Q2 Health 8 Module 4
Q2 Health 8 Module 4
Q2 Health 8 Module 4
Quarter 2 – Module 4:
Pregnancy Related Concerns
MAPEH – Grade 8
Quarter 2 – Module 4: Pregnancy Related Concerns
First Edition, 2020
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Health Quarter 2 –
Module 4: Pregnancy Related
Introductory Message
For the facilitator:
As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to
use this module. You also need to keep track of the learners' progress
while allowing them to manage their own learning at home.
Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist the learners as
they do the tasks included in the module.
Let Us Learn
Before we start, let’s set our objectives for today. In line with this, it
seeks to achieve our learning competencies such as, Discusses the
importance of newborn screening, and the APGAR scoring system for
newborns; H8FH-IIe-f-32 and Explains the importance of prenatal care and
postnatal care; H8FH-lle-f-33
Are you ready? Let’s do this. Now, let us start learning about this
module. See you and good luck!
Let Us Try
Agree or Disagree
Instruction: Read carefully the following statements. Put a positive
sign (+) if you agree with the statement and a negative sign (-) if you
disagree. Write your answer on the space provided.
Guide Questions:
1. Based on the activity, what are the statements you’ve agreed with?
Let Us Study
Pregnancy Related Concerns and its importance
Let Us Practice
Instruction: Fill in the following graphic organizer based on the
questions provided.
Pre-Natal Care
Post-Natal Care
Let Us Practice More
Read carefully each importance and identify the Pregnancy
Related Concerns.
Let Us Remember
Let Us Assess
I. Direction: Write the letter of your answer on the space provided.
1. Baby Ivan got his APGAR scoring 1 minute after her mother gave
birth to him. What is the importance of this test?
a. It tests if the baby is in good health by checking his/her skin
color, heartbeat, reflexes, activity and respiration.
b. This test is not much more important than the other test.
c. It helps the mother know the health status of her baby.
2. Why Pre-Natal Care important to pregnant mothers?
a. It helps to improve the health and wellness of the baby during
and after the mother gave birth.
b. It helps the mother on how she will take care of her baby.
c. It worsens the complications of the baby.
3. Riza’s baby did not undergo newborn screening. What is the
importance of this test?
a. Mothers will not be informed on the health status of her baby.
b. It helps to diagnose babies before they start showing symptoms.
c. It provides information to the mother regarding how she will
take care of his or her baby.
4. Why pregnant mothers must undergo Post Natal Care?
a. It helps to evaluate the health status of the mother and the
b. It tests if the baby is in good health by checking his or her
c. It helps treat early serious problems like illness, intellectual
disabilities, and prevent death.
5. This test is given to a newborn before leaving in the hospital.
b. Post-Natal Care
c. Newborn Screening
6. Regular check-ups are advice to those pregnant women before and
after pregnancy. What is the type of care given to the mother 3
months before she will give birth?
b. Pre-Natal Care
c. Newborn Screening
7. Is it okay if the baby will not undergo Newborn Screening?
a. Yes, it’s okay because theirs no need for the baby to have this
b. No, its not okay because through this test it can help the
mother know the health status of her baby
c. Both answers are correct.
8. Why we need to know the importance of each pregnancy related
a. Because through this we will learn many things
b. Because of this we can learn and share our learnings to others.
c. None of the above
9. It is very important that the mother will have follow up check-
ups after giving birth. This test will help to know the progress of
the mother and the baby. What type of test is this?
b. Post-Natal Care
c. Newborn Screening
10. The doctor detects a serious problem on the health status of
the baby. What does the doctor do to know the condition of the
a. Newborn Screening
b. Pre Natal
c. Post Natal
11. Lisa is pregnant, and she was advised to have Prenatal Care.
Because of financial problem she did not able to have the test.
What will happen to the baby if she will not undergo the test?
a. There’s a possibility that the baby will have health
complications after the mother gave birth.
b. The baby will still be okay because the immune system of the
baby is still strong
c. All of the above
12. One minute after the mother gave birth, the doctor will check
and test the overall appearance, activity, pulse and breathing of
the baby. What test does the doctor gave?
b. Post-Natal Care
c. Newborn Screening
13. This test is given to the baby on the first six weeks after birth?
a. Newborn Screening
b. Pre Natal
c. Post Natal
14. If the mother will not follow the doctors advise after consulting
for prenatal, what will happen to the baby?
a. The baby will not be healthy
b. The baby will have serious health complications
c. All of the above
15. The doctor used the APGAR score to check the health of the
baby. This test will be given to the baby 1 min after birth, if the
baby got a low score on the first test, he/she will be test again after
a. 3 mins
b. 4 mins
c. 5 mins
Let Us Enhance
Answer the following statements below through writing its
importance. (2 points each.)
Statements Importance
1. Nida gave birth in their
house and only a midwife
(kumadrona) helped her.
Eventually, she decided
not to have a newborn
screening. Why newborn
screening important?
2. Ellen is now 6 months
pregnant. She is advised
to have prenatal but she
declined to it. What is the
importance of Pre-Natal
3. After Sarah gave birth to
her first baby, the doctor
tells her to have a follow-
up check-up – Post Natal.
Why Post-Natal
Let Us Reflect
Congratulations! You have finished this module and you did a great
job! I hope you’ve learned and enjoy answering this module. Stay motivated
and be excited in doing the following modules. God Bless You!
Expanded Newborn Screening Using New Technologies,
Financial, Ethical, Legal And Social Issues (FELSI). Retrieved
for-parents/ on June 10,2020
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