The "Avo" Valve Characteristic Meter: Working Instructions
The "Avo" Valve Characteristic Meter: Working Instructions
The "Avo" Valve Characteristic Meter: Working Instructions
Mk IV.
FOR 'more thin a quarter of a century we have been engaged in the design and manufacture of
'"AVO" Electrical measuring Instruments. Throughout that rime we have consistently
pioneered the design of modern 'multi-range instruments and have kept abreast of and catered
for the requirements of the epoch-making developments in the fields of radio and electronics.
The success of our stedfast policy of maintaining high standards of performance in instruments
of unexcelled accuracy, and making such instruments available at reasonable cost is reflected
in the great respect and genuine goodwill which “AVO” products enjoy in every part of the
It has been gratifying to note the very large number of instances where the satisfaction obtained
from the performance of one of our instruments has led to the automatic choice of other
instruments from the "AVO" range This process, having continued over a long period of years,
has resulted in virtual standardisation on our products by numerous Public Bodies, The
Services, Railway Systems and Post Office and Telegraph Undertakings throughout the world.
Our designers have thereby been encouraged to ensure that new instruments or accessories for
inclusion in the “AVO” range fit in with existing "AVO" apparatus and serve to extend the
usefulness of instruments already in use. Thus, the user who standardises on "AVO" products
will seldom find himself short of essential measuring equipment, for, be means of suitable
accessories, his existing equipment can often be adapted to meet unusual demands.
It is with pleasure that we acknowledge that the unique position attained by “'AVO” is due in
no small measure to the co-operation of so many users who stimulate our Research and
Development staff from time to time with suggestions, criticisms, and even requests for the
production of entirely new instruments or accessories. It is our desire to encourage and
preserve this relationship between those who use "AVO" Instruments and those who are
responsible for their design and manufacture, and correspondence is therefore welcomed,
whilst suggestions wi1l receive prompt and sympathetic consideration.
Foreword .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3
Introduction .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5
The Basic Method of characteristic checking .. .. .. .. 7
The Basic Method of checking diodes and rectifiers .. .. .. .. 7
Insulation Testing .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 8
The Protective Relay .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 9
The Valve Panel and Selector Switch .. .. .. .. .. .. 9
Procedure for setting up valve base connections .. .. .. .. 10
Provision for new valve bases .. .. .. .. .. .. 12
The prevention of Self-oscillation of valves under test .. .. .. .. 12
Diagram of standard base pin connections .. .. .. .. .. 13
Procedure for valves having internally connected pins .. .. .. .. 14
Thee controls on the front panel, their functions and operations .. .. .. .. 14
The Set ~ Control .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 15
The Leakage Switch .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 15
The Circuit Selector Switch .. .. .. .. .. .. 15
The Anode and Screen Voltage Switches .. .. .. .. .. 16
A1, A2 Normal/Unlimited Switch .. .. .. .. .. 16
The Heater Voltage Switches .. .. .. .. .. .. 16
The Negative Grid Voltage Control .. .. .. .. .. 16
The Backing Off Control .. .. .. .. .. .. 16
The Meter Switch .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 16
The Set mA/V Control .. .. .. .. .. .. 16
The Electrode Selector Switch .. .. .. .. .. .. 17
Heater Current Measurement .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 17
The Mains Adjustment Panel at the side of the Instrument .. .. .. .. 18
General Procedure for testing a valve .. .. .. .. .. .. 18
Mains voltage adjustment and panel set-up cold and hot leakage tests-mutual
Characteristics checks and gas tests-diode and rectifier tests made under load.
Instructions for testing specific valve types .. .. .. .. .. .. 22
Multiple diodes and rectifiers-double triodes, double pentodes tetrodes-
combined diode and amplifying valves-frequency changers of heptode and hexode types
-frequency changers employing separate electrode assembles.
The Use of the links on the Valve Panel of the Instrument .. .. .. .. 23
Tuning Indicators (Magic Eyes) .. .. .. .. .. .. 23
Gaseous Rectifiers .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 24
Cold Cathode Rectifiers .. .. .. .. .. .. 24
Thyratrons .. 24
Neon Indicators .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 24
General Precaution~ to be observed when using the Valve Characteristic Meter .. .. 25
Abbreviated Working Instructions for the “AVO” Valve Characteristic Meter ..
Mk IV .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 26
Circuit diagram of Valve Characteristic Meter
The problem of designing a Valve Testing instrument capable of giving a true and comprehensive picture
of the state of any valve has always been one of considerable magnitude, increasing in complexity as new
valve types are brought into general use.
For a quick general purpose test necessitating a minimum of time and technical effort a mutual
conductance figure will give an adequate idea of a valve's usefulness and the original “AVO” Valve
Tester as designed to test the efficiency of valves on this basis.
Whilst a Valve Tester must, of necessity, be accompanied by a data hook correlating the results
of the Tester with the condition of the valve in question a purely empirical figure if used as a standard,
will always give rise to doubts in the mind of the operator. The instrument should therefore, produce a
figure, which can be compared with some standard quoted by the valve manufacturer if the operator is to
use his instrument with confidence. For this reason the “AVO” Valve Tester used the static zero bias
mutual conductance figure as a basis or comparison, this figure being at that time almost universally
quoted by the valve manufacturer.
In order to reproduce this standard correctly, it was also necessary to reproduce the stated
values of DC anode and screen voltage a matter of some considerable difficulty when it is realised that for
any stated condition of anode and, or screen volts die corresponding electrode currents can vary over very
wide limits, and in the case of valves of initial anode current and high slope, the actuation of the control
which produces the milliamp-per-volt reading might easily double the anode current flowing. With DC
methods of testing the inherent internal resistance of the rectifying circuits used could be such as to give
regulation errors which could cause results to be meaningless unless complicated thermionic stabilising
circuits and a vast army of monitoring meters were used in all voltage supply circuits. Such complications
would not only render the Tester of prohibitive price and size, but would considerably increase the
complication of operation for the non-technical user.
The problem was overcome by the introduction of the AC method of operation (Patent No.
480752) by which means the necessary DC test conditions were correctly simulated and a true mutual
conductance figure produced by the application of AC voltages of suitable amplitude to all electrodes.
This enormously simplified the power supply problem rendered regulation errors negligible, and obviated
the necessity for voltage circuit monitoring. The “AVO” Valve Tester thus fulfilled normal testing needs
for a long period.
During recent years, however, electronic techniques have become much more precise and the
nature and multiplicity of valve types have continuously increased. The zero bias mutual conductance
figure is seldom quoted by the valve manufacturers, who, usually now publish the optimum working point
mutual conductance and voltage figures, and in a large number of cases give full families of curves, from
which, precise operation, under variety of working conditions, can be judged. To cater for present - day
requirements therefore, a valve testing device should not only be capable of producing a working point
mutual conductance figure at any reasonable value of anode, screen of grid voltage recommended by the
manufacturers, but should also he capable, if necessary, of reproducing any one of the mutual
characteristics associated with the valve in question. The instrument thus has
to simulate the performance or a comprehensive valve measuring set-up of laboratory type and yet, at the
same time, be sufficiently cheap and simple to cater for the need of the comparatively inexperienced radio
test assistant. It is obvious that the very much wider application of an instrument of this class could render
the regulation difficulties, already referred to, much more critical.
Investigations were, therefore, put in hand to see whether the AC test method would reproduce
DC conditions not only in respect of the mutual conductance figure taken at a sin4e discrete point, but at
all points on all characteristics from zero bias to cut off. In other words, it was necessary to determine
whether the general function for a DC static valve characteristic
From the above conditions, therefore, the required relationships were obtained which formed
the basis of operation of the Valve Characteristic Meter (Patent No. 606707)
Such an instrument, whilst retaining the advantages of simplicity, size and reasonable price,
resultant upon the elimination of complicated regulated DC supply systems and universal monitoring,
would have the inherent regulation easily obtained from a well-designed AC transformer ft would enable
a valve to he checked at any point on any one of its many mutual characteristics and if necessary would
allow a full family of characteristics to he drawn.
characteristics and which, owing to the fact that it relates to the lower bend portion of the rectifier
characteristic may vary very widely for any given type of valve
The important function of a rectifying valve is that it will, under suitable reservoir load
condition, produce sufficient current to operate the apparatus, which it is intended to supply. This
fundamental requirement therefore is die basis of rectifier testing in the Valve Characteristic Meter. A
sufficiently high AC voltage is app4hed to operate the valve above the bend in its characteristic, and to
ensure that its internal voltage drop is negligible. With a suitable reservoir' condenser in circuit, the DC
load is adjusted to correspond to a number of DC current conditions, i.e. lmA, 5mA, 15mA, 30mA,
60mA, 120mA and 180mA. The actual current flowing in the load circuit is then indicated on a meter
shunted to correspond wish the DC load required. The meter reading will then indicate the comparative
efficiency of the valve on the basis or the required DC load. Each half or a full wave rectifying valve is
tested separately thus enabling the two halves to be checked for matching and any tendency To produce
hum by partial half waving to be indicated.
The pre-determined load figures are chosen so that they mot only give a sufficiently wide range
of currents to cater for the normal requirements of electronic apparatus, but also correspond to the DC
maximum emission figures usually quoted by manufacturers in their rectifying valve data.
Signal diode valves are similarly tested, but usually these loads at the lmA or 5mA load
positions, being normally more than sufficient to cover the rectified signal current that would be obtained.
The basic operating circuit of the diode and rectifier system is shown in Figure 2.
Insulation Testing
To cover all eventualities three distinct forms of insulation measurement are catered for in the
Valve Characteristic Meter. Measurements are taken with DC applied voltages, and direct indication of
the insulation value in megohms is shown on the meter scale. As in initial test, prior to the application of
operating voltages to the valve, the rotation of a switch enables the insulation figure to be shown, which
occurs between each of the valve
electrodes taken in order and all tie others strapped together. The denomination of the electrodes between
which any breakdown exists will thus he automatically indicated and further, the continuity of the heater
circuit is shown as a zero resistance at the heater (H) position of the switch.
With the application of heater voltage to directly heated valves, electrode expansion may be
sufficient to cause a breakdown between the heater and an adjacent electrode. In the sane manner cathode
distortion may occur in indirectly heated valves causing similar breakdowns. To show up this condition a
test circuit is provided indicating the insulation resistance between the heater and cathode of a valve and
all other electrodes strapped when heater voltage has been applied.
Finally the very important factor of heater to cathode insulation when the heater is hot can be
tested, the insulation again being shown directly in megohms, the usual cathode to heater connection
being opened for this purpose and the applied voltage being in such a direction as to make the cathode
negative with respect to the heater thus avoiding false indications of insulation resistance due to electrode
Protective relay
To prevent damage to the internal components of the valve characteristic meter due to
inadvertent or deliberate shorting of the electrode voltages, a protective relay is incorporated which
operates when damaging overloads of alternating current are taken from either the anode or screen
voltage sources. The relay carries three windings, one in the high-tension supply; the remaining windings
are 'hold-off” coils. Operation of the relay connects a diode in series IA the transformer primary winding.
This operation places the instrument in a safety condition and normal working cannot be restored until the
instrument has been switched off, the fault removed and the instrument switched on again. The relay is
entirely self-setting and in consequence no reset mechanism has been incorporated
NOTE: The relay does not protect the valve when incorrect heater voltages are applied.
It must also be stressed that the relay will not operate on the passage of normal heavy current
of DC nature occurring in a valve anode circuit, and it will not protect the movement if the
latter is wrongly set on a range too low to accommodate the current passing. This problem can
only be dealt with by ensuring that the movement is always set to its maximum current range
when the magnitude of the expected current is unknown.
The Valve Panel comprises 17 valve holders of the following types:- English 4/5 pin, 7 and 9
pin, 8 pin side contact, B7G, B8A, B8B, (or B8G) (American Loctal) B9A, B9G, Mazda Octal, B3G,
American-4, 5, 6 and small 7 pin UX, medium 7 pin UX and Octal, facilities have been provided to
enable 'flying lead” valves to be tested Pro vision is made by means of plug-in adaptors to cater for newly
introduced valve bases The valve holders are all wired with their corresponding pin according to the
standard pin numbering, in parallel, i.e., all pins numbered one are wired together, all pins numbered two,
and so on. This wiring combination is associated with the well-known “AVO” Multi-Way Selector
Switch which enables any one of tine nine standard pin numbers to be connected to any one or the
electrode test circuits in the Valve Characteristic Meter, thus enabling any electrode combination to be set
up for any normal valve holder.
It will be seen that the Selector Switch comprises nine thumb control rollers, numbered from
left to right l-9. This numbering appears on the moulded escutcheon immediately behind the rollers and
corresponds to the valve pins in the order of their standard in numbering Thus valves with any number of
base connections up to nine can be accommodated. Further, to accommodate top cap and other external
valve connections, a socket panel is provided with nine sockets marked G1, S, A1, A2, Dl, D2, C, H-, H+,
the markings corresponding to the valve electrode connections which are made externally to the valve.
Rotation of the rollers by the finger rim provided reveal that each roller can be set in any one of
ten positions, the setting in question being indicated in the window opening at the front of the escutcheon.
The ten positions on the roller are marked as under:-
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
C H- H+ G S A A2 D1 D2 -
The numbers are provided for ease of memorising and noting base combinations, but the
corresponding electrode denominations are shown by the letter appearing in the escutcheon widow
immediately underneath the number, thus:-
The accompanying examples show how to correlate the pin basing data and the equivalent set-
up combination for a number of valves in common use.
Provision for New Valve Bases
To cover the possibility of the introduction of new valve bases not provided for on the standard
panel and also the introduction of valves which may necessitate special conditions associated with
standard valve holders, a Plug-in adaptor is available which enables many non-standard valve holders to
be combined in this adaptor and plugged into the octal or other suitable base on the Valve Characteristic
Panel These adaptors are available for bases not included on the Valve Panel and also with a blank valve
holder mounting panel in which can be mounted on the users own valve holder if he requires any special
arrangement for which we have not catered.
In certain circumstances here a newly introduced valve of high efficiency is likely to be tested
in any quantity and shows signs of oscillation, the separate valve holder adaptor can be employed with
considerable advantage. By this means a valve holder can be stoppered to the maximum extent necessary
for the valve in question without references to any other valves that may be incorporated therein, for
when other types of valve are likely to be used, the adaptor can be set aside and the valve panel used
normally. It must be stressed that this oscillation is unlikely to occur where the valve is tested at anode
currents lower than normal, or at a point on its curve, which renders its mutual conductance low. Were a
purely empirical method of testing employed in the Valve Characteristic Meter, therefore, die problem
would in all probability not arise, but since every effort has been made to actually test the valve under its
correct operating conditions of current and voltage, then it is on this account working at its normal
efficiency and can, unless special precautions are taken, give rise to the oscillation troubles to which we
have referred.
Whilst discussing the problem of oscillation, mention should be made of the rectifier (which
will be seen in the circuit diagram) included in the screen circuit or pentode and tetrode valves. This
rectifier has been incorporated to obviate a difficulty which can arise in certain circumstances when
testing valves of the beam tetrode type wit alternating current applied to their electrode As the applied
electrode voltages approach zero during a portion of their operative cycle, the focusing of the bean of
such valves is to some extent upset and the result can be that the screen circuit begins to show an
emission in a reverse direction to normal screen current, with the result that the anode current rises and
the current taken by the screen decreases rapidly and becomes negative. This can cause screen
overheating and besides giving an unstable and erroneous impression of the condition of the valve, can, if
allowed to continue, damage the valve To obviate this condition, therefore, time rectifier is included in
such a manner that only its low forward resistance is presented to the screen passing current in the normal
direction, thus causing a negligible variation to standard conditions, but the reverse resistance of the
rectifier is operative to limit screen current of the opposite direction to negligible proportions and thus
prevent the conditions stated above2 from coming into effect.
Valves with internally connected pins present no difficulty when tested on the valve
characteristic meter NUC. IV but because the valve data manual is used with earlier instruments,
internally connected vale pins are marked (*) in the Roller Selector Switch number column. When using
the valve characteristic meter Mk. IV, where the asterisk appears in the Roller Selector Switch number
denoting an internal connection, the appropriate roller should be set 0, e.g. U81, where the roller selector
switch number reads **9 **8 230, set roller selector switch to read 009 008 230 and follow the normal
All the controls necessary for carrying out the essential valve testing functions are situated on
the front panel of the instrument, and by the manipulation of these controls and the use of the valve panel
already described, the following tests can be undertaken.
1. The direct indication of insulation resistance between specific electrodes with the valve cold.
This test will also indicate heater continuity.
2. The direct indication of insulation resistance between electrodes with the valve filament hot,
including a separate test for the important function of cathode to heater insulation.
3. The measurement of mutual conductance directly in milliamps/volt over a full range of applied
high tension and bias voltages
4. The comparative indication of valve goodness on a coloured scale on the basis of mutual
conductance reading.
5. The ability to plot complete set of mutual characteristics Ia/Vg 1, Ia/Va, Is/Vg1, Is/Vs etc., with a
complete range or applied electrode voltages corresponding to D.C. operating conditions.
6. The testing of rectifiers under reservoir condenser conditions with a full range of D.C. loading.
8. The testing of the separate sections of multiple valves, the non-operative section of the valve
being maintained at reasonable working electrode voltages.
9. The indication of grid current and valve softness, directly on meter scale.
10). The anode current can, if desired, be read on an external meter of greater sensitivity and tests
carried out on valves which require an anode load.
The separate functions of the controls available are as follows: -
On position Check (C) the instrument is set up for the initial mains voltage adjustment, and is
suitably connected for the cold electrode leakage test.
At the Check (H) position of the switch, the valve is automatically tested for electrode leakage,
with the heater hot, between the cathode and heater and all other electrodes strapped
At position C/H. INS the valve is automatically tested for cathode to heater insulation with the
valve hot.
With the circuit selector turned to Test all normal mutual characteristics are measured in
conjunction with the electrode voltage switches and other relevant controls. It will be noted that in the
case of the insulation tests the meter is automatically shunted to the appropriate sensitivity and the
insulation scale can be read directly. On the Test position of the Circuit Selector switch, however the
Meter Switch is brought into circuit, thus enabling the meter range to be suited to the current
measurement to be undertaken.
Also it this setting in conjunction with the D1 and D2 positions of the Electrode Selector switch
and the appropriate scale of the Meter Switch, signal diodes and rectifying valves can be checked. At the
position gas, the meter is connected in series with the grid, and gives direct indication of any gas current
The Anode and Screen Voltage Switches
As their names imply these switches enable the requisite electrode voltages to be applied to
screens and anodes of valves for the purpose of carrying out mutual characteristic measurements. They
are calibrated in the equivalent DC voltage settings and, therefore, no account need be taken of the actual
value of AC voltage which appears at the electrodes of the valve, which, as already explained, will differ
from the equivalent DC value marked at the switch position.
The right hand scale marked D/R with switch positions 1, 5, 15, 30, 60, 120, and 180 represents
the load current when making diode or rectifier tests with the Electrode Selector at Dl or D2. Thus if the
valve is rated at say 6OmA per anode, the Meter Selector Switch should be turned to “60” on the D/R
scale and the comparative goodness of the value with reference to this basic figure will be shown on the
coloured scale.
The Set mA/V Control This Control has two scales 1-10 and 8-60 selected by means of an
associated rotary switch. When the control is set to the expected mutual conductance figure for the valve
under test, the standing anode current backed-off to zero and the Meter Switch set to mA/V, the meter
shows the relative goodness or the valve under test. If required the actual mutual conductance of the valve
can now be obtained by rotating the set mA/V Control until the meter needle covers the calibration point
at the centre of the “good” portion of the scale (marked l mA/V) the mutual conductance of the valve can
now be read directly from the Set mA/V Control.
The Electrode Selector Switch marked D2, D1, A1 A2 and S enables separate tests to be made
on multiple valves, and also makes possible the taking of Screen (or g 2) characteristics. With this switch
turned to “A1” the figures of anode current and mutual conductance shown on the meter are relevant to
the anode designated on the set-up roller by 6A. As such the switch is in position for measurements on all
single electrode system valves (triodes, pentodes, etc.). This position also serves for the first half of
double valves (double triodes etc.) and for the triode or pentode section of multiple diode valves (double
diode-triode, etc.) The same setting of this switch serves for the triode or oscillator section of frequency
With the Electrode Selector Switch at position “A2” and the A1A2 normal/unlimited switch set
to its appropriate position, the indicator meter will show anode current and mutual conductance associated
with the second anode of double valves, the mixer anode of frequency changers and all anode systems
associated with the set tip figure 7A2 In this condition the first anode is not left floating, but has the normal
anode volts supplied to it via a limiting resistance of 24K.
With the Electrode Selector set to 'S' the current meter is inserted in the screen (g 2) circuit of the
valve, the screen current will thus be indicated. When making this test, the anode voltage is automatically
applied to all the anodes within the valve. Note: that in the case of double pentode valves, the screen
current indicated will be the combined current of both sections, it should also be noted that the A 1A2
normal/unlimited switch must be in the A 1A2 normal position for triode hexode and triode pentodes etc.
and in the unlimited position for pentodes and tetrodes (both single and double), hexodes, octodes etc.
With the Electrode Selector at position Dl, the indicating meter is associated with the diode
anode of a signal diode or rectifying valve (and the first anode of double diode and full wave rectifiers).
This switch position is directly associated with the anode designated on the selector switch roller by 8D1
With the Electrode Selector at position D2 the indicating meter is associated with the second
anode of double diodes and full-wave rectifiers. In this case the switch position is associated with the
roller switch setting 9D2
Heater current measurement
This test is particularly useful on series operated valves where heater current is more important
than heater voltage. By removing the left side plate, the heater current link will be exposed, by
disconnecting this link and substituting a pair of leads connected to a suitable ammeter, the operating
heater current can thus be monitored.
Mains Voltage control and Fuse link
By removing the left hand side plate or the instrument; the supply voltage control will be
exposed. The instrument can then be set to any of the following voltages: 110/128, 190/210, 210/230,
230/250, 50/60 c/s the setting being made by means of the fuse link which is rated at 3 amps.
1. After having set the coarse mains voltage tap at the side of the instrument to suit the supply
voltage, connect mains lead to supply noting that red and black leads are live and neutral. The green or
yellow lead is the Earth connection. Switch on and the indicator lamp should light up.
2. Turn the Circuit Selector Switch to position Check (C) and Leakage switch to position “~”
The instrument needle should now rise and assume a position near the black region of the insulation scale
denoting zero ohms. Rotate the Set ~ control until the meter needle assumes its nearest point to the red
line in the middle of this black scale marking. With a correct setting of the initial mains voltage
adjustment rotation of the Set ~ control should enable the needle to be moved on either side of the red
line. If this is not the case and rotation of the Set ~ control does not enable the needle to reach its setting
mark from either direction, then the initial mains setting should be moved to the next appropriate tapping.
This tapping should be high than the one chosen if the needle always appears to the right of the red mark
and lower if to the left. When making insulation measurements it should he noted that the insulation
voltage is 10V (mean) provided by a full wave rectifier circuit, therefore insulation measurements should
only be made on valves having maximum ratings greater than 150V.
3. Having set up the accuracy of the instrument to conform to the applied mains voltage, refer to
the “AVO” Valve Data Manual, or alternatively to the maker's characteristic data for the valve and set up
the appropriate valve holder connections on the Valve Panel selector switch as already explained.
Set the Heater Voltage Switches to their correct value for the valve and insert it in the
appropriate valve holder (NOTE-Heater voltages in parenthesis should be ignored as they relate to valve
tester Type 160 ONLY), without moving the Circuit Selector switch from its position check (C). Rotate
the Leakage switch through its various electrode positions starting with the extreme counter clockwise
position marked “H”. At position “H” the meter should show a short, thus indicating heater continuity.
Thereafter any reading obtained on the insulation scale of the meter will show an electrode insulation
breakdown corresponding to the electrode indicated by the Leakage Switch setting. (Thus a reading on
the meter of 1 megohm when the Leakage switch is set to position “G 1” and position “S” will indicate
that a cold insulation breakdown of 1 megohm is occurring between the grid and screen electrodes of the
valve.) It will be noted that wherever electrode leakage occurs, indication of this will be shown at two
positions of the Leakage Switch because, obviously, leakage must occur between two points. In the case
of breakdown to heater from any other electrode, such leakage indication will only occur at one switch
setting subsequent to the initial selector setting, which should automatically show zero ohms to denote
heater continuity.
4. Having ensured that no cold leakage path of any magnitude is present in the valve to be
tested turn the Circuit Selector switch to Check (H). Allow a few moments for the valve heater to warm
up and note whether any meter deflection occurs. Such a deflection would denote in megohms the amount
of insulation breakdown that occurs between cathode and heater strapped and all other electrodes of the
valve when heater voltage is applied.
Note that if, for any reason, the Circuit Selector switch is turned back to Check (C) there will, in all
probability, be an indication of an apparent cold electrode insulation breakdown between a number of the
valve electrodes. This need not be the cause and the reading will be found generally to disappear after a
few moments. The reason for such an indication is obvious when it is realised that the valve cathode has
been heated during the Check (H) test. When returning to the Check (C) position, therefore, the cathode
is hot and still emitting what appears to be a temporary electrode breakdown, therefore, is in fact an
indication of emission which disappears as the heater or cathode cools.
5. Turn Circuit Selector switch to C/H. INS when any cathode to heater insulation breakdown
which occurs with the heater hot will be shown on the insulation resistance scale of the meter. No set rule
for the rejection of a valve on this score can be laid down, but it will be realised that in many circuits
where an appreciable potential exists between heater and cathode such as, for instance, in cathode
follower circuits or DC valve amplifiers, the presence of a heater to cathode breakdown of the order of
megohms can often give rise to quite serious trouble. Heater to cathode indication breakdown, either
permanent or variable, can also give rise to noise in valve amplifier circuit. If on, the other hand, the value
of cathode to heater circuit resistance is only of the order of a few hundred ohms, as for instance where
cathode biasing is used with high slope valves, then a cathode to heater insulation breakdown of the order
of fractions of a megohm need not give rise to any serious trouble
6. Set the A1A2 normal/unlimited switch to the appropriate position for the valve under test.
7. The next test normally to be made upon the valves is the measurement of some or all of its
mutual characteristics. This may take the form of the complete plotting of one or all of its characteristics,
or the measurement of its mutual conductance, or the comparative testing of the valve on the basis of its
mutual conductance. All these require the manipulation of the main voltage and meter controls and,
before such a test is undertaken and the Circuit Selector switch turned to position Test, one should be
assured that all the requisite controls are correctly set This applies to the setting of the anode screen and
grid voltage controls, the Meter Switch and Electrode Selector switch. In particular, where the
probable anode current of the valve is unknown, the Meter Switch should be set to 100mA to avoid
damage to the movement if the current flowing is such as to be considerably higher than that catered for
by the lower meter range positions. It is always perfectly simple and safe to set the Meter Switch at
successively lower full-scale current defections to cater for a valve, the anode current of which is less
than that which can be appropriately read on a higher range. If the reverse procedure is adopted, however,
then it is quite possible that a damaging current may have passed through the meter circuit before the
latter is set to a suitable high range. The procedure for taking the necessary valve measurements is then
almost self-explanatory.
Where only a measurement of mutual conductance is required then the data for this can be
taken from the “AVO” Valve Data Manual. The electrode voltage settings should be made as indicated
and consequent upon such settings an initial anode current will be shown on the meter which has been
finally set to a suitable range. This anode current reading should normally be compared with the anode
current reading shown in the tables, as it will give an initial indication of the valve's “goodness”
Quite obviously if a valve shows an anode current reading considerably below that which is
appropriate for the applied electrode voltages, then its emission is much lower than would normally be
expected and in normal circumstances the valve will not function at full efficiency. More particularly
does this apply in the case of valves used either as oscillators or output valves, for in both conditions the
valve has to deliver an appreciable power, which cannot obviously be up to standard if the emission is
low. At the same dine care should be taken not to jump to false conclusions on this basis when testing
valves of very high slope and short grid base, where it may be possible to double the valve anode current
for a change in bias of some .25V, and a very slight variation in the valve characteristics may give rise to
an erroneous impression of the valve's “goodness” on the score of anode current
8. After having observed the initial anode current reading and obtained there from such
information as is desirable, this anode current indication may now be backed off to zero by the Backing
Off Controls and the Meter Switch Set to its 2.5 position, any further adjustment to zero being made by
the Fine backing Off Control.
The Set mA/V Control should already have been set to the value given in the valve data and it
would be as well to explain here how the two scales on this control should be employed. The inner scale
marked 1-10 applies a potential to the grid such that at the slope indicated the rise in anode current is
1ma. Thus when the Set mA/V dial indicates 1mA/V per volt, the bias change is equivalent to lV, but
when the control is set at 10mA per volt the bias change is only 1/10th of a volt
The outer scale marked 8-60 applies a potential to the grid such that at the slope indicated the
rise in anode current is 3mA. It therefore follows that for a slope of 60 mA/V on this scale the voltage
change at the grid will he 50mV.
To measure the comparative “goodness” of a valve in terms of mA/V, with the anode current
backed off to zero as already explained, any final adjustment having been made with the Meter Switch at
its 2.5 mA position, set Meter Switch to position mA/V. The comparative 'goodness' of the valve will
now be given on the Replace/Good scale.
All valves coming within the green portion can be taken as satisfactory. Valves in the red
portion are suitable for rejection, whilst the small intermediate band between the green and red portions
denotes a valve, which, whilst not entirely unsatisfactory, is not by any means working at its full rated
efficiency. Subsequent action on the valves whose test figures come within this band will obviously have
to be related to the particular requirement of the moment
Alternatively, where it is required to obtain a reading of mutual conductance, and not merely a
gauge of the valve's “goodness” factor on the basis of mutual conductance, then after backing off to zero,
the Meter Switch should be set to position mA/V and the Set mA/V control rotated until the meter
needle covers the calibration line at the centre of the good scale (marked mA/V). The mutual conductance
of the valve may now be read from the Set mA/V Control.
Valves having a slope of less than 1mA/V cannot be checked by the comparative “goodness”
method (using replace/good scale). In such instances, the set mA/V control should be set to position 1, the
standing anode current backed off; and the Meter switch set to position mA/V. The mutual conductance
(slope) of the valve wilt now be directly indicated on the meter (using scale marked 0.1 – 1mA/VV.
Where more comprehensive tests of the valve art required, assisting in the solution of
development or more intricate test problems, the plotting of one or a family of mutual characteristics can
often give a much more complete answer. This may readily be undertaken with the Valve Characteristic
Meter and is performed with the Circuit Selector in its position Test. The manipulation of the controls
subsequent to the obtaining of the initial anode current readings is not of course required, it being merely
necessary to plot the value of the appropriate electrode currents as read from the meter, against the
settings of the associated electrode voltage switches. Ia/Vg1 curves will be taken at a pre-determined
setting of anode and/or screen volts, the reading of the anode current obtained being plotted against the
settings on the variable grid bias controls. Similarly Ia/Va curves will require a fixed setting of grid bias,
anode current being plotted against the settings of the anode voltage switch.
Where either mutual conductance or characteristic curves are required for the screen (g 2) of the
valve in question, then the Electrode Selector switch should be set to position “S”, the A 1A2
normal/unlimited switch should be set to the appropriate position depending on the type of valve under
test. The meter current shown will be an indication of the screen (g 2) current and all the above instructions
can be related thereto.
Remarks in relation to the tests described above as applied to multiple or special types of valve,
will be found in subsequent test notes.
9. Where a valve is suspected of passing too much grid current, a measure of the magnitude of
grid current at the desired conditions of applied electrode voltage may be made after having measured the
mutual conductance of the valve in question. With the Meter Switch set to 100mA on the Ia scale and the
Circuit Selector turned to the position Gas the meter is now directly connected in the grid circuit of the
valve under test and gives a direct indication of grid current flowing.
10. The testing of rectifying valves should really be associated with the requirements of the
circuit in which these valves are to work although in most cases, in the data for the valve in question a
figure is quoted denoting the standard emission to be expected for a valve of the type under test.
The procedure for carrying out the test is again straightforward. All initial tests should have been carried
out as for amplifying valves, but before setting the Circuit Selector to Test, the suggested load current
figure for the valve given in the Data Manual should be set on the D/R scale of the Meter Switch. This
load current, it will be realised, applies to one anode only. The setting of load current can either be
determined from the tabulated data as already mentioned, or alternatively can be related to the total
current that the valve is required to deliver. Thus in a piece of apparatus where the total HT current drawn
is say 50mA, then a rectifier load current setting of “60” will be an adequate test for the valve emission
(assuming half wave rectification). Alternatively, if the valve is a new one, the maker's rating for
maximum load current can be used as the basis for the setting of the Meter Switch. It will be realised that
since each half of a full wave rectifier is tested independently, then the setting of the range switch should
indicate half the total value of current that the valve would be expected to deliver in a full wave circuit.
For instance a valve rated at a maximum current of 120mA would be tested with each anode at the “60”
position on the Meter Switch.
No further manipulation of the electrode voltage controls is required. The heater voltage is
already set whilst anode, grid and screen voltage controls are completely dissociated from the test circuit
by the setting of the Electrode Selector switch to D1 or D2, all appropriate voltage and circuit connections
also being automatically made.
Having, therefore, correctly set up the valve as explained, the indication of the meter needle on
the coloured scale will show the operative goodness of the valve in relation to the standard load current
Similar remarks apply to the testing of signal diode valves, with the exception that these are always
tested with the Meter Switch at “1” unless otherwise specified.
The function of a valve, as distinct from its manufacturer's type number is indicated by a symbol in
the form of letters appearing at the extreme right of the test data; thus a half wave rectifier would have the
letter “R” in the function column, whilst a full wave rectifier would be designated by “RR”. Similarly,
diode valves will be shown by the letter “D” the number of diode elements being indicated by the number
of “D’s”, thus “DDD” refer to a triple diode.
The testing of multiple diodes or rectifiers is carried out in the manner already explained, the
Electrode Selector switch being used to select the diode or rectifier element, the comparative emission
for which, being indicated on the meter. It will be realised that when dealing with diodes or rectifiers Dl
and D2 positions of the selector switch to represent diode or rectifier anodes 1 and 2 respectively and
correspond to figures 8 and 9 in the set up figure.
In the case of triple diodes since only two anode systems are normally catered for, a special
procedure is adopted in the set up figure. At the position in the set up number representing the third diode
the symbol † is included, the first and second diodes being indicated by 8 and 9 respectively in the normal
way. The valve should now be tested normally with the selector switch set to 0 where the † appears in the
set up number. This will give emission figures for diodes l and 2. Now rotate the Selector Switch rollers
so that the two rollers originally set at 8 and 9 are now set to 0 and set up the position † as 8 on the
selector switch. A further test with the Electrode Selector switch at D1 will thus give the emission of the
third diode, e.g., AABl will be indicated in the data as 0231†0980. To test diodes 1 and 2 the set up on the
roller switch will be 023100980 and diodes 1 and 2 will be tested in the normal manner For obtaining the
emission figure for the third diode the Selector Switch will be altered to 023180000 and the Electrode
Selector to position Dl.
Combined Diode and Amplifying Valves will be represented in the type columns by “DT” and
“DDT” for diode triodes and double diode triodes, whilst “DP” and “DDP” indicate diode pentodes and
double diode pentodes. The testing of such valves is automatic, the amplifying section being tested first
with the Circuit Selector switch at position Test and the Anode Selector at position “A1” whilst the
rotation of the Meter Switch to the appropriate load setting and the Electrode Selector to “Dl” and/or
“D2” would cause the meter to indicate the comparative goodness of the valve. (Unless otherwise stated
the load setting will be position 1 on the D/R scale of the Meter Switch.)
Double Triodes, Double Pentodes or Double Tetrodes will be indicated by the letters “TT” or
“PP” in the type column and will be tested in the normal way for each half of the valve, selection being
made by the rotation of the Electrode Selector switch to A1 or A2 corresponding to set up figures 6 and
7. The A1A2 normal/unlimited switch should be set to the appropriate position. Note that screen current
readings obtained whilst checking double tetrodes or double pentodes will be a combined value for both
halves of the valve.
Frequency Changers of the Heptode, Hexode class employing the normal oscillator section
as a phantom cathode for the mixer section are not very satisfactorily tested in two sections, as the nature
of the valve construction is such that each section is dependent on the other for its correct operation. For
test purposes therefore, this valve is shown connected as a triode or pentode for which, where possible,
anode current and/or mutual conductance figures are given. Such valves are indicated by the letters “H” in
the type column. Note: the A1A2 normal/unlimited switch should be set to the unlimited position.
Frequency changers of the Octode class designated by “0” in the type column are, as will be
seen from the data, tested as if they had two separate electrode assemblies, separate data being given for
each. In this case the oscillator section is tested with the Electrode Selector at A1 and the mixer section at
As a further test to ensure the probability of such a valve oscillating satisfactorily, an indication
of failing emission will possibly give the most useful results. It will be realised that when a valve is up to
standard its cathode will develop its full emission at the rated heater voltage for the valve, and any slight
change in the cathode temperature will not result in a corresponding change in the emission. If, however,
the cathode's emission is failing, then an increase or decrease in the cathode temperature will result in a
noticeable change in the emission for the valve. When a valve is oscillating it tends to run into the
positive grid region, and thus makes use of the full emission capabilities of the cathode. Any failing
emission will limit its utility in this respect. As a subsequent test, therefore, on a valve designed to be
used as an oscillator, it is helpful to note the anode current at the rated test figures with the normal heater
voltage applied and then decrease the heater voltage by about 10 to 15% (the next tapping on the heater
switch) for a short period. In the case of a valve with failing emission this will result in a decrease in the
anode current considerably greater than the percentage decrease in heater volts. Such a result would
suggest that the valve will not oscillate very satisfactorily. A negligible or small percentage decrease in
anode current (or of the same order as the heater volts change) will show that the valve is developing its
full emission at the rated heater voltage, and provided that the circuit conditions are correct it should
oscillate normally.
Frequency Changers employing separate electrodes assemblies for oscillator and mixer
functions are designated by “TH” (Triode Hexode) “TP” (Triode Pentode). The separate sections of this
type of valve are not interdependent, as in the case of the phantom cathode types, and they can thus be
tested in two separate sections as triode and pentode respectively. This arrangement is catered for in the
set up figures given, 6 corresponding to the triode section and tested with the Electrode Selector at A1
whilst 7 in the set up figure corresponds to the mixer section which is tested with the Electrode Selector
at A2. The figures to be expected from both halves of the valve are given in the tables where available, but
it is often informative to apply a test for failing cathode emission to the triode or oscillator section in the
manner already described. The A1A2 normal/unlimited switch should be set to the A1A2 normal position.
In the case of normal triodes and pentodes (including beam tetrodes) the test procedure for which
has already been fully outlined, the type column will show the symbol “T” and “P” respectively.
Tuning indicators (Magic Eyes)
Are tested with the controls set according to the figures given in the separate data table, using the
screen switch for obtaining target voltage and inserting the anode load, shown in column marked “Ra” by
means of the link on the valve panel of the instrument. At the approximate bias given in the table the
triode section should be at cut-off and the “eye” fully closed. On varying the grid bias to zero the “eye”
should open fully and the value of anode current should be approximately that appearing in the table. In
the case of double sensitivity indicators giving multiple images responding to different sensitivities, two
sets of data (where possible) are given, the first set referring to the more sensitive indication
Gaseous Rectifiers
These also necessitate the use of the link, as such valves would normally pass a damaging current if
tested without suitable limiting load in the anode circuit. They are tested with the Circuit Selector switch
turned to Test, anode voltage and representative anode current figures being given in the Valve Data
columns. The value of load resistance (of suitable wattage) which must be included across the link, before
the valve is tested, is shown in K W) in the “mA/V” column (which would not normally apply to a rectifier
Full wave examples of this class of valve are of course tested at Electrode Selector switch
positions A1 and A2 and the appropriate load connected across each link on the top panel of the instrument
Cold Cathode Rectifiers designated by the symbol “CCR” can be tested in a similar manner to
Gaseous Rectifiers, the anode voltage, approximate anode current, and load resistance being given in the
data columns.
Thyratrons can be checked by comparison if set up as a normal triode, with a limiting resistance
included in the link, the control ratio being indicated by a comparison between the peak value of the
applied anode voltage, and the setting of the grid bias control which will prevent the valve striking and
passing anode current. It must be emphasised, however, that the main value of such a test is in
comparison only, as the hold off grid bias value shown on the grid bias control is only approximately half
that of the bias which would normally be required to hold off the anode current of the valve at the peak
anode voltage in question
In the data columns where information is given on common thyratrons, it will be seen that this
comprises a Roller Selector Switch No., Heater Voltage, Anode Voltage, expected Anode Current, and
the value of the limiting resistor required. The resistor should be of suitable wattage and connected across
the link terminals before the valve is inserted in its holder. Grid volts should be at their maximum setting.
With the Meter Switch set to “100” on the 1a scale, the Electrode Selector at “A1”, and the Circuit
Selector at Test, the bias on the valve should be reduced until the valve strikes and anode current flows.
A good valve will pass approximately the anode current given in the Data. (If necessary, reduce setting of
Meter Switch.) This test is suitable as an emission check on thyratrons used in television and commercial
radio equipment.
Neon Indicators may be tested for striking, by setting up the roller switch so that anode and
cathode pins of the tube are set to 6 and 1 respectively, all other rollers being connected to 0. A suitable
load resistance (normally between 5,000 and 15,000 ohms) should be included in the anode circuit link
and the anode voltage switch should be set to a peak value as near as possible to (and in no cases lower
than) the striking voltage of the neon in question. The striking of the neon will, of course, be indicated by
a passage of anode current shown on the Meter Switch being set to “100” on the Ia scare. It should be
noted that where the anode voltage refers to the peak applied voltage, as in the case of thyratrons and
neon’s, the actual peak voltage applied to the valve is higher than the indication on the anode voltage
switch. To obtain the peak voltage equivalent to a given setting of the anode voltage switch the figure
shown on the switch should be multiplied by approximately 1.5; thus with the anode voltage switch set to
represent a DC voltage of 100V the peak applied voltage is approximately 150V.
It will be realised that when dealing with an instrument such as the Valve Characteristic Meter
with such flexibility of control, it is almost impossible to protect the instrument to such an extent that the
operator cannot cause damage to either the valve or the instrument by some combination or wrong setting
of the controls or incorrect use of the meter. It is, therefore, important that the correct procedure, as
previously outlined should be used in the sequence of the tests applied. Valves should be tested for
insulation or breakdown before full voltages are applied for characteristic tests. Where any doubt
whatever exists as to the probable electrode current likely to be passed, the Meter Switch should always
be turned to its highest current range and then gradually reduced in order to facilitate reading of the
electrode current.
In experimental work where a variable voltage is required to be supplied to the anode or screen
electrodes of the valve, always start with the lower voltage tappings and increase only after correct
adjustments have been made to the Meter Switch to ensure that the meter circuit is not overloaded by an
unknown current. Always make sure that the selector voltage switches have been correctly set for the
valve before the instrument is switched on. In this respect it is a good practice to return the selector
voltage switches to zero (particularly Heater Voltage switches) after a test has been applied and before a
new valve is inserted.
Take care in setting the Roller Selector Switch to avoid wrongly connecting the electrodes of
the valve under test. In this respect the automatic cut-out is advantageous in that it will usually save a
valve if high tension voltage is inadvertently applied to the heater by incorrect setting of the switch, but it
must be pointed out that after the switch is correctly set nothing can save the heater from being burnt out
if an overload heater voltage is applied by wrong setting of the heater voltage switches.
Ensure that the A1A2 normal/unlimited switch is set to the correct position. Failure to observe
this may result in damage to the valve under test.
Do not apply test voltages to the valve without ensuring that where necessary top cap
connections have been correctly made, as a valve can often be irreparably damaged by running it with its
grid or its anode wrongly connected.
as this will in all probability, result in the damaging of the valve due to excessive currents in the anode or
screen circuits. In general, it is not necessary or helpful to leave a valve on test for a considerably longer
period than is necessary to complete the test in question.
Finally, it must be stressed that whilst every care has been taken in the compilation of this
publication, the “AVO” Valve Data Manual to ensure that all data given is correct as far as is known at
the time of going to press, it is not impossible that with the many thousands of figures involved, errors
will have crept in. The manufacturers cannot hold themselves responsible for any damage that might
occur to a valve or to the instrument from such a cause.
Before switching “ON” the full instruction Book should be read and always used for reference when
testing unusual types of valves.
1. Check mains adjustment tap and connect mains lead to the supply, red and black leads are line and
neutral with green or yellow being the earth connection.
5. Set “Heater Volts” switches to value indicated in Valve Data. (Heater volts in parenthesis should be
6. Set “Anode Volts”, “Screen Volts” and “Grid Volts” to values indicated in Valve Data
9. Set “Roller Selector” switch as indicated in Valve Data and ensure that A1 and A 2 links are tight.
(For “*” in data read “0”.)
10. With leakage switch at “~” switch on, and adjust pointer to position “~” by means of “Set~ “
1. Insert valve, and make any top cap connections if required.
2. Fully rotate “Leakage” switch. Check heater continuity at “H” and insulation on all other positions.
3. Set “Circuit Selector” to “Check H” to measure leakage from Heater/Cathode to all other electrodes
strapped together with valve hot.
4. Turn “Circuit Selector” to “C/H” to measure leakage between heater and cathode with valve hot (if
valve is indirectly heated.).
ANODE CURRENT. With “Electrode Selector” at 'A 1” set “Circuit Selector” to “Test”. Meter should
then indicate anode current. Reduce Meter Switch setting if required. If protective relay operates, switch
off and check for incorrect setting of “Roller Selector” switch or panel controls. If all controls are
correct and relay continues to operate when instrument is switched on again, the valve is probably soft
and the test should he discontinued.
MUTUAL CONDUCTANCE. Reduce meter reading to zero by means of “Backing Off” controls. Set
“Meter Switch” to “2.5” position and re-adjust zero if necessary. Turn “Meter Switch” to “mA/V”
position, when a good valve will give an indication in the green band on the meter scale. To obtain actual
mA/V reading, adjust “Set mA/V” control until needle reads on calibration point 1 mA/V, in centre of
green band. The “Set mA/V” control will now indicate the mutual conductance of the valve under test.
For double valves, check data for difference in electrode voltages and repeat above operations with
the “Electrode Selector” set to “A2”.
GAS TEST. To measure grid current, set “Circuit Selector” to position “Gas” and the “Meter Switch” to
its 100 mA position. Meter will now indicate gas current, full-scale indication being 100µA.
DIODES. To check diodes turn “Electrode Selector” to “D 1” and “Meter Switch” to “1mA” on D/R scale
(unless otherwise indicated in Valve Data). Turn “Circuit Selector” to “Test”. The condition of the valve
will now be given on the “Replace Good” scale, Check double diodes at D 1 and D2 position of the
“Electrode Selector”.
RECTIFIERS. To check rectifiers, set “Electrode Selector” to “D1” and set anode loading given in
Valve Data, on D/R scale of “Meter Switch”. Turn “Circuit Selector” to “Test”. The condition of the
valve will now be indicated on “Replace Good” scale. Load reading is per anode. Check full-wave
rectifiers at position “D1” and “D2” of “Electrode Selector” switch.
On completion of tests return controls to their fully clockwise position, with the exception of the backing
off controls.
No information or diagrams in whole or in part may be copied or reproduced without the prior permission
in writing of Avo Limited.