Areas of Concern Objectives Activities/Strategies Timeline Resource Requirement Expected Outcomes

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 Set-up an online learning  Arrange a meeting with the Members of the Administration The online platform/e-learning
Pre-Implementation management system. members of administration. Technical Support management system is identified
 Discuss with the administration the Computer Equipment and set up and is called MADELS,
need for an online learning an acronym for Metro
management system. Dumaguete College Access to
 Organize the team that will be Distance and E-Learning System.
responsible for the online learning
management set-up.
 Designate the system administrator
who will work with the technical
expert in the setting-up of the
 Identify the online platform that will
be used in the conduct of classes.
 Begin to set up the platform.

 Capacitate the faculty with  Gather faculty members who will be

skills needed to conduct handling classes in the incoming
online classes under year, to a meeting and observing
MADELS. necessary protocols, so one
department at a time.
 Discuss with them the new normal
 Present to them the newly set-up
online learning management
 Begin the conduct of training of
faculty on MADELS while observing
protocols of wearing the face mask
and social distancing. Two computer
laboratories will be used to ensure
observance of protocols.
 Conduct a dry run using students
under the Diploma Program.
 Address concerns that may have
arisen during dry run.

 Orient the faculty on the production

 Produce learning of the learning modules.
modules/materials to be  Guide them in the preparation of
uploaded in the platform the learning modules to ensure that
and especially for students these learning materials will be
who will opt for modular ready before the start of classes on
distance learning. August 24, 2020.
 In the process of preparing the
learning materials, remind the
teachers that are preparing these
materials that they need to ensure
the alignment of course content
with MELCS.
 Have the learning materials
reviewed and edited and are
available in soft and hard copies at
least two (2) weeks before the
scheduled start of classes.

 Require each faculty to upload

 Ensure that course content course content as well as proper
including proper assessment assessment in MADELS.
is uploaded in MADELS, the  Test the system to find out if it
online platform. works effectively using the
uploaded materials.

 Prepare a class schedule in such a

 Design a class schedule way that students attend to fewer
which will ensure focus and classes in a day and have enough
concentration on the part of time to learn what there is to learn;
teachers and students. at the same time ensuring that the
required number of hours per
subject in a semester is met.
 Communicate with parents
 Prepare for online informing them of online and
enrollment. modular distance learning set up.
 Secure parents approval for either
online or modular distance learning
for their children.
 Identify students who can do online
learning and those who will opt for
modular distance learning.

 Arrange the computer laboratories

 Prepare computer in such a way that social distancing
laboratories and teachers’ is observed by teachers who shall be
work spaces. using the labs as work spaces during
the conduct of online classes.
 Check all computer units to ensure
that these are all in good working
condition for online classes.
 Run all computers to find out if the
system platform is working in all

 Coordinate with the librarian in

 Ensure that the library is preparing the library for the
ready whenever students incoming academic year.
need library materials for  Ask the librarian to arrange library
their lessons. materials which maybe needed by
 Ensure that the librarian will always
be online during office hours and be
available for possible students’
 Conduct a faculty orientation on the
Implementation  Enlighten the faculty of their new normal faculty assignment and
role under the new normal responsibilities to the school, their
situation. peers and to the students.

 Meet with parents of students who

 Establish a linkage with do not have internet access and
parents for better whose children opted for modular
understanding of the new distance learning.
normal situation.  Distribute to the students thru the
parents the learning
 Have a separate meeting with
parents whose children will be
doing online classes.
 Provide parents the rationale of the
new normal set-up and explain to
them how class instruction will be
carried out online and offline.

 Orient the students on how the

 Facilitate students’ teaching and learning process will
understanding of how online be conducted online and offline.
and offline classes will be  During the orientation, discuss with
conducted. the students what are expected of
those doing online studies and of
those who are under the modular
distance learning.
 Assign teachers their respective list
of student advisees.

 Conduct a weekly meeting with

 Monitor teaching faculty members.
performance regularly.  Discuss concerns/issues which may
have been encountered by anyone
of them.
 Attend to the issues/concerns
immediately to avoid problems later

 Require teachers to submit weekly

the following:
1. attendance of students
2. weekly lesson plan

 Check regularly the

lecture/discussion conducted online
by the teachers to ensure that
scheduled lessons are on time; self-
paced learning modules are also
delivered on time.

 Supervise the conduct of  Ask the teachers to submit log ins of

students’ consultation with students for consultation.
teachers online.  Verify the number of times the
teachers have been asked by their
advisees for remedial classes to be

 Monitor assistance provided  Check with the librarian the average

by librarian to students and number of emails she receives
teachers. everyday from students asking for
assistance in their research.
 Determine from the librarian the
kind of assistance that she has
 Verify from librarian how many
teachers on a weekly basis use the
library for their research.

 Monitor students’  Check with the teachers on how

performance regularly. their respective students have been
performing in their assessments.

 For students who have been doing

poorly, find out from the teachers
what measures do they adopt to
improve student performance.

 Determine the effectiveness  Conduct a survey from among the

Post Implementation of MADELS as a platform. online students to find out the
extent to which they find the
system effective in delivering the
teaching-learning process.
 Discuss the results of the survey
with the teachers and
administrators so as to identify the
weaknesses of the system.
 Ask the system administrator and
technical expert to review the
system and fix whatever needs to
be fixed.

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