Netco Cable Industries LTD: Works/Tvpe
Netco Cable Industries LTD: Works/Tvpe
Netco Cable Industries LTD: Works/Tvpe
2016 0l of 03
lIlr-B,Okhla phase-lt,
industrial Area New Dethi_l10020
Dated 17.08.2020
Works/Tvpe Test Report
C.D,Sheet No.6/20l55
P.O,No.&Date:-SoparL/ AHM/tBO27 &tBO2BfiGL_Delhi & Noida,pO _OO3
Name ofCustomer :-M/s Sopan O&M Company pvt. Ltd.
Lergth 405Mtr No ofDrums I
Material:- 1Cx6sq,mm Tinned Copper conductor pVC insulated and pVC sheathed
armoured cable
Lot No :- NC/8/20l292 Drum No... F20-653:405mtrs
S.No. I Test
Specified value I Otse*ea uaue
I ,)M."f\"i. '1
I b) Amealing Tes(for Copper) - (min) -----N/A--__
I c)Tensile Shength (for Alurninium) -- N/mm2(min) -----N/A___
i d)Wrapping test(for Aluminium) Nocrack,8on6off6on ---__N/A_--_
e)D.C Resistance at 20 deg.C (Max) 3.1I (max) 2.81
2. llnsrletion:-
I I l\4"t"rirl PVC Type-A PVC Type-A
I a)Colour of Insulation Natural NatuIal
] b)Thickness
I i)Average(mm) 1.30 1.39
I ii)Min(rnm) 1.0'7 1.32
c)Diameter over lnsulalion - (Nom) 5.84
d)Tensile strength &Elongation
Before Ageing
i)T. S.(N/mm2) l2.s(Min) 15.90
ii)Elongarion(%) 150(Min) 240
e) T.S. & Elongation After Ageing
i)Tensile streryth(N/mm2) l2.s(Min) t5.25
ii)Variation in T.S.(%) +/- 20yo +8.08
iii)Elongation (7o) 15O(Min) 220
iv) variation in Elongation% +/-20yo +8.33
floss of mass Ageing ovenlmffi) 2.0(max) 0.625
g) Hot deformation(Depthof rdenration)% 50(Max) 22
h) Heat Shock Test No Sign ofcrack o.K.
or scale
I)Shrinkage(%) 4.0(Max)
J) Cold Bend /Cold lmapct Test No Sign of crack
or scale
k) Thermal Srability(minutes) 80 (min)
Inner Sheath:-
a) Material
b) Thickness(mm) ---N/A ---
c) Dia over Inner Sheath(approx)mm
d) Colour of Inner Sheath
a) Type ofAmour G. L wire G.I. wire
b)Diameter/Size (mm) 1.40+/- 0.04 1.389 to 1.410
c) Tensile Strength CN/mm2) 250 to 580 442 to 452
d) Elongation(%) 6 (min) t9 to 22
e) Torsion Test (No ofTum ) 43 (min) 49 to 52
0 Winding Test No cack ofzinc coating
g) Mass ofzinc coaring (gm/m2) 90 (min)
135 to 145
h) Dip Test No red deposits
i) Resistivity of Armour at20oc(orrn-cm) 14.5x 10{(Max) l3.65xlo{ tol3.g5x t0{
Outer Sheathr
l) Mateial PVC ST-I PVC ST-1
a) Thickness
i)Average(mm) -__N/A __- ---N/A---
ii)Min(mm) 1.24 1.36
b) Tensile Srength &Elongation
Before Ageing
i) T.S.(N/nm2) 12.s(Min) 14.80
ii) Elongation(%) ls0Min) 250
c) Tensile Strength &Elongation
After Ageing
i) Tensile Srength (N/mm2) 12.5(Min) 14.32
ii) Variation in T.S.(%) +t_ 20 +3.24
iii) Elongation(7o) 15O(Min) 230
iv) Variation in elongation (%) +/_ 20 +8.00
d) loss ofmass (mg/cm2) 2.0(Max) 0.452
e) Hot deformation(oepth of rndenrarion)% 50(Max) 23
f) Heat Shock Test No sign of cracks or scates
g) Shrinkage (%) 4.0(Max)
h) Cold Bend /Cold Impact Tesr No sign ofcmcks or scates o.k.
i) Thermal Slability Test 40 (min) 69
Q.C. Manager
7 7
b) Annealing Test(for Copper) ---(min) -----N/A_____-
c)Tensile Strength (for Aluminium) N/mm2(min) -----N/A----
d)Wrapping test(for Aluminium) Nocrack,8on6off6on -----N/A_-__-
e)D.C Resislanc€ at 20 deg.C (Max) 1.84 (rnax) 1.61
I) Material PVC Tne-A PVC Type-A
a)Colour of Insulation Natural Natural
i)Average(mm) 1.30 1.38
ii)Min(mm) t.0'7 1.34
c)Diameter oyer Insulation (Nom) 6.81
d)Tensile strcngth &Elongation
Before Ageing
i)T. S.(N/mrr) 12.5(Min) t4.95
ii)Elongation(o/o) 150(Min) 240
e) T.S. & Elongarion After Ageing
i)Tansile srength(N/mm2) l2.s(Min) 13.87
ii)Variation in T.S.(%) +/- 200/0 +'7.22
iii)Elongation (%) 150(Min) 220
iv) variation in Elongation% +/-20% +8.33
[,lan30o. {O.C.}
floss of mass7geing oGn1mffif 2.0(max) 0.678
g) Hot deformation(Depthof rdetuation)yo
50(Max) 29
h) Heat Shock Test No Sign ofcrack o.K.
or scale
I)Shrinkage(%) 4.0(Max) 1.00
J) Cold Bend /Cold Impact Test No Sign ofcrack o.K.
or scale
k) Thermal Stability(minutes) 80 (min) I l0
Inner Sheath:-
a) Material
b) Thickness(mm) ----N/A____- -----NiA___
c) Dia over Inner Sheath(approx)mm
d) Colour of Inner Sheath
a) Type
G. l. wire G.I. wire
b)Diameter/Size (mm) 1.40+/- 0.04 1.391 to 1.414
c) Tensile Strength (N/mm2) 250 to 580 451 to 458
d) Elongation(%) 6 (min) t5 to 22
e) Torsion Tesr (No ofTum )
f) Winding Test
43 (min) 48 to 52
No crckof zinc coaling
g) Mass ofzinc coating (gm/m2) 90 (min) t45 to 162
h) Dip Tesr No red deposits
i) Resistivity of Armour arOoc(ohm-cm) 14.5x l0{
(Max) 13.59x10 6
tol3.84x l0{
Outer Sheathr
1) Mate al PVC ST.1 PVC ST-1
a) Thickness
i)Average(mm) _--N/A -__
ii)Min(mm) --N/A---
1.24 1.39
b) Tensile Strength &Elongation
Before Ageing
i) T.S.(N/mm2) 12.5(Min) 14.85
ii) Elongarion(%) l5oMin) 230
c) Tensile Strenglh &Elongation
Afler Ageing
i) Tensile Strength (N/mm2) 12.5(Min) 14.23
ii) Vadation in T.S.(%) +/- 20 +4.17
iii) Elongarion(%) 150(Min) 220
iv) Va ation in elongation (%) +/_ 20 8.33
d) loss ofmass (mg/cm2) 2.o(Max) 0.674
e) Hot deformation(aepth of rndenrarion)% 50(Max) 25
0 Heat Shock Test No sign ofcl!.ks or scsles
g) Shrinkage (%) 4.0(Max)
h) Cold Bend /Cold Impacr Tesr
No sisn ofcmlk or stjtcs o.k.
i) Thermal Stability Test
40 (min) 6t
rcr {O.C.)
:08 :15:1.8.2003 03 of03
Q.C. Manager
6r (o.c.)
Netco Cable Industries (p) Ltd.
I l/l - B Okhla Industrial Area , phll, New Delhi _110020
Conductor Armour
At 20tri, Resistance
Ohm,&m At2o0 c
(Observed) ohm/ km
F20-654 Natural with srood ---N/A-
Q.A.F :08:23:00:02.01.2016 0l of 03
Il/l-B,Okhla industriat Area phase-[, New Dethi-l10020
Dated 17.08.2020
Works/Tvoe Test Renorf
C.D.Sheet No.6/20l57
P.O.No.&Dat€lSopan/AHIvI/18027& 18o28/IGL-Delhi & Noida/pO _OO3 Dt.23.06.2020
Name ofcustomer ;-N{/s Sopan O&M Company p!1. Ltd.
Lenglh 505Mtr No ofDrums 1
Material- lCx25 Tiined Copps conductor pVC insulated and pVC sheathed
armoued cable
Lot No :- NC/8/20l294 Drum No:- F20-655=505mtrs
a)No of wire 7 7
b) Annealing Test(for Copper)
c)Tensile Stength (for Aluminium)
-- (min) ----N/A------
N/mm2(min) -----N/A------
d)Wrapping test(for Aluminium) Nocrack,8on6off6on -----N/A-----
e)D.C Resistance ar 20 deg.C (Max) 0.734 (max) 0.705
l.Material PVC Type-A PVC Tna-A
a)Colour oflnsulation Natural Natural
i)Average(mm) 1.50 1.60
ii)Min(mm) L2s 1.57
c)Diameter over Insulation - (Nom) 9.62
d)Tensile strength &Elongation
Before Ageing
i)T. S.(N/mm2) 12.5 (Min) 15.70
ii)Elongation(%) 150 (Min) 250
e) T.S. & Elongation After Ageing
i)Tensile stength(N/mm2) 12.s(Min) 14.88
ii)Variation in T.S.(%) +t_ 20% +5.22
iii)Elongation (%) lsO(Min) 230
iv) variation in Elongalion% +/-20yo +8.00
5. Outer Sheath:-
I)Mate al PVC ST.1 PVC ST-1
a) Thickness
i)Average(mm) ___N/A __
ii)Min(mm) 1.24 1.45
b) Tensile Strength &Elongation
Before Ageing
i) T.S.Q{/mm2) 12.5(Min) 15.64
ii) Elongation(%) l50Min) 240
c) Tensile Strength &Elongation
After Ageing
i) Tensile Strength (N/mm2) l2.s(Min) 15.10
ii) Vadation in T.S.(%) +/- 20 +3.45
iii) Elongarion(%) 150(Min) 220
iv) Variation in elongation (%) +/_ 20 +8.33
d) loss ofmass (mg/cm2) 2.0(Max) 0.785
e) Hot defomation(depth of tDdentalion)% 5o(Max) 22
0 Heat Shock Test No sign of cracks or scales
g) Shrinkage (%) 4.0@ax)
h) Cold Bend /Cold Impact Test
No sisn of cmcksorscates o.k.
i) Thermal Srability Tesr
40 (min) 68
5rl 03
S. No. Test Specified value Observed value
6 Colour ofouter sheath I Yellow Yellow
7 Over all diameter ofcable
8. High Voltage:-
a)High voltage at Room Temp (A.C.) 3K.V. for 5 minutes with stood
b) Water lnrnersio[ Test (A.C.) 6 K.V.(R.M.S.)for5 ---N/A ----
c) Water Immersion Test (D.C.) 1.2 60oC for
240 hrs
9. Volume Resitivity
a)at 27"C( ohm {m) lx l0r3 (rnin) 5.68x10r3
b)at 70oC (ohm {m) )x 10ru 1min.1 4.75x10r0
Q.C. Manager
Conductor Armour
At 2ora-h' Resistance
Ohm/km At 200 c
(Observed) ohm./ km
F20-6s5 Natural with stood ---N/A-
o, (O.C.)