SCOR Metrics

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SCOR Metrics

Supply Chain Reliability

Supply Chain Responsiveness

Supply Chain Agility

Supply Chain Costs

RL.1.1 - Perfect Order Fulfillment

RS.1.1 - Order Fulfillment Cycle Time

AG.1.1 - Upside Supply Chain Flexibility

CO.1.1 - Supply Chain Man

RL.2.1 - % of Orders Delivered In Full

RS.2.1 - Source Cycle Time

AG.2.1 - Upside Flexibility (Source)

CO.2.1 - Cost to Plan

RL.3.33 - Delivery Item Accuracy

RS.3.8 - Authorize Supplier Payment Cycle Time

RL.3.35 - Delivery Quantity Accuracy

RS.3.35 - Identify Sources of Supply Cycle Time

RL.2.2 - Delivery Performance to

RS.3.107 - Receive Product Cycle Time

Customer Commit Date

RL.3.32 - Customer Commit Date Achievement Time
Customer Receiving

RL.3.34 - Delivery Location Accuracy

RL.2.3 - Documentation Accuracy

RL.3.31 - Compliance Documentation Accuracy
RL.3.43 - Other Required Documentation Accuracy
RL.3.45 - Payment Documentation Accuracy
RL.3.50 - Shipping Documentation Accuracy

RL.2.4 - Perfect Condition

RL.3.12 - % Of Faultless Installations
RL.3.24 - % Orders/Lines Received Damage Free
RL.3.41 - Orders Delivered Damage Free Conformance
RL.3.42 - Orders Delivered Defect Free Conformance
RL.3.55 - Warranty and Returns

RS.3.122 - Schedule Product Deliveries Cycle Time

RS.3.125 - Select Supplier and Negotiate Cycle Time
RS.3.139 - Transfer Product Cycle Time

AG.2.2 - Upside Flexibility (Make)

CO.3.105 - Cost to Plan (Make)

AG.2.3 - Upside Flexibility (Deliver)

AG.2.4 - Upside Return Flexibility (Source)

AG.1.2 - Upside Supply Chain Adaptability

RS.3.33 - Finalize Production Engineering Cycle Time

AG.2.6 - Upside Adaptability (Source)

RS.3.49 - Issue Material Cycle Time

AG.2.7 - Upside Adaptability (Make)

RS.3.142 - Package Cycle Time

CO.3.115 - Cost to Receive Produ

CO.3.126 - Cost to Schedule Prod


CO.3.137 - Cost to Transfer Produ

CO.3.138 - Cost to Verify Product

AG.2.9 - Upside Return Adaptability (Source)

CO.2.3 - Cost to Make

AG.2.10 - Upside Return Adaptability (Deliver)

CO.2.4 - Cost to Deliver

CO.3.163 - Order Management C

RS.3.16 - Build Loads Cycle Time

CO.3.200 - Order Delivery Costs

AG.1.3 - Downside Supply Chain Adaptability

AG.2.11 - Downside Adaptability (Source)

RS.3.51 - Load Product & Generate Shipping

AG.2.12 - Downside Adaptability (Make)

Documentation Cycle Time

RS.3.95 - Pack Product Cycle Time

AG.2.13 - Downside Adaptability (Deliver)

RS.3.102 - Receive & Verify Product by Customer Cycle Time

AG.1.4 - Overall Value at Risk (VAR)

RS.3.110 - Receive Product from Source or Make Cycle Time

AG.2.14 - Supplier's/Customer's/

Cycle Time

RS.3.116 - Reserve Resources and Determine Delivery

Date Cycle Time

RS.3.117 - Route Shipments Cycle Time

RS.3.120 - Schedule Installation Cycle Time
RS.3.124 - Select Carriers & Rate Shipments Cycle Time
RS.3.126 - Ship Product Cycle Time

RS.2.4 - Delivery Retail Cycle Time

RS.3.17 - Checkout Cycle Time
RS.3.32 - Fill Shopping Cart Cycle Time
RS.3.34 - Generate Stocking Schedule Cycle Time
RS.3.97 - Pick Product from Backroom Cycle Time
RS.3.109 - Receive Product at Store Cycle Time
RS.3.129 - Stock Shelf Cycle Time

CO.2.7 - Mitigation Cost ($)

CO.3.178 - Risk Mitigation Costs
CO.3.179 - Risk Mitigation Costs

RS.3.96 - Pick Product Cycle Time

RS.3.111 - Receive, Configure, Enter, & Validate Order

CO.2.5 - Cost to Return

CO.3.131 - Cost to Source Return

RS.3.46 - Install Product Cycle Time


RS.2.3 - Deliver Cycle Time

RS.3.18 - Consolidate Orders Cycle Time

CO.2.2 - Cost to Source

AG.2.8 - Upside Adaptability (Deliver)

RS.3.123 - Schedule Production Activities Cycle Time

RS.3.128 - Stage Finished Product Cycle Time

CO.3.107 - Cost to Plan (Source)

CO.3.27 - Cost to Authorize Supp

RS.2.2 - Make Cycle Time

RS.3.114 - Release Finished Product to Deliver Cycle Time

CO.3.106 - Cost to Plan (Return)

CO.3.108 - Cost to Plan Supply C

AG.2.5 - Upside Return Flexibility (Deliver)

RS.3.140 - Verify Product Cycle Time

RS.3.101 - Produce and Test Cycle Time

CO.3.104 - Cost to Plan (Deliver)

Product's Risk Rating

AG.2.15 - Value at Risk (Plan)

CO.3.180 - Risk Mitigation Costs

CO.3.181 - Risk Mitigation Costs
CO.3.182 - Risk Mitigation Costs

CO.1.2 - Cost of Goods Sol

AG.2.16 - Value at Risk (Source)

CO.3.140 - Direct Labor Co

AG.2.17 - Value at Risk (Make)

CO.3.141 - Direct Material C

AG.2.18 - Value at Risk (Deliver)

CO.3.155 - Indirect Cost Re

to Production

AG.2.19 - Value at Risk (Return)




Supply Chain Costs

Supply Chain Asset Management

CO.1.1 - Supply Chain Management Cost

AM.1.1 - Cash-to-Cash Cycle Time

CO.2.1 - Cost to Plan

AM.2.1 - Days Sales Outstanding

CO.3.104 - Cost to Plan (Deliver)

CO.3.105 - Cost to Plan (Make)
CO.3.106 - Cost to Plan (Return)
CO.3.107 - Cost to Plan (Source)
CO.3.108 - Cost to Plan Supply Chain

CO.2.2 - Cost to Source

CO.3.27 - Cost to Authorize Supplier

AM.2.2 - Inventory Days of Supply

AM.3.45 - Inventory Days of Supply
( Finished Goods )

AM.3.16 - Inventory Days of Supply

( Raw Material )

AM.3.17 - Inventory Days of Supply ( WIP )

AM.3.23 - Recycle Days of Supply
AM.3.28 - Percentage Defective Inventory

CO.3.115 - Cost to Receive Product

AM.3.37 - Percentage Excess Inventory

CO.3.126 - Cost to Schedule Product

AM.3.44 - Percentage Unserviceable


CO.3.137 - Cost to Transfer Product

MRO Inventory

AM.2.3 - Days Payable Outstanding

CO.3.138 - Cost to Verify Product

AM.1.2 - Return on Supply Chain


CO.2.3 - Cost to Make


CO.2.4 - Cost to Deliver

AM.2.5 - Supply Chain Fixed Assets

CO.3.163 - Order Management Costs

AM.3.11 - Fixed Asset Value (Deliver)

CO.3.200 - Order Delivery Costs

AM.3.18 - Fixed Asset Value (Make)

CO.2.5 - Cost to Return

AM.3.20 - Fixed Asset Value (Plan)

CO.3.131 - Cost to Source Return

AM.3.24 - Fixed Asset Value (Return)




CO.2.7 - Mitigation Cost ($)

CO.3.178 - Risk Mitigation Costs (Deliver)

Fixed Assets

AM.3.27 - Fixed Asset Value (Source)

AM.1.3 - Return on Working

CO.3.179 - Risk Mitigation Costs (Make)


CO.3.180 - Risk Mitigation Costs (Plan)

AM.2.6 - Accounts Payable

CO.3.181 - Risk Mitigation Costs (Return)

(Payables Outstanding)

CO.3.182 - Risk Mitigation Costs (Source)

AM.2.7 - Accounts Receivable

(Sales Outstanding)

CO.1.2 - Cost of Goods Sold

AM.2.8 - Inventory

CO.3.140 - Direct Labor Cost

CO.3.141 - Direct Material Cost
CO.3.155 - Indirect Cost Related
to Production


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