Turbine Safety
Turbine Safety
Turbine Safety
Risk is always associated with the frequency of failure and consequence effect.
Predicting such situations and evaluation of risk is essential to take appropriate
preventive measures. The major concern of the assessment is to identify the
activities falling in a matrix of high & low frequencies at which the failures occur
and the degree of its impact. The high frequency, low impact activities can be
managed by regular maintenance Whereas, the low frequency, high impact
activities (accidents) are of major concern in terms of risk assessment. As the
frequency is low, often the required precautions are not realized or maintained.
However, the risk assessment identifies the areas of major concerns which
require additional preventive measures.
Hazard Identification
The aim of hazard identification is to develop a comprehensive list of sources of
risks and events that might have an impact on the achievement of each of the
objectives (or key elements) identified in the context. This step in the risk
assessment process involves the identification of hazards and the determination of
their causes. Hazard identification is the process of defining and describing a
hazard, including its Physical characteristics, magnitude and severity, probability
and frequency, causative factors, and locations or areas affected.
Hazard Identification
There are five basic methods of hazard identification that may be employed to
identify hazards:
Data from previous accidents (case studies) or operating experience
Scenario development and judgment of knowledgeable individuals
Generic hazard checklists
Formal hazard analysis techniques
Design data and drawings.
We use Hazard analysis and risk assessment method which include five steps
1. System description
2. Hazard analysis
3. Risk assessment
4. Risk rating
5. Resolve the risk
Hazards in Turbine and Generator
S.No Hazard Description
Damage on generator due to lack of lubrication in
1 Equipment Damage coupling shaft,Damage on generator due to lack of
lubrication in coupling shaft
on cooling oil, on hydrogen tank, Explosion in turbine
due to cooling system failure, Explosion in turbine
2 Fire Explosion
due to cooling system failure, Fire on cooling oil, Fire
and explosion on hydrogen tank
3 High Noise level Due to operation and vibration of equipment
Establishing event Frequency and likelihood category Ranges
Frequency range of event can be established using a format that includes time
between the occurrences, a qualitative description of these frequency range and
categories or level of likelihood. A likelihood category chosen for the risk
assessment to provide a frequency range to work when for example a likelihood
category in table relates a frequency range and midpoint.
Establishing event consequences category Ranges
The consequences relate the potential expected damage to property, people’s life
safety etc. The following table’s gives the consequence rage related to the
qualitative losses data first on the base of life safety consequences and other
property damage consequences.
The table give for selecting likelihood tolerance:
Risk rating
Risk initiating event likelihood and consequences are assumed by taken
reference of visited plant real activities. Risk Classification screening table is
given below.
Unmitigated Consequences
S.No Hazard Discription Event
Property Damage
Life Safety
Explosion in Turbine due to
1 cooling system Failure 1 4 5 C
2 Fire in Turbine Lube Oil 3 3 3 B
What is an Interlock ?
An interlock is a feature that makes the state of two
mechanisms or functions mutually dependent.
It prevents incorrect operation to avoid possible damage of
Interlocks can be considered as start permissive of any
What is an Protection ?
The state of action to prevent possible damages of any
equipment or system.
It is necessary to safeguard the equipment against abnormal
deviation of process parameters to unacceptable values .
Turbine and Generator can trip on following Interlocks
Turbine I/L Steam Pressure High and Low
Turbine I/L Steam Temperature High and Low
Turbine Exhaust Hood temperature High
Shift Axial High
Differential Expansion - Positive
Differential Expansion – Negative
Eccentricity High 23
CEP pumping System Failure
HP heater Level High
LP Heater Level High
Lube Oil and Control Oil Pressure Low
Lube Oil Temperature Low
Lube oil Temperature High
MCW pumping System Failure
ACW pumping System Failure 24
Lose of Vacuum
Bearing Temperature High
Bearing Vibration High
1 St Stage Pressure High
Loss of Barring Gear
Condenser Tube Failure
Instrument air Failure
Turbine I/L Steam Pressure High
Sudden drop the load
Sudden drop the steam flow.
Turbine trips.
Effect :-
Turbine may trip on high pressure.
Turbine RPM go to high
Turbine Exhaust temperature High.
Action :-
Open start up / warm up vent valve.
Control the boiler Pressure
Adjust the load on unit, if it has dropped. If turbine has tripped first
allow boiler to trip but safety valve may not lift. 26
Turbine I/L Steam Pressure Low
Sudden increase the plant load
Sudden increase the process steam flow.
Some Problem at Boiler
Effect :-
Turbine may trip on Low pressure.
Turbine RPM go to down
Turbine internals damage
Action :-
Turbine load reduced
Control the boiler Pressure
Adjust the load on unit, if it has dropped.
If turbine has tripped first allow boiler to trip but safety valve may not 27
Turbine I/L Steam Temperature High
Some Problem at Boiler
Effect :-
Turbine may trip on High Temperature
High steam temperature may damage the turbine, as the metallurgy of
the turbine is designed for a particular temperature
Action :-
In this case turbine should be stopped immediately
Control the boiler Temperature
Check the boiler Desupeheater Valve Open or not
If turbine has tripped first allow boiler to trip but safety valve may not lift.
Turbine I/L Steam Temperature Low
Some Problem at Boiler
Effect :-
Turbine may trip on Low Temperature
Turbine internals damage
Produces thermal shock on the hot turbine
Saturated steam enters turbine and damages it severely
Action :-
In this case turbine should be stopped immediately
Turbine load reduced
Control the boiler Temperature
Check the boiler Desupeheater Valve
If turbine has tripped first allow boiler to trip but safety valve may not 29
Exhaust Hood Temperature High
Cause :-
Vacuum falls.
Cooling water Pump trip.
High steam temperature during cold start up.
Turbine running at rated rpm without synchronizing/or running at low
load for a longer period.
Effect :-
Expansion will go towards negative side.
Prolonged high exhaust hood temperature may lead to vibration. 30
Exhaust Hood Temperature High
Action :-
Check the reason for the fall in vacuum.
Start stand by C.W. pump if available. (Restore the C. W. supply). Start
second C.W. pump if unit is running at higher load.
H. P. drains to condenser hot well should be reduced.
Control system temperature and pressure during the cold start. If
possible, synchronize and load the machine
Control gland steam pressure and temperature.
Start make up water spray in condenser.
If machine is required to run at rated RPM (or at lower load) for a longer
time, take following necessary action to control the exhaust hood
temperature (make-up) surplus can be establish to check temp rise.
Keep the vacuum as high as possible (by also keeping 2 hogger in
Axial Shift High
Cause :-
Abrupt changes in load. (fast pick up of load)
Sudden drop in steam temperature.
Sudden drop in vacuum.
Lubricating oil failure to thrust bearing.
Salt or Silica deposition in turbine.
Worn out thrust pads.
Effect :-
Overloading of thrust pads.
May contribute turbine vibration.
Abnormal turbine differential expansion. 32
Axial Shift High
Action :-
Check the boiler parameters and control the sudden changes.
Control the turbine vacuum.
Reduce the unit load.
Check the flow pressure and temperature through bearing.
For deposition of the salt unit shut down is required for washing the
If axial shift has increased rapidly and is beyond control even after
reduction in load trip the m/c and bring to standstill condition as soon 33
as possible. (by breaking the vacuum)
Condensate Extraction Pump
( CEP ) Trip/Failure
Cause :-
Motor protection.
Hotwell level very low.
CEP discharge pressure very low (not on discharge header pressure).
Effect :-
Deaerator level will start falling.
Hotwell level will start increasing.
Condenser vacuum will start falling.
If no CEP is running unit will have to be tripped
Action :-
Start standby CEP if it not starts on auto.
If only one pump is running then reduce the load accordingly 34
Turbine Lube Oil Pressure Low
Cause :-
Air lock in oil cooler.
MOP suction failure.
Oil filter chocked up/line filters chocked up.
Leakage in oil lines flanges, bearings etc..
Excessive oil consumption in generator seal oil system.
MOP failure.
Effect :-
Rise in bearing Metal temperature.
Turbine trips on lubrication oil pressure Low
Turbine Lube Oil Pressure Low
Action :-
Check oil pressure and adjust the pressure by adjusting LOW valves if
Check for any oil leakages in the oil System
Start Second oil Pump in auto Trip the turbine if oil pressure does not
Check the oil cooler change over the defective one to the stand by.
Remove the air lock from the cooler if so.
Check the oil filters regularly change over to stand by. If difference in
pressure increase gets it clean. Check the line filters spares and isolate
them, whenever unit is in shut down and if requires cleaning.
Turbine Lube Oil Temperature Low
Cause :-
Water side valves in oil coolers are open more than required.
(Especially low load) Hence, it is necessary for control room operator to
inform regarding load variation to temp controller (operator).
In cold season during start up. (temperature not increasing even the
CW valves of the cooler are closed).
Effect :-
Unstable oil film in Bearings
It may damage the Bearings.
Bearing Vibration may rise.
Turbine Lube Oil Temperature Low
Action :-
Throttle the cooling water valves of the oil coolers. (if required).
If the machine is off load-do-not roll it till oil temperature attains an
acceptable working value.
If the machine is on-load-temperature should be rapidly raised to the
Oil centrifuge heater can be taken in service.
Turbine Lube Oil Temperature High
Cause :-
Failure of C.W. system.
Cooling tower fan stop/trip.
High Cooling water inlet temperature.
Oil coolers are dirty. (Heat transfer is very low).
Air locking in oil coolers.
Effect :-
Rise in bearing Metal temperature.
Bearing Vibration may rise.
Rise in seal oil temperature.
Turbine Lube Oil Temperature High
Action :-
Restore the CW system / Restart the CT fan/fans.
Bring down the CW inlet temperature. Open the CW valves of the
coolers if they are throttled.
Remove the air lock from the cooler if so.
Put stand by oil cooler in service if available.
Spare and isolate the dirty oil cooler for cleaning if possible.
Trip the unit if lubricating oil temperature rises continuously and is
External cooling of oil cooler can help to bring down the oil temperature
Main Cooling Water Pump
( MCW) Failure/Trip
Cause :-
Motor protection relay operated.
Auxiliary supply failure.
Turbine vacuum is fall
Unit will trip exhaust Temperature and Pressure High if all CW pumps
Main Cooling Water Pump
( MCW) Failure/Trip
Restore Cooling water pumps after checking.
Restore Auxiliary supply starts the pump (Which is on station bus)
Start the stand by CW pump immediately if available.
Reduce the load on machine till the 2nd pump is taken in service. Trip
the unit, if vacuum drops considerably.
Watch the exhaust pressure, temperature and load.
If not a single C.W. pump is put into service for long time prime the
C.W. tunnel and start C. W. pump.
Auxiliary Cooling Water Pump
( ACW) Failure/Trip
Cause :-
Motor protection relay operated.
Auxiliary supply failure.
Generator winding temperature rise
Boiler feed pump bearing temperature rise
Lube oil temperature
Turbine, Gearbox and Generator bearing temperature rise
Start the stand by ACW pump immediately if available.
Restore Auxiliary supply starts the pump (Which is on station bus)
Restore Cooling water pumps after checking.
Reduced the Plant load.
Fire In Lube Oil System
Cause :-
Oil leakage from oil lines.
Bearing Oil collected on laggings and reaches to the ignition point.
Effect :-
Extensive damage to the turbine and surroundings.
Action :-
Take care of oil leakage and try to arrest it.
Use dry CO2 powder as soon as smoke is detected. Inform the fire
section. If the fire is extensive use CO2 powder cylinders.
Trip the turbine, if fire is beyond control.
Do not allow the oil to lodge on the leggings. Take corrective and do
not neglect even very small leakage or collection of oil to prevent the
Loss of Vacuum
Cause :-
Cooling water Pump/Fan trip.
Loss of gland steam pressure.
Defect in gland steam pressure regulator.
Loss of ejector steam pressure.
leakage in vacuum system or puncture.
Malfunction of vacuum breaker valve.
Turbine rupture disk damaged or leaking.
C.E.P. trip.
Effect :-
Vacuum may drop slowly.
If it drops rapidly-unit will trip on exhaust pressure high.
Over heating of casing and exhaust hood. 45
Loss of Vacuum
Action :-
Start stand by CW pump if available (if CW pump in service has tripped).
Rectify the problem in tripped CW pump and make it available. Maintain
the load accordingly.
Find out the reason of tripping of CT Fan/pump.
In case of gland steam lost, please check the Aux Steam Header
pressure, if it is not proper maintain it by opening it’s control valves
bypass valve if required.
In case of defect in gland steam pressure regulator, put it on manual or
control by bypass valve.
Loss of Vacuum
When the vacuum falls suddenly and cannot be established again on
while starting the unit (and while establishing vacuum) if it is not
obtained there may be leakage/puncture in the system under vacuum.
So please check the system under vacuum thoroughly. Find the
leakage or puncture and arrest the leakage/attend the puncture.
Check the position of vacuum breaker valve. It should be close, while
establishing the vacuum or during normal running operation unless
anything is abnormal.
Check for leakage/damaged rupture disk , if it is so then shut down the
unit to attend the same.
Loss of Vacuum
If CEP has tripped start the stand by CEP (if does not start on auto) if
available. Rectify the problem in fault, and maintain the load accordingly.
Change over the ejector if the first one is not maintain vacuum.
If vacuum falls at a slower rate, one may put the second ejector in to
service to maintain the vacuum (in the maintain the leakage may be
found). Also starting ejector can be taken in service.
If vacuum falls at a faster rate, trip the unit immediately. (if not trip an
exhaust pressure high protection)
Bearing Temperature High
Cause :-
High lubricating oil inlet temperature to the turbine bearing.
Excessive vibration of the Bearings.
Bearing failure.
Contaminated lubricating oil high moisture dirt etc.
Inadequate oil flow or low lubricating oil pressure.
Effect :-
Result to bearing failure.
Increment in bearing vibration.
Bearing Temperature High
Action :-
Check and maintain the oil temperature, oil pressure, oil low flow
through the turbine bearing. Check duplex oil filter, if requires change
over it also check the line filters.
Check the oil for moisture and contamination periodically. Keep oil
continuously in service as per recommendation. Drain the collected
water from the MOT regularly.
Keep watch on oil cooler out let temperature.
Bearing Vibration High
Cause :-
While turbine is passing through it’s critical speed.
Rapid changes in the turbine inlet steam temperature (carry over in
extreme case).
Low lubricating oil temperature.
Unbalance steam flow through each of the machine.
In correct shaft alignment.
Gland steam pressure and temperature are not proper.
Rotor mechanically unbalance.
Eccentricity high.
Uneven expansion (high differential expansion and temperature
difference between top and bottom cylinder exceeds).
Over speed of the machine. 51
Bearing Vibration High
Effect :-
Eccentricity may go high.
If machine is allowed to run at higher vibration. Vibration may exceed
the safe limit and may damage the machine.
Action :-
Roll the machine smoothly and do not allow the machine to settle on to
critical speed band.
Maintain the steam parameters. Don’t allow any rapid change in the
steam temperature.
Maintain the lubricating oil pressure temperature properly
Try to maintain the turbine vacuum, if, it falls (Prevent the heating of the
LP side rotor).
Bearing Vibration High