Deloitte NL Supply Chain Analytics
Deloitte NL Supply Chain Analytics
Deloitte NL Supply Chain Analytics
Dear reader,
Deloitte maintains market-leading global Supply Chain and Analytics practices with Table of content page
extensive experience in Supply Chain Analytics, see our webpage. Based on our
Supply Chain trends 3
experience, we have insights in the latest (technological) developments, and
understand the impact of these developments on your business Digital Supply Networks 6
In this point of view we want to demonstrate one of the latest developments in the Supply Chain Analytics 13
Supply Chain landscape; data analytics Analytics approach 15
We will elaborate on relevant Supply Chain trends and the rise of Digital Supply Our credentials 17
Networks, which increases both the need and the possibilities to use data analytics
Why Deloitte? 38
The possibilities for using data analytics are mapped on our Supply Chain Analytics
framework, that covers all parts of the end-to-end Supply Chain. Examples are the
use of machine learning to better predict demand and using data visualization to
provide end-to-end insight in the supply and enable better decision-making
We hope you enjoy reading our Point of View,
Robert Jan Huizing Naser Bakhshi Guido Diepen Lantos Pin Iris van der Heijden
Deloitte NL - Supply Deloitte NL - Analytics & Deloitte NL - Analytics & Deloitte NL - Supply Deloitte NL - Supply
Chain Strategy Information Management Information Management Chain Strategy Chain Strategy
Supply Chain trends
Analytics approach
Our credentials
Supply Chain trends
Why Deloitte?
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Analytics approach
Our credentials
Why Deloitte? • Use artificial • Exploit ‘Internet of • Provide insight in the • Efficiently organize the • Gain insight in the
intelligence to improve Things’ for integration origins of products reverse logistics biggest Supply Chain
decision-making and and cost-reduction in using blockchain process risks and mitigate them
interoperability transportation • Optimize on • Digitalize and integrate by calculating scenarios
throughout the Supply • Use new technologies sustainability metrics processes to provide a • Optimally design cross-
Chain (e.g. 3D printing, like CO2 emissions ‘seamless’ experience border Supply Chain
• Attract skilled talent to robotics and self-driving networks
optimally use data and cars) to streamline and/
advanced analytics or change the Supply
methods Chain
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Analytics approach
$569 per GB
Our credentials
Cost of Performance
Why Deloitte? Storage
$222 per million <$0.01
1992 Today
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Analytics approach
Our credentials
Digital Supply Networks
Why Deloitte?
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Digital Supply Networks
Our credentials
Why Deloitte? Core
Develop Plan Source Make Deliver Support
3D Printing
Make Develop
Sensor-driven Replenishment
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Analytics approach
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Supply Chain Analytics New skills and capabilities are required to understand and engage with all aspects of Digital
New workforce skills
2 Supply Networks. These are skillsets which are already in short supply and you will face a new
and capabilities
host of competitors in the talent acquisition process
Analytics approach
Our credentials
The interconnectedness of Digital Supply Networks creates exposure to data breaches, which
3 Cyber security risk
can be detrimental (possibly catastrophic) to operations and create a negative brand association
Why Deloitte?
Reliance on ecosystem Creating Digital Supply Networks requires reliance on a broader set of collaborators and
4 of Supply Chain and technologies, which increases value opportunities but also complexity within the supply
technology partners ecosystems
Agile systems Many companies have organizations and processes in place for implementing technology
5 development & systems. These processes are often robust, as they include a long timeline of designing, testing,
deployment building an on premise solution
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Why Deloitte?
Business Automated processes for standardized
Process processes and simple, relatable data;
retire multiple applications
Tracker is an interactive menu Supply Chain Analytics span of control Deloitte's Point of View on Supply Chain Analytics 11
Digital Supply Networks
Which is characterized by an advanced technology infrastructure (Digital Core)
that enables the usage of Supply Chain Analytics to improve decision-making
Supply Chain trends Supply Chain Analytics Digital Stack Sample ecosystem players
Tracker is an interactive menu Note: There are several companies (e.g. GE Predix, SAP) that compete in multiple or all layers of Deloitte's Point of View on Supply Chain Analytics 12
the Digital Stack
Supply Chain trends
Analytics approach
Our credentials
Supply Chain Analytics
Why Deloitte?
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Make Develop
• OTIF analysis
• Scenario Modelling for Strategic • Supply Chain Sustainability
Sourcing Source • Supply Chain Analytics Roadmap
• Procure to Pay Optimization • Supply Chain of the Future Workshop
• Source Cost Analysis
• Optimization of order allocation
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Tracker is an interactive menu Note: A selection of Deloitte’s credentials in these areas of Supply Chain Analytics are listed in Deloitte's Point of View on Supply Chain Analytics 14
the ’Our credentials’ section, page 17
Supply Chain trends
Analytics approach
Our credentials
Analytics approach
Why Deloitte?
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Analytics approach
Our credentials Our structured approach has been built up from our experience in analytical engagements. It comprises of six steps to maximize
project oversight. Each step allows looping back to previous steps to apply the insights gained in subsequent steps
Why Deloitte?
Assess Current Acquire & Prepare & Evaluate & Report &
Analyze & Model
Situation Understand Data Structure Data Interpret Implement
Analytics approach
Our credentials
Our credentials
Why Deloitte?
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Make Develop
Analytics approach
The scope included several business units, covering all Western European and Central Peaks in sales impact on the Supply Chain
Our credentials Eastern European operations including warehouses in the UK, Belgium, Russia, Turkey
and Spain. Based on initial data gathering, the current distribution network was modeled
(baseline situation) using the modeling tool Llamasoft. The parameters for the future
Why Deloitte?
network model were defined and modeling outcomes compared to the baseline situation
to get insight in the most robust and efficient future distribution network
The analysis led to the development of a manufacturing strategy which - combined with Value creation methodology
interventions to smoothen demand and reduce volatility - enables the Supply Chain to
operate at low, stable inventory levels, reduced costs and increased effective trade spend.
Subsequently, the analysis provided guidance for further optimization of shift patterns
and labor utilization
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Roadmap to implementation
Analytics approach
Deloitte supported in formulating consistent definitions and mapped the business needs
Our credentials required to spot improvement opportunities, measure improvements made, and actively
monitor the operation/ performance of the client’s Supply Chain
Why Deloitte?
A full design of the Business Intelligence dashboard, including most relevant KPIs, lay-out
and dimensions, was delivered for implementation by the clients’ IT department. The
dashboard enables the ability to steer on KPIs and help to develop company-wide insight
in the client’s performance and understanding of functional contribution. It also
increased insight of people into Supply Chain drivers and the impact of their actions on
the organization as a whole
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Our credentials – Supply Chain Visualization
Gaining insights into the digital order pipeline to improve order fulfillment and
speed of delivery
Supply Chain trends Challenge
Over the last years, online sales channels have become more and more important for
companies. With the online supply increase, however, customers have become more
Digital Supply Networks
demanding in terms of delivery time and service. Reliability is therefore extremely
important, even more so than speed. Therefore a large retail company asked Deloitte to
Supply Chain Analytics create a clear picture of the Direct-to-consumers online purchase order submission
process through the different systems and increase the reliability of this process
The analysis led to the identification of several steps within the process that could be
improved with low effort for a relatively high gain. In total more than 20 improvements
were made based on the analysis results, leading not only to a more reliable order
submission process, but also to an average time reduction per order of 50%. As a results,
customer satisfaction and loyalty increases
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Optimization opportunities
Store clustering
From our analysis it turned out that it was not necessary to create unique inventories for
each retailer, but that many different retailers could be grouped in a small number of
cluster with similar inventory. In addition, we determined that the number of different
products offered was higher than necessary many products were unsuccessful and the
number of products could be reduced dramatically
The analysis and finding led to the design of three dashboards i.e. CPO dashboard, spend
dashboard and supplier dashboard that help CPOs and their team to identify and
mitigate risk before it attains critical proportion
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Analytics approach
By providing sustainability solutions in eight separate areas, Deloitte has built expertise
Our credentials and distinguished itself in the marketplace. These areas are:
Energy Diagnostic & Renewable Energy Strategy (1), Greenhouse Gas Inventory (2),
Why Deloitte? Lifecycle Assessment (use product level data to map out environmental hotspots) (3), Waste disposal facilities
Water Risk Assessments (4), Climate Modeling (5), Food Waste & Food Supply Chain (6),
Efficient Logistics – Renewable Fuels Strategy (7), Recycling – Plastics & Textiles (8)
Amongst others, the following results have been achieved:
• A logistics company achieved 15% energy reduction by energy spend diagnostics (1)
• At a major food service company, over $5 mio in saving from employee engagement
opportunities on energy, water and waste were identified (4)
• A global retail company achieved standardized customer-facing expiration date
labeling on food packaging (6)
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Our credentials – Supply Chain Analytics Roadmap
Developing a Supply Chain Analytics roadmap for a global healthcare company
Collected the ‘15 week coverage rate’ for full year of orders. A clustering technique was
Our credentials used to cluster 26,000 coverage rates. This technique groups the coverage patterns in
Coverage patterns of 26000
buckets of similar patterns, which then comprise a single cluster. Eight buckets of orders
different coverage patterns were visualized and these buckets gave insight in the drivers
Why Deloitte?
of the coverage for the orders
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Based on the analyses, insights were extracted with incremental business potential, e.g.:
• Carrier performance has the largest impact on the coverage
• Good coverage is usually caused by slack in factory performance
• Identified significant number of orders that were only slightly (1-7 days) late and could
be quick wins
• Actionable insights to improve process and areas of the order pipeline, which improved
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Our credentials – Scenario Modelling for Strategic Sourcing
Support a mature purchasing organization in gaining insights into the costs and
options that existed to reduce cost through alternative specifications
Supply Chain trends Challenge
A mature purchasing organization experienced upward price pressure from rising
commodity prices, supplier consolidation through mergers and acquisitions, constrained
Digital Supply Networks
raw material and supplier manufacturing capacity, obscured supplier value chains,
complex price strategies and a lack of collaboration across Supply Chains disciplines
Supply Chain Analytics
Analytics approach
By developing linear, integer and non-linear programming models the company was able
Our credentials to develop scenarios with alternative supply sources and shifting volumes. The
optimization needed to take into account cost through the value chain, looking at
procurement cost, the effect on production, warehousing and transportation cost, and if
Why Deloitte?
applicable, effects on the price to the end customer Optimized baseline and scenarios
Using the developed programming models, the company gained greater insight into the
costs, and the options that existed to reduce cost through alternative specifications
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Analytics approach
The project is executed in three phases. First, the scope was defined: conduct a survey
Our credentials with process experts to support focus setting in the P2P processes to define
improvement hypotheses. Second, the processes were analyzed by Process X-ray, a
Deloitte in-house developed methodology to review actual process execution based on
Why Deloitte?
the ERP data, to establish a detailed baseline and analyze hypotheses. The findings were
validated with experts. Finally, the business case was build, wherein improvement areas
were defined and recommendations and a high-level implementation plan was presented
Market pattern comparison
Enabling Process X-ray showed the client concrete insights on how they could improve
their P2P processes and gain a 18% productivity improvement on their end-to-end
process by adapting the behavior of users. Furthermore, an action plan specified how CI
could be embedded in the organization and the business case showed the impact of
applying and embedding X-ray in their organization
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Order line value
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Our credentials – Source Cost Analysis (bottom-up spend cube)
Realizing and executing sourcing synergies in a merger
The analyses and recommendations provided the client with a fact-base list of concrete
quick win renegotiation opportunities from Day 1, as well as a well-prepared sourcing
plan to be executed during the merger integration. A shift in focus from data capturing to
analysis and strategy development has also freed up valuable time for key resources,
which can be spent on value-adding activities. The client has realized total sourcing
savings of over €50M
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Sourcing group analysis by region
Tracker is an interactive menu Deloitte's Point of View on Supply Chain Analytics 29
Our credentials – Production Scheduling
Optimizing the Order-to-Plant allocation enabled a 10% saving on annual
production and distribution costs
Supply Chain trends Challenge
To optimize a client’s animal feed and vitamins Supply Chain to reduce their overall
Supply Chain cost, Deloitte defined five Supply Chain improvement initiatives. The most
Digital Supply Networks
important initiative was to optimize their Order-to-Plant (OtP) allocation, i.e. determine
which products should be produced at plants and which customers to serve from which
Supply Chain Analytics plants in order to balance and optimize overall production and distribution costs
Analytics approach
The first step in the OtP allocation was to determine the optimal production footprint. Visualization before and after OtP
Our credentials Amongst others the following industry specific details has been taken into account:
production speed and capacity, production capabilities (e.g. pellet size, crumbles, meal,
etc.), type of animals (e.g. layer chicken, calves, etc.), feed type (e.g. full feed, supplements)
Why Deloitte?
and the availability of raw materials. In the end a standardized version of the model was
handed over to the client, which enabled them to run periodic OtP updates in the future
The optimized OtP showed our client they should focus their production more local-for-
local and therefore produce a wider range of recipes per plant. This resulted in a large
decrease in plant-to-customer transportation cost; the total savings with the optimized Integrated planning process
footprint and OtP, were approximately 10% of total annual production and distribution
cost. Furthermore, by gaining insights via demand and production data and the
developed OtP model, several potential investment opportunities were evaluated and
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Tracker is an interactive menu Deloitte's Point of View on Supply Chain Analytics 30
Our credentials – Delivery Lane Analysis
Delivering a robust and user friendly global transit planning tool at a global
health care company
Supply Chain trends Challenge
To empower transportation personnel to more efficiently analyze ocean and air Supply
Chain shipment data, a global health care company internally designed a Global Transit
Digital Supply Networks
Planning (GTP) tool in Tableau. However, the tool did not achieve high user adoption,
since analyses were not intuitive and high manual data updates were required
Supply Chain Analytics The Deloitte team was asked to enhance the tool and incorporate a robust data blending
Analytics approach
Approach Lane detail
Enhancing the GTP dashboard and blending the data was achieved in four subsequent
Our credentials phases consisting of: research, visioning, prototyping and iterating
In the prototyping phase, the team built and refined the dashboards and wrote a Python
Why Deloitte? script which indicates how the various data sources should feed into the unified view of
Carrier rank
The existing GTP tool was adjusted to provide maximum flexibility, automation and
collaboration. The user flow allows users to interact in one cohesive interface, while
providing tailored information to their specific role.
The redesigned GTP tool is now well adopted within the organization and used on
monthly basis to enable more effective inventory planning decisions, resulting in the
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gradual and continuous reduction of in-transit inventory Carrier comparison
Based on both quantitative and qualitative findings, Deloitte provided conclusions,
recommendations, business case and a transition roadmap to work towards the optimal
Supply Chain visualization by making use of
future network structure to support business growth across Europe Llamasoft
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Analytics approach
The tool Alteryx Designer and custom build modules by Deloitte are used to support the
Our credentials design process of a distribution center. The custom build modules allow an easy
preparation of required data from multiple sources. After the data preparation, the
analysis can be made based on standard workflows for distribution center design. The
Why Deloitte?
workflows can be intuitively adapted to best fit specific project requirements. The analysis Visualize potential solution
is visualized by a custom build module and Tableau to gain insights in potential layout
The tool in combination with the custom build modules enable modeling information
with a very high level of accuracy as well as repeatability of result, and visualize potential
layout solutions for a distribution center. Enabling this tool improves the decision-making
in the design process of a distribution center
Based on the assessment, key factors of influence for the company in Eurasia were
determined and an overview of all infrastructural and logistic trends in Eurasia was
created. A SWOT analyses and an action plan could then be drafted to cope with the Region in scope
future challenges. The comprehensive As-Is assessment led to the identification of key
challenges to be addressed in the next phase
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Align with / be Sign delivery
Place sales order Pay invoice to
The first step in the project was to optimize the clients’ current warehousing and
informed by LSP on confirmation from
at Ekornes Ekornes
delivery time LSP
Our credentials
Confirm / update Produce and /
Create SO for Send invoice to
distribution network, leading to a more efficient network model. Second, a global RFP was
SO and inform or assemble
customer customer
delivery week ordered products
Share SO Add confirmed SO Agree on P-W1
Load container / Desired moment of
used to refine rate structures and consolidate LSPs leading to reduced rates. Finally, to
information to demand / mode of transport
trailer with goods customer invoicing
with LSP production plan and inform LSP TBD by Ekornes
Create / update Determine optimal Advise mode of transport, Align with / inform Unload order Send delivery
increase Supply Chain control, the RFP process strongly focused on LSP’s technical
P-W1 pick-up and W/H storage plan make container / trailer customer on at customer (if confirmation to
unloading schedule based on ETA & ETD available and balance delivery time necessary)2 Ekornes3
model was developed to support increased Supply Chain control and support LSP (data)
complete order) to destination port Received at LSP warehouse
completeness ship to customer
documents and ship to W/H documents Ekornes
Activity data needs to captured in report / shared through data connectivity Short-sea shipping line activity (managed by LSP)
Supply Chain trends Challenge 2011 compound feed & vitamins revenue and cost breakdown (kr. M)
To improve the operating margins of one of Europe’s largest agricultural companies, -3%
Deloitte was asked to identify improvement opportunities in the Supply Chain operations.
Digital Supply Networks
Warehousing & terminals Production
Despite of larger volumes, the operating margins of the focus area animal feed
production, are heavily under pressure
Inbound transport
Analytics approach
revenue and profit
A tailored end-to-end Supply Chain model was developed to assess its strategic, Specialty cattle feed
Our credentials operational and supporting processes for each Supply Chain area. To get insight in the
Medicated pig feed
Organic feed
client’s operational costs, cost drivers and Supply Chain performance, an order-line Std poultry feed
detailed Supply Chain cost-to-serve analysis (using >200.000 orders) was performed.
Std cattle feed
Why Deloitte?
Std pig feed
Quantitative performance analysis were combined with in-depth operational Total cost comparison
understanding through site visits, workshops and interviews across the organization
The assessment identified 21 improvement areas in their operations, which were
grouped to eight opportunities, with estimated Supply Chain cost savings of 10-20%.
After presenting these results, Deloitte was asked to support the implementation
program and realize the estimated cost savings. The cost-to-serve analysis provided
detailed insights in the cost of supplying each customer and product and to determine
and benchmark key cost areas and performance
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Analytics approach
During the process the reasons why customers contacted the service desk Sankey diagram of product flow
Our credentials were analyzed, it turned out that 80% of the problems could be resolved by online
support. From the remaining 20%, 80% of the problems could be resolved by the second
line support. For the 4% that could not be resolved this way, a replacement needed to be
Why Deloitte?
sent. After inspection, it turned out that half of these returned units actually did not have
any malfunctions.
The result of the analysis was that the main opportunity for savings was not in
the cost for logistics (driven by the stringent service levels and unpredictable failure
rates), but was found in avoiding cost (i.e. reducing the
number of replaced products that turned out to be non- Overview of quick wins
defective). This savings should be realized by continuously improving online information
and the customer services departments
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Analytics approach
Our credentials
Why Deloitte?
Why Deloitte?
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Analytics approach
Our credentials
Why Deloitte?