Question and Answer For Oral Exam
Question and Answer For Oral Exam
Question and Answer For Oral Exam
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What i I..M. ?
The International Management Code for the afe Operation of hip and for Pollution
Prevention (International afet Management (IM) Code).
What i I.M.O. Convention ?
Convention are chief intrument of IMO, eing inding legal intrument, regulating
ome apect of maritime a air of major concern to IMO e.g. afet of life at ea
(OLA) or marine pollution (MARPOL).
The are identi ed name and the ear of adoption the Aeml, uch a the
International Convention on the afet of Life at ea, 1974.
Ma have detailed technical proviion attached in annexe, uch a ix annexe to the
MARPOL convention, each dealing with a di erent apect of marine pollution.
How man convention are there ?
Aout 50 ? Though checked up to 1998, 25.
What i a Protocol ?
A treat intrument which make major modi cation to a Convention which ha een
adopted ut not et in force. The Protocol uuall peed up the Convention entr
into force. e.g. MARPOL 73/78, OLA 74/78
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. What i OLA & MARPOL ? How man annexe are there in MARPOL and
what are the ?
OLA tand for International Convention for the afet of Life at ea.
MARPOL tand for International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from
There are at preent 6 annexe to MARPOL :Prevention of Pollution Oil
Prevention of Pollution Noxiou Liquid utance
Prevention of Pollution Harmful utance in Packaged Form
Prevention of Pollution ewage
Prevention of Pollution Garage
Prevention of Air Pollution (NOX nitric oxide, OX- ulphur oxide, PM, VOC,
nerg cienc)
How man chapter are there in OLA ? Which chapter deal with IM & which
one with afet of ulk carrier ?
There are 12 chapter in OLA. Chapter 9 deal with IM and Chapter 12 with ulk
carrier afet.
What are enhanced urve and which hip are required to have them ?
aicall thee are cloe up examination of the welded attachment of ide-hell
frame in elected hold, and extenive thickne meaurement, carried out IAC
memer ocietie on (1) dr ulk carrier and (2) tanker.
Continuou urve of ulk carrrier and tanker are eing phaed out and nhanced
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The ojective are to enure afet at afet at ea, prevention of human injur or lo
of life and damage to the environment and to propert.
What i non-conformit ?
An oerved ituation where ojective evidence indicate the non-ful llment of a
peci ed requirement.
Who iue DOC and MC ?
Flag tate adminitration or authorized clai cation ocietie on their ehalf ?
What i Tonnage and Load line Convention ?
Tonnage Convention deal with a internationall acceptale tem of meaurement of
hip volume in order to et due on the veel.
Load line Convention deal with minimum required freeoard meaurement and
watertight integrit of the veel.
What i TCW ?
TCW i tandard of Training, Certi cation and Watch keeping.
What are the ojective of TCW?
The ojective of TCW i to et the minimum level of competence among eafarer
What i MARPOL? How man pecial area are there ?
MARPOL i International Convention for Prevention of Pollution from hip.
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. Mediterranean ea
. Red ea
. Perian/Araian Gulf.
What i ppm ?
ppm i part per million.
Dicharge criteria for hip other than oil tanker and for machiner pace of oil tanker wef
6/7/1998:the hip mut e proceeding on a voage
the hip mut not e within a pecial area
the oil content of the a uent doe not exceed 15 ppm
the hip mut have in operation equipment required Reg. 14
Dicharge criteria within a pecial area:
In Antarctic pecial Area, total prohiition
the ilge water mut not originate from cargo pump room
the ilge water i not mixed with cargo reidue
the hip i proceeding on voage
the oil content without dilution doe not exceed 15 ppm
the hip ha in operation an oil ltering tem compling with Reg. 16(5)
the ltration tem i equipped with automatic topping device when e uent
level exceed 15 ppm.
What i OPP and IOPP ?
OPP i hipoard Oil Pollution emergenc plan.
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Follow OPP.
What are the entrie in OR Part-1 ?
An movement of /R oil, (2) unkering, (3)date and time of operation,
(5) dicharge through approved equipment for /R ilge and (6) to hore reception
facilitie (ludge).
What i Cargo Record ook ?
Cargo Record ook refer to chemical tanker and entrie mut e made in relation to
each tank a ected the following operation:
loading of cargo
internal tranfer of cargo
unloading of cargo
cleaning of cargo tank
allating of cargo tank
dicharge of allat from cargo tank
dipoal of reidue from cargo tank
dipoal of reidue to reception facilitie
dipoal of reidue into ea a per chedule to the regulation
removal of reidue ventilation
emergenc/accidental dicharge
record mut e retained for three ear from the date of lat entr.
What i IMDG Code ?
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IMDG Code i the International Maritime Dangerou Good Code. Thi document
refer to the variou clae, packing, marking and egregation of dangerou good and
marine pollutant carried in packaged form. MFAG (Medical Firt Aid Guide) and m
(mergenc chedule) are in the upplement to the IMDG Code.
What i WHO and ILO ?
WHO i World Health Organization, ILO i International Laor Organization.
Name one of the major ILO Convention dealing with eaman ?
ILO 147 which i called the Minimum tandard Convention. Thi Convention
require ratifing tate to have:regulation laing down for hip regitered in their territor,
afet tandard, including tandard of competenc, hour of work and manning,
appropriate ocial ecurit meaure and
hipoard condition of emploment and living arrangement.
What i cla notation, tonnage mark, load line and Plimol mark ?
The hip character of clai cation mol (e.g. +100A) i known a cla notation.
Here + mean the hip wa contructed under urve clai cation ociet
urveor, A mean the hip wa contructed or accepted into clai cation cla and
i maintained in a good and e cient condition. Additional notation can e like IW
for in-water urve etc.
Tonnage mark are engraving in the hull (Uuall main eam on hip other than
tanker and in pump-room or forecatle of tanker) indicating the gro and net
tonnage a per ITC-69.
Plimole and load line mark refer to engraving on the outer hull to indicate the depth
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or draft upto which the veel ma e loaded efore proceeding to ea in alt water and
are calculated on the ai of LL Convention 1966.
What i ag adminitration and what i it role ?
Flag adminitration i the national agenc for regitration of hip. It dut to
implement variou national and international legilation to which the ag tate i a
part. In angladeh it i the Department of hipping.
What i clai cation ociet and under whoe authorit do the work ?
Clai cation ocietie are odie that la down tandard for the contruction and
maintenance of hip. Compliance with the tandard which are pulihed a Rule of
the particular clai cation ociet enure aignment and maintenance of cla.
Clai cation ocietie act under the authorit delegated to them the ag
How man national hipping regulation we have got ?
There are ve regulation:
IO-76 (Inland hipping Ordnance 1976)
MO-83 (Merchant hipping Ordnance 1983)
Flag Veel Protection Ordnance 1982
Maritime Zone Act (etting out limit of territorial water, contiguou zone and
Light Houe Act
Which chapter of OLA deal with ulk carrier afet?
Chapter -12
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