Lease Accounting
Lease Accounting
Lease Accounting
Definition of terms:
Lease – is a contract or part of a contract that conveys the right to use the
underlying asset for a period of time in exchange for consideration.
Lease term – refers to non-cancellable period for which the lessee has the right to
use the underlying asset.
Finance lease – is a lease that transfers substantially all the risks and rewards
incidental to ownership of an underlying asset.
Operating lease – is a lease that does not transfer substantially all the risks and
rewards incidental to ownership of an underlying asset.
Right of use asset – is an asset that represents the right of a lessee to use an
underlying asset over the lease term in a finance lease.
Lease incentives – are payments by the lessor to the lessee associated with a lease
or the reimbursement or assumption by the lessor of the costs of the lessee.
Initial direct costs – are incremental costs of obtaining a lease that would not have
been incurred if the lease had not been obtained.
Fixed payments – are payments made by the lessee to the lessor
for the right to use an underlying asset during the lease term.
Variable payments – are payments made by the lessee for the right
to use the underlying asset during the lease term that vary because
of changes in facts or circumstances occurring after the
commencement date other than passage of time.
Residual value guarantee – is the guarantee made to the lessor by
a party unrelated to the lessor that the value of an underlying asset
at the end of the lease term will be at least a specified amount.
Unguaranteed residual value – is that portion of the residual value
of the underlying asset, the realization of which by the lessor is not
assured or is guaranteed solely by a party related to the lessor.
IFRS 16 provides that at the commencement IFRS 16 provides that a lessor shall classify
date, a lessee shall recognize a right of use leases as either an operating lease or a
asset and a lease liability. In other words, a finance lease. It further provides among
lessee is required to initially recognize a right others, any of the following situations would
of use asset for the right to use the underlying normally lead to a lease being classified as a
asset over the lease term and a lease liability finance lease by the lessor:
for the obligation to make payments.
a. The lease transfers ownership of the
All leases shall be accounted for by the lessee underlying asset to the lessee at the end of
as a finance lease under the new lease the lease term.
b. The lessee has an option to purchase the
The standard provides that the lessee is asset at a price which is expected to be
permitted to make an accounting policy
sufficiently lower than the fair value at the
election to apply the operating lease
date the option becomes exercisable
accounting and not recognize an asset and
lease liability on two optional exemptions: c. The lease term is for the major part of
the economic life of the underlying asset
a. if the lease is short-term
even if the title is not transferred.
b. if the underlying asset is low value d. The present value of the lease payments
amounts to substantially all of the fair value
The standard defines short-term of the underlying asset at the inception of the
lease as a lease that has a term of 12 lease.
months or less at the commencement Under USA GAAP, major part means at least
date of the lease. A lease that contains 75% of the economic life of the asset.
a purchase option is not a short-term Under US GAAP, substantially all means at
lease. least 90% of the fair value of the leased asset.
Low value asset is a matter of
Operating lease – Lessor
professional judgment. A lease of an IFRS 16 provides that a lessor shall recognize
underlying asset does not qualify as lease payments from operating lease as
income either on a straight line basis or
a low value lease if the nature of the
another systematic basis. Lease payments are
asset is such that the asset is typically recognized as rent income.
not of low value when new.
Initial measurement of right of use asset
IFRS 16 provides that the lessee shall measure the right of use asset at cost, at
commencement date. It comprises the following:
a. The present value of lease payments or the initial measurement of the lease
b. Lease payments made to lessor at or before commencement date, less any lease
incentives received
c. Initial direct costs incurred by the lessee
d. Estimated cost of dismantling, removing and restoring the underlying asset for
which the lessee has a present obligation.
Subsequent measurement of right of use asset
IFRS 16 provides that a lessee shall measure the right of use asset applying the cost model.
In other words, the lessee shall measure the right of use asset at cost less accumulated
depreciation and impairment loss. Moreover, the carrying amount of right of use asset is
adjusted for any re-measurement of the lease liability.
Depreciation of right of use asset
IFRS 16 provides that the lessee shall depreciate the right of use asset over the
useful life of the underlying asset under the following conditions:
a. The lease transfers ownership of the underlying asset to the lessee at the end of
the lease term.
b. The lessee is reasonably certain to exercise a purchase option.
If there is no transfer of ownership to the lessee or if the purchase option is not
reasonably certain to be exercised, the lessee shall depreciate the right of use asset
over the shorter between the useful life of the asset and the lease term.
Measurement of lease liability
IFRS 16 provides that at the commencement date, the lessee shall measure the lease
liability at the present value of lease payments. The lease payment shall be
discounted using the interest rate implicit in the lease. If the implicit interest rate
cannot be readily determined, the incremental borrowing rate of the lease is used.
Illustration: Answers:
At the beginning of the current year, Ashe Company 1.PV of lease payments: 6,145,000
entered into a ten-year non-cancelable lease requiring
year-end payments of P1,000,000. Ashe’s incremental
(1,000,000 x 6.145)
borrowing rate is 12%,while the lessor’s implicit interest Initial direct cost: 200,000
rate, known to Ashe is 10%.
Right of use asset 6,345,000
On the same date, Ashe Company paid initial direct cost
of P200,000 in negotiating and securing the leasing 2.Right of use asset 6,345,000
arrangement. Divided by: 10 years
Ownership of the property remains with the lessor at Depreciation for current year
expiration of the lease, The lease property has an
estimated economic life of 12 years.
3.Lease liability 6,145,000
1. What is the cost of the right of use asset?
Annual rental 1,000,000
2. What is the depreciation of the current year?
Interest(6,145,000 x 10%) 614,500 385,500
3. What is the lease liability at the end of the current Lease liability at end of current year
year? 5,579,500
Illustration – Certain purchase option Answers:
Lessee Company leased a machine on January 1, 2020 1. PV of lease payments (1,000,000 x 5.65) 5,650,000
with the following pertinent information: PV of purchase option (500,000 x 0.322) 161,000
Fixed rental payment at the end of each year Right of use asset 5,811,000
1,000,000 2. Lease liability 5,811,000
Lease term 10 years Payment - 12/31/20 1,000,000
Useful life of machine 12 years Interest for 2020 697,320 302,680
Incremental borrowing rate 14% Lease liability-12/31/20 5,508,320
Implicit interest rate 12% 3. Right of use asset (5,811,000 – 600,000) 5,211,000
Lessee Company has the option to purchase the Divided by: 12 years
machine upon the lease expiration on January 1, 2030 Depreciation 434,250
by paying P500,000.
The lessee is reasonably certain to exercise the
purchase option at the commencement date of the
lease. The estimated residual value of the machine at
the end of the 12-year life is P600,00
Required: 4. Lease liability 500,000
Cash 500,000
1. How much should be the right of use
5. Right of use asset 5,811,000
Accu depreciation (434,250 x 10 years) 4,342,500
2. What is the balance of the lease liability Carrying amount – 1/1/30 1,468,500
on December 31, 2020.
Lease liability – 1/1/30 500,000
3. How much should be the annual Loss on finance lease 968,500
depreciation? 6. Accumulated depreciation 4,342,500
4. What is the journal entry if the purchase Lease liability 500,000
option is exercised? Loss on finance lease 968,500
5. How much should be the loss on finance Right of use asset 5,811,000
lease if purchase option is not exercised?
6. What is the journal entry if purchase
option is not exercised?
Illustration – Residual value guarantee Answers:
Easy Company leased an equipment on January 1,
1. PV of lease payments (1,000,000 x 3.16987) 3,169,870
2020 with the following information: PV of residual value guarantee (200,000 x .683) 136,600
Fixed annual payment at the end of each lease Cost of right of use asset and lease liability 3,306,470
year 1,000,000 2. PV of Lease liability - 1/1/20 3,306,470
Lease term 4 years Lease payment 1,000,000
Useful life of equipment 5 years
Interest expense (3,306,470 x 10%) 330,647 669,353
Lease liability – 12/31/20 2,637,117
Implicit interest rate 10%
3. Depreciable amount (3,306,470 – 200,000)
Easy Company guaranteed a P200,000, residual value 3,106,470
on December 31, 2023 to lessor. Compute the Divided by 4 years
Annual depreciation 776,618
a. What is the right of use asset? Note: The asset is depreciated over the lease term of 4
b. What is the balance of lease liability on December years because there is neither a transfer of title nor a
31, 2020? reasonable certain purchase option.