereas, sectoral expert members will join for the specific developmental
sectors. Core members may be limited to about 12.
2. Sectoral expert members: Sectoral Expert members are the members who join the EAC/SEAC,
when corresponding sector is being reviewed/appraised. At a given sectoral review, a maximum
of three sectoral expert members may join. Therefore the total number of expert members in
EAC/SEAC does not exceed 15.
3. A member after continuous membership in two terms (six years) shall not be considered for
further continuation. His/her nomination may be reconsidered after a gap of one term (three
years), if other criteria meet.
4. Chairperson/Member (core or sectoral expert) once notified may not be removed prior to the
tenure of 3 years with out cause and proper enquiry. A member after continuous membership in
two terms (6 years) shall not be considered for further continuation. The same profile may be
considered for nomination after a gap of three years, i.e., one term, if other criteria are meeting.
E. Other conditions
An expert Core Committee member of one State/UT, can have at the most another
State/UT Committee membership (core or sectoral expert member), but in no case
more than two Committees at a given point of time.
Sectoral experts (not being a member in a Core Committee) can have membership in
not more than four states.
An expert member of a Committee (core or sectoral expert) shall not have
membership continuously in the same committee for more than two terms, i.e. six
years. They can be nominated after a gap of three years, i.e., one term. When a
member of Committee has been associated with any development project, which
comes for environmental clearance, he/she may not participate in the deliberations
and the decisions in respect to that particular project.
At least four members shall be present in each meeting to fulfill the quorum.
If a member does not consecutively attend six meetings, without prior intimation to
the Committee his/her membership may be terminated by the Notifying Authority.
Prior information for absence due to academic pursuits, career development and
national/state-endorsed programmes may be considered as genuine grounds for
retention of membership.
S. No. Item Details
1. Construction, operation or decommissioning of the Project involving
actions, which will cause physical changes in the locality (topography, land use,
changes in water bodies, etc.)
Details thereof (with
approximate quantities
/rates, wherever
S.No. Information/Checklist confirmation Yes/No possible) with source of
information data
Details thereof (with
approximate quantities
/rates, wherever
S.No. Information/Checklist confirmation Yes/No possible) with source of
information data
3. Use, storage, transport, handling or production of substances or
materials, which could be harmful to human health or the environment or raise
concerns about actual or perceived risks to human health.
Details thereof (with
S.No. Information/Checklist confirmation Yes/No wherever possible) with
source of information
6. Generation of Noise and Vibration, and Emissions of Light and Heat:
8. Risk of accidents during construction or operation of the Project, which
could affect human health or the environment
“I hereby given undertaking that the data and information given in the application and
enclosure are true to the best of my knowledge and belief and I am aware that if any
part of the data and information submitted is found to be false or misleading at any
stage, the project will be rejected and clearance give, if any to the project will be
revoked at our risk and cost.
Signature of the applicant
With Name and Full Address
(Project Proponent / Authorized Signatory)
1. The projects involving clearance under Coastal Regulation Zone
Notification, 1991 shall submit with the application a C.R.Z. map duly
demarcated by one of the authorized, agencies, showing the project
activities, w.r.t. C.R.Z. and the recommendations of the State Coastal Zone
Management Authority. Simultaneous action shall also be taken to obtain
the requisite clearance under the provisions of the C.R.Z. Notification,
1991 for the activities to be located in the CRZ.
2. The projects to be located within 10km of the National Parks, Sanctuaries,
Biosphere Reserves, Migratory Corridors of Wild Animals, the project
proponent shall submit the map duly authenticated by Chief Wildlife
Warden showing these features vis-à-vis the project location and the
recommendations or comments of the Chief Wildlife Warden thereon.”
Types of Monitoring and Network Design Considerations
A. Types of Monitoring
Monitoring refers to the collection of data using a series of repetitive measurements of
environmental parameters (or, more generally, to a process of systematic observation). The
environmental quality monitoring programme design will be dependent upon the monitoring
objectives specified for the selected area of interest. The main types of EIA monitoring activities
The scope of monitoring topics discussed in this chapter is limited to Baseline and Effects
monitoring. In addition, this chapter will also discuss the Compliance monitoring during the
construction phase. Post-project monitoring requirements are discussed in the EMP.
Before any field monitoring tasks are undertaken there are many institutional, scientific, and fiscal
issues that must be addressed in the implementation of an environmental monitoring program.
Careful consideration of these issues in the design and planning stages will help avoid many of
the pitfalls associated with environmental monitoring programs. Although these issues are
important but the discussions here are confined to the monitoring network design component.
B. Network Design
Analysis of Significant Environmental Issues
At the outset of planning for an environmental monitoring network, the EIA manager may not
know exactly what should be monitored, when monitoring should begin, where it should monitor,
which techniques should be employed, and who should take responsibility for its conduct.
Because there are usually a number of objective decisions associated with network design to be
made, it is important to start with an analysis of environmental issues. The scoping phase of an
EIA is designed to identify and focus on the major issues. Scoping should provide a valuable
source of information on the concerns that need to be addressed by the monitoring network
design. These are project specific as well as specific to the environmental setting of the location
where the project is proposed to be located
What to Monitor?
VECs are generally defined as environmental attributes or components of the environment that are
valued by society as identified during the scoping stage of the project. They are determined on
the basis of perceived public concerns. For example, changes to water quality and quantity could
have implications on fish by affecting habitat, food supply, oxygen, and contaminant uptake.
Similarly, employment and business, and economies are both VECs that serve as pathways.
The choice of VECs is also related to the perceived significant impact of the project
implementation on important environmental components. In general, the significance or
importance of environmental components is judged based on:
The chosen environmental indicators must be: 1) measurable; 2) appropriate to the scale of
disturbance/ contamination; 3) appropriate to the impact mechanism; 4) appropriate and
proportional to temporal dynamics; 5) diagnostic; and 6) standardized; as well as have: 1) a low
natural variability; 2) a broad applicability; and 3) an existing data series.
These are the other components of Monitoring Network Design. These questions are best
answered based on local field conditions, capacity and resources available, prevailing legal and
regulatory priorities, etc. For this screening or reconnaissance Surveys of the study area also
necessary. This may also include some simple inexpensive measurements and
assimilative/dispersion modeling. The data will give some information on the prevailing special
and temporal variations, and the general background air pollution in the area. The number of
monitoring stations and the indicators to be measured at each station in the final permanent
network may then be decided upon based on the results of the screening study as well as on the
knowledge of the sources of the proposed development and prevailing local
environmental/meteorological conditions. The best possible definition of the air pollution
problem, together with the analysis of the resources: personnel, budget and equipment available,
represent the basis for the decision on the following questions:
What spatial density (number) of sampling stations is required? How many samples are
needed and during what period (sampling (averaging) time and frequency)?
Where should the stations be located?
What kind of equipment should be used?
What additional background information is needed?
− meteorology
− topography
− population density
− emission sources and emission rates
− effects and impacts
How will the data be made available/communicated?
C. Site Selection
This normally means that for designing a monitoring programme in an (study) area which might
have an impact, several monitoring stations are needed for characterizing the baseline conditions
of the impacted area. When considering the location of individual samplers, it is essential that the
data collected are representative for the location and type of area without the undue influence
from the immediate surroundings. In any measurement point in the study area the total ambient
concentration is the representative of:
Guidance for Assessment of Baseline Components and Attributes
Guidance for Assessment of Baseline Components and Attributes*
A. Land Environment
Soil One surface sample Season-wise Collected and analyzed The purpose of impact
Particle size distribution from each landfill as per soil analysis assessment on soil (land
Texture and/or hazardous reference book, environment) is to assess
pH waste site (if M.I.Jackson and soil the significant impacts
Electrical conductivity applicable) and prime analysis reference book due to leaching of wastes
Cation exchange capacity villages, (soil samples by C.A. Black or accidental releases and
Alkali metals be collected as per contaminating
Sodium Absorption Ratio BIS specifications) in
(SAR) the study area
B. Land Use/Landscape
Location code At least 20 points Drainage once in the Global Drainage within the plant
Total project area along with plant study period and positioning area and surrounding is
Topography boundary and general land use categories system very important for storm
Drainage (natural) major land use from secondary data Topo-sheets water impacts.
Cultivated, forest categories in the (local maps) and Satellite From land use maps
plantations, water bodies, study area. ` satellite imageries Imageries sensitive receptors
roads and settlements (1:25,000) (forests, parks,
Satellite mangroves etc.) can be
Imageries identified
C. Solid Waste
Quantity: For green field unites Process wise or Guidelines
Based on waste generated it is based on activity wise for
Attributes Sampling Method of Remarks
Network Frequency
from per unit production secondary data base respective raw IS 9569 : 1980
Per capita contribution of earlier plants. material used. IS 10447 : 1983
Collection, transport and Domestic waste
IS 12625 : 1989
disposal system depends upon the
season also IS 12647 : 1989
Process Waste
Quality (oily, chemical, IS 12662 (PTI) 1989
General segregation into Grab and Composite Process wise or Analysis
biological/organic/inert/haz samples activity wise for IS 9334 : 1979
ardous respective raw
IS 9235 : 1979
Loss on heating material used.
pH Domestic waste IS 10158 : 1982
Electrical Conductivity depends upon the
Calorific value, metals etc. season also
Quality: Grab and Composite Process wise or Analysis Impacts of hazardous
Permeability And porosity samples. Recyclable activity wise for IS 9334 : 1979 waste should be
Moisture pH components have to respective raw performed critically
IS 9235 : 1979
Electrical conductivity analyzed for the material used. depending on the waste
recycling IS 10158 : 1982 characteristics and place
Loss on ignition
Phosphorous requirements of discharge. For land
Total nitrogen disposal the guidelines
should be followed and
Cation exchange capacity
impacts of accidental
Particle size distribution
releases should be
Heavy metal assessed
D. Biological Environment (aquatic)
Primary productivity Considering probable Season changes are Standards techniques Seasonal sampling for
Attributes Sampling Method of Remarks
Network Frequency
Aquatic weeds impact, sampling very important (APHA et. Al. 1995, aquatic biota
Enumeration of points and number of Rau and Wooten 1980) One season for terrestrial
phytoplankton, zooplankton samples to be decided to be followed for biota, in addition to
and benthos on established sampling and vegetation studies during
Fisheries guidelines on measurement monsoon season
Diversity indices ecological studies
Preliminary assessment
based on site eco-
Trophic levels Microscopic analysis of
environment setting
Rare and endangered plankton and
within 10/25 km
species meiobenthos, studies of
radius from the
Sanctuaries / closed areas / proposed site macrofauna, aquatic
Coastal regulation zone vegetation and
(CRZ) Samples to collect
application of indices,
from upstream and
Terrestrial viz. Shannon, similarity,
downstream of
Vegetation – species, list, dominance IVI etc
discharge point,
economic importance, Point quarter plot-less
nearby tributaries at
forest produce, medicinal method (random
down stream, and
value sampling) for terrestrial
also from dug wells
Importance value index close to activity site vegetation survey.
(IVI) of trees
Wild animals
Avifauna For forest studies, Secondary data to collect
Rare and endangered chronic as well as from Government
species short-term impacts offices, NGOs, published
Sanctuaries / National park should be analyzed literature
/ Biosphere reserve warranting data on Plankton net
micro climate
Sediment dredge
Depth sampler
Attributes Sampling Method of Remarks
Network Frequency
Field binocular
E. Socio-economic
Demographic structure Socio-economic Different impacts Primary data collection Secondary data from
Infrastructure resource base survey is based on occurs during through R&R surveys census records, statistical
Economic resource base proportionate, construction and (if require) or hard books, toposheets,
Health status: Morbidity stratified and random operational phases community survey are health records and
pattern sampling method of the project based on personal relevant official records
Cultural and aesthetic interviews and available with Govt.
attributes questionnaire agencies
* Project Specific
Sources of Secondary Data Collection
Annexure IVA: Potential Sources of Data For EIA
Information Source
Air Environment
1. Meteorology- Temperature, Rainfall, Humidity, Indian Meteorology Department, Pune
Inversion, Seasonal Wind rose pattern (16 point
compass scale), cloud cover, wind speed, wind
direction, stability, mixing depth
2. Ambient Air Quality- 24 hourly concentration of Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB),
SPM, RPM, SO2, NOx, CO State Pollution Control Board (SPCB),
Municipal Corporations
Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF)
State Department of Environment (DoEN)
Water Environment
3. Surface water- water sources, water flow (lean Central Water Commission (CWC),
season), water quality, water usage, Downstream Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB),
water users State Pollution Control Board (SPCB), Central Water
Command area development plan and Power Research Institute (CWPRS), Pune
Catchment treatment plan State Irrigation Department
Hydel Power generation organizations such as
NHPC, State SEBs
4. Ground Water- groundwater recharge Central Ground Water Board (CGWB)
rate/withdrawal rate, ground water potential Central Ground Water Authority (CGWA)
groundwater levels (pre monsoon, post monsoon), State Ground Water Board (SGWB)
ground water quality, changes observed in quality National Water Development Authority (NWDA)
and quantity of ground water in last 15 years
5. Coastal waters- water quality, tide and current data, Department of Ocean Development, New Delhi
bathymetry State Maritime Boards
Naval Hydrographer’s Office, Dehradun
Port Authorities
National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Goa
Biological Environment
6. Description of Biological Environment- inventory District Gazetteers
of flora and fauna in 7 km radius, endemic species, National Remote Sensing Agency (NRSA),
endangered species, Aquatic Fauna, Forest land, Hyderabad
forest type and density of vegetation, biosphere, Forest Survey of India, Dehradun
national parks, wild life sanctuaries, tiger reserve, Wildlife Institute of India
elephant reserve, turtle nesting ground, core zone World Wildlife Fund
of biosphere reserve, habitat of migratory birds, Zoological Survey of India
routes of migratory birds Botanical Survey of India
Bombay Natural History Society, (BNHS), Mumbai
State Forest Departments
State Fisheries Department
Ministry of Environment and Forests
State Agriculture Departments
State Agriculture Universities
Land Environment
7. Geographical Information-Latitude, Longitude, Toposheets of Survey of India, Pune
Elevation ( above MSL) National Remote Sensing Agency (NRSA),
Space Application Centre (SAC), Ahmedabad
11. Landuse in the project area and 10 km radius of the Survey of India- Toposheets
periphery of the project All India Soil and Landuse Survey; Delhi
National Remote Sensing Agency (NRSA),
Town and County Planning Organisation
State Urban Planning Department
Regional Planning Authorities (existing and proposed
Village Revenue Map- District Collectorate
Directorate of Economics and Statistics-State
Space Application Centre, Ahmedabad
Natural Disasters
15. Seismic data (Mining Projects)- zone no, no of Indian Meteorology Department, Pune
earthquakes and scale, impacts on life, property Geological Survey of India
existing mines
16. Landslide prone zone, geomorphological Space Application Centre
conditions, degree of susceptibility to mass
movement, major landslide history (frequency of
occurrence/decade), area affected, population
Based on web search and literature review
9. Central Institute of Brackish Water Repository of information on brackish water fishery resources with
Aquaculture systematic database of coastal fishery resources for ARIS
141, Marshalls Road, Egmore , Agricultural Research Information System (ARIS) database covers
Chennai - 600 008, State wise data on soil and water quality parameters, land use pattern,
Tel# 044-8554866, 8554891, production and productivity trends,
Director (Per) 8554851 Social, economic and environmental impacts of aquaculture farming,
Fax#8554851, Guidelines and effluent standards for aquaculture farming
10. Central Marine Fisheries Research Assessing and monitoring of exploited and un-exploited fish stocks in
Institute (CMFRI), Cochin Indian EEZ
Monitoring the health of the coastal ecosystems, particularly the
endangered ecosystems in relation to artisanal fishing, mechanised
fishing and marine pollution
The institute has been collecting data on the catch and effort and
biological characteristics for nearly half a century based on
scientifically developed sampling scheme, covering all the maritime
States of the country
The voluminous data available with the institute is managed by the
National Marine Living Resources Data Centre (NMLRDC)
11. Central Water and Power Research Numerical and Physical models for hydro-dynamic simulations
Station, Pune
Tel#020-4391801-14; 4392511;
Fax #020-4392004,4390189
12. Central Institute of Road Transport, Repository of data on all aspects of performance of STUs and a host
Bhosari, Pune of other related road transport parameters
411 026, India.
Tel : +91 (20) 7125177, 7125292,
7125493, 7125494
17. Indian Council of Agriculture A total of 80,000 profiles at 10 kms grid across the country were
Research, analyzed to characterize the soils of India.
Krishi Bhawan, New Delhi, Detailed soil maps of the Country (1:7 million), State (1:250,000) and
Tel#011-338206 districts map (1:50,000) depicting extent of degradation (1:4.4 millions)
have been prepared.
Thematic maps depicting soil depth, texture drainage, calcareousness,
− ICAR complex, Goa- Agro salinity, pH, slope and erosion have been published
metrology Agro-climate characterization of the country based on moisture,
− Central Arid Zone Research thermal and sunshine regimes
Institute- Agro forestry Agro-ecological zones (20) and sub-zones (60) for the country were
− Central Soil salinity Research delineated based on physiography, soils, climate, Length of Growing
Institute, Period and Available Water Content, and mapped on 1:4.4 million
− Indian Institute of Soil Science scale.
− Central Soil and Water Digitization of physiography and soil resource base on 1:50,000 scale
Conservation Research and for 14 States have been completed.
Training Institute .Soil fertility maps of N,P,K,S and Zn have also been developed
− National Bureau of Soil Survey Water quality guidelines for irrigation and naturally occurring
and Landuse Planning saline/sodic water
Calibration and verification of ground water models for predicting
water logging and salinity hazards in irrigation commands
18. Indian Bureau of Mines National mineral inventory for 61 minerals and mineral maps
Indira Bhawan, Civil Lines Nagpur Studies on environmental protection and pollution control in regard
Ph no - 0712-533 631, to the mining and mineral beneficiation operations
Fax- 0712-533 041 Collection, processing and storage of data on mines, minerals and
mineral-based industries, collection and maintenance of world mineral
intelligence, foreign mineral legislation and other related matters
21. Industrial Toxicology Research Activities include health survey on occupational diseases in industrial
Centre workers, air and water quality monitoring studies, ecotoxicological
Post Box No. 80, Mahatma Gandhi impact assessment, toxicity of chemicals, human health risk
Marg, Lucknow-226001, assessment
Phone: +91-522- Five databases on CD-ROM in the area of environmental toxicology
221856,213618,228227; Fax : +91- viz: TOXLINE, CHEMBANK, POISINDEX, POLTOX and
522 228227 PESTBANK. The Toxicology Information Centre provides
Email: [email protected] information on toxic chemicals including household chemicals
ENVIS centre and created a full-fledged computerized database
(DABTOC) on toxicity profiles of about 450 chemicals
22. Indian Institute of Forest Consultancy and research on joint forest management (Ford
Management Foundation, SIDA, GTZ, FAO etc)
Post Box No. 357, Nehru Nagar
Bhopal - 462 003
Phone # 0755-575716, 573799,
765125, 767851
Fax # 0755-572878
International Finance Corporation (IFC) - Environmental, Health and Safety Guidelines for
Tanning and Leather Finishing, World Bank Group.
Central Pollution Control Board – “Environmental Management in Tannery Sector: Status &
Central Pollution Control Board – General Environmental Standards and Industry Specific
Dr. Rajamani, CLRI - Presentation on Waste Minimization Options and Inplant and Effluent
Treatment - Case Studies.
Ecosmart India Ltd., - Report on Secondary Data Collection for Environmental Information
Centre, submitted to Ministry of Environment and Forests, 28th March 2003