LCP Sample (Food Trades)
LCP Sample (Food Trades)
LCP Sample (Food Trades)
DURATION Position/
Proposed Resources Process to Achieve Responsible
Concerns activities / Strategies
Reasons for
Recommendations Person/s
( Quarter / Recommendation
Week )
2. Map out learning During enrollment: June-July -cellphone/ telephone for -To determine to -The teachers will
context needed and 2020 the teachers to contact number of conduct the - Teachers
types of learners -gather information on parents for enrolment learners with enrolment and -School
learner’s household and survey form access to survey of learner’s Administration
enrolled in their
capacity to access various internet and household capacity
specific area of TVE modalities (gadgets, -school website for the gadgets and to access various
specialization. internet access) parents to fill up an number to modalities through
enroll form and survey learners who calling parents by
form of their students need printed cellphone or
modules telephone.
For specialization:
3. Align available -Make a matrix of most June-July - Curriculum Guide To continue to Food Trade teachers Food Trades
learning materials essential learning 2020 provide will make most Teachers
with available competencies with -Learning Material necessary essential learning
curriculum corresponding knowledge and competencies matrix
recommended flexible -Laptop skills to
learning delivery modes -Printer students in any
and materials per period -Bond paper possible means
-Ink so that they will
still be able to
-Design additional learning have their NC II Food Trades teacher Food Trades
materials to ensure that when things will prepare newly Teachers/
Essential Learning back to normal. design modules that School
Competencies are covered. covered most Administration
essential learning
competencies. The
administration will
be responsible in the
production of the
4. Utilization of ICT Conduct online trainings June- Laptop, smart Making of Provision of laptop School
systems and other for TVE Teachers for July phones, computer learning or computers to Administration
available media for designing Learning 2020 and Wi-Fi materials and teachers with no
Materials online/online online classes. gadgets for making
TVE teachers.
classes online learning
materials and for
online class.
5. Orient learners Conduct parent and July Laptop, smart -To protect Food Trades Food Trades
and parents about student orientation through 2020 phones, computer teachers, teachers will set a Teachers
the different online, written letter, and Wi-Fi parents and schedule for
phone. Bond paper students from orientation and will
approaches in
Printer Covid-19 inform students and
gaining access to Ink Pandemic. parents.
learning resources
and communicating -To ensure Provision of laptop School
with teachers. parents and or computers to Administration
students teachers with no
commitment gadgets for online
when it comes to orientation.
learning delivery
especially at Constructing and
home. printing of letters
6. Ensuring safety Sanitize the whole school June- Hygiene kit To protect - Provision hygiene Food Trades
and security prior to the opening of April Foot Bath teachers, kit TVE Teachers
classes 2020 Face Mask parent and and School
students from
Minimize the number of Covid-19
learners in the class Pandemic.