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Learning Task 3.1 - Using Technology Tools For 21st Century Teaching

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Visca, Baybay City, Leyte, PHILIPPINES
Telefax: 563-7527
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.vsu.edu.ph

Name: Nova Mae M. Salvador Course & Year/Major: BPED-III

Class Schedule: 2:30-4:00 TTH Course Instructor: Andrea Marie Borneo

Learning Task 3.1 – Using Technology Tools for 21st century teaching

Exploring other Collaboration Tools

Browse the following sites and note the key features of each. After which note some activities where these
tools can be fully utilized

Collaboration Tools Key Features Physical Education Skills to

be Developed
Planbook.com  Share lesson plans I can use this to share my lesson
 Set-up alternate schedule plans with my co-workers or
days peers and allows us to
 Templates collaborate on our lessons to
 View and print lessons help create more complex
Google Drive  Team Collaboration I can implement Google Drive
 Share with people in order students to securely
outside your upload their videos, documents
organization or files that is to be submitted to
 Advanced search the instructors. They can also
features store those files and access them
 Drag and drop uploads anywhere whether using PC,
 SSL encryption Tablet, or Mobile Phone.
 Microsoft Office Whenever they’d wanted to free
compatible up some space of their phones to
be able to record another
 View any type of file
performance, they just need to
upload it on Google Drive and
delete it on their phone but still
have access it.
BeeCanva  Unlimited canvas. I can implement this as it is
 Hires export. useful in creative thinking
 Unlimited cloud storage. process and team working
 Consolidated billing and wherein students can share ideas
admin console. and make comments on the
 Integrations. documents related to the subject
 Version control. that the others have posted.
 Video/audio chat.
 Custom branding.
Visca, Baybay City, Leyte, PHILIPPINES
Telefax: 563-7527
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.vsu.edu.ph

Slack Audio and Video Calls I can use this to take down
 Useful bots relevant topics and subtopics of
 Custom Shortcuts and the lessons I need to discuss.
Slash commands
 Powerful search
 Easy-note taking
 Collaborate with posts
 Task list management
 Project-friendly structure
Podio  Project management for I can implement this to organize
teams with customizable and keep track on student’s
features activities which is crucial for
 IM and video chat them as a student in order to
 Content sharing and avoid backlogging.
feedback workflows with
 Web forms and email
 Lightweight CRM and
sales tracking
 Calendaring with Google
and MS Exchange
 Automated progress
reporting and
TitanPad  Store Revision History of I can implement this to help
Documents students have their online
 Create Private or Public brainstorming with friends or
Documents classmates. They can set up a
 Chat with Collaborators new page and everyone who
 Import a text file, Word, gets the link can write on the
RTF, or HTML document. They can input their
document for editing. ideas in that document and it's
 Export document as easy to determine who wrote
PDF, Word, Plain Text, that because each user is
*.odt, and HTML automatically assigned to a text
document color.
ShowDocument  File Sharing I can implement this to enable
 Meeting Rooms students upload Word,
 Extended file format PowerPoint, PDF and Text files,
support as well as JPEG images, web
 Secure online document pages and video clips. It is also
storage useful for me in annotating and
 Simplified session reviewing performances of the
scheduling students.
Visca, Baybay City, Leyte, PHILIPPINES
Telefax: 563-7527
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.vsu.edu.ph

ThinkBinder  Share notes and I can implement this to be able

educational resources to ask questions and discuss any
 Text and video chat with topics within the lesson to the
peers students.
Edio  Customizable I can implement this to allow as
curriculum at the student well parents communicate with
level. teachers and raise their
 Flexible structure to concerns.
learning that is easily
 Content authoring and
third-party integrations.
 Access to course
materials so parents can
learn and help their
Diigo  Online bookmarking to I can implement this to help
collect and organize students highlight specific parts
anything. of the texts or websites which is
 Highlight and add sticky very helpful to easily find the
notes on webpages. important words in the lesson.
 Archive pages so you can
refer back to them.
 Organize your items by
tags or lists.
 Search and access from
anywhere, anytime.
 Group based
collaborative research
and content curation.
Flipgrid  Options drawer. I can implement Flipgrid in
 Effects drawer order to edit their videos. For
 Backdrops example, I am going to assign a
 View Topic task for them to perform the
 Sticky Note “Basic Steps of Badminton” in
 Add Music order to keep their video lively
and engaging, they can use
Flipgrid to add background
music to the video and insert
texts to understand clearly the
content of the performance.
VideoAnt  Annotating and I can implement this to help
Commenting each other annotate video
recordings on their practical
performance. This can help
them to review their work and to
correlate portions of their
performance in the video with
Visca, Baybay City, Leyte, PHILIPPINES
Telefax: 563-7527
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.vsu.edu.ph

feedback they might receive

from their classmates or
Padlet  Easy and intuitive I can implement this to allow
 Add posts with one click, students to express their
copy-paste, or drag and thoughts about the topics being
drop. discussed on the subject. I and
 Changes are auto saved. others can do as well read what
 Simple link sharing others would have to share.
allows for quick

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