Learning Resource 9: Lessor Accounting: Lesson 1: Operating Lease
Learning Resource 9: Lessor Accounting: Lesson 1: Operating Lease
Learning Resource 9: Lessor Accounting: Lesson 1: Operating Lease
Choose the correct answer by writing the corresponding letter-answer and a convincing
justification that it is indeed the correct answer via applicable appropriate accounting
principles discussed in Activity 1.
2. When should a lessor recognize in the income a non-refundable lease bonus paid by
a lessee?
a. When received c. At the lease expiration
b. At the inception of the lease d. Over the lease term
Answer: D
A non-refundable lease bonus should be recognized as a revenue over the lease term.
The receipt of the lease bonus creates deferred revenue.
4. In an operating lease that is recorded by the lessor, the equal monthly rental
payments should be
a. Recorded as reduction of depreciation.
b. Allocated between reduction in lease receivable and interest expense.
c. Recorded as reduction in the lease receivable.
d. Recorded as a rental income.
Answer: D
Under an operating lease, the lessor records rent revenue (credit) and a corresponding
debit or either cash or rent receivable. The asset remains on the lessor books as an
owned asset. The lessor record depreciation expense over the life of the asset.
8. All the following situations would prima facie lead to a lease being classified as a
finance lease, except
a. Transfer of ownership to the lessee.
b. Option to purchase at a value below the fair value of the underlying asset.
c. The lease term is for a major part of the asset’s life.
d. The present value of the lease payments is 50% of the fair value of the asset
Answer: D
The lease term is only one half of the estimated economic life of the underlying asset,
the present value of the lease payment is only 50% of the fair value of the underlying
asset, and the asset is transferred back to the lessor at the end of the lease term.
9. In the case of lease of land and building, the lease payments should be split
a. According to relative fair value of the two elements.
b. Based on the useful life of the two elements.
c. Using the sum of digits method.
d. According to method devised by the entity.
Answer: A
Application Guidance B56 provides that a lease payments are allocated between the
land and building elements in proportion to the relative fair value of the leasehold
interest in the land and building elements at the inception of the lease.
10. Where there is lease of land and building and the title to the land is not transferred,
generally the lease is treated as if
a. The land is finance lease.
b. The land is finance and the building is operating.
c. The land is operating and the building is finance.
d. The land and building are on operating lease.
Answer: C
In determining whether the land element is an operating lease or a finance lease, an
important consideration is that land normally has an indefinite economic life. Leases
of land are assessed in the same way as all other leases. When a lease includes both
land and buildings elements, a lessor should assess the classification of each
element as a finance or an operating lease separately in accordance with IFRS 16:62
to 66.
11. The accounting concept that is principally used to classify leases into operating the
finance on the part of lessor is
a. Substance over form c. Neutrality b. Prudence d. Completeness
Answer: A
Substance over form is the concept that the financial statements and accompanying
disclosures of a business should reflect the underlying realities of accounting
transactions. The key point of the concept is that a transaction, which would mislead
the readers of a company’s financial statements.
14. One of the four determinative criteria for a finance lease specifies that the lease
term be equal to or greater than
a. The economic life of the underlying asset.
b. 90 percent of the economic life of the asset.
c. 75 percent of the economic life of the asset.
d. 50 percent of the economic life of the asset.
Answer: C
If the lease period equals or exceeds 75 percent of the asset’s economic life, the
lessor transfers most of the risks and rewards ownership to the lessee.
15. One of the four determinative criteria for a finance lease is that the present value at
the beginning of the lease term of the lease payments equal or exceeds
a. The fair value of the underlying asset
b. 90 percent of the fair value of the underlying asset
c. 75 percent of the fair value of the underlying asset
d. 50 percent of the fair value of the underlying asset
Answer: B
Under USA GAAP substantially all means at least 90% of the fair value of the leased
asset. There is room for debate over whether substantially all implies a threshold
lower than or higher than 90%
II. Individual Task
Solve the following problems with solutions presented in good form; and choose the
correct answer (re: letter-answer) from the given probable answers.
1. ORSON Company
2020 (100,000 x 12) P 1,200,000
2021 (150,000 x 12) 1,800,000
2022 (200,000 x 12) 2,400,000
2023 (250,000 x 12) 3,000,000
Total rent over the lease term P 8,400,000
2. STAR Company
2. C
Annual rental P 850,000
Amortization of lease bonus (300,000/3) 100,000
Total 950,000
Less: Depreciation P 400,000
Insurance 80,000 480,000
Operating profit P 470,000
3. BLUE Company
Refundable security deposit P 50,000
4. RIBBON Company
4. A
Rent income for Jan.1-June 30(60,000 x 6) P 360,000
Rent income for July 1-Dec.31 (75,000 x 6) 450,000
Total rent income 810,000
Less: Depreciation (4,800,000/8) 600,000
Net Rental Income- Dec.31,2021 P 210,000
5. MICKEY Company
Pretax income (720,000 – 64,000 – 360,000) P 296,000