Sex Expression of Cucumber (Cucumis Sativus L.) Applied With Different Dosage of Aspirin

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Cucumber (Cucumissativus L.) is an important vegetable and one of the most

popular members of the Cucurbitaceae family. It is thought to be one of the oldest

vegetable cultivated by man with historical records dating back 5,000 years. The plant

has large leaves that form a canopy over the fruit. The fruit of the cucumber is

roughly cylindrical, elongated with tapered ends. Cucumber consider a fruit as they

contain enclosed seeds and develop from a flower. Cucumber is vine crops and can be

grown on the ground or on poles or on trellises to suspend the fruit.

Cucumber has a high beneficial nutrients, it can prevent hydration, cancer,

diabetes and inflammation, it contain calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus,

potassium, sodium, Vitamin C and vitamin K. Cucumber have a mild refreshing taste

and high water content, it is advisable to eat during hot weather (Ware 2019).

Sex expression in plants is influence by genetic and environmental factors.

Moreover, these could be influence by hormones either synthetic or of natural origin.

These hormones may accelerate or suppress flowering depending on the


In general, female sex expression is promoted by low temperature, low

nitrogen supply, short photoperiod and high moisture availability which are

conditions that encourage buildup of carbohydrates. These environmental factors

influence the levels of endogenous hormones (especially ethylene, auxin, and

gibberillic acid composition) which in turn influence sex expression (Robinson and

Decker-Walters, 1997; Achakzai, Kayani, 2002; Achakzai, 2002).

This study was conducted to explore the effect and the influence of growth

regulators in sex expression of cucumber plant with the use of different concentration

of aspirin.

Objectives of the Study

1. To evaluate the influence of different dosage of aspirin on sex expression of

cucumber plants.

2. To determine the exact dosage of aspirin for the improvement of the growth of

cucumber as a growth regulator.

Significant of the Study

The study will help farmers to improve cucumber growth and yield with the

affordable growth regulator aspirin. Furthermore, the findings can be an essential

reference for other research activity of the same interest.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

This study focuses on the sex expression of cucumber using different dosage

of aspirin. This focuses also how aspirin affect sex expression of the cucumber.

Operational Definition of Terms

Aspirin. The treatment that is used in the study as a growth regulator.

Cucumber. Is a widely cultivated plant in the gourd family, cucurbitaceae. It is

a creeping vine that bears cucumiform fruits that are used as vegetables.

Growth. Refers to the observable characteristics of cucumber in terms of plant


Rooting hormones. A chemical that stimulate root growth.



Description of the Crop

Cucumber (Cucumissativus L.) is widely cultivated plant in the gourd family,

cucurbitaceae. It is a creeping vine that bears cucumiform fruits that are used as

vegetables. The cucumber originated in India, and large genetic varieties of cucumber

have been observed in different part of India. It has been cultivated for at least 3,000

years and was probably introduced to other part of Europe by the Greeks or Romans.

Cucumber comes in three distinct types, seedless, seeded, and mini. There are close to

100 varieties (https://en.m.wikipedia,org/wiki/cucumber).

The cucumber is one of the top five most popular garden vegetables.

Cucumber are every adaptable. They have been grown in space and a mile

underground in a nickel mine. Very easy to grown from seed (Mahr 2014).


Aspirin contain salicylic acid a plant growth regulator that increases plant

bioproductivity. Moreover, lower quantities of salicylic acid its effect expresses as the

increase in plant size, the number of flowers, leaf are and the early appearance of

flowers. It is proposed that the increase in bioproductivity is mainly due to the

positive effect of salicylic acid on root length and its density (Saavedra and Mex


Aspirin help plant to have better root system and resistance to disease. Apply aspirin

with the solution of 250 to 500 milligrams through watering the seeds with the

solution once every three weeks throughout the growing season (Ganneth 2014).

Acetylsalicylic acid is the active ingredient in aspirin and is derived from

salicylic acid this natural cure-all really can boost the health of your plants. Aspirin

for Plant Growth appears to be beneficial.Apparently, plants produce minute amounts

of salicylic acid on their own when they are stressed. This tiny amount helps plants

cope when they are under insect attack, dry, underfed, or maybe even experiencing a

disease issue. The component helps boost the plant’s immune system, aspirin in

vegetable gardens has been shown to increase plant size and yield (Grant 2020).

Materials and Methods

Research Materials

The materials used in this study are the following; Hybrid Cucumber

MacArthur F1 seeds (Condor quality seeds), bamboo, shovel, water, bamboo, twisted

tieback, ballpen, paper, cellphone, calculator, ruler and aspirin.


Research design. A Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD)

will use in this study with five (5) treatment including the control, replicated four (4)


The treatments were as follows:

T1- Control

T2 -80 mg of aspirin/1 Gallon of water

T3- 160mg of Aspirin /1 Gallon of water

T4 –240mg of Aspirin /1 Gallon of water

T5- 320mg of Aspirin /1 Gallon of water 8

Time and Place of the Study

The study was conducted from November 28, 2020 to January 15, 2021 at

Magbanua’s Residence Poblacion, Antipas Cotabato.

Figure 1. Location of the Area


Cultural Practices

Preparation of Materials. Hybrid Cucumber MacArthur F1 seeds (Condor

quality seeds) was purchased at BGV Marketing Antipas, Cotabato. Aspirin capsule

purchased at RJ Pharmacy Antipas, Cotabato.

Preparation of Experimental Area. Clean the area and cultivate the soil for

experimentation. Build trellis using Bamboo tree, nails, and poly twine. The plot in

areas arrange in randomized complete block design.

Care and Maintenance. Weeding method will perform in this study using

hand tools to avoid competition in soil nutrients.

Preparation of Application and Treatments. Dissolve the aspirin capsule in

different bucket with 1 gallon of water according to dosage of the treatment and apply

to the plants.

Data Gathered

Survival Rate (%). This was obtained 30 days after sowing using the


Survival Rate= Number of Survived Cucumber X 100

Total Number of Cucumber Sown

Vine height ( cm). The measurement of height of cucumber was done using

ruler/ steel tape from the base up to the longest shoot of the plant.

Number of Pistillate Flowers. The number of pistillate or female flowers

counted and recorded.
Number of Staminate Flowers. The number of staminate or male flowers
counted and recorded.

Statistical Analysis. The data collected was analyzed by manual solving with

statistical guidelines document (Experimental English Design) on how to get the

mean and analysis of variance (ANOVA) to determine the significant among the



Field Lay-out in a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD).

Trt1 Trt1 Trt3 Trt2

Trt2 Trt3 Trt2 Trt5

Trt4 Tr2 Trt1 Trt1

Trt3 Trt5 Trt5 Trt4

Trt5 Trt4 Trt4 Trt3


1 2 3 4

Figure2. Sample Lay-out of the study “SEX EXPRESSION OF CUCUMBER (Cucumis


with five (5) treatments and four (4) replications.



Survival Rate

Table 1a shows the data on survival rate of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.)

applied with different dosage of aspirin. Result reveals that 91.5% of cucumber

(Cucumis sativus L.) plants survived.

Table 1a. Data on Survival Rate of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) Applied with Different
Dosage Of Aspirin. In Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD).CFCST, 2021

Survival Rate (%)

Treatments I II III VI Total Mean
T1- Control 100 100 80 100 380 95
T2 -80 mg of aspirin/1 Gallon of water 100 90 100 100 390 97.5
T3- 160mg of Aspirin /1 Gallon of water 80 100 100 100 380 95

T4 –240mg of Aspirin /1 Gallon of water 90 100 50 100 340 85

T5- 320mg of Aspirin /1 Gallon of water 100 60 100 80 340 85

Grand Total 1830 457.5

Grand Mean 91.5


Table 2a shows the data on plant height (cm) of cucumber (Cucumis sativus

L.) applied with different dosage of aspirin. The tallest plant were obtained from T2

-80 mg of aspirin/1 Gallon of water with a mean of 7.85; followed by T1-Control with

mean of 7.77;T3 – 160mg of Aspirin /1 Gallon of water with a mean of 7.64; T5- 320mg

of Aspirin /1 Gallon of water with the mean of 7.40 and the shortest plant height were

obtained in T4 –240mg of Aspirin /1 Gallon of water with a mean of 6.97.

Table 2a. Data on Plant Height of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) Applied with Different
Dosage of Aspirin. In Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD).CFCST, 2021

Treatments I II III IV Total Mea
T1- Control 7.48
7.90 8.13 7.58 31.09 7
T2 -80 mg of aspirin/1 Gallon of water
8.3 7.3 8.7 7.1 31.4 7
T3- 160mg of Aspirin /1 Gallon of water
8.06 7.8 7.4 7.3 30.56 7
T4 –240mg of Aspirin /1 Gallon of water
7.33 6.8 7.1 6.67 27.9 6
T5- 320mg of Aspirin /1 Gallon of water
7.1 8.01 7.67 6.8 29.58 7
Grand Total 38.69 38.04 38.45 36.35 150.53 37.
Grand Mean 7.53


Analysis of Variance in Table 2b showed no significant difference among

Source of Degree of Sum of Mean of Computed Tabular F
Variance Freedom Squares Squares F
1% 5%

Block 3 1.4325 0.4775 2.65ns 5.41 3.26

Treatment 4 1.9980 0.4995 2.78ns 5.41 3.26

Error 12 2.1595 0.1800

Total 19 5.5901

Table 2b.Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) on Plant Height of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.)
Applied with Different Dosage of Aspirin. In Randomized Complete Block Design
(RCBD).CFCST, 2021

ns= not significant CV=5.63%


Table 3a shows the data on number of pistillate flowers of cucumber

(Cucumis sativus L.) applied with different dosage of aspirin. The highest number of

pistillate flowers were obtained from T2 -80 mg of aspirin/1 Gallon of water with a

mean of 5.40; followed by T3 – 160mg of Aspirin /1 Gallon of water with a mean of

3.75; T1-Control with mean of 3.58; T4 –240mg of Aspirin /1 Gallon of water with a

mean of 3.33 and the lowest number of pistillate flower were obtained in T5- 320mg of

Aspirin /1 Gallon of water with the mean of 2.69.

Treatments I II III IV Total Mean

T1- Control
2.33 2.66 5.34 4.00 14.33 3.58
T2 -80 mg of aspirin/1 Gallon of water
5.66 5.60 400 6.33 21.59 5.40
T3- 160mg of Aspirin /1 Gallon of water
4.33 3.67 4.33 2.66 14.99 3.75
T4 –240mg of Aspirin /1 Gallon of water
3.34 2.66 3.33 4 13.33 3.33
T5- 320mg of Aspirin /1 Gallon of water
2.37 2.37 2.67 3.34 10.75 2.69
Grand Total 18.03 16.96 19.67 20.33 74.99 18.75
Grand Mean 3.75

Table 3a. Data on Number of Pistillate Flowers Cucumber (Cucumis Sativus L.) Applied
with Different Dosage of Aspirin. In Randomized Complete Block Design
(RCBD).CFCST, 2021
Analysis of Variance in Table 3b showed highly significant difference among

treatment. This means that applying aspirin contain salicylic acid a plant growth

regulator that increases plant bioproductivity. Moreover, lower quantities of salicylic

acid its effect expresses as the increase in plant size, the number of flowers, leaf are
and the early appearance of flowers. It is proposed that the increase in bioproductivity

is mainly due to the positive effect of salicylic acid on root length and its density

(Saavedra and Mex 2007).

Table 3b.Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) on Number of Pistillate Flowers Cucumber

(Cucumis Sativus L.) Applied with Different Dosage of Aspirin. In Randomized Complete
Block Design (RCBD).CFCST, 2021
Source of Degree of Sum of Mean of Computed Tabular F
Variance Freedom Squares Squares F
1% 5%

Block 3 3.3749 1.1200 4.57 5.41 3.26

Treatment 4 16.1821 4.0455 16.44** 5.41 3.26

Error 12 2.9533 0.2461

Total 19 22.5103

**= highly significant CV=13.23%


Table 4a shows the data on number of staminate flowers of Cucumber

(Cucumis sativus L.) applied with different dosage of aspirin. The highest number of

staminate flower were obtained from T2 -80 mg of aspirin/1 Gallon of water with a

mean of 10.17; followed by T3 – 160mg of Aspirin /1 Gallon of water with a mean of

8.15; T1-Control with mean of 7.25; T4 –240mg of Aspirin /1 Gallon of water with a

mean of 6.67 and the lowest number of pistillate flower were obtained in T5- 320mg of

Aspirin /1 Gallon of water with the mean of 2.64.

Table 4a. Data on Number of Staminate Flowers Cucumber (Cucumis Sativus L.) Applied
with Different Dosage of Aspirin. In Randomized Complete Block Design
(RCBD).CFCST, 2021

Treatments I II III IV Total M

T1- Control
4.66 7.67 8 8.66 28.99
T2 -80 mg of aspirin/1 Gallon of water
11.66 12.34 9.33 7.33 40.66 1
T3- 160mg of Aspirin /1 Gallon of water
9.6 8.33 8.33 6.66 32.59
T4 –240mg of Aspirin /1 Gallon of water
7.33 8 6 6.33 26.66
T5- 320mg of Aspirin /1 Gallon of water
2.00 2.34 3.34 2.89 10.57
Grand Total 35.25 37.31 35 31.87 139.43 34
Grand Mean
18 6.98

Analysis of Variance in Table 4b showed highly significant difference among

treatment. This means that applying aspirin Acetylsalicylic acid is the active
ingredient in aspirin and is derived from salicylic acid this natural cure-all really can

boost the health of your plants. This tiny amount helps plants cope when they are

under insect attack, dry, underfed, or maybe even experiencing a disease issue. The

component helps boost the plant’s immune system, aspirin in vegetable gardens has

been shown to increase plant size and yield (Grant 2020).

Table 4b.Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) on Number of Staminate Flowers Cucumber

(Cucumis Sativus L.) Applied with Different Dosage of Aspirin. In Randomized Complete
Block Design (RCBD).CFCST, 2021

Source of Degree of Sum of Mean of Computed Tabular F

Variance Freedom Squares Squares F
1% 5%

Block 3 3.0229 0.3750 0.16 5.41 3.26

Treatment 4 122.5249 3o.6312 12.83** 5.41 3.26

Error 12 28.6507 2.3876

Total 19 154.1985

**= highly significant CV=22.14%



A study entitled “Sex Expression of Cucumber (Cucumis Sativus L.) Applied

with Different Dosage of Aspirin” was conducted from November 28, 2020 to

January 15, 2021 at Magbanua’s Residence Poblacion, Antipas Cotabato. This

study aimed to evaluate the influence of different dosage of aspirin on sex

expression of cucumber plants. To determine the exact dosage of aspirin for the

improvement of the growth of cucumber as a growth regulator.

The experiment was carried out in a Randomized Complete Block Design

(RCBD ) with five (5) treatments and four (4) replications.

Result revealed that the tallest plant were obtained T2 -80 mg of aspirin/1

Gallon of water with a mean of 7.85 and the shortest plant height were obtained in T4 –
240mg of Aspirin /1 Gallon of water with a mean of 6.97. The highest number of

pistillate flowers were obtained from T2 -80 mg of aspirin/1 Gallon of water with a

mean of 5.40 and the lowest number of pistillate flower were obtained in T5- 320mg of
Aspirin /1 Gallon of water with the mean of 2.69.The highest number of staminate

flower were obtained from T2 -80 mg of aspirin/1 Gallon of water with a mean of

10.17and the lowest number of staminate flower were obtained in T5- 320mg of

Aspirin /1 Gallon of water with the mean of 2.64.

It revealed also that applying lower dosage of aspirin in cucumber plants will result a

91.5 % of survival rate of the plants.

Analysis of Variance revealed a highly significant difference among treatment

in number of pistillate flower and staminate flower but not significant in plant height

of the cucumber.

In general, based on the result the 1 80mg of Aspirin /1 Gallon of Water

revealed a highly significant in plants height, number of pistillate flower and staminate

flower. Therefore applying low dosage of aspirin can influence the growth of

cucumber and its bioproductivity.



Ganneth. (2014, February 19). In the garden, take two aspirin and give them to

your plants. Retrieved 2014, from


Grant, B. (2020, Jun 22). Gardening Know How:Aspirin For Plant Growth –

Tips On Using Aspirin In The Garden. Retrieved from fertilizers/aspirin-


Saavedra, A. & Mex, R. (2007). Effect of Salicyclic Acid on the Bioproductivity of

Plants. Retrieved from

4020- 5184-0_2

Mahr, S. 2014. Master Gardener Program. National garden Bureau’s Vegetable

of the Year 2014: Cucumber.
https;// vegetable-

Ware, M.2019. Health Benefits of Cucumber.

Saavedra, A. & Mex, R. (2007). Effect of Salicyclic Acid on the Bioproductivity of

Plants. Retrieved from

4020- 5184-0_2

Appendix 1. Preparation of the Experimental Area

Appendix 2. Sowing

Appendix 3. Preparation of Treatments



Appendix 5. Data Gathering

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