Books." Library Has Undergone A Significant Change With The Changing Times, Civilization and

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Traveling places, knowing famous people, learning new ideas, discovering perspectives,

admiring the beauty of nature, taking a break from reality, and even knowing the Holy Word of
God are possible to be done. Powerful right? That is what reading can do. The mixing of letters
into words, combination of phrases, amazing and extraordinary writing masterpieces, decoding
those contexts can change someone's life, it can be for a lifetime or maybe let's say, for a
period of time depending on how that person would opt to. Reading can be a way of relaxation,
it can be a mind-changing act or simply a knowledge-adding aspect in your life. In choosing to
step out of your comfort zone and deciding to fill your mind with new ideas, engaging yourself
to know more, reading can be a choice. It is through it that one will be able to direct himself to
learn and acquire necessary information that may be useful for your life.

Contemplating to tackle about reading and information, it can now be linked to what we
called as resources. Resources are considered as sources of information. We can think of
anything such as books, articles, magazines and the like or even the internet. The latter has
been a challenge in our world and current generation today. Yes, maybe it's true that one can
actually find the needed information in just a second by simply browsing the internet. However,
even now that our generation is being covered by the wrath of modern technology, we cannot
deny that not all people can browse the internet, not all people have access to online articles
and online information-giving websites. This is the reason why we still need to preserve our
tangible information sources. What we mean are the books, articles and any writing
masterpieces containing the information that we need. Agree with it or not but reading the
books does not go out of style. The familiar feeling of touching every inch of its pages is
somewhat satisfying that you would opt to be driven by that addiction. The scent of it mixing
with the air you breath, coming from its pages as you flip it one by one most likely add to the
fascinating and escalating book experience.

Books play a vital role for everyone who's thirsty of knowledge. This is the reason why
despite of the vast influence modernization, our society still cherished and continued to provide
areas wherein these significant masterpieces would be stored and preserved. This is why up
until now, libraries still exist.

Library came from the Latin word "librarium" which means "book-case" or "chest for
books." Library has undergone a significant change with the changing times, civilization and
culture. The modem definition of a library is a place where documents containing knowledge
and information are stored technically and scientifically processed, properly preserved and
made easily available to the users when warranted without loss of time. The library is also
sometimes referred to as the "memory of human race". Library is a fountainhead which
contains information and knowledge. It can be compared to a giant brain that remembers all
that the scientists, the historians, the poets, tlie philosophers, and other great intellectuals have
thought and learned. In short a library is a place where the experience and expertise of the past
can meet the needs of the present. Hence a library can be defend as a collection of graphic
acoustic and holistic material such as books, periodicals, newspapers, manuscripts, maps,
charts, filmstrips, microfilms, photographs, records, or any recorded piece of information
systematically arranged and a designed for use.
Aside from libraries created in schools for academic purposes or private libraries for
private use, libraries for the public are also essential. This might be the reason why the
Provincial Library located here in Maasin City was created. Why do we need these kinds of
library anyway? We believe that it's because this can be the local gateway to knowledge,
provides the necessary conditions for life long learning, independent decision making and
cultural development of the individual and social groups. It would be a living force for
education, culture and information, an essential agent for the fostering of peace and spiritual
welfare through the minds of men and women. It would be considered as a local center for
information, making available all kinds of knowledge and information readily and freely to its
users; accessible for all regardless of age, race, sex, religion, nationality, language or social
status and lastly. These libraries which have collections and services, all types of appropriate
media and modern technologies, as well as traditional materials with high quality and have
relevance to local needs and conditions are significant for the society. Material must reflect
current trends and evolution of society, as well as the memory of human endeavor and

To expand, considering the example of the existence of provincial libraries, this would
people in the locality to be able to acquire important information in which they can use in living
their day-to-day lives and would be having the chance to experience being shared with
intellectual matters coming from intellectual people.

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