Netco Cable Industries LTD: Works/Tvpe

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Q.A.F :08:23:00r02.01.

2016 0l of 03
lIlr-B,Okhla phase-lt,
industrial Area New Dethi_l10020
Dated 17.08.2020
Works/Tvpe Test Report
C.D,Sheet No.6/20l55
P.O,No.&Date:-SoparL/ AHM/tBO27 &tBO2BfiGL_Delhi & Noida,pO _OO3
Name ofCustomer :-M/s Sopan O&M Company pvt. Ltd.
Lergth 405Mtr No ofDrums I
Material:- 1Cx6sq,mm Tinned Copper conductor pVC insulated and pVC sheathed
armoured cable
Lot No :- NC/8/20l292 Drum No... F20-653:405mtrs

S.No. I Test
Specified value I Otse*ea uaue

I ,)M."f\"i. '1
I b) Amealing Tes(for Copper) - (min) -----N/A--__
I c)Tensile Shength (for Alurninium) -- N/mm2(min) -----N/A___
i d)Wrapping test(for Aluminium) Nocrack,8on6off6on ---__N/A_--_
e)D.C Resistance at 20 deg.C (Max) 3.1I (max) 2.81

2. llnsrletion:-
I I l\4"t"rirl PVC Type-A PVC Type-A
I a)Colour of Insulation Natural NatuIal
] b)Thickness
I i)Average(mm) 1.30 1.39
I ii)Min(rnm) 1.0'7 1.32
c)Diameter over lnsulalion - (Nom) 5.84
d)Tensile strength &Elongation
Before Ageing
i)T. S.(N/mm2) l2.s(Min) 15.90
ii)Elongarion(%) 150(Min) 240
e) T.S. & Elongation After Ageing
i)Tensile streryth(N/mm2) l2.s(Min) t5.25
ii)Variation in T.S.(%) +/- 20yo +8.08
iii)Elongation (7o) 15O(Min) 220
iv) variation in Elongation% +/-20yo +8.33

For Netco Cabte lnd

floss of mass Ageing ovenlmffi) 2.0(max) 0.625
g) Hot deformation(Depthof rdenration)% 50(Max) 22
h) Heat Shock Test No Sign ofcrack o.K.
or scale
I)Shrinkage(%) 4.0(Max)
J) Cold Bend /Cold lmapct Test No Sign of crack
or scale
k) Thermal Srability(minutes) 80 (min)
Inner Sheath:-
a) Material
b) Thickness(mm) ---N/A ---
c) Dia over Inner Sheath(approx)mm
d) Colour of Inner Sheath
a) Type ofAmour G. L wire G.I. wire
b)Diameter/Size (mm) 1.40+/- 0.04 1.389 to 1.410
c) Tensile Strength CN/mm2) 250 to 580 442 to 452
d) Elongation(%) 6 (min) t9 to 22
e) Torsion Test (No ofTum ) 43 (min) 49 to 52
0 Winding Test No cack ofzinc coating
g) Mass ofzinc coaring (gm/m2) 90 (min)
135 to 145
h) Dip Test No red deposits
i) Resistivity of Armour at20oc(orrn-cm) 14.5x 10{(Max) l3.65xlo{ tol3.g5x t0{
Outer Sheathr
l) Mateial PVC ST-I PVC ST-1
a) Thickness
i)Average(mm) -__N/A __- ---N/A---
ii)Min(mm) 1.24 1.36
b) Tensile Srength &Elongation
Before Ageing
i) T.S.(N/nm2) 12.s(Min) 14.80
ii) Elongation(%) ls0Min) 250
c) Tensile Strength &Elongation
After Ageing
i) Tensile Srength (N/mm2) 12.5(Min) 14.32
ii) Variation in T.S.(%) +t_ 20 +3.24
iii) Elongation(7o) 15O(Min) 230
iv) Variation in elongation (%) +/_ 20 +8.00
d) loss ofmass (mg/cm2) 2.0(Max) 0.452
e) Hot deformation(oepth of rndenrarion)% 50(Max) 23
f) Heat Shock Test No sign of cracks or scates
g) Shrinkage (%) 4.0(Max)
h) Cold Bend /Cold Impact Tesr No sign ofcmcks or scates o.k.
i) Thermal Slability Test 40 (min) 69

For Netco Cable lnd

08:23:00:02 o1 ?t
S. No. Test Specified value Observed value
6 Colour of outer sheath
Over all diameter of cable
High Voltage:-
Y* Yellow
- (A.C.)
a)High volrage ar Room Temp 3K.V. for 5 minutes with stood
b) Water Immersion Test (A.C.) 6 K.V.(R.M.S.Xor5
--do --
c) Water Irnmersion Test (D.C.) 1.2 60oC lbr
240 hrs
9. Volume Resitiviq/
a)at 27oC( ohm -cm) I x 10rr {min) 4.35x10r3
b)at 70oC (ohm -cm) lx t0ro (mini 3.45x10r0

10. Insulation Resistance constant

a)at 27oC(M ohm Km) 36.7 (min) 159.64
b)at 70oC (M ohm Km) 0.037 (min) 0.t27
1t Flammability Tesr 50mm Unaffected 350mm from top end
portion tom Top for 4 sec
end (min),Period of
flame 60 sec(max)
12 ldentification on cable Netco C.P.System Netco C.P.System
cable 1100 Volt cable 1100 Volt
(electric) lcx (electric) lcx 6sqmm


Q.C. Manager

For Nelco Cable lll'lu

Netco Cable Industries (p) Ltd.
I l/l - B Okhla Industrial Area , ph-II, New Delhi _110020
Sizer lcx6sq.rnm ATC/PVC,?VC/Ard Lot No :_ NC/8/20l292

Coil No/ Conductor A.C.H. V. Armour

Drum No At 204 - TEST at Resistance
Ohn km 3 Kvfor At 2oo c
(Observed) 5 minutes ohm/ km
F20-653 Natural with stood --N/A-


For Nctco Cable ln.!

Q.A.F :08:23 i00i02.0I .2016 0t of 03
llll-B,Okhla industriat phase_tl,
Area New Dethi_u0020
Dated 17,08.2020
Works/Type Test Renort
IS: i 554(PTJ)/1988
C.D.Sheet No.6/20l56
P-.O.No.&Dste:-Sopai,/AIIM/ | 8O2i &t BO2B ncL-Delhi
& Noida./pO_0 03 Dt.23.06.2020
Name-of Customor :-lr{/s Sopan O&M Company trt.
Letrgth 305Mt No ofDrums I
Material:- I cx Tinned copper conductor pvc insulated
and pvc sheathed
armoured cable
Lot No :- NC/8/20l293 Drum No...F20-654=305mrrs

7 7
b) Annealing Test(for Copper) ---(min) -----N/A_____-
c)Tensile Strength (for Aluminium) N/mm2(min) -----N/A----
d)Wrapping test(for Aluminium) Nocrack,8on6off6on -----N/A_-__-
e)D.C Resislanc€ at 20 deg.C (Max) 1.84 (rnax) 1.61
I) Material PVC Tne-A PVC Type-A
a)Colour of Insulation Natural Natural
i)Average(mm) 1.30 1.38
ii)Min(mm) t.0'7 1.34
c)Diameter oyer Insulation (Nom) 6.81
d)Tensile strcngth &Elongation
Before Ageing
i)T. S.(N/mrr) 12.5(Min) t4.95
ii)Elongation(o/o) 150(Min) 240
e) T.S. & Elongarion After Ageing
i)Tansile srength(N/mm2) l2.s(Min) 13.87
ii)Variation in T.S.(%) +/- 200/0 +'7.22
iii)Elongation (%) 150(Min) 220
iv) variation in Elongation% +/-20% +8.33

For Netco Cabte ln.rr

[,lan30o. {O.C.}
floss of mass7geing oGn1mffif 2.0(max) 0.678
g) Hot deformation(Depthof rdetuation)yo
50(Max) 29
h) Heat Shock Test No Sign ofcrack o.K.
or scale
I)Shrinkage(%) 4.0(Max) 1.00
J) Cold Bend /Cold Impact Test No Sign ofcrack o.K.
or scale
k) Thermal Stability(minutes) 80 (min) I l0
Inner Sheath:-
a) Material
b) Thickness(mm) ----N/A____- -----NiA___
c) Dia over Inner Sheath(approx)mm
d) Colour of Inner Sheath
a) Type
G. l. wire G.I. wire
b)Diameter/Size (mm) 1.40+/- 0.04 1.391 to 1.414
c) Tensile Strength (N/mm2) 250 to 580 451 to 458
d) Elongation(%) 6 (min) t5 to 22
e) Torsion Tesr (No ofTum )
f) Winding Test
43 (min) 48 to 52
No crckof zinc coaling
g) Mass ofzinc coating (gm/m2) 90 (min) t45 to 162
h) Dip Tesr No red deposits
i) Resistivity of Armour arOoc(ohm-cm) 14.5x l0{
(Max) 13.59x10 6
tol3.84x l0{
Outer Sheathr
1) Mate al PVC ST.1 PVC ST-1
a) Thickness
i)Average(mm) _--N/A -__
ii)Min(mm) --N/A---
1.24 1.39
b) Tensile Strength &Elongation
Before Ageing
i) T.S.(N/mm2) 12.5(Min) 14.85
ii) Elongarion(%) l5oMin) 230
c) Tensile Strenglh &Elongation
Afler Ageing
i) Tensile Strength (N/mm2) 12.5(Min) 14.23
ii) Vadation in T.S.(%) +/- 20 +4.17
iii) Elongarion(%) 150(Min) 220
iv) Va ation in elongation (%) +/_ 20 8.33
d) loss ofmass (mg/cm2) 2.o(Max) 0.674
e) Hot deformation(aepth of rndenrarion)% 50(Max) 25
0 Heat Shock Test No sign ofcl!.ks or scsles
g) Shrinkage (%) 4.0(Max)
h) Cold Bend /Cold Impacr Tesr
No sisn ofcmlk or stjtcs o.k.
i) Thermal Stability Test
40 (min) 6t

For Netco Cable ln

rcr {O.C.)
:08 :15:1.8.2003 03 of03

Colour ofouter sheattr Yellow Yellow

Over all diameter ofcable
High Yoltage:-
a)High voltage at Room Temp (A.C.) 3K.V. for 5 minutes with stood
b) Water lmmersion Test (A.C.) 6 K.V.(R.M.S.)tor5 __do __
c) Water Immersion Test (D.C.) 1.2 60'C for
240 hrs
Volume Resitivity
a)at 27oC( ohm -cm) Ix l0ll (minl 4.67x|013
b)at 70"C (ohm {m) lx l0ro lmin; 3.57x t 0ro

Insulation Resistance constant

a)at 27oC(M ohm Km)
b)at 70"c (M ohm Km)
Flammability Test 5Omm Unaffected 168.45
portion from Top 0.12s
end (min),Period of
flame 60 sec(max) 37ortun from top end
Identification on cable Netco C.P.System for 3 sec
cable I100 Vott
Netco C.P.System
cable t 100 Volt
(electric) 1cx 10

Q.C. Manager

Eor Netco Cablc lnd!

6r (o.c.)
Netco Cable Industries (p) Ltd.
I l/l - B Okhla Industrial Area , phll, New Delhi _110020


Size:- ATC/pVC/pVC/Ard Lot No :_ NC/2/16/021

Conductor Armour
At 20tri, Resistance
Ohm,&m At2o0 c
(Observed) ohm/ km
F20-654 Natural with srood ---N/A-

Q.A.F :08:23:00:02.01.2016 0l of 03
Il/l-B,Okhla industriat Area phase-[, New Dethi-l10020
Dated 17.08.2020
Works/Tvoe Test Renorf
C.D.Sheet No.6/20l57
P.O.No.&Dat€lSopan/AHIvI/18027& 18o28/IGL-Delhi & Noida/pO _OO3 Dt.23.06.2020
Name ofcustomer ;-N{/s Sopan O&M Company p!1. Ltd.
Lenglh 505Mtr No ofDrums 1
Material- lCx25 Tiined Copps conductor pVC insulated and pVC sheathed
armoued cable
Lot No :- NC/8/20l294 Drum No:- F20-655=505mtrs

a)No of wire 7 7
b) Annealing Test(for Copper)
c)Tensile Stength (for Aluminium)
-- (min) ----N/A------
N/mm2(min) -----N/A------
d)Wrapping test(for Aluminium) Nocrack,8on6off6on -----N/A-----
e)D.C Resistance ar 20 deg.C (Max) 0.734 (max) 0.705

l.Material PVC Type-A PVC Tna-A
a)Colour oflnsulation Natural Natural
i)Average(mm) 1.50 1.60
ii)Min(mm) L2s 1.57
c)Diameter over Insulation - (Nom) 9.62
d)Tensile strength &Elongation
Before Ageing
i)T. S.(N/mm2) 12.5 (Min) 15.70
ii)Elongation(%) 150 (Min) 250
e) T.S. & Elongation After Ageing
i)Tensile stength(N/mm2) 12.s(Min) 14.88
ii)Variation in T.S.(%) +t_ 20% +5.22
iii)Elongation (%) lsO(Min) 230
iv) variation in Elongalion% +/-20yo +8.00

For Netco Cabi! i'ri'! ttries (P)"Ltd.

S.No. Test Specified value Observed value
f)Loss ofmass Ageing oven(mg/cm2) 2.0(max) 0.785
g) Hot defomation(Deprhof Idenration)% 50(Max) 20
h) Heat Shock Test No Sign ofclack o.K.
or scale
I)Shrinkage(%) 4.0(Max) 1.00
J) Cold Bend /Cold Imapct Test No Sign of crack o.K.
or scale
k) Themal Stabiliry(minutes) 80 (min) I l0
3. Inner Sheath:-
a) Material
b) Thickness(mm) _--N/A__ ---N/A---
c) Dia over lnner Sheath(approx)mm
d) Colour ofInner Sheath
4. Armouring i
a) Type of Amour G. I. wire G.I. wire
b)Diameter/Size (rnrn) 1.40+/- 0.04 1.388 to 1.405
c) Tensile Strength (N/mm2) 250 to 580 425 to 432
d) Elongation(%) 6 (min) 15 to 19
e) Torsion Test (No ofTum ) 43 (min) 49 to 53
0 Winding Test No crack ofzinc coaring __-_N/A__
g) Mass ofzinc coating (gm/m2) 90 (min) t35 to 167
h) Dip Test No red deposits
i) Resistivity of Armour at20oc(ohm,cm) 14.5x lO{ (Max) l3.37xto{ tol3.49x t0{

5. Outer Sheath:-
I)Mate al PVC ST.1 PVC ST-1
a) Thickness
i)Average(mm) ___N/A __
ii)Min(mm) 1.24 1.45
b) Tensile Strength &Elongation
Before Ageing
i) T.S.Q{/mm2) 12.5(Min) 15.64
ii) Elongation(%) l50Min) 240
c) Tensile Strength &Elongation
After Ageing
i) Tensile Strength (N/mm2) l2.s(Min) 15.10
ii) Vadation in T.S.(%) +/- 20 +3.45
iii) Elongarion(%) 150(Min) 220
iv) Variation in elongation (%) +/_ 20 +8.33
d) loss ofmass (mg/cm2) 2.0(Max) 0.785
e) Hot defomation(depth of tDdentalion)% 5o(Max) 22
0 Heat Shock Test No sign of cracks or scales
g) Shrinkage (%) 4.0@ax)
h) Cold Bend /Cold Impact Test
No sisn of cmcksorscates o.k.
i) Thermal Srability Tesr
40 (min) 68
5rl 03
S. No. Test Specified value Observed value
6 Colour ofouter sheath I Yellow Yellow
7 Over all diameter ofcable
8. High Voltage:-
a)High voltage at Room Temp (A.C.) 3K.V. for 5 minutes with stood
b) Water lnrnersio[ Test (A.C.) 6 K.V.(R.M.S.)for5 ---N/A ----
c) Water Immersion Test (D.C.) 1.2 60oC for
240 hrs
9. Volume Resitivity
a)at 27"C( ohm {m) lx l0r3 (rnin) 5.68x10r3
b)at 70oC (ohm {m) )x 10ru 1min.1 4.75x10r0

10. Insulation Resistance constant

a)at 27oC(M ohm Km) 36.7 (min) 208.45
b)at 70'C (M ohm Km) 0.037 (min) 0.175
11. Flammability Test 5omm Unaffecred 380 mm from top end
portion from Top for 4 sec
end (min),Period of
flame 60 sec(max)
12. Identification on cable Netco C.P.System Netco C.P.System
cable I100 Volr cable I 100 Volt
(electric) (electric) lcx25sqmm
lcx25sqmm PVC/?VC/ARMD


Q.C. Manager

For Netco Cable Lid

Q.A.F i08:26

Netco Cable Industries (p) Ltd.

I l/1 - B Okhla Indust alArea,phlt,NewO"lhi_tIOOZO


Size:- lCx 25 ABC/pVC/pVC/Armd iiiNo . NCI8IZOIZS+
IS: ls54(pT_t/88

Conductor Armour
At 2ora-h' Resistance
Ohm/km At 200 c
(Observed) ohm./ km
F20-6s5 Natural with stood ---N/A-


For Ncii', '

o, (O.C.)

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