Confined Space Risk Assessment WHSFOR-009B

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Insert Company Name WHSFOR– 009B


PART A: The work to be undertaken:

Provide descriptor:

PART B: The range of possible work methods which could be used (Delete what is not applicable or
provide details of methodology to be applied):

Method A: Perform the work from outside the confined space

Method B : Access the confined space to perform the work using forced mechanical ventilation, taking
care not to recirculate exhaust gases. Employ continuous gas monitoring
Method C : Access the confined space to perform the work using supplied air respiratory devices.
Employ continuous gas monitoring.
Method D: Provide details of methodology

PART C: The hazards present must be risk-rated as per the attached Risk Management Matrix:


1 Harmful levels of hydrogen sulphide from disturbing sediments
2 Risk of combustible gases or vapours from the decomposition of organic material
or infiltration of flammable materials through broken sections of pipes
3 Potentially explosive dust
4 Oxygen deficiency or excess
5 Introduction of chemicals during occupancy
6 Contaminants in the atmosphere are below the relevant exposure standard
7 Contaminants introduced through any work processes controlled, e.g. welding
8 Steps have been taken to control any risk associated with the presence of any vermin
9 Prevention of flooding from failure of the outlet pipe and associated structures
10 Confined space is free from extremes of temperature
11 Noise controlled
12 All potentially hazardous services are positively isolated in order to prevent the
activation or energising of any equipment or service that may pose a risk to the health
and safety of a person in the confined space

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Confined Space Risk Assessment
Issue Date: 24 January 2021
Review Date: 24 January 2021
. C:\Users\Chris\Desktop\SafetyFirst Documents\Work Health and Safety\18. Employer Resources\5 Steps to
Safety\5 Steps To Safety - Management System\3 Implementation
Insert Company Name WHSFOR– 009B

PART D Details of the actual method to be used for the particular work, e.g. method A, B, C or D.
The following specific details are also to be noted and observed if deemed necessary:
# Method
1 Forced mechanical ventilation provided through the confined space at the
appropriate flow per second
2 Prevention of recirculation of exhaust gases
3 All hatches open
4 Diversion of flow to one side while work is conducted on the other
5 Small intermittent flow adjacent to entry point blocked off
6 Flushed clean prior to working on steelwork
7 Gas conditions monitored as follows:
7a Use of a gas tester for hot work clearance associated with the removal of existing
7b Gas alarm for stop-work and evacuation
7c Use of plywood to seal distribution channels before any hot work
8 If oxy cutting is necessary or welding fumes linger due to ineffective mechanical
ventilation, supplied respiratory devices are supplied and worn during the work

PART E: Procedures for emergency and rescue:

# Procedure
1 Tripod and safety harness used for access
2 Other appropriate PPE
3 Oxygen self-rescuers carried
4 Communication available to standby person and emergency services either by
radio or telephone
5 Standby and competent persons fully trained in rescue procedures and first -aid

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Confined Spaces Risk Assessment
Issue Date: 24 January 2021
Review Date: 24 January 2021
C:\Users\Chris\Desktop\SafetyFirst Documents\Work Health and Safety\18. Employer Resources\5 Steps to
Safety\5 Steps To Safety - Management System\3 Implementation
Insert Company Name WHSFOR– 009B

Risk Management

Examples of risk definition and classification (adapted from AS/NZS 4360: 1999 Risk Management)

Table 1: Qualitative measures of consequence or impact

Level Descriptor Example detail description

1 Insignificant No injuries, low financial loss

2 Minor First aid treatment, on-site release immediately contained, medium

financial loss

3 Moderate Medical treatment required, on-site release contained with outside

assistance, high financial loss

4 Major Extensive injuries, loss of production capabilities, off-site release with no

detrimental effects, major financial loss

5 Catastrophic Death, toxic release off-site with detrimental effect, huge financial loss

Table 2: Qualitative measures of likelihood

Level Descriptor Description

A Almost certain Is expected to occur in most circumstances

B Likely Will probably occur in most circumstances

C Possible Might occur at some time

D Unlikely Could occur at some time

E Rare May only occur in exceptional circumstances

Table 3: Qualitative risk analysis – level of risk


Likelihood Insignificant Minor Moderate Major Catastrophic

1 2 3 4 5

A (almost certain) H H E E E

B (likely) M H H E E

C (possible) L M H E E

D (unlikely) L L M H E

E (rare) L L M H H

Legend E: extreme risk, immediate action required H: High risk, senior management attention needed
M: Moderate risk, management responsibility must be specified L: low risk, manage by routine procedures

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Confined Spaces Risk Assessment
Issue Date: 24 January 2021
Review Date: 24 January 2021
C:\Users\Chris\Desktop\SafetyFirst Documents\Work Health and Safety\18. Employer Resources\5 Steps to
Safety\5 Steps To Safety - Management System\3 Implementation

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