NPA Rebel Killed in Luisiana Clash Tortured?: Measles Surge in Laguna To Continue: DOH

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NPA rebel killed

in Luisiana
clash tortured?

Measles surge in Laguna to continue: DOH

Top Laguna doctor killed

HIGH-WIRE WORK. These electric linemen risk their lives and limb
doing what must be one of the most dangerous jobs in the world.
Laguna Now spotted them in the morning of February 15 near the
Restaurateur’s caldo dreams Southwoods exit in SLEX, in Biñan, Laguna. (Photo by Ding Lanao)

LN_v1n4.indd 1 19/02/2019 9:36 AM

2 LagunaNow Vol. 1 No. 4

Measles surge in Laguna

to last up to March: DOH
Towns and cities still struggling to meet immunization targets but renewed efforts — such
as an action plan in Santa Rosa City — are underway. By EVE MATTA and LEOBEL COLONA
SANTA ROSA CITY — Health Janairo said two doses of
officials said this week the pub- the measles vaccine are about
lic reception to the govern- 97 percent effective, while one
ment’s mass immunization has dose is just about 93 percent ef-
turned well, even as the number fective. The DOH targets to vac-
of people infected with measles cinate about 1.6 million children
continues to rise. in the region, he added.
In this city, an eight-month-old
infant died amid an outbreak of Struggling
the disease declared in several According to data from DOH- Photo from Calamba Doctors
Hospital website
regions, including the Cavite, Calabarzon, municipalities

No threats vs
Laguna, Batangas, Rizal, Que- within the province are strug-
zon (Calabarzon). City Health gling to meet their target in vac-
cination, which is 90 percent of
slain doc: kin
Officer Dr. Soledad Rosanna
Cunanan reported that measles the eligible population. In the
cases in the city reached a total data, San Pedro City has been
of 52 from January up to Febru- reporting a consistently low out-
SANTA ROSA CITY — Dr. Roderick
ary 15. A child gets a shot of the measles vaccine at a “fixed site” vac- put from 2016 to 2018. The city
cination center established by the Department of Health and the covered only 39 percent of the S. Mujer, the surgeon and hospital ex-
The Department of Health ecutive gunned down on February 14
local  government in a fast-food chain in Biñan City on February population that is supposed to
(DOH) has recorded 328 cases 12. (Photo courtesy of DOH-Calabarzon)
be vaccinated with MMR. in Bay town, did not receive any threat
and six deaths, as of February
18, in Laguna province. Region-wide, stopped the distribution of the vaccine According to Ryan Arboleda, resident to his life, his relatives said this week.
DOH-Calabarzon has recorded 2,394 cas- after the drug manufacturer admitted to epidemiologist at the San Pedro City Mujer, 44, was shot on Valentine’s
es and 57 deaths in the same period. possible side effects in those who have not Health Office, the city has always attained Day in Barangay Maitim, Bay, as he
Rizal province registered the most num- yet had dengue. the 60 percent mark. “We are always on was leaving the newly opened Global
ber of cases at 1,289 and 41 deaths, fol- But Janairo said more people are now surveillance, especially since the outbreak Care Medical Center of Bay where he
lowed by Laguna. Cavite has 298 cases getting the measles vaccines as health of- was declared. We would go house-to- was vice president.
and seven deaths; Batangas with 239 cas- fices step up their information drive and house in every barangay and would en- A relative, whose identity is with-
es and two deaths, and Quezon with 240 house-to-house visits, especially in the courage everyone in the community to held for security reasons, told Laguna
cases and one death. far-flung communities. have their children vaccinated,” he told Now that they were not aware of any
DOH regional director Dr. Eduardo Ja- Aside from government centers, the Laguna Now. threats against the doctor. “Otherwise,
nairo, in a recent phone interview, said DOH has also tapped churches and local The city enforces the rule that each fam-
we would get him a bodyguard,” the
the number may continue to rise. “We ex- governments to encourage parents to get ily should have an immunization card for relative said.
pect more (cases) in the next weeks. The their children inoculated, especially those their children to validate whether they are
Chief Inspector Arlen Abastillas,
(number) may start to go down by mid- between 6 and 59 months. diligent in taking the shots or not. “This
March,” he said. DOH-Calabarzon opened its first “fixed way, it will be easier for us to monitor our Bay police chief, said a lone gunman
Janairo said that is because the measles site” for measles vaccination on Febru- communities.” Arboleda explained. fired shots at the doctor’s sports utility
virus has an incubation period of 10 days ary 12 in a fast-food chain in Biñan City, vehicle as Mujer was leaving the hos-
Action plan
and those infected in the earlier weeks which registered the highest number of pital alone around 5pm. Bullets hit the
have just started to manifest symptoms, cases in Laguna with 94 and three deaths Santa Rosa City announced on Mon- passenger seat side, hitting Mujer on
like high fever and skin rashes. from January 1 to February 9. day that it has created an action plan on his side, shoulder, and hands. He died
In this city, health officials held an measles. An information campaign is un- hours later at the HealthServ Medical
Churches, fast-food chains emergency meeting on February 18 to derway to convince residents, especially Center in Los Baños.
The DOH earlier blamed the measles map out better measures to stop the out- parents, of the importance of getting their “He was a good person. He would
outbreak on the public “scare” triggered break, for instance by dedicating a special children immunized.
In the next two months, the city and the even treat his patients (for free) if he
by controversies surrounding the den- ward in public hospitals for those infected
gue vaccine Dengvaxia. The government with the measles virus. DOH will step up the vaccination of kids knew they could not afford (the fees),”
6-59 months in said a former government official in
the communities Laguna. Mujer also advocated for
(door-to-door) more funds for public hospitals.
or in fixed posts; GCMC of Bay, which opened on Feb-
continued rou- ruary 1, is the third hospital under the
tine vaccination GCMC brand. Its Global Care Cancer
for babies 6-11 Institute, a one-stop center for cancer
months; and diagnosis and treatment, is said to be
school-based im- the first such center in the province.
munization for Mujer attended the unveiling of the
preschool and markers for the board of directors back
grades 1 to 6. Dr.
in December.
Cunanan said
In a LinkedIn profile, Mujer is list-
the target num-
ber for vaccina- ed as president of Global Care Medi-
tion this year is cal Center of Canlubang from August
52,544 children. 2016. It also said he was an “active
The city will consultant” for the hospital since June
monitor daily 2014.
reports from ba- A graduate of Far Eastern Univer-
rangays and hos- sity, he had clinics at the Calamba
pitals. Officials Medical Center, Calamba Doctor’s
will meet with Hospital, the Santa Rosa Hospital
private hospitals and  Medical Center, and the Asian
this this week for Hospital and Medical Center, accord-
updates and con- ing to the Calamba Doctor’s Hospital
sultation on the website. (Eve Matta) L
action plan. L

LN_v1n4.indd 2 19/02/2019 9:36 AM

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LN_v1n4.indd 3 19/02/2019 9:36 AM

4 LagunaNow Vol. 1 No. 4

Group cries torture

of NPA rebel slain in
According to Karapatan, the remains of former UPLB student John
by Army soldiers and possibly tortured. By LEOBEL COLONA
SANTA ROSA CITY — The remains of
the communist guerrilla who was killed
in an alleged encounter with the Philip-
pine military in Luisiana town, Laguna,
on Valentine’s Day bore signs that he may
not have died during the firefight, a hu-
man-rights group said.
John Carlo Alberto, 21, allegedly died
in a firefight between members of the 1st
Infantry Battalion of the Armed Forces of
the Philippines (AFP) and the New Peo-
ple’s Army (NPA) on February 14 in ba-
A soldier poses with the supposed belongings of slain NPA guerrilla John Carlo Alberto and his rangay San Buenaventura, the Army said.
comrades. Alberto was killed during a firefight with the army on February 14 in Luisiana town, Alberto was a former student of the Col-
Laguna. (Photo from Philippine Army) lege of Veterinary Medicine (CVM) at the
University of the Philippines Los Banos

Why student activism matters

(UPLB), where he led the CVM student
council. He was also former chairperson
in UPLB of the leftist youth group Anak-
Below are excerpts from an October 2014 even as UP also produced outstanding bayan.
column by columnist and revolutionaries, activists and other pro- The AFP has said publicly that there
longtime activist Carol Araullo on student gressives who have dedicated their lives was an exchange of gunfire between the
activism, particularly in the University of to critiquing and overturning it…. soldiers and NPA guerrillas resulting in
the Philippines system. Student activists before and during the death of Alberto and the wounding
martial law confronted Philippine real- of other guerrillas. But the leftist human
THE myth of the university as an ivory ity with a sharply critical mind, armed rights group Karapatan-Southern Ta-
tower had already been debunked in with a scientific and progressive philos- galog said it has determined that Alber-
the ’70s at the height of student activ- ophy, and a nationalist, democratic and to’s wounds belie that claim. The bullet
ism and in the face of the brutality of uncompromisingly pro-people political wound on his head, for example, was big
martial rule. Still the myth lingers, de- standpoint. (“Serve the people” was the enough so that he may have been shot at
liberately nurtured and propagated to mantra of the day.) close range, according to Estrella Gordo,
conceal the reality that the university They dared to expose and overturn the a member of the “quick reaction team”
primarily serves to provide the intellec- dominant elite characterizations of Phil- from Karapatan-Southern Tagalog based
tual requirements of the ruling system. ippine society. They were not deceived in Laguna.
Currently it is being used… to denounce by the Marcosian justifications for mar- Gordo said they examined Alberto’s re-
the student activists as “hooligans” and tial law, the empty rhetoric about re- mains and found another bullet hole un-
“enemies of the university” by their in- form and building a “new society.” They der Alberto’s ear and shoulder, as well as
could not be cowed a slit on the left side of his neck. His palms
were blackened, his knuckles broken and If Karapatan’s claim is true that John Asid
by the dictator’s
bluster or the very more bullet holes were found in his torso, Carlo Alberto may have been captured friend
real prospect of according to Gordo. alive and then tortured by his captors, ing up
torture and death “His remains were almost unrecogniz- it could constitute a violation of inter- Cavite
at the hands of the able,” Gordo said. “Obviously this was an national humanitarian law (IHL), the so- hand,
military, police and overkill, these are signs that it was not a called “rules of war,” specifically the one w
paramilitary forces simple firefight.” The state of Alberto’s Geneva Conventions. Under the con- to ski
that martial law body indicated that he may have been ventions, it is forbidden to kill or harm a in ma
had turned into alive when captured and he may have combatant who is no longer capable to are no
the tyrant’s private been tortured, Gordo said. fight because of injury, surrender or cap- Thi
army. Brigadier General Arnulfo Marcelo ture. Such a combatant — called an hors Albert
Not content with Burgos Jr., commander of the 202nd Bri- de combat — is protected by IHL and kill- CVM,
gade, said in a press statement that the 2016.
skimming the sur- ing him, unless he attempts to escape or
face of society’s ills incident was part of the Army’s “focused culmi
shows hostile acts, is a war crime. son o
but true to their military operation” and “pursuit opera-
moniker — radicals tions” against the NPA for burning the ‘Just a boy with dreams’ count
UPLB students protest. (Photo from UPLB Perspective) memb
— they dug at the construction equipment in the Kaliwa Friends and family were one in praising the
vocation of “academic freedom,” civility deeply entrenched and historical roots Dam project in the adjacent Quezon prov- slain rebel who went by the nom de guerre “Ka demo
and nonviolent discourse. of these problems. The activists took ince days before. Inocencio.”. He was variously described as shy, In a
Without a doubt UP remains, after very seriously the revolutionary impera- “The enemy scampered and withdrew respectful, “a bit timid but once he gets close revol
more than a hundred years of existence, tive of bringing about the downfall of the toward different directions, dragging to a person he is a ray of sunshine,” said Ryan “sem
a university of the status quo. It was only oppressive status quo…. along their other wounded and dead com- dela Cruz, a friend. Friends say he was just like throu
in the last 50 years or so that “a pro- Inevitably, they confronted and fought rades based on the heavy bloodstains in any other boy with dreams and aspirations. As arme
gressive university within a reactionary the reactionary forces in the plazas, the encounter site,” Arevalo said. “The ar- a young child, Alberto loved to spend his time
sonists were forced to withdraw towards
the P
university” emerged. Progressive, nay streets and shantytowns where the ma- indoors and read encyclopedias. It was during
Quezon-Laguna boundary in their at- this time that his love for animals developed,
revolutionary, ideas, movements and jority of Filipinos lived lives of misery
tempt to escape.” they said. peop
organizations had their inception and and quiet desperation. Like the student
took root during this period. activists now, the activists then were at Laguna Now, however, could not cor- Alberto was unsure about what degree to the C
UP primarily churns out the coun- first dismissed as juvenile rabble rousers. roborate the claims of the Army and pursue in college, his parents said. He wanted NPA i
try’s leaders and experts in government, But when hundreds went underground Karapatan because Alberto’s body did to be a doctor but a medicine course is expen- The
business and socio-cultural institutions and to the hills to live up to their con- not undergo an official autopsy. Gordo sive. He thought of taking up agriculture but scho
such as schools and mass media who victions, those accusations were proven said no death certificate was issued as of his uncle convinced him to pursue veterinary are a
uphold and prop up the ruling system wrong. (Carol Araullo, L Sunday afternoon because no doctor was medicine instead because it’s where he ex- guerr
around to sign it. celled in his academics. has

LN_v1n4.indd 4 19/02/2019 9:36 AM

February 21 - 27, 2019 LagunaNow 5

ture, mistreatment
in in Luisiana clash
udent John Carlo Alberto bore signs that he was alive when taken
other leftist groups to McCarthyist
attacks. Some members of these
groups have been harassed or killed
extrajudicially because of this link.
Immersion, integration
It is not clear when exactly Alberto
joined the NPA but his term with the
student council, his “immersions,” and
John Carlo Alberto loved animals — and the
becoming a member of Anakbayan-UPLB revolution. He started his activism with the stu-
apparently paved the way. “Carlo is one of dent council and went on to become Anakbay-
those people who would never say no to an-UPLB vice chairperson. (Photos from Carlo’s
an immersion,” said Alberto’s friend Andy Facebook account)
Mar, using an activist term about the time
an activist spends in communities to learn experienced by the basic masses
more about the issues the people there in a semi-feudal and semi-colonial
face. “Whenever there is a chance to live Philippine society.” Although not all
— albeit for a day — with the victims of activists are members of the com-
demolitions or a chance to teach about munist party, let alone NPA guerril-
human rights, he is always the first to vol- las, many of those who eventually
unteer.” join the NPA’s “armed struggle” of-
Hannah Ty, a close friend of Alberto’s, ten have to undergo “basic masses
remembers him as someone who was good integration.”
in communicating with people. “My most
memorable moment with him was when When asked why they think Alberto
we had our basic masses integration at an and other young Filipinos would rather
urban poor community in Santa Rosa,” give up their comfortable lives in the city
Ty said. “We weren’t close back then but, to wage something as violent as armed
after one activity, he approached me and struggle, Shaira Cledera, a close friend of
did some small talk. We became close Alberto’s, said: “Injustice is everywhere: a
later that night when we have to perform lot of people are dying of hunger, and the
for the community cultural night and we same people are also victims of state en-
(wrote) a poem for the community.” forced violence and being killed everyday.
Most people, especially the youth, see the
More intensive than an “immer- armed struggle as the only hope to end
sion,” “basic masses integration” is a this madness. In violent times, the revolu-
program within the “national demo- tion is where the youth see their purpose.”
cratic movement” in which activists The Army, however, accused the NPA
John Not surprised
Aside from his love for animals, Alberto’s spend considerable time in orga- of being a “terrorist organization,” citing
tured friends attest that he loved his country. Grow- nized communities. According to the Alberto’s parents were not surprised
its listing as a terror group by the Euro- by his decision to join the NPA, they told
ptors, ing up in Catanduanes (and, later on, in Tanza, Anakbayan-UPLB website, it is where pean Union and the US.
nter- Cavite) and having experienced poverty first- “youth and students come together Laguna Now. They said they know their
“After being initially led to the country- son’s intentions were pure and remained
e so- hand, Alberto “dreamed of a society where no to live within a community of the ba- side allegedly to experience life with the
one would go hungry, no children will be forced supportive of him, they said.
y the sic masses of peasants and workers people, these young men and women were
to skip classes to be able to help their parents The parents, who requested that their
con- in the rural and urban centers.” constantly brainwashed about perceived name not be used for this story, said they
arm a in making ends meet, and a society where there The website added that the integra- social ills, their emotions aroused, until were very proud of their son when they
ble to are no abuses,” said dela Cruz. tion “aims to increase the political they are ripe for the terrorist movement. learned that he had become a revolution-
cap- This love for country, his friends said, made and social awareness especially of They were recruited, taught to wield arms ary, especially because Alberto, according
hors Alberto decide to join the student council of
the petty-bourgeoisie about the so- and eventually meet their untimely and to them, used his medical knowledge while
d kill- CVM, where he was elected chairperson in
2016. His path to activism started there and cial realities of extreme and chronic unfortunate death fighting government with the NPA and, in a way, “achieved his
pe or poverty, exploitation and repression security forces,” Arevalo added. dreams of becoming a doctor.” L
culminated in his becoming the vice chairper-
son of the UPLB chapter of Anakbayan, the

ng the
country’s largest student movement where
members are taught the politics of “national Army to schools, parents: Watch your
children against activists
re “Ka democracy.”
s shy, In a nutshell, the “national democratic
close revolution” calls for the overthrow of the
Ryan “semi-colonial and semi-feudal system” SANTA ROSA CITY — The Armed their academic freedom but let us remind school officials to prevent students from
st like through a “people’s war.” The NPA, the Forces of the Philippines said last week them there is a limit to being a revolution- joining rebel organizations,” the Times
ns. As armed wing of the Communist Party of it was seeking a dialogue with education ary and, of course, having sense of nation- reported.
s time officials to discuss the alleged recruit- alism,” Madrigal told reporters, according “Parents and school officials should
the Philippines, leads this war through
uring ment of students into the communist to a report by The Manila Times. be aware of the students’ whereabouts,
“armed struggle.” This “protracted movement. The military also cited the case of Jo-
people’s war” has been going on since and what groups they had joined,” he
General Benjamin Madrigal Jr., AFP sephine Lapira, a former student of UP said, calling the Communist Party of
ree to the CPP was founded in 1968 and the chief of staff, said the dialogue is impor- Manila and a member of leftist Gabriela the Philippines and its armed wing, the
anted NPA in 1969. tant in the wake of the death of former Youth, who died with 15 others after re- New People’s Army, “terrorists (who)
xpen- The military has always claimed that UPLB student Carlo John Alberto dur- portedly clashing with soldiers in Nasug- continue to lurk in our schools and
re but schools with active Anakbayan chapters ing an alleged firefight with soldiers on bu, Batangas, two years ago. communities spying for new recruits to
rinary are a “breeding ground” for communist February 14. AFP spokesman Brigadier General Ed- fill the dwindling number of their cad-
e ex- guerrillas who end up with the NPA. It “It is right for students to exercise gard Arevalo “appealed to parents and res.” L
has subjected Anakbayan as well as

LN_v1n4.indd 5 19/02/2019 9:36 AM

6 LagunaNow Vol. 1 No. 4

EDITORIAL Strangers in the booming

We #StandWithMariaRessa city of the south
MARIA Ressa, the chief executive officer and editor of the news S A N T A Newcomers
website Rappler, was arrested last week for the alleged “cybercrime” Rosa is a To travelers from Metro Manila, Santa
booming Rosa City is not only their getaway from
of libel. This charge is just the latest in a string of cases thrown at her city as new the busy metropolis; they enjoy their
by the Duterte administration. businesses weekends in what used to be a Laguna
Rappler has been the target of relentless persecution by this keep com- town. A few of them ended up residing
ing while in the town, which became a city in 2004.
administration from the very beginning because of its critical LAGUNA BUSINESS the old ones As newcomers need homes, the more
coverage of the government, particularly the “drug war.” More than E. SD. Perez try their enterprising businessmen went into sub-
best to com- division development. This could be the
any other Philippine publication, Rappler has shone the light on the pete with reason why the Villars have their Crown
brutality of the campaign, the shortcuts taken by the authorities to the newcomers. Subdivisions have mush- Asia fronting the Nuvali-Solenad com-
roomed and continue to attract new resi- plex, a rising commercial center cum resi-
the detriment of suspects, and the outright violation of the rights of dents from Metropolitan Manila. In the dential area.
people to due process and the presumption of innocence. beginning, they saw in Santa Rosa City In the beginning, there was only Paseo
the rising urban center of Laguna. de Santa Rosa where local and foreign
This persecution is deeply worrying because of its impact on media The new residents then used to see tourists took their lunch on their way to
and journalism and, more broadly, democracy in the Philippines. It Santa Rosa City as their new vacation spot Tagaytay City. As the demands for more
that is far away from the cities that used to eateries grow in number, the Zobels of
is meant to create a chilling effect on journalists. It is also meant to be the towns and now have become cities the Ayala fame developed what is now the
undermine media entities that have an avowed task to counter the too. Nuvali-Solenad complex. Not too far from
Some years ago, there was the Metro- Paseo de Santa Rosa is Ming’s Garden,
government’s propaganda and lies. politan Manila, which used to be com- which incidentally, like Tagaytay, is part
Maria Ressa’s arrest and the persecution of Rappler are not just posed of four cities and 13 municipalities. of Silang, Cavite. It is owned by former
First Lady Ming Ramos.
a war against the website and its journalists — it is a war against Today, all are cities that make up the de-
What made Santa Rosa the booming
caying metropolis. Of the 13 towns that
truth, against the public good, against human rights, and against city of the South? It is the newcomers who
made up the new Metropolitan Manila, were mainly responsible for its continued
accountability. only the town of Valenzuela used to be a growth. The demands for new houses
Bulacan town. The rest came from Rizal could not be met by two hotels alone even
We stand with Rappler. We stand for truth. We stand for human province. if these are some located along the Santa
rights. We stand for accountability. So should you. Back to Santa Rosa City. Rosa-Tagaytay Road.
Who were responsible for turning Santa El Cielito and Seda Nuvali may have

We #StandWithLeilaDeLima
Rosa into the booming city of the south? many rooms but there may not be enough
If new businesses came to the rising city to serve their growing clientele who, as
of the south, it could be because they see domestic and foreign tourists, require
What happened to Maria Ressa is just a continuation of Duterte’s in Santa Rosa a booming town. It was not to rest in their stopovers. It seems more
the city that it is today but only a Laguna rooms are needed to cater to the weary
campaign to persecute those who criticize him. The first one to get town. Yet, businesses keep coming. Even travelers who love to experience living
in the president’s crosshairs is Senator Leila de Lima, who earned car makers came; they sometimes refer to outside the metropolis. To them, Santa
Santa Rosa City as the little Detroit of La- Rosa City is along the way to their final
Duterte’s ire when she dared to investigate him for the killings in guna, if not of the Philippines. destination that is Tagaytay City. L
Davao City years ago when he was mayor there and she was head of
the Commission on Human Rights. She further enraged him when,
as senator, she launched a Senate investigation into the “drug war”
De Lima was subsequently subjected to a campaign of vilification Editor Reb Abanador Contributing Editor Dana Batnag Staff Writers Leobel Bernadette C.
and demonization unprecedented in its intensity. She was ridiculed, Colona, Neal Andrei A. Lalusin Contributing Writers Kimmy Baraoidan, Eve Matta, Aya Jallo-
rina, Emeterio SD. Perez Contributing Photographers Raffy Lerma, Chris Quintana, Edmund
diminished, called a slut and all sorts of names. On February 24, Bariring Layout and Design Ayishah M. Conde Editorial Interns Shane Valerie B. Muallam,
2017, largely on the testimony of convicted drug lords who were Maricris R. Santilles
Marketing Manager Laarni M. Bautista Administrative Officer Rosiedin G. Lanao Operations
more than happy to please the government, she was accused of drug Liaison Yasir S. Muallam Legal Counsel Atty. Dana Batnag
charges and hauled off to jail. Except for these polluted witnesses, the Laguna Now is published every Thursday by Conde Media Publishing Services, a duly regis-
government has not presented a single piece of credible evidence to tered company in Santa Rosa City, Laguna, Philippines. Editorial and business offices at 140
BelAir Drive, Laguna BelAir 1, Barangay Don Jose, Santa Rosa City, Laguna, the Philippines.
back up the allegation. Email [email protected] Landline +63 49 3081396 Mobile (Text / Viber / WhatsApp)
This weekend, de Lima will have spent two years in detention in +63 9217639604 FB Messenger FB / Twitter / Instagram @lagunanow

Camp Crame — the Philippines’ prisoner of conscience. Her rights in

detention have been severely violated. She cannot perform her duty
as a sitting senator. She is constantly watched; most visitors, even
foreign dignitaries, are not allowed to see her. And the few times that
she’s out in public during court hearings, her police escorts would
literally muzzle her so her words to reporters and supporters are
muffled or completely drowned out by the police escorts coughing
loudly in unison.
This is not how you treat a senator duly elected by the public.
This is not how you treat a human being. But if there’s anything
this tyrannical regime has shown, it’s that it is more than willing to
trample on the rights of people, big or small, to get what it wants. L

LN_v1n4.indd 6 19/02/2019 9:36 AM

February 21 - 27, 2019 LagunaNow 7

A new weapon against press freedom

The Duterte administration’s antipathy toward the media is consistent with an attempt by an increasingly authoritarian
president to dismantle institutions that can check his abuse of power.
By CARLOS H. CONDE of five cases that Rappler is facing in two terte administration. franchise of ABS-CBN, the country’s larg-
courts in Manila. This excellence in reporting comes from est media network, which has likewise re-
(Editor’s note: Last week, law enforcers ar- The charges against Rappler are clear- the many highly regarded and award- ported critically on the “drug war.”
rested Maria Ressa, CEO and editor of Rap- winning journalists More widely, this antipathy toward the
pler, for libel. While this, on the surface, employed by Rap- media is consistent with an attempt by an
seems like due process at work, there’s pler — the major- increasingly authoritarian President to
more to it than that. We are reprinting this ity of them women. dismantle institutions that can check his
oped, which first appeared in Canada’s Ms. Ressa herself abuse of power. It began with the jailing
Globe and Mail, to provide that context.) won the New York- on trumped-up drug charges of Senator
based Committee to Leila de Lima, the most vocal and consist-
AS a former journalist, I often find myself
Protect Journalists’ ent critic of the “drug war” and of human-
straining to explain press freedom in the
annual award in rights violations linked to Mr. Duterte
Philippines. Many people I meet seem to
November, among when he was mayor of Davao City in the
have a rather straightforward view: Either
other honors. south. Mr. Duterte and his allies have also
the press is free or it is not. I wish it were
Rappler is doing sought to muffle critical voices in other
that simple, I tell them.
its job — and that’s branches of government, such as the judi-
The Philippines, officially, does not
why it has become ciary, including by forcing out a chief jus-
have prior restraint regulations that pre-
a favorite target of tice. Civil society, including the Catholic
vent journalists from publishing. Pretty
much anything goes, which is why the the Duterte gov- Church, is also under siege.
Philippine press has been classified as ernment. The court Court cases against Filipino journalists
free, rambunctious even. Filipino journal- cases are only the are not new. Libel remains a criminal of-
A member of the College Editors Guild of the Philippines protests out- beginning. Rappler
ists struggled quite a lot, particularly dur- side the presidential palace in Manila. (Photo by Reuters) fense in the Philippines. A number of re-
ing the Ferdinand Marcos dictatorship, journalists face online porters have spent time in prison merely
when many paid with their lives to make ly meant to intimidate and threaten the abuse on a daily basis. When covering for publishing. But coupled with the
sure the press stayed that way. website and, ultimately, to shut it down. the presidency beat, journalists are har- physical, violent attacks against Filipino
So Filipino journalists are free to say This is because of its reporting on Presi- assed, with Mr. Duterte himself leading journalists, legal cases such as those Rap-
even the darndest things. The problem is dent Rodrigo Duterte’s so-called “drug the charge. The President even barred pler faces are a new weapon against press
what happens after: Over the years, many war,” which has killed more than 12,000 journalist Pia Ranada from entering the freedom in the Philippines.
have faced criminal libel suits or have mostly poor Filipinos. The Philippine De- presidential palace at one point. It is critical for Canada and other long-
been murdered. The Philippines has often partment of Justice began building up a What’s being done to Rappler reflects time friends of the Philippines to call for
led the world in the most journalists killed case against the publication as early as the Duterte administration’s wider con- the charges against Ms. Ressa and Rap-
in a particular year. December, 2016, after it became clear frontational attitude toward the media. pler to be dropped. In the meantime,
In this way, Maria Ressa, the founder the website was going to be a very critical Through social media, the President’s of- Filipino journalists will confront this
and editor of the spunky website Rappler, voice against the government. fice has unleashed its attack dogs on news heightened threat with the same deter-
can count herself lucky — but not that While other Philippine media outlets organizations and journalists who report mination and courage they showed when
lucky. On Dec. 3, Ms. Ressa posted bail of have reported critically on the Duterte ad- critically on the “drug war.” they fought the Marcos dictatorship. And
about $1,500 after a court issued a war- ministration, none, in my view, has done Prior to Rappler, Mr. Duterte person- it starts with this: #StandWithRappler. L
rant for her arrest. The charge? Rappler it quite like Rappler. Its coverage of the ally threatened the Philippine Daily In-
Holdings Corp., the company that owns “drug war” has been exemplary and con- quirer, the country’s most prestigious Carlos H. Conde, former correspondent for
Rappler, failed to supply authorities with sistent, providing a counternarrative to newspaper, with a tax case and flirted The New York Times in Manila, is the Philip-
the correct tax information. It is just one the often-unchallenged claims of the Du- with the idea of denying the congressional pines researcher for Human Rights Watch.

The real casualty showed indignation in solidarity with

what we campaign for. Christiane Aman-
word disgusting as a metaphor. Not at all.
I say disgusting for having known some of
A WEEK ministration. pour of CNN International was even quot- these colleagues who have been practic-
THE RUDE after Ma- Both Maria Ressa and the Department ed as saying, “You know a government is ing “envelopmental journalism” as they
TRUTH ria Ressa’s of Justice have presented differing views desperate when they arrest a journalist.” side with the more disgusting ones who
Aya Jallorina arrest, the on the matter. Must we endeavor to ferret Millions raised their angry voices to op- malverse government funds, rig public
outrage out the truth on this and take the right pose this violation of the fundamental biddings, sexually harass women, take
is far from over. Vigilance rules in many course of action to weigh the contrary po- right to freedom of the press. pride in supposedly protecting the coun-
newsrooms around the world as journal- sitions point by point or should we retreat What is disgusting, however, is the si- try from a foreign one but which it has
ists become more watchful of any new at- to oblivion for fear of backlash? lence of those journalists I had expected practically become subservient to, go on
tempt to continue this crackdown on crit- The critical journalist faces threats of to cry out loud and even rant, in the face junkets, pretend to be what they could
ics in the media. libel if she foregrounds a perspective that of the slaughter of their sacred profession. never possibly become even if they kept
And rightly so. resituates the order of things as perceived Ressa’s cry to hold the line, to not fear being reelected.
For after all, this is not just about Ma- by enemies of truth. The critical media and not duck is a valid cry that has be- They didn’t back the oppressors’ action
ria Ressa. It is not about her personal are truth-tellers often intensely inter- come a cry for help. Since when has media against Maria Ressa, nor did they try to
fight over personal grudges. It is not even rogated by those they write about, as if feel this kind helplessness? That is why I oppose it. Ergo, they follow a coward’s
about her alleged unpaid government they have other agenda than to tell stories groan in disbelief reading the comments path. They have chosen to be silent when
taxes. It is not about her ideology. It is all as it is. of media people who happened to be my they could have taken a stand.
about every individual who believes in the With Maria Ressa’s plight, the media Facebook friends and who stood up safely On a positive note, Maria Ressa’s re-
equal protection of the law, in justice and has even become a field of altercations be- on the other fence, lambs as they were, pression is an inspiration, an admonition
due process — and not in the rule of who tween defenders of truth and stoics who cowed in their stance, opportunistic in for us journalists to look deeper, ask more
reigns. The centuries-old Revised Penal remain unperturbed by disturbing devel- their indifference. They are disgusting questions, search for the truth in the an-
Code appears to have undergone revision opments in the very field they represent. to even make it appear that they are part swers we get.
without actually being revised when the So many of us in the National Union of this great profession when it seems all Maria Ressa is not the only casualty in
doctrine of non-retroactivity of laws was of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP) they want is to become a mouthpiece for this surprise ambush to silence her. We
misapplied in the particular case of Maria readily stood up to seek justice for Maria disinformation. all are. L
Ressa, a known critic of the Duterte ad- Ressa. Our colleagues in other countries Forgive me that I am not using the Send feedback to [email protected]

LN_v1n4.indd 7 19/02/2019 9:36 AM

8 LagunaNow Vol. 1 No. 4

Calamba restaurateur dreams of caldo

This restaurateur’s fascination with soup stock led him to
build the restaurant he always wanted.
FOR Joel Gelisan, putting up restaurants had a taste of her cooking, I would al-
is not only a business venture but also a ways wonder why everything she cooked
way to showcase his love for cooking. As was delicious,” he says. The secret is the
the youngest in a brood of three, Joel caldo. Using caldo — the broth or soup
developed his skills early on through his stock made out of simmered meat (often
mother, Corazon Gelisan. “My mom is bones), fish or vegetables — is a key ele-
from Pampanga so she knows everything ment in many cuisines, particularly those
about cooking,” Joel says. “I would fol- with Spanish influence.
low her to the kitchen and help out. From Since then, Joel never forgot the term
there, I learned how to cook kalderetang and dreamed of naming a restaurant after
lengua and pork belly dinuguan.” it. After getting married and moving to Si-
Caldo is Joel’s dream restaurant. As lang, Cavite, he found the perfect place to
far back as he can remember, he wanted realize that dream: Nuvali, the Ayala de-
to have a restaurant that will feature the velopment that straddles Santa Rosa and
recipes from his childhood. He named Calamba cities in Laguna.
it after the soup stock. “Since I love to Since its inauguration in 2015, Caldo
help my mother in the kitchen and have has been successful in attracting custom-
Joel Gelisan learned so much from his mother’s cooking and was blown away by his discov-
ery that the soup stock was the reason why the food she prepared tasted so good. (Photo by
Leobel Colona)

ers to enjoy heirloom recipes, especially a farm that supplies poultry for both Any-
since Joel not only oversees but also per- haw and Caldo. “It’s one way of making sure
sonally cooks in the restaurant. His wife of the quality of the (chicken) we serve,”
Marilyn, on the other hand, takes care of he says. And the chickens Caldo serve are
the desserts. huge, usually 1.4 kgs a serving. “That is one
But Caldo isn’t Joel’s first venture in the of the reasons our customers keep coming
restaurant business. His first restaurant is back — the big servings,” he says.
Bertito’s Anyhaw Restaurant, popular to A couple of restaurants may be a hand-
the citizens of Calamba or those who trav- ful but Joel plans on putting up more. For
el south of the province as Anyhaw. As the 2019, he wants to put up a restaurant cum
name implies, Anyhaw features grilled café in Calamba, near the church, for stu-
recipes that goes well with alcohol. As a dents and other residents of Calamba “so
Calambeño, the location is perfect for Joel that they will no longer have to travel to
who was then living with his parents.  experience good food.” L
His family has been nothing but support- Caldo is located at the Fiesta Market in
ive of Joel, who is 37 and a father of a three- Solenad 3 and is open starting 11:00 in
year old daughter. His in-laws, for one, have the morning until 10:00 in the evening.

LN_v1n4.indd 8 19/02/2019 9:36 AM

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