Polynomial 3 Sem Project

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Project Report
"Polynomial Solver App"

Prepared by

Under the guidance of

Martin K. Parmar
Assistant Professor

A Report Submitted to
Charotar University of Science and Technology
for Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the
3rd Semester Software Group Project-I (CE244)
Submitted at


Chandubhai S. Patel Institute of Technology
At: Changa, Dist: Anand – 388421
Nov - Dec 2017

This is to certify that the report entitled “Polynomial Solver App” is a bonafied work
carried out by Mr. Patel Jainil A. (16CE068) under the guidance and supervision of
Martin K. Parmar for the subject Software Group Project-I (CE244) of 3rd Semester
of Bachelor of Technology in U & P U. Patel Department of Computer Engineering
at Faculty of Technology & Engineering – CHARUSAT, Gujarat.

To the best of my knowledge and belief, this work embodies the work of candidate
himself, has duly been completed, and fulfills the requirement of the ordinance relating
to the B.Tech. Degree of the University and is up to the standard in respect of content,
presentation and language for being referred to the examiner.

Martin K. Parmar
Assistant Professor
U & P U. Patel Department of Computer Engineering,
CSPIT, Changa, Gujarat.

Dr.(Prof.) Amit Ganatra

U & P U. Patel Department of Computer Engineering, CSPIT,
Faculty of Technology & Engineering,
CHARUSAT, Changa, Gujarat.

Chandubhai S. Patel Institute of Technology

At: Changa, Ta. Petlad, Dist. Anand, PIN: 388 421. Gujarat
Knowledge in itself is a continuous process. At this moment of our substantial enhancement,
I rarely find words to express our gratitude towards those who were constantly involved with

The completion of any inter disciplinary project depends upon coordination, cooperation and
combined efforts of several resources of knowledge, creativity, skill, energy and time. The
work being accomplished now, I feel our most sincere urge to recall and knowledge through
these lines, trying our best to give full credits wherever it deserves.

I would like to thank our project guide Mr. Martin K. Parmar and Dean and Principle Dr.
Amit Ganatra who advised and gave us moral support through the duration of project.
Without there constant encouragement we could not achieve what we have.

It’s our good fortune that I had support and well wishes of many. I am thankful to all and
those whose names are forgotten to acknowledge here but contributions have not gone

With Sincere Regards

Patel Jainil A.(16CE068)
 Abstract

Polynomial is equation like 3x2+2x+9 having coefficients and degree.

Multiplication of large polynomial is very tedious job so app would help to
solve large polynomials. App is calculator that calculates the results quickly
and helpful for students. This can be used in many fields of science and
mathematics to develop new concepts and derive equations.
1. Description…………………………………………………………7
2. Software and hardware requirements……………………………..9
3. Major functionality………………………………………………..11
4. Flow chart………………………………………………………....13
5. Screenshots……………………………………………………..…15
6. Limitations of project……………………………………….……19
7. Outcome………………………………………………….……….21
8. Future Enhancement………………………………….…………28
9. Reference…………………………………………….…………... 30
10.Project Applications…………………………………………........32
 Project Profile

Project Title Polynomial Solver

Type of project Android Application
Definition Solve Polynomials with one variables and to multiply
and divide them.
Purpose and This useful app allows us to solve polynomials of any
Objective degree and to get fast and accurate result. User can enter
only coefficients and no need to enter degree of each
Team Size 1
Team Member Patel Jainil A.
Front End Android
Back End Netbeans java.
Tools Used Android Studio
Functionality 1. Add two polynomials
2. Subtract two polynomials
3. Multiply two polynomials
4. Divide two polynomials
5. Get remainder of the division
Project Guide Martin K. Parmar

This Project is polynomial solver app, in which new algorithms are created to
multiply and divide polynomials with one variable.
Algorithms are not found at internet and are unique.
We deliver services like Sudoku solver and feedback services. The project is
for reducing time consumed in looping processes in mathematics.
What is a polynomial?

In mathematics, a polynomial is an expression consisting of variables (or indeterminates)

and coefficients, that involves only the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and non-
negative integer exponents of variables. An example of a polynomial of a single indeterminate x is x2 −
4x + 7. An example in three variables is x3 + 2xyz2 − yz + 1.
Polynomials appear in a wide variety of areas of mathematics and science. For example, they are used
to form polynomial equations, which encode a wide range of problems, from elementary word
problems to complicated problems in the sciences; they are used to define polynomial functions,
which appear in settings ranging from basic chemistry and physics to economics and social science;
they are used in calculus and numerical analysis to approximate other functions. In advanced
mathematics, polynomials are used to construct polynomial rings and algebraic varieties, central
concepts in algebra and algebraic geometry.
A polynomial function is a function that can be defined by evaluating a polynomial. A function f of one
argument is thus a polynomial function if it satisfies.

for all arguments x, where n is a non-negative integer and a0, a1, a2, ..., an are constant

For example, the function f, taking real numbers to real numbers, defined by

is a polynomial function of one variable.

The degree of a polynomial with only one variable is the largest exponent of
that variable.
 Description
Project is about taking dynamic input and manipulating polynomials efficiently. Creating loops and
avoiding recursion is good for programming.
Main aim is to reduce time of users.
So only coefficients are taken with space as delimeter
App benefits
2)Enter only coefficients
3)Quick result
4)No recursion used
I tried to make a calculator but there are many android calculators app available so decided
to try Something new.
So decision to make a calculator that takes two polynomial of degree n and degree m and
multiply and divide those two polynomial was taken.
When we get a polynomial of degree 7 and are asked to multiply with degree 6 polynomial
then it is tedious job and there is no shortcut or app or directly made algorithm available. It
takes much time.so a new algorithm and app can make life easier.
App also offers a Sudoku solver for those who give feedback and ratings.

Front End
Android Studio is the official ntegrated development environment (IDE) for Google's Android operating
system, built on JetBrains' IntelliJ IDEA software and designed specifically for Android development. It
is available for download on Windows, macOS and Linux based operating systems. It is a replacement
for the Eclipse Android Development Tools (ADT) as primary IDE for native Android application
Features of android studio:

 Gradle-based build support

 Android-specific refactoring and quick fixes
 Lint tools to catch performance, usability, version compatibility and other problems
 ProGuard integration and app-signing capabilities
 Template-based wizards to create common Android designs and components
 A rich layout editor that allows users to drag-and-drop UI components, option to preview
layouts on multiple screen configurations
 Support for building Anrdroid Wear apps
 Built-in support for Google Cloud Platform, enabling integration with Firebase Cloud Messaging
(Earlier 'Google Cloud Messaging') and Google App Engine
 Android Virtual Device (Emulator) to run and debug apps in the Android studio.
Back end
NetBeans is a software development platform written in Java. The NetBeans Platform allows
applications to be developed from a set of modular software components called modules. Applications
based on the NetBeans Platform, including the NetBeans integrated development environment (IDE),
can be extended by third party developers.The NetBeans IDE is primarily intended for development in
Java, but also supports other languages, in particular PHP, C/C++ and HTML5.NetBeans is cross-
platform and runs on Microsoft Windows, macOS, Linux, Solaris and other platforms supporting a
compatible JVM.The editor supports many languages from Java, C/C++, XML and HTML, to PHP,
Groovy, Javadoc, JavaScript and JSP. Because the editor is extensible, you can plug in support for
many other languages.The NetBeans
Netbeans is used for functions testing at java level.

Software and hardware

 Software requirement:
i. Android operating system API 19 Android 4.4 (Kitkat)
ii. App:- Polynomial

 Hardware requirement:
i. Android Smart phone
Class diagram
Class Term
I. Public float coef; //coefficients
II. Public int exp; //exponents
III. Term sum(term t2)
IV. Term sub(term t2)
V. Term mul(term t2)

Class Polynomial
I. Public int d;//degree of polynomial
II. Public Term t[d+1]; //terms in polynomial
III. Polynomial (int s) //constructor
IV. Void getdata(int b[]) //getting data
V. String putdata() //for returning string to print
VI. Polynomial sum(Polynomial p2)
VII. Polynomial sub(Polynomial p2)
VIII. Polynomial mul(Polynomial p2)
IX. Polynomial div(Polynomial p2)
X. Polynomial remainder(Polynomial p2)
XI. Polynomial div1(Polynomial p2) //division if degree is 0
Major functionality
Major Functionality

I. Add two polynomials

II. Subtract two polynomials
III. Multiply two polynomials
IV. Divide two polynomials
V. Get remainder of the division

Minor Functionality
VI. Get help of polynomials
VII. Give feedback
VIII. Rate the app
IX. Try new Sudoku solver.
Add two polynomials.
Polynomial sum(Polynomial p2)
int q;
if( d>p2.d)
{ q= d; }
{ q=p2.d; }
Polynomial p3=new Polynomial(q);
if( d>p2.d)
{ for(int i=q;i>=q-p2.d-1;i--)
p3.t[i].coef= t[i].coef;
for(int i=p2.d;i>=0;i--)
p3.t[i].coef= t[i].coef+p2.t[i].coef;
} }
{ for(int i=q;i>=d;i--)
for(int i=d;i>=0;i--)
p3.t[i].coef= t[i].coef+p2.t[i].coef;
} }
return p3;

Subtract two polynomials.

Polynomial sub(Polynomial p2)
int q;
{ q=d; }
{ q=p2.d; }
Polynomial p3=new Polynomial(q);
if( d>p2.d)
for(int i=q;i>=q-p2.d-1;i--)
p3.t[i].coef= t[i].coef;
for(int i=p2.d;i>=0;i--)
p3.t[i].coef= t[i].coef-p2.t[i].coef;
for(int i=q;i>=d;i--)
for(int i=d;i>=0;i--)
p3.t[i].coef= t[i].coef-p2.t[i].coef;
return p3;

Multiply two polynomials.
Polynomial mul(Polynomial p2)
int x;
x= d+p2.d;
Polynomial p3=new Polynomial(x);
for(int i= d;i>=0;i--)
for(int j=p2.d;j>=0;j--)
p3.t[i+j]=p3.t[i+j].sum( t[i].mul(p2.t[j]));

return p3;

Divide two polynomials.

Polynomial div(Polynomial p2)
Polynomial p3=new Polynomial(p2.d-d);
Polynomial p4=new Polynomial(p2.d-1);
int i=p2.d;
for(int j=p2.d-d+1;j>0;j--)
float f=p2.t[i].coef/t[d].coef;
return p3;

Remainder of two polynomials

Polynomial remainder(Polynomial p2)
Polynomial p3=new Polynomial(p2.d-d);
Polynomial p4=new Polynomial(p2.d-1);
int i=p2.d;
for(int j=p2.d-d+1;j>0;j--)
float f=p2.t[i].coef/t[d].coef;
return p2;
Flow chart
 Screenshots
Limitations of project
 Limitations
1) Can take polynomial of only one variable x.
2) Cannot plot graph
3) Cannot find roots of polynomial.
4) Designed for android tablet pixel c.
 Outcome:
I Learned java, Advanced java, xml scripting, Android
programming. Project building and thinking capacity increases. Self
learning is best choice for project building.Also Learned graphical
Future enhancement
 Future enhancement
1) Graph plotting feature.
2) Root finding feature.
3) Analyze of graph
4) Including mathematical Api.
5) Including graph Api.
6) Actions in new intent layouts.
7) Showing step by step process of
1. https://www.mathsisfun.com/algebra/polynomials.html
2. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polynomial
3. http://www.softschools.com/math/algebra/topics/simplifying_poly
4. http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Polynomial.html
5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fGThIRpWEE4
Project Applications
The simple structure of polynomial functions makes them quite useful in analyzing general functions
using polynomial approximations. An important example in calculus is Taylor's theorem, which roughly
states that every differentiable function locally looks like a polynomial function, and the Stone–
Weierstrass theorem, which states that every continuous function defined on a compact interval of the
real axis can be approximated on the whole interval as closely as desired by a polynomial function.
Calculating derivatives and integrals of polynomial functions is particularly simple. For the polynomial

function the derivative with respect to x is

and the indefinite integral is

Abstract algebra
Main article: Polynomial ring
In abstract algebra, one distinguishes between polynomials and polynomial functions. A polynomial f in
one indeterminate x over a ring R is defined as a formal expression of the form

where n is a natural number, the coefficients a0, . . ., an are elements of R, and x is a formal symbol,
whose powers xi are just placeholders for the corresponding coefficients ai, so that the given formal
expression is just a way to encode the sequence (a0, a1, . . .), where there is an n such that ai = 0 for
all i > n. Two polynomials sharing the same value of n are considered equal if and only if the
sequences of their coefficients are equal; furthermore any polynomial is equal to any polynomial with
greater value of n obtained from it by adding terms in front whose coefficient is zero. These
polynomials can be added by simply adding corresponding coefficients (the rule for extending by terms
with zero coefficients can be used to make sure such coefficients exist). Thus each polynomial is
actually equal to the sum of the terms used in its formal expression, if such a term aixi is interpreted as
a polynomial that has zero coefficients at all powers of x other than xi. Then to define multiplication, it
suffices by the distributive law to describe the product of any two such terms, which is given by the rule

    for all elements a, b of the ring R and all natural numbers k and l.

Thus the set of all polynomials with coefficients in the ring R forms itself a ring, the ring of
polynomials over R, which is denoted by R[x]. The map from R to R[x] sending r to rx0 is an injective
homomorphism of rings, by which R is viewed as a subring of R[x]. If R is commutative, then R[x] is
an algebra over R.
One can think of the ring R[x] as arising from R by adding one new element x to R, and extending in a
minimal way to a ring in which x satisfies no other relations than the obligatory ones, plus commutation
with all elements of R (that is xr = rx). To do this, one must add all powers of x and their linear
combinations as well.
Formation of the polynomial ring, together with forming factor rings by factoring out ideals, are
important tools for constructing new rings out of known ones. For instance, the ring (in fact field) of
complex numbers, which can be constructed from the polynomial ring R[x]over the real numbers by
factoring out the ideal of multiples of the polynomial x2 + 1. Another example is the construction of finite
fields, which proceeds similarly, starting out with the field of integers modulo some prime number as
the coefficient ring R (see modular arithmetic).
If R is commutative, then one can associate to every polynomial P in R[x], a polynomial function f with
domain and range equal to R (more generally one can take domain and range to be the
same unital associative algebra over R). One obtains the value f(r) by substitution of the value r for the
symbol x in P. One reason to distinguish between polynomials and polynomial functions is that over
some rings different polynomials may give rise to the same polynomial function (see Fermat's little
theorem for an example where R is the integers modulo p). This is not the case when R is the real or
complex numbers, whence the two concepts are not always distinguished in analysis. An even more
important reason to distinguish between polynomials and polynomial functions is that many operations
on polynomials (like Euclidean division) require looking at what a polynomial is composed of as an
expression rather than evaluating it at some constant value for x.
In commutative algebra, one major focus of study is divisibility among polynomials. If R is an integral
domain and f and g are polynomials in R[x], it is said that f divides g or f is a divisor of g if there exists
a polynomial q in R[x] such that f q = g. One can show that every zero gives rise to a linear divisor, or
more formally, if f is a polynomial in R[x] and r is an element of R such that f(r) = 0, then the
polynomial (x − r) divides f. The converse is also true. The quotient can be computed using
the polynomial long division. If F is a field and f and g are polynomials in F[x] with g ≠ 0, then there
exist unique polynomials q and r in F[x] with

and such that the degree of r is smaller than the degree of g (using the
convention that the polynomial 0 has a negative degree). The polynomials q and r are uniquely
determined by f and g. This is called Euclidean division, division with remainder or polynomial long
division and shows that the ring F[x] is a Euclidean domain.
Analogously, prime polynomials (more correctly, irreducible polynomials) can be defined as non-zero
polynomials which cannot be factorized into the product of two non-constant polynomials. In the case of
coefficients in a ring, "non-constant" must be replaced by "non-constant or non-unit" (both definitions
agree in the case of coefficients in a field). Any polynomial may be decomposed into the product of an
invertible constant by a product of irreducible polynomials. If the coefficients belong to a field or
a unique factorization domain this decomposition is unique up to the order of the factors and the
multiplication of any non-unit factor by a unit (and division of the unit factor by the same unit). When the
coefficients belong to integers, rational numbers or a finite field, there are algorithms to test
irreducibility and to compute the factorization into irreducible polynomials (see Factorization of
polynomials). These algorithms are not practicable for hand-written computation, but are available in
any computer algebra system. Eisenstein's criterion can also be used in some cases to determine

Other applications
Polynomials serve to approximate other functions.such as the use of splines.Polynomials are frequently
used to encode information about some other object. The characteristic polynomial of a matrix or linear
operator contains information about the operator's eigenvalues. The minimal polynomial of an algebraic
element records the simplest algebraic relation satisfied by that element. The chromatic polynomial of
a graph counts the number of proper colourings of that graph.The term "polynomial", as an adjective,
can also be used for quantities or functions that can be written in polynomial form. For example,
in computational complexity theory the phrase polynomial time means that the time it takes to complete
an algorithm is bounded by a polynomial function of some variable, such as the size of the input.

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