Motion Control South Africa - Mag 1095

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VOL 17 NO 4 • FOURTH QUARTER 2015 • R30,00 (incl.


Askari Electric now offers European
quality electric motors to the southern
African market, with the most
competitive pricing in the industry. 04 SAFPA news
Hydraulics specialist, Hydromobile
has been appointed as a dealer. 06 News & events
Read our cover story on page 15 to
find out more about the features 11 Appointments
of these motors and how
Hydromobile plans to develop
the market for them.
12 Education

16 New technology

29 Product news

Linear motion 18 Yale Engineering Products, Siemens

Drives 20 Techlyn, Motion Tronic, BMG, Tectra Automation,


Hydraulics 25 Hytec, Hydrasales, Yale Engineering Products, Filter Focus

Pneumatics 30 Ingersoll Rand, SMC Pneumatics, Mitech, SKF

Smart maintenance 34 Parker Hannifin, SKF

Materials handling 36 Festo, Bonfiglioli Fourth Quarter 2015 1

welcome FOURTH QUARTER 2015

Our future
Graeme Bell
NHD Elec Eng (L.C.), MBA
[email protected]
There has been much talk about Industry 4.0, or Industrial New technology
IoT, and what it holds for the future of manufacturing. In line with this, our New
Kim Roberts
MSc Chem We have been covering this for a while and the question Technology section features
[email protected] arises: “How does all this apply to fluid power?” In this Beckhoff ’s contribution, ‘From
ADVERTISING mature and time-tested industry new developments motion tasks to intelligent
Sales manager in power transmission tend to be in small increments. Industry 4.0’, which describes
Jane van der Spuy
[email protected]
Nevertheless a look through these advances shows that the rather remarkable XTS
Tel: +27 (0)31 764 0593 there has been a steady stream of progress. intelligent transport system
Gauteng The integration of IT with fluid power components that uses software to solve difficult motion tasks. Also
Tina van Kerckhoven
[email protected] and the evolution of electro-hydraulic and electro- in this feature we have a look into the future with a tiny
Tel: +27 (0)11 543 5800 pneumatic technologies for automated control has been but powerful piezohydraulic actuator developed by
KwaZulu-Natal going on for quite a while. New component designs have Siemens that can be used in applications like robotics,
Jane van der Spuy improved the capabilities of hydraulic and pneumatic aircraft ailerons and medical and clean room technology.
[email protected]
systems. Machine performance has been upgraded Siemens says that the novel, compact design mimics the
Tel: +27 (0)31 764 0593
through smart pumps, smart valves, smart actuators, and functionality of a human muscle.
DESIGN AND LAYOUT even smart hose; and filtration technology is far ahead of
Technique Design
Tel: +27 (0)31 764 0593 where it was 30 years ago. Smart maintenance and materials handling
We have more materials handling stories with Festo’s
For address changes, subscriptions,
Fluid power for Industry 4.0 award winning Motion Cube, an innovative palletising
renewal status or missing issues, call I recently came across an interesting article by a member system, and the contribution of Bonfiglioli motors to the
+27 (0)11 543 5800 of the executive board of Bosch Rexroth, Dr Steffen world’s fastest arm pallet wrapper.
[email protected]
or write to: Haack, who says that the performance and intelligence of Even maintenance is getting smarter, and two
Technews Publishing (Pty) Ltd, modern hydraulics technology is highly precise, energy- features in our Smart Maintenance section are SKF’s
Box 385, Pinegowrie 2123
efficient and ready for Industry 4.0 applications. He gives revolutionary bearing health management technology
SUBSCRIBE ONLINE six capabilities of this technology, saying that no other and Parker’s mobile tracking app which can plan mainten- can pack the same punch when it comes to power den- ance proactively and so keep downtime to a minimum.
PUBLISHERS sity. Here is a selection. We also have some news: our cover story from
Technews Publishing (Pty) Ltd, Firstly, hydraulics can deliver micrometre precision. Hydromobile announces a new player in the electric
Box 385, Pinegowrie 2123
Electro-hydraulic axis controllers can close the control motor field, Askari Electric, which fills an important gap
PRINTED BY: loop from a distance within milliseconds; and in tool in the market between large multinationals and small,
Printed by Paarl Media KZN, Pinetown,
and plastic machines, hydraulic drives can position axes entry-level players.
KwaZulu-Natal, +27 (0)31 714 4700.
reliably to a few microns. Compactness without excessive
LETTERS TO THE EDITOR heat are two other advantages. Since power generation is Hope for the future
Letters to the editor should be addressed to
Kim Roberts at [email protected]. localised in the power unit and is connected to the actua- Being an editor is fun. The 2015 Pneudrive Challenge
Sending material to this publication will be tor via lines, hydraulic drives can generate high forces in mechatronics competition is nearing its finale and we
considered automatic permission to use in
minimal space. The relatively low level of heat created in thought we would find out what this competition is
full or in part in our Letters column. Be sure to
include your name, e-mail address, city and zip the operating area dissipates through the hydraulic fluid. like from a student’s point of view. I recently spent a
code. We reserve the right to edit all letters. Energy efficiency is another one. The energy con- happy afternoon together with Steven Meyer, editor of
sumption of hydraulic power units can be reduced by up SA Instrumentation & Control magazine, chatting to the
to 80% by adjusting the rotational speed of a pump drive top third-year students at Wits Mechanical Engineering
on demand. Also, communications are open and outgo- department. Although they were all struggling to juggle
ing. With software based on open standards, modern this challenge with their studyload, they were having
motion controls for hydraulic drives support all common a lot of fun. Their enthusiasm was contagious and their
protocols. They can therefore integrate easily with the level of maturity impressive. It was fascinating to see
All rights reserved. No part of this multi-technology applications found in modern produc- their varying approaches to the same problem and the
publication may be reproduced,
tion environments – ready for Industry 4.0. different ways they worked in their teams – with some
adapted, stored in a retrieval system
or transmitted in any form or by Finally, they can do plug and run. Servo-hydraulic axes very effective utilisation of social media. Now with a new
any means, electronic, mechanical,
are easily exchangeable with their electromechanical co-sponsor, SMC Pneumatics, SEW-Eurodrive’s innovative
photocopying, recording or
otherwise, without the prior written equivalents as they are driven by the same servo drives, Pneudrive Challenge has made a significant contribution
permission of Technews Publishing
and engineers need only connect power and communi- to preparing students for the real world. To find out more,
(Pty) Ltd, Reg No. 2005/034598/07
cation cables for assembly and start-up. The full article is have a look at our article
at ‘Hope for the future’.

While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained herein, the publisher and its agents cannot be held responsible for any errors contained, or any loss
incurred as a result. Articles published do not necessarily reflect the views of the publishers. The editor reserves the right to alter or cut copy. Articles submitted are deemed to have been cleared
for publication. Advertisements, inserts and company contact details are printed as provided by the advertiser. Technews Publishing (Pty) Ltd cannot be held responsible for the accuracy or
veracity of supplied material.

2 Fourth Quarter 2015 Fourth Quarter 2015 3

From the President’s desk

Yet another year is coming to an end and it has been one of considerable challenges.
SAFPA has this year undertaken some significant educational initiatives which have
been well received throughout our industry. We are positive that in the course of
2016 we will achieve what we have set out to accomplish with respect to these
initiatives. SAFPA would like to thank industry for the support we have received in
2015. We are looking forward to 2016 and the challenges it brings.
On behalf of SAFPA I would like to wish everyone a merry Christmas and a happy,
prosperous 2016.

Eugene Tondolo.

Golf Day
SAFPA held another highly successful golf
day on 2 September. The winning team was
Festo (Andre Lombard, Deon Venter, Warren
Harvard and Nico Landman). Second was
Rand Building Hydraulics (Johan Landman,
Trishen Pillay, Wim Greef and Francois de
Lange.). Hydrastatic Sales & Service came
third (Mash Maritz, Butch Colett, Greg Allen
and Dennis Flynn).

Festo was the winning team, from l: Andre Lombard, Deon Venter, Warren Harvard and Nico Landman.

Rand Building Hydraulics came second, from l: Trishen Pillay, Johan Landman, Hydrastatic Sales & Service came third, from l: Dennis Flynn, Paul Tift,
Francois De Lange and Wim Greeff. Mash Maritz, Greg Allen
Tel: +27 (0)11 888 7163 Fax: 086 503 4524 e-mail: [email protected]

4 Fourth Quarter 2015


SAFPA Dinner Dance 2015

The 2015 SAFPA Dinner Dance was a great success. It was
held once again at the Bryanston Country Club and there
was an excellent turnout. Guests were entertained by the
talented one man band, Wez Mayo and a good time was
had by everyone. Fourth Quarter 2015 5


Genflex opens cylinder Festo opens innovative applications centre

repair division

Members of the Festo team at the opening of the applications centre.

Festo has unveiled its brand new applications South African market, allows users to quickly
centre at its Johannesburg headquarters. This and easily design and order a handling system
boasts state-of-the-art electric drive handling from scratch. The customer is prompted to
and vision systems. Festo customers will be enter parameters and information critical to
able to physically test any 4-D electric drive the task on hand. The powerful software then
application in a controlled environment to makes use of Festo’s extensive data base of
confirm details like maximum speed, accuracy proven designs to provide possible solutions.
and cycle time. MD of Festo South Africa, Wallace says the centre will be invaluable to
Brett Wallace says, “Our clients cannot afford OEMs, machine designers and design engin-
to make mistakes. Whatever they design eers. “They are tasked with increasing produc-
Genflex has opened a hydraulic cylinder repair
and implement needs to work first time. Our tion, while reducing operating costs. They are
division at its factory in Alrode. The decision to
applications centre can support them by held accountable for their designs. We can
relocate this division from Pretoria into larger
allowing them to simulate the handling of support them in that accountability, freeing
premises was due to an increase in demand for
products with real products and software. We them to maximise their creativity and innova-
this service. Genflex director, David Michelle says
are able to bring them security, confidence and tion,” he concludes.
that the demand for cylinder repairs has increased
threefold over the last six months, with all of the
The applications centre will work hand- For more information contact Russell
company’s branches reporting an increased
in-hand with another recently unveiled Festo Schwulst, Festo, 08600 FESTO,
demand for the service. “We have appointed Hein
innovation, the Handling Guide Online (HGO). [email protected],
Ras as the manager of this new and expanded
This intuitive online tool, another first in the
division. He brings a wealth of experience to the
Genflex operation and will be responsible for BMG acquires Hansen Transmissions
setting up the new workshop, as well as ensuring
that all repairs are on schedule and meeting the
required quality standard, ” he adds.
Genflex has invested over R400 000 into
establishing these new facilities and has
employed two additional fitters and turners as
well as investing in new machinery. Since the
introduction of the Genflex 24/7 technical sup-
port service van 18 months ago, the company From l: Fritz Fourie, managing director, Hansen Transmissions; Gavin Pelser, managing director engineering,
has also introduced the service vans into the BMG; Charles Walters, chief executive officer, Invicta Holdings; Byron Nichles, chief executive officer, BMG;
Richards Bay, Pinetown, Port Elizabeth, Durban Shaun Dean, chief executive officer, Hansen Industrial Transmissions.

Harbour, Boksburg and Alberton regions. BMG, part of Invicta Holdings, has acquired SA’s established position in industry and BMG’s
“These service vans are in operation to Hansen Transmissions South Africa (HIT SA) technical engineering solutions service and
assist not only our customers but also other from Hansen Industrial Transmissions, part extensive distribution reach, the group is set to
industry players who experience technical of the Sumitomo Group. Effective from 30 extend its market share across Africa signifi-
breakdowns or problems associated with their September 2015, this strategic acquisition cantly. Sectors for growth include oil and gas,
hydraulic hoses and fittings, steel pipes and has been approved by the South African power generation and coal mining.”
industrial earthmoving machinery. Since the Competition Commission. With 12 specialist divisions and a national
initial launch of one service van, there has been HIT SA, which assembles and distributes network of over 180 branches, BMG boasts a
increased interest in these 24/7 service sup- Sumitomo and Hansen branded industrial team with advanced technical skills to support
port vehicles, and soon our Cape Town and the gearboxes throughout southern Africa, now the company’s commitment to optimising
Delmas branches will be offering this facility as forms part of BMG’s electromechanical division. productivity and enhancing process plant
well,” says Michelle. “Through this acquisition BMG has broadened operating reliability.
its mechanical drives range and strengthened
For further information contact its long term partnership with Sumitomo as the For more information contact Mark
David Michelle, Genflex Hydraulics, exclusive distributor locally of Sumitomo speed Barbour, BMG, +27 (0)11 620 1500,
+27 (0)11 900 3235, [email protected], reducers,” says Mark Barbour, BMG business [email protected], unit manager. “With the combination of HIT

6 Fourth Quarter 2015

NEWS & EVENTS Fourth Quarter 2015 7


Festo reinvests millions in HAW appointed Master Distributor of OMT

South Africa’s technological Hydraulic and Automation Warehouse (HAW)
future was recently appointed as the Master Distributor
of OMT’s complete product range to South and
sub-Saharan Africa. OMT is an Italian-based
hydraulic equipment and systems supplier.
HAW, previously one of four authorised
distributors, was awarded this master distribu-
torship because of its rapid growth, target
segments and extensive distribution network
through the Hytec Group. Notably HAW was
also the highest selling distributor of OMT’s
Luen product range out of the four distributors.
Luen, part of the OMT Group, was previously
Brett Wallace, managing director, Festo South Africa. available through HAW’s authorised distribu-
From l: Roberto Baccelli, export sales manager, OMT
In response to the overwhelming demand from torship agreement. Sales Group; Wynand Kellerman, general manager,
industry for increased technical application aware- The OMT range includes hydraulic filters HAW.
ness, Festo South Africa has invested over R5 mil- (tank top mounted, spin-on and suction), com- warranties for the entire product range. OMT is
lion in customer-facing sales resources this year. ponents (bell housings and drive couplings) available throughout South and sub-Saharan
This move has resulted in a massive 20% growth and accessories (level gauges, filler breathers Africa through the Hytec Group’s extensive
in its national sales force. Additionally, customers and gauge isolators). The Luen range includes distribution network as well as through HAW’s
are now able to access products through a wider inline pressure control valves, pressure relief, branches in Johannesburg, Cape Town, Durban
distribution network with the inclusion of BMG as reducing, counter balance and over centre and Middelburg.
an official logistics distributor. valves. Flow dividers, pilot check and flow
Managing director for Festo South Africa, control valves are also included in the range. For more information contact Wynand
Brett Wallace says that Festo’s investment initia- These products are ideal for use in the region’s Kellerman, Hydraulic and Automation
tive brings a much needed boost of confidence growing agricultural, mobile, transport and Warehouse, +27 (0)11 281 3800,
to South Africa’s manufacturing sector, which light duty industrial applications. [email protected],
contributes 13% to GDP. While South Africa HAW upholds OMT’s six- and 12-month
has one of the most advanced technological
infrastructures on the continent, vast disparities Launch of The Fastener Factory
continue to exist, often leading to mismanage- The Fastener Factory was recently established
ment and a lack of awareness of technological in Durban and offers a specialist supply and
resources, tools and opportunities. Festo has support service to diverse industries through-
ensured the advancement of workplace compe- out the country, including automotive, engin-
tence and skills awareness through sector-wide eering, agriculture, mining and construction.
industrial training and education programmes. Products conform to DIN and ISO specifications
“Through our Festo Didactic learning and range from small diameter screws, to large
systems and training centres, we continue to diameter high tensile bolts.
address the crucial gap in tertiary education “The company’s comprehensive range of
so that artisans, technicians and engineers are quality branded fasteners and related products
confident, skilled and capable of fully utilising and accessories is carefully sourced from lead-
current automation technology,” he continues. ing manufacturers and suppliers within South
For Wallace, the crucial role of the technol- Africa, as well as from Europe and the Far East,”
ogy sector cannot be overstated. He concludes: says managing director, Darryl Campbell. “We
“Without a combination of new industrial have recognised the need locally for the ready Darryl Campbell.
technologies and importantly, skilled users, the availability of many different types of fasteners, fastening using preload force rather than fric-
technology sector is at risk of falling even further especially those for specialised applications. tion. Leading brands of tools include Dewalt,
behind global developments. We have committed Our range is enhanced by a wide selection of Kraftwerk, King Tony, Microtec and Qualitools.
ourselves to supporting South Africa’s economy tools, abrasives, bearings, power transmission The company also supplies DYZV branded
the best way we know how – through not only components and engineering supplies.” bearing and power transmission items, as well
the supply of superior technological products, The Fastener Factory has been appointed as Somta drilling and cutting products. The
but also through creating the right landscape to exclusive southern African distributor for Fastener Factory is a level four contributor to
ensure people know how to use them.” Heico-Lock washers, which are manufactured B-BBEE.
in Germany. These wedge locking washers and
For more information contact Russell nuts and ring lock washers are used to prevent For more information contact Darryl Campbell,
Schwulst, Festo, 08600 FESTO, loosening caused by vibration and dynamic The Fastener Factory, +27 (0)31 569 2640,
[email protected], loads. An important feature of the Heico-Lock [email protected], wedge lock system is the securing of the bolt

8 Fourth Quarter 2015


Find the oldest Moog valve Best practice in new energy

Moog has launched a contest to find the development
oldest operating Moog servo valve. The
company will also be sponsoring monthly
draws to give people with newer valves a
chance to participate. “Moog’s servo valves
have a legendary reputation for reliability,
and it’s not uncommon to find our valves in
service for 25 years or more in tough envi-
ronments like steel production, gas turbines
and industrial machinery,” said Gary Parks,
group vice president and general manager –
Industrial Services.
In 1951 William Moog developed the
first commercially viable servo valve. Servo check the date of the valve; upload the photo
valves transform a digital or analogue signal and complete a short form at http://tinyurl.
Ernie Smith.
into a hydraulic output such as flow or pres- com/pwfprhs
sure. “We’re celebrating our reliability and The grand prize is an Amazon voucher for More than 80 energy enthusiasts recently
anniversaries while having fun by challeng- $500. Moog will award additional Amazon attended Schneider Electric’s Best Practice Days
ing people to find the oldest operational vouchers for the second and third prize. Even at its Midrand campus. These are free events
Moog servo valve,” continued Parks. The if a contestant’s valve is not the oldest opera- hosted by Schneider Electric with the purpose of
contest is simple and open to anyone who tional valve or if they have multiple valves, introducing customers to new technologies and
can find a Moog servo valve in operation participants can still qualify to win five $50 products designed to achieve energy efficiency.
on a machine. Here is how it works: using Amazon vouchers that Moog will draw each “Best Practice Days provide a platform
a smartphone, take a photo of the valve, month. For details or to enter the contest, visit for Schneider Electric to create awareness of
including the serial number on the name- The contest ends the latest developments in energy efficiency
plate and Moog will use this information to February 29, 2016. solutions. They also assist people in changing
their mindset from legacy technology to the
business benefits new technology can bring
SMC Pneumatics aims for African market share – both from a cost and productivity point of
SMC began life in Tokyo in 1959 as a supplier view,” says Ernie Smith, southern Africa’s vice
of basic pneumatic and filtration equipment. president: partner business. “Consequently, a
Today the company has evolved into a sophis- fundamental objective of the event is to equip
ticated provider of complete automation delegates with the knowledge to utilise these
systems, with over 60% share of the Japanese new products appropriately, as when proven
pneumatics market. The company’s next objec- products are not applied correctly they are sub-
tive is to grow its global market share from 32 ject to premature damage and do not show all
to 50%. the benefits that they are designed to achieve.”
Africa is a key region and Adrian Buddingh The latest event was structured around two
is the man tasked with establishing the first main technical topics: surge protection devices
local office in South Africa. With 28 years’ (SPDs) and residual current protection. The day
experience in mechatronic automation, highlighted, in particular, how SPDs provide a
Buddingh says that the pricing of SMC prod- degree of protection against transient over-
ucts is unsurpassed. “We will remain essentially voltage, a concept that was contrasted at the
a pneumatics company, but with a holistic event against that of temporary over-voltage.
approach to mechatronic system integration,” Adrian Buddingh. The second topic emphasised protective
he says. “We aim to provide our customers with that we give back to the community as well,” devices that are aimed at mitigating the risks
complete automation solutions tailored to their he explains. associated with electric shock, and dealt
individual requirements.” Buddingh intends to focus the energy of his with both direct contact and indirect contact
Buddingh is setting up the local office from highly motivated specialist sales team on the scenarios. Indicative of the success of the event
scratch. “We have full support from head office, automotive, food and beverage, petrochemical was the genuine interest expressed by dele-
which has already invested R100 million,” he and packaging industries. The company will gates and their engagement with the subject
notes. “Our aim is to employ at least 60 people take up residence in its new Midrand building matter and Schneider Electric specialists.
by mid-2016. Marketing, a dedicated sales force during November.
of highly trained professionals, and a ‘go to the For more information contact Ntombi
customer’ approach are the three cornerstones For more information contact SMC Pneumat- Mhangwani, Schneider Electric SA,
of our business strategy,” he continues. He adds ics South Africa, +27 (0)11 568 2407, +27 (0)11 254 6400,
that he is passionate about training and skills [email protected], [email protected],
development among our youth. “It’s important Fourth Quarter 2015 9


Schneider Electric and Steelcor Beckhoff’s IPC portfolio

Power sign partnership agreement

From l: Rob Rawlyk, senior application engineer, Beckhoff Automation Germany; Kenneth
McPherson, MD, Beckhoff Automation South Africa; Roland van Mark, product and marketing
manager for industrial PC, Beckhoff Automation Germany.
Beckhoff Automation recently held an by the end of the year. This will avoid
industrial PC (IPC) and applications semi- the need for the Windows 8 challenge of
nar for its clients, presented by Roland van online registration. “With Windows 10,
Mark, product and marketing manager Beckhoff will have scalability for every
for industrial PC and Rob Rawlyk, senior kind of application and be truly ready for
application engineer, both from Beckhoff the Internet of Things,” van Mark added.
Automation in Germany. Coupled with this is Beckhoff’s CP-Link
Van Mark gave an overview of 4 technology, a one cable technology for
Beckhoff’s entire IPC portfolio, emphasis- separating the control unit from the PC by
ing the versatility of the range and its scal- up to 100 metres. “With CP-Link 4, 15 years
From l: John Farren, Steelcor Power CEO; Eric Leger, Schneider
ability. “We listen to our customers,” he said. of knowledge is concentrated in one cable,”
Electric country president for Southern Africa.
“You can choose what components you he continued. Rob Rawlyk then described
Schneider Electric has entered into a production partner- want based on your performance class.” some of the interesting and challenging
ship agreement with Steelcor Power to produce its next Another new development is Beckhoff’s applications that Beckhoff has developed
generation of smart grid-ready, MV switchgear, Premset. industrialised multitouch displays with over the years in partnership with its long-
Built using a Shielded Solid Insulation System (2SIS), customised design, which are available in term customers.
Premset lets MV network operators increase safety and nine display sizes. These robust displays are
efficiency while simultaneously minimising downtime priced in line with the market. Beckhoff has For more information contact Kenneth
and meeting the needs of the smart grid. 2SIS is a tech- already delivered 78 000 of these displays. McPherson, Beckhoff Automation,
nical breakthrough that protects all the switchgear’s live Beckhoff’s IPC suite operates on a +27 (0)11 795 2898,
parts with earth-screened solid insulation, reducing the whole portfolio of Windows operating [email protected],
risk of internal arcing and facilitating top performance in systems, and Windows 10 will be available
practically any environment.
To prepare for production, Steelcor Power has Pneumax is moving
added 900 square metres to its factory in Boksburg, Pneumax moved to a new location 19 Brunton Circle, Founders View South,
and enhanced the area with a three ton gantry crane, a a few kilometres away on the 5th of Johannesburg. All other contact informa-
new test bay with a partial discharge Faraday cage and October. The new business address is tion remains the same.
specialised equipment to manufacture Premset. Fourteen
For more information contact [email protected] or visit
units are planned for this year and production for 2016
will scale up to 200 units with an annual increase of 20%.
“We are proud to be the first country in the world to
manufacture Premset outside of Schneider Electric manu-
facturing plants,” said Eric Leger, country president for
Southern Africa at Schneider Electric. Steelcor Power CEO,
John Farren added, “We have been business associates
of Schneider Electric for the past 25 years. During this
time, we have developed products for Schneider Electric
locally and have promoted the organisation’s products
for supply within our product range. Premset is a natural
addition to our existing product range.”

For more information contact Ntombi Mhangwani,

Schneider Electric SA, +27 (0)11 254 6400,
[email protected],

10 Fourth Quarter 2015



SMC Pneumatics has SMC Pneumatics has SMC Pneumatics has The Fastener Factory has
appointed Warren Gates as appointed Jbee Steyn as appointed Riaan van Eck as appointed Darryl Campbell
senior sales representative. senior sales representative. trainer. as managing director.

SMC Pneumatics has SMC has appointed SMC has appointed Aerzen Airgas has
appointed Shaun Collett as Vic Bester as sales Jonathan Daly as senior appointed Earl Houston as
sales engineer. representative. sales representative. KZN branch manager

SEW-Eurodrive has SEW-Eurodrive has

promoted Greg Perry appointed Johan van
to general manager, Graan as technical trainer
operations. in the Drive Academy.

Hytec has appointed Adrian Smith

as regional manager, African
Country Units. Fourth Quarter 2015 11


Hope for the future

By Kim Roberts, editor, Motion Control.

The 2015 Pneudrive Challenge mechatron- cleaner. They got this idea after visiting a brew- from as it was difficult to identify the right
ics competition is well advanced. Technews ery in Gauteng and noticing that there was a ones from thousands in the catalogues, but
­editors, Kim Roberts and Steven Meyer spent problem with bottles and waste lying around they aren’t constrained, they can use any they
a fascinating afternoon with the top three on the floor. Portia explains, “A mechanical want. As Portia says, “The competition is very
groups from Wits Mechanical Engineering broom and mop extends to the floor, absorbs intensive and we need to put in extra to reach
Department, together with their lecturer, liquid and pushes solid waste into a storage ex­pectations and exceed them. You get extra
Professor Joao Nobre, to find out what’s bin. The trick is then to separate the liquid from points if you actually build a model and we are
involved from a student’s point of view. the solid. For navigation we are considering looking at 3D printing for this.”
This year students were challenged to design a a random path control algorithm but are still For the business case they will determine
game changer for a food and beverage factory. doing research on this.” whether their robot is cost-effective compared
Their enthusiasm and commitment was This group has a well defined division of to employing cleaners. They know that this
catching. They are having lots of fun but all of roles. Vule designed the concept. Nkosinathi concept can easily be applied more broadly
them are struggling to juggle this challenge did the drawing and animation and put the and they’ll be suggesting other potential appli-
with their study load and are spending sig- concept together. Tiisetso helped with draw- cations as well.
nificant time on the project – up to two days ing, improved the design and carried out the
a week. They are at different stages, but are research. Portia is the leader and focused on Green energy in a potato chip factory
starting to consider their business plans, which the design of the pneumatic system and was Richard Grieves, Craig Daniel and Micha
they are finding to be a complete eye-opener. also involved in the creation of the documen- Dedekind are looking at waste reduction in
What stands out is that each team has a very tation for the presentation. “It started with the potato chip industry, specifically the peels
different way of coping with the division of the idea. We all contributed different types and starch waste water. This is converted into
roles based on each member’s strengths, but of concepts. We produced a design and then ­methane by means of an anaerobic digester.
all are highly effective and their teamwork is created a machine in our heads and brought “We had the idea of biodegrading the waste,
outstanding. it to life through drawing by putting together then it occurred to us that this produces
At Wits the Pneudrive topics formed the everything that we have been taught,” she ­methane as well, which is a renewable resource.
basis of a first semester group project for third says. “We all give each other support and The components are the digester, the pumps
years. Students then had the option to con- help each other to find a solution. Each and the control system,” explains Richard.
tinue with the challenge or choose another member does research individually and we He adds that they don’t have a leader
project. They had all been through a mecha- then meet and brainstorm before compiling because for such a small team it’s easy to
tronics course earlier in the year which they the design.” divide the work. Craig and Richard did the
found very helpful. She explains that further selection of calculations for the pipe networks and Micha
compon­ents will depend on the engineer- brought it all together in a CAD drawing while
Autonomous warehouse floor cleaner ing calculations and system requirements. the other two gave him the dimensions. “It
Vuledzani Madala, Portia Sibambo, Tiisetso For example if a lot of power is needed then was a constant ongoing process and it saved
Ramolobe and Nkosinathi Shongwe are devel- they will have to select the right motor. SEW- a lot of time. When we compiled the project,
oping an autonomous warehouse robot floor Eurodrive gave them products to choose Continued on page 14

Autonomous warehouse floor cleaner (from l): Nkosinathi Shongwe; Tiisetso Green energy in a potato chip factory (from l): Micha Dedekind; Richard
Ramolobe; Portia Sibambo; Vuledzani Madala. Grieves; Craig Daniel.

12 Fourth Quarter 2015 Fourth Quarter 2015 13

Continued from page 12 and Muhammed Mangera are developing businesses where space is at a premium
Micha just sent me the files and it all fitted a de­palletising system for recycling empty and de­palletising of bottles is done manu-
together,” he says. bottles. These come in empty on a pallet and ally, so there will be savings in time and
The team had to learn how a reactor need to be unpacked, cleaned and refilled. improved p ­ roductivity and safety.
works and is moving into new areas such as A suction arm removes the tear sheet as the
pumping viscous fluids. “In the mechatron- pallet is unloaded. Then a scissor-lift table Not just a pretty machine
ics course we did a whole lot on valves and raises the pallet level with the conveyor, The Pneudrive has been a huge learning
measuring devices but the difficult part will which comprises an overhead rail with cylin- curve for these young people. As Portia says,
be integrating them so they work together,” ders. The arm is connected to a compressor “Varsity teaches us the theory, but this is very
continues Craig. creating the vacuum. The three got this idea practical.” Tiisetso continues, “You see that
Richard explains that the control system by looking at the end result of a production an engineer who is skilled in all aspects of
design was done with the whole system line. They considered palletisers and then design is going to be sought after out in the
in mind. “We looked at which elements we thought “What about doing the opposite?” world.” Vule adds that the project has helped
needed to control, such as the pressure They also noticed that not much was being them reconcile theory and practical and
in the tanks. The pH control was the most reported in this area and saw a gap. made the engineering design real, where
difficult. We had to choose a pump that was Muhammed is in charge of the pallet previously they used assumptions taken
big enough as there are lots of 90° turns and systems, Mikhail does all the hydraulics out of textbooks. “This is a bridge between
we had to calculate properly to optimise and pneumatics and Markus designed the the academic and the real world,” he says.
everything.” system to move the tear sheets. He explains Misha concurs, saying that they are pull-
They are now considering the hazard and that this is a flat group and team members ing in all aspects of what they have learnt.
storage regulations for methane, opting for communicate by WhatsApp to ask ques- “This adds meat to the business course we
a low pressure, double bladder gas storage tions and send quick messages. “We also did last semester. In a lot of our previous
arrangement at 13 kPa. They are also looking talk to each other all the time. We did the projects cost was not an issue, we only had
at explosion-proof equipment and instru- drawings together and now have to take to show that we could design.” Markus says,
mentation. Space is an issue and they are the three parts and put them into one “We learnt what calculations and analysis can
hoping to pay a visit to a chip factory to get report,” he says. do, how to choose parts and actually make
input into how to solve this problem. When choosing the components they an idea work, and to get something you can
Looking at the business case the three first did their calculations and then looked actually use, not just a pretty machine.”
will weigh up the overall benefit against the through catalogues. For example for the These are impressive young people,
fact that the system is expensive to install. overhead crane they needed a small power- and seeing what SEW-Eurodrive and its
Potato waste has zero value while starch ful motor. For the scissor lift tables they co-­sponsors have achieved through this
costs money to purify and is also an envi- are considering SEW-Eurodrive’s special innovative ­competition gives one hope for
ronmental hazard. “If we could get it back as Variolution package. This was developed for the future.
an energy source we could get a return on the automotive industry, where there are a
investment,” Misha adds. lot of repetitive moves. For more information contact
The three are already thinking about Lindy ­Ndaba, SEW-Eurodrive,
Depalletiser for improved productivity their business case. Their target cus- +27 (0)11 248 7000, [email protected],
Markus Janse van Rensburg, Mikhail Villet tomers will be small to medium size

Depalletiser for improved productivity (from l): Mikhail Villet; Markus Janse van From l: Professor Joao Nobre, University of Witwatersrand Mechanical
Rensburg; Muhammed Mangera. Engineering Department; Riaan van Eck, training manager, SMC Pneumatics;
Johan van Graan, technical trainer, SMC Pneumatics.

14 Fourth Quarter 2015


A new force
in electric
There is a new player in the electric motor market, Askari Electric.

Launched on the 1st of March, Askari Electric market leading brand names. Hydromobile With years of experience with electric
now offers European quality electric motors has been buying electric motors for its own motors, Hydromobile has a unique under-
to the southern African market, with the most systems – power packs and other hydraulic standing of the product from an end-user
competitive pricing in the industry. Hydraulics applications – for over two decades. “Before the point of view and the company’s services are
specialist, Hydromobile has been appointed as 1st of March we didn’t really sell motors over the therefore aligned with customer requirements.
a dealer. counter, but we knew that there would always Hydromobile services include hydraulic product
Hydromobile is a major importer and be a demand and that there is no substitute distribution, design and draughting, powerpack
exporter of a wide range of high quality product. We realised how good the Askari brand manufacturing, system installation, system
hydraulic systems, pumps and valves, with and quality is and decided to offer it as a stand- flushing and filtration, test bench facilities, oil
distributors throughout southern Africa. The alone product to our entire customer base,” analysis, system modification and overhaul, as
company also designs, manufactures and Oosthuizen explains. well as hydraulic training. As a specialist manu-
installs turnkey hydraulic systems for a variety An important feature of the motors is that facturer and repairer in the hydraulics field, the
of applications and has an established foot- they are manufactured in accordance with company can add value over and above being
print in the mining, transport, agriculture, ISO 9001 as well as two European standards. just a supplier of the product. “We have catered
industrial and railways industries. From a customer service point of view another for all critical spare parts since the product
Hydromobile director, Gert Oosthuizen benefit is that all Askari motors are manufac- launch. Customers won’t have to wait weeks for
says, “The Askari motors complement our exist- tured with a unique serial number to track spares,” Oosthuizen adds.
ing range of hydraulic products. Through our performance and warranty. “We are offering a quality product backed
established dealer network we aim to set up He continues that Hydromobile has seen a up by Hydromobile’s renowned customer
a one-stop-shop for our customers and offer gap in the market. Electric motor suppliers fall service, full warranties, fast delivery and a full
them the high quality and outstanding service into two categories. On the one hand there are range of spares. We want Askari to become a
that Hydromobile is renowned for, at a super- the large listed multinationals with a big market household name across all major industries for
competitive price.” share and a quality product. On the other hand all automation processes. Going forward, we
He adds that in terms of product range there are the smaller companies offering entry will continue to develop the market for Askari
Hydromobile initially only offered from 0,37 to level motors and selling on price. “We fall in electric motors through dealers throughout
15 kW in various voltages and flange configura- between these. We are small enough to stay southern Africa in the industrial, manufac-
tions, but as a result of growing demand has close to our customers and also not restricted turing and mining sectors. We will be looking
increased the range up to 55 kW. Hydromobile to external shareholder targets and pressures so to build on our success and we will grow our
has more than doubled anticipated volumes we can be a lot more flexible to invest in stock to dealer network accordingly,” he concludes.
since March and is successfully supplying ensure that we fulfil customer needs. For us every
Askari motors across the border into Africa. single sale is important,” he says. “Availability of For more information contact Michelle
These top quality motors are manufactured stock is always critical and is another advantage Herron, Hydromobile, +27 (0)11 394 5837,
in China. The manufacturer distributes over for our customers. We have not been shy to invest [email protected],
40% of its output into Europe under various in adequate stockholding.” Fourth Quarter 2015 15

Small, powerful piezo-hydraulic
Researchers at Siemens have developed a valves in combustion engines, for example. with a high frequency sawtooth voltage and
small but powerful piezo-hydraulic actua- One of their advantages is their dynamic combine the rapid succession of small expan-
tor. Although it is only about nine centi­ response. Due to their great stiffness, they sions to create a completely smooth motion of
metres long, it can apply a force of more respond with almost no lag. By contrast, a the actuator stem. The concept is claimed to
than 150 newtons – equivalent to a weight conventional hydraulic system needs to have a have two main advantages: If the reverse volt-
of 15 kilograms. Such actuators are used to central pump to compress the hydraulic fluid in age waveform is applied, the pumping direc-
operate valves and flaps, for example, and can all of the system’s pipes before it can generate tion and the motion are reversed as well; in
also be employed in robots. a mechanical motion. addition, the actuator maintains its extension
The concept combines piezomechanics The piezohydraulic actuator developed once it has been set. By contrast, the ­actuators
with hydraulics. A voltage causes tiny deflec- by Siemens’ global research department, used in conventional gears to transmit power
tions in a piezoelectric crystal and an internal Corporate Technology (CT) achieves a high cannot withstand vibrations and other
hydraulic system combines these small level of stiffness because it only needs six mil- ­influences over the long run.
movements to generate a rise of two cen- lilitres of hydraulic fluid. The enclosed hydraulic The system is a further development
timetres. Purely electromagnetic actuators system consists of three adjacent metallic of a piezohydraulic actuator that CT cre-
lose efficiency if they are very small. Another bellows that can expand along an axis and ated for controlling the valves of large-scale
advantage of the new actuator is its metal- are connected to one another by non-return com­bustion engines such as gas turbines.
lic enclosure, which ensures that all of the valves. If the piezoelectric crystal is excited, According to the developers, the new actuator
required hydraulic fluid is contained in the it expands into the central chamber, where it might also be used for other applications such
system so that the actuator only has to be creates pressure. This pressure opens the valve as in robots, in the operation of aircraft ailerons,
supplied with electricity and not with fluid. to the adjacent chamber, which has an actuator and in ­medical and clean room technology.
Moreover, the actuator is protected against stem attached to its front. The inflowing fluid
external influences such as dust, humidity slightly expands the bellows and the actuator For more information contact Jennifer
and chemicals. stem is extended. ­Naidoo, Siemens Southern Africa,
Piezoelectric crystals expand in a particu- Using a patented integration solution, the +27 (0) 11 652 2795,
lar direction as soon as a voltage is applied. developers achieve a total rise of two centi­ [email protected],
These crystals are used to drive injection metres. They operate the piezoelectric crystal

16 Fourth Quarter 2015


From motion tasks to intelligent

Industry 4.0
Innovation thrives where creativity and
machine design come together – be it the
simple linear motion of a carriage mover or an
intelligent transport system within an Industry
4.0 application. The eXtended Transport System
(XTS) from Beckhoff opens up new solutions for
compact, highly dynamic machine concepts.
Even motion tasks that are nearly impossible
to solve with mechanical engineering can be
conveniently and flexibly realised via software.
Even for simple linear movements, XTS
offers numerous advantages, thanks to its
dynamic movement possibilities in combina­
tion with the replacement of mechanical
functions through software. It easily deals with
the tasks carried out by a conventional linear
motor with a movable carriage.
An example of how the ability to imple-
ment highly dynamic movements can be
increased with minimal mechanical effort is
the functionality of an XY table. The carriage
mover is simply equipped with a conventional
linear bearing and supplemented by a second in the quest to solve challenging machine packaging or assembly process, the product
mover with a linear guide that is turned by 45°. tasks include combining several transport is moved by a transport system and has to be
The required motion in the X direction can now systems, whereby the installation position of repeatedly recognised, gripped and analysed.
be realised with jointly and similarly moving each XTS can be freely selected. Additional In contrast XTS enables the product to be
movers. The motion of the movers relative to features include automatic reversal of movers picked up once only and then transported
each other creates the required Y motion via for c­ ollision and jerk avoidance and mutual through the entire process with the same mover.
the two linear guides. In this way it is possible synchronisation for holding or shaking pro- Accordingly, the control program always knows
to realise any movement, including the circular cesses in packaging applications. This and where the product is and in what state.
movements required for applying adhesives. other application-specific movement functions Hence the ’intelligent and self-organising
The transport system is ready for use immed­ can be easily implemented with TwinCAT using product’ defined by Industry 4.0 as a vision
iately after installation. Since power electronics ready-made motion modules, resulting in a of the future can essentially be implemented
and displacement measurement are included high degree of engineering efficiency. today. It is easy to carry through or track and
in the XTS motor modules, and the movers are For applications requiring even more document the current process steps, quality
completely passive, the measuring system does complex machining operations, XTS can be data and error messages. This information can
not have to be calibrated and the drag chains seamlessly integrated with robotics. Beckhoff’s be used directly in the production process.
needed for conventional XY tables are no longer TwinCAT Kinematic Transformation offers If for example an error occurs in the sterilisa-
required. The result is a compact, durable and levels up to Level 4 with serial 6-axis kinemat- tion of food packaging, the affected pack,
highly dynamic XY system. XYZ movements ics, hexapod and 5D kinematics. Using the which is uniquely defined via the mover, can
can be realised in a similar way with additional mxAutomation library, commands can be sent be taken through the entire process without
movers and corresponding kinematics. directly from the PLC to a Kuka robot equipped printing or filling. At the end, the empty pack
Rotary transfer machines are one of the with the KR C4 control system. The system is simply ­discarded as a reject, without wasting
many application possibilities of a circular XTS ­benefits from the highly scalable comput- ­additional material or filling content.
system. Currently available motor modules can ing power of Beckhoff industrial PCs, which Web exclusive: read the full story online at
be used to implement a full circle. Furthermore, can process XTS movements as well as robot
the motor modules can deliver their impressive kinematics on one CPU. This simplifies program
dynamics with forces up to 100 N. The range handling and synchronisation of sub-processes. For more information contact Kenneth
of XTS applications can be further extended Offering high innovation potential, XTS McPherson, Beckhoff Automation,
with special guide rails for high temperatures, makes production processes more efficient +27 (0)11 795 2898,
aggressive agents or heavy contaminants. and flexible, and for Industry 4.0 it is ideal as [email protected],
Other ways to increase functionality a modern machine element. In a traditional Fourth Quarter 2015 17


Linear actuators for compact

­performance and reliability
The new CMLA electromechanical linear to 1000 mm. The motors, brakes and drive
actuators from Columbus McKinnon can mechanism are designed in accordance
handle the toughest operating conditions. with DIN EN 60034-5, protection class IP65
They can be mounted in any position, for outdoor use in a temperature range
making them suitable for applications in from 0 to 60˚C.
the food, chemical, process and metal- While a three-phase AC 3Ph 400 V
working industries. Available in four load (50 Hz) motor is standard, a direct current
specifications from 500 to 1300 kg with 24 V motor is an option on the P50 and P70
rated outputs of 5000 to 13 000 N, they models. Efficiency is enhanced thanks to a
offer excellent reliability in an even more two-stage straight-toothed spur gear and an
compact and powerful unit. optional ball screw. All rotating parts run on
As the unit is pre-wired, installation is high quality ball bearings. Mechanical limit
‘plug and play’ simple. The optional ball switches are standard, while variable mag-
screw and low gear ratio make for high lift- netic limit switches are an option. The CMLA
ing speeds. The CMLA is suited for precision is fitted with a self-locking trapezoidal screw, For more information contact Kevin Hoy,
applications due to its precise positioning with a ball screw as an option. An anti-turn Yale Engineering Products,
and its repeat accuracy. It also offers con- device is standard and no external control +27 (0)11 794 2910,
stant lifting power through the complete elements are needed. The unit is also sup- [email protected],
stroke, its standard stroke length being up plied with a wide range of accessories.

18 Fourth Quarter 2015


CNC controllers include 4-axis

The expanded contour machining cycle for Siemens Sinumerik CNC
controllers now facilitates 4-axis turning on lathes. Two turning
tools opposite one another machine the workpiece simultaneously,
enabling the machining time to be significantly reduced. In addi-
tion, the two turning tools opposite one another prevent workpiece
distortion, significantly improving dimensional accuracy, particularly
on long, thin workpieces. A unique advantage of the Siemens controls
is that the new machining process can be programmed directly on the
Sinumerik CNC without a CAD/CAM system. With just two additional
parameters, the user expands the machining process for a tool into
highly productive balanced cutting with two tools, the Sinumerik
­contour machining cycle automatically creating the CNC sequences.
In 4-axis machining a distinction is made between synchronous and
asynchronous path control, with the channel-based Sinumerik executing
two independent CNC programs simultaneously. In synchronous machin-
ing, which is particularly suited for roughing and finishing, the cutting
inserts are exactly opposite one another and move identically. The cutting For more information contact Jennifer Naidoo, Siemens Southern
depth, equally distributed over both cutting edges, makes it possible to Africa, +27 (0) 11 652 2795, [email protected],
double the feed rate per revolution and chip volume. Fourth Quarter 2015 19


controller with
motion and
PLC functions
Galil’s DMC-3000 series is a single-axis con-
troller intended for applications such as feed
to length and cut machines. It is available as
a compact card-level or box-level unit and
connects to a stepper or servo motor amplifier
of any power range. It can also be purchased
with an internal 800 W brushless drive or a
stepper drive, which minimises space, cost
and wiring. The motion controller can operate
standalone or can be controlled by a PC via
RS-232 or Ethernet. Drive control signals can
be either step and direction or -10/+10 V speed
or torque demand signals. Feedback is via an
incremental encoder. In addition, an auxiliary
encoder input enables the unit to be slaved to
a master axis using electronic gearing.
Twin daisy-chainable Ethernet 100 Base-T
ports and one 115 kbaud RS-232 port are pro-
vided. Ethernet supports multiple masters and
slaves. TCP/IP, UDP and Modbus. I/O comprises
8 uncommitted, isolated inputs and 4 isolated
outputs. In addition, 2 uncommitted analogue
inputs (0-5 V 12 bit) and 1 uncommitted
analogue output (±10 V,16 bit) are provided. A winning spanner
grinding solution
Additional I/O is possible by connecting to a
Galil PLC via Ethernet.
Over 200 English-like commands are
executable by the controller and include condi-
tional statements and event triggers. The unit
Every machine builder’s dream is to make use in turn increases productivity. By making use
supports multi-tasking of up to four threads.
of the latest technologies to design and build of standard recipes and the specified tooling
Galil provides IDE programs such as Galil Tools,
a machine from the ground up – to do some- changes, a full range of spanner sizes can be
which make programming quick and easy. The
thing that has not been done before. Motion catered for.
controller provides a fast interpreter which
Tronic and Gedore Tools have achieved this The completion and commissioning of the
avoids the need to compile the program before
with an innovative grinding solution for grinding cell earlier in 2015 was a defining
Gedore’s 1B spanner series. Grinding ensures moment for Gedore Tools as it was the first
that the spanners have clean edges after they robot the company had ever commissioned at
have been drop forged. its KZN plant.
The system comprises a Kuka KR6 R900 With Gedore’s expertise in hand tool
Agilus robot, six Baumuller bmaxx5000 series manufacture and Motion Tronic’s in automa-
modular servo drives and a Siemens S7-1500 tion, the two companies believe the new
PLC, all communicating over Profinet, machine has all the right ingredients to make
With a total of five Baumuller servomotor it a world class spanner grinding solution.
driven axes to perform the bulk of the work After the huge success of this project, Gedore
and another six axes on the robot to ensure Tools envisages similar projects with Motion
quick and accurate handling, the machine car- Tronic in the near future.
ries out four grinding operations previously
done by hand. Every aspect of the machine For more information contact Bradley
For more information contact Glyn Craig, can be monitored and adjusted via an HMI Douglas, Motion Tronic, +27 (0)31 701 1620,
Techlyn, +27 (0)11 835 1174, touch screen. Fault reporting to pinpoint the [email protected],
[email protected], exact problem reduces fault finding time and

20 Fourth Quarter 2015 Fourth Quarter 2015 21

Energy efficient drives from Danfoss

BMG Drives, distributors of Danfoss electronic The VLT Flexconcept provides system
“VLT drives ensure easy and
variable speed drive systems, offers the local manufacturers and end-users with fully inte-
market a range of energy efficient products
efficient control of any applica- grated drive solutions to reduce running costs
designed to enhance food preservation, care for tion powered by an AC motor. and maximise efficiency. The matched design
the environment, improve comfort and opti- These applications include a of drive components has been designed for
mise productivity. fan, pump, compressor, centri- optimum energy efficiency to exceed current
Danfoss, leading manufacturers glob- fuge or hoist. What sets these and projected EU motor efficiency standards
ally of electronic, mechanical and intelligent in new, retrofit or modernised systems.
drives apart from conventional
mechatronic devices, offers the VLT drives This system, with fewer variants than con-
range, which provides fully automated opera-
units is that these applications ventional systems, simplifies project planning,
tion and substantial energy savings in diverse require less energy when idle or installation, commissioning and maintenance.
applications. operating with partial loads.” This is especially important in conveyor appli-
“VLT drives ensure easy and efficient cations, irrespective of whether a centralised
control of any application powered by an AC A new range of VLT line filters, which or de-centralised plant design is required.
motor. These applications include a fan, pump, reduces line current by up to 40%, has also been Danfoss has recently been presented with
compressor, centrifuge or hoist,” says Mick launched on the local market. The MCC 107 line a prestigious ‘Special Automation Ecohitech
Baugh, BMG electronics sales manager. “What filters improve overall reliability of the system by Award’ in Italy, in the ‘components, technolo-
sets these drives apart from conventional units combining a harmonic filter and an EMC filter. gies and systems’ category. In the motiva-
is that these applications require less energy By reducing the voltage ripple on the DC tion for this award, the judges emphasised
when idle or operating with partial loads.” link, drive performance is enhanced, service life the balance between business productivity
VLT drives, which have a customised pro- is extended and operational and maintenance and environmental impact made possible
gramming facility, enable the user to increase costs are significantly reduced. These filters also by integrating mechanical components and
its automation capabilities. With this modular reduce the RMS value of line current, which advanced electronics.
system – which encompasses specific power means higher true power-factor (PF). Typically, By optimising motors, gear units and
sizes, features, enclosure classes and fieldbus line current can be reduced by 40% and the PF frequency converters, it is now possible to
protocols – each plant can determine what can improve from 0,4 to 0,7 for single-phase reduce power consumption by up to 30%.
parameters are essential to meet specific drives and from 0,47 to 0,9 for three-phase The design of the Danfoss solution, which has
requirements. drives. been developed according to strict industry
Included in the VLT portfolio are new lift These line filters ensure compliance with hygiene regulations, also meets the require-
drives designed for quiet, comfortable and EN55011 Class A1 for up to 50 metres of motor ments of eco-compatibility of the system.
stable elevator operation. A recent installation cable and Class B up to 10 metres of motor BMG Drives provides a sales, training,
of this system was the upgrade of an ageing, cable. This means the VLT micro drive and VLT repair, maintenance and spare parts service
unreliable elevator. A modular Danfoss VLT lift line filters have outstanding EMC performance for the Danfoss range of electronic variable
drive LD 302, with optimised software to con- in the micro-inverter class, even with relatively speed drive systems throughout southern
trol the motor, as well as the hydraulic valves, long motor cables. Africa.
was installed in the existing lift system and With high immunity against grid distur-
cabin. New components of the elevator resulted bances, these line filters also reduce the har- For more information contact Mick Baugh,
in faster, more comfortable and energy efficient monic current drawn from the grid. Another BMG, +27 (0)11 620 1538,
daily operation. This system has also reduced advantage is that one line filter can be used for [email protected],
the operating noise levels of the elevator. filtering several small micro drives.

22 Fourth Quarter 2015


Cabinet-free drive technology

Reallocating control functions to individual
machine modules allows machine engineers
and operators to make maximum use of valu-
able site space, enhancing their production
capacities. The cabinet-free drive technology
IndraDrive Mi from Bosch Rexroth merges the
drive electronics and motor into an integral unit.
This combination virtually eliminates drive elec-
tronics housed within a cabinet and drastically
reduces the wiring required to connect indi-
vidual components. With this integrated drive
control unit, drive functions, motion control
and flow logic merge into an open automation
platform. Complex motion tasks can be handled
with the motion logic system, which is fully
designed in accordance with IEC 61131-3.
“The cabinet-free drive technology extends
the possibilities to modularise machine con-
cepts,” explains Georg Venter, divisional manager
of Tectra Automation. “Machine manufacturers
pre-assemble machine modules and then con-
nect them to one another at the cabinet without
any further work.” Central to the reallocation of
drive control components are the Bosch Rexroth
decentralised supply and mains modules. “This
is how machine manufacturers can integrate
all drive components directly into the machine
without needing a cabinet,” Venter explains.
The mains module includes a mains filter,
mains regulator and mains protection in a single
unit. The supply module includes an energy-
recovering power supply, control electronics
and brake resistors. The connection of the IndraDrive Mi supports all common dust and water stream protection. Up to 20
machines or modules to the power supply is Ethernet-based protocols, including IndraDrive Mi modules can be connected in
carried out directly and without deviation via ProfiNet, EtherNet/IP and EtherCAT, all on series in a cable harness up to 200 metres
the cabinet. This reduces wiring in the assembly a single piece of hardware with the Multi- long. The drive-based control coordinates
by as much as 90%. Ethernet interface via the automation bus up to nine IndraDrive Mi as slaves in real
A newly-developed hybrid plug for adjacent Sercos. The hardware remains identical, time.
near-motor drives further reduces assembly with selection occurring purely via software
work. These protected connector pieces for parameters. A connection to Profibus can be For more information contact Georg
communication and power supply are simply created via Gateway. The motor-integrated Venter, Tectra Automation, +27 (0)11
plugged into adjacent IndraDrive Mi units by and near-motor drive modules are designed 971 9400, [email protected],
assembly technicians. in accordance with IP65-class protection for Fourth Quarter 2015 23


First SA girth gear installation

is a success
SEW-Eurodrive South Africa has successfully
installed its first ever girth gear to a rotary
kiln at the R1,8 million Mamba Cement plant
currently under construction in Limpopo. The
plant is expected to be operational by mid-
2016 and will boast the capacity to produce
more than one million tons per year of cement,
which will be sold to readymix and construc-
tion industries across South Africa.
This turnkey solution was made possible
thanks to a synergistic partnership between
SEW-Eurodrive’s South African and Chinese
branches. The girth gear was designed in China
and commissioned before being installed
locally to exact client specifications.
Managing director, Raymond Obermeyer
explains that the girth gear will be used to
transfer the drive torque from the gear motor
to the rotary cylinder. “A major advantage of
our girth gear is that its weight is less than
half that of conventional girth gears, while still
maintaining the same safety factor,” he says.
This is possible because the gear is manu-
factured from first generation austempered
ductile iron (ADI) – a family of heat treated cast
irons. The austempering heat treatment con-
verts ductile iron to ADI, resulting in excellent
strength, toughness and fatigue characteristics. completed, to ensure the girth gear remained lubrication system, expected to take place in
within the radial and axial tolerances. late 2015.
The installation process After the final weld, the kiln was left to cool Despite the complexity of this project,
Once the kiln was installed onto its trommel for 12 hours. A final reading of the run-out minimal challenges were encountered.
rollers, the girth gear was assembled and was noted on the commission sheet before Obermeyer notes that the largest obstacle was
clamped onto the kiln body using the clamp- SEW-Eurodrive experts began to set up the the language barrier between colleagues from
on tooling. The girth gear was manufactured in pinion that drives the girth gear, after installers each country but this was effectively overcome
12 segments. The advantages of this were ease confirmed the specified tolerances. with the assistance of a translator, adding that
of transport and installation, as well as the abil- The backlash of the gear teeth and tooth a challenge is always welcomed. “Thanks to
ity to replace only one segment should a tooth contacts was recorded in the same 12 posi- our global footprint, we are able to share and
fail. The kiln was rotated 360 degrees with the tions. This was followed by aligning the main apply new technologies from other countries
barring drive, while radial and axial readings drive gearbox output coupling to the pinion to ensure that we remain at the forefront of
were recorded at each of the positions. half coupling and recording the radial and axial industry innovation,” he continues.
Obermeyer indicates that minor adjust- run-out. Obermeyer reveals that this process He adds that this project bears testament
ments were made and measurements were was repeated with the electric motor to input to the company’s commitment to customer
well within tolerance. The girth gear was held the coupling of the main drive gearbox. satisfaction that goes beyond drive engineer-
in position with special adjusting jacks and All final run-out readings were checked ing solutions only. “We have not only success-
clamps. The clamps pressed the spring plates against the maximum and minimum tolerances fully installed our first girth gear, but have also
against the kiln body. Welders were positioned provided by SEW-Eurodrive and recorded in delivered a complete turnkey project solution
on each side of the girth gear and the first weld the commissioning documents. The service including installation, commissioning, after-
of 20 mm long was made on both sides of each technician was on site to assist throughout sales service and maintenance when required,”
spring plate. the process and was available at any hour if he concludes.
The kiln was then rotated 360 degrees, needed. The field service team also checked
recording the radial and axial run-out in each and recorded the alignment of the whole For more information contact Lindy Ndaba,
of the 12 positions. This process continued gear train for commissioning purposes. The SEW-Eurodrive, +27 (0)11 248 7000,
on every run of weld until the welding was next stage will see the commissioning of the [email protected],

24 Fourth Quarter 2015


Gearbox increases drive train

performance by 10%
Bosch Rexroth’s Hydrotrac GFT 8000 gearbox and the higher hydraulic pressures, along
gives a 10% increase in drive train perfor- with the exact matching with the two- and
mance on larger mobile working machines. three-stage planetary drives, boost torque
Ideal for use in harsh, rugged environments and therefore performance by approxi-
including African mining operations, they mately 10%. This improves travel capacity
have two- and three-stage combined plan- significantly. The optional integrated multi-
etary gearing with axial piston motors to disc brake inside the unit requires minimal
match the needs of heavy and bulky mobile maintenance and is designed for protection
working machines such as trucks and against soiling.
excavators. All units are delivered as complete
An optional internal brake reduces the assemblies. Vehicle manufacturers can select
installation space needed, while adhering a smaller nominal size to achieve the same
to the safety specifications for worldwide output, which also saves on installation
roadworthiness certification. The mechanical space. Due to the platform’s modular con-
planetary drives in these transmission units cept, OEMs can vary the drive torques and
transfer the torque from the hydrostatic drive transmission rations, closely matching them
to the wheels or tracks. Variable axial piston to the vehicle used. Two models in the 8000
motors or fixed-displacement axial piston series, which achieve nominal torques of 20 For more information contact Willem
motors operate in either an open or closed and 30 kNm, are available off-the-shelf, and Gijzelaar, Hytec Holdings,
circuit. an additional seven models are currently +27 (0)11 979 4630, [email protected],
The higher fluid capacity of the motors being rolled out to the market. Fourth Quarter 2015 25


Safer hydraulic
fluid leak
Hydraulic fluid power is often used to perform operational move-
ment of heavy equipment. Small leaks in hydraulic equipment
are difficult to avoid and in some cases they are acceptable if
they can be controlled.
However, if left undetected
these smaller leaks can
become larger, which can
cause outright machinery
failure. Failure of hydraulic
machinery can cause costly
downtime and put machine
operators’ safety at risk.
Because hydraulic
fluid operates under high
pressure, it is difficult to
diagnose hydraulic circuit
issues when the machinery
is powered off. A common
cause of operator injur-
ies in hydraulic systems
is operators physically
investigating leaks while
the system is operational
because the fluid can be
very hot and the lines are
under pressure. By install-
ing Hedland flowmeters to
equipment, operators get
a clear, visible indication of
hydraulic line health during
operation, without the
dangers associated with
coming in close contact
with operating machinery.
A higher than usual flow
reading may indicate a sig-
nificant leak while a lower
than usual flow reading
may indicate a possible line

For more information

contact Cheryl Johnson,
+27(0)11 392 3736,
[email protected],

26 Fourth Quarter 2015


rotary unions
Duff-Norton’s new range of DWPA rotary unions transfer media such
as water, steam, air, oil or hydraulic fluid from a stationary source
to a rotating machine such as a drum or indexing table. They are
used in process industries such as paper, printing, rubber, plastics,
textiles and chemicals. Rotary unions are also used on cranes and
machine tools and in many other applications. They deliver mod-
erate heating or cooling media such as steam, hot oil, water or
coolant to control the surface
temperature of a drum or roll,
to transfer air or hydraulic fluid
to moving components or to
add fluids to mixers while in
DWPA rotary unions can
be used with media that do
not corrode aluminium and
are compatible with nitrile
rubber. Fitted with a stainless
steel rotor, they boast silicon
carbide/carbon graphite seal
faces to give extended service
life. High precision ball bear-
ings ensure smooth running
and long life, even at high
operating speeds. The internal
bearing protection and vented
body prevent lubricant wash-
out. To ease starting, the DWPA
can safely be run dry for a short
period. Replaceable cartridges
facilitate maintenance. The
pipe plugs at the end of the
rotary unions can be replaced
with special elbows available
from Duff Norton. This allows
for the installation of either sta-
tionary or rotating siphon pipes
for dual flow applications. Duff
Norton supplies rotary unions
in operational ranges to handle
up to 14 bar and 1750 rpm.
They are lab tested for quality
and carry a one year warranty
against defective materials or

For more information contact

Kevin Hoy, Yale Engineering
Products, +27 (0)11 794 2910,
[email protected], Fourth Quarter 2015 27


Protective cylinder covers reduce downtime

An accident at the Rand Refinery smelter saw closure and wrap-around design makes instal- appointed, it has only spent between R20 000
the whole area being covered with hot molten lation quick and easy, with no disassembly and R30 0000 as the oil can be regenerated.
metal, which destroyed everything in its of the cylinder required. It is a quicker and “There are a number of filtration systems on
path. Luckily the company had installed Seal cheaper alternative to replacing the whole the refinery’s hydraulic system and the hydrau-
Saver protective covers on the five metre long cylinder,” he says. lic power plants. We have set up a recycling bay
cylinders, which protected them from destruc- Once installed, the Seal Saver opens and for onsite oil regeneration and we clean it by
tion. Seal Saver covers are resistant to heat, oil, closes like an accordion as the cylinder works. draining the oil from the gearboxes and plac-
chemicals and water and offer a simple solu- A major benefit is that it prevents silt-sized ing it into our filtration plant. Once clean and
tion to a variety of hydraulic and air cylinder particles from entering the hydraulic system in specification, the oil is put back into storage
rod maintenance issues. via the rod seals. Once in the system, these containers,” says Coetsee.
Rand Refinery mechanical foreman, Jeffrey tiny particles can act as a lapping compound, According to Mthithala, the working
Mthithala notes that the refinery uses the cylin- causing wear to valves, servos and pumps environment at the refinery is extremely dusty,
ders to tilt the furnace when removing melted and eventually damaging the entire hydraulic due to the unrefined gold bags. “Our gearboxes
material from the furnace barrel – and protec- system. used to fail quite often due to the harsh condi-
tion from heat is essential. “Seal Saver covers “Seal Saver helps to prevent the influx of tions and our bucket elevator experienced
prevent heat from entering the cylinder seals contaminants, ensuring that the hydraulic corrosion, which meant that we had to replace
and also prevent contamination,” he says. He system remains clean and operational, while bearings every month. Since we started using
adds that a damaged cylinder results in costly in the process saving time and money in the Filter Focus lubricants, we only need to
downtime. “The furnace needs to be shut down repairs and unscheduled downtime,” Coetsee change them once a quarter.”
for the cylinder to be replaced and this results continues. He adds that the gearboxes used to be
in unscheduled downtime and interrupted Rand Refinery refines at least 80% of Africa’s replaced at least two to three times a year. “We
production, which can prove to be exception- gold. Its customers include mints, jewellery are yet to replace them since switching to Filter
ally expensive. Seal Saver has shown to be designers and major gold producers. Filter Focus lubricants, which can last for up to 20
highly valuable and in this specific incidence, Focus has been providing Seal Savers to the years in operation, provided they are correctly
the product saved us up to three weeks of lost refinery for three years. The company also managed, thereby ensuring significant long-
production due to its ability to protect the helped Rand Refinery achieve significant cost term cost savings,” he concludes.
cylinders from contact with molten gold.” savings on its oil consumption by applying
Filter Focus sales executive Riaan Coetsee specialised lubricants to the gearboxes and For more information contact
emphasises that Seal Saver protective covers cylinders inside the smelter. Craig FitzGerald, Filter Focus,
take only 20 minutes to fit to the cylinders, Rand Refinery initially spent about R1,2 +27 (0)11 466 1268, [email protected],
resulting in minimal downtime. “The Velcro million a year on oil. Since Filter Focus was

28 Fourth Quarter 2015 Fourth Quarter 2015 29

Ingersoll Rand
to Majuba
Ingersoll Rand is playing a pivotal role in ensuring that
Eskom’s Majuba plant in Mpumalanga has sufficient com-
pressed air to ensure continuous operation. Majuba is
the power utility’s second largest plant with an installed
capacity of 4110 megawatts and there are 21 Ingersoll
Rand Centac centrifugal compressors installed onsite.
These compressors, which vary from 16 to 125 m³/
minute capacity, are used to service Majuba’s compressed
air requirements, primarily process air and dust convey-
ing air. To ensure optimum running of the centrifugal
compressors, Ingersoll Rand now has a dedicated team
of six seconded to the utility’s site in a full time capac-
ity. The team is responsible for all maintenance, service
and repairs. In addition to the Rand Centac compressors,
Ingersoll also services an additional 84 non-Ingersoll
Rand products onsite, including 63 dryers, and is respon-
sible for the continuous optimum running of these Magnetic system
for centrifugal
Service sales engineer and key accounts manager,
Neo Kuhn says that although the average compressor life-

time is around five years, with correct upkeep and proper
service intervals it is possible to increase its longevity.
Ingersoll Rand removes and overhauls small compressors
every three years and large ones every five years. “We
have a number of smaller units that achieve five years
or more before an overhaul and larger units that have SKF has launched a new magnetic system full and partial loads and offers a higher
reached a seven year milestone,” he adds. which is an oil- and contact-free drive power factor and lower current draw. It
Neo points out that the Centac compressors provide solution for centrifugal compressors in also operates with a smaller size variable
Eskom with several advantages that others do not. These chillers. Combining a high speed perma- speed drive than induction motors. The
include the ability to provide a constant flow, quick nent magnet motor and active magnetic system’s active magnetic bearings are
demand compression and efficient production of the bearings with integrated controls, the capable of speeds in excess of 40 000
required volumes of compressed air. magnetic system can operate with vari- rpm, and can accommodate instant and
able speed drives to deliver energy sav- frequent startups and transient surge
ings of at least 10% versus conventional forces. An active control system tracks
centrifugal compressors. In addition, the and maintains rotor position to within a
system’s vibration- and friction-free per- micron-sized orbit up to 15 000 times per
formance results in extremely low noise. second, eliminating vibration.
Electromagnets levitate the compres- High speed permanent magnetic
sor shaft, allowing it to rotate without motor solutions from SKF utilise tech-
contact. By eliminating the mechanical nology pioneered by S2M, a leading
contact and the losses that occur with producer of magnetic bearings and
oil-lubricated bearings, the magnetic high speed permanent magnet motors.
system reduces energy use significantly. Acquired by SKF in 2007, S2M has been
By eliminating the need for oil lubrica- refining contact-free, levitating bearing
tion, the system also improves heat technology for more than 30 years.
transfer efficiency in the evaporator and
condenser. For more information contact Samantha
For more information contact Neo Kuhn, Ingersoll Rand, The permanent magnet motor at Joubert, SKF South Africa, +27 (0)11
+27 (0) 11 565 8600, [email protected], the heart of this SKF solution is more 821 3500, [email protected], energy-efficient than induction motors at

30 Fourth Quarter 2015 Fourth Quarter 2015 31

pneumatic rotary
Mitech offers bespoke pneumatic rotary actuators for
maximum reliability in moving, regulating and control
applications in the industrial plant and power generation
sectors. The locally designed and manufactured actuators
are low maintenance instruments with either a double
crank mechanism for modulating control or a scotch yoke
mechanism for on/off duty.
The main shaft assembly on the double crank
design is welded together, eliminating the need for it
to be assembled or disassembled. The actuator is field
reversible from clockwise-to-close to clockwise-to-open,
allowing base mounting of the actuator, irrespective of
the valve type and fail action. The actuator has a Namur
mounting for switch packs or positioners on the top
shaft and transfer case lid. This provides a standard
bracket for all positioners and accessories with no
coupling required.
Suitable for most valve types, the actuators have
a pneumatic piston design with torques of up to SMC redesigns its
air preparation
250 000 Nm. The choice of either a double crank or
scotch yoke mechanism allows the user to select the
best mechanism for optimum control and cost

modular units
effectiveness. Adjustable end stops allow the end
position to be externally adjusted in both open and
closed position to within 7°.
Maintenance costs are reduced as the pressure seals
are all simple O-rings, and the single spring design, SMC has redesigned its AC series of air and machine manufacturing, these
which is pre-stressed in a detachable pack, makes the preparation modular units. This is part highly flexible F.R.L. units also feature
actuator easy to assemble and disassemble. The double of the company’s ongoing investment a simple to use bowl lock button and
crank design for modulating control provides high run into research and development to interchangeable, modular mounting.
torques, negligible backlash and low friction, while refine and improve the performance
the scotch yoke design for on/off duty offers high end and functionality of its products, as Quick facts
torques. well as to develop new innovations for • Better visibility and environmental
enhanced handling and space saving resistance.
to deliver competitive advantage for • Easy replacement of the element:
its customers. The AC series has a the element and the bowl are in one
double layer structure bowl guard for piece and replacement can be done
better visibility and extended working in hand.
life and reduces the time and space • Reduced required maintenance
required for maintenance. space.
Space saving is achieved through • Regulator: set pressure 0,05 to
the compactness of the modular units 0,85 MPa, 0,02 to 0,2 MPa.
and the integrated and selectable • Selection of pressure gauges: square
pressure gauges and switches. The embedded type pressure gauge,
introduction of an in-bowl assembled round type, digital pressure switch.
element construction, together with
a new bracket system that allows For more information contact
for initial tightening by hand, allows SMC Pneumatics South Africa,
For more information contact Pieter Badenhorst, for easier control and quick in-hand +27 (0)11 568 2407,
Mitech, +27 (0)11 927 4850, [email protected], maintenance and replacement of ele- [email protected], ments. Ideal for automotive, facility

32 Fourth Quarter 2015


Mobile tracking app keeps

downtime to a minimum
Downtime is destructive, disruptive and costly of the old component before acquiring the and locates the part’s record in Parker’s global
and it stifles productivity and efficiency. The new one, transaction time can be cut and the database. The replacement part can then be
traditional solution to minimising downtime end-user can make massive productivity gains ordered via an e-mail generated automatically
is to maintain sufficient levels of replacement through a much higher level of uptime. by the app, with precise details sent to a local
components and then get them in situ as soon The other half of the equation is the simplicity distributor for quoting and processing. This
as possible when production becomes affected. with which data can now be sent to stockists means that an identical replacement part can
The problems with this approach are the high immediately and replacement components be sourced before the customer arrives at the
cost of holding stock, the fact that the production sourced so much faster. Most important of all is distributor or the finished assembly can be
team is reactive rather than proactive and the the ability to take action before failure occurs. delivered directly to the customer’s site.
inability to predict or plan for disruption. Because component labels confirm the date For easy pickup, the app even shows a map
Technology around asset tagging and of manufacture and contain vital information with directions to the nearest distributor using
tracking has advanced significantly in recent relating to warranty, inspection or maintenance, the user’s smartphone GPS. If the product in
years. Individual parts within a piece of equip- this data can be used to set alerts and drive question is not tagged or it is hard to identify,
ment or machine can now be tagged. Another product-specific replacement instructions; and the user can simply photograph the part and
game changer is the ability to tag and track a with the use of web-driven technology, this send the photo to a distributor to help identify
component using a low cost hand-held device makes MRO planning so much easier. the item. Finally, all details of the asset can be
onto which an asset tracking app has been The Parker Tracking System (PTS) from Parker exported to Excel reports for easy reporting
downloaded. Hannifin uses the latest web-based application and management.
Essentially a label attached to a component architecture, which not only tracks and measures However, the real benefit of such an app
contains a 128-bit barcode and all the relevant replacement history but also connects with is that all of the above can happen in a virtual
information needed on that particular part. This distributors and channel partners around the environment without the need for lengthy and
information could include the product’s history world to ensure components are available when inconvenient downtime. The huge advantage
and replacement information, customised they are needed – and even before. of being able to plan maintenance proactively
instructions for maintenance, repair and opera- The beauty of such a system is that it can in this way is that machinery on the shopfloor
tions and a full bill of materials – hose, fittings, be accessed securely through any Internet con- can stay in operation while the engineer is
accessories, length, cleaning specifications and nection and can be used onsite on a variety of waiting for the new part to arrive. This means
lot number. Other key data that could be held mobile devices. It can also be paired with other that the only downtime incurred will be when
on the rugged label includes customer contact applications to provide a truly integrated asset the replacement work is being carried out.
information, assembly date, fluid and environ- management solution, linking up with an audit In today’s competitive world, uptime is
mental data and system information. and scheduled replacement programme to everything and so it makes sense to embrace
It therefore becomes possible for the user prevent failure before it happens. Internet-based technology and mobile apps to
to record, manage and retrieve all critical data Exclusive to the ParkerStore network, the PTS banish lengthy downtime to the history books.
on an asset. This enables replacement to be mobile app – which can be used on Apple and
speeded up considerably, regardless of where Android devices – gives users access to a faster, For more information contact Lisa de Beer,
or when the original component was created. easier and more accurate replacement experience. Parker Hannifin SA, +27 (0)11 961 0700,
Because there is no need to wait for removal The user simply scans the barcode on a PTS tag [email protected],

34 Fourth Quarter 2015

Revolutionary bearing
health management
SKF Insight technology is improving bearing conditions are abnormal and can threaten to the business case for building the turbine in
health management in the railway and wind cause bearing damage. the first place. Used here, SKF Insight could
energy sectors. When it was launched at Hannover 2013, monitor loads and lubrication conditions in
SKF has begun to apply SKF Insight – its SKF Insight was a technology concept – a way service, giving plenty of time to prevent the
revolutionary bearing health management in which maintenance engineers might improve development of damaging process conditions.
technology – in several high-end industries. condition monitoring by keeping tabs on bearing The company is already working with a
The technology, which uses self-powered, health. Two years on, it is a fully functioning wind turbine customer to develop such a
intelligent wireless sensors in the bearing to solution running in customer pilots, capable of system. It measures dynamic bearing information
provide instant condition monitoring data via supplying data directly to diagnostic centres for in the true operating state, then wirelessly
the Internet, is undergoing trials in challenging better condition monitoring via the SKF Cloud communicates it to remote monitoring centres
projects in the wind turbine and railway industries. using SKF @ptitude. From here, dashboards and or local maintenance crews. The solution being
Applying SKF bearing health management reports can be supplied to the plant operator, developed will monitor bearing speed, vibration,
algorithms to the data provided by SKF Insight machine manufacturer, SKF or any other temperature and lubrication condition. Most
allows an adaptive approach to maintenance. authorised person with Internet access. importantly, it can be retro-fitted and so could
While traditional condition monitoring detects The data can also be accessed on mobile enhance the operational potential of both
bearing damage, SKF Insight spots the abnormal devices such as iPads. Now using dynamic new turbines and the many thousands that are
conditions that cause the damage and can bearing data provided by SKF Insight, bearing already in operation worldwide.
take action to prevent the damage. health management is an innovative new The company is developing a similar
“It goes beyond current ‘sensorised’ bearing approach under development which will solution in the railway sector, for wheel end
technology by integrating a broader range of determine how actual conditions are affecting bearings – critical components that are usually
sensors, and could include self-powering and bearing health and trigger corrective action to changed at set intervals, regardless of their
intelligent wireless technology,” said Ronnie cure it such as automatic addition of lubricant condition. SKF Insight creates a cost-effective
Spolidoro, SKF Insight business development or altering machine conditions. This prevents way of collecting condition monitoring data
manager. “These bearings are connected to the damage to the bearing and maximises its so that bearing life and change-out intervals
SKF Cloud, giving customers access to a range useful life. are determined based on real operating
of SKF diagnostic and support services, which One of the most promising areas of applica- conditions.
ensure complete bearing health management.” tion for SKF Insight is in wind turbine monitor-
SKF Insight monitors dynamic parameters ing because of the huge cost of maintenance. For more information contact Samantha
such as vibration, temperature, lubrication In some cases, changing the main bearing on a Joubert, SKF South Africa, +27 (0)11 821 3500,
condition and load, and informs the user when wind turbine is so expensive that it undermines [email protected], Fourth Quarter 2015 35


Motion Cube for individualised

mass production
Motion Cube, the innovative palletising system his or her desired mobile phone online, Maximum flexibility
from Festo, has won a prestigious Handling transmit the data to the machine and have a Conventional conveyor systems transport
Award at Motek. Bringing automation one step mobile phone assembled accordingly. pallets on conveyor belts. This means that the
closer to Industry 4.0, Motion Cube allows for In laboratory automation, specimens in operating system and the sequence of pallets
workpieces to be transported independently a handling application can be automatically are fixed. In order to change the sequence,
and simultaneously to different assembly assigned to the relevant evaluation stations in deflectors and a number of conveyor belts
stations. This unusual concept led an inde- accordance with the required analyses. Motion have to be installed, generating higher costs
pendent technical jury to award Motion Cube could also be used as a shaker to mix and requiring more space.
Cube a Handling Award 2015 in the category liquids in sample vials. A cover that extends The Motion Cube palletising system, on the
‘Automation and Robotics’. over all the modules ensures an easy-to-clean other hand, can be deployed flexibly and is
Motion Cube consists of individual modules enclosed system for applications with strict able to react immediately to all requirements
with a drive mechanism in a housing shaped hygiene requirements. The pallets can be regarding sequences and target positions. It
like a cube. The drive mechanism transports driven by magnetic couplings in this case. can be expanded easily and can be adapted
individual pallets from one module to the Transport using air bearings would also be a very quickly to changing production conditions.
next and allows specific assembly tasks to be feasible option. Further positioning modules can be added
carried out. The modules can be combined to Further possible uses are applying without any great expense, so that the
form matrixes, depending on the application adhesives to workpieces of any shape; palletising system can be expanded or
in question. palletising workpieces; inspecting components; modified virtually endlessly. The principle of
This innovative technology enables different filling; sorting; testing and inspecting; storing; the palletising system allows a production line
products to be handled in parallel, making buffering; and transporting functions. to be set up in extremely small spaces.
simultaneous processes possible for the first This concept won over the technical jury
time and saving time. In contrast to a classic Savings at the periphery at the Handling Award 2015 and inspired its
conveyor system, several travel commands As the system can transport and palletise at experts to select the Motion Cube system
can be carried out at the same time. Individual the same time, considerable savings can be for first place in the category ‘Automation
pallets can be overtaken and workstations can achieved at the periphery. For example, in and Robotics’. The award was presented by
be skipped. palletising the system can deliver pallets to Professor Bernd Kuhlenkötter, holder of the
set-down positions. This means there is no Chair of Production Systems at the University of
Total Industry 4.0: individualisation for need for axes for X and Y positioning. Bochum, to Michael Feyrer, design engineer in
mass production Thanks to the modular and flexible design the department Product Concepts Evaluation
In the spirit of Industry 4.0, the prototype of the palletising system, individual production with Festo at Motek in October 2015.
Motion Cube can allow individual production on lines can be created very quickly and adapted
a single machine, for example the assembly of to changes in production conditions. Its For more information contact
mobile phones with different features according to unusual architecture means that the system Russell Schwulst, Festo, 08600 FESTO,
customers’ wishes (memory capacity, housing offers impressive flexibility while requiring very [email protected],
colour, engraving). A customer could configure little space.

36 Fourth Quarter 2015


World´s fastest
arm pallet wrapper
Technowrapp specialises in the design and film. These two patents have produced the
production of automatic stretch wrap film fastest arm pallet wrapper in the world.
pallet wrappers and pallet movement systems. The rotary arm with centripetal contrast
The company has made a name for itself on the ring contains and guides the arm as it moves
international scene by developing an innovative and makes it possible to reach a speed of
and creative solution, the Runner Arm. This is rotation of 45 revolutions per minute,
exclusively equipped with Bonfiglioli motors. combining this with low structural stress. The
Through its close collaboration with cutting and welding pliers operate on the
Bonfiglioli, Technowrapp has created Runner moving load, contributing to the increase in
Arm, a perfect combination of high performance speed and efficiency of the work cycle. Runner
and simplicity of operation and maintenance. Arm has revolutionised pallet wrapping and
Bonfiglioli´s comprehensive and reliable motor can satisfy customer demands more
solutions have ensured that Technowrapp is the completely that ever before.
trusted partner of leading firms in the packaging Bonfiglioli contributed to the success of motor power of 1,1 kW. The arm rotation uses
and logistics sectors. Runner Arm through its extensive product Bonfiglioli´s W110/BN_FD motor series with
Technowrapp constantly faces new tech- portfolio. Technowrapp used Bonfiglioli´s C, 4 kW of motor while the presser uses a W63
nological challenges to supply the market with W and BE/BN motor series for the pallet and BN_FD motor with 0,55 kW of motor power.
cutting edge solutions such as the Runner Arm vertical carriage movement as well as the ring Lastly, the linear roller uses the C22 BE series
in order to improve quality, performance, and rotation and the servo-assisted tensioning with 0,75 kW of power.
production. With the Runner Arm automatic systems. The various Bonfiglioli motors were These motor solutions have helped
rotary arm pallet wrapper, Technowrapp used for the tensioning, feeder and plier Runner Arm achieve outstanding speeds while
engineers have succeeded in combining the carriages, as well as for the presser and linear maintaining low structural stress. In addition
high performance of a ring wrapper with the roller. The carriage system is equipped with to providing cutting-edge motors, Bonfiglioli
simplicity of operation and maintenance typical Bonfiglioli´s W63 and BN_FD motors with a is a unique supplier that provides outstanding
of an arm type wrapper. Thanks to two specific motor power of 0,75 kW. In addition, the ten- development, maintenance and spare parts
patents that make it possible to speed up the sioning and plier carriage are equipped with management.
wrapping process, Runner Arm can achieve the W63 and BN_FD motors, with motor powers
unrivalled result of wrapping 136 pallets an of 0,55 kW for the tensioning carriage and For more information contact Robert Rohman,
hour with 10 turns per pallet, stabilising a pallet 0,37 kW for the plier carriage. The tensioning Bonfiglioli, +27 (0)11 457 3700, robert.rohman@
with just 76 grams of 15 micron stretch wrap carriage also utilises a W86/BE motor with a, Fourth Quarter 2015 37


Powermite’s container handling solution

Powermite has introduced the Lasstec Load that provides on-the-go weighing without preventing hoisting if one or more container
sensing and operational safety system. This interruption to the terminal operation or the corners are still locked to the stack on the vessel;
latest innovation from Conductix applies the need for infrastructure changes. detection and prevention of accidental lifting
twistlock method and delivers an accurate, Using twistlock and fibre optic technology, of a road trailer still connected to a container
versatile, efficient, economical and safe port the load sensing system accurately records in stacking yard applications; and instant snag
and container handling solution that is com- container weight and also provides invalu- load detection. “The system also provides
pliant with the new International Maritime able weight distribution data which enhances various signals to improve operational safeties,”
Organisation (IMO) legislation for mandatory the safety and accuracy of the stowing plan. adds Marks. Additional benefits include the
container weight verification. “Twistlock has been around for many years and monitoring and recording of the twistlock load
Powermite is a specialist supplier of is proven technology,” says Marks. “The system cycles to optimise replacement intervals and
electrical and mechanical equipment for measures the strain (extension) of each twist- the provision of spreader and crane life cycle
moving machinery. The company became lock of single- and twinlift spreaders as well management and track overload situations.
involved in supplying equipment such as as mobile harbour crane applications during a The system is easy to install and fits in every
ship-to-shore loaders and electrified rubber lift. It uses these measurements to determine type and brand of terminal handling equipment
tyre gantries (ERTGs) as a consequence of a accurate load measurements from each corner such as export containers (yard cranes, straddle
partnership forged with the French multina- of each container. As load measuring on each carriers and lift trucks) to measure the gross
tional, Delachaux and its Conductix-Wampfler twistlock is done during the normal load mass as it is unloaded from the truck or train.
operation – a global supplier to the materials cycle, there are no delays or interruptions to Marks also points out that the Lasstec system
handling industries. “Our materials handling the load cycle. The actual weight is sent into is easily retrofitted into existing spreaders and
division has been a distributor of Conductix’s a central data processing unit from where the cranes.
quality range of products including drag information is distributed to the crane PLC and In order to meet the ever increasing number
chains, cable reelers and slip-ring housings the TOS, enabling accurate weights to be used of containers being shipped in and out of South
for over 40 years,” says Powermite director, in the ship loading plan.” The system boasts a Africa’s ports and harbours while remaining
Donovan Marks. weighing accuracy per container over the full compliant with the new IMO requirements, local
Inadequate control of the weight of individual measuring range of ±200 kg and the maximum terminal operators will need to install systems to
shipping containers and container weight allowable load per twistlock is 100 tons. improve container handling services and
distribution on a loaded ship has severe safety Marks explains that it’s a very rugged and ship-loading efficiencies. “We are very excited
implications as it can lead to ship overloading reliable technology. “Glass is a very stable, about Conductix’s Lasstec load sensing system.
and instability at sea. Consequently the IMO robust, shock-resistant and non-corrosive It presents an accurate, efficient, safe and
decided to make container weight verification material. Compared to traditional strain compliant solution that meets the stringent
mandatory and recently approved the SOLAS gauges, the fibre remains accurate over a wide requirements of this harsh and unforgiving
(Safety of Life at Sea) amendment, which when strain range and will only break when the twist- environment,” concludes Marks.
implemented globally in Q3 2016 will make lock breaks. In addition, fibre optics are 100%
it the shipper’s responsibility to declare the insensitive to electromagnetic interference.” For more information contact Donovan
correct container weight. The efficient time and Safety advantages of the Lasstec load Marks, Powermite, +27 (0)11 271 0000,
cost saving Lasstec system is a more practical and sensing system include ensuring all twist- [email protected],
economical alternative to weighing bridges locks are engaged when lifting a container,

38 Fourth Quarter 2015


Angled support pedestal for split bearings Electric motor control

Bearings International has launched a new
and protection systems
angled support pedestal for Cooper split The Zest WEG Group has introduced the WEG range of
bearings. Cooper Roller Bearings is a RW_E electronic motor protection overload relays to com-
globally recognised expert in the design, plement its range of smart relays. These are highly reliable
manufacture and supply of specialist devices intended to protect motors, controllers and branch
bearings. Vice president of sales, Tom Black circuit conductors against phase failures and overloads
explains that the new version saves a con- that can result in overheating. They play a vital role in over-
siderable amount of time and manpower all system performance and efficiency and are designed to
due to the fact that it slides directly under protect three phase and single phase AC motors.
the shaft at an angle, which does not need They have increased reliability in terms of the protection
to be raised with a hoist or a jack. commodity prices, the focus is now on of low voltage three phase motors in sinusoidal 50/60 Hz
Available previously as a bespoke sweating existing assets and increasing networks where reliability, low power dissipation and ease
solution, Cooper is now rolling out the the productivity of current operations. of maintenance are critical requirements. They have been
angled pedestal across its standard range Reducing maintenance requirements is developed in accordance with the IEC 60947-4-1 and UL
of SN and SD equivalent pedestal housings. therefore a key focus for major component 60947-4-1A (UL 508) international standards.
Coupled with Cooper split bearings, custom- suppliers such as Bearings International.
ers now have a total solution to reduce their Cooper split bearings are split to the
maintenance requirements and subsequent shaft, which means that all necessary
downtime. With a split bearing, all of the components can be changed out in as
components are essentially split, including short a period as possible. Combined
the pedestal. The angled pedestal facilitates with the new angled pedestal, proactive
quick insertion of the pedestal underneath maintenance is now simpler than ever,
the shaft. Cooper has developed a pedestal requiring minimal equipment.
that, instead of being horizontal with the
base, is angled to allow it to slide easily in For more information contact Matthew
under the shaft. Tyler, Bearings International,
With the mining industry under +27 (0)11 899 0000, matthewt@
pressure to cut costs due to falling,

Maintenance-free, flexible couplings

The highly flexible CT-P coupling from
Voith offers the steel industry
multiple benefits. It does not have the
backlash forces customary with gear
couplings and thus protects the
connected driveline components. It is
also virtually wear-free and can be flexibly
integrated into the driveline.
Roller conveyor drives or pilger rolling They have no power contacts and therefore cannot
mills are typical areas of application. disconnect the motor by itself. Instead, motor overloads
Usually gear couplings are used in these or phase failures increase the motor current, which in
cases; but these present several disadvan- off. It can also resist heat up to an ambient- turn trips the mechanism and switches the auxiliary
tages as they require regular lubrication temperature of 130°C so can be used in contacts. When wired properly in series with the coil of
and maintenance. If a gear coupling is steel mills. the contactor, these auxiliary contacts will de-energise
lubricated too late or not at all, wear CT-P couplings are designed for the contactor in the event of an overload. This means
begins to increase dramatically and it torques of up to 200 000 Nm and speeds of the contactor itself disconnects the power supply to
may fail completely, necessitating a total up to 7200 rpm. They are usually installed the motor, halting its operation. Another handy feature
shutdown of the system. directly between the electric motor and is that, once tripped, the relay will only reset once the
The CT-P coupling completely elimi- the roller conveyor. This demonstrates the motor has cooled down, preventing costly damage. The
nates these disadvantages, requiring no high flexibility of the coupling, which WEG RW_E electronic overload relays are temperature
lubrication or maintenance and operating easily allows 1:1 matching with the shaft or compensated, which means that the trip point is not
around the clock. Furthermore it usually hub connections. affected by temperature and it performs consistently at
has a longer lifetime than the units the same current value.
connected to it as the integrated rubber For more information contact
elements prevent metal-to-metal contact. At Terry-Lynn McIntosh, Voith Turbo, For more information contact Kirsten Larkan, Zest
the same time, they dampen the forces of +27 (0)11 418 4036, WEG Group, +27 (0)11 723 6000, [email protected],
inertia occurring when drives are switched [email protected], Quarter
Fourth 20153939

Nord-Lock bolt securing systems Eliminating impact torque conditions

BMG’s range of Nord-Lock bolt securing systems The OLR 84 S protection relay from
includes the X-series washers, designed to secure NewElec, when mounted on a motor circuit,
bolted joints exposed to severe vibration and dynamic eliminates impact torque conditions
loads. The wedge-effect design prevents spontaneous bolt which can result in broken chains, damaged
loosening and the system’s integrated spring effect screw conveyors, broken couplings and
compensates for the loss of preload due to slackening. even damaged gearboxes.
Each washer pair has cams on one side and radial teeth The OLR 84 S relay has two settings.
on the opposite side to secure the bolted joint with The first designates the total start time
tension, rather than friction. The conical shape of these for the given motor in seconds through a
washers creates an elastic reserve in the bolted joint range up to 50 s while the second designates
to compensate for the loss of preload and prevent the load trip threshold. The latter setting is
slackening. percentage calibrated from 30 to 120% of
Advances in polymers and sandwich composite the selected CT ratio XXX:1. It is necessary for The OLR 84 S permits the starting
technology have the advantage of strength to weight the user to select an appropriate ring CT current for the motor start but will cause
ratio and corrosion resistant properties that make that will cover the expected trip threshold a trip in 100 ms if the motor load suddenly
applications lighter, without losing strength; but these current. A general rule is that if the motor exceeds the upper trip threshold where
materials are softer than metal materials previously load maximum current is x A, the user the motor enters a stall condition after
used and make slackening an additional challenge. The must select a current transformer where 3x the starting sequence. In doing so, it
multifunctional wedge-locking concept of the X-series A is about mid-scale. The reason for this is will interrupt the supply to the motor
combats these problems. that a stall or jam condition usually by means of the main holding contactor
Surface treatments, which are common for corrosion manifests itself at about three times motor and prevent mechanical fractures in the
protection, can also lead to slackening as the bolt sinks full load when the motor develops an production process.
into the treated surface after tightening. Even a thin output torque in the region of 2,5 to 3
millimetre surface would normally put bolts at risk, but times its normal rated torque. This output For more information contact NewElec,
with the compensating spring of the X-series, slackening torque will then be amplified through a 086 010 3041, [email protected],
is prevented. The combined tension and spring action factor dependent on the gearbox ratio.
combats the effects of surface treatments, thermal cycling
and vibration.
Power Team’s bolting systems
Independent tests show this series performs
better than conventional washers when compensating Power Team, a specialist in hydraulic
slackening in static conditions and in preventing rotation service tools, has a wide range of pumps,
of the fastener when the joint is exposed to vibration in cylinders, jacks, torque tools and acces-
the dynamic phase. These are the only washers currently sories in its range of SPX bolting systems.
available that can secure bolts from both critical This includes the new PE45 Infinity Series
loosening factors – spontaneous loosening and pump. Unlike typical hydraulic pumps,
slackening – at once. the PE45 series offers more than twice the
flow of a standard two-stage, high flow
pump. Flow is continuously variable up to
700 bar, enabling a range of specialised
torque wrench tools to operate faster and Systems hydraulic nut splitter. The IJ Series
more efficiently. inflatable air jacks provide up to 74 tons of
Power Team also offers a broad range lifting force. They are available with a range
of single-acting, double-acting, low-profile of controllers that provide pressure gauge
and centre-hole cylinders for all lifting and regulation and push-button inflation and
pulling applications. The latest innovation deflation control of the jack.
is its lightweight aluminium cylinders. Power Team’s suite of products is
These specialised cylinders are only half recognised around the world for perform-
the weight of similar steel cylinders. ance, reliability and durability, and is
Its range of specialised torque tools setting new performance standards for
is designed to meet the demanding heavy lifting, pushing, pulling, spreading,
requirements of proper joint integrity. It torqueing or tensioning applications. These
includes robust steel square-drive and world renowned products are backed by
low-clearance torque wrenches that the Powerthon lifetime warranty.
provide a maximum torque value of
71 816 Nm. For difficult bolting applica- For more information contact Ian Bennett,
For more information contact Ryan Bassett, BMG, tions that have corroded to the point Power Team, +27 (0)11 723 6800,
+27 (0)31 576 6200, [email protected], that a hydraulic torque wrench is not an [email protected], option, Power Team offers the SPX Bolting

4040 Fourth
Fourth Quarter
Quarter 2015

Company Telephone E-mail Website Pages

Axiom Hydraulics +27 (0)11 334 3068 [email protected] 7*

Bearings International +27 (0)11 899 0000 [email protected] 39
Beckhoff Automation +27 (0)11 795 2898 [email protected] 10,17
BMG Hydraulics +27 (0)11 614 2004 [email protected] 6,22,25*,40
Bonfiglioli +27 (0)11 457 3700 [email protected] 37
Commercial Shearing +27 (0)11 397 4264 [email protected] IFC*
DC Auto-Motion +27 (0)11 453 1740 [email protected] 19*
Festo 08600 FESTO (33786) [email protected] 6,8,36,OBC*
Filter Focus +27 (0)11 466 1268 [email protected] 28
Genflex Hydraulics +27 (0)11 900 3235 [email protected] 6,11*
Hydrasales +27 (0)11 392 3736 [email protected] 26
Hydraulic & Automation Warehouse +27 (0)11 281 3800 [email protected] 8,27*
Hydromobile +27 (0)11 394 5837 [email protected] OFC*,15
Hyflo SA +27 (0)11 386 5800 [email protected] 26*
Hytec Holdings +27 (0)11 979 4630 [email protected] 25
Ingersoll Rand +27 (0)11 565 8600 [email protected] 30,33*
Mitech +27 (0)11 927 4850 [email protected] 32
Motion Tronic +27 (0)31 701 1620 [email protected] 20
NewElec 086 010 3041 [email protected] 40
Parker Hannifin SA +27 (0)11 961 0700 [email protected] 29*,34
Power Team SA +27 (0)11 723 6800 [email protected] 40
Powermite +27 (0)11 271 0000 [email protected] 38
SAFPA +27 (0)11 888 7163 [email protected] 3*
Schneider Electric SA +27 (0)11 254 6400 ntombi.mhangwani@ 9,10
SEW-Eurodrive +27 (0)11 248 7000 [email protected] 12,14,21*,24
Siemens Southern Africa +27 (0)11 652 2795 [email protected] 16,19
SKF South Africa +27 (0)11 821 3500 [email protected] 18*,30,35
SMC Pneumatics South Africa +27 (0)11 568 2407 [email protected] 9,31*,32
Techlyn +27 (0)11 835 1174 [email protected] 20,23*
Tectra Automation +27 (0)11 971 9400 [email protected] 23
* denotes advertiser

The Fastener Factory +27 (0)31 569 2640 [email protected] 8

Varispeed +27 (0)11 312 5252 [email protected] 13*
Voith Turbo +27 (0)11 418 4036 [email protected] 39
Yale Engineering Products +27 (0)11 794 2910 [email protected] 18,27
Zest WEG Group +27 (0)11 723 6000 [email protected] 39

For more information on these and other suppliers please see Fourth Quarter 2015 IBC

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