Eletronic Engines Support 7 3 0 Global Guide
Eletronic Engines Support 7 3 0 Global Guide
Eletronic Engines Support 7 3 0 Global Guide
Engines Support
SW version 7.3.0
1 Document information 9
2 Principle of ECU support 10
3 Comparison table 24
4 List of ECU 29
5 List of texts of ECU fault codes 334
6 Notes 524
3 Comparison table 24
4 List of ECU 29
4.1 Agco Power engines support 30
4.1.1 EEM4 30
4.2 Baudouin engines support 33
4.2.1 WISE 15A 33
4.3 Caterpillar engines support 36
4.3.1 ADEM A3, ADEM A4, ADEM A5 36
4.3.2 ADEM A4 with EMCP3.x or EMCP4.x 42
4.3.3 ADEM A6 47
4.3.4 CCM with ADEM or EMCP2 52
4.3.5 PL1000 with ADEM or EMCP2 53
6 Notes 524
6.1 Software compatibility 524
1 Document information 9
2 Principle of ECU support 10
3 Comparison table 24
4 List of ECU 29
5 List of texts of ECU fault codes 334
6 Notes 524
IMPORTANT: This type of paragraph highlights a procedure, adjustment etc., which can cause a
damage or improper function of the equipment if not performed correctly and may not be clear at
first sight.
Example: This type of paragraph contains information that is used to illustrate how a specific function
Note: It is possible to use a different than a default ECU list in PC software (e.g. ECU list - Allspeed.esl for
InteliGen or InteliSys controller's family in GenConfig). In that case the default configuration may not work
properly and/or some values (fault codes) might be unavailable.
2.6 Configuration
2.6.1 InteliNano
Open NanoEdit PC software
Open controller configuration
Go to ECU configuration window (Miscellaneous > Engine control unit)
Choose the ECU from the list
Write the configuration to the controller
Note: InteliNano controller does not provide configurable inputs/outputs for engine parameters or commands.
The parameters are fixed and cannot be changed.
Note: The speed control over the CAN bus (J1939 protocol) has to be supported by the engine ECU. Without it
supporting ComAp controllers cannot adjust the engine speed.
Note: InteliDrive Nano controller does not provide configurable inputs/outputs for engine parameters or
commands. The parameters are fixed and cannot be changed.
Speed control
InteliNano is an easy to use engine controller with a capability to speed variation. The requred speed is based
on the configuration and application. Please refer to controller manual for more information about.
Note: The speed control over the CAN bus (J1939 protocol) has to be supported by the engine ECU. Without it
supporting ComAp controllers cannot adjust the engine speed.
2.6.3 InteliLite , InteliCompact
Note: Controllers InteliLite MRS3, InteliLite MRS10, InteliLite MRS11, InteliLite AMF8, InteliLite
AMF20 don’t support electronic engines (engines equipped with ECU).
Speed control
InteliLite is an easy to use AMF or MRS gen-set controller with a limited capability to speed variation. The
required speed is calculated from ECU FreqSelect and ECU SpeedAdj setpoints.
InteliCompact is an easy to use parallel (SPtM or MINT) controller with a full capability to speed variation. The
required is calculated from ECU FreqSelect and ECU SpeedAdj setpoints or based on load share or base load
Note: The speed control over the CAN bus (J1939 protocol) has to be supported by the engine ECU. Without it
supporting ComAp controllers cannot adjust the engine speed.
Note: InteliLite controller does not provide configurable inputs/outputs for engine parameters or commands.
The parameters are fixed and cannot be changed.
Speed control
InteliLite is an easy to use AMF or MRS gen-set controller with a limited capability to speed variation. The
required speed is calculated from ECU Frequency Select and ECU Speed Adjustment setpoints.
Note: The speed control over the CAN bus (J1939 protocol) has to be supported by the engine ECU. Without it
supporting ComAp controllers cannot adjust the engine speed.
Note: InteliGen200, InteliGen500 controller does not provide configurable inputs/outputs for engine parameters
or commands. The parameters are fixed and cannot be changed.
Speed control
InteliGen200, InteliGen500 is an easy to use parallel gen-set controller with a full capability to speed variation.
The required speed is calculated from ECU Frequency Select and ECU Speed Adjustment setpoints.
Note: The speed control over the CAN bus (J1939 protocol) has to be supported by the engine ECU. Without it
supporting ComAp controllers cannot adjust the engine speed.
Note: InteliDrive Lite controller does not provide configurable inputs/outputs for engine parameters or
commands. The parameters are fixed and cannot be changed.
Speed control
InteliDrive Lite is an easy to use engine controller with capability to a full speed variation. The required is
calculated base on the configuration. For more information please refer to controller manual.
Note: The speed control over the CAN bus (J1939 protocol) has to be supported by the engine ECU. Without it
supporting ComAp controllers cannot adjust the engine speed.
Note: InteliDrive DCU and InteliDrive Mobile controllers provide configurable inputs/outputs for engine
parameters or commands. These lists of supported parameters are available in I/O card of DriveConfig. For list
of supported parameters or commands refer to particulate ECU type in this manual.
Note: It may happen that some commands as Start request, Stop request have a red background. It means that
these ECU commands do not have assigned a source value from the controller e.g. Starter, Stop pulse.
Note: The default configuration of ECU I/O is different for each particular ECU.
Speed control
InteliDrive DCU , InteliDrive Mobile are engine controllers with a complex speed control capability. Please refer
to InteliDrive DCU or InteliDrive Mobile manual for further information about engine speed control over CAN
Note: The speed control over the CAN bus (J1939 protocol) has to be supported by the engine ECU. Without it
supporting ComAp controllers cannot adjust the engine speed.
2.6.8 InteliGen , InteliSys , InteliSys Gas
Open GenConfig PC software
Open controller configuration
Choose the ECU from the list (modules card > ECU)
Click on Insert
Write the configuration to the controller
Note: InteliGen and InteliSys controllers provide configurable inputs/outputs for engine parameters or
commands. These lists of supported parameters are available in I/O card of GenConfig. For list of supported
parameters or commands refer to particulate ECU type in this manual.
Note: It may happen that some commands as Start request, Stop request have a red background. It means that
these ECU commands do not have assigned a source value from the controller e.g. Starter, Stop pulse.
Note: The default configuration of ECU I/O is different for each particular ECU.
Note: The speed control over the CAN bus (J1939 protocol) has to be supported by the engine ECU. Without it
supporting ComAp controllers cannot adjust the engine speed.
2. By any of not used ExtValue1deflt - ExtValue4deflt setpoint. The value of an ExtValueXdeflt setpoint can be
used as a source for ECU control. It is recommended to use a source Logical 1 for a particular ExtValueXreset
(in LBI card).
There is a recommended way in DriveConfig software:
3. By math function ADD in PLC where first input is a required analog value (constant) and the second input is
value 0. The output of the function is a constant which can be used as a source for ECU control. In this example
is created constant = 2.
For complete support of aftertreatment functions there are three parts with Tier4 support needed: controller
firmware, display firmware and ECU list.
Please refer to Comparison table (page 24) for more details. Follow the particular New Features List for most
recent information.
Following table shows list of available icons (symbols) related to after-treatment support. There are often more
inputs for control the icons than stated in SPN column, this table serves just as overview.
Indicates Regeneration
/ Cleaning of
3697 Diesel Particulate Filter Lamp Command Aftertreatment
6915 SCR System Cleaning Lamp subsystems is needed,
is ongoing or will be
initiated soon.
Indicates Regeneration
/ Cleaning of
3703 DPF Active Regeneration Inhibited Due to Inhibit Switch
6918 SCR System Cleaning Inhibited Due to Inhibit Switch
subsystems is inhibited
by user intervention.
Beside icons there are few other signal that are crucial for aftertreatment support. These are summarized in
following table.
No ECU support
Basic support of aftertreatment based on J1939 standard (Stage V level/ Tier 4 Final level)
Support of aftertreatment based on engine/ECU documentation (Stage V level/ Tier 4 Final level)
Support of aftertreatment based on engine/ECUdocumentation (Stage V level/ Tier 4 Final level) available from XX/YYYY
TEM Evolution I-CB unit
EDC17 193 Doosan G2 EDC17
4.1.1 EEM4
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
StopLamp 623 Red Stop Lamp
WarningLamp 624 Amber Warning Lamp
ProtectLamp 987 Protect Lamp
WaitStartLamp 1081 Engine Wait to Start Lamp
MalfunctLamp 1213 Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashMalfunct 3038 Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FFlashMalfunct 3038 Fast Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashRed 3039 Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FFlashRed 3039 Fast Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FlashWarning 3040 Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
FFlashWarning 3040 Fast Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
FlashProtect 3041 Flash Protect Lamp
DPFInhSwitch 3703 Diesel Particulate Filter Active Regeneration Inhibited Due to Inhibit Switch
Internal controller's value of the calculator is calculated from the low/high limits from the ECU list now
(InteliDriveDCU Marine ver. 3.0 and newer, InteliDriveDCU Industial ver. 3.4 and newer). It was calculated
from the internal controller's limits related to the particular analogue output source. If the limits are different in
the FW and ECU list, the transmitted value may be different.
Recommended wiring
ECU "K" Tyco 62pin connector
Function Controller
connector (837074045)
CAN H 54 45 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN H
CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN
CAN L 76 44 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN L
Battery + (positive) 1,3,5 57,58,59 N/A
Battery - (negative) 2,4,6 60,61,62 N/A
Any binary output configured as ECU
Key Switch 88 55
Analog Speed
Analog Speed
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codes see AGCOPower EEM4 Fault Codes on page 336
1If a custom source is used (PLC output, analog input, etc. ) the value has to have exactly one decimal point (0.0 -
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
WaterInFuel 97 Water In Fuel Indicator 1
AP1LowIdleSw 558 Accelerator Pedal 1 Low Idle Switch
StopLamp 623 Red Stop Lamp
WarningLamp 624 Amber Warning Lamp
ProtectLamp 987 Protect Lamp
WaitStartLamp 1081 Engine Wait to Start Lamp
EPS Shutdown 1110 Engine Protection System has Shutdown Engine
MalfunctLamp 1213 Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashMalfunct 3038 Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FFlashMalfunct 3038 Fast Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashRed 3039 Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FFlashRed 3039 Fast Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FlashWarning 3040 Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
FFlashWarning 3040 Fast Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
FlashProtect 3041 Flash Protect Lamp
Internal controller's value of the calculator is calculated from the low/high limits from the ECU list now
(InteliDriveDCU Marine ver. 3.0 and newer, InteliDriveDCU Industial ver. 3.4 and newer). It was calculated
from the internal controller's limits related to the particular analogue output source. If the limits are different in
the FW and ECU list, the transmitted value may be different.
Recommended wiring
Function ECU Powerkit plug Controller
CAN H X1-42 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN H
CAN COM X1-44 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN COM
CAN L X1-43 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN L
Battery + (positive) X1-01,03,05 N/A
Battery - (negative) X1-02,04,06 N/A
Key Switch X1-59 Any binary output configured as ECU PwrRelay
Analog Speed Control N/A SG OUT
Analog Speed Control N/A SG COM
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codes see see Baudouin WISE 15A Fault Codes on page 339
1If a custom source is used (PLC output, analog input, etc. ) the value has to have exactly one decimal point (0.0 -
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
StopLamp 623 Red Stop Lamp
WarningLamp 624 Amber Warning Lamp
FuelShtoff1 632 Engine Fuel Shutoff 1 Control
Internal controller's value of the calculator is calculated from the low/high limits from the ECU list now
(InteliDriveDCU Marine ver. 3.0 and newer, InteliDriveDCU Industial ver. 3.4 and newer). It was calculated
from the internal controller's limits related to the particular analogue output source. If the limits are different in
the FW and ECU list, the transmitted value may be different.
1If a custom source is used (PLC output, analog input, etc. ) the value has to have exactly one decimal point (0.0 -
2Caterpillar PWM speed contol terminal
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codes see Caterpillar ADEM Fault Codes on page 341.
Note: The configuration and connection is the same on the gen-set equipped with ADEM A4 (ECU) and EMCP
3.x or EMCP 4.x (generator set controller). The ADEM 4.x is the successor of the ADEM 3.x.
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
StopLamp 623 Red Stop Lamp
StopLamp 623 EMCP Red Stop Lamp
WarningLamp 624 Amber Warning Lamp
WarningLamp 624 EMCP Amber Warning Lamp
FuelShtoff1 632 Engine Fuel Shutoff 1 Control
ProtectLamp 987 Protect Lamp
ProtectLamp 987 EMCP Protect Lamp
WaitStartLamp 1081 Engine Wait to Start Lamp
MalfunctLamp 1213 Malfunction Indicator Lamp
MalfunctLamp 1213 EMCP Malfunction Indicator Lamp
SdOverride 1237 Engine Shutdown Override Switch
FuelLeakage1 1239 Engine Fuel Leakage 1
FuelLeakage2 1240 Engine Fuel Leakage 2
FlashMalfunct 3038 Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FFlashMalfunct 3038 Fast Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashRed 3039 Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FFlashRed 3039 Fast Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FlashWarning 3040 Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
FFlashWarning 3040 Fast Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
IMPORTANT: Speed control can be done by using PWM from the controller (SG interface) to the
ADEM. PWM rate for the controller has to be set to 500Hz. See the SpdGovPWM rate setpoint in the
Sync/Load ctrl group of setpoints. This feature has to be enabled in the ECU. Please contact your
local distributor to check it.
Start/Stop command can be configured as Remote Start/Stop EMCP input. Use ECU PwrRelay
controller output for this purpose.
Recommended wiring
Function ECU 70pin AMP connector Controller
CAN H 50 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN H
CAN COM 42 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN COM
CAN L 34 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN L
Battery + (positive) 48,52,53,55 N/A
Battery - (negative) 61,63,65,69 N/A
Key Switch 70 Any binary output configured as ECU PwrRelay
Analog Speed Control 66 (38-S-SPD1) SG OUT
Analog Speed Control 68 (39-D-SPD ) SG COM
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codes see Caterpillar ADEMx with EMCPx Fault Codes on page 349.
4.3.3 ADEM A6
Controllers that support the ADEM
Refer to Comparison table (page 24)
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
WaterInFuel 97 Water In Fuel Indicator 1
AP1LowIdleSw 558 Accelerator Pedal 1 Low Idle Switch
ShutdownEngine 593 Engine Idle Shutdown has Shutdown Engine
StopLamp 623 Red Stop Lamp
WarningLamp 624 Amber Warning Lamp
StartEnbl1 626 Engine Start Enable Device 1
PTOEnable 980 Engine PTO Governor Enable Switch
PTOAccelerate 981 Engine PTO Governor Accelerate Switch
PTOResume 982 Engine PTO Governor Resume Switch
PTODecelerate 983 Engine PTO Governor Coast/Decelerate Switch
PTOSet 984 Engine PTO Governor Set Switch
Internal controller's value of the calculator is calculated from the low/high limits from the ECU list now
(InteliDriveDCU Marine ver. 3.0 and newer, InteliDriveDCU Industial ver. 3.4 and newer). It was calculated
from the internal controller's limits related to the particular analogue output source. If the limits are different in
the FW and ECU list, the transmitted value may be different.
1If a custom source is used (PLC output, analog input, etc. ) the value has to have exactly one decimal point (0.0 -
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codes see Caterpillar ADEM A6 Fault Codes on page 345
Note: For connection to CAT CCM module it is necessary to use an I-CB module. Configuration of the
controller and I-CB has to be done separately using GenConfig or DriveConfig and ICBEdit software. For further
information see I-CB manual.
Available parameters
For more information about available values and signals, please refer to I-CB manual or ICBEdit PC software.
IMPORTANT: Check that CAN bus terminating resistors or appropriate jumpers are connected.
Note: For connection to CAT PL1000 module it is necessary to use an I-CB module. Configuration of the
controller and I-CB has to be done separately using GenConfig or DriveConfig and ICBEdit software. For further
information see I-CB manual.
Available parameters
For more information about available values and signals, please refer to I-CB manual or ICBEdit PC software.
IMPORTANT: Check that CAN bus terminating resistors or appropriate jumpers are connected.
4.4.1 CM500
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
WaterInFuel 97 Water In Fuel Indicator 1
AP1LowIdleSw 558 Accelerator Pedal 1 Low Idle Switch
StopLamp 623 Red Stop Lamp
WarningLamp 624 Amber Warning Lamp
ProtectLamp 987 Protect Lamp
MalfunctLamp 1213 Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashMalfunct 3038 Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FFlashMalfunct 3038 Fast Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashRed 3039 Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
1If a custom source is used (PLC output, analog input, etc. ) the value has to have exactly one decimal point (0.0 -
Internal controller's value of the calculator is calculated from the low/high limits from the ECU list now
(InteliDriveDCU Marine ver. 3.0 and newer, InteliDriveDCU Industial ver. 3.4 and newer). It was calculated
from the internal controller's limits related to the particular analogue output source. If the limits are different in
the FW and ECU list, the transmitted value may be different.
Recommended wiring
Function ECU A2 connector Controller
CAN H 32 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN H
CAN COM N/A CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN COM
CAN L 33 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN L
Battery + (positive) 3,4,5 N/A
Battery - (negative) 7,8 N/A
Key Switch 10 Any binary output configured as ECU PwrRelay
Analog Speed Control N/A SG OUT
Analog Speed Control N/A SG COM
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codes see Cummins CM500 Fault Codes on page 353
4.4.2 CM558
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
StopLamp 623 Red Stop Lamp
WarningLamp 624 Amber Warning Lamp
FuelShtoff1 632 Engine Fuel Shutoff 1 Control
1If a custom source is used (PLC output, analog input, etc. ) the value has to have exactly one decimal point (0.0 -
Internal controller's value of the calculator is calculated from the low/high limits from the ECU list now
(InteliDriveDCU Marine ver. 3.0 and newer, InteliDriveDCU Industial ver. 3.4 and newer). It was calculated
from the internal controller's limits related to the particular analogue output source. If the limits are different in
the FW and ECU list, the transmitted value may be different.
Recommended wiring
No documentation available so far!
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codes see Cummins CM558 Fault Codes on page 355
4.4.3 CM570
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
WaterInFuel 97 Water In Fuel Indicator 1
StopLamp 623 Red Stop Lamp
WarningLamp 624 Amber Warning Lamp
RemPTOVarSpd 978 Engine Remote PTO Governor Variable Speed Control Switch
ProtectLamp 987 Protect Lamp
WaitStartLamp 1081 Engine Wait to Start Lamp
MalfunctLamp 1213 Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashMalfunct 3038 Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FFlashMalfunct 3038 Fast Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashRed 3039 Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FFlashRed 3039 Fast Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
Proprietary parameters
Parameter name Function
Proprietary parameter
0 - 50Hz
1 - 60Hz
Frequency Selection
2-5 - Reserved
6 - Error
7 - Do not care
Recommended wiring
Function ECU C-01 50pin connector Controller
CAN H 46 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN H
CAN COM 37 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN COM
CAN L 36 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN L
Battery + (positive) 7,8,17,18,28 N/A
Battery - (negative) 29,30,39,40,50 N/A
Key Switch 38 Any binary output configured as ECU PwrRelay
Analog Speed Control N/A SG OUT
Analog Speed Control N/A SG COM
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codes see Cummins CM500 Fault Codes on page 353
4.4.4 CM700
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
StopLamp 623 Red stop Lamp - Master
StopLamp 623 Red Stop Lamp 0
StopLamp 623 Red Stop Lamp 1
WarningLamp 624 Amber Warning Lamp - Master
WarningLamp 624 Amber Warning Lamp 0
WarningLamp 624 Amber Warning Lamp 1
FuelShtoff1 632 Engine Fuel Shutoff 1 Control
ProtectLamp 987 Protect Lamp - Master
MalfunctLamp 1213 Malfunction Indicator Lamp - Master
FuelShtoff2 2807 Engine Fuel Shutoff 2 Control
OilPrimPmp 3550 Engine Oil Priming Pump Switch
OilPrim 3551 Engine Oil Priming State
OilPreHeated 3552 Engine Oil Pre-Heated State
CoolPreHeated 3553 Engine Coolant Pre-heated State
FuelShtoffLeak 3601 Engine Fuel Shutoff Valve Leak Test Control
SDRequest 3606 Engine Controlled Shutdown Request
ESDRequest 3607 Engine Emergency (Immediate) Shutdown Indication
FuelShtoffVent 3608 Engine Fuel Shutoff Vent Control
1If a custom source is used (PLC output, analog input, etc. ) the value has to have exactly one decimal point (0.0 -
Internal controller's value of the calculator is calculated from the low/high limits from the ECU list now
(InteliDriveDCU Marine ver. 3.0 and newer, InteliDriveDCU Industial ver. 3.4 and newer). It was calculated
from the internal controller's limits related to the particular analogue output source. If the limits are different in
the FW and ECU list, the transmitted value may be different.
Recommended wiring
ECU 40pin top
Function 9pin Service connector Controller
connector DC-1
CAN H 21 C CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN H
CAN COM 23 E CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN COM
CAN L 22 D CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN L
Battery + (positive) 2,5,6,17 B N/A
Battery - (negative) 3,4,40,45 A N/A
Key Switch 16 N/A Any binary output configured as ECU PwrRelay
Analog Speed Control N/A N/A SG OUT
Analog Speed Control N/A N/A SG COM
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codes see Cummins CM700 Fault Codes on page 356
4.4.5 CM800
Internal controller's value of the calculator is calculated from the low/high limits from the ECU list now
(InteliDriveDCU Marine ver. 3.0 and newer, InteliDriveDCU Industial ver. 3.4 and newer). It was calculated
from the internal controller's limits related to the particular analogue output source. If the limits are different in
the FW and ECU list, the transmitted value may be different.
Recommended wiring
ECU 40pin top
Function 3pin diagnostic connector Controller
CAN H 53 2 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN H
CAN COM 51 3 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN COM
CAN L 52 1 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN L
Battery + (positive) 1,7,12,13 N/A N/A
Battery - (negative) 3,9,14,15 N/A N/A
Key Switch N/A N/A Any binary output configured as ECU PwrRelay
Analog Speed Control N/A N/A SG OUT
Analog Speed Control N/A N/A SG COM
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codes see Cummins CM800 Fault Codes on page 357
1If a custom source is used (PLC output, analog input, etc. ) the value has to have exactly one decimal point (0.0 -
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
WaterInFuel 97 Water In Fuel Indicator 1
StopLamp 623 Red Stop Lamp
WarningLamp 624 Amber Warning Lamp
RemPTOVarSpd 978 Engine Remote PTO Governor Variable Speed Control Switch
ProtectLamp 987 Protect Lamp
MalfunctLamp 1213 Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashMalfunct 3038 Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FFlashMalfunct 3038 Fast Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashRed 3039 Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FFlashRed 3039 Fast Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FlashWarning 3040 Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
FFlashWarning 3040 Fast Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
FlashProtect 3041 Flash Protect Lamp
Proprietary parameters
Parameter name Function
Proprietary parameter.
Speed bias provides the means to adjust the engine speed set point while the engine is running.
It is used for synchronization with the power grid. Once synchronized and paralleled with other
Speed Bias Reference
power sources the speed bias is used to make the gen-set and engine pick up or shed load. In
the case of using speed bias to pick up and shed load the commanded engine speed does
change, but the actual engine speed does not change.
Proprietary parameter.
This feature gives the operator ability to switch the rated speed between 50Hz and 60Hz. This
feature will only be enabled and functional on engines that have been rated for dual speed
operations. The engine has two speed set points that define the base operating speed of the
engine. The system will only react to a state transition while the Engine speed is 0. If datalink is
lost during operation the alternate frequency will not be effected until engine reaches 0 RPM.
Frequency Selection
The recommended source value is a constant following the requested function.
0 = 50Hz
1 = 60Hz
2-5 = Reserved
6 = Error
7 = Do not care
Governor Gain Adjustment Proprietary parameter.
Recommended wiring
Function ECU J2 50pin connector Controller
CAN H 46 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN H
CAN COM 37 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN COM
CAN L 47 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN L
Battery + (positive) N/A N/A
Battery - (negative) N/A N/A
Key Switch 39 Any binary output configured as ECU PwrRelay
Analog Speed Control N/A SG OUT
Analog Speed Control N/A SG COM
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codes see Cummins CM850 Fault Codes on page 358
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
WaterInFuel 97 Water In Fuel Indicator 1
StopLamp 623 Red Stop Lamp
WarningLamp 624 Amber Warning Lamp
ProtectLamp 987 Protect Lamp
WaitStartLamp 1081 Engine Wait to Start Lamp
MalfunctLamp 1213 Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashMalfunct 3038 Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FFlashMalfunct 3038 Fast Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashRed 3039 Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FFlashRed 3039 Fast Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FlashWarning 3040 Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
FFlashWarning 3040 Fast Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
FlashProtect 3041 Flash Protect Lamp
DPFInhibited 3702 Diesel Particulate Filter Active Regeneration Inhibited Status
DPFInhSwitch 3703 Diesel Particulate Filter Active Regeneration Inhibited Due to Inhibit Switch
SCR InhSwitch 6918 SCR System Cleaning Inhibited Due to Inhibit Switch
Internal controller's value of the calculator is calculated from the low/high limits from the ECU list now
(InteliDriveDCU Marine ver. 3.0 and newer, InteliDriveDCU Industial ver. 3.4 and newer). It was calculated
from the internal controller's limits related to the particular analogue output source. If the limits are different in
the FW and ECU list, the transmitted value may be different.
1If a custom source is used (PLC output, analog input, etc. ) the value has to have exactly one decimal point (0.0 -
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
WaterInFuel 97 Water In Fuel Indicator 1
StopLamp 623 Red Stop Lamp
WarningLamp 624 Amber Warning Lamp
ProtectLamp 987 Protect Lamp
WaitStartLamp 1081 Engine Wait to Start Lamp
MalfunctLamp 1213 Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashMalfunct 3038 Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
Internal controller's value of the calculator is calculated from the low/high limits from the ECU list now
(InteliDriveDCU Marine ver. 3.0 and newer, InteliDriveDCU Industial ver. 3.4 and newer). It was calculated
from the internal controller's limits related to the particular analogue output source. If the limits are different in
the FW and ECU list, the transmitted value may be different.
Recommended wiring
Function 9pin diagnostic connector Controller
CAN H C CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN H
CAN COM E CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN COM
CAN L D CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN L
Battery + (positive) B N/A
Battery - (negative) A N/A
Key Switch N/A Any binary output configured as ECU PwrRelay
Analog Speed Control N/A SG OUT
Analog Speed Control N/A SG COM
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codes see Cummins CM2250 Fault Codes on page 362
4.4.9 CM2350
1If a custom source is used (PLC output, analog input, etc. ) the value has to have exactly one decimal point (0.0 -
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
WaterInFuel 97 Water In Fuel Indicator 1
AP1LowIdleSw 558 Accelerator Pedal 1 Low Idle Switch
StopLamp 623 Red Stop Lamp
WarningLamp 624 Amber Warning Lamp
ProtectLamp 987 Protect Lamp
WaitStartLamp 1081 Engine Wait to Start Lamp
MalfunctLamp 1213 Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashMalfunct 3038 Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FFlashMalfunct 3038 Fast Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashRed 3039 Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FFlashRed 3039 Fast Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FlashWarning 3040 Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
FFlashWarning 3040 Fast Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
FlashProtect 3041 Flash Protect Lamp
DPFInhibited 3702 Diesel Particulate Filter Active Regeneration Inhibited Status
DPFInhSwitch 3703 Diesel Particulate Filter Active Regeneration Inhibited Due to Inhibit Switch
Diesel Particulate Filter Active Regeneration Inhibited Due to Engine Not
DPFInhWarmed 3716
Warmed Up
WarningLamp 5078 Engine Amber Warning Lamp Command
StopLamp 5079 Engine Red Stop Lamp Command
SCR Status 6916 SCR System Cleaning Status
SCR InhSwitch 6918 SCR System Cleaning Inhibited Due to Inhibit Switch
Proprietary parameters
Parameter name Function
Proprietary parameter.
This feature gives the operator ability to switch the rated speed between 50Hz and 60Hz. This
feature will only be enabled and functional on engines that have been rated for dual speed
operations. The engine has two speed set points that define the base operating speed of the
engine. The system will only react to a state transition while the Engine speed is 0. If datalink is
lost during operation the alternate frequency will not be effected until engine reaches 0 RPM.
Frequency Selection
The recommended source value is a constant following the requested function.
0 = 50Hz
1 = 60Hz
2-5 = Reserved
6 = Error
7 = Do not care
Proprietary parameter.
Speed bias provides the means to adjust the engine speed set point while the engine is running.
It is used for synchronization with the power grid. Once synchronized and paralleled with other
Speed Bias Reference
power sources the speed bias is used to make the gen-set and engine pick up or shed load. In
the case of using speed bias to pick up and shed load the commanded engine speed does
change, but the actual engine speed does not change.
Recommended wiring
96pin OEM
Function 9pin diagnostic connector Controller
CAN H C 22 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN H
CAN COM E N/A CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN COM
CAN L D 46 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN L
Battery + (positive) B 01,25,26,27,28 N/A
Battery - (negative) A 49,50,51,52 N/A
Key Switch N/A 05 Any binary output configured as ECU PwrRelay
Analog Speed Control N/A N/A SG OUT
Analog Speed Control N/A N/A SG COM
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codes see Cummins CM2350 Fault Codes on page 363
4.4.10 CM2880
Internal controller's value of the calculator is calculated from the low/high limits from the ECU list now
(InteliDriveDCU Marine ver. 3.0 and newer, InteliDriveDCU Industial ver. 3.4 and newer). It was calculated
from the internal controller's limits related to the particular analogue output source. If the limits are different in
the FW and ECU list, the transmitted value may be different.
Recommended wiring
96pin OEM
Function 9pin diagnostic connector Controller
CAN H C 22 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN H
CAN COM E N/A CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN COM
CAN L D 46 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN L
Battery + (positive) B 01,25,26,27,28 N/A
Battery - (negative) A 49,50,51,52 N/A
Key Switch N/A 05 Any binary output configured as ECU PwrRelay
Analog Speed Control N/A N/A SG OUT
Analog Speed Control N/A N/A SG COM
1If a custom source is used (PLC output, analog input, etc. ) the value has to have exactly one decimal point (0.0 -
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
WaterInFuel 97 Water In Fuel Indicator 1
StopLamp 623 Red Stop Lamp
WarningLamp 624 Amber Warning Lamp
ProtectLamp 987 Protect Lamp
WaitStartLamp 1081 Engine Wait to Start Lamp
MalfunctLamp 1213 Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashMalfunct 3038 Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FFlashMalfunct 3038 Fast Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashRed 3039 Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FFlashRed 3039 Fast Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FlashWarning 3040 Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
FFlashWarning 3040 Fast Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
FlashProtect 3041 Flash Protect Lamp
DPFInhibited 3702 Diesel Particulate Filter Active Regeneration Inhibited Status
DPFInhSwitch 3703 Diesel Particulate Filter Active Regeneration Inhibited Due to Inhibit Switch
Diesel Particulate Filter Active Regeneration Inhibited Due to Engine Not
DPFInhWarmed 3716
Warmed Up
Proprietary parameters
Note: If you have the engine as a part of gen-set package (with PCC panel) the ECU might be delivered with
different communication interface (not PGI) which means that speed control doesn't work with ComAp
controller. It is necessary to use/order ECU with calibration for G-drive engines (with PGI).Recommended
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
Fuel Shut-Off Valve Driver
- Is reporting a fuel Shut-Off Valve output.
Red Shutdown Lamp - It warrants stopping the engine.
The command used for engine running. On the occasion of loss of datalink, the
engine will not shut down as it is looking for the initial 'run' command and will
Run/Stop Switch State -
only shutdown if it was sent 'stop' or if it experienced a shutdown fault. The
recommended source value for this command is Fuel solenoid.
Is reporting a problem with the engine system but the engine need not be
Yellow Warning Lamp -
immediately stopped.
Recommended wiring
Note: In case that the GCS doesn't communicate try to activate input Diagnostic mode (pin 07 on connector
4.5.1 ADM2
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
StopLamp 623 Red Stop Lamp
WarningLamp 624 Amber Warning Lamp
ProtectLamp 987 Protect Lamp
MalfunctLamp 1213 Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashMalfunct 3038 Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FFlashMalfunct 3038 Fast Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashRed 3039 Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FFlashRed 3039 Fast Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FlashWarning 3040 Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
FFlashWarning 3040 Fast Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
FlashProtect 3041 Flash Protect Lamp
Proprietary parameters
Parameter name Function
Proprietary parameter.
Inhibit fuel injection The command used for engine fuel injection inhibits. The recommended source value for this
command is Logical 0.
Proprietary parameter.
Inhibit engine start The command used for engine start. The recommended source value for this command is Fuel
1If a custom source is used (PLC output, analog input, etc. ) the value has to have exactly one decimal point (0.0 -
Recommended wiring
Function ECU 21pin connector Controller
CAN H 19 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN H
CAN COM 20 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN COM
CAN L 21 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN L
Battery + (positive) 1 N/A
Battery - (negative) 3 N/A
Key Switch N/A Any binary output configured as ECU PwrRelay
Analog Speed Control N/A SG OUT
Analog Speed Control N/A SG COM
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codes see Daimler Chrysler ADM2 Fault Codes on page 379
4.5.2 ADM3
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
StopLamp 623 Red Stop Lamp
WarningLamp 624 Amber Warning Lamp
ProtectLamp 987 Protect Lamp
MalfunctLamp 1213 Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashMalfunct 3038 Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FFlashMalfunct 3038 Fast Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashRed 3039 Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FFlashRed 3039 Fast Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
Proprietary parameters
Parameter name Function
Proprietary parameter.
Inhibit fuel injection The command used for engine fuel injection inhibits. The recommended source value for this
command is Logical 0.
Proprietary parameter.
Inhibit engine start The command used for engine start. The recommended source value for this command is Fuel
Internal controller's value of the calculator is calculated from the low/high limits from the ECU list now
(InteliDriveDCU Marine ver. 3.0 and newer, InteliDriveDCU Industial ver. 3.4 and newer). It was calculated
from the internal controller's limits related to the particular analogue output source. If the limits are different in
the FW and ECU list, the transmitted value may be different.
Recommended wiring
Function ECU 21pin connector Controller
CAN H 19 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN H
CAN COM 20 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN COM
CAN L 21 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN L
Battery + (positive) 1 N/A
Battery - (negative) 3 N/A
Key Switch N/A Any binary output configured as ECU PwrRelay
Analog Speed Control N/A SG OUT
Analog Speed Control N/A SG COM
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codes see Daimler Chrysler ADM3 Fault Codes on page 381
1If a custom source is used (PLC output, analog input, etc. ) the value has to have exactly one decimal point (0.0 -
4.6.1 DDEC IV
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
StopLamp 623 Red Stop Lamp
WarningLamp 624 Amber Warning Lamp
ProtectLamp 987 Protect Lamp
WaitStartLamp 1081 Engine Wait to Start Lamp
MalfunctLamp 1213 Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashMalfunct 3038 Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FFlashMalfunct 3038 Fast Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashRed 3039 Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FFlashRed 3039 Fast Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FlashWarning 3040 Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
FFlashWarning 3040 Fast Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
FlashProtect 3041 Flash Protect Lamp
Internal controller's value of the calculator is calculated from the low/high limits from the ECU list now
(InteliDriveDCU Marine ver. 3.0 and newer, InteliDriveDCU Industial ver. 3.4 and newer). It was calculated
from the internal controller's limits related to the particular analogue output source. If the limits are different in
the FW and ECU list, the transmitted value may be different.
1If a custom source is used (PLC output, analog input, etc. ) the value has to have exactly one decimal point (0.0 -
4.6.2 DDEC V
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
StopLamp 623 Red Stop Lamp
WarningLamp 624 Amber Warning Lamp
ProtectLamp 987 Protect Lamp
WaitStartLamp 1081 Engine Wait to Start Lamp
MalfunctLamp 1213 Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashMalfunct 3038 Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FFlashMalfunct 3038 Fast Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashRed 3039 Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FFlashRed 3039 Fast Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FlashWarning 3040 Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
FFlashWarning 3040 Fast Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
FlashProtect 3041 Flash Protect Lamp
Internal controller's value of the calculator is calculated from the low/high limits from the ECU list now
(InteliDriveDCU Marine ver. 3.0 and newer, InteliDriveDCU Industial ver. 3.4 and newer). It was calculated
1If a custom source is used (PLC output, analog input, etc. ) the value has to have exactly one decimal point (0.0 -
Recommended wiring
Function communication Controller
CAN H F CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN H
CAN COM D CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN COM
CAN L E CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN L
Battery + (positive) N/A N/A
Battery - (negative) N/A N/A
Key Switch N/A Any binary output configured as ECU PwrRelay
Analog Speed Control N/A SG OUT
Analog Speed Control N/A SG COM
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codes see Detroid Diesel DDEC IV Fault Codes on page 382
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
StopLamp 623 Red Stop Lamp
WarningLamp 624 Amber Warning Lamp
ProtectLamp 987 Protect Lamp
WaitStartLamp 1081 Engine Wait to Start Lamp
MalfunctLamp 1213 Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashMalfunct 3038 Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FFlashMalfunct 3038 Fast Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashRed 3039 Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FFlashRed 3039 Fast Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FlashWarning 3040 Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
FFlashWarning 3040 Fast Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
FlashProtect 3041 Flash Protect Lamp
Internal controller's value of the calculator is calculated from the low/high limits from the ECU list now
(InteliDriveDCU Marine ver. 3.0 and newer, InteliDriveDCU Industial ver. 3.4 and newer). It was calculated
from the internal controller's limits related to the particular analogue output source. If the limits are different in
the FW and ECU list, the transmitted value may be different.
IMPORTANT: Deutz does not recommend switching off the engine by removing the power supply
(battery). It causes fault code SPN=536.
1If a custom source is used (PLC output, analog input, etc. ) the value has to have exactly one decimal point (0.0 -
Recommended wiring
Function ECU 25pin F connector Controller
CAN H 12 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN H
CAN COM N/A CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN COM
CAN L 13 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN L
Battery + (positive) 14 N/A
Battery - (negative) 1 N/A
Key Switch N/A Any binary output configured as ECU PwrRelay
Analog Speed Control N/A SG OUT
Analog Speed Control N/A SG COM
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codes see Deutz EMR2 Fault Codes on page 383
4.7.3 EMR3-E
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
StopLamp 623 Red Stop Lamp
WarningLamp 624 Amber Warning Lamp
ProtectLamp 987 Protect Lamp
WaitStartLamp 1081 Engine Wait to Start Lamp
Proprietary parameters
Parameter name Function
Proprietary parameter.
0 = no modification of torque map
Torque Map
1 = switch to torque map 1
2 = switch to torque map 2
Internal controller's value of the calculator is calculated from the low/high limits from the ECU list now
(InteliDriveDCU Marine ver. 3.0 and newer, InteliDriveDCU Industial ver. 3.4 and newer). It was calculated
from the internal controller's limits related to the particular analogue output source. If the limits are different in
the FW and ECU list, the transmitted value may be different.
IMPORTANT: It is not allowed by Deutz to control speed over CAN bus on gen-set engines! Use
pedal position input on ECU instead. The SG OUT signal MUST NOT exceed the limits otherwise
EMR3 blocks speed control via this input. Therefore it is recommended to keep the controller
powered on always while the EMR3 is powered on (by Klemme 30). Or it is necessary to switch off
this protection in EMR3.
Note: EMR3-E has internal relay providing power supply to EMR3. As soon as the ignition key is turned off
(Klemme 15) the main relay switches off the EMR3 within cca. 10 seconds. The main relay separates the
EMR3 from the battery + (Klemme 30).
Recommended wiring
Function ECU D2 connector Controller
CAN H 35 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN H
CAN COM N/A CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN COM
CAN L 34 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN L
Battery + (positive) 2,3,8,9 (loop 30) N/A
Battery - (negative) 5,6,10,11 (loop31) N/A
1If a custom source is used (PLC output, analog input, etc. ) the value has to have exactly one decimal point (0.0 -
4.7.4 EMR3-S
Controllers that support the EMR3-S
Refer to Comparison table (page 24)
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
StopLamp 623 Red Stop Lamp
WarningLamp 624 Amber Warning Lamp
ProtectLamp 987 Protect Lamp
WaitStartLamp 1081 Engine Wait to Start Lamp
MalfunctLamp 1213 Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashMalfunct 3038 Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FFlashMalfunct 3038 Fast Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashRed 3039 Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FFlashRed 3039 Fast Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FlashWarning 3040 Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
FFlashWarning 3040 Fast Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
FlashProtect 3041 Flash Protect Lamp
Proprietary parameters
Parameter name Function
Proprietary parameter.
0 = no modification of torque map
Torque Map
1 = switch to torque map 1
2 = switch to torque map 2
Proprietary parameter.
0 = no modification of droop
Engine speed droop
1 = selects droop 1
2 = selects droop 2
Proprietary parameter.
0 = no modification of high idle droop
High Idle Droop
1 = selects high idle droop 1
2 = selects high idle droop 2
Internal controller's value of the calculator is calculated from the low/high limits from the ECU list now
(InteliDriveDCU Marine ver. 3.0 and newer, InteliDriveDCU Industial ver. 3.4 and newer). It was calculated
1If a custom source is used (PLC output, analog input, etc. ) the value has to have exactly one decimal point (0.0 -
Note: EMR3-S has internal relay providing power supply to EMR3. As soon as the ignition key is turned off the
main relay switches off the EMR3 within cca. 10 seconds. The main relay separates the EMR3 from the battery
Recommended wiring
Function ECU D2 connector Controller
CAN H 62 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN H
CAN COM N/A CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN COM
CAN L 61 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN L
Battery + (positive) 1,3,5 N/A
Battery - (negative) 2,4,6 N/A
Key Switch 28 Any binary output configured as ECU PwrRelay
Analog Speed Control 9 Range 0VDC to 5VDC,
100kOhm pull-down resistance
Analog Speed Control 30 SG COM
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codessee Deutz EMR3 Fault Codes on page 383
4.7.5 EMR4
Proprietary parameters
Parameter name Function
Proprietary parameter.
Reduces the max. engine torque. The base for the percentage value is the max. torque curve
1. If there is more than one source for power reduction active, i.e. internal power protection by
Power reduction
temperature and this message, the lowest value (= the highest reduction) will be used. If there
is a timeout of a message the last valid data will be used furthermore for the calculation. 0%
causes the EMR4 to switch off the engine. 100% means no power reduction.
Internal controller's value of the calculator is calculated from the low/high limits from the ECU list now
(InteliDriveDCU Marine ver. 3.0 and newer, InteliDriveDCU Industial ver. 3.4 and newer). It was calculated
from the internal controller's limits related to the particular analogue output source. If the limits are different in
the FW and ECU list, the transmitted value may be different.
Recommended wiring
No documentation available so far!
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codes see Deutz EMR4 Fault Codes on page 386
4.7.6 EMR5
1If a custom source is used (PLC output, analog input, etc. ) the value has to have exactly one decimal point (0.0 -
Internal controller's value of the calculator is calculated from the low/high limits from the ECU list now
(InteliDriveDCU Marine ver. 3.0 and newer, InteliDriveDCU Industial ver. 3.4 and newer). It was calculated
from the internal controller's limits related to the particular analogue output source. If the limits are different in
the FW and ECU list, the transmitted value may be different.
Recommended wiring
Function ECU K connector 12 pin service connector Controller
CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN
CAN H 54 M
CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN
CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN
CAN L 76 F
Battery + (positive) 1,3,5 A N/A
Battery - (negative) 2,4,6 B N/A
Any binary output configured as ECU
Key Switch 35 N/A
Analog Speed Control N/A N/A SG OUT
Analog Speed Control N/A N/A SG COM
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codes see DeutzEMR5 Fault Codes on page 388
1If a custom source is used (PLC output, analog input, etc. ) the value has to have exactly one decimal point (0.0 -
IMPORTANT: Check that CAN bus terminating resistors or appropriate jumpers are connected.
4.8.1 EDC17
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
OverspState State of Overspeed
EngMaxSpeedS State of reduced maximum engine speed after engein start
WaterInFuel 97 Water In Fuel Indicator 1
StopLamp 623 Red Stop Lamp
WarningLamp 624 Amber Warning Lamp
ProtectLamp 987 Protect Lamp
WaitStartLamp 1081 Engine Wait to Start Lamp
EPS Shutdown 1110 Engine Protection System has Shutdown Engine
MalfunctLamp 1213 Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashMalfunct 3038 Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FFlashMalfunct 3038 Fast Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashRed 3039 Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FFlashRed 3039 Fast Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FlashWarning 3040 Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
FlashProtect 3041 Flash Protect Lamp
FFlashProtect 3041 Fast Flash Protect Lamp
AT1IntDewPoint 3237 Aftertreatment 1 Intake Dew Point
AT1ExhDewPoint 3238 Aftertreatment 1 Exhaust Dew Point
AT2IntDewPoint 3239 Aftertreatment 2 Intake Dew Point
1If a custom source is used (PLC output, analog input, etc. ) the value has to have exactly one decimal point (0.0 -
Internal controller's value of the calculator is calculated from the low/high limits from the ECU list now
(InteliDriveDCU Marine ver. 3.0 and newer, InteliDriveDCU Industial ver. 3.4 and newer). It was calculated
from the internal controller's limits related to the particular analogue output source. If the limits are different in
the FW and ECU list, the transmitted value may be different.
Recommended wiring
Function ECU connector K Controller
CAN H 30 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN H
CAN COM N/A CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN COM
CAN L 31 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN L
Battery + (positive) 1,3,5 N/A
Battery - (negative) 2,4,6 N/A
Key Switch 75 Any binary output configured as ECU PwrRelay
Analog Speed Control 25 SG OUT
Analog Speed Control 24 SG COM
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codes see Doosan Fault Codes on page 391
4.9.1 E-control
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
OverspState State of Overspeed
EngMaxSpeedS State of reduced maximum engine speed after engein start
WaterInFuel 97 Water In Fuel Indicator 1
StopLamp 623 Red Stop Lamp
WarningLamp 624 Amber Warning Lamp
ProtectLamp 987 Protect Lamp
WaitStartLamp 1081 Engine Wait to Start Lamp
EPS Shutdown 1110 Engine Protection System has Shutdown Engine
MalfunctLamp 1213 Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashMalfunct 3038 Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FFlashMalfunct 3038 Fast Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashRed 3039 Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FFlashRed 3039 Fast Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FlashWarning 3040 Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
FlashProtect 3041 Flash Protect Lamp
FFlashProtect 3041 Fast Flash Protect Lamp
AT1IntDewPoint 3237 Aftertreatment 1 Intake Dew Point
AT1ExhDewPoint 3238 Aftertreatment 1 Exhaust Dew Point
AT2IntDewPoint 3239 Aftertreatment 2 Intake Dew Point
1If a custom source is used (PLC output, analog input, etc. ) the value has to have exactly one decimal point (0.0 -
Internal controller's value of the calculator is calculated from the low/high limits from the ECU list now
(InteliDriveDCU Marine ver. 3.0 and newer, InteliDriveDCU Industial ver. 3.4 and newer). It was calculated
from the internal controller's limits related to the particular analogue output source. If the limits are different in
the FW and ECU list, the transmitted value may be different.
Recommended wiring
customer 42pin
Function ECU B connector Controller
CAN H 14 28 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN H
CAN COM N/A N/A CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN COM
CAN L 15 29 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN L
Battery + (positive) 60,79 N/A N/A
Battery - (negative) 4,69,81 N/A N/A
Any binary output configured as ECU
Key Switch N/A N/A
Analog Speed Control N/A N/A SG OUT
Analog Speed Control N/A N/A SG COM
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codes see Ford e-control Fault Codes on page 395
4.10.1 E-control
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
AP1LowIdleSw 558 Accelerator Pedal 1 Low Idle Switch
StopLamp 623 Red Stop Lamp
WarningLamp 624 Amber Warning Lamp
ProtectLamp 987 Protect Lamp
WaitStartLamp 1081 Engine Wait to Start Lamp
EPS Shutdown 1110 Engine Protection System has Shutdown Engine
MalfunctLamp 1213 Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashMalfunct 3038 Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FFlashMalfunct 3038 Fast Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
Internal controller's value of the calculator is calculated from the low/high limits from the ECU list now
(InteliDriveDCU Marine ver. 3.0 and newer, InteliDriveDCU Industial ver. 3.4 and newer). It was calculated
from the internal controller's limits related to the particular analogue output source. If the limits are different in
the FW and ECU list, the transmitted value may be different.
Recommended wiring
Function ECU B connector Controller
CAN H 14 (N) CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN H
CAN COM (S) CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN COM
CAN L 15 (P) CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN L
Battery + (positive) N/A N/A
Battery - (negative) N/A N/A
Key Switch N/A Any binary output configured as ECU PwrRelay
Analog Speed Control N/A SG OUT
Analog Speed Control N/A SG COM
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codes see GM e-control Fault Codes on page 398.
1If a custom source is used (PLC output, analog input, etc. ) the value has to have exactly one decimal point (0.0 -
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
StopLamp 623 Red Stop Lamp
WarningLamp 624 Amber Warning Lamp
ProtectLamp 987 Protect Lamp
WaitStartLamp 1081 Engine Wait to Start Lamp
EPS Shutdown 1110 Engine Protection System has Shutdown Engine
MalfunctLamp 1213 Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashMalfunct 3038 Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FFlashMalfunct 3038 Fast Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashRed 3039 Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FFlashRed 3039 Fast Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FlashWarning 3040 Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
FFlashWarning 3040 Fast Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
FlashProtect 3041 Flash Protect Lamp
Internal controller's value of the calculator is calculated from the low/high limits from the ECU list now
(InteliDriveDCU Marine ver. 3.0 and newer, InteliDriveDCU Industial ver. 3.4 and newer). It was calculated
from the internal controller's limits related to the particular analogue output source. If the limits are different in
the FW and ECU list, the transmitted value may be different.
Recommended wiring
Function ECU B connector Controller
CAN H A CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN H
CAN COM N/A CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN COM
CAN L B CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN L
Battery + (positive) N/A N/A
Battery - (negative) N/A N/A
Key Switch N/A Any binary output configured as ECU PwrRelay
Analog Speed Control N/A SG OUT
Analog Speed Control N/A SG COM
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codes see GM e-control LCI Fault Codes on page 402
1If a custom source is used (PLC output, analog input, etc. ) the value has to have exactly one decimal point (0.0 -
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
GMProtectLamp GM Protect Lamp
GMWarningLamp GM Amber Warning Lamp
GMStopLamp GM Red Stop Lamp
GMMalfunctLamp GM Malfunction Lamp
StopLamp 623 Red Stop Lamp
WarningLamp 624 Amber Warning Lamp
ProtectLamp 987 Protect Lamp
MalfunctLamp 1213 Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashMalfunct 3038 Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FFlashMalfunct 3038 Fast Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashRed 3039 Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FFlashRed 3039 Fast Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FlashWarning 3040 Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
FFlashWarning 3040 Fast Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
FlashProtect 3041 Flash Protect Lamp
Internal controller's value of the calculator is calculated from the low/high limits from the ECU list now
(InteliDriveDCU Marine ver. 3.0 and newer, InteliDriveDCU Industial ver. 3.4 and newer). It was calculated
from the internal controller's limits related to the particular analogue output source. If the limits are different in
the FW and ECU list, the transmitted value may be different.
Recommended wiring
Function ECU J1 and J2connector Controller
CAN H 24 (J2) CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN H
CAN COM N/A CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN COM
CAN L 9 (J2) CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN L
Battery + (positive) 1 (J2) N/A
Battery - (negative) 13,28,29 (J1) N/A
Key Switch N/A Any binary output configured as ECU PwrRelay
Analog Speed Control N/A Range 0VDC to 5VDC,
100kOhm pull-down resistance
Analog Speed Control N/A SG COM
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codes see GM MEFI4/MEFI5B Fault Codes on page 406
1If a custom source is used (PLC output, analog input, etc. ) the value has to have exactly one decimal point (0.0 -
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
GMProtectLamp GM Protect Lamp
GMWarningLamp GM Amber Warning Lamp
GMStopLamp GM Red Stop Lamp
GMMalfunctLamp GM Malfunction Lamp
BankAFuelCtrl Bank A Close Loop Fuel Control
BankBFuelCtrl Bank B Close Loop Fuel Control
StopLamp 623 Red Stop Lamp
WarningLamp 624 Amber Warning Lamp
ProtectLamp 987 Protect Lamp
WaitStartLamp 1081 Engine Wait to Start Lamp
MalfunctLamp 1213 Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashMalfunct 3038 Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FFlashMalfunct 3038 Fast Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashRed 3039 Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FFlashRed 3039 Fast Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FlashWarning 3040 Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
FFlashWarning 3040 Fast Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
FlashProtect 3041 Flash Protect Lamp
Internal controller's value of the calculator is calculated from the low/high limits from the ECU list now
(InteliDriveDCU Marine ver. 3.0 and newer, InteliDriveDCU Industial ver. 3.4 and newer). It was calculated
from the internal controller's limits related to the particular analogue output source. If the limits are different in
the FW and ECU list, the transmitted value may be different.
Recommended wiring
No documentation available so far!
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codes see GM MEFI6 Fault Codes on page 409
4.10.5 SECM
1If a custom source is used (PLC output, analog input, etc. ) the value has to have exactly one decimal point (0.0 -
Internal controller's value of the calculator is calculated from the low/high limits from the ECU list now
(InteliDriveDCU Marine ver. 3.0 and newer, InteliDriveDCU Industial ver. 3.4 and newer). It was calculated
from the internal controller's limits related to the particular analogue output source. If the limits are different in
the FW and ECU list, the transmitted value may be different.
Recommended wiring
Function ECU B connector Controller
CAN H 20 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN H
CAN COM N/A CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN COM
CAN L 21 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN L
Battery + (positive) 22 N/A
Battery - (negative) 17 N/A
Key Switch N/A Any binary output configured as ECU PwrRelay
Analog Speed Control N/A Range 0VDC to 5VDC,
100kOhm pull-down resistance
Analog Speed Control N/A SG COM
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codes see GM SECM Fault Codes on page 414
1If a custom source is used (PLC output, analog input, etc. ) the value has to have exactly one decimal point (0.0 -
4.11.1 LECM E6
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
WarningLamp 624 Amber Warning Lamp
FuelShtoff1 632 Engine Fuel Shutoff 1 Control
ProtectLamp 987 Protect Lamp
MalfunctLamp 1213 Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FuelShtoff2 2807 Engine Fuel Shutoff 2 Control
OilPrimingPmp 3589 Engine Oil Priming Pump Control
EleSystem 3603 Engine Electrical System Power Conservation Control
SDRequest 3606 Engine Controlled Shutdown Request
ESDRequest 3607 Engine Emergency (Immediate) Shutdown Indication
StarterMotor 6385 Engine Starter Motor Relay Control
Internal controller's value of the calculator is calculated from the low/high limits from the ECU list now
(InteliDriveDCU Marine ver. 3.0 and newer, InteliDriveDCU Industial ver. 3.4 and newer). It was calculated
from the internal controller's limits related to the particular analogue output source. If the limits are different in
the FW and ECU list, the transmitted value may be different.
Recommended wiring
Service 3 Pin
Function ECU connector DB9 Pin Controller
CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) –
CAN H J2-007 7 A
CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) –
CAN COM J2-015 5 C
CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) –
CAN L J2-008 2 B
Battery + (positive) J1-121 N/A N/A N/A
Battery - (negative) J1-122,123 N/A N/A N/A
Any binary output configured as
Key Switch J1-012 N/A N/A
ECU PwrRelay
Analog Speed
Analog Speed
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codes see Guascor LECM E6 Fault Codes on page 415
1If a custom source is used (PLC output, analog input, etc. ) the value has to have exactly one decimal point (0.0 -
4.12.1 EDC17
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
Running Engine Running
ServiceDelay Service Delay
Pre-glow Pre-glow Active
P-OilMissing Oil Pressure Missing
DiagLamp Engine Diagnostic Lamp
T-Over Engine Overtemperature
AirFilterSw Air Filter Switch
WaterInFuel 97 Water In Fuel Indicator 1
Alternator1 3353 Alternator 1 Status
DPFRegenAct 3700 Aftertreatment Diesel Particulate Filter Active Regeneration Status
DPFInhSwitch 3703 Diesel Particulate Filter Active Regeneration Inhibited Due to Inhibit Switch
DPFInhNeutral 3708 Diesel Particulate Filter Active Regeneration Inhibited Due to Out of Neutral
Diesel Particulate Filter Active Regeneration Inhibited Due to Parking Brake
DPFInhBrake 3710
Not Set
Internal controller's value of the calculator is calculated from the low/high limits from the ECU list now
(InteliDriveDCU Marine ver. 3.0 and newer, InteliDriveDCU Industial ver. 3.4 and newer). It was calculated
from the internal controller's limits related to the particular analogue output source. If the limits are different in
the FW and ECU list, the transmitted value may be different.
Recommended wiring
Function ECU connector Hatz terminal Controller
CAN H K66 aa CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN H
CAN COM N/A CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN COM
CAN L K87 bb CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN L
Battery + (positive) K01,K03,K05, (K47) N/A
Battery - (negative) K02,K04,K06 N/A
Key Switch K46 Any binary output configured as ECU PwrRelay
Analog Speed Control K81 (K60) SG OUT
Analog Speed Control K67 (K58) SG COM
Engine Start Switch K50
Engine Stop switch K59
Starter Request Input K74
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codes see see Hatz Fault Codes on page 422
1If a custom source is used (PLC output, analog input, etc. ) the value has to have exactly one decimal point (0.0 -
4.13.1 ECM
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
IgnitionSwitch Ignition Key Switch
RegenAssist1 Regeneration Assist Signal 1
RegenAssist2 Regeneration Assist Signal 1
StarterRelay Starter Cut Relay Signal
T-EGR EGR Gas Temperature Warning
T-AirBoostDiff Intake Air and Boost Temperature Difference Warning
T-ExhGas Exhaust Gas Temperature Warning
T-IntakeGas Intake Gas Temperature Warning
FuelFilterClog Fuel Filter Clogging Warning
P-Oil Engine Oil Pressure Drop Warning
T-Boost Boost Temperature Rise Warning
T-Fuel Fuel Temperature Rise Warning
T-Coolant Coolant Temperature Rise Warning
WrnOverrun Overrun Warning
ESD Emergency Shutdown Operation Signal
Glow Glow Signal
DPFGreenLmp Diesel Particulate Filter Green Lamp Mode
Proprietary parameters
Parameter name Function
Proprietary parameter.
Stop Request The command for normal stopping of the engine. The recommended source value for this
command is Stop solenoid.
Proprietary parameter.
EngProtHoldSig Engine Protection System Holding Signal. For more information about this signal contact local
Isuzu representative
Proprietary parameter.
PreheatStartSg Preheating Start Signal. For more information about this signal contact local Isuzu
Internal controller's value of the calculator is calculated from the low/high limits from the ECU list now
(InteliDriveDCU Marine ver. 3.0 and newer, InteliDriveDCU Industial ver. 3.4 and newer). It was calculated
from the internal controller's limits related to the particular analogue output source. If the limits are different in
the FW and ECU list, the transmitted value may be different.
Recommended wiring
Function ECU 121pin connector Controller
CAN H 18 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN H
CAN COM N/A CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN COM
CAN L 37 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN L
Battery + (positive) 2,5 N/A
Battery - (negative) 1,3,4 N/A
Key Switch 24 Any binary output configured as ECU PwrRelay
Analog Speed Control N/A Range 0VDC to 5VDC,
100kOhm pull-down resistance
Analog Speed Control N/A SG COM
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codes see Isuzu ECM Fault Codes on page 423
1If a custom source is used (PLC output, analog input, etc. ) the value has to have exactly one decimal point (0.0 -
4.14.1 EDC
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
Immobilizer Immobilizer Fuel Block
DiagLamp Diagnostic Lamp Status
Overspeed Engine Overspeed
StopButton Status Of Stop Button
StartButton Status Of Start Button
P-OilLow Engine Oil Pressure Low
WaterInFuel Water In Fuel
FuelFltHeater Fuel Filter Heater Status
T-OilHi Engine Oil Temperature High
AP1LowIdleSw 558 Accelerator Pedal 1 Low Idle Switch
AP KickDownSw 559 Accelerator Pedal Kickdown Switch
BrakeSwitch 571 Retarder Enable - Brake Assist Switch
ShiftSwitch 572 Retarder Enable - Shift Assist Switch
CCActive 595 Cruise Control Active
Brake 597 Brake Switch
Clutch 598 Clutch Switch
StopLamp 623 Red Stop Lamp
WarningLamp 624 Amber Warning Lamp
ProtectLamp 987 Protect Lamp
WaitStartLamp 1081 Engine Wait to Start Lamp
EPS Shutdown 1110 Engine Protection System has Shutdown Engine
MalfunctLamp 1213 Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashMalfunct 3038 Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FFlashMalfunct 3038 Fast Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashRed 3039 Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FFlashRed 3039 Fast Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FlashWarning 3040 Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
FFlashWarning 3040 Fast Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
FlashProtect 3041 Flash Protect Lamp
DPFInhSwitch 3703 Diesel Particulate Filter Active Regeneration Inhibited Due to Inhibit Switch
Proprietary parameters
Parameter name Function
Requested speed The speed request is sent from address 3.
This output is recommended to be used when there is no SCI module connected to the
Mode without SCI
CAN bus. This output is available only in GenConfig or DriveConfig PC software.
This output must be used when a SCI module is connected to the CAN bus. This output is
Mode with SCI
available only in GenConfig or DriveConfig PC software.
Internal controller's value of the calculator is calculated from the low/high limits from the ECU list now
(InteliDriveDCU Marine ver. 3.0 and newer, InteliDriveDCU Industial ver. 3.4 and newer). It was calculated
from the internal controller's limits related to the particular analogue output source. If the limits are different in
the FW and ECU list, the transmitted value may be different.
1If a custom source is used (PLC output, analog input, etc. ) the value has to have exactly one decimal point (0.0 -
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codes see Iveco NEF&Cursor Fault Codes on page 424
4.14.2 MD1
Controllers that support the MD1
Refer to Comparison table (page 24)
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
Overspeed Engine Overspeed
FuelFltHeater Fuel Filter Heater Status
T-OilHi Engine Oil Temperature High
ClgFuel-FStat Clogged Fuel Filter Status
ClgFuelP-FStat Clogged Fuel Pre-Filter Status
ClgAir-FStat Clogged Air Filter Status
Over-T Protec Fuel Over Temperature Protection
Smoke Limit Smoke Limiter Protection
OverSpeedProt Engine Over Speed Protection
MechProt Engine Mechanical Protection
OverheatProt Engine Overheat Protection
WatInFuelInd Water in fuel indication
StopLamp 623 Red Stop Lamp
WarningLamp 624 Amber Warning Lamp
1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Diesel Particulate Filter Active Regeneration Inhibited Due to System Fault
DPFInhSysFlt 3712
Internal controller's value of the calculator is calculated from the low/high limits from the ECU list now
(InteliDriveDCU Marine ver. 3.0 and newer, InteliDriveDCU Industial ver. 3.4 and newer). It was calculated
from the internal controller's limits related to the particular analogue output source. If the limits are different in
the FW and ECU list, the transmitted value may be different.
Recommended wiring
Function ECU connector 4 Controller
CAN H 28 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN H
CAN COM N/A CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN COM
CAN L 29 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN L
1If a custom source is used (PLC output, analog input, etc. ) the value has to have exactly one decimal point (0.0 -
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codes see Iveco MD1 Fault Codes on page 428
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
StopLamp 623 Red Stop Lamp
WarningLamp 624 Amber Warning Lamp
FuelShtoff1 632 Engine Fuel Shutoff 1 Control
ProtectLamp 987 Protect Lamp
WaitStartLamp 1081 Engine Wait to Start Lamp
MalfunctLamp 1213 Malfunction Indicator Lamp
SdOverride 1237 Engine Shutdown Override Switch
FuelLeakage1 1239 Engine Fuel Leakage 1
FuelLeakage2 1240 Engine Fuel Leakage 2
FlashMalfunct 3038 Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FFlashMalfunct 3038 Fast Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashRed 3039 Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FFlashRed 3039 Fast Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FlashWarning 3040 Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
FFlashWarning 3040 Fast Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
FlashProtect 3041 Flash Protect Lamp
OilPrimPmp 3550 Engine Oil Priming Pump Switch
1If a custom source is used (PLC output, analog input, etc. ) the value has to have exactly one decimal point (0.0 -
Recommended wiring
Function Interface card Controller
CAN H J2 - 1 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN H
CAN COM N/A CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN COM
CAN L J2 - 2 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN L
Battery + (positive) 116 N/A
Battery - (negative) 117 N/A
Key Switch J7 - 18,191 Any binary output configured as ECU PwrRelay
Analog Speed Control N/A SG OUT
Analog Speed Control N/A SG COM
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codes see Caterpillar ADEM Fault Codes on page 341.
1Emergency stop must open this contact. After power on it has to wait for 10 seconds before start the engine - if
ECU PwrRelay output is used to close this contact Prestart time has to be set to at least 10 seconds.
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
WaterInFuel 97 Water In Fuel Indicator 1
AP KickDownSw 559 Accelerator Pedal Kickdown Switch
TimerState 590 Engine Idle Shutdown Timer State
TimerFunction 591 Engine Idle Shutdown Timer Function
TimerOverride 592 Engine Idle Shutdown Timer Override
ShutdownEngine 593 Engine Idle Shutdown has Shutdown Engine
StopLamp 623 Red Stop Lamp
WarningLamp 624 Amber Warning Lamp
ProtectLamp 987 Protect Lamp
WaitStartLamp 1081 Engine Wait to Start Lamp
MalfunctLamp 1213 Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashMalfunct 3038 Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FFlashMalfunct 3038 Fast Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashRed 3039 Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FFlashRed 3039 Fast Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FlashWarning 3040 Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
FFlashWarning 3040 Fast Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
AT1IntDewPoint 3237 Aftertreatment 1 Intake Dew Point
AT1ExhDewPoint 3238 Aftertreatment 1 Exhaust Dew Point
AT2IntDewPoint 3239 Aftertreatment 2 Intake Dew Point
AT2ExhDewPoint 3240 Aftertreatment 2 Exhaust Dew Point
Internal controller's value of the calculator is calculated from the low/high limits from the ECU list now
(InteliDriveDCU Marine ver. 3.0 and newer, InteliDriveDCU Industial ver. 3.4 and newer). It was calculated
from the internal controller's limits related to the particular analogue output source. If the limits are different in
the FW and ECU list, the transmitted value may be different.
Recommended wiring
Function ECU X2 62pin connector Controller
CAN H 27 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN H
CAN COM 19 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN COM
CAN L 23 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN L
Battery + (positive) 57,60,53,49 N/A
Battery - (negative) 58,59,61,62 N/A
1If a custom source is used (PLC output, analog input, etc. ) the value has to have exactly one decimal point (0.0 -
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codes see JCB Delphi DCM Fault Codes on page 432
4.16.1 DIA.NE
Note: To enable direct controller communication with Jenbacher DIA.NE, order the engine with Modbus
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
Proprietary parameter.
Service Selector Switch OFF -
The feedback from Service Selector Switch. The switch is in OFF position.
Proprietary parameter.
Service Selector Switch MAN -
The feedback from Service Selector Switch. The switch is in Manual position.
Proprietary parameter.
Service Selector Switch AUT -
The feedback from Service Selector Switch. The switch is in Auto position.
Proprietary parameter.
GCB Closed -
This signal indicates closed position of generator circuit breaker.
Proprietary parameter.
GCB Open -
This signal indicates open position of generator circuit breaker.
Operation ON - Proprietary parameter.
Operation OFF - Proprietary parameter.
Ready for Aut. Demand ON - Proprietary parameter.
Ready for Aut. Demand OFF - Proprietary parameter.
Proprietary parameter.
MCB Closed -
This signal indicates closed position of utility circuit breaker.
Proprietary parameter.
MCB Open -
This signal indicates open position of utility circuit breaker.
Synchronizing Gen. Activated - Proprietary parameter.
Re-synchronizing Activated - Proprietary parameter.
Ready for Aut. Demand - Proprietary parameter.
Demand for Auxiliaries - Proprietary parameter.
GCB Closed 2 - Proprietary parameter.
MCB Closed 2 - Proprietary parameter.
Module is Demanded - Proprietary parameter.
Operation - Engine is
- Proprietary parameter.
Service Select. Switch MAN 2 - Proprietary parameter.
Service Select. Switch AUT 2 - Proprietary parameter.
General Trip - Proprietary parameter.
Recommended wiring
Function Siemens connector Controller
RS485 A A RS485 – RS485 A
RS485 COM COM RS485 – RS485 COM
RS485 B B RS485 – RS485 B
Turbocharger :
V – Variable geometry turchocharger (VGT)
S – Series turbochargers
W – wastegate turbocharger
xxSxxx Aftertreatment : S – Exhaust filter and SCR X – Exhaust filter
xxx6.8L Displacement
4.17.3 JDEC
Internal controller's value of the calculator is calculated from the low/high limits from the ECU list now
(InteliDriveDCU Marine ver. 3.0 and newer, InteliDriveDCU Industial ver. 3.4 and newer). It was calculated
from the internal controller's limits related to the particular analogue output source. If the limits are different in
the FW and ECU list, the transmitted value may be different.
Recommended wiring
Function ECU 21pin connector Controller
CAN H V CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN H
CAN COM F CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN COM
CAN L U CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN L
1If a custom source is used (PLC output, analog input, etc. ) the value has to have exactly one decimal point (0.0 -
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codes see John Deere Fault Codes on page 433
Important JDEC settings for speed control via CAN are:
Torque speed control - Enable TSC1 Source 1; Source Address 1 set to 3
Governor droop – Set RPM of droop to e.g. 36 (it will enable controller to vary engine speed its nominal speed)
Throttle – Disable all throttles
4.18.1 ECM
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
WaterInFuel 97 Water In Fuel Indicator 1
AP LowIdleSw 558 Accelerator Pedal 1 Low Idle Switch
AP KickDownSw 559 Accelerator Pedal Kickdown Switch
StopLamp 623 Red Stop Lamp
WarningLamp 624 Amber Warning Lamp
StartEnbl1 626 Engine Start Enable Device 1
ProtectLamp 987 Protect Lamp
MalfunctLamp 1213 Malfunction Indicator Lamp
RoadSpdLimit 1437 Road Speed Limit Status
DPFRegenAct 3700 Aftertreatment Diesel Particulate Filter Active Regeneration Status
DPFInhSwitch 3703 Diesel Particulate Filter Active Regeneration Inhibited Due to Inhibit Switch
Aftertreatment 1 Diesel Particulate Filter Conditions Not Met for Active
DPFNoMetRegen 3750
Internal controller's value of the calculator is calculated from the low/high limits from the ECU list now
(InteliDriveDCU Marine ver. 3.0 and newer, InteliDriveDCU Industial ver. 3.4 and newer). It was calculated
from the internal controller's limits related to the particular analogue output source. If the limits are different in
the FW and ECU list, the transmitted value may be different.
Recommended wiring
9pin diagnostic
Function ECU connector Controller
CAN H B8 C (D1) CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN H
CAN COM N/A N/A CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN COM
CAN L B7 D (D2) CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN L
Battery + (positive) B1,B2,B47 B N/A
Battery - (negative) B3,B4,B5,B6 A N/A
Key Switch B9 N/A Any binary output configured as ECU PwrRelay
Analog Speed Control B28 N/A SG OUT
Analog Speed Control B32 N/A SG COM
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codes see see Kohler Fault Codes on page 435
1If a custom source is used (PLC output, analog input, etc. ) the value has to have exactly one decimal point (0.0 -
4.19.1 ECM
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
StopLamp 623 Red Stop Lamp
WarningLamp 624 Amber Warning Lamp
ProtectLamp 987 Protect Lamp
WaitStartLamp 1081 Engine Wait to Start Lamp
EPS Shutdown 1110 Engine Protection System has Shutdown Engine
MalfunctLamp 1213 Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashMalfunct 3038 Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FFlashMalfunct 3038 Fast Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashRed 3039 Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FFlashRed 3039 Fast Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FlashWarning 3040 Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
FFlashWarning 3040 Fast Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
FlashProtect 3041 Flash Protect Lamp
ESDRequest 3607 Engine Emergency (Immediate) Shutdown Indication
DPFInhibited 3702 Diesel Particulate Filter Active Regeneration Inhibited Status
DPFInhSwitch 3703 Diesel Particulate Filter Active Regeneration Inhibited Due to Inhibit Switch
Diesel Particulate Filter Active Regeneration Inhibited Due to Accelerator
DPFInhIdle 3707
Pedal Off Idle
DPFInhNeutral 3708 Diesel Particulate Filter Active Regeneration Inhibited Due to Out of Neutral
Diesel Particulate Filter Active Regeneration Inhibited Due to Parking Brake
DPFInhBrake 3710
Not Set
DPFInhExhTmp 3711 Diesel Particulate Filter Active Regeneration Inhibited Due to Low Exhaust
Internal controller's value of the calculator is calculated from the low/high limits from the ECU list now
(InteliDriveDCU Marine ver. 3.0 and newer, InteliDriveDCU Industial ver. 3.4 and newer). It was calculated
from the internal controller's limits related to the particular analogue output source. If the limits are different in
the FW and ECU list, the transmitted value may be different.
Recommended wiring
Function ECU connector Controller
CAN H CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN H
CAN COM CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN COM
CAN L CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN L
Battery + (positive) N/A
Battery - (negative) N/A
Key Switch Any binary output configured as ECU PwrRelay
Analog Speed Control SG OUT
Analog Speed Control SG COM
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codes see Kubota Fault Codes on page 436
1If a custom source is used (PLC output, analog input, etc. ) the value has to have exactly one decimal point (0.0 -
4.20.1 LIDEC 1
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
StopLamp 623 Red Stop Lamp
WarningLamp 624 Amber Warning Lamp
ProtectLamp 987 Protect Lamp
WaitStartLamp 1081 Engine Wait to Start Lamp
MalfunctLamp 1213 Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashMalfunct 3038 Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FFlashMalfunct 3038 Fast Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashRed 3039 Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FFlashRed 3039 Fast Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FlashWarning 3040 Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
FFlashWarning 3040 Fast Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
Internal controller's value of the calculator is calculated from the low/high limits from the ECU list now
(InteliDriveDCU Marine ver. 3.0 and newer, InteliDriveDCU Industial ver. 3.4 and newer). It was calculated
from the internal controller's limits related to the particular analogue output source. If the limits are different in
the FW and ECU list, the transmitted value may be different.
Recommended wiring
Function 9pin diagnostic connector Controller
CAN H C CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN H
CAN COM E CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN COM
1If a custom source is used (PLC output, analog input, etc. ) the value has to have exactly one decimal point (0.0 -
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codes see Liebherr Fault Codes on page 438
4.21.1 LIDEC 1
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
StopLamp 623 Red Stop Lamp
WarningLamp 624 Amber Warning Lamp
ProtectLamp 987 Protect Lamp
WaitStartLamp 1081 Engine Wait to Start Lamp
MalfunctLamp 1213 Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashMalfunct 3038 Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FFlashMalfunct 3038 Fast Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashRed 3039 Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FFlashRed 3039 Fast Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FlashWarning 3040 Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
FFlashWarning 3040 Fast Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
Internal controller's value of the calculator is calculated from the low/high limits from the ECU list now
(InteliDriveDCU Marine ver. 3.0 and newer, InteliDriveDCU Industial ver. 3.4 and newer). It was calculated
from the internal controller's limits related to the particular analogue output source. If the limits are different in
the FW and ECU list, the transmitted value may be different.
1If a custom source is used (PLC output, analog input, etc. ) the value has to have exactly one decimal point (0.0 -
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codes see Liebherr Fault Codes on page 438
Internal controller's value of the calculator is calculated from the low/high limits from the ECU list now
(InteliDriveDCU Marine ver. 3.0 and newer, InteliDriveDCU Industial ver. 3.4 and newer). It was calculated
from the internal controller's limits related to the particular analogue output source. If the limits are different in
the FW and ECU list, the transmitted value may be different.
1If a custom source is used (PLC output, analog input, etc. ) the value has to have exactly one decimal point (0.0 -
Controller ECU PwrRelay output can be used to activate Ignition (Kl.15).
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codes see see MAN MFR Fault Codes on page 439
The controller shows in the alarm list for each fault: Text message or fault code number SPN number on the
bottom row OC number on the bottom row which says from where comes this fault:
0 - EDC Master
1 - EDC Slave
39 - MFR FMI number in the right bottom corner
Fault details are displayed in the bottom row when fault is selected with > mark in the list of faults by Up/Down
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
WaterInFuel 97 Master Water In Fuel Indicator 1
WaterInFuel 97 Slave Water In Fuel Indicator 1
AP1LowIdleSw 558 Accelerator Pedal 1 Low Idle Switch
StopLamp 623 Master Red Stop Lamp
StopLamp 623 Slave Red Stop Lamp
WarningLamp 624 Master Amber Warning Lamp
WarningLamp 624 Slave Amber Warning Lamp
ProtectLamp 987 Master Protect Lamp
ProtectLamp 987 Slave Protect Lamp
WaitStartLamp 1081 Engine Wait to Start Lamp
MalfunctLamp 1213 Master Malfunction Indicator Lamp
MalfunctLamp 1213 Slave Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashMalfunct 3038 Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FFlashMalfunct 3038 Fast Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashRed 3039 Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FFlashRed 3039 Fast Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FlashWarning 3040 Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
FFlashWarning 3040 Fast Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
FlashProtect 3041 Flash Protect Lamp
1If a custom source is used (PLC output, analog input, etc. ) the value has to have exactly one decimal point (0.0 -
Internal controller's value of the calculator is calculated from the low/high limits from the ECU list now
(InteliDriveDCU Marine ver. 3.0 and newer, InteliDriveDCU Industial ver. 3.4 and newer). It was calculated
from the internal controller's limits related to the particular analogue output source. If the limits are different in
the FW and ECU list, the transmitted value may be different.
Recommended wiring
Function ECU Controller
CAN H A48 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN H
CAN COM A35 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN COM
CAN L N/A CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN L
Battery + (positive) A01, A03, A05 N/A
Battery - (negative) A02, A04, A06 N/A
Key Switch A17 Any binary output configured as ECU PwrRelay
Analog Speed Control N/A SG OUT
Analog Speed Control N/A SG COM
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codes see see MAN EDC17 Fault Codes on page 444
IMPORTANT: Please check the configuration of MAN Data Logger. The only supported
configuration is labeled as order number 51.27700-7002 and rear panel label Config. version:
The ECU does not support any diagnostic protocol.
Recommended wiring
Left (L) or Right
Function (R) 48pin 9pin diagnostic connector Controller
CAN H R88 N/A CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) CAN H
CAN COM R89 N/A CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) CAN COM
CAN L R91 N/A CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) CAN L
Battery + (positive) R95 N/A N/A
L12, L36, L48 R60,
Battery - (negative) N/A N/A
R72, R84, R96
Key Switch N/A N/A Any binary output configured as ECU PwrRelay
Analog Speed Control N/A N/A SG OUT
Analog Speed Control N/A N/A SG COM
Available parameters
For more information about available values and signals, please refer to I-CB manual or ICBEdit PC software.
IMPORTANT: Check that CAN bus terminating resistors or appropriate jumpers are connected.
Note: In order to connection to the MTU ECU7 directly (without I-CB module), some extension modules may
not be supported due to different baud rate of the ECU7. (CAN1 message 0x722) is in conflict with MTU
protocol, therefore any module on BOUT1 has not to be used!
Note: For connection to MTU ADEC module it is necessary to use an I-CB module. Configuration of the
controller and I-CB has to be done separately using GenConfig or DriveConfig and ICBEdit software. For further
information see I-CB manual.
For more information about available values and signals, please refer to I-CB manual or ICBEdit PC software.
IMPORTANT: Check that CAN bus terminating resistors or appropriate jumpers are connected.
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Note: For communication with the ComAp controller the CCB2 card may be required in the SAM module.
Please check this demand with local MTU representative.
IMPORTANT: No fault codes in DM1 frame are provided by MTU ADEC system. Fault codes are
only available as analog input "Failure Codes". ECU binary inputs may be used as fault code
representative. Therefore you can use only 16 fault codes – binary inputs (standard ECU size) or 32
(large ECU size)!
Proprietary parameters
Parameter name Function
The command for Reset ECU Alarms. The recommended source value for this command is
Alarm Reset
Speed Setting Limit Active For more information about this signal contact local MTU representative.
The command used for engine running. The recommended source value for this command is
Engine Start
This feature gives the operator ability to switch the rated speed between 50Hz and 60Hz. The
50/60Hz system will only react to a state transition while the Engine speed is 0. The recommended
source value for this command is Logical 0 for 50Hz and Logical 1 for 60Hz.
The command for normal stopping of the engine. The recommended source value for this
Engine Stop
command is Stop pulse.
Proprietary parameters
Parameter name Function
0 – indicates maximum power fueling
1 – indicates alternate power fueling 1
Rating Switch 1 2 - 253 - indicates alternate power fueling 2 thru 253
254 – Error condition
255 – Not available
Abbreviation explanation
Abbreviation Meaning
AL Alarm - Warning or alarm due to a binary signal
LO Low - Warning or alarm threshold due to a shortfall
HI High - Warning or alarm limits are exceeded
Transmitter Deviation - Warning or alarm due to a large deviation between the analog values of
two redundant sensors
SD Sensor Defective - Warning or alarm because of a defective sensor
Switch Fault - Warning or alarm condition due to an improper combination two complementary
SS Security Shutdown - Alarm, which led to engine emergency stop
MG Message - Message from external system
SE System Error - Warning, a system error
DL Default Lost - Warning due to a node failure in the default field bus
RL Redundancy Lost - Warning due to a node failure in the redundant fieldbus
PB Push Button - Indicator due to the activation of certain control keys
Note: If you have some problems with frame EBC1 (PGN=61441d, F001h) e.g. binary output engine stop,
please contact your MTU service to upgrade firmware in your ECU / SAM module.
Internal controller's value of the calculator is calculated from the low/high limits from the ECU list now
(InteliDriveDCU Marine ver. 3.0 and newer, InteliDriveDCU Industial ver. 3.4 and newer). It was calculated
from the internal controller's limits related to the particular analogue output source. If the limits are different in
the FW and ECU list, the transmitted value may be different.
1If a custom source is used (PLC output, analog input, etc. ) the value has to have exactly one decimal point (0.0 -
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codes see MTU ECU7 direct Fault Codes on page 452
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
StopLamp 623 Red Stop Lamp
WarningLamp 624 Amber Warning Lamp
ProtectLamp 987 Protect Lamp
Proprietary parameters
Internal controller's value of the calculator is calculated from the low/high limits from the ECU list now
(InteliDriveDCU Marine ver. 3.0 and newer, InteliDriveDCU Industial ver. 3.4 and newer). It was calculated
from the internal controller's limits related to the particular analogue output source. If the limits are different in
the FW and ECU list, the transmitted value may be different.
1If a custom source is used (PLC output, analog input, etc. ) the value has to have exactly one decimal point (0.0 -
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codes see MTU SMART Connect Fault Codes on page 475
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
WaterInFuel 97 Water In Fuel Indicator 1
StopLamp 623 Red Stop Lamp
WarningLamp 624 Amber Warning Lamp
ProtectLamp 987 Protect Lamp
WaitStartLamp 1081 Engine Wait to Start Lamp
EPS SDApproach 1109 Engine Protection System Approaching Shutdown
EPS Shutdown 1110 Engine Protection System has Shutdown Engine
MalfunctLamp 1213 Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashMalfunct 3038 Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashRed 3039 Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FFlashRed 3039 Fast Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FlashWarning 3040 Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
FFlashWarning 3040 Fast Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
FlashProtect 3041 Flash Protect Lamp
AT1Regen 3483 Aftertreatment 1 Regeneration Status
Internal controller's value of the calculator is calculated from the low/high limits from the ECU list now
(InteliDriveDCU Marine ver. 3.0 and newer, InteliDriveDCU Industial ver. 3.4 and newer). It was calculated
from the internal controller's limits related to the particular analogue output source. If the limits are different in
the FW and ECU list, the transmitted value may be different.
Recommended wiring
Function ECU X1 connector Controller
CAN H 3 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN H
CAN COM 6 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN COM
CAN L 4 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN L
Battery + (positive) 58, 59, 62 N/A
Battery - (negative) 57, 60, 61 N/A
Key Switch 31 Any binary output configured as ECU PwrRelay
Analog Speed Control N/A SG OUT
Analog Speed Control N/A SG COM
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codes see MTU ECU9 Fault Codes on page 452
1If a custom source is used (PLC output, analog input, etc. ) the value has to have exactly one decimal point (0.0 -
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
WaterInFuel 97 Water In Fuel Indicator 1
StopLamp 623 Red Stop Lamp
WarningLamp 624 Amber Warning Lamp
ProtectLamp 987 Protect Lamp
WaitStartLamp 1081 Engine Wait to Start Lamp
MalfunctLamp 1213 Malfunction Indicator Lamp
BattSwHold 1681 Battery Main Switch Hold State
FlashMalfunct 3038 Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FFlashMalfunct 3038 Fast Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashRed 3039 Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FFlashRed 3039 Fast Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FlashWarning 3040 Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
FFlashWarning 3040 Fast Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
FlashProtect 3041 Flash Protect Lamp
RegenInhibit 3695 Aftertreatment Regeneration Inhibit Switch
RegenForce 3696 Aftertreatment Regeneration Force Switch
DPFInhibited 3702 Diesel Particulate Filter Active Regeneration Inhibited Status
DPFInhSwitch 3703 Diesel Particulate Filter Active Regeneration Inhibited Due to Inhibit Switch
Diesel Particulate Filter Active Regeneration Inhibited Due to Clutch
DPFInhClutch 3704
DPFInhPTO 3706 Diesel Particulate Filter Active Regeneration Inhibited Due to PTO Active
Diesel Particulate Filter Active Regeneration Inhibited Due to Accelerator
DPFInhIdle 3707
Pedal Off Idle
Diesel Particulate Filter Active Regeneration Inhibited Due to Vehicle Speed
DPFInhSpeed 3709
Above Allowed Speed
Internal controller's value of the calculator is calculated from the low/high limits from the ECU list now
(InteliDriveDCU Marine ver. 3.0 and newer, InteliDriveDCU Industial ver. 3.4 and newer). It was calculated
from the internal controller's limits related to the particular analogue output source. If the limits are different in
the FW and ECU list, the transmitted value may be different.
1If a custom source is used (PLC output, analog input, etc. ) the value has to have exactly one decimal point (0.0 -
Note: To enable the function of Remote throttle sensor on pin ST3-02, the parameter 13/63 has to be set to 1.
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codes see MTU DDEC10 Fault Codes on page 449
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
StopLamp 623 Red Stop Lamp
WarningLamp 624 Amber Warning Lamp
ProtectLamp 987 Protect Lamp
MalfunctLamp 1213 Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashMalfunct 3038 Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FFlashMalfunct 3038 Fast Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashRed 3039 Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FFlashRed 3039 Fast Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FlashWarning 3040 Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
FFlashWarning 3040 Fast Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
FlashProtect 3041 Flash Protect Lamp
Recommended wiring
Function X51 connector Controller
CAN H 56 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN H
CAN COM 54 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN COM
CAN L 55 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN L
Battery + (positive) N/A N/A
Battery - (negative) N/A N/A
Key Switch 16 Any binary output configured as ECU PwrRelay
Analog Speed Control N/A SG OUT
Analog Speed Control N/A SG COM
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codes see MTU Engine Interface Module Fault Codes on page 455
Note: In order to connection to the MTU MIP 4000 gen-set controller it is necessary to use an I-CB module and
UC-7112-LX Plus module.
Configuration of the controller and I-CB has to be done separately using GenConfig or DriveConfig and ICBEdit
software. For further information see I-CB manual.
UC-7112-LX Plus configuration file - MTU_MIP4000_ver.: 1.0.0 . For further information see UC-7112-LX Plus
Available parameters
IMPORTANT: The response time of the UC-7112-LX Plus (modbus server) is about 200ms. It has to
be taken into account when configure the number and refresh time of read/written parameters.
Incorrect configuration of I-CB module may cause instability of read /written parameters.
Modbus Settings
Configuration Name Regiter
Communication Port P1
Modbus Address 1
Baud Rate 19200kbps
Data Bits 8
Parity None
Stop Bits One
Interface RS232
Recommended wiring
IMPORTANT: Check that CAN bus terminating resistors or appropriate jumpers are connected.
IMPORTANT: Direct connection of the Ethernet between MTU MIP 4000 and UC-7112-LX Plus is
strongly recommended.
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codes see MTU MIP4000 Fault Codes on page 458
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
ShutdownEngine 593 Engine Idle Shutdown has Shutdown Engine
StopLamp 623 Red Stop Lamp
WarningLamp 624 Amber Warning Lamp
ProtectLamp 987 Protect Lamp
WaitStartLamp 1081 Engine Wait to Start Lamp
MalfunctLamp 1213 Malfunction Indicator Lamp
ShutoffCommand 2813 Engine Air Shutoff Command Status
FlashMalfunct 3038 Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FFlashMalfunct 3038 Fast Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashRed 3039 Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FFlashRed 3039 Fast Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FlashWarning 3040 Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
FFlashWarning 3040 Fast Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
Proprietary parameters
Parameter name Function
The command for normal stopping of the engine. The recommended source value for this
Stop Request
command is stop pulse.
Internal controller's value of the calculator is calculated from the low/high limits from the ECU list now
(InteliDriveDCU Marine ver. 3.0 and newer, InteliDriveDCU Industial ver. 3.4 and newer). It was calculated
from the internal controller's limits related to the particular analogue output source. If the limits are different in
the FW and ECU list, the transmitted value may be different.
Note: To enable speed control over CAN bus set Desired Speed Input Arrangement to "CAN Input" and Digital
Speed Control Installed to "Not Installed" in Perkins EST program.
1If a custom source is used (PLC output, analog input, etc. ) the value has to have exactly one decimal point (0.0 -
Internal controller's value of the calculator is calculated from the low/high limits from the ECU list now
(InteliDriveDCU Marine ver. 3.0 and newer, InteliDriveDCU Industial ver. 3.4 and newer). It was calculated
from the internal controller's limits related to the particular analogue output source. If the limits are different in
the FW and ECU list, the transmitted value may be different.
1If a custom source is used (PLC output, analog input, etc. ) the value has to have exactly one decimal point (0.0 -
IMPORTANT: No value for speed control being sent to the ECU when Perkins 1300 is configured!
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
ShutdownEngine 593 Engine Idle Shutdown has Shutdown Engine
StopLamp 623 Red Stop Lamp
WarningLamp 624 Amber Warning Lamp
ProtectLamp 987 Protect Lamp
WaitStartLamp 1081 Engine Wait to Start Lamp
MalfunctLamp 1213 Malfunction Indicator Lamp
ShutoffCommand 2813 Engine Air Shutoff Command Status
FlashMalfunct 3038 Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
Internal controller's value of the calculator is calculated from the low/high limits from the ECU list now
(InteliDriveDCU Marine ver. 3.0 and newer, InteliDriveDCU Industial ver. 3.4 and newer). It was calculated
from the internal controller's limits related to the particular analogue output source. If the limits are different in
the FW and ECU list, the transmitted value may be different.
9-pin diagnostic
Function ECU J1 connector Controller
CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN
CAN H 26 G
CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN
CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN
CAN L 25 D
Battery + (positive) 84,85,86 A N/A
Battery - (negative) 81,82,83 B N/A
Key Switch 69 N/A Any binary output configured as ECU
1If a custom source is used (PLC output, analog input, etc. ) the value has to have exactly one decimal point (0.0 -
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codes see Perkins ECM Fault Codes on page 479.
Note: To enable speed control over CAN bus set Desired Speed Input Arrangement to "CAN Input" and Digital
Speed Control Installed to "Not Installed" in Perkins EST program. Or make a loop on J1 connector pins 49 and
xCxx C - Air/Air
I - Water/Air
xx12 Displacement
xxxxM Marine
4.25.2 S6 Singlespeed
Image 4.68 S6
Proprietary parameters
Parameter name Function
Enable or disable droop function. The droop value is changeable with calibration parameter or
Droop enable
with TSC-proprietary. The recommended source value for this command is Logical 0.
The calculated output torque of the engine. The data is transmitted in indicated torque as a
percent of reference engine torque. The engine percent torque value will not be less than zero
Torque enable
and it includes the torque developed in the cylinders required to overcome friction. The
recommended source value for this command is Logical 0.
The command used for engine running. The recommended source value for this command is
Engine Start
Normally used for engine emergency stop. When used it will set an error- / information code.
Emergency Engine Stop
The recommended source value for this command is Logical 0.
APP - Nominal Speed Offset settings for InteliDrive DCU, InteliDrive Mobile
Source Speed Request
Convert NO
Recommended wiring
ECU B1 8pin diagnostic
Function Controller
connector connector
CAN H 9 6 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN H
CAN COM N/A N/A CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN COM
CAN L 10 7 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN L
Battery + (positive) 1,6 1,3,4 N/A
Battery - (negative) 2,7 2,5 N/A
Key Switch 3 N/A Any binary output configured as ECU PwrRelay
Analog Speed Control N/A N/A SG OUT
Analog Speed Control N/A N/A SG COM
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codes see Scania S6 Singlespeed Fault Codes on page 481.
Image 4.69 S6
Proprietary parameters
Parameter name Function
Nominal speed offset (if Torque enable is “Engine speed control”). Increase or decrease the
Accelerator Pedal Position reference speed (with or without droop) in relation to nominal speed. The offset range is changeable
with calibration parameters. (normally ± 120 rpm, 0% = -120 rpm and 100% = +120 rpm).
APP - Nominal Speed Offset settings for InteliDrive DCU, InteliDrive Mobile
Source Speed Request
Convert NO
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codes see Scania S6 Allspeed Fault Codes on page 483
4.25.4 S8 Singlespeed
Image 4.70 S8
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
OilLevelLow Low Engine Oil Level
OilLevelHigh High Engine Oil Level
P-OilLow Low Engine Oil Pressure
T-CoolantHigh High Engine Coolant Temp
T-HightPwrLost Power Lost Due to High Temp
EngStopLimit Engine stop limit exceed
Charge61 Charge 61
TestLamp Test Engine Lamp
Diagnostic Diagnostic Status
IncorrectDrv Incorrect Driver Initiated Engine Shut Down
GasLeakage Gas Leakage
Proprietary parameters
Parameter name Function
Nominal speed offset (if Torque enable is “Engine speed control”). Increase or decrease the
reference speed (with or without droop) in relation to nominal speed. The offset range is
APP - Nominal Speed Offset
changeable with calibration parameters. (normally ± 120 rpm, 0% = -120 rpm and 100% =
+120 rpm)
0 – No request
1 – Invalidated manual regeneration request
2 - Manual regeneration request
DPF Manual Activation
3 – 13 – Reserved
14 – Error
15 – Don’t care
APP - Nominal Speed Offset settings for InteliDrive DCU, InteliDrive Mobile
Source Speed Request
Convert NO
Recommended wiring
8pin diagnostic
Function ECU connector Controller
CAN H N/A 6 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN H
CAN COM N/A N/A CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN COM
CAN L N/A 7 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN L
Battery + (positive) N/A 1,3,4 N/A
Battery - (negative) N/A 2,5 N/A
Key Switch N/A N/A Any binary output configured as ECU PwrRelay
Analog Speed Control N/A N/A SG OUT
Analog Speed Control N/A N/A SG COM
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codes see ScaniaS8 Singlespeed Fault Codes on page 488
Image 4.71 S8
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
OilLevelLow Low Engine Oil Level
OilLevelHigh High Engine Oil Level
P-OilLow Low Engine Oil Pressure
T-CoolantHigh High Engine Coolant Temp
T-HightPwrLost Power Lost Due to High Temp
EngStopLimit Engine stop limit exceed
Charge61 Charge 61
TestLamp Test Engine Lamp
Diagnostic Diagnostic Status
IncorrectDrv Incorrect Driver Initiated Engine Shut Down
GasLeakage Gas Leakage
AirFltClogged Engine Air Filter Clogged
OBDreact mode Emission-OBD reactivation mode
AfterRun AfterRun Status
AFTClogged Aftertreatment Clogged Status
AFTManBypass Aftertreatment Manual Bypass Request
AFTPortVlv Aftertreatment Port Valve Status
AFTBypassVlv Aftertreatment Bypass Valve Status
AFTExotherm Aftertreatment Exotherm Status
AFTManBypass Aftertreatment Manual Bypass Status
CoordinatAlive Coordinator Stay Alive Request
deSOx Heatup deSOx heatup request
AP1LowIdleSw 558 Accelerator Pedal 1 Low Idle Switch
AP KickDownSw 559 Accelerator Pedal Kickdown Switch
StopLamp 623 Red Stop Lamp
WarningLamp 624 Amber Warning Lamp
Proprietary parameters
Parameter name Function
Nominal speed offset (if Torque enable is “Engine speed control”). Increase or decrease the
reference speed (with or without droop) in relation to nominal speed. The offset range is
Accelerator Pedal Position
changeable with calibration parameters. (normally ± 120 rpm, 0% = -120 rpm and 100% =
+120 rpm)
0 – No request
1 – Invalidated manual regeneration request
2 - Manual regeneration request
DPF Manual Activation
3 – 13 – Reserved
14 – Error
15 – Don’t care
APP - Nominal Speed Offset settings for InteliDrive DCU, InteliDrive Mobile
Source Speed Request
Convert NO
Recommended wiring
8pin diagnostic
Function ECU connector Controller
CAN H N/A 6 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN H
CAN COM N/A N/A CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN COM
CAN L N/A 7 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN L
Battery + (positive) N/A 1,3,4 N/A
Battery - (negative) N/A 2,5 N/A
Key Switch N/A N/A Any binary output configured as ECU PwrRelay
Analog Speed Control N/A N/A SG OUT
Analog Speed Control N/A N/A SG COM
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codes see ScaniaS8 Allspeed Fault Codes on page 485
C - Common rail
D - Bosch VP 44/30 solenoid controlled injection pumps
xxxTx Turbocharged
Internal controller's value of the calculator is calculated from the low/high limits from the ECU list now
(InteliDriveDCU Marine ver. 3.0 and newer, InteliDriveDCU Industial ver. 3.4 and newer). It was calculated
from the internal controller's limits related to the particular analogue output source. If the limits are different in
the FW and ECU list, the transmitted value may be different.
1If a custom source is used (PLC output, analog input, etc. ) the value has to have exactly one decimal point (0.0 -
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codes see see SISU EEM3 Gen-set Fault Codes on page 489 or see SISU
EEM3 Propulsion Fault Codes on page 492
4.27.1 EDC17
Controllers that support the EDC17
Refer to Comparison table (page 24)
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
ParkingBrake 70 Parking Brake Switch Rx
AP1LowIdleSw 558 Accelerator Pedal 1 Low Idle Switch
AP KickDownSw 559 Accelerator Pedal Kickdown Switch
BrakeSwitch 571 Retarder Enable - Brake Assist Switch
ShiftSwitch 572 Retarder Enable - Shift Assist Switch
CCActive 595 Cruise Control Active Rx
Brake 597 Brake Switch Rx
Clutch 598 Clutch Switch Rx
CCSet 599 Cruise Control Set Switch Rx
StopLamp 623 Red Stop Lamp
WarningLamp 624 Amber Warning Lamp
ProtectLamp 987 Protect Lamp
WaitStartLamp 1081 Engine Wait to Start Lamp
CoolantLoadInc 1082 Engine Coolant Load Increase
EPS Shutdown 1110 Engine Protection System has Shutdown Engine
MalfunctLamp 1213 Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashMalfunct 3038 Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FFlashMalfunct 3038 Fast Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashRed 3039 Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FFlashRed 3039 Fast Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FlashWarning 3040 Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
FFlashWarning 3040 Fast Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
FlashProtect 3041 Flash Protect Lamp
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codes see Steyr EDC17 Fault Codes on page 503
4.27.2 M1
Controllers that support the M1
Refer to Comparison table (page 24)
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
Warning Engine Warning Light
Preheating Preheating Control Light
OilPressure Engine Oil Pressure Light
StopLamp 623 Red Stop Lamp
WarningLamp 624 Amber Warning Lamp
ProtectLamp 987 Protect Lamp
MalfunctLamp 1213 Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashMalfunct 3038 Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FFlashMalfunct 3038 Fast Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashRed 3039 Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FFlashRed 3039 Fast Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FlashWarning 3040 Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
FFlashWarning 3040 Fast Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
FlashProtect 3041 Flash Protect Lamp
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codes see Steyr M1 Fault Codes on page 503
4.28.1 EDC
Internal controller's value of the calculator is calculated from the low/high limits from the ECU list now
(InteliDriveDCU Marine ver. 3.0 and newer, InteliDriveDCU Industial ver. 3.4 and newer). It was calculated
from the internal controller's limits related to the particular analogue output source. If the limits are different in
the FW and ECU list, the transmitted value may be different.
Recommended wiring
Function ECU connector Controller
CAN H 62 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN H
CAN COM N/A CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN COM
CAN L 83 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN L
Battery + (positive) 1,5 N/A
Battery - (negative) 2,4,6 N/A
Key Switch 28 Any binary output configured as ECU PwrRelay
Analog Speed Control N/A SG OUT
Analog Speed Control N/A SG COM
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codes see VM Industrial Fault Codes on page 504 or see VM Marine Fault
Codes on page 505
1If a custom source is used (PLC output, analog input, etc. ) the value has to have exactly one decimal point (0.0 -
xxxxxx0xx Version
xxxxxxxGx Generator drive
Note: Standalone connection (hardwired speed potentiometer). On D12 industrial gen-set engines it's possible
to connect standalone connection. If there is a ComAp panel connected via CAN bus during power up the
engine will detect this and will be controlled via CAN bus. But if the ComAp panel is dead during power up the
engine and if there is connected a potentiometer on standalone connector the engine will detect this and will run
in stand alone mode.
Proprietary parameters
Parameter name Function
The command used for engine running. The recommended source value for this command is
Start Request
The command for normal stopping of the engine. The recommended source value for this
Stop Request
command is Stop pulse.
The idle/rated switch allows commanding the engine between idle speed and rated speed. The
Idle Speed Select
recommended source value for this command is Idle/Nominal.
Preheat Request Status of the Preheat request. The recommended source value for this command is Logical 0.
Note: If the engine doesn't crank, check the state of engine mounted auxiliary stop device.
IMPORTANT: It is important that there is no continuous active stop signal on pin 6. The active stop
signal depends on the configuration and represents either +24VDC or GND is present on the pin 6.
If there is a constant active stop signal a number of problems will occur:
It is impossible to change parameters.
It is impossible to reprogram the control unit.
The ECU could be damaged when power is removed.
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codes see Volvo Singlespeed Fault Codes on page 507
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
Running VP72 Running indication
P-Oil VP72 Oil pressure alarm
T-Oil VP72 Oil temperature alarm
OilLvl VP72 Oil level alarm
Charge VP72 Charge alarm
T-Coolant VP72 Coolant temperature alarm
CoolantLvl VP72 Coolant level alarm
P-Fuel VP72 Fuel pressure alarm
WaterInFuel VP72 Water in fuel alarm
P-SeaWater VP72 Sea water pressure alarm
P-FreshWater VP72 Fresh water pressure alarm
P-Crankcase VP72 Crankcase pressure alarm
P-PistonCool VP72 Piston cooling pressure alarm
P-Boost VP72 Boost pressure alarm
T-Boost VP72 Boost temperature alarm
T-Exhaust VP72 Exhaust temperature alarm
P-DiffOilFlt VP72 Engine oil filter differential pressure alarm
Overspeed VP72 Overspeed alarm
WaterInFuel 97 Water In Fuel Indicator 1
StopLamp 623 Red Stop Lamp
WarningLamp 624 Amber Warning Lamp
ProtectLamp 987 Protect Lamp
EPS SDApproach 1109 Engine Protection System Approaching Shutdown
EPS Shutdown 1110 Engine Protection System has Shutdown Engine
MalfunctLamp 1213 Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashMalfunct 3038 Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FFlashMalfunct 3038 Fast Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashRed 3039 Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
Proprietary parameters
Parameter name Function
The command for normal stopping of the engine. The recommended source value for this
Stop Request
command is Stop pulse.
The command used for engine running. The recommended source value for this command is
Crank Request
The command for normal stopping of the engine. The recommended source value for this
Stop Request
command is Stop pulse.
Recommended wiring
8pin diagnostic
Function ECU connector Controller
CAN H N/A 1 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN H
CAN COM N/A N/A CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN COM
CAN L N/A 2 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN L
Battery + (positive) N/A 4 N/A
Battery - (negative) N/A 3 N/A
Key Switch N/A 5 Any binary output configured as ECU PwrRelay
Analog Speed Control N/A N/A SG OUT
Analog Speed Control N/A N/A SG COM
Any binary output configured as inverted
Stop request N/A 6
Note: If the engine doesn't crank, check the state of engine mounted auxiliary stop device.
IMPORTANT: It is important that there is no continuous active stop signal on pin 6. The active stop
signal depends on the configuration and represents either +24VDC or GND is present on the pin 6.
If there is a constant active stop signal a number of problems will occur:
It is impossible to change parameters.
It is impossible to reprogram the control unit.
The ECU could be damaged when power is removed.
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
AP low idle switch 558 Accelerator Pedal 1 Low Idle Switch
AP kick down switch 559 Accelerator Pedal Kickdown Switch
Parking Brake Switch 70 Parking Brake Switch
Cruise Control Active 595 Cruise Control Active
Cruise Control Enable Switch 596 Cruise Control Enable Switch
Brake Switch 597 Brake Switch
Clutch Switch 598 Clutch Switch
Protect Lamp 987 Protect Lamp
Amber Warning Lamp 624 Amber Warning Lamp
Red Stop Lamp 623 Red Stop Lamp
Malfunction Lamp 1213 Malfunction Indicator Lamp
Flash Protect Indicator Lamp 3041 Flash Protect Lamp
Flash Amber Warning Lamp
Fast Flash Amber Warning 3040 Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
Flash Red Stop Lamp
3039 Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
Fast Flash Red Stop Lamp
Running Indication - Proprietary parameter.
Diagnostic state - Proprietary parameter.
Oil Pressure Alarm - Proprietary parameter.
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
Proprietary parameter.
Main Fuel Valve -
Status of the main fuel valve.
Proprietary parameter.
Pre-chamber Fuel Valve -
Status of the pre-chamber fuel valve (if applicable).
Proprietary parameter.
Engine Running -
Whether the engine is running or not running.
Proprietary parameter.
Starter Motor -
Whether the starter motor is engaged or not.
Proprietary parameter.
Pre/Post Lube -
Whether the pre/post lube pump is running.
Proprietary parameter.
Yellow Warning Lamp - This lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is reporting a problem
with the engine system but the engine need not be immediately stopped.
Proprietary parameter.
Red Shutdown Lamp - This lamp is used to relay trouble code information that is of a severe enough
condition that it warrants stopping the engine.
Proprietary parameter.
Engine Knocking -
Whether the engine is in uncontrollable knock.
Proprietary parameter.
Start Engine Signal -
Whether the start engine signal is active.
Proprietary parameter.
Normal Shutdown -
Whether the normal shutdown signal is active.
Emergency Shutdown - Proprietary parameter.
ECU 47pin
Function Controller
RS485 A 2 RS485 – RS485 A
RS485 COM N/A RS485 – RS485 COM
RS485 B 23 RS485 – RS485 B
Battery + (positive) N/A N/A
Battery - (negative) N/A N/A
Key Switch N/A Any binary output configured as ECU PwrRelay
Analog Speed Control 28
Analog Speed Control range -2.5VDC – +2.5VDC
Analog Speed Control 29 SG COM
Analog Speed Control Shield N/A N/A
Note: Check that RS485 bus terminating resistors or appropriate jumpers are connected.
Available list of texts of fault codes see Waukesha ESM Fault Codes on page 514.
Available list of texts of fault codes see Waukesha ESM Fault Codes on page 514
Diagnostic lamps
It is possible to configure Yellow Warning Lamp and Red Shutdown Lamp as binary inputs. Displaying of fault
codes in the alarm list is conditioned by configuration of these inputs. Once they are not configured the alarms
are blocked and not displayed.
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
MainFuelValve Main Fuel Valve
PreChamFuelVal Pre-chamber Fuel Valve
Recommended wiring
CI Harness
Function ECU 47pin Controller
RS485 A 2 RS485 – RS485 A
RS485 COM N/A RS485 – RS485 COM
RS485 B 23 RS485 – RS485 B
Battery + (positive) N/A N/A
Battery - (negative) N/A N/A
Key Switch N/A Any binary output configured as ECU PwrRelay
Analog Speed Control 28
Analog Speed Control range -2.5VDC – +2.5VDC
Analog Speed Control 29 SG COM
Analog Speed Control Shield N/A N/A
Note: Check that RS485 bus terminating resistors or appropriate jumpers are connected.
Available list of texts of fault codes see Waukesha ESM Fault Codes on page 514.
Diagnostic lamps
It is possible to configure Yellow Warning Lamp and Red Shutdown Lamp as binary inputs. Displaying of fault
codes in the alarm list is conditioned by configuration of these inputs. Once they are not configured the alarms
are blocked and not displayed.
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
Lvl-OilLow Lube Oil Level Low
Lvl-CoolantLow Coolant Water Level Low
T-ExhaustL Left Exhaust Temperature Fault Condition
T-ExhaustR Right Exhaust Temperature Fault Condition
P-Rail Rail Fault Condition
T-LubeOilL Left Lube Oil Temperature Fault Condition
T-LubeOilR Left Lube Oil Temperature Fault Condition
P-LubeOilL Left Lube Oil Pressure Fault Condition
P-LubeOilR Right Lube Oil Pressure Fault Condition
P-CoolantL Left Coolant Water Pressure Fault Condition
P-CoolantR Right Coolant Water Pressure Fault Condition
T-CoolantL Left Coolant Water Temperature Fault Condition
T-CoolantR Right Coolant Water Temperature Fault Condition
P-LubeOilDiffL Left Lube Oil Filter Differential Pressure Fault Condition
P-LubeOilDiffR Right Lube Oil Filter Differential Pressure Fault Condition
P-FuelDiff Fuel Oil Filter Differential Pressure Fault Condition
T-AirInletL Left Air Inlet Temperature Fault Condition
T-AirInlteR Right Air Inlet Temperature Fault Condition
P-AirInletL Left Air Inlet Pressure Fault Condition
P-AirInletR Right Air Inlet Pressure Fault Condition
T-Fuel Fuel Oil Temperature (After Coarse Filter) Fault Condition
P-Fuel Fuel Oil Pressure (After Coarse Filter) Fault Condition
Internal controller's value of the calculator is calculated from the low/high limits from the ECU list now
(InteliDriveDCU Marine ver. 3.0 and newer, InteliDriveDCU Industial ver. 3.4 and newer). It was calculated
from the internal controller's limits related to the particular analogue output source. If the limits are different in
the FW and ECU list, the transmitted value may be different.
Recommended wiring
Function ECU connectors Controller
CAN H 4.22 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN H
CAN COM 4.14 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN COM
CAN L 4.23 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN L
Battery + (positive) 4.01,4.04,4.05,4.07,4.08 N/A
Battery - (negative) 4.06,4.09,4.10,4.11,4.12,4.13,4.16 N/A
Key Switch 4.36 Any binary output configured as ECU PwrRelay
Analog Speed Control 3.09 SG OUT
Analog Speed Control 3.01 SG COM
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codes see see Weichai WISE10B Fault Codes on page 515
1If a custom source is used (PLC output, analog input, etc. ) the value has to have exactly one decimal point (0.0 -
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
ParkingBrake 70 Parking Brake Switch
WaterInFuel 97 Water In Fuel Indicator 1
AP1LowIdleSw 558 Accelerator Pedal 1 Low Idle Switch
AP KickDownSw 559 Accelerator Pedal Kickdown Switch
WaitStartLamp 1081 Engine Wait to Start Lamp
Internal controller's value of the calculator is calculated from the low/high limits from the ECU list now
(InteliDriveDCU Marine ver. 3.0 and newer, InteliDriveDCU Industial ver. 3.4 and newer). It was calculated
from the internal controller's limits related to the particular analogue output source. If the limits are different in
the FW and ECU list, the transmitted value may be different.
Recommended wiring
Function ECU K connector Controller
CAN H 80 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN H
CAN COM 76 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN COM
CAN L 81 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN L
Battery + (positive) 44, 45, 63, 64 N/A
Battery - (negative) 46, 47, 65, 66 N/A
Key Switch 30 Any binary output configured as ECU PwrRelay
Analog Speed Control 51 SG OUT
Analog Speed Control 69 SG COM
1If a custom source is used (PLC output, analog input, etc. ) the value has to have exactly one decimal point (0.0 -
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
WaterInFuel 97 Water In Fuel Indicator 1
CCEnable 596 Cruise Control Enable Switch
StopLamp 623 Red Stop Lamp
WarningLamp 624 Amber Warning Lamp
ProtectLamp 987 Protect Lamp
WaitStartLamp 1081 Engine Wait to Start Lamp
EPS Shutdown 1110 Engine Protection System has Shutdown Engine
MalfunctLamp 1213 Malfunction Indicator Lamp
1If a custom source is used (PLC output, analog input, etc. ) the value has to have exactly one decimal point (0.0 -
Internal controller's value of the calculator is calculated from the low/high limits from the ECU list now
(InteliDriveDCU Marine ver. 3.0 and newer, InteliDriveDCU Industial ver. 3.4 and newer). It was calculated
from the internal controller's limits related to the particular analogue output source. If the limits are different in
the FW and ECU list, the transmitted value may be different.
Recommended wiring
Function ECU "X2" connector Controller
CAN H 54 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN H
CAN COM N/A CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN COM
CAN L 76 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN L
Battery + (positive) 01, 03, 05 N/A
Battery - (negative) 02, 04, 06 N/A
Key Switch 88 Any binary output configured as ECU PwrRelay
Analog Speed Control 61, 83 SG OUT
Analog Speed Control 62, 84 SG COM
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codes see see Weichai WISE 13A Fault Codes on page 517
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
WaterInFuel 97 Water In Fuel Indicator 1
CCEnable 596 Cruise Control Enable Switch
Internal controller's value of the calculator is calculated from the low/high limits from the ECU list now
(InteliDriveDCU Marine ver. 3.0 and newer, InteliDriveDCU Industial ver. 3.4 and newer). It was calculated
from the internal controller's limits related to the particular analogue output source. If the limits are different in
the FW and ECU list, the transmitted value may be different.
Recommended wiring
Function ECU "X1" connector Controller
CAN H 42 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN H
CAN COM 44 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN COM
CAN L 43 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN L
Battery + (positive) 01, 03, 05 N/A
Battery - (negative) 02, 04, 06 N/A
Key Switch 59 Any binary output configured as ECU PwrRelay
Analog Speed Control 9 SG OUT
Analog Speed Control 25 SG COM
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codes see see Weichai WISE 15A Fault Codes on page 518
1If a custom source is used (PLC output, analog input, etc. ) the value has to have exactly one decimal point (0.0 -
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
WaterInFuel 97 Water In Fuel Indicator 1
CCEnable 596 Cruise Control Enable Switch
StopLamp 623 Red Stop Lamp
WarningLamp 624 Amber Warning Lamp
ProtectLamp 987 Protect Lamp
WaitStartLamp 1081 Engine Wait to Start Lamp
EPS Shutdown 1110 Engine Protection System has Shutdown Engine
MalfunctLamp 1213 Malfunction Indicator Lamp
Internal controller's value of the calculator is calculated from the low/high limits from the ECU list now
(InteliDriveDCU Marine ver. 3.0 and newer, InteliDriveDCU Industial ver. 3.4 and newer). It was calculated
from the internal controller's limits related to the particular analogue output source. If the limits are different in
the FW and ECU list, the transmitted value may be different.
Recommended wiring
Function Controller
CAN H CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN H
CAN COM CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN COM
CAN L CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN L
1If a custom source is used (PLC output, analog input, etc. ) the value has to have exactly one decimal point (0.0 -
4.31.6 WISE 18
Controllers that support the WISE 18
Refer to Comparison table (page 24)
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
WaterInFuel 97 Water In Fuel Indicator 1
CCEnable 596 Cruise Control Enable Switch
StopLamp 623 Red Stop Lamp
WarningLamp 624 Amber Warning Lamp
ProtectLamp 987 Protect Lamp
WaitStartLamp 1081 Engine Wait to Start Lamp
EPS Shutdown 1110 Engine Protection System has Shutdown Engine
MalfunctLamp 1213 Malfunction Indicator Lamp
Internal controller's value of the calculator is calculated from the low/high limits from the ECU list now
(InteliDriveDCU Marine ver. 3.0 and newer, InteliDriveDCU Industial ver. 3.4 and newer). It was calculated
from the internal controller's limits related to the particular analogue output source. If the limits are different in
the FW and ECU list, the transmitted value may be different.
1If a custom source is used (PLC output, analog input, etc. ) the value has to have exactly one decimal point (0.0 -
4.32.1 TNV
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
Preheat Preheat Function Acknowledge
Shutdown Shutdown Acknowledge
GlowPlug Glow Plug Function Acknowledge
AP1LowIdleSw 558 Accelerator Pedal 1 Low Idle Switch
AP KickDownSw 559 Accelerator Pedal Kickdown Switch
StopLamp 623 Red Stop Lamp
WarningLamp 624 Amber Warning Lamp
ProtectLamp 987 Protect Lamp
WaitStartLamp 1081 Engine Wait to Start Lamp
MalfunctLamp 1213 Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashMalfunct 3038 Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FFlashMalfunct 3038 Fast Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashRed 3039 Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FFlashRed 3039 Fast Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FlashWarning 3040 Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
FFlashWarning 3040 Fast Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
FlashProtect 3041 Flash Protect Lamp
DPFPassive 3699 Aftertreatment Diesel Particulate Filter Passive Regeneration Status
DPFInhibited 3702 Diesel Particulate Filter Active Regeneration Inhibited Status
DPFInhSwitch 3703 Diesel Particulate Filter Active Regeneration Inhibited Due to Inhibit Switch
Diesel Particulate Filter Active Regeneration Inhibited Due to Clutch
DPFInhClutch 3704
Internal controller's value of the calculator is calculated from the low/high limits from the ECU list now
(InteliDriveDCU Marine ver. 3.0 and newer, InteliDriveDCU Industial ver. 3.4 and newer). It was calculated
from the internal controller's limits related to the particular analogue output source. If the limits are different in
the FW and ECU list, the transmitted value may be different.
1If a custom source is used (PLC output, analog input, etc. ) the value has to have exactly one decimal point (0.0 -
4.33.1 EDC7
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
WaterInFuel 97 Water In Fuel Indicator 1
BrakeSwitch 571 Retarder Enable - Brake Assist Switch
ShiftSwitch 572 Retarder Enable - Shift Assist Switch
WaitStartLamp 1081 Engine Wait to Start Lamp
EPS Shutdown 1110 Engine Protection System has Shutdown Engine
AP2LowIdleSw 2970 Accelerator Pedal 2 Low Idle Switch
1If a custom source is used (PLC output, analog input, etc. ) the value has to have exactly one decimal point (0.0 -
Recommended wiring
ECU vehicle Diagnostic
Function Controller
connector connector
CAN H 1.35 6 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN H
CAN COM N/A N/A CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN COM
CAN L 1.34 14 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN L
Battery + (positive) 1.08,1.09,1.02,1.03 16 N/A
Battery - (negative) 1.10,1.11,1.05,1.06 5 N/A
Key Switch 1.40 N/A Any binary output configured as ECU PwrRelay
Analog Speed Control N/A N/A SG OUT
Analog Speed Control N/A N/A SG COM
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codes see see YaMZ EDC7 Fault Codes on page 521
4.34.1 BCR
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
WaterInFuel 97 Water In Fuel Indicator 1
AP1LowIdleSw 558 Accelerator Pedal 1 Low Idle Switch
StopLamp 623 Red Stop Lamp
WarningLamp 624 Amber Warning Lamp
ProtectLamp 987 Protect Lamp
WaitStartLamp 1081 Engine Wait to Start Lamp
MalfunctLamp 1213 Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FFlashMalfunct 3038 Fast Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashMalfunct 3038 Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FFlashRed 3039 Fast Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FlashRed 3039 Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FFlashWarning 3040 Fast Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
FlashWarning 3040 Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
FlashProtect 3041 Flash Protect Lamp
1If a custom source is used (PLC output, analog input, etc. ) the value has to have exactly one decimal point (0.0 -
Internal controller's value of the calculator is calculated from the low/high limits from the ECU list now
(InteliDriveDCU Marine ver. 3.0 and newer, InteliDriveDCU Industial ver. 3.4 and newer). It was calculated
from the internal controller's limits related to the particular analogue output source. If the limits are different in
the FW and ECU list, the transmitted value may be different.
Recommended wiring
Function ECU K connector Controller
CAN H 54 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN H
CAN COM N/A CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN COM
CAN L 76 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN L
Battery + (positive) 1,3,5 N/A
Battery - (negative) 2,4,6 N/A
Key Switch 35 Any binary output configured as ECU PwrRelay
Analog Speed Control 61 SG OUT
Analog Speed Control 62 SG COM
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codes see Yuchai YC-BCR Fault Codes on page 522
4.34.2 LH (ECU2)
Controllers that support the LH
Refer to Comparison table (page 24)
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
WaterInFuel 97 Water In Fuel Indicator 1
AP1LowIdleSw 558 Accelerator Pedal 1 Low Idle Switch
AP KickDownSw 559 Accelerator Pedal Kickdown Switch
StopLamp 623 Red Stop Lamp
WarningLamp 624 Amber Warning Lamp
ProtectLamp 987 Protect Lamp
WaitStartLamp 1081 Engine Wait to Start Lamp
MalfunctLamp 1213 Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FFlashMalfunct 3038 Fast Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashMalfunct 3038 Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FFlashRed 3039 Fast Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FlashRed 3039 Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FFlashWarning 3040 Fast Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
Internal controller's value of the calculator is calculated from the low/high limits from the ECU list now
(InteliDriveDCU Marine ver. 3.0 and newer, InteliDriveDCU Industial ver. 3.4 and newer). It was calculated
from the internal controller's limits related to the particular analogue output source. If the limits are different in
the FW and ECU list, the transmitted value may be different.
Recommended wiring
Function ECU "X2" connector Controller
CAN H 21 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN H
CAN COM 19 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN COM
CAN L 20 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN L
Battery + (positive) 1,2,3 N/A
Battery - (negative) 4,5 N/A
Key Switch 16 Any binary output configured as ECU PwrRelay
Analog Speed Control 34, 46 SG OUT
Analog Speed Control 11, 23 SG COM
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codes see see Yuchai YC-LBR Fault Codes on page 522
4.34.3 YCECU
Controllers that support the YCECU
Refer to Comparison table (page 24)
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
WaterInFuel 97 Water In Fuel Indicator 1
AP1LowIdleSw 558 Accelerator Pedal 1 Low Idle Switch
1If a custom source is used (PLC output, analog input, etc. ) the value has to have exactly one decimal point (0.0 -
Internal controller's value of the calculator is calculated from the low/high limits from the ECU list now
(InteliDriveDCU Marine ver. 3.0 and newer, InteliDriveDCU Industial ver. 3.4 and newer). It was calculated
from the internal controller's limits related to the particular analogue output source. If the limits are different in
the FW and ECU list, the transmitted value may be different.
Recommended wiring
Function ECU 94pin connector Controller
CAN H K28 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN H
CAN COM N/A CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN COM
CAN L K50 CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN L
Battery + (positive) B N/A
Battery - (negative) A N/A
Key Switch K12 Any binary output configured as ECU PwrRelay
Analog Speed Control N/A SG OUT
Analog Speed Control N/A SG COM
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codes see see Yuchai YCECU Fault Codes on page 522
1If a custom source is used (PLC output, analog input, etc. ) the value has to have exactly one decimal point (0.0 -
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
WaterInFuel 97 Water In Fuel Indicator 1
AP1LowIdleSw 558 Accelerator Pedal 1 Low Idle Switch
AP KickDownSw 559 Accelerator Pedal Kickdown Switch
StopLamp 623 Red Stop Lamp
WarningLamp 624 Amber Warning Lamp
FuelShtoff1 632 Engine Fuel Shutoff 1 Control
ProtectLamp 987 Protect Lamp
WaitStartLamp 1081 Engine Wait to Start Lamp
EPS SDApproach 1109 Engine Protection System Approaching Shutdown
EPS Shutdown 1110 Engine Protection System has Shutdown Engine
MalfunctLamp 1213 Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FuelLeakage1 1239 Engine Fuel Leakage 1
FuelLeakage2 1240 Engine Fuel Leakage 2
AccelRateLimit 2979 Vehicle Acceleration Rate Limit Status
FlashMalfunct 3038 Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FFlashMalfunct 3038 Fast Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashRed 3039 Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FFlashRed 3039 Fast Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FlashWarning 3040 Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
FFlashWarning 3040 Fast Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
FlashProtect 3041 Flash Protect Lamp
AT1IntDewPoint 3237 Aftertreatment 1 Intake Dew Point
Internal controller's value of the calculator is calculated from the low/high limits from the ECU list now
(InteliDriveDCU Marine ver. 3.0 and newer, InteliDriveDCU Industial ver. 3.4 and newer). It was calculated
from the internal controller's limits related to the particular analogue output source. If the limits are different in
the FW and ECU list, the transmitted value may be different.
Recommended wiring
9pin diagnostic connector Controller
CAN H G CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN H
CAN COM C CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN COM
CAN L F CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN L
Battery + (positive) N/A N/A
Battery - (negative) N/A N/A
Key Switch N/A Any binary output configured as ECU PwrRelay
Analog Speed Control N/A SG OUT
Analog Speed Control N/A SG COM
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codes see Standard J1939 engine Fault Codes on page 494
1If a custom source is used (PLC output, analog input, etc. ) the value has to have exactly one decimal point (0.0 -
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
WaterInFuel 97 Water In Fuel Indicator 1
AP1LowIdleSw 558 Accelerator Pedal 1 Low Idle Switch
AP KickDownSw 559 Accelerator Pedal Kickdown Switch
StopLamp 623 Red Stop Lamp
WarningLamp 624 Amber Warning Lamp
FuelShtoff1 632 Engine Fuel Shutoff 1 Control
ProtectLamp 987 Protect Lamp
WaitStartLamp 1081 Engine Wait to Start Lamp
EPS SDApproach 1109 Engine Protection System Approaching Shutdown
EPS Shutdown 1110 Engine Protection System has Shutdown Engine
MalfunctLamp 1213 Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FuelLeakage1 1239 Engine Fuel Leakage 1
FuelLeakage2 1240 Engine Fuel Leakage 2
AccelRateLimit 2979 Vehicle Acceleration Rate Limit Status
FlashMalfunct 3038 Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FFlashMalfunct 3038 Fast Flash Malfunction Indicator Lamp
FlashRed 3039 Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FFlashRed 3039 Fast Flash Red Stop Lamp (RSL)
FlashWarning 3040 Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
FFlashWarning 3040 Fast Flash Amber Warning Lamp (AWL)
FlashProtect 3041 Flash Protect Lamp
AT1IntDewPoint 3237 Aftertreatment 1 Intake Dew Point
AT1ExhDewPoint 3238 Aftertreatment 1 Exhaust Dew Point
AT1Regen 3483 Aftertreatment 1 Regeneration Status
OilPrimPmp 3550 Engine Oil Priming Pump Switch
CoolPreHeated 3553 Engine Coolant Pre-heated State
ESDRequest 3607 Engine Emergency (Immediate) Shutdown Indication
DPFPassive 3699 Aftertreatment Diesel Particulate Filter Passive Regeneration Status
DPFInhibited 3702 Diesel Particulate Filter Active Regeneration Inhibited Status
DPFInhSwitch 3703 Diesel Particulate Filter Active Regeneration Inhibited Due to Inhibit Switch
Diesel Particulate Filter Active Regeneration Inhibited Due to Clutch
DPFInhClutch 3704
Diesel Particulate Filter Active Regeneration Inhibited Due to Service Brake
DPFInhBrake 3705
DPFInhPTO 3706 Diesel Particulate Filter Active Regeneration Inhibited Due to PTO Active
Diesel Particulate Filter Active Regeneration Inhibited Due to Accelerator
DPFInhIdle 3707
Pedal Off Idle
DPFInhNeutral 3708 Diesel Particulate Filter Active Regeneration Inhibited Due to Out of Neutral
Diesel Particulate Filter Active Regeneration Inhibited Due to Vehicle Speed
DPFInhSpeed 3709
Above Allowed Speed
Diesel Particulate Filter Active Regeneration Inhibited Due to Parking Brake
DPFInhBrake 3710
Not Set
Recommended wiring
9pin diagnostic connector Controller
CAN H G CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN H
CAN COM C CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN COM
CAN L F CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN L
Battery + (positive) N/A N/A
Battery - (negative) N/A N/A
Key Switch N/A Any binary output configured as ECU PwrRelay
Analog Speed Control N/A SG OUT
Analog Speed Control N/A SG COM
For more information about diagnostic connector layout see SAE - J1939 diagnostic connector on page 19.
Available list of texts of fault codes see Standard J1939 monitor Fault Codes on page 499
4.36.1 D500
Available parameters
ECU binary outputs (controller's inputs)
Configuration Name SPN J1939 Name
PwrFacotrLagg 2518 Generator Overall Power Factor Lagging
Recommended wiring
Function AVR connector Controller
CAN H D9 serial CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN H
CAN COM N/A CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN COM
CAN L D9 serial CAN1 (extension modules/J1939) – CAN L
Battery + (positive) 3pin port N/A
Battery - (negative) D9 serial N/A
Key Switch N/A Any binary output configured as ECU PwrRelay
Analog Speed Control N/A SG OUT
Analog Speed Control N/A SG COM