Self-Assessment Questions 1-1: 1. Briefly Discuss The History of Computer Programming. (10 PTS.)

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NAME: Jerald Jay C.

PROGRAM / YR / BLK: BS- Accountancy 2B
COURSE CODE / TITLE: AEC9 – Business Logic
TIME / DAY: 1:00-2:30 pm


Self-Assessment Questions 1-1

1. Briefly discuss the history of computer programming. (10 pts.)


Programming without a doubt is very important. Computer programming is important

today because so much of our world is automated. In 1833, Ada Lovelace is credited
as being the first person to describe or write a computer program. She described an
algorithm to compute Bernoulli numbers using the Analytical Engine. She worked
with Charles Babbage on his very early mechanical computer. Lovelace translated an
Italian article on the machines capabilities. The program that Ada Lovelace wrote was
for Charles Babbage’s ‘’Analytical Engine’’, a mechanical general- purpose computer
he design, but never completed. In these notes, she not only explained the engine
more clearly than Babbage had been able to, but she also described an algorithm it
could carry out that is often considered to be the world’s first computer program.

Computer programming is essential in our world today, running the systems for
almost every device we use. Computer programming languages allow us to tell
machines what to do. Machines and humans “think” very differently, so programming
languages are necessary to bridge that gap.

The first computer programming language was created in 1883, when a woman named
Ada Lovelace worked with Charles Babbage on his very early mechanical computer,
the Analytical Engine. While Babbage was concerned with simply computing numbers,
Lovelace saw that the numbers the computer worked with could represent something
other than just amounts of things. She wrote an algorithm for the Analytical Engine
that was the first of its kind. Because of her contribution, Lovelace is credited with
creating the first computer programming language. As different needs have arisen and
new devices have been created, many more languages have followed.

Below is the detailed history of computer programming:

Year Event
Ada Lovelace is credited as being the first person to describe or write a
1843 computer program. In 1843, she described an algorithm to compute Bernoulli
numbers using the Analytical Engine.
The Hollerith tabulating machine was invented by Herman Hollerith in 1889,
allowing for data to be programmatically counted and tabulated.
One of the first programming languages, FORTRAN, was introduced to the
1956 public on October 15, 1956. It was developed by John Backus and others at
The second-oldest programming language, LISP was developed by John
McCarthy and was first used in 1958.
1959 COBOL started being developed in 1959 by Grace Hopper and Bob Bemer.
The original BASIC programming language was developed by John Kemeny,
1964 Mary Keller, and Thomas Kurtz, and was introduced to the public on May 1,
1965 Simula is considered the first ever object-oriented programming language,
developed around 1965 by Ole-Johan Dahl and Kristen Nygaard.
Martin Richards developed the BCPL programming language in 1966, which
became popular due to its portability.
The MUMPS programming language was developed by Neil Pappalardo at
Massachusetts General Hospital in 1966.
Known for its graphics capabilities, Logo was created by Seymour Papert in
1971 Pascal was developed in 1971 by Niklaus Wirth.
Dennis Ritchie and Brian Kernighan developed the C programming language at
Bell Labs in 1972.
The Prolog programming language was developed by Alain Colmerauer and
colleagues in 1972 at the University of Marseilles.
Smalltalk was the second ever object-oriented programming language and the
first true IDE, developed by Alan Kay and others at Xerox PARC in 1972.
SQL is a database programming language and was developed by Edgar Codd in
1974 and is still important in the programming language world.
A variation of LISP, the Scheme programming language was created in 1975 by
Guy Steele and Gerry Sussman at MIT's Artificial Intelligence lab.
The Altair BASIC programming language was developed by Bill Gates, Paul
1975 Allen, and Monte Davidoff, and was made available for use on January 2, 1975.
It was used to create programs for Altair computers.
Development of the C++ programming language was started in 1979 by Bjarne
1979 Stroustrup. Originally called "C with classes," C++ is one of the most widely-
used programming languages.
1979 Oracle released the first commercial version of SQL in 1979.
The Department of Defense developed the Ada programming language,
originally named DoD-1, and named it after Ada Lovelace in May 1979.
FoxPro is a programming language for developing database applications and
was released by Fox Software in 1984.
Cleve Moler started developing the MATLAB programming language in the late
1984 1970s, and it was released to the public, along with the MATLAB software
package, in 1984.
The open source programming language Perl that was developed by Larry Wall
1987 was introduced in 1987. It is commonly used in creating CGI scripts and
programming web applications.
Developed in the mid-1980s by Brad Cox and Tom Love, the Objective-C
programming language was officially licensed by NeXT in 1988.
Tim Berners-Lee developed the HTML markup language in 1990. HTML is one
of the most popular and widely-used programming languages in the world.
1990 Haskell, a general-purpose programming language, was introduced in 1990.
Engineers at Apple developed the Dylan programming language in the early
1990 1990s. Dylan was designed to resemble the syntax of the ALGOL programming
Development of Python was started in 1989 by Guido van Rossum and released
to the public in 1991.
1991 Visual Basic was developed by Alan Cooper and released in May 1991.
Lua was created in 1993 by engineers at the Pontifical Catholic University of
Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.
R is a programming language created by Robert Gentleman and Ross Ihaka
and introduced in 1993.
The concept of CSS was started by Håkon Wium Lie in 1994. W3C introduced
the specification for CSS in 1996.
Java was developed by James Gosling and other developers at Sun
Microsystems, and was first introduced to the public in 1995.
The object-oriented programming language Ruby developed by Yukihiro
Matsumoto was first released in 1995.
1995 The experimental, multi-paradigm Curry programming language was
introduced by Michael Hanus, Herbert Kuchen, and Juan Jose Moreno-
Navarro in 1995.
Racket is a general purpose programming language developed by Matthias
Felleisen in 1995.
A server-side interpreted scripting language, PHP was developed by Rasmus
Lerdorf starting in 1994 and released on June 8, 1995.
Originally named LiveScript when released in November 1995, JavaScript was
developed by Brendan Eich and renamed as such in December 1995.
Introduced in 1996, OCaml is an object-oriented version of the Caml
programming language.
XML is a markup language, with the specification for XML being developed by
W3C and recommended on February 10, 1998.
Development of the D programming language started in December 1999. D is a
higher level language compared to C++.
Based on C++ and Java, the C# programming language was developed by
Microsoft and introduced in June 2000. C# became an ISO standard in 2003.
2003 The object-oriented programming language Scala was introduced in 2003.
Don Syme developed the F# programming language and Microsoft first
introduced it in 2005.
The Go programming language was developed at Google starting in 2007. It
was completed and introduced to the public in 2009.
Rich Hickey developed the Clojure programming language and released the first
version in 2007.
Introduced in 2008, Nim is a programming language used to develop software
requiring strict limits on how system memory is used.
2008 The object-oriented programming language Reia was introduced in 2008.
The multi-paradigm CoffeeScript programming language, capable of being
compiled into JavaScript, was officially released in 2010.
Google developed the open source web-based Dart programming language,
introducing it to the public in October 2011.
Julia was developed by Jeff Bezanson, Alan Edelman, Stefan Karpinski, and
2012 Viral B. Shah and released in 2012. It is a high-level programming language
used for scientific computing.
Babel is a general-purpose programming language developed in 2014 and used
to create programs for conserving battery life and system resources on devices.
Created by Apple and released on June 2, 2014, the Swift programming
2014 language helps create programs and apps for iOS, macOS, the Apple Watch,
and AppleTV.
Graydon Hoare started development of the Rust programming language around
2015 2010. After contributions from hundreds of people, it was officially released as
version 1.0.0 alpha by Mozilla research on January 9, 2015.


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