Crua PHD Thesis
Crua PHD Thesis
Crua PHD Thesis
Cyril Crua
A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement of the University of Brighton for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy
December 2002
Attention is drawn to the fact that copyright of this thesis rests with its author. This copy of the thesis has been supplied on condition that anyone who consults it is understood to recognise that its copyright rests with its author and that no quotation from the thesis and no information derived from it may be published without the prior written consent of the author.
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The effects of in-cylinder and injection pressures on the formation and autoignition of diesel sprays at realistic automotive in-cylinder conditions was investigated. A two-stroke diesel Proteus engine has been modified to allow optical access for visualisation of in-cylinder combustion processes. Various optical techniques were used to investigate the combustion processes. These include high-speed video recording of the liquid phase, high-speed schlieren video recording of the vapour phase and laser-induced incandescence for soot imaging. The spray cone angle and penetration with time data extracted from photographic and high-speed video studies are presented.
The effects of droplet evaporation, breakup and air entrainment at the initial stage of spray penetration were studied theoretically using three models. It was found that the predictions of the model combining bag breakup and air entrainment are in good agreement with the experimental measurements.
Spray autoignition was investigated using video, in-cylinder pressure, and schlieren recordings. Pseudo three-dimensional visualisation of the autoignition was achieved by simultaneous use of two high-speed video cameras at right angles to each other. The effects of elevated injection and in-cylinder pressures on the ignition delay and ignition sites have been investigated.
concentration for a range of engine conditions. The influence of in-cylinder and injection pressures on soot formation sites and relative soot concentration has been studied. The work has been mainly focused on the specificities of soot formation under extreme in-cylinder conditions.
COPYRIGHT ................................................................................................ ii ABSTRACT .................................................................................................. iii CONTENTS .................................................................................................. iv LIST OF TABLES ...................................................................................... viii LIST OF FIGURES ...................................................................................... ix ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ...........................................................................xv DECLARATION ........................................................................................ xvi NOMENCLATURE ................................................................................... xvii 1. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................... 1 1.1. Background ......................................................................................... 1 1.2. Thesis structure................................................................................... 4 1.3. Objectives ............................................................................................ 5 2. REVIEW OF EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES OF COMBUSTION PROCESSES IN DIESEL ENGINES ............................................................ 6 2.1. Introduction ........................................................................................ 6 2.2. Optical techniques for in-cylinder observation .................................. 8 2.2.1. Autoignition ................................................................................... 9 Autoignition sites ..................................................................... 9 Autoignition delay ...................................................................10 2.2.2. Soot formation sites and concentration ...........................................11 Laser-Induced Incandescence (LII)..........................................14 Laser-Induced Fluorescence (LIF)...........................................20 2.2.3. Local temperature ..........................................................................20 Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF) ...........................................21 Coherent Anti-stokes Raman Scattering (CARS).......................27 Degenerate Four Wave Mixing (DFWM)..................................29 Raman Doppler Velocimetry (RDV) .........................................29 Rayleigh scattering .................................................................29 2.2.4. Local air-fuel ratio ........................................................................31 Exciplex laser-induced fluorescence ........................................31 Planar Laser Rayleigh Scattering (PLRS) ................................32 2.2.5. Velocity measurements ..................................................................36 Laser Doppler Anemometry (LDA)...........................................36 Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) ............................................37 2.2.6. Experimental considerations ..........................................................37 Refractive index gradients .......................................................37 Soot absorption .......................................................................38 Molecular absorption ..............................................................39 2.3. Conclusions of Chapter 2 ...................................................................39 3. DESIGN OF THE PROTEUS HIGH-PRESSURE SPRAY RIG ..............42 3.1. General description ............................................................................42 3.1.1. Control software ............................................................................45 3.1.2. Health and safety features ..............................................................46 3.2. Optical high-pressure spray chamber................................................47 iv
3.2.1. Characteristics of the windows ......................................................50 3.2.2. Influence of window fouling ..........................................................52 3.3. Fuel system .........................................................................................52 3.3.1. Injector nozzle library ...................................................................56 3.3.2. Fuel injection calibration ...............................................................59 3.4. Accuracy and calibration ...................................................................60 3.4.1. Evaluation of the compression ratio ...............................................60 3.4.2. Comparability to a modern diesel engine........................................63 3.4.3. Errors and delays ...........................................................................63 3.5. Conclusions of Chapter 3 ...................................................................64 4. DIESEL SPRAY CHARACTERISATION ...............................................65 4.1. Background ........................................................................................65 4.2. Experimental apparatus and procedure ............................................69 4.2.1. High-speed video recording of diesel sprays ..................................69 4.2.2. Photographic imaging of sprays .....................................................72 4.2.3. Schlieren video imaging of vapour phase .......................................74 4.3. Experimental results ..........................................................................75 4.3.1. Influence of injection pressure .......................................................83 4.3.2. Influence of in-cylinder temperature ..............................................86 Low-temperature charge..........................................................86 High-temperature charge ........................................................89 4.3.3. Vapour dispersion..........................................................................91 4.4. A model for spray penetration ...........................................................96 4.4.1. Basic equations and approximations...............................................97 Dynamics of droplets ...............................................................97 Evaporation and droplet breakup models ............................... 100 4.4.2. Effect of droplet evaporation .......................................................102 4.4.3. Effect of droplet bag breakup.......................................................103 Stokes flow ............................................................................105 Allen flow..............................................................................106 Newton flow ..........................................................................106 4.4.4. Effect of droplet stripping breakup .............................................. 107 Stokes flow ............................................................................108 Allen flow..............................................................................109 Newton flow ..........................................................................109 4.4.5. Diagrammatic presentation of flow and breakup regimes .............. 110 4.4.6. Experimental results for the initial stage of penetration ................114 4.5. Conclusions of Chapter 4 ................................................................. 118 5. AUTOIGNITION OF DIESEL SPRAYS ................................................120 5.1. Introduction .....................................................................................120 5.2. Background ......................................................................................120 5.3. Experimental apparatus and procedure ..........................................122 5.3.1. Pseudo three-dimensional high-speed recordings..........................122 5.3.2. Combustion pressure peak measurements .....................................123 5.4. Experimental results ........................................................................125 5.4.1. Autoignition sites ........................................................................125 5.4.2. Autoignition delay ....................................................................... 131 Spray penetration ..................................................................136 Droplet breakup ....................................................................137 v
Contents Droplet evaporation ..............................................................138 Chemical autoignition ........................................................... 139 Summary of the discussion.....................................................139 5.5. Conclusions of Chapter 5 ................................................................. 139 6. LASER-INDUCED INCANDESCENCE ................................................ 141 6.1. Introduction .....................................................................................141 6.2. Background ......................................................................................141 6.3. Experimental configuration .............................................................142 6.3.1. Laser optics .................................................................................144 6.3.2. Image acquisition ........................................................................147 Camera configuration ...........................................................147 Image doubling adapter.........................................................149 Optical filters........................................................................150 Image intensifier relay optics ................................................151 6.3.3. Acquisition timing .......................................................................152 6.3.4. Standard post-processing .............................................................154 6.3.5. Accuracy ..................................................................................... 157 Effect of laser fluence on LII signal .......................................157 Spectral interferences............................................................159 Soot particle size sensitivity .................................................. 160 LII signal trapping ................................................................160 Overall accuracy ...................................................................162 6.4. Experimental results ........................................................................164 6.4.1. Influence of in-cylinder pressure..................................................164 6.4.2. Influence of injection pressure .....................................................173 6.4.3. Detailed LII sequence .................................................................. 180 6.5. Conclusions of Chapter 6 ................................................................. 186 7. CONCLUSIONS .....................................................................................188 7.1. Diesel spray characterisation ........................................................... 188 7.2. Autoignition of diesel sprays............................................................ 189 7.3. Soot formation study ........................................................................190 7.4. Recommendations for further work.................................................191 REFERENCES ...........................................................................................193 Papers published by the author ..............................................................204 APPENDICES ............................................................................................205 APPENDIX A : DIESEL SPRAY CHARACTERISATION .......................A-1 Source code for high-speed video post-processing .................................A-1 Experimental conditions for high-speed video of spray .........................A-5 Experimental conditions for liquid spray photography .........................A-7 Experimental conditions for vapour fuel visualisation ........................A-11 Standard dimensionless numbers .........................................................A-14 Effect of fuel pressure on liquid spray for low-temperature charge ....A-15 Effect of fuel pressure on liquid spray for high-temperature charge ..A-18 Effect of gas density on liquid spray for low-temperature charge .......A-21 Effect of gas density on liquid spray for high-temperature charge .....A-23 Effect of gas density on vapour for high-temperature charge .............A-25 APPENDIX B : AUTOIGNITION OF DIESEL SPRAYS .......................... B-1 Experimental conditions for high-speed video of spray autoignition..... B-1 vi
APPENDIX C : LASER-INDUCED INCANDESCENCE ..........................C-1 Characteristics of image intensifier relay optics ....................................C-1 Example of LII data set ..........................................................................C-4 Experimental conditions for LII data sets ..............................................C-6 Experimental conditions for LII sequence ...........................................C-10 Influence of fuel pressure on soot formation ........................................C-12
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Table 2-1. References on LII applied to in-cylinder soot formation. ................15 Table 2-2. Experimental configurations for references on LII. Values in italic were calculated from published data. ..............................................16 Table 2-3. Matrix of spatially accurate laser-based techniques for combustion temperatures and spectrometry (adapted from Eckbreth, 1996). .....................................................................................................40 Table 2-4. Summary of optical techniques used for high-pressure diesel combustion diagnostic. ............................................................................41 Table 3-1. Properties of the diesel fuel tested. ................................................56 Table 3-2. Injector nozzle characteristics........................................................58 Table 3-3. Delays between start of injection pulse and start of fuel delivery for a 30 mm 3 injection with a 0.2 mm VCO nozzle, with the corresponding injection pulse durations. ..................................................60 Table 3-4. Comparison between a modern diesel engine and the Proteus. ........63 Table 3-5. Summary of errors and delays for the optical Proteus spray rig. .....64 Table 4-1. Table of equivalence for gas density and in-cylinder pressure, assuming a compression ratio of 9 and a polytropic coefficient of 1.3. .....79 Table 4-2. Values of d used in Figures 4-32 to 4-34. ................................... 115 Table 6-1. Summary of the measurement errors for LII. ................................ 163 Table 6-2. Engine conditions for detailed LII sequence.................................181
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Figure 1-1. Past and projected trends in fuel injection pressure. ....................... 2 Figure 2-1. Typical strategy for the application of LII. ...................................17 Figure 2-2. Approximate representation of light emissions caused by a laser pulse in a sooty environment. LIF: laser-induced fluorescence.........18 Figure 2-3. Simplified energy profile of the fluorescence signal......................22 Figure 2-4. Energy level diagram for two-line thermometry. ...........................23 Figure 2-5. Instrumentation setup for two-line LIF thermometry. ....................25 Figure 2-6. Approach for coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy. ..............27 Figure 2-7. Energy level diagram for resonant CARS. Real states and virtual states are indicated by solid and dashed lines respectively. ...........27 Figure 2-8. Experimental setup for exciplex LIF measurement. TM: partially transmitting mirror, SL: spherical lens, CL: cylindrical lens, BPF: bandpass filter. ...............................................................................32 Figure 2-9. Typical setup for quantitative PLRS measurements of fuel-air ratios. NDF: neutral density filter, SL: spherical lens, CL: cylindrical lens, TM: partially transmitting mirror, BPF: band pass filter. .................35 Figure 2-10. Basic differential LDA system. ...................................................36 Figure 3-1. CAD drawing and photograph of the Proteus engine. ....................43 Figure 3-2. Photograph of the Proteus test cell showing the gearbox and parts of the dynamometer. .......................................................................44 Figure 3-3. Schematic of the test bed layout showing the Proteus, dynamometer, compressors, heaters and main valves ( ). .......................45 Figure 3-4. Window blank with burst disc holder and cylinder pressure transducer. ..............................................................................................47 Figure 3-5. Schematic of the optical chamber. ................................................48 Figure 3-6. CFD simulation of the internal flow for loop scavenging. .............49 Figure 3-7. CAD drawing of a window and its holder. ....................................50 Figure 3-8. Measured transmittance of a typical 20 mm thick BK7 glass window used on the Proteus engine. ........................................................51 Figure 3-9. Transmittance of a 10 mm thick sapphire glass (Laser components, 2001). .................................................................................52 Figure 3-10. Schematic view of the fuel injection system................................53 Figure 3-11. Photograph of the fuel injection equipment. ................................54 Figure 3-12. 160 MPa injector used for LII studies .........................................55 Figure 3-13. Photograph of the sprays with a six-hole VCO nozzle. ................57 Figure 3-14. Diagrams of VCO (a) and mini-sac (b) nozzles. ..........................58 Figure 3-15. Injection rate diagram from standard and custom controller (100 MPa injection pressure). ..................................................................59 Figure 3-16. Pressure-volume diagram for a typical compression stroke on the Proteus engine. ..................................................................................61 Figure 3-17. Polytropic coefficient from a log(P) versus log(V) chart. ............62 Figure 4-1. A side view of the experimental set-up for backlit spray photography. ...........................................................................................70 Figure 4-2. Raw digital spray image (a) and thresholded image (b) showing maximum penetration length and spray cone. .............................71 Figure 4-3. Experimental set-up for spray close-up study. ...............................72 Figure 4-4. Experimental set-up for backlit spray photography. The combustion chamber is viewed from the side. ..........................................73 ix
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Figure 4-5. Experimental set-up for schlieren video. The combustion chamber is viewed from the top. Both mirrors are 0.144 m in diameter and have a focal length of 1.2 m. .............................................................74 Figure 4-6. Comparison between 0.2 mm single-hole, 0.15 mm single-hole and 0.15 mm multi-hole VCO nozzles, for an injection pressure of 160 MPa. Times are in milliseconds after first frame showing visible liquid injection. The apparent difference in dimensions of the sprays produced by the single-hole and multi-hole nozzles are due to differences in lighting and scaling conditions. .........................................76 Figure 4-7. Injection needle lift trace for a 0.2 mm VCO single hole nozzle, with an injection pressure of 160MPa. .........................................77 Figure 4-8. Single and multi-hole penetrations with time for 0.2 mm VCO nozzles and an injection pressure of 160 MPa. .........................................78 Figure 4-9. Backlit spray images taken 1 ms after the start of injection in air at 3 MPa with an injection duration of 3.41 ms at four fuel rail pressures. ................................................................................................80 Figure 4-10. Backlit spray images taken 1 ms after the start of injection in air at 8 MPa with an injection duration of 3.41 ms at four fuel rail pressures. ................................................................................................80 Figure 4-11. High-speed video sequence showing the development of areas of droplets peeling back along the spray plume. Enlarged frames presented are from 1.1 to 1.4 ms after start of injection pulse (ASOI). .....81 Figure 4-12. Backlit spray images taken 0.9 ms ASOI in air at 3 MPa with an injection duration of 0.9 ms at three fuel rail pressures........................82 Figure 4-13. Back lit spray images taken 0.9 ms ASOI in gas at 8 MPa with an injection duration of 0.9 ms at two fuel rail pressures. .................82 Figure 4-14. Influence of injection pressure on penetration for lowtemperature charge. 49 kg m -3 in-cylinder density; 0.2 mm VCO nozzle. Broken line shows time at which ignition is highly probable. .......83 Figure 4-15. Slugs of fuel breaking off the spray. Broken line shows the detected spray penetration length. Low temperature charge; 160 MPa injection pressure; 7.3 MPa ICP; 32 kg m -3 in-cylinder density; 0.2 mm VCO nozzle. ...............................................................................84 Figure 4-16. Close-up images obtained by high-speed video, showing the oscillation of the liquid spray. Similar spray patterns were observed every 0.148 ms and are indicated by the white arrows. Injection pressure was 160 MPa, in-cylinder pressure was 5.2 MPa, nozzle was a 0.2 mm VCO type. Times are in milliseconds relative to the first frame showed. .........................................................................................85 Figure 4-17. Evolution of spray full cone angle at different injection pressures. Low temperature charge; 32 kg m -3 in-cylinder density; 0.2 mm single hole VCO nozzle. ...................................................................86 Figure 4-18. Influence of ambient density on liquid penetration for lowtemperature charge. 160 MPa injection pressure; 0.2 VCO single hole nozzle with a 30 mm 3 fuelling. Broken line shows time at which ignition is highly probable.......................................................................87 Figure 4-19. Same as Figure 4-18 with an injection pressure of 100 MPa. .......87 Figure 4-20. Same as Figure 4-18 with an injection pressure of 60 MPa. .........88 Figure 4-21. Comparison between mini-sac and VCO single-hole nozzles and the correlation proposed by Hiroyasu and Arai (1990) for nonx
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evaporating sprays (P inj = 16010 6 Pa; P g = 6.310 3 Pa; g = 42 kg m -3 ; D o = 0.210 -3 m). ............................................................89 Figure 4-22. Influence of injection pressure on liquid penetration for hightemperature charge. 14 kg m -3 gas density; 0.2 VCO single hole nozzle with a 30 mm 3 fuelling. Broken line shows time at which ignition is highly probable.......................................................................90 Figure 4-23. Evolution of spray full cone angle at different injection pressures. High temperature charge; 32 kg m -3 in-cylinder density; 0.2 mm single hole VCO nozzle. ...................................................................91 Figure 4-24. Example of a schlieren image for an injection pressure of 100 MPa and an in-cylinder pressure of 8 MPa. Recording was performed 3.1 ms after start of injection pulse. ........................................92 Figure 4-25. Vapour and liquid penetrations for both temperature charge conditions (160 MPa injection pressure; 28 kg m -3 in-cylinder density). ..................................................................................................93 Figure 4-26. Vapour and liquid penetrations for both temperature charge conditions (100 MPa injection pressure; 28 kg m -3 in-cylinder density). ..................................................................................................93 Figure 4-27. Schlieren repeatability tests. Broken line shows limits of rig optical access (140 MPa injection pressure; 21 kg m -3 in-cylinder density). ..................................................................................................94 Figure 4-28. Influence of gas density on vapour penetration (160 MPa injection pressure; 0.2 VCO nozzle) ........................................................94 Figure 4-29. Influence of injection pressure on vapour penetration. 30 kg m -3 charge density; 0.2 VCO nozzle. ..............................................95 Figure 4-30. Threshold values of droplets velocities and droplet radii corresponding to transition from Stokes to Allen flow; Allen to Newton flow and the threshold value of applicability of the Newton flow approximation. Threshold values of droplets velocities versus droplet radii corresponding to the development of stripping breakup and bag breakup. ...................................................................................112 Figure 4-31. Plots of t ev , t b and t s versus -log r for the same values of parameters as in Figure 4-30..................................................................114 Figure 4-32. Comparison between measured spray penetration lengths (circles) and predicted spray penetration lengths for no breakup and air entrainment (curves 1); stripping breakup process only (curves 2); bag breakup process only (curves 3); bag breakup and entrainment processes (curves 4). .............................................................................116 Figure 4-33. Comparison between measured spray penetration lengths (circles) and predicted spray penetration lengths for no breakup and air entrainment (curves 1); stripping breakup process only (curves 2); bag breakup process only (curves 3); bag breakup and entrainment processes (curves 4). .............................................................................117 Figure 4-34. Comparison between measured spray penetration lengths (circles) and predicted spray penetration lengths for no breakup and air entrainment (curves 1); stripping breakup process only (curves 2); bag breakup process only (curves 3); bag breakup and entrainment processes (curves 4). .............................................................................117 Figure 5-1. Experimental setup for pseudo three-dimensional autoignition recording. .............................................................................................123 xi
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Figure 5-2. Comparison between autoignition delays detected by incylinder pressure rise, by flame luminosity (100 MPa injection pressure, 720 K in-cylinder temperature). Times are relative to start of injection (when droplets are first seen leaving the nozzle). The injector nozzle shuts at 3.1 ms. ..............................................................125 Figure 5-3. Schlieren imaging of vapour phase (dark) and autoignition (bright), recorded 2.4 ms ASOI (160 MPa injection pressure, 9 MPa in-cylinder pressure, 720 K in-cylinder temperature). Distances are relative to the injector nozzle (represented by a black circle). For clarity, white broken line highlights visible limits of vapour region. Liquid spray penetration for similar conditions is 35 mm (see Chapter 4). ......................................................................................................... 126 Figure 5-4. Pseudo-3D recordings of autoignitions of sprays injected at 100 MPa for a range of in-cylinder pressures. The first pair of frames for each of the 5 series corresponds to the autoignition time. Times are relative to the start of the injection. .................................................128 Figure 5-5. Pseudo-3D recordings of autoignitions of sprays injected at 140 MPa for a range of in-cylinder pressures. The first pair of frames for each of the 5 series corresponds to the autoignition time. Times are relative to the start of the injection. .................................................129 Figure 5-6. Pseudo-3D recordings of autoignitions of sprays injected at 160 MPa for a range of in-cylinder pressures. The first pair of frames for each of the 5 series corresponds to the autoignition time. Times are relative to the start of the injection. .................................................130 Figure 5-7. Comparison between autoignition delays detected by incylinder pressure rise, by flame luminosity (100 MPa injection pressure, 720 K in-cylinder temperature), and predicted by Equation (5-1) (coefficients A = 0.095; B = 8300 K; n = 0.980). Times are relative to start of injection (when droplets are first seen leaving the nozzle). The injector nozzle shuts at 3.1 ms. .......................................... 131 Figure 5-8. High-speed video recordings of autoignitions of sprays injected at 100 MPa for a range of in-cylinder pressures. Times are relative to the start of the injection, in-cylinder pressures were measured at the autoignition times......................................................... 133 Figure 5-9. Same as Figure 5-8 for a 140 MPa injection pressure. .................134 Figure 5-10. High-speed video recordings of autoignitions of sprays injected at 160 MPa for a range of in-cylinder pressures. Times are relative to the start of the injection, in-cylinder pressures were measured at the autoignition times......................................................... 135 Figure 6-1. LII images without additive (left image) and with additive (right image). Scales indicate distances from the nozzle in millimetres. 160 MPa injection pressure, 8.0 MPa ICP at non-fired TDC, images recorded 3.7 ms after start of injection pulse.....................143 Figure 6-2. Photograph of optical arrangement with superimposition of the laser beam path. ....................................................................................144 Figure 6-3. (a) Properly aligned mirror. (b) Misaligned laser mirror.............. 145 Figure 6-4. Photographs of a four-lens sheet forming optics..........................145 Figure 6-5. Checking the alignment of the laser beam with an iris diaphragm. ............................................................................................146 Figure 6-6. Experimental set-up for LII study. .............................................. 148 xii
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Figure 6-7. CCD camera lens with image-doubling adapter and interference filters. ................................................................................149 Figure 6-8. Measured transmission profiles of filters used for LII and LIS. Dotted lines show the FWHM for each filter, broken line indicates the laser wavelength (532 nm).....................................................................151 Figure 6-9. Front panel of image intensifier control. .....................................151 Figure 6-10. Acquisition strategy for elastic scattering and LII imaging. ....... 154 Figure 6-11. Method used for processing the LII data. .................................. 155 Figure 6-12. Influence of the number of images on the average image intensity. Coefficients of variation (ratio of standard deviation and mean intensity) are presented, with a power type trendline. Images were recorded 3.8 ms ASOI for a 140 MPa injection pressure and 8 MPa in-cylinder pressure. ...................................................................156 Figure 6-13. Examples of standard deviation and ensemble averaged images. 140 MPa injection pressure, 8 MPa in-cylinder pressure, images recorded 3.8 ms ASOI. .............................................................. 157 Figure 6-14. Dependence of LII signal on laser fluence for 100 nm particle radius (adapted from Tait and Greenhalgh, 1993)................................... 158 Figure 6-15. Illustration of LII signal trapping by soot. ................................ 161 Figure 6-16. LII signal intensity profiles for an injection pressure of 100 MPa and a range of in-cylinder pressures (6, 7, 8 and 9 MPa at non-fired TDC). Each data point represents the average intensity of at least 27 images. Times are relative to start of injection pulse. ................ 165 Figure 6-17. As Figure 6-16 but for an injection pressure of 140 MPa........... 166 Figure 6-18. As Figure 6-16 but for an injection pressure of 160 MPa........... 166 Figure 6-19. Comparison between flame luminosity from high-speed video (a) and ensemble averaged soot incandescence (b) for an injection pressure of 160 MPa, ICP of 8.0 MPa at non-fired TDC, 3.1 ms ASOI. ..168 Figure 6-20. Ensemble averaged images showing the influence of ICP on initial soot formation sites. Images were recorded 2.3 ms ASOI, for an injection pressure of 100 MPa. ICPs were measured at non-fired TDC. Contrast was enhanced for clarity, white lines show ensemble averaged liquid fuel penetration obtained by simultaneous LIS, scales indicate distances from the nozzle in millimetres. .................................. 169 Figure 6-21. As Figure 6-20 but for an injection pressure of 140 MPa. Images were recorded between 2.1 and 2.3 ms ASOI. ............................ 169 Figure 6-22. As Figure 6-20 but for an injection pressure of 160 MPa. Images were recorded between 2.0 and 2.2 ms ASOI. ............................ 170 Figure 6-23. Examples of liquid and soot clusters for early and late soot formation. 160 MPa injection pressure, 6.0 MPa ICP at TDC, times are relative to start of injection pulse. Contrast of images recorded at 2.2 ms showing simultaneous LIS (upper half) and LII (lower half) was enhanced for clarity. .......................................................................171 Figure 6-24. Ensemble averaged images showing the effect of ICP on late soot concentration zones. Images were recorded between 3.5 and 3.7 ms ASOI, for an injection pressure of 100 MPa. ICPs were measured at non-fired TDC. ..................................................................172 Figure 6-25. As Figure 6-24 but for an injection pressure of 140 MPa. Images were recorded between 3.4 and 3.7 ms ASOI. ............................ 172
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Figure 6-26. As Figure 6-24 but for an injection pressure of 160 MPa. Images were recorded between 3.4 and 3.6 ms ASOI. ............................ 173 Figure 6-27. LII signal intensity profiles for an in-cylinder pressure of 6 MPa at non-fired TDC and a range of injection pressures (100, 140 and 160 MPa at non-fired TDC). Each data point represents the average intensity of at least 27 images. Times are relative to the start of the injection pulse. ............................................................................174 Figure 6-28. As Figure 6-27 but for an in-cylinder pressure of 7 MPa. .......... 174 Figure 6-29. As Figure 6-27 but for an in-cylinder pressure of 8 MPa. .......... 175 Figure 6-30. As Figure 6-27 but for an in-cylinder pressure of 9 MPa. .......... 175 Figure 6-31. Estimated proportion of injected fuel with time for a 30 mm 3 injection at three injection pressures (100, 140 and 160 MPa), assuming full needle lift (this takes place for at least 85% of the injection duration).................................................................................176 Figure 6-32. As in Figure 6-27 but with the addition of the durations of the flame luminosity (obtained by still ICCD camera, with 1 s exposure). .............................................................................................178 Figure 6-33. Ensemble averaged images showing the effect of injection pressure on initial soot formation sites. Images were recorded between 2.1 and 2.3 ms ASOI, for an ICP of 7.0 MPa at non-fired TDC. Contrast was enhanced for clarity, white lines show liquid fuel penetration measured by simultaneous LIS, scales indicate distances from the nozzle in millimetres. .............................................................. 179 Figure 6-34. Ensemble averaged images showing the influence of injection pressure on late soot concentration zones. Images were recorded between 3.5 and 3.6 ms ASOI, for an ICP of 7.0 MPa at non-fired TDC. Scales indicate distances from the nozzle in millimetres. .............. 180 Figure 6-35. Detailed LII sequence for a 0.2 mm VCO nozzle with a 160 MPa injection pressure, 6.0 MPa ICP, and 720 K calculated temperature at TDC. Times are in milliseconds ASOI. White lines indicate liquid fuel penetration measured by simultaneous LIS. ............. 182 Figure 6-36. Signal intensity profile for the LII sequence presented in Figure 6-35. Durations for injection pulse, nozzle opening and flame luminosity are indicated. .......................................................................183 Figure 6-37. From top to bottom: in-cylinder pressure traces, spray dispersion full cone angle, fuel liquid and vapour penetrations and injection pulse width, LII of soot signal with flame luminosity duration. 160 MPa injection pressure, 6 MPa ICP, 0.2 mm VCO nozzle. Times are relative to start of injection pulse. ............................. 185
First of all, I would like to acknowledge with many thanks my supervisors, Prof. Sergei Sazhin, Prof. Morgan Heikal and Dr. Robert Morgan for their assistance and support. I wish to express my deepest gratitude to Dr. David Kennaird, and Mr Ralph Wood, their constant support and help were much appreciated. The competence of the mechanical technicians was highly esteemed, in particular William Whitney, Ken Maris, David Stansbury and Howard Hills who contributed to this work in many ways. I want to thank Julien Lacoste, Guillaume de Sercey, John Evans, Jrme Sejourne and Arnaud Vasseur who helped in gathering some of the data for this project. I especially wish to thank Mike Monaghan for the corrections and improvements suggested for this thesis. I cannot fail to acknowledge financial and technical support provided by Ricardo Consulting Engineers throughout the course of this study. Special thanks are due to Dr. Martin Gold and Dr. Robert Morgan. Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank my family for their constant affection and support.
I hereby certify that this thesis is my own work except where otherwise indicated. I have identified my sources of information, and in particular have put in quotation marks and identified the origins of any passages that have been quoted word for word.
Roman symbols a e ................................................................ Numerical constant, a e = 9 g 2d r02 a b .............................................................. Numerical constant, a b = D d a fi ........................................................... Numerical constant, a fi = log g Rei 2
3 a rb ..............................................................Numerical constant, a rb = 3 2a b r0 2
( 2 )
a vb ................................................................. Numerical constant, a vb = 3a e a rb A .................................................................................... Experimental constant 1 b e .................................................. Numerical constant, b e = 4.577 0.6 0.4 d r0 .6 g g b s ................................................................. Numerical constant, bs = 2 2gg b th b ................................................... Numerical constant, b th b = log D d 2 b th s ............................................ Numerical constant, b th s = log ( C vd ) d g b th (ev) .................................. Numerical constant, b th ( ev ) = log Ld 2k g Tg Ts B ............................ Einsteins coefficient for stimulated absorption [m3 J -1 s -2 ], Experimental constant c ........................................................... Speed of light in vacuum, 310 8 [m s -1 ] c e ............................................................................................ ce = 0.165g d r0
c p ..................................................Specific heat at constant pressure [J kg -1 K -1 ] c paraf .........................................................Paraffin content of the diesel fuel [%] c s .................................................................. Numerical constant, cs = C d g c v ................................................... Specific heat at constant volume [J kg -1 K -1 ] C .......................................................................................Calibration constant, Correction time delay [s], Numerical constant, 13 C d .......................................................................... Nozzle discharge coefficient C D .............................................................................................Drag coefficient C L ............................................................................................. Cylindrical lens C n ................................................................. Soot particle number density [m-3 ] D ..................................................................................... Numerical constant, D o ........................................................................... Nozzle orifice diameter [m] D s ..............Diffusion coefficient of fuel vapour near the droplet surface [m 2 s -1 ] D S ................................................................................. Soot mean diameter [m] E ...................................................................................................... Energy [J] f B ......................................................................................... Boltzmann fraction G F ................................. Evaporation flux from the droplets surface [kg m -2 s -1 ] h .............................................. Convection heat transfer coefficient [W m -2 K -1 ] I L .................................................................................Laser irradiance [W m -2 ] j .............................................................................. Rotational quantum number
k .........................................................Boltzmanns constant, 1.3810 -23 [J K -1 ], Thermal conductivity [W m -1 K -1 ] K .......................................................................................... Empirical constant l ........................................................................... Path length of laser beam [m] L................................................................................... Nozzle hole length [m], Specific heat of evaporation [J kg -1 ] Ma ............................................................................................... Mach number n .......................................................................................... Index of refraction, Polytropic compression coefficient, Experimental constant n p .............................................................................. Soot number density [m -3 ] N .................................................. Normalised size distribution of soot particles Nu .............................................................................................Nusselt number Oh ........................................................................................Ohnesorge number P ................................................................................................... Pressure [Pa] Pr............................................................................................... Prandtl number r....................................................................................................... Radius [m] R ...........................................................................Ratio of fluorescence signal, Universal gas constant, 8.3144 [J mole -1 K -1 ] Re ........................................................................................... Reynolds number R L ......................................................................... Molar refractivity [m3 mol -1 ] s ............................................................................Spray penetration length [m] S .................................................................................. Signal intensity [W m-2 ] t ........................................................................................................... Time [s] T.............................................................................................. Temperature [K] v ............................................................................................... Velocity [m s -1 ] V ...................................................................................................Volume [m3 ] W............................................................................. Signal windowing function We .............................................................................................. Weber number x ..................................................................................................Mole fraction, Factor of LII signals dependence on soot particle size Y Fs ........................................... Mass fractions of fuel in the vicinity of droplets Y F ..................................................... Mass fractions of fuel in the ambient gas Z.................................................. Criterion for stripping breakup, Z We Re , Partition function
Subscripts 0 ...........................................................................................................At t = 0, STP conditions ab ..................................................................................................... Absorbing b .................................................................................................... Bag breakup cal ................................................................................................... Calibration d ............................................................................................................ Droplet db ...................................................................................... Droplet bag breakup ds............................................................................... Droplet stripping breakup evap ................................................................................................ Evaporation f..................................................................................................................Fuel fl.......................................................................................................Fuel liquid fv .................................................................................................... Fuel vapour g ..................................................................................................................Gas i ................................................................................................Index of species ini ............................................................................................................ Initial inj ........................................................................................................ Injection int ................................................................................. Liquid-vapour interface j .............................................................................. Rotational quantum number L............................................................................................................... Laser LIF ..........................................................................Laser-induced fluorescence LII ........................................................................ Laser-induced incandescence max.................................................................................................... Maximum mix ....................................................................................................... Mixture R .........................................................................................................Rayleigh ref...................................................................................................... Reference s ..............................................................................................................Spray, Stripping breakup SOC .........................................................................Start of compression stroke TDC.......................................................................................... Top dead centre
d ........................................................ Volume fraction of droplets in the spray s ........................................................... Numerical constant, s = ( vd0 cs ) + a e r0
1 ..................................................... Numerical constant, = 4.577 v 0.6 g rd .6 d , g
s ......................................................................... Numerical constant, s = a e r02 E ............................................................................. Difference in energies [J] P..................................... Pressure difference at the nozzle (P = P inj - P g ) [Pa] ........................................................................................... Compression ratio ..................................................................... Numerical constant, = Ma 2 ............................................................. Numerical constant, = 0.165 g rd d , Ratio of specific heats, = c p c v
.................................................................. Isentropic compression coefficient, 2 Numerical constant, = 3rs2 d CD vd0 8rd rg0 ............................................................................................... Wavelength [m] v ....................... Ratio of dynamic viscosities of the droplet and surrounding air ........................................................................... Dynamic viscosity [N s m-2 ], Numerical constant = Nu k g Tg Ts Ld r02
.............................................................................Kinematic viscosity [m2 s -1 ] .....................................................................Spray dispersion angle [degrees], Spray dispersion half-angle [degrees] .............................................................................................. Density [kg m-3 ] s ........................ Droplet fuel vapour density at the surface of droplets [kg m -3 ] ...................................................................... Rayleigh cross-section [m2 sr -1 ], Surface tension [J m -2 ] e .................................................................... Extinction cross-section [m 2 sr -1 ] ......................................................................................Autoignition delay [s] ............................................................................................... Frequency [s -1 ] ...................................................... Numerical constant, = 0.03Re + 0.48 Re ....................................................Numerical constant, = 2 + 0.459 Re0.55 Pr 0.33
Acronyms ASOI ....................................................................After Start Of Injection pulse ATDC ............................................................................ After Top Dead Centre a.u. ............................................................................................ Arbitrary Units BPF ...........................................................................................Bandpass Filter BTDC .......................................................................... Before Top Dead Centre CA .................................................................................................. Crank angle CAD ......................................................................... Computer Assisted Design CARS ..............................................Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Spectroscopy CCD ............................................................................. Charge Coupled Device CFD ................................................................... Computational Fluid Dynamics CHASE ..................... Configurable High-speed Acquisition System for Engines CL ........................................................................................... Cylindrical Lens CN .............................................................................................Cetane Number cw.......................................................................................... Continuous Wave DFWM............................................................... Degenerate Four-Wave Mixing DI ............................................................................................. Direct Injection EGR.......................................................................... Exhaust Gas Recirculation FIE .............................................................................Fuel Injection Equipment FWHM.................................................................. Full Width at Half Maximum HSDI ..................................................................... High-Speed Direct Injection IC ...................................................................................... Internal Combustion ICCD ........................................................... Intensified Charge Coupled Device ICP .................................................................................... In-Cylinder Pressure ICV.....................................................................................In-Cylinder Volume II ............................................................................................ Image Intensifier LDA ....................................................................... Laser Doppler Anemometry LDV ....................................................................... Laser Doppler Velocimetry LED ................................................................................. Light-Emitting Diode LIF ......................................................................... Laser Induced Fluorescence LII ........................................................................ Laser Induced Incandescence LIS ............................................................................. Laser-Induced Scattering LSV ......................................................................... Laser Speckle Velocimetry M............................................................................................................ Mirror NBPF ........................................................................... Narrow Band Pass Filter NDF................................................................................. Neutral Density Filter Nd:YAG .............................................. Neodymium Yttrium-Aluminium Garnet NO x ...............................................................................................Nitric oxides PAHs ........................................................... Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons PID ...............................................................Proportional, Integral, Differential PIV ......................................................................... Particle Image Velocimetry PLRS .............................................................. Planar Laser Rayleigh Scattering ppm ................................................................................... Particles Per Million RDV ......................................................................Raman Doppler Velocimetry RMS ..................................................................................... Root Mean Square RS ......................................................................................... Raman Scattering SL...............................................................................................Spherical Lens SLR ..................................................................................... Single-Lens Reflex SOC ....................................................................... Start Of Compression stroke STP............................................................. Standard Temperature and Pressure
TDC........................................................................................ Top Dead Centre TM ....................................................................... Partially Transmitting Mirror TMPD ............................................................... TetraMethyl-p-Phenylene Diamine UV..................................................................................................Ultra-Violet VCO ...............................................................................Valve-Covered Orifice
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1. Background
Within the last decade, the high-speed direct injection (HSDI) diesel engine has become a realistic alternative to the gasoline engine for modern passenger car applications. Good drivability and durability together with high economy has led to its increasing popularity in the market place. Cars powered by HSDI diesel engines enjoyed approximately 32% of the total market share in Western Europe in 2001 (Ricardo, 2002). The modern turbocharged aftercooled diesel offers an efficient, low emissions automotive power plant. European legislation is set to impose further restriction on the level of emissions that are permitted from diesel engines together with targets for fuel efficiency. The diesel engine manufacturer has therefore the task to design suitable power train systems that meet or exceed these directives. Therefore, the stringent emission legislation placed upon the modern diesel engine poses a challenge to engine designers. In order to meet these standards, the engineer has to develop new techniques and processes that can be integrated with existing engine sub-systems to reduce pollutant output. The fuel injection equipment is one such sub-system that has been found to lend itself to developments leading to improvement in engine performance and emission quality, and will continue to play a vital role in the development of improved diesel engines for the foreseeable future (Herzog, 1999).
These benefits have been achieved by more sophisticated control of the fuel injection process and the use of higher injection pressures. Ultimately the nature of the combustion process is determined by the quality of the fuel spray and its distribution and mixing within the combustion chamber. Breakup and distribution of the spray is largely determined by the in-cylinder conditions (air motion, density and temperature), the injection pressure, nozzle design and geometry. A need is therefore identified to study firstly the temporal and spatial development of diesel sprays under realistic injection and in-cylinder conditions, and secondly the effects of different injection regimes on the combustion process. Data obtained can be used to establish a link between the 1
Chapter 1: Introduction
injection and combustion processes, and indirectly be used in the development of models to be incorporated in CFD codes.
The data presented in Figure 1-1 shows how fuel injection pressure has risen over the last 30 years. Research has shown that there are still benefits to be realised by further increasing the injection pressure and rate (Jackson, 2000), but these developments may proceed at a slower rate due to the technical challenges of further increasing the injection pressure within the constraints of low cost and high reliability. Parallel developments in the design of the injector nozzle have led to a reduction in sac volume with the introduction of mini-sac and VCO (valve covers orifice) nozzles and a consequent improvement in engine hydrocarbon emissions (Jackson, 2000).
Although the advantages of increasing fuel pressure have been outlined, a modern HSDI engine still requires fuel injection equipment to deliver at lower rail pressures and fuelling quantities during the lower load and speed operating points. Since emission legislation drive cycles require operation within these regimes, research into these lower fuel pressure areas is of great importance.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Both injection pressure (Naber & Siebers, 1996) and nozzle design (Potz & Dittus, 2000; Bae & Kang, 2000) have been shown to influence the behaviour of the fuel spray during the formation and breakup process prior to autoignition. Two processes must be considered. Firstly, the macro effect on the spray from the introduction of fuel to the combustion chamber at higher velocities through a small orifice. This has a strong influence on the entrainment of air and subsequent breakup of the fuel spray (Naber & Siebers, 1996). Secondly, the fuel pressure and nozzle design also affect the flow behaviour of fuel inside the nozzle, possibly introducing separation and cavitation within the
nozzle (Soteriou et al. , 1993; Arcoumanis & Whitelaw, 2000). In extreme cases this can result in hydraulic flip and a dramatic change in the structure of the spray (Soteriou et al. , 1993). Therefore the flow inside the nozzle must also be considered as well as the direct entrainment process when modelling the external spray formation and breakup processes (Lefebvre, 1989;
Sirignano, 2000).
The work presented here was undertaken at the University of Brighton, jointly with Ricardo Consulting Engineers, on a new compression machine based on a two-stroke diesel Proteus engine modified to allow visualisation of in-cylinder combustion processes. This new research facility has been specifically designed to enable the study of diesel sprays at realistic automotive in-cylinder conditions while simultaneously providing good optical access for both qualitative and quantitative measurements of both combusting and noncombusting sprays. The rig is constructed around a single cylinder two-stroke diesel engine with a specially designed optical chamber incorporated between the cylinder and head.
The experiments described can be broadly divided in two main groups: noncombusting spray characterisation and combustion studies. Studying noncombusting sprays allows the assessment of the location of diesel liquid and vapour. This information, which is crucial for correct analysis of combustion, was obtained by several optical techniques: Shadowgraphy, using a backlit high-speed CCD video camera to record complete injections. 3
Chapter 1: Introduction
Shadowgraphy, using a high-speed spark light flashgun and a 35 mm SLR camera for high-quality imaging of crucial injection phases. Schlieren photography, using a spark light flashgun and a fast shutter CCD camera for high-resolution digital imaging. Schlieren cinematography with a high-speed CCD video camera.
Combustion studies were focused on the investigation of the autoignition and soot formation of diesel sprays and has been conducted using the following techniques: Flame high-speed cinematography, for assessing the variations of autoignition timing and location depending on various combustion parameters. In-cylinder pressure measurements, for comparison between combustion pressure rise and flame luminosity data. Laser-induced incandescence (LII), using a high power Nd:YAG laser, for planar imaging of soot formation sites and timing.
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.3. Objectives
The principal objective of the work described in this thesis was to provide a modern description of the diesel spray and its combustion at elevated incylinder pressures, in terms of: Liquid core penetration and dispersion with time Vapour phase propagation with time Autoignition timing and ignition sites Soot formation and relative concentration
All measurements were performed for a range of in-cylinder pressures (from 5 to 10 MPa) and injection pressures (from 60 to 160 MPa) representative of a modern direct injection diesel engine. The main steps of the project were to: Develop a specific software package for operating the fuel injection equipment of the optical Proteus rig. Investigate different techniques available for diesel spray imaging. Study the spray liquid core penetration length with time. Study the vapour phase propagation with time using schlieren imaging. Investigate the possibility of locating spray autoignition sites both spatially and temporally. Study autoignition events at elevated in-cylinder pressures. Design and optimise a laser system capable of recording two-dimensional soot formation maps. Study the influence of in-cylinder and injection pressures on soot formation and concentration.
The two major pollutants emitted by heavy-duty diesel vehicles are nitrogen oxides and particulate matter. Nitrogen oxide emissions contribute to environmental problems such as acid rain and ground-level ozone. Since diesel particulates are released at levels that result in direct exposure, they can be especially harmful to human health. There are two main categories of particulate matter: primary and secondary particulates. Primary particulates are formed during the fuel combustion process in the engine, and are released as exhaust from the tailpipe. Primary particulate includes soot, the soluble organic fraction which contains polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and sulphate. Secondary particulates are formed when sulphur dioxide (SO 2 ) emissions from diesel exhaust are converted to sulphate particulate in the atmosphere.
Considering the growing effects of emissions, diesel engine designers have to meet increasingly severe regulations whilst improving engine efficiency. Consequently, a thorough understanding of the diesel combustion processes has become critical. In order to provide engine manufacturers with
phenomenological models to guide their designs, many research teams have started investigating the mechanisms of diesel combustion and especially the processes that lead to the production of soot and nitrogen oxides. The major 6
problem faced by these researchers lies in the need to perform various measurements inside a specific experimental engine, while at the same time run the engine under realistic, i.e. extreme, conditions. For that reason, even if physical probes such as pitot-static tubes and thermocouples could be inserted in such hostile environments, they would only disturb the characteristics of the flow that is being investigated, thus making any information they provide unreliable.
An attractive alternative to physical probing was found in optical diagnostic techniques. These are based on the measurement of the various interactions that occur between light and atoms or molecules, usually resulting in the emission of an optical signal. As these emissions can depend on factors such as the state of molecules and their quantity, information about the temperature, pressure, velocity and species content can be extracted from the region under investigation. Due to their high spatial, temporal and spectral resolutions, lasers are usually the preferred light sources. Obviously, for successful applications of optical diagnostic techniques, a knowledge of topics such as optics, quantum physics and chemical kinetics is of paramount importance. If these are carefully accounted for, optical techniques can provide a wealth of useful information, with high temporal and spatial resolution.
The main problem that arises when one intends to use optical diagnostic techniques is the necessity for at least one optical access to the region of interest. With internal combustion (IC) engines, this can be a particularly difficult task. Several attempts have been reported in the literature, including see-through flat pistons and fitting of small windows around the combustion chamber (Hentschel & Schindler, 1996; Nakagawa et al. , 1998), and conversion of an existing port into optical access (Espey & Dec, 1993). Of course these accesses have to withstand high pressures and temperatures typical of IC engines, and some applications require them to be transparent to ultraviolet (UV) light as well as visible light. Once these accesses have been fitted on the combustion chamber, the experimenter is confronted with the difficult task of keeping these windows optically clear. This is especially difficult when
investigating high sooting fuels such as standard diesel, and alternative fuels have to be adopted in association with lower fuelling rates and skipfiring.
researchers to gain much better understanding of the mechanisms of diesel combustion, and have recently provided engine designers with modern conceptual models (Dec, 1997). Nevertheless, no studies have been carried out at truly realistic engine operating conditions (i.e. high pressure and load). Therefore the validity of applying these new models at gas densities representative of modern diesel engines is as yet unknown. However, by combining experiments made at realistic conditions with computational simulations, further insight into the processes of diesel combustion is expected to be obtained.
The aim of this review is to ascertain what diagnostic techniques can be applied to internal combustion engines running at realistic conditions, with particular attention to specific features of diesel engines. Major techniques will be described in details, whereas less common methods will only be briefly mentioned. The optical techniques commonly applied to in-cylinder
measurements are described in Section 2.2 for various key combustion parameters.
The main disadvantage inherent to the use of laser diagnostic techniques is the need for an optical access to the environment, which can prove difficult when 8
investigating high-pressure, in-cylinder combusting sprays. Moreover, a high level of operator skill is usually required to successfully apply these techniques, especially for laser thermometry and spectroscopy as very few complete ready for use types of equipment are commercially available.
This section is divided into five different subsections, each one describing the main optical techniques used for the investigation of a specific flame characteristic, i.e. autoignition sites, soot formation sites and concentration, local temperature, local air-fuel ratio, and local velocity. A sixth subsection describes the factors that can significantly affect the properties of a laser beam when propagating through a reacting environment.
2.2.1. Autoignition Autoignition sites
By influencing the overall combustion process, the autoignition phase affects engine efficiency and noise as well as exhaust pollutant emissions. Autoignition of diesel sprays is usually described in terms of ignition delay and ignition sites location. Although the autoignition may be considered as a continuous process (Dec & Espey, 1998) it is widely accepted that autoignition is the beginning of the thermal explosion that follows a physical delay (mixing of fuel with ambient gas) and a chemical delay (chemical reactions leading to the onset of a flame) (Aggarwal, 1998).
Even before any increase in the apparent heat release rate, a weak emission can be observed soon after the start of injection (Dec & Espey, 1995). This emission, called chemiluminescence, is due to the emission of photons by molecules relaxing to their equilibrium energy state after being excited by exothermic chemical reactions. By using chemiluminescence imaging it is possible to study how the autoignition process takes place temporally. Depending on the nature of the reactions, different molecules are responsible for the chemiluminescence emission, providing an alternative way of gathering information about the combustion process. Unlike premixed flames, in hydrocarbon-fuelled diffusion flames the intensity of the chemiluminescence 9
signal is usually small compared to soot blackbody emissions (Eckbreth, 1996). A spectral filter can be used in order to differentiate the emission due to chemiluminescence from early luminous soot, but this might further weaken the already low autoignition signal (Dec & Espey, 1998). Another application of chemiluminescence imaging can be found in Higgins and Siebers (2001).
Most studies of autoignition sites are based on high-speed video imaging of natural flame luminosity without optical filtering. Since the only requirements for autoignition imaging are the availability of an imaging device and an optical access to the spray, the experimental study of autoignition sites is usually straightforward. The main drawback to video imaging is the fact that the images are integrated along the line of sight. Therefore there exists a spatial ambiguity, and it might not be possible to see if the reactions occur at the periphery or inside the spray. Examples of autoignition studies can be found in Edwards et
al. (1992) and Bruneaux et al. (1999).
The start of ignition has been mainly related to the first appearance of a visible flame on a high-speed video recording (Lee & Iida, 2001), the pressure or temperature rise caused by the combustion (Aligrot et al. , 1997), or the response of a phototransistor to the change in luminosity within the combustion chamber (Edwards et al. , 1992). In spite of the discrepancies in the findings, due to the different methods used, similar correlations relating the ignition delay to the ambient gas condition have been found. One of these correlations is given by the relation (Aligrot et al. , 1997):
= A P n e B T ,
where is the ignition delay, P and T are the ambient gas pressure and temperature at the time of autoignition, A, B and n are experimental constants.
Although the experimental set-up for the study of autoignition time is reasonably simple, the identification of the ignition event is not always straightforward. Imaging devices such as high-speed video cameras have a limited sensitivity to luminosity. It can therefore be argued that the autoignition 10
may have started before the flame luminosity is sufficiently intense to be apparent on a recording. The monitoring of ambient pressure, often used to study autoignition delay, relies on the detection of a combustion-induced ambient pressure rise. Such a technique therefore requires an accurate knowledge of the evolution of ambient pressure with time for a non-combusting cycle. This is not always possible, and alternative pressure references may have to be found. For example a common reference used for constant-volume vessels is the pressure at the time of injection. Therefore, for such devices, the ignition delay is often defined as the time at which the ambient pressure reaches the value observed at the time of injection, after the initial decrease due to droplet evaporation.
Other studies of autoignition delay for diesel fuels were reported by Miwa et al. (1988), Pischinger et al. (1988), Bruneaux et al. (1999), Desantes et al. (1999) and Kobori et al. (2000).
Pyrolysis is a process by which hydrogen atoms are lost, leaving a carbon-rich particulate.
produce a stoichiometric composition, localised oxygen depleted regions exist. They are usually caused by insufficient mixing and cause soot to be formed along with products such as hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide and hydrogen. The chain of events leading to the production of soot particles can be summarised as: 1. Hydrocarbons pyrolyze, producing smaller aliphatic 1 hydrocarbons and fuel fragments such as C 4 , C 2 H 2 , C 2 H 4 and C 3 H 3 (Flynn et al. , 1999). Most of the energy release in these early reactions arises from the formation of water. The temperatures reached as a result of these reactions are of the order of 1600-1700 K. 2. The first aromatic species 2 (arenes) are produced from these aliphatic compounds. 3. The aromatic species grow through agglomeration with other aromatic and alkyl 3 groups, to form polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The average PAH size is 20 to 50 carbon atoms (Frenklach & Wang, 1994). 4. The PAHs grow and form the smallest identifiable soot particles with diameters of the order of 1 nm. 5. These small soot particles then grow by collisional coagulation and surface growth, to spherules of diameter of about 30 to 50 nm. 6. Finally, the spherules agglomerate and form chains several hundred nanometers long, with primary diameters between 30 and 50 nm. The resulting soot particles are believed to contain between 10 3 and 10 5 carbon atoms on average (Frenklach & Wang, 1994).
Although large amounts of soot may be produced during combustion, the total soot present at the exhaust depends on the extent of the oxidation processes taking place within the engine. It is believed that oxidation results mainly from the attack by O 2 and OH molecules, and to a lower extent from oxygen atoms, O, carbon dioxide, CO 2 and water molecules, H 2 O (Kennedy, 1997). Detailed discussions on formation and oxidation of soot particles can be found in Frenklach and Wang (1994) and Kennedy (1997).
1 2
Hydrocarbons with no rings of carbon atoms (e.g. alkanes, alkenes and alkynes). Hydrocarbons with rings of carbon atoms (e.g. benzene, naphthalene, anthracene). 3 Alkane molecule less one hydrogen atom.
By advancing the injection time, the fuel-air mixing can be significantly increased before combustion takes place and therefore the burning of the fuel becomes more complete. As a result, there are less oxygen-depleted zones and soot concentration is reduced. This enhanced mixing, however, leads to higher combustion chamber temperatures and pressures, which increase the nitrogen oxide content (Brady, 1996). A number of attempts to reduce the emissions of nitrogen oxides from diesel engines exhaust were made. Albeit successful, most of them resulted in increased soot emissions (Akagawa et al. , 1999; Christensen, 1999; Shimazaki, 1999). The emissions of both soot particles and NO x were shown to depend not on the composition of fuel, but on its density and viscosity (Kouremenos et al. , 1999). Numerous attempts to model the formation and oxidation of soot particles have been reported, ranging from purely empirical models to numerical simulation of fundamental processes that lead to soot formation. With the increase in computing power, numerical models have become ever more complex and detailed. For example, Kyriakides
et al. (1986) combined three different models to predict in-cylinder soot
formation. They used the soot model of Tesner et al. (1971), the soot oxidation model of Lee et al. (1962), with the methodology of Magnussen et al. (1980). The parameters usually accounted for are in-cylinder temperature at injection, engine speed, fuelling rate, kinematic viscosity of air, as well as the influence of swirl mixing rate, spray mixing rate and even chemical kinetics (Flynn et al., 1999). However, some simplifications still have to be made in order to limit processing time, such as the assumption that diameters of the soot particles are constant (Khan et al. , 1971; Kyriakides et al., 1986). Another example is found in Yoshihara et al. (1995) who applied the sophisticated model of Frenklach and Wang (1994) to a direct injection diesel engine to predict the exhaust soot concentration. The latter model takes into account the pyrolysis of the fuel, the nucleation of soot particles, their growth and coagulation as well as their oxidation. Many of the parameters in these models have been adjusted using the results of the measurements from a particular engine (e.g. Khan et al., 1971; Kouremenos et al. , 1990; Mehta & Das, 1992). This usually limits these models to only predicting soot formation in a specific engine, and are not likely to be useful for other engines. An extensive survey of soot formation models for different applications has been presented by Kennedy (1997). 13
Laser-induced incandescence of soot particles was first observed in 1977 by Eckbreth when it interfered with coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering measurements (Eckbreth, 1977). LII takes place when a laser beam hits particulate matter like soot. As the particles gain energy from the beam, their temperature increases and if the energy absorption rate is high enough, the soot particles will reach incandescent temperatures (4000 K) and produce nearblackbody emission. The radiations emitted have been shown to be nearly proportional to soot volume fractions (Melton, 1984). As instantaneous planar measurements can be easily obtained, LII has emerged as an attractive and versatile technique for the measurement of soot concentrations in unsteady flows of complex geometry. For soot concentration measurements, LII has at least two significant benefits when opposed to other optical techniques, firstly it is fairly easily obtained through the use of a high-power laser, and secondly, its broadband radiation widens the range of collection strategies available to the experimenter. Subsequently, LII is widely used for investigations of in-cylinder soot formation (Dec et al. , 1991, 1992; Kosaka et al. , 1995; Choi et al. , 1999; Inagaki et al. , 1999; Schraml et al. , 1999), as well as for more general applications (Tait & Greenhalgh, 1993; Cignoli et al. , 1994; Ni et al. , 1995; Vander Wal et al. , 1997; Braun-Unkhoff et al. , 1998; Hilton & Black, 1998; Vander Wal, 1998; Black, 1999; Wainner and Seitzman, 1999). A summary of various LII studies is presented in Table 2-1 and Table 2-2.
Engine speed [rpm] 600 1800 1000 2.0 2.92 1x0.175 mm 4x0.26 mm 4x0.125 mm 1.75 ? 6x? 4x0.15 mm 1x0.15 mm 5x0.194 mm 1x0.20 mm
Swirl ratio
Quantitative results
[MPa] LII 24 14 - 21 80 60, 120 55, 100 100 60 - 160 11 373 720 500 0 - 3000 3 760 n/a 5 1200 7 313 1610 428 600 - 1800 6 90 6 940
Present study
Laser type / Excitation wavelength [nm] 0.20x? 45020 100 425? 40735 40035 0.25x50 < 450 43016 > 570 41535 < 450 370 400/6802 138-213 37 100 15 150 0.75x? 200 - 450 250 255 8 mm beam 8 mm beam 0.75x55 0.25x50 50 25 37-1500 71 88 0 - 12 0.5 - 1.0 0.5 1.1 1.2 mm beam 0.25 1.25 40033 45025 < 450 400, 550, 780 700 40035 40050 65070 570-850 41632 50-100 n/a 25 10 20 n/a 40 18 n/a n/a 578x384 n/a n/a 15 400 70 0.20x30 3 mm beam 0.30x40 150 0.50x20 1 mm beam 100 285 0.35x320 0.20x40 90-210 0.30x15 0.3 1.0 0.15 11 0.09 200 1.60 35 640x485 576x578 240x388 100 190 3.3 100 500 0.20x50 20 200 5.3 100 0.5x30 [mJ pulse - 1 ] [nm] [ns] [pixels] [mm 2 ] [MW cm - 2 ] [J cm - 2 ]
Laser fluence
Collection wavelength
Nd:YAG / 532
Nd:YAG / 532
Nd:YAG / 532
Nd:YAG / 266
Nd:YAG / 532
Nd:YAG / 532
Nd:YAG / 532
Nd:YAG / 532
Table 2-2. Experimental configurations for references on LII. Values in italic were calculated from published data.
Nd:YAG / 532
Nd:YAG / 532
Jurng (1999)
Nd:YAG / 1064-532
Nd:YAG / 532
Ni et al. (1995)
Nd:YAG / 532
Nd:YAG / 532
Measurements at exhaust
Nd:YAG / 1064
Nd:YAG / 1064
Nd:YAG / 1064
Wainner (1999)
Nd:YAG / 1064-532
Nd:YAG / 1064
Present study
Nd:YAG / 532
An illustration of the application of LII is shown in Figure 2-1. A laser beam is formed into a sheet that intersects the region of interest. The resulting emission is filtered, amplified and then imaged using a CCD camera.
The light source usually preferred for LII is a frequency-doubled Nd:YAG laser running at 532 nm, with a pulse duration of about 7 ns at high power density (typically greater than 10 MW cm-2 ). Even though a laser source at 266 nm would deliver a pulse of higher energy, and therefore ensure higher absorption efficiency, a source at 532 nm often proves to be a better choice since it offers the possibility to observe near-UV wavelengths, where little laser-induced emissions can be observed apart from LII. Hence the most widely reported use of LII was achieved with excitation at 532 nm and collection at wavelengths in the region of 400 nm. Even though an ideal exposure time for LII imaging would be about 25 ns, in order to minimise interference from flame luminosity, such a short gating was rather difficult to obtain until recently because of technical constraints. A typical spectral filtering usually consists of a short-pass filter with cut-off wavelength at 400 to 450 nm and a 532 nm laser-line mirror to completely reject the strong elastic scattering of the laser.
Figure 2-2 shows the main radiations that can possibly interfere with LII measurements.
532 nm
Laser pulse
Figure 2-2. Approximate representation of light emissions caused by a laser pulse in a sooty environment. LIF: laser-induced fluorescence.
Through the energy and mass balance equations between the laser, soot and surroundings, the collected signal intensity S LII can be approximated as (Zhao & Ladommatos, 1998):
where: C cal C n (t) W(t) DS x is the calibration constant, including characteristics of optics and detector sensitivity is the soot particle number density [m -3 ] is the signal windowing function is the soot mean diameter [m]
N(D S ) is the normalised size distribution of soot particles is the factor of LII signals dependence on soot particle size,
x = 3 + 1541 , being the collection wavelength in nanometres
Equation (2-1) is based on the following assumptions: Radiation from the wall is neglected Soot particles are small enough to be described by the Rayleigh theory Emissivity of the soot particles is equal to the absorption efficiency Laser intensity variations are negligible
Fluorescence is not significant in the region of the spectrum under consideration Vapour is carried away from the particle by diffusion Laser power is high Soot approaches its vaporisation temperature
It is interesting to note that for widely used wavelengths (e.g. 400 nm) the collection signal is proportional to the mean soot diameter D S raised to the power of 3.4. It is therefore widely assumed that LII signal is proportional to the soot volume fraction. This has lead some researchers to combine simultaneous LII and laser scattering (LIS) images of soot, and assume that the LIS images are proportional to D S 6 (Rayleigh approximation). The relative soot particle diameters may be then obtained with the following equation:
Examples of simultaneous LII / LIS applications can be found in Dec et al. (1992), Kosaka et al. (1995) and Choi et al. (1999).
It can also be observed from Equation (2-1) that absolute figures for volume fractions can only be obtained after determination of a calibration constant (C cal ). This is usually achieved by comparing the results obtained by LII with absolute measurements acquired through tomographic inversion on a laminar flame. Since this task can only be completed if a tomographic set-up is available, most works published on diesel soot formation only present noncalibrated data. Even though direct comparison between publications is therefore impossible, these results still allow each research group to describe trends in soot formation by altering combustion parameters and assessing the relative changes in LII intensity. Non-calibrated LII can also be applied to gather valuable data on the location of soot formation sites, and timing of the soot formation and propagation regions.
It should be noted that the high laser energies required for the LII technique alter the structure of the soot particles (Vander Wal et al. , 1998), and therefore consecutive measurements on the same spray should not be performed.
A detailed theoretical analysis of LII is presented by Zhao and Ladommatos (1998), and a comprehensive study on the applicability of LII for soot measurements was performed by Wainner (1999).
Soot volume fraction was shown to be obtainable by vaporising soot and monitoring the presence of C 2 radicals resulting from this process. Bengtsson (1996) used a laser source at 563 nm (400 MW cm -2 ) to vaporise the soot particles and induce fluorescence of C 2 radicals at 516 nm. The theory and applications of LIF will be discussed in more details in Sections and
Raman Doppler Velocimetry (RDV) Rayleigh scattering The first two techniques are usually preferred to the others for flame temperature measurements, they will be described in more details than the other methods.
A significant number of molecules that play a substantial role in combustion chemistry hardly ever exceed concentrations of 100 ppm. As species at such low densities cannot produce a strong enough scattered signal, techniques based on the Raman process are generally inappropriate 1. One alternative to these inelastic scattering methods lies in the exploitation of the ability of atoms and molecules to fluoresce.
Once an atom or a molecule has been excited, it tends to return to its ground state by decreasing its own energy level. The five main energy transfer processes that can occur after excitation are (Seitzman & Hanson, 1993): Emission of a photon of the same wavelength as the excitation wavelength (elastic scattering). Absorption of an additional photon, which can excite the molecule to even higher states. Inelastic collisions with other molecules, as well as electronic energy transfer (often called quenching). Collisions between the separate atoms of the molecule. Spontaneous fluorescence (LIF signal). The main problem that arises when applying LIF is the dependence of the fluorescence signal on electronic quenching. Quenching can be strongly influenced by local temperature, pressure and species concentration, which means that achieving accurate in-cylinder quantitative measurements can prove to be a rather difficult task. Since the exact influence of quenching on the
output signal is difficult to assess, no fully satisfactory model has been produced for such collisional losses, and therefore it is not possible to directly correct the results for intensity loss due to quenching processes. Some techniques have successfully reduced the existence of electronic quenching (Seitzman & Hanson, 1993), but none of them seems to be applicable to realistic in-cylinder environment for species concentration measurements.
As opposed to phosphorescence, fluorescence is the emission of light that occurs between energy states of the same electronic spin states. Fluorescence can be induced by various means, but lasers are usually preferred because of their ability to reach high temporal, spatial and spectral resolutions. A typical lifetime of fluorescence is between 10 -10 and 10 -5 seconds, at a wavelength usually either equal to the excitation wavelength (resonance fluorescence) or longer than the excitation wavelength (fluorescence) (see Figure 2-3).
Resonant fluorescence Fluorescence
Even though resonance fluorescence offers a stronger signal, its inherent susceptibility to laser-light interference limits the range of its applicability.
When LIF is used for thermometry, the exciting laser is tuned to a frequency which causes a particular combustion radical or molecule (usually NO or OH) to fluoresce. The intensity of the signal depends on the density of the species being investigated. If two different transitions are probed, the ratio of the intensities can be related to temperature via the Boltzman relationship. As well as providing a non-invasive monitoring of temperature, this method can give
instantaneous full field species concentration, velocity, pressure and density map.
The methods that have been described in the literature for temperature imaging are based on two different strategies. One is a two-line method, which uses two laser beams at different excitation wavelengths, and the other one is a monochromatic (i.e. single-laser) excitation method (Seitzman & Hanson, 1993).
The two-line strategy uses a pair of excitation wavelengths to produce two fluorescence signals corresponding to two distinct lower states of the same species. If the two transitions have the same upper state, any differences in quenching are avoided. Otherwise, the quenching ratio between the two signals can be reduced to a constant if quenching rates have an identical dependence on temperature and species composition. In practice, this technique requires that the species probed have two low energy states (e.g. level 0 and 1) close enough to have the same population, and a higher energy state (e.g. level 2) which is virtually unpopulated. Whilst the transition from 0 to 2 is pumped, the fluorescence from 2 to 1 is recorded. When the transition from 1 to 2 is pumped, the fluorescence from 2 to 0 is measured. This process is presented in diagram form in Figure 2-4.
1 0
F 21
F 20
This method can be applied to both molecules (e.g. OH, O 2 , NO) and atoms (such as indium, thorium, tin or lead), either seeded or naturally occurring.
The ratio R of the two fluorescence signals is a function of the temperature as follows from the Boltzmann relation: R e[ E ab
kT ]
difference in energies between the two absorbing states and k Boltzmanns constant. The sensitivity of this technique can be derived from the latter relation as (Seitzman & Hanson, 1993):
E ab dT dR = R kT T
Uncertainties of only 5% can be reached, but the need for two tunable laser sources and two intensified CCD (ICCD) cameras makes this technique rather expensive. If the two transitions are relatively close together and if the fluorescence signals are well separated spectrally, the two tunable laser sources could be replaced by a broadband laser which could be used for simultaneous stimulation of these transitions. This approach was first applied by Andresen et
al. (1998) who used a broadband KrF Excimer laser at 248 nm to stimulate two
transitions of OH.
Dec and Keller (1986) showed that two-line LIF could provide flame temperature measurements at data acquisition rates of 5 KHz with a standard deviation of 125 K. They used a mixture of methane and indium chloride (InCl 3 ) seeded air with three burners (premixed laminar flame, diffusion laminar flame and dual premixed burner for turbulent flow). Two pumped dyelasers were used, a Stilbene 1 at 410.18 nm and a Stilbene 3 at 451.13 nm, respectively delivering 30 mW and 40 mW at the probe volume (400 m in diameter).
Chopper cw dye laser wheel 451.13 nm cw dye laser 410.18 nm Intensified CCD cameras
Beam dump
NBPF 451 5 nm
NBPF 410 5 nm
Figure 2-5 shows a typical installation for measuring temperature with two-line thermometry. A chopper wheel allows to pulse alternatively the two laser beams. The energy of the pulse is measured before entering the cylinder in order to normalise the results given by the ICCD cameras. Each one of the cameras is mounted with a narrow band pass filter to discard flame luminescence and other background luminosity. Two-line thermometry can easily be converted to provide full field measurements, especially if a single broadband laser source is to be used.
Kido et al. (1998) applied LIF to measure simultaneously the temperature and the concentration of an argon jet. They used iodine as a tracer, with an Nd:YAG laser at 532 nm (350 mJ per pulse) and used the ratio of the fluorescence at 580 nm and 625 nm to yield temperature within 15% accuracy.
As for the single-laser strategy, two main variations have been reported. One of them requires to have either a fixed or known mole fraction of the probed species, and to choose a quantum state that produces strong temperature dependence. The fluorescence signal can be related to temperature through the Boltzmann fraction:
S LIF = N f B B C I L
N being the total molecular number density, f B the Boltzmann fraction, B is Einsteins absorption coefficient, C is an experimental constant, and I L the irradiance of the laser (See Section for more detailed discussion). The Boltzmann fraction is defined as:
E j
f B = ( 2 j + 1)
e kT , Z(T)
where j is the rotational quantum number of the ground state level of the transition under study, E j is the corresponding ground state energy, k is Boltzmanns constant, T the temperature and Z(T) is the partition function.
As mentioned previously, this technique requires a constant or known mole fraction of the species to excite. This restriction can be avoided by including the excitation of a seed molecule like NO (Seitzman et al. , 1985; Tsujishita et
al. 1999) in a premixed CH 4 -air mixture, or the excitation of O 2 in non-reacting
Tsujishita et al. (1999) used a premixed methane-air laminar flame at atmospheric pressure and compared the temperature measurements achieved by NO-LIF and OH-LIF with those obtained by N 2 CARS. They showed that NOLIF results agreed with those obtained by N 2 CARS (considered as a reference) without exceeding 5% error. The temperatures given by OH-LIF were found to be 30% lower than expected.
Another monochromatic technique could be applied by exciting a species with a laser, and recording fluorescence in the energy levels directly lower and higher than the excited level. As the collisional energy transfers are supposed to be equivalent for both fluorescence signals, the ratio of these two signals should be independent from quenching processes and therefore be related to temperature.
Applications of LIF to studies of combustion process are discussed in depth by Daily (1997) and Kohse-Hinghaus (1994).
Coherent Anti-stokes Raman Scattering is a non-linear Raman technique, i.e. the scattered signal is not linearly related to the input laser intensity. Three laser beams are used to stimulate Raman scattering through the third order susceptibility of the molecules. The generated signal is produced in a coherent laser-like beam, which can be readily separated physically and spectrally from interferences (Figure 2-6). Two of the input laser sources are at the same frequency 1 (termed the pump laser), whereas the third input is at a frequency 2 (Stokes laser). As described in Figure 2-7, the coherent CARS signal resulting from the mixing of the pump and Stokes lasers is generated at 3 = 21 - 2 .
1 2 1
By changing the frequency difference ( 1 - 2 ) to a particular Raman resonance, various molecules can be probed.
1 0
Figure 2-7. Energy level diagram for resonant CARS. Real states and virtual states are indicated by solid and dashed lines respectively.
The energy of scattered light depends quadratically on the number of molecules present (Demtrder, 1996). Therefore a measurement of the molecular number 27
density can be obtained. In addition, the frequency of the signal depends on the Boltzman relationship, which means that an analysis of the frequency content allows the measurement of temperature. In the case of the spectral analysis of the signal, concentrations between 0.5% and 30% can be measured. At concentrations lower than 0.5%, the background noise becomes too significant and has to be subtracted from the signal (Eckbreth, 1996). This method can have errors less than 5% for temperatures, which is more satisfactory than most LIF results. Unlike LIF, the measurements are limited to specific points and quantitative measurements require in-depth understanding of the
instrumentation and spectroscopic factors (Goss, 1993). The reason why CARS might be preferred to LIF is because of its ability to provide accurate temperature and species concentration measurements in extremely hostile environments.
Flames usually show a high concentration of N 2 , and since these molecules are stable, they are less likely to be involved in combustion reactions. For these reasons, N 2 molecules can be considered as a good indicator of temperature. As N 2 molecules do not have an absorption band in the ultraviolet to infrared region, Raman scattering has to be used.
Depending on the nature of the flow, either broadband CARS or narrow-band CARS can be used. Narrow-band CARS is based on the use of a narrow-band laser, and therefore a fine wavelength tuning has to be performed in order to match an excitation wavelength and obtain sufficiently strong output signal. In this case, the sensitivity of this technique is considerably enhanced, and the detection limit can reach several ppm (Eckbreth, 1996). Broadband CARS is achieved by using a broadband laser that does not need to be tuned to a specific excitation peak. The accuracy of broadband CARS thermometry is therefore lower than with the narrow-band method, but its main advantage lies in its ability to perform rapid measurements.
Like CARS, DFWM is a third-order nonlinear optical process. Two high-power pump laser beams intersect with a weaker probe beam. Two of the three input beams interfere to form a grating (either spatial or temporal), whereas the third input beam is scattered by the grating to yield a fourth beam (Wolfrum, 1998). As the four-wave mixing process is an instantaneous stimulated emission, a stable excited state is not required. Therefore, unlike the LIF technique, DFWM is less sensitive to pre-dissociation and quenching processes. Furthermore, the output signal produced by DFWM is a coherent beam and so may be filtered easily from background noise.
A severe limitation of multi-line techniques such as DFWM and CARS when applied to diesel combustion lies in the occurrence of refractive index gradients after ignition of the fuel. These gradients, which are due to temperature variations through the in-cylinder mixture, can significantly steer the beams and thus preclude accurate intersecting of the laser beams. Such potential alterations of the laser beam properties will be further discussed in Section 2.2.6.
Two intersecting laser beams interact via the stimulated Raman process with the molecular constituents of the flow. As with the CARS technique, this interaction depends upon the third order non-linear susceptibility and produces a small gain in the power for one of the laser beams. The forward scatter bandwidth is mainly pressure dependent, whereas the backward scattered bandwidth is principally dependent on temperature (NASA Langley, 1996). As a result, the local temperature can usually be approximated within 30% accuracy.
Rayleigh scattering occurs when the electrons of a molecule are excited by laser light and emit radiations at the same frequency as the laser. This type of scattering can take place for molecules and small particles ( d < 0.05 ). Its
signal intensity is proportional to the total particle number N, and the laser irradiance I L , and can be calculated as (Eckbreth, 1996):
SR = C IL N x i i ,
where C is the calibration constant, x i the mole fraction and i the effective Rayleigh scattering cross-section of each species. The total Rayleigh scattering cross-section can be written as: = x i i
Using the ideal gas law, Equation (2-5) can be rewritten as: SR = C I L PV RT (2-7)
If the Rayleigh cross-section is kept constant, the temperature of the probed volume can be calculated. The calibration constant C is found by measuring a reference temperature T ref under known conditions. The measured temperature can then be related to the Rayleigh scattering signal as:
T= I L P SR ref Tref , I Lref Pref ref SR
assuming that the probe volume is the same between the reference and the actual measurements.
As any particle present in the laser sheet will scatter radiation, the flame has to be free from parasite particles (e.g. soot). Hence, the use of Rayleigh scattering is restricted to very clean flames.
Since Rayleigh scattering is an elastic process, the measurements are subject to surfaces and windows scattered light interferences. However, a narrowband filter centred on the excitation wavelength can be used to avoid these effects, restricting the monitoring to Doppler shifted Rayleigh scattered light (Forkey et
al. , 1996a,b).
scattering and
is flame
acquire shown to
two-dimensional be obtainable
Exciplex gives a simultaneous measure of liquid and vapour phases. Two additives are mixed with the diesel fuel, a fluorescing monomer and an appropriate partner molecule. When under laser excitation, the additives will fluoresce differently depending on their phase. By careful selection of optical filters, it is therefore possible to image separately the liquid and vapour phases. The most commonly used additives for exciplex fluorescence of diesel fuel are naphthalene and TMPD (tetramethyl-p-phenylene diamine). Examples of
applications of exciplex LIF were reported by Bruneaux et al. (1999) and Beckman and Farrell (2001).
Figure 2-8 shows a typical experimental setup for in-cylinder exciplex LIF measurements. A small percentage of the laser light is directed into a device that monitors the laser output energy. The remaining laser light goes through a set of lenses that transform the beam into a thin laser sheet. The optical accesses through the cylinder are achieved by optically clear windows. In order to reduce reflections of the laser light against the cylinder, a window is made to let the laser sheet out. The fluorescence induced by the laser is filtered by band pass filters and then amplified by an image intensifier.
Figure 2-8. Experimental setup for exciplex LIF measurement. TM: partially transmitting mirror, SL: spherical lens, CL: cylindrical lens, BPF: bandpass filter.
Rayleigh scattering is the elastic scattering process that occurs when an incident light makes a molecule or a small particle radiate ( d < 0.05 ). For larger particles, a different type of scattering occurs, called Mie scattering, which can be up to twenty orders of magnitude stronger than Rayleigh scattering (Ingle et al. , 1988). Therefore, in order to avoid interference with the Rayleigh signal, the probed volume has to be free from large particles (e.g. soot, dirt), and filtering of all gases is essential (0.025 m filter).
The intensity of Rayleigh scattered light is given by Equation (2-5), and the cross-section for Rayleigh scattering perpendicular to the plane of polarization of the incident light can be found from the following relation:
4 2 n 1 i = 4 i N0
If the molar refraction of each species is known for the laser wavelength, then the refractive index n i can be calculated by means of the Lorentz-Lorentz equation (Partington, 1953):
n2 1 RL = , N (n 2 + 2)
where R L is the molar refraction [m 3 mol -1 ], n the index of refraction, N the molar concentration (number density) [mol m -3 ]. A list of refractive indices of combustion gases was prepared by Gardiner et al. (1981) for wavelengths that are typical for laser sources.
Equation (2-10) can be applied either to individual species or to gas mixtures. In the latter case, the molar refraction is the weighted average of the molar refraction of each species (Gardiner et al. , 1981): R L = x i R L,i ,
where x i is the molar fraction of species i. Rayleigh cross-sections tend to increase slightly with increasing temperatures. The difference between molecules at 300 K and molecules at 1000 K is estimated to be around 2%, and therefore Rayleigh cross-sections are usually considered as constant for such ranges of temperatures. As diesel fuel molecules have relatively large Rayleigh cross-sections, the signal-to-noise ratio is also high which means that Rayleigh diagnostic can provide high measurement accuracy. Furthermore, the Rayleigh cross-section of air is far lower than for diesel fuel, and the large difference in intensity of the two signals allows fuel concentrations to be resolved even at low equivalence ratios (down to 1).
In order to simplify the calculations the vapour phase is assumed to contain only fuel and gas, and these substances are considered as pure. Hence, Equation (2-5) becomes: SR = C I L N x f f + x g g Since x f + x g = 1, Equation (2-12) can be simplified to: SR = C I L N x f f g + g (2-12)
During the injection, the liquid fuel is heated by the hot in-cylinder gas. This means that the temperature of the fuel-air mixture is lower than the ambient gas
temperature, and therefore the total number density N will increase. Hence, both N and the fuel mole fraction x f cannot be assumed constant and additional equations for N and x f are needed. For the calculation of the fuel concentration, Espey et al. (1997) assumed that N was constant and therefore the diesel spray was assumed isothermal, whereas for the calculation of the equivalence ratio the fuel-air mixing process was considered as adiabatic. In the latter case, the mixing temperatures for all fuel-air ratios were calculated with a
thermodynamic equilibrium calculation based on the conservation of energy (Espey et al. , 1997):
Tmix F Tint Cpfl dT + h ,Tint + Cp fv dT , Tfl,ini Tint A
Ta ,ini
Cpg dT =
where F/A is the fuel-air ratio by mass, the indexes g, fl and fv refer to gas, fuel liquid, and fuel vapour, respectively. The indexes ini, int and mix relate to initial, intermediate and mixture, respectively. This relation was used for regions of the spray where fuel is vaporised and transient effects are assumed to be negligible.
The reason why the spray cannot simply be considered as isothermal for the calculation of the equivalence ratio is that this ratio is strongly dependant on molar concentrations, which are inversely proportional to temperature.
Figure 2-9 shows a characteristic setup for quantitative PLRS imaging. One of the CCD cameras acquires the Rayleigh scattered laser-light, whereas the second camera records the energy profile across the laser sheet which will be used to normalize the raw images. This process is an essential part of quantitative PLRS imaging because the scattering is directly proportional to the laser irradiance, therefore any variations should be accounted for. This reduces the 20% error due to shot-to-shot energy fluctuations. The iris is used to discard the edges of the laser sheet, thus reducing the non-homogeneity of the laser sheet. The narrow band pass filter restricts the imaging to elastically scattered laser-light only. Light reflected from surfaces will strongly interfere with Rayleigh scattering and must be avoided.
Pulsed laser
Nd:YAG 532 nm
Beam dump
Narrow BPF 532 nm
Figure 2-9. Typical setup for quantitative PLRS measurements of fuel-air ratios. NDF: neutral density filter, SL: spherical lens, CL: cylindrical lens, TM: partially transmitting mirror, BPF: band pass filter.
Espey et al. (1997) have successfully applied planar laser Rayleigh scattering for measurement of vapour-phase fuel concentrations. Their tests were performed for a single-cylinder, direct-injection, four-stroke heavy-duty diesel engine with optical access to the combustion chamber. The engine operated at a speed of 1200 rpm, with intake air at 433 K and 0.206 MPa, with a peak injection pressure of 68 MPa, at an average equivalence ratio of 0.25, and was fired once every 20 th engine cycle. The duration of the injection was about 1.39 ms, and the two fuels used were pure heptamethylnonane for non-reacting sprays, and a mixture of 67.6% heptamethylnonane and 32.4% n-hexadecane for combusting jets. The optical setup comprised an Nd:YAG laser producing a laser sheet (300 m 10.5 mm) at a wavelength of 532 nm with an energy of about 45 mJ per pulse (7 ns).
The overall uncertainty of the results obtained by Espey et al. (1997) ranged between 17% and 21% for the equivalence ratio with the adiabatic mixing assumption. Quantitative fuel-vapour concentrations were obtained in the leading portion of a reacting and non-reacting jet from 4 CA to 6.5 CA after start of injection. Since the PLRS signal will be contaminated by any laser reflection, this technique is limited to particle-free flows and images can only be acquired when no fuel droplets are present.
Laser Doppler Anemometry (LDA), also known as Laser Doppler Velocimetry (LDV), measures the velocity of particles introduced into the flow field. Two laser beams intersect at a point to form a fringe pattern (Figure 2-10). Particles passing the fringe pattern reflect the laser light at each fringe. Provided the fringe spacing is known, local velocity can be determined by analysing the Doppler shifted scattered light (Watrasiewicz & Rudd, 1976).
One of the problems that occurs when applying LDA to flame measurements is the fact that the particles have to withstand high temperatures. Particles produced by combustion processes might not be uniformly spread through the flame, and they are usually too small to scatter a signal with sufficient intensity. Therefore the intake air usually has to be seeded with inert refractory solid particles such as titanium dioxide (TiO 2 ) (Drain, 1980). Due to its high spatial and temporal accuracy, LDA is considered as a reference in velocity measurements. If the optical access to the combustion chamber is limited, the use of only one window can be achieved by collecting backscattered light. Unfortunately this will result in a reduction of the signal to noise ratio, and a more powerful laser will have to be used.
Image intensifier CCD camera
Hentschel and Schindler (1996) applied LDA on a modified Volkswagen 1.9 litre diesel engine running at 1000 rpm. They monitored the backscattering from MgO molecules illuminated by a 20 W argon ion laser, to investigate the formation of the swirl during the intake and compression strokes.
PIV is a full field non-intrusive technique, derived from Laser Speckle Velocimetry (LSV), which was first introduced in the mid-1980s and is now widely used in fluid flow metrology. PIV is achieved by shining a laser sheet through a flow and monitoring the Mie-scattering signal produced by in-flow buoyant particles. In order to resolve the speed of each particle, two consecutive shots are taken either on one single image or on two different images. Signal processing is applied to the resulting images in order to produce velocity vector fields. In the case of a multi-exposed image, an auto-correlation algorithm is usually used to isolate the two clusters of pixels corresponding to the same particle. The main drawback of this technique lies in the fact that the direction of the flow cannot be resolved automatically and therefore the velocity vector field suffers from directional ambiguity. Furthermore, low velocities correspond to merging of the particle images and cannot therefore be measured. By taking each one of the two shots on two different images, it is possible to distinguish temporally the two groups of pixels belonging to each particle. The signal-processing algorithm used in this case is referred to as a cross-correlation algorithm.
One obvious limitation of PIV is the need for two optical accesses, one for the laser sheet and one for the camera. Moreover, as PIV is fundamentally twodimensional its spatial resolution is much lower than single-point measurement techniques like LDA. It is also more sensitive to optical distortion, glares, fluid opaqueness and seeding quality (Faure, 1997).
The refractive index of a medium depends on its temperature, the wavelength of the light source, and the concentration of the constituents of the mixture. If the 37
substance is compressible, the refractive index will also depend on pressure. As combustion takes place, significant temperature and pressure gradients can appear in the cylinder and deflect the direction of any incident light ray. The consequence of the presence of these refractive index gradients should be considered with care, especially for high-pressure applications, as a laser beam could be significantly defocused or steered (Eckbreth, 1996). This phenomenon is particularly important for the techniques that involve intersecting of several laser beams, such as CARS, DFWM, and LDA, usually restricting their application to either low-pressures or pre-ignition measurements. These effects can be easily ascertained by using a low-power visible laser to check for the degree of deflection and defocusing.
Another consequence of temperature changes is the variation in vibrational frequencies of a molecule. This effect is particularly important at UV wavelengths, and UV absorptive bands tend to shift towards longer wavelengths as the temperature increases (Braun, 1987).
Particulate matter, like soot, can significantly attenuate the propagating laser beam by absorption and scattering. The attenuation will be proportional to e
n pel
l the path length of the laser beam (Eckbreth, 1996). This kind of extinction will increase with the richness of the combustion, and might even preclude measurements in diesel spray investigations.
As standard diesel fuels produce high soot concentrations, modified fuels are usually preferred in order to facilitate optical access and prevent optics fouling. Dec and Canaan (1998) have reported the use of two different fuels: a lowsooting fuel consisting of 70% tetraethoxypropane (C 7 H 16 O 4 ) and 30% heptamethylnonane (C 16 H 34 ), and a Phillips research grade no. 2 diesel fuel. Apart from the difference in soot concentration, Dec and Espey (1995) showed that the low-sooting fuel had similar characteristics to the Phillips fuel (i.e. ignition delay, early soot formation processes, apparent heat release rate curve, 38
and boiling point of constituents). Another fuel of 67.6% heptamethylnonane (C 16 H 34 ) and 32.4% n-hexadecane (C 16 H 34 ) was used by Dec and Espey (1995). Nakagawa et al. (1998) used a mixture of 50% in volume of iso-octane (C 8 H 18 ) and 50% of n-tetradecane (C 14 H 30 ) to reduce window pollution by soot.
In a similar manner to soot, molecules can progressively attenuate the laser signal during its propagation. The extinction by scattering is so weak that its effects are insignificant when compared to absorption extinction.
If the exciting laser wavelength is in the visible domain, only combustion gases containing high concentrations of NO 2 or C 2 will show a significant absorption. Molecular absorption can be far more troublesome with lasers operating at UV wavelengths, especially for non-resonant processes (Eckbreth, 1996). For nonresonant techniques (e.g. Raman based methods and non-resonant LIF), absorption wavelengths of most flame radicals are well defined and can be avoided quite easily with a tunable laser, but the broad absorption spectrum of PAHs is very difficult to avoid. Molecular absorption usually increases with increasing pressure. Therefore particular care must be taken to minimise or at least quantify these effects.
The only flame radical that seems to affect resonant processes is OH, whose concentration at high temperature can become high enough to cause substantial attenuation.
suitable method is dictated by two main parameters, the concentration of the species to be investigated and the type of radiation emitted (i.e. coherent or not). The latter parameter is often imposed on the experimenter by the optical access available. If there is access to only one optical axis, then a coherent method will have to be used. If a secondary optical access is available, either kind of approach could be used.
Table 2-3. Matrix of spatially accurate laser-based techniques for combustion temperatures and spectrometry (adapted from Eckbreth, 1996).
Unfortunately, techniques that provide a coherent signal require accurate intersecting of several laser beams. Although this is easily achievable in normal circumstances, high refractive index gradients can make these techniques ineffective after ignition of the injected fuel. Hence, incoherent techniques will usually be preferred for applications involving high pressure and temperature gradients.
Regarding the selection of the most suitable method for autoignition and soot investigations, very few techniques are available. For thermometry and species concentration, deciding which technique to apply is not straightforward. The exact requirements have to be carefully considered in terms of spatial and temporal accuracy, as well as in the degree of information needed (i.e. qualitative or quantitative results). For instance, if the mechanisms of formation of nitric oxides are to be investigated, only the positions and relative proportions of NO x production need to be measured and absolute concentrations are usually not required. If combined with a map of OH production sites and full field temperature measurements, the formation of NO x can be related to the combustion process at high-temperature regions. During typical diesel
combustions NO and OH are considered as minor species, and therefore LIF is preferred to Raman scattering techniques. In this regard, LIF of NO and OH molecules can provide qualitative concentration maps with high spatial and temporal accuracy. A summary of the most appropriate techniques for diesel engine investigations is shown in Table 2-4.
Investigation Autoignition Soot formation sites Temperature NO concentration maps OH concentration maps Air-fuel ratio Velocity
Optical technique Flame luminescence imaging LII Two-line NO-LIF LIF LIF LIF LDA
Table 2-4. Summary of optical techniques used for high-pressure diesel combustion diagnostic.
The cylinder head was heated by a water jacket (90C) filled with pure ethylene glycol and the sump oil by emersion heaters (85C). This enabled the engine to be heated prior to motored testing, and therefore minimise heat losses from the compressed gas to the cylinder wall. A water-cooled Kistler pressure-transducer attached to a storage oscilloscope was used to monitor the in-cylinder pressure. An encoder with a resolution of 3600 pulses per revolution was fitted to the crankshaft and provided an additional marker pulse at TDC.
Inlet ports
Exhaust port
Dynamometer Gearbox
Figure 3-2. Photograph of the Proteus test cell showing the gearbox and parts of the dynamometer.
The Proteus was driven by a dynamometer through a 90 gearbox (Figure 3-2). The 90 configuration was chosen to obtain a more compact rig layout. The output shaft of the gearbox was directly connected to the Proteus flywheel and, with a reduction ratio of 6:1, reduced the dynamometer speed of 3000 rpm to 500 rpm engine speed. This was the operating engine speed for all the tests carried out in this work. A schematic of the test bed layout is presented in Figure 3-3.
Plenum 0.03 m 3
Heater 25 kW
Heater 5 kW
Gear Box
Figure 3-3. Schematic of the test bed layout showing the Proteus, dynamometer, compressors, heaters and main valves ( ).
the displayed data was fully automated. The archived data could then be viewed using a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel.
The cylinder head was surrounded with a 6 mm thick transparent polycarbonate screen to minimise damage or injury in the case of a window or injector failure. Visual access to the cylinder head was maintained. Polycarbonate was selected for its high strength and transparency. However, when optical measurements were performed, the polycarbonate sheets were slid out of the optical paths in order to avoid any impact on the quality of the measurements. This resulted in a maximum clearance of 20 mm for the laser beam, and 40 mm for camera access.
One window blank was manufactured with additional fittings for a pressure transducer and a burst disc. The burst disc was a safety device designed to fail at a predetermined pressure. This limited the load on the windows and the engine should any failure have caused too high an in-cylinder pressure. Figure 3-4 shows a detailed photograph of this window blank.
Burst disc
Figure 3-4. Window blank with burst disc holder and cylinder pressure transducer.
Three emergency stop buttons were fitted in different locations within the test cell. Beacons were lit at each entrance to the cell when lasers were in use. In case of an emergency a heat sensor was linked to the university fire alarm system, a fire extinguisher was present in the cell at all times, and four different exits were available including one exterior access.
Operating personnel were supplied with gas masks filtering organic vapours and particulates, laser safety goggles and radio-equipped ear defenders.
to avoid disturbances by airflow motion on the spray development. The compression ratio of the engine was reduced to further increase the volume available for the optical chamber.
Combustion chamber
In-cylinder temperatures and pressures representative of a modern engine were maintained by increasing the boost pressure and temperature up to 0.8 MPa and 100C. The induced air was then compressed in the engine to achieve the desired test conditions. The air motion was designed to follow the loop scavenge two stroke cycle. The design of the inlet and exhaust ports and piston were optimised by first using the Ricardo WAVE gas exchange software to optimise the port areas. The design was refined further using the Ricardo VECTIS CFD code (Faure et al. , 1998) to optimise the air motion to achieve efficient scavenging and near quiescent air in the optical chamber. Good scavenging efficiency and quiescent air motion at TDC were achieved with the optimised design, as shown in Figure 3-6.
Figure 3-6. CFD simulation of the internal flow for loop scavenging.
The maximum velocity in the chamber during the injection process was predicted to be less than 1 m s -1 in the axial direction of the spray. Interaction with the wall was observed to be minimal for a fuel spray of the type produced by an injector used in a passenger car engine.
Optical access into the chamber was provided by four removable glass windows, shown on Figure 3-7, giving an optical access 25 mm wide and 55 mm high. The design was optimised to allow many state of the art optical techniques to be applied and enable both qualitative and quantitative measurements of fuel, air and combustion products.
The windows were easily removable for cleaning or replacement. The window holders were sealed into the optical extension casting by O rings and an annealed copper gasket, the gasket also sealed the glass section against the casting. The windows were sealed in the holder by a silicon-based resin. This 49
arrangement performed adequately for all conditions obtained in the cylinder. The modular nature of the engine build allowed quick change over of the engine configuration, permitting a range of experimental configurations for different optical techniques and injector types.
Figure 3-8 shows the transmission spectrum obtained from the absorption profile. This confirms that the windows comply with the requirements for the optical imaging strategies chosen in this study.
0% 200
Figure 3-8. Measured transmittance of a typical 20 mm thick BK7 glass window used on the Proteus engine.
Due to a large number of failures when doing fired tests, the material for the windows was changed to sapphire glass. This material has excellent optical transmission in both the UV and infra-red, and a much higher melting point than BK7 (2030C instead of 560C). A typical transmission profile for sapphire glass is shown in Figure 3-9. No failure of the sapphire windows were observed.
0% 200
systems. In this configuration, injection pressures up to 160 MPa were achieved. A schematic of the injection system is given in Figure 3-10.
The fuel pump was not driven from the crankshaft or the camshaft as is the case for production engines for two reasons. Firstly, the engine speed was too slow for the fuel pump to build up full pressure in the rail especially when a high amount of fuel was required. Secondly, when the fuel pump is driven by the crankshaft its speed is dependent on the engine speed and does not allow separate control of the pump. Therefore, the fuel pump was powered by an electric motor running at 1400 rpm which ensured a stable rail pressure with minimal fluctuation.
Figure 3-11 shows a detailed photograph of the fuel injection equipment of the Proteus. The belt drive for the fuel pump is shown on this photograph without the polycarbonate guard for better visibility.
Common rail
Electric motor
Fuel filter
The rail and delivery pipe were both instrumented with a Kistler pressure transducer. The pipe from the rail to the injector was kept short, representative of a real vehicle system. A custom-built controller was developed
(Kennaird et al. , 2000) to enable independent control of injection timing, number of injections per cycle, injection duration and rail pressure. This unit essentially consisted of a microprocessor dedicated to the task of triggering the injector and a secondary device (such as a laser system, flashgun or CCD camera). Before each series of experiments, a personal computer was used to upload the injection parameters to the FIE unit (e.g. injection angle, injection duration, rail pressure, delay of secondary trigger, etc.). This gave high timing accuracy and good parameter control. The custom controller also allowed control of initial needle drive current and PID control of the fuel rail pressure.
The fuel injector used was a modern electro-magnetic actuated common rail injector as shown in Figure 3-12. This injector was specially equipped with a needle lift sensor to obtain the exact needle position during the injection. The injector nozzles were interchangeable and therefore allowed testing of different nozzle types and nozzle hole diameters.
Fuel waste
Single-hole nozzle
12 V DC
Fuel inlet
For all the experimental work low-sulphur Esso AF1313 diesel fuel was used. Its main properties are listed in Table 3-1.
Fuel property Ash content Carbon content Cetane number Density at 15C Flash point Gross calorific value Hydrogen content Kinematic viscosity at 40C Oxygen content Particulate matter Sulphur content Water content
Specification 0.005% (mass) 86.4% (mass) 55 830 kg m -3 70.5C 45.8 MJ kg -1 13.4% (mass) 2.8710 -6 m 2 s -1 <0.05% (mass) <10 mg kg -1 0.02% (mass) 42 ppm
In mini-sac nozzles the holes lead to a sac volume below the needle tip and are not directly closed by the needle (Figure 3-14). The fuel sprays obtained with a mini-sac nozzle are not sensitive to needle dislocation since the fuel distribution to each hole is balanced by the sac volume (Kennaird et al. , 2002). A disadvantage of mini-sac nozzles when compared to VCO nozzles is that the fuel in the sac can result in fuel droplets leaving the injector after the needle has shut.
Micro-sac nozzles are the latest nozzle type of the three. More accurate production methods offer the possibility to reduce the volume of the sac and minimise the disadvantages it causes. A smaller sac volume results in a more accurate timing response and needle lift, but fewer spurious droplets on closing the needle.
The nozzles were of a single-hole design with an equivalent cone angle of 130. The injector was inclined at an angle of 65 so the fuel spray from the single orifice was orientated vertically into the chamber. The holes were manufactured by a conventional spark erosion technique and then micro-honed by hydrogrinding to produce an entry radius and surface finish representative of a production nozzle. The needle was instrumented with a Hall effect type needle lift sensor. Fuel rail pressure and needle lift were monitored on a digital storage oscilloscope. The nozzles and controller were calibrated on a Moewald test bed to establish the injection pulse lengths required for different fuellings. Nozzle delivery rates were measured using a Lucas rate gauge. 58
Custom Controller
Injection rate
Standard Controller
Pump Degrees
Figure 3-15. Injection rate diagram from standard and custom controller (100 MPa injection pressure).
The time for the first fuel droplets to exit the injector was measured with a high-speed camera pointed at the nozzle. The injection pulse duration was adjusted in order to keep the injected fuel mass constant. The delay between the start of injection pulse and the first droplets entering the combustion chamber varied with the injection pressure (Table 3-3). Unless otherwise mentioned, the data presented here have been adjusted to compensate for this delay.
Table 3-3. Delays between start of injection pulse and start of fuel delivery for a 30 mm 3 injection with a 0.2 mm VCO nozzle, with the corresponding injection pulse durations.
In-cylinder volume [m ]
Figure 3-16. Pressure-volume diagram for a typical compression stroke on the Proteus engine.
Figure 3-17 shows a logarithmic plot of the in-cylinder pressure against the incylinder volume during a typical non-firing compression stroke 1. The slope of the trendline corresponds to the experimental polytropic coefficient of the engine at these particular conditions. In this case, the ICP was 8 MPa and the cylinder block was heated to 100C. To warm the engine further, and therefore better match the conditions found under normal operation, the engine was fired several times prior to recording the ICP.
The compression stroke was assumed to start when the piston ring shuts the inlet ports, i.e. 219 CA ATDC.
0.50 log P 0.25 0.00 -0.25 -3.75 -3.5 -3.25 log V -3 -2.75 -0.50 -2.5
It can be concluded from Figure 3-17 that the polytropic coefficient for that particular test was 1.2. An average value of 1.3 was established for the Proteus spray rig after repeating this process at various engine conditions.
The actual compression ratio can then be calculated by using the standard polytropic law: PSOC VSOC n = PTDC VTDC n (3-1)
The subscript SOC indicates that the values are taken at the start of compression, and the subscript TDC denotes the values at top dead centre. n is the polytropic compression coefficient. By rearranging Equation (3-1):
n 1
Compression ratio can be related to the pressure ratio as: P = TDC PSOC (3-4)
In the case described here, P SOC and P TDC were measured to be 0.78 MPa and 7.9 MPa, respectively. Thus, the resulting compression ratio was about 9:1.
DI DIESEL ENGINE Compression ratio Specific heat ratio Intake air temperature Intake air pressure Temperature at TDC Pressure at TDC 19 : 1 1.3 313 K 0.2 MPa 757 K 9.2 MPa
PROTEUS SPRAY RIG Compression ratio Specific heat ratio Intake air temperature Intake air pressure Temperature at TDC Pressure at TDC 9 :1 1.3 373 K 0.8 MPa 721 K 13.9 MPa
Table 3-4. Comparison between a modern diesel engine and the Proteus.
Possible cause of error Engine speed fluctuations (non-fired) Engine speed fluctuations (fired) Engine speed drop due to increased ICP Injection pressure fluctuations
Assessment method
Possible delays Secondary trigger pulse 3 delay (relative to injection pulse) Needle lift delay (relative to camera pulse, P inj = 60 MPa) Needle lift delay (relative to camera pulse, P inj = 100 MPa) Needle lift delay (relative to camera pulse, P inj = 140 MPa) Needle lift delay (relative to camera pulse, P inj = 160 MPa)
Table 3-5. Summary of errors and delays for the optical Proteus spray rig.
2 3
Measured using a scope set to persistence mode, thus showing the variations in TDC pulse timing. For an increase in in-cylinder pressure from 6 to 10 MPa. The FIE controller secondary trigger pulse was used to trigger devices such as high-speed video cameras. Measured with high-speed video recording at 45,000 frames per second.
294 S Tg
However, the observations of Naber and Siebers (1996) and Morgan et al. (2001) showed that this term does not fully compensate for the temperature effect on the liquid phase penetration. A similar dependence of the liquid spray penetration on gas density and incylinder pressure was observed by both Hiroyasu and Arai (1990) and Dent (1971), who found the following correlation: Pinj Pg s = 2.95 g
Do .t ,
where P inj is the fuel pressure, P g the gas pressure, g the ambient gas density, D o the nozzle orifice diameter. It is important to state that the above correlation was based on investigations using mechanical pump injection systems. Modern common rail fuel injection equipment were used in the investigations of Naber and Siebers (1996) and Morgan et al. (2001), while injecting into high-density environments. Their results showed that this correlation over-predicts the liquid penetration length. It is clear from the above that although the influence of injection parameters has been widely investigated, information on the effects of in-cylinder density and fuel rail pressure on spray and fuel vapour distribution are still not conclusive. It is generally accepted that injection rate profile and injection nozzle geometry have a major influence on both the penetration and distribution of the fuel spray within the cylinder (Bae & Kang, 2000). A reduction in the nozzle orifice diameter has also been shown to have an effect on the emissions (Bergstrand & Denbratt, 2001). This was concluded to be caused by the decreased size of droplets produced by smaller diameter nozzles. These smaller droplets mix and evaporate faster leading to shorter ignition delays. The internal flow structures within the nozzle are also thought to affect the spray performance. Hence different spray structures may not be attributed to differences in nozzle diameter only, but also to the nozzle type. Investigations into these flow
process have been undertaken in both large scale and full size nozzles (Soteriou
et al. , 1995; Badock et al. , 1999). The effects of cavitation within the nozzle
have been identified as a major influence on the subsequent liquid/droplet behaviour. The variation in the behaviour of various nozzle types and the influence of injection rate may go some way to explaining the apparent differences in the correlations for penetration with time and dispersion found in the literature. This, again, highlighted the strong dependence of the fuel spray behaviour on the nozzle geometry and hence the dangers of applying generic correlations derived from experiments based on a limited specific nozzle type. The multi-hole injection investigations of Bae and Kang (2000) found that there was little hole-to-hole variation when injecting diesel through a VCO nozzle; however, an orifice-to-orifice variation was observed in spray angle when a sac nozzle was investigated. The experimental approach of Bae and Kang (2000) allowed all orifices to discharge in the measurement vessel. However, in the investigations of Campanella et al. (1994) where the discharges from all but one orifice were captured, variations in the performance of each orifice of a five hole VCO nozzle was found. It was also noted that the alteration of the needle seat construction had a strong influence on nozzle performance. Bae and Kang (2000) used a double-guided needle in this work and commented that previous results using a single-guided needle showed variations in penetration and dispersion. It is unclear whether the needle in the experiments of Campanella et al. (1994) was single or double-guided. From the above, many of the experiments investigating spray characteristics have been undertaken with specially manufactured nozzles to facilitate data gathering. This normally means that a special single orifice nozzle is used or that all but one orifice discharge is captured. Measurements are then concentrated on one particular hole. The validity of such approach is often questioned, as the adoption of this practice may influence the behaviour of the injection process. The data available in the literature pertaining to the investigation of multiple orifices versus single orifice nozzles is sparse. In addition, the information available on the hole-to-hole variation of sprays from particular injectors is contradictory and often appears to be dependent on the
particular experimental approach adopted (Campanella et al. , 1994; Bae & Kang, 2000). The fuel evaporation, penetration with time and dispersion is important to the combustion process as it provides the transport of the fuel vapour into the chamber. Using Rayleigh scattering Dec (1997) measured the simultaneous development of the liquid and vapour phases of the fuel spray. In this work it was found that the vapour did not penetrate further than the liquid core until the maximum liquid penetration length was reached. After this period the vapour continued to penetrate into the chamber. The width of the vapour phase was observed to develop to twice that of the liquid at the location of maximum liquid core penetration. As yet the influence of the injector characteristics on the vapour distribution process has not been fully investigated. In summary, although investigation of liquid penetration from diesel sprays has been quite extensive, a reliable correlation for the prediction of penetration with time has still to be developed. It is believed that the discrepancies in the models presented are caused by the difference in injection nozzle geometries. The ambiguity over the effect of nozzle types on liquid phase penetration also extends to the vapour phase propagation. It is therefore clear that the effect of nozzle type and in-cylinder conditions on the injection and mixing processes are not fully understood. The current work gives details of experiments undertaken to quantify both the liquid and vapour distribution of a diesel fuel injected through a modern common rail fuel injection system into realistic engine environments (hightemperature charge experiments) and into in-cylinder conditions at lower temperatures than expected in a working engine (low-temperature charge). The rationale for investigating the low temperature charge conditions was initially to look at the effects of temperature on the evaporative processes of the spray and for later use as validation for CFD models.
By simply visualising the diesel jet, a number of characteristics of the spray, such as its penetration length with time, cone angle, liquid core length and fuel breakup can be obtained. 68
Two different acquisition strategies can be adopted: High-speed visualisation Single-frame acquisition In the high-speed case several photographs of a single spray are acquired consecutively, with an exposure time low enough to minimise blurring due to spray movement. This technique can be applied either with a high-speed video camera using light-sensitive film, or with a charge-coupled device (CCD) camera. The former has the major inconvenience of requiring the processing of thousands of photographs for every injection. Therefore, the analysis of such large quantity of stills is not easily achieved, and the use of post-processing software is made tedious by the need to digitise every single photograph. CCD cameras offer the opportunity to observe a complete injection at high recording speed, but the resolution of the images is significantly lower than with standard film. Because the output is readily available in digital format and can be observed instantly, this technique was preferred to standard film recording.
After analysis of the high-speed recordings, the most critical phases of the diesel injection were then photographed using a 35 mm still camera and a highspeed flashgun. This allowed a set of high resolution photographs to be obtained, thus giving more-detailed images at important timings. The results are compared with other experimental data and empirical models.
intensified gain mode, with a gamma correction factor of 1.0 in order to maximise the intensity of the recorded images. The sprays were backlit by a halogen flood light fitted with a diffuser (Figure 4-1).
Storage scope
Needle lift In-cylinder pressure
Injector High-speed CCD video camera Flood light Light diffuser Piston
FIE unit
Crankshaft position
Figure 4-1. A side view of the experimental set-up for backlit spray photography.
The injection timing was controlled by means of the custom-built FIE. All the injections observed were then downloaded to a computer directly from the CCD camera. The injector needle lift and in-cylinder pressure were acquired by a digital storage oscilloscope for each recorded injection, and then downloaded to the computer.
The processing of the videos was performed by purpose-developed software that measures the spray penetration length and spray cone angle at each video frame after suitable pixel thresholding (Morgan et al. , 2001). A typical unprocessed image is shown in Figure 4-2a, the spray nozzle tip is located 20 mm above the top of the window edge and is therefore not visible. The images were thresholded to pick out the spray outline from the background. The threshold level was subjectively chosen by selecting one image from the batch of images generated by a test run and varying the threshold to obtain optimum results. Since the quality of images remained the same during a test run, this threshold value was suitable for all the images in that batch. The maximum 70
spray penetration was calculated by finding the spray pixel furthest from the nozzle. The software calculated the spray penetration for each image, the results of which were saved as a spreadsheet, and in graphical format as seen in Figure 4-2b.
Figure 4-2. Raw digital spray image (a) and thresholded image (b) showing maximum penetration length and spray cone.
The source code for this post-processing software can be found in Appendix A.
In order to be able to observe the first 20 mm of the spray, a window blank was modified to allow the injector to be fit as shown in Figure 4-3. Since the postprocessing software could not be adapted to analyse the data obtained with this set-up, the liquid spray penetration and spray dispersion angles were measured manually for each frame of each recording.
Light source
Injector adapter
Light source Figure 4-3. Experimental set-up for spray close-up study.
Repeatability tests were performed to assess the variability in penetration for a range of test conditions. The variation in penetration length was found to be 4% from the average curve. The camera resolution was measured to be 0.3 mm per pixel, hence the overall uncertainty was estimated to be 6%. The calculated results were found to be insensitive to the threshold level chosen with a 12.5% variation in threshold level giving a 1% change in measured penetration.
settings were found to give a good compromise between sensitivity of the film, quality of the prints and depth of field (measured to be about 4 mm at f/8). Even though a smaller lens aperture would have provided a much larger depth of field (i.e. better focusing of the whole spray), the amount of light available with the argon flashgun was not sufficient to give correct exposure.
For each one of the three different fuelling rates tested, two photographs were taken at different timings: one around the maximum liquid length and one showing the breakup of the spray. Because the tip of the nozzle was not visually accessible through the windows, the beginning of the injection could not be observed.
A flash lamp was used to backlight the sprays and therefore these photographs show the overall shape of the spray, integrated along the line of sight. The scaling factor for the plane of the spray was measured to be 1:0.28 (i.e. 1 cm on a photograph is equivalent to 0.28 cm in reality), which corresponds to a magnification factor of 3.6.
Storage scope
Needle lift In-cylinder pressure
Crankshaft position
Figure 4-4. Experimental set-up for backlit spray photography. The combustion chamber is viewed from the side.
Concave mirror 2
Figure 4-5. Experimental set-up for schlieren video. The combustion chamber is viewed from the top. Both mirrors are 0.144 m in diameter and have a focal length of 1.2 m.
The schlieren images were directly recorded with a high-speed CCD video camera, without using an intermediate screen in order to optimise the quality of the video recordings. This technique therefore allowed the vapour phase of diesel sprays to be visualised, providing valuable information on evaporation that could be related to autoignition sites and soot formation zones. Additional measurements were performed using a still CCD camera instead of the highspeed video camera for improved spatial resolution.
In order to substantiate the use of single-hole nozzles, high-speed video tests were performed with the set-up described in Figure 4-3 using single and multihole nozzles at similar conditions. Figure 4-6 illustrates a comparison between a 0.2 mm single-hole nozzle and a 0.15 mm single-hole nozzle, along with a five-hole 0.15 mm nozzle.
0.15mm 5 hole
0.15mm single-hole
1 cm
Figure 4-6. Comparison between 0.2 mm single-hole, 0.15 mm single-hole and 0.15 mm multi-hole VCO nozzles, for an injection pressure of 160 MPa. Times are in milliseconds after first frame showing visible liquid injection. The apparent difference in dimensions of the sprays produced by the single-hole and multi-hole nozzles are due to differences in lighting and scaling conditions.
At about 0.148 ms after the spray became first visible, the 0.2 mm single-hole injector orifice seemed to shut very shortly before the needle reached full lift. The same effect was visible to a lesser extent with the 0.15 mm single-hole nozzle at 0.185 ms. No such behaviour was observed with the multi-hole VCO and the mini-sac type nozzles tested. Needle lift traces showed that the needle continued to lift during this hesitation period (Figure 4-7), leading to the conclusion that the needle shut the orifice by moving transversally rather than vertically.
5 Measured needle lift Apparent nozzle opening time Time at needle hesitation
Figure 4-7. Injection needle lift trace for a 0.2 mm VCO single hole nozzle, with an injection pressure of 160MPa.
Figure 4-8 graphically represents the liquid spray tip penetration and demonstrates the early hesitation in the opening phase of the single hole nozzle. Similar data were observed for the penetration profiles of each individual hole of a three-hole nozzle as shown in Figure 4-8. As can be clearly seen the effect of the hesitation in opening was to delay the spray penetration with time. However, the curve for the three-hole nozzle was offset to allow direct comparison of the penetration rates. The penetration rate from each hole was the same for the single and multi-hole nozzles once the nozzle was fully open. The same was true when comparing five-hole and single-hole VCO nozzles. It is therefore considered valid to use single-hole nozzles to characterise spray penetration, as long as the limitations mentioned above are taken into account.
30 1 hole VCO 25 Liquid fuel penetration length [mm] 3 hole VCO (time-shifted trace)
Figure 4-8. Single and multi-hole penetrations with time for 0.2 mm VCO nozzles and an injection pressure of 160 MPa.
High-speed video recordings of full length sprays were performed at three different injection pressures (60, 100 and 160 MPa), two intake air temperatures (20C and 100C), and several in-cylinder densities (14, 28, 34, 42, and 49 kg m -3 at TDC for 20C air intake; 14, 28, 35 and 40 kg m -3 at TDC for 100C air intake). The majority of the tests were performed with a single-hole 0.2 mm VCO nozzle, with additional experiments performed on 0.2 mm minisac for comparison purposes. Good repeatability was obtained, in terms of both liquid penetration length, spray cone angle and vapour penetration length.
A table of equivalence between gas density and in-cylinder pressure for the conditions tested is presented in Table 4-1.
Table 4-1. Table of equivalence for gas density and in-cylinder pressure, assuming a compression ratio of 9 and a polytropic coefficient of 1.3.
Preliminary high-speed video imaging identified a number of areas of interest for high-resolution photography. Photographic tests were performed at: Fuel pressures between 60 and 160 MPa Ambient air pressures between 3 and 8 MPa at TDC Ambient air temperature of 570 K at TDC Injection duration from 0.9 to 3.41 ms Single-hole VCO nozzle with 0.2 mm diameter
A sequence of images taken 1 ms after the start of injection for a 3.41 ms injection is shown in Figure 4-9. Images were taken at two values of ambient pressure and four values of rail pressure at an ambient temperature of 570 K. The evaporation of the spray at this temperature can be considered minimal (Luard, 1994). The expected increase in penetration resulting from an increase in injection pressure or decrease in gas pressure is observed. The structure of the spray is consistent with previous observations (Yule & Salters, 1995; Mouqualid et al. , 1998), with areas of atomised droplets being entrained at the edge of the spray where fuel air mixing takes place. The influence of gas pressure can be clearly seen from Figure 4-9 and Figure 4-10, with the higher gas pressure resulting in a noticeable reduction in spray tip penetration, particularly for the lower injection pressures.
60 MPa
100 MPa
130 MPa
160 MPa
Figure 4-9. Backlit spray images taken 1 ms after the start of injection in air at 3 MPa with an injection duration of 3.41 ms at four fuel rail pressures.
60 MPa
100 MPa
130 MPa
160 MPa
Figure 4-10. Backlit spray images taken 1 ms after the start of injection in air at 8 MPa with an injection duration of 3.41 ms at four fuel rail pressures.
During the initial stages of injection a concentrated bunching of spray at the leading edge of the jet is formed as droplets penetrate the stagnant gas field, recirculating areas of droplets are observed to peel back along the edge of the spray cone from this area. This droplet stripping process was observed for all injection conditions and is shown in Figure 4-11 (negative images are shown to
improve clarity). The formation of a head vortex due to the entrainment of dense air can be seen more clearly at the higher air density cases.
Figure 4-11. High-speed video sequence showing the development of areas of droplets peeling back along the spray plume. Enlarged frames presented are from 1.1 to 1.4 ms after start of injection pulse (ASOI).
A similar sequence of photographs is shown in Figure 4-12 and Figure 4-13 for a 0.9 ms injection duration. The spray structure is observed to be slightly different when compared with the 3.41 ms injection case. In the 0.9 ms period case, the injector needle only briefly reaches full lift, resulting in a throttling of the fuel flow under these conditions. Fuel is therefore predominantly injected during throttling, hence the orifice internal flow structure would be expected to be different to that of the 3.41 ms case. This effect has been observed in steady state large scale nozzle tests (Soteriou et al. , 1993) particularly with VCO nozzles. It demonstrates the importance of understanding the effect of internal orifice flow structure on the behaviour of the spray.
60 MPa
100 MPa
130 MPa
Figure 4-12. Backlit spray images taken 0.9 ms ASOI in air at 3 MPa with an injection duration of 0.9 ms at three fuel rail pressures.
100 MPa
130 MPa
Figure 4-13. Back lit spray images taken 0.9 ms ASOI in gas at 8 MPa with an injection duration of 0.9 ms at two fuel rail pressures.
0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 Time ASOI [ms]
Figure 4-14. Influence of injection pressure on penetration for low-temperature charge. 49 kg m -3 in-cylinder density; 0.2 mm VCO nozzle. Broken line shows time at which ignition is highly probable.
During the latter phase of the injection (from 1.5 ms ASOI), the liquid penetration profiles fluctuate around a slowly increasing average. These fluctuations were found to be the result of slugs of concentrated liquid fuel breaking away from the main liquid core. The sequence showed in Figure 4-15 illustrates this phenomenon.
Figure 4-15. Slugs of fuel breaking off the spray. Broken line shows the detected spray penetration length. Low temperature charge; 160 MPa injection pressure; 7.3 MPa ICP; 32 kg m -3 in-cylinder density; 0.2 mm VCO nozzle.
The slugs of fuel in Figure 4-15 are believed to be produced as a result of oscillations of the sprays body. These oscillations were observed for all conditions and could be the result of the air entrainment caused by the spray itself. Oscillations were also observed on sprays from a five-hole nozzle, suggesting that they are not specific to single-hole nozzles. Images of simultaneous liquid and vapour phases published by Baritaud et al. (1994) exhibit similar detachments of clusters of liquid droplets.
Figure 4-16 shows an example of spray oscillation. The spray was found to exhibit cyclic movements in the transversal direction to the spray jet. An estimate of the frequency of these oscillations was obtained by calculating the time difference between two frames showing similar spray shape (0.148 ms on Figure 4-16). The frequency was found to be approximately 6800 Hz. It is interesting to note that needle lift traces showed cyclic variations in the vertical direction when full lift was achieved (Figure 4-7). Considering that the needle oscillations appear to be damped with time, it is believed that they are not caused by electrical interferences. The frequency of the needle oscillations was estimated to be 6700 Hz (20 cycles in 3 ms). Since this frequency is very close to the estimated spray oscillation frequency, it is suggested that those two effects could be related. If this is the case, the formation of fuel slugs may be associated to needle oscillations.
t 0 +0.037
t 0 +0.074
t 0 +0.111
t 0 +0.148
Figure 4-16. Close-up images obtained by high-speed video, showing the oscillation of the liquid spray. Similar spray patterns were observed every 0.148 ms and are indicated by the white arrows. Injection pressure was 160 MPa, in-cylinder pressure was 5.2 MPa, nozzle was a 0.2 mm VCO type. Times are in milliseconds relative to the first frame showed.
It must be considered that these tests were performed under non-firing conditions, and therefore any data gathered after the theoretical firing time may not be directly relevant to real engine conditions. However it offers an improved understanding of spray formation. Sprays injected into the 32 kg m -3 in cylinder density at different injection pressures showed similar dispersion trends to those reported by Naber and Siebers (1996). After an initial wide spray cone, the cone angle steadily reduced reaching a stable dispersion full cone angle of 11 (Figure 4-17). No noticeable relationship between the injection pressure and the spray dispersion angle were found.
0 -0.5
Figure 4-17. Evolution of spray full cone angle at different injection pressures. Low temperature charge; 32 kg m -3 in-cylinder density; 0.2 mm single hole VCO nozzle.
After the initial hesitation the liquid penetration profiles for low-temperature charge clearly show two distinct phases: an almost linear increase in penetration lasting between 0.6 ms (160 MPa injection) and 1.2 ms (60 MPa) with a rapid transition to a steadier penetration length (Figures 4-18 to 4-20).
0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 Time ASOI [ms]
Figure 4-18. Influence of ambient density on liquid penetration for lowtemperature charge. 160 MPa injection pressure; 0.2 VCO single hole nozzle with a 30 mm 3 fuelling. Broken line shows time at which ignition is highly probable.
0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 Time ASOI [ms]
Figure 4-19. Same as Figure 4-18 with an injection pressure of 100 MPa.
0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 Time ASOI [ms]
The effect of gas density on spray penetration profiles was found to follow the trends observed by Naber and Siebers (1996), although a comprehensive comparison cannot be made at this stage because of the more focused density range used here (14 to 49 kg m -3 , as opposed to 3.6 to 124 kg m -3 in Naber and Siebers (1996)). At in-cylinder densities between 28 and 49 kg m -3 , the ultimate spray penetration length varied between 50 and 60 mm, and was directly dependant on ambient density and injection pressure.
The spray penetration profile data were compared with the correlations proposed by Hiroyasu and Arai (1990). Unlike the sprays of Hiroyasu and Arai (1990), in the current tests, the spray breakup was observed to be almost instantaneous. The linear correlation of Hiroyasu and Arai (1990) for the breakup period was therefore not applicable in this case. Figure 4-21 illustrates the application of their logarithmic correlation used for the post breakup period described in the following relation:
Pinj Pg s=K g
Do . ( t C ) ,
where s is the spray penetration, K is an empirical constant, P inj the injection pressure, P g the ambient gas pressure, g the ambient density, D o the injector orifice diameter, t is the time after start of injection and C is a correction time delay.
P -P s = 2.20 inj g g
Do . ( t - 0 )
Pinj - Pg s = 2.20 g
D o . ( t - 0.22 )
0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 Time ASOI [ms]
Figure 4-21. Comparison between mini-sac and VCO single-hole nozzles and the correlation proposed by Hiroyasu and Arai (1990) for non-evaporating sprays (P inj = 160 10 6 Pa; P g = 6.3 10 3 Pa; g = 42 kg m -3 ; D o = 0.2 10 -3 m).
A coefficient (K) of 2.20 instead of 2.95 suggested by Hiroyasu and Arai (1990) was found to give best agreement with the experimental data, both for mini-sac and VCO type nozzles. For the single-hole VCO nozzles, the initial injection hesitation period was taken into account by the addition of a time delay C (Kennaird et al. , 2002).
The liquid penetration profiles are similar in shape as for the low-temperature charge tests, except that the liquid sprays were still viewable through the window at the lowest ambient density (Figure 4-22 and Appendix A). The 89
profiles also show a similar rapid penetration followed by fluctuations around a slowly increasing average penetration length. Unlike the low-temperature charge tests, the ambient density has a noticeable effect on the ultimate penetration length: the higher the density, the shorter the liquid penetration (from about 50 mm at 14 kg m -3 to 30 mm at 40 kg m -3 ). In addition the injection pressure and ambient density were also found to have a greater influence on the initial increase in penetration with time.
0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 Time ASOI [ms]
Figure 4-22. Influence of injection pressure on liquid penetration for hightemperature charge. 14 kg m -3 gas density; 0.2 VCO single hole nozzle with a 30 mm 3 fuelling. Broken line shows time at which ignition is highly probable.
A wide spray cone angle was also found at the very beginning of the injections, progressively reducing to a narrower mean spray full cone angle
of 10 (Figure 4-23). The occurrence of wide spray cone angles was linked to an oscillation of the sprays when the injectors needle was at a short distance from the nozzle orifice.
0 -0.5
Figure 4-23. Evolution of spray full cone angle at different injection pressures. High temperature charge; 32 kg m -3 in-cylinder density; 0.2 mm single hole VCO nozzle.
Nozzle orifice
Liquid fuel
Figure 4-24. Example of a schlieren image for an injection pressure of 100 MPa and an in-cylinder pressure of 8 MPa. Recording was performed 3.1 ms after start of injection pulse.
The following trends were observed in the videos at all test conditions. The vapour developed alongside the liquid core during the early stages of injection with the width of the vapour cloud becoming larger as the liquid penetrated into the chamber. This was believed to be a consequence of the combination of local turbulent mixing and the gradual increase in vapour concentration. When the liquid core reached its ultimate stable length, the vapour continued to penetrate into the chamber at a similar rate to the liquid spray injected into an equivalent ambient density of lower charge temperature (Figure 4-25 and Figure 4-26). The vapour cloud increased in width as it penetrated, ultimately occupying the width of the visible chamber, becoming obscured by the window holders.
50 Penetration [mm]
20 Vapour phase Liquid Phase (cold charge) Liquid phase (hot charge) Theoretical autoignition time 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
Figure 4-25. Vapour and liquid penetrations for both temperature charge conditions (160 MPa injection pressure; 28 kg m -3 in-cylinder density).
50 Penetration [mm]
20 Vapour phase Liquid phase (cold-charge) Liquid phase (hot charge) Theoretical autoignition time 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5
Figure 4-26. Vapour and liquid penetrations for both temperature charge conditions (100 MPa injection pressure; 28 kg m -3 in-cylinder density).
Tests were performed to determine the repeatability of the results obtained from the schlieren experiments (Figure 4-27). The same test was conducted four
times in a row. The average error of each measurement was 8.7% with a standard deviation below 7.5% for the entire data set.
0 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Time ASOI [ms] 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
Figure 4-27. Schlieren repeatability tests. Broken line shows limits of rig optical access (140 MPa injection pressure; 21 kg m -3 in-cylinder density).
0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Time ASOI [ms] 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
Figure 4-28. Influence of gas density on vapour penetration (160 MPa injection pressure; 0.2 VCO nozzle)
The vapour penetration linearly increased with time for all conditions tested (Figure 4-28, Appendix A). The profiles slowly diverge after 0.5 ms from the start of injection. The rate of diversion depended on the ambient density and injection pressure. Not surprisingly, the highest rate of vapour propagation was found to occur with the highest injection pressures into gas with the lowest densities. It was observed that higher injection pressures seemed to promote faster vapour propagation at the early stage of the injection (Figure 4-29).
0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Time ASOI [ms] 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
Figure 4-29. Influence of injection pressure on vapour penetration. 30 kg m -3 charge density; 0.2 VCO nozzle.
The findings of this work agree with both those by Dec (1997) and Naber and Siebers (1996), where vapour was observed to linearly penetrate across the chamber with time. It is suggested that the mechanism for the vapour transport is the gas motion induced by the liquid phase exchanging momentum from the droplets to the gas phase. Increased penetration of the vapour was observed at higher injection pressures and lower gas densities, i.e. when the liquid phase had a higher momentum. If the air motion generated by the spray is the carrier of the vapour phase, then care must be taken in applying vapour penetration results from single-hole to multi-hole scenarios (Rhim & Farrell, 2001).
The spray penetration process can be divided into two main stages: initial stage and two phase flow (Sazhin et al. , 2001a) The analysis of the initial stage of spray penetration effectively reduces to the analysis of trajectories of individual droplets. This approach is applicable in the region close to the nozzle. During the process of spray development, however, the velocity of entrained air becomes close to droplet velocity and the dynamics of the whole spray can be described in terms of the two-phase flow. Analysis of spray dynamics in terms of the two-phase flow has been performed by Savic (2000), who effectively ignored the contributions of the initial stage and the transition from the initial stage to two-phase flow. This approach was certainly acceptable as the initial stage of the analysis. More refined analysis, taking into account the contribution of the initial stage and transition period, would be expected as the next stage of model development.
Some work in this direction has been reported (Sazhin et al. , 2001a) where simple analytical models describing spray penetration and droplet breakup have
been derived. The reduction of droplet size due to breakup has been considered, but an unrealistic assumption that droplet velocity remains constant was used. The effects of reduction of droplet size during the penetration process due to effects of evaporation and breakup were ignored. These assumptions will be taken into account in the present analysis.
The effects of droplet evaporation, breakup and air entrainment on diesel fuel spray penetration have been studied theoretically at the initial stage of spray penetration when the influence of air entrainment is small (up to 0.1 - 0.2 ms ASOI). Theoretical plots of spray penetration versus time are compared with spray penetration measured experimentally using high-speed video recordings. Three models of spray penetration have been compared. In the first model, neither breakup nor air entrainment are taken into account. The breakup processes (bag and stripping) are taken into account in the second model, while in the third model both bag breakup and air entrainment processes are considered. It has been found that the agreement between the predictions of the third model with experimental measurements is better than for the first two models.
Basic equations and approximations are discussed in Section 4.4.1. In Section 4.4.2 the effect of droplet evaporation on spray penetration is briefly considered. In Sections 4.4.3 and 4.4.4 the effects of bag and stripping breakup on spray penetration will be discussed. A schematic presentation of flow and breakup regimes is discussed in Section 4.4.5. Some relevant experimental results referring to the initial stage of spray penetration will be presented and discussed in Section 4.4.6.
The initial formation of droplets from a liquid fuel jet has been discussed by a number of authors (see review by Lefebvre, 1989). The analysis of this problem is beyond the scope of this work. It is important to note, however, that for the values of parameters used in the experiments (discussed later in Section 4.4.6) 97
Reynolds number was of the order of 10 3 and Ohnesorge 1 number was of the order of 10 -1 . In this case the expected breakup regime lies between the first wind induced breakup and second wind induced breakup (Lefebvre, 1989). The contribution of jet in spray penetration process can be ignored as a first approximation in both cases. The initial sizes of droplets will be assumed equal to the nozzle diameter (Sazhin et al. , 2001a).
At the initial stage of spray penetration the analysis can be focused on the equation describing the dynamics of an individual droplet (Feng, 2001):
g ds d 2s 3 ds CD vg vg , = 2 8rd d dt dt dt (4-4)
where s is the distance measured from the nozzle, C D is the drag coefficient, which depends on the Reynolds number Re = 2g v d -vg r g , g and d are the gas and droplet density respectively, r is the droplet's radius, v d = gas velocity and t is time.
ds dt
, v g is the
When deriving Equation (4-4) it was assumed that the droplet is a perfect sphere. The solution of this equation requires the knowledge of C D and v g . A number of approximations for C D has been suggested (Wallis, 1969; Morsi & Alexander, 1972; Yanenko et al. , 1980; Panton, 1996; Borman & Ragland, 1998). Expressions for C D suggested by these authors can be used for numerical analysis of Equation (4-4), but they are not suitable for analytical estimates, which are sometimes convenient in engineering applications. A much simpler approximation was suggested by Douglas et al. (1995), where three ranges of Reynolds numbers were considered: Re 2 (Stokes flow), 2 < Re 500 (Allen flow) and 500 < Re 10 5 (Newton flow). The functions C D (Re) for these flows are given by the following expressions:
C D = 24 Re
C D = 18.5 Re0.6 (Allen flow) and C D = 0.44 (Newton flow). These expressions do not take into account the effects of droplet acceleration, internal circulation, burning, non-spherical shape and vibrations and heating processes. They cannot be applied when the Mach number is close to or greater than 1 (Levich, 1962;
Yanenko et al. , 1980; Borman & Ragland, 1998). The condition Re < 10 5 is always satisfied for droplet motion in diesel engines.
The drag force acting on the droplets leads not only to deceleration of droplets but also to momentum transfer from droplets to the gas entrained into the spray. The latter process has been discussed by Ghosh and Hunt (1994), who derived the following equation for gas velocity in the spray zone: 3 rs2 d d 2 rg2 vg = CD vd vg ds 8rd
where r g and r s are radii of the gas/air jet and the spray itself respectively at a certain position s, d is the volume fraction of droplets in the spray. r g is usually slightly larger than r s , but as a first approximation it will be assumed that they both are equal to s tan , being the half angle of the spray cone.
It is assumed that v g is so small compared with v d that its contribution in the right hand side of Equation (4-4) can be ignored altogether. Remembering the definitions of C D for the three types of flow, Equation (4-4) can be simplified to:
d 2s 9 g ds = 2 d r 2 dt dt 2
(Stokes flow)
4.577 g g ds d 2s = 2 dt d r1.6 dt
0.6 0.4
(Allen flow)
0.165g ds d 2s = 2 d r dt dt
(Newton flow)
Assuming that r is constant (no evaporation and breakup) the solutions of Equations (4-6) - (4-8) can be easily found (Sazhin et al. , 2001a). The effect of air entrainment can be considered as the perturbation to the solutions of Equations (4-6) - (4-8) (Sazhin et al. , 2001a):
s =
4 vd 0 t 5 2 15
(4-9) (4-10)
9 s = 0.373 v 0.0 t 5 2 d
s = 0.533 v3 02 t 5 2 d
(Newton flow)
where v d0 is the initial droplet velocity, 9 v g g 4.577 v0.6g 0.165g 3rs2 d g 2 , = . = CD vd 0 , = 2 , = 1.6 rdd 8rd rg 0 rd d 2rd d In what follows the solutions of Equations (4-6) - (4-8) will be generalised taking into account the effects of evaporation and droplet breakup.
where L is the specific heat of evaporation, h is the convective heat transfer coefficient, T g is the gas temperature, and T s is the temperature of the droplet's surface. Considering that, for a sphere, dm = d 4r 2 dr = d 2r dr 2 , the time evolution of the droplet's radius in the isothermal approximation can be described by the following equation:
Nu k g Tg Ts dr 2 = = r02 , dt Ld
with r0 = r ( 0 )
where Nu is the Nusselt number, k g is the gas thermal conductivity, d is the density of the droplet.
A number of other expressions for Nu have been discussed by Yanenko (1980) and Feng and Michaelides (2001). The simplest and the most widely used approximation for this parameter is the following:
Nu = 2 + 0.6 Re1 2 Pr1 3
In the case when Re is small Nu = 2 and Equation (4-13) can be integrated to give (Sazhin et al. , 2001b):
r = r0 1 t = r0 1 2 k g Tg Ts Ld r02
Several droplet breakup models have been suggested (Lefebvre, 1989; Shraiber
et al. , 1996; Chigier & Reitz, 1998; Lin, 1998; Borman & Ragland, 1998). One
of the most popular models is based on the comparison between the proper frequency of droplet oscillations and the frequency of turbulent pulsation in the surrounding gas. This allows the determination of the maximal stable droplet diameter. The predictions of this model are in good agreement with some experimental observations (Sevik & Park, 1973). In the present case, however, the driving force of droplet breakup is not the external turbulence, but the kinetic energy of the droplets themselves. In this case a different approach would seem to be more appropriate. As in Sazhin et al. (2001a), this study will be based on the model developed by Reitz and Diwakar (1986, 1987) which is particularly attractive for analytical and numerical analysis and is widely used in CFD codes. In this model two droplet breakup regimes are identified. These are bag breakup when:
2 g v d r
> 6,
The first regime is an analogue of the Rayleigh Taylor instability accompanied by the development of normal stresses. The second regime is an analogue of the Kelvin Helmholtz instability accompanied by the development of tangential stresses. The breakup processes described by Equations (4-15) and (4-16) can take place simultaneously. In this case the dominant process will be determined by the shortest lifetime as described below. Sometimes a more stringent criterion for the stripping instability (Z > 0.7) has been used (Borman & Ragland, 1998). The modification of this analysis to meet this criterion would be straightforward. It is important not to confuse the parameter Z with the Ohnesorge number Oh (Borman & Ragland, 1998).
The lifetimes of unstable droplets were estimated using the following formulae (Reitz & Diwakar, 1987):
r3 tb = D d 2
(bag breakup)
ts = C
r vd
d g
(stripping breakup)
As a first approximation the creation of droplets of different radii during the breakup process was not taken into account. The radii of unstable droplets are allowed to change continuously following the equation:
r rdb (s ) dr , = dt t b (s )
where t b and t s are defined by Equations (4-17) and (4-18) respectively, r db(s) are marginally stable radii determined by the conditions We = 6 and Z = 0.5 respectively. This approximation is justified by the fact that the contribution of smaller droplets generated during the breakup is relatively small and can be ignored. Combined solutions of Equation (4-19) and Equations (4-6), (4-7) or (4-8) for spray penetration for Stokes, Allen and Newton regimes respectively will be investigated for the bag and stripping breakup regimes.
s = vd0
1 (1 t ) e ae +
+ )
where v d0 is the initial velocity of the droplet. The life time of evaporating droplets is t ev = 1 . During this time the value of s reaches its maximum:
s max = vd0 ( a e + ) .
In the limit of slow evaporation ( 0), Equation (4-22) can be simplified to (see Equation (3) in Sazhin et al. , 2001a): 2 vd0 ae = vd0 1 1 + a e t 1 2 t 2 a e + = vd0 1 e a e t s 1 (1 t ) 2 ae ae 2 ae (4-23)
The range of validity of Equations (4-22) and (4-23) is defined by the condition: Re = 2g vd0 r0 (1 t ) g
( 2a e + )
If condition (4-24) is valid at t = 0 it will remain valid at all t > 0. No simple expressions for spray velocity and spray penetration have been obtained in the case of Allen and Newton flows due to dependence of on Re.
Having substituted Equation (4-17) into Equation (4-19) the following equation is obtained:
r rdb dr , = dt a b r3 2
where a b = D d
3 where a rb = 3 2a b r0 2 .
When r approaches r db , the term proportional to r db in Equation (4-26) can be considered as a perturbation. In this case the solution of Equation (4-26) will be in the form: r = r + r , where r is defined by Equation (4-28). (4-29)
The combination of Equations (4-26), (4-28) and (4-29) gives: rdb dr 1 = r + , 32 32 dt 2a b r0 (1 a rb t ) a b r0 (1 a rb t ) (4-30)
where r db (t) is defined by Equation (4-25). The solution to Equation (4-30) is: r = 2rdb 1 (1 a rb t )
3 1 2a b a rb r0 2
The fact that r (t = 0) = 0 was taken into account. The time limit is determined by the conditions r
r db and t < a rb1 . Equation (4-31) contains the unknown
function r db (t) which depends on droplet velocity and cannot be explicitly calculated. In the limiting case, when r r db , dr dvd 0 . r = const at r < r db . In this case the solution of Equations (4-6) - (4-8) reduces to the ones considered by Sazhin et al. (2001a).
The solution of Equation (4-26) was investigated by Sazhin et al. (2001a) under the assumption that the velocity of droplets is constant. In this section this assumption will be relaxed but the restriction r 104 r db will be imposed. The
values of the velocity of droplets will be found using Equation (4-28). The solution to the corresponding equations for Stokes, Allen and Newton flows will be presented in the following subsections.
where a e is the same as in Equation (4-20). Integration of Equation (4-32) gives: ds = vd0 e dt
s = vd0
1 a vb 1 (1 a t )1 3 rb
a 3 a vb vb e a rb
a vb
a vb 1 E1 ( a vb ) E1 + (1 a t )1 3 2 rb
1 a t (1 a rb t ) 1a t e ( rb ) 3 rb + 2 a vb 2a vb
(1 a rb t )1 3 ea
2a vb
1 1 1 3 + 2 a vb 2a vb 2a vb (4-34)
where: E1 ( z ) =
e t dt ; t
a vb =
3a e a rb
The conditions for the validity of these equations can be presented as:
r0 (1 a rb t )
6 e 2 g vd0
1 2a vb 1 (1a t )1 3 rb
(Condition r
r db )
r0 (1 a rb t )
g vd0
1 a vb 1 (1a t )1 3 rb
r db : (4-37)
where b e =
vd =
vd0 vd0 ds = = 2.5 2.5 dt 1 1 1.6 0.4 1 1.5 0.4 1 + 4be r0 vd0 a b 0.1 0.1 1 + 4be r0 vd0 a b 1 r0 (1 a t )1 15 r rb (4-38)
The conditions for the validity of these equations can be presented as:
r0 (1 a rb t )
r0 (1 a rb t )
< (4-40)
where ce =
0.165g d r0
1 s= ce where =
13 (1 a t )2 3 1 (1 a t )1 3 1 1 (1 a rb t ) 1 rb rb + + 2 ln 1 2
3ce v d 0 . a rb + 3ce vd 0
In the limit of small a rb (no breakup), Equation (4-43) reduces to Equation (5) of Sazhin et al. (2001a). The conditions for the validity of these equations can be presented as: r0 (1 a rb t )
6 2 g vd0
(4-44) r db )
r0 (1 a rb t )
where bs =
2 . 2g g
Having substituted Equations (4-18) and (4-46) into Equation (4-19) the following equation is obtained:
dr = dt
rvd cs r
bs 2 vd
Assuming that r dr v = d dt cs
The contribution of the term proportional to b s can be studied similarly to Section 4.4.3. In contrast to the case of bag breakup this equation cannot be solved unless the time dependence of v d is known. The values of the velocity of droplets will be found from Equation (4-48) and the solution of the corresponding equations for Stokes, Allen and Newton flows in the following subsections.
Division of Equation (4-6) by Equation (4-48) taken for r dvd r2 = a ecs 02 dr r This equation can be integrated to give:
1 1 vd = vd0 + a e cs r02 r0 r
r ds gives: (4-49)
Having substituted Equation (4-50) into Equation (4-48) and integrating the latter equation:
t= r0 r s s s r0 , + 2 ln s s s r s
where s =
vd 0 + a e r0 ; cs
s = a e r02
The combination of Equations (4-50) and (4-51) gives an implicit expression for droplet velocity. On the other hand the integration of Equation (4-48) gives:
r = r0
s cs
The combination of Equations (4-51) and (4-52) gives an implicit expression for droplet penetration. The range of applicability of these equations can be determined in a similar manner to the case of bag breakup, although explicit expressions for droplet velocity have not been obtained.
The combination of Equations (4-7) and (4-48) taken for r b r1.6 c 1 1 vd = vd0 1 e 0 s 0.6 0.6 0.6 vd0 r r0
r ds gives:
r ds gives:
1.6 be r0 cs 1 1 1 0.6 0.6 0.6 vd0 r r0 53
Equations (4-52), (4-53) and (4-54) give an implicit expression for droplet velocities and penetration. The range of applicability of these equations can be determined similarly to the case of the bag breakup.
r ds gives:
v r = r0 d v d0
1 c e c s r0
Having substituted Equation (4-56) into Equation (4-8) the following expression is obtained:
dvd 2c c r 1 = ce v1 cecs rd 0 v( e s d 0 ) d0 d dt
ce cs rd 0
When deriving Equation (4-59) the fact that the condition (2cecs rd 0 1) cecs rd 0 =1 is satisfied when rd 0 = 1 cecs was taken into account. Integration of Equations (4-58) and (4-59) gives:
1 ( c c r 1) e s d0 1 s = rd0 cs 1 1 + c v 1 1 t e d0 ce cs rd0
1 1 e ce vd 0 t ce
Equation (4-60) is valid when rd 0 1 cecs . Otherwise, Equation (4-61) needs to be used.
characteristic times for droplet evaporation, and bag and stripping instabilities will be compared for typical values of fuel droplets and gas parameters in diesel engines.
The applicability of approximations of Stokes, Allen and Newton flows is determined by the values of Re. Let Re i be the threshold values between flow types. Between Stokes and Allen flows Re 1 = 2, Allen and Newton flows Re 2 = 500 and for the upper limit of the Newton flow Re 3 = 10 5 . The boundaries between these flows are determined by the equation: vd = g 2r Rei (4-62)
Taking the decimal logarithm of both sides of Equation (4-62), it can be rewritten as: log v d = a fi log r , where a fi = log g Rei 2 , both v d and r are dimensional (in SI units). (4-63)
In a similar way, from Equations (4-25) and (4-46) the thresholds for bag and stripping breakups can be presented as: 1 log v d = a th b log r 2 1 log vd = a th s log r 3 where a th b 6 = log , g a th s 2 1 = log 2 . 3 2g g (4-64)
Using the same values of parameters for sprays as in Sazhin et al. (2001a) it is assumed that g = 19.7 kg m -3 , g = 3.310 -6 m 2 s -1 , = 21.810 -3 N m -1 and obtained: a f1 = -5.48; a f2 = -3.08; a f3 = -0.78; a th
= -1.09; a th
= -0.24. Since
the dependence of these parameters on g , g and is rather weak, these values can be considered as typical for practical applications.
The plots of log v d versus -log r for these values of parameters are presented in Figure 4-30. Since all plots on this diagram are straight lines, they can be easily adjusted to any other combination of input parameters. Typical droplet radii in sprays are greater than 10 -6 m and their velocities are greater than 1 m s -1 . In this case, as follows from this diagram, the Stokes flow approximation is generally not applicable to the analysis of sprays in engines. At r > 10 -5 m the threshold velocities for the stripping breakup are higher than for the bag breakup. The opposite takes place for r < 10 -5 m. The range of applicability of the conditions r r db and r r ds can be checked by showing that the point on
the diagram corresponding to v d and r under consideration is not close to the threshold lines for bag and stripping instabilities.
10 3
r [mm] 0.01
0.00001 1000
Newton flow
1 log vd
10 vd [m s ]
Allen flow
Stokes flow Stokes - Allen Allen - Newton Newton limit Stripping breakup Bag breakup -1 0 1 2 -log r 3 4 5
Figure 4-30. Threshold values of droplets velocities and droplet radii corresponding to transition from Stokes to Allen flow; Allen to Newton flow and the threshold value of applicability of the Newton flow approximation. Threshold values of droplets velocities versus droplet radii corresponding to the development of stripping breakup and bag breakup.
Other parameters which need to be taken into account when deciding the applicability of the approximations discussed in the previous sections are the lifetimes of unstable droplets (t b and t s ), defined by Equations (4-17) and
(4-18), and the evaporation time t ev = 1 . From Equations (4-17), (4-18) and (4-14) the following expressions are obtained: 3 log t b = b th b + log r 2 log t s = b th s + log r log t ev = b th (ev ) + 2 log r where b th b = log D d , 2
C b th s = log vd d g ,
Ld b th ( ev ) = log 2k g Tg Ts
all parameters are in SI units (t and r are dimensional). Taking the same numerical values of parameters as before, and d = 830 kg m -3 , v d = 190 m s -1 , L = 2.510 5 J kg -1 , k g = 0.061 W m -1 K -1 , T s = 315 K and
T g = 720 K, the following numerical values are obtained: b th b = 2.637, b th s = -0.353, b th (ev) = 6.662. Plots of log t i versus log r are shown in Figure 4-31, where t i = t b , t s or t ev . As follows from this figure, for r < 0.01 m t ev is smaller than t b and t s . This means that the evaporation is the dominant process for these radii and the contribution of droplet breakup can be ignored. For r > 1 m t s is smaller than t b and t ev . This means that for droplets with these radii the dominant process which needs to be accounted for is stripping breakup. Plots similar to those shown in Figure 4-31 can be presented for other values of parameters (e.g. temperatures of gas and droplets and droplet velocities).
10 5
r [mm] 0.01
0.00001 100000
1 log ti
-7 -1 0 1 2 -log r 3 4 5
Figure 4-31. Plots of t ev , t b and t s versus -log r for the same values of parameters as in Figure 4-30.
Time [ms]
in Table 4-2. This choice of d provided the best agreement between experimental results and theoretical plots.
All the plots are presented in the range of validity of the models: r
r db(s)
(approximated as 0.3r r db(s) ) and t < a 1( s ) . As follows from estimates, the rb range of validity of the stripping breakup model (about 0.05 - 0.1 ms) is noticeably narrower than that of the bag breakup model (about 0.25 ms). Hence the plots are presented in two time ranges: 0 - 0.1 ms and 0 - 0.3 ms. Since the bag breakup model has a wider range of validity, the effect of air entrainment will be investigated for this model.
Magnified view
10 9 4 8 1 7 6 5 2 4 3 2 1 0 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.10 Time [ms] 10 9 8 7 25 25 Spray penetration [mm] 20 15 10 5 0 0.00
4 3
g = 56 kg m
20 15 10 5 0 0.00
4 3
g = 49 kg m
6 2 5 4 3 2 1 0 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.10 Time [ms]
Figure 4-32. Comparison between measured spray penetration lengths (circles) and predicted spray penetration lengths for no breakup and air entrainment (curves 1); stripping breakup process only (curves 2); bag breakup process only (curves 3); bag breakup and entrainment processes (curves 4).
Magnified view
10 4 9 1 8 7 6 2 5 4 3 2 1 0 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.10 Time [ms] 10 9 8 7 25 25
1 3
g = 37 kg m
4 2
4 3
20 15 10
g = 25 kg m
6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.10 Time [ms]
5 0 0.00
Figure 4-33. Comparison between measured spray penetration lengths (circles) and predicted spray penetration lengths for no breakup and air entrainment (curves 1); stripping breakup process only (curves 2); bag breakup process only (curves 3); bag breakup and entrainment processes (curves 4).
Magnified view
10 9 4 8 1 7 6 2 5 4 3 2 1 0 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.10 Time [ms] 10 9 8 4 7 6 1 5 2 4 3 2 1 0 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.10 Time [ms] 25 Spray penetration [mm] 20 15 10 5 0 0.00 25 Spray penetration [mm] 20
g = 37 kg m
15 10 5 0 0.00
PInj = 60 MPa
g = 37 kg m
4 3
Figure 4-34. Comparison between measured spray penetration lengths (circles) and predicted spray penetration lengths for no breakup and air entrainment (curves 1); stripping breakup process only (curves 2); bag breakup process only (curves 3); bag breakup and entrainment processes (curves 4).
As can be seen from Figures 4-32 to 4-34, in all cases presented the simplest model (no breakup and air entrainment, curves 1) clearly underestimates the observed spray penetration lengths. Taking into account the effects of breakup alone increases the deviation between the theoretical curves and experimental points even further (curves 2 and 3). Good agreement between theoretical and experimental plots is achieved only when both effects of breakup and air entrainment are accounted for (curves 4). Even in this case, however, the model is not valid at times greater than about 0.1 - 0.2 ms. At greater times the two phase flow approximation needs to be used (Sazhin et al. , 2001a).
applicable for both the mini-sac and VCO nozzles. The VCO required an additional time offset constant to counteract the initial hesitation period. It was observed that the leading edge of the vapour phase penetrated at a similar rate to the liquid core until the liquid core had reached its ultimate length. After this time the vapour phase penetrated deeper into the chamber due to earlier liquid/air momentum transfer. The vapour penetration profiles were shown to depend on both injection pressure and in-cylinder density. It was suggested that the mechanism for the vapour transport is the gas motion induced by the liquid phase transfering momentum from the droplets to the gas phase. Increased penetration of the vapour was observed at higher injection pressures and lower gas densities, i.e. when the liquid phase had a higher momentum. The effects of droplet evaporation, breakup and air entrainment on spray penetration have been studied theoretically in three regimes: Stokes, Allen and Newton flows. Theoretical plots have been compared with spray penetration measured experimentally. It has been shown that the agreement between the predictions of the model that included bag breakup and air entrainment processes was reasonably good. All models are expected to be valid for 0.1 - 0.2 ms after start of injection.
Experimental apparatus and procedure are discussed in Section 5.3. The main results of the measurements are presented in Section 5.4. The conclusions drawn from the work presented in this chapter are summarised in Section 5.5.
5.2. Background
The most widely reported correlation relating the ignition delay to the ambient gas condition is given by the relation (Aligrot et al. , 1997): = A Pg n e
B Tg
where is the ignition delay, P g and T g are the ambient gas mean pressure and temperature before autoignition takes place, A, B and n are experimental constants. This relationship reflects the widely accepted view that the
autoignition delay decreases as the in-cylinder pressure P g or the in-cylinder temperature T g increase. Although many experimentalists successfully correlated their data with Equation (5-1), the values reported for the coefficients A, B and n have varied by several orders of magnitude. Aligrot et al. (1997) suggested that this was caused by the differences in experimental apparatus and fuels tested, and offered more general expressions for the coefficients in Equation (5-1) by taking into account the cetane number (CN), the gas kinematic viscosity ( g ) and the paraffin content (c paraf ) of fuels: A=e
a CN + b c paraf + c
B = f CN + g c paraf + h ,
n = d g + e ,
where a, b, c, d, e, f, g and h are empirical coefficients. In experiments with a divided chamber diesel system (Astarita et al. , 1999), the boiling point of the fuel was found to have no effect on the ignition delay.
There seems to be some disagreement regarding the effects of fuel injection pressure on the ignition delay. This might be related to the difficulty of altering the injection pressure without affecting the delivered fuel quantity and fuel flow rate. Some researchers simply altered the nozzle hole diameters to induce a change in injection pressure (Pischinger et al. , 1988), others simultaneously altered the nozzle hole diameters and the number of holes to preserve fuel flow rate (Kobori et al. , 2000), or adjusted the injection pump duty cycle (Desantes
et al. , 1999), while others simultaneously varied the nozzle hole diameter and
injection pressure to maintain fuel flow rate (Bruneaux et al. 1999) . For example, Desantes et al. (1999) have suggested Equation (5-1) to be generalised as: = A Pg n e
B Tg
Pinjm ,
where P inj is the injection pressure, m is an experimental constant. At the same time Bruneaux et al. (1999) did not observe any noticeable influence of the injection pressure on , even though they and Desantes et al. (1999) used a common rail injection system over a similar injection pressure range. In contrast to Desantes et al. (1999), Bruneaux et al. (1999) kept the injected fuel 121
mass flow rate constant by altering the injector nozzle hole diameter and the injection pressure simultaneously. Hence, it can be expected that for a given nozzle hole diameter, an increase in injection pressure induces a rise in fuel mass flow rate, which in turn may affect the ignition delay. Indeed, if the engine is under conditions typical of a cold start, the heat lost by the charge through spray evaporation usually exceeds the heat gained from the engines cool walls, resulting in a flame extinction effect and extended ignition delay (Pischinger et al. , 1988). Once the engines walls reach temperatures in excess of 800 K, ignition delays seem to be unaffected by increases in injected fuel quantities (Miwa et al. , 1988), suggesting that the wall temperature compensates for heat losses caused by fuel evaporation.
Edwards et al. (1992) used high-speed video recording to study the autoignition location of diesel sprays. They observed that ignition occurred simultaneously at multiple sites near the injectors nozzle. Their study was realised using a constant-volume vessel with an ambient pressure of 3 MPa and a temperature of 980 K. The injection pressure was of 17 MPa. Bruneaux et al. (1999) found that as the injection pressure was increased from 46 to 150 MPa, the autoignition sites were located further away from the nozzle. The ambient pressure was 6 MPa and the temperatures 940 K.
In order to assess the time delay between the actual start of the injection and the start of the video recording, a light-emitting diode (LED) was linked to the injector pulse signal and positioned within the field of view of one of the cameras. It was found that the start of the video recordings and the start of the injection pulse (as represented by the LED) matched. It is therefore concluded that these two events have been separated by less than 0.04 ms (exposure time for 1 frame), and can be assumed coincident. The times at which the first fuel droplets were seen leaving the nozzle were measured to be 0.45 ms, 0.39 ms and 0.37 ms after the start of the recording for injection pressures of 100 MPa, 140 MPa and 160 MPa, respectively. The data presented here have been adjusted to compensate for this delay.
Combustion chamber
speed Acquisition System for Engines (CHASE) while the boost pressure was varied. The acquisition sampling rate was between 0.1 CA and 1 CA, depending on the number of recorded channels. The timing uncertainty was therefore between 0.033 ms and 0.33 ms, resulting in errors from 0.83% to 8.3% for timing of pressure data. Since the in-cylinder pressure transducer was located at the periphery of the combustion chamber, the time taken by the combustion pressure wave to propagate from the flame location to the pressure sensor had to be taken into account. Assuming that the flame initiates at the centre of the combustion chamber (i.e. 25 mm away from the pressure sensor) and an average in-cylinder temperature equal to 720 K, the recorded pressures are expected to have an average time lag of 0.05 ms (i.e. 0.15 CA). The pressure history data have been corrected accordingly. Since the initiation of the flame does not always occur at the exact centre of the combustion chamber, the temporal error in calculating the overall time delay caused by the preceding assumption was estimated to be not greater than 1.5%.
The start of combustion pressure rise was defined as the last data point of a pressure trace coinciding within 1% with the corresponding curve for non-fired cycle. A software package was built using Visual Basic in order to automate this task. The validity of all the results was inspected visually.
In order to assess the agreement between both techniques, pressure measurements and video recordings were performed simultaneously. The combustion pressure rise was observed after the first traces of luminosity were measured (Figure 5-2). The difference between these two events reduced as the in-cylinder pressure was increased. This agrees with the observations made for conditions representative of a DI diesel at low to high loads (Higgins et al. , 2000). Although the ignition delays as measured by the two techniques do not give the same absolute ignition delays, they follow comparable trends.
Figure 5-2. Comparison between autoignition delays detected by in-cylinder pressure rise, by flame luminosity (100 MPa injection pressure, 720 K incylinder temperature). Times are relative to start of injection (when droplets are first seen leaving the nozzle). The injector nozzle shuts at 3.1 ms.
0 mm
80 Figure 5-3. Schlieren imaging of vapour phase (dark) and autoignition (bright), recorded 2.4 ms ASOI (160 MPa injection pressure, 9 MPa in-cylinder pressure, 720 K in-cylinder temperature). Distances are relative to the injector nozzle (represented by a black circle). For clarity, white broken line highlights visible limits of vapour region. Liquid spray penetration for similar conditions is 35 mm (see Chapter 4).
Three series of images from high-speed video recordings showing the development of the ignition process are shown in Figure 5-4, Figure 5-5, and Figure 5-6 for injection pressures of 100 MPa, 140 MPa and 160 MPa, respectively. It can be seen that in many instances ignition occurred simultaneously at multiple sites. Ignition sites merged in less than 0.15 ms and formed a flame at the tip of the liquid phase for the duration of the injection.
For an injection pressure of 140 MPa (Figure 5-5), it can be observed that at the lowest in-cylinder pressures the flame has a spatially uniform appearance, indicating a high level of mixing. At higher in-cylinder pressures, the ignition sites and the boundaries of the subsequent flame are markedly more delimited. This suggests that under elevated in-cylinder pressures the mixing process gets increasingly difficult. This leads to a slower flame development and propagation. It is interesting to note that for a similar in-cylinder pressure range, all flames obtained with an injection pressure of 100 MPa appear noticeably delimited (Figure 5-4), whereas for 160 MPa all flames exhibit a uniform appearance (Figure 5-6). It is therefore believed that the difference in pressure P between the fuel and the ambient gas, rather than the in-cylinder pressure P g alone, affects the mixing quality.
ICP = 8.6
2.74 ms
ICP = 7.5
2.33 ms
ICP = 6.7
Figure 5-4. Pseudo-3D recordings of autoignitions of sprays injected at 100 MPa for a range of in-cylinder pressures. The first pair of frames for each of the 5 series corresponds to the autoignition time. Times are relative to the start of the injection.
2.62 ms 2.66 ms 2.70 ms 3.03 ms 3.07 ms 3.11 ms 3.11 ms 3.14 ms 3.18 ms
2.59 ms
ICP = 5.8
2.99 ms
ICP = 5.5
3.07 ms
ICP = 9.0
2.50 ms
ICP = 8.2
2.17 ms
Figure 5-5. Pseudo-3D recordings of autoignitions of sprays injected at 140 MPa for a range of in-cylinder pressures. The first pair of frames for each of the 5 series corresponds to the autoignition time. Times are relative to the start of the injection.
2.61 ms 2.65 ms 2.68 ms 2.72 ms 2.76 ms 2.80 ms 3.05 ms 3.09 ms 3.13 ms 3.17 ms 3.20 ms 3.24 ms
ICP = 6.2
P = 133.8 2.83 ms
2.57 ms
ICP = 5.0
P = 135.0 3.28 ms
3.02 ms
ICP = 9.1
2.26 ms
ICP = 7.9
2.04 ms
ICP = 6.9
Figure 5-6. Pseudo-3D recordings of autoignitions of sprays injected at 160 MPa for a range of in-cylinder pressures. The first pair of frames for each of the 5 series corresponds to the autoignition time. Times are relative to the start of the injection.
1.82 ms 1.85 ms 1.89 ms 1.93 ms 1.96 ms 2.00 ms 2.07 ms 2.11 ms 2.15 ms 2.19 ms 2.22 ms 2.26 ms 2.41 ms 2.44 ms 2.48 ms 2.52 ms 2.56 ms 2.59 ms
P = 153.1 2.04 ms
1.78 ms
ICP = 6.2
P = 153.8 2.30 ms
2.04 ms
ICP = 5.6
P = 154.4 2.63 ms
2.37 ms
For all the conditions tested, the flames were observed to propagate strictly downstream for the duration of the injection. Only after the injection had stopped, were flames observed to propagate towards the nozzle.
Figure 5-7. Comparison between autoignition delays detected by in-cylinder pressure rise, by flame luminosity (100 MPa injection pressure, 720 K incylinder temperature), and predicted by Equation (5-1) (coefficients A = 0.095; B = 8300 K; n = 0.980). Times are relative to start of injection (when droplets are first seen leaving the nozzle). The injector nozzle shuts at 3.1 ms.
Although the latter relation could successfully be used to model the autoignition data at pressures up to 7 MPa, it no longer correlates reliably with the ignition delay when the ambient pressure exceeds this value. Indeed, as the
in-cylinder pressure was increased beyond 7 MPa the autoignition delays were found to increase rapidly. This effect can be clearly observed in Figures 5-8, 5-9 and 5-10 for injection pressures of 100 MPa, 140 MPa and 160 MPa, respectively. This autoignition delay reversal was observed both for pressure measurements and video recordings, and for all injection pressures tested.
3.18 ms 3.14 ms 3.11 ms 3.07 ms 3.03 ms 2.99 ms 2.96 ms 2.92 ms 2.88 ms 2.85 ms 2.81 ms 2.77 ms 2.74 ms 2.70 ms 2.66 ms 2.62 ms 2.59 ms 2.55 ms 2.51 ms 2.48 ms 2.44 ms 2.40 ms 2.36 ms 2.33 ms 5.5 MPa 5.8 MPa 6.7 MPa 7.5 MPa 8.6 MPa
Figure 5-8. High-speed video recordings of autoignitions of sprays injected at 100 MPa for a range of in-cylinder pressures. Times are relative to the start of the injection, in-cylinder pressures were measured at the autoignition times.
3.13 ms 3.09 ms 3.05 ms 3.02 ms 2.98 ms 2.94 ms 2.91 ms 2.87 ms 2.83 ms 2.80 ms 2.76 ms 2.72 ms 2.68 ms 2.65 ms 2.61 ms 2.57 ms 2.54 ms 2.50 ms 2.46 ms 2.42 ms 2.39 ms 2.35 ms 2.31 ms 2.28 ms 2.24 ms 2.20 ms 5.0 MPa 6.2 MPa 8.2 MPa 9.0 MPa
Figure 5-9. Same as Figure 5-8 for a 140 MPa injection pressure.
2.63 ms 2.59 ms 2.56 ms 2.52 ms 2.48 ms 2.44 ms 2.41 ms 2.37 ms 2.33 ms 2.30 ms 2.26 ms 2.22 ms 2.19 ms 2.15 ms 2.11 ms 2.07 ms 2.04 ms 2.00 ms 1.96 ms 1.93 ms 1.89 ms 1.85 ms 1.82 ms 1.78 ms 5.6 MPa 6.2 MPa 6.9 MPa 7.9 MPa 9.1 MPa
Figure 5-10. High-speed video recordings of autoignitions of sprays injected at 160 MPa for a range of in-cylinder pressures. Times are relative to the start of the injection, in-cylinder pressures were measured at the autoignition times.
The ignition delay measured is effectively a sum of physical and chemical delays. The physical delay is the time required for droplets to penetrate into the surrounding gas, breakup and evaporate. The chemical delay is controlled by the time required for the chemical reactions to develop. Rigorous mathematical description of all these processes is based on a highly non-linear system of coupled differential equations and is not feasible at the moment. In what follows an attempt will be made to provide a qualitative analysis of these processes and relate their current understanding to the experimental results. Spray penetration
Apart from the immediate vicinity of the nozzle, spray dynamics can be described as a two-phase flow (Sazhin et al. , 2001a; Pozorski et al. , 2002). Equations for mass and momentum conservation for sprays lead to the following equation for spray penetration (Sazhin et al. , 2001a):
( g
v ini D o t f
)1 4
where v ini is the initial velocity of spray, D o is the diameter of the nozzle orifice, g and f are gas and liquid fuel droplet densities respectively, is the half spray cone angle. When deriving Equation (5-3), it was assumed that is constant and the effects of turbulent dispersion of sprays were ignored (these effects were considered in (Pozorski et al. , 2002). is controlled mainly by the injector geometry (Lefebvre, 1989) and can be assumed constant in the analysis. As follows from Equation (5-3):
s v ini 2 P = 2 Cd f
C d is the discharge coefficient, P is the pressure difference at the nozzle (injection pressure air pressure). This is consistent with the observation that autoignition delay decreases with increasing P. The same Equation (5-3)
predicts that s g 1 4 . Since g Pg for a fixed gas temperature Tg , it can be
expected that the delay due to penetration should increase with increasing P g . This is observed at P g > 7 MPa, but not at P g < 7 MPa.
There are no self-consistent models capable of describing all the complexities of the droplet breakup process (see discussion in Shraiber et al. , 1996). For practical purposes, however, simplified models can be used. Following Reitz and Diwakar (Reitz & Diwakar, 1986, 1987) it is assumed that two mechanisms control droplet breakup. These are bag breakup which takes place when: We g v d rd >6 (5-4)
where We and Re are the droplet Weber and Reynolds numbers respectively, is the surface tension, v d and r d are droplet velocity and radius respectively. The minimal stable radii predicted by Equations (5-4) and (5-5) are defined as: rmin (bag) = 6 g vd (5-6)
rmin (strip)
0.5 2 = , g vd g
where g is the gas dynamic viscosity. Assuming that g does not depend on pressure (see Fig 1.3.1 (Bird et al. , 2002)) it can be seen that both Equations
(5-6) and (5-7) predict that rmin g 1 . This means that the increased in-cylinder
pressure, leading to increased g will result in smaller r min and smaller delay times (due to the increase of the surface area of the droplets). This is consistent with the observations at in-cylinder pressures below 7 MPa but not for pressures higher than 7 MPa.
The evaporation flux from a droplets surface is given by the following expression (Kuo, 1986): G F = s Ds ln(1 + B) , rd (5-8)
where s is the droplet fuel vapour density at the surface of droplets, D s is the diffusion coefficient of fuel vapour near the droplet surface, B is the Spalding number, B = (YFs YF ) (1 YFs ) , Y Fs and Y F are the mass fractions of fuel in the vicinity of droplets and in the ambient gas (it can be assumed that Y F = 0). Remembering that D s is inversely proportional to pressure (see Bird et al. , 2002, page 523) it can be expected that G F Pg 1 and the ignition delay due to this effect should increase with increasing P g . This is consistent with observations at P g > 7 MPa but not at P g < 7 MPa. Note that when Y Fs is close to unity, a droplet can approach the critical state, and the analysis of this condition would require a different approach (Arias-Zugasti et al. , 1999).
From schlieren high-speed videos of the spray vapour phase, it was observed that in-cylinder density has a noticeable effect on vapour dispersion (Kennaird
et al. , 2002). The vapour phase expands slower as in-cylinder density is
increased (Figure 4-28). At very low ambient densities the vapour will visibly propagate at high velocities, resulting in a large dispersion but of low vaporised-fuel concentration and therefore low probability of autoignition. As density is increased, the vapour phase expands slower and consequently agglomerates into a region where conditions for autoignition are more likely to be found. From this reasoning, it is supposed that if in-cylinder density is increased even further, the diesel vapour will propagate so slowly that the effect of cold fuel being injected remains significant for a longer time, resulting in an overall colder vapour that will require more time to reach autoignition conditions.
Once the concentration of vapour in the vicinity of droplets approaches the stoichiometric value, chemical reactions start to develop. Complete
mathematical analysis would include hundreds of equations for hundreds of species. However, a reasonably accurate prediction of chemical time delay can be achieved with the help of reduced mechanisms such as the so-called Shell model (Halstead et al. , 1977; Sazhin et al. , 1999; Sazhina et al. , 1999). This model predicts an increase in ignition delay with a decrease in the equivalence ratio (Sazhina et al. , 2000). A decrease of equivalence ratio is expected to accompany an increase of gas pressure. Hence the chemical delay is expected to increase with increase of gas pressure. This is consistent with observations at in-cylinder pressures higher than 7 MPa. Note that in most cases in diesel engines, the chemical ignition delay is much smaller than the physical delay (Sazhin et al. , 2001b).
To summarise the analysis of this section, the decrease of delay time with pressures below 7 MPa can be attributed to the enhanced droplet breakup. The increase of the delay time with pressures higher than 7 MPa may be related to the decrease of the liquid spray and vapour penetrations, the decrease of diffusion coefficient and the increase in chemical delay. More rigorous selfconsistent analyses of all these processes are beyond the scope of this study.
Autoignition was found to occur simultaneously at multiple sites within the vapour phase, downstream of the liquid core, that merged and spread quickly through the vapour region. For all the conditions tested, the ignition sites were observed to propagate strictly downstream for the duration of the injection. Only after the injection had stopped, were flames observed to propagate towards the nozzle. A reversal in the reported autoignition delay trends was observed for all injection pressures tested. The decrease in autoignition delay time with incylinder pressures lower than 7 MPa has been related to enhanced droplet breakup and is consistent with current correlations and understanding. The increase of this time with ambient pressures higher than 7 MPa is not consistent with current correlations but has been explained by a decreased spray penetration, decreased diffusion coefficient and increased chemical delay.
6.1. Introduction
In this chapter, the results of the LII experiments conducted on the optical Proteus are presented. This chapter is divided into three main sections followed by the conclusions. The first section presents a summary of the previous publications on LII applied to diesel engines. The configuration of the laser system commissioned for this work is described in Section 6.3. Then details of the results obtained and their analysis are presented.
6.2. Background
Several attempts have been made to obtain in-cylinder measurements of soot concentration within DI diesel engines. Most studies focused on the observation of soot location sites, evolution of soot concentration with time, and soot size distribution across the spray. Schraml et al. (2000) observed that the initial rise in LII signal coincided with the establishment of a diffusion flame. This may seem suspicious since soot formation is believed to start before the combustion has initiated, during the pyrolysis of the liquid fuel. Soot formation was observed to initiate in the central region of the flame (Dec et al. , 1992; Kosaka
et al. , 1995; Dec, 1997; Flynn et al. , 1999; Inagaki et al. , 1999). In this region,
soot particle diameters are small and their number density is high (Kosaka et
al. , 1995; Choi et al. , 1999; Greis et al. , 2002). Soot particulates agglomerate
as they travel down the plume and form larger particulates (Kosaka et al. , 1995; Dec, 1997; Choi et al. , 1999; Flynn et al. , 1999; Inagaki et al. , 1999). Soot is found throughout the combusting region, but at higher concentrations near the leading edge of the plume (Dec et al. , 1992; Bruneaux et al. , 1999). Studies by Choi et al. (1999) and Greis et al. (2002), performed with swirl flows, have shown that the highest soot densities are found not near the leading edge of the plume but upstream, closer to the injector nozzle. They have also reported that higher soot temperatures are observed at the leading edge of the flames. Flynn
et al. (1999) observed that particulates were completely consumed by the hot
diffusion flame sheath while high heat release rates persisted. The LII signal 141
decay rate was found to be dependent on soot particles primary diameter (Schraml et al. , 1999). Schraml et al. (1999) also reported that cold start conditions did not alter soot size but increased soot concentration. It is believed that soot growth and oxidation were unaffected, but the initial number of soot particles significantly increased.
Only a few attempts have been made to investigate the influence of engine parameters, such as injection pressure and timing, on soot parameters. It was found that for higher injection pressures (100 MPa compared to 50 MPa), soot was usually located further downstream of the spray (Dec et al. , 1992; Kosaka
et al. , 1995; Inagaki et al. , 1999), and the average soot volume fraction was
reduced (Kosaka et al. , 1995; Inagaki et al. , 1999). Bruneaux et al. (1999) observed that for a 50% exhaust gas recirculation (EGR), significantly less soot was produced during combustion than without EGR. Exhaust particulates measurement made for the same conditions showed that, although EGR reduced soot formation during combustion, higher soot concentrations were emitted from the tailpipe. Bruneaux et al. (1999) suggested that EGR significantly lowered the effectiveness of post-combustion soot oxidation.
No studies of the influence of in-cylinder pressure on soot formation were found in the literature. This is certainly explained by the fact that LII is a relatively new technique, and although it has been the subject of thorough investigations for ambient pressure flames, its application to in-cylinder measurements is difficult due to the requirement for extensive engine modifications.
In order to minimise the effects of window fouling by soot deposit, a fuel additive was used. This additive, Ethyl Hitec 4103, was diluted at the rate of 0.375 cm 3 per litre and raised the fuel cetane number from 55 to 57. The chemical formula for Ethyl Hitec 4103 is C 8 H 17 NO 3 (2-ethylhexyl nitrate). Its effect on soot concentration is illustrated in Figure 6-1. It is apparent from the left image in Figure 6-1 that the high soot concentrations attenuated the laser pulse within a few millimetres. This was not observed when the fuel additive was incorporated (right image in Figure 6-1), and soot formation zones scattered across the window were recorded, as expected.
Spray direction
Figure 6-1. LII images without additive (left image) and with additive (right image). Scales indicate distances from the nozzle in millimetres. 160 MPa injection pressure, 8.0 MPa ICP at non-fired TDC, images recorded 3.7 ms after start of injection pulse.
Figure 6-2. Photograph of optical arrangement with superimposition of the laser beam path.
When mirrors are to be used one has to bare in mind that their optical properties cannot be guaranteed at the edges. Hence, to ensure good reflection of the beam, the laser should hit only the centre of a mirror (usually not more than 80% of their diameter). This can be easily checked by running the laser at low power and placing a white card after the mirror. As shown in Figure 6-3, the laser beam will appear surrounded by a halo. This weak disc of light, which is emitted by the mirror when hit by a laser, should be centred with the laser beam.
The laser mirrors and sheet-forming optics used in this study were optimised for high-reflectance of 532 nm wavelength. The measured laser energy output, 144
290 mJ per pulse, was slightly below the manufacturers specifications of 300 mJ per pulse. The energy lost through the optical path, i.e. from the laser output to the measurement location, was less than 10 mJ. Hence the laser pulses for LII acquisition had an average energy of 280 mJ each.
b Figure 6-3. (a) Properly aligned mirror. (b) Misaligned laser mirror.
The sheet-forming optics used on this particular system consist of four lenses, which can be seen in Figure 6-4b. The first lens expands the laser beam vertically, and the second lens collimates the resulting cone. As the beam diameter is rather large (8.7 mm), a second set of two lenses is necessary to produce a thin laser sheet. Therefore the third lens narrows the thick sheet, and the fourth lens collimates the laser into a thin sheet. The resulting laser sheet has a thickness of 0.75 mm and a height of 55 mm at the focal point (measurement plane).
2 Divergence
cylindrical lens 2
spherical lens
spherical lens 1
cylindrical lens
In order to produce a well-formed and homogeneous laser sheet, a sound alignment of the laser optics is of the utmost importance. If the mirrors and the sheet-forming optics are not positioned correctly, the resulting laser sheet may not have a typical Gaussian profile but a three-dimensional form with a banana shaped cross-section. Such laser sheet cannot be focused properly and therefore the laser cannot be used at its maximum potential. To avoid this unwanted effect the laser beam must follow the central axis of the sheet forming optics. The alignment of the laser beam can be simply checked by placing an iris diaphragm on the same rail as the sheet-forming optics and centred on the laser beam. By closing the iris down until only the outer region of the laser beam remains blocked, it is possible to visualise the outline of the laser beam. When the iris is slid along the rail, the contour of the laser beam should still be centred with the iris (cf. Figure 6-5). If this is not the case then the laser beam is not parallel to the main rail and sheet-forming optics.
Figure 6-5. Checking the alignment of the laser beam with an iris diaphragm.
Once a proper Gaussian laser sheet has been obtained, it is necessary to position the sheet in the desired plane and at the right distance from the targeted area. As the sheet-forming optics do not have an infinite focal length, it is necessary to make sure that the measured area is within the depth of field of the optics. Minor adjustments of the focal length and divergence of the laser sheet can be made by means of two thumb wheels located on the sheet-forming optics assembly (Figure 6-4a).
When the laser has been properly focused, the laser sheet can be shifted to the desired plane by operating two knurled wheels on the transversal rail. This allows for minor corrections of the laser sheet angle. The angle of the laser sheet relative to the measurement area can be evaluated with a white card inserted between the sheet-forming optics and the combustion chamber window. Two lines should appear on the card, a strong one which is the actual laser sheet, and a weaker one which is a reflection from the window. Those lines should be close to each other but superimposition should be prevented to avoid back reflection of focused laser light towards the laser optics.
The ICCD cameras used here were two high-resolution DoubleShutter SensiCam manufactured by Pulse Photonics Ltd. These cameras can acquire monochromatic images of up to 1280 1024 pixels with a frame rate of about 9 fps, and a resolution of 12 bits (4096 levels of grey). Their spectral sensitivity ranges from 340 to 700 nm FWHM, but the use of an image intensifier will affect the overall spectral range of the final images. The resolution of the images presented in this chapter was measured to be 7373 m per pixel, by recording a scaled image.
Along with these two CCD cameras, two different lenses (50 mm and 100 mm focal length) and an image intensifier were available. The intensifier allowed very high temporal resolution (5 ns minimum exposure), which is crucial for LII experimentation. Only one camera being required for LII imaging, the spare CCD camera could be used simultaneously to provide complementary information such as elastic scattering (LIS). This double-camera configuration was discarded for two reasons, firstly, as the two lenses available have a different focal length, optical distortions between the pairs of images would not allow satisfactory post-processing. Secondly, only one image intensifier was available, therefore the minimum exposure for LIS would have had to be the minimum gate width of the CCD camera, that is 100 ns. Such a long exposure would have necessitated an extremely efficient set of filters to reject the 147
interference from LII and flame luminosity and only allow the elastic scattering through. For these reasons, a simple image-doubling extension was fitted onto the camera to duplicate the view of the combusting spray. Therefore two views of the spray were recorded on one single image, and a different optical filtering could be applied to each half image (cf. Section The main drawbacks inherent to this method lie in the necessity to set the image intensifier so that proper exposure is obtained for both LII and LIS, and the slight optical distortions caused by the optical arrangement. A schematic of the equipment layout used for simultaneous LII / LIS is shown in Figure 6-6.
LII filter
LIS filter
Camera lens
The safest way of focusing the camera for LII imaging is to set the intensifier gain to zero, switch the laser to low-energy mode and remove all optical filters. After making sure that the laser sheet is properly aligned at the desired position, the acquisition process can begin. Depending on whether the engine is fully operational or not, the focusing can either be done on a non-combusting spray, nebulised water or a piece of white paper. A beam dump must be used 148
when the laser light is not fully contained within the combustion chamber. It is also essential to check that the cameras lens diaphragm aperture is set to the value that is going to be used for the actual experiment. Otherwise the depth of field will not be the same and the focusing procedure may have to be repeated.
An image-doubling unit, which can be screwed onto the camera lens as shown in Figure 6-7, facilitated the acquisition of two similar views of the same object in one single image. Each one of these views can be individually fitted with optical filters, thus providing two spectrally different representations of the same event. Although this image doubler included a filter holder, this had to be removed because of its inadequate design. This holder could only receive square filters of 5050 mm, and was designed in such a way that the filters were significantly off-centre relative to the two optical axes. This can be considered as a severe design flaw since the optical qualities of filters cannot be guaranteed at their edges. Therefore the defective holder was removed and individual holders were used for each filter, as shown in Figure 6-7.
Figure 6-7. CCD camera lens with image-doubling adapter and interference filters.
The original intention was to collect simultaneous LII and LIS of soot particles to produce maps of relative soot particle diameter, as explained in Section Although LII was successfully obtained with this configuration, LIS of soot could not be observed. Because the diesel droplets present during 149
the injection scatter much more light than the soot particles, sufficient exposure of the soot scattering could not be obtained without the risk of overloading the photomultiplier tube with droplet scattering. An alternative would have been to gather simultaneous LII / LIS only after the injection had stopped, when no fuel droplets would be expected to be present. Unfortunately, it was observed that this constraint resulted in at least 50% of the soot formation period being discarded. It was also found that interference from LII was not negligible with the LIS filter, resulting in a potentially significant error. Furthermore, for reasons that will be detailed in Section 6.3.5, it is expected that the accuracy of any results obtained by simultaneous LII / LIS would be particularly poor.
Therefore, it was decided that simultaneous LIS of fuel droplets would be recorded to complement the LII of soot. This strategy provides valuable information on the location of the liquid fuel spray relative to the soot formation regions.
Interference filters were selected to suit the requirements for the study of soot formation. For LII imaging, a wide-bandpass filter was selected, with a measured peak transmission at 416 nm and a full width at half maximum (FWHM) of 64.4 nm. This filter maximised the LII signal and offered excellent rejection of interference from elastic scattering, fluorescence and flame luminosity.
For LIS imaging, a narrow bandpass filter centred on the laser wavelength (i.e. 532 nm) was chosen with a 9.4 nm FWHM. Because the elastic scattering was particularly intense, a set of neutral density filters was used to avoid overloading the image intensifier and CCD camera.
The transmission characteristics for these filters are presented in Figure 6-8.
100% 90% 80% 70% Transmission 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 300 320 340 360 380 400 420 440 460 480 500 520 540 560 580 600 Wavelength [nm] LII filter FWHM LIS filter Laser wavelength
Figure 6-8. Measured transmission profiles of filters used for LII and LIS. Dotted lines show the FWHM for each filter, broken line indicates the laser wavelength (532 nm).
The image intensifier consists of a photo-multiplier tube, mounted between the CCD camera and the lens, and a control box shown on Figure 6-9. The exact characteristics of the image intensifier are detailed in Appendix C.
The Delay value corresponds to the delay in microseconds between the acquisition trigger and the actual opening of the intensifier shutter. This delay can be adjusted up to 999.999 s, in increments of 1 ns. The Width input allows the level of opening of the intensifier shutter to be changed from 5 to 999.999 s. The minimum width to obtain an image was measured to be about 5 ns. It must be noted that the camera shutter also has to be triggered in order to take an image, and that the usual exposure of the camera CCD should be about 1 ms in order to allow for the photo-multiplier decay time, whatever the actual exposure is. The Gain input controls the amplification factor of the image intensifier. Great care must be taken while manipulating this control since overloading the photo-multiplier tube could permanently damage the intensifier. The gain can be adjusted from 0 to 100, but it was found that gains above 85 would affect the quality of the images. The gain was therefore set to 70 for all acquisitions.
The complete acquisition timing was based on the signals coming from the encoder fitted onto the Proteus crankshaft. This encoder provided 3600 pulses 152
per revolution as well as a marker pulse at TDC. Both the FIE and the laser system used these signals as a reference clock.
The laser system included an engine-synchronisation module (YEX) that allowed the laser to run close to its optimum frequency (i.e. 10 Hz) and still match the intrinsic frequency of the engine cycle. This was achieved by only making an acquisition when the operations of both the engine and the laser were synchronised, i.e. the engine was firing and the laser was ready to release a pulse. The Proteus operating speed was 500 rpm (i.e. 8.33 Hz) and was fired at a rate of 1:4 cycles (1 fired cycle followed by 3 non-fired cycles). Skipfiring was necessary to ensure proper purging of the combustion chamber and minimise window fouling by soot deposit. Hence the firing frequency was approximately 2.08 Hz. Fortunately, this frequency is close to an integer fraction of the laser frequency (2.085 = 10.4 Hz). Considering that the allowed laser frequency range was from 9.30 to 10.90 Hz, a measurement could be performed for every fired cycle. The shift in laser frequency from 10.0 Hz to 10.4 Hz resulted in a 10% drop in pulse energy. Consequently the average pulse energy for the acquisition of the LII images presented in this chapter was 255 mJ, corresponding to a power density of 88 MW cm -2 . The laser manufacturer quoted a pulse-to-pulse energy fluctuation less than 3% and long term power drift less than 5% over 8 hours.
The acquisition strategy selected for simultaneous LIS and LII is shown in Figure 6-10. The image intensifier gate was open 5 ns before the laser pulse, and the total exposure was set to 40 ns. As the LII signal rise occurs approximately 10 ns after the start of the laser pulse (Zhao & Ladommatos, 1998), the LII signal was integrated for approximately 25 ns.
5 ns
35 ns
10 ns
Laser pulse
Figure 6-10. Acquisition strategy for elastic scattering and LII imaging.
In order to simplify the presentation and analysis of the data, the mean intensity of each average image was calculated. The mean intensity provides a relative indication of the amount of soot recorded in each data set. The numbers thus obtained were used to produce the LII intensity profiles presented later in this chapter. The way in which the data sets were processed is shown schematically in Figure 6-11.
Average image A
Average intensity X Figure 6-11. Method used for processing the LII data.
The first step of the processing consisted of obtaining the ensemble averaged and standard deviation images of the data set. The influence of the data set size on the average image was assessed (Figure 6-12). It is clear that, as the size of the data set was progressively increased from 1 to 30 images, the mean 155
intensity of the average image converged rapidly. For data sets of at least 27 images, the coefficient of variation (ratio of standard deviation and mean intensity) was less than 1.7%. Apart from justifying the selected data set size (between 27 and 30 images), Figure 6-12 proves the non-random nature of the LII images (convergence is observed). For reasons explained in Section 6.4.3, the example presented below is expected to correspond to a phase in soot production where fluctuations are particularly high.
Coefficient of variation
y = 0.409 n 2 (R = 0.959)
Figure 6-12. Influence of the number of images on the average image intensity. Coefficients of variation (ratio of standard deviation and mean intensity) are presented, with a power type trendline. Images were recorded 3.8 ms ASOI for a 140 MPa injection pressure and 8 MPa in-cylinder pressure.
Examples of average and standard deviation images are presented in Figure 6-13. It can be seen from these two examples that the standard deviation is large where the average intensity is high. This confirms the expected fact that the locations of dense soot regions fluctuate from one cycle to another, but
within a restricted area. The complete data set used to produce these images is presented in Appendix C.
Spray direction
Figure 6-13. Examples of standard deviation and ensemble averaged images. 140 MPa injection pressure, 8 MPa in-cylinder pressure, images recorded 3.8 ms ASOI.
Phase 2 of the post-processing provided a number representative of the intensity of the ensemble averaged image. This number is assumed to be representative of the amount of soot present in the combustion chamber.
6.3.5. Accuracy Effect of laser fluence on LII signal
Since the intensity of the LII signal is greatly dependent on the laser pulse power density, the laser fluence should be selected with care prior to 157
conducting measurements. Tait and Greenhalgh (1993) reported that the LII dependence on laser fluence differs significantly for Gaussian and rectangular beam profiles.
8 7 6 LII signal intensity [a. u.] 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Laser fluence [MW cm-2] Rectangular beam Gaussian beam Experimental results
Figure 6-14. Dependence of LII signal on laser fluence for 100 nm particle radius (adapted from Tait and Greenhalgh, 1993).
As observed from Figure 6-14, the LII signal intensity is strongly dependent on laser power density for both beam profiles. Below 20 MW cm -2 , the LII signal increases rapidly with increased laser fluence. This is explained by the strong influence of laser fluence on soot particle temperature, and therefore on the incandescence signal. Beyond 20 MW cm -2 , the LII signal intensity obtained for a rectangular beam profile decreases rapidly as the laser fluence is increased further. This is due to the soot particles loosing significant mass through vaporisation (Tait & Greenhalgh, 1993). For a Gaussian beam profile, the LII signal intensity is almost unaffected by variations in laser fluence between 20 and 80 MW cm -2 . For this power density range, the error caused by laser fluence fluctuations has an average of 1.9% and a maximum of 3%. This low sensitivity to variations in laser power is believed to be due to the fact that, for
a Gaussian beam, an increase in laser energy results in an increase in the effective beam diameter (Zhao & Ladommatos, 1998).
Since the laser system used for gathering the LII data had a Gaussian beam with a fluence between 60 and 80 MW cm -2 , it can be assumed that the results presented here were not significantly affected by shot-to-shot energy fluctuations and longer term fluence drifts. Another advantage of this type of beam lies in the fact that the progressive attenuation of the laser sheet across the dense soot regions of the spray will not result in a reduction of the LII signal. This significantly simplifies the post-processing and the interpretation of the LII data, since normalization of the images is not required.
The vaporisation of soot particles induced by the laser results in the production of molecular carbon species (e.g. C 2 , C 3 ). C 3 , although believed to be the major vapour constituent, was not observed to produce emissions in LII studies (Wainner, 1999). C 2 is known to produce potentially intense emissions over a broad spectrum, especially at high laser intensities. Since some emission bands of C 2 (438.3, 473.7, 516.5 and 563.6 nm) are well within the preferred LII observation bandwidth (see Table 2-2), fluorescence from this molecule must be taken into account in order to ensure minimal (or at least quantified) contamination of the LII signal. Wainner (1999) observed that for a laser fluence below 2 J cm -2 at 532 nm, the interference wavelengths from below C2 fluorescence The was not significant of the for collection system
440 nm.
commissioned for this study satisfy this condition (laser wavelength = 532 nm; laser fluence < 1.2 J cm -2 ; collection at 41632 nm). Wainner (1999) also reported that fluorescence from PAHs, although possibly significant at excitation wavelengths in the UV, was not detected for a laser wavelength of 532 nm. It is therefore concluded that the LII results presented here were not significantly contaminated by fluorescence from PAHs or C 2 molecules.
Ni et al. (1995) showed that the LII signal intensity decay was highly dependent on soot particle diameter. They observed that the LII signal could first be detected between 10 and 12 ns after the start of the laser pulse. The rise in signal intensity was reported to last approximately 12 ns and was found to be unaffected by particle size. Following the peak in LII signal intensity, a decay was observed to last up to several hundred nanoseconds. The decay time was shown to be longer for larger soot particles. Ni et al. (1995) thus recommended that LII signal should be imaged shortly after the laser pulse, and with reduced exposure times so that size-dependence be minimized. For an exposure of 50 ns, they reported an error of up to 10% due to the size effect. This inherent sensitivity of LII decay time to soot size was used to obtain a measurement of soot primary diameter (Schraml et al. , 1999).
The settings used for gathering the LII data presented here follow the recommendations of Ni et al. (1995), with an effective LII exposure time of 25 ns. It is estimated from Ni et al. (1995) that the resulting error caused by size-dependence should be less than 4%.
Signal trapping is caused by regions of dense soot, located between the laser plane and the measuring device (e.g. CCD camera, spectrometer), and can potentially cause considerable attenuation of the LII signal intensity. Although LII signal trapping is believed to result in significant reductions in signal intensity, very few researchers have tried to quantify or correct its effects. Figure 6-15 illustrates this effect for a spherical soot cloud. Estimation of the extent of signal trapping performed by Wainner (1999) on laminar flames suggest that measured LII signals could be underestimated by as much as 45%.
Soot region Laser sheet Laser sheet direction LII profile at laser plane
Inagaki et al. (1999) proposed a set of equations that could be used for postprocessing LII signals. They calibrated their method on a laminar flame and applied the results to LII images taken from a DI diesel engine. It should be noted that since the soot distributions for a laminar flame and a swirled diesel spray are unlikely to be similar, the validity of such calibration is questionable. Furthermore, signal correction requires accurate knowledge of the threedimensional soot distribution within the cylinder, both in terms of soot volume fraction and soot diameter. It is not clear how Inagaki et al. (1999) fulfilled these requirements. This limitation certainly cast doubt on the validity of any quantitative measurements obtained with the LII technique (including
simultaneous LII / LIS) for turbulent flames. However, when used qualitatively, LII images still supply highly valuable information on timing and location of soot formation sites. Potentially, this technique can provide high-resolution data, both temporally and spatially, and has proven invaluable for improving the understanding of combustion processes in diesel engines.
The overall accuracy with which LII images are recorded is a complex function of the error introduced by every single element in the acquisition chain. Most laser-based measurement techniques are sensitive to contamination by molecular emission and scattering. Generally, such contaminations are not readily apparent from recorded images and can only be ascertained by using a spectrometer. Fortunately, several comprehensive theoretical and applicability studies on LII were reported, and the potential contaminations have been evaluated. These include fluorescence from C 2 , C 3 and PAHs, that can be easily avoided by spectral filtering. Inaccuracies caused by laser energy fluctuations, laser extinction and LII signal trapping by soot are predominantly related to the experimental set-up and need to be assessed independently.
It was observed that the time at which the LII images were recorded was accurate within 3%. The error caused by contaminations and particle size dependence for the LII data presented here was estimated to be less than 6% (Table 6-1). Since this value represents the proportion of spurious emissions within the LII images it can be concluded that it represents the overall measurement error, and consequently, 94% of the recorded intensities originated from incandescence of soot particles. Signal trapping by soot, window fouling and laser energy fluctuations can be seen as attenuations, rather than contaminations, of the LII intensity. Although their effects must be accounted for if quantitative data is required, they need not be accurately assessed for qualitative observations as long as they are not ignored altogether. In the present study laser energy fluctuations were found to affect the LII signal intensity by less than 3%, window fouling resulted in less than 20% attenuation, and LII signal trapping by soot was not quantified but was expected to be moderated by the use of the low-sooting fuel. A summary of the most important sources of error for LII measurement is presented in Table 6-1.
Possible cause of error Attenuation of laser intensity across soot region Attenuation of laser intensity by window fouling Attenuation of LII signal by window fouling Contamination from C 2 fluorescence Contamination from C 3 fluorescence Contamination from CCD background noise Contamination from elastic scattering (532 nm) Contamination from flame luminosity Contamination from PAH fluorescence Contamination from photomultiplier background noise Data set size limitation Laser pulse energy fluctuations Soot particle size beyond Rayleigh limit Soot particle size dependence of LII signal Time of image acquisition jitter Trapping of LII signal by dense soot region
Error magnitude Not detected < 20% < 10% < 1.2% Not detected < 1% Not detected Not detected Not detected Not detected < 1.7% 1.9% (< 3%) 0% < 4% < 3% Not quantified
Assessment method Measured 1 Measured 2 Measured 2 Literature 3 Literature 4 Measured 5 Measured 6 Measured 7 Literature 8 Measured 9 Estimated 10 Calculated 11 Literature 12 Literature 13 Measured
Attenuation of laser is unmistakably apparent when it occurs, since it results in an abruptly interrupted image. Such images were not observed with the low-sooting fuel. 2 Assuming windows are cleaned daily. 3 For a laser fluence less than 2 J cm -2 at 532 nm in 41632 nm bandwidth (Wainner, 1999). 4 See Wainner (1999). 5 Assuming CCD background noise subtraction, noise = 1 count and minimum LII signal is 100 counts. 6 Scattering off a non-combusting liquid spray was not detected. 7 No signals other than background noise were observed while the laser was temporarily switched off, suggesting that all signals recorded were laser-induced. 8 PAH fluorescence is only significant for UV excitation wavelengths, not 532 nm (Wainner, 1999). 9 No background noise from the image intensifier was observed for gains below 850. All acquisitions were performed with a gain of 70. 10 For data set sizes between 27 and 30 images (see discussion in Section 6.3.4). 11 Calculated for Gaussian laser beam profile with fluence between 20 and 80 MW cm -2 (see Figure 6-14). 12 Rayleigh limit = Laser / = 169 nm. Soot particle diameters are from 30 to 50 nm (Kennedy, 1997; Kittelson, 1998) 13 Estimated from Ni et al. (1995) for an effective LII exposure time of 25 ns. 14 Cannot be reliably quantified for a turbulent flame.
The exact conditions for each data set presented in this chapter can be found in Appendix C. In order to provide a factual examination of the performance of the injection equipment used, correction based upon the nozzle opening delays mentioned in Section 3.3.2 (see Table 3-3) were not applied. Consequently, unless otherwise stated, all timings quoted in this section are relative to the start of the injection pulse. All data presented were obtained with a single-hole single guided VCO type nozzle, with an orifice diameter of 0.2 mm. All LII images correspond to a field of view approximately 30 mm in width and 65 mm in height.
-12 15
Nozzle opening duration 6 MPa 7 MPa 8 MPa 9 MPa LII signal average intensity [a. u.] 10 6 MPa trendline 7 MPa trendline 8 MPa trendline 9 MPa trendline
0 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Time [ms ASO I] 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
Figure 6-16. LII signal intensity profiles for an injection pressure of 100 MPa and a range of in-cylinder pressures (6, 7, 8 and 9 MPa at non-fired TDC). Each data point represents the average intensity of at least 27 images. Times are relative to start of injection pulse.
-12 15
Nozzle opening duration 6 MPa 7 MPa 8 MPa 9 MPa LII signal average intensity [a. u.] 10 6 MPa trendline 7 MPa trendline 8 MPa trendline 9 MPa trendline
0 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Time [ms ASOI] 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
Figure 6-17. As Figure 6-16 but for an injection pressure of 140 MPa.
-12 15 -11 -10 -9 -8 Crankshaft position [CA ATDC] -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0
Nozzle opening duration 6 MPa 7 MPa 8 MPa 9 MPa 6 MPa trendline 7 MPa trendline 8 MPa trendline 9 MPa trendline
0 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Time [ms ASOI] 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
Figure 6-18. As Figure 6-16 but for an injection pressure of 160 MPa.
It can be observed for all profiles that the time at which the LII signal was first detected appears to be independent of in-cylinder pressure. Since the ignition delay is strongly dependent on in-cylinder pressure (see Chapter 5), it is concluded that the formation of the first soot particles is not related to the
appearance of a flame. This supports the fact that soot production starts during the initial high-temperature pyrolysis of fuel droplets (Kennedy, 1997).
For all conditions, LII profiles exhibit an almost linear increase in intensity before reaching a peak value. The actual amplitude of the peak, and the time at which the maximum intensity was reached, both appear to be unaffected by in-cylinder pressure. It can be observed from Figures 6-16 to 6-18 that the LII signal intensity peaks are strongly related to the instant at which the last fuel droplets were seen leaving the nozzle orifice. These observations appear to substantiate the speculations of Flynn et al. (1999) that the end of production of soot precursors coincides with the end of injection. The swift LII signal intensity decay that follows is believed to correspond to the oxidation of the soot particles at the diffusion flame sheath. The decline in soot concentration across the diffusion flame sheath is clearly apparent when comparing the extent of signals from high-speed video recordings of flame and LII images of soot (Figure 6-19). In the images presented in Figure 6-19, the location of the soot agrees with the model of Dec (1997), although some discrepancies regarding the apparent shape of the diffusion flame were observed in the region near the tip of the liquid fuel spray.
It can be concluded from the observation of Figures 6-16 to 6-18, that changes in in-cylinder pressure did not markedly affected the amount of soot produced during combustion.
Figure 6-19. Comparison between flame luminosity from high-speed video (a) and ensemble averaged soot incandescence (b) for an injection pressure of 160 MPa, ICP of 8.0 MPa at non-fired TDC, 3.1 ms ASOI.
Examples of ensemble averaged images showing the influence of in-cylinder pressure on early soot formation are shown in Figures 6-20 to 6-22. From the images presented in Figure 6-20 it can be seen that for a 6 MPa in-cylinder pressure the average liquid fuel penetration length was 28 mm, and soot was found approximately 15 mm below the tip of the spray. The initial soot formation regions spread over a height of 15 to 25 mm. It appears that the distance between the spray tip and the initial soot formation zone remained relatively constant at 15 mm for most conditions, although a slightly shorter distance (12 mm) was observed for the highest injection pressure.
6.0 MPa
7.0 MPa
8.0 MPa
9.0 MPa
Figure 6-20. Ensemble averaged images showing the influence of ICP on initial soot formation sites. Images were recorded 2.3 ms ASOI, for an injection pressure of 100 MPa. ICPs were measured at non-fired TDC. Contrast was enhanced for clarity, white lines show ensemble averaged liquid fuel penetration obtained by simultaneous LIS, scales indicate distances from the nozzle in millimetres.
6.0 MPa
7.0 MPa
8.0 MPa
8.7 MPa
Figure 6-21. As Figure 6-20 but for an injection pressure of 140 MPa. Images were recorded between 2.1 and 2.3 ms ASOI.
6.0 MPa
7.0 MPa
8.0 MPa
8.7 MPa
Figure 6-22. As Figure 6-20 but for an injection pressure of 160 MPa. Images were recorded between 2.0 and 2.2 ms ASOI.
While Figures 6-20 to 6-22 provide information on the average location of soot and liquid fuel for a large number of cycles, individual LII images can give additional evidence on the structure of soot regions within the flame. In Figure 6-23, instantaneous images obtained for early (2.2 ms ASOI) and late (3.9 ms ASOI) soot formation are presented. Simultaneous LIS measurement of liquid fuel is shown for the image recorded at 2.2 ms ASOI. As the injection ended at 3.6 ms, no liquid fuel was observed at 3.9 ms. The occurrence of fuel slugs, previously mentioned in Section 4.3, and the clustered distribution of dense soot regions are apparent in Figure 6-23. Although spray vaporisation and soot formation have been described as progressive and continuous processes (Dec, 1997; Flynn et al. , 1999), LII images of diesel sprays in the literature (Dec et al. , 1992; Kosaka et al. , 1995; Dec, 1997; Bruneaux et al. , 1999; Inagaki et al. , 1999; Greis et al. , 2002) clearly show clustered distributions similar to those presented here. It is expected that such detachments of groups of droplets should favour soot agglomeration and be strongly detrimental to soot oxidation because of the associated local depletion of oxygen.
LII of soot
2.2 ms
3.9 ms
Figure 6-23. Examples of liquid and soot clusters for early and late soot formation. 160 MPa injection pressure, 6.0 MPa ICP at TDC, times are relative to start of injection pulse. Contrast of images recorded at 2.2 ms showing simultaneous LIS (upper half) and LII (lower half) was enhanced for clarity.
Examples of ensemble averaged images showing the influence of in-cylinder pressure on late soot formation are shown in Figures 6-24 to 6-26. Unlike the initial soot formation zones, soot regions at later times are unaffected by incylinder pressure. The location, dimension and intensity of the dense soot regions were not appreciably altered by changes in pressure from 6 to 9 MPa.
6.0 MPa
7.0 MPa
8.0 MPa
9.0 MPa
Figure 6-24. Ensemble averaged images showing the effect of ICP on late soot concentration zones. Images were recorded between 3.5 and 3.7 ms ASOI, for an injection pressure of 100 MPa. ICPs were measured at non-fired TDC.
6.0 MPa
7.0 MPa
8.0 MPa
9.0 MPa
Figure 6-25. As Figure 6-24 but for an injection pressure of 140 MPa. Images were recorded between 3.4 and 3.7 ms ASOI.
6.0 MPa
7.0 MPa
8.0 MPa
8.7 MPa
Figure 6-26. As Figure 6-24 but for an injection pressure of 160 MPa. Images were recorded between 3.4 and 3.6 ms ASOI.
-12 15
100 MPa 140 MPa 160 MPa 100 MPa trendline 140 MPa trendline 160 MPa trendline LII signal average intensity [a. u.]
0 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Time [ms ASOI] 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
Figure 6-27. LII signal intensity profiles for an in-cylinder pressure of 6 MPa at non-fired TDC and a range of injection pressures (100, 140 and 160 MPa at non-fired TDC). Each data point represents the average intensity of at least 27 images. Times are relative to the start of the injection pulse.
-12 15 100 MPa 140 MPa 160 MPa 100 MPa trendline 140 MPa trendline 160 MPa trendline -11 -10 -9 -8 Crankshaft position [CA ATDC] -7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0
0 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Time [ms ASOI] 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
-12 15
100 MPa 140 MPa 160 MPa 100 MPa trendline 140 MPa trendline 160 MPa trendline LII signal average intensity [a. u.]
0 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Time [ms ASOI] 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
0 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Time [ms ASOI] 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
In all instances the first appearance of LII signal seems to occur slightly earlier for the higher injection pressure cases (140 and 160 MPa). It is interesting to consider that higher injection pressures result in increased injection rates, and therefore at any given time larger proportions of fuel will be undergoing
pyrolysis than for lower injection pressures. Consequently, it would seem reasonable to expect soot formation to initiate earlier for the higher injection pressure cases.
As discussed in Section 6.4.1, a rise in LII signal intensity was observed for the duration of the fuel injection period. It is apparent from Figures 6-27 to 6-30 that the rate at which the LII signal rises does not seem to be significantly affected by injection pressure. Since the maximum amount of soot that can be produced is directly related to the amount of injected fuel, and higher injection pressures result in higher injection rates, it is expected that an increase in injection pressure should be associated with an increased soot production rate. Although an increase in injection pressure from 100 to 160 MPa results in a 24% increase in injection rate (see Figure 6-31), it is not clear whether a corresponding increase in soot production rate would be perceptible in Figures 6-27 to 6-30.
100 MPa 140 MPa 160 MPa
0% 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 Time [ms ASOI]
Figure 6-31. Estimated proportion of injected fuel with time for a 30 mm 3 injection at three injection pressures (100, 140 and 160 MPa), assuming full needle lift (this takes place for at least 85% of the injection duration).
Following the rise in LII intensity observed in Figures 6-27 to 6-30, maximums are reached at the end of injections (see discussion in Section 6.4.1), with values that are dependent on fuel pressure. At the highest injection pressure the lowest peaks in LII signal intensity for all in-cylinder pressures were observed.
Figure 6-32 shows the LII signal intensity profiles and flame luminosity durations for an in-cylinder pressure of 6 MPa. As follows from this figure, higher injection pressures produced smaller quantities of soot. This can be explained by the fact that higher injection pressures are generally believed to promote the production of smaller fuel droplets (Di Giorgio et al. , 1995) which should, in turn, result in the formation of smaller soot particles that should be more rapidly oxidised. Higher injection pressures also result in longer spray penetration lengths and higher liquid core propagation velocities. Consequently, the transfer of momentum from the liquid spray to the gas phase should be enhanced, improving the mixing of the two phases. Since a better mixing quality corresponds to an increase in the local oxygen content, it is expected that oxidation of soot should be improved. The effects of momentum transfer are expected to be particularly important in the present study due to the quiescent nature of the in-cylinder charge prior to injection (i.e. non-swirl flow).
-12 15
100 MPa 140 MPa 160 MPa 100 MPa flame luminosity 140 MPa flame luminosity 160 MPa flame luminosity 100 MPa trendline 140 MPa trendline 160 MPa trendline
0 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 Time [ms ASOI] 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5
Figure 6-32. As in Figure 6-27 but with the addition of the durations of the flame luminosity (obtained by still ICCD camera, with 1 s exposure).
It can also be seen from Figure 6-32 that flames lasted longer for lower injection pressures. This allowed more time for oxidation at the flame sheath. Since lower fuel pressures are known to result in higher particulate emissions (Bruneaux et al. , 1999), it can be concluded that the extended flame duration is not sufficient to oxidise the excess soot production.
An example of ensemble averaged images showing the influence of injection pressure on early soot formation is presented in Figure 6-33, for an in-cylinder pressure of 7 MPa. Although injection pressure has an apparent effect on liquid spray penetration length, the location of the first soot particles detected downstream of the tip of the spray remains almost constant. In Figure 6-33 the distance from the nozzle to the first soot particles is about 40 mm, and an increase in fuel pressure from 100 MPa to 160 MPa induces a shift of less than 3 mm.
Figures similar to Figure 6-33 are shown in Appendix C for a number of other in-cylinder pressures.
100 MPa
140 MPa
160 MPa
Figure 6-33. Ensemble averaged images showing the effect of injection pressure on initial soot formation sites. Images were recorded between 2.1 and 2.3 ms ASOI, for an ICP of 7.0 MPa at non-fired TDC. Contrast was enhanced for clarity, white lines show liquid fuel penetration measured by simultaneous LIS, scales indicate distances from the nozzle in millimetres.
Figure 6-34 illustrates the effect of fuel pressure on late soot concentration. While the lowest injection pressures appear to result in similar soot regions being formed, the LII image is noticeably different for an injection pressure of 160 MPa. The most striking difference is in the location of the soot region being approximately 10 mm closer to the nozzle orifice. This could be explained by the enhanced vaporisation observed for higher injection pressures (Bruneaux et al. , 1999), resulting in faster pyrolysis of the fuel. It is speculated that the formation of soot closer to the nozzle should be beneficial since interactions with the cylinder wall would be reduced.
100 MPa
140 MPa
160 MPa
Figure 6-34. Ensemble averaged images showing the influence of injection pressure on late soot concentration zones. Images were recorded between 3.5 and 3.6 ms ASOI, for an ICP of 7.0 MPa at non-fired TDC. Scales indicate distances from the nozzle in millimetres.
It is also apparent from Figure 6-34 that the LII signal has a more homogeneous and less intense appearance for the highest injection pressure, suggesting that the soot mass is more uniformly spread within the flame.
Figures showing similar trends to Figure 6-34 are presented in Appendix C for a number of other in-cylinder pressures.
engine was kept at stable in-cylinder conditions for the whole duration of the recording. These conditions are detailed in Table 6-2.
Fuel Injected fuel quantity ICP at non-firing TDC Injection angle Injection pressure Intake temperature Nozzle type
99.96% Esso AF1313 + 0.04% Hitec 4103 30 mm 3 6 0.2 MPa -15 CA 160 MPa 373 6 K VCO 1x0.2 mm hole
The sequence is shown in Figure 6-35 and the exact conditions for each image can be found in Appendix C. It can be seen that soot formation initiates a short distance below the liquid spray tip, approximately 2 ms after the start of injection pulse (1.7 ms after start of needle lift).
Figure 6-35. Detailed LII sequence for a 0.2 mm VCO nozzle with a 160 MPa injection pressure, 6.0 MPa ICP, and 720 K calculated temperature at TDC. Times are in milliseconds ASOI. White lines indicate liquid fuel penetration measured by simultaneous LIS.
This sequence is also presented in graphical form in Figure 6-36, where each data point is the mean intensity of its corresponding image from Figure 6-35.
20 Flame luminosity duration LII signal average intensity [a.u.] Nozzle orifice opening time 15 Injection pulse duration LII average intensity Polynomial trendline 10
0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Time [ms ASOI] 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
Figure 6-36. Signal intensity profile for the LII sequence presented in Figure 6-35. Durations for injection pulse, nozzle opening and flame luminosity are indicated.
Comparing Figure 6-36 with the previous LII profiles (Figures 6-16 to 6-18), one can see that a finer temporal resolution produced a clearer representation of the phases of soot production. The LII signal intensity profile presented in Figure 6-36 shows that three stages of soot production took place. The first stage is a rapid rise in LII signal that lasted for approximately 0.4 ms, corresponding to elevated soot production rates and low oxidation. An increase in flame luminosity was detected shortly after the first appearance of the LII signal. The diffusion flame, however, was established between 0.2 to 0.3 ms after the autoignition time as can be observed from the autoignition high-speed video shown in Section 5.4.1. This leads to establishment of the diffusion flame at a time between 2.3 and 2.4 ms in Figure 6-36. Then the second stage in soot formation can be distinguished. At this stage higher soot oxidation rates and significantly more fluctuations in soot production are found. This slower soot 183
production phase can be explained by the formation of soot from the ongoing injection, and the concurrent oxidation at the diffusion flame sheath. A typical example of a data set recorded during this stage is shown in Appendix C, and processed in Section 6.3.4. The third and final phase of soot formation is linked with the end of injection. It is recognised as a sudden decline in soot mass concentrations. While little soot is formed, the oxidation rates at the flame sheath are still high, resulting in a rapid fall in soot concentration.
A combined view of the data obtained by in-cylinder pressure measurements, high-speed video of liquid and vapour fuel spray, and LII is shown in Figure 6-37, for a 160 MPa injection pressure injection and 6 MPa gas pressure.
50 40 30 20 10 0 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
Injection pulse duration Nozzle orifice opening duration Fuel vapour penetration Liquid spray penetration
0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
Figure 6-37. From top to bottom: in-cylinder pressure traces, spray dispersion full cone angle, fuel liquid and vapour penetrations and injection pulse width, LII of soot signal with flame luminosity duration. 160 MPa injection pressure, 6 MPa ICP, 0.2 mm VCO nozzle. Times are relative to start of injection pulse.
Although the diffusion flames produced with lower injection pressure lasted longer, it appeared that the extended oxidation time was not sufficient to oxidise the excess production of soot. Soot particles were detected closer to the liquid spray tip at higher injection pressures. This has been related to enhanced vaporisation of the liquid fuel. It is speculated that the formation of soot closer to the nozzle should be beneficial since interactions with the cylinder wall would be reduced. The recording of a LII sequence at high temporal resolution has shown that three distinct phases in soot formation could be observed. High soot production rates were observed from the ignition time until the establishment of diffusion flame. Moderate soot formation rates were observed from the start of diffusion flame until the end of injection. High soot oxidation rates were seen from the end of injection.
Chapter 7: Conclusions
A high pressure diesel test facility was built at the University of Brighton in collaboration with Ricardo Consulting Engineers. The facility consisted of a rapid compression machine and was able to simulate both current and anticipated in-cylinder conditions of automotive diesel engines, while at the same time allowing good optical access to the diesel spray. The spray cone angle and penetration with time data were obtained from photographic and high-speed video recordings. The effects of droplet evaporation, breakup and air entrainment at the initial stage of spray penetration were studied theoretically. Spray autoignition was investigated using video, in-cylinder pressure, and schlieren recordings. Pseudo three-dimensional visualisation of the autoignition was achieved by simultaneous use of two high-speed video cameras at right angles to each other. The influence of in-cylinder and injection pressures on soot formation sites and relative soot concentration were studied using laser-induced incandescence.
Chapter 7: Conclusions
The vapour penetration profiles were shown to depend on both injection pressure and in-cylinder density. It was suggested that the mechanism for the vapour transport is the gas motion induced by the liquid phase exchanging momentum from the droplets to the gas phase. Increased penetration of the vapour was observed at higher injection pressures and lower gas densities, i.e. when the liquid phase had a higher momentum.
The effects of droplet evaporation, breakup and air entrainment on spray penetration were studied theoretically for Stokes, Allen and Newton flows. The agreement between experimental measurements and the predictions of the model that included bag breakup and air entrainment processes was reasonably good. All models are expected to be valid during up to 0.1 - 0.2 ms after start of injection.
A reversal in the reported autoignition delay trends was observed for all injection pressures tested. Enhanced droplet breakup resulted in decreased autoignition delay times for in-cylinder pressures lower than 7 MPa. The increase of the autoignition delay with ambient pressures higher than 7 MPa is not consistent with current correlations. It was postulated that this was caused by a decrease in spray penetration, decrease of diffusion coefficient and increase in chemical delay. 189
Chapter 7: Conclusions
Clustered distributions of soot were observed, similar to previously reported images although conflicting with the common assumption that soot is found evenly across the flame. It has been suggested that slugs of fuel detaching from the bulk of the liquid spray favoured soot agglomeration and inhibited soot oxidation due to the associated local depletion of oxygen. The formation of the slugs of fuel was linked to oscillations of the injector needle in the vertical direction. It is therefore suggested that a better control of the needle lift could result in a more continuous mixing between the liquid fuel and the ambient gas, ultimately leading to lower soot production.
The highest injection pressure tested (160 MPa) exhibited lower soot production and more homogeneous soot mass distribution within the flames, for all in-cylinder pressures cases. These effects were related to smaller fuel droplets and better mixing quality, leading to smaller soot particles and improved oxidation, respectively. Soot particles were detected closer to the liquid spray tip at higher injection pressures. This has been related to enhanced vaporisation of the liquid fuel. It is speculated that formation of soot closer to the nozzle should be beneficial since interactions with the cylinder wall would be reduced. Although the diffusion flames produced with lower injection pressure lasted longer, it appeared that the extended oxidation time was not sufficient to oxidise the excess production of soot.
The recording of a LII sequence at high temporal resolution showed that three distinct phases in soot formation could be observed. High soot production rates
Chapter 7: Conclusions
were observed from the ignition time until the establishment of diffusion flame. Moderate soot formation rates were observed from the start of diffusion flame until the end of injection. High soot oxidation rates were seen from the end of injection.
It has been suggested that multiple injections during a single cycle could lead to reduced soot productions. In order to investigate the formation of soot for such injection strategies, a fast piezo injector would be required.
The laser system commissioned for the LII study is also capable of performing LIF of NO molecules. Since the productions of soot and NO x are closely related, a study of NO-LIF similar to the LII investigation presented here would be useful.
The effects of the observed reversal in autoignition delay trends on emissions and mixing quality are still uncertain. Further work in this direction would be most beneficial. CFD simulation of the autoignition reversal could also help improve the current understanding of the fundamentals of diesel combustion.
Chapter 7: Conclusions
It was suggested that a better control of the injector needle oscillations could help reduce the production of soot. More work would be required to assess the exact influence of these oscillations on fuel mixing, soot and NO x formation.
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APPENDIX A : DIESEL SPRAY CHARACTERISATION .......................A-1 Source code for high-speed video post-processing .................................A-1 Experimental conditions for high-speed video of spray .........................A-5 Experimental conditions for liquid spray photography .........................A-7 Experimental conditions for vapour fuel visualisation ........................A-11 Standard dimensionless numbers .........................................................A-14 Effect of fuel pressure on liquid spray for low-temperature charge ....A-15 Effect of fuel pressure on liquid spray for high-temperature charge ..A-18 Effect of gas density on liquid spray for low-temperature charge .......A-21 Effect of gas density on liquid spray for high-temperature charge .....A-23 Effect of gas density on vapour for high-temperature charge .............A-25 APPENDIX B : AUTOIGNITION OF DIESEL SPRAYS .......................... B-1 Experimental conditions for high-speed video of spray autoignition..... B-1 APPENDIX C : LASER-INDUCED INCANDESCENCE ..........................C-1 Characteristics of image intensifier relay optics ....................................C-1 Example of LII data set ..........................................................................C-4 Experimental conditions for LII data sets ..............................................C-6 Experimental conditions for LII sequence ...........................................C-10 Influence of fuel pressure on soot formation ........................................C-12
batchrun.m % Post-processing software for high-speed video images. % Created on 08/08/00 by J. B. Wray % Last modified on 19/07/01 by C. Crua % % Software is sensitive to camera and nozzle position and will % require modification for a new nozzle or camera location relative to the image. % % Images must be horizontal, with the injection occurring from right to left. % % This program executes sub programs to threshold and calculate spray penetration % from a list of images. % % The output is in a data form exportable to a spreadsheet software (e.g. Excel). % Both files are stored in the images location directory %*********************************************************************************************************************** % The following parameters should be adjusted for each set of images %*********************************************************************************************************************** ImageScale = 2.8; % 1 mm = 2.8 pixels InjectorX = 128+5+round(19.5*ImageScale); % For info: Injector is 19.5mm from top of windows % 128+5 is distance from left window edge to end of image InjectorY = 32; % Should be the same as the centre of the windows %***********************************************************************************************************************
% Code for user to input directory for analysis clear imaged promptstr={'Enter directory path for the images to be processed :'}; inistr={cd}; nlines=1; titlestr='Batch Analysis'; result=inputdlg(promptstr,titlestr,nlines,inistr); if ~isempty(result) directory=result{1}; else break; end % Option of displaying analysis graphically graphics=questdlg('Show graphical results during processing?','Display Options:','Yes','No','No'); if strcmp(graphics,'No') graphics=0; else graphics=1; end % Threshold setting t=input('Input Threshold (0-255):'); % Code to load batch of images and analyse image data. files=dir(directory);
nbfiles=size(files,1); ref=0; dataq=zeros(1,1); for i=1:nbfiles if files(i).isdir==0 lengthname=size(files(i).name,2); image.file=files(i).name(1:lengthname); ref=ref+1; % Process image threshold; maxpen; imaged(ref,:)=image.file(1:lengthname); dataq(ref,1)=meani; dataq(ref,2)=maxi; end end header=['Mean' 'Max']; disp(header); disp(dataq); % Create results text file cd (base); dlmwrite('data',dataq,'\t') threshold.m % Thresholding routine for multiple images. % Run by batchrun.m % Created on 8/08/00 by J. B. Wray % Last modified on 19/07/01 by C. Crua
% Load image file for thresholding base=cd; cd (directory); idata=imread(image.file); % Measure data size m=size(idata,1); n=size(idata,2); ImageWidth=m; ImageHeight=n; % Display image if option chosen if graphics==1 figure('Name',image.file,'Position',[10,450,570,250]) colormap(gray); imagesc(idata); axis equal; axis([0 n 0 m]); hold on; end % Thresholding loop newdata=zeros(m,n); for y=1:n; for x=1:m; if idata(x,y)>t newdata(x,y)=255; else newdata(x,y)=0; end end end % Plot thresholded image figure('Position',[10,124,570,250]) colormap(gray) imagesc(newdata) axis equal; axis( [0 n 0 m]); cd (base); maxpen.m
% Routine to detect the maximum spray penetration from the data outputted by threshold.m % Run by batchrun.m % Created on 8/08/00 by J. B. Wray % Last modified on 19/07/01 by C. Crua % % Input data called newdata from threshold.m
% Store dimensions of input image data [y,x]=size(newdata); % Tags for later loop j=x; k=y; % Find maximum penetration along image centre axis mid=InjectorY; midrow=newdata(mid,:); while j>=1 if midrow(j)=0 j=j-1; else break end end
% Add one to estimated penetration since last black pixel is required, not first white estpen=j+1; % Start looking for spray tip 20 pixels before estimated penetration j=estpen+20; if j>ImageWidth j=ImageWidth; end % Initialise results array result=zeros(ImageHeight-19,2); % Initialise index for first clear element in result i=1; % Search rows of interest (all rows but the 10 upper and 10 lower rows where no spray is expected) for y=10:ImageHeight-10 % Extract row of interest from data data=newdata(y,:); % Scan across row right to left while j>=1 if data(j)==0 % Test for black pixel if j==1 % Loop has reached the image's left edge result(i,1)=0; % Not a point of interest result(i,2)=i+9; % i+9 since first data point is at y=10 i=i+1; end j=j-1; else % Test for white pixel result(i,1)=j+1; % Store data point for edge of spray result(i,2)=i+9; i=i+1; break end end j=estpen+20; end % Processing of the results % Ignore points equal to (estpen+20) % (this means initial pixel was white so no spray tip was detected) [a,b]=size(result); % Reset j for following row
% Loop to check result and remove dud data while a>=1 if result(a,1)>=(estpen+20) result(a,:)=[]; % Removes dud data point elseif result (a,1)==0 % No edge was found result(a,:)=[]; end a=a-1; end % Calculate mean penetration [a,b]=size(result); if a>0 mean=(sum(result(:,1))/a); mini=min(result(:,1)); else mean=255; mini=255; end % Display penetration points if graphics==1 hold on; plot(result(:,1),result(:,2),'r.') plot([mean mean],[0 ImageHeight],'b:') plot([mini mini],[0 ImageHeight],'g-') end % Calculate mean and max penetration from spray tip (InjectorX,InjectorY) meana=(InjectorX-mean); maxa=(InjectorX-mini); % Scale from pixel to mm meani=meana/ImageScale; maxi=maxa/ImageScale;
Test name
1d3 6d3 2d3 7d3 3d3 8d3 4d3 9d3 5d3 1d2 6d2 2d2 7d2 3d2 8d2 4d2 9d2 5d2 1d 6d 2d 7d 3d 8d 4d 9d 5d
Injection pressure [MPa] 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160
ICP at injection [MPa] 2.1 2.7 4.0 5.3 5.2 6.7 6.3 7.4 7.3 2.1 2.7 4.0 5.3 5.2 6.7 6.3 7.8 7.3 2.1 2.7 4.0 5.3 5.2 6.7 6.3 7.4 7.3
Temperature at injection [K] 571 732 571 732 571 726 571 724 571 571 722 571 726 571 724 573 741 573 585 722 583 722 583 722 594 703 571
Table A-1. Conditions for high-speed video of liquid fuel spray for a 0.2 mm VCO nozzle. Injections started at TDC, fuelling was 30 mm 3 .
Test name
1d3Side 6d3Side 7d3Side 2d3Side 8d3Side 3d3Side 9d3Side 4d3Side 5d3Side 1d2Side 6d2Side 2d2Side 7d2Side 3d2Side 8d2Side 4d2Side 9d2Side 5d2Side 1dSide 6dSide 2dSide 7dSide 3dSide 8dSide 4dSide 9dSide 5dSide
Injection pressure [MPa] 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160
ICP at injection [MPa] 2.1 2.7 5.3 4.2 6.7 5.2 8.0 6.3 7.3 2.1 2.7 4.2 5.3 5.2 6.7 6.3 8.0 7.3 2.1 2.7 4.2 5.3 5.2 6.7 6.3 8.0 7.3
Temperature at injection [K] 563 703 780 563 780 563 780 563 563 565 710 565 722 565 722 565 722 565 569 716 567 734 567 751 567 747 567
Table A-2. Conditions for high-speed video close-up of liquid fuel spray for a 0.2 mm VCO nozzle. Injections started at TDC, fuelling was 30 mm 3 .
Test name
F3-5 F3-7 F3-8 F3-10 F3-11 F3-16 F3-17 F3-19 F3-20 F3-25 F3-26 F3-28 F3-29 F3-34 F3-35 F8-1A F8-1A F9-9A F9-10A F9-11A F9-13A F9-3A F9-4A F9-5A F9-6A
ICP at injection [MPa] 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0
Temperature at injection [K] 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567
Injection pulse [ms] 0.90 1.65 1.65 3.41 3.41 1.65 1.65 3.41 3.41 1.65 1.65 3.41 3.41 1.65 1.65 3.41 3.41 1.65 1.65 3.41 3.41 1.65 1.65 3.41 3.41
Recording time [ms ASOI] 1.03 1.10 1.65 1.10 1.65 1.10 1.65 1.10 1.65 1.10 1.65 1.10 1.65 1.10 1.65 1.10 1.65 1.10 1.65 1.10 1.65 1.10 1.65 1.10 1.65
Table A-3. Conditions for photographic imaging of liquid spray for a 0.2 mm VCO nozzle and an injection pressure of 60 MPa. Injections started at TDC.
Test name
F4-3 F4-5 F4-6 F4-8 F4-12 F4-18 F4-20 F4-21 F4-23 F4-24 F4-27 F4-29 F4-30 F4-32 F4-33 F5-8 F5-10 F5-12 F5-13 F8-29A F8-30A F8-31A F8-32A F8-33A F8-23A F8-24A F8-25A F8-26A F8-27A
ICP at injection [MPa] 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0
Temperature at injection [K] 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567
Injection pulse [ms] 0.90 1.65 1.65 3.41 3.41 0.90 1.65 1.65 3.41 3.41 0.90 1.65 1.65 3.41 3.41 0.90 1.65 3.41 3.41 0.90 1.65 1.65 3.41 3.41 0.90 1.65 1.65 3.41 3.41
Recording time [ms ASOI] 1.03 1.10 1.65 1.10 1.65 1.03 1.10 1.65 1.10 1.65 1.03 1.10 1.65 1.10 1.65 1.03 1.10 1.10 1.65 1.03 1.10 1.65 1.10 1.65 1.03 1.10 1.65 1.10 1.65
Table A-4. Conditions for photographic imaging of liquid spray for a 0.2 mm VCO nozzle and an injection pressure of 100 MPa. Injections started at TDC.
Test name
F5-16 F5-18 F5-19 F5-21 F5-22 F5-25 F5-27 F5-28 F5-30 F5-31 F6-3A F6-5A F6-6A F6-8A F6-9A F6-12A F6-14A F6-15A F6-17A F6-18A F8-17A F8-18A F8-19A F8-20A F8-21A F8-11A F8-12A F8-13A F8-14A F8-15A
ICP at injection [MPa] 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0
Temperature at injection [K] 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567
Injection pulse [ms] 0.90 1.65 1.65 3.41 3.41 0.90 1.65 1.65 3.41 3.41 0.90 1.65 1.65 3.41 3.41 0.90 1.65 1.65 3.41 3.41 0.90 1.65 1.65 3.41 3.41 0.90 1.65 1.65 3.41 3.41
Recording time [ms ASOI] 1.03 1.10 1.65 1.10 1.65 1.03 1.10 1.65 1.10 1.65 1.03 1.10 1.65 1.10 1.65 1.03 1.10 1.65 1.10 1.65 1.03 1.10 1.65 1.10 1.65 1.03 1.10 1.65 1.10 1.65
Table A-5. Conditions for photographic imaging of liquid spray for a 0.2 mm VCO nozzle and an injection pressure of 140 MPa. Injections started at TDC.
Test name
F6-21A F6-23A F6-24A F6-26A F6-27A F7-3A F7-5A F7-6A F7-8A F7-9A F7-12A F7-14A F7-15A F7-17A F7-18A F7-21A F7-23A F7-24A F7-26A F7-27A F7-29A F7-30A F7-31A F7-32A F7-33A F8-4A F8-5A F8-6A F8-7A F8-8A
ICP at injection [MPa] 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0
Temperature at injection [K] 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567 567
Injection pulse [ms] 0.90 1.65 1.65 3.41 3.41 0.90 1.65 1.65 3.41 3.41 0.90 1.65 1.65 3.41 3.41 0.90 1.65 1.65 3.41 3.41 0.90 1.65 1.65 3.41 3.41 0.90 1.65 1.65 3.41 3.41
Recording time [ms ASOI] 1.03 1.10 1.65 1.10 1.65 1.03 1.10 1.65 1.10 1.65 1.03 1.10 1.65 1.10 1.65 1.03 1.10 1.65 1.10 1.65 1.03 1.10 1.65 1.10 1.65 1.03 1.10 1.65 1.10 1.65
Table A-6. Conditions for photographic imaging of liquid spray for a 0.2 mm VCO nozzle and an injection pressure of 160 MPa. Injections started at TDC.
schv12 schv11 schv10 schv9 schv23 schv8 schv21 schv22 schv24 schv25 schv7 schv6 schv5 schv4 schv3 schv1 schv1a schv2 schv2a
Table A-7. Conditions for high-speed schlieren video of vapour fuel for a 0.2 mm VCO nozzle. Injections started at TDC, fuelling was 30 mm 3 .
Test name
sc10a sc10b sc10c sc11a sc11b sc11c sc12a sc12b sc13a sc13b sc14a sc14b sc15a sc16a sc16b sc16c sc17a sc17b sc17c sc18a sc18b sc18c sc19a sc19b sc20a sc20b sc21a sc21b sc21c sc21d sc22a sc22b sc22c sc23a sc23b sc23c sc24a sc24b sc24c sc24d
Injection pressure [MPa] 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140
ICP at injection [MPa] 2.6 2.6 2.6 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 6.8 6.8 6.9 6.9 6.5 2.9 2.9 2.9 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 7.6 7.6 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.4 7.4
Temperature at injection [K] 712 712 712 712 712 712 712 712 722 722 722 722 722 664 664 664 728 728 728 724 724 724 712 712 720 720 722 722 722 722 724 724 724 718 718 718 722 722 722 722
Recording time [ms ASOI] 1.3 1.3 1.3 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.7 2.7 1.3 1.3 2.0 2.0 2.7 1.3 1.3 1.3 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.7 2.7 2.7 1.3 1.3 2.0 2.0 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3
Table A-8. Conditions for schlieren imaging of vapour fuel for a 0.2 mm VCO nozzle. Injections started at TDC, fuelling was 30 mm 3 .
Test name
sc2a sc2b sc2c sc3a sc3b sc4a sc4b sc4c sc6a sc6b sc7a sc8a sc8b
Injection pressure [MPa] 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160
ICP at injection [MPa] 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 6.6 6.6 7.4 6.8 6.8
Temperature at injection [K] 726 726 726 714 714 722 722 722 722 722 722 722 722
Recording time [ms ASOI] 1.3 1.3 1.3 2.0 2.0 2.7 2.7 2.7 1.3 1.3 2.0 2.7 2.7
Table A-8. Conditions for schlieren imaging of vapour fuel for a 0.2 mm VCO nozzle (continued).
Inertia Elastic Convective heat transfer Conductive heat transfer Viscous Inertia Surface tension Inertia Viscous Inertia Surface tension
V E hL k
L = We Re
2 2
L2 V 2 LV L2 V 2 L
Table A-9. Table of dimensionless numbers used in fluid dynamics and spray vaporisation. is a density, L a length, V a velocity, h a heat transfer coefficient, S a surface, T a temperature difference, k a thermal conductivity, E a modulus of elasticity, a dynamic viscosity, and a surface tension.
0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 Time ASOI [ms]
Figure A-1. Influence of injection pressure on liquid penetration for lowtemperature charge. 14 kg m -3 in-cylinder density; 0.2 mm VCO nozzle. Broken line shows time at which ignition is highly probable.
0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 Time ASOI [ms]
Figure A-2. Influence of injection pressure on liquid penetration for lowtemperature charge. 28 kg m -3 in-cylinder density; 0.2 mm VCO nozzle. Broken line shows time at which ignition is highly probable.
0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 Time ASOI [ms]
Figure A-3. Influence of injection pressure on liquid penetration for lowtemperature charge. 34 kg m -3 in-cylinder density; 0.2 mm VCO nozzle. Broken line shows time at which ignition is highly probable.
0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 Time ASOI [ms]
Figure A-4. Influence of injection pressure on liquid penetration for lowtemperature charge. 42 kg m -3 in-cylinder density; 0.2 mm VCO nozzle. Broken line shows time at which ignition is highly probable.
0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 Time ASOI [ms]
Figure A-5. Influence of injection pressure on liquid penetration for lowtemperature charge. 49 kg m -3 in-cylinder density; 0.2 mm VCO nozzle. Broken line shows time at which ignition is highly probable.
0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 Time ASOI [ms]
Figure A-6. Influence of injection pressure on liquid penetration for hightemperature charge. 14 kg m -3 in-cylinder density; 0.2 mm VCO nozzle. Broken line shows time at which ignition is highly probable.
0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 Time ASOI [ms]
Figure A-7. Influence of injection pressure on liquid penetration for hightemperature charge. 28 kg m -3 in-cylinder density; 0.2 mm VCO nozzle. Broken line shows time at which ignition is highly probable.
0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 Time ASOI [ms]
Figure A-8. Influence of injection pressure on liquid penetration for hightemperature charge. 35 kg m -3 in-cylinder density; 0.2 mm VCO nozzle. Broken line shows time at which ignition is highly probable.
0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 Time ASOI [ms]
Figure A-9. Influence of injection pressure on liquid penetration for hightemperature charge. 40 kg m -3 in-cylinder density; 0.2 mm VCO nozzle. Broken line shows time at which ignition is highly probable.
0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 Time ASOI [ms]
Figure A-10. Influence of ambient gas density on liquid penetration for lowtemperature charge. 60 MPa injection pressure; 0.2 mm VCO nozzle. Broken line shows time at which ignition is highly probable.
0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 Time ASOI [ms]
Figure A-11. Influence of ambient gas density on liquid penetration for lowtemperature charge. 100 MPa injection pressure; 0.2 mm VCO nozzle. Broken line shows time at which ignition is highly probable.
0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 Time ASOI [ms]
Figure A-12. Influence of ambient gas density on liquid penetration for lowtemperature charge. 160 MPa injection pressure; 0.2 mm VCO nozzle. Broken line shows time at which ignition is highly probable.
0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 Time ASOI [ms]
Figure A-13. Influence of ambient gas density on liquid penetration for hightemperature charge. 60 MPa injection pressure; 0.2 mm VCO nozzle. Broken line shows time at which ignition is highly probable.
0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 Time ASOI [ms]
Figure A-14. Influence of ambient gas density on liquid penetration for hightemperature charge. 100 MPa injection pressure; 0.2 mm VCO nozzle. Broken line shows time at which ignition is highly probable.
0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 Time ASOI [ms]
Figure A-15. Influence of ambient gas density on liquid penetration for hightemperature charge. 160 MPa injection pressure; 0.2 mm VCO nozzle. Broken line shows time at which ignition is highly probable.
17 kg m-3 30 kg m-3 36 kg m-3 Window limits
0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Time ASOI [ms] 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
Figure A-16. Influence of ambient gas density on vapour penetration for hightemperature charge. 100 MPa injection pressure; 0.2 mm VCO nozzle. Broken line shows the limit of the window.
0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Time ASOI [ms] 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
Figure A-17. Influence of ambient gas density on vapour penetration for hightemperature charge. 140 MPa injection pressure; 0.2 mm VCO nozzle. Broken line shows the limit of the window.
0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Time ASOI [ms] 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
Figure A-18. Influence of ambient gas density on vapour penetration for hightemperature charge. 160 MPa injection pressure; 0.2 mm VCO nozzle. Broken line shows the limit of the window.
Test name 50AId 28AI 28AIrr 70AId 31AI 31AIr 31AIrr 34AIrr 34AI 50AIe 29AI 29AIr 29AIrr 70AIe 32AI 32AIr 32AIrr 35AIrr 35AI 50AIf 30AI 30AIrr 70AIf 33AI 33AIrr 36AIrr2 36AI 36AIrr
Injection pressure [MPa] 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 140 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160 160
ICP at nonfired TDC [MPa] 5.0 6.0 6.0 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.0 8.6 9.0 5.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.9 9.0 5.0 6.0 6.0 7.5 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.5 9.0
Temperature at non-fired TDC [K] 717 722 713 720 738 730 740 722 726 705 720 718 720 738 726 734 751 722 726 715 726 744 777 728 761 722 722 693
Table B-1. Conditions for pseudo three-dimensional high-speed video of spray autoignition for a 0.2 mm VCO nozzle.
Intensifier sensitivity Camera sensitivity (max) Reference gain Intensifier gate (min) 160 counts / photoelectron 63 (corresponds to 1 count / photoelectron) 5 ns
CCD characteristics CCD resolution Effective pixel size Dark image intensity RMS A/D conversion factor Readout frequency Readout time / frame 1280x1024 pixels 14.5 m 55 counts 1.8 counts 5 electrons / count 12.5 MHz 120 ms
0% 200
It can be seen from Figure C-1 that the image intensifiers sensitivity to wavelength is nearly constant in the region of the selected LII collection wavelength (41632 nm).
Figure C-3. Image intensifiers gain calibration. The gain used for gathering the LII data presented in Chapter 6 was 70.
All LII images correspond to field of views approximately 30 mm in width and 65 mm in height. The top of each image is 12 mm further down of the injector nozzle.
LII136 LII140 LII144 LII148 LII153 LII157 LII161 LII165 LII169 LII173 LII137 LII141 LII145 LII149 LII154 LII158 LII162 LII166 LII170 LII174 LII138 LII142 LII146 LII150 LII155 LII159 LII163 LII167 LII171 LII175 LII139 LII143 LII147 LII164 LII172 LII168 LII151 LII156 LII160
Table C-2. LII data set averages for an injection pressure of 100 MPa.
Test name
LII97 LII100 LII104 LII108 LII112 LII116 LII120 LII124 LII128 LII98 LII101 LII105 LII109 LII113 LII117 LII121 LII125 LII129 LII99 LII102 LII106 LII110 LII114 LII118 LII122 LII126 LII130 LII131 LII103 LII107 LII115 LII119 LII123 LII127 LII111
ICP at nonfired TDC [MPa] 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.5 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.8
Temperature at TDC [K] 726 732 726 728 724 724 720 728 722 718 722 720 722 722 722 712 718 722 718 720 718 722 718 718 714 714 714 726 728 722 728 722 722 718 722
Recording time [ms ASOI] 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0 4.3 4.7 1.9 2.2 2.5 2.9 3.2 3.6 3.9 4.2 4.6 1.8 2.1 2.5 2.8 3.1 3.5 3.8 4.1 4.5 4.5 2.1 2.4 3.1 3.4 3.8 4.1 2.7
Average intensity [a.u.] 0.41 1.51 6.77 6.64 7.15 6.91 10.02 9.65 0.09 0.24 1.33 4.71 6.60 7.30 7.80 9.47 9.67 0.32 0.17 0.54 4.40 4.99 6.51 7.98 11.03 14.34 1.07 2.81 0.30 2.78 5.18 7.18 11.88 11.46 4.15
Table C-3. LII data set averages for an injection pressure of 140 MPa.
Test name
LII40 LII41 LII45 LII49 LII51 LII55 LII59 LII63 LII67 LII70 LII74 LII78 LII82 LII85 LII89 LII93 LII133 LII152 LII35 LII37 LII42 LII46 LII50 LII52 LII56 LII60 LII64 LII68 LII71 LII75 LII79 LII83 LII86 LII90 LII94 LII134
ICP at nonfired TDC [MPa] 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.9 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0 7.0
Temperature at TDC [K] 720 724 726 720 726 720 724 724 722 724 726 726 728 728 726 728 718 724 722 728 722 718 718 718 720 718 722 718 720 718 720 722 716 718 716 724
Recording time [ms ASOI] 2.1 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.6 4.0 3.9 4.2 4.6 1.9 2.0 2.2 2.4 3.9 3.3 2.2 2.0 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.5 2.8 3.2 3.6 3.9 3.8 4.1 4.5 1.8 2.1 2.2 2.3 3.8
Average intensity [a.u.] 0.10 2.80 1.68 2.11 5.34 5.91 6.08 8.69 5.98 10.35 1.89 0.46 0.42 0.22 1.09 5.82 8.20 8.74 2.99 0.57 3.84 2.98 2.38 5.54 6.05 9.65 8.60 8.28 10.76 4.69 0.30 0.53 0.85 3.26 5.18 9.18
Table C-4. LII data sets for an injection pressure of 160 MPa.
Test name
LII36 LII38 LII43 LII47 LII53 LII57 LII61 LII65 LII69 LII72 LII76 LII80 LII84 LII87 LII91 LII95 LII135 LII39 LII44 LII48 LII62 LII77 LII92 LII54 LII58 LII66 LII73 LII81 LII88 LII96
ICP at nonfired TDC [MPa] 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.6 8.6 8.6 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.7 8.8
Temperature at TDC [K] 722 720 718 720 722 720 724 716 724 724 720 716 716 718 718 718 714 720 726 724 720 720 724 726 722 716 724 720 726 722
Recording time [ms ASOI] 2.1 1.9 2.1 2.1 2.5 2.8 3.1 3.5 3.8 3.7 4.1 4.4 1.8 2.0 2.1 2.3 3.8 1.9 2.1 2.1 3.1 4.1 2.2 2.4 2.7 3.4 3.7 4.4 2.0 2.3
Average intensity [a.u.] 3.74 0.63 4.27 3.31 4.92 6.41 8.95 10.63 9.14 10.79 8.22 0.23 0.42 1.48 2.84 4.38 10.21 0.65 3.78 3.34 9.75 7.11 3.18 4.47 6.16 9.37 10.66 0.33 1.31 4.12
Table C-4. LII data sets for an injection pressure of 160 MPa (continued).
Test name
1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600
60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60
-15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -15
avg01 avg02 avg03 avg04 avg05 avg06 avg07 avg08 avg09 avg10 avg11 avg12 avg13 avg14 avg15 avg16 avg17 avg18 avg19 avg20 avg21 avg22 avg23 avg24 avg25 avg26 avg27 avg28 avg29 avg30 avg31 avg32 avg33 avg34 avg35 avg36 avg37 avg38
ICP at nonfired TDC [MPa] 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0
Temperature at TDC [K] 734 732 728 726 724 722 720 718 716 714 714 714 714 714 714 714 714 714 714 714 714 714 714 714 716 716 716 716 716 716 716 716 716 716 716 716 716 716
Recording time [ms ASOI] 1.96 2.01 2.06 2.11 2.16 2.21 2.26 2.31 2.36 2.41 2.46 2.51 2.56 2.61 2.66 2.71 2.76 2.81 2.86 2.91 2.96 3.01 3.06 3.11 3.16 3.21 3.26 3.31 3.36 3.41 3.46 3.51 3.56 3.61 3.66 3.71 3.76 3.81
Average intensity [a.u.] 0.01 0.65 1.99 2.79 5.86 7.59 8.60 9.81 11.98 13.24 12.33 12.08 13.64 13.79 13.26 13.75 12.93 11.57 12.67 14.15 15.55 16.44 14.55 17.15 14.96 14.90 15.87 15.21 16.02 15.52 15.76 14.49 17.88 18.43 16.78 16.65 16.06 16.62
Test name
1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600
60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60
-15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -15 -15
avg39 avg40 avg41 avg42 avg43 avg44 avg45 avg46 avg47 avg48 avg49 avg50 avg51 avg52 avg53 avg54 avg55
ICP at nonfired TDC [MPa] 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0
Temperature at TDC [K] 718 718 718 718 718 718 718 718 718 718 718 718 718 718 718 718 718
Recording time [ms ASOI] 3.86 3.91 3.96 4.01 4.06 4.11 4.16 4.21 4.26 4.31 4.36 4.41 4.46 4.51 4.56 4.61 4.66
Average intensity [a.u.] 14.65 10.51 8.46 4.72 4.04 2.15 0.67 0.31 0.31 0.05 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01
Table C-5. Conditions for LII sequence shown in Section 6.4.3 (continued).
100 MPa
140 MPa
160 MPa
Figure C-6. Ensemble averaged images showing the effect of injection pressure on initial soot formation sites. Images were recorded between 2.2 and 2.3 ms ASOI, for an ICP of 6.0 MPa at non-fired TDC. Contrast was enhanced for clarity, white lines show ensemble averaged liquid fuel penetration measurement by simultaneous LIS, scales indicate distances from the nozzle in millimetres.
100 MPa
140 MPa
160 MPa
Figure C-7. As in Figure C-6 but for an ICP of 7.0 MPa at non-fired TDC. Images were recorded between 2.1 and 2.3 ms ASOI.
100 MPa
140 MPa
160 MPa
Figure C-8. As in Figure C-6 but for an ICP of 8.0 MPa at non-fired TDC. Images were recorded between 2.0 and 2.3 ms ASOI.
100 MPa
140 MPa
160 MPa
Figure C-9. As in Figure C-6 but for ICPs between 8.7 and 9.0 MPa at nonfired TDC. Images were recorded between 2.0 and 2.3 ms ASOI.
100 MPa
140 MPa
160 MPa
Figure C-10. Ensemble averaged images showing the influence of injection pressure on late soot concentration zones. Images were recorded between 3.6 and 3.7 ms ASOI, for an ICP of 6.0 MPa at non-fired TDC. Scales indicate distances from the nozzle in millimetres.
100 MPa
140 MPa
160 MPa
Figure C-11. As in Figure C-10 but for an ICP of 7.0 MPa at non-fired TDC. Images were recorded between 3.5 and 3.6 ms ASOI.
100 MPa
140 MPa
160 MPa
Figure C-12. As in Figure C-10 but for an ICP of 8.0 MPa at non-fired TDC. Images were recorded between 3.5 and 3.7 ms ASOI.
100 MPa
140 MPa
160 MPa
Figure C-13. As in Figure C-10 but for an ICP between 8.7 and 9.0 MPa at non-fired TDC. Images were recorded between 3.4 and 3.6 ms ASOI.