Circular Road Safety

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National Highways Authority of India
(Ministry of Road Transport and Highways)

{I \it ~ 1 Jl '}II f~.F"h (0 I ~ I Phone: 91-11-25074100/25074200

~ IFax: 91-11-25093507 I 25093514

~./ 2223 I 2318 I 2468 I 2553

;;\T-5 -.:tcf 6, ~-10, ilTUIiT, -;;t ~ -110075

G-5 & 6, Sector-10. Dwarka. New Delhi-110075

NHAI12008/Road SafetylIRF /5'f?g Dated: 12.07.2010


Sub: Ensuring Road Safety-Engineering Measures as per directions of MoRT &H- reg..

To ensure long term Road Safety on the Highways built so far, those being contemplated to be
upgraded and ones beiJ.1g planned and designed, Ministry of Road Transport and Highways~ Govt of .
India vide letter No. RWINH-35072/04/2004-S&R(R) dated 27.04.2010 (Copy enclosed) has issued
directions for adoption of certain Engineering Safety Measures (as contained therein) which are
considered essecial in all central and centrally sponsored Projects as applicable to specific site

2. As NHAI is implementing Central and Centrally sponsored projects, it has been approved by
Chairman, NHAI that necessary action for incorporation of Engineering Measures mentioned in the
circular ofMoRT&H is to be taken by all Technical Divisions ofNHAI handling projects which are 'in
various stages of planning/design, implemention and O&M stage as per details given in the table
below. The reimbursement of extra cost to be incurred if any by the Concessionaire/Contractor. for
incorporating the Safety Measures, if not already covered in the concession/contract agreem.ent, will
be as indicated in the table and the implementing Technical Division will take financial approval
directly from Competent Authority before getting them implemented. .

S.No Status of Project Action to be taken for incorporation of

01 Where DPR/Feasibility report preparation is yet The provisions to be incorporated in the
to be awarded. TOR before the RFP is invited .

02 . Where DPRlFeasibility study is in progress and final Instructions to be . issued to the

report is yet to be submitted. consultants preparing the DPRI
Feasibility study and Peer review
consultants that the design ore made
incorporating provisions of guidelines.

03 Whcrc--ti\;-OPRlFcllsibility report is submitted but The provision should be incorporated

tender of civil Worksl Concession is yet to be invitee before issue ofRFP.
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04 I Where RFP has been invited but tenders not receive~ Amendment incorporating provIsions
appearing in the guidelines should be
madc and issued. to all prospective
bidders. If the provisions are not
included in the RFP, then Civil
construction cost may be suitably and
reasonably revised for incorporation of
safety items of work and approval of
Competent Authorities.
05 I Where RFP is received and work awarded but IGuidelines to be incorporated· and
commencement yet to take place. design/drawing prepared and work
. . executed accordingly, If the provisions
are not covered in the scope of
concessionaire/contractor, the cost of
additional items to be executed shall be
reasonably assessed and reMimbursed to
concessionaire/contractor as .per
provisions of concession/contract
agreement after approval of Competent
06 I Work in Progress. I Provision of .Guidelines to be
incorporated as per requirement on case
to case basis. If the provisions are not
covered in the scope of
concessionaire/contractor, the cost of
I additional items to be executed shall be
reasonably assessed and reMimbursed· to
concessionaire/contractor as . per
prOVISIons of concession/contract
agreement after approval of Competent
07 I Work competed and project is in O&M stage. I Guidelines to be incorporated to. the
extent possible on case to case basis. If
the provisions are not covered in the
scope of concessionaire/contractor, the
cost of additional items to be executed
shall be reasonably assessed and re­
imbursed to concessionaire/contractor as
per provisions of concession/contract
agreement after approval of Competent'

Contd. t() p.M3




3. The contents of this circular be circulated to all the Consultants, Contractors and
Concessionaire of NHAI.

4. The compliance of the above should be ensured at an earliest by all technical divisions of .
NHAI and reported to COM (RSC) in Road Safety Cell atOurgaon office ofNHAI.

5. This issues with the approval of Chairman, NHAI.

(Atul Kumar)
Chief General Manager

Encl : As above Circular No. RWINH-35072/04/2004-S&R(R), dated 27.04.2010

The Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, Govt. of India, New Delhi

1. PS to Chairman IJIT.W:U.JR'. I N.H.A.I.
2. PS to all Members ~.CfiT., ~ I R.O.,NAGPlJR
3. All CGMs/CVO
4. All GMslDGMsiManagers
~ ij.I.INWARDNO.: O~~O
5, All ROs/PlUs/CMUs

6. Librarian/Hindi Officer
1. ~/DATE .~/01/!.D
• I
Copy also to : DG (RD) & SS for information


Tmnspor\ Dhtlw,m.

""""""'<l; 1, Purlill.mcnt Stcecl,

New Delht- tlO{lOl

No. RW/NH-3S072/04120Q4.S&.R(R) Dated: 271J1 April, 2010

1. Secretary, PWDs of all State Governments I UTs dealing with National ~ ,.
Highways, .
2. Engineer in Chief/Chief Engineers of all State Gavts,JUTs dealing with
National HIghways:
3. Olairman, National Highways AlJthority of lndla (NHAl).
4: Director General (Border Roads)1 Seema Sadak 8hawan/ Naraina.
5. Secretaty General, lndlan Roads Congress, New Delhi.

Sub: fi:~ad Safety - Engirrcering Metlsures •


.A. group of expertsfrorn various organizations including this Ministry ha\l.e

deliberated and suggested the engineering measures to ensure road safety, These

are enclosed.

All central and centrally sponsored projects shall be framed keeping in view
these safety measures as applicable to speCific site situations,

urs faithfully t .

. --' Jor-. /"'

cl'lc\; Ps above ~~~
(Ttivendra Kumar)
ExecutIve Engineer SR&1 (Roads)
for Director General (RD) & SS

Copy with enclosure fc.'rwarded for information and necessary action to:
L DG (RO) & S5

2,. ADG

3, All Chief Engineers of 1'1oRT&H

4. All ROs / ELOs of tlloRT&H

5. IRF

C('IP'I for information t,o;

PPS tc Se:c.retiJrr f(:'&\1

(Enclosure to Mfnlsuy of Road Transport & Highways lene! 110. RWINH-3507V0412004­
S&R(R) daf9d21~ April, 2010) ..

Follow~Up of 4th IRF Regional Conference Recom~endations

"Accident Prevention: .R9Sd Safety Measures"


Engineering Measurel;t to Ensure Road Sufety

1. Introduction

The existing rOAd accident soenario 01'1 IndIan r()ads is lJery grim and is a matter of
serious concern for all stakenOldsl$, The Ministry or Rosq Transport &. Highways and
IRF have ioin~y embarKe<j on a Mission to reduce falalities on Indian roads by 50% by
the year 2012. This Mission involves a multi-prong approach combining engineering.
enforcement and education meaSlJres. Ihe rnulll·lane highways be\ng buill under
various road d·evelojXrlent programl1'les are udopllng Ihe geometric stan.dalds
specifiCations, slgnage, road maf\<ings, etc. as pel thEl provisions conlained in the
Codes of PractIce and the Slandards of the.lndian ~oads Congress supported by the
tvrin'lstJy's specifications, However, accident data demonstrate that motorists leave the
roadway for numerous reasons including errors of judge.m¢.nt. To ~nsure long term
road safety on these highways buill so far, IhOse being contemplated \0 be upgraded
and the ones being planned and designed. the following engineering measures are
considered essential for adoption so as to help In improving road safety loading to
reduction of accidenls:

2. Geometry of the Road

For all future multi-lane .highl.vays Where adequate land is available, it is pr~rerab\~ to
prOvide wide depressed median having widlh of ~2 m or more, but with W·beam metal
crash barriers at the edges of the median.

f!or multi-lane \1igh'·uays already developed I beIng developed with raised median, illS
essenlial to provide W-beam metal crash ban-ier in the medIan aiong bo~' tha
catriegeways. In case the two cllrriagewa/s are at different levels. the median edge of
the higher carriage'JJl:fy Shall be provided with a W-Bearn metal crash barri~r. In case of
h<:lrrow medians. 2m or less \'litle, as generally provided in urban ateas. NeVI Jersey
type Gonerete crash barriers should be used alon9 with anti-glare screen for avoidance
01 headfighl glare.
Iti urban areas. all through lanes should be 6f normal wldU1 (3.511'1) for mainlaining
uniform satoty, except at the approaches to the junctions where the speed is expected
to be very low. \he lane width can be reduced to a mInimum 01 J:, m as per IRe code
for a length of at leaEilSO m in the Dpproach

It is desirClble to keep lateral dearance a\ong mulli·lane hQhways of at leas! ~.5 m

width Iron' Ule edge of lhn earriag~way wllhout Clny obstacles Wherever a permanent
obj€.'<!t cannot be removed for some reason. provision Of fp.nciers and ha'tard markel':>
wllh reflectors muSI be made. Further, frangIble 1ighUng columns and sign pos\s need
btl used for minimizing \tIe sevenl,. in case of collISion

In cons\rC'llned Gitua\\ons where deep road side dn'ins villh dOPlh of 1.0 m or more eXlsl
(includU'ig those along the ~n\ral mc:diMl, lheso should be covcred by concrete or
steel grallngs. and should bo protecled by \'\I·bcam mOlul crush barrier 10 prevent 1I'le
traffic from (!n1!'Hing SL:ch deep dra'ns
Pt.:J" ~ (I .~
, ,

Whtl:ov~ embsl'I\;men\ helgh\ IS 3 m or Mere, thO W~baam metal crash barrier mUli\ be

provIded at the edge of the formallon~,.:.)

. ~~~'.
- .

. For green-flak! projects of high speed h~hway/expressV{ay, for ensuring eft~ctiveness

of recovery zone a slope of 1:4 is required to be providoo. and slopes steeper than 1:4

$hull be proVloed with W·beam metal crash barriers for safoty of 1he traffic.

3, Se.paration of Local Traffic

For the sa{ety ·of lIaffro operation, In a\l cases of multi-lana highways. local traIftc has to
be separated I segregated from the \hrovgh traffic plying on the multl-lalie carrlagev.: ay
by ndoption of sui'lably designed 7 m wide (absolu\e mir'limum 5.5 m wide) service
roads with safety fence, railings, etc, of robU$\ and vandal proof design. To enable \he
traffic on the service roads to cross over to the other side cl the mulU·lane c(lrriogeWa{,
SUitably dcslgnod cross connections as cattle underpass. pedeetriM vnderpass and
vehicular underpass shall be provIded.

In caSQS of open area without roadside develorments. where there is no provi~\01'\ of

serv,'?e road,s. lO protect traffic from leaving the /lighway, it is essen\lal to prOVide an
additional Width 0\ the' paved shoulder w\1h Bdge marKing and ribbed pavement of al
least 0,25 m width .

.In order to ensure tha' s~rv'lce roads are always available for safe movement of local
traffiC. it. i$ r\e<;esslty to provide requisite palking facililies for the local lPT and
commercial traffic. Also. suitably designed truck laybye or trucx parking areas for
hIghway truck Iraffic i~ a must to avoid parking on road side, leading to the safe
operation of high speed traffic on highways

4. P~dostrian F=acility
In the urbanlz.e:! sections, adequalD pedestrian facilities are '0be planned and
designed as part oftha multi-lane highway so that the pedestrIans ar.e not requlr,ed to
Mter. the 11Iain carfiageNay. for salety of Ihe peOeslrlans. appropriately ?eslgned
footpaths \\lith robust railings shall be provided at the outer edge of the seN Ice roads .
with cross over facilities m:e undl3rpass ot foo\ over bridge (FOB). .

All pociestrian underpasses shall. have a minimum 7 m width. with a vertic-a\ clearance
of 3.5m. . ­
5. Sus Bays
In situations where pEl5SongCls have to board or alight rrom the bUSes. 'Suitably
designed bus bays a\ desired locations shall be provided along Ihe maIn carnagewttj.
but using extra width togeiher with approach tlnd exit trahSWQrl lanes. At such
locations, the arrangement for the d1spersal oi \he passengers have to be designed
duly (',onsldenng their salety. Ie In no case peoestrlan should be required \0 enler the
main caffiagewCl'1 for cross ovel or even 10 move along the highway. The passengers
(pedDStrlan) should move to the footpaU,l\ provided along the servicG roads. and then
use Ihe cross over faciliijes li~c FOB, underpass, ole

G, illuminations
S\re\chc,; of the multi· lane hIgh-nays 111 Dui!\,up areas, Iho underpasseG and Foot O'Jer
Bridge':> (FOB) shall be aooC\u3t(j~ iIlummab~d. \')r which tlPpropllato (j(~slgl'l Sha~1 ber
adopled so !hal \l m:nlrnum cr 1,0 IUl( IS ac";cNable wl\h 24 hOur ;)0'.'..' 0( !Jupply. I
r~uired SUClPOr\OO '.;'1 SO:tll ::l()Wer

't;!" :."


. '
*{ - Deyelopmen\ o! JunctIOn

~e' crossing of a mu1t~\al'le highv/~. by. a primarY (N atlona\ Highwl'l'/ I .State
HIghway) shall elw~y$ b~ through a gradeseparalor. In case ~f other catagones of
roads (MDR IOOR and VR), access· shall be provided to 1he multi-lane highV/i;!Y
through service roaos only. 10 all $ucm'cases, the cross roads shal\be brought to the
levet 01 the service roads and flared·for QPproprial~ 1l1.IngUi. and stop I yielcllirle and
centerl'ne. markings. shall be provided. In adOl.\On. rumble stripsl speec1 breaker $\1all
also b~ provided on each cross road with warning sign and road markings tor the
same. At all enlry and exit, to and from the high speed highway, the, ml\rging and
diverging shan bEl oOif' through auilabfy de$igne\l aoceleration and deceletation lanea.
the at-grade junction below the grade .separation should tie designed with proper
chanl'lelisatlon of traffic' nows and to prevent undesirable movement (liKe wrong-way
movement). ihe gore Brea shall be mar\<e<l ard delineated by raneotorized haz.aro
marker sign; and wherever appropriate. to be provided v~lh crash cushion facl~ty also.
6. Slllnagas

Signages slid markings have ,to be developed in an integrated manner and shall
comp'ly ~to the sta.ndar~ laid down by lhe Indian Roads Congr~s. AU signs and
markin9~ shall be of rello-reflective type only.
(I) All ruNes with R < 750 m to 00 delineated on outer side of the curve from ootl1
the directions (for RH curve it will be on shoulder and for lH curve II will be on
median), by chevron !;'gns,
(ii) All ambanl<ments with height ~ m or more shall have W-beam melal crash
barriers with delineating reflectors fitted on them.

(iil) In low embankmenlll and flat curves, where crastrbarrlers are not provided, these
need to be delinealed by 1.5 m high reflectorized delineators.

(iv) One-way renectNe road studs shall be prO\llded on edge lines and lana lines on
Ihe approach to an intersection or a hIgh level btidgelculverVROB eta with high
embankment. Also, such studs shall be provided elong 1'e sharp CUNes,

9. Traffic Calming 8. Safoty Management Measures

If'/herever mul\i-Iane highway passes thro\.lgh built up areas, designs should be slJch
as 10 bring about a reduction In the speed to U)e level of 60 I 70 Kmph: To achieve
Ihis, repeated bar markings (raised bars will' gradually rMucing spacings) with hot­
applied retro--renective thermo-plastic, white paints sl,all be provided at the approaches
to such buit up areas.
10. 8ric.lg(.!$ I CD StructurQs

In U1C approaches to and exit from, bridges ano other CD slructures, W~beam melal
crash barriers shall be prOVided in conllnuation of tM parapet 0"
both the
carriageways for a\ least 30 m in addluon to h.mud malter sIgns,

11. Mlsc(J\I(lliCOUS

specialloc()lion!i liKe open well or pond of the village, elc slang lM hlgrwl£r/iocated
cioso to Ittf:l fon'natio:) of the hil:lh'll~Y. Vv-beam met~1 crash bamef shall 00 proVided (or
floproprinlr: IcngU) for Ihl) !';arClI'l of \rafftc (,~or~lion onlhC highway

" "J~ :, 1,1 •

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1'2. Read Safety Audit (RSA)

Road SQf~ty Audit (RSA) should bo car.ried 0\.1\ al all stage!) of raad develorm en\
(planning, design, constTucUon and operatkln) for all \he highways. The highways,
which are already bunt as BOT or D8FOor EPC project, should be 9vbjeeted to road
c~foty audit to identify the safety related deficiencies. if ~ny. RSA tlhould iden~fy the
nature of accident ft:om the past data to reeommend specific corH~cljve me85uras! AU
RSA Toccmmendations should be dUly considered and implemen\ed for the roads
baing plallrled for future as well for. the exisUng mum·lane hlgh apeed roads to mal<e
them safer highways.
'If .... , . ". . . . . .

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