Areas of Concern Objectives Activities/Strategies Timeline Resource Requirement Expected Outcomes
Areas of Concern Objectives Activities/Strategies Timeline Resource Requirement Expected Outcomes
Areas of Concern Objectives Activities/Strategies Timeline Resource Requirement Expected Outcomes
Set-up an online learning Arrange a meeting with the Members of the Administration The online platform/e-learning
Pre-Implementation management system. members of administration. Technical Support management system is identified
Discuss with the administration the Computer Equipment and set up and is called MADELS,
need for an online learning an acronym for Metro
management system. Dumaguete College Access to
Organize the team that will be Distance and E-Learning System.
responsible for the online learning
management set-up.
Designate the system administrator
who will work with the technical
expert in the setting-up of the
Identify the online platform that will
be used in the conduct of classes.
Begin to set up the platform.