Phys-FRCR Vol 1
Phys-FRCR Vol 1
Phys-FRCR Vol 1
for FRCR
Simplified and edited by
(Volume 1)
Dr. Khaled Elazhry
Dr. Khaled Elazhry 1
Chapter 1
Has a positive electrical charge, and contains almost all the mass of an atom.
Made of several types of particles "NUCLEONS" only protons & neutrons considered.
The proton has a positive electric charge numerically equal to the charge of the electron,
while the neutron has zero electrical charge.
The neutron and proton have about the same mass (1.66 x 10-24 gm), which is
approximately 1840 times greater than the mass of an electron.
The atomic number of the atoms "Z" = the number of protons in the nucleus
synonymous with element name.
The mass number "A" = the total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus.
Gold (Au) has a nucleus with 79 protons (Z = 79) and 118 neutrons (A = 197)
All atoms of an element have the same atomic number (Z), but may have different mass
numbers (isotopes).
ISOTOPES have the same number of protons in the nucleus "same atomic number" but
have different numbers of neutrons "different mass numbers".
12C refers to a carbon atom with A = 12 & Z = 6 shortened 12C "Carbon-12".
Carbon-14 still has Z = 6 but has two more neutrons unstable and radioactive. It is
called a Radionuclide.
An atom is composed of a central positive nucleus + electrons with negative charges revolving
around the nucleus in circular orbits.
A neutral atom contains an equal number of protons and electrons.
The electron orbits are designated by letters: K, L, M, N, O, and so on.
The atomic system allows 2 electrons in the first orbit, 8 in the second, 18 in the third, 32 in
the fourth, and 50 in the fifth (2N2).
An electron in the K shell is called a K electron. L electrons are in the L shell.
Valence shell:
Outermost shell.
Concerned with the chemical, thermal, optical & electrical properties of the element.
Can't have more than 8 electrons (called 'free electrons').
X-rays involve the inner shells, and radioactivity concerns the nucleus.
The diameters of the electronic shells are determined by the nuclear force on the electron, and
by the angular momentum and energy of the electron.
The "binding force" of the electron = the attractive force between the positively charged nu-
cleus and the negatively charged electron, that keeps the electrons in the atom.
The binding force is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the nucleus
and electron K electron has a larger binding force than an L electron.
Binding energy = the energy expended in completely removing the electron from the atom
against the attractive force of the positive nucleus expressed in electronvolts (eV).
Never greater than 100 keV.
The binding energy depends on
1. The shell (EK > EL > EM ).
2. The element ( Atomic number binding energy)
For example; In the case of tungsten (W; Z = 74) the binding energies of different shell are :
70 11 2 keV
In the case of the K shell, the binding energies of different elements are
W (Z = 74) I (Z = 53) Mo (Z = 42) Cu (Z = 29)
70 33 20 9 keV
An electron cannot have any more or less energy than shell energy, but electron may jump
from one energy shell to another "higher or lower" energy shell
Electron movement to a lower energy shell results in the emission of energy.
Emitted energy = the difference in the binding energy between the two shells.
The energy may take the form of an x ray photon.
Electron movement to a higher energy e.g. absorption of an x-ray photon.
Each atomic energy shells, except K, has SUBSHELLS of slightly different energies
Fig. 1.2 Electromagnetic wave. Field strength versus (a) time and (b) distance.
When the energy is less than 1 keV the radiation is usually described in terms of its frequency,
except that visible light described in wavelength.
Only radiations at the ends of the spectrum penetrate the human body sufficiently to be used in
imaging radio waves and X- or gamma rays.
N.B. sound is a mechanical wave not an electromagnetic wave (MCQ).
Two objects are said to move in synchronism when their phase difference is constant.
The two sine waves in Fig. 1.2a are out of phase. They have the same period or frequency but
the dashed curve lags behind the solid curve "i.e. reaching its maximum at a later time".
Phase difference = the time interval between their peaks expressed as an angle, lying between
0 and 360, on a scale which makes the period T correspond to 360.
In single-phase mains supply the current rises and falls as a single sine wave.
In a three-phase supply the current rises and falls as three sine waves having phase
differences of 120.
Wave and quantum theories combined
Photon energy is proportional to the frequency.
The constant of proportionality is called Planck's constant (h). Thus, E = h f
Since frequency is inversely proportional to wavelength, so also is photon energy:
E (in keV) = 1.24 / (in nm)
E (in eV) = 1240 / (in nm)
For example:
Blue light
= 400nm E = 3 eV
Typical X- and gamma rays;
= 0.1 nm E = 140 keV
The anode of a rotating anode tube consists of a large disc of tungsten or an alloy of tungsten
"tungsten-rhenium alloy" better thermal characteristics than pure tungsten and does not
roughen with use as quickly.
Typical disc diameters measure 75, 100, or 125 mm.
The diameter of the tungsten disc determines the total
length of the target track affects the maximum per-
missible loading of the anode.
X-ray generator is the device that supplies electric power to the X-ray tube.
Two sources of electrical energy are required and are derived from the alternating current
(AC) mains by means of transformers. Figure l.4 shows:
The filament heating voltage (about 10 V) and current (about 10 A),
produced by a step-down low-voltage transformer for heating of the filament.
The accelerating voltage (30-150 kV) between the anode and cathode ('high tension',
'kilovoltage', or 'kV'), produced by a high-voltage transformer.
accelerates the current of electrons (typically 0.5-1000 mA) flowing between the anode
and cathode ('tube current', 'milliamperage', or 'mA').
The mA is controlled by varying the filament temperature.
A small in filament temperature, voltage, or current large in tube current
kV & mA can be varied independently in the X-ray set.
The anode-cathode voltage = kVp or kV.
Rectification is the process of changing alternating current into direct current.
Using an alternative current for X-ray tube makes electrons moves in one half of the cycle
from the cathode to anode, in the other half of cycle the electrons with move in opposite
direction undesirable, because:
1. heating of the filament lifetime. 2. Wouldn't produce useful X-ray.
This figure plots the relative number of photons having each photon energy (in keV)
The bremsstrahlung forms a continuous
spectrum (a).
Comparison between spectrum from a tube with a tungsten target, operating at three different kV values.
As the tube voltage is increased both the width and height of the spectrum increase the
area increases the output of X-rays increases, which is proportional to kV2.
The intensity of X-rays emitted is proportional to kV2 x mA.
The efficiency of X-ray production is the ratio
X-ray output
electrical power supplied
So, the efficiency
(1) Increases with the kV.
(2) Is greater, the higher the atomic number of the target.
Pass through unaffected, as primary or direct radiation.
Transferring to the matter all of their energy (complete absorption) or some of it (partial
Diverted in a new direction, with or without loss of energy, and so may leave the beam (as
scattered or secondary radiation).
X-ray absorption and scattering processes are stochastic processes, governed by the
statistical laws of chance. It is impossible to predict which of the individual photons in a beam
will be transmitted by 1 mm of a material, but it is possible to be quite precise about the fraction
of them that will be, on account of the large numbers of photons in the beam.
X-ray beam Quantity: the number of photons in the beam.
X-ray beam Quality: refers to the energies of the photon in the beam.
Intensity: the product of number & energy of photons (depends on both the quantity &
Attenuation = the reduction in the X-ray beam intensity as it traverses a matter by either
absorption or scattering of photons.
It depends on both the quantity & quality of the X-ray beam.
Attenuation of narrow monoenergetic beam of x-ray:
In the module of monochromatic radiation attenuation = reduction of quantity only
The experimental arrangement for measuring HVL and the attenuation coefficient is illustrated
in Fig. 1.13a
Fig. 1.13 (a) a narrow beam is used for the measurement of the HVL
(b) Transmission of a wide beam.
This arrangement, referred to as 'good geometry' minimizes the amount of scattered radiation
SS entering the detector
The beam is restricted by means of a lead diaphragm to just cover a small detector.
The diaphragm b and sheets of the absorbing material c are positioned halfway between the
source ( a ) and detector ( d ) .
A second collimator may be placed in front of the detector.
5 processes of interaction between X-rays and matter contribute to attenuation
1. Interaction with a loosely bound or 'free' electron Compton process "modified scatter"
2. Interaction with inner shell or 'bound' electron Photoelectric absorption.
3. Interaction with a bound electron elastic scatter ( Unmodified scatter coherent )
4. Pair production.
5. Photodisintegration.
It is also known variously as coherent, classical, elastic, Rayleigh or Thomson scattering
The photon bounces off an electron which is firmly bound to its parent atom the photon is
scattered with no loss of energy.
No secondary electron - No ionization.
This process occurs with low-energy photons and at very small angles of scattering
The scattered radiation does not leave the beam little significance in radiology.
The angle of scatter is the angle between the scattered ray and the incident ray.
Photons may be scattered in all directions.
The electrons are projected only in sideways and forward directions.
Unlike PEE in which most of photon's energy is expended to free electron bond Recoil
electron is already free (so no energy needed for this).
2 factors determine the amount of energy retained by scattered photon:
1. Initial photon energy.
2. Angle of scatter .
It will be seen that The greater the angle of scatter
1. The greater the energy and range of the recoil electron
2. The lower the energy of the scattered photon (i.e. the greater the loss of energy).
Scattered photons at small angles retain most of original energy:
1. As they scatter at small angle they remain within the 1ry beam film fogging.
2. They are too energetic can't be removed by filters.
3. Scattered radiation - even those scattered at large angles still have much energy safety
hazards to medical staff especially in fluoroscopy.
A back-scattered photon ( = 180) is less energetic 'softer' than a side-scattered photon ( =
90), which in turn is softer than a forward-scattered photon ( = 0).
Higher energy photons are more difficult to deflect (more momentum).
initial photon energy
1. the remaining photon energy of the scattered radiation more penetrating.
However, photon energy no. of reactions probability to pass through body than
low energy photons
2. the kinetic energy of the recoil electron and its range.
The softening effect of Compton scatter is greatest with large scattering angles & high
energy X-rays.
Free electron:
An electron which binding energy is much less than energy of incident photon.
In diagnostic radiology range (10 150 keV):
In high atomic no. elements outer shell electrons are free.
In low atomic no. elements (as in soft tissue) all electrons are free.
In point of fact, the probability of the Compton process depends on the number of electrons per
unit volume while being otherwise independent of atomic number. It therefore depends upon
Mass per unit volume x No. of electrons per unit mass
The former is the usual 'physical density' and the latter is called the 'electron density'.
Since the number of atoms per unit mass is 1/A, and the number of electrons per atom is Z
The number of electrons per unit mass must be Z / A
Apart, from hydrogen (for which Z/A = 1), almost all light elements relevant to radiology have
Z/A = 0.5.
As a result, hydrogenous materials have slightly more electrons per gram than materials
without hydrogen content.
The electron density of bone, air, fat, muscle, and water does not vary by more than 10%. On
account of this small variation we often simply say that Compton attenuation is proportional to
physical density.
Air-equivalent materials and tissue-equivalent materials must have the same electron density as
air and soft tissue, respectively; as well as having the properties.
When a photon (a) 'collides' with an electron (b) in the K-shell of an atom & if its energy > the
binding energy of the shell it can eject the electron b from the atom.
The photon disappears:
1. Part of its energy, equal to the binding energy of the K-shell, is expended in removing the
electron from the atom.
2. The remainder becomes the kinetic energy (KE) of that electron.
KE of the electron = photon energy - EK
Less often, the X- or gamma ray photon may interact with an electron in the L-shell of an atom
ejected from the atom with KE = photon energy - KL.
The electrons so ejected are called photoelectrons.
The 'holes' created in the atomic shell are filled by electrons falling in from a shell farther out,
with the emission of a series of photons of characteristic radiation.
The photoelectric interaction yields 3 end products:
1. ve Ion (photoelectron).
2. +ve ion (atom deficient by one electron).
3. Characteristic radiation
To summarize:
Z3 / E3
= the cube root of the average of the cube roots of the atomic numbers of the
For example,
In the case of iodine, EK = 33 keV and photons of energy 31 keV are attenuated much less than
photons of energy 35 keV.
The K-edges of low atomic number materials such as air, water, tissue, and aluminum have
no significance as they occur at EK = 1 keV or less.
The higher the atomic number of the material, the greater is EK and the greater is the
photon energy at which the edge occurs.
When max. X-ray absorption is desired, the K-edge of an absorber should be close to
the energy of the X-ray beam
e.g. In Xeroradiography, Selenium is used for low energy radiation (30-35 kVp) like
mammography. While, Tungsten is used for high energy radiation (350 kVp) like CXR.
The absorption edge is important in:
1. Choosing materials for 'K-edge filters'.
2. Contrast media.
3. Imaging phosphors.
The photon energy at which the two processes happen to be equally important depends on
the atomic number of the material:
30 keV for air, water, and tissue
50 keV for aluminum and bone
300 keV for iodine and barium 500 keV for lead
As regards diagnostic imaging with X-rays (20-140 keV), therefore:
1. The Compton process is the predominant process for air, water, and soft tissues
(except at very low photon energy "20 30 keV" PEE reaction predominate)
2. Photoelectric absorption predominates for contrast media, lead, and the materials
used in films, screens, and other imaging devices;
3. While both are important for bone (intermediate atomic no.).
PEE is more common at low energies.
Compton scattering in dominant at high energies.
4. Coherent scattering play only a minor role throughout diagnostic energy range.
5. Attenuation is greater when the PEE predominates (complete absorption).
'Secondary radiation' refers to Compton scattered radiation;
'Secondary electrons' to the recoil electrons and photoelectrons
As they travel through the material, the secondary electrons interact with the outer
shells of the atoms they pass nearby, and excite or ionize them the track of the
electron is tortuous & dotted with ion pairs.
When traveling through air the electron loses an average of 34 eV per ion pair.
3 eV needed to excite an atom & 10 eV to ionize it, & there about 8 times as many
excitations as ionizations.
When it loses the whole of its initial energy the electron comes to the end of its
The greater the initial energy of the electron, the greater its range
The range is inversely proportional to the density of the material.
The ranges in air are some 800 times greater than in tissue
For example, when 140 keV photons are absorbed in soft tissue,
Some of the secondary electrons are photoelectrons having energy of 140 keV, able to
produce some 4000 ion pairs and having a range of about 0.2 mm.
Most of the secondary electrons are recoil electrons with a spectrum of energies averaging
25 keV and an average range of about 0.02 mm.
Filters attenuates lower-energy X-rays more in proportion than higher-energy X-rays the
penetrating power (HVL) of the beam but intensity
It is responsible for the low-energy cut-off of the X-ray spectrum.
To measure the charge, the ions are separated before they can recombine by applying a
polarizing voltage between the outer thimble wall and a thin central electrode (c) Ionization
current (I) flows, proportional to the dose rate of the radiation & the mass of air in the
A polarizing voltage of 100 V is usually sufficient to collect all the ions and produce
If the voltage is too low, some of the positive and negative ions recombine, and the ionization
current measured is too low.
Above a certain 'saturation' voltage, all the ions are separated, and ionization current is
Air has been chosen as the standard material for dosimetry because:
1. Effective atomic number of air (7.6) is close to that of tissue (7.4)
the conversion factor is close to unity
2. Applicable to the measurement of a wide range of X- and ray photon energies.
3. Large & small doses and large & small dose rates are easily and accurately measured.
4. Air is available, cheap, universal with invariable composition.
Wall Thickness
The chamber wall must be sufficiently thick
The dosemeter is designed to measure the air dose at the center of the thimble the overall
dimensions should be small.
Typical values are length 17 mm, diameter 7 mm, and wall thickness 0.7 mm.
If the wall is too thin, electrons which have been set moving by the X-rays at points in the
surroundings can penetrate into the air cavity and contribute to the ionization, giving a false
The wall thickness should be greater than the maximum range of the secondary
electrons set in motion by the hardest X-rays to be measured
(For example, 0.2 mm for the photoelectrons from 140 keV X-rays)
So, the ionization is unaffected by the X- and gamma dose rate at points outside thimble
However, if the wall is too thick it attenuates unduly the radiation being measured.
Air volume:
The larger the air volume, the more sensitive the dosemeter.
A 30 ml chamber is often used to check the output of an X-ray set
A larger one to measure the low-intensity stray radiation near an X-ray set or in a radionuclide
calibrator to assess radioactivity
Not all dosimeters in current use ere calibrated to read air kerma in grays. Some are calibrated
to read exposure, which is defined as
ionization charge collected
mass of air in the thimble chamber
The obsolescent quantity 'exposure' only applies to X- and gamma rays and not to alpha
particles, beta particles, or neutrons ( Whereas, air kerma applies to them all. )
The SI unit of exposure is coulombs per kilogram:
absorbed dose to air (Gy) = 34 x exposure (C kg-1)
The factor 34 is numerically equal to the energy in electronvolts expended per ion pair.
An older unit of exposure is the roentgen (R).
Generally, 'roentgen' can be taken as roughly synonymous with 'rad' or 10 mGy.
It is often convenient to measure radiation dose by means of:
1. The photographic effect in silver bromide, used in a film badge
2. The fluorescent effect in sodium iodide, used in a scintillation counter (see also the gamma
camera, Section 5.3).
3. The thermoluminescence in lithium fluoride, used in a 'TLD'
4. The photoconductivity in germanium or silicon, used in an 'electronic' dosemeter.
The first two employ materials having a high atomic number, are highly energy dependent, and
need calibration against an air wall thimble chamber. Lithium fluoride is sufficiently air or
tissue equivalent to be adequate for the measurement of patient and staff doses.
Used to compare the risk from one procedure to the other.
Effective (whole body) dose is calculated to give effective risk (independent of
uniformity of exposure of whole body)
Take into consideration the different radiosensitivity of tissues .
It is calculated by E = WT HT
(HT) the sum of each organ equivalent dose x its organ weighting factor (WT)
They can be measured according to dose, individually considered.
Occurs on high doses (e.g. radiation accidents) unlikely in diagnostic radiology.
Threshold dose applies here ( Below this dose , no damage occur, non additive) However,
may be different from person to another
Effect Threshold
One of the highest deterministic risks. CT can give very high eye doses.
GONADS 2-3 Gy sterility
FETAL ABNORMAILTY 0.1- 0.5 Gy ( 100 500 mGy)
Diarrhea and vomiting are considered also deterministic effects.
In general, thresholds are greater than 500 mSv (not common in radiology practice)
Biological changes can't be identified in less than 50 mSv.
The amount of radiation damage & Severity of the effect increases with radiation dose
(beyond the threshold),
Also with:
1.The volume of tissue irradiated.
2.The rate at which dose is given.
Dividing the dose on several events, will eliminate deterministic effect i.e. NON
CUMULATIVE (except in the lens, as it has no repair mechanism, so cataract effect is
A dose given to a single organ (exceeding the threshold), will cause certain effects, but if
the SAME dose given to the whole body, effect is different, the effects might not occur.
Lethal Dose: the dose that will cause 50% of the irradiated persons to die in 30 days
from exposure. (MCQ)
LD50/30 = 5 Sv whole body dose.
10 Sv whole body dose 100% lethal to humans.
Moderate Risk
Bladder, esophagus 0.30 , 0.30 0.04 , 0.04
Liver 0.15 0.04
Thyroid 0.08 0.04
Low Risk
Brain 0.10 0.01
Bone 0.05 0.01
Skin 0.02 0.01
Salivary glands - 0.01
Remainder altogether 0.50 0.012
Total ( 1 )
CT Chest 0.06
CT Pelvis 25
Tc-99m Bone Scan 4
Tc-99m Lung perfusion Scan 0.3
Fetal risks:
Pre implantation ( 1-8 days ) : fetal death
2-8 weeks , > 250 mGy : tissue abnormalities
8-15 , > 200 mGy : mental retardation ( high risk )
16-25 , > 200 mGy : mental retardation ( low risk )
9-38 weeks ( 10-20 mGy ) : Childhood cancers
10-38 weeks : significant uptake of iodine by fetal thyroid
8-25 weeks : growth retardation
The benefit of radiological exposure should be greater than risk
Means that any medical practice must be justified both as general procedure & as
regards the individual patient
Regarding Justification of exposures:
1. Some exposures are easier to justify than others.
2. some are unjustified (e.g. Mammography screening in 20-30 years old well women)
Special cases:
Introducing radiopharmaceutical to a breast feeding woman (breast feeding may need
to be interrupted or stopped).
Female patients in the reproductive period of life "pregnant or might be pregnant"
Applies to radiographic examination of any area between the knee & diaphragm and
to Radionuclide injection.
This justification follows the "28 day rule" based on the principle that there is
little or no risk to live born child from irradiation during the first 3 weeks of
gestation (i.e. before first missed period), except from high-dose procedures (Ba
enema & Pelviabdominal CT).
Within the first 3 weeks of the gestation, the dose equivalent to a fetus not to exceed
5 mSv.
The risk of inducing cancer with this dose is 1/1000, which is same as the natural
prevalence of malignancy < 10 years.
For staff and visitors,
For Patients, Radiological exposure should be as low as compatible with diagnostic
information achieved by:
o Reducing number of images (films taken)
o Reduce absorbed dose for every exposure
o Quality assurance system including periodic measurement of the patient dose.
Required as a further control when inherent shielding of the source (X-ray tube and
radiopharmaceutical syringes) is not enough the area around the shielded source is
designated as a controlled area.
Controlled areas have physical boundaries that are able to prevent radiation penetration
(above specific level).
Controlled area should be clearly defined boundaries.
This is simple to achieve in an x-ray room but more difficult with mobile X-ray set
where the controlled area is determined by eye as extending for 2 meters around tube.
Every diagnostic X-ray tube produces a large amount of radiation exposure
Has to be contained within a controlled area.
In nuclear medicine, area is defined controlled, wherever:
A generator is located, or
There is a syringe containing radiopharmaceutical.
Controlled area should have restricted access (to radiation workers & others who work
under "written system of work")
"Written system of work" organize work within controlled area to ensure that radiology
workers can't receive dose > 30% of any dose limit.
Personal protection should take place within controlled area (e.g. 2.5 mm lead screens,
lead rubber aprons and gloves, lead glasses, etc.)
The external dose rate could not exceed 7.5 Sv per hour
N.B. in practice, radiology and nuclear medicine staff receives doses below the public
dose limit.
Areas which there is a possibility of exposure of staff or the public but the doses are
insufficient to require designation
But it likely that any person in supervised area could exceed the dose limit for public (1
mSv per year )
Example of supervised area is he waiting room for patient injected with contrast as
preparation for imaging study.
"Radiation equipment" means equipment which delivers ionising radiation to the person
undergoing a medical exposure and equipment which directly controls the extent of the
(1) Every employer who controls any equipment which is used for medical exposure shall
ensure that such equipment is of such design or construction and is so installed and
maintained to be capable of restricting the exposure to ionising radiation of any
person undergoing a medical exposure "diagnostic, therapeutic or research" to a
compatible extent.
(2) An employer who controls any radiation equipment "installed after the date of these
Regulations" shall ensure that it is provided with suitable means for informing its user
of the quantity of radiation produced during examinations
(3) Every employer shall make arrangements to provide a suitable quality assurance
programme for the equipment to ensure it remains capable of restricting exposure.
Most used in diagnostic radiology.
It is a film without screens - same size as a dental film.
It is double coated:
One emulsion is slow unaffected by normal occupational doses;
The other emulsion is fast used to assess normal occupational doses.
High (accidental and emergency) doses:
1. Completely blacken the fast emulsion radiation dose cannot be assessed.
2. The slow emulsion lesser blackening allows assessment of high dose.
Monitoring films are placed in a plastic cassette or 'badge' which:
Pinned to the clothing.
Carry an identification of the wearer.
Most importantly incorporates plastic and metal filters to differentiate the radiations
Each month, films from a single manufacturing batch similar sensitivities
Stamped with identifying serial numbers (seen through the open window).
A proportion of these are retained in the laboratory as calibration films.
Calibration is by exposure known doses of gamma rays from a long half-life radioactive
To identify the various energy components, the film is sandwiched between at least three
pairs of filters: (a) 'thick plastic', (b) aluminum, and (c) tin with a thin lead foil
The film badge can also measure other kinds of ionizing radiations.
To assess the dose of beta rays of various energies one or more thin plastic filters +
the thick one + open window (no filter).
To assess the dose from slow neutrons an additional filter of cadmium.
interpretation of the badge film:
By measuring the optical densities of the film under each filter it is possible to estimate
the energy and type of radiation which was responsible for the dose + suitable
corrections for the energy dependence.
Because the characteristic curve of the film is only linear over a limited range of
doses film badges are only able to measure doses from ~0.2 1000 mSv "suitable
for diagnostic radiology".
1. Pattern of shadows of the three filters indicate type(s) of radiation.
2. The densities under each filter using the relative speed of the film to radiations of
different energies, and the calibration curve Dose of mixed radiations.
3. A sharp edge to the shadows of the filters a single exposure to direct rays from one
A blurred edge scattered rays or multiple small exposures from different directions.
Spots of intense blackening a radioactive spill (MCQ).
Adv.: small, lightweight and cheap and forms a permanent dose record.
Used only once.
Affected by excessive temperature and humidity.
Lower threshold for hard gamma radiation is 0.15 mSv.
The device which heats the chips & measures light output = TLD reader.
The chip of TL material is inserted in a light-tight chamber its temperature is raised to
300-400C at a carefully controlled rate the trapped electrons leave the traps and fall
to their ground state & emit photons of light.
Light is collected and measured by a photoelectric device ('glow curve') is drawn
the dose is digitized and stored in a computer, together with the glow curve.
The total light energy emitted under the curve is proportional to the dose of X- or
gamma rays originally absorbed.
The chip is then annealed "overheated 400-500C" to remove any residual stored energy
from previous exposure return to original & can be reused.
Calibration is performed as with film dosimeters.
The material ( Aluminum oxide ) has a similar properties to the phosphors used in CR
Following radiation by X-Ray , the material emits light in proportion to the dose when is
exposed to light
The light source is a laser
Increased sensitivity. ( down to 0.01 mSv)
CT examinations
Mammography 10
Nuclear medicine: intended E < 5 mSv but > 0.5 mSv
All other radiographic examinations
While increasing the FFD necessitates the charge (mAs) to produce the desired
number of photons at the film-screen (to overcome reduction in intensity with
distance according to inverse square low), however still the skin dose incurred in
producing an acceptable image is , and to a lesser extent the dose to deeper tissues.
A structure in the patient is demonstrated by two things:
Resolution, sharpness, or lack of blurring of the image of its boundary
Contrast between it and adjacent tissues caused by differences in the transmission
of X-rays.
We study CONTRAST first, with the aid of a very simple example.
Figure 2.2a shows X-radiation passing through a single structure 1 (e.g. bone, contrast
medium, or gas) surrounded by another material 2 (e.g. soft tissue).
C (1 2) t
Structure thickness contrast.
As attenuation depends on tissue density and atomic number:
The more the two tissues differ in these respects the greater the contrast.
The higher the kV the smaller the attenuation coefficients the less the
Figure 2.3 shows how the linear attenuation coefficient depends on photon energy in the
case of air, fat, muscle, bone, and iodine contrast medium.
Contrast media
One of the problems in radiography is the low contrast between soft tissues.
o One way of increasing contrast is to use a lower kV;
o Another is to use a contrast medium.
Radio opaque media are chosen to have 1) high atomic number to maximize
photoelectric absorption & 2) high density.
Ideally, the absorption edge should lie just to the left of the major part of the
spectrum of X-rays leaving the patient.
Fig. 2.4: Effects of scattered rays on contrast, (a) the same structure as in Fig 2.2a. (b) The
X-ray pattern seen in the image,.(c) Moving the structure very close the film improves
contrast as the scattered rays now help to form the imaging.
These first two measures happily also reduce the effective dose to the patient but, use
of the following four methods of scatter control require an increase in mAs thus
carrying a penalty of increased patient dose and tube loading.
1- Grid:
The grid acts like a Ventilation blind. The lead strips absorb (say, 90% of) the
scattered rays which hit the grid obliquely, while allowing (say, 70% of) the primary
rays to pass through the gaps and reach the film.
2- Air gap:
If, as in Fig. 2.6, the film-screen is moved some 30 cm away from the patient,
much of the obliquely traveling scatter (shown dashed) misses it, and the contrast
is improved.
Scatter Contrast
Dr. Khaled Elazhry 72
'Antiscatter' grid, seen in cross-section in Fig. 2.5, consists of thin (0.07 mm)
strips of a heavy metal (such as lead) sandwiched between thicker (0.18 mm)
strips of interspace material (plastic, carbon fiber, or aluminum, which are
transparent to X-rays), encased in aluminum or carbon fiber.
The orientation of the lead strips is in general parallel to the x-ray beam axis.
It absorbs oblique scatter beams, allowing the direct beam only to pass through the
Fig. 2.7 Construction of a grid A = the lead strips and B = the interspace material
Angle of acceptance:
Def.: The angle within which scattered rays CAN reach the film through the
interspaces (focused grids have smaller angle of acceptance)
It will be seen that the grid has only a small angle of acceptance within which
scattered rays can reach a point on the film.
the depth of the interspace channel
The grid ratio = typically equals 8:1
the width of the interspace channel
The larger the grid ratio, the smaller the angle of acceptance, the more efficient
the grid is at absorbing scattered radiation and the greater the contrast in the
N.B.: Grids improve IMAGE CONTRAST (not resolution)
With very large fields, especially at a high kV, more scatter is produced, and a
high-ratio grid (12:1 or 16:1) is preferable.
No grid would generally be used with thin parts of the body (or with children) or
where there is an air gap.
GRID PATTERN: is the orientation of the lead strips in their longitudinal axis.
It is the pattern of the grid as we see it from a top view. The two basic patterns are
linear and crossed.
Unfortunately, scattered rays traveling obliquely to the primary beam but parallel
to the lead strips can pass through the gaps. These rays can be absorbed by the use
of crossed grids.
Structure: two ordinary stationary grids superimposed with their grid lines at right
Adv.: More efficient than a single grid at removing scattered radiation, as the
pathway for radiation is now a tunnel rather than a channel.
1. Crossed grids need a greater radiographic exposure.
2. Require very careful centering. If the grids are not at right angles, a coarse
interference pattern (Moire fringes) may be seen on the film.
3. Grid cut-off can also be a problem
Primary Transmission( PT ):
TP is a measurement of the % of 1ry radiation transmitted through a grid.
Ideal grid will transmit 100% of the 1ry radiation which carries the radiographic image.
Thickness of interspaces D
Anticipated Tp = Total surface area of the grid X 100
Bucky factor is a practical measure which indicates how much the exposure factors
must be increased when we change from non-grid to a grid technique so, it also
shows how much the patient exposure is increased.
Bucky factor is a measure of the total quantity of radiation absorbed from an X-ray
beam by a grid & so, in part, the ability of the grid to absorb scatter radiation.
Factors affecting the grid factor:
1. High-ratio grids absorb more scatter radiation & have larger bucky factor than low-
ratio grids.
2. beam energy "i.e. kV" scatter radiation needs a higher-ratio grids.
The high bucky factor have desirable & undesirable aspect:
Desirable as regarding the film quality.
Undesirable as regards the exposure factor & patient dose.
both decrease as kV increases
While, THE GRID RATIO doesn't have anything to do with Kv.
1ry transmission indicates only the amount of 1ry radiation absorbed by a grid.
Bucky factor indicates the absorption of both 1ry & 2ry radiation.
Grid-front cassette
Special X-ray cassettes with a grid build into the front of the cassette.
Used for portable radiography.
Most are focused with a low grid ratio (4:1 or 8:1) & long focal distance "focusing
An alternative to a grid consists of two metal plates each with a slot, 5 mm wide,
aligned with the beam in front of and behind the patient.
They are arranged to move steadily across the field during the exposure. With only a
slice of the patient being irradiated at any instant, little scatter is produced.
An increase of exposure time is necessary, but this can be mitigated by employing
several slits well spaced apart.
If the diagram is redrawn with larger or smaller values for F and h, it will be seen that
magnification is reduced by using a longer FFD "F" or by decreasing the object-film
distance "h", (It will be shown in Section 2.5 that this also reduces the blurring B.)
Also to decrease Magnification:
When positioning the patient, the film is placed close to the structures of interest.
tissues compression this will also reduce patient dose.
On the other hand, advantage is taken of increased magnification in macroradiography
length of the image F
The magnification M = =
length of the structure F-h
Distortion = difference between the shape of a structure in the image and in the subject.
1. It may be due to foreshortening of the shadow of a tilted object, e.g. a tilted circle
projects as an ellipse.
2. It may also be caused by differential magnification of the parts of a structure nearer
to and farther away from the film-screen, an effect which is familiar to
Distortion can be reduced by using a longer FFD.
Usually the geometrical blurring is less than this as f and h are smaller.
Figure 2.8b plots the intensity of X-rays (or film density) along a line across the film.
B is the geometrical blurring and C the contrast.
One of the problems in radiography is the imaging of moving structures.
If, during an exposure of duration t seconds, the structure moves parallel to the film with
an average speed v, the edge of the shadow moves a distance slightly greater than vt.
This makes the focal spot blurring small and fixed whatever the orientation of a
The effective focal spot varies across the film elongated from the cathode side of the
film & contracted from the anode side.
Angle the angle between the central ray and the target face
The size of the projected focal spot is directly related to the sine of the angle of the
The smaller the angle of the anode, the smaller the apparent focal spot
The steeper the target for the same actual
focal spot and target heat rating the smaller
the effective focal spot.
The steeper the target for the same effective
focal spot the larger the actual focal spot
and target heat rating.
The steeper the target the narrower the
useful X-ray beam and the smaller the field
Some newer 0.3-mm focal spot tubes may use
an anode angle of only 6.
There is a limit to which the anode angle can be decreased as dictated by the heel
effect (the point of anode cutoff).
MCQ: For general diagnostic radiography done at a 40-inches focus-film distance (1
m), the anode angle is usually no smaller than 15.
Focal spot size is expressed in terms of the apparent or projected focal spot; sizes of
0.3, 0.6, 1.0, and 1.2 mm are commonly employed.
Usually, an X-ray tube has two filaments and two focal spots of different sizes which
are selected from the control panel.
The smaller focal spot is selected where small fields are needed & for better resolution
"in mammography and in cineradiography with a small field image intensifier" and the
larger one for thicker parts of the body where a greater intensity of X-rays is needed "in
general radiography using large films"
Macroradiography 0.3
Radiography 0.6-1.2
Fluoroscopy 0.6
MCQ X-ray output DOES NOT depends on focal size, only sharpness and effective field
of view do.
Blooming = unwanted increase in focal spot size which occurs when the tube is
operated at high milliamperage.
Occurs because the negative charge of the focusing cup is less effective, so electrons
emitted from the filament are not well focused in a regular beam hit a larger area >
actual focal spot.
It occurs particularly at low kV values and with small focal spots.
Regarding focal spot:
The focal spot size can limit the spatial resolution "geometric unsharpness", depends
on the location of the object in the source-to-detector direction.
The resolution impact of the focal spot increases with geometric magnification, i.e.
increasing distance between the object and the film or detector if FFD is fixed.
Thus, a small focal spot is desired in order to optimize spatial resolution.
The focal spot size also sets the upper limit on X-ray tube current or output rate (heat
If an X-ray tube is operating at its instantaneous power limit, decreasing the size of the
focal spot will require a decrease in the tube current (radiation output).
There is a trade-off between spatial resolution due to the size of the focal spot & image
noise in a fixed exposure time due to the decreased X-ray intensity and imaging time.
Rotating Anode :
Rotating anode is used to produce x-ray tubes capable of withstanding the heat
generated by large exposures.
The anode assembly, seen in cross-section, consists of:
An anode disk, 7-10 cm or more in diameter.
A thin molybdenum stem.
A blackened copper rotor "part of the induction motor which rotates the target
Bearings, lubricated with a soft metal such as silver.
An axle, sealed into the glass envelope, which supports the target assembly.
Heat loading:
The heat loading of an X-ray tube (calculated in joules)
= kV x mAs for a constant potential (three phase).
= 0.7 x kV x mAs for a pulsating single-phase generator.
Remember, heat rating is different from tube to tube, heat capacity is fixed
Single radiographic exposure
Any combination of kV, mA, and exposure time should be such that, at end of the
exposure, the temperature of the anode does not exceed its safe value, i.e. there
Increaseswith theeffective focal spot size (because increase effective focal spot
Is greater for a threephase constant potential than for a singlephase
pulsating potential because the former produces heat more evenly throughout
The foregoing information is stored on a microprocessor in the control circuit which
Heel effect.
The intensity of the x-ray beam that leaves the x-ray tube is not uniform but
depends on the angle at which the x rays are emitted from the focal spot.
Electrons penetrate a few micrometers
into the target before being stopped by
a nucleus so; the X-rays produced
are attenuated and filtered by the target
material on their way out.
X-rays traveling toward the anode
edge of the field have more target
material to cross attenuated more
than those traveling toward the
cathode edge
the intensity of the beam decreases
toward the anode end of the fields
Twofeaturesof thesilver iodobromidecrystal account
1. Thesmallproportionofiodideionsdistortthelattice.
2. Thesilverhalidecrystalsaremanufacturedtopossess
4. Thissingleatomofsilverthenactsas
an electron trap for a second
electron. get negative charge
5. Thenegativebromineionsthathavelostelectronsareconvertedintoneutralbromineatoms
The submicroscopic speck of silver metal form A LATENT IMAGE in the film, awaiting
Automatic processors use a roller feed system to transport the film through different
Processor performance is maintained through a comprehensive quality assurance
The measurement of film blackness is called "optical density".
The degree of film blackening is:
Directly related to the intensity of radiation reaching the film.
Directly related to silver grains \ unit area.
Inversely related to the light transmission.
Photographic density is measured using a densitometer as log the ratio of the intensities of the
incident to the transmitted light through the film.
D = log
D = density I0 = incident light on film It = transmitted light by the film
The average density of the area of interest on a properly exposed film = 1.0; of the
lung field in a chest film 2.0; while viewing an area of density of 3.0 needs a bright
Why is density expressed as a logarithm?
X-ray cassette:
A flat, light-tight box with spring clips.
Contain internal pressure pads keep film between a pair of screens in close contact.
The front of the cassette is made of aluminum (Z = 13) or carbon fiber (Z = 6) to
minimize the attenuation of the beam reduce the patient exposure.
Carbon fiber is effective at the lower kV values in mammography & orthopedics.
The cassette back incorporates a thin lead sheet (absorb the remnant radiation).
They decrease the x-ray dose to the patient, yet still afford a properly exposed x-ray film.
exposure allows use of short exposure times necessary to minimize patient motion
The intensity of light emitted by a screen depends on the phosphor, but its color depends
on activator.
Spectral sensitivity of the film should match Spectral emission of the screen to
ensure maximum radiographic effect.
1- Calcium tungstate, which emits a continuous spectrum of violet and blue light, and
Lanthanum oxybromide activated with terbium, which emits a blue light
Can be used with ordinary X-ray film "sensitive only to ultraviolet and blue light".
Film doesn't exhibit photosensitivity to red light Amber red safelight for darkroom.
2- Gadolinium and lanthanum oxysulfide activated with terbium green light.
Used only with an orthochromatic film "its sensitivity include green light".
A red safelight is necessary.
Accordingly, the use of screens reduces the air kerma or exposure necessary to
produce a properly exposed film
reduces the dose to the patient
reduces the loading of the tube and generator
allow the use of shorter exposure time reducing movement blurring.
allow the use of a smaller focal spot geometrical blurring.
Front and back screens
To equalize the densities of the two emulsions, the rear screen coating is thicker than
that of the front screen since the back screen relies on X-rays which have not been
absorbed by the front screen.
In afterglow, the screen retains a 'memory' of an exposure superimposed on the
image of a subsequent exposure must be avoided in intensifying screens.
Speed "with fixed " means that the film needs less exposure to produce same density.
But with films of different relative speed change with change E D
(3) Gamma ()
D2 D 1
= log E2 log
generally refers to the average slope between densities 0.25 and 2.0 (or 2.25).
In Fig. 3.3, film-screen A has a higher than B (has a steeper slope more 'contrasty').
depends on the range of crystal sizes (not their average sizes).
The more uniform the crystals the higher is
L is the range of air kerma E which produce densities D lying in the useful density
range between 0.25 "below which the gradient is too low" and 2.0 "above which the
film is too dark for details to be seen using a normal illuminator".
Typically the dynamic range is 40:1.
Figure 3.3 shows that film contrast and latitude are inversely related.
Film A has the steeper slope and higher . It also has the narrower latitude L(A).
Intensification factor
Measures the reduction in patient dose and tube loading when the screens are used.
It is the ratio
air kerma necessary to produce D = 1 with film alone
Factors IF:
1 kV because the K-absorption edges of silver and bromine in the film are 26
keV and 13 keV, respectively, while the K-absorption edge of tungsten = 70 keV.
2 Heavily filtered x-ray beam (same reason).
3 Thickness of the phosphor 'coating weight' or using larger crystals.
4 Rare earth screens have a larger IF than tungstate.
5 The use of a white reflecting layer, e.g. titanium dioxide.
Speed Class
More descriptive of film\screen combination sensitivity than Intensification factor
Speed = 1000 /K
K is the air kerma ( in Gy ) , required to give a film density of 1 above base plus fog.
The pattern of variations in optical density between various regions on the film.
Radiographic contrast depends on subject contrast and on film contrast.
So, the factors which affect radiographic contrast are:
Factor which affect subject contrast; plus
Factor which affect film
Radiographic contrast = film x subject contrast
Subject Contrast:
Depends on the differential attenuation of the x-ray beam as it passes through the patient.
Subject contrast was seen to be affected by:
Film Contrast:
Light produced by the crystal & travels in the phosphor coating to reach the film, will
Absorbed and scattered.
Widely diverging cone of light recorded on film as a small disk of blackening
of diameter B.
Light undercuts the edge of the shadow of a structure blurring B "typically 0.2
The faster screen x-ray exposure to the patient, but also
detail ( Blurring )
4) A reflective layer. May be added to the screen base at the outer surface (reflect
backward light photons), will Screen efficiency leading to increased IF and
increased unsharpness
Combination of blurrings:
A radiographic image may suffer simultaneously from:
1) Screen blurring B(s), just described.
2) Geometrical or focal spot blurring B(g).
3) Movement blurring B(m).
The total blurring B(t) perceived is less than the sum of the individual blurrings.
= the square root of the sum of the squares of the individual blurrings
1) The minimum total blurring occurs when the individual blurrings are equal,
2) Any measure which aims to reduce one of the blurrings generally necessitates an
increase in one of the others and in the total blurring.
When a film is exposed with fast screens to a uniform beam of Xrays mottled
appearance "density varies a little from one small area to the next" (not uniform
of a screen and are absorbed. Due to the stochastic nature of Xray attenuation
The actual number of photons absorbed varies from one
square millimeter of the image (or 'pixel') to another.
The SNR should be high to maximize information. If the SNR is low, the image appears
The larger the number of X-ray photons absorbed, the greater is the SNR
Number of events Noise SNR
100 10% 10:1
1000 3% 30:1
10000 1% 100:1
100000 0.3% 300:1
In a typical radiographic exposure M = 100 000 photons\mm2, and the SNR = 300:1.
Quantum Sink:
The part of the imaging chain in which the fewest number of photons are carrying
the image signal. (In fluro, quantum sink is the photons absorbed in the input screen).
Noise Resolution
Dr. Khaled Elazhry 104
Factors which increase Noise:
o As a general rule, measures to reduce noise and increase SNR increase
patient dose.
o The use of screens increases noise (for the same density)
o Fast screen X-ray dose or exposure (fewer photons / mm2) SNR.
o Slow or detail screen better SNR.
o A rare earth screen is faster than a tungstate screen quantum mottle.
o kV fewer and higher-energy protons the patient dose but also
Other less important forms of noise
Screen is made of individual crystals structure mottle.
The film image is made of individual grains 'graininess', mainly evident when
the image must be magnified for viewing, as with cine film.
The amount of radiation reaching the film is controlled by kV, tube current (mA) and
exposure time.
In making a particular radiological examination using film-screen system:
Film dose is approximately proportional to kV4 x mAs
(Where mAs in the product of mA and exposure time)
In general, as high as possible a kV will be used so as to
1) Increase the penetration of the beam and reduce patient dose.
2) Increase the latitude of exposure and range of tissues displayed.
3) Reduce the mAs needed allow shorter exposure times, within the rating of tube.
But not so high a kV that insufficient contrast results in the area of diagnostic interest.
Having chosen the kV for a particular examination, selection of the mAs is depending on
some factors :
The quality of the radiation beam ( kV , filtration and waveform )
Attenuation in the tabletop , grid and others
The speed of film-screen combination.
The region being examined.
Patient thickness.
Reciprocity law
Mammography aims to demonstrate on the same film both:
Microcalcifications small "100 m in size" but of high inherent contrast.
Other tissues much lower contrast but large.
N.B. both subject contrast & geometrical unsharpness are important factors in
Glandular tissue atomic number 7.4 & Adipose tissue is 6.5 , so need to maximize
subject contrast
The breast does not attenuate the beam greatly, allowing the use of the low kV that is
needed to obtain sufficient photoelectric absorption in order to differentiate
between normal and abnormal breast tissues.
Ideally, monoenergetic X-rays of about 16-22 keV would produce optimal contrast and
penetration in the case of a small breast.
Tube requirements for mammography:
Better results, with a significant decrease in absorbed dose to the breast tissue, are obtained with:
Imaging microcalcifications needs high image definition
Rare earth screens . with principle interaction is the photoelectric effect with the L-
shell electrons ( the K-edge is 50 keV )
Single screen with a single sided emulsion on the distal side of the film , Single
coated film to avoid parallax and crossover
A vacuum cassette improves the film-screen contact.
Breast tissue is relatively sensitive to radiation.
The requirements of contrast & of sharpness or spatial resolution patient dose.
The beam is tightly collimated and the collimator is designed to protect the chest wall
from irradiation, and the rest of the body is protected by absorbing the remnant radiation
immediately behind the cassette.
Ironically, while the objective of mammography is the early detection of breast tumors
irradiation of breast tissue is itself carcinogenic.
The average dose to glandular tissue in the breast is ( 1-3 ) mGy per mammogram
dose 2 mGy carries a risk of inducing fatal cancer of about 1 / 50000 at age 50-65 year
This has implications for routine mammography of 'well women' outside recognized
breast-screening programs.
Mammography equipment is subject to strict Quality Assurance procedures.
1. Tube and generator tests for the low kV and filtration.
2. In addition, image quality and patient dose are crucial factors.
3. Collimation and field alignment are particularly important.
Dose limits:
The dose limit for the UK breast screening programme for a standard breast the
mean glandular dose to the breast is 2 mGy.
The diagnostic reference level for the breast screening programme for a 55 mm
thick compressed breast the mean glandular dose = 3.5 mGy.
Where a magnified image is required the anode-object distance is decreased & the
object-film distance is increased.
Figure 3.8 shows that the image of a structure S is larger when the film F2 is away from the
patient than when it is at F1, close to the patient.
Exposure time increased to several seconds, to keep within the rating of the focal
Movement blurring increased
Immobilization is therefore important.
Patient dose increased because of the increased exposure needed.
No grid is needed.
The air gap reduces the scatter reaching the film reduce the additional exposure
needed (because the use of grids would necessitate exposure & this didn't happen).
Screen blurring not magnified although the image of the structure is magnified.
The relative effect of screen blurring is reduced.
Fast screens may be used, which again helps to reduce additional
exposure needed.
Geometrical blurring increased, relative to the size of the image.
Quantum mottle not increased, since the same number of X-ray photons are
absorbed in the screen, for the same film blackening.