Choice Board Rubric
Choice Board Rubric
Choice Board Rubric
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Organization The student The student The student The student The student
did not demonstrated demonstrated demonstrated demonstrated
demonstrate some adequate deliberate exemplary
any sort of organization organization organization organizationa
organization in their of their of their l skills in their
in their thoughts/ thoughts/ thoughts/ thoughts/
thoughts/ drawings/idea drawings/idea drawings/idea drawings/idea
drawings/idea s. s. s. s.
Originality The student The student The student The student The student
showed no showed a created an submitted went above
attempt at minimal original/ work that was and beyond
original/ attempt in creative original and with their
creative work. original/ submission, creative, as creative
creative work. but could well as interpretation
have included visually of the
more detail. pleasing, or assignment
with a new showing
outlook on complete
the topic. originality.
Inclusion of The student The student The student The student The student
Content did not included a included included connected
include any few details details that relevant the topic with
information that related to details from the
that related addressed the both the topic the topic and assignment
to the topic topic, but and the assignment very well, and
provided. lacked insight assignment, with relevant included
on the with some connections connections
relationship insight into between the from outside
between the the two. of what was
assignment relationship discussed in
and the topic. between the class.
Effort The student The student The student The student The student
showed no showed a submitted the submitted the went above
attempt at half-hearted assignment assignment and beyond
completing attempt at with most of with all of the with their
the completing the guidelines guidelines submission,
assignment the met, but it met, and was surpassing
according to assignment, could have work/approac many