Rubric Indicators

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Engaging Teacher-centered Student-centered

1 3 5
Adapting The teacher rarely The teacher often adapts The teacher consistently
Instructional adapts instructional instructional content so adapts instructional content
Content content so that it is that it is personally thats personally meaningful
personally meaningful + meaningful and relevant to & relevant to students.
relevant to students. students

Learning The teacher rarely The teacher often The teacher consistently
Experiences develops learning develops learning develops learning
experiences where experiences where experiences where inquiry,
inquiry, curiosity, + inquiry, curiosity, and curiosity & exploration are
exploration are valued. exploration are valued. valued.

Reinforces &
The teacher rarely The teacher often The teacher consistently
Effort reinforces and rewards reinforces and rewards reinforces and
effort. effort. rewards effort.
Standards and Teacher-centered Student-centered
1 3 5
Learning Few learning objectives and Learning objectives & Learning objectives & standards
Objectives & state content standards are standards are clearly are clearly communicated &
Standards communicated. communicated/explained in explained in student terms &
student terms. referenced in the lesson.

Sub-objectives Sub-objectives are Sub-objectives are mostly Sub-objectives are aligned and
inconsistently aligned to aligned to the lessons major logically sequenced to the
the major objective. objective. lessons major objectives.

Students Learning objectives are Learning objectives are Learning objectives are
Previous rarely connected to what connected to what students consistently connected to
Knowledge students have previously have previously learned. previous knowledge, life
learned. experiences, and other
Expectations Expectations for student Expectations for student Expectations for student
performance are vague. performance are clear. performance are clear,
demanding & high.

Evidence of There is evidence (e.g. exit There is evidence that most There is evidence that all
Mastery tickets, mastery tests, students demonstrate students demonstrate mastery
passing rates, etc.) that few mastery of the objective. of the objective.
students demonstrate
mastery of the objective.
Presenting Teacher-centered Student-centered
Content 1 3 5
Modeling Content presentation rarely Content presentation often Content presentation consistently
Performance includes teacher modeling to includes modeling by the teacher includes modeling by the teacher to
Expectations demonstrate his or her to demonstrate his or her demonstrate his or her performance
performance expectations. performance expectations. expectations.

Visuals Content presentation rarely Content presentation often Content presentation consistently
includes visuals that establish the includes visuals that establish the includes visuals that establish the
purpose of the lesson, preview purpose of he lesson, preview the purpose of the lesson, preview the
the organization of the lesson, organization of the lesson, & organization of the lesson & include
and include internal summaries. include internal summaries. internal summaries

Personalized Content rarely includes lessons Content often includes lessons Content consistently includes
personalized to students needs. personalized to students needs. lessons personalized to students

New Concepts Content rarely incldes examples, Content often includes examples, Content consisntetely includes
and Ideas illustrations, analogies, and illustrations, analogies, and labels examples, illustrations, analogies,
labels for new concepts and for new concepts and ideas. and lables for new concepts and
ideas. ideas.

Concise Content presentation rarely Content presentation often Content presentationn consistently
Communication includes concise communication. includes concise communication. includes concise communication.

Logical Content presentation rarely Content presentation often Content presentation consistently
Sequencing & includes logical sequencing and includes logical sequencing and includes logical sequencing and
Segmenting segmenting. segmenting. segmenting.

Essential Content presentation rarely Content presentation often Content presentation consistently
Teacher Content Teacher-centered Student-centered
1 3 5
Content Teacher displays under- Teacher displays accurate Teacher displays extensive
Knowledge developed content content knowledge in the content knowledge of the
knowledge in the subject subject being taught. subject being taught.
being taught.

Subject Teacher rarely implements Teacher sometimes Teacher consistently

Specific subject-specific instructional implements subject-specific implements a variety of
Instructional strategies to enhance instructional strategies to subject-specific instructional
Strategies student content knowledge. enhance student content strategies to enhance student
knowledge. content knowledge.

Key Teacher does not Teacher highlights key The teacher highlights key
Concepts understand key concepts concepts and ideas in the concepts and ideas and
and Ideas and ideas in the discipline discipline and uses them as consistently connects them
and therefore presents bases to connect other to other powerful ideas.
content in an unconnected powerful ideas.

Content Limited content is taught in Most content is taught in Content is consistently

Depth sufficient depth to allow for sufficient depth to allow for taught in sufficient depth to
the development of the development of allow for the development of
understanding. understanding. understanding.
Lesson Teacher-centered Student-centered
Structure and
Pacing 1 3 5
The lesson does not start The lesson starts promptly. The lesson starts promptly and
promptly. efficiently.

The lessons structure is The lessons structure is aligned

Lesson The lesson has a structure, but
aligned with a beginning, with a beginning, middle, and
Structure may be missing introductory
middle, and end. end, and time for reflection.
elements or closure.

Pacing Pacing is appropriate for less Pacing is appropriate and Pacing is appropriate and
than half of the students and sometimes provides provides many opportunities
rarely provides opportunities opportunities for students for individual students who
for students who progress at who progress at different progress at different learning
different learning rates, including learning rates, including rates, including new students.
new students. those who are new.

Routines Routines for sharing materials are Routines for sharing Routines for sharing materials
inefficient (e.g. posting materials are efficient (e.g. are seamless (e.g. posting
documents, advancing slides, posting documents, documents, advancing slides,
switching between screens) advancing slides, switching switching between screens)
between screens)

Transition Considerable instructional time Little instructional time is No instructional time is lost
is lost due to transitions. lost due to transitions. due to transitions.
Academic Teacher-centered Student-centered
1 3 5
Quality The quality and timeliness of Feedback is frequent, mostly Feedback is frequent,
feedback is inconsistent. academically focused, and consistently academically
mostly high quality. focused, and high quality.

Guided The teacher rarely gives The teacher sometimes gives The teacher frequently gives
Practice feedback during guided feedback during guided feedback during guided practice.
practice. practice.

Teacher During instructional activities, The teacher monitors during The teacher monitors (i.e.
Monitoring the teacher monitors mostly instructional activities to efficiently moves between
behavior. support engagement and breakout rooms) to prompt
monitor student work. student thinking, assess each
students progress, and
provide instructional feedback.

Differentiated The teacher rarely uses The teacher sometimes uses The teacher consistently uses
Instruction feedback from students to feedback from students to feedback from students to
differentiate instruction. differentiate instruction. differentiate instruction.

Student Peer The teacher rarely offers The teacher sometimes offers The teacher consistently offers
Feedback opportunities for students to opportunities for students to opportunities for students to
provide specific and high-quality provide specific and high- provide specific and high-
feedback to one another. quality feedback to one quality feedback to one
another. another.
Questioning Teacher-centered Student-centered

1 3 5
Quality Question quality is inconsistent Question quality is high and varied Question quality is high and varied
and has few types. in type: with all:
Knowledge & comprehension Knowledge & comprehension
Application & analysis Application & analysis
Creation & evaluation Creation & evaluation

Purposeful Questions are random and have Questions are sometimes Questions are always coherent &
& Coherent no coherence purposeful & cohered, require rigor purposeful and require rigor range
range and complexity and complexity.

Number of Appropriate number of questions is Appropriate number of questions is Appropriate number of questions is
Questions rarely asked. sometimes asked. consistently asked.

Sequenced Questions are rarely sequenced to Questions are sometimes Questions are consistently
instructional goals sequenced to instructional goals. sequenced to instructional goals.

Active Questions rarely require an active Questions sometimes require active Questions regularly require active
Responses response responses responses.

Wait Time There is rarely enough wait time. There is usually enough wait time. There is consistently enough wait

Cold Call Teacher mostly calls on volunteers Teacher usually calls on students Teacher consistently calls on
& high-ability students. equally. students equally.

Student Teacher rarely provides Teacher sometimes provides Teacher frequently provides
Inquiry opportunities for students to create opportunities for students to create opportunities for students to create
Thinking Teacher-centered Student-centered

1 3 5
Teaching Teacher does not provide The teacher provides learning The teacher provides learning
Thinking learning experiences that experiences that encourage 2 experiences that encourage
encourage higher-ordered types of thinking: three or more types of thinking:
thinking. Analytical thinking: analyzes, Analytical thinking: analyzes,
compare & contrast, & compare & contrast, & evaluate
evaluate and explain and explain information
information Practical thinking: use, apply
Practical thinking: use, apply and implement what they learn
and implement what they in real-life scenarios
learn in real-life scenarios Creative thinking: create,
Creative thinking: create, design, imagine and suppose
design, imagine and suppose Research thinking: explore and
Research thinking: explore review a variety of ideas,
and review a variety of ideas, models and solves problems
models and solves problems

Student The teacher provides no The teacher provides The teacher consistently
opportunities where students: opportunities where students: provides opportunities where
Generate a variety of ideas Generate a variety of ideas students:
and alternatives or and alternatives or Generate a variety of ideas
Analyze problems from Analyze problems from and alternatives or
multiple perspectives and multiple perspectives and Analyze problems from
viewpoints viewpoints multiple perspectives and
Monitors their thinking to
ensure that they understand
what they are learning
Teacher Teacher-centered Student-centered
Knowledge of
Students 1 3 5
Learning The teachers practices The teachers practices The teachers practices
Difficulties demonstrate minimal display understanding of display understanding of each
knowledge of students some students anticipated students anticipated learning
anticipated learning learning difficulties. difficulties are noted within
difficulties. various platforms.

Interests and The teachers practices The teachers practices The teachers practices
Cultural rarely incorporate sometimes incorporate regularly incorporate students
Heritage students increase or student interests and interests and cultural heritage.
cultural heritage. cultural heritage.

Differentiated The teachers practices The teacher usually The teachers consistently
Instruction demonstrate little provides differentiated provides differentiation of
differentiation of instructional methods and instructional methods and
instructional methods or content based on data from content based on data from
content based on data student management student management trackers
from student management trackers to ensure students to ensure students have the
trackers. have the opportunity to opportunity to master what is
master what is being taught. being taught.
Assessment Teacher-centered Student-centered

1 3 5
State Content Assessment plans are rarely Assessment plans are aligned with Assessment plans are consistently
Standards aligned with state content state content standards. aligned with standards and mapped to
standards. curriculum objectives.

Student Assessment plans are not aligned Assessment plans are aligned with Assessment plans are accurately and
Current with each individuals current each individuals current progress completely aligned with each
Progress progress in the course. in the course. individuals current progress in the

Additional Assessment plans include no Assessment plans often include Assessment plans include criteria
Attempts criteria for allowing additional criteria before allowing additional before allowing additional attempts.
attempts. attempts.

Measurement Assessment plans have no Assessment Plans have Assessment Plans have clear
Criteria measured criteria. measurement criteria. measurement criteria.

Multiple Assessment Plans do not Assessment Plans measure Assessment Plans consistently
Performance measure student performance in student performance in multiple measure student performance in
Measures multiple ways (e.g., in the form of a ways (e.g., in the form of a project, multiple ways (e.g., in the form of a
project, essay, short answer, or essay, short answer, or multiple project, essay, short answer, or
multiple choice test). choice test). multiple choice test).

Academic Assessment plans do not use Assessment plans use academic Assessment plans consistently use
Technological academic technological providers technological providers of academic technological providers of
Providers of standards-based assessment. standards-based assessment. standards-based assessment.
Expectations Teacher-centered Student-centered

1 3 5
Teacher expectations are not Teacher sets high & Teacher sets high & demanding
sufficiently high for every demanding academic academic expectations for every
student. expectations for most student.

The teacher sometimes The teacher consistently

Mistakes The teacher creates an
encourages students to learn encourages students to learn
environment in which
from mistakes. from mistakes, and the teacher
mistakes and failure are not
creates learning opportunities in
viewed as learning
which most students can
experience success.

Student Students demonstrate little Students complete their work Students take initiative &
Initiative or no pride in their work according to teacher follow through with their work.
quality. expectations.

Instructional The teacher creates minimal The teacher creates some Instructional time is optimized
Time learning opportunities where learning opportunities where material is taught beyond
most students can most students can required minimum, &
experience success. experience success. encourages high performance
from every student.

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