IB FRENCH-year 1: Summer Assignment-Due On First Class in Sept. 2018
IB FRENCH-year 1: Summer Assignment-Due On First Class in Sept. 2018
IB FRENCH-year 1: Summer Assignment-Due On First Class in Sept. 2018
Summer assignment- due on first class in Sept. 2018
Welcome to the continuation of an adventure into a new language and culture. I am so proud
that you have decided to continue your study of French, one of the world's most important
languages. We will be working very hard in this course but I know you are up for the challenge.
Your love of French will get you through the rough spots and I will always be there to cheer you
on! On the following pages you will find important information about the summer work that
needs to be completed. If you should have any questions please, do not hesitate to contact me.
Congratulations on your decision to become bilingual and to give yourself a skill that will be with
you your whole life!
These assignments are designed to set you up for success in the 2018-2019 school year and for
the IB French exams in the 2019-2020 school year. The more seriously you take your work, the
more improvement and benefit you will see.
As we work to prepare for the IB exams in 2020, we will be doing activities that
relate to the following themes and sub-themes:
Les identités
Lifestyles Subcultures
Health and wellbeing Language and identity
Beliefs and values
Les experiences
Leisure activities Rites of passage
Holidays and travel Customs and traditions
Life stories Migration
Ingéniosité humaine
Entertainment Technology
Artistic expressions Scientific innovation
Communication and media
Organisation sociale
Social relationships Education
Community The working world
Social engagement Law and order
Partage de la planète
The environment Globalization
Human rights Ethics
Peace and conflict
Urban & rural environment
DEVOIRS A – Thematic
Bring to class with you at least 4 ‘thematic’ pictures (themes listed on page 1). These should be
pictures that…
Evoke a variety of thoughts – not just a sentence or two
Allow the person looking at the picture to speak for 3+ minutes
Encourage someone to give an opinion or point of view
Tie, at least loosely, to one of the themes listed above as well as francophone culture
Can be a springboard for a large number of ideas
**You MUST include the source of the picture (ie web address, magazine info, etc.) **
Echantillon (sample):
DEVOIRS B NOM:_____________________________
Complete the activities per category listed below. Read the instructions carefully. And yes, you must write en
français!! Check the boxes when you’ve completed the activity.
Bring this paper with you when we return to school in September. We will be doing several activities that reflect on
your experiences. Points will be assigned on the reflection pieces that will be done in class. (…if you have a bad memory…
take notes about each activity!)
vidéo 1 :
5 nouveaux mots en français-
Ma réaction (écrivez en français) :
vidéo 2 :
5 nouveaux mots en français-
Ma réaction (écrivez en français) :
B. DICTÉES. Choose 2 of the following French Dictées (dictations). Try your hand at writing down what you hear in French.
This is very difficult but see how well you can do! Make sure you choose the level “Elémenataire- A2” in the upper right
portion of the screen. Read the explanation of the dictation to the right of the full audio & then listen to the full audio. Move
down & click on the different “séquences” (parts) that they read to you while you write in the boxes. See page 3 below in
this packet for the vocabulary for punctuation. Once you have finished all of the sequences, click on “OK” to see your
results! Check the boxes of the dictations you chose & write your results below:
http://dictee.tv5monde.com/dictee/cartier-dhiver/demarrer Cartier d'hiver
http://dictee.tv5monde.com/dictee/abecedaire-loufoque/demarrer Abécédaire loufoque
http://dictee.tv5monde.com/dictee/la-grande-boucle-de-la-petite-reine/demarrer La Tour de France
http://dictee.tv5monde.com/dictee/la-mer-quon-voit-danser/demarrer La mer qu’on voit danser
http://dictee.tv5monde.com/dictee/les-lumieres-du-cinema/demarrer Les Lumière(s) du cinéma
III. Reading, Writing, Listening & Speaking
Complete 4 of the following activities below. Check the boxes once you have completed the activity & remember
that you will be doing a reflection piece on these activities once in class.
Watch a movie and change (great idea, especially, for one you’ve already seen!) to French language track AND
French subtitles. What new words do you learn? Are the spoken words and the subtitles always the same?
Carry on a complete IM or text conversation in French (in other words, longer than just a few messages back and
forth!) Look up great French texting abbreviations to use in your conversation! Check out this web page:
www.lawlessfrench.com/vocabulary/texting/ OR https://frenchtogether.com/french-texting-slang/
Go to a place where you are surrounded by people that speak French. Interact with them! Try to get your point
across without worrying about knowing every word. Go for it!
Check out a French language book from the library or on an electronic device that interests you and read some of
For one week, before you go to sleep, journal “en français” (~100 words), and see if you dream in French! (C’est
Find a book you’ve already read in English and read it again… this time in French! Maybe your favorite childhood
Read the news online in French for 30+ min. http://www.lemonde.fr/ www.20minutes.fr/
Find an interesting blog to follow that’s written in French… read it 4+ different times
Print out lyrics to your favorite French language song (maybe a Stromae song?...). Sing along until you can sing
the whole thing without reading from the paper.
Create a video where you teach someone how to do something in French. (ie: how to pack a backpack, how to
make a PB&J)
Find more music by your favorite French artist (or search for new favorites!) and look up the lyrics to the songs.