Us Supply Chain Control Tower PDF
Us Supply Chain Control Tower PDF
Us Supply Chain Control Tower PDF
The world today is more connected than What does that mean for supply chain The DSN embeds digital functionality
ever before. Indeed, the Digital Revolution executives responsible for solving a throughout the supply chain, from
brings with it innovative and disruptive multitude of challenges that may arise on development to delivery, to allow the
technologies that have the potential to any given day? Many are managing within physical world and digital world to
change the way business is done—and the the constraints of a traditional supply chain communicate and collaborate. By translating
way the world interacts. Yet despite the model that moves information along with physical events into digital information,
promise of digital to positively transform raw materials and semi-finished goods companies generate data. Actionable
economies, business, and society, the reality from one end of the production system to insights from visualizing and analyzing these
is that most organizations are far from the other. Deloitte is helping organizations data are used to transform the physical
harnessing this potential. In fact, just 20.7 to incrementally begin taking advantage world. These actions, in turn, yield benefits
percent of manufacturing organizations of the benefits digital offers with a flexible, in terms of increased efficiency, quality,
surveyed rated themselves as “highly interconnected supply chain solution called customer experience, and revenue growth
prepared” to address the emerging business digital supply networks (DSNs). (figure 1).
models the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Cognitive planning
Quality sensing Connected
“Why do Dynamic customer and
I have fulfillment aftermarket
“Where so much “When is my
is my “Will my order be fulfilled?” inventory of product being
shipment?” this SKU?” delivered?”
happened Digital Smart factory
“Am I using my supplies “What is the condition of
to this
effectively?” the product at delivery?” development
batch after
the quality
hold?” Intelligent
3-D printing supply
Sensor-driven replenishment
1. “Distinctive traits of digital frontrunners in manufacturing: Embracing the fourth industrial revolution,” Deloitte Insights, 2018, 1
The Supply Chain Control Tower | Fixing age-old issues with modern tools and techniques
Enter the
DSN Control Tower
Creativity to rapidly
Highly optimized
deal with unique cases
(lean six sigma)
and the unexpected
Structured to
deal with
in nature
repetitive cases
2. “The supply chain paradox: High priority, low stakeholder engagement,” Deloitte Insights, 2018,
3. “Embracing a digital future: How manufacturers can unlock the transformative benefits for digital supply
networks,” MAPI and Deloitte Insights, 2018,
articles/4181_embracing-a-digital-future/embracing-a-digital-future.pdf. 2
The Supply Chain Control Tower | Fixing age-old issues with modern tools and techniques
The Supply Chain Control Tower | Fixing age-old issues with modern tools and techniques
The Supply Chain Control Tower | Fixing age-old issues with modern tools and techniques
The solution
A Control Tower solution was deployed, using “fault codes” from
sensors on vehicles to predict component failures. The solution
applied natural language processing, machine learning, and statistics
to identify issues from unstructured data.
The impact
•• Enabled rapid detection and prioritization of vehicle safety issues
The business challenge
A global airline suffered from poor service levels for critical parts
and had an excessive amount of inventory supply. Processes were
not efficient and parts were slow to move across the network.
In addition, they had low to no visibility into external vendor and
supplier performance.
The solution
Control Tower was implemented to help right-size the inventory and
improve the service for critical parts. The solution provided real-time
insights into operations, actionable root-causing capabilities, and
informed decision making for everyone from executive leadership to
shop floor employees.
The impact
•• Reduced instances of out-of-service aircraft
Repair vendor data Financial data Part movement data On-hand inventory data
Procurement Warehouse Parts usage data AOG
data productivity data resolution data
The Supply Chain Control Tower | Fixing age-old issues with modern tools and techniques
The business challenge
An industrial equipment manufacturer faced incoming material
quality issues, which were causing costly assembly line shutdowns.
This manufacturer, which had thousands of commodities, suppliers,
and plants, had siloed views about quality and safety. As such,
quality and safety personnel were in a never-ending cycle, trying to
address the issues.
The solution
Control Tower was implemented with a focus on improving process
The impact
•• Fewer assembly line disruptions
Let’s talk
Peter Heron Tom Walsh Brian Umbenhauer
Principal Principal Principal
Deloitte Consulting LLP Deloitte Consulting LLP Industrial Products &
[email protected] [email protected] Construction Consulting Lead
Deloitte Consulting LLP
[email protected]
Neil Kulkarni Scott Pobiner Michael Tong Maddie Wasser
Manager Specialist Leader Manager Senior Consultant
Deloitte Consulting LLP Deloitte Consulting LLP Deloitte Consulting LLP Deloitte Consulting LLP
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
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