High-Performance Valves For Your Industry Requirements

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Official publication of the SAIMC

High-performance valves for

your industry requirements

Power generation & distribution | Process measurement

Control systems | Safety systems | Motion control


Official publication of the SAIMC

Valves are critical to the
pneumatic applications
employed in a wide variety
of industrial applications. 04 News & events
The main objective of
these valves is to control
the flow of compressed air
06 SAIMC news

by changing the direction

of flow. See this month’s 08 Automation professionals
High-performance valves for
your industry requirements cover story for more on

Power generation & distribution | Process measurement

Control systems | Safety systems | Motion control
the advanced new valve
portfolio from Festo.
40 Product news

Advanced new Festo valve portfolio gains immense
Cover story 10 popularity in industrial automation

Mining & metals 12 Schneider Electric SA, R&C Instrumentation

Power generation & distribution 14 Phoenix Contact, Siemens Energy, Comtest, Endress+Hauser

Process measurement 18 KROHNE SA, WIKA Instruments, DRH Components

IT in manufacturing 20 Absolute Perspectives, RJ Connect

Michael Brown Control Engineering, Beckhoff Automation,

Control systems 22 Turck Banner, Macsteel Fluid Control, Pepperl+Fuchs,
ASSTech Process Electronics & Instrumentation

RTS Africa Engineering, Omron Electronics, Danfoss South Africa,

Motion control 29 Nidec Control Techniques, Elettronica Santerno South Africa

Fieldbus & industrial networking 35 SICK Automation Southern Africa, Omniflex

ifm – South Africa, Turck Banner, SMC Corporation South Africa,

Safety systems 38 Fluid Systems Africa

www.instrumentation.co.za November 2020 1

welcome VOLUME 36 NO 11 NOVEMBER 2020

Isolation economy could quicken EDITOR

Steven Meyer
BSc (Elec Eng), IMM (Unisa)

the pace of 4IR adoption

[email protected]

Kim Roberts
MSc Chem
panic buying set in, while others experienced a [email protected]
dramatic fall in orders – the oil and gas industry,
Michael Brown
But it’s in the medium to long term BSc (Eng) (Rand), CEng MIEE MSAIEE
Gavin Halse
where the ideas of 4IR are likely to have their BSc Chem Eng
most profound impact. For instance, online Lance Turner
BSc (Hons) Information Systems
purchasing brings with it the freedom to
offer the consumer a wider variety of choices ADVERTISING
than that associated with in-store shopping. Sales manager
Jane van der Spuy
The added pressure on manufacturers comes [email protected]
Tel: +27 83 234 5412
about as a result of the consumer demand for
Laura van der Merwe
options in product features such as colour, [email protected]
finish and various other personal preferences. Tel: +27 78 423 0915
The net effect forces manufacturers away from
the surety of mass production into a situation Technews Production Department
where they require many more degrees of
The coronavirus pandemic has highlighted a freedom in their production techniques, as they SUBSCRIPTION SERVICES
problem that the manufacturing industry was For address changes, subscriptions,
attempt to produce smaller and smaller batch renewal status or missing issues,
already uncomfortably aware of – its traditional email:
sizes with faster and faster turnaround times. [email protected] or write to:
ecosystems are too cumbersome to cope with To compound the problem, social distancing Technews Publishing (Pty) Ltd, Box 385,
Pinegowrie 2123
the variety of choice demanded by modern requirements mean manufacturers must reduce
consumer behaviour. Put another way, while the number of workers on site, just when SUBSCRIBE ONLINE
the pandemic did not start the Fourth Industrial they need them the most. As they get to grips www.technews.co.za
Revolution (4IR), it has acted as a powerful with the problem, we are likely to see a rapid
catalyst on trends that were already bubbling PUBLISHERS
uptick in the adoption of remote diagnostic Technews Publishing (Pty) Ltd,
beneath the surface. Box 385, Pinegowrie 2123
and collaboration tools in an effort to connect
Actually it wasn’t the disease itself, but off-site teams of support specialists with the
rather the effects of lockdown and the ensuing remaining on-site production workers.
‘isolation economy’, which accelerated the trend The trick for manufacturers then is to
towards online purchasing and service delivery understand the real meaning of ‘adding value’
platforms. Nothing surprising about this yet: in the context of an environment where LETTERS TO THE EDITOR
for the first time in history, human beings disruption is the norm and customers have Letters to the editor should be addressed to Steven
Meyer at [email protected]. Sending material
had available the technology to implement become more demanding than ever before. The to this publication will be considered automatic
permission to use in full or in part in our Letters column.
quarantine on a global scale and they simply pandemic has simply brought into sharp focus Be sure to include your name, e-mail address, city and
applied it. zip code. We reserve the right to edit all letters.
something we already knew – we are entering
The surprise comes when one considers an era where the business problems faced by
what happens when a critical mass of manufacturers extend way beyond traditional
consumers decide that this is their preferred process control. The way forward is intertwined All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, adapted,
new way of doing things – pandemic or no stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means,
with the digital tools and technologies of the electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without
pandemic. If enough people settle on this 4IR, but it is different for every organisation. the prior written permission of Technews Publishing (Pty) Ltd, Reg No.
chosen modus operandi, then the effects are Contributing editor, Gavin Halse, provides some
likely to become embedded in our lives as a useful adoption guidelines in the article on Disclaimer
‘new normal’ that remains with us for many page 20. While every effort has been made to ensure the
accuracy of the information contained herein, the
years to come. publisher and its agents cannot be held responsible
So what effects will this have on for any errors contained, or any loss incurred as a
result. Articles published do not necessarily reflect the
manufacturing? views of the publishers. The editor reserves the right
Steven Meyer
In the early stages, some manufacturers Editor: SA Instrumentation & Control
to alter or cut copy. Articles submitted are deemed to
have been cleared for publication. Advertisements,
struggled to keep up with demand as a time of [email protected] inserts and company contact details are printed as
provided by the advertiser. Technews Publishing (Pty)

Ltd cannot be held responsible for the accuracy or
veracity of supplied material.
South African Resource Portal
See www.instrumentation.co.za for more COVID-19 related articles

2 November 2020 www.instrumentation.co.za

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www.instrumentation.co.za November 2020 3

Varispeed appoints new Control Techniques unveils bold new identity

managing director Control Techniques, a Nidec brand, has
launched a new identity, marking the next
stage in its evolution as a brand.
Customers, partners and employees will
see a striking change in the brand’s visual
identity, backed up by a comprehensive set
of principles covering the business’ purpose,
values and ongoing strategy. An entirely new
suite of branded materials has been created,
with the new identity touching every part of
the organisation.
Pam Chahal, global marketing director,
said: “It has been evident for a while that
there was some confusion in the marketplace
over who Control Techniques is, and where
it stands in today’s competitive landscape.
In recent years the business has changed
ownership, which brought its own challenges,
but we are now completely aligned and
looking to the future.
Emile Joubert. “With the launch of our new identity, we
Varispeed is pleased to introduce Emile Joubert took things back to square one and tried to
as its new managing director. Joubert joined answer the fundamental questions facing
the Hudaco Group in 2019 and holds a host any organisation. The outcome of each stage
of accolades, including a Master’s degree in informed the next, which has led us to the
business administration and a Bachelor’s degree launch of this exciting new brand. Control
in electrical and electronics engineering. Techniques has been active for nearly 50 for too long, been the best-kept secret in the
Prior to the Hudaco Group, he worked at one years, so there was a lot of heritage we had drives world. That must stop. We were the
of the country’s most prominent engineering built up. By focusing on our strengths, we original drives brand, with a long history of
firms as a senior engineer for more than a have developed a bold new vision for the industry-firsts. We have reason to shout, and
decade. He prides himself on his willingness future of our organisation, confirming our reason to be confident. This exciting new
to learn, dedication, drive, and desire to excel. position as a challenger to the establishment. identity will help us get people’s attention and
Joubert looks forward to collaborating with “It was really interesting in the put us back where we feel we belong.”
customers, partners and colleagues, and is in development of this new vision how
the process of setting out various growth and passionate our people were. The term ‘drives For more information contact Jacqui
expansion strategies for the business. obsessed’ comes as a result of seeing the drive Gradwell, Nidec Industrial Automation
and determination of our people to empower Southern Africa, +27 11 462 1740,
For more information contact Varispeed, our customers to achieve amazing things.” [email protected],
+27 11 312 5252, [email protected], Anthony Pickering, president of Control www.controltechniques.com,
www.varispeed.co.za Techniques, added: “Control Techniques has, www.driveobsessed.com

Emerson to acquire Progea Group

Emerson has announced that it has completed vendors to drive more successful digital and expertise in machine and plant-level
the acquisition of the Progea Group, an transformation and integration. visualisation and analytics provide customers
industry-leading provider of Industrial Internet “The acquisition of Progea strengthens our with a flexible, scalable solution for their
of Things (IIoT), plant analytics, human machine ability to provide customers with an integrated programmable logic controller applications in
interface (HMI) and supervisory control and package of control, visualisation and IoT to discrete and hybrid markets.”
data acquisition (scada) technologies. help our customers improve overall equipment
This acquisition will help bridge a critical efficiency and accelerate their digital For more information contact Emerson
customer technology gap by lowering total transformation journey,” said Lal Karsanbhai, Automation Solutions, +27 11 451 3700,
cost of ownership and reducing the barriers executive president of Emerson’s Automation [email protected],
that come with working across multiple Solutions business. “Progea’s capability www.emerson.com

4 November 2020 www.instrumentation.co.za


SEW-Eurodrive breaks ground on new

R200 million head office and factory
Drive and control technologies specialist, SEW-Eurodrive, has
announced that construction has commenced on a new R200
million head office and factory in Everton, Johannesburg, in
order to accommodate the company’s growth. The 25 000 square
metre building is being constructed on property acquired by
the company two years ago. The necessary earthworks were
completed in late September and construction is due to be
completed by October 2021. The company plans to move
into its new premises – which will also act as its South African
headquarters – in January 2022.
Over a three to five year period, the factory will be fitted with
state-of-the-art, Industry 4.0 compliant technologies including
automated assembly machines and guided vehicles, which the
company anticipates will cost at least another R200 million. “In
order to remain globally competitive it is important that this
new factory is as automated as possible,” explains Raymond
Obermeyer, managing director at SEW-Eurodrive South Africa.
The new state-of-the-art, high-tech facility will allow the
company to better service customers both in Gauteng and in the
rest of Africa, as the company expects the majority of its growth in
the years ahead to come from Africa rather than South Africa.
“We expect African markets to account for 50% of our turnover
within the next three to four years, given that growth in many
countries around the continent is much faster than it is locally,”
adds Obermeyer. “Not only do we expect to see opportunities
for growth coming from the establishment of the African Free
Trade Continental Area agreement, but the removal of border
restrictions will make it significantly easier for companies like
SEW-Eurodrive to do business on the continent.”
The new factory will accommodate a number of the company’s
assembly plants around the country in order to develop better
efficiencies and contain costs. SEW-Eurodrive’s existing plants in
Nelspruit, Durban, Port Elizabeth and Cape Town will continue to
operate with a focus on servicing the company’s national footprint
of customers, while its current head office and factory will become
a large gearbox repair centre.
“This new facility has been planned for some years already and
we’re delighted that construction has finally kicked off, paving the
way for an exciting period in the company’s growth trajectory,”
concludes Obermeyer.

For more information contact SEW-Eurodrive, +27 11 248 7000,

[email protected], www.sew-eurodrive.co.za

www.instrumentation.co.za November 2020 5


National Members

From the office of the CEO

Here are some of the details.
Registration has been divided into three
1. Factory Automation: Factory
Automation is mainly focused on
complete modular discrete control
consisting of sequential, speed control,
packaging and batch control.
2. Process Automation. Process Automation
is mainly focused on process control
and monitoring (typically DCS) with
relatively slower response time and
safety instrumented systems along with
high-class, faster response time PLCs and
SIL certified components.
3. Mechatronic Devices: Mechatronic
Devices (components/systems) are
The new mechatronics qualification mainly focused on complete modular
For the last few weeks there has been a discrete control consisting of mechanical
team working on the new Mechatronics devices using sequential, speed control,
Discipline Specific Training Guidelines packaging and batch control.
(DSTG). The team consisted of: In the next few weeks we will be
• Henry Heymans (Siemens). discussing each of these categories as
• Professor Theo van Niekerk (Nelson follows:
Mandela University). • Possible industries.
• Professor George van Schoor (North West • Technologies used.
University). And then complete the task by
• Dr Louis Beneke (Tshwane University of expanding on the evidence they need
Technology). to provide to show that they have
• Johan Maartens (SAIMC). experience in the 11 outcomes required
The DSTG is used to assist assessors by ECSA for technicians, technologists
when candidates apply to ECSA for and engineers.
professional registration as technicians, Yours in automation,
technologists or engineers. Johan Maartens.


Johannesburg: Ann de Beer at [email protected]; Mobile: +27 82 365 7856

Cape Town: Wade Shuttleworth at [email protected]; Mobile: +27 81 899 9234,

Durban: Howard Lister at [email protected]; Mobile: +27 82 568 8264

Richards Bay: Mervyn Govender at [email protected]; Mobile: +27 83 299 2260

Secunda: Johan Maritz at [email protected]; Mobile: +27 82 856 3865

Tshwane : Mark Taylor at [email protected]; Mobile: +27 61 769 3344

Vaal: Theo Potgieter at [email protected]; Mobile: +27 73 212 0727

Zambia: Tresford Siame at [email protected], Tel: +26 96 678 0337

Rustenburg: Mervyn Bartle at [email protected]; Mobile: +27 82 920 5266

Council: Ina at [email protected], Mobile: +27 82 440 8957, Tel: 08610 72462 (08610 SAIMC)

6 November 2020 www.instrumentation.co.za


Vaal branch
At the last technology evening, Ralph
White from ifm electronic presented
on the topic of vibration monitoring
and how it provides the ability to
detect changes in machine health.
Once a machine’s condition begins
to deteriorate, it can quickly fail
catastrophically. Vibration monitoring
provides the ability to detect changes
in machine health and take corrective
action before this happens.
Changes in machine vibration
can be an early indicator of machine
damage. So, the detection and
integrated evaluation of vibration
signals can serve as a basis for the
seamless integration of online
condition monitoring and real-time
maintenance into automation and
control systems. The benefits include:
• Elimination of unplanned downtime
due to equipment failures.
• Monitoring key machine condition
indicators to predict and plan
maintenance activities.
• Implementation of advanced real-
time vibration monitoring without
the complexity of traditional systems.
• Easy integration into process systems.

Johannesburg branch
The technical evening of 14 October was once area. Diogo explained that HMIs can be split at the uses of cameras in Ex areas,
again presented via Microsoft Teams. into thin clients, very basic PCs connected security, surveillance, quality control
How do we approach HMI and camera to an existing network and also lowest in and maintenance teams. Using video
solutions in Ex environments? This was cost, KVM, medium in cost point to point management software, one can now
explained by Diogo Fidalgo from Stahl. Most connection and can connect to a single PC, record, analyse and proactively control a
of us know that HMIs are used as an interface and then panel or industrial PCs, full blown system or area. Using video analytics, it is
for industrial machine control, but in this case, PCs acting inside the hazardous area and of now possible to incorporate alarms and
we looked at how it can be used to access or course highest in cost. also retrieve critical information regarding
process relevant video feed in a hazardous Moving on to cameras, we looked an incident.


www.instrumentation.co.za November 2020 7


Consulting engineers, system integrators & project houses

Abacus Automation

Abacus Automation supplies innovative, custom-developed

­technical solutions using standard PLCs, drives, scada and
motion control e­ quipment and is Siemens approved for crane
automation. With 22 years in the industry, this award-winning
and i­nternationally acclaimed company has highly qualified,
experienced and professional staff. It operates out of offices in

Tel: +27 31 702 5767

[email protected]

Autotronix Control Software Solutions - CSS

Autotronix is a recognised leader in industrial automation design and Customer-centricity allows CSS to attain a high percentage of repeat business
implementation having attained its ISO 9001 certification. Autotronix from its growing customer base. With a solid 16 years’ experience in design-
offers its clients turnkey control system integration services for energy ing customised C&A solutions, CSS partners with customers in relationships
management, PLC/HMI/scada/VSD, manufacture of control panels, appli- thriving on information sharing and open communication enabling them to
cations for water distribution and manufacturing. The company operates enhance customer operations. Supplier Certification provides customers with
from offices in Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal. the assurance that the CSS team is completely up to date on current trends
and technology as indicated by a number of prestigious awards.
Tel: +27 31 705 0400
or +27 16 422 7644 Tel: +27 31 914 0040
[email protected] [email protected]
www.autotronix.co.za www.cs-solutions.co.za

EHL Consulting Engineers Hybrid Automation

EHL Consulting Engineers offers comprehensive C&I services across all Hybrid Automation is an approved Siemens system ­integrator and part-
industries including control system design, software development and ner for automation and drives, process instrumentation as well as motion
system integration; legacy system upgrades and replacements; process control. This enables it to provide its clients with the latest technology
automation and optimisation; and IS and SIL services. and s­ olutions. Its client base includes major blue chip companies and
has gained a strong foothold in virtually all the engineering verticals.
Tel: +27 11 370 7400
[email protected] Tel: +27 31 573 2795
[email protected] [email protected]
www.ehl.co.za www.hybridautomation.co.za

Iritron Moore Process Controls

Iritron is a new millennium technology company providing quality solutions Moore Process Controls provides process automation and optimisation
in the fields of electrical instrumentation and control systems engineering, solutions to realise the maximum potential of your plant and assets. Its
systems integration and simulations. It has a proven ability to manage projects offerings include DCS, PLC, scada, compressor control solutions, MES,
efficiently and produce high quality results. It has an extensive track record production management and predictive maintenance systems, control
of successfully implementing plant infrastructure reticulation, designs, and loop optimisation, alarm and energy management systems, plant security
automation and information systems. Iritron, a TUV accredited ISO 9001:2008 and access management systems, Matrikon OPC, OSi Soft, dashboards
technology company, is able to offer its clients PLC, DCS and scada software and historians, wireless and data solutions including digital twin, process
and hardware, as well as electrical and instrumentation design, engineering, simulators and training simulators and cloud-based IIoT solutions.
project management and commissioning services.
Tel: +27 11 466 1673
Tel: +27 12 349 2919 [email protected]
[email protected] www.moore.co.za

8 November 2020 www.instrumentation.co.za


PCS Global Process Dynamics

At PCS Global we understand that you’re ultimately in business to maximise Process Dynamics specialises in industrial automation and p­ rocess control.
profits. This means reduced cost of ownership, increased uptime, consist- The company is one of Africa’s leaders in turnkey automation projects and
ent results and ultimately a solution that not only fits your budget but lets specialises in the integration of scada (WINCC, PCS7, Wonderware, Citect
your business work whilst you’re at home with your family. To us that means & Ignition) and PLC ( Siemens, Schneider, Rockwell & Festo) as well as MCC
providing a hassle free, customised engineering solution that exceeds your and control panel manufacturing and installation. Process Dynamics is ISO
expectations. Are you ready to take your business to the next level? We are! 9001:2015 accredited as well as a registered CIDB company.
Level 2 BBEEE , ISO 9001:2015, CIDB. Siemens, Schneider, Wonderware and
Rockwell certified. Automation Innovation, it’s the new AI. Tel: +27 11 394 5412
[email protected]
Tel: +27 11 466 4172 www.process-dynamics.co.za
[email protected]

Proconics SAM – Systems Automation and Management

Proconics is a locally based multi-discipline engineering Systems Automation and Management is a supplier of data ­acquisition
company. We execute projects to improve and extend the life of systems and innovative automation solutions and is one of the ­leading
factories. We specialise in multi-discipline, short-term turnkey integrators of PLC, scada and fieldbus systems in South Africa. The
projects, featuring brownfield replacement projects as well as ­company’s comprehensive range of capabilities includes industrial
renewable grid connections. networks, automation and control, scada, custom solutions, information
delivery, data warehousing, hardware and
Tel: +27 16 982 7880 software, BMS, MIS and MES.
[email protected]
www.proconics.co.za Tel: +27 11 803 0570
[email protected]

Saryx Engineering Group SCiBOTRON

Saryx is an-award winning company whose focus lies in offering its Scibotron is an award-winning B-BBEE level 2, ISO 9001:2015 certified systems
clients the best solutions and services, taking into account their business integrator offering turnkey electrical, instrumentation, control, optimisation
objectives, current infrastructure and product knowledge investments. and Industry 4.0 solutions in various industrial verticals. Our customer-centric
Its solutions are delivered at a value that makes sense to the client, by relationship management, 100% success record, agile methodologies and strict
bringing forth industry standard best practices, intellectual capability, quality process has earned us a distinguished client base that includes fortune
knowledge and infrastructure. Saryx is a BBBEE, 7EP CIDB and ISO accred- 500 and JSE listed companies. We strive to ensure that our customers’ projects
ited company. are successful, operations are optimal and business is profitable.

Tel: 086 099 5105 Tel: +27 12 030 0340

[email protected] [email protected]
www.saryx.com www.scibotron.co.za

South Africa’s only dedicated

process control and factory
automation publication.

What we are offering (through a twelve monthly

Whether you are a consulting engineer, a
system integrator or a project house,
renewable subscription):
we have the perfect marketing platform Name, contact details, logo and brief description of your business solution will appear in each issue
to put you in touch with nearly 4500 of SA Instrumentation & Control magazine for the next 12 months.
Two A4 in depth editorials OR, two half page display advertisements – content of your choice.
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All articles will also be hosted on our website and appear in a prominent position in one of our
practitioners in the automotive,
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food & beverage, mining, petrochemical, PDF copies of the articles (to be used for your own purposes) will be provided after publication.
power, pulp & paper and water & Your listing will be published in a new “Choose Your Automation Professional” section of the annual
wastewater industries. SA Instrumentation & Control Buyers’ Guide and a link to your company web page in all directory listings.

Contact: [email protected]

www.instrumentation.co.za November 2020 9


Namur Valve VSNC.

Advanced new Festo valve portfolio gains

immense popularity in industrial automation
High-performance single valves for all industry requirements

Valves are one of the critical components automation technology. The two valves are the applications where installation space, weight,
for pneumatic applications employed in a latest additions to the VG range of compact flow rate and mounting considerations are
wide variety of industries. These valves come valves and the VS range of sturdy valves. Both important. It meets many demanding user
in different types and have various designs, valves are attractively priced and are made for requirements thanks to the high level of
physical properties, features, and applications. mass applications. With focused features that flexibility offered by the modular system.
The main objective of these valves remains meet the key requirements of solenoid valves,
the same: to control the flow of compressed the compact VUVG and the sturdy VUVS are Robust solenoid valve VUVS
air by changing the direction of flow. They suitable for 80% of all compact or heavy-duty The economically priced sturdy solenoid valve
are key components in the industrial pneumatic applications. VUVS is an industry-standard individual valve
automation space. that can be used for almost any application.
The latest Festo Namur valves VSNC, Space saving solenoid valve VUVG It fulfils all the demands made on modern
solenoid valve VUVS and solenoid valve VUVG The VUVG is designed as a compact valve. valves for universal use: favourable price, easy
are no different. Since their debut, the valves It is the ideal individual pneumatic valve for installation and assembly, numerous standard
have gained significant popularity across countless applications, including small parts functions and attractive design.
various industries. “Their quality, reliability, assembly, electronics, the food and packaging Sturdiness, protection to IP65/67, vacuum
unique features and performance have industries, as well as for special machine functions and the high flow rate of up to 2000
provided customers all over Africa with peace construction. This pneumatic valve is made for l/min make it suitable for almost every industry
of mind,” says Kershia Beharie, head of market tight installation spaces and control panels. segment, for example heavy engineering,
management at Festo South Africa. “Our valves Electrically and pneumatically actuated, foundries, opencast mining or the timber
are used in industry to carry out processes the solenoid valve VUVG can be used as both industry. This valve can be used for up to
efficiently.” an individual valve and a valve terminal. One 16 valve positions in a fixed grid. It has a
For machines to work effectively, industry of the unique characteristics of this valve is universal structure and is easy to operate. The
professionals need to find perfect valve its optimised footprint with an excellent size/ wide range of accessories such as manifold
solutions. Finding the perfect valve can be a performance ratio. Made from lightweight rails and cover plates makes the VUVS flexible
daunting task. In this article, Kershia Beharie aluminium, the VUVG saves space in the system in use. The hollow tube enables solenoid coils
talks to SA Instrumentation and Control and reduces weight. Its 10 bar technology for different operating voltages to be mounted,
about choosing the right valves for machine ensures accelerated cycle times, smaller which reduces stock holding requirements.
applications from the popular Festo range. cylinder sizes and a higher energy density.
The patented cartridge principle makes the Top of the range robust solenoid
Valve series for a wide range of solenoid valve VUVG extremely durable and valve VSNC
applications very reliable. The clever E-box design allows The standard NAMUR valve VSNC efficiently
Compact or sturdy, depending on the for easy replacement and conversion from one and reliably controls the pilot air for a wide
application, the new solenoid valves VUVG and electrical connection technology to another. range of applications in the liquids, bulk goods
VUVS are the ideal solutions for pneumatic This compact valve is suitable for or gases, chemical, pharmaceutical, water

10 November 2020 www.instrumentation.co.za

Solenoid Valve VUVS. Solenoid Valve VUVG.

technology and food production industries. longer service life for the pneumatic actuator. This improves the performance and life span of
This is made possible by a broad choice of The design of the VSNC allows these coils, machines. “To reap these benefits, it is essential
valve functions and an extended temperature even with different types of protection, to be to partner with a company such as Festo, a
range of -20°C to 60°C. mounted on a robust stainless steel armature knowledgeable supplier that understands the
This new pilot valve can be easily adapted tube, allowing versatile applications. This requirements of today’s advanced machines,
for use with either a single- or a double-acting modularity ensures that Festo can react quickly has a reputation for providing reliable valves
actuator for even greater flexibility. Simply in processing customer orders. and can address the growing industry
turning the seal around 180° converts a 5/2- Finding the right valve for machine demands,” concludes Beharie.
way valve into a 3/2-way valve. In the case of applications is critical in industrial automation.
the 3/2-way function, exhaust air is fed via the In addition to controlling the flow of For more information contact
seal into the spring chamber of the actuator. compressed air, the right valve prevents media Kershia Beharie, Festo South Africa,
This protects the spring chamber from cross-contamination and minimises external 0860 033 786, [email protected],
contaminated ambient air and guarantees a factors that could interfere with the process. www.festo.co.za

Festo VUVG used in an Eyelet Buttonholer to make buttonholes in seconds.

www.instrumentation.co.za November 2020 11


Schneider Electric provides digital

technologies to the mining industry
Schneider Electric is dedicated to the to reducing operating costs and improving the transformation in its own teams and the impact
deployment of digital technologies in mining efficiency of equipment and workforces. that a digital frontier requires on different
to address the rising pressures on business “We believe that an important aspect of working methods. Therefore, the technologies
sustainability and reduced energy consumption. digital transformation is the human aspect, and it develops are always with the digital worker
“The organisation has invested significantly while autonomous operation continues to be in mind, along with the built-in capability to
to develop a specialised competence in mining a compelling and necessary aspect of mining integrate a mobile or transient workforce.
applications,” explains Marc Ramsay, vice operations, future workforce integration should Studies have documented that the workforce of
president industry business unit at Schneider not be neglected. Already our customers are the future will on average not stay in their jobs
Electric South Africa. “We believe that technology benefiting from the adoption of EcoStruxure for more than 36 months, and this transition
integration combining energy management, Augmented Operator Advisor, which combines will be amplified in the mining environment,
process automation and software through our contextual and dynamic information for which requires a new level of induction and
IoT enabled platform, EcoStruxure, leverages an mobile users. The technology enables them to orientation, along with the workforce having
enabled, open and interoperable architecture to experience a fusion of the physical environment on-hand access to latent or ‘hidden’ operational
deliver true digital transformation. EcoStruxure with an added layer of virtual objects and critical knowledge. The good news is that digitisation
enables customers to maximise the value of data information. is not only driving operations, but also enabling
and edge control, which translates into actionable “The mining industry is also a large consumer internal research and development teams to
intelligence for better business decisions. of electrical energy. Our mining teams work with incorporate previously inaccessible technologies
“One of the challenges has always been to customers to manage their energy footprint in a plug-and-play fashion. Open standards and
make real-time decisions based on information and consider all aspects of the efficiency of the adoption of industry protocols has always
that is spread across disparate databases locked the mining process to serve this requirement. been the company mantra.
within mining hierarchical disciplines. With Schneider Electric has been delivering complete “Of all the trends impacting the mining
that in mind, we believe that our technology solutions for the mining industry from low and industry, few will be as critical as effective
provides a high level of value through breaking medium voltage equipment, to transformers and digitalisation,” concludes Ramsay. “It will affect
down operating silos both vertically and grid automation, for over 150 years. The latest every aspect of industrial operations and
horizontally across the mining value chain. integrated IoT-enabled power management provide the greatest potential for improving
Connected devices can now be safely and architectures enhance connectivity, network business and operational efficiency. The rewards
reliably accessed from the cloud and product security, real-time operational reliability, and are significant for those willing to explore the
deliveries can be traced in real-time.” smart analytics for peace of mind and significant potential. It has been estimated that in the
financial benefits.” next five years, mining industry leaders will
A truly unique time in mining According to recent studies conducted by achieve their most significant improvements by
“Operational efficiency is still below global independent research companies, autonomous embracing digital technologies such as the IIoT,
benchmarks and plagues our mining industry,” and mechanised mining can have a significant advanced analytics and augmented reality that
outlines Ramsay. “The management of asset impact on extending the economic life of harness the power of big data in a secure way.”
utilisation is a core focus for Schneider Electric’s existing operations, as well as the profitability.
mining team. Whether we are reducing the mean But one needs to be cognisant of the impact For more information contact Vikash
time to repair of our medium voltage switchgear, on jobs, despite the improved safety related Rampathi, Schneider Electric SA,
or using augmented reality for embedded aspects of autonomous operations. Schneider +27 11 254 6400,
equipment fault diagnosis, we are dedicated Electric has already experienced digital [email protected], www.se.com/za

12 November 2020 www.instrumentation.co.za


Temperature measurement
in the steel industry
In the iron and steel industry, temperature from the safety of the control room – especially
measurement helps to ensure that the correct important for metals with changing emissivity.
heating or cooling is applied. Benefits in getting Having recently joined forces to become
this right include better quality, increased one of the world’s largest suppliers of infrared
productivity, enhanced safety, reduced temperature measurement equipment, Raytek
downtime, easy data recording and reduced and Ircon are able to offer non-contact infrared
energy costs. thermometers and scanners to cover every
Infrared sensors take temperature aspect of temperature monitoring in steel
measurement one step further. Simultaneous manufacturing processes. Where monitoring
analog and digital outputs allow temperature and controlling temperature is critical to
data to be integrated into a closed loop control productivity and product quality, Raytek/Ircon
system and simultaneously output for remote have an answer. Temperature readings show
temperature monitoring and analysis. The whether processes are operating within their
smart sensors can be configured remotely proper ranges, whether a re-heater is too cold
or too hot, whether a stand needs adjusting,
or how much cooling should be applied. Each
stage can be accurately monitored so the steel
retains correct metallurgical properties as it
travels through the milling process.
A wide range of optics, including a
remote controlled, motorised variable focus
option, covers a variety of applications. This
is supported by integrated through-the-lens
sighting, plus either laser or video sighting
for correct target location. Raytek and Ircon
infrared detectors are now available in more
specialised units for specific applications,
including torpedo car inspection, coke
quenching, hot rolling, continuous casting,
reheating and quenching.

Fluke Process Instruments

Fluke Process Instruments designs,
manufactures, and markets a complete line of
infrared (IR) temperature measurement and
profiling solutions for industrial, maintenance
and quality control applications. Distributed
worldwide under the Raytek, Ircon and
Datapaq brands, these products reflect the
combined experience of over 125 years in
manufacturing the world’s finest temperature
measurement tools and devices.
R&C Instrumentation covers the full range
of infrared temperature measuring devices.
Continual innovation and new products like
the Endurance and Thermalert series, designed
in conjunction between Raytek and Ircon,
will ensure that whatever the temperature
measurement and monitoring requirements, a
solution can be found.

For more information contact R&C

Instrumentation, +27 11 608 1551,
[email protected], www.randci.co.za

www.instrumentation.co.za November 2020 13


Simple acquisition of energy values

In most industrial applications, energy data Current transducers be another problem. This is possible via the
acquisition is standard practice. Primarily, Phoenix Contact offers two current communication interface or if the password
the aim is to reduce energy consumption measurement variants for coupling the current has not been changed on the device
and increase efficiency. To achieve this, users sensors. On the one hand, conventional display. In these cases, the configuration
must install measurement technology that current transformers with a maximum primary of EMpro components can be deactivated
will quickly and easily provide them with the current of 20 000 A can be coupled. 1 A or via the buttons. Users are then only able to
data they require. By developing the new 5 A secondary current can be set in any current read off the values shown on the display.
components of the EMpro product family, transformer variant. On the other hand, This effectively excludes the possibility of
Phoenix Contact has found a solution that Rogowski coils can be connected directly. manipulation via the buttons. All device types
satisfies precisely these requirements. The A measuring transducer, which as a rule is in the new EMpro product family include an
wide product range gives users a choice of necessary for signal conversion, is no longer integrated Ethernet interface which permits
three different device types for front panel required since the mV signal of the Rogowski unauthorised access to the components.
installation and DIN rail installation, with or coil is processed directly. This reduces the time The Ethernet interface can therefore also be
without display. required to install the converter. In addition switched off here to prevent third parties from
to the various in-house Rogowski coils that using the device to access the network. In this
Ease of configuration can be selected for configuration, for the first case, only the buttons and Ethernet interface
With EMpro, energy measurement is easy. time, EMpro devices can directly process all are deactivated.
When the device is started up for the first time, commercially available Rogowski coils.
an installation wizard immediately appears to Importing and exporting configuration
guide users through the basic configuration Faster troubleshooting files directly
process. Also at the commissioning stage, users EMpro energy measuring devices are EMpro components provide additional smart
can decide whether they want to carry out designed to be user-friendly and can be device functions, especially in relation to
the basic configuration using the buttons on intuitively handled, especially via the the handling of data. For example, users
the device or integrated web server, which is integrated web server. This alternative can export and import configuration files
available via the integrated Ethernet interface. contributes towards making day to day to save time during configuration and
In either case, the EMpro components can work considerably easier, particularly for commissioning. In this instance configuration
initially be configured in a few steps. users without specialist knowledge. EMpro files can be transferred directly, which is an
Basic configuration begins with configuring components make operation according to even simpler alternative to data transmission.
the IP network into which the device is to be the intended purpose easier for a variety If the components are in the same network,
integrated. Whether via DHCP (Dynamic Host of monitoring scenarios. With their smart the overall and sub-configurations of
Configuration Protocol) or a static IP address, device functions they also provide assistance the devices can be directly transmitted
users can easily set up their IP networks. Next, with error detection and analytics within to other participants in the network. This
they select the network type of their application, the framework of service and support. If makes it easier to commission several
so the EMpro device can adjust to it. Finally, measurements indicate that the previously EMpro energy measuring devices in two
users have the option to flexibly set the current set limits have been exceeded, the display decisive respects: intuitive handling, and
measurement input from the primary and will turn red. The benefit of this becomes less time required.
secondary sides. After checking the device obvious when many devices are used.
configuration in the configuration overview, In this case, users detect errors immediately, For more information contact Phoenix
users exit the basic configuration. The EMpro can classify them, and initiate appropriate Contact, +27 11 801 8200,
device begins acquiring data immediately and is measures. [email protected],
consequently in operating mode. Unauthorised access to the devices can www.phoenixcontact.co.za

14 November 2020 www.instrumentation.co.za


Acoustic imager
detects partial
Fluke’s new ii910 Precision Acoustic Imager detects corona,
partial discharge and gas, steam and compressed air leaks
that can hurt both production uptime and the bottom line.

The invisible threat that can now be seen

Partial discharge is a very serious issue that users would like
to be able to monitor quickly and easily. Whether inspecting
insulators, transformers, switchgear or high-voltage power
lines, users need to be sure that a problem can be spotted
quickly. Partial discharge that goes unchecked can cause
blackouts, fires, explosions, or death from arc flashes. In
addition to the danger that partial discharge poses to
human lives and the environment, there is a significant

Siemens Energy turbines monetary risk of downtime. Having equipment go down

can cost millions of rand per hour of downtime.

generate low-emission power The Fluke ii910 Precision Acoustic Imager is specifically
designed for high-voltage electricians, electrical test
engineers, and grid maintenance teams that are constantly
CCS JV (a joint venture between Saipem Energy Industrial Applications. “We look inspecting and maintaining power distribution and
and McDermott) recently selected forward to helping Total drive toward the industrial high-voltage equipment. The ii910 provides
Siemens Energy to supply emissions- lowest possible plant emissions profile a safe, quick and easy way to detect and locate partial
reducing power generation equipment and contributing to its goal of delivering discharge in order to maintain high-voltage equipment
and boil-off gas compressors for the clean, reliable energy to customers across and prevent catastrophic events. With the SoundSight
Mozambique LNG Project in the Cabo the globe.” technology the ii910 translates the sounds that it hears into
Delgado province on Africa’s east coast. Siemens Energy will also supply a visual representation so that problem areas can quickly be
The project, led by Total E&P Mozambique four centrifugal compressors for boil- located. The higher frequency capability of the ii910 allows
Area 1, includes the development of off gas service. A key feature of these for earlier detection to facilitate maintenance planning, and
offshore gas fields in Mozambique’s Area compressors is the inlet guide vane is why the ii910 has a frequency range of 2 – 100 kHz.
1 and a liquefaction plant with a capacity (IGV) system that allows for optimisation The ii900 series also allows technicians to ‘see’ sound as
in excess of 12 million tons per year. of power consumption according to they scan hoses, fittings, and connections for leaks. Its built-in
As part of the contract, Siemens changes in operational parameters such acoustic array of tiny sensitive microphones generates a
Energy will supply six SGT-800 industrial as inlet temperature and outlet pressure. spectrum of decibel levels per frequency. Based on this
gas turbines that will be used for low- The gas turbines are slated for delivery in output, an algorithm calculates a sound image, known as
emissions on-site power generation. the second half of 2021 and the first half SoundMap, that is superimposed on a visual image. The
With more than eight million total of 2022. The delivery of the compressors is SoundMap is automatically adapted depending on the
fleet operating hours and more than 400 scheduled for 2021. frequency level selected so that background noise is filtered
units sold, the SGT-800 turbine is ideally The equipment order for the out, making it incredibly simple to detect compressed gas
suited for power generation, particularly Mozambique LNG project comes on the leaks. Finally, a better way to detect compressed air, gas,
in LNG applications, where reliability and heels of a recent agreement between steam and vacuum leaks; plus, the ii910 provides increased
efficiency are critical. The 54 MW turbine Total and Siemens Energy to advance sensitivity to detect leaks that are smaller or farther away.
rating selected for this project has a gross new concepts for low-emissions LNG
efficiency of 39 percent. It is equipped production. As part of the contract,
with a robust, dry low-emission (DLE) Siemens Energy is conducting studies to
combustion system that enables world- explore a variety of possible liquefaction
class emission performance over a wide and power generation plant designs, with
load range. the goal of decarbonising LNG facility
“Mozambique LNG is the country’s development and operation.
first onshore LNG development project
and will play a key role in meeting the For more information contact
increasing demand for energy in the Sarita Gouws, Siemens Energy,
Asia-Pacific, Middle East, and Indian +27 82 469 9160,
sub-continent markets,” said Thorbjoern [email protected], For more information contact Comtest, +27 10 595 1821,
Fors, executive vice president for Siemens www.siemens-energy.com [email protected], www.comtest.co.za

www.instrumentation.co.za November 2020 15


The challenges of online

trace measurement
Reliability and reproducibility are of paramount manufacturer specifications typically include
importance when it comes to online only the measured errors of the actual analyser.
measurement. Some industries, including Measuring uncertainties introduced by the
the power industry for example, also have standard solutions used as a reference are not
extremely high expectations in terms of included in this data.
measuring sensitivity, particularly with regard To guarantee the quality of the online
to the key parameter silica. measurement, an analyser should be inspected
A low concentration of silica in the boiler regularly. With online analysers for silica,
feedwater prevents the formation of build-up the analyser can be adjusted regularly and
on turbines and heat exchangers. The quality automatically, enabling compensation for
of feedwater to be used is often contractually process-related effects on the measuring device.
agreed between the power plant operator Compared to laboratory analyses, sources
and the turbine manufacturer, and audited. of error are avoided during sampling and
This gives rise to stringent requirements transportation of the sample to the laboratory. • Process of continuous improvement with
for measuring devices, sampling, reference However, the quality of a regular adjustment systematic idea management within the
analytics, and the quality of reagents used. is directly dependent on the quality of the production environment.
zero-standard used. In fact, samples of various • Feedback loop from production to R&D.
Silica measuring points and measuring commercially available zero-standard solutions • Professional complaince management.
tasks in power plants have sometimes produced unsatisfactory results. It
Silica measurements play a crucial role in is only through targeted investment in ultra-pure Practical process connection with up to
power plant analytics in terms of guaranteeing water systems in production laboratories, as well six channels
the reliability and efficiency of the plant. After as a comprehensive quality management system, In power plants, it is common to make sample
all, even traces of silica in steam can cause that the water quality required for zero-point lines from different measuring points available
glass-like build-up on the turbine blades. The adjustment of online analysers can be guaranteed. at a central point for analysis. This may involve
initial measuring point for silica in the water/ It is generally accepted in the field of analytics what is referred to as an ‘industry panel’ or
steam circuit of power plants is typically that any measurement can only be as accurate as the use of individual analysis rooms. The
located downstream from the feedwater the reference used. This is particularly true when most important measuring parameters are
preparation. The purpose of this measuring comparing online and laboratory analyses. determined centrally here, e.g. different types
point is to monitor the ion exchangers to of conductivity, free available chlorine, pH
ensure they are functioning properly. Once Accurate measurement using the value, silica, sodium, ortho-phosphate and
the water has been preheated, the silica Liquiline System CA80SI silica analyser turbidity. To enable the different samples to
concentration is measured again before the In addition to the quality of the zero-standard be measured using just one silica analyser,
water is fed into the steam generator. This used, exact reagent dosing is crucial for the Liquiline System CA80SI can be fitted with
measurement can be used to reduce the measurement accuracy. That is why the a process connection for up to six sample
transfer of silica into the steam. Both the steam Liquiline System CA80SI uses high-precision channels. The electrical connection for
and the resulting condensate are also analysed dispenser pumps that are specially designed switching the valves is already pre-wired in the
to determine their silica concentration. Well- for low-volume dosing. To further increase analyser and can be connected using a single
managed plants can use silica measurement dosing precision, the reagents are dispensed plug. This saves on installation costs and makes
to reduce the number of blowdown cycles and directly into the cuvette through capillaries. for easier commissioning.
decrease maintenance costs. The pressurised sample is placed in a flow-
through cuvette. Since the colour reaction of Process reliability even in the event of
In search of the ‘true’ measured value silica is greatly dependent on temperature, the unexpected faults
Process analysers are often referenced against sample undergoes precision tempering in a The day-to-day operation of a power plant can
a laboratory analysis. In some cases, the two-stage process. involve unforeseen maintenance activities or
laboratory value is unquestioningly accepted Key factors in quality-led reagent the temporary failure of a single sample line.
as the ‘true’ value. This may be justified with production include: In these types of situations, it is particularly
some substances where the detection methods • Complete traceability of all source chemicals. important that, on the one hand, the
and instrumentation used in the laboratory • Mandatory scanning of source chemicals and measurement of the other channels continues
are significantly more sensitive than the online end products. without interruption, and, on the other, that
analyser used. However, the same is not true • Networked electronics scales for all a valid measured value is available for the
for silica. The specified accuracy and sensitivity components. affected channel as soon as possible once the
of the online analysers are extremely high, • Consolidation of data in an electronic fault has been cleared. The Liquiline System
usually better than 1 µg/l. However, these laboratory book. CA80SI guarantees both. Each channel is

16 November 2020 www.instrumentation.co.za


independently equipped with a flow controller, The overall package has to be right of all components results in an automation
which checks if sufficient sample is available In addition to online analysers, solution that is reliable throughout the entire
at sufficient pressure. If this is not the case, Endress+Hauser is a one-stop shop for high- product life cycle.
the analyser continues with the measurement quality reagents and standard solutions.
of the next channel in line. Once the fault has Together with sample preparations, For more information contact
been cleared, the measurement of the failed Memosens sensors and industry panels, Jan Swart, Endress+Hauser,
channel is resumed. The sequence of the Endress+Hauser provides complete measuring +27 11 262 8000,
measuring channels can be programmed by points along with the associated services [email protected],
the user however they wish. and solutions. A thorough understanding www.endress.com

Maintaining battery backup systems

Facilities like data centres, hospitals, airports, utilities, oil and gas facilities,
and railways cannot operate without 100 percent backup power
reliability. Even standard commercial and manufacturing facilities have
backup power systems for their emergency systems, alarms and controls,
emergency lighting, steam and fire control systems.
Most backup power systems use an uninterruptible power supply
(UPS) and a string of batteries. The UPS backs up the digital control system
(DCS) to keep control of plant operations until systems can be safely shut
down or until the auxiliary generator kicks in.
Although most batteries used in modern day UPS systems are
maintenance free, they are still susceptible to deterioration from corrosion,
internal shorts, dry-out and seal failure. This article outlines best practices
for keeping these battery banks at optimum performance, so that if an
outage does occur the backup is ready. temperature. When large batteries discharge, they release a significant
amount of energy as heat.
Top indicators of battery health Healthy batteries should maintain a capacity above 90% of the
Internal battery resistance manufacturer’s rating, while most manufacturers recommend replacing
Internal resistance is a lifespan test, not a capacity test. Battery resistance the battery if this falls below 80%. When conducting battery tests, check
stays relatively flat up until the end of life draws near; at that point, internal for these indicators of failure:
resistance increases and battery capacity decreases. Measuring and • Drop in capacity of more than 10% compared to the baseline or previous
tracking this value helps identify when a battery needs replacing. measurement.
Only use a specialised battery tester designed to measure battery • 20% or more increase in impedance compared to baseline or previous.
resistance while the battery is in service. Read the voltage drop on the • Sustained high temperatures, compared to baseline and manufacturer’s
load current (conductance) or the AC impedance. Both results will be in specifications.
ohmic values. • Degradation in plate condition.
A single ohmic measurement is of little value without context. Best
practice requires measuring ohmic values over months and years, each How to conduct standard battery tests
time comparing them to previous values on record to create a base line. Float voltage: isolate the battery or batteries from the charging system
and the load. Measure the individual cell voltage or string using a digital
Discharge testing multimeter or battery analyser, for instance on a monthly basis.
Discharge testing is the ultimate way to discover the true available Charger output: measure the charger output voltage at the charger
capacity of a battery, but can be complicated to perform. In discharge output terminals using a digital multimeter or battery analyser, such as the
testing, a battery is connected to a load and discharged over a specified Fluke 500 Series, on a monthly basis. Observe the output current shown on
period. During this test period, current is regulated, and a constant known the charger current meter or use an appropriate DC current clamp meter –
current is drawn while voltage is measured periodically. Details of the measure monthly.
discharge current, the specified time period for discharge testing, and the DC float current: refer to the manufacturer’s specifications for
capacity of the battery in ampere hours can be calculated and compared approximate values for expected float currents. Use an appropriate DC
to the manufacturer’s specification. For example, a 12 V, 100 amp-hour current clamp meter to measure expected float current on a monthly
battery may require a discharge current of 12 A for an eight-hour period. A basis.
12 V battery would be discharged when the terminal voltage is 10,5 V. Internal ohmic values: use a battery analyser such as the Fluke 500
Batteries cannot support critical loads during and immediately after a Series to measure the individual battery ohmic values on a quarterly basis.
discharge test. Transfer critical loads to a different battery bank until well Establish reference values and maintain in the battery database.
after the test is complete and then reconnect a temporary, comparably
sized load to the batteries under test. In addition, before conducting For more information contact Comtest, +27 10 595 1821,
the test, prepare a cooling system to compensate for a rise in ambient [email protected], www.comtest.co.za

www.instrumentation.co.za November 2020 17


Flowmeter for utility applications

As an addition to the Optiswirl family, KROHNE has introduced the • Flange and sandwich versions available with optional integrated
Optiswirl 2100. This new vortex flowmeter is aimed at basic utility nominal diameter reduction.
applications in the process industry, providing an economical solution • Remote option with converter installation up to 50 m from sensor.
for the measurement of liquids, (wet) gases, and saturated and
superheated steam where high accuracy is not required.
The new flowmeter features the robust vortex technology of the
Optiswirl product series and is also equipped with advanced vortex
frequency detection (AVFD) technology for signal filtering: it provides
stable measurements even under demanding process conditions with
medium temperatures from -40°C to 240°C, thus making it one of the
most versatile vortex flowmeters in the market.
The 2-wire, 4-20 mA/HART 7 device is available as flanged
version DN15-300, or sandwich (wafer) version DN15-DN100. For a
large measurement span, even in pipelines with large diameters, a
version with integrated nominal diameter reduction is available. For
convenient on-site parametrisation and measurement reading, a
remote option allows users to install the signal converter up to
50 m away from the sensor. Approvals for use in hazardous areas are
in preparation.
The new device adds to the Optiswirl vortex series as an
economical alternative to the Optiswirl 4200. Advanced features such
as pressure and temperature compensation, SIL 2/3 certification, heat
quantity calculation, and fieldbus communications are available. Key
features include:
• Economical solution for liquid, (wet) gases, saturated and
superheated steam applications.
• Advanced vortex frequency detection (AVFD) technology for
stable measurements with demanding process conditions from For more information contact Deon Rampathi, KROHNE SA,
-40°C to 240°C. +27 11 314 1391, [email protected], www.za.krohne.com

Highest energy efficiency reduces operating costs

Each piece of equipment or pipe integrated into an existing piping
system will result in an increase in the pressure loss. With higher
pressure losses, pumps and compressors must work harder in order
to keep the flow rate stable. Pressure loss is synonymous with higher
energy costs that must be spent for normal operation.
Using instrumentation that, by design, offers the lowest possible
pressure loss thus assists in reducing the operating costs to a
minimum. The HHR FlowPak or HHR ProPak flowmeters display the
lowest permanent pressure loss of all orifice-based flow measuring
systems. The smoothest possible inlet contour and surface, together
with the unique design of the diffuser section, ensures pressure
recovery optimisation with minimal permanent pressure loss.
The HHR series flowmeter is a technological advancement in flow
profile formation. It does not require any upstream and downstream
pipes and can even be fitted following two 90° pipe elbows. The HHR
FlowPak is thus the optimal solution for applications with limited
space. At the same time, the instrument meets the requirements for
high accuracy, low operating costs and a long service life. The HHR For more information contact WIKA Instruments, +27 11 621 0000,
series brings a new dimension to DP-based flow measurement. [email protected], www.wika.co.za

18 November 2020 www.instrumentation.co.za


Make bin level sensors redundant

When level sensors are being continually the versatility of the microcell can supply a cost
maintained or replaced because of a difficult effective, easy to install, easy to maintain, highly
level sensing application, a different type of reliable, industrial strength weighing system.
technology should be investigated. Kistler Morse Today it is critical to know and understand
offers an alternative to level sensing technology. inventory down to the last unit in order to be
efficient. These efficiencies can bring cost savings
Vessel weighing and a more productive workflow. Bulk inventory
The microcell is a highly sensitive and thermally can sometimes be difficult to measure due to its
stable semiconductor strain gauge sensor. size and difficult tank conditions, but with silo
Kistler-Morse pioneered a bolt-on version for weighing systems, those issues can be eliminated.
measuring the contents of a wide range of bulk system for any application. Within minutes, the
storage vessels. This sensor is still the standard SVS2000 weight indicator SVS2000 provides usable weight information.
way to measure the weight-induced strain in The SVS2000 accepts input signals from half- or Later, when convenient, a more accurate
a vessel with a leg support structure. Adding full-bridge strain gauge load cells through a calibration is easily obtained by moving a known
weight to a vessel compresses the gauge, high resolution (up to 21-bit) analog-to-digital quantity of material. The SVS2000 provides easy
changing the microcell’s resistance, which converter. Resolution and gain are adjustable system configuration and expansion to meet
produces an electrical output proportional to for optimal system performance. Weight is future requirements. Optional digital interfaces
the material weight change. displayed at the indicator and the data can be include Ethernet/IP, Profibus DP, DeviceNet and
The microcell is quickly and easily installed serially polled from a master device. RS-422 serial.
while the vessel is still in productive use. For Using Quick Config, the SVS2000 is easy
existing vessels with legs, the microcell is a cost- to setup and calibrate without test weights or For more information contact Rob Hare,
effective weighing solution compared to having special load cells. Responses to simple Quick DRH Components, +27 76 331 0005,
to modify vessels for other types of weighing Config questions provide the SVS2000 with the [email protected],
sensors. In combination with existing vessels, information needed to set up and calibrate the www.drhcomponents.co.za

www.instrumentation.co.za November 2020 19


Smart manufacturing and the new normal

Without a doubt, the events of 2020 have been professionals find new ways to prosper in this automation investment will have to position
very disruptive. The COVID-19 pandemic has new volatile and uncertain environment? How the organisation for the new normal, including
amplified the underlying weaknesses and fault can we pick up the hyped-up technologies so-called smart manufacturing. Technologies
lines across society. Individuals have had to loosely referred to as ‘Industry 4.0’ and take will include the familiar Industry 4.0 enablers,
adapt their behaviour to slow the transmission them forward? Is it even ethical to push for inter alia the IIoT, AI, virtual reality, digital
of a poorly understood virus. In manufacturing, manufacturing automation at a time when so twins and cloud computing. Innovations
it is likely that billions of dollars have been many people are without a job? will accelerate. The language of MES will be
lost so far in 2020, while a high percentage of The bad news is that the COVID-19 replaced with the language of smart factories.
manufacturing jobs have been negatively and pandemic is very likely not the end of wide- The fourth industrial revolution will be
permanently impacted. scale global disruption. Disruption, as we move accelerated; factories that do not adapt quickly
In April the International Labour into the world of Industry 4.0 dominated by could slowly regress into obscurity.
Organization estimated that nearly half of ‘smart plants’, was steadily evolving long before
the global workforce is at risk of losing their the pandemic. Adaptable manufacturing was IT investments must add value
livelihoods. More recent data shows that in one of the objectives of companies looking to Manufacturing companies that were busy
US manufacturing the hoped-for recovery in invest in the smart manufacturing IT platforms preparing for the world of Industry 4.0 and had
jobs is not yet happening, even as lockdown of the future. The current pandemic has merely already started researching or making strategic
restrictions are lifted. Salary sacrifices across sharpened our awareness and improved our investments in next-generation platforms such
the industry are commonplace. Part-time, understanding of what future global disruption as the IIoT, cloud/edge computing, AI and mobile
remote work is becoming normal. Demand might look like. For all we know, COVID-19 applications, will no doubt be better positioned
for manufactured products has in most might just be a mild introduction to an even for this uncertain future than the others.
cases dropped at an unprecedented rate. For more chaotic future. We simply don’t know. Over the years I have always insisted that all
example, most of us remember how crude To get through the immediate crisis, IT investments must add value. As engineers,
oil futures dropped so dramatically that at manufacturers have been forced to implement many of us think that value is all about
one point in time the price of oil dropped short-term strategies for survival, i.e., the lowering cost. This is perhaps a weakness in our
below zero. urgent protection of their cash reserves. This is technical training, as opposed to the business
In a heroic effort to adapt and survive, achieved by implementing radical cost-cutting skills learned by marketers or entrepreneurs.
many manufacturers repurposed their plant measures, avoiding increases in working Engineers enjoy finding the minimum cost of
towards making products that help fight the capital and shutting down marginal or loss- production and we instinctively spend most
virus. Clothing factories produced personal making production facilities. Many of these are of our creative time grappling with optimising
protective equipment and alcohol companies temporary measures, with the expectation of processes to reduce waste. We become
converted to producing sanitisers. At no other returning to some sort of new normal. But as fixated on minimising expenditure, whether
time in recent history, other than during a the recession bottoms out, manufacturers that it be on capital items or operating costs (e.g.
major world conflict such as World War 2, has survive the cash crunch will turn to looking maintenance), or on reducing the cost of
the economy been so severely impacted and for ways to make their business much more production (e.g. conversion efficiencies). Our
manufacturing companies required to take resilient. This might involve focusing back on mindset in this regard has, rightly or wrongly,
such dramatic steps to survive. the core businesses, disposing of non-core in the past been shaped by the dominance
or non-performing assets, and redesigning of the chief financial officer, who ruthlessly
Where to next? their business models around customer focus, measured the success of any business venture
In the context of a sustained global recession, responsiveness, agility and adaptability. in terms of revenues and costs, i.e., profit,
valid questions are now being asked: where Slowly, as demand picks up, manufacturers retained earnings and the balance sheet.
to next? Will there ever be a return to normal? will once again start investing in targeted
What does the ‘new normal’ look like? Can we new ventures (which is good news for project So what is the real measure of value?
as manufacturing control and automation engineers). The next wave of control and Hopefully, many engineers are more than just

Gavin Halse
Gavin Halse is a chemical process engineer who has been involved in the manufacturing sector since
mid-1980. He founded a software business in 1999 which grew to develop specialised applications for
mining, energy and process manufacturing in several countries. Gavin is most interested in the effective
use of IT in industrial environments and now consults part time to manufacturing and software companies
around the effective use of IT to achieve business results.

For more information contact Gavin Halse, Absolute Perspectives, +27 83 274 7180,
[email protected], www.absoluteperspectives.com

20 November 2020 www.instrumentation.co.za


subconsciously aware that value is actually the more important new metrics). Because new digital channels might hold the key to
much more than financial performance. History all of these measures reflect on business important new business models.
has shown that organisations that focus performance, they are all measuring ‘value’ in We also now have vast amounts of data at our
only on financially defined ‘profit’ tend to be some form. Once we understand that value disposal, most of it stored in the cloud, along with
unsustainable over the long term. is much more than controlling cost, we are easily accessible and cheap tools for analysing and
PMBOK (Project Management Body of in a better position to start to see many processing information using artificial intelligence
Knowledge) defines business value as the total opportunities for smart IT investments (AI). Even more, this AI can start to predict things
sum of all tangible and intangible elements. going forward. better than we can, and therefore guide business
Tangible assets include physical plant and As engineers designing the next decisions in a volatile environment.
equipment, cash and working capital (stock generation of smart plants, we have an The rich toolkits available to us as control
levels of raw materials, intermediates and enormous range of technology tools at our and automation engineers will not end here;
finished goods). Intangible assets include disposal, more than ever before. A familiar these IT technologies will continue to evolve
intellectual property, brand, goodwill, example: we can now install smart sensors into the foreseeable uncertain future, creating
reputation, credibility, and so on. Business that connect to the Web and that can be many new opportunities to add value. There is
performance is therefore not just measured interrogated and controlled from anywhere no way we can fully predict the nature of new
by the financial statements, but must take on the Internet. The implications of this are, toolsets at our disposal in future, nor can we
into account a scorecard of key performance however, often underestimated in terms of accurately predict the next disruption. What
measures across multiple dimensions. Key unlocking new business opportunities. Smart we can do is change our way of thinking. As
performance measures could therefore include sensors connected to physical products engineers we can start to embrace disruptive
customer loyalty, customer satisfaction, market can provide usage data allowing proactive change as being the new normal, and remain
share, etc. (I would suggest that agility and services like predictive maintenance and focused on adding value in its fullest sense. As
adaptability also be considered as one of remote troubleshooting, for example. These the saying goes, we have to adapt or die.

Wireless at the edge

The ultimate goal of most industrial
automation applications is to obtain actionable
insights from data sources for more precise
decision-making. To achieve this, businesses
need to make their field data accessible to
information technology (IT) or operational
technology (OT) systems. Read on to learn how
Moxa’s easy, reliable, and secure connectivity
solutions can facilitate such industrial
applications. MQTT, or to public clouds through reintegrated Moxa’s UC series of edge computers is
Taking data to the cloud: all OT field data Azure or Alibaba Cloud SDKs. With intuitive available. These Arm-based industrial
can easily be transmitted to the cloud. Instead UIs, it only takes a few steps to complete the computers support WiFi/LTE connectivity and
of spending extra time and resources on OT/ cloud selection, connection, and message tag various communication interfaces. The optional
IT integration, simply migrate all field device settings between the field and cloud. To speed ThingsPro software enables easy Modbus data
data to the cloud. Focus on developing up OT/IT integration project development, acquisition and supports cloud connectivity for
applications to avoid the complex integration choose a Moxa edge connectivity product. Azure, AWS, Alibaba Cloud, and generic MQTT.
between OT and IT systems using ready-to-
run edge connectivity solutions to connect Q: What if my Application requires For more information contact RJ Connect,
multiple serial, Modbus, EtherNet/IP, or I/O programmability or data pre-processing? +27 11 781 0777, [email protected],
field devices to private clouds through generic For applications that require edge computing, www.rjconnect.co.za

www.instrumentation.co.za November 2020 21


Loop Signatures 4
Process dynamics – deadtime and simple lags
Michael Brown is a specialist in control loop optimisation with many years of experience in process
control instrumentation. His main activities are consulting, and teaching practical control loop analysis
and optimisation. He gives training courses which can be held in clients’ plants, where students can have
the added benefit of practising on live loops. His work takes him to plants all over South Africa and also
to other countries. He can be contacted at Michael Brown Control Engineering cc, +27 82 440 7790,
[email protected], www.controlloop.co.za

In the previous article dealing with process completely incorrect. A PID controller on such commonly used to provide a ‘filter’ or ‘damping’
dynamics, process gain was discussed. Two a process can be tuned so that the process function in control loops. Most process
further important dynamic factors occurring can fully respond to a step change in setpoint transmitters and controllers offer a filter feature
in the majority of process responses are within approximately two deadtimes. However, to allow one to reduce or suppress noise that
deadtime, and the first order lag. in reality, if the deadtime is long, this is slow. has entered the process variable measurement.
In real life situations, the majority of It should be noted that when a filter function
Deadtime controllers are there to deal with load changes is employed in the transmitter or controller,
Deadtime in a process is defined as the as opposed to setpoint changes, and the to ‘smooth’ the recorded process variable
amount of time after a change is made in problem that often occurs in deadtime measurement signal, the controller does not
the input to the process before there is any dominant processes is that load changes occur act on the true response of the process, as the
change in the process output measurement. too frequently and too fast for the controller filter adds lag time to the PV signal. Much will
Deadtime in processes are typically the result to be able to catch these changes. In such be said about the potential disadvantages and
of transportation delay. Figure 1 depicts a mass situations it may be necessary to re-examine dangers of using filters in a later article in this
feeder conveyor, where the belt is moving the control strategy and to try and find series.
at a given rate. The process deadtime is the alternatives.
time taken from when the material leaves The relationship between time
the hopper until it reaches the measurement First order lags constant and deadtime
transmitter. Processes with long deadtimes A first order lag is illustrated in Figure 2. It is The relationship between time constant
compared to the process time lags, require an exponential response to a step change on and deadtime is very important. Generally
relatively fast integral times and very small the process input. The lag is measured by its processes with deadtimes smaller than the
proportional gains in the controllers. ‘time constant’. A pure lag reaches 63,2% of its time constant of the dominant lag are easier
Deadtime is the ‘enemy’ of feedback control, total change in one time constant. The time to control. A process with a deadtime smaller
as it results in phase lag, and hence possible constant value is not affected by the size of the than one tenth of the dominant lag may be
instability in a loop that is tuned too fast. To step. classed as a ‘pure lag only’ process, which is a
counter deadtime, one has to insert less gain in Lags in a response are a function of the deadtime-free process.
the controller. This means deadtime dominant resistance and capacitance of the process. Without any deadtime, a pure lag process
loops have to be tuned more slowly. This is In this example, the resistance is the orifice cannot become unstable as the phase angle
a reason why the D (derivative) parameter in the valve restricting the gas flow, and the can never reach -180°. This means it can be can
should never be used in the control of such capacitance is the volume of pipe the gas must be tuned as fast as one wishes. Typically pure
processes. fill to increase the pressure. lag processes are encountered in real life on
In fast processes, like flow and low-capacity On fast processes like flow, the process certain self-regulating temperature processes
or hydraulic pressure loops, the controller scan dynamics are largely determined by the valve where one lag is significantly larger than any
rate adds deadtime to the process. Therefore dynamics. Most pneumatically operated valves other.
controllers with slow scan rates, when used respond to step changes exponentially, as Processes with a deadtime longer than the
on fast processes, can make these types of opposed to electric motor driven valves which time constant of the dominant lag are said to
processes act as deadtime dominant loops, respond in a ramp fashion. be ‘deadtime dominant’, and are considered
resulting in the need to detune the controller. The first order lag response is very common, more difficult to control. This is due to the fact
There is a common misconception that and the vast majority of processes found in that one must ‘detune’ deadtime dominant
deadtime dominant processes cannot industrial control generally incorporate at processes for reasons of stability as discussed
be controlled with PID controllers. This is least one such lag. The first order lag is also above.

22 November 2020 www.instrumentation.co.za


It is of significant interest to note that after

five years of intensive empirical research in the
1930s, Ziegler and Nicholls only managed to
come up with fairly ‘rough’ tuning methods for
simple self-regulating processes with process
gain, deadtime, and lag, and where the lag was
larger than the deadtime. Even today, many
of the published tuning methods, self-tuning
controllers, and commercial tuning packages
on the market can only deal with similar simple
On integrating processes like level controls,
the lags are usually insignificant and play little
role in the dynamics of the process. However,
on certain types of integrating processes,
particularly like large-capacity pressure control
systems, and in certain types of integrating
Figure 1.
temperature processes like end-point
control (also commonly referred to as batch
temperature processes), a large lag is present
which has a significant effect on the dynamics.
Figure 3 illustrates such a process. Instead of
the integrating process going straight into
a ramp when the balance is disturbed, as
in a level loop, it slowly curves up into the
ramp as seen in the diagram. This is due to
the lag.
A noteworthy point is that this is one of
the only two cases of process dynamics where
one should use the D term in the controller.
In this particular case, the D can make a
really significant improvement to the control
response, typically increasing the speed of
response by as much as a factor of four. The
value of D is set equal to the time constant
Figure 2. of the lag, and this effectively cancels the lag,
particularly if the controller is using a series
algorithm. (See article on controller algorithms
later in the series.)
As mentioned in the previous article in
this series, there are many other types of
more complicated dynamic responses that
are commonly found in industrial processes.
These include multiple lags, higher order
lags, and positive and negative leads which
all play a significant part in the control of
such processes. These dynamic factors are
beyond the scope of these articles. However
it is essential that people who are serious
about optimisation study techniques in
dealing with the control of processes with
such difficult dynamics. (Our Part 2 course
on practical control deals extensively with
Figure 3. this subject.)

www.instrumentation.co.za Novemeber 2020 23

Image copyright Borncut, Denmark.

Portion cutter for fish and poultry

Danish company Borncut A/S, located in Mikkelsen. “The tremendous machine speed Reliable machine operation is crucial
Rønne, has developed what it believes to be is primarily due to the high performance of Borncut places high demands on the control
the world’s fastest and most precise portion EtherCAT communication. This is because platform, especially with regard to operational
cutter for the food industry, based on specially EtherCAT enables the control components reliability and service. This is because the
developed software and the open control in the machine, the PLC, servomotors, safety machines are used for a wide range of different
platform from Beckhoff. Fish or poultry is module, and our own high-speed camera, to food production processes, and it is therefore
divided into exact portions in a flash – with communicate with each other very rapidly. This important that they can reliably and quickly be
knives that rotate at speeds of up to 200 km/h results in an extremely efficient process flow. At adapted to new functions without equipment
and can make over 2100 cuts per minute. the same time, our machine requires minimum downtime. A standstill would have significant
The Borncut Scancut 225 portion cutter can manual intervention since it uses network- consequences for the end users, as the
process up to 4 tons of fish in just one hour compatible standard solutions.” machines are often part of large processing
to produce almost any number of individual Borncut machines are available in single or lines with many operators. In addition, the food
pieces, cut to the desired weight. Speed and dual lane versions, i.e., with one or two infeed to be processed usually has a short shelf life at
precision are key competitive parameters in belts. The corresponding setup can easily be normal temperatures, and short delivery times
the food industry, since even a small increase changed via the CP27xx multi-touch panel are essential. Should a machine failure occur, it
in processing performance can result in PC. The machine can be adjusted exactly to is crucial that the fault can be quickly located
significant annual cost savings. Gorm Sørensen, the desired portion size using drag-and-drop and rectified.
co-founder and CEO of Borncut, gives an functions. In addition, the machine data can be Sørensen concludes: “PC-based control
example: “A processing challenge arises when called up as required for comparison with other from Beckhoff enables us to build efficient
foods such as fish and poultry are irregular production data. and reliable machines. The openness of the
in size and shape. If, for example, 10 tons of A special feature is the integrated high- system makes it easy to integrate third-party
salmon are processed per day, a machine speed camera that scans the food on the belt. components such as the high-speed camera,
output optimised by only 0,5 % can save The camera captures 250 frames per second which gives us additional options. Another key
around DKK 5000, which adds up to around and displays a 3D image on the panel PC. In factor is our good cooperation with Beckhoff,
DKK 1,25 million – or around 170 000 Euros – this way, the end user can see exactly where who took note of our requirements right from
per year.” the cuts are made. Mikkelsen elaborates: “The the start. Beckhoff staff were quickly available
faster the volume of the fish or poultry can on site when the need arose and offer excellent
Fast EtherCAT communication increases be calculated, the faster the food can pass service. The innovative solutions perfectly
machine performance through the machine. For example, in order to complement our own philosophy.”
Peter Mikkelsen and Gorm Sørensen obtain only the best pieces, or to cut the fish
founded Borncut in 2016 with the aim of into different sizes, the cutting blades can be For more information contact
developing the most innovative portion conveniently adjusted using the drag-and- Dane Potter, Beckhoff Automation,
cutter on the market. “With all due modesty, drop function, and the cuts can be accurately +27 79 493 2288, [email protected],
we have achieved our ambitious goal,” says checked based on the 3D image.” www.beckhoff.co.za

24 November 2020 www.instrumentation.co.za


multicolour indicator
The K30 Pro Series bright, uniform indicator Programmable multicolour touch
light is a 30 mm illuminated dome that button
provides dynamic control. It allows users The K30 Pro Touch Button features excellent
to configure colour, flashing, dimming, immunity to false triggering by water
and advanced animations like rotation, spray, oils, and other foreign materials. Its
strobing, two-colour display, two-colour ergonomic design requires no physical
rotation, two-colour flashing, and chase, as well pressure to operate, preventing stress on
as a variety of connector options. Its rugged hands and wrists. It can be actuated with bare
IP66, IP67 or IP69K polycarbonate housing hands or gloves for simple operation with the
protects against impact, and withstands high touch of a finger, and is ideal for pick-to-light
pressure and high temperature wash-down and call button applications in a variety of
to ensure reliable performance in challenging industries.
New features
IO-Link is a point-to-point communication link
between a master and a light. There are many
advantages of an IO-Link system, including
standardised and reduced wiring, increased
data availability, remote configuration and
monitoring, simple device replacement,
and advanced diagnostics. Together, these
capabilities result in overall reduced costs,
increased process efficiency, and improved
machine availability.
Pick-IQ brings faster response speed and
simplified programming to Modbus RTU
communication. It gives full access to colour,
flashing, rotating, and dimming settings,
as well as advanced animations such as
dynamic sequence mode and LED control.
Output settings, including on and off
delays, output function, and output state are
also available. Using Pick-IQ adds a simple
change to the devices that allow the Modbus
master controller to run standard Modbus
protocol, but achieve the performance
required by a medium to large sized
pick-to-light system.
Applications include:
• Pick-to-light and manual assembly.
• Error proofing.
• Call button.
• Dynamic operator interface.
• Food and beverage applications.
• High-pressure wash-down environments.

For more information contact

Turck Banner, +27 11 453 2468,
[email protected],

Robust control valve proves itself in the

construction materials industry
especially if the differential pressure on the valve disproportionately
drops in the event of an increasing degree of opening during operation.
This is in addition to an outstanding rangeability of 300:1 which also
supports the aforementioned characteristics in terms of the control

Special structural features

The ball sector is centrally mounted and, as a result, deposits on the ball
surface are wiped off by the seat ring. Furthermore, no solid materials
can get jammed between the seat ring and the ball sector when closing
the valve. As a result of the position of the O-rings upstream of the
bearing position, it is not possible for any abrasive materials to enter the
bearing. The friction and, as a result, the control accuracy of the valve
Roof tiles are a modern, high-tech material. They are extremely resistant cannot be impaired. In order to avoid tension in the event of thermal
and even defy difficult weather conditions such as hail and storms. As or mechanical loads, the bearings and the shaft seal are stored in
a result of their material and production process, roof tiles are available pendulum-mounted bearing bushes within the housing.
in various colours and finishes and are manufactured using natural In the Braas abrasive slurry application, the ball sector valve from
minerals, or they are cement-based. Schubert & Salzer was required to perform approximately 100 switches
The conveying, accurate dosing, mixing and processing of materials that per shift and has been put under immense load in two-shift operation
are extremely abrasive such as sand, cement and iron oxide-based colour for the past three years.
pigment, makes the utilisation of extremely precise yet robust control valves Reiner Wolf, head of construction at Schubert & Salzer Control
essential. Consequently, it is not only essential that these fittings ensure a Systems, explains: “The ball sector valve is designed for utilisation with
clean cut-off and control the abrasive media flow; they must also offer long particularly abrasive media but, thanks to the selection of the sealing
service lives and be cleaned in a proper and quick manner. materials, we are able to address the particular requirements of our
In order to optimise the process sequences at its German production customers in an extremely individual manner. We can also equip the
location, one of the world‘s leading manufacturers of roof systems, Braas, valves with special actuators, for instance with an ultra-high resolution of
has utilised a Schubert & Salzer Control Systems ball control valve for 8192 control steps at a 90° valve opening. Other extremely challenging
the first time. This valve with a nominal size of DN 250 has now been in applications for the ball sector valve include steam up to a temperature
operation beneath the mixer cone for over three years. of 230°C, wastewater or abrasive suspensions of iron ore, coal, lime and
fly ash.”
Excellent regulation characteristics
The characteristic curve of the ball sector valve is almost of an equal For more information contact Kamil Maharaj, Macsteel Fluid Control,
percentage. This shape is ideal for the majority of operating conditions, +27 31 581 7800, [email protected], www.macsteel.co.za

26 November 2020 www.instrumentation.co.za


3D multi-layer scanner
Autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) and
automated guided vehicles (AGVs) are taking
over modern, smart intralogistics. In response,
Pepperl+Fuchs has developed the R2300 multi-
layer scanner, a 3D LiDAR sensor for travel path
and rear-area monitoring. Due to its compact
size, ease of integration and high availability,
it is perfectly tailored to the requirements of
such vehicles. Enabling collision avoidance,
navigation support, and load detection, the
R2300 is a multifunctional sensor that provides
angle and distance measurement on four
distinct planes. This enables non-contact 3D
scanning of the environment. The sensing
range of the R2300 multi-layer scanner
provides users with significantly more scanning
information than that of single-layer devices,
ensuring a more reliable detection result. In
addition, using only one multi-layer scanner
instead of several sensors significantly reduces
acquisition, wiring, and integration costs. operated easily without any additional tools. In terms of applications, the warehousing
Furthermore, the 3D LiDAR sensor can be and logistics sector often uses AGVs. These
Precision and flexibility in the field mounted in any position, depending on the vehicles drive beneath the storage racks and
Based on innovative pulse ranging technology required sensing range. transporting goods to a specified destination.
(PRT), the scanner excels by combining a high Autonomous vehicles cover many kilometres
angular resolution of 0,1° with a precise light Rugged and compact housing design each day and must always function reliably.
spot. It reliably detects even the smallest object The compact housing design ensures that the Under these conditions, Pepperl+Fuchs’ R2300
structures and contours. The optical sensor 3D multi-layer scanner uses space efficiently. 3D LiDAR sensor provides reliable navigation
concept also allows the detection field to be With an overall height of just 58 mm, it fits and collision avoidance in navigation
adjusted to the respective application. perfectly into the flat vehicle frames of AMRs, applications.
The unit is also equipped with an optional shuttles, and small and ultra-flat AGVs. With
red pilot laser for simple alignment and the exception of the rotating mirror, the R2300 For more information contact
commissioning. The pilot laser is precisely features entirely solid-state electronics, reducing Pepperl+Fuchs, +27 10 430 0250,
aligned with the scanning layers of the infrared its susceptibility to interference and making it [email protected],
measuring laser, allowing the device to be highly resistant to impact and vibration. www.pepperl-fuchs.co.za

www.instrumentation.co.za Novemeber 2020 27


The complete image processing solution

Three different types of illumination can be selected for homogenous,
constant lighting within the application. Ring lights, spotlights and
backlights are available in different sizes and colours: red and infrared light
in flash or continuous mode are available in addition to white light.

Interfaces and visualisation

Whether digital I/Os, gigabit Ethernet over TCP/IP and UDP or the Lima
protocol based on XML is required, communication can be implemented
with the most up-to-date technologies. Being able to individually configure
The Wenglor VisionSysterm2D consists of up to 16 digital cameras, lenses visualisation regardless of the platform is also advantageous. Due to the
with various fixed focal lengths, external illumination components integrated web server, the results can be displayed in the browser of any
and a control unit (IPC) with all common standard interfaces, as well as desired device, regardless of whether a Windows, Mac or Android operating
software for image evaluation. The components of this modular system system is used. In this way users can display images, scanned codes and
can be individually combined and adapted to the respective application statuses of inputs and outputs at a graphical user interface.
– focal length, focusing, resolution, lighting and type of evaluation The software is easy to use with free tutorials and templates. It covers
can be separately selected. UniVision software is used to configure a great variety of standard applications with just a few clicks. UniVision
parameters for image recording and for subsequent image analysis. all-in-one software isn’t just compatible with the new VisionSystem2D,
but with the weQube smart camera and weCat3D profile sensors as well.
The hardware Universal UniVision software can even be taken advantage of by users
Up to 16 digital cameras with integrated image chips from Sony’s Pregius who want to measure height profiles in addition to running simple and
series deliver high-resolution images with 1,6 or 5 MP in colour or complex image processing applications.
monochrome – even in dynamic applications. With the compact housing
at 29 x 29 x 29 mm, they are ideal for installation in systems with limited For more information contact Anastas Schnippenkotter,
space. Any desired C-mount lenses can be attached to the camera for ASSTech Process Electronics & Instrumentation, +27 11 708 9200,
both close-up and distant ranges. [email protected], www.asstech.co.za

Enabling 3-D perception.

Reimagining LiDAR.
Minimising costs.

3-D LiDAR Sensor

 Four scanning layers for reliable 3-D measuring

 High sampling rate and small light spot for high precision
 Integrated pilot laser can be switched on to simplify installation and commissioning

Contact information:
Phone: 010 430 0250
Email: [email protected]

28 November 2020 www.instrumentation.co.za


Cooling VSDs with inertial spin filters

Most VSDs emit around 4-5% of their rated energy as heat. This can be
dealt with by simply passing ambient air directly over the VSD heatsinks.
The technology will generally function reliably at temperatures up to
55°C. In practice, there are very few areas of operation where ambient
air temperatures are likely to rise above 45°C. If it is possible to pass a
continuous flow of clean ambient air over the heatsinks, no energy-
intensive cooling system is necessary.

Inertial spin filters

This makes it possible to utilise an efficient and cost-effective solution
for the cooling of VSDs in the form of RTS Africa inertial spin filters.
These devices operate on the cyclonic principle and separate dust from
air streams using inertial forces, making it practical to cool with normal
ambient air, and so eliminate air conditioning altogether. In the most
extreme case quoted above, a ‘delta’ of 10°C is more than adequate to the fans, which are perhaps among the least maintenance-dependent
prevent the VSDs from overheating, provided that the correct volume of devices in engineering.
air is passed over the heat sinks. This solution is most effective when the
air is supplied directly into the air intakes of the VSD panels. Once the air Dust below 5 μm particle size
has passed through the heat sinks it exits from the top of the panels and Inertial spin filters remove 98% of dust particles 15 μm and over. At 5 μm,
is ducted out of the space to atmosphere. This process is described as removal is 80%. Particles smaller than 3 μm to 4 μm are not arrested. Coal
“back channel cooling”. Due to the constant pressure drop and absence dust is an example and can present a problem, typically having a particle
of secondary process air, or other energy absorbing equipment, the Spin distribution of 1 μm to 100 μm. Particle distribution analysis indicates that
Filter installation is extremely energy efficient. some 25% of dust in this range, (by particle count), will pass the spin wall.
There are applications where direct access into the VSD panels is However, note that this translates to only 2-3% of dust load by mass.
impractical, perhaps due to obstructions and other structural constraints. RTS Africa inertial spin filters can be used effectively for coal dust
In these situations, air is simply routed directly into the space while air without secondary filters in space cleaning applications. However, due
volume is increased by a small amount in order to provide sufficient to the fact that coal dust is black, the very fine particles (sub 5 μm) are
air to supply the VSDs, plus an additional volume to supply 6-10 air visible on surfaces within the space. While this level of dust mass should
changes/hour in the space. Once again, hot air is routed directly out not present a problem, RTS recommends that secondary filtration
to atmosphere. If technicians are likely to spend time in these spaces, be installed when using spin filters on coal plants. This is particularly
small air conditioners can be installed simply to make the spaces more relevant if the air intakes are close to a crushing plant that can create
comfortable for short periods of time. These air conditioners would not higher than normal percentages of sub-3 μm dust.
be operative under normal circumstances It is in these applications that secondary filters are recommended.
The inertial spin filters function as primary filters with the secondary
Filtration filters specified to remove fine powder and pollen and to scrub the fine
The filtration principle is based on efficient cyclone technology with dust visible particulate from the air stream. While most ambient airborne dust
reduction of 98% of particles of 15 μm and larger. At 5 μm, the modules consists of particles that are above 10 μm in size, there are applications
will remove 80% of dust by particle count. other than coal dust where dust particles can be smaller – often
The spin modules are made from high density polypropylene and are generated by ball mills, crushers, etc. In these applications, secondary
resistant to wear and able to operate at up to 120°C. Modules supplied by filtration may also be required.
RTS Africa have been in service for over 20 years. Note that because the
system is self-purging there is no filter element that can become blocked For more information contact RTS Africa Engineering,
from dust overload. The only moving parts are the electric motors driving +27 12 941 0600, [email protected], www.rtsafrica.co.za

Dust Free Instrumentation & Control Rooms

RTS Africa Inertial Spin Filters
No Maintenance — No Down Time
RTS Africa Engineering (Pty) Ltd

www.rtsafrica.co.za — [email protected] — +27 (0) 12 941 0600

www.instrumentation.co.za Novemeber 2020 29

Omron launches HD-1500 mobile robot
Omron has announced the launch of the people and navigating around obstacles, forklifts and safely transport large pallets
HD-1500, the strongest and latest addition to without the use of magnetic floor tapes or containing finished goods, voluminous
the company’s series of mobile robots. The new other guides. The HD-1500 battery charges in materials in the food and commodities
HD-1500 boasts a heavy payload capacity of just 36 minutes and can handle a full shift on a industry, and automotive frames. Workers can
up to 1500 kg. It is ideal for modern factories, full load, reducing downtime. now focus their attention on more vital tasks;
where autonomous material handling solutions “On-site logistics, the movement of allowing customers to load more, making
need to manage more demanding industrial products and material within the factory and fewer trips with heavier batches, and increasing
automation tasks, along with implementing warehouse, is becoming a real bottleneck for the return on investment. Customers can now
new social distancing requirements due to the many companies due to the frequency and do more with less equipment.
coronavirus pandemic. tediousness of the job, compounded by the Customisable fleet: mobile fleets can
The 1500 kg payload capacity enables need to meet social distancing protocols,” said become more diverse, but are still controlled
transportation of large automotive Tom Mathias, president and CEO of Omron through the same system. Omron’s Fleet
components such as car chassis and Robotics and Safety Technologies. “Fast-paced Manager allows a diverse mobile fleet of up to
voluminous pallet size payloads – items that manufacturing environments require speed 100 mobile robots, including the HD-1500, to be
would have traditionally been moved using and flexibility. Omron’s HD-1500 mobile robot controlled with the same system while achieving
forklifts. With the release of the HD-1500, can help companies solve this issue because it high performance. Thanks to the optimised
Omron’s mobile robots, including the LD-60/90 can work 24 hours a day tirelessly, punctually, traffic management, battery management,
and LD-250, form a seamless lineup of models and safely side-by-side with people.” and routing of vehicles, customers can add the
that can transport a wide variety of items HD-1500 to their fleets without worrying about
from components to WIP (works in progress), Highlights of the HD-1500 safety, compatibility, or performance issues.
finished products, and heavy material. Higher payload and sturdier structure: the
Ensuring efficient material handling in HD-1500 can move pallet size payloads in Additional features include:
factories, Omron’s industry-first Fleet Manager manufacturing facilities and reduces the • Battery charges in 36 minutes to realise
can control up to 100 mobile robots with different need for a forklift. Built with sturdy metal greater efficiency and less downtime.
sizes, configurations and payload capacities skins, it is robust and able to withstand heavy • 360° safety scanning lasers used for
under one system to automate complex material unintended external impacts. simultaneous localisation and safety
transport and logistics applications. Faster ROI: the new robot offers a solution functionality.
The robots can automatically calculate to automate complex and dangerous tasks. • Superior navigation using adaptive safety
the best route, while collaborating safely with Organisations can now reduce the use of zones from LiDAR technology.
• Improved CAPS technology allows for better
accuracy and repeatability for docking.
• With the Fleet Simulator feature you can
also simulate up to 10 robots, in up to three
separate fleets.

For more information contact Omron

Electronics, +27 11 579 2600,
[email protected],

30 November 2020 www.instrumentation.co.za

Locally Manufactured and Assembled
High quality components with long life cycle performance
now manufactured and assembled in South Africa.

SMC, the global leaders in pneumatic technology and experts in automation has continued to invest
in its manufacturing capabilities at its Midrand based South African subsidiary. This coupled with
the addition of increased customer specified stockholding ensures that customers can have both
standard and special products, including assembled components, with guaranteed fast
delivery options.

Great products, excellent prices, no delays – guaranteed peace of mind!

#SMCRaisesTheBar Worldwide leading experts in

pneumatics and industrial automation

BMG installs Danfoss VSDs to
improve energy efficiency on farms
BMG’s Boer Slim/Smart Farming agricultural team of Danfoss electronic variable speed drives These VSDs are available from BMG in IP55
works closely with farmers throughout southern (VSDs), the farmer was able to run 22 tobacco enclosures, which do not require dedicated
Africa, assisting them with the selection, installation drying containers at once, where previously he panels. This eliminates the need for additional
and operation of new electromechanical systems. could only run and alternate between 9 drying cooling and ventilation, normally required to
These projects are designed to improve efficiency, containers at once. As a result, the farmer extract heat during operation.
reduce energy consumption and minimise has more than doubled his crop production To ensure absolute dependability and the
maintenance requirements. output. Also, there are no more noticeable highest performance of these systems, BMG was
“Farming operations are not only facing voltage dips when the process is started up responsible for the installation and commissioning
the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, and wear and tear on mechanical components of these projects. In addition, farmers have the
which has affected every industry globally, but is reduced. Production is also now less labour assurance of support from BMG, which is an
farmers also need to cope with power supply intensive, which reduces his shift costs. authorised DrivePro service partner of Danfoss.
limitations and the rising costs of electricity and In another application, BMG assisted a farmer With a projected annual power saving of
water consumption, as well as crippling labour, in the Barkly West area, who was limited by a 155 500 kW/hr, BMG expects the farmer to
capital equipment investment and maintenance power supply of only 200 kVA, to significantly benefit from cost savings of approximately
expenses,” says Carlo Beukes, BMG’s agricultural reduce the cost of irrigation per hectare. R108 500, with a payback time of less than
manager. “BMG’s team of agricultural experts, After the installation of VSDs on all pump 12 months.
through its Boer Slim/Smart Farming initiative, is sets, the power supply is used more efficiently, The BMG team is also committed to
working even harder during lockdown, to offer resulting in improved crop production and preventing unnecessary breakdowns, which
local farmers sustainable solutions that focus on expansion of the farmer’s supply of maize, to is why reliability is the main focus when
effective food production. now also include pecan nuts. designing the drive systems for new and
“With the Smart Farming initiative, we are Danfoss VLT AQUA Drive FC 202 VSDs, upgraded facilities. All components are precisely
assisting farmers with cost-efficient solutions to which offer additional energy savings matched to each other and to the application
improve crop production output, enhance the compared with traditional VSD controls, have requirements, to ensure high productivity,
efficiency of operation by conserving power, been designed for water and wastewater smooth operation and long service life.
and minimising downtime by implementing applications, including irrigation. These VSDs The company’s broad branch network
practical maintenance programmes. It is even have been fitted to all pumps in this installation offers original spares and advanced workshop
more critical now to ensure there are adequate and are controlled by pressure transducers resources that ensure all repairs to agricultural
supplies of fresh foods for an anxious and that are set to match the varying demands components meet pristine OEM standards.
vulnerable population. For this reason, we are of different irrigation requirements. The only BMG provides solutions to key players
also assisting farmers to expand production to peripheral component required was a pressure in the agricultural sector, including local
include the supply of additional produce.” transducer. Pump controllers and valves were manufacturers of equipment and implements,
not necessary for flow control in this system. as well as agricultural resellers and the farmer,
Practical applications A notable feature of Danfoss VLT AQUA in order to assist with the continued supply of
In a recent project, the BMG team assisted Drive FC 202 VSDs is a soft start/stop facility, fresh foods during the COVID-19 pandemic.
a local farmer who wanted to accelerate his which prevents water hammer on starting
tobacco drying process and expand crop and stopping the pumps, thus reducing the For more information contact Lynne McCarthy,
production but was restricted by power supply possibility of burst pipes. Wear and tear on Danfoss South Africa, +27 11 785 7628,
limitations in South Africa. After the installation couplings, pumps and pipes are also reduced. [email protected], www.danfoss.co.za

32 November 2020 www.instrumentation.co.za

for a Masterclass Performance

cost saving in the
first year, compared
to traditional drive

The VLT® AQUA Drive combines deep application know-how with powerful
drives technology to make your water operation easier and more efficient than
ever, while saving you considerable installation and running costs.

Efficiency, savings and trouble-free operation

Built to last and withstand even the harshest conditions, the VLT® AQUA Drive
offers trouble-free operation of any type of water facility anywhere in the world.

The combination of solid design and sophisticated software-based solutions

ensure considerable energy savings and help you achieve masterclass
sustainable and economic water management.

Danfoss South Africa

+27 11 785 7600
[email protected]


Drive configuration made easy

As industries across the board move to a more user to set motor and speed preferences, out of maintenance because the user already
distributed working environment, it is essential getting the motor from a standstill to fully knows their way around.”
that OEMs and suppliers can equip their operational.
customers with supportive platforms to ensure
that their operations never miss a beat. For this One step further for process automation
reason, Nidec Control Techniques prides itself Taking this programme to another level,
on offering free software for commissioning, the M range of drives is equipped with PLC
optimising and monitoring drive/system programming functionality through its Machine
performance. “If you have already purchased our Control Studio platform powered by Codesys – a
hardware, why should you have to pay again development environment for programming
to get it working?” comments Bruce Grobler, controller applications. Through this platform,
regional manager, Nidec Control Techniques. the drive can be used to automate not just the
With M Connect, users are empowered with motor, but the entire line as well.
a free, easy-to-use tool to get their systems up “The M Connect platform also links to a free
and running. “Unlike others on the market, our real-time oscilloscope for viewing and analysing
software doesn’t require any annual fee and comes changing values within the drive,” explains
with no limits on licences,” adds Grobler. “The full Grobler. The PC platform, called CTScope, allows
version is free to download and share, keeping the user to follow operational trends, look at
things simple and low-cost for our customers.” speed referencing, ensure motors are running
M Connect is designed specifically at the right speed, and undertake fault-finding.
for use with Control Techniques’ range Furthermore, the user interface is based on a
of general-purpose drives, as well as the traditional oscilloscope, making it familiar and
high-performance Unidrive M range. Each friendly to all engineers across the globe.
Unidrive M model has been tailored to specific “We believe that familiarity with a certain
application needs identified within industry. M technology is key to its adoption,” concludes
Connect completes the package when using a Grobler. “We aim to align all our systems and
Unidrive M model, allowing users to undertake software for easy integration and simple
a basic drive setup, optimising drive and motor adoption into your current system. While For more information contact Bruce Grobler,
performance even with minimal specialised our products may change and mature, our Nidec Control Techniques, +27 11 462 1941,
drive knowledge. The tool is scalable to match interfaces are similar across iterations. This [email protected],
application requirements and will assist the makes migration easier and takes the headache www.nidecautomation.com

What is adaptive acceleration control?

Adaptive acceleration control (AAC) is a new soft be extended, or the electricity supply is limited. measuring the motor characteristics and using
start control type that allows the selection of Kickstart provides a short boost of extra this value to determine the speed between the
different acceleration and deceleration profiles torque at the beginning of a start, and can two known end points provides an estimate
according to application needs. Soft starters offer be used in conjunction with current ramp or of motor speed. The control algorithm creates
a variety of methods for the control of motor constant current starting. Kickstart can be a time based speed profile which can create
starting and stopping. Each type of the control useful to help start loads that require high curves from a mathematical function. During
uses a different primary control parameter. breakaway torque but then accelerate easily each start and stop operation the control
Constant current is the traditional form (for example flywheel loads such as presses). algorithm compares the speed estimate with
of soft starting, which raises the current AAC is a new intelligent motor control the speed ramp profile. If the speed estimate is
from zero to a specified level and keeps the technique. In an AAC soft start, the ASAB too low it increases the power to the motor and
current stable at that level until the motor has soft starter adjusts the current in order to decreases the power when it is too high. This
accelerated. Constant current starting is ideal start the motor within a specified time and allows for control of the three accelerating and
for applications where the start current must using a selected acceleration profile. It is three decelerating profiles, and if the motor
be kept below a particular level. based on two algorithms, one for measuring does not start and stop smoothly to fine-tune
Current ramp soft starting raises the current (learning) the motor characteristics and one adjust the adaptive control gain.
from a specified starting level to a maximum for controlling the motor. During each start it
limit over an extended period of time. Current makes two speed estimates, zero speed at LR For more information contact Paulo Filippe,
ramp starting can be useful for applications and maximum speed at the point when the Elettronica Santerno South Africa,
where the load varies between starts, the load motor is operating at maximum efficiency. +27 16 421 1054, [email protected],
breaks away easily but starting time needs to During subsequent start and stop operations, www.santerno.com

34 November 2020 www.instrumentation.co.za


Gateway for industrial automation

Sensor specialist company SICK recently Using the hub, engineers will be able to bundle
announced its new SIG200 Profinet Sensor together, with up to 12 standard I/Os in a single
Integration Gateway. The product is the first of IO-Link data packet, while communicating to
a new line of gateways created to work as both machine controllers and cloud-based systems.
IO-Link masters and small distributed control The device uses SICK’s SOPAS engineering
systems, simultaneously. The SIG200 is designed tool software as a user interface, accessible
to facilitate the configuration of localised sensor with a PC via standard M8 USB, Ethernet or web
applications, while also providing high-speed, browser. In order to allow engineers to monitor
cloud-based capabilities for the sensors to share the sensors connected to the device, the SICK
status, parameter and diagnostics data. SIG200 comes with a software user interface:
As the focus of the SICK SIG200 is to simplify SICK’s SOPAS Engineering Tool. To simplify the new product offers all the Industry 4.0 benefits of
sensor application tasks, the gateway utilises configuration process, it has an embedded setting up a system by using an IO-Link master,
binary switching signals or measured values IODD interpreter, allowing the user to configure PLC and sensors,” said David Hannaby, SICK’s UK
from IO-Link sensors and actuators, without and connect IO-Link devices, by uploading the product manager for presence detection.
the need for additional control components. IODD files. The SIG200 can then work with any The SIG200 is available with the ProfiNet
Concurrently, diagnostics, process parameters third-party products, as parameterisation of Ethernet fieldbus protocol, and additional
and status information from IO-Link devices can connected devices, and device replacement are fieldbus versions of the gateway will follow in
be accessed both at the machine and company possible when sharing the IODD file. the future.
level, using MES, ERP, and cloud-based software.
The system’s four master ports allow IO-Link Simplifying processes for engineers For more information contact Grant Joyce,
sensor and actuator connections, but its data Clearly, the SIG200 makes it quick and easy for SICK Automation Southern Africa, +27 10 060
integration capabilities extend to standard engineers to create and run distributed sensor 0558, [email protected],
binary sensors with SICK’s SIG100 sensor hub. applications, even independently of the PLC. “This www.sickautomation.co.za

www.instrumentation.co.za Novemeber 2020 35

Using existing cabling to create a
new industrial LAN
You wouldn’t build a new railway or motorway already available as a free pair in an existing or remove up to 127 nodes on the network
every time you needed to travel somewhere, multi-core power or telephone cable. without reprogramming it.
so why install new cable? After all, you’ve It’s also a deterministic network, making
probably already got spare cores in your Inspired by the mining industry it ideal for real-time applications where low
existing multi-core cable network or, better yet, This type of network design was inspired by the data-loss rates and low jitter are required. Here,
an old telephone network that’s lying unused? requirements of the mining industry where the the throughput and access times are recorded
In this article, Gary Bradshaw, director at nature of the job requires a reliable network to between 0-100 milliseconds. The system also
network specialist Omniflex, explains how the run from the surface to the underground levels offers high data integrity and electrical noise
company’s Conet technology allows businesses in the mine, often with the power cables. suppression; each node is transformer isolated
to repurpose existing cabling to create a new This is also the case for nuclear sites, to block voltage fluctuations.
industrial local area network (LAN). where new cable installation, soil excavation This is combined with a 16-bit cyclic
Token passing, peer-to-peer network? and building work must adhere to strict redundancy checksum (CRC), automatic error
Check. High system redundancy? Check. construction rules specific to the nuclear detection and retransmission. The result?
Ten-kilometre transmission distance? Check. industry. In these sites especially, it’s not just Conet can be used to securely transmit data
Data integrity and security? Check. Low cheaper, but also operationally beneficial to over a distance of 10 km in noisy electrical
latency? Check. These aren’t features you make use of the existing cable infrastructure environments with an extremely high degree
would typically think of when you essentially on site. of integrity.
repurpose existing infrastructure to create a What’s more, Conet will work regardless
new, high-performance industrial network. The benefits of Conet of your existing cabling setup because it’s
But then again, it’s more profitable for most So, what are the major uses for a system like not reliant on any particular topology. In fact,
suppliers to sell you a new network. Conet? There are two key benefits: multi- it can work in any configuration, from bus
But that’s not the way to think about it. In drop telemetry and data acquisition. The first and star networks to redundant-link and ring
an age where we must consider the circular means that Conet can be used to transmit topologies.
economy, when we must consider costs and digital and analog signals from one or many This versatility means that Conet can be
reduce wasted resources, it’s about elegant nodes without a central host computer. The used to link up any combination of supported
engineering. It’s about using what you already second means that multiple host computers hardware and software for data acquisition
have to deliver performance that’s equal to, or can connect to the network to communicate and control purposes, as well as critical event
even better than, a bespoke new system. with field devices such as PLCs, RTUs and other monitoring and remote field devices, for
This is exactly what Omniflex has done with digital equipment. example in utility metering applications.
Conet, a true token-passing peer-to-peer LAN. Despite this capability, at its heart Whatever the application, using your
Conet was developed and launched in 1981 Conet is still based on the ISO OSI 7-layer existing cabling to build a high-performance,
in response to a need from plant operators model, so it meets networking standards secure, low-cost local area network is now a
who wished to bring field data back to the the world over. It’s on top of this foundation viable prospect for many businesses.
control room or supervisor’s office in the most that Omniflex’s engineers have built high-
cost-effective way. One of the most important performance features that make Conet a For more information contact Ian Loudon,
features of Conet is its ability to operate on resilient technology. This includes a robust Omniflex, +27 31 207 7466, [email protected],
low-cost cabling which, in many instances, is token-passing protocol, allowing users to add www.omniflex.com

36 November 2020 www.instrumentation.co.za

Your Global Automation Partner

1 Device = 3 Protocols!
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IO-Link offers more device information such as temperature, identification etc.

Turck Banner (Pty) Ltd
130 Boeing Road East, Bedfordview, South Africa
Various output functions can be parameterized – like independent switch
+27 11 453 2468
points, speed monitoring, pulse divider and more
[email protected] www.turck.com/uprox3

Retrofit your vehicles with collision protection

Collision warning system
In order to avoid critical situations, ifm has developed an automatic
collision detection system. By means of a 3D camera, the system
permanently monitors the rear of the forklift truck and gives the driver
visual and acoustic feedback. Depending on the configuration level, the
assistance system can even stop the vehicle, if necessary.
All obstacles are reliably detected, and, thanks to a special
classification of reflective materials, e.g. reflective vests or clothing, the
collision warning for persons can be given priority over other objects.
This increases the safety of persons and leaves the driver enough time to
slow the truck down and stop in time.

Forklift drivers need a high level of concentration when manoeuvring Easy retrofitting
in reverse. The camera-based anti-collision system from ifm, which The anti-collision system is offered as a ready-to-start application
automatically detects persons and obstacles in the rear area of package, which includes all components to set up a fully functioning
the vehicle, warns the driver and stops the vehicle if necessary. collision warning system on a mobile machine.
Existing vehicles can be easily retrofitted with this plus in safety In addition to the camera, the monitor and the controller, the
innovation. package contains all necessary cables and mounting accessories. This
means it can be easily retrofitted on all mobile machines with 24 V
Caution when manoeuvring on-board system voltage.
Particularly when reversing, drivers need to be cautious to avoid Commissioning is easy. After installation of the system, setup is carried
collisions with other forklift trucks or persons. They do not only have to out within a few minutes via the push-buttons and the colour display of
keep an eye on the rear area of the vehicle, but must also ensure that the the control unit. Only a few parameters (height and inclination angle of the
carrying ram does not collide with anything. camera, vehicle width, etc.) are required in the intuitive setup process. In
Drivers must still be fully alert at all times. They must always have contrast to some other systems, no PC is required for parameter setting.
360° vision and monitor their load and where they are going. At the
same time, they have to be aware of what is happening around them, For more information contact ifm – South Africa, +27 12 450 0400,
e.g. colleagues and contractors crossing their path. [email protected], www.ifm.com

Safe use of Ethernet in Ex areas

The excom Ethernet gateway is approved for installation in Zone 2 Ex areas
or in safe areas. It not only transmits usage data to the control system via
multiprotocol Ethernet (Profinet, EtherNet/IP, Modbus TCP) – in addition to
this user data, analysis data can be retrieved from the gateway by suitable
network participants and transferred to outsourced IT systems.
These run in parallel over the same network. The IT system for data
analysis has read authorisation only, which prevents tampering with the
process or control systems. The systems for data analysis can be realised
on premises without an external network connection, or in cloud systems.
The excom is a high-availability I/O system that consistently
implements the system concept. Optimised system components are
available for use in safe areas as well as in Zone 2 and Zone 1 (with Profibus
DP). Nevertheless, users can control all zones and system parts via a DTM,
EDS or GSDML and the same structure and logic. This minimises the
training requirements and increases the flexibility of operators. the system housing themselves, without an external test site.
The system connects I/O level and explosion isolation in a single excom systems are installed and wired in a control cabinet or
housing. This allows space-saving, central installations to be implemented individual enclosure, taking account of specific application requirements.
in the instrumentation and control room as well as decentralised I/O Individual cable glands, terminals, system connectors and other
solutions for installation in Zone 2 or even up to Zone 1 (with Profibus DP). components can be installed directly. Depending on the project, the
factory acceptance test (FAT) can be performed directly at Turck’s site,
No re-approval required, even for extensions meaning users need only one partner for their turnkey I/O systems.
The entire system is approved for the corresponding Ex areas. Users can
therefore exchange or even supplement gateways or I/O cards flexibly. The For more information contact Turck Banner, +27 11 453 2468,
operators can carry out the necessary re-evaluation of the temperature in [email protected], www.turckbanner.co.za

38 November 2020 www.instrumentation.co.za


Gas control
products for
Fluid Systems Africa (FSA) is the authorised distributor for
Gas Control Equipment (GCE) in Africa, and supplies
a wide range of healthcare and high-purity products.
The global spread of Covid-19 has created an
unprecedented situation for the entire world. In this
extraordinary situation, GCE is doing everything
possible to maintain product and service delivery. It
has responded to the extraordinary demand for oxygen
compatible regulators and has been a producer of
pressure regulators designed and produced in line with
EN ISO 2503 for medical, industrial, and high-purity gas

SMC’s static
Focused on quality and safety, GCE has produced
oxygen compatible regulators for more than 100 years,

removal solutions
up to 300 bar cylinder pressure. As of today, and for the
foreseeable future, the factories in the Czech Republic,
UK and China operate under full load whilst ensuring
employee health and monitoring guidance from local
government and authorities. The product range includes
Around the world, SMC Corporation has a • The IZS ar type can achieve rapid static
air and oxygen blenders for the provision of a mixture of
long history in assisting customers in several neutralisation with bar length options
the two for use in hospital and emergency care ventilator
industries with pneumatic solutions and up to 2500 mm.
components. Perhaps less well known in • The IZF fan type is the fastest and
GCE’s brand of Druva Tec gas manifolds and
South Africa is the SMC ioniser range, which thinnest static charge neutraliser and
equipment for emergency response now offers its brand
can be used to neutralise static electricity. eliminates static charge from all type of
new DruvaTEC 5.0 oxygen equipment to support the
Static electricity is an imbalance of objects or surfaces.
healthcare system. A modified version of Druva‘s high-
electric charges within or on the surface • The IZN10E nozzle type is perfectly
purity gas equipment for emergency response is also
of a specific material. The charge remains compact and with the range of design
readily available.
until it is able to move away by means of variants it is possible to modify the ion
Cylinder regulators, gas manifolds and gas sticks
an electric current or electrical discharge. distribution to a precise fit.
for high pressure reduction, as well as ultra-low-
In many industries such as food and • The new edition IZT bar type has a
pressure flow control (millibar ranges), can help to cut
packaging the effects of static electricity separate controller that can be mounted
response time and consequentially save lives. GCE’s
are well known to have a negative impact remotely and control up to four ionisers,
Medimeter range of flowmeters are used for control and
on production. Applications where static making it more versatile for inaccessible
measurement of air and oxygen administered to patients
build-up commonly causes problems are: places.
and are available in different regional gas connections.
• Conveyors transferring parts. “We have various ways of
• PET bottles attracting dust and causing demonstrating this technology to
labelling issues. companies who are interested,” concludes
• Packaging and shrink-wrapping films Siebrits. “We can do site visits with the
attracting dust and deforming on rollers. dynamic demonstration panels, while also
• Parts feeders clogging due to parts measuring the static build up in areas of
sticking to each other and products. concern. We also have a state-of-the-art
“We have assisted customers with a show room in Midrand where people can
large variety of applications from shrink- learn more about this technology and its
wrapping flammable material safely, to benefits.”
eliminating situations where employees have
experienced electric shocks from static build For more information contact
up on conveyors,” says Liezl Siebrits, senior SMC Corporation South Africa, For more information contact Stuart Harvey,
sales engineer at SMC’s Western Cape office. +27 10 900 1233, [email protected] Fluid Systems Africa, +27 87 551 1677,
SMC offers a variety of ionisers to suit [email protected], [email protected],
different applications: www.smcza.co.za www.fluidsystemsafrica.co.za

www.instrumentation.co.za Novemeber 2020 39


Rotary encoder for Ex areas Reed level transmitter suitable for food applications
Turck Banner now offers a variant of the contactless QR24
encoder for use in explosion protected areas Zones 2,
22 and 3GD. Contactless measurement considerably
outperforms bearing guided optical encoders in
dust-laden environments since optical encoders are
susceptible to dust.
The sensor unit and positioning element on the
QR24 are fully potted and cast as two totally sealed
independent units. This gives the encoder optimum
WIKA has expanded its range of level a quasi-continuous level measurement.
protection from dust, vibration, impact and shocks.
transmitters with reed measuring chain The model FLR-F is also available in a
Unlike encoders with magnetic positioning elements,
by adding the model FLR-F for food version with a head-mounted transmitter
the QR24 offers a greater resistance to magnetic field
applications. The instrument has an electro- for different output signals and
interference. Typical applications for the QR24 Ex include
polished surface with a roughness of 0,8 μm communication protocols. Furthermore,
the chemical, mining or food industries, particularly in
Ra and is available with application-specific the instrument can be supplied with
mills. However, many applications in the textile or wood
process connections such as TriClamp. a removable float limitation and FDA-
processing industry also require the use of an encoder
The level transmitter works on compliant sealing or in an ATEX variant for
with 3GD approval.
the float principle with magnetic applications in which pipes are cleaned
The QR24-Ex is a further addition to the Premium
transmission. It measures the level with flammable media.
encoder line. Its signal via the IO-Link V1.1 interface
reliably, even with foaming, and can
offers simpler parameter setting, such as for the output
additionally output a temperature value. For more information contact WIKA
signal or zero point. The encoder can be used as a single-
The reed contacts in the guide tube (up to Instruments, +27 11 621 0000,
turn, or semi multi-turn rotary encoder that counts its
six metres long) can be arranged as [email protected], www.wika.co.za
revolutions. For this the encoder uses 16 bits of the 32-bit
IO-Link signal for the single-turn value, 13 bits for the
number of revolutions and the remaining three bits for Monitoring oil with the power of connectivity
diagnostic data. Operating status can thus be determined
at any time and maintenance can be planned in advance, The latest innovation in the MP Filtri range
thus effectively preventing machine downtime. of condition monitoring products helps
system engineers with the digitalisation
of their monitoring processes. It identifies
contaminants early in the service cycle
so that appropriate filtering media can
be introduced. This new generation Wi-Fi
enabled particle monitor is fully Industry
4.0 compliant. It features an in-built Wi-Fi
hub, which enables users to track the
performance and contamination levels
of a machine in real time so that remote
monitoring is possible.
Results are automatically uploaded and
can be monitored via a variety of feedback
channels including a new mobile app, the
user’s own cloud system, a secure web particle counter, it can automatically
browser, and sophisticated software suites. measure and display moisture and
It can analyse both individual machine temperature levels in hydraulic fluids. It
performance and real-time state of can be mounted directly where ongoing
contamination for an entire facility. measurement or analysis is required and
“The ICM 4.0 features innovative LED where space and costs are limited,” says
optical and photodiode technology, managing director of MP Filtri UK, Phil
providing complete 8-channel Keep. “It offers cutting edge LED optical
measurement,” says Hydrasales general technology for unrivalled accuracy and
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Absolute Perspectives +27 83 274 7180 [email protected] www.absoluteperspectives.com 20,21

Alien Systems & Technologies +27 11 949 1157 [email protected] www.astafrica.com IFC*
ASSTech Proc. Elec. + Instr. +27 11 708 9200 [email protected] www.asstech.co.za 28,35*
Beckhoff Automation +27 79 493 2288 [email protected] www.beckhoff.co.za 24
Comtest +27 10 595 1821 [email protected] www.comtest.co.za 15,17
Danfoss +27 11 785 7600 [email protected] www.danfoss.com/aqua-masterclass 32,33*
DRH Components +27 76 331 0005 [email protected] www.drhcomponents.co.za 19
Elettronica Santerno South Africa +27 16 421 1054 [email protected] www.santerno.com 34
Emerson Automation Solutions +27 11 451 3700 [email protected] www.emerson.com 4
Endress+Hauser South Africa +27 11 262 8000 [email protected] www.endress.com 16,17
Festo South Africa 086 003 3786 [email protected] www.festo.co.za OFC*,
Fluid Systems Africa +27 87 551 1677 [email protected] www.fluidsystemsafrica.co.za 39
Hydrasales +27 11 392 3736 [email protected] www.hydrasale.co.za 40
ifm - South Africa +27 12 450 0400 [email protected] www.ifm.com 38
Instrotech +27 10 595 1831 [email protected] www.instrotech.co.za 27*
KROHNE SA +27 11 314 1391 [email protected] www.za.krohne.com 18
Loadtech Load Cells +27 12 661 0830 [email protected] www.loadtech.co.za 25*
Macsteel Fluid Control +27 31 581 7800 [email protected] www.macsteel.co.za 13*,26
Mecosa +27 11 257 6100 [email protected] http://www.mecosa.co.za/ 4*
Michael Brown Control Eng +27 82 440 7790 [email protected] www.controlloop.co.za 22,23
Nidec Control Techniques +27 11 462 1941 [email protected] www.nidecautomation.com 4,34
Omniflex +27 31 207 7466 [email protected] www.omniflex.com 36
Omron Electronics +27 11 579 2600 [email protected] www.industrial.omron.co.za 30
Pepperl+Fuchs +27 10 430 0250 [email protected] www.pepperl-fuchs.co.za 27,28*
Phoenix Contact +27 11 801 8200 [email protected] www.phoenixcontact.co.za 14
R&C Instrumentation +27 11 608 1551 [email protected] www.randci.co.za 13
RJ Connect +27 11 781 0777 [email protected] www.rjconnect.co.za 21,OBC*
RTS Engineering Africa +27 12 941 0600 [email protected] www.rtsafrica.co.za 29*
SA Gauge +27 31 579 2216 [email protected] www.sagauge.com 3*
Schneider Electric SA +27 11 254 6400 [email protected] www.se.com/za 12
SCiBOTRON +27 83 380 2422 [email protected] www.scibotron.co.za 5*
SEW-Eurodrive +27 11 248 7000 [email protected] www.sew-eurodrive.co.za 5
SICK Automation Southern Africa +27 10 060 0550 [email protected] www.sick.com 26*,35
Siemens Energy +27 82 469 9160 [email protected] www.siemens-energy.com 15
SMC Corporation South Africa +27 10 900 1233 [email protected] www.smcza.co.za 31*,39
*denotes advertiser

Trinity IoT +27 11 465 7377 [email protected] www.trinity.co.za 21*

Turck Banner +27 11 453 2468 [email protected] www.turckbanner.co.za 25,37*,
Varispeed +27 11 312 5252 [email protected] www.varispeed.co.za 4
WIKA Instruments +27 11 621 0000 [email protected] www.wika.co.za 18,19*,40

For more information on these and other suppliers please see www.ibg.co.za

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