Project Guide VM43C Propulsion - 08.2012

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VM 43 C Project Guide • Propulsion

VM 43 C
Project Guide • Propulsion

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Edition August 2012

VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012 I
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II VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012

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VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012 III

IV VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012

1. Engine description

1.1 Engine description ............................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Engine design features ........................................................................................................ 2

2. General data and operation of the engine

2.1 General data and outputs .................................................................................................... 3

2.1.1 Output definition .................................................................................................................... 3
2.1.2 Fuel consumption .................................................................................................................. 4
2.1.3 Lube oil consumption ........................................................................................................... 4
2.1.4 Nitrogen oxide emissions (NOx values) IMO II ................................................................. 4
2.1.5 Emergency operation without turbocharger .................................................................... 4
2.1.6 Technical data ....................................................................................................................... 5

2.2 Engine dimensions ............................................................................................................... 7

2.2.1 Turbocharger at driving end ................................................................................................ 7
2.2.2 Turbocharger at free end ..................................................................................................... 8

2.3 Restrictions for low load operation .................................................................................. 9

2.4 Controllable pitch propeller operation ............................................................................. 10

2.4.1 Optimized propeller operation ............................................................................................ 11

2.5 General clutch procedure ................................................................................................... 12

3. Systems

3.1 Combustion air system ........................................................................................................ 13

3.1.1 General.................................................................................................................................... 13
3.1.2 Air intake from engine room (standard) ............................................................................ 13
3.1.3 Air intake from outside ......................................................................................................... 13
3.1.4 Radiated heat ......................................................................................................................... 13

VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012 V
3.2 Starting air system ............................................................................................................... 14
3.2.1 Starting air quality requirements ........................................................................................ 14
3.2.2 System diagram ..................................................................................................................... 15
3.2.3 Starting air system components ......................................................................................... 16
a) Receiver capacity acc. to GL recommendation AT1/AT2 .......................................... 16
b) Compressor AC1/AC2 ...................................................................................................... 17
c) Air starter (fitted) AM1 .................................................................................................... 17

3.3 Exhaust system ..................................................................................................................... 17

3.3.1 General.................................................................................................................................... 17
3.3.2 Exhaust expansion joint ....................................................................................................... 17
3.3.3 Silencer ................................................................................................................................... 18
3.3.4 Exhaust gas boiler (if needed) ............................................................................................ 19
3.3.5 Turbocharger cleaning device ............................................................................................ 20

3.4 Cooling water system .......................................................................................................... 21

3.4.1 Cooling water quality requirements ................................................................................... 21
3.4.2 System diagram – Heat balances ...................................................................................... 22
3.4.3 System diagram – Cooling water system .......................................................................... 23
3.4.4 Cooling water system components .................................................................................... 24
a) LT cooling water pump (separate) FP4/FP6 ................................................................. 24
b) HT cooling water pump (separate) FP3/FP5 ................................................................ 24
c) HT temperature controller (separate) FR1................................................................... 24
d) LT temperature controller (separate) FR2.................................................................... 25
e) Pre-heater (separate) FH5/FP7 ...................................................................................... 25
f) HT cooler (separate) FH1................................................................................................ 25
g) LT cooler (separate) FH1 ................................................................................................. 25
h) Header tank FT1/FT2 ....................................................................................................... 25
i) Charge air temperature controller (separate) CR1 .................................................... 25
3.4.5 Recommendation for cooling water system ..................................................................... 26

3.5 Fuel oil system, MGO/MDO operation .............................................................................. 27

3.5.1 Quality requirements for MGO/MDO fuel/permitted fuels ............................................. 27
3.5.2 System diagram – Fuel oil system MGO/MDO operation ............................................... 28

VI VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012
3.5.3 MGO/MDO fuel system components ................................................................................. 29
a) Fine filter (fitted) DF1 ....................................................................................................... 29
b) Strainer (separate) DF2................................................................................................... 29
c) Pre-heater (separate) DH1 ............................................................................................. 29
d) MGO/MDO cooler DH3.................................................................................................... 29
e) Feed pump (separate) DP1 ............................................................................................. 29
f) MGO/MDO service tank DT1.......................................................................................... 30
g) Separator DS1 .................................................................................................................. 30

3.6 Fuel oil system, HFO operation .......................................................................................... 31

3.6.1 Requirements for residual fuels for diesel engines (as bunkered) ............................... 31
3.6.2 Viscosity / temperature diagram ........................................................................................ 32
3.6.3 System diagram – Heavy fuel oil operation ...................................................................... 33
3.6.4 HFO system components ..................................................................................................... 34
a) Fine filter (fitted) HF1 ....................................................................................................... 34
b) Strainer HF2 ...................................................................................................................... 34
c) Self cleaning filter HF4 .................................................................................................... 35
d) Viscosimeter HR2 ............................................................................................................. 35
e) Pressure pumps HP1/HP2 .............................................................................................. 35
f) Circulating pumps HP3/HP4 ........................................................................................... 35
g) Pressure regulating valve HR1 ...................................................................................... 36
h) Final preheater HH1/HH2 ................................................................................................ 36
i) Mixing tank HT2 ............................................................................................................... 36
j) Bunker tanks ..................................................................................................................... 37
k) Settling tanks HT5/HT6.................................................................................................... 37
l) Day tank DT1/HT1 ............................................................................................................ 37
m) Separators HS1/HS2........................................................................................................ 37
3.6.5 System diagram – Standard HFO supply and booster module ...................................... 38
3.6.6 Standard heavy fuel oil supply and booster module ....................................................... 39
a) Primary filter FIL1 ............................................................................................................. 39
b) Fuel pressure pumps SP1/SP2....................................................................................... 39
c) Pressure regulating system PCV1................................................................................. 39
d) Self cleaning fine filter AF1 ............................................................................................ 39
e) Consumption measuring system FLOW1 ..................................................................... 39
f) Mixing tank with accessories T1 .................................................................................. 39
g) Circulating pumps BP1/BP2 ........................................................................................... 39
h) Final preheater H1/H2 ..................................................................................................... 39
i) Viscosity control system VA1......................................................................................... 39
j) Cooler CL1 ......................................................................................................................... 39

VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012 VII

3.7 Lube oil system ..................................................................................................................... 41
3.7.1 Quality requirements of lube oil .......................................................................................... 41
3.7.2 System diagram – Lube oil system ..................................................................................... 43
3.7.3 Lube oil system components ............................................................................................... 44
a) Force pump (fitted) LP1 ................................................................................................... 44
b) Prelubrication pump (separate) LP5 ............................................................................. 44
c) Stand-by force pump (separate) LP2............................................................................ 44
d) Strainer LF4 ....................................................................................................................... 44
e) Self-cleaning filter (separate) LF2................................................................................. 44
f) Duplex filter (fitted) LF1 ................................................................................................... 45
g) Cooler (separate) LH1 ..................................................................................................... 45
h) Temperature controller LR1............................................................................................ 45
i) Circulation tank LT1 ......................................................................................................... 45
j) Crankcase ventilation C91 .............................................................................................. 46
k) Separator; treatment at MGO/MDO operation LS1 .................................................... 46
l) Separator; treatment at HFO operation LS1 ................................................................ 46
3.7.4 Recommendation for lube oil system ................................................................................ 47

4. Connecting parts engine

4.1 Power transmission ............................................................................................................. 49

4.1.1 Coupling between engine and gearbox ............................................................................ 49
4.1.2 Power take-off ....................................................................................................................... 50
4.1.3 Data for torsional vibration calculation ............................................................................. 51

4.2 Resilient mounting ............................................................................................................... 52

4.2.1 Major components ................................................................................................................ 52
4.2.2 Structure-borne noise level LV ............................................................................................ 53

5. Installation and arrangement

5.1 General installation aspect ................................................................................................ 54

5.2 Engine system connections ................................................................................................ 55

5.3 Space requirement for dismantling of charge air cooler and turbocharger cartridge 56

VIII VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012

5.4 Foundation ............................................................................................................................. 57
5.4.1 External foundation forces and frequencies .................................................................... 57
5.4.2 Rigid mounting ....................................................................................................................... 59

5.5 Installation of flexible pipe connections ......................................................................... 62

5.6 Notes regarding installation exhaust system ................................................................. 62

5.7 Installation of crankcase ventilation on the engine ...................................................... 63

5.8 Earthing of the engine .......................................................................................................... 64

5.9 Lifting of the engine ............................................................................................................. 65

6. Control and monitoring system

6.1 Engine control panel ............................................................................................................ 66

6.1.1 Remote control for single-engine plant with one controllable pitch propeller .......... 67
6.1.2 Remote control for twin-engine plant with one controllable pitch propeller ............. 68
6.1.3 LESS: Large Engine Safety System .................................................................................... 69

6.2 Speed control ........................................................................................................................ 71

6.3 Engine monitoring ................................................................................................................ 72

6.4 Measuring points .................................................................................................................. 73

6.5 Local and remote indicators ............................................................................................... 78

7. Diagnostic trending monitoring – DICARE.................................................. 79

8. Engine acceptance test .................................................................................. 81

9. Engine International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate ....................... 82

VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012 IX
10. Painting / preservation ................................................................................... 83

11. Engine parts ...................................................................................................... 86

12. Flexible Camshaft Technology – FCT ........................................................... 87

13. Caterpillar Marine Systems Integration...................................................... 88

13.1 The Scope .............................................................................................................................. 88

14. Appendix

14.1 Exhaust system ..................................................................................................................... 89

14.1.1 Resistance in exhaust gas piping ....................................................................................... 89
14.1.2 Exhaust data .......................................................................................................................... 90
14.1.3 Exhaust gas sound power level .......................................................................................... 91

14.2 Air-borne sound power level.............................................................................................. 92

X VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012

1. Engine description

1.1 Engine description

The VM 43 C is a four-stroke diesel engine, non-reversible, turbocharged and intercooled with direct
fuel injection.

Vee engine M 43 C

Cylinder configuration: 12, 16 Vee

Bore: 430 mm
Stroke: 610 mm
Stroke/bore ratio: 1.42
Swept volume: 88.6 l/Cyl.
Output/cyl.: 1,000 kW
BMEP: 27.1/26.4 bar
Revolutions: 500/514 rpm
Mean piston speed: 10.2/10.5 m/s
Turbocharging: single log
Direction of rotation: clockwise, option: counter-clockwise

VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012 1

1. Engine description

1.2 Engine design features

• Designed for heavy fuel operation up to 700 cSt/50°C, fuel grade acc. to CIMAC H55 K55, ISO
8217, 2010 (E), ISO-F-RMH55 RMK55.

• 1-piece dry engine block made of nodular cast iron. It includes the crankshaft bearings, camshaft
bearings, charge air duct, vibration damper housing and gear drive housing.

• Underslung crankshaft with corrosion resistant main and big end bearing shells.

• Corrosion resistant main and big- end bearings.

• Natural hardened liners, centrifugally cast, with calibration insert.

• Composite type pistons with steel crown and nodular cast skirt.

• Piston ring set consisting of 2 chromium plated compression rings, first ring with chromium-ceramic
layer and 1 chromium plated oil control ring. All ring grooves are hardened and located in the steel

• 3-piece connecting rod with the possibility to dismount the piston without opening the big end

• Cylinder head made of nodular cast iron with 2 inlet and 2 exhaust valves with valve rotators.
Directly cooled exhaust valve seats.

• Camshaft consisting of individual cylinder sections allowing a removal of the pieces sideways.

• Turbocharger supplied with integrated plain bearings lubricated by engine lubricating oil system.

• 2-stage freshwater cooling system with 2-stage charge air cooler.

• Nozzle cooling for heavy fuel operation with engine lubricating oil.

2 VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012

2. General data and operation of the engine

500/514 rpm
Type The maximum fuel rack position is
mechanically limited to 100 % output for CPP
12 M 43 C 12,000 applications. Limitation of 110 % for gensets
and DE applications.
16 M 43 C 16,000

2.1 General data and outputs

2.1.1 Output definition

The maximum continuous rating stated by Caterpillar refers to the following reference conditions
according to “IACS“ (International Association of Classification Societies) for main and auxiliary

Reference conditions according to IACS (tropical conditions):

Air pressure 100 kPa (1 bar)

Air temperature 318 K (45 °C)
Relative humidity 60 %
Seawater temperature 305 K (32 °C)

VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012 3

2. General data and operation of the engine

2.1.2 Fuel consumption

The fuel consumption data refers to the following reference conditions:

Intake temperature 298 K (25 °C)

Charge air temperature 318 K (45 °C)
Charge air coolant inlet temperature 298 K (25 °C)
Net heating value of the diesel oil 42,700 kJ/kg
Tolerance of the stated consumption data 5%

Specification of the fuel consumption data without engine driven pumps; for each fitted pump an
additional consumption of 1 % has to be calculated.

2.1.3 Lube oil consumption

Actual data can be taken from the technical data.

2.1.4 Nitrogen oxide emissions (NOx values)

NOx limit values according to MARPOL 73/78 Annex VI: 10.5 g/kWh

Main engine: controllable pitch propeller, according to cycle E2: 10.4 g/kWh

2.1.5 Emergency operation without turbocharger

Emergency operation is permissible with MDO only up to approx. 15 of the MCR.

Rotor dismantled: Constant speed 500 rpm, combinator operation 360 rpm
Rotor blocked: Constant speed 500 rpm, combinator operation 350 rpm

4 VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012

2. General data and operation of the engine

2.1.6 Technical data

Performance Data Cylinder 12 16

Maximum continuous rating acc. ISO 3046/1 kW 12,000 16,000

Speed 1/min 500/514 500/514
Minimum speed 1/min 300 300
Brake mean effective pressure bar 27.1/26.4 27.1/26.4
Charge air pressure bar 4.0 4.0
Firing pressure (max. allowed, tolerance +/- 3 %) bar 208 208
Combustion air demand (ta = 20°C) m³/h 70,000 86,700
Specific fuel oil consumption
n = const 1) 100% g/kWh 176 176
85% g/kWh -/175 -/175
75% g/kWh -/177 -/177
50% g/kWh -/184 -/184
Lube oil consumption g/kWh 0.6 0.6
NOx emission 6) g/kWh 10.0 10.0
Turbocharger type 2 x ABB TPL71 2 x ABB TPL76
Engine driven booster pump m³/h/bar — —
Stand-by booster pump m³/h/bar 8.4/5 11.2/5
Mesh size MDO fine filter mm 0.025 0.025
Mesh size HFO automatic filter mm 0.01 0.01
Mesh size HFO fine filter mm 0.034 0.034
Lube Oil
Engine driven pump m³/h/bar 250/10 400/10
Independent pump m³/h/bar 200/10 270/10
Working pressure at engine inlet bar 4-5 4-5
Independent suction pump m³/h/bar 350/3 470/3
Priming pump m³/h/bar 30/5 40/5
Lube oil circulating tank/dry sump content m³ 16.3 21.8
Temperature at engine inlet °C 60 - 65 60 - 65
Temperature controller NB mm 200 200
Double filter NB mm 200 200
Mesh size double filter mm 0.08 0.08
Mesh size automatic filter mm 0.03 0.03

VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012 5

2. General data and operation of the engine

Fresh water cooling Cylinder 12 16

Engine content m³ 2.8 4.0
Pressure at engine inlet min/max bar 4.5/6.0 4.5/6.0
Header tank capacity m³ 1.5 2.0
Temperature at engine outlet °C 80 - 90 80 - 90
Two-circuit system
Engine driven pump HT m³/h/bar 200/4.7 350/4.7
Independent pump HT m³/h/bar 200/3 350/3
HT-controller NB mm 200 250
Independent pump NT m³/h/bar 200/3 260/3
Water demand LT-charge air cooler m³/h 100 130
Temperature at LT-charger air cooler inlet °C 38 38
Heat dissipation
Specific jacket water heat kJ/kW 500 500
Specific lube oil heat kJ/kW 525 525
Lube oil cooler kW 1,750 2,335
Jacket water kW 1,667 2,220
Charge air cooler (HT-stage) 3) kW 4,940 6,390
Charge air cooler (LT-stage) kW 890 1,365
Heat radiation engine kW 511 680
Exhaust gas
Silencer/spark arrester NB mm 1,200 1,500
Pipe diameter NB after turbine mm 2 x 900 2 x 1,000
Exhaust gas mass flow (25°C intake air) kg/h 91,100 121,445
Exhaust gas temp. after turbine (25°C intake air) 5) °C 292 290
Maximum exhaust gas pressure drop bar 0.03 0.06
Starting air
Starting air pressure max. bar 30 30
Minimum starting air pressure bar 14 14
Air consumption per start 4) Nm³ 3.0 3.5
Max. crankcase pressure, nominal diameter ventilation pipe mmWs/mm 15/200 15/200
Reference conditions: LCV = 42,700 kJ/kg, ambient temperature 25 °C, charge air coolant temperature 25 °C, tolerance 5 %, + 1 % for
engine driven pump
Standard value, tolerance ± 0.3 g/kWh, related on full load
Charge air heat based on 45 °C ambient temperature
Preheated engine
Tolerance 10 %, rel. humidity 60 %
MARPOL 73/78 Annex VI, Cycle E2, E3, D2
6 VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012

2. General data and operation of the engine

2.2 Engine dimensions

2.2.1 Turbocharger at driving end

Engine Dimensions [mm] Weight

type L1 L2 L3 L4 H1 H2 H3 W1 W2 [t]
12 M 43 C 9,927 348 1,440 1,709 5,092 1,625 875 3,923 1,685 160.0
16 M 43 C 12,023 333 1,440 1,885 5,187 1,625 875 4,027 1,670 220.0

Removal of:

Piston: in transverse direction X1 = 3,200 mm

Cylinder liner: in transverse direction Y1 = 3,700 mm

Engine centre distance 4,500 mm

(2 engines side by side)

VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012 7

2. General data and operation of the engine

2.2.2 Turbocharger at free end

Engine Dimensions [mm] Weight

type L1 L2 L3 H1 H2 H3 W1 W2 [t]
12 M 43 C 9,842 6,628 1,440 4,524 1,625 875 3,890 1,685 160.0
16 M 43 C 11,943 8,533 1,440 4,619 1,625 875 4,027 1,670 220.0

8 VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012

2. General data and operation of the engine

2.3 Restrictions for low load operation

The engine can be started, stopped and run on heavy fuel oil under all operating conditions.

The HFO system of the engine remains in operation and keeps the HFO at injection viscosity. The
temperature of the engine injection system is maintained by circulating hot HFO and heat losses are

The lube oil treatment system (lube oil separator) remains in operation, the lube oil is separated

The operating temperature of the engine cooling water is maintained by the cooling water preheater.

Below 25 % output heavy fuel operation is neither efficient nor economical.

A change-over to diesel oil is recommended to avoid disadvantages as e.g. increased wear and tear,
contamination of the air and exhaust gas systems and increased contamination of lube oil.

Cleaning run of engine

3h 2h 1h 30 min 15 min 0
PE %

Cleaning run after partial load operation

50 Load increase period

40 approx. 15 min.


HFO operation

6 Restricted HFO operation

1h 2 3 4 5 6 8 10 15 20 24 h

VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012 9

2. General data and operation of the engine

2.4 Controllable pitch propeller operation

Standard combinator curve



limitCURVE FORoverload
curve for OVERLOADprotection


70% DOWN
Emer- Emer-
Engine output [%]

16 M 43 C Normal Normal
gency gency
Point 1-2 2-5 1-5 5-1 5-1
Comb. 50 180 50 30 10
50% Point 3-4 4-5 3-5 5-3 5-3 2
n const. 45 180 40 30 10






50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 110%

Engine speed [%]

The design area for the combinator has to be on the right-hand side of the theoretical propeller curve
and may coincide with the theoretical propeller curve in the upper speed range.

A load above the power limit curve is to be avoided by the use of the load control device or overload
protection device.

Binding data (depending on the type of vessel, rated output, speed and the turbocharging system) will
be established upon order processing.
10 VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012

2. General data and operation of the engine

2.4.1 Optimized combinator curve

Optimized combinator curve with improved fuel consumption, efficiency and torque in part load.

: normal operation
I: Inormal operation torque

II:II:short timetime
s hort operation allowed
operation allowed

90% Power
power limitlimit curve
curve forfor overloadprotection
overload protection

Engine output [%]


Example RUNNING UP 60%
60% for
16 M 43 C Emer- Emer- 4
Normal Normal
gency gency
2 50%
50% Point 1-2 2-5 1-5 5-1 5-1
Comb. 50 180 50 30 10
Point 3-4 4-5 3-5 5-3 5-3 I 40%
n const. 45 180 40 30 10



Combinator curvcurve

50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 110%
Engine speed [%]

The design area for the combinator has to be on the right-hand side of the theoretical propeller curve
and may coincide with the theoretical propeller curve in the upper speed range.

A load above the power limit curve is to be avoided by the use of the load control device or overload
protection device.

Binding data (depending on the type of vessel, rated output, speed and the turbocharging system) will
be established upon order processing.
VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012 11

2. General data and operation of engine

2.5 General clutch procedure

General clutch in procedure for propulsion system with MaK main engines

The diagram below indicates an example of a typical soft-clutch engagement timeline, required by
Caterpillar for marine main engines.
To avoid engine stalling in case of high speed drop, overload of the flexible couplings and visible
smoke, the engaging operation has to be smooth and easily controllable.
Important is the time T2, that includes the real slipping time.
This time has to be minimum 3 seconds. (If minimum 3 second adjustment is not possible, consultation
is needed.)

pK = Lube oil switching pressure

pKv = Control pre-pressure

T1 = Filling time

T2 = Slipping time

T3 = Pressure holding time

= Point of synchronization

The clutch-in speed of engine should be min. 70 % of rated speed, but could be 60 % depending on
torsional vibration calculation (TVC).

12 VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012

3. Systems

3.1 Combustion air system

3.1.1 General

To obtain good working conditions in the engine room and to ensure trouble-free operation of all
equipment attention shall be paid to the engine room ventilation and the supply of combustion air.

The combustion air required and the heat radiation of all consumers/heat producers must be taken
into account.

3.1.2 Air intake from engine room (standard)

• Fans are to be designed for a slight overpressure in the engine room (except cruise vessels).
• On system side the penetration of water, sand, dust, and exhaust gas must be prevented.
• The air flow must be conveyed directly to the turbocharger.
• The temperature at turbocharger filter should not fall below + 10 °C.
• In cold areas warming up of the air in the engine room must be ensured.

3.1.3 Air intake from outside

• The intake air duct is to be provided with a filter. Penetration of water, sand, dust, and exhaust gas
must be prevented.
• Connection to the turbocharger is to be established via an expansion joint. For this purpose the
turbocharger will be equipped with a connection socket.
• At temperatures below + 10 °C Caterpillar/Application Engineering must be consulted.

3.1.4 Radiated heat

See technical data

To dissipate the radiated heat a slight and evenly distributed air flow is to be conveyed along the
engine exhaust gas manifold starting from the turbocharger.

VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012 13

3. Systems

3.2 Starting air system

As required by the classification societies, at least two air compressors are required. The nominal
starting air gauge pressure for all MaK engines is 30 bar. The starting air must have a defined quality,
be free from solid particles, oil, and water.

3.2.1 Starting air quality requirements

For a proper operation of the engine a starting air quality of class 4 according ISO 8573-1 is required.

Class Particle size Particle density Water Water Oil

pressure dew Residual oil
max. in µm max. in mg/m³ point in °C mg/m³ content in mg/m³
1 0.1 0.1 -70 3 0.01
2 1 1 -40 120 0.1
3 5 5 -20 880 1
4 15 8 3 6,000 5
5 40 10 7 7,800 25
6 10 9,400

The standard DIN ISO 8573-1 defines the quality classes of compressed air as follows:

Oil content

Specification of the residual quantity of aerosols and hydrocarbons which may be contained in the
compressed air.

Particle size and density

Specification of size and concentration of particles which may still be contained in the compressed air.

Pressure dew point

Specification of the temperature to which compressed air may be cooled down without condensation
of the contained vapor. The pressure dew point changes with the air pressure.

14 VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012

3. Systems

3.2.2 System diagram

General notes: Accessories and fittings:

For location, dimensions, and design (e.g. flexible AC1 Compressor
connection) of the connecting points see engine AC2 Stand-by compressor
installation drawing. AM1 Air starter
AR1 Starting valve
Clean and dry starting air is required. AR4 Pressure reducing valve
AR5 Oil and water separator
Notes: AT1 Starting air receiver
a Control air AT2 Starting air receiver
d Water drain (to be mounted at the lowest point) PI Pressure indicator
e To engine no. 2 PSL Pressure switch low, only for main
h Please refer to the measuring point list regarding engine
design of the monitoring devices PSH Pressure switch high
j Automatic drain valve required PT Pressure transmitter

Connecting points: AT1 / AT2 Option:

C86 Connection, starting air • Typhon valve
• Relief valve with pipe connection

VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012 15

3. Systems

3.2.3 Starting air system components

a) Receiver capacity acc. to GL recommendation AT1/AT2

12 M 43 C 16 M 43 C
Single-engine plant 2 x 750 l 2 x 1,000 l
Twin-engine plant 2 x 1,500 l 2 x 2,000 l

Receiver capacity L Dø Valve head Weight approx

[l] [mm] [mm] [kg]
750 1,810 650 DN 50 480
1,000 3,785 650 DN 50 620
1,500 3,765 800 DN 50 880
2,000 3,966 900 DN 50 1,000

1 Starting valve DN 38
2 Filling valve DN 18
3 Inlet filling valve
4 Safety valve G1/2“
5 Free connection G1/2“
6 Drainage horizontal
7 Drainage vertical
9 Connection G1/2“ for vent
10 Outlet starting air valve
12 Pressure gauge

8 Typhon valve DN 16
11 Outlet typhon valve

If a CO2 fire extinguishing system is installed in the engine room, the blow-off connection of the safety
valve is to be piped to the outside.

Requirement of classification societies (regarding design)

• No. of starts: 6
• No. of receivers: min. 2
16 VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012

3. Systems

b) Compressor AC1/AC2: 2 compressors with a total output of 50 % each are required.

The filling time from 0 to 30 bar must not exceed 1 hour.


V [m³/h] = Σ VRec. • 30

VRec. - Total receiver volume [m³]

c) Air starter (fitted) AM1: With pressure reducer 30/10 bar. Min. starting air pressure
and air consumption see technical data.

3.3 Exhaust system

The exhaust system carries the engines exhaust gases out of the engine room, through piping, to the
atmosphere. A good exhaust system will have a minimum back pressure. Exhaust back pressure is
generally detrimental, as it tends to reduce the air flow through the engine. Indirectly, exhaust back
pressure tends to raise exhaust temperature which will reduce exhaust valve and turbocharger life.

3.3.1 General

Position of exhaust gas nozzle: A nozzle position of 0°, 30°, 45°, 60° and 90° from the vertical
is possible.
The basic position is 45°. The other positions are reached by
using a transition piece.

Design of the pipe cross-section: The pressure loss is to be minimized in order to optimize fuel
consumption and thermal load of the engine.

Max. flow velocity: 40 m/s (guide value).

Max. pressure loss (incl. silencer and exhaust gas boiler):

30 mbar
(lower values will reduce thermal load of the engine).
Each engine needs an independent exhaust gas routing.

3.3.2 Exhaust expansion joint Diameter DN Length [mm] Weight [kg]

12 M 43 C 900 500 158
16 M 43 C 1,000 620 209

VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012 17

3. Systems

3.3.3 Silencer

Design according to the absorbtion principle with wide-band attenuation over a great frequency range
and low pressure loss due to straight direction of flow. Sound absorbing filling consisting of resistant
mineral wool.

Sound level reduction 35 dB(A) (standard). Max. permissible flow velocity 40 m/s.

Silencer with spark arrester: Soot separation by means of a swirl device (particles are spun
towards the outside and separated in the collecting chamber).
Sound level reduction 35 dB(A). Max. permissible flow velocity
40 m/s.

Silencers are to be insulated by the yard. Foundation brackets

are to be provided as an option.

18 VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012

3. Systems

Dimension of silencer/spark arrestor and silencer

(in case of Caterpillar supply): Installation: vertical/horizontal
Flange according to DIN 86044
Counterflanges, screws and gaskets are
included, without supports and insulation

Spark arrestor and silencer

Attenuation 35 dB (A)
DN D [mm] A [mm] B [mm] L [mm] m [kg]
12 M 43 C 1,200 2,100 650 1,320 7,692 5,400
16 M 43 C 1,500 2,400 650 1,475 9,217 8,000

3.3.4 Exhaust gas boiler (if needed)

Each engine should have a separate exhaust gas boiler. Alternatively, a common boiler with separate
gas sections for each engine is acceptable.

Particularly if exhaust gas boilers are installed attention must be paid to the maximum recommended
back pressure.
VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012 19

3. Systems

3.3.5 Turbocharger cleaning device

Cleaning the turbocharger compressor: The components for cleaning (dosing vessel, pipes, shut-
off valve) are installed on the engine.

Water is fed before compressor wheel via injection pipes

during full load operation every 24 hours.

Cleaning the turbine blade and

nozzle ring: The cleaning is carried out with clean fresh water “wet
cleaning“ during low load operation at regular intervals
of 150 hours, depending on the fuel quality.

Duration of the cleaning period is approx. 20 minutes.

Fresh water of 1.8 - 2.2 bar is required.

During cleaning the water drain should be checked.

Therefore the shipyard has to install a funnel after
connection point C36.

Water flow Injection time

[l/min] [min]
12 M 43 C 22 - 28 10
16 M 43 C 35 - 43 10

C42 Fresh water supply, DN 20

C36 Drain, DN 32

Connection of C42 with

quick coupling device

Dirt water tank

20 VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012

3. Systems

3.4 Cooling water system

MaK engines generally use two closed water cooling circuits. The High Temperature (HT) cooling
water circuit is used to cool the charge air and the engine. The Low Temperature (LT) cooling water
circuit cools the charge air and the lub oil. Moreover, the LT cooling water circuit can be used to cool
additional equipment, e.g. a generator or gearbox.
The cooling water needs to be treated according to Caterpillar requirements for MaK engines.

3.4.1 Cooling water quality requirements

The engine cooling water is a medium, that must be carefully selected, treated and controlled. In
case of using untreated cooling water corrosion, erosion and cavitation may occur on the walls of the
cooling system.

Deposits may impair the heat transfer and result in thermal overload of the components to be cooled.
The treatment with an anti-corrosion additive has to be effected before the first commissioning of the


The characteristics of the untreated cooling water must be within the following limits:

• distillate or freshwater free from foreign matter (no sea water or waste water)
• a total hardness of max. 10° dH
• pH-value 6.8 - 8
• chloride ion content of max. 50 mg/l

Supplementary information

Distillate: If distilled or fully desalinated water is available, this should preferably be used as engine
cooling water.

Hardness: Water with more than 10° dGH (German total hardness) must be mixed with distillate or be

Treatment before operating the engine for the first time

Treatment with an anti-corrosion additive should be done prior to the first operation of the engine to
prevent irreparable initial damage.

It is not allowed to run the engine without cooling water treatment!

VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012 21

3. Systems

3.4.2 System diagram – Heat balances

12 M 43 C

12 M 43 C IMO II

16 M 43 C

16 M 43 C IMO II

22 VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012

3. Systems

3.4.3 System diagram – Cooling water system

General notes:
For location, dimensions and design (e.g. flexible connection) of the connecting points see engine installation drawing.
With skin cooler not required:
• Seawater system (SP1, SP2, SF1, ST1)
Accessories and fittings:
CH1 Charge air cooler HT FT2 Compensation tank LT General notes:
CH2 Charge air cooler LT LH1 Lube oil cooler f Drain
CR1 Charge air thermostat LH3 Gear lube oil cooler h Please refer to the measuring
CR3 Sensor for charge air temp. control valve SF1 Seawater filter points list regarding design of the
DH3 Fuel oil cooler for MDO operation SP1 Seawater pump monitoring devices
FH1 Freshwater cooler HT SP2 Seawater stand-by pump
FH2 Freshwater cooler LT ST1 Sea chest Connecting points:
FH3 Heat consumer LI Level indicator C14 Charge air cooler LT, inlet
FH5 Freshwater preheater LSL Level switch low C15 Charge air cooler LT, outlet
FP1 Freshwater pump (fitted on engine) HT PI Pressure indicator C16 Charge air cooler HT, inlet
FP5 Freshwater stand-by pump HT PSL Pressure switch low C21 Freshwater pump HT, inlet
FP7 Preheating pump PSLL Pressure switch low low C25 Cooling water, engine outlet
FR1 Temperature control valve HT PT Pressure transmitter C31 Freshwater pump HT, outlet
FR2 Temperature control valve LT TI Temperature indicator C37 Vent
FR3 Flow temperature control valve HT TSHH Temperature switch high high
FR6 Sensor for temperature control valve TT Temperature transmitter (PT 100)
FT1 Compensation tank HT

VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012 23

3. Systems

3.4.4 Cooling water system components

The heat generated by the engine (cylinder, charge air and lube oil) is to be dissipated by treated
freshwater acc. to the Caterpillar coolant regulations.

The system components of the LT cooling water circuit are designed for a max. LT cooling water
temperature of 38 °C with a corresponding seawater temperature of 32 °C in tropical conditions.

Two-circuit cooling: with two-stage charge air cooler.

a) LT cooling water pump FP4/FP6 (separate):

b) HT cooling water pump FP3/FP5 (separate): Option: fitted

c) HT temperature controller FR1 (separate): PI-controller with electric drive (sep. only)

Dimensions [mm] Weight

DN A B C D [kg]
12 M 43 C HT 200 600 900 300 188 278
16 M 43 C HT 250 730 948 455 188 380

24 VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012

3. Systems

d) LT temperature controller (separate) FR2: P-controller with manual emergency adjustment

(basis). Option: PI-controller with electric drive.

e) Pre-heater (separate) FH5/FP7: Consisting of circulating pump 1), electric preheater 2)

and control cabinet.

Capacity 11/13 m³/h 50/60 Hz
Output 12 kW

f) HT cooler (separate) FH1: Plate type, size depending on the total heat to be

g) LT cooler (separate) FH2: Plate type (plates made of titanium), size depending
on the total heat to be dissipated.

h) Header tank FT1/FT2: • Arrangement: min. 4 m / max. 16 m above crank-

shaft centre line (CL).
• Size acc. to technical engine data.
• All continuous vents from engine are to be con-

i) Charge air temperature controller (separate)

CR1: PI-controller with electric drive

Dimensions [mm] Weight

DN A B C D [kg]
12 M 43 C HT 125 400 717 200 170 110
16 M 43 C HT 125 400 717 200 170 110
VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012 25

3. Systems

3.4.5 Recommendation for cooling water system

Drain tank with filling pump: It is recommended to collect the treated water during
maintenance work (to be installed by the yard).

Option for fresh- and seawater, vertical design.

Electric motor driven pumps: Rough calculation of power demand for the electric

P= [kW]
367 • η

P - Power [kW]
PM - Power of electr. motor [kW] PM = 1.5 • P < 1.5 kW
V - Flow rate [m³/h] PM = 1.25 • P 1.5 - 4 kW
H - Delivery head [m] PM = 1.2 • P 4 - 7.5 kW
ρ - Density [kg/dm³] PM = 1.15 • P > 7.5 - 40 kW
η - Pump efficiency PM = 1.1 • P > 40 kW
0.70 for centrifugal pumps

26 VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012

3. Systems

3.5 Fuel oil system, MGO/MDO operation

MaK diesel engines are designed to burn a wide variety of fuels. See the information on fuel require-
ments in section MDO / MGO and heavy fuel operation or consult the Caterpillar technical product
support. For proper operation of MaK engines the minimum Caterpillar requirements for storage,
treatment and supply systems have to be observed; as shown in the following sections.

3.5.1 Quality requirements for MGO/MDO fuel/permitted fuels

Two fuel product groups are permitted for MaK engines:

Designation Max. viscosity Designation Max. viscosity
[cSt/40 °C] [cSt/40 °C]
ISO 8217:2010 ISO-F-DMA 2.0 - 6.0 ISO-F-DMB 11
ASTM D 975-78 No. 1 D 2.4 No. 2 D 4.1
No. 2 D 4.1 No. 4 D 24.0
DIN DIN EN 590 8

Min. injection viscosity 1.5 mm²/s (cSt)

Max. injection viscosity 12 mm²/s (cSt)

VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012 27

3. Systems

3.5.2 System diagram — Fuel oil system MGO/MDO operation

Accessories and fittings:

DF2 Fuel primary filter (duplex filter) FQI Flow quantity indicator
DF3 Fuel coarse filter LI Level indicator
DH1 Diesel oil preheater LSH Level switch high
DH2 Electrical preheater for diesel oil (separator) LSL Level switch low
DH3 Fuel oil cooler for MDO operation PDI Diff. pressure indicator
DP1 Diesel oil feed pump PDSH Diff. pressure switch high
DP2 Diesel oil stand-by feed pump PI Pressure indicator
DP3 Diesel oil transfer pump (to day tank) PSL Pressure switch low
DP5 Diesel oil transfer pump (separator) PT Pressure transmitter
DR2 Fuel pressure regulating valve TI Temperature indicator
DS1 Diesel oil separator TT Temperature transmitter (PT 100)
DT1 Diesel oil day tank
DT4 Diesel oil storage tank General notes:
HF1 Fuel indicating filter (duplex filter) For location, dimensions and design (e. g. flexible connection) of the
KP1 Fuel injection pump connecting points see engine installation drawing.
KT1 Drip fuel tank DH1 not required with:
• Gas oil ≤ 7 cSt/40°
Connecting points: • heated diesel oil day tank DT1
C76 Inlet duplex filter
C78 Fuel outlet Notes:
C81 Drip fuel connection p Free outlet required
C81b Drip fuel connection s Please refer to the measuring point list regarding design of the
monitoring devices

28 VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012

3. Systems

3.5.3 MGO/MDO fuel system components

a) Fine filter (fitted) DF1: Duplex filter, mesh size see technical data

b) Strainer (separate) DF2: Mesh size 0.32 mm, dimensions see HFO-system

c) Pre-heater (separate) DH1: Heating capacity

Peng. [kW]
Q [kW] =

Not required:
• MGO ≤ 7 cSt/40°C
• Heated day tank

d) MGO/MDO cooler DH3: Required to prevent overheating of the day tank

e) Feed pump (separate) DP1: Capacity see technical data

VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012 29

3. Systems

f) MGO/MDO service tank DT1: The classification societies require the installation
of at least two service tanks. The minimum volume
of each tank should, in addition to the MDO/MGO
consumption of the generating sets, enable an eight
hours full load operation of the main engine.

Cleaning the MDO/MGO by an additional separator

should, first of all, be designed to meet the
requirements of the diesel generator sets on board.

The tank should be provided with a sludge

compartment including a sludge drain valve and an
overflow pipe from the MDO/MGO service tank.

g) Separator DS1: Recommended for MGO

Required for MDO

The utilisation must be in accordance with the

makers official recommendation (details from the
head office).

Veff [l/h] = 0.28 • Peng. [kW]

30 VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012

A10 B10 C10 D15 E25 F25 G35 H35 K35 H45 K45 H55 K55
Related to
RMA10 RMB30 RMB30 RMD80 RME180 RMF180 RMG380 RMH380 RMK380 RMH500 RMK500 RMH700 RMK700
ISO8217 (2010):E-
Characteristic Dim. Limit
Density at 15°C kg/m³ max 960 2) 975 3) 980 4) 991 991 1,010 991 1,010 991 1,010
Kin. viscosity at max 10 15 25 35 45 55

VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012
100°C cSt 1)
min 6 5)
15 5)

Flash point °C min 60 60 60 60 60 60

Pour point (winter) 0
°C max 24 30 30 30 30 30
(summer) 6
Carbon residue %
max 12 6) 14 14 15 20 18 22 22 22
(Conradson) (m/m)
Ash % max 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15
Fuel oil system, HFO operation

Total sedim, after % max 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10
ageing (m/m)
Water % (V/V) max 0.3 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Sulphur % max 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5
Vanadium mg/kg max 50 150 150 200 350 350 450 450 450
Aluminium + silicon mg/kg max 25 40 40 60 60 60 60
Zinc mg/kg max 15 15 15 15 15 15
Phosphor mg/kg max 15 15 15 15 15 15
Calcium mg/kg max 30 30 30 30 30 30

1) 2)
An indication of the approximate equivalents in ISO: 920
kinematic viscosity at 50 °C and Redw. I sec. ISO: 960
3.6.1 Requirements for residual fuels for diesel engines (as bunkered)

100 °F is given below: ISO: 975
ISO: not limited
Kinematic viscosity at 100 °C mm²/s (cSt) 7 10 15 25 35 45 55 ISO: Carbon residue 2.5/10
Kinematic viscosity at 50 °C mm²/s (cSt) 30 40 80 180 380 500 700
Kinematic viscosity at 100 °F Redw. I sec. 200 300 600 1,500 3,000 5,000 7,000

Fuel shall be free of used lubricating oil (ulo)


3. Systems

3.6.2 Viscosity / temperature diagram

32 VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012

3. Systems

3.6.3 System diagram – Heavy fuel oil operation

C76 , C78
• Peak pressure max. 16 bar
Dampers required

General notes:
For location, dimensions and design (e.g. flexible connection) of the connecting points see engine installation drawing.
Non-return valves have to be spring loaded due to pulsation in the fuel lines.

Accessories and fittings: HT5/HT6 Settling tank Notes:

DH3 Gas oil cooler HT8 Compensation damping tank ff Flow velocity in circuit system ≤ 0.5 m/s
DT1 Diesel oil day tank KP1 Injection pump p Free outlet required
HF1 Fine filter (duplex filter) KT2 Sludge tank s Please refer to the measuring point
HF2 Primary filter FQI Flow quantity indicator list regarding design of the monitoring
HF3 Coarse filter LI Level indicator devices
HF4 Self cleaning fuel filter LSH Level switch high tt Pipe is not insulated nor heated
HH1 Heavy fuel final preheater LSL Level switch low u From diesel oil separator or diesel oil
HH2 Stand-by final preheater PDI Diff. pressure indicator transfer pump
HH3 Heavy fuel preheater (separator) PDSH Diff. pressure switch high
HH4 Heating coil PDSL Diff. pressure switch low All heavy fuel oil pipes must be insulated.
HP1/HP2 Pressure pump PI Pressure indicator ---- heated pipe
HP3/HP4 Circulating pump PSL Pressure switch low
HP5/HP6 Heavy fuel transfer pump (separator) PT Pressure transmitter
HR1 Pressure regulating valve TI Temperature indicator Connecting points:
HR2 Viscosimeter TT Temperature transmitter (PT 100) C76 Inlet duplex filter
HS1/HS2 Heavy fuel separator VI Viscosity indicator C78 Fuel outlet
HT1 Heavy fuel day tank VSH Viscosity control switch high C81 Drip fuel connection
HT2 Mixing tank VSL Viscosity control switch low C81b Drip fuel connection (filter pan)
VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012 33

3. Systems

3.6.4 HFO system components

Supply system: A closed pressurized system between day tank and

engine is required as well as the installation of an
automatic backflushing filter with a mesh size of
10 µm (absolute).

a) Fine filter (fitted) HF1: • Mesh size 34 µm

• Differential pressure indication and alarm contact

b) Strainer HF2: Mesh size 0.32 mm

Output DN H1 H2 W D
[kW] [mm]
≤ 10,000 40 330 300 250 210
≤ 20,000 65 523 480 260 355
> 20,000 80 690 700 370 430

34 VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012

3. Systems

c) Self cleaning filter HF4: Mesh size 10 µm (absolute).

≤ 8,000 kW, DN 50 > 8,000 kW, DN 100

Dismantling of filter Dismantling of filter

element element
300 mm 300 mm

d) Viscosimeter HR2: This device automatically regulates the heating of

the final-preheater depending on the viscosity of
the bunkered fuel oil, so that the fuel will reach the
nozzles with the viscosity required for injection.

e) Pressure pumps HP1/HP2: Screw type pump with mechanical seal.

Installation vertical or horizontal. Delivery head 5 bar.
Peng. [kW]
Capacity V [m³/h] = 0.4 •

f) Circulating pumps HP3/HP4: Screw type pump with mechanical seal.

Installation vertical or horizontal. Delivery head 5 bar.

Peng. [kW]
Capacity V [m³/h] = 0.7 •

VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012 35

3. Systems

g) Pressure regulating valve HR1: Regulates the pressure at the engine inlet, approx.
4 - 8 bar.

h) Final preheater HH1/HH2: Heating media:

• Electric current (max. surface power density 1.1 W/cm²)
• Steam
• Thermal oil

Temperature at engine inlet max. 150 °C.

i) Mixing tank HT2:

Engine output Volume Dimensions [mm] Weight Inlet

[kW] [l] A D E [kg] from
≤ 10,000 100 1,700 323 1,500 120 pump
> 10,000 200 1,700 406 1,500 175
Outlet to

36 VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012

3. Systems

j) Bunker tanks: In order to avoid severe operational problems due

to incompatibility, each bunkering must be made in
a separate storage tank.

k) Settling tanks HT5/HT6: In order to ensure a sufficient settling effect, the

following settling tank designs are permitted:

• 2 settling tanks, each with a capacity sufficient

for 24 hours full load operation of all consumers
• 1 settling tank with a capacity sufficient for 36
hours full load operation of all consumers and
automatic filling
Settling tank temperature 70 - 80 °C

l) Day tank DT1/HT1: Two day tanks are required. The day tank capacity
must cover at least 4 hours/max. 24 hours full load
operation of all consumers. An overflow system
into the settling tanks and sufficient insulation are

Guide values for temperatures

Fuel viscosity Tank temperature

cSt/50 °C [°C]
30 - 80 70 - 80
80 - 180 80 - 90
180 - 700 max. 98

m) Separators HS1/HS2: Caterpillar recommends to install two self-cleaning

separators. Design parameters as per supplier
recommendation. Separating temperature 98 °C.
Maker and type are to be advised by Caterpillar.

VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012 37

3. Systems Symbols
FLOW1 Flowmeter

SP1/SP2 Screw displacement

BP1/BP2 pump
H1/H2 steam heater *
3.6.5 System diagram - Standard HFO supply and booster module
CL1 Cooler
Steam heated
VA1 Viscosimeter
Option: • Thermal oil heated
FIL1 Duplex filter
• Electric heated
AF1 Automatic filter

T1 Mixing tank
Metal bellows
Change over valve
Pressure regulating
CV1 Control valve


Steam trap

Globe valve

Non-return valve

Safety valve, angle

Magnet valve

test valve
Brass pres. gauge
shock absorber
Ball valve locking
Ball valve

Butterfly valve

Pipe with insulation

Pipe with insulation &
trace heating
Scope of supply
DPA Diff. pressure alarm
DPI Diff. pressure indicator
DPS Diff. pressure switch
FI Flow indicator
GS Limit switch
LAL Level alarm low
LS Level switch
M Motor drive
PI Pressure indicator
PS Pressure switch
TA Temperature alarm
TI Temperature indicator
TS Temperature sensor
VA Viscosity alarm
VIC Viscosity controller
* option: thermal oil heater
or electric heater

38 VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012

3. Systems

3.6.6 Standard heavy fuel oil supply and booster module

Pressurized System, up to IFO 700 for steam and thermal oil heating, up to IFO 180 for elect. heating

Technical specification of the main components:

a) Primary filter FIL1

1 pc. duplex strainer 540 microns

b) Fuel pressure pumps, vertical installationSP1/SP2

2 pcs. screw pumps with mechanical seal

c) Pressure regulating system PCV1

1 pc. pressure regulating valve

d) Self-cleaning fine filter AF1

1 pc. automatic self cleaning fine filter 10 microns absolute (without by-pass filter)

e) Consumption measuring system FLOW1

1 pc. flowmeter with local totalizer

f) Mixing tank with accessories T1

1 pc. pressure mixing tank approx. 99 l volume from 4,001 - 20,000 kW
(with quick-closing valve)

g) Circulating pumps, vertical installation BP1/BP2

2 pcs. screw pumps with mechanical seal

h) Final preheater H1/H2

2 pcs. shell and tube heat exchangers each 100 % (saturated 7 bar or thermal oil 180 °C)
each 100 % electrical

• Heating medium control valve CV1 (steam/thermal oil)

• Control cabinet (electrical)
1 pc. control valve with built-on positioning drive
1 pc. control cabinet for electr. preheater

i) Viscosity control system VA1

1 pc. automatic viscosity measure and control system

j) Cooler CL1
1 pc. shell and tube heat exchanger for operating on MGO/MDO

VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012 39

3. Systems

Module controlled automatically with alarms and starters

Pressure pump starters with stand-by automatic
Circulating pump starters with stand-by automatic
PI-controller for viscosity controlling
Starter for the viscosimeter
Analog output signal 4 - 20 mA for viscosity

Pressure pump stand-by start
Low level in the mixing tank
Circulating pump stand-by start
Self cleaning fine filter clogged
Viscosity alarm high/low
Alarms with potential free contacts

Alarm cabinet with alarms to engine control room and connection possibility for remote start/stop and
indicating lamp of fuel pressure and circulating pumps

Performance and materials

The whole module is piped and cabled up to the terminal strips in the electric switch boxes which
are installed on the module. All necessary components like valves, pressure switches, thermometers,
gauges etc. are included. The fuel oil pipes are equipped with trace heating (steam, thermaloil or
electrical) where necessary.

Capacity [kW] Type Weight [kg] L x B x H [mm]

up to 12,000 Steam / Thermal 4,000 3,600 x 1,400 x 2,100
< 16,000 Steam / Thermal 4,200 4,200 x 1,600 x 2,100
< 24,000 Steam / Thermal 5,400 5,000 x 1,700 x 2,100
< 32,000 Steam / Thermal 6,000 6,000 x 2,000 x 2,100

40 VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012

3. Systems

3.7 Lube oil system

The engine lube oil fulfils several basic functions:

• Transportation of dirt and wear particles to the filters

• Cooling of heat-affected parts, such as piston, cylinder liner, valves or cylinder head

• Protection of bearings from shocks of cylinder firing

• Lubrication of metal surfaces / reduction of wear and friction

• Neutralisation of corrosive combustion products

• Corrosion protection of metal surfaces

3.7.1 Quality requirements of lube oil

The viscosity class SAE 40 is required.

Wear and tear and thus the service life of the engine are depending on the lube oil quality. Therefore
high requirements are made for lubricants:

Constant uniform distribution of the additives at all operating conditions. Perfect cleaning (detergent
effect) and dispersing power, prevention of deposits from the combustion process in the engine.
Sufficient alkalinity in order to neutralize acid combustion residues. The TBN (Total Base Number)
must be between 30 and 40 KOH/g at HFO operation. For MDO operation the TBN is 12 - 20 depending
on sulphur content.

VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012 41

3. Systems

The following oils have been tested and approved by Caterpillar:

Manufacturer Diesel oil/marine-diesel I II HFO operation I II

oil operation
TARO 16 XD x TARO 40 XLX x
TARO 20 DP x
MHP 154 x TLX PLUS 404 x
TLX PLUS 204 x
DELVAC 1640 x
DISOLA M 4015 x AURELIA TI 4040 x
SEA POWER 4040 x
I Approved in operation
II Permitted for controlled use
When these lube oils are used, Caterpillar must be informed as currently there is insufficient experience available for MaK engines.
Otherwise the warranty may be affected.
Synthetic oil with a high viscosity index (SAE 15 W/40). Only permitted if the oil inlet temperatures can be decreased by 5 - 10 °C.

42 VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012

3. Systems

3.7.2 System diagram – Lube oil system

General notes: Notes:

For location, dimensions and design (e.g. flexible connections) of the connecting points h Please refer to the measuring point
see engine installation drawing. list regarding design of the monitoring
Accessories and fittings: n See “arrangement of the flushing oil pipe
FR6 Sensor for temperature control valve LS1 Lube oil separator into the lube oil circulating tank“
LF1 Duplex lube oil filter LT1 Lube oil sump tank o See “crankcase ventilation“ installation
LF2 Self cleaning lube oil filter LI Level indicator instructions 5.7
LF3 Protective strainer LSL Level switch low p Free outlet required.
LF4 Suction strainer PDI Diff. pressure indicator y Provide an expansion joint
LH1 Lube oil cooler PDSH Diff. pressure switch high
LH2 Lube oil preheater PI Pressure indicator Connecting points:
LP1 Lube oil force pump PSL Pressure switch low C51 Force pump, suction side
LP5 Prelubrication force pump PT Pressure transmitter C53 Lube oil discharge
LP9 Transfer pump (separator) TI Temperature indicator C55 Lube oil inlet, lube oil protective filter
LR1 Lube oil temperature control valve TSHH Temperature switch high high C58 Force pump, delivery side
LR2 Oil pressure regulating valve TT Temperature transmitter (PT 100) C91 Crankcase ventilation to stack
VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012 43

3. Systems

3.7.3 Lube oil system components

a) Force pump (fitted) LP1: Gear pump

b) Prelubrication pump (separate) LP5: Delivery head 5 bar

For inland waterway vessels and multi engine plants
In case of Caterpillar supply vertical design only.

c) Stand-by force pump (separate) LP2: • Per engine according to classification society
• Screw type/gear type pump

d) Strainer LF4: Mesh size 2 - 3 mm;

e) Self-cleaning filter (separate) LF2: The self-cleaning filter protects the engine against

Mesh size 30 µm (absolute). Without by-pass filter.

Without flushing oil treatment.

44 VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012

3. Systems

f) Duplex filter (fitted) LF1: Mesh size see technical data

Differential pressure indication and alarm contact

g) Cooler (separate) LH1: Plate type (plate material: stainless steel)

h) Temperature controller LR1: P-controller with manual emergency adjustment

Dimensions [mm] Weight

DN A B C D [kg]
12 M 43 C HT 200 600 900 300 188 278
16 M 43 C HT 200 600 900 300 188 278

i) Circulation tank LT1: Volume

1.7 • Peng. [kW]
V [m³] =

Oil filling approx. 80 % of tank volume.

Discharge to circulation tank: DN 300 at driving end or free end. Expansion joint

VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012 45

3. Systems

j) Crankcase ventilation C91: One vent pipe connection DN 150 is located on top
of the engine block near turbocharger (see system
connection C91).

It must be equipped with a condensate trap and

continuous drain. It has to be arranged separately
for each engine. Crankcase pressure max. 150 Pa.

k) Separator;
treatment at MGO/MDO operation LS1: Recommended with the following design:
• Separating temperature 85 - 95 °C
• Quantity to be cleaned three times/day
• Self-cleaning type

Veff [l/h] = 0.18 • Peng [kW]

l) Separator;
treatment at HFO operation LS1: Required with the following design:
• Separating temperature 95 °C
• Quantity to be cleaned five times/day
• Self-cleaning type

Veff [l/h] = 0.29 • Peng [kW]

46 VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012

3. Systems

3.7.4 Recommendation for lube oil system

For each engine a separate lube oil system is required.

Lube oil quantities/change intervals: Recommended/circulating quantity:

approx. 1.3 l/kW output with separate tank

The change intervals depend on:

• the quantity
• fuel quality
• quality of lube oil treatment (filter, separator)
• engine load

By continuous checks of lube oil samples (decisive

are the limit values as per “MaK Operating Media“)
an optimum condition can be reached.

Suction pipes

Suction pipes must be dimensioned for the total resistance (including pressure drop for the suction
filter) not exceeding the pump suction head.
Maximum oil flow velocity 1.0 m/s.

In order to prevent lube oil backflow when the engine has been stopped a non-return flap must be
installed close to the lube oil tank.

External lube oil piping system information

After bending and welding, all pipes must be cleaned by using an approved cleaning process.

VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012 47

3. Systems

Recommendation of pipe location in the circulating tank (top view)

Flushing oil from automatic filter

Separator suction pipe Separator return pipe

Suction pipe force pump

Suction pipe stand-by force pump

Discharge from engine

Expansion joints

Pipe expansion joints are required to compensate piping movement and vibrations. The bellows are
designed according to the pressure of the medium.

Lube oil drain

The common connection for the oil drain pipe is located on the driving end of the engine. In case of
inclined engine installation another drain pipe connection is available at the free end of the engine.

48 VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012

4. Connecting parts engine

4.1 Power transmission

4.1.1 Coupling between engine and gearbox

For all types of plants the engines will be equipped with flexible flange couplings.

The guards for the flexible couplings should be of perforated plate or gratings to ensure an optimum
heat dissipation (yard supply).

Mass moments of inertia

Speed Engine Flywheel Total

[rpm] [kgm²] [kgm²] [kgm²]
12 M 43 C 3,620 / 3,620 5,464
500 / 514 1,844 / 1,844
16 M 43 C 3,320 / 3,320 5,164

Selection of flexible couplings

The calculation of the coupling torque for main couplings is carried out acc. to the following formula.

P0 P0 • 60
T KN ≥ • =
ω 2 • π • n0

P0 Engine output [kW]

n0 Engine speed [rpm]
TKN Nominal torque of the coupling in the catalog [kNm]

For installations with a gearbox PTO it is recommended to oversize the PTO coupling by factor 1.5 in
order to have sufficient safety margin in the event of misfiring.

VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012 49

4. Connecting parts engine

Flywheel and flexible coupling

Nominal Type Vulkan Weight

Power Speed torque of
Type D L1 1) L1 2) L4 3) 1) 2)
[kW] [rpm] [kNm] Rato-R [mm] [mm] [mm] [mm] [kg] [kg]
12 M 43 C 12,000 500 / 514 250 G 472 TR 1,710 988.6 1,087.5 520 3,397 4,120
16 M 43 C 16,000 500 / 514 380 G 582 W 1,815 1,197 1,189 570 4,603 5,124
without torsional limit device
with torsional limit device
length of hub

Space for oil distribution (OD) box to be considered!

4.1.2 Power take-off

The PTO output is limited. 12 M 43 C 16 M 43 C
The connection requires a highly flexible coupling.
8,400 kW 7,800 kW
The definite coupling type is subject to confirmation by the
torsional vibration calculation.
50 VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012

4. Connecting parts engine

4.1.3 Data for torsional vibration calculation

Details to be submitted for the torsional vibration calculation

A torsional vibration calculation is made for each installation. For this purpose exact data of all
components are required. See table below:

1. Main propulsion
Clutch existing? yes no
Moments of inertia: Engaged: ............... kgm² Disengaged: ............... kgm²
Flexible coupling: Make: .................. Type: ...... Size: ........................
Gearbox: Make: .................. Type: ...... Gear ratio: ..............
Moments of inertia and dyn. torsional rigidity (Mass elastic system)
Shaft drawings with all dimensions
CPP : D = ............. mm Blade No.: ..............
Moments of inertia: in air ................. kgm²/in water = ..................kgm²
Exciting moment in percent of nominal moment = .............. %
Operation mode CPP: const. speed Combinator:
Speed range from: .................. -rpm
Normal speed range: CPP = 0.6 Nominal speed

2. PTO from gearbox: yes no

If yes, we need the following information:
Clutch existing? yes no
Moments of inertia: Engaged: ............... kgm² Disengaged: ............... kgm²
Flexible coupling: Make: .................. Type: ...... Size: ........................
Gearbox: Make: .................. Type: ...... Gear ratio: ..............
Moments of inertia and dyn. torsional rigidity (Mass diagram)
Kind of PTO driven machine: ........................... Rated output: .................... kW
Power characteristics, operation speed range: .................. rpm

3. PTO from free shaft end: yes no

If yes, we need the following information:
Clutch existing? yes no
Moments of inertia: Engaged: ............... kgm² Disengaged: ............... kgm²
Flexible coupling: Make: .................. Type: ...... Size: ........................
Gearbox: Make: .................. Type: ...... Gear ratio: ..............
Moments of inertia and dyn. torsional rigidity (Mass diagram)
Kind of PTO driven machine: ........................... Rated output: .................... kW
Power characteristics, operation speed range: .................. rpm

4. Explanation
Moments of inertia and dyn. torsional rigidity in absolut dimensions, i.e. not reduced.

VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012 51

4. Connecting parts engine

4.2 Resilient mounting

4.2.1 Major components

• Conical rubber elements for active insulation of dynamic engine forces and structure-borne noise
are combined with horizontal, lateral and vertical stoppers to limit the engine movements.
• Dynamically balanced highly flexible coupling.
• Flexible connections for all media.
• Specially designed exhaust gas below.

Details are shown on binding installation drawings.

No. of elements: Conical elements

12 M 43 C 12
16 M 43 C 16

Important note:
• The resilient mounting alone does not provide any garantee for a silent ship operation. Other sour-
ces of noise like propeller, gearbox and aux. engines have to be considered as well.
• Radial restoring forces of the flexible coupling (due to seaway) may be of importance for the layout
of the reduction gear.
52 VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012

4. Connecting parts engine

4.2.2 Structure-borne noise level LV, expected (measured in the test cell)

Structure borne noise level VM 43 C

above/below resilient mounting measured at testbed in Rostock
(values below resilient mounting depend on resilient element type and foundation mobility)

110 104
100 97 95 96
sound velocity [dB] ref: v 0 = 5 x 10 -8 m/s

78 77 77
80 75 74 74
72 73
70 66


40 40


20 above resilient mounting

below resilient mounting









frequency 1/1 octave band [Hz]
tolerance: +/- 2 dB

Engine movement due to vibration referred to the global vibration characteristics of the engine:

The basis for assessing vibration severity are the guidelines ISO 10816-6.

According to these guidelines, the MaK engine will be assigned to vibration severity grade 28, class 5.
On the engine block the following values will not be exceeded:

Displacement Seff < 0.448 mm f > 2 Hz < 10 Hz

Vibration velocity Veff < 28.2 mm/s f > 10 Hz < 250 Hz
Vibration acceleration aeff < 44.2 m/s² f > 250 Hz < 1000 Hz

VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012 53

5. Installation and arrangement

5.1 General installation aspect

Max. inclination angles of ships to ensure reliable engine operation:

Rotation X-axis:
Static: heel to each side: 15 °
Dynamic: rolling to each side: ± 22.5 °

Rotation Y-axis:
Static: trim by head and stern: 5°
Dynamic: pitching: ± 7.5 °

54 VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012

5. Installation and arrangement

5.2 Engine system connections


C25 C15 C14


C14 Charge air cooler LT, inlet

C15 Charge air cooler LT, outlet
C21 Freshwater pump HT, inlet
C23 Stand-by pump HT, inlet
C25 Cooling water HT, outlet
C51 Lube oil force pump, suction side
C53 Lube oil discharge
C58 Lube oil force pump, delivery side
C76 Duplex filter, fuel inlet
C78 Fuel, outlet
C23 C76 C81 Leakage fuel
C55 C81b Leakage fuel
C21 C51 C58 C78 C81b C86 Connection starting air
C53 C91 Crankcase ventilation

VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012 55

5. Installation and arrangement

5.3 Space requirement for dismantling of charge air cooler and turbocharger cartridge

Charge air cooler cleaning

Cleaning is carried out with charge air cooler dismantled. A container to receive the cooler and cleaning
liquid is to be supplied by the yard. Intensive cleaning is achieved by using ultrasonic vibrators.

Turbocharger removal/maintenance

Caterpillar recommends to provide a lifting rail with a travel-ling trolley right above the center of the
turbocharger in order to carry out scheduled maintenance work.

Charge air cooler dimension Vibration damper dimensions

Engine type [mm] [mm]
A B C [kg] Diam. Width Weight [kg]
12 M 43 C 670 2,760 1,164 2,493 1,340 170 1,530
16 M 43 C 670 2,760 1,164 2,493 1,200 170 1,180
56 VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012

5. Installation and arrangement

5.4 Foundation

5.4.1 External foundation forces and frequencies

The following information is relevant to the foundation design and the aftship structure.

The engine foundation is subjected to both static and dynamic loads.

Static load

The static load results from the engine weight which is distributed over the engine‘s foundation
supports and the mean working torque TN resting on the foundation via the vertical reaction forces. TN
increases the weight on one side and reduces it on the other side by the same amount.

Output Speed TN
[kW] [rpm] [kNm]
500 229.2
12 M 43 C 12,000
514 222.9
500 305.6
16 M 43 C 16,000
514 297.3

Support distance a = 2,130 mm

F = TN / a

Dynamic load

The dynamic forces and moments are superimposed on the static forces. They result on the one hand
from the firing forces causing a pulsating torque and on the other hand from the external mass forces
and mass moments.

The tables indicate the dynamic forces and moments as well as the related frequencies.

VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012 57

5. Installation and arrangement

Output Speed Order Frequency Mx

[kW] [rpm] No. [Hz] [kNm]
3.0 25.0 48.6
12,000 500
6.0 50.0 67.0
12 M 43 C
3.0 25.7 45.0
12,000 514
6.0 51.4 65.5
4.0 33.3 51.6
16,000 500
8.0 66.7 37.2
16 M 43 C
4.0 34.3 50.2
16,000 514
8.0 68.5 36.4

All forces and moments not indicated are irrelevant or do not occur. The effect of these forces and
moments on the ship‘s foundations depends on the type of engine mounting.

58 VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012

5. Installation and arrangement

5.4.2 Rigid mounting

The vertical reaction forces resulting from the torque variation Mx are the most important disturbances
to which the engine foundation is subjected. Regarding dynamic load, the indicated moments Mx only
represent the exciting values and can only be compared among each other. The actual forces to which
the foundation is subjected depend on the mounting arrangement and the rigidity of the foundation

In order to make sure that there are no local resonant vibrations in the ship‘s structure, the natural
frequencies of important components and partial structures must be at a sufficient distance from the
indicated main exciting frequencies.

The dynamic foundation forces can be significantly reduced by means of resilient engine mounting.

General note:

The shipyard is solely responsible for the adequate design and quality of the foundation.

Information on foundation bolts, steel chocks, side stoppers and alignment bolts is to be gathered from
the foundation plans.

Examples “for information only“ for the design of the screw connections will be made available as

If pourable resin is used it is recommendable to employ authorized workshops of resin manufacturers

approves by the classification societies for design and execution.

It has to be taken into account that the permissible surface pressure for resin is lower than for steel
chocks and therefore the tightening torques for the bolts are reduced correspondingly.

When installing the engine on steel chocks the top plate should be build with an inclination outwards
from the engine centerline. Wedge type chocks with the corresponding inclination have to be used.

The material can be cast iron or steel.

Surface treatment:

The supporting surface of the top plate has to be milled. When fitting the chocks, a bearing contact of
min. 80 % is to be obtained.

Outwards inclination of top plate are needed in case of using steel chocks. Without this it is not
permissible to install steel chocks.

VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012 59

5. Installation and arrangement

Jacking bolts • To be protected against contact/bond with resin

• After setting of resin dismantle the jacking screws completely

To be supplied by yard: Foundation bolts, fitted bolts, nuts and tension sleeves, side stoppers,
steel chocks, cast resin

The shipyard is solely responsible for adequate design and quality of the foundation.

60 VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012

5. Installation and arrangement

Proposal for rigid mounting

Tightening force M 39 Tightening torque (oil) M 39

Cast resin / steel Cast resin / steel
Through bolts Fitted bolts Through bolts Fitted bolts
[N] [N] M [Nm] M [Nm]
max. 340,000 max. 340,000 max. 2,050 max. 2,050

VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012 61

5. Installation and arrangement

5.5 Installation of flexible pipe connections

Flexible pipe connections become necessary to connect resilient mounted engines with external
piping systems. These components have to compensate the dynamic movements of the engines in
relation to the external piping system.

The shipyard‘s pipe system must be accurately arranged so that flanges or screw connections do fit
without lateral or angular offset. It is recommended to adjust the final position of the pipe connections
after engine alignment is completed.

It is important to provide support as close as possible to the flexible connection and stronger as usual.
The pipes outside the flexible connection must be well fixed and clamped to prevent vibrations, which
could damage the flexible connections.

Installation of steel expansion joints

Steel expansion joints can compensate movements in line and transversal to their center line. They
are not for compensating twisting movements. Expansion joints are very stiff against torsion.

5.6 Notes regarding installation exhaust system

• Arrangement of the first expansion joint directly on the transition pipe
• Arrangement of the first fixed point in the conduit directly after the expansion joint
• Drain opening to be provided (protection of turbocharger and engine against water)
• Each engine requires one individual exhaust gas pipe (a common pipe for several engines is not

During commissioning and maintenance work, checking of the exhaust gas back pressure by means
of a temporarily connected measuring device may become necessary.

For this reason, a measuring socket is to be provided approx. 1 - 2 m after the exhaust gas outlet of the
turbocharger at an easily accessible place.

If it should be impossible to use standard transition piece supplied by Caterpillar, the weight of the
transition piece manufactured by the shipyard must not exceed the weight of the standard transition
piece. A drawing including the weight will then have to be submitted for approval.

62 VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012

5. Installation and arrangement

5.7 Installation of crankcase ventilation on the engine

For the piping of crankcase ventilations please consider the following design criteria:

• Outlet crankcase ventilation has to be arranged separately for each engine

• The pipes should run upwards
• A free ventilation under all trim conditions
• Condensate backflow into crankcase has to be prevented
• Provide a permanent drain

Main vent pipe

Compensator for resilient

mounting engine


Piping sizes for crankcase ventilation

Engine Type Engine connecting Main vent pipe Collecting vent with
point(s) lubricating oil circulation
tank (observe class rules)
12/16 M 43 C 1 x DN 200 1 x DN 200 DN 200

VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012 63

5. Installation and arrangement

5.8 Earthing of the engine

Information about the execution of the earthing

The earthing has to be carried out by the shipyard during assembly on board. The engine already has
M 16, 25 mm deep threaded holes with the earthing symbol in the engine foot. If the engine is resiliently
mounted, it is important to use flexible conductors.

In case of using welding equipment it is important to earth the welding equipment close to the welding
area (the distance should not exceed 10 m).

Earthing connection on the engine

64 VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012

5. Installation and arrangement

5.9 Lifting of the engine

For the purpose of transport the engine is equipped with a lifting device which shall remain the property
of Caterpillar. It has to be returned in a useable condition free of charge.




Center of mass



at free end

at driving end

No. of


VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012 65

6. Control and monitoring system

6.1 Engine control panel

Pressure switch arrangement

Detail X

Lamp test Remote control

Starting False start
Turbocharger B speed
Turbocharger A speed Lampen Fahren v

Stop lever
test Fernbed

Start Fehl-
Blockierg start

Start Stop
Lang- Schnel-

samer ler
Engine speed
Exhaust gas temp. 1 = ENGINE
Charge air pressure Cooling water pressure LT

Stop air pressure Cooling water pressure HT

Start air pressure Fuel oil pressure

Lubricating oil pressure

66 VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012

6. Control and monitoring system

6.1.1 Remote control for single-engine plant with one controllable pitch propeller
*) not in Caterpillar scope of supply (optional) speed speed
(optional) (optional)
note: ± 24V DC supply ± 20 %

*) *)
230V AC
Main switch board /
power management system
Protection Control
panel panel bridge
*) (optional)
24V DC
Controllable pitch propeller
4-20 mA / 0-10 V DC signal

control unit manual emergency stop / override

control signals
control signals

24V DC Control
*) panel mkr
alarmsystem /
exhaust gas temp.
monitoring system *)
24V DC
alarms via MODbus
control signals

control signals

Electronic speed
FCT failure signal

FCT-control cabinet
(optional) governor cabinet
Large Engine Safety System
protection system,
start / stop, display
control signals

*) *) *)
24V DC 24V DC 24V DC

control signals
control signals
CANbus 0-1 A actuator signal
control signals
24V DC

control signals / GB failure signals


Large Engine Safety System
PTO data converter
control signals

Operating Barring device Cooling water

panel control cabinet preheating system

*) *)
voltage supply voltage supply
(3 phase) (3 phase)

VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012 67

6. Control and monitoring system

6.1.2 Remote control for twin-engine plant with one controllable pitch propeller
*) not in Caterpillar scope of supply
note: ± 24V DC supply ± 20 %
TC Engine DICARE Engine TC
speed speed (optional) speed speed
(optional) (optional) (optional) (optional)

Control Control
panel BR Protection Protection panel BR
(optional) panel *) panel (optional)
alarmsystem /
exhaust gas temp.
monitoring system

24V DC *) 24V DC *) CPP control unit / 24V DC *) 24V DC *)
clutch control
Control system Control

manual emergency stop / override

panel MKR panel MKR

manual emergency stop / override

Main switch board /

4-20 mA / 0-10V signal

4-20mA/ 0-10V signal

alarms via MODbus

alarms via MODbus

management system
control signals

control signals
control signals
control signals
control signals
control signals

24V DC *) 24V DC *)
24V DC *)

24V DC
Engine Electronic speed
Electronic speed LESS Safety governor cabinet
governor cabinet Large
Safety Protection system,,
System start / stop, display alarm / control signals
control signals
alarm / control signals Protection system,
start / stop, display
control signals

load sharing load sharing 24V DC *)

24V DC *)
0-1A actuator signal 0-1 A actuator signal
GB failure signals

FCT-control FCT-control
GB failure signal
control signals

cabinet cabinet
control signal

optional optional
control signals control signals
FCT failure signal LESS LESS
FCT failure signals
*) Safety
24V DC System data converter 24V DC *)
data converter Actuator
Actuator *)
24V DC *) 24V DC

start start
interlock interlock
Gearbox *)
Barring device
Barring device control signals control signals
control cabinet control cabinet

voltage supply *) PTO voltage supply *)

(3 phase) (3 phase)

control signals control signals

Cooling water Cooling water
preheating preheating
system system
voltage supply *) voltage supply *)
(3 phase) (3 phase)

68 VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012

6. Control and monitoring system

6.1.3 LESS: Large Engine Safety System

Engine control boxes include

• Engine protection system

• Speed switch unit
• Start-/stop-control
• Alarm display (LED)
• Graphic display (settings)
• Engine monitoring
• Modbus output to alarm system (Modbus RTU protocol RS 482 / 422)
• Data transfer via CAN-bus to DICARE-PC (optional)
• Exhaust gas temperature mean value system (optional)
• Electronic governor (optional installed)

System data

4 fixed automatic shut down + overspeed inputs
4 manual emergency stop inputs
16 configurable inputs for shutdown, load reduce request or starting interlock
2 separate override inputs
1 remote reset input
All inputs are wire break- and short circuit monitored.

4 x 2 adjustable speed contacts
3 fuel setting signals (1 x 0-10V DC, 2 x 4-20 mA)
1 overload contact at rated speed
4 speed signals (1 x pulse, 1 x 0-10V DC, 2 x 4-20 mA or 0-10V DC → configurable)

VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012 69

6. Control and monitoring system

Alarm System
(optionally DICARE (optional)
Caterpillar supply)
Caterpillar supply)




Sensor signals Sensor signals





Start interlocks
signals DISPLAY A01.5 PROTECTION A05.1


Shutdown signals
Pickup Shutdown
signals valve
Override inputs
Reset input

70 VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012

6. Control and monitoring system

6.2 Speed control

Single/twin engine plant with one The engines are equipped with an actuator (optional with
controllable pitch propeller: mech. back-up) and the electronic governors are installed
in a separate control cabinet.

The governor comprises the following functions:

• Speed setting range to be entered via parameters
• Adjustable acceleration and deceleration times
• Starting fuel limiter
• Input for stop (not emergency stop)
• 18 - 32 V DC voltage supply
• Alarm output
• Droop operation (primary shaft generator)
• Isochronous load distribution by master/slave principle for twin engine propulsion plants via double-
reduction gear

Standard: Regulateurs Europa “Propulsion Panel“ with Viking 35 electronic governor (one per
250 600


antivibration mounts for

securing panel to support
brackets (brackets not R.E. M 10 x 25 long
170 50 500

available area

Option: Woodward control twin engine cabinet with Woodward 723+ electronic governor

VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012 71

6. Control and monitoring system

6.3 Engine monitoring

junction box 1 at „turbocharger free end engine“ junction box 1 at „turbocharger driving end engine“

Bank A Bank B

Bank B Bank A

Junction box 1 and LESS cabinet are connected via CANbus (see LESS description)

LESS protection system LESS display LESS cabinet

72 VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012

6. Control and monitoring system

6.4 Measuring points

Meas. Point Description Remarks
Pressure switch
1104 Lube oil pressure low – start stand-by pump

1105 Lube oil pressure low – pre-alarm shut down 4-20 mA

Pressure transmitter
1106 Lube oil pressure low – pre-alarm shut down

1111 Differential pressure lube oil filter high – alarm binary Not fitted on engine
1111.1 Differential pressure lube oil filter high – indication 4-20 mA Depending on glass
1112 Differential pressure lube oil automatic filter – alarm binary Not fitted on engine
1112.1 Differential pressure lube oil automatic filter – alarm 4-20 mA Not fitted on engine
Resistance thermometer
1202 Lube oil temperature at engine inlet high – alarm
PT 100

NTC/switch unit
1203 Lube oil temperature at engine inlet high – load reduction

Oil mist detector VN115/87 Plus

1251 1251 Oil mist concentration in crankcase high – alarm 1251:

1251.1 1251.1 Oil mist concentration in crankcase high – Pre-alarm

1 evaluation unit for
1251.2: 1251, 1253 ,9631
1251.2 1251.2 Opacity 4-20 mA
1253: 1251.1 (70% from 1251)
1253 1253 Oil mist concentration in crankcase high – shut down binary
9631 9631 Oil mist detector failure – alarm binary

Pressure switch
20 kPa below operating
2101 Cooling water pressure HT at engine inlet low binary
– start stand by pump
Pressure transmitter
40 kPa below operating
2102 Cooling water pressure HT at engine inlet low 4-20 mA
– alarm
Pressure switch 60 kPa below operating
2103 Cooling water pressure HT at engine inlet low – shut down
pressure stop delay: 20 s
Pressure switch
20 kPa below operating
2111 Cooling water pressure LT at engine inlet low – start binary
stand-by pump
Pressure transmitter
40 kPa below operating
2112 Cooling water pressure LT at engine outlet low 4-20 mA
– alarm
Resistance thermometer
2201 Cooling water temp. HT at engine inlet low – alarm
PT 100

Resistance thermometer
2211 Cooling water temp. HT at engine outlet high – alarm
PT 100

VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012 73

6. Control and monitoring system

Meas. Point Description Remarks
NTC / switch unit
2212 Cooling water temp. HT at engine outlet high – load binary
Resistance thermometer
2229 Cooling water temp. LT at engine inlet high – alarm
PT 100

2321 Oil ingress in fresh water cooler outlet binary Option, external sensor
Pressure switch
5101 Fuel oil pressure at engine inlet low – start stand-by pump

Pressure transmitter
5102 Fuel oil pressure at engine inlet low – alarm
4-20 mA

Fuel oil pressure – start stand-by pump by pump

5105 control
Option, external sensor

Differential pressure indicator

5111 Differential pressure fuel oil filter high – alarm

5112 Fuel oil differential pressure automatic filter Option, external sensor
Fuel oil differential pressure – start stand-by pump by
5115 pump control
Option, external sensor

5116 Fuel oil differential pressure at circulating pump Option, external sensor
Resistance thermometer
1 sensor for 5201 + 5202*
5201/5202* 5201 Fuel oil temp. at engine inlet low – alarm PT 100
* not in use with HFO
5202 fuel oil temp. at engine inlet high – alarm
5206 Fuel oil temp. after viscomat – DICARE PT 100 Not fitted on engine
5251 Fuel oil viscosity at engine inlet (common alarm 5252) Option, external sensor
5252 Fuel oil viscosity at engine inlet (common alarm 5251) Option, external sensor
5253 Fuel oil viscosity at viscomat – DICARE 4-20 mA Not fitted on engine
Level probe / switch unit
5301A Leakage oil level at engine high – alarm

Level probe / switch unit

5301B Leakage oil level at engine high – alarm

5333 Fuel oil level mixing tank Option, external sensor

Pressure transmitter
6101 Starting air at engine inlet low – alarm
4-20 mA

Pressure switch
6105 Stopping air pressure at engine low – alarm

6181 Intake air pressure in engine room – DICARE 4-20 mA

Pressure transmitter
7109 Charge air pressure at engine inlet – DICARE, indication
4-20 mA

Resistance thermometer
7201 Charge air temp. at engine inlet high – alarm
PT 100

74 VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012

6. Control and monitoring system

Meas. Point Description Remarks
7206 Intake air temp. at turbocharger inlet – DICARE PT 100
Level probe / switch unit
7301 Condense water in charge air canal

Charge air differential pressure at charge air cooler

7307 – DICARE
4-20 mA

Thermocouple type K
7309A Charge air temp. at charge air cooler inlet
– indication, DICARE
Thermocouple type K
7309B Charge air temp. at charge air cooler inlet
– indication, DICARE
Thermocouple type K NiCr-Ni
8211.1A Exhaust gas temp. after cylinder 1 – load reduction (mV)
Thermocouple type K NiCr-Ni
8211.2A Exhaust gas temp. after cylinder 2 – load reduction (mV)
Thermocouple type K NiCr-Ni
8211.3A Exhaust gas temp. after cylinder 3 – load reduction (mV)
Thermocouple type K NiCr-Ni
8211.4A Exhaust gas temp. after cylinder 4 – load reduction (mV)
Thermocouple type K NiCr-Ni
8211.5A Exhaust gas temp. after cylinder 5 – load reduction (mV)
Thermocouple type K NiCr-Ni
8211.6A Exhaust gas temp. after cylinder 6 – load reduction (mV)
Thermocouple type K NiCr-Ni
8211.7A Exhaust gas temp. after cylinder 7 – load reduction (mV)
Thermocouple type K NiCr-Ni
8211.8A Exhaust gas temp. after cylinder 8 – load reduction (mV)
Thermocouple type K NiCr-Ni
8211.1B Exhaust gas temp. after cylinder 1 – load reduction (mV)
Thermocouple type K NiCr-Ni
8211.2B Exhaust gas temp. after cylinder 2 – load reduction (mV)
Thermocouple type K NiCr-Ni
8211.3B Exhaust gas temp. after cylinder 3 – load reduction (mV)
Thermocouple type K NiCr-Ni
8211.4B Exhaust gas temp. after cylinder 4 – load reduction (mV)
Thermocouple type K NiCr-Ni
8211.5B Exhaust gas temp. after cylinder 5 – load reduction (mV)
Thermocouple type K NiCr-Ni
8211.6B Exhaust gas temp. after cylinder 6 – load reduction (mV)
Thermocouple type K NiCr-Ni
8211.7B Exhaust gas temp. after cylinder 7 – load reduction (mV)
Thermocouple type K NiCr-Ni
8211.8B Exhaust gas temp. after cylinder 8 – load reduction (mV)

VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012 75

6. Control and monitoring system

Meas. Point Description Remarks
Included in meas. point 8234
8216 Deviation of mean average value reduct alarm cyl. Load reduction from alarm
system to LESS
Included in meas. point 8234
8218 Exhaust gas temp. reduct alarm of each cyl. absolut Load reduction from alarm
system to LESS
Thermocouple type K
8221A Exhaust gas temp. at turbocharger outlet – load
Thermocouple type K NiCr-Ni
8221B Exhaust gas temp. at turbocharger outlet – DICARE (mV)
Included in meas. point 8234
Exhaust gas temp. reduction alarm of turbocharger
8224 outlet
Load reduction from alarm
system to LESS
Thermocouple type K NiCr-Ni
8231A Exhaust gas temp. at turbocharger outlet – DICARE (mV)
Thermocouple type K NiCr-Ni
8231B Exhaust gas temp. at turbocharger outlet – DICARE (mV)
Common alarm exhaust gas temp. monitoring load Common alarm from alarm
8234 reduction included 8216, 8218, 8224 system to LESS
9401 Engine speed binary Suppression of alarms
9402 Engine speed binary start stand-by pump
9404 Overspeed – alarm binary
9406 Switch off lube oil stand-by pump binary
9407 Engine speed binary n adjustable
Engine speed signal
9419 From RPM switching equipment – indication, DICARE
4-20 mA

Pick up
9419.1 RPM switching equipment
0-15 KHz

Pick up
9419.2 RPM switching equipment
0-15 KHz

Pick up / transmitter
9429A Turbine speed high – alarm 4-20 mA
Turbine speed – indication, DICARE 0-10 V
Pick up / transmitter
9429B Turbine speed high – alarm 4-20 mA
Turbine speed – indication, DICARE 0-10 V
9503 Limit switch – Control lever at fuel rack – stop position binary
Distance sensor / swtiching device
9509 Fuel setting
4-20 mA

9531 Engine overload at rated speed binary

76 VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012

6. Control and monitoring system

Meas. Point Description Remarks
9532 Engine load signal 4-20 mA
Limit switch
9561 Turbing gear engaged – starting interlock

Relay contact
9602 CANbus failure – alarm

9615 Failure electrical governor – minor alarm binary

9616 Failure mechanical governor – major alarm binary
9671.1 Automatic stop failure – alarm binary
9671.2 Overspeed failure – alarm binary
9671.3 Emergency failure – alarm binary
9674 Common alarm – alarm binary
9675 Emergency stop – alarm binary
9676 Common alarm – load reduction binary
9677.1 Override oil mist detector activated binary
9677.2 Override load reduction activated binary
Relay contact
9717 Voltage failure at terminal X3 – alarm

9751 Voltage failure at charge air temperature controller binary

9771 Fresh water preheater voltage failure binary
Relay contact
9836.1 Sensor / isolation fault A01 – alarm

Relay contact
9836.2 Sensor / isolation fault A02 – alarm

Relay contact
9962.1 Common alarm A01 – alarm

Relay contact
9962.2 Common alarm A02 – alarm

VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012 77

6. Control and monitoring system

6.5 Local and remote indicators

Local indicators Remote

Installed at the engine 96 x 96mm
Fuel oil temperature at engine inlet X 2)
Fuel oil differential pressure at filter
Fuel rack position (mean injection pump rack)
Lube oil temperature at engine inlet X 2)
Lube oil differential pressure at filter
Fresh water temperature ar engine inlet (HT circuit)
Fresh water temperature at engine outlet (HT circuit) X 2)
Fresh water temperature (LT circuit) X 2)
Fresh water temperature cooler inlet
Fresh water temperature cooler outlet
Charge air temperature cooler inlet
Charge air temperature engine inlet X 2)
Installed at the engine (gauge board)
Fuel oil pressure X 2)
Lube oil pressure X 2)
Fresh water pressure (HT circuit) X 2)
Fresh water pressure (LT circuit) X 2)
Start air pressure X 2)
Charge air pressure cooler outlet X 2)
Stop air pressure
Engine speed X 1)
Turbocharger speed X
Charge air temperature cooler inlet (digital value)
Exhaust gas temperature after cylinder (digital value)
Exhaust gas temperature before/after turbocharger
(digital value)
144 x 144 mm possible
Signal is supplied by the alarm system

78 VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012

7. Diagnostic trending monitoring - DICARE

With MaK DICARE, you can have an expert aboard at all times, ready to serve your needs. The latest,
completely revised version combines well-established features with faster signal processing and
improved usability, based on common industry standards.
Cat and MaK engines with MaK DICARE remote engine monitoring software provide reliable, condition-
specific maintenance suggestions. DICARE continually compares current engine condition to desired
state and tells you when maintenance is required. You get the diagnostics you need in easy-to-
understand words and graphics so you can take action to keep your engines running strong.
DICARE is only available for medium-speed engines not for high-speed engines.

About 700 MaK engines worldwide, on vessels and in power stations ashore, are currently supervised
with DICARE. Malfunctions are indicated immediately and at a glance, taking into account empirical
data, plausibility considerations, and built-in expertise from decades of MaK diesel engine design. For
ease of use, the initial report is subdivided into the diagnostic sectors of exhaust gas, turbocharger,
fuel oil, lube oil, and cooling water, using a simple color-coding of regular versus irregular values. In
a second step, the complete set of measured values and detailed troubleshooting instructions can be
displayed, also with recommended actions priority-coded.
Special attention is placed on monitoring the following criteria:

• Overall temperature levels to identify thermal overload at an early stage.

• Intake air pressure and temperature to identify performance drops due to fouling or wear.
• Charge air pressure, temperature and dew point to identify fouling or misadjustment.
• Fuel temperature and viscosity to identify any malfunction of the viscosity control unit.
• Fuel rack position and power output to identify injection pump wear.
• Lube oil consumption to identify any possible wear.
• Cooling water pressure and temperature for optimum operation.
• Exhaust gas temperatures to identify deviations in the fuel or air system at an early stage.

VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012 79

7. Diagnostic trending monitoring - DICARE

Transmitter for DICARE ON-LINE VM 43 C CANbus

Designation Meas. point no.

Fuel viscosity 5253
Fuel temperature after viscomat 5206
Fuel temperature at engine inlet 5201
Injection pump rack position 9509
Lube oil pressure 1105
Lube oil temperature at engine inlet 1202
Freshwater pressure HT 2102
Freshwater temperature at engine inlet HT 2201
Freshwater temperature at engine outlet HT 2211
Differential pressure charge air cooler 7307
Intake air pressure 6181
Intake air pressure before turbocharger 7206
Charge air pressure after intercooler 7109
Charge air temperature before intercooler 7309
Charge air temperature at engine inlet 7201
Exhaust gas temperature for each cylinder and 8211/8221
after turbocharger
Exhaust gas temperature before turbocharger 8231
Engine speed 9419
Turbocharger speed 9429
Service hour counter (manual input) 9409

80 VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012

8. Engine acceptance test

Standard acceptance test run

The acceptance test run is carried out on the testbed with customary equipment and auxiliaries using
exclusively MDO under the respective ambient conditions of the testbed. During this test run the
fuel rack will be blocked at the contractual output value. In case of deviations from the contractual
ambient conditions the fuel consumption will be converted to standard reference conditions.

The engine will be run at the following load stages acc. to the rules of the classification societies. After
reaching steady state condition of pressures and temperatures these will be recorded and registered
acc. to the form sheet of the acceptance test certificate:

Load [%] Duration [min]

50 30
85 30
100 60
110 30

Additional functional tests

In addition to the acceptance test run the following functional tests will be carried out:

• governor test
• overspeed test
• emergency shut-down via minimum oil pressure
• start/stop via local engine control
• starting trials down to the minimum air pressure
• measurement of crank web deflection (cold/warm condition)

After the acceptance test run main running gear, camshaft drive and timing gear train will be inspected
through the opened covers. Individual inspection of special engine components such as a piston or
bearings is not intended, because such inspections are carried out by the classification societies at
intervals on production engines.

VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012 81

9. Engine International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate

The MARPOL Diplomatic Conference has agreed about a limitation of NOx emissions, referred to as
Annex VI to Marpol 73/78.

When testing the engine for NOx emissions, the reference fuel is Marine Diesel Oil (Distillate) and the
test is performed according to ISO 8178 test cycles:

Test cycle type E2 Test cycle type D2

Speed 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 %
Power 100 % 75 % 50 % 25 % 100 % 75 % 50 % 25 % 10 %
Weighting factor 0.2 0.5 0.15 0.15 0.05 0.25 0.3 0.3 0.1

Subsequently, the NOx value has to be calculated using different weighting factors for different loads
that have been corrected to ISO 8178 conditions.

An NOx emission evidence will be issued for each engine showing that the engine complies with the
regulation. The evidence will come as EAPP (Engine Air Pollution Prevention) Statement of Compliance,
EAPP (Engine Air Pollution Prevention) Document of Compliance or EIAPP (Engine International Air
Pollution Prevention) Certificate according to the authorization by the flag state and related technical
file. For the most part on basis of an EAPP Statement of Compliance or an EAPP Document of Compliance
an EIAPP certificate can be applied for.

According to IMO regulations, a Technical File shall be prepared for each engine. This Technical File
contains information about the components affecting NOx emissions, and each critical component is
marked with a special IMO number. Such critical components are piston, cylinder head, injection nozzle
(element), camshaft section, fuel injection pump, turbocharger and charge air cooler. (For Common
Rail engines the controller and the software are defined as NOx relevant components instead of the
injection pump.) The allowable setting values and parameters for running the engine are also speci-
fied in the Technical File.

The marked components can later, on-board the ship, be easily identified by the surveyor and thus
an IAPP (International Air Pollution Prevention) certificate for the ship can be issued on basis of the
EIAPP certificate and the on-board inspection.

82 VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012

10. Painting / preservation

Inside preservation

N 576-3.3
The preservation is sufficient for a period of max. 2 years.
It needs to be removed when the engine is commissioned!
• Main running gear and internal mechanics

Outside preservation

VCI 368 N 576-3.2

Engine outside preservation with Cortec VCI 368 is applicable for Europe and overseas.
It applies for sea and land transportation and storage of the engines in the open, protected from mois-
The duration of protection with additional VCI packaging is max. 2 years.

It must be removed before commissioning of the engines!

Environmentally compatible disposal is to be ensured.

Durability and effect are determined by proper packaging, transportation, and storage, i.e. protected
from moisture, stored at a dry place and sufficiently ventilated. Inspections are to be carried out at
regular intervals.

Appearance of the engine:

• Castings with red oxide antirust paint
• Pipes and machined surfaces left as bare metal
• Attached components with colours of the makers

N 576-4.1 - Clear varnish

Clear varnish painting is applicable within Europe for land transportation with protection from moistu-
re. It is furthermore applicable for storage in a dry and tempered atmosphere.

Clear varnish painting is not permissible for:

• Sea transportation of engines
• Storage of engines in the open, even if they are covered with tarpaulin

The duration of protection with additional VCI packaging is max. 1 year.

VCI packaging as per N 576-5.2 is generally required!

Durability and effect are determmined by proper packaging, transportation, and storage, i.e. the engine
is to be protected from moisture, VCI film not ripped or destroyed.
Inspections are to be carried out at regular intervals.
VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012 83

10. Painting / preservation

If the above requirements are not met, all warranty claims in connection with corrosion damage shall
be excluded.

Appearance of the engine:

• Castings with red oxide antirust paint
• Pipes and machined surfaces left as bare metal
• Attached components with colours of the makers
• Surfaces sealed with clear varnish
• Bare metal surfaces provided with VCI 368 preservation

N 576-4.3 - Painting
The painting is applicable for Europe and overseas.
It applies for sea and land transportation and short-term storage in the open (protected from moisture)
up to max. 4 weeks.

In case of Europe and overseas shipment and storage in the open longer than 4 weeks VCI packaging
as per N 576-5.2 is required.

The duration of protection with additional VCI packaging is max. 2 years.

Durability and effect are determined by proper packaging, transportation, and storage, i.e. protected
from moisture, VCI film not ripped or destroyed. Inspections are to be carried out at regular intervals.

Appearance of the engine:

• Surfaces mostly painted with varnish
• Bare metal surfaces provided provided with VCI 368 preservation

N 576-5.2 - VCI packaging

Corrosion protection with VCI packaging applies for:
• Engines with outside preservation VCI 368 as per N 576-3.2
• Engines with clear varnish according to application group N 576-4.1
These engines are always to be delivered with VCI packaging!
Nevertheless, they are not suitable for storage in the open!
• Engines or engine generator sets with painting according to application group N 576-4.3 for shipment
to Europe and overseas or storage in the open (protected from moisture).

84 VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012

10. Painting / preservation

Durability and effect are determined by proper packaging, transportation, and storage, i.e. protected
from moisture, VCI film not ripped or destroyed. Inspections are to be carried out at regular intervals.

• Bare metal surfaces provided with VCI 368 or VCI oil

• Cortec VCI impregnated flexible PU foam mats hung up on the engine using tie wraps. Kind and
scope denpending on engine type.
The mats are to be hung up in free position and should not come into contact with the painted
• Cover the engine completely with air cushion film VCI 126 LP. Air cushions are to point towards the
The air cushion film is fastened to the transportation skid (wooden frame) by means of wooden
laths. Overlaps at the face ends and openings for the lifting gear are to be closed by means of PVC
scotch tape.
In case of engines delivered without oil pan the overhanging VCI film between engine and transport
frame is to be folded back upwards towards the engine before fastening the air cushion film.

Attention! The corrosion protection is only effective if the engine is completely wrapped with VCI film.
The protective space thus formed around the component can be opened for a short time by slitting the
film, but afterwards it must be closed again by means of adhesive tape.

N 576-5.2 Suppl. 1 - Information panel for VCI preservation and inspection

Applies for all engines with VCI packaging as per application group N 576-5.2.

• This panel provides information on the kind of initial preservation and instructions for inspection.
• Arranged on the transport frame on each side so as to be easily visible.

N 576-6.1 - Corrosion protection period, check, and represervation

There will only be an effective corrosion protection of the engine if the defintions and required work
according to factory standard N 576-6.1 are duly complied with.
In general, the applied corrosion protection is effective for a period of max. 2 years if the engines
or engine generator sets are protected from moisture. However, depending on the execution of the
preservation shorter periods may be applicable.

After 2 years represervation must be carried out.

Every 3 months specific inspections are to be carried out at the engine or engine generator set at
defined inspection points. Any corrosion and condensation water are to be removed immediately.

VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012 85

11. Engine parts

Cylinder head, weight 1,100 kg Piston, weight 225 kg

Connecting rod, weight 557.9 kg Cylinder liner, weight 674 kg

86 VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012

12. Flexible Camshaft Technology – FCT

Building upon the Emission Reduction System integration concept, FCT achieves synergy between
flexible fuel systems and advanced air systems with maximum utilization of the current engine design.
While maintaining high fuel injection pressure over the whole operating range, fuel injection and inlet
valve timing are load controlled and influenced by a lever shaft which affects injection timing/pressure
and inlet valve events. Valve timing changes at part load to raise effective compression and enhance
complete combustion. In addition, shifting the relative position of the lever to the fuel cam increases
injection pressure, producing a finer atomization of fuel in a load range where it would otherwise be
difficult to control smoke.

Plunger Speed
Valve Lift

90 180 270 360 450 540 630

Crank Angle (°) Crank Angle (°)

schematic diagram

Soot Emission of Inline and Vee M 43 C IMO2

Soot Emission of Inline M 43 C IMO2
1,5 CPP operation / combinator curve
FCT Switch Point
1,25 IMO2 with FCT
IMO2 w/o FCT 1,25 IMO2 CPP with FCT
Soot emission (FSN)

Soot emission (FSN)

0,75 FCT Switch Point

Visibility Limit
Visibility Limit

0,25 0,25

0 0
0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Power output VD 8763-4 Power output VD 8764-4

M 43 C constant speed M 43 C CPP/combinator mode

VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012 87

13. Caterpillar Marine Systems Integration

13.1 The Scope

Caterpillar Marine Systems Integration

Mechanical Electrical
Propulsion Systems Propulsion Systems




Fuel Oil System for LNG

Fuel Oil System for HFO/MDO

Heat Recovery Systems

Exhaust Gas Cleaning Systems

Electric Propulsion Switchboard Electric Board Net Switchboard Power Management System
Communication Systems Dynamic Positioning System Ship Automation, Safety & Monitoring System
Navigation System Control Consoles & Control Stations

Caterpillar Marine Systems Integration provides:

• System consultancy (feasibility studies)

• Systems integration engineering

• Design and construction drawings

88 VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012

14. Appendix

14.1 Exhaust system

14.1.1 Resistance in exhaust gas piping

Example (based on diagram data A to E):

t = 335 °C, G = 25,000 kg/h t = Exhaust gas temperature (°C)
l = 15 m straight pipe length, d = 700 mm G = Exhaust gas massflow (kg/h)
3 off 90° bent R/d = 1.5 ∆p = Resistance/m pipe length (mm WC/m)
1 off 45° bent R/d = 1.5 d = Inner pipe diameter (mm)
∆Pg = ? w = Gas velocity (m/s)
l = Straight pipe length (m)
∆p = 0.83 mm WC/m L‘ = Spare pipe length of 90° bent pipe (m)
L‘ = 3 • 11 m + 5.5 m L = Effective substitute pipe length (m)
L = l + L‘ = 15 m + 38.5 m = 53.5 m ∆Pg = Total resistance (mm WC)
∆Pg = ∆p • L = 0.83 mm WC/m • 53.5 m = 44.4 mm WC

VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012 89

14. Appendix

14.1.2 Exhaust data

Output/cylinder: 1,000 kW
Tolerance: 5%
Atmospheric pressure: 1 bar
Relative humidity: 60 %
Constant speed

Intake air temperature: 25 °C

● Output %
Output ● [kg/h]
[kW] ● [°C]
100 90 80 70 60 50
91,100 84,000 76,750 68,050 59,500 50,950
12 M 43 C 12,000
292 275 275 280 295 310
121,445 112,100 102,300 90,730 79,330 67,935
16 M 43 C 16,000
290 275 275 280 300 310

Intake air temperature: 45 °C

● Output %
Output ● [kg/h]
[kW] ● [°C]
100 90 80 70 60 50
87,450 80,640 73,677 65,330 57,120 48,910
12 M 43 C 12,000
309 290 290 297 313 328
116,585 107,615 98,210 87,100 76,160 65,215
16 M 43 C 16,000
307 290 290 300 318 329

90 VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012

14. Appendix

14.1.3 Exhaust gas sound power level

Exhaust gas sound power level

MaK 12 M 43 C
(to be expected directly after turbocharger at open pipe (A 0=1m²), values measured with a probe inside the exhaust gas pipe)
140 136
130 131 131
130 128
123 123
sound power level [dB(A)] ref: 10 -12W







31,5 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
1/1 octave band frequency [Hz]
tolerance: +/- 2 dB

Exhaust gas sound power level

MaK 16 M 43 C
(to be expected directly after turbocharger at open pipe (A 0=1m²), values measured with a probe inside the exhaust gas pipe)

140 136
132 131
130 128 127
sound power level [dB(A)] ref: 10 -12W






31,5 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
1/1 octave band frequency [Hz]
tolerance: +/- 2 dB

VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012 91

14. Appendix

14.2 Air-borne sound power level

The air borne sound power level is measured in a test cell according to EN ISO 9614-2.

Noise level for M 43 C vee-engines

Air-borne sound power level
MaK 12 M 43 C
measured in test cell according EN ISO 9614-2
130 127

121 122

120 119

sound power level [dB(A) re: 10


100 96



63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 SUM
1/1 Octave [Hz]
tolerance: +/- 2 dB

Air-borne sound power level

MaK 16 M 43 C
measured in test cell according EN ISO 9614-2

130 128

123 122
sound power level [dB(A) re: 10




63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 SUM
1/1 Octave [Hz]
tolerance: +/- 2 dB

92 VM 43 C Propulsion - 08.2012
VM-43-C-Project-Guide_2012_Layout 1 21.08.12 14:29 Seite 1


VM 43 C Project Guide • Propulsion

VM 43 C
Project Guide • Propulsion

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